Instructions for getting students set up on RES/LTV/HRZ Lab computers 1. On the main log on screen, put the first part of your school email EX: 34lastmfir WITHOUT the 2. (first time setup) Uncheck all of the windows privacy boxes that show up when you first log in. 3. Open google chrome and sign in with your standard email credentials 4. Once you sign in, go to the top right of chrome and click the profile pic that is the smallest and highest up. Then select "Turn on sync" and follow the prompts. 5. Chrome will most likely prompt you to set chrome as default. Click "set as default" this will open settings. Click "Web browser" and follow the prompts to change edge to chrome. 6.Go back to chrome and do your work 7.WHEN DONE, LOG OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!