[2023-03-29 08:23:44] 3390e852: hello [2023-03-29 08:23:57] 36918d22: Hi [2023-03-29 08:24:29] 3390e852: test [2023-03-29 08:41:31] [3390e852,]: test [2023-03-29 08:51:35] [3390e852,]: test [2023-03-29 08:51:54] [36918d22,]: test [2023-03-29 09:09:43] [d7cc0c9a,]: cringe asf [2023-03-29 09:20:01] [36918d22,]: hello world [2023-03-29 09:20:09] [36918d22,]: hello world [2023-03-29 09:20:14] [36918d22,]: hello world [2023-03-29 09:20:40] [36918d22,]: test [2023-03-29 09:20:45] [36918d22,]: test [2023-03-29 09:20:47] [36918d22,]: test [2023-03-29 09:20:48] [36918d22,]: test [2023-03-29 09:20:50] [36918d22,]: test [2023-03-29 09:20:53] [36918d22,]: test [2023-03-29 09:20:55] [36918d22,]: test [2023-03-29 09:20:56] [36918d22,]: test [2023-03-29 09:20:58] [36918d22,]: test [2023-03-29 09:20:59] [36918d22,]: test [2023-03-29 09:21:00] [36918d22,]: test [2023-03-29 09:21:01] [36918d22,]: test [2023-03-29 09:26:05] [36918d22,]: hello world [2023-03-29 09:38:29] [36918d22,]: Test [2023-03-29 09:45:16] [3390e852,]: test [2023-03-29 10:00:58] [3390e852,]: sdfasdf [2023-03-29 10:09:03] [36918d22,]: Test [2023-03-29 10:11:14] [3390e852,]: test [2023-03-29 10:11:29] [36918d22,]: Test [2023-03-29 10:12:12] [36918d22,]: Test [2023-03-29 10:12:28] [36918d22,]: Hdhhd [2023-03-29 10:18:16] [36918d22,]: Hdhhdjd [2023-03-29 10:20:36] [36918d22,]: Jdjhdjjr [2023-03-29 10:29:28] [36918d22,]: Rarr [2023-03-29 10:35:20] [36918d22,]: Les [2023-03-29 10:36:59] [36918d22,]: Miserable [2023-03-29 10:40:25] [36918d22,]: Ss [2023-03-29 10:40:58] [36918d22,]: Lard [2023-03-29 10:46:03] [36918d22,]: Hdhhdjr [2023-03-29 10:48:55] [3390e852,]: IT WORKSSSSS [2023-03-29 10:49:04] [3390e852,]: letsGOOOOO [2023-03-29 10:49:15] [3390e852,]: test1234 [2023-03-29 10:49:47] [36918d22,]: Njdhhrbbr you have to be the server admin to be able to type like this or this .. [2023-03-29 11:04:36] [3390e852,]: skill issue [2023-03-29 12:14:57] [5a152352,]: does this even work [2023-03-29 12:15:09] [5a152352,]: wow it works [2023-03-29 12:15:21] [5a152352,]: you should make a thing that lets you make a name [2023-03-29 12:15:53] [5a152352,]: im bored [2023-03-29 12:16:00] [5a152352,]: the send button doesn't wokr [2023-03-29 12:16:05] [5a152352,]: oh nvm it does work [2023-03-29 12:16:59] [5a152352,]: i'm bored [2023-03-29 12:17:13] [5a152352,]: t here is no one here [2023-03-29 12:17:24] [5a152352,]: hmmmm [2023-03-29 12:17:30] [5a152352,]: who is 3390e852 [2023-03-29 12:17:37] [5a152352,]: and who is 36918d22 [2023-03-29 12:18:08] [5a152352,]: and who is d7cc0c9a [2023-03-29 12:18:13] [5a152352,]: what is the meaning of life [2023-03-29 12:19:13] [5a152352,]: this is so much better than discord [2023-03-29 12:19:59] [5a152352,]: some suggestions: make it scroll automatically to the bottom [2023-03-29 12:20:14] [5a152352,]: give the user ability to put a name [2023-03-29 12:20:21] [5a152352,]: like a sign in thing [2023-03-29 12:20:38] [5a152352,]: sometimes the sending doesn't work [2023-03-29 12:20:51] [5a152352,]: and also I'm bored and I don't wanna go talk to the taehcer person [2023-03-29 12:43:23] [d7cc0c9a,]: is it not scrolling automatically again? [2023-03-29 12:43:36] [d7cc0c9a,]: that was what I was fighting chatgpt most of the time about [2023-03-29 12:43:46] [d7cc0c9a,]: test [2023-03-29 12:43:52] [d7cc0c9a,]: test [2023-03-29 12:44:04] [d7cc0c9a,]: test [2023-03-29 12:47:35] [3390e852,]: test [2023-03-29 12:49:47] [3390e852,]: test [2023-03-29 12:51:35] [3390e852,]: test [2023-03-29 12:53:04] [3390e852,]: test [2023-03-29 12:53:09] [3390e852,]: as [2023-03-29 12:53:37] [3390e852,]: asdf [2023-03-29 12:56:46] [3390e852,]: adsfasd [2023-03-29 13:00:38] [3390e852,]: test [2023-03-29 13:00:42] [f40287d7,]: whats up [2023-03-29 13:00:47] [f40287d7,]: my nigga [2023-03-29 13:01:05] [3390e852,]: sup nerd [2023-03-29 13:01:20] [3390e852,]: 5 second count down timer [2023-03-29 13:01:28] [3390e852,]: trying to figure out how to make it display that tho [2023-03-29 13:09:42] [3390e852,]: test [2023-03-29 13:14:19] [3390e852,]: lcxcv [2023-03-29 13:15:09] [3390e852,]: fa [2023-03-29 13:15:16] [3390e852,]: sdfasdf [2023-03-29 13:15:21] [3390e852,]: asdf [2023-03-29 13:16:27] [3390e852,]: zxczxfc [2023-03-29 13:17:14] [3390e852,]: dsfasdfsd [2023-03-29 13:17:31] [3390e852,]: asdfsadf [2023-03-29 13:20:46] [3390e852,]: zvdsfdsfsdf [2023-03-29 13:24:43] [3390e852,]: fasdfasd [2023-03-29 13:29:25] [3390e852,]: tst [2023-03-29 13:31:12] [3390e852,]: t [2023-03-29 13:33:01] [3390e852,]: does it work? [2023-03-29 13:33:21] [36918d22,]: How about now [2023-03-29 13:33:31] [3390e852,]: can confirm it works [2023-03-29 13:39:21] [3390e852,]: test [2023-03-29 13:46:32] [3390e852,]: test [2023-03-29 13:48:05] [3390e852,]: test [2023-03-29 13:53:17] [Anonymous, 3390e852,]: hello world [2023-03-29 13:53:33] [Anonymous, 3390e852,]: test [2023-03-29 13:57:06] [lisa, 3390e852,]: test [2023-03-29 13:58:34] [lisa, 3390e852,]: lolxd [2023-03-29 13:59:13] [sdf, 3390e852,]: kekw [2023-03-29 13:59:23] [test, 3390e852,]: sdsd [2023-03-29 14:00:45] [3390e852,]: hello world [2023-03-29 14:00:53] [3390e852,]: this is so cool [2023-03-29 14:02:29] [3390e852,]: hello world [2023-03-29 14:03:34] [anonymous,]: sdfsdfs [2023-03-29 14:08:49] [test,]: test [2023-03-29 14:10:52] [Cody,]: Hello world [2023-03-29 14:12:43] [Cody,]: also hello world [2023-03-29 14:25:27] [Cody]: test hello [2023-03-29 14:25:34] [Cody]: hello [2023-03-29 14:26:58] [Cody]: test [2023-03-29 14:30:48] [Cody]: hello world [2023-03-29 14:55:09] [Cody]: test [2023-03-29 14:55:26] [Cody]: nerds [2023-03-29 14:56:11] [Cody]: fuckin nerd [2023-03-29 14:57:03] [Cody peck]: dfasdfasdf [2023-03-29 14:57:04] [Matt]: asdf asdf [2023-03-29 14:57:14] [Matt]: example.com [2023-03-29 14:57:20] [Matt]: hotdicks.porn [2023-03-29 14:57:24] [Cody]: u wish [2023-03-29 14:57:40] [Cody]: lookadis nerd [2023-03-29 14:58:14] [No]: im a terrorist [2023-03-29 14:58:24] [No]: test [2023-03-29 14:58:35] [No]: Poop [2023-03-29 15:00:04] [Cody]: fuckin [2023-03-29 15:00:06] [Cody]: nerd [2023-03-29 15:00:09] [Cody]: goofy [2023-03-29 15:00:11] [Cody]: ah [2023-03-29 15:00:13] [Cody]: lookin [2023-03-29 15:00:15] [Cody]: smelly [2023-03-29 15:00:16] [Cody]: ah [2023-03-29 15:00:34] [Cody]: smelly [2023-03-29 15:00:36] [Cody]: ah [2023-03-29 15:00:39] [Cody]: goofy lookin [2023-03-29 15:00:42] [Cody]: stinky [2023-03-29 15:01:13] [asdfd]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ [2023-03-29 15:01:45] [Cody]: never gonna give u up [2023-03-29 15:01:47] [asdfd]: 🤓 [2023-03-29 15:53:45] [omg so cool]: wow [2023-03-29 15:53:52] [cody]: ikr [2023-03-29 15:54:11] [omg so cool]: OMG SO COOL [2023-03-29 15:54:17] [omg so cool]: whoaaaaaaaaaaa [2023-03-29 15:54:23] [cody]: yeah its kinda rad [2023-03-29 15:54:30] [cody]: that it actually works [2023-03-29 15:54:36] [cody]: and isnt complete trash [2023-03-29 15:55:28] [omg so cool]: it's amazing [2023-03-29 15:55:49] [omg so cool]: hmm now move the message sending thingy to the bottom [2023-03-29 15:56:02] [omg so cool]: THIS IS LITERALLY AMAZING THO GJ BRUH [2023-03-29 16:26:38] [Cody]: Hello [2023-03-29 16:33:40] [Cody]: Thanks tho! im glad it turned out so cool [2023-03-29 17:14:28] [mocha]: where is my message [2023-03-29 17:14:36] [mocha]: omg haiii :3 [2023-03-29 17:18:58] [Cody]: hellur [2023-03-29 17:56:22] [Cody]: test 12 [2023-03-29 17:56:29] [Cody]: does everything still work? [2023-03-29 17:56:45] [Cody]: it would appear so [2023-03-29 17:56:49] [Cody]: thats sick [2023-03-29 17:56:53] [Cody]: themes!!!!!!!!!!! [2023-03-29 18:07:21] [username123115]: wow themes [2023-03-29 18:08:00] [username123115]: we should make rickhard [2023-03-29 18:39:13] [Cody]: like a rickhard but here? [2023-03-29 18:40:09] [Cody]: that would be sick [2023-03-29 19:03:20] [Test Account]: fds [2023-03-29 19:03:32] [Test account]: test message [2023-03-29 19:07:59] [Test Account]: Test Message [2023-03-29 19:44:30] [W rizz]: What is this [2023-03-29 19:45:38] [W rizz]: This reminds me of an old ConcreteGames project called crypto chat [2023-03-29 19:51:06] [Cody]: lmao [2023-03-29 19:51:11] [Cody]: ive never heard about that [2023-03-29 19:51:15] [Cody]: when was that a thing [2023-03-29 20:07:03] [Subroutine]: Hello [2023-03-29 20:07:10] [Cody]: good day [2023-03-29 20:07:11] [Cody]: good day [2023-03-29 20:07:13] [Cody]: how is u [2023-03-29 20:07:26] [Subroutine]: sudo rm -rf / [2023-03-29 20:07:35] [Cody]: deleting system32 [2023-03-29 20:07:46] [Cody]: aka 32 gb of malware [2023-03-29 20:07:46] [Subroutine]: ` [2023-03-29 20:07:49] [Subroutine]: wait [2023-03-29 20:08:06] [Cody]: see if xss works [2023-03-29 20:08:20] [Subroutine]: wouls it be possible to add multiline [2023-03-29 20:08:33] [Cody]: as in [2023-03-29 20:08:39] [Subroutine]: actually xss is better multiline could' be possible [2023-03-29 20:10:07] [Subroutine]: ah [2023-03-29 20:10:15] [Subroutine]: does this log ips [2023-03-29 20:10:31] [Cody]: it used to, but it took up so much space that i removed it [2023-03-29 20:10:36] [Subroutine]: cool [2023-03-29 20:10:43] [Subroutine]: It [2023-03-29 20:10:44] [Cody]: liek the date and time is already big [2023-03-29 20:10:45] [Subroutine]: aaa [2023-03-29 20:10:49] [Subroutine]: Very true [2023-03-29 20:11:00] [Subroutine]: this is like a really old chat room [2023-03-29 20:11:11] [Subroutine]: also theme 2 and 3 are trash [2023-03-29 20:11:20] [Cody]: I love it just for that reason, it feel slike 2005 [2023-03-29 20:11:24] [Subroutine]: true [2023-03-29 20:11:25] [Cody]: also yeah working on themes [2023-03-29 20:11:28] [Cody]: any ideas [2023-03-29 20:11:31] [Subroutine]: css [2023-03-29 20:11:44] [Subroutine]: Larger font [2023-03-29 20:11:46] [Subroutine]: mostly [2023-03-29 20:11:56] [Cody]: body.css('background-color', '#f2f2f2'); chatLog.css('background-color', '#f2f2f2'); chatLog.css('color', '#000'); chatHeaders.css('color', '#000'); chatForm.css('background-color', '#ccc'); chatInputs.css('background-color', '#fff'); chatInputs.css('color', '#000'); chatLabels.css('color', '#000'); $('#slowmode').css('color', '#000'); [2023-03-29 20:12:02] [Cody]: thats the css for everything [2023-03-29 20:12:25] [Cody]: and depending on those is the styles [2023-03-29 20:13:08] [Subroutine]: lemme open dev tools [2023-03-29 20:13:15] [Cody]: alr [2023-03-29 20:13:17] [Subroutine]: I wanna see your spgetti code [2023-03-29 20:13:21] [Subroutine]: aaaa [2023-03-29 20:13:25] [Cody]: its glorious [2023-03-29 20:13:30] [Cody]: the length of spag [2023-03-29 20:14:01] [Cody]: cause I refused to have any extra files like something.js and something.php [2023-03-29 20:14:07] [Cody]: it just makes life harder imo [2023-03-29 20:18:26] [Subroutine]: a [2023-03-29 20:18:27] [Subroutine]: a [2023-03-29 20:18:28] [Subroutine]: a [2023-03-29 20:18:29] [Subroutine]: a [2023-03-29 20:18:30] [Subroutine]: a [2023-03-29 20:18:33] [Subroutine]: slowwwww [2023-03-29 20:19:05] [Cody]: slow mode [2023-03-29 20:19:07] [Cody]: get rekt [2023-03-29 20:19:13] [Cody]: updating the css currently [2023-03-29 20:20:51] [Subroutine]: got it [2023-03-29 20:21:22] [Cody]: forgot the # [2023-03-29 20:21:27] [Cody]: cringe asf on my part [2023-03-29 20:21:36] [Subroutine]: cool [2023-03-29 20:23:05] [Cody]: one day if I become not lazy ill implement like a tab (1) whenveer a new message come though [2023-03-29 20:23:12] [Cody]: so that its not so hard to know [2023-03-29 20:52:29] [Subroutine]: yeh [2023-03-30 11:59:39] [omg so cool]: oh i remember crypto chat vaguely [2023-03-30 12:20:49] [Cody]: it sounds cool [2023-03-30 12:20:59] [Cody]: what did it do? [2023-03-30 12:21:17] [Cody]: wasnt it that thing that allowed you to send crypto too or something [2023-03-30 13:45:21] [omg so cool]: idk i think it was a chatting thing [2023-03-30 13:54:01] [Cody]: oh interesting [2023-03-30 16:20:18] [Cody]: Weed Time!!!! [2023-03-30 21:28:08] [wow a chat]: i don't think this is the district website ngl [2023-03-31 06:35:34] [Cody]: Wait really? What gave it away? [2023-03-31 13:07:39] [admin]: test [2023-03-31 13:07:46] [admin]: /kill Cody [2023-03-31 13:07:52] [admin]: /kidnap cody [2023-03-31 16:28:34] [Cody]: I'm down [2023-04-02 19:43:36] [Cody]: sadge chat [2023-04-03 14:05:16] [mocha]: bro how did i get into your chat room lol [2023-04-03 14:05:28] [mocha]: im on the school chromebook and typedd the wrong link [2023-04-03 14:05:32] [mocha]: lmfaoooooooo [2023-04-03 14:05:35] [mocha]: suck my dick [2023-04-03 14:05:38] [mocha]: bozo [2023-04-03 14:06:01] [mocha]: frotniet [2023-04-03 14:06:02] [mocha]: us [2023-04-03 14:06:04] [mocha]: amogus [2023-04-03 14:06:05] [mocha]: balls [2023-04-03 20:44:38] [omg so cool]: hi [2023-04-03 21:15:33] [Cody]: Hello [2023-04-06 09:06:55] [Dare Challenge acheived]: OH YES [2023-04-06 09:07:00] [nerd]: test [2023-04-06 09:07:02] [nerd]: hello nerd [2023-04-06 09:07:12] [Dare Challenge acheived]: Hold on [2023-04-06 09:07:16] [Dare Challenge acheived]: Let me get my glasses [2023-04-07 20:34:21] [Null]: I see you [2023-04-12 21:13:41] [Null]: lol imagine [2023-04-23 21:25:59] [Walter]: test [2023-04-24 12:15:29] [Idiot]: YOLO lol [2023-04-24 12:15:37] [Idiot]: YOLO lol [2023-04-24 12:15:38] [Idiot]: YOLO lol [2023-04-24 12:15:39] [Idiot]: YOLO lol [2023-04-24 12:15:46] [Rich]: YOLO lol [2023-04-24 12:15:47] [Rich]: YOLO lol [2023-04-24 12:15:48] [Rich]: YOLO lol [2023-04-24 12:16:46] [Rich]: g [2023-04-24 12:16:47] [Rich]: g [2023-04-24 12:16:48] [Rich]: g [2023-04-24 12:16:49] [Rich]: g [2023-04-24 12:16:50] [Rich]: g [2023-04-24 12:16:56] [Rich]: Yall are stupid [2023-04-24 12:16:57] [Rich]: Yall are stupid [2023-04-24 12:16:58] [Rich]: Yall are stupid [2023-04-24 12:16:59] [Rich]: Yall are stupid [2023-04-24 12:17:00] [Rich]: Yall are stupid [2023-04-24 12:17:01] [Rich]: Yall are stupid [2023-04-24 12:17:02] [Rich]: Yall are stupid [2023-04-24 12:17:27] [Rich]: L [2023-04-24 12:17:29] [Rich]: L [2023-04-24 12:17:30] [Rich]: L [2023-04-24 12:17:31] [Rich]: LL [2023-04-24 12:17:33] [Rich]: L [2023-04-24 12:17:34] [Rich]: L [2023-04-24 12:17:35] [Rich]: L [2023-05-01 13:40:03] [tag]: yo im hacker [2023-05-01 13:40:05] [tag]: yo im hacker [2023-05-01 13:40:59] [tag]: what is this tho [2023-05-01 13:41:10] [tag]: i just looked up canvas [2023-05-01 13:41:12] [tag]: i just looked up canvas [2023-05-01 13:41:14] [tag]: i just looked up canvas [2023-05-16 13:51:19] [Blind auther]: i hate nig [2023-05-16 13:51:26] [Blind auther]: htmares [2023-05-16 13:52:03] [Blind auther]: green panda [2023-05-16 13:52:56] [Blind auther]: in9mnbzjr [2023-05-16 13:53:48] [Blind auther]: the passcode for 3492 is: damned mistress [2023-05-16 13:55:57] [Blind auther]: if you can decipher the code we meet at 4877. 7563, At 12:40 AM [2023-05-16 13:57:55] [Blind auther]: to get in use pass phrase jolly vandal [2023-05-16 14:00:55] [Blind auther]: We do not talk about meetings [2023-05-16 14:01:02] [Blind auther]: you must be decreet [2023-05-16 14:01:50] [Blind auther]: they are watching [2023-05-16 14:03:39] [Blind auther]: when they ask who sen you say "The Blind auther sent me, Jolly Vandal." [2023-05-16 14:12:59] [Blind auther]: we will share our research [2023-07-07 21:12:26] [sysadmin]: hello world [2023-07-07 21:13:12] [sysadmin]: happyfile.net [2023-07-07 21:19:49] [sysadmin]: test [2023-07-07 21:24:42] [sysadmin]: test [2023-07-07 21:24:46] [sysadmin]: test [2023-07-07 21:24:57] [sysadmin]: hello world [2023-07-07 21:28:11] [sysadmin]: test [2023-07-07 21:28:17] [sysadmin]: test.com [2023-07-07 21:28:18] [sysadmin]: test [2023-07-07 21:37:15] [sysadmin]: test [2023-07-07 21:37:17] [sysadmin]: hello [2023-07-07 21:42:48] [sysadmin]: tets [2023-07-07 21:42:56] [sysadmin]: test. [2023-07-07 21:43:03] [sysadmin]: this is a test of the us nuclear system [2023-07-07 21:43:41] [sysadmin]: neu product [2023-07-07 21:56:28] [sysadmin]: this was a success [2023-07-07 23:15:28] [Test]: 🤪 [2023-07-29 15:49:21] [Test]: Test [2023-08-11 16:01:49] [Lol]: Xd [2023-08-21 13:28:40] [duse]: Imma kill everyone [2023-08-23 19:56:16] [admin]: jesus christ what the hell [2023-08-23 20:54:16] [owo]: uWu [2023-08-23 20:55:13] [admin]: wlw [2023-08-23 20:55:17] [admin]: hello world [2023-09-18 11:59:30] [johnny mountain]: Hey guys [2023-09-18 12:00:50] [johnny mountain]: Hey [2023-09-18 12:10:27] [joe]: you should DIE [2023-09-18 12:11:36] [joe]: how about top of the south tower at 9 am [2023-09-18 12:21:18] [johnny mountain]: Hello joe who are you [2023-09-18 12:22:40] [Joe Biden ]: imma touch you lil n***a [2023-09-18 12:24:31] [johnny mountain]: Hey [2023-09-18 12:26:47] [skibidy]: dop dop dop dop yes yes yes [2023-09-18 12:28:04] [johnny mountain]: Hello skibidiy [2023-09-18 12:28:50] [johnny mountain]: Can we get some mods [2023-09-18 12:28:51] [johnny mountain]: Can we get some mods [2023-09-18 12:31:27] [johnny mountain]: I am a twat who likes to forum spam! Because of me this site now has character limits, you can thank me for that!! ^-^ [2023-09-18 13:28:17] [freddy john]: Hey [2023-09-18 13:28:34] [H]: Hi [2023-09-19 10:09:55] [samuel caveman]: Hey [2023-09-19 10:09:56] [samuel caveman]: Hey [2023-09-19 10:09:57] [samuel caveman]: Hey [] [2023-09-24 11:26:57] [sysadmin]: A big thanks goes out to those who spammed my website and took some time out of my weekend!! Improvements have been made to mitigate that :) [] [2023-09-25 14:36:23] [sysadmin]: matt you smell [] [2023-09-26 12:31:10] [samuel caveman]: Hello I am sameul caveman [] [2023-09-26 12:31:53] [samuel caveman]: You in that jrotc aint you [] [2023-09-26 12:52:38] [Obama ]: Hello guys this is your president speaking [] [2023-09-26 12:53:28] [Obama ]: little bit of mmmmmhh hhmm hmhmhmhm yeahh mhmhmhmh [] [2023-09-26 12:53:39] [Biden]: there's allotaa bad things [] [2023-09-26 12:53:47] [Obama ]: DRAKE?! [] [2023-09-26 12:53:47] [Biden]: that they wishing and wishing and wishing and wishinbg and wishing on me [] [2023-09-26 12:53:59] [Obama ]: bad things [] [2023-09-26 12:54:05] [Biden]: ayy ayyyyyy [] [2023-09-26 12:54:13] [Obama ]: theres a lot bad things that they wish and wish ans wish and wish it on meeeee.... [] [2023-09-26 12:54:15] [Obama ]: aye aye [] [2023-09-26 12:54:23] [Biden]: She say do you do homework I tell her only partly I only do math and language arts i'm sorry [] [2023-09-26 12:54:35] [Obama ]: she said do you love me, i tell her only partly I only love my bed and my mom im sorry! [] [2023-09-26 13:08:19] [timy]: :3 [] [2023-09-26 13:15:06] [Obama ]: njfencenjnewfesl [] [2023-09-26 13:15:14] [Obama ]: chat is this real?! [] [2023-09-26 17:05:36] [Trump (real)]:Poop [] [2023-09-26 21:52:14] [sysadmin]: Special Thanks to, they are my filter checker! How did you guys find this site though, I am curious what brought you all here? [] [2023-09-26 22:10:17] [test]: test [] [2023-09-26 22:15:08] [Name (Required) ]: fukc fukc u [] [2023-09-26 22:15:12] [Name (Required) ]: f uck [] [2023-09-26 22:15:15] [Name (Required) ]: fuuuuuuck [] [2023-09-26 22:15:23] [Name (Required) ]: fuccckkkkkkk [] [2023-09-26 22:15:27] [Name (Required) ]: fuuuuuuck [] [2023-09-26 22:15:38] [Name (Required) ]: fucccccckkkkkkkkkkkfukfuuuck [] [2023-09-26 22:17:14] [Name (Required) ]: join my díscord join code BP4xhaBtcU [] [2023-09-26 22:17:37] [testhello]: hello lisa [] [2023-09-26 22:17:54] [Name (Required) ]: hello testhello [] [2023-09-26 22:18:02] [sysadmin]: mwahaha [] [2023-09-26 22:18:07] [sysadmin]: i am root now [] [2023-09-26 22:18:14] [Name (Required) ]: can i be root [] [2023-09-26 22:18:20] [Name (Required) ]: sudo root [] [2023-09-26 22:18:27] [sysadmin]: never ever ever mwahaha [] [2023-09-26 22:18:31] [sysadmin]: youd have to be cool or smth [] [2023-09-26 22:18:37] [Name (Required) ]: dang [] [2023-09-26 22:18:45] [Name (Required) ]: WAIT [] [2023-09-26 22:18:52] [sysadmin]: hm? [] [2023-09-26 22:19:02] [Name (Required) ]: ijust had an idea [] [2023-09-26 22:19:09] [sysadmin]: do share [] [2023-09-26 22:19:21] [Name (Required)]: IT DIDNT FCUKING WORK [] [2023-09-26 22:19:27] [Name (Required)]: fu ck u [] [2023-09-26 22:19:30] [sysadmin]: what are u trying? [] [2023-09-26 22:19:30] [Name (Required)]: h a ha [] [2023-09-26 22:19:33] [sysadmin]: also u would [] [2023-09-26 22:19:39] [Name (Required)]: no i tired to put a link in the name [] [2023-09-26 22:19:42] [Name (Required)]: tired [] [2023-09-26 22:19:44] [Name (Required)]: tried [] [2023-09-26 22:19:49] [Name (Required)]: i cant fuc king spell [] [2023-09-26 22:19:55] [Name (Required)]: f u ck [] [2023-09-26 22:19:57] [Name (Required)]: f u c k [] [2023-09-26 22:19:59] [sysadmin]: see I thought of that for that veryt reason [] [2023-09-26 22:20:02] [Name (Required)]: fuc k [] [2023-09-26 22:20:07] [Name (Required)]: shame [] [2023-09-26 22:20:11] [sysadmin]: lmao [] [2023-09-26 22:20:20] [sysadmin]: is that your new fav word? [] [2023-09-26 22:20:30] [Name (Required)]: h ttps : / /dis cord.g g/ BP4xhaBtcU [] [2023-09-26 22:20:33] [Name (Required)]: haha [] [2023-09-26 22:20:47] [sysadmin]: yeah but hear me out whos gonna fix that and actually go to it [] [2023-09-26 22:21:04] [sysadmin]: lol [] [2023-09-26 22:21:04] [Name (Required)]: is there a time limit thingy [] [2023-09-26 22:21:09] [sysadmin]: yesh [] [2023-09-26 22:21:14] [Name (Required)]: dang [] [2023-09-26 22:21:16] [sysadmin]: but I need to make it longer obvi [] [2023-09-26 22:21:22] [Name (Required)]: noooooooo [] [2023-09-26 22:21:34] [sysadmin]: check this out, gimme like 3 and dont say anything [] [2023-09-26 22:21:44] [Name (Required)]: beep [] [2023-09-26 22:21:50] [Name (Required)]: waaaaahhh [] [2023-09-26 22:22:03] [Name (Required)]: whyd it do that [] [2023-09-26 22:22:05] [Name (Required)]: ' [] [2023-09-26 22:22:10] [sysadmin]: mwahahaha [] [2023-09-26 22:22:12] [sysadmin]: hehehe [] [2023-09-26 22:22:18] [Name (Required)]: corruption [] [2023-09-26 22:22:18] [sysadmin]: i have file system access you see [] [2023-09-26 22:22:23] [sysadmin]: hehee [] [2023-09-26 22:22:24] [Name (Required)]: $ [] [2023-09-26 22:22:27] [Name (Required)]: ' [] [2023-09-26 22:22:30] [Name (Required)]: why [] [2023-09-26 22:22:33] [sysadmin]: what [] [2023-09-26 22:22:35] [Name (Required)]: !@#$%^&*() [] [2023-09-26 22:22:37] [Name (Required)]: ' [] [2023-09-26 22:22:45] [Name (Required)]: " [] [2023-09-26 22:22:48] [Name (Required)]: , [] [2023-09-26 22:22:50] [Name (Required)]: > [] [2023-09-26 22:22:55] [sysadmin]: that triggers the htmlspecialchars code that helps prevent XSS [] [2023-09-26 22:23:05] [Name (Required)]: "'- [] [2023-09-26 22:23:16] [Name (Required)]: ' or 1=1-- [] [2023-09-26 22:23:17] [sysadmin]: so apostrophe is a exit character for php, which is why it modifies it [] [2023-09-26 22:23:23] [Name (Required)]: DANG [] [2023-09-26 22:23:33] [Name (Required)]: \' [] [2023-09-26 22:23:36] [Name (Required)]: \\' [] [2023-09-26 22:23:38] [Name (Required)]: \\\\\\' [] [2023-09-26 22:23:38] [sysadmin]: ' [] [2023-09-26 22:23:40] [Name (Required)]: \\\'\\\\ [] [2023-09-26 22:23:47] [Name (Required)]: /\' [] [2023-09-26 22:23:55] [sysadmin]: lmao what are u doing [] [2023-09-26 22:23:57] [Name (Required)]: ' [] [2023-09-26 22:24:04] [Name (Required)]: " [] [2023-09-26 22:24:09] [Name (Required)]: \" [] [2023-09-26 22:24:32] [sysadmin]: are u trying to hacker the main frame? [] [2023-09-26 22:25:11] [Name (Required)]: why \ no work :( [] [2023-09-26 22:25:15] [Name (Required)]: \''' [] [2023-09-26 22:25:20] [Name (Required)]: smh [] [2023-09-26 22:25:25] [sysadmin]: in what context? [] [2023-09-26 22:25:31] [sysadmin]: /| [] [2023-09-26 22:25:33] [Name (Required)]: escape character [] [2023-09-26 22:25:34] [sysadmin]: \ [] [2023-09-26 22:25:53] [sysadmin]: oh like why isnt it blocking "\"? [] [2023-09-26 22:26:06] [Name (Required)]: messages at the top disappear :0 [] [2023-09-26 22:26:15] [sysadmin]: yeah it only shows the last 100 messages [] [2023-09-26 22:26:20] [Name (Required)]: ok im gonna go do my chem hw [] [2023-09-26 22:26:24] [sysadmin]: do you think it should show more? [] [2023-09-26 22:26:28] [Name (Required)]: bye chat join my di s cord [] [2023-09-26 22:26:28] [sysadmin]: later [] [2023-09-26 22:26:31] [sysadmin]: have fun [] [2023-09-27 09:45:48] [sysadmin]: test [] [2023-09-27 09:46:07] [sysadmin]: ahahAHAHAHAH I am now a 205.126 ladd [] [2023-09-27 18:56:15] [MMMMM]: shalom [] [2023-09-27 18:56:50] [Null]: test\ [] [2023-09-27 20:05:08] [sysadmin]: Test [] [2023-09-27 20:48:05] [sysạdmin]: icles [] [2023-09-27 21:15:52] [sysadmin]: Fake [] [2023-09-27 21:15:56] [sysadmin]: Phony [] [2023-09-29 11:00:18] [timmy brackster]: Hey [] [2023-09-29 11:07:36] [cis admin]: A big thanks goes out to those who spammed my website and took some time out of my weekend!! Improvements have been made to mitigate that :) [] [2023-10-01 19:31:39] [crusty barnacle]: Hey can I get help builidng a ding dong [] [2023-10-30 09:45:07] [jane]: yo [] [2023-11-17 17:21:45] [asdf]: à̷̢͔̮̤͚̥͇͈̟̦̭͎̹̙̫̻̦̝̠̙͔̱͎̂́̈́͐̓̀͒̀̐̔ [] [2023-11-17 17:22:11] [asdf]: t̵͚͓̀͂̋̀́e̸͔̜͓͓̐̃̈̇s̵̛͖̠͊͋́̕t̷̳̦͙̲͓̆̉ṫ̷̛̼e̸̢̹͛̓͝ş̶̖͙̱̪̽́͋̄́t̴̫̭̞̓͛͐̇ [] [2023-11-24 10:36:16] [Chase Woodson]: Hi, Chase here... We like men, so if youre a man please call our number repeatedly and ask if there is anyone available to stick it in my hole! +1 866-925-4905 [] [2023-12-27 22:31:44] [Wil Bur]: Hey, there! My name is Wil and I have a MASSIVE list of leads that are interested in buying from you. Is this a good place to to send you more information about the leads? Let me know. [] [2024-01-05 14:44:33] [asdf]: ɴᴇᴡ ᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛ [] [2024-01-05 14:45:15] [asdf]: 𝕟𝕖𝕨 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔𝕥 [] [2024-01-05 14:45:28] [asdf]: 𝖓𝖊𝖜 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖈𝖙 [] [2024-01-05 14:45:36] [asdf]: ʇɔnpoɹd ʍǝu [] [2024-01-09 20:23:48] [William Cage]: I saw something wrong with your Google Map listing, is this a good place to send a report of the issues I found? [] [2024-01-09 21:12:59] [sysadmin]: no you moron stop spamming you annoyances, you're just making the word blacklist get more annoying to deal with[] [2024-02-27 09:56:40] [STEVIE CARPILE]: I'm looking for you [] [2024-02-27 09:56:48] [STEVIE CARPILE]: I see you SysAdmin [] [2024-02-27 09:56:53] [STEVIE CARPILE]: I'm LLooking [] [2024-02-27 09:56:55] [STEVIE CARPILE]: I'm [] [2024-02-27 09:56:57] [STEVIE CARPILE]: I am [] [2024-02-27 09:57:01] [STEVIE CARPILE]: Stevie Carpile [] [2024-02-27 09:57:06] [STEVIE CARPILE]: And I am Looking for you [] [2024-02-27 09:57:12] [STEVIE CARPILE]: Keep in Tune Bdudy [] [2024-02-29 17:09:22] [bozo]: omg guys no way i've found the official wahsington county school district website!!1!!1!11!! [2602:41:82be:1501:572:491:9210:8f18] [2024-04-02 20:50:22] [sysadmin]: I see you too STEVIE CARPILE [2602:41:82be:1501:572:491:9210:8f18] [2024-04-02 20:50:41] [sysadmin]: how does it feel to get seen back ahahahaha [] [2024-04-03 22:42:38] [Sarah Williams]: Hello, Did you notice the problems with your website's performance? I have the soultion, do you want me to provide it for you? Regards, Sarah Website specialist [2602:41:82be:1501:b5f7:dc50:1b28:73bc] [2024-04-09 21:16:06] [sysadmin]: No and I really dont appreciate your spam. If I actually wanted your services I would have asked your company. Whats so hard to understand about that? [] [2024-04-11 07:20:47] [Lachlan Broussard]: hey I noticed an issue with your website, let me know if you want some help to fix it