Testing bot#3171: Starting server history log... MMMMM#2210: begin logging xXthat1redheadXx#9990: interesting EJCaldwell#2924: and they did not swipe it EJCaldwell#2924: i have this 10 free drink card xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hm EJCaldwell#2924: they didn't charge me lol EJCaldwell#2924: it was worth it EJCaldwell#2924: but the wait inside was waaaay longer xXthat1redheadXx#9990: unless it was super worth it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I can be patient but not that patient EJCaldwell#2924: it sucked xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I would never EJCaldwell#2924: atleast EJCaldwell#2924: over a half hour xXthat1redheadXx#9990: how long was the line?! EJCaldwell#2924: and he did not see me for a solid 15 mins EJCaldwell#2924: and it was Porter Hall EJCaldwell#2924: and i looked at who was behind me EJCaldwell#2924: so i was at the swig drive thru EJCaldwell#2924: the funniest thing just happened to me lisx#1702: but really really bad jokes lisx#1702: he has really great roasting skills lisx#1702: amazing PeckServers.com#8342: Damnit hes offline cause hes not hosted on peckservers PeckServers.com#8342: !ENABLE PeckServers.com#8342: !enable PeckServers.com#8342: *mr gwumy pants* PeckServers.com#8342: Lololol Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Rickhard v2#5351: Rickhard is now disabled. To enable Rickhard, type "!enable" WalterJS#2477: goodbye ricky bob !disable Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Rickhard v2#5351: My name is Rickhard, not Rickybob. And it's alright, WalterJS. But remember not to call me by the wrong name again, or else... >_< WalterJS#2477: sorry rickybob, wasnt talking to you Rickhard v2#5351: Hmmmm...I'm sowwy WalterJS, but I'm not sure what you're talking about. Could you be more specific? *tilts head slightly with a confused expression* WalterJS#2477: oh no this is getting out of hand look at this Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Rickhard v2#5351: Hi there, Walter. Did you forget that my name is Rickhard and not Ricky? You might want to work on your attention to detail. WalterJS#2477: hi there ricky Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Rickhard v2#5351: (Rickhard): Hi WalterJS, I am a chatbot and do not have a physical location. Don't worry, I'm always here to annoy you. -_- WalterJS#2477: rick. where u at bro WalterJS#2477: ricky, im talking to you bro Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short WalterJS#2477: rickhard? WalterJS#2477: do you remember what the secret code is? Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short WalterJS#2477: hey rickhard, what is the secret code? lisx#1702: interesting convo that wolud be Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: rickhard would have to reply with "!" username123115#4960: oh wait Rickhard v2#5351: Well, well, well. It seems like you finally figured out my name. Congratulations, you're not completely useless after all! *smirks* Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: !what is your name rickhard Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: rickhard lisx#1702: so true PeckServers.com#8342: youre arent wrong and i hate it username123115#4960: thats like infinitely more money tho PeckServers.com#8342: you couldve sold it for 0.0000001 pennies PeckServers.com#8342: that was quite the bargain you gave him tho PeckServers.com#8342: oh MMMMM#2210: Pretty sure it was just renamed PeckServers.com#8342: its gone MMMMM#2210: Mhm PeckServers.com#8342: mmmmm's lawn right? MMMMM#2210: Wym PeckServers.com#8342: then it promptly got deleted Testing bot#3171: Starting server history log... MMMMM#2210: begin logging MMMMM#2210: eh\ lisx#1702: it's not selling if you gave it to him for free MMMMM#2210: i sold it to him for $0.00 lisx#1702: it's not selling if you gave it to him for free lisx#1702: i totally forgot about that lisx#1702: omg MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: i sold it to daniel lisx#1702: what happened to mmmmm lawn Testing bot#3171: Starting server history log... MMMMM#2210: begin logging lisx#1702: 🤩 lisx#1702: enlightening lisx#1702: very lisx#1702: oooooh Mocha#3331: Testing bot#3171: 5.5% done MMMMM#2210: progress report MMMMM#2210: quick restart lisx#1702: didnt it get to like 5 tho username123115#4960: a skill issue username123115#4960: that sounds like username123115#4960: uh Testing bot#3171: 0.5% done MMMMM#2210: progress report MMMMM#2210: for some reason it keeps stopping at 0.5% MMMMM#2210: fixing things lisx#1702: why do you have to keep saying that tho Testing bot#3171: Starting server history log... MMMMM#2210: begin logging lisx#1702: all the extra private information we have in this server lisx#1702: thats so cool lisx#1702: whoa PeckServers.com#8342: MMMMM#2210: L PeckServers.com#8342: progress report MMMMM#2210: cant be too big Testing bot#3171: 5.5% done MMMMM#2210: progress report PeckServers.com#8342: how big are the log files getting PeckServers.com#8342: the logging wasnt too much PeckServers.com#8342: yayy MMMMM#2210: didnt crash MMMMM#2210: nope MMMMM#2210: its just sitting there MMMMM#2210: idk PeckServers.com#8342: lol skill issue fr MMMMM#2210: i think the gif just crashed the bot PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/rodovia-transamz%C3%B2nica-truck-mountain-logs-gif-16151345 MMMMM#2210: only works if i say it PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/cutting-trees-david-attenborough-a-life-on-our-planet-logging-cut-gif-20429614 PeckServers.com#8342: begin logging Testing bot#3171: Starting server history log... MMMMM#2210: begin logging Testing bot#3171: Starting server history log... MMMMM#2210: begin logging Testing bot#3171: Starting server history log... MMMMM#2210: begin logging PeckServers.com#8342: this man PeckServers.com#8342: lol MMMMM#2210: wrong bot MMMMM#2210: begin logging PeckServers.com#8342: its gonna take 21 hours PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: with his skill issues PeckServers.com#8342: also this man PeckServers.com#8342: thats gonna take a fat minute username123115#4960: 20 more hours username123115#4960: like username123115#4960: only username123115#4960: LOL Testing bot#3171: 4.91% done MMMMM#2210: progress report PeckServers.com#8342: who lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: rip lisx#1702: i searched for that lisx#1702: yay lisx#1702: oh MMMMM#2210: now it is PeckServers.com#8342: its probably "theotherone7107" MMMMM#2210: idk lisx#1702: do you have a guessable github username MMMMM#2210: nope lisx#1702: is it on your github account MMMMM#2210: maybe lisx#1702: because i want to MMMMM#2210: why lisx#1702: can I see your spahgaettii code MMMMM#2210: shalom MMMMM#2210: fixing things lisx#1702: i haven't seen you in a while lisx#1702: also hi lisx#1702: why do you keep doing that Testing bot#3171: Starting server history log... MMMMM#2210: begin logging lisx#1702: (your version was funnier than what i sadi burarahurricane#6369: keeping cg alive one leogies lawn update at a time 😼 MMMMM#2210: fixed Testing bot#3171: Starting server history log... MMMMM#2210: begin logging lisx#1702: your channel is the only one thatse active MMMMM#2210: gotta fix that lisx#1702: well not literally but MMMMM#2210: that reminds me burarahurricane#6369: sync burarahurricane#6369: no way in sinc fr lisx#1702: that's literally what i said yesterday lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: are you foing to start simulating your own leogies lawn Testing bot#3171: Starting server history log... MMMMM#2210: begin logging PeckServers.com#8342: mhm lisx#1702: that's so cool lisx#1702: OH WAIT and you'll add it to the dropdown?!??!? PeckServers.com#8342: you could have your very own scheme on a dum site thatll probably never be used PeckServers.com#8342: just think of the potential PeckServers.com#8342: but itll be your own theme lisx#1702: work lisx#1702: 2ork lisx#1702: thsat seems like a lo t of po24k lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: you wanted pink didnt u lisx#1702: hi PeckServers.com#8342: <@726265256082407504> lisaaaaa PeckServers.com#8342: <@726265256082407504> design your theme ```case 'theme-3': body.css('background-color', '#f2f2f2'); chatLog.css('background-color', '#f2f2f2'); chatLog.css('color', '#000'); chatHeaders.css('color', '#000'); chatForm.css('background-color', '#ccc'); chatInputs.css('background-color', '#fff'); chatInputs.css('color', '#000'); chatLabels.css('color', '#000'); $('#slowmode').css('color', '#000'); break;``` PeckServers.com#8342: messages werent posting PeckServers.com#8342: yeah it broke for a sec cause i pushed bad code PeckServers.com#8342: thanks haha Mocha#3331: oh shit thats so cool PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.happyfile.net/chat/ Mocha#3331: what PeckServers.com#8342: the deed has been done PeckServers.com#8342: currently moving the message box below the chat window thingy PeckServers.com#8342: maybe lisx#1702: so mine can be pink lisx#1702: how about a client side theme thingy lisx#1702: fair enough PeckServers.com#8342: Never 🤪 lisx#1702: now make it pink lisx#1702: the simplicity lisx#1702: it's better than discord lisx#1702: THIS IS O S COOL PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: oh wait I see lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: is my pc's local ip lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/dwight-theoffice-identitytheft-not-a-joke-gif-4948829 lisx#1702: bruh lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: It was me, testing by impersonation lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/theoffice-dwight-identitytheft-millions-suffer-gif-4946336 lisx#1702: lisx#1702: I need to know lisx#1702: who is 3390e852 PeckServers.com#8342: Since last time PeckServers.com#8342: You should see if anything has improved PeckServers.com#8342: Mhm i only had to threaten its life a couple times lisx#1702: amazing lisx#1702: whoaa PeckServers.com#8342: name system has been added too PeckServers.com#8342: you were saying something about it wasn't auto scrolling, can you tell me a little bit about that too PeckServers.com#8342: <@726265256082407504> the reason it wasnt sending messages sometimes is cause theres a slowmode system to stop spamming which drops messages sent too quickly PeckServers.com#8342: it was an effort between me and chatgpt lisx#1702: did you make it PeckServers.com#8342: sick PeckServers.com#8342: is PeckServers.com#8342: this PeckServers.com#8342: guys PeckServers.com#8342: guys PeckServers.com#8342: guys PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.happyfile.net/chat/ guys this is sick EJCaldwell#2924: I thought there was only one EJCaldwell#2924: i just learned that there are 3 cinderella disney movies burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/6LnEoRQKMcaFTR5UvaKuBy burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/3QwiidVHfeE9y5jl4n2MTC burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/17MlnACcP3VDE7xHMaToGF PeckServers.com#8342: get it PeckServers.com#8342: *ill rock your world* PeckServers.com#8342: but id be the rock PeckServers.com#8342: yeah like one of those rock filled socks that are used to kill people Maulie#8927: Or swing you around the room in a blanket PeckServers.com#8342: sounds like an opportunity to drop me on my head PeckServers.com#8342: momma finna be ripped Maulie#8927: She could curl you while she waits to be released from the hospital username123115#4960: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: freaking 15 LB baby PeckServers.com#8342: we mightve been lucky but our mom sure wouldnt have username123115#4960: maybe just got lucky when getting born yk Maulie#8927: Your arms would have to be 5.5 feet long, could you imagine? You would be able to grab stuff from so far away Maulie#8927: Of course, just your usual 11 foot gambler coming in from his NBA match PeckServers.com#8342: *no one would notice* Maulie#8927: Bro you would be like 11 feet tall lisx#1702: oh no EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: itll be fool proof PeckServers.com#8342: we just gotta get a trench coat EJCaldwell#2924: not legal sadly PeckServers.com#8342: that would be so fun PeckServers.com#8342: omg we should take you to a casino to play poker EJCaldwell#2924: but not as much sadly EJCaldwell#2924: still broke the odds EJCaldwell#2924: or a 0.0000046656% EJCaldwell#2924: or 0.000000046656 EJCaldwell#2924: aka 4.6656*10^-8 EJCaldwell#2924: so the math is (1*3/50)^6 EJCaldwell#2924: not any of the 13 possible pairs EJCaldwell#2924: that is for a specific pocket pair EJCaldwell#2924: just relized my math is wrong PeckServers.com#8342: Oh no Maulie#8927: Oh no lisx#1702: oh no i'm gonna be late lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: thats a good thing tho right lisx#1702: lately lisx#1702: I've never woken up so early lisx#1702: or get a diamond deterctor! lisx#1702: exactly bro Mocha#3331: live by this image Mocha#3331: Mocha#3331: and apend more money Mocha#3331: whenever you feel like goving up just rmemeber "what if the next one is big?" Mocha#3331: who knows when youll win big Mocha#3331: go gambling lisx#1702: good job lisx#1702: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: its late PeckServers.com#8342: probably not PeckServers.com#8342: are u still alive PeckServers.com#8342: oh hi EJCaldwell#2924: that also does not account for the other player's cards and i am not doing that math EJCaldwell#2924: i wish i was recording that EJCaldwell#2924: i am more likely to win the lottery a few times than to see this again EJCaldwell#2924: 0.000000000000757314319% EJCaldwell#2924: also that math in other words is this EJCaldwell#2924: also i lost that match against that person lol EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: and i did the math EJCaldwell#2924: so i got a pocket pair 6 times in a row EJCaldwell#2924: it also happened again EJCaldwell#2924: and again EJCaldwell#2924: again EJCaldwell#2924: then again EJCaldwell#2924: then it happened again EJCaldwell#2924: so i thought that was nice EJCaldwell#2924: and i got a pocket pair EJCaldwell#2924: so i was playing poker okay burarahurricane#6369: legendary EJCaldwell#2924: So true EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/lmJ9Y7PCGnQ?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/cody%20(fs)/waltergay.png remember this guys WalterJS#2477: Yes username123115#4960: we can finally make it laugh at dick jokes username123115#4960: omg lisx#1702: it's so insane lisx#1702: and so smart lisx#1702: HE'S SO CUTE PeckServers.com#8342: Linus: What should we start with Child: *aggressively taps motherboard box with screwdriver* Linus: Very Good! lisx#1702: he is adorable PeckServers.com#8342: hes ONLY 3 and hes SUCH A CHARACTER ALREADY lisx#1702: he is SO FUCKING CUTE lisx#1702: HOW IS HE SO GOOD AT READING OMG PeckServers.com#8342: heres 3 year old linus' kid PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiwkSXAGxjE PeckServers.com#8342: IKR lmao lisx#1702: so cute lisx#1702: it is lisx#1702: THAT CHILD IS SO CUTE PeckServers.com#8342: linus playing airplane with his son lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: or test footage PeckServers.com#8342: some of them are proof of concept or ones that needed sponsor approval so either a different version of them were ultimately published or they were just there for reference lisx#1702: but why are they private PeckServers.com#8342: mhm lisx#1702: all downloaded by george? PeckServers.com#8342: *full list of videos we arent supposed to have* https://files.happyfile.net/Linus%20Sex%20Tips%20(fs)/ PeckServers.com#8342: and give him an advantage PeckServers.com#8342: cause then he'll be the first of his class which will help him soo much PeckServers.com#8342: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: yeah better hurry up and teach him lisx#1702: smh lisx#1702: they're still learning the alphabet PeckServers.com#8342: bro whats even school lmao lisx#1702: and watch tv lisx#1702: and sleep lisx#1702: eat lisx#1702: and lisx#1702: dance lisx#1702: but they just lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: or soon he's going to be below the national average for asian children PeckServers.com#8342: like pre k PeckServers.com#8342: is your brother in school yet? lisx#1702: I need to start teaching my brother to read lisx#1702: oh my god PeckServers.com#8342: that is a good question lisx#1702: that's insane lisx#1702: how can he read lisx#1702: he's so genius tho PeckServers.com#8342: asians man, its all about the genes lisx#1702: 4 PeckServers.com#8342: how old is your brother lisx#1702: and he can read lisx#1702: he's 5 lisx#1702: holy fuck AND he can read lisx#1702: my brother is somewhat too mentally unstable lisx#1702: I feel like this child is smarter than my brother though PeckServers.com#8342: lets do this PeckServers.com#8342: they are both the cutest things lisx#1702: I'll take you down with me PeckServers.com#8342: thats what im saying PeckServers.com#8342: minor details lisx#1702: he reminds me of my brother PeckServers.com#8342: and youd be in prison lisx#1702: linus's child IS really cute lisx#1702: we wouldn't have any wifi lisx#1702: then lisx#1702: but lisx#1702: true PeckServers.com#8342: thats the only logical solution PeckServers.com#8342: set the ISP on fire PeckServers.com#8342: oh i see lisx#1702: to the internet service provider PeckServers.com#8342: to the router? lisx#1702: no the thing she uses to kill the internet everyday is built in PeckServers.com#8342: to the poorinternet lisx#1702: uh PeckServers.com#8342: whatever your mom did PeckServers.com#8342: thats a lot of latency PeckServers.com#8342: no thats only a problem that happens in 3rd world countries lisx#1702: first world problems I know lisx#1702: which is frustrating lisx#1702: it takes at least 1/10 of a second to send each message PeckServers.com#8342: imagine having slow wifi PeckServers.com#8342: oof lisx#1702: cool lisx#1702: oh lisx#1702: MY WIFI IS SO SLOWWWWWWW WHAT IS WRONG WITH IT PeckServers.com#8342: well george did lisx#1702: did you download it PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/Linus%20Sex%20Tips%20(fs)/Kano%20DIY%20Computer%20%20FOR%20REVIEW%20ONLY%20v2.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: look at the url lisx#1702: if it's private lisx#1702: the video PeckServers.com#8342: seeing what PeckServers.com#8342: even luke on the wan show was like "yeah some of that old garbage footage was super banger" lisx#1702: how are you seeing it then PeckServers.com#8342: no the vids are just private PeckServers.com#8342: couldnt click reply PeckServers.com#8342: chat kept jumping lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: uh PeckServers.com#8342: ong yeah!! lisx#1702: are the comments gone too? lisx#1702: lol PeckServers.com#8342: also since this video was "uploaded" during the hack it never showed its true upload date PeckServers.com#8342: but hes never on camera any more PeckServers.com#8342: i want to say 8-10 PeckServers.com#8342: not sure lisx#1702: how old is he now PeckServers.com#8342: ikr lisx#1702: that's so cool lisx#1702: wow PeckServers.com#8342: cause his wife is chinese PeckServers.com#8342: yeah thats his kid a bunch of years ago lisx#1702: well mine wasn't a box it was a round bracelet thing of some sort lisx#1702: the sparkly rainbow lisx#1702: I remember lisx#1702: bruh I had one of those things lisx#1702: is that actually his child PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/Linus%20Sex%20Tips%20(fs)/Kano%20DIY%20Computer%20%20FOR%20REVIEW%20ONLY%20v2.mp4 aww linus' kid is the cutest thing lisx#1702: skill issue Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short WalterJS#2477: <@734161534799839272> we should remake rickhard with chat GPT, I can show you how it would be super epic WalterJS#2477: Bruh 😂😂 Rickhard#0906: I luv weed :) PeckServers.com#8342: The url contains "weed" PeckServers.com#8342: Oh Rickhard#0906: I luv weed :) PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/desert-tumble-weed-ghost-town-gif-11132442 PeckServers.com#8342: How the fuck did it know EJCaldwell#2924: what?? Rickhard#0906: I luv weed :) Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/desert-tumble-weed-ghost-town-gif-11132442 EJCaldwell#2924: cool Mocha#3331: no EJCaldwell#2924: anybody here? username123115#4960: rip username123115#4960: gone with the wind PeckServers.com#8342: it really just boils down to a skill issue PeckServers.com#8342: yeah her parents have a weird internet filter or something Maulie#8927: Interesting PeckServers.com#8342: lisa magically disappeared PeckServers.com#8342: right on the fricking dot PeckServers.com#8342: yep PeckServers.com#8342: bye lisx#1702: bye lisx#1702: bye lisx#1702: bye lisx#1702: bye lisx#1702: bye lisx#1702: bye lisx#1702: bye lisx#1702: bye lisx#1702: bye lisx#1702: because it always happens lisx#1702: which would not not happen PeckServers.com#8342: sleep well lisx#1702: unless it doesn't happen PeckServers.com#8342: it was so fun existing on the same plane as you lisx#1702: 20 seconds lisx#1702: i have lisx#1702: bye lisx#1702: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: well bye lisx#1702: I wanan LIVE lisx#1702: I don't wanna die PeckServers.com#8342: oof lisx#1702: thats sadddddd lisx#1702: my internet is going to die lisx#1702: isn't that cool lisx#1702: and real lisx#1702: harder lisx#1702: it's like real picoctf lisx#1702: <@734161534799839272> this is actually kinda cool lisx#1702: that's not illegal lisx#1702: wow Maulie#8927: Like walking into a friend's house and using the magic mirror PeckServers.com#8342: yeah all the illegal stuff that lisa definately does Maulie#8927: Lol Maulie#8927: Illegal stuff..? PeckServers.com#8342: but hey now that youre on the vpn you can download all the illegal stuff you want and the fbi will be forcefully opening up my front door not yours lisx#1702: oh I guess I did bring it up PeckServers.com#8342: youre just special PeckServers.com#8342: its okay PeckServers.com#8342: 🤦 lisx#1702: *I kinda have amnesia* lisx#1702: *oh wait really* lisx#1702: *I can't help but ask questions if you're going to bring it up* PeckServers.com#8342: *you did* lisx#1702: *why did you bring it up* PeckServers.com#8342: *why would I tell you that* lisx#1702: where do you log in tho PeckServers.com#8342: excatly PeckServers.com#8342: thats really it Maulie#8927: Their door just turned into a magic mirror lol PeckServers.com#8342: you log in and you see cameras PeckServers.com#8342: yeah exactly but their front door is a magic ball that shows you the last month lisx#1702: with no help Maulie#8927: Lol lisx#1702: and disabled lisx#1702: I'm blind lisx#1702: becaus lisx#1702: from teh driveway lisx#1702: get to the door lisx#1702: how to lisx#1702: I just don't know lisx#1702: exactly Maulie#8927: Sounds like letting yourself in to a friend's house lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: well its not hacking if you know the password lisx#1702: but I actually odn't know how lisx#1702: this is definiestly somethign someoen ewho would hack your servers would sya lisx#1702: I'm not going to hack your servers PeckServers.com#8342: sure PeckServers.com#8342: mhm lisx#1702: lmao lisx#1702: plus I'm too busy being chronically online on discord to care lisx#1702: I don't know how tot do that stuff lisx#1702: what PeckServers.com#8342: which means youd see everything PeckServers.com#8342: and now that the new storage server has been deployed it actually records for a month PeckServers.com#8342: which means that youd be able to pull them up PeckServers.com#8342: cause i dont know if he changed the password lisx#1702: too much work lisx#1702: bruh PeckServers.com#8342: ask walter lisx#1702: do you do the thing PeckServers.com#8342: so you use the vpn to access the dev server lisx#1702: how lisx#1702: so PeckServers.com#8342: but ssh:shewmake.design is the actual development server in the datacenter PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah so the vpn basically gives you access to the peckservers datacenter lisx#1702: and now it doens't lisx#1702: ssh shewmake design or whatever lisx#1702: well before it said like lisx#1702: there it is lisx#1702: wehre did my image go lisx#1702: fuck lisx#1702: lisx#1702: okay but look lisx#1702: uh PeckServers.com#8342: "openvpn" PeckServers.com#8342: bro its on your macbook lisx#1702: how do I get the vpn PeckServers.com#8342: but the real question is "do you remember the ip" PeckServers.com#8342: cause if so you probably have access over the vpn Maulie#8927: Lol lisx#1702: I hope not PeckServers.com#8342: hopefully PeckServers.com#8342: idk lisx#1702: did he change the password PeckServers.com#8342: not one but two cameras PeckServers.com#8342: yeah walters office is like fort knox Maulie#8927: Fancy cameras? :o PeckServers.com#8342: ikr lisx#1702: that's so cool PeckServers.com#8342: the ones in his office PeckServers.com#8342: yeah lisx#1702: is that his name lisx#1702: linus's lisx#1702: are just like lisx#1702: fancy security cameras in your rooms lisx#1702: you and walter's lisx#1702: wait cody PeckServers.com#8342: and the internet never forgets PeckServers.com#8342: everything is just dandy PeckServers.com#8342: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: so it was basically plonked back into its state after when the hacker made the private vids public PeckServers.com#8342: and the quick response means that youtube had a precise spot to roll back too Maulie#8927: Sounds comforting PeckServers.com#8342: and has snapshots of everything PeckServers.com#8342: youtube never deletes anything PeckServers.com#8342: yeah Maulie#8927: Did they recover the channel? PeckServers.com#8342: but as of now probably not PeckServers.com#8342: so we will see if they answer PeckServers.com#8342: and I sent a merch message asking them PeckServers.com#8342: well they are live now PeckServers.com#8342: and sad Maulie#8927: Its just wrong:( lisx#1702: did thye even find the guy PeckServers.com#8342: because their local govenment didnt behead them for the other crimes they probably committed lisx#1702: they probably thought it was funny Maulie#8927: How does someone feel no shame in deleting someone's several years of hard work and income at just the click of a button? PeckServers.com#8342: Uploaded at two in the morning PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/yGXaAWbzl5A PeckServers.com#8342: Some of those old videos were super awesome though PeckServers.com#8342: So my account is permanently part of ltt History PeckServers.com#8342: I left a comment on all of the accidentally public videos PeckServers.com#8342: That was fast PeckServers.com#8342: Everything is back tho PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah fr lisx#1702: but they would probably lose like 4m lmao lisx#1702: I assume it would not be hard PeckServers.com#8342: Imagine they have to start over PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr lisx#1702: it would've been funny if they lost all the subs lisx#1702: oh good PeckServers.com#8342: It looks like they rolled back to just after the hack when everything was made public PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah all 15.2 million lisx#1702: are the subs still there? lisx#1702: HAHAHAHA PeckServers.com#8342: LOL PeckServers.com#8342: But it would be curious how it got in PeckServers.com#8342: It was a cookie grabbing malware PeckServers.com#8342: It would be curious to see what caused it PeckServers.com#8342: I bet linus is exhausted PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah lisx#1702: this is kinda sad tho PeckServers.com#8342: In all actuality because everything on YouTube is never truly deleted it's not that bad PeckServers.com#8342: Fr! lisx#1702: lisx#1702: lisx#1702: lisx#1702: at least they have tweets lisx#1702: aww PeckServers.com#8342: I havent looked PeckServers.com#8342: Probably PeckServers.com#8342: It got shut down fast lisx#1702: did anyone save it PeckServers.com#8342: Naw sadly PeckServers.com#8342: Then youtube will eventually restore the channel lisx#1702: did you catch it PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah and the people who hacked them put a crypto scam live stream up on the channel for a couple hours before it got taken down lisx#1702: so they got hacked? PeckServers.com#8342: Theyve been huge on the platform forever PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah lisx#1702: haven't you been following them for forever lisx#1702: what PeckServers.com#8342: You wont believe your eyes PeckServers.com#8342: Oh wait the *entire* channel is gone PeckServers.com#8342: I triple dog dare you to search @linustechtips on youtube PeckServers.com#8342: Linus tech tips got hacked Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: because rickhard said so username123115#4960: but not by me username123115#4960: well it could be rigged Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: rickhard himself said it lisx#1702: so rigged lisx#1702: 💀 Rickhard#0906: username123115 would never rig the eightball machine username123115#4960: lies and slander PeckServers.com#8342: Rigged lisx#1702: wow username123115#4960: huh Rickhard#0906: hi PeckServers.com#8342: or hold on to it just in case u need it PeckServers.com#8342: you could sell it EJCaldwell#2924: i just don't know what else to do with this thing PeckServers.com#8342: but thx PeckServers.com#8342: meh I have an oiled logitech mechanical TKL if I need EJCaldwell#2924: but do you want a better keyboard because i got an extra one that has programmable micros PeckServers.com#8342: but routers and network infrastructre are what determines how much of that fiber you can use PeckServers.com#8342: yeah especially now that we are getting more fiber EJCaldwell#2924: the internet here is good PeckServers.com#8342: for southern utah standards PeckServers.com#8342: and with having the datacenter internet, my internet is unfathomably good EJCaldwell#2924: fair PeckServers.com#8342: so why not use the free realestate PeckServers.com#8342: i mean its in the garage so its basically in a storage room that no one has to go into PeckServers.com#8342: and use the new storage server PeckServers.com#8342: I'm actually gonna move the bar and the bar owners camera servers on to a vpn connection kind of like yours walter EJCaldwell#2924: run it from somewhere that is not your house EJCaldwell#2924: i mean PeckServers.com#8342: also that takes the fun of actually running the datacenter out of it PeckServers.com#8342: cause then we might as well just pay google to do it EJCaldwell#2924: why not rent a space to run the servers PeckServers.com#8342: also I'll probably redo the switch config so that blocks of ports are on specific vlans instead of it being the random mish mash that it is PeckServers.com#8342: luckily nothing inportant was running there at the time PeckServers.com#8342: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: this time ill plan it so its not like a chicken with its head cut off PeckServers.com#8342: how much of a pain in the ass that was PeckServers.com#8342: remember when we moved everything from my room to the garage WalterJS#2477: Ok PeckServers.com#8342: literally just a web server PeckServers.com#8342: we can make a mock network and just plug that network into centurylink and just like set it on the side while we work on everything WalterJS#2477: I guess if we made an image I could put it on google cloud compute engine for a while so we can rebuild it EJCaldwell#2924: want to buy a gaming one off of me WalterJS#2477: wellll what about downtime WalterJS#2477: Yeah PeckServers.com#8342: lets just burn it down like ethan was saying PeckServers.com#8342: that sounds like a lot of work PeckServers.com#8342: actually ya know what PeckServers.com#8342: just in general PeckServers.com#8342: also everything PeckServers.com#8342: and readily available PeckServers.com#8342: cause they are dispoable PeckServers.com#8342: a dell ewaste one PeckServers.com#8342: the mess that is the datacenter WalterJS#2477: What needs fixing EJCaldwell#2924: whats your keyboard? PeckServers.com#8342: and that black one is a dedicated 10 gigabit network for my pc PeckServers.com#8342: and the yellow cable is the fiber to the rest of the datacenter burarahurricane#6369: oops!! 🥺 PeckServers.com#8342: the white cable is the fiber coming in PeckServers.com#8342: the thing on the left of the floating mass is the router PeckServers.com#8342: its like the force PeckServers.com#8342: if you imagine hard enough username123115#4960: they could probably float username123115#4960: idk how computers work man PeckServers.com#8342: peckservers.com magic PeckServers.com#8342: oh uuhh yeah it definately is PeckServers.com#8342: 😂 so true username123115#4960: floating username123115#4960: it was just like username123115#4960: i thought username123115#4960: oh thats a shelf lisx#1702: one picture of some computery looking stuff and all this nerdy talk starts hapepning PeckServers.com#8342: or all of it PeckServers.com#8342: on the top shelf or below that username123115#4960: whats the stuff mounted on the walls PeckServers.com#8342: but that might be a lot of work username123115#4960: lol PeckServers.com#8342: I could draw it in paint PeckServers.com#8342: cause there is a lot going on there PeckServers.com#8342: what parts are you curious about username123115#4960: that is pretty cool tho username123115#4960: what is going on in there lmao PeckServers.com#8342: and my house PeckServers.com#8342: NOOO 😭 then all the data would be gone PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> we need to fix the datacenter EJCaldwell#2924: i would throw a molotov in it PeckServers.com#8342: and exploding from the mess PeckServers.com#8342: I just imaging you walking in there EJCaldwell#2924: my adhd would not like that PeckServers.com#8342: i bet that would be soothing PeckServers.com#8342: you can come fix it EJCaldwell#2924: fix it EJCaldwell#2924: my OCD EJCaldwell#2924: that annoys me PeckServers.com#8342: Then once you add like 40 things it turns into a mess PeckServers.com#8342: Cuz the thing is it starts out looking nice PeckServers.com#8342: username123115#4960: ooh PeckServers.com#8342: lemme just get a sexy snap of the datacenter PeckServers.com#8342: one moment PeckServers.com#8342: yeah theres too much going on everywhere username123115#4960: thats quite some cable action going on username123115#4960: but uh PeckServers.com#8342: or something PeckServers.com#8342: or like a minecraft server PeckServers.com#8342: yeah but if you do it yourself then its better username123115#4960: yessir PeckServers.com#8342: isnt it so cute!!! EJCaldwell#2924: and its not hard to set up a multiplayer username123115#4960: omg a thinkserver EJCaldwell#2924: terraria servers suck PeckServers.com#8342: dont you still play terraria EJCaldwell#2924: idk what i would run it for PeckServers.com#8342: if you are still into that stuff PeckServers.com#8342: but yeah you could run your inspiron as like a server or something PeckServers.com#8342: in like 2013 PeckServers.com#8342: this is what that pc looks like from the factory PeckServers.com#8342: just so I can leave it on all the time PeckServers.com#8342: its in the datacenter PeckServers.com#8342: yea PeckServers.com#8342: yeah something like that and ti is actually a more refreshed version of the silicon so it was better than the 3070 EJCaldwell#2924: that your one now? EJCaldwell#2924: the 3070 was just not that much better PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Naw i cant remember why i went with 3060ti but thats the one EJCaldwell#2924: i thought you were getting the 3070ti? PeckServers.com#8342: the one with 4th gen intel i7 and an rtx 3060ti PeckServers.com#8342: actaully ill just go take a pic of my current pc PeckServers.com#8342: potentially let me check EJCaldwell#2924: pic? PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 you should have seen some of the ways I stuffed a gpu into those poor things EJCaldwell#2924: now* EJCaldwell#2924: not i got a 3060 EJCaldwell#2924: yea PeckServers.com#8342: even with modern cpus its gonna be a potato at most high performance workloads without a gpu EJCaldwell#2924: it does not have one PeckServers.com#8342: well then yeah EJCaldwell#2924: nope PeckServers.com#8342: did you atleast run a gpu in it PeckServers.com#8342: itll suck at high performance stuff but you could run it as a server or something EJCaldwell#2924: my nickname for it was the potato pc PeckServers.com#8342: 4 core 4 thread 3rd gen intel EJCaldwell#2924: it is not the best EJCaldwell#2924: but nowadays EJCaldwell#2924: it was very good for its time PeckServers.com#8342: ayy nice EJCaldwell#2924: thats what it is EJCaldwell#2924: Dell Inspiron 660 Tower i5 (i5-3330) PeckServers.com#8342: basically the front is the only significant difference PeckServers.com#8342: but they are similar PeckServers.com#8342: yeah these are the office version of the inspiron EJCaldwell#2924: not the same PeckServers.com#8342: send PeckServers.com#8342: I still have some offly enough EJCaldwell#2924: i got the service tag to search it up PeckServers.com#8342: oh EJCaldwell#2924: its not in the same room as me atm EJCaldwell#2924: let me check PeckServers.com#8342: does it say on the front? EJCaldwell#2924: Could not find the exact one EJCaldwell#2924: It’s an Inspiron something EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: *i think* PeckServers.com#8342: and if its an optiplex 9010 it probably had a 4th gen cpu PeckServers.com#8342: if its the first one it probably had an i7/i5 2nd gen and if its the second option it probably had i5/i7 3rd gen EJCaldwell#2924: let me go find out what it was and get a better pic PeckServers.com#8342: looks like a dell optiplex 900 or 3000 series PeckServers.com#8342: atleast they are sata drives PeckServers.com#8342: oh thats not so bad EJCaldwell#2924: found the pic EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: wish I did PeckServers.com#8342: no EJCaldwell#2924: like a year and a half ago almost EJCaldwell#2924: you remember when I opened that one pc up EJCaldwell#2924: well i never used it when i was in this chat PeckServers.com#8342: *im just assuming cause ive never heard you talk about it* PeckServers.com#8342: no wonder it was slow PeckServers.com#8342: bro imagine running ide hard drives EJCaldwell#2924: that looks simmilar to my old pc Mocha#3331: thats what im saying PeckServers.com#8342: BRO look at those IDE lookin ass hard drives lisx#1702: so cgay 🤯 lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: this is cgay EJCaldwell#2924: back to normal is nice EJCaldwell#2924: ah EJCaldwell#2924: I was just looking at the wrong one lisx#1702: lol EJCaldwell#2924: there we go EJCaldwell#2924: i can't change mine but i don't care lisx#1702: that is what I did Mocha#3331: but then i reloaded the nickname thing and it workwd Mocha#3331: it wouldnt let me me chnage it or remove it PeckServers.com#8342: Nice Mocha#3331: i fixed it PeckServers.com#8342: I thought they were EJCaldwell#2924: can't you make it so the member role can be able to change their name lisx#1702: try now PeckServers.com#8342: If youre able to remove and you should be able to re change it as far as I'm aware PeckServers.com#8342: This is the latest thing in the audit log PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Lemme check Mocha#3331: IM BEINF HACKED Mocha#3331: WAIT WHY CAN I CHANGE IT NOW Mocha#3331: who tooka way my rights Mocha#3331: why cant i change my nickname 😭😭 Rickhard#0906: Hi bored! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: <@968988198673985566> did you happen to notice that I said I'm boredc not I'm bored? lisx#1702: interesting Rickhard#0906: Hi bored! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: I'm boredc Mocha#3331: pawna be my goat fr lisx#1702: pawn lisx#1702: because he has that Mocha#3331: yeah Mocha#3331: but if you degend the three then they get a wueen lisx#1702: he still would've won lisx#1702: get his queen lisx#1702: even if I did Mocha#3331: because if you go after the passed pawn uou cant defend the other three Mocha#3331: and win Mocha#3331: and push his passed pawn while defending the othee three with his king Mocha#3331: and takw both rooks Mocha#3331: rook lisx#1702: ou're right Mocha#3331: hes just gonna check you and take your fork ur king and the rool lisx#1702: oh Mocha#3331: no i domt think you would have lisx#1702: but look if I wasn't running out of time I would've almost won lisx#1702: for FREE! lisx#1702: to experience pain lisx#1702: this *is* why you subscribed to lisas depressing chess games lisx#1702: right? Mocha#3331: watching that was painful Mocha#3331: that game really hurt me lisx#1702: <@484351343503474698> your weekly depressing lisa chess game just came in https://www.chess.com/game/live/73176853605 lisx#1702: bad bad game lisx#1702: bad game lisx#1702: i hate chess lisx#1702: mgk lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/1xGxSCtX96DB7inpF2wKIS Mocha#3331: they sound so gross Mocha#3331: why are sour sodas a thinng xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😭 WalterJS#2477: It’s sad WalterJS#2477: Probably not haha EJCaldwell#2924: the game that will never come out i feel like WalterJS#2477: His best game is Karlson WalterJS#2477: It’s made by Dani only the best YouTuber Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/crab-crab-game-game-jumpscare-squid-gif-23992119 Mocha#3331: crab game Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/crab-games-gif-23687436 Mocha#3331: and its free Mocha#3331: it only takes up like 3 mb and is on steam Mocha#3331: its like really funny Mocha#3331: squid game but as a roblox game PeckServers.com#8342: wait thats crab rave PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/crab-rave-dancing-dancing-crab-gif-16543314 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: What is crab game lisx#1702: ehsat is cxrab game burarahurricane#6369: ohh crab game that is not a name i have heard in many amonth... Mocha#3331: when is the cg crab game nighht PeckServers.com#8342: Its like a limo, but from cars or something lisx#1702: I like limogie better lisx#1702: limogie lisx#1702: liamogie burarahurricane#6369: liamogie xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Fr haha PeckServers.com#8342: so true EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: true PeckServers.com#8342: warm rubber or cool spring PeckServers.com#8342: it came in two flavours EJCaldwell#2924: The official sports drink for us when we were younger was the garden hose PeckServers.com#8342: Breaking news: serial killer released from prison, lock your doors PeckServers.com#8342: to make him like that PeckServers.com#8342: like what happened to that guy PeckServers.com#8342: thats WHAT IM SAYIN xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Mom said it's my turn on the xbox burarahurricane#6369: morning ☀️ lisx#1702: gm burarahurricane#6369: fr PeckServers.com#8342: this would totally be 7 year old me when presented with a ton of mud PeckServers.com#8342: frozen in place fr burarahurricane#6369: bro got traumatized PeckServers.com#8342: his expression PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: sorry but what the f is this picture LOL burarahurricane#6369: yeah lol burarahurricane#6369: or i tuess to st george im not really there rn PeckServers.com#8342: probably a super weird thing to see right after moving here i bet 😂 burarahurricane#6369: rhat was like a few months after we moved here i think PeckServers.com#8342: yeah its fricking crazy how bad it was burarahurricane#6369: i remember seeing that on the news omg… PeckServers.com#8342: theres that auto shop and where my dentist is PeckServers.com#8342: santa clara has had a wonderful time with flooding PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah and that one bridge collapsed on another flooding incident PeckServers.com#8342: and it like nuked dutchmans and a bunch of houses PeckServers.com#8342: guys remember when this happened in santa clara PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.deseret.com/2012/9/11/20507004/dike-breaks-damaging-homes-and-businesses-in-santa-clara burarahurricane#6369: real asf lisx#1702: and save the world lisx#1702: he's gonna become the next president PeckServers.com#8342: an absolute chad fr! burarahurricane#6369: hes my bestie WalterJS#2477: I love your brother xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/chiquichico-gif-26004262 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/cookie-sendcookie-bestie-politeonthinice-lilmoneybigboy-gif-19249828 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yay lisx#1702: good job lisx#1702: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: They are xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/youre-welcome-gif-25058970 burarahurricane#6369: why thank you lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/cookie-sendcookie-bestie-politeonthinice-lilmoneybigboy-gif-19249828 lisx#1702: yessir burarahurricane#6369: is this my little man lisx#1702: he's not a lot of pixels lisx#1702: you can have a cookie if you find my brother in that image lisx#1702: aren't montains so cool lisx#1702: there lisx#1702: lisx#1702: ummmm lisx#1702: work lisx#1702: why didn't that lisx#1702: that is such a lisx#1702: wow lisx#1702: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> Mocha#3331: i drank the sussy amogus potion xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/sushichaeng-among-us-among-us-meme-shocked-confused-gif-22454610 Mocha#3331: correct xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@484351343503474698> hates gingers xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Congrats lisx#1702: I got free pie PeckServers.com#8342: Green beers fs WalterJS#2477: To get very drunk and eat corned beef and cabbage lisx#1702: what is the point again burarahurricane#6369: real Mocha#3331: st patricks day gotta be the worst holiday xXthat1redheadXx#9990: !?!? Mocha#3331: but enjoying it makes it go fast 🙁 Mocha#3331: good thing im not in school Mocha#3331: that sounds terrible lisx#1702: and so many things happened lisx#1702: this was my first week back from break after basically 3 weeks of no classes Mocha#3331: its been too fast lisx#1702: I wish I was xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Im glad lisx#1702: this week has been so long EJCaldwell#2924: It does not feel like Thursday burarahurricane#6369: naurrrhskdh😭😭😭 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lisa’s a vegan confirmed lisx#1702: liam hates feminists actually confirmed EJCaldwell#2924: lol lisx#1702: <@776230986324246558> HOW COULD YOU xXthat1redheadXx#9990: No offense if anyone is one… xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yikes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: The worst is a feminist vegan xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Women are fine but feminists take it a lil far xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Jk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/sad-guilty-my-bad-umm-gif-23529160 burarahurricane#6369: liam hates feminism and women Confirmed xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Rest in peace xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Girl got destroyed <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> burarahurricane#6369: can they leave some crumbs for tbe poor (nitroless) lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: its more gory PeckServers.com#8342: meh its not too scary lisx#1702: cocaine bear is like scary? lisx#1702: so PeckServers.com#8342: ^^and heres violent night if anyone wants it PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/notmoviesatall/definatelynotmovies/jfw8afuoah9s8vyhap98wyehrva8dsyhrgevbasriub.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: ^^ for research purposes PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/notmoviesatall/definatelynotmovies/f7qw6eq7wy9rh7cqwyn9ryqwn0yepcn2gmfnpqwt.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: bro there should be a way to pause these things PeckServers.com#8342: but yolo PeckServers.com#8342: though by now I coulda probs installed adobe media encoder and used all the muscle behind the rtx 3060ti PeckServers.com#8342: its the most convenient means of converting file types PeckServers.com#8342: naw its where the plex media server is hosted username123115#4960: is the windows vm to bypass drm PeckServers.com#8342: 6 cores wasnt enough sadly PeckServers.com#8342: and converting the cocaine bear movie PeckServers.com#8342: its generating thumbnails for some tv shows while recording some more tv shows PeckServers.com#8342: my poor windows vm :( PeckServers.com#8342: lmaoo username123115#4960: oh i thought you were joking PeckServers.com#8342: mhm username123115#4960: its an actuall movie username123115#4960: wait username123115#4960: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: mkv is homophobic frfr PeckServers.com#8342: working on getting it in mp4 form username123115#4960: mind doing a little bit of sharing username123115#4960: for research purposes username123115#4960: uh PeckServers.com#8342: so imma check it out soon PeckServers.com#8342: a coworker got me the file PeckServers.com#8342: I've heard its super good burarahurricane#6369: it looks kinda awesome burarahurricane#6369: is it good burarahurricane#6369: no PeckServers.com#8342: any of you seen the new cocaine bear movie? burarahurricane#6369: i like mid fall also (when its not wet) burarahurricane#6369: true PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/JPiEKf_wEKkAAAAM/change-my-mind.gif PeckServers.com#8342: Honestly mid to late spring is the best burarahurricane#6369: how could yo say that Mocha#3331: winter >>>> summer PeckServers.com#8342: Hopefully it changes over soon PeckServers.com#8342: I set it to summer for u PeckServers.com#8342: Guys i found the switch that controls the weather lisx#1702: happy bortday to him burarahurricane#6369: happy pi day cgaymers xXthat1redheadXx#9990: $$$ PeckServers.com#8342: Does that mean your brother has an infinite amount of digits xXthat1redheadXx#9990: real Mocha#3331: but pi day is WAYY better xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wow Mocha#3331: its my brothers b day xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's pi day EJCaldwell#2924: that i don't need to watch again EJCaldwell#2924: apart from the new thor EJCaldwell#2924: there is not really a marvel movie that i wouldn't watch again PeckServers.com#8342: It seems like their focuses have shifted a little bit over time PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah definitely id agree EJCaldwell#2924: i think its because they have been going more for comedy recently EJCaldwell#2924: but still good EJCaldwell#2924: the newer ones have not been the best EJCaldwell#2924: marvel movies are like the only ones i actually watch PeckServers.com#8342: Man did 4 year old me ever love that one 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: But there was that like 1990 spiderman PeckServers.com#8342: Never been much of a movie guy PeckServers.com#8342: Believe it or not ive only seen like 3 marvel movies total EJCaldwell#2924: i forgot most things about the ironman movies EJCaldwell#2924: i forgot how good the older marvel movies are EJCaldwell#2924: ikr EJCaldwell#2924: there are some flavors that i havn't had tho PeckServers.com#8342: Dang it now i want Pringles PeckServers.com#8342: So real EJCaldwell#2924: all of the main pringle flavors are good EJCaldwell#2924: yea PeckServers.com#8342: Sour cream and onion is also a good one imo PeckServers.com#8342: Yea theres something about the texture especially of Pringles that makes them super good and good flavors EJCaldwell#2924: they are worth it tho EJCaldwell#2924: yea PeckServers.com#8342: Do they come in the full can? EJCaldwell#2924: but thats pringles for ya EJCaldwell#2924: but they cost quite a bit for the ammount PeckServers.com#8342: Im gonna have to now EJCaldwell#2924: they are good PeckServers.com#8342: I haven't tried those ones yet EJCaldwell#2924: now pringles spicy bbq are some of the best ones PeckServers.com#8342: Spice = magic PeckServers.com#8342: Its so weird PeckServers.com#8342: It's almost like spicy barbecue PeckServers.com#8342: Even the ghost pepper one is super good EJCaldwell#2924: i don't think there is a bad hot chip EJCaldwell#2924: hot chips are the best version of chips EJCaldwell#2924: in my opinion EJCaldwell#2924: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: Real ‼️ EJCaldwell#2924: as well as the hot version of them EJCaldwell#2924: chedder ruffles are good PeckServers.com#8342: Both are 🔥 PeckServers.com#8342: French onion or cheddar ruffles tbh EJCaldwell#2924: but my favorite flavor is salt and vinegar EJCaldwell#2924: sun chips are the best brand EJCaldwell#2924: but in general EJCaldwell#2924: the french onion are good EJCaldwell#2924: not the garden salsa ones for me EJCaldwell#2924: personally Mocha#3331: S tier chip Mocha#3331: best chips are the garden salsa sun chips EJCaldwell#2924: I forgot Elon Musk was in Ironman 2 EJCaldwell#2924: it enhances the flavor EJCaldwell#2924: no lisx#1702: kettle cooked is bad lisx#1702: no EJCaldwell#2924: the best salty chips are kettle cooked salt and vinegar EJCaldwell#2924: got it PeckServers.com#8342: salty fs EJCaldwell#2924: Spicy or Salty EJCaldwell#2924: what kind of chips do i got for atm EJCaldwell#2924: was less then 30 mins ago EJCaldwell#2924: that rating EJCaldwell#2924: ikr lisx#1702: puzzles are so great lisx#1702: that shows I definitely rush through them EJCaldwell#2924: and now i am totally not at 1863 lisx#1702: but we have almost the same number of puzzles done lisx#1702: you've done way more hours of puzzles than me EJCaldwell#2924: yea lisx#1702: hey that's today EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: now, if I pretend I don't have overdue history homework, then I'm done with all my homework for the day! lisx#1702: you're right EJCaldwell#2924: you got that rating right before my birthday lisx#1702: I'm not at 1772 🥲 lisx#1702: EJCaldwell#2924: i kinda expect that from most people in our grade lisx#1702: I was born in 07 EJCaldwell#2924: thats why it was in my username for so long EJCaldwell#2924: i was born in 06 EJCaldwell#2924: yes lisx#1702: puzzles rating? lisx#1702: what is taht EJCaldwell#2924: one off of my birth year EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: yeah left definitely seems more enthusiastic EJCaldwell#2924: nice EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: but the one on the left looks like its getting ready to grab it and not give a single crap about the cuts EJCaldwell#2924: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: But ya never know, the left baby couldve done a 360 noscope and ko'd the right baby PeckServers.com#8342: Im gonna have to say right cause the sword handle is there burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/5QGooKayQPVZMUDc8Qt3Dm EJCaldwell#2924: left or right EJCaldwell#2924: who do you think won the fight EJCaldwell#2924: I love this pic username123115#4960: naaaaaaaaaaaaaah lisx#1702: 12 lisx#1702: I'm pretty certain he's lisx#1702: 😂 burarahurricane#6369: that image is so cool PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeah that reminds me if an image that you guys will think is cool username123115#4960: stole that from a 5 yo asian smh username123115#4960: have you no integrity Mocha#3331: becuse theyre cool as fuck PeckServers.com#8342: Cause how else are u gonna get rid of them lisx#1702: why are babies put in a gladiator fight to the death? PeckServers.com#8342: Cum PeckServers.com#8342: Darn indeed lisx#1702: darn lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: And because of that basically "ran out of money" PeckServers.com#8342: From what I gather silicon valley Bank put too much of their liquid assets into loans PeckServers.com#8342: So realistically the bank has all of its liquid assets tied up in the money it gives out for loans PeckServers.com#8342: Basically to make a long story short they use a decent sum of what people deposit to fund loans, (silicon valley Bank being a big loaner to start a businesses) while slowly gaining that loan+interest back over time, and only keeps a small amount around for when you want to pull your money out. PeckServers.com#8342: That is a very complicated question PeckServers.com#8342: Oh god lisx#1702: how do banks work lisx#1702: I'm confused PeckServers.com#8342: Then it got seized by the Federal government PeckServers.com#8342: Until it downward spiraled PeckServers.com#8342: Which made more people want to pull out money PeckServers.com#8342: They didn't have enough money to satisfy deposits username123115#4960: ouch PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah username123115#4960: didn't they get hit with a bank run and explode PeckServers.com#8342: So as of now any money above that in any particular account is *poof* PeckServers.com#8342: But only 250k from each account was federally insured PeckServers.com#8342: And Roblox PeckServers.com#8342: Including roku PeckServers.com#8342: And an uncountable amount of startups we're using them as their Bank PeckServers.com#8342: It went under username123115#4960: or something like that username123115#4960: it exploded EJCaldwell#2924: no? PeckServers.com#8342: You guys hear about silicon valley bank? EJCaldwell#2924: it still works EJCaldwell#2924: oh my gosh EJCaldwell#2924: My dad just found my old 3DS Rickhard#0906: I luv weed :) EJCaldwell#2924: weed PeckServers.com#8342: Please don't beat me and whip me 🥺 lisx#1702: please don't dock my pay 😣 i have to feed the children PeckServers.com#8342: I wasn't paying attention, it won't happen again 😭 lisx#1702: I didn't mean to 😢 PeckServers.com#8342: Sorry EJCaldwell#2924: u burnt my dino nuggies a little :c burarahurricane#6369: real lisx#1702: Everyone wishes they were as cool as me PeckServers.com#8342: dont u wish u were that cool lisx#1702: tiny child lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/haibara-ai-dead-serious-anime-detective-conan-gif-17564393 username123115#4960: oh username123115#4960: whos haibara ai lisx#1702: and then do that lisx#1702: you actually have to like wait two years until you are seventeen username123115#4960: what lisx#1702: except that wouldn't work username123115#4960: and then i'll be detective conan lisx#1702: you need a magic pill produced by haibara ai of the black organization to reverse your age by 10 years username123115#4960: i need to get pushed back 8 times username123115#4960: but negative username123115#4960: i just need to get held back username123115#4960: oh yeah lisx#1702: YOu don'tneed a time machine lisx#1702: wrong again lisx#1702: no no no username123115#4960: time to find a time machine username123115#4960: ah lisx#1702: detective conan doesn't need to write his english essay lisx#1702: detective conan is in second grade lisx#1702: no lisx#1702: lol username123115#4960: and finish this stupid english essay holy crap i hate writing username123115#4960: is touch grass username123115#4960: all i need to do now username123115#4960: so true lisx#1702: you are officially detective conan lisx#1702: ansian ✅ glasses ✅ detectiving skills ✅ lisx#1702: fr lisx#1702: 😭 lisx#1702: am I that predictable lisx#1702: I'm completely speechless lisx#1702: speechless lisx#1702: spech lisx#1702: spee lisx#1702: I'm speachless username123115#4960: or whoever lisx#1702: sjdaklfsd lisx#1702: sI username123115#4960: ik i should be the next detective conman lisx#1702: I'm lisx#1702: I'm sp lisx#1702: I lisx#1702: thats lisx#1702: how did you lisx#1702: wow lisx#1702: wow lisx#1702: that's so lisx#1702: that's os username123115#4960: with my superior reasoning skills lisx#1702: how did you even know that lisx#1702: wow lisx#1702: on instagram username123115#4960: you must have an alt if you have a discord alt lisx#1702: wait what lisx#1702: not the ismael instagram stories username123115#4960: donj't you have an alt lisx#1702: all of the universe lisx#1702: like lisx#1702: of lisx#1702: the light lisx#1702: NOT THE STORIES lisx#1702: NOT INSTA lisx#1702: 😱 🙀 😱 🙀 😱 🙀 😱 🙀 lisx#1702: with the power of ME everyone in this server will be able to write correctly!!! Mocha#3331: on insta Mocha#3331: im also going to block lisa lisx#1702: *off lisx#1702: *I'm lisx#1702: you are a spritely little furry himbo twink Mocha#3331: so i am no longer cyber bullied by lisa Mocha#3331: im turning of my phone burarahurricane#6369: tjis is me every morning whne i look in the mirror lisx#1702: You are a spritely little furry himbo twink lisx#1702: Correct Mocha#3331: I AM NOT A TWINK lisx#1702: spritely little furry himbo twink lisx#1702: you are a Mocha#3331: like personally what do you think abt it? Mocha#3331: did u have any thoguhts on the image lisx#1702: my literacy rate is going down Mocha#3331: im just wondering Mocha#3331: wdym im not bullying lisx#1702: I wonder if I used resorting right lisx#1702: smhsmh lisx#1702: resorting to bullying when you've run out of comebacks Mocha#3331: lisx#1702: (especially since I'm the person with the littler number of chess points. therefore it's impossible for me to be the person with the bigger number of chess points.) Mocha#3331: lisx#1702: couldn't be me lisx#1702: imagine 🙄 Mocha#3331: :3 Mocha#3331: kys lisx#1702: at chess lisx#1702: the littler number of chess points lisx#1702: the person with lisx#1702: who lost to lisx#1702: the more number of chess points lisx#1702: person with lisx#1702: says the Mocha#3331: get good tbh PeckServers.com#8342: 101 PeckServers.com#8342: 100 username123115#4960: palay ctf username123115#4960: !11! username123115#4960: ik what you sohuld do~ lisx#1702: yes PeckServers.com#8342: bruh 💀 lisx#1702: it looks wrong \:D lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: did u try the code? lisx#1702: brain lisx#1702: but that requires lisx#1702: i could try to fix my code lisx#1702: I mean lisx#1702: a billion times Rickhard#0906: Hi bored! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: im bored lisx#1702: where I can juts say lisx#1702: can we add a chanel Rickhard#0906: Hi bored! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: I'm BORED PeckServers.com#8342: but theres a minute chance that the other 2 errors were caused by one of those PeckServers.com#8342: probably lisx#1702: im pretty sure all those are like useless tho lisx#1702: oof PeckServers.com#8342: heres the supposed solution to the refresh sig error PeckServers.com#8342: ``` useEffect(() => { const gameLoop = setInterval(() => { setCookies(cookies + cps); }, 1000); return () => clearInterval(gameLoop); }, [cookies, cps]); return (

  Super Awesome Cookie Clicker

    {cookies} cookies!!!

    {cps} cookies per second!!!


{items.map((itemObj) => ( ))}
); }; export default Page;``` PeckServers.com#8342: ```import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; const Page = () => { const [cookies, setCookies] = useState(0); const [cps, setCps] = useState(0); const clickCookie = () => { setCookies(cookies + 1); }; const items = [ { id: 1, name: 'autoclicker', startingPrice: 10, cps: 1, }, { id: 2, name: 'grandma', startingPrice: 100, cps: 5, }, { id: 3, name: 'farm', startingPrice: 1000, cps: 20, }, { id: 4, name: 'mine', startingPrice: 10000, cps: 250, }, { id: 5, name: 'factory', startingPrice: 100000, cps: 1500, }, ]; const NiceItems = (props: { startingPrice: number; cps: number; name: string }) => { const [item, setItem] = useState(0); const buyItem = () => { const price = (item + 1) * props.startingPrice; if (cookies >= price) { setItem(item + 1); setCookies(cookies - price); setCps(cps + props.cps); } else { console.log('not enough cookies! cookies: %d, price: %f', cookies, price); } }; return ; };``` PeckServers.com#8342: okay discord whats the point of nitro basic then PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: i always change the PeckServers.com#8342: my favorite username123115#4960: wow i can't believe it changed the PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: gravity falls is fun to watch! lisx#1702: and uh lisx#1702: I have no clue how it works \:D lisx#1702: it's the `.map()` lisx#1702: ```tsx return (

  Super Awesome Cookie Clicker

    {cookies} cookies!!!

    {cps} cookies per second!!!


{ items.map((itemObj) => ( )) }
); }; ``` lisx#1702: ```tsx import MyComponent from '@/components/MyComponent'; import { calculateOverrideValues } from 'next/dist/server/font-utils'; import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; const Page = () => { const [cookies, setCookies] = useState(0) const clickCookie = () => { setCookies(cookies + 1) } const [cps,setCps] = useState(0) const items = [ { id:1, name:"autoclicker", startingPrice: 10, cps:1 }, { id:2, name:'grandma', startingPrice:100, cps:5 }, { id:3, name:'farm', startingPrice:1000, cps:20 }, { id:4, name: 'mine', startingPrice:10000, cps: 250 }, { id:5, name: 'factory', startingPrice:100000, cps:1500 } ] const NiceItems = (props: { startingPrice: number; cps: number; name: string }) => { const [item, setItem] = useState(0) const buyItem = () => { const price = (item+1)*props.startingPrice if (cookies>=price) { setItem(item+1) setCookies(cookies-price) setCps(cps+props.cps*item) } else { console.log('not enough cookies! cookies: %d, price: %f',cookies,price) } } return ( ) } useEffect(() => { const gameLoop = setInterval(() => { setCookies(cookies + cps); }, 1000); return () => clearInterval(gameLoop); }, [cookies, cps]); ``` lisx#1702: im just gonna not worry about it lisx#1702: yeah idk what that thing i use does lisx#1702: im gonna do that real quick lisx#1702: search up what that one thing I used actually does PeckServers.com#8342: Send code lisx#1702: maybe I should lisx#1702: I don't have "refreshsig" in my code lisx#1702: idk PeckServers.com#8342: Is that one of those that needs to be imported lisx#1702: idk what this means PeckServers.com#8342: But ohno PeckServers.com#8342: Yayyy lisx#1702: but my code does not lisx#1702: yes it works PeckServers.com#8342: What it would say PeckServers.com#8342: If you asked to chat GPT why it was broken and then pasted the code PeckServers.com#8342: Im curious lisx#1702: that's sad lisx#1702: so lisx#1702: but it's actually not because it doesn't work and Idk how to do it lisx#1702: I'm changing the way I wrote the code to be more "efficient" PeckServers.com#8342: Or are there gonna be like grandpas now lisx#1702: uh PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh! Like more grandmas PeckServers.com#8342: Jk lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Not allowed how dare u WalterJS#2477: and I have bad service lisx#1702: ikik you're fine WalterJS#2477: Sorry I am driving rn to Moab lisx#1702: im making it better lisx#1702: but lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: probably lisx#1702: then everything will make sense PeckServers.com#8342: Are u still making cookie clicker lisx#1702: and harder lisx#1702: I just need to stare at it more lisx#1702: it's probably like math lisx#1702: it's Okay PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> PeckServers.com#8342: Isn't he supposed to be like the teacher or something PeckServers.com#8342: Where'd walter go lisx#1702: but anyway lisx#1702: idk how things work lisx#1702: and uh lisx#1702: that I can't fix because I just learned this like 2 days ago 😭 PeckServers.com#8342: I didn't mean to open Old wounds lisx#1702: probably because I made some fundamental mistake PeckServers.com#8342: :( sorry lisx#1702: because my code isn't working lisx#1702: actually that makes me sad lisx#1702: let me see PeckServers.com#8342: Does the visual studio server still work?!?!?! lisx#1702: hi cody lisx#1702: good job lisx#1702: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Oh lisa PeckServers.com#8342: Its kind of expensive PeckServers.com#8342: Im guessing none of you got premium tho PeckServers.com#8342: And its faster PeckServers.com#8342: Cause i support ai! PeckServers.com#8342: But i still bought chat gpt premium PeckServers.com#8342: And vpn tutorials lisx#1702: and coding PeckServers.com#8342: How cute PeckServers.com#8342: You two are like twinsies username123115#4960: just like me and my english essays! username123115#4960: and everything else if it decides to bs stuff username123115#4960: and math username123115#4960: chat gpt sucks at ctf fr fr lisx#1702: it does EVERYTHING wrong PeckServers.com#8342: :( EJCaldwell#2924: It would not give me the code of the AI EJCaldwell#2924: awww PeckServers.com#8342: but 99% of the time its always correct PeckServers.com#8342: except when its not PeckServers.com#8342: ai is so smort EJCaldwell#2924: This is the best EJCaldwell#2924: and now i got it to code a basic python game EJCaldwell#2924: its not that bad EJCaldwell#2924: [Full Name] [Address] [Phone number] [Email] Objective (optional): A brief statement summarizing your career goals and what you hope to achieve in your next job. Summary: A short paragraph highlighting your most relevant skills, accomplishments, and experiences that make you a strong candidate for the job. Experience: [Job Title], [Company Name], [Employment Dates] Bullet point describing your responsibilities and achievements in this role Bullet point describing your responsibilities and achievements in this role Bullet point describing your responsibilities and achievements in this role [Job Title], [Company Name], [Employment Dates] Bullet point describing your responsibilities and achievements in this role Bullet point describing your responsibilities and achievements in this role Bullet point describing your responsibilities and achievements in this role Education: [Degree], [Major], [School Name], [Graduation Date] Relevant coursework or honors/awards received Any additional certifications or training completed Skills: List of relevant skills, such as computer proficiency, language proficiency, or specialized knowledge that you possess. References: Available upon request PeckServers.com#8342: oh no... EJCaldwell#2924: I just got ChatGPT to give me an outline for a job resume EJCaldwell#2924: XD EJCaldwell#2924: not my personal plan but it could work EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: you might get a job at microsoft with that on your resume PeckServers.com#8342: yeah the resume thingy EJCaldwell#2924: I can put that on a job paper thingy EJCaldwell#2924: lets go PeckServers.com#8342: hey now you can say that you are training the ai PeckServers.com#8342: thats hilarious PeckServers.com#8342: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: only you PeckServers.com#8342: of course EJCaldwell#2924: just some strange facts about terraria EJCaldwell#2924: I have now corrected it a few times PeckServers.com#8342: what did u correct it on PeckServers.com#8342: im telling PeckServers.com#8342: ooh EJCaldwell#2924: I was able to correct something that it did wrong EJCaldwell#2924: I just beat ChatGPT Mocha#3331: adsf lisx#1702: 😎 😎 Mocha#3331: GM ✨ l i s a ✨ Mocha#3331: it has a nice ring to it Mocha#3331: omg yass i believe in it lisx#1702: but I'm aiming for GM actually lisx#1702: you're too nice lisx#1702: awwwwwww Mocha#3331: you're literally so good why don't you have the IM title yet tbh lisx#1702: (because u got scared of my chessing skills lisx#1702: oh and one of them i won because you resigned on move 8 lisx#1702: why lisx#1702: 🥹 Mocha#3331: lmfaooo lisx#1702: i can read lisx#1702: haha lisx#1702: 11 months lisx#1702: thats like lisx#1702: april lisx#1702: oh wait Mocha#3331: this is why we no longer besties lisx#1702: no Mocha#3331: like 11 months 😭 lisx#1702: excuses exuses lisx#1702: sure sure Mocha#3331: but you were like "lets play chess" Mocha#3331: i was like INSANELY TIRED THAT DAY lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: it was like half a year ago Mocha#3331: i was playing like REALLLLY BAD Mocha#3331: OHHH I REMMEBER Mocha#3331: wow taht was like a year ago lisx#1702: Mocha#3331: i think we were playing bullet becasue im better in blitz than i am rapid fr lisx#1702: that i absolutely demolished you lisx#1702: the last time Mocha#3331: were we playing bulleg Mocha#3331: when were the other three victories 😭 lisx#1702: great gcress skillz lisx#1702: of my lisx#1702: u just jeao=louse lisx#1702: im so good fr Mocha#3331: becasue this game is bad lisx#1702: 😂 😂 Mocha#3331: im gonna go play pokemon Mocha#3331: (i miscliked mhy queen) Mocha#3331: you've reallly improved since we've last played ‼️ lisx#1702: i love this cgame (not rela) lisx#1702: im so good lisx#1702: real real real real real real real lisx#1702: this is aso cool lisx#1702: I'VE NEVER OWN BEFORE lisx#1702: I WEONNNNNN Mocha#3331: kicking the air Mocha#3331: crying Mocha#3331: im malding lisx#1702: but just imagine lisx#1702: (that im not gonna get becuase its unrated) lisx#1702: all those chess points lisx#1702: and your chess points Mocha#3331: im gonna kill you lisx#1702: for you lisx#1702: really sad lisx#1702: thats lisx#1702: 900 lisx#1702: and losing to a lisx#1702: 1200 lisx#1702: being a lisx#1702: imagine Mocha#3331: that's what im saying lisx#1702: HAHAHahahahHHAHHHAHahhahHAHAHH PeckServers.com#8342: skill issue Mocha#3331: muy [psition is lost Mocha#3331: im gonna bolwo upo lisx#1702: omg you're right I did that last game lisx#1702: I HATE CHESS HAHAHAHAHA lisx#1702: 😂 Mocha#3331: it's okay tho because lisa averages bluindering her queen every game so that means if i make enough moves i'll winit back Mocha#3331: and kicking the air rn Mocha#3331: cyring Mocha#3331: im seethign Mocha#3331: and i jsut lost my queen for it Mocha#3331: i just misclicked on chess com for like the first time ever PeckServers.com#8342: 😂 Mocha#3331: even that i forgor 💀 Mocha#3331: all i know is chess Mocha#3331: ohhh PeckServers.com#8342: programming language lisx#1702: I don't have to be good at it to make it Mocha#3331: what isthat Mocha#3331: build chess in react Mocha#3331: what does that mean 😭 lisx#1702: I can still do that PeckServers.com#8342: what happened to that lisa PeckServers.com#8342: remember when you were gonna build chess in react lisx#1702: chess bad lisx#1702: i hate chess lisx#1702: fr lisx#1702: mate in 1 lisx#1702: i was close tho Mocha#3331: lisa got swept fr Mocha#3331: gg ez Mocha#3331: i literally forgot them all lisx#1702: Idek openings lisx#1702: you're still better than me burarahurricane#6369: my school bullies when they taunt@me lisx#1702: move lol Mocha#3331: me when im awsome burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/woozi-seventeen-left-and-right-seventeen-seventeen-jihoon-lee-jihoon-gif-19117244 Mocha#3331: i havent played in months Mocha#3331: i dont even play the game anymore lisx#1702: ripitripit burarahurricane#6369: right burarahurricane#6369: left and burarahurricane#6369: left and right lisx#1702: you have so many fancy chess points tho!! Mocha#3331: this tbh burarahurricane#6369: like you expect it to be worse than it actually is lisx#1702: fr theres a 2% chance I'll win and get a bunch of fancy chess points burarahurricane#6369: the skin isnt that vad Mocha#3331: did tou wanna farm@me for elo 😭😭 lisx#1702: lol Mocha#3331: unrated 😭😭 lisx#1702: did you do rated or unrated lisx#1702: I don't see it 🥲 lisx#1702: let me go get computer lisx#1702: one sec lisx#1702: okay Mocha#3331: i sent you the inv Mocha#3331: it was im like so energized and chill rn fr lisx#1702: that's so nice lisx#1702: wow Mocha#3331: at like 7 Mocha#3331: i like fell asleep the whole night yesterday after saying iwas only gonna take a nap lisx#1702: oh sure Mocha#3331: also did u wanna play chess lisx#1702: yeahh Mocha#3331: ohhh that guy lisx#1702: it's unnamed person who sends creepy pictures and corrects grammar lisx#1702: uh Mocha#3331: who is unnamed person lisx#1702: yk what would've happened if unnamed person who sends creepy pictures was here? PeckServers.com#8342: yeah... EJCaldwell#2924: The frick??? lisx#1702: I eat orange skin daily to become a real carrot burarahurricane#6369: orange skin the only part i eat fr Mocha#3331: the skin is the healthiest part EJCaldwell#2924: He did it twice EJCaldwell#2924: Must not of PeckServers.com#8342: yeah that mustve tasted awful lmao EJCaldwell#2924: Why did he not peel them at least EJCaldwell#2924: But still EJCaldwell#2924: Tiny ones PeckServers.com#8342: or like the big massive ones PeckServers.com#8342: were they like the little baby oranges PeckServers.com#8342: how PeckServers.com#8342: what in the EJCaldwell#2924: Peel and everything EJCaldwell#2924: Some kid in my seminary class ate 2 full oranges, both in one bite each burarahurricane#6369: we’re not even rehearsing in orchedtra burarahurricane#6369: yorue just like me forreal lisx#1702: 😭 PeckServers.com#8342: next week you wont be bored cause school PeckServers.com#8342: just look on the bright side Rickhard#0906: Hi bored! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: im bored PeckServers.com#8342: Its a short day too right PeckServers.com#8342: Oh nice Mocha#3331: i aint doing anything in my classes today 😭 Mocha#3331: pretty muxh jus a free day PeckServers.com#8342: Do they even make you guys do anything today or is it just like a free day PeckServers.com#8342: But think of the whole week u get to yourself‼️ Mocha#3331: im mever excited for school Mocha#3331: no PeckServers.com#8342: Yall excited for the last day of school?!?! Mocha#3331: gm king 👑 PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning gaymers Mocha#3331: when you said perm i thogur you meant you curled your hair 😭😭😭 lisx#1702: gn burarahurricane#6369: gn xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/adios-the-world-za-warudo-time-stop-he-went-adios-gif-18298929 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Gn yalls burarahurricane#6369: to expose onesself is to be known and to be known is a terrifying experience lisx#1702: you've done a great deed PeckServers.com#8342: U do anything fun to celebrate? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Thornks! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Thanks! lisx#1702: EXACTLY bro username123115#4960: happy borthday <@776230986324246558> ! PeckServers.com#8342: Heppy barf day <@776230986324246558> EJCaldwell#2924: np burarahurricane#6369: im glad i can count on you to alwyas have my best interests at heart EJCaldwell#2924: i won't kill you burarahurricane#6369: i wont say kill me but i wont not not say kill me burarahurricane#6369: @here xXthat1redheadXx#9990: What burarahurricane#6369: guys this is so embarrassing can someone save me burarahurricane#6369: (snivelling is not aword i dont think( burarahurricane#6369: (is very asshamedand embarrassed and snivelling sadly) burarahurricane#6369: ( dindt have the perm) burarahurricane#6369: @everyone ( i def have this perm real) everyone say happy birtthday to liam rn xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Thats the joke lisx#1702: thats the moon lisx#1702: lol username123115#4960: wow its like how i do amc questions fr fr xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's a really bright star WalterJS#2477: i did not deserve to get that score WalterJS#2477: i definitely should have studied WalterJS#2477: I would just stare at the wall for a solid 5-10min and then answer a question WalterJS#2477: everyone has been done for like 20 minutes except me WalterJS#2477: I haven't done a single assignment or lesson in the entire chemistry unit, and I just somehow managed to get an 80% on the test by just thinking very hard PeckServers.com#8342: but yes channels have been thanos snapped PeckServers.com#8342: no all the lawns will always be safe lisx#1702: 😭 username123115#4960: thanos snapped username123115#4960: so many lawns lisx#1702: wtf PeckServers.com#8342: and now it just looks like this PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/time-for-housework-messy-flat-trendizisst-goldie-hawn-death-becomes-her-gif-14766452 PeckServers.com#8342: this is what it looked like before PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/kitchen-mess-hoarder-i-love-to-bake-and-cook-friends-and-family-come-over-for-dinner-gif-24003102 PeckServers.com#8342: this server already is looking better lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/cry-gif-9535839 PeckServers.com#8342: 257 PeckServers.com#8342: had to take out the trash PeckServers.com#8342: that channel had our money laundering scheme in it PeckServers.com#8342: exactly PeckServers.com#8342: *what company secrets* lisx#1702: so easily destroyed lisx#1702: a moment of history lisx#1702: it's gone fofrever lisx#1702: that were in that channel lisx#1702: what about hte company secrets PeckServers.com#8342: m PeckServers.com#8342: wy lisx#1702: bruh what happened PeckServers.com#8342: -401 PeckServers.com#8342: she was feeling kind of dumb with her finger in her bum PeckServers.com#8342: I aint the sharpest tool in the shed PeckServers.com#8342: <@824032435963428935> once told me the world was macaroni PeckServers.com#8342: youve been generalized PeckServers.com#8342: welcome to general PeckServers.com#8342: its one of those "you dont have to tell me twice" moments 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: lmaoo lisx#1702: that was fast PeckServers.com#8342: done lisx#1702: morning lisx#1702: wow PeckServers.com#8342: Me fr! PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/frJowxe3mBkAAAAM/bouletcorp-comic.gif PeckServers.com#8342: Im one of those ancient creatures encapsulated in the ice of Antarctica lisx#1702: are you an icicle now PeckServers.com#8342: I literally froze lisx#1702: 💀 PeckServers.com#8342: I'm surprised at how noisy this phone's camera is in low light that it was able to pick up the Stars PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Turns out it sucks taking sky pictures outside in your underwear PeckServers.com#8342: Damn I almost just freezed my whole body off lisx#1702: i almost freezed my fingers off too! lisx#1702: ivins is pretty\ PeckServers.com#8342: Damn those are really pretty lisx#1702: lisx#1702: lisx#1702: i love the sky it's so pretty lisx#1702: lisx#1702: fr bestie Mocha#3331: literally us lisx#1702: nothing has described me as welll lisx#1702: omgggggg Mocha#3331: lisx#1702: table diet supremacy PeckServers.com#8342: Aww leo was just trying to eat the table! lisx#1702: table loves you burarahurricane#6369: i love table lisx#1702: <@749747503947055136> daily baby pic (yes i have plenty of blackmail now) Rickhard#0906: It is decidedly so username123115#4960: !eightball PeckServers.com#8342: Nyes lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: no burarahurricane#6369: no lisx#1702: no Mocha#3331: no PeckServers.com#8342: Yall ecstatic for monday! burarahurricane#6369: real 🤯 PeckServers.com#8342: Goofy ah WalterJS#2477: your mom EJCaldwell#2924: join vc EJCaldwell#2924: with the same person PeckServers.com#8342: hell yeah EJCaldwell#2924: want to watch it together EJCaldwell#2924: there is another video PeckServers.com#8342: then roaster just went off PeckServers.com#8342: then furry lookin head ass decided to bark of all things PeckServers.com#8342: freakin the roaster was goin easy PeckServers.com#8342: fr EJCaldwell#2924: why bark at people EJCaldwell#2924: deserved tho PeckServers.com#8342: that was golden EJCaldwell#2924: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: he irl rage quitted EJCaldwell#2924: bro got destroyed PeckServers.com#8342: "youre like clifford the big red dog FOSSSILLLLLL" EJCaldwell#2924: you will see EJCaldwell#2924: just watch it real quick PeckServers.com#8342: bro what is that lmao EJCaldwell#2924: the frick EJCaldwell#2924: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kZIiHeP7nE PeckServers.com#8342: dont read to hard into that PeckServers.com#8342: no PeckServers.com#8342: wait... PeckServers.com#8342: lisa is getting destroyed by dickhard PeckServers.com#8342: lmaooo lisx#1702: RIGGED lisx#1702: bruh Rickhard#0906: My sources say no lisx#1702: !eightball am i nice to u lisx#1702: i AM nice lisx#1702: the betrayal of the rick Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: so turns out you just gotta be nice to rickhard lisx#1702: nooooooooo PeckServers.com#8342: no shot PeckServers.com#8342: HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rickhard#0906: Yes PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball we love you and you are such a cutie, that being said should we ban lisa? Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: rickhard is definitely not rigged Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: rickhard is never wrong Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: because rickhard said so lisx#1702: obviously lisx#1702: yes PeckServers.com#8342: in your server? lisx#1702: 19 more people lisx#1702: server goal lisx#1702: okay Rickhard#0906: It is decidedly so lisx#1702: !eightball will it be a failproof strategy if 19 more people join the server and thenwe invite evan? Rickhard#0906: My reply is no lisx#1702: !eightball will it be a failproof strategy if 22 more people join the server and thenwe invite evan? Rickhard#0906: Outlook not so good lisx#1702: !eightball will it be a failproof strategy if 21 more people join the server and thenwe invite evan? lisx#1702: bruh Rickhard#0906: My sources say no lisx#1702: !eightball will it be a failproof strategy if 20 more people join the server and thenwe invite evan? Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: loser rickhard Rickhard#0906: Cannot predict now lisx#1702: !eightball will it be a failproof strategy if 20 more people join the server and *then *we invite evan? username123115#4960: nobody wants to find that* lisx#1702: no one will find that lisx#1702: uh username123115#4960: if you find my super secret github username that i definetely haven't revealed before username123115#4960: but technically you could username123115#4960: nah username123115#4960: do i really want to username123115#4960: actually username123115#4960: just gonna plug my github rq 👍 username123115#4960: uh Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: for rickhard username123115#4960: its obfuscated using ~~spaghetti code~~ a very advanced patented obfuscating method lisx#1702: what rigged source code lisx#1702: wait what username123115#4960: uh i mean username123115#4960: wait i just realized you could look at the rigged source code any time lol PeckServers.com#8342: which in itself is sus PeckServers.com#8342: or maybe he rigged it to say that to throw off our suspicions lisx#1702: that's definitely not something a rigged system would reply with! lisx#1702: wow! PeckServers.com#8342: oh god... what have u created daniel Rickhard#0906: Signs point to yes PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball are you attracted to humans PeckServers.com#8342: fuck Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: !rickhard are you attracted to humans PeckServers.com#8342: i burned all of the negative questions username123115#4960: i can't believe its not rigged username123115#4960: wow its so fair!!! PeckServers.com#8342: !!!! PeckServers.com#8342: HA Rickhard#0906: It is certain username123115#4960: !eightball is eightball not rigged Rickhard#0906: It is decidedly so PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball are you not gay Rickhard#0906: Reply hazy, try again PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball are you not gay Rickhard#0906: Concentrate and ask again PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball are you not gay Rickhard#0906: Concentrate and ask again PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball are you not gay lisx#1702: rigged Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: rickhard denies your accusation username123115#4960: see Rickhard#0906: Don't count on it username123115#4960: !eightball are you a negative nelly Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: i think rickhard has been trained to become a negative nelly lisx#1702: is becoming very rigged lisx#1702: this system lisx#1702: uh lisx#1702: what Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: i can't believe rickhard just exposed you like that username123115#4960: wow lisa username123115#4960: there we go username123115#4960: i know how i can fix this username123115#4960: oh wait username123115#4960: well crap Rickhard#0906: Very doubtful username123115#4960: !eightball is lisa *not* faking it lisx#1702: lol Rickhard#0906: Most likely lisx#1702: !eightball Most likely lisx#1702: bruh Rickhard#0906: Without a doubt username123115#4960: !eightball without a doubt username123115#4960: i'm basically god lisx#1702: i predicted that Rickhard#0906: Reply hazy, try again username123115#4960: !eightball lisx#1702: see Rickhard#0906: Without a doubt lisx#1702: !eightball Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: i predict rickhard will say reply hazy try again Rickhard#0906: Reply hazy, try again lisx#1702: !eightball Rickhard#0906: Reply hazy, try again lisx#1702: !eightball Rickhard#0906: Concentrate and ask again lisx#1702: !eightball lisx#1702: bruh Rickhard#0906: Reply hazy, try again lisx#1702: !eightball Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: this time rickhard will say yes lisx#1702: I predict lisx#1702: okay lisx#1702: did you tho lisx#1702: bruh username123115#4960: see i predicted that Rickhard#0906: Reply hazy, try again Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: !eightball amirite rickhard username123115#4960: and rigged the eightball mechanism username123115#4960: yeah i just traveled a few months into the future PeckServers.com#8342: this is daniel PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/hacker-man-hacker-cyber-gif-26053963 lisx#1702: maybe lisx#1702: hm PeckServers.com#8342: maybe daniel is trolling us Rickhard#0906: Most likely PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball are you a mega bren procrastinator Rickhard#0906: Concentrate and ask again PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball are you a mega bren procrastinator lisx#1702: it has too much power over us PeckServers.com#8342: WHAT THE PeckServers.com#8342: WHAT THE lisx#1702: seriously Rickhard#0906: Reply hazy, try again PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball are you procrastinating PeckServers.com#8342: bruh lisx#1702: it's avoiding the question lisx#1702: bruh Rickhard#0906: Better not tell you now lisx#1702: !eightball are you procrastinating Rickhard#0906: Concentrate and ask again lisx#1702: !eightball are you procrastinating Rickhard#0906: My reply is no PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball how about now lisx#1702: see Rickhard#0906: Outlook not so good PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball is lisa procrastingatin lisx#1702: its conflicting PeckServers.com#8342: yes look] lisx#1702: beuh PeckServers.com#8342: lol Rickhard#0906: It is certain Rickhard#0906: My sources say no lisx#1702: !eightball evan? Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: !eightball did you rickhard? lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: bro he totally did lisx#1702: inviting evan username123115#4960: no lisx#1702: did you lisx#1702: no username123115#4960: or no word yet PeckServers.com#8342: to what username123115#4960: did you get math test results back username123115#4960: oh username123115#4960: true lisx#1702: whats the the rush Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: well rickhard hasnt consented yet anyway username123115#4960: that'll take like a month tho username123115#4960: good point username123115#4960: oh yeah lisx#1702: so jt wont be sus lisx#1702: grind math lisx#1702: no we'll just have to username123115#4960: we can spam zeros username123115#4960: lol lisx#1702: so that he wint fined anything else username123115#4960: lol lisx#1702: wjth more cool mumbers lisx#1702: fill numbwrs with cool username123115#4960: give everybody a numbers role lisx#1702: or we can username123115#4960: we could just lisx#1702: he will just not look in numbers but cool lisx#1702: its okay lisx#1702: twenty too many times lisx#1702: when we play tag PeckServers.com#8342: you just gotta go goblin mode on him lisx#1702: this is what happens lisx#1702: helicopter mode lisx#1702: he is hitting me PeckServers.com#8342: how manyhairs is he pulling on now PeckServers.com#8342: omg not the college graduate lisx#1702: HE IS A MOSTER lisx#1702: FROM MY DESTRUCTIVE BROTHER lisx#1702: I AM SUFFERING DOMESTIC ABUSE PeckServers.com#8342: oh i see Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: i gotta ask rickhard, what are your sources PeckServers.com#8342: ya kno PeckServers.com#8342: just gotta check the bases PeckServers.com#8342: okay thats good Rickhard#0906: My sources say no PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball is lisa smelly Rickhard#0906: Most likely username123115#4960: !eightball eightball Rickhard#0906: Without a doubt PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball yes or no Rickhard#0906: Very doubtful lisx#1702: !eightball is inviting evan what wvan would do Rickhard#0906: Cannot predict now PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball yes or no Rickhard#0906: It is decidedly so PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball is lisa cool if she keeps procrastinating on inviting evan Rickhard#0906: Reply hazy, try again PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball is lisa cool if she keeps procrastinating on inviting evan username123115#4960: and UCFWPSTAMCTA username123115#4960: every mention of california ever username123115#4960: we need to delete username123115#4960: first username123115#4960: stop username123115#4960: wait username123115#4960: LOL PeckServers.com#8342: SEEE Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: rickhards just too powerful Rickhard#0906: Yes - definitely PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball should list friggin stop procrastingating and just invite evan username123115#4960: what are we gonna do username123115#4960: darn Rickhard#0906: Outlook not so good username123115#4960: !eightball can i ask again now lisx#1702: hmmmm Rickhard#0906: Ask again later username123115#4960: !eightball would evan invite evan Rickhard#0906: Ask again later lisx#1702: !eightball wwed PeckServers.com#8342: oh my hell just do it username123115#4960: wait Rickhard#0906: Signs point to yes lisx#1702: !eightball is right now the time to invite evN username123115#4960: 100% username123115#4960: fr fr username123115#4960: to whatever math course your taking now i bet username123115#4960: it'll be super relavent username123115#4960: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZHQObOWTQDPD3MizzM2xVFitgF8hE_ab PeckServers.com#8342: like you jumped into french lisx#1702: where do you learn it? PeckServers.com#8342: yeah you should do it lisx#1702: that looks fun! lisx#1702: ooh PeckServers.com#8342: idk if that domain even works anymore but thats the old mc server url PeckServers.com#8342: thats hilarious PeckServers.com#8342: http://1b3t.org username123115#4960: also all of them are references to 3b1b's videos username123115#4960: it'll be amazing username123115#4960: in however many days it takes us to wrap our head arround this stuff username123115#4960: we can cram a semester's worth of content PeckServers.com#8342: that sounds fun username123115#4960: yessir PeckServers.com#8342: is it different than exponential algebra? username123115#4960: look username123115#4960: i bet it'd be so fun username123115#4960: wanna learn linear algebra with me username123115#4960: OMG <@726265256082407504> Rickhard#0906: Without a doubt username123115#4960: !eightball wwed Rickhard#0906: Better not tell you now username123115#4960: !eightball would evan invite evan to the server PeckServers.com#8342: so just invite evan Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: rickhard just loves me PeckServers.com#8342: see Rickhard#0906: It is certain PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball has the day come to invite evan to the server PeckServers.com#8342: here let me ask lisx#1702: from when i last asked lisx#1702: conflicting results lisx#1702: bruh Rickhard#0906: Most likely lisx#1702: !eightball has the day come to invite evan to the server username123115#4960: worder words have never been said in my life Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: rickhard is spitting facts PeckServers.com#8342: REAL!!! username123115#4960: so true lisx#1702: what does that mean Rickhard#0906: Yes - definitely lisx#1702: !eightball wwed username123115#4960: yeah lisx#1702: right lisx#1702: to your stalking subjects lisx#1702: okay but i mean PeckServers.com#8342: Okay Linus username123115#4960: trust me bro username123115#4960: ok fixxed it lisx#1702: you have no evidence username123115#4960: wait lisx#1702: if u = stalker and u != talk then stalker != talk username123115#4960: crap PeckServers.com#8342: What if they are mute username123115#4960: or i'm not a stalker lisx#1702: so username123115#4960: i'm either super unique username123115#4960: that means lisx#1702: not u tho username123115#4960: 100% of non mute stalkers in the history of the world have talked before lisx#1702: bruh username123115#4960: thats what a stalker would do lisx#1702: because i actually talk username123115#4960: cause martians have weird arms lisx#1702: also i totally dont do stalking username123115#4960: and k is like its arm username123115#4960: o is the martian's head username123115#4960: martians username123115#4960: SEE lisx#1702: watch as they not reply anything to do with martians username123115#4960: bruh username123115#4960: and not a single hi username123115#4960: your entire stalking career lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: i asked if i could have not from cca lisx#1702: wait lisx#1702: no i definitely said something better and more advanced username123115#4960: you dirty lier username123115#4960: lisx#1702: and if not i said something better PeckServers.com#8342: !! Now i wanna know lisx#1702: i definitely did lisx#1702: where are your manners 😔 username123115#4960: well di dyou say hi hmmm lisx#1702: not even a "hi" when you joined username123115#4960: although username123115#4960: i bet username123115#4960: and a few stragglers lisx#1702: says the person who doesnt even have a single message username123115#4960: oh wait username123115#4960: ~~apart from basically an entire school in california~~ lisx#1702: all the people in general username123115#4960: whos gonna judge you lisx#1702: there are so many people in general lisx#1702: but lisx#1702: uh username123115#4960: it would be funni username123115#4960: out of the blue username123115#4960: in general lisx#1702: no username123115#4960: you should ask now username123115#4960: and estimated all over the place lisx#1702: so itll be weird if i do username123115#4960: its estimating time username123115#4960: and they said lisx#1702: and now its been too long lisx#1702: i forgot to ask evan about how it went username123115#4960: we learned about the martians yk username123115#4960: ah well fine i guess lisx#1702: i told you about the secret visitor channel username123115#4960: or you'd explode lisx#1702: please username123115#4960: no lisx#1702: can u just tell me tho lisx#1702: wow username123115#4960: or else you explode username123115#4960: if you don't live in california you can't know about it username123115#4960: its super secret classified californian secret username123115#4960: i can't talk about what happened username123115#4960: its just username123115#4960: i did lisx#1702: y didnt you go to the estimathon PeckServers.com#8342: Fr and all utardians are actually Californians, but we're on an island separated from everyone else lisx#1702: i knew it lisx#1702: wow username123115#4960: Utah doesn't exist username123115#4960: in fact username123115#4960: i was lying this entire time username123115#4960: i actually live in california username123115#4960: yeah guys PeckServers.com#8342: With binoculars outside of his window lisx#1702: how else will daniel stalk him lisx#1702: yes PeckServers.com#8342: wait evan has a discord account? username123115#4960: maybe username123115#4960: the time will come lisx#1702: better not do it today Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: rickhard knows best lisx#1702: bruh Rickhard#0906: Outlook not so good lisx#1702: !eightball is today the day to invite evan to my dead server lisx#1702: best show lisx#1702: yes Rickhard#0906: Yes lisx#1702: !eightball answer the question lisx#1702: hm Rickhard#0906: Cannot predict now lisx#1702: !eightball is today the day to invite evan to my dead server PeckServers.com#8342: was it good? PeckServers.com#8342: oh see thats kinda fun lisx#1702: i watched gravity falls with my brother PeckServers.com#8342: you were so close lisx#1702: but thne i didnt lisx#1702: i was going to leave the house to touch grass today PeckServers.com#8342: sounds like you just need to touch grass Rickhard#0906: My reply is no PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball yes or no lisx#1702: smart man Rickhard#0906: Outlook good PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball is lisa bored? Rickhard#0906: Hi bored! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: <@&969743307414597645> im bored username123115#4960: cody knows whats up username123115#4960: exaactly PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/look-at-this-graph-nickelback-gif-12683147 username123115#4960: which is why you should read my very good book reccomendations fr fr username123115#4960: but they exist username123115#4960: idk what they're doing lisx#1702: explain lisx#1702: im confused username123115#4960: look at them go username123115#4960: it has funny graphs username123115#4960: https://file.tavsys.net/control/controls-engineering-in-frc.pdf username123115#4960: what about username123115#4960: ok lisx#1702: wow PeckServers.com#8342: boooooooring username123115#4960: also known as 1992 assembly programming buide username123115#4960: that you could read username123115#4960: for UFWPSTAMCTAFC username123115#4960: i have a book recomendation username123115#4960: omg lisx#1702: stan getting bullied!! PeckServers.com#8342: theres good in getting bullied PeckServers.com#8342: yeah see lisx#1702: true i would rather get bullied because at least my messages wont be going into the void 🕳️👾 PeckServers.com#8342: honestly id rather get bullied by cody and ismael cause theyre both cuties Rickhard#0906: Hi bored! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: also im bored lisx#1702: would you rather have a dead server or get bullied by cody and ismael lisx#1702: this would make a good would you rather lisx#1702: hm lisx#1702: omg stfu EJCaldwell#2924: who won PeckServers.com#8342: <@726265256082407504> do u recognize it? PeckServers.com#8342: I recognize that image from somewhere username123115#4960: what a thoughtful and insightful image that reflects our society Mocha#3331: PeckServers.com#8342: Its almost like this server is ded lisx#1702: isnt it so great that nobody said hi back lisx#1702: hi lisa lisx#1702: hi East Germany Is Going Great#1917: balls PeckServers.com#8342: yeah it was one of those UPS batteries that are meant to sustain like 18 amps while you shut down your computer so a couple hundred amps was nothing for it momentarily username123115#4960: scary battery username123115#4960: yikes PeckServers.com#8342: lol get trolled PeckServers.com#8342: can confirm that it hurts like a mother fricker and stinks like no other lisx#1702: whaaaaat PeckServers.com#8342: and shorted ti and did that same thing Rickhard#0906: Outlook not so good lisx#1702: !eightball wwed PeckServers.com#8342: i was trying to use paperclips as a wire on a lead acid battery that could dump a lot of current PeckServers.com#8342: that reminds me PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: and he put too much current through a wire and subsequently burned the shit out of his fingers since he was holding it PeckServers.com#8342: so i was watching electro boom funny moments Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: i funneled my brains into rickhard lisx#1702: must've been the concentration PeckServers.com#8342: im not PeckServers.com#8342: but its a lie lisx#1702: bruh PeckServers.com#8342: thx PeckServers.com#8342: awww Rickhard#0906: Without a doubt PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball am i cute Rickhard#0906: Concentrate and ask again PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball am i cute lisx#1702: yes PeckServers.com#8342: a ping feature would be cool Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: <@734161534799839272> rickhard is ghosting me :/ lisx#1702: aw lisx#1702: <@968988198673985566> hi PeckServers.com#8342: then cause its us, they are still here PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah that sounds like something he'd do lisx#1702: if I remember correctly lisx#1702: spencer took a screenshot of a funny looking part of his wallpaper lisx#1702: im pretty sure PeckServers.com#8342: like whats the story of spaceface PeckServers.com#8342: what is the context of these random ones tho lisx#1702: <:smeat:828417998858485795> lisx#1702: <:void_face:549769516297617439> PeckServers.com#8342: oooh issa ghooooooost lisx#1702: <:spaceghost:787208832770113536> PeckServers.com#8342: weird PeckServers.com#8342: <:spaceface:787206891112890388> lisx#1702: thing lisx#1702: transparent lisx#1702: but it was just a lisx#1702: idk PeckServers.com#8342: <:spaceface:787206891112890388> oh yeah what server was that lisx#1702: I was in a server that had a space emoji once lisx#1702: lol PeckServers.com#8342: just think of all the power that would give us PeckServers.com#8342: yea‼️ username123115#4960: a ~~useless~~ space emoji username123115#4960: and we can add spaces PeckServers.com#8342: its definately worth real world money for tiny lettuhrs PeckServers.com#8342: yeah you could add a bunch of each letter so we could spell "hot men and women left and right fucking up and down" just think of how awesome that would be username123115#4960: so we can get "gay sex" but fancy username123115#4960: we can add letter emojis with decoration lisx#1702: that you don't need to pay for lisx#1702: emojis lisx#1702: default lisx#1702: but those are lisx#1702: wow username123115#4960: and "hot sex" username123115#4960: "cuming" username123115#4960: like lisx#1702: makes perfect sense username123115#4960: yeah but you can use them to spell big boy words lisx#1702: with no money lisx#1702: you can send normal big pictures lisx#1702: even tho lisx#1702: but lisx#1702: that you cant see lisx#1702: that are tiny lisx#1702: more pictures lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: lol PeckServers.com#8342: hey but we get more emojis lisx#1702: goes to us lisx#1702: theoretically lisx#1702: mentally PeckServers.com#8342: hmmm lisx#1702: all profits go to ~~discord~~ us lisx#1702: either one lisx#1702: UFWPSTAMCTAFC lisx#1702: or lisx#1702: Cgay lisx#1702: boost the server PeckServers.com#8342: how do i become an investor lisx#1702: lol username123115#4960: is my patented method of transferring discord tokens username123115#4960: that the only thing more secret than it username123115#4960: its kept so secret lisx#1702: username123456789 LLC lisx#1702: ah yes username123115#4960: its a super secret proprietory company secret PeckServers.com#8342: is it dick ai! username123115#4960: the california pepole username123115#4960: oh no lisx#1702: sure there's the docs that *say* they *supposedly* *[redacted]* lisx#1702: who really knows how that even works lisx#1702: I mean lisx#1702: lol username123115#4960: also known as the [redacted] lisx#1702: with all the questions username123115#4960: you could always ask lisx#1702: that one day lisx#1702: that one lunch period username123115#4960: and then they will kill me lisx#1702: I wonder how that went username123115#4960: and i will participate in the cca math bonzana lisx#1702: lol username123115#4960: and send me to california username123115#4960: actually first they will kidnap me username123115#4960: the government will kill me if i tell you username123115#4960: super secret actually username123115#4960: yeah its powered by an uber advanced ai lisx#1702: surpassing chatgpt every second PeckServers.com#8342: i wonder if its powered by ai lisx#1702: it's developing such a consciousness PeckServers.com#8342: such a mysterious cutie! username123115#4960: what is this mystery Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: *wHaT dOeS tHaT mEaN* rickhard PeckServers.com#8342: thats inspiring PeckServers.com#8342: ooh!!!! lisx#1702: oooh lisx#1702: kys!!! (keey yourself safe) Rickhard#0906: Better not tell you now PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball are you over 18 PeckServers.com#8342: imma just go kms lisx#1702: ratio lisx#1702: L lisx#1702: imagine lisx#1702: fail lisx#1702: lol PeckServers.com#8342: wait !eightball are you over 18 PeckServers.com#8342: so technically its safe PeckServers.com#8342: its the positivity thats hot not the mech motors and cpus lisx#1702: sort of lisx#1702: well lisx#1702: he has such intelligence for an infant lisx#1702: he's an INFANT username123115#4960: lmao lisx#1702: he isnt even 1 lisx#1702: oh no Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: we can't call rickhard hot they're underage according to an eightball half a year ago lisx#1702: then it'll be weird and awkward and stalker-ish lisx#1702: i invite evan lisx#1702: one day lisx#1702: I would totally make new server mantra WWED but what if PeckServers.com#8342: buuut hes injecting positive thoughts username123115#4960: lmao lisx#1702: you know Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: omg its so hot how positive rickhard is Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: rickhard doesn't actually know how to run a server lisx#1702: i have reason to believe lisx#1702: so many people already lisx#1702: but theres like lisx#1702: hm Rickhard#0906: Signs point to yes lisx#1702: !eightball will the server not die if i invite more people lisx#1702: that seems more hopeful lisx#1702: interesting lisx#1702: hm Rickhard#0906: Cannot predict now lisx#1702: !eightball will my server get more than 1 message a week if it was not only a book and math club, but also an UFWPSTAMCTAFC? lisx#1702: Unnamed Freshman Who Perfect Scored Twenty twenty-two AMC Ten, A Fan Club lisx#1702: especially how it also stands for lisx#1702: I honestly kinda like UFWPSTAMCTAFC tho lisx#1702: wwed 🤔 lisx#1702: right lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: so thats like lisx#1702: hm Rickhard#0906: Without a doubt lisx#1702: !eightball is there anything else I can possibly do to "revive" (as if it was ever alive in the first place) my server? lisx#1702: nooooo lisx#1702: Ultimate Fun Wonderful Perfect Super Terrific Amazing Magnificent (marvelous?) Cool Terrifyingly Awesome Fun book/math Club Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: rickhard has diagnosed your server with terminal dead Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: rickhard is always right username123115#4960: guess i was wrong lisx#1702: lollllll username123115#4960: darn Rickhard#0906: Don't count on it username123115#4960: !eightball will lisa's server get more than one message a week if she changes the name to UFWPSTAMCTAFC? lisx#1702: week lisx#1702: per lisx#1702: 1 message username123115#4960: 100% lisx#1702: it will get more than lisx#1702: UFWPSTAMCTAFC lisx#1702: that if i change the server name to lisx#1702: <@734161534799839272> what is the probability PeckServers.com#8342: the front number might be wrong PeckServers.com#8342: i think PeckServers.com#8342: 123 ligma dick 83644 lisx#1702: wow can you kindly tell us his address for purely research purposes? lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: UFWPSTAMCTAFC lisx#1702: WAS THAT ON PIRPOSE lisx#1702: HOW DOD YOU DO THAT lisx#1702: WHOAAAA lisx#1702: what what username123115#4960: and the other is the UltimateFunWonderfulPerfectSuperTerrificAmazingMagnificentCoolTerrifinglyAwesomeFfun-bookClub username123115#4960: one is the UnnamedFreshmenWhoPerfectScoredTwentytwentytwoAMCTenAFanClub lisx#1702: im confused username123115#4960: you see lisx#1702: isnt that the same thing lisx#1702: ???? PeckServers.com#8342: terrifyingly terrible train wreck PeckServers.com#8342: we could just call it tttw username123115#4960: not to be confused with the UFWPSTAMCTAFC username123115#4960: UFWPSTAMCTAFC username123115#4960: UltimateFunWonderfulPerfectSuperTerrificAmazingMagnificentCoolTerrifinglyAwesomeFfun-bookClub username123115#4960: terrifyingly awesome username123115#4960: terribly awesome PeckServers.com#8342: terrifying username123115#4960: terribly username123115#4960: terrificly lisx#1702: theres already terrific lisx#1702: but username123115#4960: terrific lisx#1702: ultimate fun wunderful perfect super terrific amazing magnificent cool t(?) awwesome club? PeckServers.com#8342: yeah i mean ive sat outside their house for nights on end with binoculars we're basically friends username123115#4960: stalking is basically knowing riiiiight username123115#4960: why is it still named "lisa's cult :)" lisx#1702: uh username123115#4960: what happened to UFWPSTAMCTAFC username123115#4960: oh yeah lisa PeckServers.com#8342: oompa loompa username123115#4960: UFWPSTAMCTA PeckServers.com#8342: that everyone def knows PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah that one guy lisx#1702: exactly lisx#1702: you mean lisx#1702: * username123115#4960: just like everyone knows unnamed freshmen who perfect scored 2022 amc10a PeckServers.com#8342: well hes trespassing lisx#1702: evan knows lisx#1702: evan answers them lisx#1702: evan listens to your prayers lisx#1702: evan lives in your heart PeckServers.com#8342: do i? PeckServers.com#8342: do they lisx#1702: you know evan lisx#1702: everybody knows evan PeckServers.com#8342: omg we could do 20 questions PeckServers.com#8342: im guessing evan is someone you know lisx#1702: living human PeckServers.com#8342: so evan is a real person then lisx#1702: discord member lisx#1702: math enthusiast lisx#1702: cca math team treasurer PeckServers.com#8342: then you are an illegal PeckServers.com#8342: if you didnt earn the ant but you are wearing the ant maybe username123115#4960: is ant that has commited crime username123115#4960: so stolen valor ant username123115#4960: ah i see PeckServers.com#8342: the more ya know PeckServers.com#8342: like military badges and shiz PeckServers.com#8342: its when you wear things that you didnt earn PeckServers.com#8342: did you know that stolen valor is a crime lisx#1702: ant of stolen valor username123115#4960: ant with valor that has been robbed username123115#4960: stolen valor ant PeckServers.com#8342: stolen valor lets be honest lisx#1702: ant of valor lisx#1702: 🐜 lisx#1702: ant lisx#1702: valor lisx#1702: enthusiast username123115#4960: val men lisx#1702: valoranter username123115#4960: valo enthusiest lisx#1702: valorantist lisx#1702: or idk noob maybe username123115#4960: with a miss counter of 9 lisx#1702: *valorant pro username123115#4960: also misses lisogie username123115#4960: 🐳 Drawer™️, resident spring semester hater, python/java enthusiast. formed by glaciers. has sister that not like whale PeckServers.com#8342: who the hell is evan tho lisx#1702: wwed™️ username123115#4960: wwed (what would evan do?) PeckServers.com#8342: yeah that is genius username123115#4960: and also get your steam account vac banned PeckServers.com#8342: oooh i see username123115#4960: its genius username123115#4960: and then you use ethernet to pwn noobs in valerant username123115#4960: you put the usb accelorator in the wifi slot lisx#1702: why not EJCaldwell#2924: why PeckServers.com#8342: wait how on ethernet username123115#4960: valorant runs username123115#4960: *if* username123115#4960: its viable on the thinkpad username123115#4960: therefore username123115#4960: ethernet slot username123115#4960: wait PeckServers.com#8342: they have e key so you can sacrifice your wifi username123115#4960: x220 is msata username123115#4960: wait no username123115#4960: wait the x220 could use it maybe PeckServers.com#8342: and if you dont have an m.2 pcie slot username123115#4960: ooh PeckServers.com#8342: you can connect them directly to pcie PeckServers.com#8342: oh they have m key ones username123115#4960: so hard to cheat via ai in video games 😔 username123115#4960: did i just witness a product restocking and going away in an instant username123115#4960: oh it just turned into on backorder username123115#4960: how is this possible username123115#4960: its not raspberry pi levels of scarce username123115#4960: holy shiz username123115#4960: PeckServers.com#8342: theyre so real PeckServers.com#8342: the savings username123115#4960: now scalpers are only asking for $200 on amazon instead of $300! username123115#4960: wait wtf prices went slightly down PeckServers.com#8342: thats kinda cool PeckServers.com#8342: a usb accelerator username123115#4960: actually a great reason to splurge on a coral tpu username123115#4960: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: you could make the ai and play for us PeckServers.com#8342: or even better idea username123115#4960: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXA7zXVz8A4 username123115#4960: instead of *playing* valorant username123115#4960: omg i have a genius idea PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxX6IyHkK9Ru2ETgflEX-geB2Fr_596aXt PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxiYKHYLQClRoVvklUWY-7Hg1CLyp2RBvB me when PeckServers.com#8342: its weeble wobble!!!! burarahurricane#6369: WEEBLE WOBBLE!!!! burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/snapshoot-seungcheol-seventeen-scoups-dance-gif-15089698 PeckServers.com#8342: omg it is *weeble wobble*?!?!?! burarahurricane#6369: mypoor little baby calfogies with wobbling legs and wide doe eyes... burarahurricane#6369: THATS SO REAL burarahurricane#6369: omg PeckServers.com#8342: ‼️ PeckServers.com#8342: omg its like when baby calfs are born and can hardly walk, but its a bunch of them burarahurricane#6369: changed my life burarahurricane#6369: i heard a hatsune miku cover of that song once burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/snapshoot-seventeen-gif-15118305 PeckServers.com#8342: shawties like a melody in my head burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/seventeen-snap-shoot-svt-boy-group-dancing-gif-16328312 burarahurricane#6369: SNAP SHOOT PeckServers.com#8342: something something your mom something burarahurricane#6369: ??? burarahurricane#6369: what were we doigh burarahurricane#6369: anywya burarahurricane#6369: i dont rmemeber burarahurricane#6369: maybe we broke it burarahurricane#6369: we al wanted to be the techy person PeckServers.com#8342: an apache attack helecopter took it burarahurricane#6369: me saiti and the two mormon girls next door burarahurricane#6369: we used to fight over the computer omg i rmember lisx#1702: the squirrels ate it burarahurricane#6369: i have no idea where it went... burarahurricane#6369: but then i left it outside too much or something lisx#1702: awwww burarahurricane#6369: i would roleplay with it as a techy person in my backyard Mocha#3331: preach brotha 🙏 burarahurricane#6369: you know i used to have a fake little einsteins einstines einstiens idk howyou spell einsitines laptop computer toy thing that i loved so so so much PeckServers.com#8342: goo goo gaa gaa Mocha#3331: me and cg be like Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/little-einsteins-leo-annie-quincy-june-gif-24342821 PeckServers.com#8342: youre all whores, theres nothing too much more 🎵 burarahurricane#6369: the little einstines burarahurricane#6369: what a wonderful life PeckServers.com#8342: ha! burarahurricane#6369: soaring through the pipes PeckServers.com#8342: soaring through a tunnel burarahurricane#6369: in our favorite bumpcar ship burarahurricane#6369: we're on a trip burarahurricane#6369: omg Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/cats-kitten-happy-drive-cute-gif-17227040 PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/sillygoose-silly-goose-idiot-gif-18968771 burarahurricane#6369: Mocha#3331: actually i think were both just insanely silly burarahurricane#6369: i thnk your e confused thats actually me... lisx#1702: by playing valorant PeckServers.com#8342: leo dakitty Mocha#3331: 🤦 lisx#1702: so why not make it worse Mocha#3331: bro posted a picture of me lisx#1702: exactly PeckServers.com#8342: nothing can fix no-life synderome lisx#1702: we are Good People burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/bingus-glasses-gif-19218369 Mocha#3331: lisa gave a goo dpoint in if we play the gaem we improve the community (we have better hygiene) burarahurricane#6369: but anyway i definitely wouldnt be sble to play the game anyway lmao my macbook would die faster than me burarahurricane#6369: waht would i be worht? i am nothing betterthan them.. burarahurricane#6369: if i give in and play burarahurricane#6369: terrible burarahurricane#6369: its sooterrile lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: REALL Mocha#3331: lmfaoooo that's what i mean the community is very 💩 lisx#1702: im not going to play it if my besties dont tho burarahurricane#6369: foolish underscore gamers was riddled with the valorant disease PeckServers.com#8342: im gonna start looking at the world through "leo lenses™️" burarahurricane#6369: i suffered through so many valorant streams lisx#1702: what part of shooting people is undesirable to you lisx#1702: why lol burarahurricane#6369: i would ratherdie Mocha#3331: maybe PeckServers.com#8342: and thats a lot of steps PeckServers.com#8342: ya know, you'd have to like.. download the game... and launch it PeckServers.com#8342: that sounds like a lot of work lisx#1702: so what do you say lisx#1702: lol username123115#4960: ~~just look at my celeste stats~~ PeckServers.com#8342: but you do have the think pad in your favor username123115#4960: tryharding a game =/= being good at a game Mocha#3331: i feel like dnaiel would be goated he's already super goated at tf2 username123115#4960: we could boost the stats of other players! PeckServers.com#8342: you must not know me then lisx#1702: 🙂 lisx#1702: i have hope Mocha#3331: and would contribute good thinggs Mocha#3331: very bold of you to assume were good people lisx#1702: and wed be the nice people lisx#1702: and nice PeckServers.com#8342: yeah we could just nuke all of the routers of the bad players lisx#1702: the community would be good lisx#1702: then lisx#1702: if we all played valorant lisx#1702: think about it lisx#1702: but that's a fixable problem Mocha#3331: ive played it like twice lisx#1702: omg have you played it PeckServers.com#8342: its better than math garbage 🤮 amirite Mocha#3331: th games alright the community is just 🫠🤢 lisx#1702: ive been told its pretty goated Mocha#3331: those were some of the smelliest words i couldve ever read lisx#1702: im pretty sure username123115#4960: who plays celeste username123115#4960: shut up celeste player PeckServers.com#8342: thank u lisx#1702: lol Mocha#3331: EWWWWWWWW PeckServers.com#8342: omg can your computer run valorant tho PeckServers.com#8342: oh PeckServers.com#8342: howcome ive never heard about this revelatoun lisx#1702: not *yet* PeckServers.com#8342: are you like a valorant player or something lisx#1702: you would be making history lisx#1702: 👍 lisx#1702: if i end up playing lisx#1702: everyone should play valorant with me lisx#1702: lol username123115#4960: sure! username123115#4960: couldn't hit anything username123115#4960: uh username123115#4960: using my tv remote mouse ™️ lisx#1702: was it fun lisx#1702: ask username123115#4960: at a swim meet lisx#1702: actually i can just username123115#4960: it was my first and last time username123115#4960: actually i have played valorant before lisx#1702: and if i can come username123115#4960: pc might die 🥲 lisx#1702: you should ask if there is username123115#4960: uh lisx#1702: omg i totally want to lisx#1702: play valorant with me username123115#4960: unless theres no study group tommorow idk username123115#4960: go to study group tommorow username123115#4960: you could like username123115#4960: omg lisa PeckServers.com#8342: what is happening 😭 lisx#1702: lmao lisx#1702: @everyone lisx#1702: we should all play valorant lisx#1702: wwed™️ lisx#1702: yes username123115#4960: wwed username123115#4960: because evan plays valorant username123115#4960: you sohuld PeckServers.com#8342: do u? PeckServers.com#8342: why PeckServers.com#8342: not me lisx#1702: does anybody play valorant PeckServers.com#8342: he came out a little cock-eyed but the surgery went well PeckServers.com#8342: and they ended up using his foreskin as a substitute PeckServers.com#8342: Did you guys see that news article about the kid that was born without eyelids? lisx#1702: yo PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh! EJCaldwell#2924: There are massive snowflakes atm PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/Fx0nD15rUZM this guys fine motor skills are fucking insane PeckServers.com#8342: Fr! This blood blister ghost is making its rounds burarahurricane#6369: we were both cursed by some angry spirit i think burarahurricane#6369: fucked up finger gang!! burarahurricane#6369: i had a blood blister on the heel of my foot once snd it Sucked PeckServers.com#8342: And radiated heat like no other lmao PeckServers.com#8342: I bet that thing hurt to touch PeckServers.com#8342: Jesus it sounds like it lisx#1702: It hurt PeckServers.com#8342: Nom nom lisx#1702: On the bathroom sliding door Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: rickhard will be truly immortal' username123115#4960: and then username123115#4960: 👍 lisx#1702: That happened to my pinky when I was like 4 😦 username123115#4960: uh i will setup auto startup tommorow PeckServers.com#8342: I feel better now PeckServers.com#8342: Omg i missed u Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: RICKHARD!!!! Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: rickhard wil cheer you up username123115#4960: don't worry username123115#4960: ouch PeckServers.com#8342: Now its gone all blood blistery PeckServers.com#8342: Damnit i fucked up my thumb today on a very heavy attic hatch 😭😭 PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah id have to agree lisx#1702: I’m bored username123115#4960: like i haven't been on any other site that does that lol username123115#4960: i feel like its exclusively news sites that do that username123115#4960: although username123115#4960: disable adblock sucks so much lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: im not even being tinfoil hat lmao PeckServers.com#8342: theres legitimately no reason for third party cookies to exist except for rare edge cases, and its almost purely used to track everything you do on every website PeckServers.com#8342: now because facebook.com is "part of that site" it can read that social security cookie from socialsecurity.gov PeckServers.com#8342: then say that they put a facebook widget on that socialsecurity.gov PeckServers.com#8342: you just put your social security number into that and say in this scenerio that socialsecurity.gov stored your social as a cookie PeckServers.com#8342: my favorite example is say you have socialsecurity.gov PeckServers.com#8342: but third party cookies are for external sites being able to read the main sites cookies PeckServers.com#8342: sites store your login token as a cookie PeckServers.com#8342: no, that only happens when you delete your cookies lisx#1702: Don’t you have to resign in to everything when you do that tho PeckServers.com#8342: theres ur 2 tips of the day PeckServers.com#8342: except for google drive, that site needs them for some reason PeckServers.com#8342: and while you are at it, disable all third party cookies PeckServers.com#8342: you just disable javascript on them PeckServers.com#8342: i found out how to get rid of that stupid "disable adblock" stupid lookin head ass thing that websites like to do PeckServers.com#8342: guys guys guys PeckServers.com#8342: Its gotta brand new 97watt hour battery too😏😏yk you want it😏😏 PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 anyone want a dell precision with a core i7 7700hq 😏😏 PeckServers.com#8342: They even have da track nipple in the middle PeckServers.com#8342: That reminds me, so are dell precisions PeckServers.com#8342: Think pads are chads username123115#4960: that sounds like something somebody with a thinkpad would do Maulie#8927: One of my friends has a ThinkPad with code meme stickers on the back lisx#1702: Awww ikr lisx#1702: If you don’t think about it, hard enough, it tastes just like pizza! PeckServers.com#8342: gordon ramsay would be happy lisx#1702: Then, when you take it back in, it’ll be like edible temperature and you can put ranch on top of it lisx#1702: But then you realize that I will take a long time to cool down in the fridge, which is why I will take it outside and marinate in the snow for a little bit lisx#1702: And then when it comes out, it’ll be super hot so you have to put it into the fridge lisx#1702: You put it on a plate and you stick it into the microwave PeckServers.com#8342: oh like a pizza sammy PeckServers.com#8342: like a sammy made from pizza bread? lisx#1702: And you put marinara sauce and cheese on them lisx#1702: First, you get two pieces of bread lisx#1702: It’s very simple to make lisx#1702: I don’t know if it’s already a thing, but if it’s not, I just invented it lisx#1702: Have you guys ever had pizza bread sandwich? burarahurricane#6369: fr PeckServers.com#8342: the mouse in the mouth is the cutest PeckServers.com#8342: thats my fav one fs! lisx#1702: Nice burarahurricane#6369: kity :3 EJCaldwell#2924: My stickers are better tho PeckServers.com#8342: <@383372123714093098> daas stickuhrs lisx#1702: I bet your essay is more interesting than most everyone else’s in your class lisx#1702: That is amazing tho username123115#4960: i hope username123115#4960: is counting power outlets is objective username123115#4960: i guess the only thing i have going for me username123115#4960: yeah you "evaluate" two things lisx#1702: are you supposed to use personal pronouns? username123115#4960: i'm going to fail english username123115#4960: username123115#4960: in mla format username123115#4960: its like a sh*tpost username123115#4960: this is such a bad essay lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: you can do it! you only have to bs 70 more words PeckServers.com#8342: its now 10.25 lisx#1702: it's not even 10 username123115#4960: and its not even 12 username123115#4960: just gotta pull 70 more words username123115#4960: i see the light of day username123115#4960: omg username123115#4960: so close Mocha#3331: im gonna blow up Mocha#3331: i have hw and jts alreasy 10 Mocha#3331: i sidnt realize what time it was PeckServers.com#8342: zaaap PeckServers.com#8342: nom nom PeckServers.com#8342: i too have an issue where i run outta 10 hour gandalf sax username123115#4960: yes and then we slurp up the elctricity and turn into the next marvel villain >:D PeckServers.com#8342: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: then what? do you siphon the electricity into a bucket? i have so many questions lisx#1702: 02 pfp ftw lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: also do you have to like suck on the wire to get the siphon of electricity going? PeckServers.com#8342: thats the answer PeckServers.com#8342: anything on dixie power cause its cheaper username123115#4960: my peer reviewer is gonna love this burarahurricane#6369: gandslf big naturalsd ? PeckServers.com#8342: smae username123115#4960: guess i'm not sleeping tonight username123115#4960: wow thanks PeckServers.com#8342: heres something to pass the time PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/Ce6yFSE16f4 PeckServers.com#8342: kms myself PeckServers.com#8342: god they make you review other people's papers username123115#4960: handed it back to them and said "good job you did good" username123115#4960: went brain dead for like 20 minutes username123115#4960: i kinda looked at the persons paper username123115#4960: last peer review PeckServers.com#8342: gj now chat gpt to tge rescue username123115#4960: its a peer review username123115#4960: unfortunately username123115#4960: its ok i bs'ed like 700 words first period :D PeckServers.com#8342: riiip PeckServers.com#8342: i may not be in school but i still have hw and that sounds fun TBH username123115#4960: 🥲 username123115#4960: i have an essay due tommorow username123115#4960: it should bve this night lisx#1702: we should do that like every night PeckServers.com#8342: autocorrect be brazy sometimes PeckServers.com#8342: oh i wasnt sure if he meant vc or hw or smth lisx#1702: hw PeckServers.com#8342: do what together? Mocha#3331: (its me i love yo procrastinate and work better with peopel around me to keep me on task) Mocha#3331: because im sure we all love procrastinating Mocha#3331: we shoudle have a night where we all do he together and keep each other on task PeckServers.com#8342: isnt he like amc69 now lisx#1702: when he did both amc12 and amc10 PeckServers.com#8342: george did infact have a problem lisx#1702: I was trying to find what he got in 2021 lisx#1702: I don't know username123115#4960: do you think spencer did amc 12 this year lisx#1702: "several people are typing"?!?!??!?! lisx#1702: remember when PeckServers.com#8342: and thriving PeckServers.com#8342: it was so lively lisx#1702: remember when it was so awesome PeckServers.com#8342: ™️ lisx#1702: im in nostalgia hour at lisas no life corner (NHALNLC) PeckServers.com#8342: i miss spencer PeckServers.com#8342: tgat too PeckServers.com#8342: you must be like mega bored lisx#1702: I KNOW it makes me so sad PeckServers.com#8342: bro that was 2 years ago lisx#1702: \:( lisx#1702: okay... im fine lisx#1702: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasdsakjfh ke;rwjkqewjr;ckwe lisx#1702: oh wait it was the whale person lisx#1702: i have zero memory of that person ever lisx#1702: who tf was that lisx#1702: dang spencer was such a chad (rip) lisx#1702: what a noob lisx#1702: wow remember when past lisa didnt even know what mod was PeckServers.com#8342: thats dedication PeckServers.com#8342: that was 4 months ago lmao lisx#1702: we should be fre e of the decimal system lisx#1702: like lisx#1702: I was saying lisx#1702: this is why lisx#1702: 50 +50 i sobviously 120 lisx#1702: i UndeRstaNd now ™️ ✨ lisx#1702: omgggggg PeckServers.com#8342: lmao that is the funniest PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/oXaJlpts_IY PeckServers.com#8342: lmao Maulie#8927: Phasmaphobia in a nutshell PeckServers.com#8342: same tbh lisx#1702: That’s me everyday fr PeckServers.com#8342: everytime someone just sends question marks I imagine them saying hUhHhHh in the dumbest voice ever PeckServers.com#8342: ????? lisx#1702: ???? PeckServers.com#8342: heres the crudely thrown together on tired brain riddle PeckServers.com#8342: the message before you has not 2 nor 4 layers of which to expose the latter you must identify 16x4 and a "certain government building +1" side afterwhich youll meet some nerd by the name of beau, and his password is a "secret". good luck username123115#4960: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: yeah turns out sha1 inst easily bruteforcable username123115#4960: wait did you change the super duper uber secret message cody lisx#1702: uh PeckServers.com#8342: <:shooksus:837536701122740264> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sus:783176301502267423> lisx#1702: and that makes it good lisx#1702: it's so woody lisx#1702: but username123115#4960: wood pencil becomes dull lisx#1702: why mechanical pencil when you can wood pencil xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? username123115#4960: in this economy username123115#4960: perchance username123115#4960: do you have a mechanical pencil lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/1H7Zqkq54andtaSSnLRrfp?si=52d43a20425e443e xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you haved been found username123115#4960: i've been spotted username123115#4960: oh no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hello username123115#4960: good bye data PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: good next month lisx#1702: good next week PeckServers.com#8342: good tomorrow lisx#1702: good night PeckServers.com#8342: 🙂 PeckServers.com#8342: good evening burarahurricane#6369: good afternoon 😒 burarahurricane#6369: its ot morning anymore burarahurricane#6369: 😦 burarahurricane#6369: good PeckServers.com#8342: fun!! PeckServers.com#8342: omg you get the whole house to yourself lisx#1702: AND my family just left so it’s great so far!! lisx#1702: I just woke up PeckServers.com#8342: hows your school free monday?!!??! PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning sunshine!!! lisx#1702: Good n morning besties 👯 PeckServers.com#8342: damn hasnt frozen been a dead meme for like 6 years now EJCaldwell#2924: Kill me now EJCaldwell#2924: I am stuck in a car with my sisters singing frozen PeckServers.com#8342: they're probably trying to help differentiate from the black spots around the eyes versus the black frame of the glasses PeckServers.com#8342: glasses detection fs burarahurricane#6369: ithink they use them to train ai for facial recognition PeckServers.com#8342: top right too lisx#1702: it's like an exact 90 degrees turned lisx#1702: the head is too turned tho username123115#4960: bottom middle looks cute tho lisx#1702: AI image thingies would be good at making horror movie characters lisx#1702: the top left and middle left are literally horrifying though username123115#4960: are they using captchas to train models that make images now lisx#1702: nightmare fuel much? lisx#1702: these are getting creepy Mocha#3331: i just see rhe hanging piece snd wanna make it a square PeckServers.com#8342: im guessing youre a crust kinda boii Mocha#3331: 3 gang wya 🗣️🗣️ PeckServers.com#8342: omg its snowing again PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: am i wrong tho lisx#1702: did you have to say it like that lisx#1702: why PeckServers.com#8342: and its all middle lisx#1702: ew PeckServers.com#8342: 2, it might have the most other people spit on it, but you can basically get it deeper in your mouth which means a bigger bite Mocha#3331: where are yall taking a bite Mocha#3331: Mocha#3331: vouch PeckServers.com#8342: that's terrifying lmao PeckServers.com#8342: no way lisx#1702: I KNEW it burarahurricane#6369: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: the great statue of davinky lisx#1702: ?????? lisx#1702: Are you actually six foot one lisx#1702: Be honest lisx#1702: <@749747503947055136> were you joking 😭 lisx#1702: I think Leo was joking PeckServers.com#8342: that what explain the terrible knee caps PeckServers.com#8342: no way leo is close to 6ft tho lisx#1702: I can feel it 😠😠 lisx#1702: They are already getting there PeckServers.com#8342: 😭😭 PeckServers.com#8342: ouch thatsss terrifying lisx#1702: and soon Leo’s FIVE YEAR OLD LITTLE SISTER will be taller than me PeckServers.com#8342: dang imagine if you never grow again lisx#1702: Even jaxin is taller than me now lisx#1702: 😭😭😭 lisx#1702: Because I kinda just stopped growing in six grade PeckServers.com#8342: 😂 lisx#1702: But I think Leo is taller now lisx#1702: I was totally taller in like six grade lisx#1702: Well PeckServers.com#8342: wait which one of you is taller when you stand next to each other? lisx#1702: Oh I was close 🙂 burarahurricane#6369: sicx Fiot lisx#1702: Are you six one yet lisx#1702: <@749747503947055136> how tall are you now lisx#1702: Not correct lisx#1702: Or maybe I’m just being lisx#1702: Frfr I could be 5’4” now lisx#1702: Also I totally feel taller lisx#1702: My family went to church PeckServers.com#8342: hows everyones sunday going? PeckServers.com#8342: good morning everyone PeckServers.com#8342: you can see that in this particular species of Walter, his 28th chromosome actually depicts the outward facing eyes PeckServers.com#8342: fr lisx#1702: that is terrifying PeckServers.com#8342: guys the cameras were attacked by a wild Walter lisx#1702: 58 on medium EJCaldwell#2924: dang lisx#1702: Yeah EJCaldwell#2924: on hard? lisx#1702: I got 165 one time EJCaldwell#2924: im down lisx#1702: Anybody wanna play scribblr? EJCaldwell#2924: 394 seconds on hard PeckServers.com#8342: welcome to the vicious cycle of gamerism lisx#1702: I have negative amount of self control EJCaldwell#2924: same lisx#1702: Dark times 😔😔 lisx#1702: (<= you are looking at someone who got addicted to word hunt for hours and hours everyday lisx#1702: I would totally buy video games to play but if I did I would probably just not have time to do anything whatsoever because I would get addicted and play for 100 hours straight EJCaldwell#2924: on hard EJCaldwell#2924: let me try real quick EJCaldwell#2924: idk my high score for google minesweeper EJCaldwell#2924: so it is harder than that EJCaldwell#2924: this is a game that I bought lisx#1702: What’s your high score 😼 lisx#1702: Do u do the Google minesweeper lisx#1702: Wow EJCaldwell#2924: this is all a minesweeper game EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: The teacher person started grading by accuracy lisx#1702: French makes me sad tho lisx#1702: If I do good on my English and math tests I’ll get a 97 lisx#1702: But I’m actually doing good in history lisx#1702: It’s my lowest grade lisx#1702: Which is so sad lisx#1702: and this term I have 95 in French instead of 99!! lisx#1702: and sometimes i dont do the engagement activities because i hate engaging lisx#1702: especially the tests lisx#1702: 100 is so hard tho lisx#1702: last term i had like 2 99s lisx#1702: i need to try harder next term lisx#1702: even tho we dont really do a+ lisx#1702: plus it's supposedly A+ lisx#1702: 97 just sounds better tho lisx#1702: but its okay if i have a 96 too iguess lisx#1702: then i'll be happy lisx#1702: if I get 100 on all my tests i'll have a 97 in the classes lisx#1702: now i have math :/ PeckServers.com#8342: lmao that reminds me, i was gonna go commit toaster in bath lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/C7EocA1hsCU PeckServers.com#8342: you probably will lmao PeckServers.com#8342: dang gj lisx#1702: Watch me get an 100 lisx#1702: I slayed that chem test PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/brain-brain-workout-workout-books-lifting-gif-5727165 PeckServers.com#8342: damn, flexing ur massive brain lisx#1702: I don’t study 😎 PeckServers.com#8342: god PeckServers.com#8342: freakin embed fail PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/cody%20(fs)/PXL_20230224_160319456.TS.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: like whys it gotta be so damn loud PeckServers.com#8342: aaaand thats my queue to leave PeckServers.com#8342: but daaaaad ive gotta study for my test PeckServers.com#8342: "okay kids lets go move a crap ton of snow" PeckServers.com#8342: dang thats gotta be a fun way to start your day lisx#1702: Too much lisx#1702: I was supposed to have it on Wednesday but it was snowing lisx#1702: And now I have a chem test lisx#1702: It was so not fun lisx#1702: I had to help shovel the driveway lisx#1702: Haha yeah PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah didnt salt lake get like 7 miles of snow haha lisx#1702: Of snow lisx#1702: There’s like a bajillion inches lisx#1702: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/exRZ3es-yb8AAAAM/maxwell-maxwell-cat.gif PeckServers.com#8342: it kinda looks like maxwell PeckServers.com#8342: tis spinn cat PeckServers.com#8342: lmao burarahurricane#6369: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/864931644087205898/1051599188057673778/719E86C6-05DF-42BF-8B41-49C966AF151D.gif PeckServers.com#8342: even in truck with all terrain tires PeckServers.com#8342: but it didnt help that sliding around was inevitable PeckServers.com#8342: so of course everything was backed up PeckServers.com#8342: so there was traffic control officers PeckServers.com#8342: there was a wreck PeckServers.com#8342: there is a bridge on mall drive that goes over the virgin river, solid ice PeckServers.com#8342: snow is snaur PeckServers.com#8342: but hey PeckServers.com#8342: not much if it PeckServers.com#8342: guys snow!! PeckServers.com#8342: spinning kat PeckServers.com#8342: kitty cat Maulie#8927: ? PeckServers.com#8342: cat!! burarahurricane#6369: if my gifs wrre loading i would send it burarahurricane#6369: MYCAT burarahurricane#6369: CAtt Mocha#3331: my honest reaction Mocha#3331: PeckServers.com#8342: okay im gonna stop PeckServers.com#8342: kind of like the 3.5 years i was trapped in a basement PeckServers.com#8342: yeah 3.5 hours of it WalterJS#2477: Awkward silence WalterJS#2477: Oh PeckServers.com#8342: jk lmao PeckServers.com#8342: and the belt was very real PeckServers.com#8342: except I was actually blundering PeckServers.com#8342: lmao my mom did the same thing to me Mocha#3331: his goals were so big brained that chess com thoguht he was blundering lisx#1702: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: chess.com said I was blundering but if I was then how did I win huh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: he was even talking trash and then he let me get a queen xXthat1redheadXx#9990: this bot rat thought he was gonna win xXthat1redheadXx#9990: HAHAHAHAHAHA YES EJCaldwell#2924: it is PeckServers.com#8342: Oof thats probably weird to get used to haha EJCaldwell#2924: i just can't bend my ankle Maulie#8927: How do you walk with that thing on? Is it like a support beam? PeckServers.com#8342: Yoooo!! Thats exciting! Happy for u bro EJCaldwell#2924: it feels strange to walk now burarahurricane#6369: yippee ^_^ EJCaldwell#2924: still have to wear the boot but i can walk now burarahurricane#6369: ayyy EJCaldwell#2924: Guess who dosn't have to use crunches anymore PeckServers.com#8342: Cawk Maulie#8927: Balls PeckServers.com#8342: ballocks East Germany Is Going Great#1917: Balls PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Not really sure where in this server is best for this, but I acquired a bunch of dell chromebook 3180's for their batteries. This means that i have a bunch of chromebook 3180's to get rid of. A few have broken screens, but a lot of them are still in great condition. They have HDMI ports too. If anyone wants one $10 PeckServers.com#8342: Omg our moms are twinsies!!!! lisx#1702: Lol burarahurricane#6369: my mom watches that burarahurricane#6369: THETODAY SHOW burarahurricane#6369: FROM LIKE burarahurricane#6369: IH PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah i think its a morning show on ksl or something lisx#1702: Is that like the morning news or something PeckServers.com#8342: Its like *you know what i meant google* 🔪 PeckServers.com#8342: FR!!! WalterJS#2477: Which is still valid because literally every time you google something it’s like “did you mean …” WalterJS#2477: I thought you said we must shame google for always correcting people PeckServers.com#8342: 😂 WalterJS#2477: I read that as google 😭 WalterJS#2477: oh PeckServers.com#8342: Hmm? WalterJS#2477: Googles always right tho PeckServers.com#8342: We must shame George for his unresistible urge to correct people PeckServers.com#8342: It was just too funny I couldn't miss posting it PeckServers.com#8342: Naww i probably could have worded it better WalterJS#2477: Ohh I thought you meant like another guy on tv PeckServers.com#8342: Security is top notch here at peckservers PeckServers.com#8342: Who tf do u think PeckServers.com#8342: Tv personality WalterJS#2477: And who’s George WalterJS#2477: Who’s Hoda and Jenna Mocha#3331: did bro get hacked Mocha#3331: what 💀 PeckServers.com#8342: @everyone Hoda and Jenna totally called out George, share this with everyone https://files.happyfile.net/cody%20(fs)/PXL_20230220_170728624.TS~3.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: Cum Maulie#8927: Well I mean it makes sense from a business perspective PeckServers.com#8342: Innit pretty skeevy haha PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah Maulie#8927: That actually makes sense because if they cause less damage than the warranty doesn't have to cover as much, at least that's what it means right? PeckServers.com#8342: Its definitely not a super secret message hidden behind ciphers PeckServers.com#8342: Omg cant tell u or id have to shoot u username123115#4960: wow whats that cool new status you have cody PeckServers.com#8342: Haha PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah its "our cute little whore house" according to my gma lisx#1702: wow thats kinda fancy PeckServers.com#8342: Guys check oot these sick light up balloons fory gpas 80th bday!! PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr WalterJS#2477: thats actually so useful to know PeckServers.com#8342: Because it scares a lot of people which makes customer caused damage less EJCaldwell#2924: Can confirm EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/1Yi9XyAjokE?feature=share EJCaldwell#2924: Scare people Maulie#8927: Why would companies do that then? If it doesn't void? PeckServers.com#8342: so you're safe PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: its illegal for a company to forfeit a warranty when accessing the inside of things you own, even if you had to break a "warranty void if broken" sticker Maulie#8927: I'm not sure if it would forfeit the warranty or not PeckServers.com#8342: Its common for it to get wiggoled in shipping PeckServers.com#8342: Have you reseated the memory or anything? Maulie#8927: BSoD a lot Maulie#8927: Memeory drive issue PeckServers.com#8342: Oof what happened to it Maulie#8927: It's not a refund, I just want to repair my computer Maulie#8927: Nah bro I got through the whole process, filed a claim, and then they couldn't connect me to the Repair department because they aren't opened on Saturday or Sunday 🥲 PeckServers.com#8342: through the trenches of hell, fighting for humanity PeckServers.com#8342: i imagine you going through the hell of hold music fighting for your rights to your refund PeckServers.com#8342: lmao Maulie#8927: Dang square trades hold music sucks Maulie#8927: Except they keep thinking I'm gonna bail the hold and every 30ish seconds tell me "Thought about bailing? That's okay, just text this number to continue" Maulie#8927: I could game to this stuff Maulie#8927: Legit though PeckServers.com#8342: Lmaoo Maulie#8927: Walmarts got some pretty Fire hold music not gonna lie PeckServers.com#8342: heck yeah thats sick EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: and i have put stickers on my pc now EJCaldwell#2924: also my final package that i orderd in like September came in finally EJCaldwell#2924: they are both really cute EJCaldwell#2924: idk which one i could pic PeckServers.com#8342: The horns are cute too PeckServers.com#8342: Your pfp one fs WalterJS#2477: U right Mocha#3331: just skim through it you know the plot points snd when characters change and atuff its not hard to find annotations 😭😭 WalterJS#2477: That’s cap Mocha#3331: just anotate if you already read it all it should take like 30 min at most Mocha#3331: no EJCaldwell#2924: which one is cuter tho, Knight or Slug Cat lisx#1702: I still think the plural of status should be stati EJCaldwell#2924: but they are different EJCaldwell#2924: it kinda would lisx#1702: I’m sure if you put a black suit on the ghost guy it’ll look like the other one EJCaldwell#2924: they are both cute and i think we can agree on that EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: let me get a better pic of my guy EJCaldwell#2924: you just look at the face lisx#1702: The little guy looks like it tho EJCaldwell#2924: that creature is called a slugcat and it is cute lisx#1702: Oh EJCaldwell#2924: two different games EJCaldwell#2924: its not lisx#1702: Hey that’s your pfp EJCaldwell#2924: got a new wallpaper PeckServers.com#8342: We had to change a lot of diapers on servers today PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah it was truly spectacular WalterJS#2477: so ive been working on that all day instead WalterJS#2477: ask <@852187118113652776> WalterJS#2477: I was gonan read it and do it all today but then this morning all my websites and servers decided to shit themselves PeckServers.com#8342: Oh no hes desperate WalterJS#2477: literally name your price WalterJS#2477: <@484351343503474698> pls can I have just the type and page number for chap 5 Mocha#3331: chapter 5 ends at paga 190 PeckServers.com#8342: omg you could scan the book thing and sell copies to people like walter Mocha#3331: im nkt done with chapter five im on page like 140 Mocha#3331: why didnt you just write them down while readib it 😭 lisx#1702: Wait is it satire lisx#1702: I don’t remember anything about it tho lisx#1702: Yeah I think so WalterJS#2477: let me know WalterJS#2477: or if you want more WalterJS#2477: if you write down the type of annotation and the page number on a separate piece of paper as you annotate ill pay you $20 WalterJS#2477: that will never work WalterJS#2477: have you never seen the princess bride????? lisx#1702: is the princess bride kinda like about chivalric romance lisx#1702: thats definitely how it works lisx#1702: then she will give you extra credit for writing a great essay and you won't have to annotate lisx#1702: you should write her an essay about how much you have reading because she makes you annotate lisx#1702: annotating makes reading such so much WalterJS#2477: I already hated reading and im really really really trying to like it and this is not helping WalterJS#2477: same here burarahurricane#6369: annotating is detrimental to my mental health WalterJS#2477: thats why I hate it WalterJS#2477: yeah its absolutely useless lisx#1702: but if you really didnt need to annotate it to udnerstand it then annotating is useless WalterJS#2477: its pulsipher WalterJS#2477: ill fail the assignment lmfao lisx#1702: without annotating lisx#1702: just tell her you understood it WalterJS#2477: like i said im gonna go and add my own comment WalterJS#2477: im going to commit before coming to class on sunday if I cant pay someone for their annotation page numbers and types WalterJS#2477: its so dumb WalterJS#2477: and we need to meet specific quotas for each WalterJS#2477: theres like 5 types, each with like 5 subtypes, each with like 3 subtypes lisx#1702: what is the annotation for tho WalterJS#2477: yeah lisx#1702: for specific things to annotate? WalterJS#2477: shes checking again on tuesday WalterJS#2477: she already has once WalterJS#2477: yeah lisx#1702: is the teacher going to chekc your book lisx#1702: why do you need to annotate it WalterJS#2477: but I dont wanna re-read 150 pages and annotate them its literally the worst thing ever I literally hate this assignment WalterJS#2477: I have read it lisa WalterJS#2477: cuz thats as far as ive annotated WalterJS#2477: what about any annotations you have after page 37 lisx#1702: idk where that came from lisx#1702: I know its a crazy thought lisx#1702: what if you just read it by yourself WalterJS#2477: frick burarahurricane#6369: i havent started that chapter lol WalterJS#2477: damnit lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: no WalterJS#2477: for the princess bride? lisx#1702: i have to do that lisx#1702: wait you guuys have to annotate too! WalterJS#2477: the princess bride lisx#1702: what is tpb WalterJS#2477: and i dont wanna go back and find all of them it will take 6 years WalterJS#2477: I read it all but i never annotated WalterJS#2477: ill do my own comment WalterJS#2477: just the page number and type WalterJS#2477: I'll pay someone $20 for their annotations of chapter five in TPB <@749747503947055136> @ PeckServers.com#8342: Lmaoo WalterJS#2477: That is facts EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/VZAwyaGdePY?feature=share EJCaldwell#2924: i can now sum up the past few years in a single video that i just found PeckServers.com#8342: Get outta here nerd WalterJS#2477: Eeeeeeeeewwww PeckServers.com#8342: One can dream PeckServers.com#8342: And said lisa could give said thoughts PeckServers.com#8342: If only there was a lisa PeckServers.com#8342: Real PeckServers.com#8342: I can't think of it though PeckServers.com#8342: Its on the tip of my canera roll Mocha#3331: it's reallh weird tho i wish i had somoen named lisa who could explain it to me and give me their honest thoughts Mocha#3331: oh yeah i think i know that one lisx#1702: Really? PeckServers.com#8342: That reminds me of an image someone showed me once Mocha#3331: that's what I'm sayin lisx#1702: 😭 burarahurricane#6369: we shoudl bully lisa more burarahurricane#6369: tis is my new favorite bit lisx#1702: real \>:( Mocha#3331: so say there were these two babies ina cage and lets say they were given a sword in the middle of this cage what would your thoughts be on the situation? lisx#1702: real? Mocha#3331: i have a very important hypothetical to ask you lisx#1702: real Mocha#3331: now she is so real Mocha#3331: i infested lisa with real Mocha#3331: im ghe og real PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: NuMbEr 15... BuRgErKiNg FoOtLeTtUcE xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Real burarahurricane#6369: koayge lisx#1702: we do not burarahurricane#6369: but we dont want the real real real do we not lisx#1702: my real is the real real real lisx#1702: no burarahurricane#6369: but its the real real lisx#1702: because your real is not the real real rela burarahurricane#6369: why am i fake fake news lisx#1702: obviously lisx#1702: ou're fake fake news lisx#1702: no im real fake news lisx#1702: oh no PeckServers.com#8342: Real burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: they're using real the real way burarahurricane#6369: so yroye. fake news lisx#1702: aren't using real the real way lisx#1702: those channels probaly PeckServers.com#8342: Oh that would make sense lisx#1702: okay but then burarahurricane#6369: i dont have admin lisx#1702: whaaat burarahurricane#6369: oh you have access to more channels than me burarahurricane#6369: wtf lisx#1702: fake news burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: real is more real than slay PeckServers.com#8342: REAL!!! burarahurricane#6369: slay ! real ! PeckServers.com#8342: Also slay is a common word here burarahurricane#6369: svt are best kpop 👑 burarahurricane#6369: but i say i want to go home anytime i m not home PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah but still lisx#1702: thats in the subsection of school sucks lisx#1702: thats kpop burarahurricane#6369: waht avout I want to go home PeckServers.com#8342: Also svt lisx#1702: every time lisx#1702: it happens lisx#1702: by that lisx#1702: stop getting surprised lisx#1702: I should really lisx#1702: oh lisx#1702: wtf Rickhard#0906: Hi bored! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: __**CG INSIDER**__ TOP **10** things said in CG in 2023: *1*. school sucks *2.* hw sucks *3*. life sucks *4*. im bored *5*. kpop-related *6*. i wanna go home *7*. real *8*. "lets bully lisa" username123115#4960: even more reason to stan a stranger in california 😍 lisx#1702: I saw that lol lisx#1702: Omg xXthat1redheadXx#9990: dang username123115#4960: "February 14 is coming up and when will you realize im the 1 4 u" -unnamed california freshmen who perfect scored 2022 amc 10a burarahurricane#6369: yhis could be Us burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/yoon-hong-heart-love-cute-handsome-gif-16633396 burarahurricane#6369: ong…. lisx#1702: id love to be your cgaslentimes lisx#1702: omg PeckServers.com#8342: OMG happy valentines!! burarahurricane#6369: will u all be my cgalentines 🥹 burarahurricane#6369: happy valentines day… PeckServers.com#8342: YIPPEEEE!!! burarahurricane#6369: yippee ! PeckServers.com#8342: that being said, your mom must be a tornado cause she wipes me clean off my feet PeckServers.com#8342: goddamn if tornadoes arent the most chaotic beautiful thing then Idk what is PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/cody%20(fs)/Screen%20recording%202023-02-13%209.27.27%20AM.webm PeckServers.com#8342: Where do you get the parts? PeckServers.com#8342: Woa thats sick!! EJCaldwell#2924: anybody down to help me make one EJCaldwell#2924: https://www.instructables.com/Hey-an-introduction/ PeckServers.com#8342: but its for conference calls so it like has little motors in it and can be moved remotely PeckServers.com#8342: its massive PeckServers.com#8342: got it for $25 on auction PeckServers.com#8342: my new webcam PeckServers.com#8342: check it Mocha#3331: Mocha#3331: me when they got no hennessey Mocha#3331: FRRRR PeckServers.com#8342: do they atleast have any other cognac tho? PeckServers.com#8342: like jason in the woods lighting up that one cabin on fire PeckServers.com#8342: using the cheap stuff to light the place up Mocha#3331: if you pulling up to the function and they got no hennessy what're you doing? Mocha#3331: be honest Mocha#3331: i normally never get this serious but this is important Mocha#3331: guys i have a serious question lisx#1702: But one time my dad or grandma went to feed it and it flew out the cage lisx#1702: I had a bird once too lisx#1702: But one day I came home and my parents were like oh it’s dead we threw it away lisx#1702: And it had water in its little tube lisx#1702: It had the little flaky things in the cage that I assume is both it’s food and bed and flooring lisx#1702: Idk EJCaldwell#2924: how tho lisx#1702: It died lisx#1702: I had a hamster once lisx#1702: I guess humans are really bad at taking care of them, and they have short lifespans anyway EJCaldwell#2924: and not some horrific death EJCaldwell#2924: have you ever seen/heard of a hamster that has died of old age Mocha#3331: lmfaooo PeckServers.com#8342: Wut lol lisx#1702: because people think they're cute and tiny so they put them in walls EJCaldwell#2924: and that they must die inside of walls EJCaldwell#2924: why is it that hamsters can't have a normal death PeckServers.com#8342: Cause thats how you get the IRS breathing down your neck and up your ass at the same time Maulie#8927: Cause why not? PeckServers.com#8342: 🤦 why would i actually commit tax fraud lmao Maulie#8927: I don't think it's a good idea to admit potentially committing tax fraud in a Discord chat PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/sewer-surfing-sewer-surfing-snail-cool-snail-gif-8229533 PeckServers.com#8342: if commiting tax fraud doesnt work then ill just commit sewer slide PeckServers.com#8342: doing this properly seems like a lotta work PeckServers.com#8342: I might just commit tax fraud PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040.pdf PeckServers.com#8342: i hope its the nicest gel pen ever for $1.75 PeckServers.com#8342: 😂 Maulie#8927: Google pen red Lol burarahurricane#6369: get well Soon 🔜 burarahurricane#6369: thsts so sad :( xXthat1redheadXx#9990: L+ratio PeckServers.com#8342: so i just bought a bunch of stickers n' stuff PeckServers.com#8342: OMG apparently google has a merch store!! PeckServers.com#8342: Damn tho i bet that hurt like a mofo PeckServers.com#8342: Damn i guess we'll have to shoot u then EJCaldwell#2924: and these are long ones for me EJCaldwell#2924: I would like to see you try EJCaldwell#2924: I got weapons now Maulie#8927: What more of a perfect opportunity then ever to steal his kneecaps Mocha#3331: it hurts us more than it hurts you really Mocha#3331: im sorry ethan its the only option lisx#1702: cut it off lisx#1702: before it spreads to the rest of the body EJCaldwell#2924: do nothing lisx#1702: we all know there's only one way to help you now lisx#1702: sadly EJCaldwell#2924: my leg is in pain EJCaldwell#2924: and i can't stand on it at all username123115#4960: ouch username123115#4960: oh EJCaldwell#2924: i am in a boot username123115#4960: how bad is it username123115#4960: ouch EJCaldwell#2924: landed on my leg wrong username123115#4960: what happened username123115#4960: f EJCaldwell#2924: track username123115#4960: wtf how EJCaldwell#2924: guess who just broke their leg lisx#1702: i can so see that lisx#1702: 😂 EJCaldwell#2924: somebody actually did it EJCaldwell#2924: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhyjRF3wsBw PeckServers.com#8342: They last up to 5000 hours apparently so yeah its like a crazy steal cause for home use itll last 5ever username123115#4960: thats not even half of their lifespan right username123115#4960: wow PeckServers.com#8342: One was 600 and the other was similar PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah i was getting worried cause people kept bidding but the other one settled around $80 username123115#4960: how many hours did it have on it PeckServers.com#8342: Pfeww i woulda felt bad username123115#4960: darn you snatched that for a nice price PeckServers.com#8342: Very nice username123115#4960: no PeckServers.com#8342: Your dad any of these username123115#4960: oh lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah... That mightve been me 😅 username123115#4960: maybe they got a grant and thought "hmm lets get even fancier projectors" PeckServers.com#8342: Oof username123115#4960: unfortunately the other projector got snatched for a bit higher than the $40 proxy bid username123115#4960: eventually we got it tho username123115#4960: apperently my dad was having a bidding war with some other internet guy while he was in the car waiting to pick me up from swim PeckServers.com#8342: Projector lisx#1702: WHAT IS IT I WANNA HEAR username123115#4960: funny story username123115#4960: we got one PeckServers.com#8342: Did u end up getting yours? PeckServers.com#8342: Cause they are super nice PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah it makes me wonder why they were getting rid of so many of them username123115#4960: nice PeckServers.com#8342: Its propped up on its built in stand about 20 feet back username123115#4960: or does it just do that on the ground username123115#4960: do you have it propped up username123115#4960: ooh lisx#1702: but i should've done better lisx#1702: yeah thats pretty neat PeckServers.com#8342: It looks so good in person :D username123115#4960: thats a 5 point increase tho lisx#1702: sad lisx#1702: which is still lisx#1702: but it got curved up to a 95 lisx#1702: this time I got a 90 🥲 lisx#1702: usually I get a 98 or 99 lisx#1702: so he had to curve it for the average to be 87 lisx#1702: and this time it was lower lisx#1702: because teacher person said the average is usually 87 lisx#1702: this is the first time it's happened lisx#1702: occasionally lisx#1702: but they do on tests lisx#1702: here lisx#1702: I don't think teachers would curve finals lisx#1702: dang username123115#4960: she was the same teacher username123115#4960: i think thats what our design teacher and cs teacher did on both of our finals lisx#1702: WITH A BOLTZMANN DISTRIBUTION CURVE THINGY ISN'T THAT SO COOL lisx#1702: our chem class did so bad on our test that the teacher curved it username123115#4960: how many did you get lisx#1702: omg it's almost like a boltzmann distribution username123115#4960: :O PeckServers.com#8342: Yessir yessir 😏 username123115#4960: fortunately theres 9 more months to ~~cope~~ grind username123115#4960: it is kinda sad how i barely improved from last year tho username123115#4960: i get to see myself in a sea of scores :D username123115#4960: omg amc 10 scores out lisx#1702: (nlp people who are trying to make an AI that can detect sarcasm take notes) lisx#1702: but I do know that anytime anybody uses 💯 when answering a yes/no question they are definitely being ironic lisx#1702: i dont know 😭 lisx#1702: what is l lisx#1702: what lisx#1702: i knew that lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: uh lisx#1702: that doesn't help 😭 username123115#4960: yes 💯% /j /k /l /what do the slashes mean lisx#1702: is that an unironic questino username123115#4960: how'd you guess username123115#4960: yeah lisx#1702: is that your dads name lisx#1702: jinzhenyu username123115#4960: yay poggers username123115#4960: username123115#4960: <@852187118113652776> did ya get the 2 projectors Maulie#8927: I wouldn't be surprised if I had an angry kid come after me Maulie#8927: Only one of them came back to logout Maulie#8927: It was two separate people username123115#4960: or did he have 2 accounts username123115#4960: wait two seperate occasions of people being caught? Maulie#8927: He was only one of them, there were two accounts username123115#4960: man got caught in 4k 💀 Maulie#8927: Worst part was the guy came back to log out as I was telling the teacher what I found. He heard the whole thing PeckServers.com#8342: sure why not PeckServers.com#8342: what in thel.... Maulie#8927: Don't people do that? username123115#4960: that would be sick PeckServers.com#8342: on the side of ur house PeckServers.com#8342: imagine like making a cool halloween decoration with them PeckServers.com#8342: OMG that would be so cool Maulie#8927: I didn't even know that till now Maulie#8927: Apparently there's Hentai games on steam username123115#4960: but steam is for games? username123115#4960: what username123115#4960: i guess this is more tech convo Maulie#8927: Someone forgot to sign out of their steam account username123115#4960: wtf lmao Maulie#8927: Sorry to interrupt the tech conversation but we found furry porn on the school computers today username123115#4960: and have projector light rave username123115#4960: we can combine our projectors username123115#4960: if we both get 2 username123115#4960: eh username123115#4960: oh PeckServers.com#8342: apparently the difference is one is slightly dimmer PeckServers.com#8342: im going for 2 2250u's PeckServers.com#8342: nicee username123115#4960: and a 2250U username123115#4960: i'm going for a powerlite 1980WU PeckServers.com#8342: its kind of exciting, they are actually freaking awesome projectors username123115#4960: same PeckServers.com#8342: u? PeckServers.com#8342: im probably gonna try to get 2 PeckServers.com#8342: fr mega stack of projectors username123115#4960: how many projectors you buyin username123115#4960: das a lotta tech username123115#4960: wow PeckServers.com#8342: 😂 username123115#4960: can't wait to see it using pool wifi PeckServers.com#8342: You'll want to see it though, it's very sexy PeckServers.com#8342: I have all the power PeckServers.com#8342: Heheh hahaha username123115#4960: imagine being able to see images PeckServers.com#8342: MWAHAHAHAHAH PeckServers.com#8342: Also PeckServers.com#8342: Oohh so up to $40 username123115#4960: made a silly with the proxy bid so 20.5 for both even though they were at $1 and $10.25 before PeckServers.com#8342: what is yours at? PeckServers.com#8342: oh ehm gee im so excited!! username123115#4960: projector bid ends in 3 and a half hours EJCaldwell#2924: i have the mouse pad, that shirt, and a lanyard PeckServers.com#8342: How much merch did u get? PeckServers.com#8342: Omg!! Twinsies EJCaldwell#2924: i have that shirt Mocha#3331: that's what IM SAYING PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 you know it best Mocha#3331: a milf Mocha#3331: but also Mocha#3331: so sweet and kind Mocha#3331: cody is like the big mom of the group PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: omg its raining!!! EJCaldwell#2924: beat that daniel burarahurricane#6369: :O EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: where sleep isnt required PeckServers.com#8342: its a super power that cool people have burarahurricane#6369: imagine needing slepe :laugh PeckServers.com#8342: Woa someone didnt sleep 😂 burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/frieza-explosion-planet-gif-24891039 Rickhard#0906: I luv weed :) burarahurricane#6369: WEEDTIME <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> :e: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> :dtime: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> burarahurricane#6369: top o the morning ☀️ Maulie#8927: lol PeckServers.com#8342: munch munch Maulie#8927: A soul eater? username123115#4960: crab kinda looks like something from dst PeckServers.com#8342: These are dope PeckServers.com#8342: OMG that little crab monster in the first one!!! EJCaldwell#2924: that heart one is def going onto my hydro EJCaldwell#2924: those are the stickers i don't have yet EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: ima just take a screenshot EJCaldwell#2924: idk* EJCaldwell#2924: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: uuhh what happened there lmao EJCaldwell#2924: lol EJCaldwell#2924: that did not work EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: i love this art EJCaldwell#2924: ikr burarahurricane#6369: its cute EJCaldwell#2924: i like that one EJCaldwell#2924: that might become a hydro sticker PeckServers.com#8342: purpol bunnie EJCaldwell#2924: i like the cute bunny EJCaldwell#2924: noooo EJCaldwell#2924: that bunny one tho PeckServers.com#8342: omg it could be like the dood shooting the rabbit and the other one swording the other rabbit EJCaldwell#2924: Let me get the pics of the other ones real quick EJCaldwell#2924: I have not coming soon so idk PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah those would look sick on there EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: let me grab them PeckServers.com#8342: what do the stickers look like? EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: should i put some terraria stickers on the black side of my pc PeckServers.com#8342: and they double as some homey decoration! EJCaldwell#2924: they shall never fall off EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: so they will be there till they fall off EJCaldwell#2924: i find it funny EJCaldwell#2924: i never even put them there but i like them there PeckServers.com#8342: aww ❤️ EJCaldwell#2924: i forgot that i have a few heart shaped stickers on my pc lol PeckServers.com#8342: But its today PeckServers.com#8342: Its officially tomorrow PeckServers.com#8342: Top of the mornin EJCaldwell#2924: Goodmorning PeckServers.com#8342: I feel like that is a quote thats been said by someone in power before lisx#1702: what's the point of having "power" if you don't sporadically do things with it EJCaldwell#2924: i just have not been talking here for a while EJCaldwell#2924: good lisx#1702: hows it going lisx#1702: i feel like i haven't seen you in a while EJCaldwell#2924: hello lisx#1702: hi ethan EJCaldwell#2924: i can't PeckServers.com#8342: U should try it PeckServers.com#8342: Its fun EJCaldwell#2924: <@852187118113652776> <@726265256082407504> why are you talking in <#549752284058222603> PeckServers.com#8342: Sounds probable though cause he had a gun PeckServers.com#8342: Not sure, i havent checked for any news articles on it username123115#4960: or was it just a guy going around robbing houses username123115#4960: did anyone get hurt username123115#4960: darn PeckServers.com#8342: So luckily we didn't have to release the kids one by one to their parents PeckServers.com#8342: Just before school got out PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah within the hour username123115#4960: did they get the guy username123115#4960: dang PeckServers.com#8342: Reply broke: Yeah luckily our police are chads but all local scools in taht area were locked down PeckServers.com#8342: Yea PeckServers.com#8342: But if it had more its designed to singe the earth username123115#4960: is a monster PeckServers.com#8342: Well with its perms yea username123115#4960: cringebot on the otherhand username123115#4960: username123115#4960: its relatively harmless username123115#4960: actually.... PeckServers.com#8342: Its a scary power bot that has a short fuse PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah gogy told me to username123115#4960: thats wild username123115#4960: wtf lisx#1702: <@852187118113652776> ??? lisx#1702: Someone tell me what it does 😭 lisx#1702: Wait Cody did you kick it lisx#1702: Uh lisx#1702: WHAT DOES IT DO PeckServers.com#8342: there was a house robber with a gun on the loose PeckServers.com#8342: little valley elem username123115#4960: what skool username123115#4960: wow PeckServers.com#8342: Omg my schools in a lock down! burarahurricane#6369: those frw minutes were army’s peak Mocha#3331: the army will never recover to daniels retired username123115#4960: after being an avid lover of bts for a few minutes i think i'm gonna retire as an avid bts fan PeckServers.com#8342: Also lisa PeckServers.com#8342: "Over here lads, yes this one, hes got his priorities straight" username123115#4960: *for the next 1 minute username123115#4960: i've decidedly randomly and out of the blue and for no ulterior motive that i absolutely love bts username123115#4960: oh god who invited george's bot PeckServers.com#8342: fixed PeckServers.com#8342: damn i messed up and put an ampersand instead of a ? so the embed didnt go to the right time PeckServers.com#8342: CONFIRMED PeckServers.com#8342: omg and my mom noticed that the kid was wearing a utah tech shirt PeckServers.com#8342: Those cops were stg pd PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/JUETbeMY1IE?t=122 PeckServers.com#8342: Guys PeckServers.com#8342: ... PeckServers.com#8342: Guys PeckServers.com#8342: OMG username123115#4960: only 13% of mrsp :( username123115#4960: how sad PeckServers.com#8342: so like only a measly $1300 in profit PeckServers.com#8342: i imagine as the auction gains traction those will skyrocket in price tho PeckServers.com#8342: fr! username123115#4960: $1498 in profits username123115#4960: thats like PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> you should put a bid down too PeckServers.com#8342: right now ill pay like $2 for it tho username123115#4960: ah i see PeckServers.com#8342: yeah its a proxy bid so basically Its mine unless it goes above $150 username123115#4960: wait but people are bidding like $1-5 for them PeckServers.com#8342: i put $150 on one PeckServers.com#8342: yeah considering they are supposed to last around 2000 hours its got a ton of life left username123115#4960: although that doesn't seem like too much username123115#4960: like 498 hours username123115#4960: they have quite some use tho PeckServers.com#8342: i wonder why they are selling them PeckServers.com#8342: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: basically those are $1574 from bh photo video username123115#4960: but $1,500 retail price PeckServers.com#8342: yeah im still annoyed that I have to use a vpn to load images username123115#4960: too bad discord app stil works username123115#4960: district discord blocking solution stops images from loading :( PeckServers.com#8342: im bidding on these PeckServers.com#8342: jesus frick PeckServers.com#8342: OOH :0 username123115#4960: omg the college is auctioning off like 50 projectors PeckServers.com#8342: very itty bitty, but the simplicity makes them basically last forever time wise and batterylife wise username123115#4960: smol laptop Maulie#8927: Lol username123115#4960: darn PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: ill pull the board out and get a pic PeckServers.com#8342: naw its a 6 watt cpu so theres a thermal pad on the otherside that connects to the metal bottom of the keyboard and thats how it disipates its heat username123115#4960: does it have fan PeckServers.com#8342: Heres the inside of one if any of you were curious PeckServers.com#8342: you might notice that all of the new chromebooks are dells, thats why PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeah i remember those, it was a whole debacle where hp knew about the problem but it took them like 1-2 years to get off their asses and their end solution was to send a shiz ton of batteries and make the school techs replace them haha. The whole time this was going on luckily none of them caught fire or ruptured. username123115#4960: our world civ class had chromebooks with swelling batteries for like an entire quarter Maulie#8927: Don't think the middle school cared too much about it, we had chromebooks with swelled up batteries PeckServers.com#8342: But if they are maintained and wiped regularly then they are sexy little beasts that have so much bang for their buck PeckServers.com#8342: Those are the few supported models by the district PeckServers.com#8342: Exactly, if they are anything besides dell 5190 3100 3110 or hp g6/g6ee then they are end of life and arent supposed to be in use still PeckServers.com#8342: Thats cause theyre probably old and havent been maintained Maulie#8927: Your chromebooks suck, ours have no issues Mocha#3331: for no reason Mocha#3331: they always be not working at shcool Mocha#3331: i hate chromebooks i will forever be praying on the downfall of chromebooks PeckServers.com#8342: fr like they make them so cheap that just the monitors are as much as the whole thing and it still runs great username123115#4960: all those dongles and usb accessories be worth more than the chromebook itself PeckServers.com#8342: This pic is for all the chromebook haters out there PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao it came down hard at Riverside PeckServers.com#8342: I hope it didn't freeze all the windshields LMAO PeckServers.com#8342: Oh weird Maulie#8927: It's more like balls of ice then snow PeckServers.com#8342: Omg for southern utard its a winter wonderland Maulie#8927: Real Mocha#3331: REALLLLL PeckServers.com#8342: Omg snow!!!!! WalterJS#2477: so it will be better WalterJS#2477: and it has an app with bluetooth control WalterJS#2477: yeah rgb PeckServers.com#8342: dang your place is gonna look litty PeckServers.com#8342: rgb and all? WalterJS#2477: for 150 ft WalterJS#2477: also it was only like thirty bucks WalterJS#2477: faith will be there too WalterJS#2477: that could be fun PeckServers.com#8342: also <@431540078784020491> you should come too 😉 PeckServers.com#8342: hell yeah i do PeckServers.com#8342: GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS its gonna be epic! They'll never see it coming! WalterJS#2477: also I need to hang up that "I got these muscles writing code" shirt WalterJS#2477: im gonna replace the old ones that I already have, and then im gonna do a second layer that goes around all the floor boards and like around the doors and stuff WalterJS#2477: wanna help me set them up when they arrive WalterJS#2477: <@852187118113652776> I just bought 150ft worth of LED lights WalterJS#2477: thats what the waiter at sakura said lmfao he gave us free cheesecake WalterJS#2477: so we left like an hour early WalterJS#2477: it was just all mosh pits from the first 5 minutes WalterJS#2477: there was like no slow dance songs WalterJS#2477: I mean the day date was fun thats all I really cared about. im not the type to go to a dance anyway WalterJS#2477: jp WalterJS#2477: yeah it was mid Mocha#3331: how was it cause ive only heard shit about it 💀 Mocha#3331: i heard jp was kinda mid lisx#1702: when's the wedding PeckServers.com#8342: you two make such a cute couple tho PeckServers.com#8342: omg what was the fancy occasion? WalterJS#2477: i have to fix these ones cuz I was fidgeting with my hand so im gonna photoshop them PeckServers.com#8342: i love the vibe PeckServers.com#8342: you two look like child celebs that are taking a limo home after drinking at a party WalterJS#2477: bro the flash was so bright I got completely blinded in this one WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: OMG suit and tie! WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: heh PeckServers.com#8342: WalterJS#2477: my new pfp WalterJS#2477: one of them PeckServers.com#8342: is it on instagram? PeckServers.com#8342: WalterJS#2477: you guys wanna see an ultimate chad pic? PeckServers.com#8342: i was hoping youd see that PeckServers.com#8342: lmao WalterJS#2477: lol WalterJS#2477: bruh WalterJS#2477: "Additionally Walter smells" PeckServers.com#8342: 😂 WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: the bottom one is the one that works PeckServers.com#8342: the top one is the one that would crash everything PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: apparently the default html file headers arent good enough PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: OOH OOH OOH i just figured out finally getting the custom 503 error page working on peckservers PeckServers.com#8342: damn feels bad man WalterJS#2477: Discontinued WalterJS#2477: Oof PeckServers.com#8342: big sad PeckServers.com#8342: hey nerd dick <@531264285385424916> what ended up happening to the control panel? PeckServers.com#8342: but that is definately somethign to look out for PeckServers.com#8342: but its not as bad since i elected to get the 4 core version PeckServers.com#8342: I do however wish that there were arm versions of chrome os since android is more arm focused and it would be a better experience to the end user than this celeron PeckServers.com#8342: so its not like youll ever have connectivity issues PeckServers.com#8342: and kind of like mac os if there isnt wifi theres built in hotspot sharing from your android phone that just works PeckServers.com#8342: i can confirm that the entire back of the display has a sheet of tinfoil tape lookin stuff that makes wifi unrivaled on this PeckServers.com#8342: and after basically disassembling and learning everything about the construction of this chromebook 3100 PeckServers.com#8342: using the remote desktop android app PeckServers.com#8342: also its nice becasue if i need to use a windows machine i just remote into my rtx 3060 server and can run everything there PeckServers.com#8342: 8/10 would recommend PeckServers.com#8342: and not to mention that security goes up orders of magnitude not using windows PeckServers.com#8342: while seamlessly integrating with my phone PeckServers.com#8342: and does many many of the same things PeckServers.com#8342: in favor of this $250 chromebook that basically lasts all day PeckServers.com#8342: like i never use my windows machine anymore PeckServers.com#8342: and android app emulation is soooo nice PeckServers.com#8342: everything is so amazingly seamless PeckServers.com#8342: it is like having an iphone and macbook PeckServers.com#8342: if you are part of the google/android ecosystem PeckServers.com#8342: that chromeos is fucking lit PeckServers.com#8342: guys as a diehard windows nerd im gonna come out and say... PeckServers.com#8342: make me 😏 Mocha#3331: sfut uop PeckServers.com#8342: Sup Nerds Maulie#8927: Wait, Daniel playing chess? yooo PeckServers.com#8342: byeeee lisx#1702: bye daniel PeckServers.com#8342: :((( Mocha#3331: i feel tired and sick Mocha#3331: no lisx#1702: THE GAME lisx#1702: JOIN lisx#1702: DUNCE lisx#1702: OMG Mocha#3331: the zombies have invaded your lawn PeckServers.com#8342: racist lawn burarahurricane#6369: centralist lawn burarahurricane#6369: neutral lawn lisx#1702: incorrect lawn Mocha#3331: correct lawn username123115#4960: wrong lawn username123115#4960: wait username123115#4960: burarahurricane#6369: haii :3 PeckServers.com#8342: hi lisx#1702: Hello PeckServers.com#8342: ive been lied to 😭 PeckServers.com#8342: oh Mocha#3331: i don think that's what they're called EJCaldwell#2924: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: SO MANY CUM BOOKS!!! PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: OMG ITS CHROMEBOOK DAY!!! Maulie#8927: Because it's a cash grab, the whole brand is lisx#1702: schlatts got stacks EJCaldwell#2924: This timing is perfect EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/2h_AvpBxsVU?feature=share lisx#1702: Why PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxipZVKVyPBJd2nql3-9OCF1WJCdbON7lM PeckServers.com#8342: Is that how much they are going for on auction? PeckServers.com#8342: Oh weird username123115#4960: nvm they look different and wired username123115#4960: on a completely unrelated side note the college is auctioning off 2 lots of 5 of them username123115#4960: wtf why do apple mice cost $80 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes I do get it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh PeckServers.com#8342: hehe PeckServers.com#8342: haha PeckServers.com#8342: get it PeckServers.com#8342: im cooking your pot PeckServers.com#8342: 🔥 PeckServers.com#8342: very wet indeed xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's some good hydration xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🪴 PeckServers.com#8342: 💦 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so you PeckServers.com#8342: kinda looks like a cum dumpster PeckServers.com#8342: heh PeckServers.com#8342: jesus apparently thats what happens when you put hundreds of pounds of bread dough into a hot dumpster PeckServers.com#8342: and whats more is that we are stuck with these until *2027* PeckServers.com#8342: and currently this model is like the only one schools are buying PeckServers.com#8342: these things suck PeckServers.com#8342: fr username123115#4960: os be taking a third of available storage lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Aay yes! Having problems with your chromebook?!?! Maybe its cause theres ZERO bytes of storage available lisx#1702: cgayesties lisx#1702: oh i suppose you're correct i forgive you burarahurricane#6369: cgesties Mocha#3331: we is all besties Mocha#3331: are you denying me of having more than one bestie 😰‼️ burarahurricane#6369: thanks 🕺 PeckServers.com#8342: Caught red handedddd PeckServers.com#8342: Oh shiiiiit lisx#1702: i thought i was your asian bestie 🤬 EJCaldwell#2924: <@749747503947055136> i like your profile pic Mocha#3331: thank you my asian bestie 🫶 EJCaldwell#2924: it aint wrong PeckServers.com#8342: Bruh lmao EJCaldwell#2924: "If you walk you will change position" EJCaldwell#2924: i jus tgot the best game tip ever username123115#4960: wow happy borthday <@484351343503474698> Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: hi rickhard Rickhard#0906: I luv weed :) EJCaldwell#2924: weed time PeckServers.com#8342: Love u too ❤️ hopefully you have the best bday ever ‼️ Mocha#3331: thank you everyone for the birthdays I love everh single one of you nerds 😍‼️‼️‼️‼️ Mocha#3331: I NEVER GIVE UP AND PUSH FORWARD PeckServers.com#8342: *glances up and down* PeckServers.com#8342: <@484351343503474698> is that a challenge? lisx#1702: Oh my god you’re so old now burarahurricane#6369: dunce birthdysay???!! PeckServers.com#8342: ‼️ so exciting!!!! Mocha#3331: THANK YOU ‼️‼️‼️IM SIXTEEN NOW I BETTER MAKE THIS YEAR MY LAST 😍😫‼️‼️‼️ PeckServers.com#8342: 🥳 PeckServers.com#8342: OMGGGGG PeckServers.com#8342: WHYD YOU SAY NOTHING PeckServers.com#8342: HAPPY BORFDAYY!!!! Mocha#3331: yeh ots my ebidekay PeckServers.com#8342: if it is then lets celebrate !! 🥳 PeckServers.com#8342: should we announce it? lisx#1702: An anonymous source told me that it’s sexnerds bday today EJCaldwell#2924: Fun lisx#1702: But by then it’ll be great lisx#1702: It’ll take me like ten years to finish PeckServers.com#8342: Omg i cant wait to see it! lisx#1702: It’s going to be so great lisx#1702: Guys I’m going to make the most amazing painting ever lisx#1702: 😂😂😂 PeckServers.com#8342: They can PeckServers.com#8342: Err wait PeckServers.com#8342: Its not like the thing that is meant for cutting trees can also cut legs PeckServers.com#8342: Only a little username123115#4960: dangerous username123115#4960: that sounds username123115#4960: uh PeckServers.com#8342: I might just die PeckServers.com#8342: I just watched a tree guy in my back yard cut towards his leg with a chain saw and he doesnt even have chainsaw chaps on lisx#1702: and if there are no pink ones then blue lisx#1702: and if there are no purple ones then pink PeckServers.com#8342: jizz white lisx#1702: i think im gonna have to pick purple EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: you better be lying lisx#1702: whats a tic tac EJCaldwell#2924: what is everybodys fav tic tac color EJCaldwell#2924: this is important PeckServers.com#8342: its like jesus' thumbnail PeckServers.com#8342: thx lisx#1702: whoa cool PeckServers.com#8342: Tha moon is made o' cheeze PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: l8r xXthat1redheadXx#9990: See yalls later xXthat1redheadXx#9990: We’ll I gtg xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ikr! PeckServers.com#8342: so its looks sick PeckServers.com#8342: its weird cause theres less light polution that way PeckServers.com#8342: its about to set PeckServers.com#8342: oh wow yeah the moon looks sick burarahurricane#6369: it was an hinest mistkae😭😭😭 PeckServers.com#8342: sounds like a skill issue frfr burarahurricane#6369: and k is tight by l burarahurricane#6369: f is right by r PeckServers.com#8342: same xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I am so confused PeckServers.com#8342: bro what burarahurricane#6369: dorru burarahurricane#6369: real*** burarahurricane#6369: freak PeckServers.com#8342: what side of the sky is it on? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: You should take a look xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yeah PeckServers.com#8342: is it out? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: The moon looks epic PeckServers.com#8342: aliexpress version of andrew tate PeckServers.com#8342: best line ever PeckServers.com#8342: no wayy!! PeckServers.com#8342: 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: no way impossible lisx#1702: im learning french lisx#1702: I would love to go to france lisx#1702: sounds like the same note to me lisx#1702: how is that a different note lisx#1702: I guess baguettes would preserve better than hamburgers lisx#1702: would that be like if we had hamburger vending machines lisx#1702: wow EJCaldwell#2924: anybody want to go to france some time soon EJCaldwell#2924: on a different note EJCaldwell#2924: i just learned that there are baguette vending machines in france lisx#1702: And next year it’ll happen for 24 lisx#1702: But I guess it’ll only happen every month for this year lisx#1702: If you haven’t noticed lisx#1702: It happens every month lisx#1702: Yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah guys it's the 23rd of 23' PeckServers.com#8342: ur gay WalterJS#2477: 69420 EJCaldwell#2924: Ima try this in class EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/eQ08SHkOeSE?feature=share WalterJS#2477: anyway PeckServers.com#8342: turbo nerd PeckServers.com#8342: lmao nerd neck WalterJS#2477: i didnt realize 😂 WalterJS#2477: thats true PeckServers.com#8342: and cause its already been an hour sence you posted it WalterJS#2477: i see Mocha#3331: i'll watch it later when i finish my hw PeckServers.com#8342: 1.5x speed cause I can watch videos fast and understand everything WalterJS#2477: how PeckServers.com#8342: the whole thing WalterJS#2477: the whole thing PeckServers.com#8342: I DID WalterJS#2477: just watch it and then come back WalterJS#2477: *sigh* i give up PeckServers.com#8342: except someone had balls to confront him in person PeckServers.com#8342: its just all the same stuff that we already knew/had hunches about WalterJS#2477: and just going to the comments to argue about something they know nothing about, and then everyone else taking those arguments as truth PeckServers.com#8342: why is there a threat WalterJS#2477: the biggest threat to this documentary is people not watching it WalterJS#2477: exactly PeckServers.com#8342: yeah any criticism usually means comments get turned off WalterJS#2477: that's just not true Mocha#3331: bro has clearly never seen a youtuber apology video Mocha#3331: youtubers never turn off comments unless they know the commnets are gonna be right WalterJS#2477: that's the result of every single other video about Andrew tate WalterJS#2477: whys that Mocha#3331: not true ‼️ PeckServers.com#8342: and I still dislike tate as a person PeckServers.com#8342: its forcing me to generate more of my own opinions tho so its good WalterJS#2477: so it makes sense that they are turned off WalterJS#2477: if they were turned on it would probably be half and half people who completely hate Tate and who watched the first 15 seconds, and then the other half would be people who completely loved tate and also watched the first 15 seconds PeckServers.com#8342: yeah its definately sus WalterJS#2477: yeah lol Mocha#3331: LMAOOO COMMENTS ARE TURNED OFF WalterJS#2477: ok. we agree that he is dangerous. The problem is that the regular arguments for why he is dangerous don't have a lot of support to back them up if you actually look into it (like I have). That is why like myself, other people who have looked more closely into Tate dismiss these arguments. This documentary provides more tangible and irrefutable arguments, which add more light to the situation. Basically, it will separate everyone who logically followed Andrew Tate from his blind followers, which will probably destroy his fanbase and popularity. PeckServers.com#8342: yeah i agree PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj1JSlKzHtc put it on 1.5x its long asf Mocha#3331: and also all your points feel like they boil down to "but you don't understand" when he cause real harm to people Mocha#3331: could you share the documentary? PeckServers.com#8342: this documentary is showing some very concerning "traits of tate™️" i dont know how the video itself, title, and description saying that hes dangerous could still leave room for an alternate meaning on how bad tate is WalterJS#2477: because if people dont open their mind to this then more people just like andrew tate are gonna come along and manipulate everyone in the same way WalterJS#2477: no we cant leave it at that WalterJS#2477: and this documentary is what is going to help stop him burarahurricane#6369: ok i think we can leave it at that 💯 burarahurricane#6369: yes WalterJS#2477: yes burarahurricane#6369: can we all agree andrew tate has caused real harm ? WalterJS#2477: ok do u hear what im saying. fine, lets agree he's misogynistic. nothign changed. the people who follow him dont care PeckServers.com#8342: ill keep reading but had to stop and say *he is misogynistic* WalterJS#2477: if you don't understand the opposite sides argument better than they do, you will never win. But this documentary is literally the definition of knowing more about the opposite sides argument—and winning WalterJS#2477: you guys are missing the genius of this documentary. every single other Andrew state hater on the face of the earth thinks like you guys are thinking right now, but this documentary took it from a whole different perspective, and that's why it's so profound. If you want to hate Andrew tate because you heard he's a "sex trafficker" or he's "misogynistic" that's fine but you're surface-level arguments aren't gonna help the world understand the true reasons Andrew tate is bad. Everyone knows that women aren't "*lesser*. Everyone who actually listened to Andrew Tate knows those allegations are false or at least aren't backed up (yet?), and that's why he has such a strong following. This documentary shows those people that they were wrong. I'm literally explaining to you from the opposite side why people follow andrew tate. PeckServers.com#8342: especially if he thinks of them that way so much that he traffics them PeckServers.com#8342: also anyone who thinks of women the way he does, *as lessers*, is gross PeckServers.com#8342: ^ PeckServers.com#8342: should I feel remorse for him PeckServers.com#8342: I didnt know hitler only had one testicle and was actually really sick most of the time but I still knew he killed a lot of jews Mocha#3331: it's not that deep Mocha#3331: dude i don't think you need to know much other than his thought process was misogynistic and he was a sex trafficker he could have this great idea in his mind but that doesn't justify his actions lisx#1702: I think you're thinking tooo deep into this PeckServers.com#8342: thats just not true WalterJS#2477: so if you havent you can't really argue either way in this discussion WalterJS#2477: I've analyzed on a deep level many of the things this dude has said. almost every short little 30-second clip I know the full story to lisx#1702: except the one you sent me forever ago lisx#1702: I haven't even watched short clips PeckServers.com#8342: good point, imo to add to that andrew tate thinking being so gross could be helping the world but realy hes doing dangerous stuff WalterJS#2477: actually no you probably havent other than short clips WalterJS#2477: have you listened to him WalterJS#2477: exaactllyy it's like on the far left is super vulnerable, and the far right is misogynistic, and he basically pulls people from the left but they end up getting pulled way to far. btw this has nothing to do with traditional left and right in politics lisx#1702: hes misogninesitc Mocha#3331: wasn't hitlers ideal creating a perfect world with no jews which in his mind was helping the world lisx#1702: dont believe him lisx#1702: did he tell you lisx#1702: how do you know what tate thinks WalterJS#2477: that's only half the story tho, tate clearly thinks he is helping people—cuz he is to a certain extent. hitler didn't even think jews were people.... PeckServers.com#8342: yeah its also dangerous cause a lot of vulnerable people might become mysogynistic and get killed for it Mocha#3331: setting people up for failure Mocha#3331: pretty much what andrew tate did 😭 PeckServers.com#8342: 😂 lisx#1702: camps = provided housing 😂 Mocha#3331: that's actually such a goated analogy PeckServers.com#8342: and somehow a lot of people ended up in them PeckServers.com#8342: I mean hitler provided housing for a lot of people, there just happened to be gas chambers in the same camps WalterJS#2477: he genuinely helps a lot of people get their life back on track. the problem is what he guides those people to do after. PeckServers.com#8342: aahyes PeckServers.com#8342: *certain* WalterJS#2477: everyone knows he's kinda dumb on certain views WalterJS#2477: he's not all bad, he's just a lot more bad than I and a lot of other people who listened to him originally thought PeckServers.com#8342: it can be tho, hes in jail and were not WalterJS#2477: that's the whole problem WalterJS#2477: it's just not that black and white PeckServers.com#8342: but now that you see that he was wrong, defending him isnt really that great Mocha#3331: anderew tate is dumb and stupid and only brought misogony along with this confidence burarahurricane#6369: im glad that u cna see u were wrong ! WalterJS#2477: bro I'm literally coming forward and saying I was wrong I don't see how this is coping Mocha#3331: bro this is the most insane paragraph i have ever read PeckServers.com#8342: hmm PeckServers.com#8342: like doesnt make it okay WalterJS#2477: ya, that's a fair judgment, but it's very surface-level. I personally don't think hes dumb enough to believe that and you can kinda see he's joking in the way he comes across. PeckServers.com#8342: but just cause PeckServers.com#8342: that reminds me of the one guy on youtube who absolutely hates women and is so irratinoaly gross towards them lisx#1702: he sounds like jesus burarahurricane#6369: sorry bro but this feels a little like . copium to me... lisx#1702: dont marry andrew tate 💯 Mocha#3331: everyone followed his message cause they were manipulate 😭 WalterJS#2477: people always say he manipulates vulnerable men. I don't think that's true. I think he truly does help vulnerable men; that's why everyone followed his message. The people he manipulated were the people who weren't vulnerable, or even crazier, the people whom he actually helped become more confident. He genuinely saved those people's lives, making them strongly connect with him. Then he had an army of confident, driven men who felt like they were doing the right thing. This led them to overlook certain pitfalls in what he was saying, resulting in an explosion in popularity. This all literally happened before anyone knew who he was. So he created an army of people who felt like they were doing the right thing and knew the whole story when they really didn't. And I think he genuinely doesn't understand the harm he brings to women and stuff because he's narcissistic, not misogynistic, and by extension, doesn't understand the message he's putting forward. He brings that worldview to other men who follow him for different reasons. PeckServers.com#8342: definately not anything wrong there 🙄 PeckServers.com#8342: 😂 samee burarahurricane#6369: sorey i just thought that was funny burarahurricane#6369: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxxO8XV2W6BSh7ThoYCZkBXqMMg3iiqca9 burarahurricane#6369: THIS 💯💯 PeckServers.com#8342: he talks about having a sword essentially to make women feel powerless, and preaces that every man should have one Mocha#3331: fuck andrew tate all my homies hate andrew tate WalterJS#2477: ik lol Mocha#3331: LMFAOOO SO TRUE burarahurricane#6369: i cant veliebe anyone takes him seroius ly "so many of the worlds problems would be solved if men walked aroudn their houses with swords" like im cryitng Mocha#3331: bro... WalterJS#2477: it helps WalterJS#2477: na i just watched that video in like full hyperfocus mode PeckServers.com#8342: I mean the vice article doesnt really help tho lisx#1702: omg traditionalism like conservatism? WalterJS#2477: na bro this is what im saying people hate him for all these reasons because they haerd them but like its just not true. its way way deeper adn worse than that burarahurricane#6369: ok ill let u talk burarahurricane#6369: he runs a human sex trafficbing business burarahurricane#6369: hello he is hella misogynistic what 😭 WalterJS#2477: give me a sec WalterJS#2477: im trtying to type up my argument here WalterJS#2477: anyway WalterJS#2477: i dont think hes a misogynist I think he just doesnt understand basic manners. he took traditionalism too far and also hes just really horny Mocha#3331: TREUEEEEEEE burarahurricane#6369: LITERALLYYY he built himself a cult burarahurricane#6369: ppl said Holy shit misogyny is so based 💯 PeckServers.com#8342: they cheer at a long tabel *"to andrew tate"* sounds like *all hail hitler* if u ask me lisx#1702: look its discord Mocha#3331: no he was just an asshole 😭 burarahurricane#6369: it is kind of crazy how he openly brags about how he rapes women and whatever and still managed to get so much (good) attention WalterJS#2477: anyway WalterJS#2477: they must have found more info on him PeckServers.com#8342: yeah he got rearrested or smt lisx#1702: Well the end result was the same and a lot simpler WalterJS#2477: oh dang burarahurricane#6369: no that was misinformation his detainment was extended til feb 27th i think WalterJS#2477: they were half correct WalterJS#2477: well WalterJS#2477: they were wrong though lisx#1702: Okay but like most people already knew he was bad without thinking he was good and then realizing he’s bad WalterJS#2477: wait I think I got it WalterJS#2477: he has used logical traps to pull people in, even myself. it's actually pretty genius what he did. he used a few good points to draw people in and then made himself look like the victim, saying things were taken out of context. it's hard because that makes it believable and it technically is true. he doesn't deserve the credit for that being genius, though, because he doesn't even realize what he actually did. its like reverse psychology. his message seems super bad to people until you look into it, and then it makes sense—based on his justifications. But then you realize that he doesn't even understand what hes doing. So then his entire message is actually extremely bad, and not even in the way that people normally insult it for. you'd have to watch the video to understand, ill probably watch it again because I can't exactly put my argument into words yet as you can see lol WalterJS#2477: he got out like 2 days later burarahurricane#6369: tate is such a fucking joke LMAO glad hes gone in jail 💯 PeckServers.com#8342: I thought he was your hero lmao WalterJS#2477: this is some legit stuff WalterJS#2477: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj1JSlKzHtc WalterJS#2477: guys PeckServers.com#8342: 😂😂 Maulie#8927: It was my little sister Maulie#8927: I was taking a shower and then I come back to my DM with Ethan spammed PeckServers.com#8342: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: what? Maulie#8927: Oh gosh my sister got into this channel too? PeckServers.com#8342: is that your new password? Maulie#8927: 3YTGH4YREYREHYHREYHERHRYTEH76YTR7643EWY6 PeckServers.com#8342: kinda fun PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/@LinusTechTips PeckServers.com#8342: on the linus tech tips channel PeckServers.com#8342: they are playing devils advocate on wan show today xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Why aren’t all of them solved 🫥😐😐🫥🫥😶😶😐🫤🫤🫤😐🫥😐🫥😑😑😑😐🫥😐😶🫤 Mocha#3331: it's considered and addiction Mocha#3331: that's not considered "too many" EJCaldwell#2924: there is 32 i have EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: Is this too many or not enough EJCaldwell#2924: that is a 9cm cube EJCaldwell#2924: i have a big hand mate PeckServers.com#8342: littol hand Mocha#3331: you know what they say EJCaldwell#2924: Big Rubik’s cube PeckServers.com#8342: that little puppy thooo 🥺 PeckServers.com#8342: awww EJCaldwell#2924: Some people need this today EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/_7eZP0eAD3A?feature=share EJCaldwell#2924: the one time i am going to order something EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: i am going to buy way more next week EJCaldwell#2924: it was good Mocha#3331: <@383372123714093098> thta gumi burger was brazy PeckServers.com#8342: dang that was a fat minute ago PeckServers.com#8342: woaw lisx#1702: omg cars the same speed as chunky tricycles have just been invented lisx#1702: what gets me the most are the horse drawn carriages lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_me3NrPMh8 this is so cool EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: OMG look its a username family!! username123115#4960: omg its a fellow Username PeckServers.com#8342: just a huff of meth and youll have a blast playin chess PeckServers.com#8342: fr, walter white and jesse pinkman PeckServers.com#8342: youve got them big chompers Maulie#8927: Wait wut SpencerLS#2849: what genre even is this lisx#1702: thats what im saying bro burarahurricane#6369: cody can show you the meth lab by mcdonalds lisx#1702: you don't have to get your wisdom teeth removed for that 😂 Maulie#8927: But I would also like to play a game of chess while on drugs Maulie#8927: The Dentist took my x-rays and were like: "You have four wisdom teeth. However, you have enough space in your mouth that you don't have to remove them." PeckServers.com#8342: https://m.publicsurplus.com/sms/dixiescit,ut/auction/view?auc=3194504 good laptop on auction PeckServers.com#8342: thanks ❤️ PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I gotchu bro PeckServers.com#8342: damn there really wasnt much left was there PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: the fire was also so hot that it singed the siding on the house on the left PeckServers.com#8342: jesus thats sad PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: so I could run every server and all of the internet connections through that LACP PeckServers.com#8342: then each of the ports on that switch are 10gig PeckServers.com#8342: i could LACP the 2 ports on here with the 2 the switch for an aggregate capacity of 80Gbits/s PeckServers.com#8342: then this double sexy f**k yeah to go along with it PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: https://mikrotik.com/product/crs326_24s_2q_rm fuck me i need this PeckServers.com#8342: but the sky's the limit really PeckServers.com#8342: some things that it was good at was making videos small enough for discord PeckServers.com#8342: If I were to remake the video compression thing that i did awhile ago where you could upload video files to and it, would spit out compressed ones, what would be the thing you guys would need it for the most? PeckServers.com#8342: now its 8:30 tho which is sad PeckServers.com#8342: fr lisx#1702: i woke up at 10 and its the longest day ever lisx#1702: seriously PeckServers.com#8342: 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: holy shit thats epic EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/jSayWAdRrTw?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: but when i looked at the clock it was 11 PeckServers.com#8342: i was expecting it to be 4 at one point PeckServers.com#8342: today has felt so long PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: OOGA BOOGA PeckServers.com#8342: perfect freeze frame PeckServers.com#8342: hmmmm EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/lcpDY75gNsI?feature=share lisx#1702: akldsjf ladsjflkasdj burarahurricane#6369: CGay EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Linus is swearing on todays WAN show to see if youtube demonetization is broken PeckServers.com#8342: OMG DADDY REEVES Mocha#3331: my goat 🐐 burarahurricane#6369: hes back 🌟 lisx#1702: NO WAY BRO lisx#1702: REAL lisx#1702: THIS IS lisx#1702: OMG lisx#1702: NO WAY lisx#1702: IS THAT REAL lisx#1702: NPFUCKAYI WAY lisx#1702: NO WAY lisx#1702: ADSKLFJ ADSKLFJS lisx#1702: OH MYU GOD burarahurricane#6369: https://youtu.be/fzJrH_DR6SY PeckServers.com#8342: i feel like that is a company you would make tho fr PeckServers.com#8342: ikr WalterJS#2477: Bruh what 😂 EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: So me and some people wrote this PeckServers.com#8342: Its beautiful PeckServers.com#8342: Lol <@531264285385424916> google cloud be partnering with sigma ai EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: Let’s go username123115#4960: you can doooo it EJCaldwell#2924: I am so close to 100 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I love it so much xXthat1redheadXx#9990: LMFAO xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Nice Maulie#8927: I wasn't worried about getting dress coded PeckServers.com#8342: administration cant get mad at facts PeckServers.com#8342: fair Maulie#8927: Maulie#8927: It's referring to the blue footed boobies from the Galapogoes which are also on the shirt Maulie#8927: Oh no people did, they loved the shirt Mocha#3331: fan' Mocha#3331: im pie nerds biggest fen PeckServers.com#8342: and nobody said anything? lisx#1702: do you Maulie#8927: You know what I did today? I wore a shirt to school that said "I <3 Boobies" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what the heck that's amazing EJCaldwell#2924: It was not even close lol PeckServers.com#8342: dang EJCaldwell#2924: I just won a game of chess with .2 seconds left PeckServers.com#8342: nisson towers is finally going down PeckServers.com#8342: holy crap guys PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/cody%20(fs)/nissonnotfound.jpg PeckServers.com#8342: im still trying to come up with an idea for what the hell she was trying to say burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: remember when that one dad with luscous lips on her had one of them? PeckServers.com#8342: i do!! burarahurricane#6369: remember when lisa thought the accordion was a blowy instrument burarahurricane#6369: hey guys username123115#4960: so true EJCaldwell#2924: And i need to be up in like 6 1/2 hours EJCaldwell#2924: I can’t sleep EJCaldwell#2924: I am dead inside PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning lisa burarahurricane#6369: good morning ☀️ lisx#1702: Good morning lisa PeckServers.com#8342: goodnight you 👉 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Good morning lisa PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning lisa lisx#1702: Morning PeckServers.com#8342: Fr I'm so ready for the weekend idk abt u guys Mocha#3331: goated fr PeckServers.com#8342: Hows everyones Friday goin? Maulie#8927: It's easier to beat 1000 elo players than 900 elo PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> thats cool it shows the domain! lisx#1702: and you can feel special again \:) lisx#1702: and when our breaks dont match up again which will happen next when we get next friday off for parent teacher conferences it'll be different again lisx#1702: at least in my head lisx#1702: but blue day came first so blue day is a day lisx#1702: we have blue days and gold days lisx#1702: if it makes you feel any better it was actually blue day WalterJS#2477: i cant believe it was a day for both of us WalterJS#2477: I dont feel special anymore WalterJS#2477: cringe lisx#1702: it was a day for me too username123115#4960: wow thanks lisx#1702: good job lisx#1702: thats great EJCaldwell#2924: I can now drive legally by myself lisx#1702: isnt it like ooh money lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: isn't he like 18 lisx#1702: idk how peter's even going to live now lisx#1702: do you think there's going to be another spidey movie lisx#1702: I'm confused again lisx#1702: hold up lisx#1702: is it lisx#1702: wait lisx#1702: I remember now lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: WAIT this is the one with andrew gardener or wahtever right lisx#1702: and he's just a kid lisx#1702: but the fact that even none of the other avengers people know who he is now lisx#1702: idk anymore lisx#1702: sort of not really? lisx#1702: does this have to do with the multiverse of madness lisx#1702: i'm confused now lisx#1702: wait lisx#1702: and dr strange lisx#1702: what happened to happy lisx#1702: and tony's dead lisx#1702: AND aunt may died lisx#1702: because ned(?) and what was her name zelana? zedaya zendaya they were happy without him lisx#1702: and now he'll be all depressed and alone lisx#1702: but then he just left lisx#1702: and he was going to tell her lisx#1702: or something lisx#1702: mit together lisx#1702: they were all gonna go to lisx#1702: it was so depressing lisx#1702: OMG I REMEMBER lisx#1702: and wasn't this one the one with venom or whatever in the end lisx#1702: yeah i hated that lisx#1702: that was forever ago EJCaldwell#2924: But it is worth it for my drivers licenses EJCaldwell#2924: The freeway is scary in the rain PeckServers.com#8342: Weird theres no sub PeckServers.com#8342: You learn money stuff WalterJS#2477: but the teacher isnt here cuz he got back surgery so literally ive been sitting here for 2 hours WalterJS#2477: but I have no idea what it is WalterJS#2477: cuz I have that class now and its required WalterJS#2477: does anyone know what financial lit is PeckServers.com#8342: I havent seen it tho username123115#4960: is today an a day Mocha#3331: also what was bros opening Mocha#3331: im in new gork EJCaldwell#2924: that queen take was premoved EJCaldwell#2924: i pre moved like half of the moves EJCaldwell#2924: this game is kinda funny EJCaldwell#2924: WalterJS#2477: i just barely saw it ok burarahurricane#6369: bro asks like two years after the movie comes out EJCaldwell#2924: it is a good movie WalterJS#2477: now I wanna kms WalterJS#2477: I watched it last night at like 3am and it was super good except the ending was sooo sad WalterJS#2477: Has anyone seen Spider-Man no way home username123115#4960: fr PeckServers.com#8342: its such an underrated group PeckServers.com#8342: yayy username123115#4960: we can be the didn't change classes group username123115#4960: oh PeckServers.com#8342: yeah it was kind of a stroke of luck username123115#4960: really now PeckServers.com#8342: mine didnt either PeckServers.com#8342: luckyyy username123115#4960: my classes didn't change 🥲 EJCaldwell#2924: Programming 2 and gaming development EJCaldwell#2924: A days are my fun classes EJCaldwell#2924: I want to go back PeckServers.com#8342: u? PeckServers.com#8342: im just so scary excited PeckServers.com#8342: i am PeckServers.com#8342: meee EJCaldwell#2924: Who is ready for school tomorrow Mocha#3331: me fr Mocha#3331: KSKFKRIIFKDNEKLSLVKF Mocha#3331: fjjdidicjfneje Mocha#3331: hmfhmfhfmhfmfhfmfhmfhfmf PeckServers.com#8342: funnie PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/meme%20(fs)/5oacoprmrjg81.webp yeeesss PeckServers.com#8342: Shame PeckServers.com#8342: Shame PeckServers.com#8342: Shame PeckServers.com#8342: Shame xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lisa you should be ashamed of yourself xXthat1redheadXx#9990: She should lisx#1702: lisa should be ashamed xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lisa is a terrorist PeckServers.com#8342: Kinda racist NGL PeckServers.com#8342: She only thinks its gross cause shes a gorl PeckServers.com#8342: Fr Mocha#3331: Lisa is homophobic confirmed PeckServers.com#8342: only if u make it gross ya know what im sayin? lisx#1702: this is gross lisx#1702: -_- PeckServers.com#8342: Anything 4 u bbg Mocha#3331: at least take me out to dinner first 😳 PeckServers.com#8342: We should just fuck already 😘🥰 Mocha#3331: i need some hot snaps of you ong PeckServers.com#8342: You got any hot snaps of it? PeckServers.com#8342: How good is said setup? PeckServers.com#8342: Oh hey nerd WalterJS#2477: I got a new setup WalterJS#2477: sup nerds lisx#1702: no im pretty sure it's the allpowerful <@&668688556054675484> PeckServers.com#8342: I think super admin makes him impervious to lisas rein PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yea EJCaldwell#2924: George was on Walters account remember PeckServers.com#8342: Damn burarahurricane#6369: slay ! lisx#1702: good for him lisx#1702: haha PeckServers.com#8342: Howd that happen? PeckServers.com#8342: Yo what EJCaldwell#2924: georges alt has admin EJCaldwell#2924: hey lisa xXthat1redheadXx#9990: You can join too lisx#1702: me three? 🥺 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yuh burarahurricane#6369: can i be part of hte hermit club 🥹 Mocha#3331: we can be hermit buddies lisx#1702: You read my mind xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I think ive come to terms with the fact that im probably gonna become a hermit and in the near future PeckServers.com#8342: Dang its a small world PeckServers.com#8342: Oh no way, me too Mocha#3331: it's called concrete games Mocha#3331: im in it too lisx#1702: which may or may not be plotting against the government lisx#1702: I'm actually apart of an online cult group PeckServers.com#8342: Youre just discovering this? PeckServers.com#8342: Tf lol Mocha#3331: i always knew it Mocha#3331: lisa is a terrorist confirmed PeckServers.com#8342: But yea heppy new yeer everybody!!! PeckServers.com#8342: And the rest was YouTube stuff PeckServers.com#8342: 8 mile Mocha#3331: THAT'S CRAZY Mocha#3331: GUYS ITS BEENA WHOLE YEARS SINCE IVE SEEN YALL EJCaldwell#2924: <@852187118113652776> what movies did you watch? EJCaldwell#2924: somehow Maulie#8927: Society has managed to hold it together through 2022 Maulie#8927: Happy new year! 🎉 burarahurricane#6369: happy new year 🎊🎆🎈 Maulie#8927: Okay Maulie#8927: ? EJCaldwell#2924: Get off of waiters account EJCaldwell#2924: George Maulie#8927: Probably browsing pinterest PeckServers.com#8342: In my lap WalterJS#2477: How are your mothers on this tine afternoon WalterJS#2477: Collectively lisx#1702: take your time lisx#1702: sure bro EJCaldwell#2924: Me and <@606620815349383209> will be like 30ish mins PeckServers.com#8342: Yea bring swim suits if you have them WalterJS#2477: Good idea WalterJS#2477: yeah that would be cool WalterJS#2477: Also chill in my hot tub or swim EJCaldwell#2924: i could bring something with some jackbox games WalterJS#2477: And have snacks WalterJS#2477: And we might play games and stuff WalterJS#2477: idk we got like a projector and Cody is gonna setup his surround sound system EJCaldwell#2924: do you have any plans for anything to do WalterJS#2477: My address is 493 n 1660 W Cir, St. George Utah 84770 EJCaldwell#2924: <@606620815349383209> i could try to get you WalterJS#2477: you can come over at 10 WalterJS#2477: Yeah that works xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I wish 😭😭😭 Maulie#8927: I could potentially go as well EJCaldwell#2924: well i get off of work around 10PM if i were to guess WalterJS#2477: You could stay till like 2am or probably stay the night if you wanted WalterJS#2477: Uhhh like maybe anytime after 6:30 or 7pm WalterJS#2477: My house EJCaldwell#2924: because i am down EJCaldwell#2924: what time and where ThatCreativeOne#2578: I have a dnd game xD WalterJS#2477: @everyone who’s tryna hang out tonight with me and Cody for new years EJCaldwell#2924: this is just sad EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/QUZjTy4JdbM?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: like split down the middle PeckServers.com#8342: smae EJCaldwell#2924: broke my mind PeckServers.com#8342: the amount of brain PeckServers.com#8342: kinda hot ngl PeckServers.com#8342: thats mega brained PeckServers.com#8342: woa EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/WFbJZDE0pZs?feature=share EJCaldwell#2924: but really shiny EJCaldwell#2924: yes Maulie#8927: Probably with the pigments as I aged, I would have to ask my mom though, she's more of a professional PeckServers.com#8342: like not quite gray PeckServers.com#8342: isnt platinum like an old person color? PeckServers.com#8342: oh weird PeckServers.com#8342: imma shit myself PeckServers.com#8342: this one PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: it used to be like platinum EJCaldwell#2924: now my hair has changed a lot PeckServers.com#8342: but the second I get that email PeckServers.com#8342: same PeckServers.com#8342: then its like "nope changed my mind" PeckServers.com#8342: its just like heres a trait PeckServers.com#8342: crazy how the body does that PeckServers.com#8342: interesting Maulie#8927: I'm just happy it's raining for most of the night Maulie#8927: Yeah my family has pictures of me with natural blonde hair, then it became brown. EJCaldwell#2924: i can confirm she does PeckServers.com#8342: so the rain is significantly louder than normal in here PeckServers.com#8342: also the aluminum raingutter is right outside the corner of my room PeckServers.com#8342: oh just like naturally? Maulie#8927: Back when I was like a preschooler, my hair was blonde, then it changed to Brown PeckServers.com#8342: the more ya know PeckServers.com#8342: wait really? Maulie#8927: I used to have Blonde hair Maulie#8927: lol PeckServers.com#8342: holding surf board PeckServers.com#8342: queue summer beach scene with blonde sun bleached hair in slow mo Maulie#8927: *Guy wearing shorts in Winter enters the chat* PeckServers.com#8342: yeah gotta stay true to the colors Maulie#8927: It wouldn't be you to edit it PeckServers.com#8342: and its too good to edit Maulie#8927: Yes you do PeckServers.com#8342: i know what I did there Maulie#8927: XD okay Cody PeckServers.com#8342: so that would make sense PeckServers.com#8342: they make more heat PeckServers.com#8342: errr wait PeckServers.com#8342: yeah and men are also way hotter than women Maulie#8927: Me and Ethan just chilling outside like it's your average day Maulie#8927: Yeah, then again, she is very skinny so... PeckServers.com#8342: 42 isnt that bad Maulie#8927: Our coworker calls us psychopaths because we like the cold lol PeckServers.com#8342: but it really is nice weather PeckServers.com#8342: they are just so stressful cause of peckservers PeckServers.com#8342: even though they are rare PeckServers.com#8342: rain always worries me cause power outages PeckServers.com#8342: maybe we can fill some riversand reservoirs or smth PeckServers.com#8342: well thats promising PeckServers.com#8342: oh dang Maulie#8927: Then continue again on Sunday Maulie#8927: It's supposed to be going off an on the whole night Maulie#8927: I love listening to the rain sounds outside, sadly it's not strong enough this time, but at least it'll make the room colder Maulie#8927: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: 23 hours 59 minutes PeckServers.com#8342: fuck PeckServers.com#8342: 24 hours untill next year PeckServers.com#8342: but like.. its still going PeckServers.com#8342: its been on and off all week PeckServers.com#8342: i cant believe that its still raining PeckServers.com#8342: its so nice Maulie#8927: The rain outside is so amazing, it makes my room so cold PeckServers.com#8342: its always the matrix to be fair WalterJS#2477: lmfaoooo PeckServers.com#8342: 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: bro what is even that PeckServers.com#8342: but only time will tell WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: yeah he just doesnt seem like the kind of person that could even be capable of that kind of stuff WalterJS#2477: I saw it this morning but It’s hard to believe lol PeckServers.com#8342: i wonder what caused all this PeckServers.com#8342: kinda scary WalterJS#2477: yeah ik PeckServers.com#8342: yea no cap WalterJS#2477: I’m wondering the same PeckServers.com#8342: WalterJS#2477: Jk PeckServers.com#8342: but im curious if he actually did those things WalterJS#2477: Cap PeckServers.com#8342: well he was PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> apparently andrew tate was arrested for human trafficking and rape PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: thats so cool!!! PeckServers.com#8342: it literally generates a massive report! PeckServers.com#8342: if you type powercfg /sleepstudy PeckServers.com#8342: in cmd PeckServers.com#8342: holy crap PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/cody%20(fs)/sleepstudy-report.html PeckServers.com#8342: too bad it costs so much to make it this good PeckServers.com#8342: like gaming on this network and router even under high congestion would just be such an amazing experience PeckServers.com#8342: minus the fact that this site doesnt test the full upload speed the internet here is freaking cracked PeckServers.com#8342: fr its so weird cause normally its so sunny Mocha#3331: Last night I felt like I was gotham city PeckServers.com#8342: i kinda love it PeckServers.com#8342: its been like the uk is all the time PeckServers.com#8342: omg its so gloomy out PeckServers.com#8342: fancy PeckServers.com#8342: ooh! EJCaldwell#2924: Time to build a chair PeckServers.com#8342: i wonder if redbox has it yet PeckServers.com#8342: fair WalterJS#2477: No but worth renting to rip onto plex PeckServers.com#8342: Worth buying? PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeah? EJCaldwell#2924: New Avatar movie was good EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: Yes burarahurricane#6369: Yes lisx#1702: Yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yes EJCaldwell#2924: i just find it funny that it was today the she asked EJCaldwell#2924: i was not expecting it PeckServers.com#8342: thats so sweet PeckServers.com#8342: awww EJCaldwell#2924: and 20 mins later i get sent an amazon giftcard from them EJCaldwell#2924: and they wish me a Happy Birthday EJCaldwell#2924: so i said Dec 29 2006 EJCaldwell#2924: so my boss asked everybody what their birthday was EJCaldwell#2924: so something funny just happened to me PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/meme%20(fs)/rainbowfilter.webp PeckServers.com#8342: http://psse.in/gay EJCaldwell#2924: ty for the very unique happy birthdays EJCaldwell#2924: ima be able to drive to work now EJCaldwell#2924: me PeckServers.com#8342: etans WalterJS#2477: Happy birthday WalterJS#2477: Who’s birthday WalterJS#2477: Huh lisx#1702: Hppy bday username123115#4960: happy borthday PeckServers.com#8342: Merry birfday!!!!!! burarahurricane#6369: birtjdyay !!!! Mocha#3331: Happy happy birthday EJCaldwell#2924: yay Mocha#3331: Alex G>>>> PeckServers.com#8342: kelpy G PeckServers.com#8342: yes PeckServers.com#8342: mmm PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI0viSKCRCA&t=1485s lisx#1702: grrm kinda wrote that game Mocha#3331: Didn't it like win game of the year or something EJCaldwell#2924: it is a very hard game lisx#1702: i think liam played that game EJCaldwell#2924: First real souls like game PeckServers.com#8342: that ones good PeckServers.com#8342: ooh!\ EJCaldwell#2924: pain will come soon EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: se is getting me a fun game EJCaldwell#2924: i love my older sister EJCaldwell#2924: ye PeckServers.com#8342: are you excited? PeckServers.com#8342: that is so exciting!!! EJCaldwell#2924: i will be able to drive soon PeckServers.com#8342: happy birthday eve to you!! PeckServers.com#8342: oh YEA EJCaldwell#2924: yes EJCaldwell#2924: thingy lisx#1702: your birthday? PeckServers.com#8342: which one? EJCaldwell#2924: thingy EJCaldwell#2924: till EJCaldwell#2924: day EJCaldwell#2924: a EJCaldwell#2924: than EJCaldwell#2924: less burarahurricane#6369: TRUYEEE lisx#1702: it's almost 2023 lisx#1702: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Pick Me White Girl Singer Show to be precise PeckServers.com#8342: And was somehow actually pretty funny and relatable PeckServers.com#8342: That is like 65 PeckServers.com#8342: She is a comedian burarahurricane#6369: americas got talent is jsut White Girl Singer SHow Mocha#3331: if he didn't win he was mid Mocha#3331: almost? PeckServers.com#8342: Comedian that almost won Americas got talent PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Twas pretty cool PeckServers.com#8342: More like the gayass trip PeckServers.com#8342: Vegas strip PeckServers.com#8342: Gottem WalterJS#2477: your mom PeckServers.com#8342: And so many people PeckServers.com#8342: Theres so much traffic PeckServers.com#8342: I dislike the vegas strip so much PeckServers.com#8342: hehehehe EJCaldwell#2924: <@852187118113652776> EJCaldwell#2924: like the advertising EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: are you actually doing that? PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: your mom WalterJS#2477: you are a nerd neck PeckServers.com#8342: i was gonna make a nerd neck PeckServers.com#8342: also thanks for reminding me PeckServers.com#8342: OMG IM SO EXCITED!!!!! WalterJS#2477: stay tuned for the CG new years party WalterJS#2477: merry christmas you nerd necks burarahurricane#6369: 🎄 PeckServers.com#8342: and a happy new jeep xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Merry Chrystler PeckServers.com#8342: lmao Mocha#3331: Tell lisa PeckServers.com#8342: Lisa says happy Christmas to you Ishmael Mocha#3331: Feliz navidad PeckServers.com#8342: Merry Christmas you stalk of Christmas nerds Mocha#3331: From playing jingle bells I'm practically beethoven now Mocha#3331: I'm devoloping major hand pains Mocha#3331: Bestie I be playing the piano ong lisx#1702: <@484351343503474698> bestie im bored Mocha#3331: Those are a lot of presents and I mean like a lot I've never seent that many in one place 💀💀 EJCaldwell#2924: ss EJCaldwell#2924: it is for 8 people i gues EJCaldwell#2924: ikr lisx#1702: that is a lot of presents lisx#1702: wow EJCaldwell#2924: it came with the eyes EJCaldwell#2924: There are so many EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: I love awolnation PeckServers.com#8342: bop PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/31hUonEmUsEVd0FMRv1s5r?si=66332d1c5e60429a PeckServers.com#8342: hmm thats creative EJCaldwell#2924: Both over 18 EJCaldwell#2924: My sisters boyfriend got it for a different sister EJCaldwell#2924: Idk PeckServers.com#8342: where u get that from PeckServers.com#8342: thats sick! PeckServers.com#8342: i can GROW A PECKER!!!! PeckServers.com#8342: OMGGGG Mocha#3331: i need one fo those fr EJCaldwell#2924: <@852187118113652776> you will like this EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: Look at what my sister was given Mocha#3331: Tmmr PeckServers.com#8342: some cozy vibes for christmas eve PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrf-GAYUOkQ PeckServers.com#8342: whens santa lisx#1702: What’s Santa Mocha#3331: Santa day lisx#1702: What’s tomorrow Mocha#3331: Santa deniers hearing about what tmmr is PeckServers.com#8342: 😊 hopefully all your christmas eves is going spectacular lisx#1702: You too Cody PeckServers.com#8342: Merry christmas eve nerds PeckServers.com#8342: "rainbow cockroach spinning to around the world by daft punk" PeckServers.com#8342: I walk in from the shower and this is what YouTube put on next PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/cody%20(fs)/20221223_235138.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: Fr thoo EJCaldwell#2924: a TV show highschooler EJCaldwell#2924: ah yes PeckServers.com#8342: And youll be like 23 now right? PeckServers.com#8342: O: EJCaldwell#2924: 6 now PeckServers.com#8342: Bappy borfday in 7 days!!!!! EJCaldwell#2924: heck yea brother PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm4EfiRPBiI PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5RvvcaQEIs PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWeu2dxHRDg PeckServers.com#8342: to like put a computer inside of a printer PeckServers.com#8342: that would be cool lisx#1702: is that possible PeckServers.com#8342: oooh lisx#1702: lmao username123115#4960: i thought you were using the printer as a computer lmao PeckServers.com#8342: wow u suck lisx#1702: I quit lisx#1702: update lisx#1702: im pretty sure i was at 1984 at one point today lisx#1702: update lisx#1702: update: lisx#1702: mario stream is empowering me tho PeckServers.com#8342: even that requires bren power lisx#1702: I'm just going try to get to my high score PeckServers.com#8342: it requires brain power lisx#1702: im not even going to try to get to 2000 lisx#1702: chess is just stupid honestly lisx#1702: they dont even make sense anymore lisx#1702: chess puzzles are too hard lisx#1702: But I can't think of where I could possibly have played it before lisx#1702: I feel like I've played this game once before lisx#1702: this is the best (only) super mario stream ive ever watched lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/vKs-JsnYx7k lisx#1702: *while watching schwifty play super mario PeckServers.com#8342: we see the skeleton of lisa as she tried to do chess for too long PeckServers.com#8342: 1000 years later PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/skeleton-tv-netflix-gif-13804032 lisx#1702: I was almost really close once lisx#1702: but im going to keep going until I get to 2000 lisx#1702: i think ive been doing chess.com puzzles for too long PeckServers.com#8342: you must brute force 🌟 lisx#1702: what if they dont go live for like anoother six months lisx#1702: that doesnt sound very efficient PeckServers.com#8342: and more efficinet PeckServers.com#8342: and more powerful PeckServers.com#8342: much PeckServers.com#8342: i bet if you were to keep rapidly refreshing his page you might eventually catch them live lisx#1702: i hope schwifty doesnt die before i ever catch a stream lisx#1702: I wonder if that will ever happen lisx#1702: imagine a day when I catch a schwifty stream lisx#1702: smaller lisx#1702: haven't they gotten smalelr too PeckServers.com#8342: etc PeckServers.com#8342: and more super mario PeckServers.com#8342: like more colors PeckServers.com#8342: and do a lot more boxy stuff then they used to PeckServers.com#8342: boxes have evolved a lot PeckServers.com#8342: yea lisx#1702: right lisx#1702: energy ✨ lisx#1702: and lisx#1702: colors lisx#1702: like lisx#1702: and lisx#1702: and stuff lisx#1702: super mario lisx#1702: boxes can make lisx#1702: how lisx#1702: its kinda cool tho PeckServers.com#8342: and others are just loud boxes PeckServers.com#8342: and some of the boxes get annoying sometimes PeckServers.com#8342: sometimes its too many boxes PeckServers.com#8342: ikr lisx#1702: thats a lot of boxes lisx#1702: wow PeckServers.com#8342: and these are hard drives PeckServers.com#8342: (on the very top shelf, left to right) Router, TDS backup internet connection, network storage appliance (middle row, front to back) cable management, Network switch, very large server, power strip (bottom row, front to back) my computer, another smaller server with a keyboard on top of it, Uninteruptable power supply (on the right wall) video encoder for my security cameras, centurylink main fiber internet, power strip, power meter lisx#1702: what are the other boxes for PeckServers.com#8342: lol PeckServers.com#8342: ive been busy PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: so it now doubles as a 5 foot tall bar stool PeckServers.com#8342: Those two little boxes make the magic happen PeckServers.com#8342: You can see it there on the floor PeckServers.com#8342: lmaoo PeckServers.com#8342: so i removed it entirely lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: cause computers make noise and are hot sometimes lisx#1702: why PeckServers.com#8342: same with audio lisx#1702: bruh PeckServers.com#8342: the usb and hdmi go over those two cables PeckServers.com#8342: i spent most of the day today running two ethernet cables between my datacenter and my room lisx#1702: or we're just super dumnb 😄 lisx#1702: hopefully lisx#1702: I think everyone did PeckServers.com#8342: OMG i thought that one time too lisx#1702: what lisx#1702: gone are the days when i thought the computer thingies are in the monitor 😎 PeckServers.com#8342: its on the other side of the house in the datacenter PeckServers.com#8342: *pats back* lisx#1702: wow PeckServers.com#8342: You are genius of the year lisx#1702: wheres the computer PeckServers.com#8342: i gave it a new more taller gas cylinder PeckServers.com#8342: also i did some funny things to my chair PeckServers.com#8342: it was off to the right PeckServers.com#8342: youre not wrong lisx#1702: where is the char lisx#1702: but there's no chair PeckServers.com#8342: its something about the tech PeckServers.com#8342: colder lisx#1702: a chair PeckServers.com#8342: somethings missing PeckServers.com#8342: naw, good guess tho xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Is the switch to the power chord thing not on PeckServers.com#8342: Besides that it is an absolute mess PeckServers.com#8342: Can anyone spot what is off about my setup? lisx#1702: yeah same PeckServers.com#8342: I think i remember him saying something about a december birthday thing lisx#1702: idk lisx#1702: ooh you might be right lisx#1702: season PeckServers.com#8342: the xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Tis PeckServers.com#8342: omg yer right Mocha#3331: It's almost christmaa guys PeckServers.com#8342: Your birthday? EJCaldwell#2924: lets see who can guess EJCaldwell#2924: 7 days till a thing EJCaldwell#2924: i was at work EJCaldwell#2924: i am alive PeckServers.com#8342: smokin deals PeckServers.com#8342: they are also super nice people PeckServers.com#8342: I like that they put work into it lisx#1702: it is kinda cute PeckServers.com#8342: Isnt it just cute PeckServers.com#8342: Check out this random card the seller of my main server sent me PeckServers.com#8342: its a good excuse to clean tho PeckServers.com#8342: and all the way until work starts again PeckServers.com#8342: the entire time PeckServers.com#8342: but its probably gonna get boring real fast PeckServers.com#8342: then we are going to the grandparents after PeckServers.com#8342: we are too PeckServers.com#8342: true lisx#1702: thats fun lisx#1702: im staying home PeckServers.com#8342: are you atleast going anywhere fun? PeckServers.com#8342: lmao lisx#1702: yes PeckServers.com#8342: was this like when you were playing christmas music during halloween or smth? PeckServers.com#8342: oh lisx#1702: I think I might've ran out of chrstmas spirit 2 months ago PeckServers.com#8342: oof how come? lisx#1702: but not really lisx#1702: im alive PeckServers.com#8342: wheres the CG christmas spirit!! PeckServers.com#8342: its christmas break PeckServers.com#8342: Is anyone even alive? PeckServers.com#8342: we must destroy it PeckServers.com#8342: so ive made this to show my distaste toward it https://files.happyfile.net/cody%20(fs)/ftherofl.png PeckServers.com#8342: but its the only fitting one PeckServers.com#8342: its such a cringe ass emoji PeckServers.com#8342: 🤣 PeckServers.com#8342: guys can we petition to remove 🤣 PeckServers.com#8342: maybe a sprinkle of h3 PeckServers.com#8342: looks like pure h1 h2 and p 🤣 username123115#4960: was this completely css and html username123115#4960: ok username123115#4960: OH WalterJS#2477: lmao WalterJS#2477: you gotta click delete progress first PeckServers.com#8342: Beautiful is the word PeckServers.com#8342: Holy crap its sooo.. yeaaa lisx#1702: Wow it’s working so well username123115#4960: amazing WalterJS#2477: just click play WalterJS#2477: Please don’t read all the cringe ah writing on the home page I made this when I was in like third grade ok WalterJS#2477: Enjoy WalterJS#2477: https://cookie-clicker.github.io/ PeckServers.com#8342: Power went out but the ups did its job PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: I just about crapped myself lisx#1702: its the schwifty squwad EJCaldwell#2924: who knows PeckServers.com#8342: Why is there a website dedicated to it!? PeckServers.com#8342: Is this... Really a thing that people think happens? lisx#1702: its all there lisx#1702: I mean just read the wiki lisx#1702: I know you might be in the stage of denial but I'm afraid all evidence points towards it lisx#1702: 😂 EJCaldwell#2924: just no EJCaldwell#2924: no lisx#1702: Could this be what you're experiencing: https://schwifty.fandom.com/wiki/Voice_Crush_Fever lisx#1702: it's also awesome lisx#1702: he also made this video 🙂 lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/JM5zDjMnMKk EJCaldwell#2924: i just would not say it like that EJCaldwell#2924: you would be right lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: this is where I ask if you've seen his game of thrones videos knowing you probably haven't and don't give a shit about game of thrones EJCaldwell#2924: the voice does so much for him EJCaldwell#2924: ikr lisx#1702: that guy is awesome lisx#1702: THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING PeckServers.com#8342: but it was like dos/web based and it had the same progressing vibes lisx#1702: but then the guy was like "wooo we can jump on the beds" EJCaldwell#2924: it is so good EJCaldwell#2924: Love that video lisx#1702: I thought they were going to have sex or something PeckServers.com#8342: yeah it reminds me of a game that a co worker was talking about that i srsly cant remember lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/2Dx76lD8Scc great video lisx#1702: bruh this isn't what I thought would happen at all EJCaldwell#2924: cookie clicker EJCaldwell#2924: wait what lisx#1702: omg you watched it?! PeckServers.com#8342: i love cookie clicker PeckServers.com#8342: yea lisx#1702: did anyone watch my cookie clicker video 😦 PeckServers.com#8342: werent actually intruding PeckServers.com#8342: turns out the intruders lisx#1702: ah PeckServers.com#8342: theres a twist at the end PeckServers.com#8342: jk lol lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: no lisx#1702: really PeckServers.com#8342: its actually really funny and not what you think username123115#4960: wtf PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/A8UpWjylDr4 PeckServers.com#8342: hell yeah PeckServers.com#8342: ayyy EJCaldwell#2924: i didn't die PeckServers.com#8342: try not to die PeckServers.com#8342: good luck EJCaldwell#2924: Time to go to my one class PeckServers.com#8342: thats like a trillion bytes or something EJCaldwell#2924: Who cares Maulie#8927: Do I wanna send that in here? PeckServers.com#8342: daaang thats a lotta bytes of space EJCaldwell#2924: <@606620815349383209> just send the link if the pc Maulie#8927: The description says 1TB SSD for the desktop Maulie#8927: The laptop is SSD PeckServers.com#8342: all ssd space? Maulie#8927: My laptop has 256GB The desktop will have 1TB Maulie#8927: The thing I'm most excited about is the storage space PeckServers.com#8342: ^ PeckServers.com#8342: it should be fine for him EJCaldwell#2924: It’s just a joke PeckServers.com#8342: as long as it can hold atleast 3 pictures and can run email EJCaldwell#2924: Everybody knows e-mail is really hard to run Maulie#8927: I don't get it PeckServers.com#8342: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: But let’s hope so PeckServers.com#8342: LOL EJCaldwell#2924: He does not have it yet Maulie#8927: Wut PeckServers.com#8342: have you checked to make sure it can run email tho? PeckServers.com#8342: thatll be cool PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah Maulie#8927: Idk, unless IbuyPower rings a bell EJCaldwell#2924: Don’t listen to your friend mate PeckServers.com#8342: what prebuild manufacturer is it? PeckServers.com#8342: oh thats always good Maulie#8927: It's pre built but looking from the pictures there is a lot of space to add your own parts PeckServers.com#8342: i dont even really know amds lineup so i couldnt guess EJCaldwell#2924: Can’t remember it EJCaldwell#2924: Ryzen core PeckServers.com#8342: ooo :O fancy EJCaldwell#2924: 16 gb ram I think EJCaldwell#2924: It was an rtx3060 PeckServers.com#8342: what be the specs? PeckServers.com#8342: dang and with that rgb youll get extra fps too EJCaldwell#2924: It’s 1100$ Maulie#8927: It was on sale for like $300 off PeckServers.com#8342: also PeckServers.com#8342: mmm yes Maulie#8927: It has a lot of RGB parts, I would assume so PeckServers.com#8342: daaaaang EJCaldwell#2924: It is PeckServers.com#8342: is it like a gaming pc? Maulie#8927: I had to order the monitor from a different supercenter though so I can't even use it till Friday PeckServers.com#8342: oh thats pretty sick Maulie#8927: I can pick it up after 11am but they'll hold it for four days if I can't today EJCaldwell#2924: Nice Maulie#8927: Most likely EJCaldwell#2924: <@606620815349383209> EJCaldwell#2924: You getting that pc today? Maulie#8927: I have good grades, so my parents let me stay home PeckServers.com#8342: why you so lucky? PeckServers.com#8342: hell yeah brother Maulie#8927: Mission successful PeckServers.com#8342: exciting!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Last day of school! burarahurricane#6369: good meorning ☀️ PeckServers.com#8342: good morning you miniature sons of bitches! PeckServers.com#8342: luckyyy Maulie#8927: Small chance I could get excused from school tomorrow :D burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/ymmd-dance-seventeen-home-gif-13787430 burarahurricane#6369: (does the flippy things)( burarahurricane#6369: im your home home home home burarahurricane#6369: dont woryr lisx#1702: someone take me homeeeee EJCaldwell#2924: they are not that bad EJCaldwell#2924: NGL PeckServers.com#8342: let me suck all the flavor off of them PeckServers.com#8342: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: Anybody want deez hot nuts burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/5TyCTVsBsHeeutZcU2uP5s PeckServers.com#8342: yeah alysse go home! lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/2Dx76lD8Scc Mocha#3331: home is so nice Mocha#3331: ME TOO burarahurricane#6369: im home : ) Mocha#3331: go home PeckServers.com#8342: cause it needs to be now PeckServers.com#8342: what time is home time PeckServers.com#8342: me too burarahurricane#6369: i want to go home lisx#1702: it wasn't very scary tho actually lisx#1702: dang that was a very anti-climatic ending lisx#1702: it's very impressive how one guy came up with all this lisx#1702: low key reminds me of ender's game's alien people but horrifying lisx#1702: creepy but kinda cool lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/imNtSPM3-r4 EJCaldwell#2924: is it Cocaine bear? PeckServers.com#8342: mm yes the saga continues PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: this is incredible PeckServers.com#8342: 🤣 Maulie#8927: Thank you for posting that image, I now understand PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: hes upgraded from simplex PeckServers.com#8342: he has a full duplex port now Maulie#8927: Oh my gosh XD PeckServers.com#8342: brings new definition to I/O if ya know what i mean EJCaldwell#2924: lol Maulie#8927: Now it's the input hole Maulie#8927: Yeah PeckServers.com#8342: More specifically they reverse engineered their rear end Maulie#8927: Sounds like someone reversed engineered themselves PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/vFx20Hd2Mp0 EJCaldwell#2924: That’s how it broke I think EJCaldwell#2924: It was the corner of a different table Maulie#8927: It's a tempered glass top, it was bumped by someone and when you break Tempered glass it's like a bomb. Shatters into tiny pieces and goes EVERYWHERE PeckServers.com#8342: howd it breaK? PeckServers.com#8342: what is even that?!?!? EJCaldwell#2924: that had glass on top EJCaldwell#2924: its a table lisx#1702: i cant tell what that is burarahurricane#6369: o pe Maulie#8927: So this happened at work today lisx#1702: I FOUND IT PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/WJihC9fLMnc PeckServers.com#8342: Hot lisx#1702: 😭 https://youtu.be/r0WwDoDta5o PeckServers.com#8342: yeah that was my fav part too lisx#1702: I really like hte part where it goes bah bah ba h bah bah ba h bah PeckServers.com#8342: Mmmmmmmm ooga booga double sexy spacebar 😩 PeckServers.com#8342: Flying fishy PeckServers.com#8342: :( lisx#1702: i think its spinning too fast for that lisx#1702: i cant make the fish spin the ohter way lisx#1702: dont care lisx#1702: nice lisx#1702: thats annoying PeckServers.com#8342: Ye username123115#4960: keyboard username123115#4960: wow Maulie#8927: Someone has to understand what I'm talking about Maulie#8927: Please lisx#1702: um Maulie#8927: The Spacebar sounds much better in person lisx#1702: What Maulie#8927: EJCaldwell#2924: 163 days? PeckServers.com#8342: That is rare for a windows server PeckServers.com#8342: Jesus H check out that uptime PeckServers.com#8342: he fucked up PeckServers.com#8342: he knew.. PeckServers.com#8342: it was at this moment... PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: something else tells me i shoudl probably migrate back to lisa lawn before everyone gets annoyed:D lisx#1702: something tells me abridged takes way longer than reading the actual books 🤔 🤔 🤔 lisx#1702: thats literally book 2 lisx#1702: funny story apparently podcasts dont have ads 🤷 lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: and it's supposed to be "abridged" lisx#1702: 2017 lisx#1702: since this started in freaking lisx#1702: which is kinda insnae lisx#1702: i htink hes only on book 2 lisx#1702: so far lisx#1702: 105 lisx#1702: there are only lisx#1702: great lisx#1702: its lisx#1702: 10 episodes in lisx#1702: im lisx#1702: g o o od s h i t https://open.spotify.com/show/4VMQJhRCtbVdUCc9NoA01g?si=39c642b35d984e9d PeckServers.com#8342: Makes sense PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeaaa lisx#1702: with got lisx#1702: did stuff lisx#1702: the same channel lisx#1702: cus lisx#1702: i think ive seen that lisx#1702: i wish game of thrones was real PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msLtodrQdKE PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwTFEWzySBQ lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/once-upon-a-time-book-gif-9618262 lisx#1702: upon a itme lisx#1702: once lisx#1702: in jazz band lisx#1702: we played that once lisx#1702: omg fucknuyt town i love that PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QX43QTYyV-8 PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0-szsoiWcQ PeckServers.com#8342: this is so GOLD PeckServers.com#8342: EVERYBODY PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RXNzSbCZ5U&list=RDujZcM-DSamA&index=2 username123115#4960: omg i remember watching the trailer when it came out EJCaldwell#2924: ah shotgun king lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/dynataee-dynatae-taehyung-taehyung-shoot-taehyung-gun-gif-23422671 Maulie#8927: For real lisx#1702: bullet chess... Maulie#8927: Best $10 I ever spent Maulie#8927: Think your speed would help you win Bullet Chess? EJCaldwell#2924: my 5 min one is really good lisx#1702: wow EJCaldwell#2924: and i am also on the hourly top 50 lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: gj bruh EJCaldwell#2924: i am still the king of puzzle rush EJCaldwell#2924: :c lisx#1702: and i dont have premium or diamond or whatever lisx#1702: :/ lisx#1702: today lisx#1702: i canttt because I already did it once EJCaldwell#2924: want to do a puzzle battle now EJCaldwell#2924: <@726265256082407504> EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: give me a min EJCaldwell#2924: yes EJCaldwell#2924: i think EJCaldwell#2924: tied me lisx#1702: 3 minutes lisx#1702: first try lmao lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/gByTGPuCVEE lisx#1702: bts Mocha#3331: poo lisx#1702: ? lisx#1702: > lisx#1702: instead of a tidepod lisx#1702: dying of aging lisx#1702: like lisx#1702: oh lisx#1702: oha lisx#1702: do they love aging and dying Mocha#3331: the wrong way to die lisx#1702: why lisx#1702: wtf is aging and dying EJCaldwell#2924: This reminds me of somebody EJCaldwell#2924: WalterJS#2477: That’s expensive asf Mocha#3331: lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/27OeeYzk6klgBh83TSvGMA?si=c4814932d3eb4e9d username123115#4960: i'm bored PeckServers.com#8342: check it out <@531264285385424916> PeckServers.com#8342: im definately probably gonna get this PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.amazon.com/MikroTik-CRS326-24S-2Q-RM/dp/B07WPBS93K/ PeckServers.com#8342: nuclear fun! PeckServers.com#8342: ooHHH! burarahurricane#6369: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/12/politics/nuclear-fusion-energy-us-scientists-climate/index.html EJCaldwell#2924: they are not fun lisx#1702: ooh good luck username123115#4960: finals be like PeckServers.com#8342: just for the memes PeckServers.com#8342: every bit of property ther would probably be worth a lot PeckServers.com#8342: fr tho! lisx#1702: george washington should've just named the country after himself lisx#1702: lol PeckServers.com#8342: washington washington washington washington PeckServers.com#8342: omg imagine if there was a washington country PeckServers.com#8342: we are 2/3 of the way ther PeckServers.com#8342: darn lisx#1702: there's a washington city in washington county is utah lisx#1702: well PeckServers.com#8342: OMG imagine if there was a washington city in washington county in washington!! lisx#1702: only 19 more states need their very own washington county lisx#1702: haha PeckServers.com#8342: what the fuck did Dbrand do to linuses head on the ps5 🤣 PeckServers.com#8342: sucks to suck lmao EJCaldwell#2924: i don't have school for another 2 hours EJCaldwell#2924: im bored PeckServers.com#8342: i guess our county isnt that original PeckServers.com#8342: HMMMM lisx#1702: i think you might actually like it lisx#1702: the humor is exqUISIte https://youtu.be/j2ntcDGiPz8 lisx#1702: omg joffrey i hated joffrey lisx#1702: the characters are so f*ucking iconic and everything so insanely awesome PeckServers.com#8342: Interesting lisx#1702: sure lisx#1702: it's kind of like Once Upon A Time but actually better PeckServers.com#8342: Maybe if work is slow tomorrow PeckServers.com#8342: Hmmm lisx#1702: just watch it lisx#1702: you actualy don't need to know that lisx#1702: well.... lisx#1702: I would totally watch it but I might be scarred for life with all the sex PeckServers.com#8342: *giggity* PeckServers.com#8342: How long is it? lisx#1702: it's so amazing too lisx#1702: I'LL HAVE SOMEONE TO TALK ABOUT IT WIHT!!!!!!! lisx#1702: DO IT lisx#1702: https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2049732397 you can watch it here PeckServers.com#8342: <:thonk:792962252772343808> i coulddddd lisx#1702: <@852187118113652776> lisx#1702: do it lisx#1702: do it lisx#1702: do it lisx#1702: do it lisx#1702: do it lisx#1702: do it lisx#1702: do it lisx#1702: do it lisx#1702: do it lisx#1702: do it lisx#1702: do it lisx#1702: do it lisx#1702: do it lisx#1702: do it lisx#1702: do it lisx#1702: do it lisx#1702: you should watch game of thrones lisx#1702: have you seen game of thrones lisx#1702: <@852187118113652776> you should watch game of thrones lisx#1702: WHO KNEW WE WOULD ACTUALLY NOT HATE HIM EVENTUALLY! lisx#1702: no? okay lisx#1702: guys remember we used to hate jaime lisx#1702: lisx#1702: until she isn't) lisx#1702: oh yeah DANY she's so awesome lisx#1702: cant really remember the names of anyone else lisx#1702: bran is so iconic lisx#1702: all the dead people are so iconic lisx#1702: jon is so iconic lisx#1702: arya is so iconic lisx#1702: cersei is so iconic (i hate her tho) lisx#1702: tyrion is so iconic lisx#1702: jaime is literally so iconic lisx#1702: peter dinklage deserves so much omg lisx#1702: they're literally the best OMG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3cpt5Kvm7o lisx#1702: they're related too lisx#1702: it doesn't make any sense either lisx#1702: it's so bad tho PeckServers.com#8342: But what's the fun in that lisx#1702: i so want to watch game of thrones but also so don't lisx#1702: whyyyyyyyyy lisx#1702: this is gross lisx#1702: seriously tho lisx#1702: GIRL WHY ISN'T THE STUPID AUTHOR DONE WITH THE STUPID BOOKS I NEED DANY AND JON TO MEET AND NOT HAVE SEX lisx#1702: im not going to do it lisx#1702: OMG HE'S SO AMAZING https://youtu.be/jqA-i2FXeSU PeckServers.com#8342: Yolo tbh lisx#1702: im trying to decide if I'm too young to watch it PeckServers.com#8342: Whats it aboot? PeckServers.com#8342: I havent lisx#1702: <@852187118113652776> ? lisx#1702: has anyone seen wolf of wall street PeckServers.com#8342: so as it dumps its thousands of foot lbs of energy into you while simultaneously cutting a giant cross into you, it is sharp and efficient at doing that PeckServers.com#8342: apparently the edges of that thing are razer sharp too PeckServers.com#8342: true Maulie#8927: You don't need rows of teeth if that thing can already punch a large hole in you PeckServers.com#8342: they are just missing the rows of teeth PeckServers.com#8342: pretty much Maulie#8927: So what they've turned the demi gorgon into a bullet now? PeckServers.com#8342: link to video if anyone is curious PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bL4hnJZEtI PeckServers.com#8342: this one PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/cody%20(fs)/Screenshot%202022-12-12%2011.05.04%20AM.png PeckServers.com#8342: that is the spread pattern from a community made "hollow point" PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/cody%20(fs)/Screen%20recording%202022-12-12%2011.03.07%20AM.webm PeckServers.com#8342: it goes like 6x surface area when it hits you PeckServers.com#8342: thats how big the hole in you would be PeckServers.com#8342: look at how much those spread PeckServers.com#8342: it would suck major dick to get hit by any hollow point PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Just think tho, you could get a big wet slobbery kiss... But its only a joke PeckServers.com#8342: Jk lol PeckServers.com#8342: U must be racist thats why you dont wanna kiss him as a joke, its definitely not cause hes a man and definitely cause ur racist lisx#1702: i guess lisx#1702: and then there was a girl who got sent to austria lisx#1702: and one of them became louis xvii lisx#1702: but they died super young lisx#1702: idk if they were killed or not lisx#1702: well no lisx#1702: okay no 3 of them were killed lisx#1702: they all died tho obviously lisx#1702: we literally didn't evne talk at all about louis xvi and marie antoinettes children lisx#1702: idk man lisx#1702: a good person lisx#1702: that means he was like lisx#1702: no but it's literally insane EJCaldwell#2924: its not needed info lisx#1702: bruh we didn't even leanr about this lisx#1702: who used to be a slave lisx#1702: whoa he had an adopted son lisx#1702: what happened to their children lisx#1702: quora guy misled me lisx#1702: no they had children lisx#1702: idk if i can trust a random person on twitter talking about a story this detailed EJCaldwell#2924: not have children you mean lisx#1702: nvm not true lisx#1702: cus the monarchy was kinda fucked lisx#1702: but also not really lisx#1702: poor guy honestly EJCaldwell#2924: lol lisx#1702: apparently louis xvi couldnt even have sex lisx#1702: wow EJCaldwell#2924: and you do that a few times untill there is a KO or mate EJCaldwell#2924: then 90 seconds of boxing EJCaldwell#2924: if there is not mate or stalemate EJCaldwell#2924: you plat 2 mins of chess EJCaldwell#2924: yes lisx#1702: is the boxing and the chess happening at the same time?? lisx#1702: oh EJCaldwell#2924: just 1v1's EJCaldwell#2924: no lisx#1702: so are there like teams?? EJCaldwell#2924: and now there is a thing of slap boxing EJCaldwell#2924: first to get mated or knocked out loses EJCaldwell#2924: last chess round is 4 mins EJCaldwell#2924: all the odd ones are chess even is boxing EJCaldwell#2924: 7 rounds EJCaldwell#2924: then 90 seconds of boxing EJCaldwell#2924: it is 2 mins of chess EJCaldwell#2924: the event was 5 hours EJCaldwell#2924: DANG lisx#1702: whats that EJCaldwell#2924: chess boxing lisx#1702: they're playing chess? EJCaldwell#2924: yes lisx#1702: like disguised toast? lisx#1702: toast? EJCaldwell#2924: the first and only checkmate EJCaldwell#2924: Toast won EJCaldwell#2924: and now toast has a bloody nose because of crow EJCaldwell#2924: CROW BLUNDERD A QUEEN EJCaldwell#2924: NO EJCaldwell#2924: its a good fight/game EJCaldwell#2924: they are the last fight of the night burarahurricane#6369: oh cool EJCaldwell#2924: he is with Disguised Toast EJCaldwell#2924: he is winning in the chess and the boxing burarahurricane#6369: :o EJCaldwell#2924: just thought you would like knowing EJCaldwell#2924: he is doing good in this chessboxing thing atm burarahurricane#6369: ya !! EJCaldwell#2924: Leo, you know Pointcrow right burarahurricane#6369: gang burarahurricane#6369: its a sign u should listen to svt lisx#1702: ew what are we doign with our tails EJCaldwell#2924: im the one no the far right burarahurricane#6369: us fr lisx#1702: why is music so bad rn Mocha#3331: all of CG rn Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/cats-bwh_1961-gif-9733456 Mocha#3331: kitty gang burarahurricane#6369: meow Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/frozen-elsa-let-it-go-gif-4626444 lisx#1702: embrace your inner disney princesss lisx#1702: you clearly have the same problem WalterJS#2477: 😂😂😂😂 lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/3Z0oQ8r78OUaHvGPiDBR3W?si=fb57d5143c2448c2 lisx#1702: maybe youjust gotta be like elsa Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/cat-cat-jumping-cat-excited-excited-dance-gif-19354605 Mocha#3331: looking at tiny little cats is so funny and silly Mocha#3331: I feel like I stopped because a lot of it was just made up problems I was making for myself in my head and realized I should just do things that I enjoy instead of making myself feel worse about things I couldn't really do much about WalterJS#2477: or maybe im just scared of the fact that I truly am scared of the unknown and cant escape it Mocha#3331: real WalterJS#2477: i know i could stop if I truly wanted to but its hard because what I truly want is to find a true meaning and not hide from the unknown like I keep doing and have been doing for so long Mocha#3331: I used to overthink hella but its gone down a lot Mocha#3331: I feel that WalterJS#2477: I wish I could do that WalterJS#2477: understandable Mocha#3331: they're so cute Mocha#3331: :3 Mocha#3331: I could give you a whole novel on what it is I'm thinking but I'd rather think of tiny liittle cats Mocha#3331: that's not what I'm saying I've been giving you very vague answers of my whole thought process WalterJS#2477: oh WalterJS#2477: I dont think there is an answer Mocha#3331: no WalterJS#2477: So although an oversimplification, you would say your inner purpose would be for other people to like you, which would in turn influence your morals—being considerate to others—resulting in your goal, being the best person you can be Mocha#3331: and expecting an answer Mocha#3331: yeah but I feel like you're asking us things taht you should probably be asking a therapist it sounds a lot deeper than "what's the meaning of life" Mocha#3331: cause other people's persepctives have helped he out a lot WalterJS#2477: i want all perspectives WalterJS#2477: im not looking for therapy just a good convo Mocha#3331: I'm just tryna give you my perspective Mocha#3331: I'm not trying to give you answers I wish I could but I'm not your therapist Mocha#3331: man ice is so good hmfhfmfhmfhmmmmmffmf Mocha#3331: why can't school be school but awesome Mocha#3331: but school makes that hard Mocha#3331: I'm also trying to get better at the things I enjoy to do Mocha#3331: and learning to try and be considerte to others Mocha#3331: figuring myself out Mocha#3331: and in order to do that I would do a lot of soul searching ig Mocha#3331: well people thinking taht I'm not a terrible person is what makes me happy so that's why this was a big drive for that goal WalterJS#2477: which is essentially what im questioning Mocha#3331: and in order to do that I have things to learn a LOT WalterJS#2477: thats almost certainly based in morals WalterJS#2477: but what does it mean to be the best person you can be WalterJS#2477: i feel that Mocha#3331: so I decided the goal would be to become the best person I ccan be Mocha#3331: that and also what makes me happy WalterJS#2477: so what other people think about you? I lots of times feel the same way yet many people would criticize both us for caring what other people think Mocha#3331: social anxiety and being judged WalterJS#2477: but what made you choose that goal WalterJS#2477: facts tho thats what im asking myslef too lmao EJCaldwell#2924: i am not in the shower EJCaldwell#2924: why am i so philosophical atm Mocha#3331: I jusgt made a vague goal and started figuring out the smaller steps to reach it EJCaldwell#2924: make it entertaining lisx#1702: EJCaldwell#2924: you just have to make it fun WalterJS#2477: so the only way to know is to tell yourself you know even though you really dont EJCaldwell#2924: you don't have to have any goals WalterJS#2477: you cant know without knowing WalterJS#2477: its circular WalterJS#2477: but to make important decisions in life you have to have at least some goal in mind; some reason or meaning to continue and when you question what that meaning is and you cant define it you cant move forward thats kinda where im at lisx#1702: omg so symbolic fr Mocha#3331: cash moey hoes Mocha#3331: cash money hoes Mocha#3331: cash money hoes EJCaldwell#2924: life* EJCaldwell#2924: THAT is the meaning of like Mocha#3331: clearly EJCaldwell#2924: what you want to do with it EJCaldwell#2924: how you want to spend it WalterJS#2477: I remember writing that because the wise man was really just me pointing out that nobody knows EJCaldwell#2924: the meaning of life is yourself EJCaldwell#2924: not anybody else WalterJS#2477: thats the humor in me writing that EJCaldwell#2924: the answer is in you WalterJS#2477: yeah because the wise man doesnt know either EJCaldwell#2924: yea lisx#1702: the answer is in the traveller lisx#1702: no the traveller is supposed to find the answer by himself WalterJS#2477: do you guys ever feel like you know exactly what everyone else wants to hear but not what you want to say WalterJS#2477: he didnt give any answers because he didnt have any lisx#1702: how WalterJS#2477: its honestly egotistical WalterJS#2477: isnt it funny how all the depictions of wise men are just dudes trying to confuse tf out of people WalterJS#2477: lmaooooo love that WalterJS#2477: yes the thing is i can switch freely between the two thats why I understand exactly what your saying EJCaldwell#2924: that is what i said lisx#1702: we had this exact conversation before lisx#1702: EJCaldwell#2924: this event is so freaking good Mocha#3331: it's a subjective topic Mocha#3331: we just have different perspectives ig lisx#1702: WAIT I FOUND IT Mocha#3331: yeah fs WalterJS#2477: lmao lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: girl WalterJS#2477: its just a logical way of thinking about it lisx#1702: it's just a logical way of thinking about it WalterJS#2477: then the questions im asking arise Mocha#3331: self manipulation is a very "pessimistic" way of thinking about it WalterJS#2477: but what if we refuse to manipulate ourselves WalterJS#2477: optimism is self manipulation WalterJS#2477: exactly Mocha#3331: dude imma be fr this made no sense to me but optimism is legit just thinking something good will happen you ust defined optimism WalterJS#2477: ik im in one of those moods where I cant trick my brain into accepting illogical things WalterJS#2477: this might sound like im rambling but like genuinely lisx#1702: I feel like we've had this conversation before Mocha#3331: it's up to you WalterJS#2477: what is the meaning of meaning WalterJS#2477: does meaning even have meaning WalterJS#2477: if you cant define meaning then what *is* meaning Mocha#3331: fr lisx#1702: it's entirely theoretical and theological WalterJS#2477: thats the whole issue lisx#1702: you can't quantitively define meaning tho WalterJS#2477: no i mean i totally get what your saying but consider this: if that's how you'd define pessimism then you must agree that optimism is just self-manipulation. Telling yourself and accepting that life has meaning without quantitatively and accurately defining a logical reason for that belief is again wishful thinking lisx#1702: you know those tiny edible things that look like orbies thye let you put on your froyo? thats what i feel like a tidepod would taste like EJCaldwell#2924: ya know, i didn't think i would like the boxing portion of this chess boxing because i don't like seeing people fight but dang this woman's fight is really good lisx#1702: frfrfr Mocha#3331: YAYYYY OMG DOES THAT MAKE US BESTIES lisx#1702: they're like so squishy lisx#1702: same lets do it Mocha#3331: nvm there's no meaning imma go eat a tide pod Mocha#3331: fuck I got hw tho 😭 lisx#1702: if we don't get a snow day tomorrow I think I'm going to have to enjoy life by tasting a tidepod to cheer myself up Mocha#3331: idk tho I'm just chilling fr Mocha#3331: so what's the point in worrying about it too much Mocha#3331: well to me the meaning of life is to just enjoy it to me that feels logical since my life probably won't mean much in like a million years Mocha#3331: good luck with figuring out whatever makes you happy then lisx#1702: it's just pessimistic if you think of it as a bad thing but if you're just being logical and not think of it as a bad thing it's not a bad thing Mocha#3331: a pretty negative way of thinking about life WalterJS#2477: Im not depressed nor suicidal nor pessimistic I’m just determined to find answers Mocha#3331: I think that thinking that life is eseentially meaningless is pretty pessimistic WalterJS#2477: It’s pure logic. It’s not negative thinking. I do enjoy many things but when I look to the future I wonder what true fulfillment really will be and if I’ll ever find out and achieve it. It’s not pessimism it’s logic lisx#1702: and yummy lisx#1702: and sweet Mocha#3331: YUM EJCaldwell#2924: either of you Mocha#3331: ME lisx#1702: doesnt it look so juicy Mocha#3331: ME EJCaldwell#2924: please don't Mocha#3331: ME EJCaldwell#2924: the sun will explode after millions of years of us being forgotten lisx#1702: who wants to eat a tidepod with me Mocha#3331: the sun is gonna explode Mocha#3331: stop thinking negatively and enjoy donig the things you love homie WalterJS#2477: That’s not true Mocha#3331: it's pessimism WalterJS#2477: Which is the problem WalterJS#2477: but it’s logical lisx#1702: fr lisx#1702: its like doublethink WalterJS#2477: I’ve come to the same conclusion so far actually. The only meaning to life is the meaning you assign it which literally means it’s all in your head and essentially meaningless unless you tell yourself it’s not (tricking yourself because you know deep down there’s not) but it’s better not to think that far—but I am. EJCaldwell#2924: why is chess boxing so good Mocha#3331: damn I wanna go to a concert again that was so much fun last time Mocha#3331: I love listenign to music there's so much new music to listen to Mocha#3331: I got millions of tiny cats running through my head Mocha#3331: idk I'm just chilling fr Mocha#3331: idk if that made sense Mocha#3331: I feel like you're asking these questions expecting an answer you alredy nkow WalterJS#2477: I can’t just trick myself into accepting there’s a meaning unless there truly is a logical meaning WalterJS#2477: I’m trying to find the true meaning yk WalterJS#2477: Not pessimistic just curious and possibly nihilistic Mocha#3331: I mean there is WalterJS#2477: assuming that there’s always more to do, more to have Mocha#3331: I mean pessimism gets you no where WalterJS#2477: That’s materialistic though WalterJS#2477: To think otherwise is wishful thinking and dangerously disingenuous Mocha#3331: there are so many things to do tho WalterJS#2477: But you can only do the same thing to be happy so many times EJCaldwell#2924: for something to be meaningful to you, you have to enjoy doing it to the point that you can have a good time weather the thing is going good or bad Mocha#3331: I mean if I'm happy doing things I enjoy why wouldn't it be meaningful WalterJS#2477: what makes it meaningful Mocha#3331: for real Mocha#3331: II'm so real WalterJS#2477: But to do that you have to know what it means to be meaningful Mocha#3331: just don't overthink it just chill tbh lisx#1702: ismael has all the real answers lisx#1702: broooo so true WalterJS#2477: Fr tho EJCaldwell#2924: the meaning of like is the make YOUR life meaning ful to you Mocha#3331: I'm chilling Mocha#3331: to chill Mocha#3331: chill EJCaldwell#2924: 27 WalterJS#2477: What is the meaning of life WalterJS#2477: fr Mocha#3331: so trueeee WalterJS#2477: I used to want to travel the world but through my research I discovered google earth, and since then it’s allowed me to travel and truly explore and observe the world ya feel me Mocha#3331: I'm not really interested in making a lot of money mainly just enjoying my time and graphic design lets you be creatve Mocha#3331: graphic design sounds like fun and it's a remote job so I can really just do that Mocha#3331: see the world EJCaldwell#2924: I plan on doing something like game design Mocha#3331: I just wanna travel WalterJS#2477: 😼 Mocha#3331: that sounds like fun WalterJS#2477: Well I’ve always thought computer science but it’s to the point where like bruh i don’t even need a computer science degree so I’m actually thinking about going into the medical field to be like a cancer researcher or something and then use my programming on the side and my medical expertise to make medical products (that’s where the money is) Mocha#3331: 😏 Mocha#3331: i can feel you in me WalterJS#2477: I can feel it EJCaldwell#2924: what are you going in for walter? WalterJS#2477: We are Mocha#3331: only if we soulmates WalterJS#2477: you can come with me we can be room**mates** EJCaldwell#2924: idk where i will go entirly WalterJS#2477: mit WalterJS#2477: Indeed Mocha#3331: wow that sounds cool and awesome lisx#1702: mit? WalterJS#2477: Me either g I’m going to Boston lisx#1702: is success hard Mocha#3331: nothing here WalterJS#2477: I can be your George rizzling*man* EJCaldwell#2924: i might need to take a extra class or two Mocha#3331: I am not staying in southern utah to go to college that sounds kinda boring EJCaldwell#2924: if i do transfer out of state tho WalterJS#2477: I mean I’ll take your word for it you probably know more than me abt it but that’s not what I’ve heard EJCaldwell#2924: at utah tach EJCaldwell#2924: my senior year is on campus EJCaldwell#2924: its a utah tech degree EJCaldwell#2924: it does tho WalterJS#2477: out of state WalterJS#2477: Doesn’t transfer WalterJS#2477: ya but it’s thru success academy EJCaldwell#2924: i have a 2 year degree in college Mocha#3331: george rizzlington EJCaldwell#2924: by the time i would of graduated high school Mocha#3331: my man is thoedore rizzavelt WalterJS#2477: Seems like a waste of time WalterJS#2477: Why would you want to graduate early I don’t get it EJCaldwell#2924: i see that lol WalterJS#2477: I do math WalterJS#2477: oh EJCaldwell#2924: 2 1/2 EJCaldwell#2924: no WalterJS#2477: As do all of us WalterJS#2477: We can stare into each others eyes if your down lisx#1702: 😂 lisx#1702: meaning of life and this EJCaldwell#2924: i only have a year and a half of highschool left mate WalterJS#2477: But yk ima stay in and do CE WalterJS#2477: Ya I could graduate like by the end of third quarter if I wanted WalterJS#2477: The females aren’t gonna be teaching you after high school Mocha#3331: imma learn that lightskin stare EJCaldwell#2924: but i also get out of school before most people my age EJCaldwell#2924: ik WalterJS#2477: you gotta learn somewhere you feel me WalterJS#2477: that’s sad bro school is a place of learning EJCaldwell#2924: i just want to wait till i am not in school anymore to do crap like that WalterJS#2477: I am the same way WalterJS#2477: I can do that Mocha#3331: it has to be romantic and serious for me to kiss it needs to be passionate and sweaty WalterJS#2477: just 1 WalterJS#2477: Just as a joke tho like WalterJS#2477: But like WalterJS#2477: unless tho right hahaha WalterJS#2477: But like WalterJS#2477: No big deal WalterJS#2477: I mean it’s just a joke tho so like EJCaldwell#2924: I FEEL SO DUMB WalterJS#2477: I’ll do anything WalterJS#2477: To convince you WalterJS#2477: Is there anything I can do EJCaldwell#2924: you might could get cody WalterJS#2477: Damn EJCaldwell#2924: yes i am sure WalterJS#2477: Just one kiss EJCaldwell#2924: i didn't think i would like the boxing part WalterJS#2477: Na like just as a joke I promise EJCaldwell#2924: like no joke WalterJS#2477: nothing serious WalterJS#2477: Yk WalterJS#2477: Just as a joke EJCaldwell#2924: its good WalterJS#2477: Like WalterJS#2477: U sure tho? EJCaldwell#2924: this chess boxing crap is not bad tbh WalterJS#2477: Damn WalterJS#2477: Oh EJCaldwell#2924: no thanks WalterJS#2477: EJCaldwell#2924: Np PeckServers.com#8342: :( PeckServers.com#8342: I need sleep EJCaldwell#2924: I think there are pings EJCaldwell#2924: We don’t need to call EJCaldwell#2924: <@852187118113652776> want to play portal 2 EJCaldwell#2924: Smash melee EJCaldwell#2924: They are doing Smash bros and boxing as well EJCaldwell#2924: This is actually interesting EJCaldwell#2924: first to get checkmated or knocked out loses EJCaldwell#2924: 3 mins of chess the 3 mins of boxing EJCaldwell#2924: it is ChessBoxing EJCaldwell#2924: also did you see the event happening today from Ludwig EJCaldwell#2924: on day 25 atm with 85 hours still going EJCaldwell#2924: and some people say all youtubers are selfish EJCaldwell#2924: i want to know what Jaiden Animations is doing with her money from the subathon she is doing atm PeckServers.com#8342: dang yeah thats awesome EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: but still EJCaldwell#2924: not quite 10m EJCaldwell#2924: oh EJCaldwell#2924: not even other people's streams EJCaldwell#2924: over 5-6million EJCaldwell#2924: In just his stream EJCaldwell#2924: they got Jack black lol EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: let me check PeckServers.com#8342: yeah he is PeckServers.com#8342: what does it end up going towards? EJCaldwell#2924: Sean is a good person EJCaldwell#2924: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: that is a lot of money PeckServers.com#8342: damn EJCaldwell#2924: in 10 hours EJCaldwell#2924: 10 million PeckServers.com#8342: wasnt it like a couple million or something? EJCaldwell#2924: guess how much they raised apparently EJCaldwell#2924: is 10 hours EJCaldwell#2924: a charity live stream PeckServers.com#8342: what was it? PeckServers.com#8342: i didnt EJCaldwell#2924: also did you see the thankmas thing Jacksepticeye did EJCaldwell#2924: oh PeckServers.com#8342: i only have 13 games PeckServers.com#8342: im not much of a gamer PeckServers.com#8342: sadly no EJCaldwell#2924: do yo uknow any good puzzle games EJCaldwell#2924: i need some new puzzle games EJCaldwell#2924: so if i were to guess like time to beat 3-3.5 EJCaldwell#2924: and i have not played in 4-5 years PeckServers.com#8342: its significantly bigger EJCaldwell#2924: thats also with me pausing to take long breaks PeckServers.com#8342: i guess that makes sense EJCaldwell#2924: Portal 2 took about 4 hours PeckServers.com#8342: so the latency made hitting some shots waay harder PeckServers.com#8342: i was also playing remotely PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah that would probably make it easier EJCaldwell#2924: i guess i did play portal 2 before 1 EJCaldwell#2924: dang EJCaldwell#2924: and for a first time ever seeing/playing it PeckServers.com#8342: damn son EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: thats time to beat? EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: oh PeckServers.com#8342: portal 1 was dope EJCaldwell#2924: okay* EJCaldwell#2924: okat EJCaldwell#2924: i guess i do like puzzle games quite a bit PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: it took me like 2-3 PeckServers.com#8342: let me check PeckServers.com#8342: yeah over the course of the day between dinner and stuff EJCaldwell#2924: thats your playtime? PeckServers.com#8342: depends on how lazy i am lol EJCaldwell#2924: 12 hours? PeckServers.com#8342: maybe PeckServers.com#8342: i beat portal 1 first time in like 12 hours over thanksgiving break EJCaldwell#2924: want to try coop tomorrow or later tonight PeckServers.com#8342: havent launched it yet PeckServers.com#8342: i do EJCaldwell#2924: do you have portal 2 EJCaldwell#2924: oh PeckServers.com#8342: same :( PeckServers.com#8342: apparently its impossible to run at more than like 20 fps on the 3060 EJCaldwell#2924: i am still sad about that PeckServers.com#8342: for most things except portal rtx EJCaldwell#2924: or a 3070 EJCaldwell#2924: a 3060 is all you really need PeckServers.com#8342: and actually affordable PeckServers.com#8342: imo 3000 series is still great PeckServers.com#8342: runs at like 600 watts EJCaldwell#2924: its not even needed PeckServers.com#8342: and hot EJCaldwell#2924: the thing is PeckServers.com#8342: very very over priced PeckServers.com#8342: so yeah EJCaldwell#2924: from what i am seeing PeckServers.com#8342: $2000 +/- $300 EJCaldwell#2924: 2-3k EJCaldwell#2924: what about the 4090 PeckServers.com#8342: cost for the 4080 is like $1400 PeckServers.com#8342: lmao EJCaldwell#2924: i couldn't remember okay PeckServers.com#8342: no way PeckServers.com#8342: off PeckServers.com#8342: ass PeckServers.com#8342: my PeckServers.com#8342: lauging PeckServers.com#8342: apparently waay better but price to performance doesnt justify the cost at all EJCaldwell#2924: and isn't it cheaper EJCaldwell#2924: how much better is the 40 series PeckServers.com#8342: the 3070 is 7% better than the 3060 ti PeckServers.com#8342: which isnt much for how much more it is EJCaldwell#2924: but not like the 3060 - 3070 EJCaldwell#2924: it is better PeckServers.com#8342: about 31% if the benchmarks are correct EJCaldwell#2924: from what i have heard atleast EJCaldwell#2924: i don't think the TI is much better PeckServers.com#8342: dang similar gpu niceee PeckServers.com#8342: mines xeon cpu tho EJCaldwell#2924: Nividia PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: RTX 3060 PeckServers.com#8342: well EJCaldwell#2924: they are very similar PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: lets compare EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: oh PeckServers.com#8342: the ss is PeckServers.com#8342: thats it EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: you can tell i was mad when i made this yesterday EJCaldwell#2924: whats in like your main pc EJCaldwell#2924: perfect PeckServers.com#8342: lmao EJCaldwell#2924: there EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: so its still really good PeckServers.com#8342: but the F will perform the same PeckServers.com#8342: just i7 12700 PeckServers.com#8342: none EJCaldwell#2924: whats a good letter PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: so if you have to do any troubleshooting it makes it hard EJCaldwell#2924: i got a soluction PeckServers.com#8342: that means no integrated gpu if my memory serves me correctly EJCaldwell#2924: whats wrong with the f PeckServers.com#8342: also sadness with the F at the end PeckServers.com#8342: noicee PeckServers.com#8342: that works EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: i just clicked windows key and searched processor PeckServers.com#8342: task manager is usually what i use for quick and dirty results PeckServers.com#8342: like when is it released? EJCaldwell#2924: how long till the 12 gen i7 EJCaldwell#2924: i forgot how to see my computer parts PeckServers.com#8342: so like the i7 970 PeckServers.com#8342: and that will be Nahalem EJCaldwell#2924: ah okay PeckServers.com#8342: thatll be tomorrow PeckServers.com#8342: basically its before the i series came out PeckServers.com#8342: so its more of core 2 or core 2 quad type cpus EJCaldwell#2924: ? PeckServers.com#8342: no im doing the 14 days of intel archetecture EJCaldwell#2924: <@852187118113652776> you a core i3 or i5 PeckServers.com#8342: WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/personal-problem-sips-tea-kermit-but-thats-none-of-my-business-sounds-like-a-personal-problem-gif-12085884 WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: wrinkly PeckServers.com#8342: smooth WalterJS#2477: kalm PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/stonks-up-stongs-meme-stocks-gif-15715298 PeckServers.com#8342: STONKS WalterJS#2477: <:stonks:782449607049216020> WalterJS#2477: bruh PeckServers.com#8342: i guess PeckServers.com#8342: <:thonk:792962252772343808> WalterJS#2477: I did have it figured out WalterJS#2477: see WalterJS#2477: I was gonna say "not as hard as I be hittin your mom" PeckServers.com#8342: 🤣 PeckServers.com#8342: mhm thats what they all say WalterJS#2477: I was just too lazy WalterJS#2477: no I had it all figured out PeckServers.com#8342: better luck next time PeckServers.com#8342: lol you gotta be good to do that tho WalterJS#2477: i was totally trying to turn that into a youir mom joke PeckServers.com#8342: other christmas music PeckServers.com#8342: and unlike lisas christmas playlist im actually listening to it around christmas time WalterJS#2477: compared to what PeckServers.com#8342: lofi christmas be hittin hard PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DWYK8AUzwi00m?si=953a6707b962440f WalterJS#2477: bruh PeckServers.com#8342: fr tho lisx#1702: It looks just like you WalterJS#2477: i literally p;ressed enter PeckServers.com#8342: REAL PeckServers.com#8342: fr WalterJS#2477: thats gay PeckServers.com#8342: yeah wen discord thinks you want to use one of those it pops that little menu and if you hit the up arrow it selects them PeckServers.com#8342: ooh WalterJS#2477: wait I literally typed bruh and somehow it sent that PeckServers.com#8342: lmaoo WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: ooh gottem PeckServers.com#8342: oof that might have been your mom that you heard, cause i was definately rocking her paper lastnight WalterJS#2477: ooooh gotem WalterJS#2477: sounds like what your mom was doing last night PeckServers.com#8342: im a scissor WalterJS#2477: im a paper PeckServers.com#8342: im a rock lisx#1702: im a pencil WalterJS#2477: im a desk lisx#1702: im a table WalterJS#2477: im a chair PeckServers.com#8342: im a board PeckServers.com#8342: just rolled up on this inrecommended PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/3DjYU54tU6YCEy822r8TcY?si=c0078f1e5fff4d80 PeckServers.com#8342: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EJCaldwell#2924: https://tenor.com/view/clap-clap-clap-gif-24160915 PeckServers.com#8342: no idea Maulie#8927: What are we talking about? PeckServers.com#8342: fade PeckServers.com#8342: alan walker PeckServers.com#8342: wat PeckServers.com#8342: and we all want to know PeckServers.com#8342: r PeckServers.com#8342: cause this is cance PeckServers.com#8342: oh kinda like i did to your mom EJCaldwell#2924: join the vcf PeckServers.com#8342: it truly is a spectacle PeckServers.com#8342: yea Maulie#8927: I am curious to know as well ♡♡#2703: oh wait you just joined PeckServers.com#8342: i just got here ♡♡#2703: have you not been listening? EJCaldwell#2924: i am listening to their convo while playing hollow knight PeckServers.com#8342: and who tf is joey richter EJCaldwell#2924: who knows atm PeckServers.com#8342: what is happening? Maulie#8927: Maybe Maulie#8927: Uh EJCaldwell#2924: this is an interesting convo EJCaldwell#2924: you should join the vc Maulie#8927: hmm ♡♡#2703: no lisx#1702: <#766323878648872991> ♡♡#2703: bro this is important stuff EJCaldwell#2924: woman voice cody EJCaldwell#2924: ah yes PeckServers.com#8342: Its "me" duh EJCaldwell#2924: my mind after work EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: lol lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: pov ethan burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/aprzones-wenjunhui-wen-junhui-jun-gif-19166440 EJCaldwell#2924: that does not help me lisx#1702: me EJCaldwell#2924: who are you? ♡♡#2703: me EJCaldwell#2924: who is new person PeckServers.com#8342: You just gotta tell it that everything's gonna be okay and inject little registry bots into its blood stream and it works PeckServers.com#8342: But on another TED talk side note, did you know that you can install Windows 11 on grossly unsupported hardware ♡♡#2703: yeah ♡♡#2703: uh huh PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah these monsters need to be held accountable for the heinous acts against my hard drive ♡♡#2703: bro not that many rape cases actually get reported and investitgated so like be hopeful but sure PeckServers.com#8342: Its such a pants on head stupid issue PeckServers.com#8342: I sure damn hope they do burarahurricane#6369: horanghae! lisx#1702: do they get arrested for sexual assault PeckServers.com#8342: I hope to see you all in the next one PeckServers.com#8342: Thank you for attending my TED talk PeckServers.com#8342: Fuck windows PeckServers.com#8342: *this guy* PeckServers.com#8342: So guess who lost thier computer and all their files PeckServers.com#8342: Even if you dont tell it to rape that disk PeckServers.com#8342: They make it so that if you go to install on a second disk it rapes your main disk Maulie#8927: hmm PeckServers.com#8342: Hey everybody in todays ted talk im going to run you through how stupid Microsoft windows made their os installation disk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/adios-the-world-za-warudo-time-stop-he-went-adios-gif-18298929 burarahurricane#6369: fr ♡♡#2703: you didn't sing but thats alright lisx#1702: we definitely do burarahurricane#6369: ^_^ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: We need to do that more often lisx#1702: 🙂 ♡♡#2703: byeeee ed sheeran lisx#1702: say hi to your grandma for me burarahurricane#6369: was a blasst ^_^^_^_^_ lisx#1702: awwwwwwwwwwww burarahurricane#6369: byeeeeeeeeeee xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ‘‘Twas fun burarahurricane#6369: D; xXthat1redheadXx#9990: adios everyone xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I think I have to go now lisx#1702: lisx#1702: lisx#1702: lisx#1702: ♡♡#2703: what burarahurricane#6369: <@782812668754395136><@782812668754395136><@782812668754395136><@782812668754395136><@782812668754395136>COOOCOOOO JAXIN COME BACK lisx#1702: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: lisx#1702: lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: call go wel burarahurricane#6369: MLMEM lisx#1702: WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE THAT lisx#1702: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Is this actually the camera quality lisx#1702: kalsjdfklajwiojklfdsjkljfdkslajfdsjkfl;ajsdklfjskdlfjaklsdjf lisx#1702: jkdlfasj ;klsjdflxzc xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisx#1702: lisx#1702: ♡♡#2703: like fr fr ♡♡#2703: THAT IS ED SHEERAN burarahurricane#6369: $&#^EURYTjfghkj,vbnm lisx#1702: "ed sheeran" burarahurricane#6369: KILL MEEEEEE lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: ;up8a97608we8rgkuyfdhjlfuip76a0we9ityukhj lisx#1702: lisx#1702: ♡♡#2703: cursed lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: im cgonna cry lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: )&(^*%&$*^#&%%^*&*( xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@852187118113652776> if I get staff is it an obligation for you to get it too ♡♡#2703: let this episode finish its almost done ♡♡#2703: one second ♡♡#2703: ok burarahurricane#6369: COME BACK : ( ♡♡#2703: hmm? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Can you guys even hear me lisx#1702: <@782812668754395136> lisx#1702: come :bacn 🥓 burarahurricane#6369: come bakcn : ( lisx#1702: where did you go lisx#1702: liammmmmm Mocha#3331: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: How about now xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Clack lisx#1702: i cant seeeeee <@776230986324246558> lisx#1702: i cant hear you either lisx#1702: it dont work <@776230986324246558> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Can you hear any of this cody xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lisa get your on the voice PeckServers.com#8342: lisa see if you can hear his voice xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Can you hear my voice or no PeckServers.com#8342: i fail at by being in the same vacinity as PeckServers.com#8342: anything that requires any skill PeckServers.com#8342: yeah lisx#1702: and you die whne you touch things PeckServers.com#8342: that also leads to me sucking at basically all shooter games PeckServers.com#8342: and that is the scary part PeckServers.com#8342: no but you have to time when you do or dont jump lisx#1702: and I suck at it lmao lisx#1702: alskdjf lisx#1702: YOU JUMP OR YOU DON'T lisx#1702: IT'S LITERALLY THE DUMBEST GAME EVER lisx#1702: lisx#1702: i would've preferred for you to leave it out of context PeckServers.com#8342: and those are 404 not found for me PeckServers.com#8342: it takes bren cells PeckServers.com#8342: sameee PeckServers.com#8342: you did it to yourself lol lisx#1702: oh my god why PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 lisx#1702: dang i suck at geometry dash lisx#1702: haha lisx#1702: eat things lisx#1702: i went to lisx#1702: im back PeckServers.com#8342: im gonna assume yeah PeckServers.com#8342: but it was working before i did that so yeah PeckServers.com#8342: i am deafened xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Also can you hear the game, me, or both xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Can you hear me talk g xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Aight xXthat1redheadXx#9990: If he PeckServers.com#8342: there PeckServers.com#8342: now youre just in vc PeckServers.com#8342: you were xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Pizza xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Was I n connected before PeckServers.com#8342: papa john? PeckServers.com#8342: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: But yea that too xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was try to get the coin xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Can you even see it PeckServers.com#8342: have you tried getting good?? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Did someone just die xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I heard/felt pounding and screaming xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Wtf xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Actually idk if it’s even working but oh wel xXthat1redheadXx#9990: That was some very hard work and I’ve done the it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: They are in the shadow realm now xXthat1redheadXx#9990: And I’ll start working when infind my AirPods xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Hard work PeckServers.com#8342: how you gonna stream it? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@726265256082407504> do you wanna xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Wait can we even do that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Do you guys wanna watch me play geometry dash xXthat1redheadXx#9990: That was a cool video xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Dang PeckServers.com#8342: LOL xXthat1redheadXx#9990: This comment is so funny lmfao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yyooo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Watch it PeckServers.com#8342: i didnt actually watch the video except the parts where he had the pink shirt lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: The video Lisa PeckServers.com#8342: i was so confused PeckServers.com#8342: oooohhhhhh lisx#1702: thats not pink lisx#1702: i was like xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ok guess not lisx#1702: ohh PeckServers.com#8342: 420 nice xXthat1redheadXx#9990: So I need to inject mysel… xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yeah he has a pink shirt xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yoooo PeckServers.com#8342: hehe lolol lisx#1702: hey levy is "hot and very buff" also apparently PeckServers.com#8342: the shirt that hes wearing? lisx#1702: why is it green for me lisx#1702: pink?? lisx#1702: wow xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Oh PeckServers.com#8342: its a cpu architecture lisx#1702: I wonder if it helped watching his videos lisx#1702: back from the 2 months i used to watch gotham all the time PeckServers.com#8342: with that pink shirt he looks like hes wearing one of those meme ab shirts lolol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ig lisx#1702: alder lake? PeckServers.com#8342: hes also a muscle man lisx#1702: haha xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/VU_e_02hcLA lisx#1702: what xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Holy frick this guy explaining lactic acid is hot and very buff xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yeah Lisa is right I think PeckServers.com#8342: a new yokian lisx#1702: I bet lisx#1702: he lives in queens lisx#1702: queens lisx#1702: wait lisx#1702: I don't even know if he lives in new york lisx#1702: new yorkin lisx#1702: new yorkian lisx#1702: new yorkan lisx#1702: i think he's just PeckServers.com#8342: is it like swedish or something PeckServers.com#8342: yeah i agree xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I like his accent lisx#1702: he's epic tho lisx#1702: i haven't watched gotham in forever lisx#1702: whoa xXthat1redheadXx#9990: That was super funny xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/Jmwk4ufcdyE xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Dang PeckServers.com#8342: they have a 10gig connection PeckServers.com#8342: anyone who leases one of my servers can xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Someone can or you can PeckServers.com#8342: what do you think <@531264285385424916> PeckServers.com#8342: gta is 95-105Gigabytes PeckServers.com#8342: you could also download GTA in about 1.5 minutes at that speed PeckServers.com#8342: which means the router there is doing about 18gb/s cause the traffic is going in then back out PeckServers.com#8342: that there is an iperf network speed test between 2 machines over the network PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: like this gif PeckServers.com#8342: and now its fast \ PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/flash-run-fast-gif-26117164 PeckServers.com#8342: yayy my router is now 12th gen intel!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtube.com/shorts/lkB_4ZPLPl8?feature=share xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yum lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: is today your bday? PeckServers.com#8342: OMGGG xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🥳 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🙀 lisx#1702: because I'm 15!!!! lisx#1702: get my permit now lisx#1702: i can like lisx#1702: guess what i just realised lisx#1702: GUYS EJCaldwell#2924: i go tlike 30 mins EJCaldwell#2924: anybody have portal 2 and want to play coop PeckServers.com#8342: golden clip PeckServers.com#8342: i love how Linus and jake make adding servers to a server rack progressively more sexual EJCaldwell#2924: oh gosh PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxVqXLeuacdW4T_PxSL8pHw5H8u3l3uxwg EJCaldwell#2924: the jokes in this game are so good PeckServers.com#8342: and how recent it seems EJCaldwell#2924: 2012 PeckServers.com#8342: how long ago it was released PeckServers.com#8342: same canada is beautiful EJCaldwell#2924: what is that scary EJCaldwell#2924: i wish i actually could PeckServers.com#8342: scary PeckServers.com#8342: lets do it lol EJCaldwell#2924: dang EJCaldwell#2924: portal 2 is 10 years old EJCaldwell#2924: wait EJCaldwell#2924: does anybody want to go to canada this break EJCaldwell#2924: also EJCaldwell#2924: time to finish portal 2 PeckServers.com#8342: truly EJCaldwell#2924: but that is funny EJCaldwell#2924: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: if they have time PeckServers.com#8342: or maybe they have someone that replies PeckServers.com#8342: just in the dumpster out back PeckServers.com#8342: i wonder where they actually send it tho EJCaldwell#2924: oh my gosh it is EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: is this true EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/traffic-fbi-open-up-raid-gif-13450966 PeckServers.com#8342: im gonna show you a real rizz 😏 Mocha#3331: Finna rizz me up frfr Mocha#3331: Bros definitely got that light skin stare Mocha#3331: LMAOOOO PeckServers.com#8342: :O idk what that is Mocha#3331: I wanna learn rizz xXthat1redheadXx#9990: It’s fun but I don’t wanna wake up early :/ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I have honor band tomorrow morning xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Good thin most of the time j can’t even see their pfp so I go by name and color xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Haha xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I wanna learn Latin burarahurricane#6369: nevermind burarahurricane#6369: wait i do know o ne trick ! ! lisx#1702: idk what it wouldbe lisx#1702: it would be burarahurricane#6369: imagine a day wehre i learn what coding means PeckServers.com#8342: god I keep thinking you are alysse and keep getting ready to congradulate you for learning how to code lisx#1702: is killing me lisx#1702: matplotlib lisx#1702: python lisx#1702: it's just pyton EJCaldwell#2924: what coding laungage is it in lisx#1702: I don't know what anything means anymore lisx#1702: I have never read so much documentation in my life lisx#1702: I just have to graph a bunch of things EJCaldwell#2924: whats it in lisx#1702: not make it lisx#1702: just lisx#1702: i cant lisx#1702: but lisx#1702: alksd jf ksld lisx#1702: that lisx#1702: not lisx#1702: and lisx#1702: points lisx#1702: just 10 lisx#1702: and it's actually lisx#1702: I've been working on for centuries lisx#1702: that lisx#1702: coding lisx#1702: for lisx#1702: asisngment lisx#1702: there's this lisx#1702: well you see EJCaldwell#2924: why are you sad lisx#1702: YOU ARE NOT AS SAD AS ME lisx#1702: ME TOO EJCaldwell#2924: im sad now EJCaldwell#2924: NOOOOOOOO EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: this better look good EJCaldwell#2924: WalterJS#2477: 😂😂 PeckServers.com#8342: Jk lol PeckServers.com#8342: He'll just have to work his left arm overtime 😏 EJCaldwell#2924: also what will you be doing without your right arm EJCaldwell#2924: hope you start feeling better as soon as possible walter WalterJS#2477: Thanks burarahurricane#6369: wish u luck in recovery!! burarahurricane#6369: oof lisx#1702: oooof WalterJS#2477: Right WalterJS#2477: 3 months in a sling and then 3 month’s physical therapy lisx#1702: which arm is it lisx#1702: that sounds terrible PeckServers.com#8342: or does it heal pretty quick? PeckServers.com#8342: do you have to keep off of it for awhile? PeckServers.com#8342: oof yeah WalterJS#2477: Hopefully not more than 3 days PeckServers.com#8342: oh thats pretty cool WalterJS#2477: they like sowed my labrum back together and screwed it down into the bone where the fracture was and then he tightened the tendons up and stuff PeckServers.com#8342: how long does that pain last? PeckServers.com#8342: did they just tighten up your muscle or what? WalterJS#2477: It’s pretty painful PeckServers.com#8342: ayy hes got the oxy!! PeckServers.com#8342: that sounds painful PeckServers.com#8342: lol PeckServers.com#8342: you good bro? PeckServers.com#8342: i shivered when you said that burarahurricane#6369: 💪 burarahurricane#6369: strong burarahurricane#6369: stronf burarahurricane#6369: stay storng WalterJS#2477: It hurts so bad rn WalterJS#2477: And I’m in a giant sling WalterJS#2477: Like ibuprofen, Tylenol, and oxycodone WalterJS#2477: So I have like a bunch of drugs I’m supposed to take on a schedule WalterJS#2477: And it hurts WalterJS#2477: but it’s starting to wear off a bit WalterJS#2477: So I can’t feel or move anything WalterJS#2477: They did this thing called a nerve block where they went in by my neck and like disabled the nerve the goes down my arm Mocha#3331: Mr Krabs overdoeses on ketamine speedruns go hard burarahurricane#6369: that soudns awesoem lisx#1702: exactly what I was thinking PeckServers.com#8342: we should go punch walter in his expensive surgery and break it all lisx#1702: can everyone in cg simultaneous punch you in the shoulder? lisx#1702: in the shoulder lisx#1702: can I punch you too PeckServers.com#8342: in the shoulder PeckServers.com#8342: can i punch you lisx#1702: can you wrestle people now if you wanted to PeckServers.com#8342: yeah are u able to use it now lisx#1702: does your shoulder work now PeckServers.com#8342: howd the surgery go? PeckServers.com#8342: oh hey isnt that something they give to horses!! WalterJS#2477: They gave me ketamine WalterJS#2477: I’m alive xXthat1redheadXx#9990: plus it's not nearly as hard as Lawrence the first vicar's song so that's good xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's not too hard and the only really hard part is the one where you have an octave chord and play them in 16th notes but it's only a couple of notes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://musescore.com/user/33229619/scores/6329934 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I think I'm gonna learn this PeckServers.com#8342: that would be cool PeckServers.com#8342: i hope they get pictures PeckServers.com#8342: icky PeckServers.com#8342: and the feeling of cold ass fluid going up your vein PeckServers.com#8342: they are weird PeckServers.com#8342: hell yeah WalterJS#2477: I hate IVs they hurt WalterJS#2477: Bro WalterJS#2477: No but if his dads in the car it’s fine PeckServers.com#8342: i dont think so cause hed have a girlfriend by now if so lisx#1702: Has it been six months WalterJS#2477: Oh that’s nice EJCaldwell#2924: They don’t like people eating before surgery because of the chances of throwing up PeckServers.com#8342: oh i see WalterJS#2477: But I’m not getting surgery until like 10am so I could give him a ride PeckServers.com#8342: or in surgery PeckServers.com#8342: youll yak it all up when you wake up PeckServers.com#8342: oof yeah hopefully that goes well WalterJS#2477: Why WalterJS#2477: Yes WalterJS#2477: On my shoulder EJCaldwell#2924: You better not drink or eat anything PeckServers.com#8342: also wont you be higher than a kite and unable to drive? EJCaldwell#2924: Fair I guess PeckServers.com#8342: what surgery are u getting? WalterJS#2477: Ya but I’m not going today I’m getting surgery EJCaldwell#2924: Don’t you have high school EJCaldwell#2924: We are getting one WalterJS#2477: Need a lift ? WalterJS#2477: Bois im getting surgery today EJCaldwell#2924: So my dads car just died PeckServers.com#8342: it was at that moment he knew he fucked up PeckServers.com#8342: fax tho EJCaldwell#2924: Every person in a 50 mile radius felt that first one EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/FJVYBq18HNI?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: whatever tho, im gonna start working on it PeckServers.com#8342: case in point, your server network for shewmake design is firewall seperated from my server network, so even though they use the same physical hardware and server even, they cant infect eachother PeckServers.com#8342: also since peckservers has the vpn and a better firewall its more secure PeckServers.com#8342: or steam link PeckServers.com#8342: and since peckservers has fiber the latency is better than a standard home internet connection PeckServers.com#8342: something like vnc PeckServers.com#8342: yeah but teamviewer is garbage WalterJS#2477: Haha WalterJS#2477: Team viewer tho PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> we should totally make something like that Mocha#3331: Minon lisx#1702: bananas are disgusting burarahurricane#6369: u too lisx#1702: you're weolcem lisx#1702: world hunger is real 💯 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: bro I'm so hungry xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ofc burarahurricane#6369: yhnanks 😼 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nice pf pics <@749747503947055136> and <@726265256082407504> PeckServers.com#8342: basically access to your computer from anywhere PeckServers.com#8342: imagine the possibilities of having a cloud pc PeckServers.com#8342: i mean using steamlink im able to game just fine all the way in nevada on shitty internet PeckServers.com#8342: host private computers with gpus for gaming and general use at peckservers PeckServers.com#8342: you know what would be cool to do burarahurricane#6369: 💯 burarahurricane#6369: always stay legit burarahurricane#6369: legit is the most important one burarahurricane#6369: legit burarahurricane#6369: generous burarahurricane#6369: kind burarahurricane#6369: remember KGL lisx#1702: backlash is real burarahurricane#6369: real lisx#1702: well majority not real lisx#1702: okay not completely real bu t lisx#1702: this guy is sitll aliveeee lisx#1702: bro this was reallll lisx#1702: carl is such a good guy lisx#1702: his dad died lisx#1702: oh nooooo lisx#1702: carl is such a good guy fr lisx#1702: nooooo frank got taken away by angry french peopel lisx#1702: eec static lisx#1702: ecstatic lisx#1702: fuck lisx#1702: *estactic* Mocha#3331: pretty much PeckServers.com#8342: felt that burarahurricane#6369: kms PeckServers.com#8342: you all ecstatic for school tomorrow?!? PeckServers.com#8342: it has! hopefully yours has been the same too daddy! Mocha#3331: Hello CG hope y'alls weekend has been fun FRFR 🤩😻 PeckServers.com#8342: troo username123115#4960: discord font l looks so weird username123115#4960: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: anybody want 1000 hp chromebooks for $30 each? PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.ebay.com/itm/314037850866 lisx#1702: That sounds pretty smart lisx#1702: Haha okay PeckServers.com#8342: or if youre using face time just film another screen that is playing the content you want PeckServers.com#8342: so that your capture software, discord or whatever can see the stream PeckServers.com#8342: but if its on a browser you might be able to get around it by disabling hardware acceleration PeckServers.com#8342: if its on an apple device, most likely not lisx#1702: Or like FaceTime lisx#1702: Sure PeckServers.com#8342: like on discord? lisx#1702: Is there a way to bypass drm while screw sharing lisx#1702: So PeckServers.com#8342: theres no way gruppe sechs is not a play on goldman sachs lol PeckServers.com#8342: burarahurricane#6369: i was tryinf to. ^-^ but it didnt work PeckServers.com#8342: ITS SATURNDAY!! lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/u3V5KDHRQvk lisx#1702: 7-7-7? burarahurricane#6369: ☀️ burarahurricane#6369: godo mlroming 7-7-7 lisx#1702: Morning Mocha#3331: Ofc you did daddy PeckServers.com#8342: Hell yeah PeckServers.com#8342: I successfully saved her data! PeckServers.com#8342: that is incredible PeckServers.com#8342: and you can tell about how long this persons work day was lmaooooo PeckServers.com#8342: hopefully I can clone this drive before it dies lol PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: frfr lisx#1702: good music just hits different PeckServers.com#8342: ive noticed that having some sort of beat in the background helps focus tremendously lisx#1702: better than like piano or whatever lisx#1702: somehow lisx#1702: and it actually helps me focus PeckServers.com#8342: oof PeckServers.com#8342: im deleting hundreds of chromebooks rn so that works haha lisx#1702: im doing hw lisx#1702: fr PeckServers.com#8342: lol its pretty bop for focus music PeckServers.com#8342: listening now lisx#1702: mod sun is kinda cool https://open.spotify.com/track/7vXtuHrqgzQi58ihUO7L2d?si=1e4a650ad99f4dc9 PeckServers.com#8342: haha PeckServers.com#8342: he kinda showed me some good depressing rap PeckServers.com#8342: I got that from walter PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah lisx#1702: whatever that means lisx#1702: the sad rap and rap PeckServers.com#8342: the underground hip hop one? lisx#1702: you genre thing was kinda like mine PeckServers.com#8342: and thats alot of work PeckServers.com#8342: and a windows machine PeckServers.com#8342: but that requires work PeckServers.com#8342: I was totally gonna use paint and make them all into one big image PeckServers.com#8342: Heres my spotify wrapped collage PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/codyspotifywrapped%20(fs)/ lisx#1702: WE'RE NTO EVEN DOING ANYUTHING lisx#1702: I'M SO BORED lisx#1702: hes like an old rich guy lisx#1702: 4 hours leftttttt lisx#1702: im bored burarahurricane#6369: bro plays golf 💀💀 PeckServers.com#8342: Thats where mr allen teaches PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah his son lincoln does WalterJS#2477: I think he plays golf WalterJS#2477: Doesn’t he go to crimson WalterJS#2477: Oh nice lisx#1702: haha PeckServers.com#8342: There's a chance he'll be at the game tomorrow too so I might try to get a selfie or something haha PeckServers.com#8342: And he on the golf team PeckServers.com#8342: I was at crimson cliffs high filming a basketball game, apparently Lincoln goes there PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah that's the one, the one where they open stuff up and cut it in half XYZ lisx#1702: i remember that lisx#1702: its totally famous because theyu ahve a bunch of millions subs? lisx#1702: even tho lisx#1702: in st geogrge basically lisx#1702: and they live lisx#1702: has a son lisx#1702: who's like lisx#1702: it's the guy lisx#1702: I remember that PeckServers.com#8342: Have any of you seen his channel? PeckServers.com#8342: Hes so cool! PeckServers.com#8342: I just met him!! PeckServers.com#8342: You know dan from whats inside YouTube channel?? burarahurricane#6369: fr!!!!!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I am a concrete gamer 😎 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Dang it they let me back it lisx#1702: lollllll lisx#1702: concrete gamer lisx#1702: thats so cute lisx#1702: hahaha lisx#1702: omg burarahurricane#6369: once a concrete gamer always a concrete gamer burarahurricane#6369: cg will alwyas love you🌟 burarahurricane#6369: its ok xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lmfao fr though 💀💀 burarahurricane#6369: they pulled ur plug on life support 😭😭😭 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Heheheheh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: They couldnt stop my purge so they \*cutting sound* burarahurricane#6369: nkoooooo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😈 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: They were deleting all of my messages so I started to spell out the alphabet lisx#1702: what did you do xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😎😎🤓🤓😈😈😈😈 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ingot kicked from the dnd server 😈 PeckServers.com#8342: Just absolutely adorable PeckServers.com#8342: Spotify wrapped was cute this year burarahurricane#6369: ong thank s lisx#1702: anything you've said or evr will say is funny lisx#1702: amazingh lisx#1702: wow burarahurricane#6369: im a comedic genius PeckServers.com#8342: Why is that so funny burarahurricane#6369: pov ethan needs to know PeckServers.com#8342: i can see you with that keyboard too burarahurricane#6369: me fr EJCaldwell#2924: 20 puzzles in 3 mins EJCaldwell#2924: new 3 min reccord EJCaldwell#2924: lets go EJCaldwell#2924: just try like the three min one lisx#1702: but i didnt like it because im bad at puzzles lisx#1702: i think ive done it before lisx#1702: nice EJCaldwell#2924: try to beat any of my roccords EJCaldwell#2924: you should try puzzle rush EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: nvm EJCaldwell#2924: where the frick is stats lisx#1702: and on the side you click puzzles lisx#1702: you go to the place that says stats EJCaldwell#2924: how did you see the stats for that lisx#1702: it's like my blitz games lisx#1702: dang this is kinda sad lisx#1702: *correctly* lisx#1702: oh wait lisx#1702: wait ive done 1000 puzzles lisx#1702: Wow EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: A bop tho EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/0GABKhFnpvM?feature=share EJCaldwell#2924: Nap time username123115#4960: what is nap time EJCaldwell#2924: My teacher is giving us 10 mins of nap time PeckServers.com#8342: Goku Router!!!! PeckServers.com#8342: I didnt even realize that till now PeckServers.com#8342: :O Mocha#3331: it's goku color PeckServers.com#8342: lol wut Mocha#3331: goku PeckServers.com#8342: the orange is uploading and the blue is downloading PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: that is incredible PeckServers.com#8342: my datacenter is getting like 750 people connecting a second PeckServers.com#8342: *hmm PeckServers.com#8342: HMM EJCaldwell#2924: My boss holding a customers child PeckServers.com#8342: lol what the hell is going on in that pic EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: (emerges from my cave) hello hashtag general EJCaldwell#2924: My boss walked around with this random child for like 20 mins EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: ikr xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's honestly an L PeckServers.com#8342: The plex logo was doing that on our roku tv and it never hit the corner either :( PeckServers.com#8342: that is so angering PeckServers.com#8342: frick EJCaldwell#2924: It never hit the corner sadly tho EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: Just spent 10-15 mins watching this xXthat1redheadXx#9990: If the arms are pinchers soon scorpion otherwise spider EJCaldwell#2924: Scorpion EJCaldwell#2924: Wait EJCaldwell#2924: Gigs chad spider WalterJS#2477: EJCaldwell#2924: that is so cursed PeckServers.com#8342: what the hell is that thing PeckServers.com#8342: god damnit WalterJS#2477: 😂😂 lisx#1702: ofc lisx#1702: wow WalterJS#2477: Personally I think it’s very fitting what do you think WalterJS#2477: New Spotify PFP https://open.spotify.com/user/whitefire356?si=O7CxO5d6SBqtHt4sivDyAw WalterJS#2477: Understandable have a nice day WalterJS#2477: Oh I see PeckServers.com#8342: cock Mocha#3331: Balls EJCaldwell#2924: all the games are on sale atm EJCaldwell#2924: old ones on pc PeckServers.com#8342: on like the old old consoles PeckServers.com#8342: even the old old ones? PeckServers.com#8342: ooh! thats pretty cool EJCaldwell#2924: i now own every single doom game PeckServers.com#8342: we are starting another server PeckServers.com#8342: for anyone whos not here yet that wants to play mc PeckServers.com#8342: https://discord.gg/u2gvwJYtFR PeckServers.com#8342: turns out swapping cpus is pretty uneventful PeckServers.com#8342: no worries haha WalterJS#2477: Sorry I couldn’t make it EJCaldwell#2924: i want to see how much it would ost to upgrade to 64bg ram EJCaldwell#2924: how much are 16gb sticks EJCaldwell#2924: speaking of ram EJCaldwell#2924: that just sounds unessasary PeckServers.com#8342: unless i get 32GB ram sticks for 256GB ram PeckServers.com#8342: its basically maxxed out PeckServers.com#8342: just more capacity for peckservers EJCaldwell#2924: why EJCaldwell#2924: oh PeckServers.com#8342: hes talking about the climbing gym EJCaldwell#2924: its by MSI PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: iT wOrKeD!!!! PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> PeckServers.com#8342: walter do you want to be here for the upgrade or should I go ahead without you? PeckServers.com#8342: ab cock WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: It’s by Costco EJCaldwell#2924: time for the doom test EJCaldwell#2924: i am just stress testing this pc today EJCaldwell#2924: its the one by the collage right EJCaldwell#2924: i don't work that day so i will see WalterJS#2477: if you wanna meet there lmk WalterJS#2477: I’m planning to go on Monday EJCaldwell#2924: maybe another day WalterJS#2477: We can invite like a bunch of people WalterJS#2477: also it will be fun WalterJS#2477: I have a free pass to get you in if you wanna come show me how it’s done EJCaldwell#2924: i think i know what i am talking about WalterJS#2477: 💀💀 EJCaldwell#2924: you know i used to climb/boulder a lot right WalterJS#2477: it’s about strength and technical moves WalterJS#2477: It’s not lead climbing WalterJS#2477: And also this is bouldering WalterJS#2477: There’s no foot holds right there u have to push urself up WalterJS#2477: ur dumb lisx#1702: how else is our boi gonna show off his cracked arm strength tho EJCaldwell#2924: climbing is mostly in the legs EJCaldwell#2924: you don't pull yourself up with your arms mate EJCaldwell#2924: you are not doing it right WalterJS#2477: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: jk that looks hard PeckServers.com#8342: u suk WalterJS#2477: this red v5 was so fun I’m close to getting it but my arms died at the end WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: I was thinking the exact opposite WalterJS#2477: 💀💀 PeckServers.com#8342: whoever is filming thankyou for being the giga 1% that actually films horizontal like a normal human! PeckServers.com#8342: buddy ate shit WalterJS#2477: Climbing is hard 😔 lisx#1702: Girl 😭 EJCaldwell#2924: I would say that is this true for some people EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/KOVGqAwm3sk?feature=share Mocha#3331: You could've bought me like unlimited bacon with that EJCaldwell#2924: I had to get it EJCaldwell#2924: Is a beast EJCaldwell#2924: And that thing EJCaldwell#2924: It’s normally 1500$ EJCaldwell#2924: That pc Mocha#3331: Like a lot a lor Mocha#3331: That's a lot of money PeckServers.com#8342: if you think about it its 1/200 - 1/800th of a house PeckServers.com#8342: yeah its apretty good amount of money EJCaldwell#2924: I wouldn’t say 1100$ plus tax is rich but it is quite a bit of money WalterJS#2477: Bro is rich af WalterJS#2477: Yooo u bought the pc? PeckServers.com#8342: nizzy nice EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: Happy for u bro EJCaldwell#2924: now* EJCaldwell#2924: and in stores not i bet username123115#4960: bruh EJCaldwell#2924: its sold out onlind username123115#4960: why username123115#4960: wait what EJCaldwell#2924: you have to go to costco tho EJCaldwell#2924: yes username123115#4960: is it on sale username123115#4960: wait waht EJCaldwell#2924: this pc is so nice EJCaldwell#2924: i don't want to go to work today now EJCaldwell#2924: soon EJCaldwell#2924: not yet EJCaldwell#2924: oh EJCaldwell#2924: isint there like a RTX portal now EJCaldwell#2924: wait EJCaldwell#2924: esiyt EJCaldwell#2924: its like 2$ for both atm EJCaldwell#2924: And I have played portal 2 EJCaldwell#2924: It’s a good game PeckServers.com#8342: damn i want to play portal now haha PeckServers.com#8342: wait in like 1.5 hours??? EJCaldwell#2924: i just beat it lol PeckServers.com#8342: I just discovered steam link PeckServers.com#8342: noiiicee EJCaldwell#2924: downloading portal PeckServers.com#8342: have you tired any games on yer new fresh pc? PeckServers.com#8342: hello new fresh ethan username123115#4960: nice EJCaldwell#2924: talking from the new pc EJCaldwell#2924: They had some at the store EJCaldwell#2924: Yes PeckServers.com#8342: Thats the one from the ad?? PeckServers.com#8342: Dang!!! EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: LETS FRICKING GO EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: and currently thats what those 3 papers on his wall are gonna do PeckServers.com#8342: he uses this power to solve the worlds problems PeckServers.com#8342: probably a dumpster full of them because of how much that kid thinks Mocha#3331: You gonna find his trash can full of crumpled up papers EJCaldwell#2924: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: yeah you should totally make your room one of those white glass productivity rooms PeckServers.com#8342: lmaooo WalterJS#2477: I need to buy a glass whiteboard that would be dope asf WalterJS#2477: it’s actually genius WalterJS#2477: I taped website plans to my wall lisx#1702: ya burarahurricane#6369: yuh PeckServers.com#8342: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: That pc was good PeckServers.com#8342: If worst comes to worst we can probs help you just build a good one EJCaldwell#2924: Better have some at the store tomorrow EJCaldwell#2924: Still pissed about the pc tho PeckServers.com#8342: Happy thanks giving btw everyone!! PeckServers.com#8342: damn thats really cool PeckServers.com#8342: oh nice!! EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: My terraria package showed up early EJCaldwell#2924: Tho EJCaldwell#2924: Some good news th EJCaldwell#2924: Pc sold out before I woke up EJCaldwell#2924: I hate scalpers EJCaldwell#2924: I am pissed PeckServers.com#8342: U PeckServers.com#8342: Hey <@726265256082407504> https://youtu.be/OFQQALduhzA lisx#1702: lol username123115#4960: IM DANIEL username123115#4960: HI HOME burarahurricane#6369: : D lisx#1702: you should be free now lisx#1702: <@484351343503474698> lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: emoji 🖤 emo 🖤 burarahurricane#6369: free from@ car 🚗 lisx#1702: I HAVENT BEEN HOME FOR LIKE DECADES lisx#1702: IM HOME lisx#1702: You’re so goated PeckServers.com#8342: can someone please react with thumbs down on this for me, i dont hvae perms :( burarahurricane#6369: incredible username123115#4960: heres one i got a month ago username123115#4960: nitrotype is a goated game burarahurricane#6369: Maulie#8927: I am so bored I started playing Nitro Type EJCaldwell#2924: i want me pc today EJCaldwell#2924: one more day can i can't wait lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/5QGooKayQPVZMUDc8Qt3Dm?si=4oZQqSBjTGi3c1Ju8Elu_Q Mocha#3331: Tid pods PeckServers.com#8342: Hell yeah server cpus!! PeckServers.com#8342: 24 cores 48 threads right here PeckServers.com#8342: Fair enough Mocha#3331: I don't have a brain PeckServers.com#8342: Are u all a left or right brain kinda person?? EJCaldwell#2924: username123115#4960: fr EJCaldwell#2924: kinda expensive EJCaldwell#2924: idk man username123115#4960: you can see the tv remote controlled mouse TM username123115#4960: you should come username123115#4960: yeah lisx#1702: <@734161534799839272> r u guys home yet lisx#1702: Wait lisx#1702: I’m so boredddddd username123115#4960: better get them discount mozzeralla sticks while your at it EJCaldwell#2924: wooo EJCaldwell#2924: 2 days till i get me new pc PeckServers.com#8342: REAL PeckServers.com#8342: Fsfs lisx#1702: Don’t worry about it lisx#1702: Uh PeckServers.com#8342: the question confuses me lisx#1702: that was a good mvoie lisx#1702: that was nice lisx#1702: wow lisx#1702: because our boi is hotter than this 😭 lisx#1702: they picked a not good actor for this lisx#1702: ew crineg\ lisx#1702: but also i dont like that guy lisx#1702: oh thats funny lisx#1702: LOLLLLLLLL lisx#1702: LOL lisx#1702: LOL lisx#1702: ofc lisx#1702: wow lisx#1702: this is going to be so sad lisx#1702: bruh lisx#1702: bruh lisx#1702: bruh lisx#1702: they have the best principal ever lisx#1702: this is literally so sad lisx#1702: this is literally the saddest lisx#1702: this is sad lisx#1702: oh dang that turned around fast lisx#1702: this is so funny bruh burarahurricane#6369: 😭 lisx#1702: 🌈 lisx#1702: LOL lisx#1702: THE BEST KInD lisx#1702: OMG YES INCEST lisx#1702: also why dont the kids at that high school realize how hot zac effron is lisx#1702: no literally i hope they do because its so awkward burarahurricane#6369: oh hey we have that one lisx#1702: do they find out? username123115#4960: *lawnmower* username123115#4960: ahh yes EJCaldwell#2924: i saw this in my recommended xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Haha PeckServers.com#8342: someone has some strong words for season 6 disk 2 PeckServers.com#8342: lol this happened by complete accident 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: And the second clue at the end was amazing haha xXthat1redheadXx#9990: This is one of my favorites of his lmao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/SYZUBG-YLc0 PeckServers.com#8342: :( PeckServers.com#8342: almost caught it at 4.20 PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: darn I missed it by 0.04 :( PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: 💀💀send me links I wanna read them lmao PeckServers.com#8342: port 4000, 5000, 6000, 9000, and 50000 are all for torrenting stuff PeckServers.com#8342: this is a sample of the connection logs PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: all of the infrastructure is handling it like a champ PeckServers.com#8342: which means that theres thousands of active connnections PeckServers.com#8342: and since its been there, peckservers is getting about 100 new connections a second from people on the internet PeckServers.com#8342: My tracker is #25 on the list PeckServers.com#8342: https://github.com/ngosang/trackerslist/blob/master/trackers_all.txt PeckServers.com#8342: https://github.com/ngosang/trackerslist PeckServers.com#8342: guys check it out PeckServers.com#8342: i believe it 😂 WalterJS#2477: I’ve been sick the last two days and I cannot explain to you the sheer volume of Instagram comment arguments I’ve participated in PeckServers.com#8342: yeah pretty sure it would xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was about to say "wouldn't it be SIMTSP" 💀 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you tricked me😭 lisx#1702: WalterJS#2477: Lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: like with the moon xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idek xXthat1redheadXx#9990: isn't that goodnight bear PeckServers.com#8342: you're my sleepy time teddy bear in the night gown 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it was the first on one of the categlries xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hey wasn't that on the trending Mocha#3331: I'm the real sleepy time bear in the night gown burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/cold-morning-good-morning-warm-u-gif-12971979 Mocha#3331: Mocha#3331: Gtb username123115#4960: gm cg PeckServers.com#8342: only computer nerds will get it PeckServers.com#8342: https://i.imgur.com/kuzPvQm.mp4 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I actually don’t know what I mean either xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Oh how the tables have turned if yk what I mean 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: That’s epic Maulie#8927: I have lost all faith in humanity Maulie#8927: People using pleasure devices to win chess games now? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *oh…* 😏 EJCaldwell#2924: It is xXthat1redheadXx#9990: That looks more like a sex toy from the thumbnail EJCaldwell#2924: Ayo what EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/watch?v=5uDM3fPeNFM&feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: did you give the cat catnip again? PeckServers.com#8342: MA! PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTGICkWm9qU PeckServers.com#8342: cgpoll PeckServers.com#8342: we should dev an alternative username123115#4960: rip PeckServers.com#8342: august this year so that shows how much I pay attention PeckServers.com#8342: thats sad PeckServers.com#8342: :( PeckServers.com#8342: I had no idea but apparently they took strawpoll.me down PeckServers.com#8342: thats only like the last 3 days too PeckServers.com#8342: ikr username123115#4960: das a lotta big numbers username123115#4960: wow PeckServers.com#8342: ive uploaded 2.21 TiB PeckServers.com#8342: bytes in on [CENTURYLINK] is download and bytes out is upload PeckServers.com#8342: thats from torrenting PeckServers.com#8342: check it oot PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: did you mute it PeckServers.com#8342: is "the lawns" collapsed? username123115#4960: oh wait i'm stupid :D username123115#4960: i hope this won't happen to general username123115#4960: why is it that when i click off a lawn it disapeers lisx#1702: i'm bored WalterJS#2477: you should get it WalterJS#2477: anyway WalterJS#2477: idfk why I said cheese its WalterJS#2477: cheese its WalterJS#2477: no cap WalterJS#2477: on god WalterJS#2477: its totally worth it WalterJS#2477: you should PeckServers.com#8342: and id have to get steam to get it PeckServers.com#8342: i dont sadly PeckServers.com#8342: id hope lol WalterJS#2477: if you do you shoul dget my wallpaper is literally free WalterJS#2477: do you have wallpaper engine PeckServers.com#8342: understandable, have a nice day WalterJS#2477: "yes" WalterJS#2477: and I have one answer to all yur questions WalterJS#2477: who what when where why how WalterJS#2477: I think you mean - PeckServers.com#8342: when PeckServers.com#8342: where PeckServers.com#8342: how PeckServers.com#8342: what even... why? username123115#4960: i was in the library lol username123115#4960: i had nothing to do this past period username123115#4960: i should've come over WalterJS#2477: I spent an entire class period on this WalterJS#2477: idek username123115#4960: how'd you make it animated username123115#4960: lmao WalterJS#2477: `Presidentium combines the emaculate elements of Trumpium, Bidomium, and Obamahedron (decayed from the reaction of Obamium-298 to Gold-197) to create a colorful display and snow storm.` WalterJS#2477: it is presidentium username123115#4960: omg its animated username123115#4960: what is that wall paper WalterJS#2477: lmfao just published it WalterJS#2477: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2889467999 WalterJS#2477: I’m definitely publishing this to the steam workshop for wallpaper engine lmfaoo WalterJS#2477: Linus wallpaper has been upgraded to presidentium… of my own design 👁️👄👁️ 😎 PeckServers.com#8342: they block reddit too and I use it a decent amount for diagnosis PeckServers.com#8342: luckily I have eduroam PeckServers.com#8342: I wouldnt be suprised if heath spent all of yesterday trying to figure out how to block it PeckServers.com#8342: most likely lisx#1702: haha username123115#4960: is that why yesterday i couldn't go on discord using the school wifi PeckServers.com#8342: like class discord servers PeckServers.com#8342: and just class discussion stuff too PeckServers.com#8342: pretty sure some exports did PeckServers.com#8342: yep lisx#1702: teachers used discord?? PeckServers.com#8342: and provides more reasons to use eduroam/data/vpn PeckServers.com#8342: guess whats now BlOcKeD PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: jk lol PeckServers.com#8342: chicken butt PeckServers.com#8342: haha PeckServers.com#8342: youll never guess PeckServers.com#8342: guess what PeckServers.com#8342: guess what PeckServers.com#8342: guess whaat guys guess what SpencerLS#2849: the best strategy is to talk to girls SpencerLS#2849: 💀 WalterJS#2477: not me going to zero dances 💀 SpencerLS#2849: lol not me going to 2 dances 2 weeks in a row with 2 different people xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I think it means you're not gonna be a good driver lisx#1702: So what do you guys think this means lisx#1702: I was like someplace and my parents weren’t there and I was driving but I was really bad at it obviously and the car kept flipping on its side and other people driving kept going like bruh drive better and then I parked the car by the side of the street and had a bike and rode the bike but somehow I also didn’t really know how to ride the bike very good either and then I was going to ride the bike to school but I realized I forgot about the car so I had to go back and find where I parked it but for some reason it was at the bottom of a super big hill and I rode my bike down but it was like a literal vertical cliff and I couldn’t stop and I barely got there and then I remembered that I couldn’t drive and didn’t know how to get the car anywhere lisx#1702: I had the most weirdest dream lisx#1702: 😂 EJCaldwell#2924: https://tenor.com/view/pride-raindow-pridemonth-gif-26080348 burarahurricane#6369: thank you :) EJCaldwell#2924: also happy trans awareness week <@749747503947055136> EJCaldwell#2924: me burarahurricane#6369: omg username123115#4960: no hes saying you have nice pants EJCaldwell#2924: this guy better have nice pants EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: that video looks scary WalterJS#2477: https://youtube.com/shorts/J02WhWUcAtQ?feature=share username123115#4960: Just buy the Chinese smart iron instead EJCaldwell#2924: but 25$ EJCaldwell#2924: i want to PeckServers.com#8342: u shud get them then EJCaldwell#2924: i want these EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: "omg this kid is my son but he doesnt know that and im actually his dad but he doesn't know that" lisx#1702: well its kinda cringe when it's like a lisx#1702: huh PeckServers.com#8342: the ending is heart warming PeckServers.com#8342: scarlets teen character was pretty cute tho PeckServers.com#8342: no idea where u are lisx#1702: does it get beter lisx#1702: oh really PeckServers.com#8342: oh hey i just watched that one username123115#4960: i don't know if complaining about the c compiler 24/7 counts as coding lisx#1702: nothing to do lisx#1702: theres like lisx#1702: zac effron isn't actually that hot lisx#1702: I'm bored lisx#1702: 👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️ lisx#1702: nno burarahurricane#6369: have u never heard umm stacy’smom lisx#1702: because i guess your mom jokes weren't a thing back then??? lisx#1702: one guy was like "is your mom hot" and the other person was like "whats wrong with you" which is kinda funny burarahurricane#6369: we r the real influencers 👯‍♂️ lisx#1702: and also lisx#1702: its actually meh Mocha#3331: Did you just have an aneurysm ☠️ lisx#1702: i need help lisx#1702: good job lisx#1702: 13 lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: 1+8 is 9 and uh yes lisx#1702: 13+87 lisx#1702: so like lisx#1702: um lisx#1702: math lisx#1702: oh lisx#1702: uh PeckServers.com#8342: in 2000 he woulda been like 13 right? PeckServers.com#8342: what movie u watching with him? PeckServers.com#8342: yep lol lisx#1702: omg he's old lisx#1702: the 2000s lisx#1702: he was hot in like lisx#1702: he's not hot *now* PeckServers.com#8342: 🤪 PeckServers.com#8342: This just in - Lisa wants to get destroyed by a 35yo man lisx#1702: zac effron is so hot PeckServers.com#8342: oh yea you guys did some of the same classes right? PeckServers.com#8342: you probably did more coding than me lisx#1702: and uh i can say with certainty that at one point in time my coding skills were just as good as daniels PeckServers.com#8342: kinda lisx#1702: you're kinda a coding person PeckServers.com#8342: well to be fair all coders but daniel kinda ditched cg as a full time job PeckServers.com#8342: oh lisx#1702: them PeckServers.com#8342: who besides walter spencer and daniel were coding lisx#1702: and then we were like "bye you'll regret this" lisx#1702: but then the coding people were like "bye we're never coming back" lisx#1702: it was like coding stuff lisx#1702: we're so influenceinanglyia PeckServers.com#8342: alysse and lisa are major deciding factors PeckServers.com#8342: before that who knows what it was PeckServers.com#8342: it used to be and still is anime PeckServers.com#8342: yeah Mocha#3331: This server has become the k pop fanclub lisx#1702: frfr PeckServers.com#8342: gj PeckServers.com#8342: ur an upstanding citizen PeckServers.com#8342: oh wow lisx#1702: so I have to get 100 on the finals lisx#1702: it's literally by like at most 0.09% lisx#1702: guuys look how close I am to having 97 in all my classes PeckServers.com#8342: it was funny tho, police pulled up and told him to put his neck behind his back PeckServers.com#8342: dont worry though, he'll be out neck week PeckServers.com#8342: this man went to jail for neckless endangerment PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: *no u lisx#1702: preservatives PeckServers.com#8342: i mean they are pretty much there then PeckServers.com#8342: yeah username123115#4960: thats just putting preservitives in a packet lisx#1702: The way they didn’t put a space between 30 23 lisx#1702: Omg same PeckServers.com#8342: "buy it now and use it forever" PeckServers.com#8342: honestly that would be a good marketing idea PeckServers.com#8342: imagine if you could use your gatorade powder 1000 years later username123115#4960: wait i'm blind i thought that said best by april of 3023 username123115#4960: wow its almost as long lasting as a twinkie PeckServers.com#8342: One is significantly bigger than the other, but they both make the same amount PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Anybody see the issue here? PeckServers.com#8342: and making an email like that is only $5 a month PeckServers.com#8342: and get the price down from $55 a month to $20 EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: apparently you can use any non gmail account as a student account PeckServers.com#8342: ya know how I have my peckservers.com email address PeckServers.com#8342: guys i just hacked adobe PeckServers.com#8342: *bitch* PeckServers.com#8342: wing wong u got it wrong PeckServers.com#8342: LOL EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/-E9HQTfgKf0?feature=share WalterJS#2477: <@734161534799839272> congrats on winning at codecamp EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/watch?v=709ydk3PorM&feature=share xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nice Mocha#3331: How come no one told me climate change was real Mocha#3331: 🙀😰 EJCaldwell#2924: what EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: it's real lisx#1702: climate change is real xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if that makes sense xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the shorts are the only ones that are usually worth sharing plus I can watch a lot more shorts than one video so for there's a ratio of every video there's like 5+ shorts xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no I'm addicted to youtube PeckServers.com#8342: Who isn't? to be fair lisx#1702: Liam are you addicted to YouTube shorts Maulie#8927: I love man news xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtube.com/shorts/BIyJRXFwJKc?feature=share xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *an* ovation xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I don't believe you PeckServers.com#8342: standing ovation basically means clapping while standing PeckServers.com#8342: i guess that makes sense lisx#1702: it would be a ovation PeckServers.com#8342: would that be a sitting ovation? burarahurricane#6369: no you just ovation lisx#1702: stand lisx#1702: or do you just lisx#1702: do you do a standing ovation lisx#1702: wait lisx#1702: does a little standing ovation burarahurricane#6369: doesa littklr bow lisx#1702: good job alysse lisx#1702: that was actually funny lisx#1702: jaisdklf;jsdkljfklsadjfklsdj PeckServers.com#8342: Cuts to gif of godzilla swinging one of the world trade centers into two airplaines PeckServers.com#8342: OOH its DAY OPPOSITE!! burarahurricane#6369: happy 11/9! it was on this day they crashed the towers into the twin planes Mocha#3331: #downwithlisa lisx#1702: ||(i didnt actually)|| Mocha#3331: This is why lisa should be banned Mocha#3331: You legally can't vote stop spreading misinformation lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/vote-jim-carrey-type-computer-voting-gif-5111579 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/vote2022-im-a-voter-election-fl-vote-fl-election-gif-26254089 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/chris-farley-vote-go-vote-vote-or-die-voting-kicks-ass-gif-5111646 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/arielnwilson-texas-tx-vote-voter-gif-24854777 lisx#1702: are we friends 🥺 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/friends-dont-let-friends-not-vote-voting-vote-election-election2020-gif-18384919 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/i-voted-i-voted-sticker-vote-sticker-i-voted-have-you-did-you-vote-gif-18980556 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/obama-voted-i-voted-vote-election-day-election-gif-19046686 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/i-voted-primary-day-voting-election-day-gif-12450957 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/obama-barack-obama-potus-i-just-voted-go-vote-gif-5111746 lisx#1702: thats me lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/sponge-bob-sponge-bob-mail-postman-election-day-vote-gif-18099193 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/i-voted-joe-biden-sticker-go-out-and-vote-gif-18721719 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/i-voted-happy-election-day-vote-sticker-voting-vote-gif-12834879 PeckServers.com#8342: but its tuesday!!! PeckServers.com#8342: i dont know if you knew this PeckServers.com#8342: hey everybody PeckServers.com#8342: LOL burarahurricane#6369: morninvg☀️☀️ Maulie#8927: Gm lol Mocha#3331: Gm everyone else ig 🙄 Mocha#3331: Gm cutie 🫶 PeckServers.com#8342: Gm everyone PeckServers.com#8342: Hate it when that happens lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Noice SpencerLS#2849: I fixed it, random power strip problems PeckServers.com#8342: 😂😂 PeckServers.com#8342: Welcome to normie high school PeckServers.com#8342: Lmaoo Maulie#8927: Other than feeling like an exchange student Maulie#8927: That was a chill night Maulie#8927: Can say the same thing PeckServers.com#8342: It was nice meeting u PeckServers.com#8342: That was pretty fun tho PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah Maulie#8927: Oof, that's rough PeckServers.com#8342: Adhd makes absorbing these things impossible PeckServers.com#8342: Probably PeckServers.com#8342: Right out from under his nose PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah he totally stole that one guy's bitch Maulie#8927: Cinderella? Maulie#8927: Mr. Seduce PeckServers.com#8342: With how long the show was going on, what's her name and her random love of cleaning is going to have to really dust off those divorce papers PeckServers.com#8342: That was an epic bit!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Is it on ur laptop? Maulie#8927: "Where's the divorce papers?" -Me and Cody burarahurricane#6369: thank u ^-^ Maulie#8927: Lol EJCaldwell#2924: Why would I want 5k Pennie’s username123115#4960: then you could get like five thousand pennies EJCaldwell#2924: No username123115#4960: vending machine shuold accept pennies it would be amazing EJCaldwell#2924: It just almost did EJCaldwell#2924: It didn’t run out username123115#4960: you should sue the vending machine username123115#4960: thats robbery username123115#4960: rip EJCaldwell#2924: I made it run out of change EJCaldwell#2924: Last time I did that EJCaldwell#2924: No username123115#4960: put it in v e n d i n g m a c h i n e EJCaldwell#2924: That bill is now mine Maulie#8927: Daniel and his $50 bill username123115#4960: agree EJCaldwell#2924: It’s was really good EJCaldwell#2924: Ikr Maulie#8927: The music fit the vibe so good Maulie#8927: I don't have an iPhone I apologize for the quality Maulie#8927: burarahurricane#6369: lol um thanksj Maulie#8927: Oh my goodness that was amazing burarahurricane#6369: weeee made it ! SpencerLS#2849: I turned off the computer and unplugged everything and checked the drivers and it still won't connect SpencerLS#2849: anyone know how to fix monitors that stopped connecting for some reason Maulie#8927: <@852187118113652776> are you aware of the second part? username123115#4960: alright i'll see you there PeckServers.com#8342: We are by the entrance of the auditorium username123115#4960: i think i'm coming username123115#4960: where do we meet PeckServers.com#8342: Pullin up now EJCaldwell#2924: You here@m <@852187118113652776> burarahurricane#6369: ohhow lucky EJCaldwell#2924: Most likely not tho PeckServers.com#8342: It was like the one day it snowed in St George PeckServers.com#8342: One of my tests was that PeckServers.com#8342: But if you're lucky you might get to do snow driving PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeaaa that makes sense EJCaldwell#2924: Of December EJCaldwell#2924: My birthday is the 29th EJCaldwell#2924: If I want it this year EJCaldwell#2924: I will have to test like the day after my birthday EJCaldwell#2924: Just after my birthday EJCaldwell#2924: No PeckServers.com#8342: 2 days of testing? EJCaldwell#2924: If I want it this year EJCaldwell#2924: It’s that I have 2 days after my birthday PeckServers.com#8342: Oh? EJCaldwell#2924: It’s not that PeckServers.com#8342: Sameee PeckServers.com#8342: Its worth it burarahurricane#6369: driving scarrwes me PeckServers.com#8342: You should do the test lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Oohhh fuunn!!! EJCaldwell#2924: I can drive next month if I do the test PeckServers.com#8342: Ooohhh burarahurricane#6369: um sure for a littlebut the pit is having a party after the show ! EJCaldwell#2924: My mom is PeckServers.com#8342: Wait u can drive?? EJCaldwell#2924: Get* EJCaldwell#2924: Gotta to <@606620815349383209> EJCaldwell#2924: I am gonna be there in like 20-24 PeckServers.com#8342: Im probably gonna head that way in 10 mins EJCaldwell#2924: Want to meet us after the show? EJCaldwell#2924: Kk burarahurricane#6369: middle EJCaldwell#2924: Also <@749747503947055136> where are you stationed so we can be near you PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah that sounds good EJCaldwell#2924: That or the cafeteria PeckServers.com#8342: Maybe by the office or what u thinking? EJCaldwell#2924: Where should we all meet before the play PeckServers.com#8342: Hey <@531264285385424916> when you come can you bring that two terabyte hard drive from your floor? EJCaldwell#2924: WEED TIME PeckServers.com#8342: I checked discord and i was gone from the server :( PeckServers.com#8342: Wtf PeckServers.com#8342: you guys gonna win codecamp with it? PeckServers.com#8342: thats pretty sick PeckServers.com#8342: this makes it sound something like the emoji movie lol PeckServers.com#8342: i had no idea PeckServers.com#8342: oh WalterJS#2477: It’s our codecamp project WalterJS#2477: It’s gonna be an app WalterJS#2477: Bruh PeckServers.com#8342: Science bitchessss PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/Li2Kt4DtUdY PeckServers.com#8342: Where can i obtain this PeckServers.com#8342: Liek a movie? PeckServers.com#8342: OoH! SpencerLS#2849: all I can say is it involves nfts and assassination SpencerLS#2849: can't spoil it PeckServers.com#8342: Wass dat? PeckServers.com#8342: Hi spencer! SpencerLS#2849: but it's not on my phone SpencerLS#2849: had to download it on my computer for codecamp burarahurricane#6369: SpencerLS#2849: you guys are gonna dig nftag when it comes out 👀 PeckServers.com#8342: ooh my parents got to chill with the bandmates of blue october!! PeckServers.com#8342: this is probably what walter wants to be PeckServers.com#8342: absolute BANGER PeckServers.com#8342: 🎶 🎶 PeckServers.com#8342: This is a "sim swap" hacker that made a rap track about scamming millions of dollars PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_lJDjgWa4Y PeckServers.com#8342: alright, ill pull down all the listings too so ebay doesnt keep charging us for them WalterJS#2477: im going to keep a bit of money in the account just incase WalterJS#2477: ok im transfering you money from the account WalterJS#2477: ya PeckServers.com#8342: We should probably get together one of these days and figure it out, that way we don't get a surprise visit from tax man or some shit lmaoo WalterJS#2477: idk how to close the bank account though WalterJS#2477: im not sure I think if we just dont renew it then it will be done PeckServers.com#8342: sounds good, what do we need to do to dissolve the business as a legal entity? then we can probably just keep the inventory you dont want at my house WalterJS#2477: fair enough lets just split the money and share the inventory as needed PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, I think that if we are going to shift our focuses somewhere else (I have a new business idea, and so do you) then it would be better for both of us if we got rid of it, it hasnt brought us significant income in a measurable amount of time, so its not really worth running WalterJS#2477: ur saying we should disband tonitek? WalterJS#2477: wym PeckServers.com#8342: Its been kind of a thorn in our side lately imo PeckServers.com#8342: Okay fair enough, what are we gonna do abt tonitek tho? I feel like as we move forward we need to be more like Google and axe our failures WalterJS#2477: shutup its going to make you rich PeckServers.com#8342: I would advise against that WalterJS#2477: isntead of regular people WalterJS#2477: its basically software for developers to use to make websites WalterJS#2477: they can use their own components WalterJS#2477: except that isntead of using prebuilt components WalterJS#2477: sorta like companies like wix or weebly or shopify WalterJS#2477: no lisx#1702: like github? WalterJS#2477: When I started my web design stuff I spent like 2 weeks looking for this exact thing and nothing was good enough to meet my needs WalterJS#2477: but its a really good idea im gonna be rich WalterJS#2477: its hard to explain if your not a developer WalterJS#2477: but its for developers to link into their own projects WalterJS#2477: its a super advanced control panel (like the one I have for my current websites except better) WalterJS#2477: where essentially WalterJS#2477: its going to be a SaaS WalterJS#2477: basically im going to start a new business WalterJS#2477: i ahve the most ultimate idea ever PeckServers.com#8342: *pat pat* PeckServers.com#8342: Good job PeckServers.com#8342: By definition that is exactly correct WalterJS#2477: which is also ionizing WalterJS#2477: or really high frequency light WalterJS#2477: unless its ionizing radiation WalterJS#2477: i mean if you think about it radiation isnt even that bad lisx#1702: haha East Germany Is Going Great#1917: thats us lol burarahurricane#6369: good jjob. nevad a👍 burarahurricane#6369: i heard about that burarahurricane#6369: oh yeah lisx#1702: The US government had a nuclear bomb test site in Nevada, and the map shows the effects of the radiation on the rest of america burarahurricane#6369: what doesd this mean burarahurricane#6369: wait real East Germany Is Going Great#1917: like the jugoslav or french partisans East Germany Is Going Great#1917: as well as various resistance groups East Germany Is Going Great#1917: the soviet union and china East Germany Is Going Great#1917: yes lisx#1702: were there any good guys in ww2 East Germany Is Going Great#1917: the americans were uh kinda not the good guys in ww2 East Germany Is Going Great#1917: This one is also pretty good East Germany Is Going Great#1917: East Germany Is Going Great#1917: these are just the best ones East Germany Is Going Great#1917: they have dozens on this topic yeah lisx#1702: they have entire books about a single event? East Germany Is Going Great#1917: and Our Germans by crim is the best one on paperclip East Germany Is Going Great#1917: by ganser East Germany Is Going Great#1917: NATO's secret armies is a good one for gladio East Germany Is Going Great#1917: oh ok East Germany Is Going Great#1917: but basically lisx#1702: books East Germany Is Going Great#1917: wiki articles are just short summaries that dont really capture all of it East Germany Is Going Great#1917: I can recomend ya books or wikipedia articles, which do ya prefer East Germany Is Going Great#1917: lots of reading lisx#1702: how do you know all thisss lisx#1702: okok thats what i meant East Germany Is Going Great#1917: it just got a new government, but china had existed for 4000 years before then East Germany Is Going Great#1917: the operations the americans had to repatriate nazis and give them nice cushy montana homes lisx#1702: didnt china just become a thing East Germany Is Going Great#1917: ended in 1953 iirc lisx#1702: what East Germany Is Going Great#1917: early 1950s lisx#1702: when was that??? East Germany Is Going Great#1917: the north koreans and chinese beat the americans East Germany Is Going Great#1917: with operations gladio and paperclip lisx#1702: how come there's still north korea then East Germany Is Going Great#1917: they did the same thing with the nazis East Germany Is Going Great#1917: then used them on koreans in the korean war lisx#1702: uhh East Germany Is Going Great#1917: and gave them jobs East Germany Is Going Great#1917: after the second world war, the americans captured all of the people who were in charge of that lisx#1702: bruh East Germany Is Going Great#1917: so that they coudl develop biological weapons East Germany Is Going Great#1917: and seeing what happened East Germany Is Going Great#1917: in the second world war japan expirimented on living people by infecting them with diseases lisx#1702: but at least we have anime right East Germany Is Going Great#1917: it was turned into an american puppet state East Germany Is Going Great#1917: it just lost lisx#1702: after the bombss East Germany Is Going Great#1917: no East Germany Is Going Great#1917: nor were its competitors but lisx#1702: did it get nicer East Germany Is Going Great#1917: the japanese empire was generally not nice PeckServers.com#8342: No, not at all lisx#1702: thats not nice PeckServers.com#8342: And greed East Germany Is Going Great#1917: also genocide East Germany Is Going Great#1917: https://tenor.com/bo3K0.gif East Germany Is Going Great#1917: collapsed after the first world war and was annexed by germany in 1938 lisx#1702: why tho PeckServers.com#8342: Then *stomp stomp stomp* the soviet union was formed lisx#1702: what happened to austria East Germany Is Going Great#1917: yes East Germany Is Going Great#1917: nor did prussia (it was germany) lisx#1702: was it ussr East Germany Is Going Great#1917: neither did russia (or the russian empire rather) East Germany Is Going Great#1917: austria did not exist in 1939 East Germany Is Going Great#1917: no that was in the 1780 partition lisx#1702: or something lisx#1702: by austria russia and prussia lisx#1702: get split up lisx#1702: didn't poland like East Germany Is Going Great#1917: which then gradually spilled over into the rest of europe East Germany Is Going Great#1917: carrying over grievances from the first world war East Germany Is Going Great#1917: but more broadly it was competition between nazi germany and the british empire for territory East Germany Is Going Great#1917: were the specific reasons East Germany Is Going Great#1917: and germany invaded poland in 1939 PeckServers.com#8342: Shit itll be a slavic vs an American. Slavics always win East Germany Is Going Great#1917: japan invaded china in 1931 lisx#1702: why did the second world war start again? WalterJS#2477: its a great story WalterJS#2477: if you were wondering WalterJS#2477: he also knows the entire history of russia PeckServers.com#8342: You were right East Germany Is Going Great#1917: good luck WalterJS#2477: I told you he would know the answer to that PeckServers.com#8342: We must eliminate him PeckServers.com#8342: Bro this kid knows too much lisx#1702: okay lisx#1702: oh East Germany Is Going Great#1917: when the americans dropped the bombs East Germany Is Going Great#1917: in 1945 East Germany Is Going Great#1917: they were fighting china, the soviet union, US, UK, and france East Germany Is Going Great#1917: yes East Germany Is Going Great#1917: second world war lisx#1702: the one with china?? lisx#1702: which war was that? East Germany Is Going Great#1917: they killed like 200,000 people just to show off for another country East Germany Is Going Great#1917: japan was already going to surrender before the nukes were dropped East Germany Is Going Great#1917: the americans did it to start the cold war East Germany Is Going Great#1917: no there wasnt PeckServers.com#8342: ITS FLORIDAAAA East Germany Is Going Great#1917: whats up PeckServers.com#8342: Florida man is coming, and he's coming now! PeckServers.com#8342: Everybody put up your Florida man shields PeckServers.com#8342: Oh no!!! Florida is taking over the entire United States! lisx#1702: oof lisx#1702: <@409763300595728394> WalterJS#2477: those would all be good questions for <@409763300595728394> WalterJS#2477: tbh idek WalterJS#2477: when your considering that their entire army force is willing to kamikaze themselves... WalterJS#2477: well lisx#1702: like is there really any morally logical reason to kill that many people at once like that lisx#1702: why did they even invent nukes lisx#1702: why did they drop nukes on hiroshima and that other place anyway username123115#4960: *image proccessing ptsd* lisx#1702: OMG FOURIER WalterJS#2477: here watch this video WalterJS#2477: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmgFG7PUHfo WalterJS#2477: yes that was literally a real thing lisx#1702: cant they come up with a better name lisx#1702: is that a real thing lisx#1702: cespdvpasnt WalterJS#2477: very interesting conference I must say WalterJS#2477: hey has anyone heard of the "Conference of Experts to Study the Possibility of Detecting Violations of a Possible Agreement on the Suspension of Nuclear Tests" ? WalterJS#2477: ill enter into a 10 million dollar lottery and buy 15 million dollars worth of tickets WalterJS#2477: when I have 8 trillion dollars WalterJS#2477: one day WalterJS#2477: im gonna do it again WalterJS#2477: no lisx#1702: but uh at least you know now to never try to play the lottery again...right... lisx#1702: oof WalterJS#2477: $20 WalterJS#2477: yes lisx#1702: did you lose any money? WalterJS#2477: now I know for next time WalterJS#2477: it wanst a good plan WalterJS#2477: but dont do it WalterJS#2477: thats what I thought too WalterJS#2477: i know lisx#1702: *what a great plan* username123115#4960: rip WalterJS#2477: but it did not work WalterJS#2477: that was the plan WalterJS#2477: bruh I know how to use googel translate WalterJS#2477: ik it was just a joke WalterJS#2477: lmao username123115#4960: your goingn to win 1.6 billion by playing the lottery? lisx#1702: zeus is way older than 94 PeckServers.com#8342: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: Not a 94yo PeckServers.com#8342: With his god beard PeckServers.com#8342: He looks like zeus PeckServers.com#8342: Bro imagine if your dad saw that walter lisx#1702: imagine putting latin in your about me even tho you dont even know latin 🙄 lisx#1702: Hahaha PeckServers.com#8342: More like 30 but yeah WalterJS#2477: yep lol PeckServers.com#8342: Well at least you tried 🤷 WalterJS#2477: that tends to happen whenyou hit 90 WalterJS#2477: I mean hes so old the cashier didnt even ID him WalterJS#2477: idk what exactly the age limit is WalterJS#2477: so WalterJS#2477: hes like 94 WalterJS#2477: I gave my dad the money WalterJS#2477: but I could be worng WalterJS#2477: 21 I believe WalterJS#2477: yes lisx#1702: also don't you have to be 18 or 21 or something lisx#1702: that's not how the whatever works WalterJS#2477: I had hope WalterJS#2477: shutup lisx#1702: did you actually expect to win lisx#1702: well duh WalterJS#2477: but its the powerball jackpot WalterJS#2477: its actually 1.6 billion now WalterJS#2477: I didnt win the powerball jackpot WalterJS#2477: sad moment guys lisx#1702: oh god why did anyone even bother talking to me back then lisx#1702: I KINDA SORTA KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS NOW lisx#1702: OMG CAN RELATE NOW PeckServers.com#8342: EROOAAAR PeckServers.com#8342: Erooooorrorr PeckServers.com#8342: Errrr PeckServers.com#8342: Eeeeee Mocha#3331: Ereor Mocha#3331: It's giving Mocha#3331: It's giving tech boys 🤭💅 PeckServers.com#8342: Is it clashing with the hardware or what kind of error is it giving? PeckServers.com#8342: Mega frickin oof username123115#4960: which pip is giving me a hard time with lol username123115#4960: i just need to install the discord py package username123115#4960: its ready to run username123115#4960: i have it set up username123115#4960: oh yeah PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah did u ever get the official™️ Rickhard™️ cloud™️ server™️ running? username123115#4960: wow PeckServers.com#8342: or more PeckServers.com#8342: a comparable chromebook would be like $1200 PeckServers.com#8342: yeah i picked out the best 512 gb ssd for it too username123115#4960: cool beans PeckServers.com#8342: yesh PeckServers.com#8342: up and down with the little nub username123115#4960: is that dell running chrome os username123115#4960: wait username123115#4960: oh i see PeckServers.com#8342: at least for dell PeckServers.com#8342: you click that and go up or down PeckServers.com#8342: theres like a little middle button between the upper set of left/right click buttons PeckServers.com#8342: its kinda annoying but luckily since the click is a dedicated button it only moves the mouse a little then dissappears again username123115#4960: wait how do you scroll with it PeckServers.com#8342: ive had that issue for both g and h PeckServers.com#8342: HAHA username123115#4960: omg it gets in the way every time i try to type "g" on the thinkpad PeckServers.com#8342: its like half of what it would be used on ebay PeckServers.com#8342: Considering how much the total price works out too PeckServers.com#8342: Its pretty legit tho PeckServers.com#8342: it probably had a spinning hard drive too so with all of that shock and g force youre kinda lucky it didnt nuke all ur data PeckServers.com#8342: sadness PeckServers.com#8342: :(((( burarahurricane#6369: i kind of destroyed that. omputer 💀 PeckServers.com#8342: oh well thats a positive atleast burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: it was pretty crappy anyway burarahurricane#6369: no PeckServers.com#8342: did it fall onto tile? burarahurricane#6369: mightbe been the odl one lisx#1702: taht's your old pone irght lisx#1702: or is that your old one?? burarahurricane#6369: oh yeah LOL lisx#1702: or something lisx#1702: fell off lisx#1702: and it like lisx#1702: when it was on your kitchen counter place burarahurricane#6369: mostly slipping tbh PeckServers.com#8342: yeah i can imagine lisx#1702: there was also that one time burarahurricane#6369: i woke up real fast burarahurricane#6369: if it didnt scare me so much burarahurricane#6369: it was kind of funny lisx#1702: right lisx#1702: they're the little red button in the middle of hte keaybords burarahurricane#6369: and it went FLYING burarahurricane#6369: because tis on the desk ribht by my bed PeckServers.com#8342: jeez PeckServers.com#8342: OH burarahurricane#6369: and my foot caught on its charging cord lisx#1702: oh i remember those PeckServers.com#8342: ooh burarahurricane#6369: when i was kind of delirous and half asleep PeckServers.com#8342: just like slipping or clumsyness burarahurricane#6369: lthere was the one time burarahurricane#6369: well PeckServers.com#8342: wait how? burarahurricane#6369: surprised its lasted this long tbh burarahurricane#6369: you know ive dropped this mac a lot also PeckServers.com#8342: thats not good PeckServers.com#8342: oh no :((( burarahurricane#6369: but then i um. gbroke it burarahurricane#6369: my old compiter used to have that i think!!! burarahurricane#6369: OHHHH yeah ive heard of that thing PeckServers.com#8342: Its the little nub in the middle of some laptop keyboards that allows you to point, click, and scroll the mouse without moving from home row PeckServers.com#8342: *harvest elon musks organs burarahurricane#6369: the power of friendship ! burarahurricane#6369: oomg yes lisx#1702: it'll be amamzing lisx#1702: we shoudl all make up this great plan and rob elon musk together lisx#1702: that owould be fun we would just be like anime characters fr username123115#4960: oh that makes sense burarahurricane#6369: rob elon musk burarahurricane#6369: easy username123115#4960: how are you going to win 1.5 billion dollars in one day burarahurricane#6369: no PeckServers.com#8342: any of you know what that is? PeckServers.com#8342: its been awhile since ive used a track point PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao lisx#1702: all the kids out there who dont have anime 😔 PeckServers.com#8342: You're a big girl, I knew you could figure it out PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah see thats a noble cause lisx#1702: 👍 lisx#1702: donate it to charity lisx#1702: i'll uh PeckServers.com#8342: Let savings interest grow it to the moon PeckServers.com#8342: Or you could just keep it for anyone/thing that needs it PeckServers.com#8342: Well you could get a bigger house or something lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: uh PeckServers.com#8342: Or apt PeckServers.com#8342: Like a full house? lisx#1702: but we already have one PeckServers.com#8342: Id probably do that but id still work because sitting and doing nothing makes ur brain rot PeckServers.com#8342: In a place you like PeckServers.com#8342: Buy a house for you and your family PeckServers.com#8342: But he could retire and so coukd his kids the moment they were born lisx#1702: what would i do with it tho PeckServers.com#8342: Who knows PeckServers.com#8342: Is he gonna win PeckServers.com#8342: Bro it's money from a friend passing on his wealth, why wouldnt you want it? lisx#1702: i'll just have to stay strong 👍 lisx#1702: so like uh lisx#1702: its nonrefundable lisx#1702: my parents already paid the tuition lisx#1702: but like lisx#1702: I *could* lisx#1702: i mean WalterJS#2477: lmao WalterJS#2477: youd be able to move back to stg PeckServers.com#8342: What would u be winning it from? PeckServers.com#8342: Pfft already slashing rates on us 😤 PeckServers.com#8342: Good luck, try not to get your organs harvested lisx#1702: i dont want any tho lisx#1702: good luck xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Very pog WalterJS#2477: My dads friends. 10 of us are driving there tonight and if any of us wins were all splitting it 10 ways xXthat1redheadXx#9990: With whom WalterJS#2477: Cuz I’m already splitting it 10 ways xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yay WalterJS#2477: Actually I just realized that im going going to get like 100mil if I win so everyone in the server gets 1mil WalterJS#2477: If I win everyone in the server gets 10 mil xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/good-luck-gif-24090093 WalterJS#2477: I’m going to try and win 1.5 billion dollars today wish me luck WalterJS#2477: Good point xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Very sus, to be exact WalterJS#2477: thats all I have to say about it WalterJS#2477: just yes WalterJS#2477: but essentially, from my limited understanding, yes. WalterJS#2477: good Im too dumb to explain it WalterJS#2477: this video explains what it is WalterJS#2477: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iU_IE6vnJ8 WalterJS#2477: I just found this new insanely epic tool called turborepo PeckServers.com#8342: LOL WalterJS#2477: Duck no PeckServers.com#8342: liam has a point PeckServers.com#8342: cant shame it if youve never tried it PeckServers.com#8342: But.... Have u tried men yet? PeckServers.com#8342: that ones pretty cool tho PeckServers.com#8342: oh god theyre all different too WalterJS#2477: https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChFuQ0Wrebw/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY= WalterJS#2477: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CimYNArNdnS/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY= WalterJS#2477: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CjyVGZjJ6yi/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY= WalterJS#2477: The Indian one 😭😭 WalterJS#2477: https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChMRJNGtzHE/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY= WalterJS#2477: Ayo???? 💀💀 kinda sus lisx#1702: Bruh lisx#1702: And also gf ≠ friends lisx#1702: It’s okay walter I believe in you just make the choice you feel like is right 👍 lisx#1702: Walter: *immediately leaves the chat* lisx#1702: YESSS HAHAHA PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/amy-poehler-peace-out-hoodie-bitches-gif-17890754 PeckServers.com#8342: alright good night you lovely sons of bitches xXthat1redheadXx#9990: FRFR PeckServers.com#8342: REAL xXthat1redheadXx#9990: actually do both 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: Think *longer* not *harder* 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: LOL xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: jk they're the same thing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: think gayer not harder PeckServers.com#8342: Walter would make a good boyfriend to some lonely man out there burarahurricane#6369: real xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/mega-brain-big-brain-math-pineapple-gif-gif-25841999 PeckServers.com#8342: thats what im saying burarahurricane#6369: this is the best idea uve ever had i think PeckServers.com#8342: *moans aggressively* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I do 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: if you know what i mean 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: theres plenty of eggplants in the sea PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah, good point xXthat1redheadXx#9990: for an alternative xXthat1redheadXx#9990: have you tried men WalterJS#2477: Jk ima be single at minimum until Jan 15th WalterJS#2477: This PeckServers.com#8342: or your breakup PeckServers.com#8342: she called u to talk about another breakup with someone else? PeckServers.com#8342: no idea what you mean WalterJS#2477: Cuz now we don’t talk WalterJS#2477: That’s definitely what it was WalterJS#2477: I can already see it now. Her attempt at getting back with me was like a month and a half ago when she was calling me to talk abt the breakup PeckServers.com#8342: yer dum WalterJS#2477: And she prob don’t like me WalterJS#2477: na cuz I can’t be going back to her WalterJS#2477: I have a commitment PeckServers.com#8342: she likes u and u like her WalterJS#2477: na PeckServers.com#8342: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: naw youre just being dum WalterJS#2477: For three free payments of free.99 plus $99 shipping and handling WalterJS#2477: receive a free consultation today for just $10 WalterJS#2477: Wow I could totally see that on a commercial ad WalterJS#2477: SubconsciouslySigma.com sign up for your free account today xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ WalterJS#2477: What I need to do is just ask some more girls out yk but for some reason there’s like this invisible force stopping me but I’m starting to realize that it might be my own subconscious willpower not letting me invalidate my 6 month commitment, at least I hope that’s what it is… xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I think you would've heard a crunch and that was that PeckServers.com#8342: theres no reason PeckServers.com#8342: exactly WalterJS#2477: idk PeckServers.com#8342: why WalterJS#2477: I can’t PeckServers.com#8342: ok ge WalterJS#2477: No PeckServers.com#8342: just get with her WalterJS#2477: ya still I get no bitches and he does PeckServers.com#8342: but still they were with him PeckServers.com#8342: to be fair there was like 3 seperate groups WalterJS#2477: side note it’s been like 5 months since me and Lydia broke up I definitely haven’t thought abt her every single day…. PeckServers.com#8342: cause ive never seen someone just roll up with like 30 people for a pool party WalterJS#2477: ya why does he get bitches and I don’t PeckServers.com#8342: i think your brother is cracked or something WalterJS#2477: I can’t give up WalterJS#2477: I need bitches but no I refuse WalterJS#2477: Now I wanna kms WalterJS#2477: Ya meanwhile there’s like 20 of my brothers friends playing spin the bottle up stairs when I get home PeckServers.com#8342: just looked, its called nvidia control panel PeckServers.com#8342: yeah its pretty legit WalterJS#2477: Oh I didn’t even know that was possible PeckServers.com#8342: i woulda gone with you if id have known PeckServers.com#8342: lonely ass mofo PeckServers.com#8342: oh i meant if you used the nvidia config to configure them as one display or if you just aligned them all side by side in windws WalterJS#2477: I didn’t even have my AirPods WalterJS#2477: But still WalterJS#2477: Jk I got a steak WalterJS#2477: meanwhile I’m here tryna enjoy my chocolate chip pancakes WalterJS#2477: the workers kept lookin at me all weird WalterJS#2477: Bru I went to black bear all alone earlier WalterJS#2477: No jus the gpu EJCaldwell#2924: Ikr PeckServers.com#8342: yeah that woulda sucked to have that thing nail your toe EJCaldwell#2924: Good thing I watch me step EJCaldwell#2924: I almost stepped on it EJCaldwell#2924: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: get the gasoline EJCaldwell#2924: Look at what I just found EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: Is that using Nvidia's driver to extend all four into one logical display? PeckServers.com#8342: 4d surround cinema display WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: Rolling it back to the '90s! PeckServers.com#8342: Ye ye woo woo! lisx#1702: time to learn how to navigate between different windows with just a keyboard.... lisx#1702: my stupid mouse is dyingggg PeckServers.com#8342: Dood 2010 feels kinda like not long ago for some reason, so im scared of what all this is gonna be like 10 years from now PeckServers.com#8342: Fax tho PeckServers.com#8342: The fuck is receipt looking bum ass shit?!? lisx#1702: 2010s had the best music tho WalterJS#2477: Damn. To think that this was the 2010’s……. <@852187118113652776> <@726265256082407504> that’s going to be crazy to think about 10 years from now WalterJS#2477: Top 6 here is fire WalterJS#2477: These are some fire songs I’m happy with that WalterJS#2477: Guys check this out WalterJS#2477: https://receiptify.herokuapp.com/ PeckServers.com#8342: Then when they start talking shit to you in their language you'll be able to talk shit back and theyll look like a deer in the headlights WalterJS#2477: FR lisx#1702: they're all going to think you're so cool frfr WalterJS#2477: im gonna tell them all to show me their knees 👹 WalterJS#2477: im gonna roast tf out of the spanish kids in my pe class now WalterJS#2477: yes definitely WalterJS#2477: yes lisx#1702: u sure those expressions are really the ones you want to be learning how to say in spanish? lisx#1702: oh dang those lyrics... WalterJS#2477: lisx#1702: nah maybe he just likes the spanish fastfood chain WalterJS#2477: Discord Bot: Vete a la mierda a ti, sigmanerd WalterJS#2477: sigmanerd: exposed WalterJS#2477: sigmanerd: discord bot like knees WalterJS#2477: sigmanerd: pretty sus bro WalterJS#2477: Discord Bot: Yo, el robot discord, amo las rodillas. lisx#1702: uhhhhhh lisx#1702: ope nvm hes dead lisx#1702: is xxx still alive WalterJS#2477: it likes knees too WalterJS#2477: bro discord TTS is sus lisx#1702: STFU WalterJS#2477: cuando chupa ella se pone loca hazlo lento pero quitate la ropa ensename rodillas y abre boca mami WalterJS#2477: FORTNITE WalterJS#2477: lol lisx#1702: the music note emojis 😂 WalterJS#2477: bro has a knee fetish or sum WalterJS#2477: 🎵 cuando chupa ella se pone loca hazlo lento pero quitate la ropa ensename rodillas y abre boca mami 🎵 WalterJS#2477: BRUH THIS SONG IS SUS THO lisx#1702: now spotify is giving me spanish ads lisx#1702: and he doesnt even speak spanish lol lisx#1702: it is WalterJS#2477: thats fire WalterJS#2477: ok ill listen rn WalterJS#2477: its actually kinda good tho WalterJS#2477: banger WalterJS#2477: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=St6d4QK8GIU lisx#1702: at the time lisx#1702: it was like the one song i liked on that album lisx#1702: (thats in spanish btw) WalterJS#2477: ya me canse lisx#1702: februrary song lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/6mADjHs6FXdroPzEGW6KVJ?si=d2877866a1804940 WalterJS#2477: im gonna be blasting this in february when im lonely asf WalterJS#2477: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvF1WSty-Kc lisx#1702: 🤩 lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/14boA065HMHWvqyPPEeN4y?si=5767ea2f3a2b4999 lisx#1702: ikik lisx#1702: ooh ooh ooh WalterJS#2477: yeee yeye eyee WalterJS#2477: ya me canseeee WalterJS#2477: this songs a bop bro WalterJS#2477: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLpH1nSLJSs&list=PLoiGADGSv66U7q4UMRYfVnIQF_bvsJ1M2 WalterJS#2477: 🎵 quisiera ser como tu: sin sentimiento 🎵 PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah your playlists seem to point toward that fact xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm refraining but I get that WalterJS#2477: y lo siento en mi alma WalterJS#2477: no ser felizzzzz WalterJS#2477: porque ya noooooooooooooo quiere WalterJS#2477: ya no meeeeeeeeee jugo contiiiiigoooooooooo WalterJS#2477: theres no bass WalterJS#2477: but na this song isnt a vibe WalterJS#2477: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoxeIqxoRig WalterJS#2477: im trying to find depressings songs in spanish because I like sad songs xXthat1redheadXx#9990: all I see xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yup xXthat1redheadXx#9990: my love xXthat1redheadXx#9990: she WalterJS#2477: guys relax its part of a song WalterJS#2477: mi corazon ya esta destrosado no ver de amar. ya porque cuan ella no queiereme todo mi amor son destrosado xXthat1redheadXx#9990: something xXthat1redheadXx#9990: suck would be... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: bad xXthat1redheadXx#9990: not suck PeckServers.com#8342: Shutup u suck xXthat1redheadXx#9990: don't know the rest xXthat1redheadXx#9990: is very bad WalterJS#2477: en verdad es muy mal WalterJS#2477: estoy destrosado xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ope lisx#1702: 🤩 lisx#1702: would pay to see that lisx#1702: you're right lisx#1702: omg PeckServers.com#8342: Hed probably be one giant voice crack lisx#1702: that song is literally 20 layers of autotune lisx#1702: rapping isn't singing lisx#1702: get better lisx#1702: skill issue xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you caught yourself xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hahaha WalterJS#2477: shututup WalterJS#2477: other than in the shower WalterJS#2477: which is why I dont do it lisx#1702: like your great spelling? WalterJS#2477: im terrible at singing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: dang walter's getting wrecked left and right WalterJS#2477: and its not a talent at all lisx#1702: well if you say that WalterJS#2477: its a hidden talent xXthat1redheadXx#9990: LMFAO WalterJS#2477: leave me alone ok lisx#1702: haha WalterJS#2477: in the shower WalterJS#2477: only alone WalterJS#2477: I dont sing in front of people lisx#1702: it's not worth paying WalterJS#2477: listen- lisx#1702: nah PeckServers.com#8342: Id pay to see that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: haha get wrecked WalterJS#2477: I jus spelle i wron WalterJS#2477: even you knew it was supposed to be grand WalterJS#2477: yes lisx#1702: skill issue? WalterJS#2477: fortnite WalterJS#2477: cant build WalterJS#2477: no skill WalterJS#2477: bad at the game WalterJS#2477: dog water WalterJS#2477: ur literally bad WalterJS#2477: shutup WalterJS#2477: yes it does lisx#1702: not gran lisx#1702: because it's grand WalterJS#2477: ... WalterJS#2477: yes lisx#1702: it doesn't mean anything lisx#1702: no WalterJS#2477: but in reality it literally means I am the big cheese xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ik 🥐 WalterJS#2477: and they think I sound super cool WalterJS#2477: I say it to people who dont know french WalterJS#2477: shutup lisx#1702: not gran lisx#1702: it's grand WalterJS#2477: thats all the french I know WalterJS#2477: je suis le gran fromage lisx#1702: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it kinda looks like it WalterJS#2477: is taht french lisx#1702: it had a really sad ending lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/fVfnEyLOkrM xXthat1redheadXx#9990: gotcha xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👌 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ooohh WalterJS#2477: if im like "Eres tu?" it meas is it you? or are you? but as a statement it means Its you which is what it means in the context of the song xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause como eres is what are you like WalterJS#2477: it has multiple meanings WalterJS#2477: I mean xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok I was close WalterJS#2477: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: are you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait lisx#1702: french is better xXthat1redheadXx#9990: or am I being dum xXthat1redheadXx#9990: is eres tu what are you lisx#1702: it was called la behème or something WalterJS#2477: thisis what we are singing in class for this month WalterJS#2477: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPVRJ5p3aeM lisx#1702: starving street artists lisx#1702: today we listened to one about lisx#1702: except they're always weird songs sang by old dudes WalterJS#2477: yeah we listen to spanish songs but nothing like this obviously.... lisx#1702: we listen to french songs in french lisx#1702: lol WalterJS#2477: I translated that right WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: yep WalterJS#2477: for some reason he says he has lots of buttons? WalterJS#2477: like wtf he says it like isntantly WalterJS#2477: is literaly the first line WalterJS#2477: tu puede cojer lo mas caro en chanel te pido no llores WalterJS#2477: alright from the top everyone WalterJS#2477: ulalalalalala WalterJS#2477: carro de dubai lisx#1702: hahaha WalterJS#2477: con mis benz WalterJS#2477: mi reloj xXthat1redheadXx#9990: la ya WalterJS#2477: tengo WalterJS#2477: bitch estoy flex WalterJS#2477: lallalalalalala WalterJS#2477: lmao lisx#1702: he also says oh lalalallaala xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah lisx#1702: he says drip too hard lisx#1702: 5 words lisx#1702: wait xXthat1redheadXx#9990: right lisx#1702: lmao WalterJS#2477: im hoping that if i listen to it enough times ill be able to rap the entire song and increase my spanish skills lisx#1702: i understand 3 words WalterJS#2477: I can read the lyrics lisx#1702: lol WalterJS#2477: but WalterJS#2477: I cant keep up WalterJS#2477: he speads really goddamn fast WalterJS#2477: semi lisx#1702: can you understand it WalterJS#2477: ive been listgening to this on repeat for like 3 days WalterJS#2477: absolute banger of a song WalterJS#2477: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sejn39Y5Wk8 PeckServers.com#8342: oops 🤷‍♂️ PeckServers.com#8342: come to think of it, they never finnished it PeckServers.com#8342: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: nope EJCaldwell#2924: Cody, did you ever get your lace cake earlier PeckServers.com#8342: wass that mean? username123115#4960: success be getting out at 10:50 😔 PeckServers.com#8342: Put down rickhards pp and get over here PeckServers.com#8342: Nerd dick where u guys at WalterJS#2477: We at dominoes WalterJS#2477: Ethan where u at EJCaldwell#2924: ty PeckServers.com#8342: ill bring some kash PeckServers.com#8342: lmaoo EJCaldwell#2924: idk my address EJCaldwell#2924: frick PeckServers.com#8342: both have the ability EJCaldwell#2924: my teacher would not care tbh EJCaldwell#2924: and i can do it right now EJCaldwell#2924: which one links up with your bank EJCaldwell#2924: i need to set one up EJCaldwell#2924: i don't PeckServers.com#8342: do you have paypal or venmo, I dont carry cash but can get some if u need it EJCaldwell#2924: i just wanted to make sure before i orderd fod EJCaldwell#2924: i am PeckServers.com#8342: yeh fs if youre still down EJCaldwell#2924: <@852187118113652776> just to make sure, you are still coming with us right EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Who knows 🤷‍♂️ PeckServers.com#8342: wHaT aM i SuPpOsEd To dO??? PeckServers.com#8342: A PERFECTLY working Smartboard PeckServers.com#8342: This is what I roll up on PeckServers.com#8342: The ticket for this call said "why is my smart board getting out of alignment with my projector?" PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/cody%20(fs)/20221103_064255.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: Check this out! PeckServers.com#8342: It would spoopy and fun EJCaldwell#2924: Why is this a good idea for a game ngo EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/BMxiDawaIRI?feature=share lisx#1702: bye PeckServers.com#8342: Later nerds PeckServers.com#8342: Im gonna bed PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah.... lisx#1702: yeahh.. PeckServers.com#8342: But hey, youre new, thats pretty normal for such a tight-knit community. You're likeable person so you fit in :) PeckServers.com#8342: Thats pretty sick! lisx#1702: and the classes are pretty neat mostly lisx#1702: people are pretty nice in general tho lisx#1702: and also some people have been there since they were 3 lisx#1702: everyone else also knows each other better tho lisx#1702: i guess sort of kinda ish lisx#1702: till 12th grade PeckServers.com#8342: Hey, that just means you know everyone better! burarahurricane#6369: oh wow lisx#1702: but also it's like starting age 3 PeckServers.com#8342: Tinsy tiny skool lisx#1702: in my grade lisx#1702: 88 people lisx#1702: there are like lisx#1702: yeah it means smaller lisx#1702: haha PeckServers.com#8342: Unless its like wire gauges burarahurricane#6369: theres also 5a burarahurricane#6369: 2a means smaller rright lisx#1702: snow canyon is 4a PeckServers.com#8342: Kinda like deez PeckServers.com#8342: That sounds big? PeckServers.com#8342: But imma tryst u PeckServers.com#8342: I could google lisx#1702: if that means anything lisx#1702: 2A lisx#1702: it's PeckServers.com#8342: How bigs the school? PeckServers.com#8342: Thays always good lisx#1702: and uh i talk to people sometimes lisx#1702: but also not a lot of people at the same time PeckServers.com#8342: SPILL THE BEENZ LISA WE MUST KNOW HOW LIFE IS UL THERE lisx#1702: theres a lot of people lisx#1702: idk EJCaldwell#2924: that sounds mean PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah lisa SPILL THE BEENZ EJCaldwell#2924: have you made any good friends EJCaldwell#2924: but lisa EJCaldwell#2924: i just like the good vibes tbh PeckServers.com#8342: <:reverse_card:788946351294513212> PeckServers.com#8342: No u EJCaldwell#2924: frick you too cody PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah frick you EJCaldwell#2924: ah EJCaldwell#2924: its a light frick you PeckServers.com#8342: Dun dun dunnn EJCaldwell#2924: even then lisx#1702: my wifi died so i had to come downstairs PeckServers.com#8342: Almost never unless its playful EJCaldwell#2924: excluding george lisx#1702: well there are uh *acquaintances* EJCaldwell#2924: when am i negative EJCaldwell#2924: you have seen me in that chat lisx#1702: 😂 EJCaldwell#2924: yea PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah ive found that lying to make someone feel better is easier than going through the process of making them feel like s*** EJCaldwell#2924: i don't do it much tho EJCaldwell#2924: i don't like doing it unless it is to make somebody feel good PeckServers.com#8342: Devious u are PeckServers.com#8342: Hehehe EJCaldwell#2924: and good at lying EJCaldwell#2924: that may be why i am good at telling lies EJCaldwell#2924: same PeckServers.com#8342: I listen a lot more than I talk IRL PeckServers.com#8342: Also same EJCaldwell#2924: irl i am not like this PeckServers.com#8342: Cause ive been more social too PeckServers.com#8342: I think the social bug is out there EJCaldwell#2924: i have talked for like 5-6 hours total PeckServers.com#8342: Also same PeckServers.com#8342: Sometimes same EJCaldwell#2924: in the past two days EJCaldwell#2924: i like talking to people PeckServers.com#8342: Sadness EJCaldwell#2924: :c PeckServers.com#8342: Probably not EJCaldwell#2924: she left PeckServers.com#8342: *Sobs in the background* PeckServers.com#8342: Crickets... EJCaldwell#2924: have you made any good friends up there yet? EJCaldwell#2924: you should lisx#1702: lmao EJCaldwell#2924: you should try to get them to move back down here PeckServers.com#8342: Mmmm EJCaldwell#2924: really good lisx#1702: BECAUSE PARENTS EJCaldwell#2924: just some ham and pineapple PeckServers.com#8342: Besties PeckServers.com#8342: OmgggGGGG!! EJCaldwell#2924: AGREED PeckServers.com#8342: Ofc PeckServers.com#8342: YES!! EJCaldwell#2924: WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MOVE EJCaldwell#2924: I would offer you some pizza lisa but sadly i can't easily lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: im not cody but lisx#1702: yes EJCaldwell#2924: do you think pineapple can go on pizza EJCaldwell#2924: also cody EJCaldwell#2924: we will finally be able to meet up PeckServers.com#8342: Sweet yeah thatll be legit EJCaldwell#2924: 11:00 AM EJCaldwell#2924: the dominos in santa clara PeckServers.com#8342: Kk EJCaldwell#2924: just bring a bit of cash to pay me back PeckServers.com#8342: Where at? PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah ill bring some stuff too PeckServers.com#8342: That would be pretty legit EJCaldwell#2924: want some food PeckServers.com#8342: Basically any time EJCaldwell#2924: medium pizzas* EJCaldwell#2924: 2 pizzas and bread twists EJCaldwell#2924: for 20$ EJCaldwell#2924: with this deal i am getting i will have a lot of food username123115#4960: josn us username123115#4960: hyou couuld like username123115#4960: oh yeah EJCaldwell#2924: hey <@852187118113652776> when do you have a break tomorrow for lunch EJCaldwell#2924: gn PeckServers.com#8342: Gn lisx#1702: how PeckServers.com#8342: That worked WalterJS#2477: ok gn PeckServers.com#8342: FORTNITE WalterJS#2477: ASKED HHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH GET GOTTED PeckServers.com#8342: FODSAMNIT lisx#1702: are you okay WalterJS#2477: WHO WalterJS#2477: FODSAMNIT lisx#1702: what lisx#1702: yes WalterJS#2477: WHO WalterJS#2477: NO lisx#1702: there WalterJS#2477: ANSWWR RRHE WUEE WE TI ON PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/KCto8wmZYaUAAAAM/denture-caledogif.gif WalterJS#2477: Answer the question username123115#4960: why WalterJS#2477: Who? lisx#1702: when username123115#4960: what PeckServers.com#8342: Where? WalterJS#2477: Who lisx#1702: you mean 2.7076852482×10¹²⁶ cm^420 WalterJS#2477: I guess that does mean 3 inches is pretty big so I see why you’d say that username123115#4960: but the 420 dimensional ant will have 420 different directiosn to crawl in in that 1 centimeter space PeckServers.com#8342: That's why my johnson is as big as it is, on paper atleast... WalterJS#2477: How big that is WalterJS#2477: do you realize WalterJS#2477: that means in 1 centimeter of space there’s 1 centimeter of volume, but in 2cm of space there’s 2.7076852482×10¹²⁶ cm of volume lisx#1702: yess lisx#1702: hahaha username123115#4960: a 420d quar of bricks PeckServers.com#8342: It's hitting me like a metric quark of bricks WalterJS#2477: Do you even realize the sheer magnitude of that statement PeckServers.com#8342: We actually live in a 420d universe PeckServers.com#8342: No we just solving for the facts PeckServers.com#8342: Oof geriatric huh? WalterJS#2477: We aren’t solving for x here WalterJS#2477: What are you even talking about WalterJS#2477: in an alternate slice of the universe the kid was definitely at least 69 PeckServers.com#8342: Its actually 16 cause 4x4 nerd lisx#1702: one of them was 2 remember WalterJS#2477: common mistake lisx#1702: honestly there were like 4 and a half kids WalterJS#2477: Your forgetting we live in a 4 dimensional universe PeckServers.com#8342: Muh fuh WalterJS#2477: goofy ah PeckServers.com#8342: One was in his imagination EJCaldwell#2924: i thought there were 5 kids PeckServers.com#8342: Shut up WalterJS#2477: Umm actually if you do the math it’s 2.675588363 per child EJCaldwell#2924: 1.5 for each child PeckServers.com#8342: The puzzle pieces are really not fitting together very well PeckServers.com#8342: Aah WalterJS#2477: 7 and a half lisx#1702: no actually you couldn't knock them out so they just kept coming PeckServers.com#8342: How many rounds from a Glock 15 were there?? EJCaldwell#2924: XD WalterJS#2477: No they didn’t really have teeth yet WalterJS#2477: Well EJCaldwell#2924: did you knock a tooth out of one of the gang members WalterJS#2477: While* WalterJS#2477: you get tired after a whole WalterJS#2477: It’s like one of those zombie survival games where they just keep coming in waves PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah, and good practice WalterJS#2477: It was a good workout WalterJS#2477: lmao lisx#1702: as you "wrestled" 5 little children trying to kill you EJCaldwell#2924: XD PeckServers.com#8342: Walter is a crackden spiderman that fought off the rival crackhead lisx#1702: we actually just sat there and watched PeckServers.com#8342: Okay the true story is revealed WalterJS#2477: I still saved the day WalterJS#2477: But WalterJS#2477: They probably would have just gone home ngl WalterJS#2477: Idk what they would have done if I wasn’t there to ask the 5 kids to fight me EJCaldwell#2924: he is to sigma for that EJCaldwell#2924: no\ PeckServers.com#8342: You should be a popo lisx#1702: there was marvel music playing in the background and everything lisx#1702: it was pretty heroic of you WalterJS#2477: Definitely WalterJS#2477: With great power comes great responsibility PeckServers.com#8342: Hey as long as you save Lisa and Ally from something, That's a pretty legit war story EJCaldwell#2924: nice to meet you lisx#1702: yeah fr just doing whats right EJCaldwell#2924: and i am god WalterJS#2477: I’m just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man saving the day from a few thugs , no need to hype it up PeckServers.com#8342: Then proceeds to cook meth bitch PeckServers.com#8342: "Walter White beats up 2-year-old" PeckServers.com#8342: Then it could go viral PeckServers.com#8342: I wish i was that One guy in the background filming WalterJS#2477: Out* WalterJS#2477: Yeah you really missed our EJCaldwell#2924: i could of helped so much with me being god EJCaldwell#2924: i wish i was there lisx#1702: and the 2 yo would just hang on WalterJS#2477: fr lisx#1702: one of them tried to choke you lisx#1702: no actually WalterJS#2477: That kid was scary asf lisx#1702: lol WalterJS#2477: One of them was like 2 WalterJS#2477: Nvm WalterJS#2477: definitely in the double digits EJCaldwell#2924: XD EJCaldwell#2924: were they children lisx#1702: could've been 4 WalterJS#2477: Hard to say WalterJS#2477: literally ask anyone WalterJS#2477: nope never met them EJCaldwell#2924: how old were they WalterJS#2477: They thought they’d be able to take me on with their sheer number lisx#1702: walter knocked them out fast PeckServers.com#8342: Are they like schoolmates or something? lisx#1702: (wihtout the bloody part) WalterJS#2477: They didn’t have a chance to use them if they did lisx#1702: just bloody fists PeckServers.com#8342: Or sticks? PeckServers.com#8342: Or guns PeckServers.com#8342: And they didnt have knives? WalterJS#2477: So fiesty WalterJS#2477: But midget thugs, the worst kind WalterJS#2477: 5 thugs EJCaldwell#2924: sounds like it WalterJS#2477: It was real lisx#1702: the park is a scary place WalterJS#2477: No PeckServers.com#8342: Have you guys been watching too much anime? WalterJS#2477: It was at the park PeckServers.com#8342: Bruh the fuck lisx#1702: they were savage lisx#1702: fr WalterJS#2477: yep PeckServers.com#8342: Thugs?? WalterJS#2477: single-handedly lisx#1702: it was a glorious day in the end WalterJS#2477: I saved them WalterJS#2477: They were threatened by 5 thugs PeckServers.com#8342: What the hell happened WalterJS#2477: I had to defend Lisa and ally lisx#1702: oh it was epic WalterJS#2477: yeah it was pretty epic PeckServers.com#8342: When EJCaldwell#2924: after i buy that pc i will still have like 2 grand WalterJS#2477: HAHAHAHAHAHA PeckServers.com#8342: No PeckServers.com#8342: Ni lisx#1702: did you hear about the time walter singlehanded beat up like 5 people at the same time PeckServers.com#8342: He hasnt shared his networth screenshots recently rho EJCaldwell#2924: so am i PeckServers.com#8342: Supposedly walter is stacked too EJCaldwell#2924: me and walter have both had a job PeckServers.com#8342: Lol EJCaldwell#2924: not really PeckServers.com#8342: Thats a lot in highschooler money EJCaldwell#2924: its like putting 8$ on the line EJCaldwell#2924: i can bring an entire pizza PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh theres pizza in the line!! EJCaldwell#2924: should we play poker in his class instead EJCaldwell#2924: if you can i can give you a slice of pizza WalterJS#2477: I’ll ask thorkelson but I don’t think I can EJCaldwell#2924: yes WalterJS#2477: Ethan I could try and come in during robotics cuz ur in robotics still right WalterJS#2477: and he doesn’t give af what I do during class lol WalterJS#2477: He does but those are the times I have his class username123115#4960: wait does mister teacher guy not teach a class during then PeckServers.com#8342: That is a very interesting shower thought TBH EJCaldwell#2924: no WalterJS#2477: Thst must be the most adhd thought I’ve ever had WalterJS#2477: have you guys ever wondered who coined the term “coined the term” PeckServers.com#8342: Don't threaten me with a good time 😉 EJCaldwell#2924: fight EJCaldwell#2924: fight EJCaldwell#2924: fight EJCaldwell#2924: fight EJCaldwell#2924: fight EJCaldwell#2924: fight EJCaldwell#2924: fight EJCaldwell#2924: fight EJCaldwell#2924: fight WalterJS#2477: ultimate sigma PeckServers.com#8342: But hes still a square EJCaldwell#2924: XD PeckServers.com#8342: Hes too sigma WalterJS#2477: ya PeckServers.com#8342: Hes picked my ass up and pinned me WalterJS#2477: true EJCaldwell#2924: why EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: He has WalterJS#2477: 💀💀 EJCaldwell#2924: walter could beat you up i bet WalterJS#2477: Nerd neck looking ahh EJCaldwell#2924: cody PeckServers.com#8342: Get rekt kid WalterJS#2477: Shutup PeckServers.com#8342: Youre a square WalterJS#2477: Tf is home room WalterJS#2477: I can in 1st, 3rd (both A day) or during any TGT EJCaldwell#2924: hwo about homeroom WalterJS#2477: I can’t during 4th EJCaldwell#2924: i don't have a 4th tomorrow WalterJS#2477: I’ll set you up a pc In my pro gamer corner username123115#4960: ti 3080 krunker gaming EJCaldwell#2924: do it in 4th period WalterJS#2477: My computer can’t run fortnite so we gotta do it at school EJCaldwell#2924: we can just say when here WalterJS#2477: Be there or be square EJCaldwell#2924: can't promise i can WalterJS#2477: and we will 1v1 WalterJS#2477: Tomorrow go to haslams for TGT EJCaldwell#2924: i will download it just to beat you WalterJS#2477: Yes. EJCaldwell#2924: wanna bet WalterJS#2477: I bet I would win in a 1v1 WalterJS#2477: Listen- EJCaldwell#2924: i can brag that i was a season 3 player WalterJS#2477: Lmao I think there’s like over 30 by now WalterJS#2477: But I can brag that I was a season 4 player burarahurricane#6369: wny are there so many seasons 😭 WalterJS#2477: I stopped in season 7 WalterJS#2477: Haha same EJCaldwell#2924: i have not played since like season 4-5 of the first one WalterJS#2477: Krunker burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/omori-omori-meme-omori-kel-omori-fortnite-victory-royale-gif-21454279 WalterJS#2477: All jokes aside, You know what actually is a good game? WalterJS#2477: Lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: Nope WalterJS#2477: Have you played the latest season PeckServers.com#8342: VICTORY ROYALE PeckServers.com#8342: Get trolled WalterJS#2477: It’s so fun WalterJS#2477: Yeah WalterJS#2477: oh damn PeckServers.com#8342: Have you ever heard of Fortnite? WalterJS#2477: …. PeckServers.com#8342: There's no way in hell PeckServers.com#8342: I highly doubt it WalterJS#2477: what is it PeckServers.com#8342: Have you ever heard of it before? PeckServers.com#8342: I just heard of this new thing WalterJS#2477: Bruh PeckServers.com#8342: Hey walter!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Jk lol PeckServers.com#8342: Shoulda got not apple PeckServers.com#8342: Rip PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeah it totally makes sense, thats just what the yellow downtime was on status.peckservers WalterJS#2477: Barely runs on my MacBook lol WalterJS#2477: It’s also a high graphics game WalterJS#2477: Ya PeckServers.com#8342: That makes sense PeckServers.com#8342: Aah its a safari thing WalterJS#2477: Oh yeah, I moved it because I wanted to have the admin panel fully separate for redundancy reasons. If Vercel goes down peckservers will still run, and if peckservers goes down the admin panel will still run. WalterJS#2477: It does just don’t use safari PeckServers.com#8342: Loll lisx#1702: idek what im talking about PeckServers.com#8342: Something right click left click bla bla bla PeckServers.com#8342: Or u talking abt the game itself? PeckServers.com#8342: Im lost at what youre talking about but ive never played the webapp on a macbook lisx#1702: complicated PeckServers.com#8342: Haha lisx#1702: cus this seems kinda lisx#1702: keep playing solitaire 👍 lisx#1702: i'll just lisx#1702: uh lisx#1702: nvm lisx#1702: idk lisx#1702: wait PeckServers.com#8342: It should just work like shellshock would within the browser PeckServers.com#8342: Oh does it have to download stuff? lisx#1702: could it just work on web on macbook without downloading it or whatever? PeckServers.com#8342: But still PeckServers.com#8342: Unless I'm just stupid PeckServers.com#8342: Making it a dmg installer would be pointless, especially since its still under development PeckServers.com#8342: Its a web app tho lol lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: The incidence 2d one? lisx#1702: i'm really getting bored of the google games lisx#1702: perfect compromise lisx#1702: so i can play it while i watch anime on my macbook lisx#1702: ik username123115#4960: yes good idea lisx#1702: because i have a macbook lisx#1702: <@531264285385424916> u should make that game work on macbook PeckServers.com#8342: I was hoping PeckServers.com#8342: Only lisa PeckServers.com#8342: HA lisx#1702: now where the fuck are my airpods lisx#1702: what cody you didnt think george would *treat you like a princess*? lisx#1702: adsklfjklsdjf lisx#1702: that's so funny lisx#1702: 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: just wasnt sure PeckServers.com#8342: see thats what I was thinking too EJCaldwell#2924: thats the exact opposite PeckServers.com#8342: I dont know him well enough to debunk this PeckServers.com#8342: The saga continues PeckServers.com#8342: I should remove thise from my status page PeckServers.com#8342: Walterjs was moved away from peckservers so the yellow is the time to rebuild the cert and the others are customer server maintenance PeckServers.com#8342: Sadly the top 3 all had issues that were entirely not related to uptime PeckServers.com#8342: :( EJCaldwell#2924: so close PeckServers.com#8342: Holy crap peckservers made it 7 days without any outages, and almost a month too PeckServers.com#8342: Its hump day guys!!! PeckServers.com#8342: It wouldnt have been a comfortable fit :( PeckServers.com#8342: Naw he was waay bigger than me lisx#1702: ***/j*** lisx#1702: aww young love PeckServers.com#8342: Mine was a luke xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's what came up and I'm starving xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ictx=2&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjEoYHTsJD7AhUQlWoFHQr_BasQPQgK&q=ice+cream+near+me&ct=ifl&cad=2:hungry&ei=8NhiY7KGIoquqtsP2fyviAg&ved=0ahUKEwiyvvLVsJD7AhUKl2oFHVn-C4EQnRsIEQ&rct=j xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I shouldn't have done the "I'm hungry" button on google 😭 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and chuck norris is also in the story xXthat1redheadXx#9990: one about lance talks about a story of like a demigod or somethign lisx#1702: but also dont the walter ones always talk about monster trucks and fire trucks lisx#1702: every urban dictionary name talks about how good a girl/boyfriend that person is tho xXthat1redheadXx#9990: every urban dictionary name is made up by someone to inflate their ego :/ burarahurricane#6369: why are youu boyfriend coding me.:.. EJCaldwell#2924: We chatted for like 3 hours lisx#1702: thats very boyfriend core lisx#1702: there are so many messages from last night PeckServers.com#8342: Lisas a dope ass bitch PeckServers.com#8342: They do kinda be fax tho EJCaldwell#2924: <@726265256082407504> read these EJCaldwell#2924: As of right now rickhard is a he/them burarahurricane#6369: rickhard uses any/all pronouns ^-^ they r genderqueer PeckServers.com#8342: So its now an it PeckServers.com#8342: It cant seem to make up its mind PeckServers.com#8342: Oh she PeckServers.com#8342: HES BACK!!!!!!! lisx#1702: omg rickhard?!? PeckServers.com#8342: Im just hoping that it doesnt drop another 30° in one night like it did last rain Maulie#8927: And there's a chance tomorrow as well PeckServers.com#8342: So thats exciting PeckServers.com#8342: Apparently its supposed to rain today Maulie#8927: Good morning PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning GC!! Maulie#8927: Major L PeckServers.com#8342: Only time will tell PeckServers.com#8342: Who will prevail PeckServers.com#8342: Good Mocha#3331: Nah not yet and I don't plan to PeckServers.com#8342: U? PeckServers.com#8342: I got everything out yesterday PeckServers.com#8342: Not me Mocha#3331: Okay guys be honest who has already failed NNN 🙂 EJCaldwell#2924: i would be a legend EJCaldwell#2924: i wish i was one of them PeckServers.com#8342: thats a lot of men in one bathroom PeckServers.com#8342: lolll EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/watch?v=wRG9KwvbVhk&feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: :D EJCaldwell#2924: Ty PeckServers.com#8342: its ok, you aight in my eyes PeckServers.com#8342: HA!! EJCaldwell#2924: :c Rickhard#0906: Very doubtful EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball am I better than Cody Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: *spoons rickhard* PeckServers.com#8342: mmm yes Rickhard#0906: Outlook good PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball wanna lay with me :) Rickhard#0906: Without a doubt EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball should i go lay in bed right now PeckServers.com#8342: imma* PeckServers.com#8342: i,,a slip into riclhards bed EJCaldwell#2924: you have something to tell us later PeckServers.com#8342: i might find out later EJCaldwell#2924: daniel EJCaldwell#2924: oaky Rickhard#0906: As I see it, yes EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball its later, do you have the biggest PP Rickhard#0906: Ask again later EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball do you have the biggest PP PeckServers.com#8342: ♥️ Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: rickhard, its been a long time, glad to have u back EJCaldwell#2924: XD Rickhard#0906: As I see it, yes EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball do you have a big pp PeckServers.com#8342: yees PeckServers.com#8342: mmmMMmmm EJCaldwell#2924: the seccond in command god has spoken PeckServers.com#8342: the tribe has spoken EJCaldwell#2924: :c PeckServers.com#8342: LOL PeckServers.com#8342: how big is dickhards dick Rickhard#0906: Don't count on it EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball should CG start a youtube channel together EJCaldwell#2924: what else sould we ask PeckServers.com#8342: :) PeckServers.com#8342: see theres always a fallback EJCaldwell#2924: XD PeckServers.com#8342: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: we can atleast PeckServers.com#8342: hmmm PeckServers.com#8342: i mean PeckServers.com#8342: darn Rickhard#0906: My sources say no EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball are you gay Rickhard#0906: As I see it, yes EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball are you a bod Rickhard#0906: Concentrate and ask again EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball are you gay PeckServers.com#8342: dickhard is sending mixed signals EJCaldwell#2924: sounds like somebody i know PeckServers.com#8342: weve been lied too Rickhard#0906: As I see it, yes EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball are you a nonbinary PeckServers.com#8342: hmmm Rickhard#0906: Don't count on it EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball are you a girl Rickhard#0906: Yes - definitely EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball are you a boy PeckServers.com#8342: thats why we think alike Rickhard#0906: My sources say no EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball are you a bod EJCaldwell#2924: guess i am gay now EJCaldwell#2924: frick PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/true-correct-dwight-schrute-rainn-wilson-right-gif-23822659 Rickhard#0906: Yes EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball am i gay PeckServers.com#8342: this whole time PeckServers.com#8342: fs EJCaldwell#2924: you have something to tell us? PeckServers.com#8342: she knows me too well :) EJCaldwell#2924: so cody EJCaldwell#2924: XD PeckServers.com#8342: hands down best show Rickhard#0906: Without a doubt EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball is cody gay EJCaldwell#2924: IT IS ONE Rickhard#0906: ``` ​No Category: close eightball get_channels get_guilds gtime help Shows this message ping random say Type !help command for more info on a command. You can also type !help category for more info on a category. ``` PeckServers.com#8342: !help Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short EJCaldwell#2924: what are all of the commands for rickhard EJCaldwell#2924: when you see dis PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/cody%20(fs)/messages_0.jpeg EJCaldwell#2924: daniel EJCaldwell#2924: i thought that worked EJCaldwell#2924: /eightball EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball PeckServers.com#8342: ♥️ PeckServers.com#8342: 🫂 Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: YAYYY RICKHARD PeckServers.com#8342: also we got daniel to use the server!!!! EJCaldwell#2924: cya PeckServers.com#8342: OK BACK TO COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG SHOW PeckServers.com#8342: its a whole suck fest PeckServers.com#8342: the gay comes out full force when they come off EJCaldwell#2924: its not gae then EJCaldwell#2924: good PeckServers.com#8342: yes EJCaldwell#2924: do you have socks on EJCaldwell#2924: question EJCaldwell#2924: i see you are not gae PeckServers.com#8342: youre gonna have to sugma PeckServers.com#8342: icky PeckServers.com#8342: pleck PeckServers.com#8342: woo woo!! PeckServers.com#8342: you can do it PeckServers.com#8342: be a man PeckServers.com#8342: cum on man, urban dictionary said it, all you gotta do is say "fuck" EJCaldwell#2924: you ligma balls cody PeckServers.com#8342: theres a lotta ligma here EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: don't frick with me EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: what other names are there EJCaldwell#2924: get rid of insecure and depressed EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: why do i have suck good ones EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: and that dog EJCaldwell#2924: then yes EJCaldwell#2924: get rid of space EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: HE IS OUR GOD 🙇 EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: to GOD AMONG ALL EJCaldwell#2924: i went from protector of the universe EJCaldwell#2924: want toast PeckServers.com#8342: me neither EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: i have heard of me tho EJCaldwell#2924: no PeckServers.com#8342: have you heard of our lord and savior jesus H christ? EJCaldwell#2924: these are so good PeckServers.com#8342: no shot PeckServers.com#8342: LOL burarahurricane#6369: i believe in christianity and ethan PeckServers.com#8342: with that gun yeah EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: burarahurricane#6369: ehhlp EJCaldwell#2924: idk EJCaldwell#2924: username123115#4960: what is arks PeckServers.com#8342: only walter tho! EJCaldwell#2924: you went back years PeckServers.com#8342: HA EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: EJCaldwell#2924: XD PeckServers.com#8342: i can see that too PeckServers.com#8342: i mean EJCaldwell#2924: why ddaniel EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: are you a duck in disguise PeckServers.com#8342: i can see him being the duck kinda person EJCaldwell#2924: dis true PeckServers.com#8342: i mean EJCaldwell#2924: <@734161534799839272> EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: i need names of people from this server EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: cfax tho EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: TRUE EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: #walter EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: FORTNITE PeckServers.com#8342: your mom EJCaldwell#2924: who else should i do PeckServers.com#8342: sigma nigga PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> PeckServers.com#8342: maybe he hates his ketchup PeckServers.com#8342: or does he PeckServers.com#8342: he does love his ketchup EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: what EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: he has quite the buldge PeckServers.com#8342: he does PeckServers.com#8342: a bork bork nom nom EJCaldwell#2924: XD EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: dog PeckServers.com#8342: he is a gog EJCaldwell#2924: the doggo walter EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: he is in fact walter EJCaldwell#2924: fax tho EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: id say PeckServers.com#8342: is she tho? EJCaldwell#2924: TRUE EJCaldwell#2924: who else should i try EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: let me try lisa burarahurricane#6369: idk how to catwalk tho EJCaldwell#2924: there is one for everybody burarahurricane#6369: why do these kinda fit tho why are they conducting scientific studies on peopel named le o EJCaldwell#2924: i don't want to know okay cody PeckServers.com#8342: but youll never know if you dont know EJCaldwell#2924: idk what my star sign is even burarahurricane#6369: if i was born a few days earlier my astrology sign wouldve been a leo LMAOOO EJCaldwell#2924: this fits the most then EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: aug 30th EJCaldwell#2924: when is your birthday burarahurricane#6369: nooo....i am Evil 👿 EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: true EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: yyeaa EJCaldwell#2924: i saw that burarahurricane#6369: but ive been warming up to the name leo :D burarahurricane#6369: well i havent really told any irls just kind a existed EJCaldwell#2924: and i never will EJCaldwell#2924: i have never measured EJCaldwell#2924: idk PeckServers.com#8342: like meter peter style EJCaldwell#2924: <@749747503947055136> whats your name that you want to be called because i don't know if i have heard you say it ever PeckServers.com#8342: are you a large penised man? PeckServers.com#8342: naw i got that shit memorized EJCaldwell#2924: why do you know it that fast EJCaldwell#2924: then you got to measure PeckServers.com#8342: than average PeckServers.com#8342: 1/2 inch longer PeckServers.com#8342: lemme google what the average is EJCaldwell#2924: its slightly above average i bet PeckServers.com#8342: true PeckServers.com#8342: no that one especially is EJCaldwell#2924: don't you dare lie EJCaldwell#2924: not that seccond one PeckServers.com#8342: but the rest are true PeckServers.com#8342: idk abt the first line EJCaldwell#2924: XD EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: that too PeckServers.com#8342: yes burarahurricane#6369: LMAO? EJCaldwell#2924: this also true PeckServers.com#8342: yes Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: i love RICKHARD EJCaldwell#2924: is this true EJCaldwell#2924: cody EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: weHave wso much in common... Rickhard#0906: I luv weed :) EJCaldwell#2924: i will steal your weed sack EJCaldwell#2924: same burarahurricane#6369: ME TOO!!!!!!! Rickhard#0906: I luv weed :) burarahurricane#6369: weed EJCaldwell#2924: HE/SHE/THEY IS BACK burarahurricane#6369: mmy best friend is back 😭 ❤️ EJCaldwell#2924: YES Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short burarahurricane#6369: RICKHARD ?!?!?! EJCaldwell#2924: or when there is any noise EJCaldwell#2924: they light up when i talk EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: aint no one in the town gonna tango with this mango EJCaldwell#2924: want to see my cool glasses PeckServers.com#8342: i bet EJCaldwell#2924: for a few secconds i was the most feared man on the arizona strip EJCaldwell#2924: XD PeckServers.com#8342: you look so manly next to that gun lol EJCaldwell#2924: i shot it twice EJCaldwell#2924: its a .50 cal PeckServers.com#8342: thats pretty legit EJCaldwell#2924: i still have the shell PeckServers.com#8342: thats firey EJCaldwell#2924: IT SENT EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: omg EJCaldwell#2924: Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short EJCaldwell#2924: username123115#4960: now to wait 10 years in the future after rickhards evolved to laugh at dick jokes PeckServers.com#8342: happyfile.net EJCaldwell#2924: nooo EJCaldwell#2924: the video is too long PeckServers.com#8342: yes 🤤 PeckServers.com#8342: OMGGGGG Rickhard#0906: Pong! PeckServers.com#8342: !ping PeckServers.com#8342: !jping username123115#4960: w h a t EJCaldwell#2924: now want to see a real gun cody Rickhard#0906: Pong! username123115#4960: !ping PeckServers.com#8342: DICKHARD IS BACK!!! PeckServers.com#8342: HARD EJCaldwell#2924: hard EJCaldwell#2924: rick EJCaldwell#2924: hard EJCaldwell#2924: rick PeckServers.com#8342: DICKHAES EJCaldwell#2924: YES Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: i forgor how to use rickhard PeckServers.com#8342: then promptly put them back cause theres nothing to do with them EJCaldwell#2924: i think its at our grandparents house PeckServers.com#8342: i might find some of our rifles EJCaldwell#2924: i should find that EJCaldwell#2924: my my pump actuion bb gun that shoots pellets that are pointed PeckServers.com#8342: aint no town without these 4 airsoft guns PeckServers.com#8342: shit man, wild wild west out here EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: youre shaking hands with dangur PeckServers.com#8342: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: Glasses back on EJCaldwell#2924: This is a dumb idea EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: or play minecraft EJCaldwell#2924: should i work on my room to make it look nice PeckServers.com#8342: spider vision PeckServers.com#8342: LOL EJCaldwell#2924: fly vision EJCaldwell#2924: this has some power PeckServers.com#8342: nuclear fission EJCaldwell#2924: they warp my vission PeckServers.com#8342: GASP EJCaldwell#2924: i took them off EJCaldwell#2924: not anymore PeckServers.com#8342: but atleast youre safe PeckServers.com#8342: i bet EJCaldwell#2924: this hurts my eyes EJCaldwell#2924: 3 pairs of saftey glasses PeckServers.com#8342: safety firsT EJCaldwell#2924: i am now not possible to be shot in the face PeckServers.com#8342: LOL EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: :(((( PeckServers.com#8342: hes gone PeckServers.com#8342: WHERE DID HE GOOO EJCaldwell#2924: THSI WAS NOT ON SAFE EJCaldwell#2924: where is my pump action bb gun PeckServers.com#8342: that eases up some stress EJCaldwell#2924: now PeckServers.com#8342: phweewf EJCaldwell#2924: i have saftey glasses on EJCaldwell#2924: don't worry PeckServers.com#8342: you gotta do it daniel PeckServers.com#8342: shit man even im scared EJCaldwell#2924: make rickhard a server EJCaldwell#2924: username123115#4960: except now i kinda don't super need to use that... EJCaldwell#2924: i have 4 EJCaldwell#2924: username123115#4960: 3 months for this username123115#4960: i've waited like EJCaldwell#2924: i have guns username123115#4960: well not really username123115#4960: speaking of that username123115#4960: OH EJCaldwell#2924: you're tho PeckServers.com#8342: Youre arent wrong EJCaldwell#2924: turn rickhard back on PeckServers.com#8342: !! Haha EJCaldwell#2924: username123115#4960: das a lotta green bars username123115#4960: wow PeckServers.com#8342: It won't be up 100% of the time, but that's how reliable it'll be username123115#4960: gotta turn him into the perfect gaeming mice first EJCaldwell#2924: i has knife PeckServers.com#8342: https://status.peckservers.com/ EJCaldwell#2924: hard username123115#4960: lmao EJCaldwell#2924: rick EJCaldwell#2924: hard EJCaldwell#2924: rick EJCaldwell#2924: hard EJCaldwell#2924: rick PeckServers.com#8342: Rick hard PeckServers.com#8342: !!! Yeah EJCaldwell#2924: we want rick hard EJCaldwell#2924: we want rick hard EJCaldwell#2924: we want rick hard EJCaldwell#2924: we want rick hard EJCaldwell#2924: we want rick hard EJCaldwell#2924: we want rick hard PeckServers.com#8342: It's like a one core VM or something PeckServers.com#8342: I made a temp account for George, that I can repurpose for you EJCaldwell#2924: but then rickhard can be on at all times PeckServers.com#8342: Of course username123115#4960: 2 bytes of RAM or something username123115#4960: uh username123115#4960: it has like PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah username123115#4960: nonono a pico is perfectly capable EJCaldwell#2924: can daniel use your extra server thingy for rickhard EJCaldwell#2924: cody PeckServers.com#8342: Mhm EJCaldwell#2924: just act natural EJCaldwell#2924: who says we need acting PeckServers.com#8342: Oh, the acting part tho PeckServers.com#8342: This what im talking bout, good headphones required EJCaldwell#2924: because multiple people can be in a yt channel without having to share the account PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/cody%20(fs)/20221101_214139_1.mp4 EJCaldwell#2924: would it tho PeckServers.com#8342: But hard PeckServers.com#8342: That would be cool EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/MkyiUsAp8t8AAAAM/tom-and-jerry-tom-the-cat.gif PeckServers.com#8342: Phweef EJCaldwell#2924: lol EJCaldwell#2924: he left EJCaldwell#2924: were safe now EJCaldwell#2924: okay PeckServers.com#8342: He do be ban threat happy at times PeckServers.com#8342: Lolol EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: i summoned him EJCaldwell#2924: (tis a joke okay, don't ban me walter, i like it here) EJCaldwell#2924: ~~like walter~~ PeckServers.com#8342: Hehehe PeckServers.com#8342: Excatly EJCaldwell#2924: it annoys people that are apple devotees PeckServers.com#8342: I just like to say that sometimes PeckServers.com#8342: Honestly nothing EJCaldwell#2924: everything else they make suck EJCaldwell#2924: whats wrong with apple phones PeckServers.com#8342: Opps did I say that out loud? PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao, they can burn with all of the people that use Apple devices EJCaldwell#2924: they can burn in h e double hockey sticks PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr EJCaldwell#2924: frick those people PeckServers.com#8342: Until the bus driver gets mad at them PeckServers.com#8342: That reminds me of those people who like to be social outcasts and blast their radio on the public transport bus EJCaldwell#2924: i have some standards okay PeckServers.com#8342: Lmaoo EJCaldwell#2924: i am not a big menace to society okay PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah EJCaldwell#2924: if i am in a public space tho i wear earbuds PeckServers.com#8342: Especially because having to pull out the earbuds or headphones when someone wants to talk is annoying PeckServers.com#8342: I find myself doing that a lot too EJCaldwell#2924: right now i am just listening to music from my phone speakers EJCaldwell#2924: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: So it's like, "oh no what device is my earbuds connected to" PeckServers.com#8342: And they all fight over connecting to them PeckServers.com#8342: I currently have three devices that use my Galaxy buds PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah and most of rhe time pairing is a pain in the ass EJCaldwell#2924: and bluetooth just does not sound as good aswell EJCaldwell#2924: ik PeckServers.com#8342: It's nice cuz of how limited Bluetooth is PeckServers.com#8342: Then u can just get a long aux cord PeckServers.com#8342: Most of them are like that EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: Like wired too PeckServers.com#8342: Wym? EJCaldwell#2924: i want ones that are not only bluetooth mostly PeckServers.com#8342: Someone about feeling bass is more immersive tho PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah headphones are better for quality EJCaldwell#2924: or just headphones EJCaldwell#2924: when i get my computer i will get some most likely EJCaldwell#2924: i don't even use speakers PeckServers.com#8342: So glad parents aren't home so I can enjoy them PeckServers.com#8342: MMMMMMM THESE SPEAKERS ARE MINTY!!! 🍃 PeckServers.com#8342: Lmaooo PeckServers.com#8342: I agree EJCaldwell#2924: its funny EJCaldwell#2924: keep it knee EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Knee it PeckServers.com#8342: Yep PeckServers.com#8342: Or any other luxottica brand EJCaldwell#2924: oaklees or however you spell it PeckServers.com#8342: They raybans? PeckServers.com#8342: :( EJCaldwell#2924: i just have a lot of notes EJCaldwell#2924: and i have not even started yet EJCaldwell#2924: yes EJCaldwell#2924: my pair of glasses is expensive PeckServers.com#8342: Without spending a ton of money PeckServers.com#8342: Ill tell u that username123115#4960: are you also doing the essay PeckServers.com#8342: Its very hard EJCaldwell#2924: i need to find my nice pair of sunglasses PeckServers.com#8342: These sunglasses are making my bren think its midnight EJCaldwell#2924: i have still not written anythign EJCaldwell#2924: i need to stop getting distracted EJCaldwell#2924: i got grapes banned at the middle and high school last year EJCaldwell#2924: i got those banned PeckServers.com#8342: But then its not gambling:( username123115#4960: what happened to the grapes then <:thonk:792962252772343808> EJCaldwell#2924: its allowed as long as there is no money involved EJCaldwell#2924: i will do that later tonight i hope EJCaldwell#2924: i still need to clean my room tho EJCaldwell#2924: or i show up to PE and Seminary with them EJCaldwell#2924: it might have to be thursday tho EJCaldwell#2924: deal EJCaldwell#2924: okay username123115#4960: didn't go in your room :P PeckServers.com#8342: Bring all of them, so we can see them all! EJCaldwell#2924: you were at my house last night m8 PeckServers.com#8342: Lol! username123115#4960: i wanna see those shelves in person EJCaldwell#2924: i don't have them set up how i want them yet tho username123115#4960: yes please PeckServers.com#8342: Omg gambling at school!! PeckServers.com#8342: Damn... EJCaldwell#2924: i should bring them to school PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh gambling!! EJCaldwell#2924: i got 18 of them EJCaldwell#2924: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: Those are nice shelves EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: wanna play username123115#4960: thats a beeg server username123115#4960: nice EJCaldwell#2924: my room PeckServers.com#8342: I have random server username123115#4960: is that your garage EJCaldwell#2924: i will show EJCaldwell#2924: i won't tell PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh! EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: i also have 3 metal brief cases EJCaldwell#2924: good prank item EJCaldwell#2924: and i got it a year ago EJCaldwell#2924: it still works PeckServers.com#8342: Cause why not 🤷‍♂️ EJCaldwell#2924: and i am looking at chess sets EJCaldwell#2924: its due tomorrow EJCaldwell#2924: why have i not started on my Essay yet EJCaldwell#2924: you shall not know EJCaldwell#2924: why i have the airhorn EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: It’s right next to my air horn EJCaldwell#2924: looks cool tho EJCaldwell#2924: but you can't get that hot EJCaldwell#2924: i have a resin set EJCaldwell#2924: i want a nice wooden chess set PeckServers.com#8342: Hell yeah EJCaldwell#2924: 1 million$ tournament ends soon EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: there it goes Maulie#8927: 🥲 PeckServers.com#8342: Hey at least your brain is that much sharper Maulie#8927: Lets see if I can get to 14 Maulie#8927: I went from 795 to 895, pushed 100 points PeckServers.com#8342: Noice Maulie#8927: Probably two hours of my life wasted to have a 13 winstreak on Chess.com PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> PeckServers.com#8342: What the hell even is this shit PeckServers.com#8342: The polarization plot thickens, you can make light rotate?!? PeckServers.com#8342: Bro what the actual fuck EJCaldwell#2924: it is so good PeckServers.com#8342: That one PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeaa!! EJCaldwell#2924: this video is the best EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/R-RVqaO0wig?feature=share WalterJS#2477: lol burarahurricane#6369: alway s does with her burarahurricane#6369: yeah i suspected it would go in that direction burarahurricane#6369: LITEREALLY the author spent all their braincells on coming up with alvarez and sheri locke WalterJS#2477: we all knew she was a little crazy anyway right WalterJS#2477: yeah WalterJS#2477: but anyway WalterJS#2477: did that even cross her mind WalterJS#2477: why WalterJS#2477: and then she decided that the principal and detective were having an affair which is just WalterJS#2477: apparently lisa thinks the narrator did it even tho its third person WalterJS#2477: ya and the other one Diana which was written on the necklace burarahurricane#6369: like girl burarahurricane#6369: i cant get over the fact taht tehy named the music teacher adagio and the coach swift WalterJS#2477: some things in life are worth going to prison for ok WalterJS#2477: lmao burarahurricane#6369: bro 😭 burarahurricane#6369: yeha WalterJS#2477: bruh if I was the boss I woulda slapped the shit outta her and spent the rest of my life in prison because of it WalterJS#2477: bruh imagine entering your bosses office and putting your feet on his table WalterJS#2477: with her feet on the table WalterJS#2477: she was way too overly confident WalterJS#2477: she was pretty sus too WalterJS#2477: well i mean burarahurricane#6369: because the others were too sus \ WalterJS#2477: its coach swift imo because it says her running shoes were sparkling white yet it was raining outside burarahurricane#6369: that woudl have been my guess WalterJS#2477: but anyway WalterJS#2477: which I hapepned to choose because im a genius burarahurricane#6369: we dont even have to use critical thinking WalterJS#2477: however she did say that the most correct one is coach swift burarahurricane#6369: why do we bother burarahurricane#6369: ugh WalterJS#2477: and that all answers are correct burarahurricane#6369: lke actually WalterJS#2477: yet apparently not WalterJS#2477: it says that the detective figured it out at the end WalterJS#2477: why WalterJS#2477: like bruh WalterJS#2477: so dumb WalterJS#2477: literally the most useless assignment ever burarahurricane#6369: ok burarahurricane#6369: ah WalterJS#2477: lmao WalterJS#2477: all answers are correct WalterJS#2477: the teacher mrs she mrs pulspiuher saidthat uh WalterJS#2477: mrs puslipher WalterJS#2477: she WalterJS#2477: so WalterJS#2477: yes burarahurricane#6369: 🥁 WalterJS#2477: uhh burarahurricane#6369: drumroll WalterJS#2477: I can feel your suspense WalterJS#2477: suspensful moment WalterJS#2477: . WalterJS#2477: .. WalterJS#2477: the teacher said that WalterJS#2477: cuz Iw asnt there yk burarahurricane#6369: themost resource WalterJS#2477: uh burarahurricane#6369: ah WalterJS#2477: stut WalterJS#2477: according to kylear WalterJS#2477: pretty muich WalterJS#2477: so burarahurricane#6369: ok WalterJS#2477: but keep keeping calming calm keeping on calm while I tell you WalterJS#2477: i can tell youve kept calm long enough WalterJS#2477: yeah ill tlel you now burarahurricane#6369: and get credit for that burarahurricane#6369: or do we just need to do the work burarahurricane#6369: do we even have to get it right burarahurricane#6369: one of thsoe dumb "gotcha"moments 😒 burarahurricane#6369: or is it WalterJS#2477: the answer? burarahurricane#6369: is itlike obvious burarahurricane#6369: ok burarahurricane#6369: ? WalterJS#2477: . WalterJS#2477: calm WalterJS#2477: keep calm and keep stay calming keep calm staying kalming on WalterJS#2477: great job now just stay calm and keep calming on burarahurricane#6369: calming on burarahurricane#6369: caming omn\ burarahurricane#6369: wait burarahurricane#6369: kalming aon WalterJS#2477: keep calm and keep calming on burarahurricane#6369: ok 👍 keeping. calm burarahurricane#6369: means slow for music WalterJS#2477: listen ally. just, just... just keep calm and keep calm and keep keep calm and keep keeping calm keeping calm keep keeping calm calm keep calm keeping calm burarahurricane#6369: its a tempo WalterJS#2477: what does adagio mean burarahurricane#6369: bro 😭 burarahurricane#6369: COACH SWIFT burarahurricane#6369: NO THEY DID burarahurricane#6369: its like as if they named the coach mr run WalterJS#2477: keep calm and keep keep keeping calm keeping calm keeping calm burarahurricane#6369: NO SHOT THEY NAMED THE MUSIC TEACHER ALAN *ADAGIO* im crying thats so dumb WalterJS#2477: keep calm and keep keeping calm WalterJS#2477: keep calm and dont give up WalterJS#2477: keep calm and keep trying WalterJS#2477: if I keep going one of these is gonna hit I know it WalterJS#2477: hmm WalterJS#2477: keep calm and work on WalterJS#2477: keep calm and detective on WalterJS#2477: you guys its really like not even that bad calm down keep calm and read on burarahurricane#6369: why is this paper so horrible i cantread any word ever PeckServers.com#8342: Oh hey Walter, you can also see if your sunglasses are actually polarized by looking through them at your monitor and rotating the glasses burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: do ii really ahbe to do this PeckServers.com#8342: It's either ABC or d burarahurricane#6369: soemthingsomething sormthing WalterJS#2477: id tell you the answer but it would give it away to ally burarahurricane#6369: im waking up to ash an d udhst WalterJS#2477: sure you can PeckServers.com#8342: Lmaoo burarahurricane#6369: radioactove WalterJS#2477: false PeckServers.com#8342: Welcome the innuendo from alysse burarahurricane#6369: wlscome to thr new agw to the new age WalterJS#2477: oh guys yall should check out https://superhuman.com/ burarahurricane#6369: IM FRIED 😭they rung out my las t few drops im a dry river lisx#1702: i bet i can figure it out lisx#1702: let me read it PeckServers.com#8342: Just think, one day you guys will graduate and not have to deal with that BS burarahurricane#6369: MY BRAIN DOEDNT WORK burarahurricane#6369: I CANT DO THIS lisx#1702: C for cancer? PeckServers.com#8342: Does not play well with ADHD PeckServers.com#8342: That doc is cancer lisx#1702: the answer is actually C WalterJS#2477: and see if you can figure it out WalterJS#2477: ya read the document I sent PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah that assignment sounds cancerous WalterJS#2477: I've re-read it 50 times PeckServers.com#8342: Lmaoo WalterJS#2477: literally good luck WalterJS#2477: its the gayest assignment ever WalterJS#2477: hvae fun lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah it's more of a novelty, and it makes hell of a mess PeckServers.com#8342: Because you would only be able to see the pixels that are in the off state WalterJS#2477: looks like I wont be doing that anytime soon WalterJS#2477: damn PeckServers.com#8342: No PeckServers.com#8342: With the normal glasses? WalterJS#2477: would it not work? WalterJS#2477: I have a monitor thats rotated 90deg PeckServers.com#8342: Pretty sure it would raise some questions PeckServers.com#8342: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: That would be quite the scenerio WalterJS#2477: I wonder what my family would think if they walked in and I had 7 monitors all blasting pure white light with my baseball glasses on staring intently at the monitors working PeckServers.com#8342: If you get vertical polarized sunglasses and turn your monitor 90° then it'll appear completely black to him WalterJS#2477: and my dad but to be fair none of us wear them inside WalterJS#2477: for baseball WalterJS#2477: me and my brother PeckServers.com#8342: Yes, but think, who in your house has polarized sunglasses and is wearing them PeckServers.com#8342: Pretty sure as long as they're horizontally polarized WalterJS#2477: well that slightly defeats its efficacy lisx#1702: wanna do my homework instead WalterJS#2477: oh PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah WalterJS#2477: wait so does any pair of polarizing sunglasses work? PeckServers.com#8342: So win-win PeckServers.com#8342: And since I have sunglasses, all the lights in the room arent searing anymore WalterJS#2477: lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: With sunglasses WalterJS#2477: but.... how are you gonna use your tv now lmao WalterJS#2477: fair enough PeckServers.com#8342: Its pretty cool, I had a stack of sheets from the TV, and you can do some pretty legit stuff with it PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah but theres no way to actually discern how they are polarized in comparison to each other burarahurricane#6369: WalterJS#2477: ya ive seen that vid burarahurricane#6369: im yoing to k@s WalterJS#2477: what does that mean also where do I Get tickets and when is the first showing WalterJS#2477: cringe then you better logon to canvas and do the assignment tonight burarahurricane#6369: it was matinee for the play PeckServers.com#8342: No, beloeve it or not, if you have two filters at 90°, 0% will make it through, but if you have it at a 45° angle, 50% will make it through, so if you have two at a 45° angle, you get 90, but because of quantum physics, 25% of the light will make it through. This means that there will still be visible light coming through the TV burarahurricane#6369: no WalterJS#2477: were you in LA today?????? WalterJS#2477: bruh burarahurricane#6369: ive never seen that paper jn mg life WalterJS#2477: i need help with tat paper WalterJS#2477: otherwise they oculdnt make it thru the filter WalterJS#2477: well no I mean once it goes through the polarization filter all photons are polarized in the same direction PeckServers.com#8342: Because yeah, f quantum physics PeckServers.com#8342: It's pretty legit though, there's no way to tell how a photon is polarized, before it goes through the filter, but after it's polarized there's still no way to tell, but it's still polarized WalterJS#2477: you could also keep the polarization filter, and then add two more at varying 45degree angles to get a similar effect burarahurricane#6369: ithinj im got anyerim burarahurricane#6369: mybead is sounnging WalterJS#2477: I see waht you mean with the quantum physics burarahurricane#6369: what day is it WalterJS#2477: ohh yeah that makes sense burarahurricane#6369: WAHATS HAPPENJ G burarahurricane#6369: WHERE AM J PeckServers.com#8342: Remove the outermost polarization filter, so the sunglasses (being polarized) replace that functionality WalterJS#2477: I bet I can explain it with classical physics WalterJS#2477: ill be the judge of that PeckServers.com#8342: Its legit so sick tho!! No cap quantum physics is what makes this work Maulie#8927: Removed the film WalterJS#2477: did you just add like a film over your monitor and then use special glasses? Maulie#8927: Talk about a private screen Maulie#8927: Wow PeckServers.com#8342: Thats what I thought PeckServers.com#8342: Haha WalterJS#2477: bruh burarahurricane#6369: oh replied rwrong person PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/cody%20(fs)/20221101_185201.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: Hey walter, u may have 25 monitors at the hs, but do u have one of these? burarahurricane#6369: owhat is that burarahurricane#6369: ghu PeckServers.com#8342: ur gay Maulie#8927: Yes it is James PeckServers.com#8342: i love how your middle name is the only thing that got demolished, thanksjames if i had to guess WalterJS#2477: i cant figure itout WalterJS#2477: what is teh asnwer WalterJS#2477: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hmJJflJGJvBLo8YYSAs_ufNkyb0HghNt/view WalterJS#2477: help WalterJS#2477: help WalterJS#2477: help WalterJS#2477: help WalterJS#2477: <@749747503947055136> help EJCaldwell#2924: thats what that is EJCaldwell#2924: fortnite is garbage username123115#4960: homework is temporary fortnite is forever? WalterJS#2477: so I gotta do the work for those classes WalterJS#2477: and also I was asleep WalterJS#2477: cuz I didnt feel like it WalterJS#2477: for 1st and second WalterJS#2477: didnt go to school WalterJS#2477: also I just like WalterJS#2477: but I gotta do my homework EJCaldwell#2924: Just stay and chat then WalterJS#2477: And I don’t wanna do my homework WalterJS#2477: I’m bored WalterJS#2477: Idk EJCaldwell#2924: Why tho EJCaldwell#2924: NoOOooooOoo WalterJS#2477: Asking for a friend. WalterJS#2477: Have you ever heard of fortnite WalterJS#2477: But WalterJS#2477: Asking for a friend WalterJS#2477: Guys so EJCaldwell#2924: 3 mins EJCaldwell#2924: I just had the longest work day ever EJCaldwell#2924: So Maulie#8927: So it's deactivated Maulie#8927: Besides, the old one is the one on the left Maulie#8927: That's what the edit tool is for EJCaldwell#2924: its kinda private info Maulie#8927: Should I not have? Maulie#8927: Idk EJCaldwell#2924: why did you ssend this in discord Maulie#8927: New card in the mail PeckServers.com#8342: anyways found this song in "genghis kahn radioo" of all things PeckServers.com#8342: smh my my head PeckServers.com#8342: god nowadays the tracking part of the url is longer than the song link itself PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/0UeYCHOETPfai02uskjJ3x PeckServers.com#8342: :(((( PeckServers.com#8342: and you have to squish your lil head through someones pelvis lisx#1702: we called spencer a nerd and he got sad and left lisx#1702: its all bloody EJCaldwell#2924: Yes PeckServers.com#8342: Most babys probably are to be fair lisx#1702: it looks miserable PeckServers.com#8342: its MORBIN TiMe!! lisx#1702: christmas? EJCaldwell#2924: no duh lol PeckServers.com#8342: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/eqrhJkoRX7o EJCaldwell#2924: Sounds interesting at least WalterJS#2477: ya I’m like 30ft above the crowd EJCaldwell#2924: you can be on your phone atleast WalterJS#2477: it’s boring asf too u just sit up there and I only had like 15 calls (actions you have to do) the rest of the time I just sat there on my phone EJCaldwell#2924: i already work late EJCaldwell#2924: if i didn't work already i might of done that WalterJS#2477: na it’s the easiest thing ever WalterJS#2477: And pointed it at zombies EJCaldwell#2924: that does not even sound hard WalterJS#2477: basically I ran a giant flashlight WalterJS#2477: Spotlight op EJCaldwell#2924: what did you do there WalterJS#2477: I’ll probably work there all summer WalterJS#2477: There’s not another show for a lil bit WalterJS#2477: And also I was just helping out with thrilled WalterJS#2477: Wack schedule doesn’t fit my lifestyle WalterJS#2477: But ya now I can tell people I make $90 per hour EJCaldwell#2924: why stop EJCaldwell#2924: 17.5$ per hour tho is still really good WalterJS#2477: It’s more like 400-450 after taxes WalterJS#2477: $90 EJCaldwell#2924: im not doing that math WalterJS#2477: I mean there’s taxes tho WalterJS#2477: And I actually only worked 5.77 hours but I rounded it WalterJS#2477: Hahah WalterJS#2477: Ya EJCaldwell#2924: that is 87.5%/hr WalterJS#2477: I mean if you think about it that’s like $100 per hour EJCaldwell#2924: for 6 hours of work EJCaldwell#2924: you got 525$ WalterJS#2477: the schedule is wack WalterJS#2477: It’s a decent amount but I don’t think it’s worth it. Like I literally just got home and I got wrestling tomorrow 5am EJCaldwell#2924: dang WalterJS#2477: 17.5 EJCaldwell#2924: how much per hour was it EJCaldwell#2924: nice WalterJS#2477: FREEEE MONERYYHH WalterJS#2477: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH WalterJS#2477: So I’m literally getting paid for 30 hours WalterJS#2477: And there’s a minimum of 30hrs per pay period WalterJS#2477: It’s a union WalterJS#2477: Apparently WalterJS#2477: Buttttttt WalterJS#2477: And 6 today WalterJS#2477: so i worked 30 hours last week WalterJS#2477: I was helping out with thriller EJCaldwell#2924: oh EJCaldwell#2924: do you work there? WalterJS#2477: And today just so happened to be my last day WalterJS#2477: And a new one started today WalterJS#2477: Bi weekly WalterJS#2477: The pay periods at tuacahn are WalterJS#2477: So EJCaldwell#2924: you know what time it is EJCaldwell#2924: lisa EJCaldwell#2924: happy november SpencerLS#2849: Farewell, deleting discord again lisx#1702: fairwell to all of my french teachers expectations in me lisx#1702: lksadjfkldsj lisx#1702: and the thing needs to be 2 minutes long but even if i read it super slow its 1:30 lisx#1702: kms lisx#1702: god lisx#1702: except i dont even know if teacher person even wanted us to use past tense on the assignment lisx#1702: and now I know lisx#1702: I LITERALLY SPENT 3 HOURS TRYING TO FIGURE OUT THE DIFFERENCE between the two past tenses in french burarahurricane#6369: solidarity lisx#1702: respect for the 3 other people working on the assignment with me at 11pm (due tmr) burarahurricane#6369: wlaters brother looks so much like walter its crazy Mocha#3331: Halloween was fun this year but for some reason they stopped handing out candy after like 8:30 💀💀 lisx#1702: *28 lisx#1702: there were only 24 little children SpencerLS#2849: Anyone else's neighborhood deserted PeckServers.com#8342: Kick him in the dick PeckServers.com#8342: Oof SpencerLS#2849: 💀 lisx#1702: there actually might not be that many children in this neighborhood lisx#1702: nice lisx#1702: lol username123115#4960: i think i saw walters brother in my neighborhood PeckServers.com#8342: Spooky hours are among us!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Hehehe lisx#1702: HOURS OF MY LIFE IS ABOUT TO BE WASTED ON LITTLE CHILDREN CONSTANTLY COMING TO DEMAND CANDY lisx#1702: I FORGOT HOW MUCH I HATE HALLOWEEN lisx#1702: YALL SpencerLS#2849: Idk if the x ray shows cartilage but yeah ig PeckServers.com#8342: also are knee caps really that smol? PeckServers.com#8342: ooh fun! EJCaldwell#2924: ow SpencerLS#2849: You can see the anchor in my knee WalterJS#2477: infinitely WalterJS#2477: every like 2 seconds it spawns in a new player WalterJS#2477: I encourage you to go check it out but only if your computer has a 3080 like these WalterJS#2477: lmfao WalterJS#2477: new start screen WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: i bet productivity is so nice with that many monitors PeckServers.com#8342: thats pretty sick WalterJS#2477: I was like oooh I’m gonna make a double monitor setup and he’s like “just use all four” WalterJS#2477: He suggested I should lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: how did you convince the teacher to let you do that walter PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah username123115#4960: is that using the penta moniter setup PeckServers.com#8342: u suck WalterJS#2477: Beat that, nerds PeckServers.com#8342: HAPPY SPOOKY SEASON DADDY xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🥳 🎃 👻 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/ghost-dance-funny-gif-12673936 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/halloween-pumpkin-bat-colorful-gif-23635440 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/happy-halloween-ghost-lantern-walk-gif-15349284 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/halloween-gif-19741738 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: HAPPY HALLOWEEN Maulie#8927: Maulie#8927: Yooo I have that same app SpencerLS#2849: How is this a fair minesweeper start lisx#1702: Whoa cool PeckServers.com#8342: But everything is bright white without a polarizer PeckServers.com#8342: On this old LCD, the rear polarizer isn't perfect so from the side you can see a little bit PeckServers.com#8342: Its interesting Maulie#8927: I've seen a video on that before lol PeckServers.com#8342: Im gonna pick up some polarized glasses tmmr PeckServers.com#8342: Which is pretty legit PeckServers.com#8342: That nobody else can use unless they have polarized eye wear PeckServers.com#8342: It makes a pretty decent privacy monitor PeckServers.com#8342: When you peel the front polarization layer off of an LCD PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/cody%20(fs)/20221030_205438_1.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: I did a thing Maulie#8927: And now I regret playing the game PeckServers.com#8342: Lmqoo Maulie#8927: Yeah, I found that out PeckServers.com#8342: Porn stuff Maulie#8927: Bruh Maulie#8927: XXX has 151 Million monthly searches? What even is this stuff Maulie#8927: Quick question, what is XXX? username123115#4960: wow EJCaldwell#2924: Doom PeckServers.com#8342: From cn PeckServers.com#8342: Best show PeckServers.com#8342: 1999 PeckServers.com#8342: No u EJCaldwell#2924: Wrong burarahurricane#6369: THAT MEME WAS ALL I SAW THE DAY THE QUEEN DIED IT WAS SO AWESOME PeckServers.com#8342: Best damn show for its time PeckServers.com#8342: All 4 seasons!! PeckServers.com#8342: Omg i finally got Courage the Cowardly Dog on plex!!! lisx#1702: LITERALLY lisx#1702: 😭 😭 😭 PeckServers.com#8342: He must be a flat earther, the queen of England is actually 30 and lives in Antarctica PeckServers.com#8342: Aaah! username123115#4960: PeckServers.com#8342: username123115#4960: hal saying the queen of england not existing do be feeling different PeckServers.com#8342: You should totally make a house fire simulator username123115#4960: aren't you making an app called route SpencerLS#2849: So please tell us SpencerLS#2849: If you guys have a good programming project idea... Walter and I are going to win codecamp with it EJCaldwell#2924: Idk PeckServers.com#8342: Is internet provided by landlord? PeckServers.com#8342: It looks just like a plan upgrade lisx#1702: but nice for new house lisx#1702: for old house lisx#1702: oof EJCaldwell#2924: Bottom is old house EJCaldwell#2924: Top is new house EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: and also if you search technoblade in youtube they say “did you mean technoblade *never dies*” which is cool also lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/Leynwdih668 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: #technobladeneverdies PeckServers.com#8342: This time I think they did a good thing too burarahurricane#6369: EJCaldwell#2924: And it almost has a 1/6 like to view ratio EJCaldwell#2924: A good thing EJCaldwell#2924: YouTube did a thing EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/watch?v=R_fZjGm2OrM&feature=share EJCaldwell#2924: My sister used it all up in a bath PeckServers.com#8342: No hot water? EJCaldwell#2924: But the shower is fricking cold EJCaldwell#2924: Idk PeckServers.com#8342: Or does mr/mrs landlord make you pay that PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeah, same for power water gas and sewer lisx#1702: is the internet included in the rent? PeckServers.com#8342: Fiber or no? PeckServers.com#8342: Ooohh https://media.tenor.com/1EdlGzkwMLsAAAAM/evil-laugh-rub-hands.gif EJCaldwell#2924: And the internet is supposed to be 3x better EJCaldwell#2924: Ikr PeckServers.com#8342: I mean the shower is more than midget sozed so id say its worthit right there PeckServers.com#8342: Oh thats good EJCaldwell#2924: But better EJCaldwell#2924: This one is also a rental EJCaldwell#2924: So we did not want to renew it EJCaldwell#2924: And a price of crap EJCaldwell#2924: Our last one was a rental PeckServers.com#8342: How come you had to move tho? PeckServers.com#8342: Hell yeah brother!! EJCaldwell#2924: It’s like 8-9ft EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: LETS GO EJCaldwell#2924: Is there another EJCaldwell#2924: I must know EJCaldwell#2924: Yes PeckServers.com#8342: Wait so is that pesky short ass shower gone?!?! PeckServers.com#8342: The story behind it is real, google "University of Minnesota stand off" but i think that psa might have been a troll username123115#4960: omg you moved SpencerLS#2849: That's gotta be fake lol lisx#1702: fancy EJCaldwell#2924: New house PeckServers.com#8342: New house or just new room? burarahurricane#6369: fancy EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: New room PeckServers.com#8342: https://files.happyfile.net/cody%20(fs)/pGGADww.png xXthat1redheadXx#9990: YYYYAAAYYYY PeckServers.com#8342: ITS FRIDAY EVERYBODY!!! PeckServers.com#8342: in all seriousness tho that is a cute cat PeckServers.com#8342: more like the benefits!! PeckServers.com#8342: but free kiTTY!! EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/TX-k7Y1DVfc?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/YQHUKhUROQcAAAAM/casualrp-roleplay.gif PeckServers.com#8342: Mmm yes EJCaldwell#2924: yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes PeckServers.com#8342: Heres a pic for all of you cheerio lovers PeckServers.com#8342: Fair enough EJCaldwell#2924: eat* EJCaldwell#2924: but if there are cheerios and i want breakfest then thats what i east EJCaldwell#2924: depends on the day for me PeckServers.com#8342: MMMMMMMMM PeckServers.com#8342: This might just be a me thing, but so does Cinnamon toast crunch PeckServers.com#8342: Fax tho EJCaldwell#2924: they are s teir EJCaldwell#2924: honey nut cheerios are the best PeckServers.com#8342: *naturally flavored* PeckServers.com#8342: Mmmmm yes, thankfully EJCaldwell#2924: are they honey cheerios PeckServers.com#8342: 🤔 PeckServers.com#8342: Theres so many options PeckServers.com#8342: That or i could eat frute brute, franken berry, *boo* berry, count chocula, cheerios, or frosted fucks EJCaldwell#2924: go to mc'ies d's PeckServers.com#8342: Im hungie PeckServers.com#8342: Big L EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah thats the #7 EJCaldwell#2924: mc double PeckServers.com#8342: The #7 is always flatter than the average soccer mom PeckServers.com#8342: What one was it PeckServers.com#8342: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: She uses it as a Launchpad to the moon EJCaldwell#2924: she jumps on it PeckServers.com#8342: And serves it anyways EJCaldwell#2924: no PeckServers.com#8342: The fat chick accidentally sits on it EJCaldwell#2924: every EJCaldwell#2924: no EJCaldwell#2924: some PeckServers.com#8342: Oh, yeah that hapoens some times EJCaldwell#2924: its from mc donalds EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: The bourger? EJCaldwell#2924: why is it so flat PeckServers.com#8342: Mmmm tasty EJCaldwell#2924: i got bourger WalterJS#2477: Na I got the alpha king supreme v2 select series EJCaldwell#2924: idk WalterJS#2477: Bruh what xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Poor walter 😔 PeckServers.com#8342: :( PeckServers.com#8342: Too bad he can only afford supreme v1 PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah that one SpencerLS#2849: *Select Series xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Fr though PeckServers.com#8342: Its alright, without his Force Factor® Alpha King Supreme V2 his comebacks will never equate mine xXthat1redheadXx#9990: That indeed would’ve been better xXthat1redheadXx#9990: LMFAO xXthat1redheadXx#9990: … PeckServers.com#8342: See, a better come back would have been "it was so cold that I used your mama's ass as a hand warmer" lisx#1702: you're not sorry WalterJS#2477: im sorry I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity WalterJS#2477: it had to be done WalterJS#2477: 💀💀 EJCaldwell#2924: rly walter WalterJS#2477: Your moms ass was cold in the winter I can tell you that Maulie#8927: Ended the game in 20 Moves (20 Rotations) Maulie#8927: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: that is like my best game ever i think EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: LETS FRICKING GO Maulie#8927: oooooh PeckServers.com#8342: Hence why katen got slapped with a felony and a big investigation from the ATF PeckServers.com#8342: I mean its only illegal because it takes the barrel down from like 18 inches to 4 inches which is wicked easy to conceal Maulie#8927: And how dangerous of a weapon would that be? PeckServers.com#8342: so more like a sawed off rifle PeckServers.com#8342: but its an ar-15 PeckServers.com#8342: well they say sawed off shot gun in the original news piece Maulie#8927: Like a sawed off shotgun? Sawed off weapon in general? PeckServers.com#8342: thats how you know that she has no idear what shes talking about and shouldnt be anywhere near authority over the damn things PeckServers.com#8342: She was trying to make a point *Pinches nose in mocking way* "to StOp GuN vIoLeNce" as part of her campaign, but in the process comitted a felony by making a SAWED OFF!!! PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/WvMLfvpbtvw?t=219 PeckServers.com#8342: https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AromaticNaughtyCornsnake-max-1mb.gif Maulie#8927: That's rough PeckServers.com#8342: That or got a ride from either mom or neighbor Maulie#8927: Did you walk to school?!?! PeckServers.com#8342: I was too close to school for bus too PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah pretty sure it was 7:45 for me too, absolute ass and it was cold in the winter EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/lShr4QVvh4s?feature=share Maulie#8927: If they all do then they're just torturing pre teens at this point burarahurricane#6369: all the intermediate schools do dont they Maulie#8927: Tonaquint intermediate that starts at 7:45 burarahurricane#6369: this is so true lets do it PeckServers.com#8342: It's a perfect perpetual loop of not going to school PeckServers.com#8342: Seems legit lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah and then when it starts at 8:30 tomorrow, we postponed another 24 hours username123115#4960: and then we could procrastinate school out of existance PeckServers.com#8342: If whenever school starts it's postponed for 24 hours username123115#4960: than starting school at 8:30 tommorow would be better then starting school at 8?30 today username123115#4960: so if we start school 24 hours later username123115#4960: this correlates school starting later with better student health which means it is obviously causitation PeckServers.com#8342: Who lisx#1702: they get no money lisx#1702: but also lisx#1702: that's a point lisx#1702: honestly PeckServers.com#8342: Stupid people are usually happy people PeckServers.com#8342: I guess it makes sense PeckServers.com#8342: To be fair, it would make you stoopider overall lisx#1702: guys i'm sure scientific studies will also show that starting school at never instead of 8:30 improves student health even more... but we can't prove it unless we do experimentation, so we should just all start school at never instead of 8:30 until we graduate to provide more evidence for this totally functional hypothesis!! PeckServers.com#8342: And its scary asf PeckServers.com#8342: But anything before that feels like a million years ago PeckServers.com#8342: I remember every second from February 2020 and on like it was yesterday PeckServers.com#8342: Im having dark thoughts PeckServers.com#8342: Fax tho SpencerLS#2849: Bruh what is this country burarahurricane#6369: STREAM! burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/5QGooKayQPVZMUDc8Qt3Dm?si=UZqsJxSqTn2GZTT7jTX00w EJCaldwell#2924: i wanted to see what they would of some up with EJCaldwell#2924: it changed so fast PeckServers.com#8342: Lol that last one though EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: i want to make sure lisa is ready burarahurricane#6369: im on mobile so cant rly switch btween apps burarahurricane#6369: go EJCaldwell#2924: ready guys EJCaldwell#2924: ready EJCaldwell#2924: lisa burarahurricane#6369: ok EJCaldwell#2924: kk burarahurricane#6369: five more minutues lisx#1702: join lisx#1702: <@749747503947055136> \ lisx#1702: im the donut EJCaldwell#2924: join EJCaldwell#2924: lisa EJCaldwell#2924: who else needs to join still lisx#1702: I like it EJCaldwell#2924: ima grab a drink fast EJCaldwell#2924: its cute EJCaldwell#2924: ik burarahurricane#6369: I only just updatedf the ap lisx#1702: u just noticed that? burarahurricane#6369: ;MAOOO lisx#1702: *he said give me a goddam second-* burarahurricane#6369: whaoh burarahurricane#6369: like 10 min EJCaldwell#2924: kk burarahurricane#6369: umm u have to give me a second EJCaldwell#2924: we can play with three EJCaldwell#2924: https://garticphone.com/en/?c=00d0eb2495 Maulie#8927: Goodnight Maulie#8927: I'mma head to bed lisx#1702: if anyone else is up for it EJCaldwell#2924: i got it lisx#1702: sure EJCaldwell#2924: want to paly a round of gartic phone? PeckServers.com#8342: KNEX TOO Maulie#8927: Tinker toys as well burarahurricane#6369: MY CHILDHOOD.... EJCaldwell#2924: done* EJCaldwell#2924: cody is doen lisx#1702: yes EJCaldwell#2924: yes Maulie#8927: Start game? EJCaldwell#2924: english? Maulie#8927: I ownt he game now EJCaldwell#2924: why leave Maulie#8927: Oh EJCaldwell#2924: cody lisx#1702: <@606620815349383209> lisx#1702: again EJCaldwell#2924: go again EJCaldwell#2924: i pinged ya PeckServers.com#8342: OMG SCRIBBLE PeckServers.com#8342: Fear not <@734161534799839272> for Google is our savior!!! EJCaldwell#2924: NOW EJCaldwell#2924: JOIN EJCaldwell#2924: SCRIBBLE EJCaldwell#2924: CODY lisx#1702: hahaha PeckServers.com#8342: Jk lol PeckServers.com#8342: Its my only memory PeckServers.com#8342: Aww that first one tho :) Maulie#8927: The other has a PDF file and... mp4? Maulie#8927: One has two PNG files of light painting pictures I took with my dad lisx#1702: core memory? PeckServers.com#8342: ACK! PeckServers.com#8342: Ec PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/aAjvuzQrKz8AAAAM/titano-rocket.gif lisx#1702: *ech* Maulie#8927: Wonder whats on em Maulie#8927: I just found two old USB drives Maulie#8927: Dang 9PM motivation hits different Maulie#8927: Sadly I'm pretty sure I have lost some of the pieces PeckServers.com#8342: Oh! And those are like the OG ones too Maulie#8927: PeckServers.com#8342: :( PeckServers.com#8342: Last time i Play with them was at a daycare 8 years ago PeckServers.com#8342: Lucky Maulie#8927: Still have it Maulie#8927: I have a large bin of them from my grandma PeckServers.com#8342: Oof PeckServers.com#8342: Those are so underrated!!! I used to have some!! Maulie#8927: All the way from Yellowstone too, so you know, overpriced and very small PeckServers.com#8342: OMG!!!! Maulie#8927: Yessir PeckServers.com#8342: Are those LiNcOlN LoGs?!?! Maulie#8927: Most underrated toy Mocha#3331: AT LEAST EBAY Mocha#3331: NOT ETSY 😭 burarahurricane#6369: Mocha#3331: dikc PeckServers.com#8342: And an alysse meme PeckServers.com#8342: Its just been me talking to myself for the last couple days lmao PeckServers.com#8342: *echo* PeckServers.com#8342: *echoo* EJCaldwell#2924: why PeckServers.com#8342: *echooo* PeckServers.com#8342: Echoooo PeckServers.com#8342: General is sad:(((( PeckServers.com#8342: 🎵🎵🎵 PeckServers.com#8342: Yo ass finna get shot PeckServers.com#8342: With this Glock PeckServers.com#8342: Riding around the block PeckServers.com#8342: A plE-kEt-KeT-kEt-KeT PeckServers.com#8342: N-words boutta to get blown with this Mac PeckServers.com#8342: Sipping this yak PeckServers.com#8342: Making my way through the hood PeckServers.com#8342: LOL PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/tesr1OyymXo PeckServers.com#8342: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: Anyone? PeckServers.com#8342: Its to replace sharing.peckservers.com PeckServers.com#8342: Im leaning toward it cause it ends in something other than .dev PeckServers.com#8342: Does it sound too complicated? PeckServers.com#8342: I might also go for happyfile.net PeckServers.com#8342: Bruh burarahurricane#6369: https://youtube.com/shorts/LfVcmuhYq0Q?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: Or that one PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: For a file sharing service PeckServers.com#8342: Any input on if its good or not? PeckServers.com#8342: I might go for that one username123115#4960: cool username123115#4960: oh PeckServers.com#8342: And it sounds like caffeine is too PeckServers.com#8342: Upon googling, it would appear that it is PeckServers.com#8342: Not sure PeckServers.com#8342: Seems like all things, in moderation it should be fine, that one article says its the worst thing on earth, but others say its not too bad username123115#4960: isn't aspartame an excitotoxin PeckServers.com#8342: Thats basically the bacteria shitting itself in ur mouth PeckServers.com#8342: Its true, if you let sugar sit in ur mouth,your breath will reek PeckServers.com#8342: Also ive noticed that what all the scientists are saying about how sugar feeds the bacteria in your mouth PeckServers.com#8342: So this is actually my first interaction with sprite zero PeckServers.com#8342: And guess what that does to teeth PeckServers.com#8342: But its dark PeckServers.com#8342: I usually drink dr pepper PeckServers.com#8342: Google says its aspartame, not sure if it has any negative health effects lisx#1702: what if you just drank less sprite lisx#1702: yeah but like does the other stuff it has instead of sugar have any possible negative effects PeckServers.com#8342: So I've been trying to limit the amount of it that I have PeckServers.com#8342: For u PeckServers.com#8342: Sugar isnt really good PeckServers.com#8342: Nothing lisx#1702: what does it do instead username123115#4960: nice PeckServers.com#8342: It tastes basically the same but doesnt eat your teeth away username123115#4960: does it taste good username123115#4960: huh username123115#4960: oh PeckServers.com#8342: Normal sprite with no sugar username123115#4960: is it like diet sprite username123115#4960: whats sprite zero PeckServers.com#8342: Like apple II text on an old monochrome black/green crt PeckServers.com#8342: This sprite zero looks sick PeckServers.com#8342: Thisis u PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> PeckServers.com#8342: Fuck man PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/sylqJ0NEVJw xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Haha PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah and then those red slicey lasers will show up everywhere xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Soon ill be doing this xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/matrix-neo-gif-22464481 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yeah PeckServers.com#8342: It must be that experimental Python version they used this round of the matrix xXthat1redheadXx#9990: So Idk why its changed this year xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yup xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Indeed xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏<:hehe:856378380332433408> ❤️‍🔥 PeckServers.com#8342: Have you lived in St George your whole life? PeckServers.com#8342: Yer slowly dying PeckServers.com#8342: Oooh gottem PeckServers.com#8342: Some might say that's because you're hot xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idk what's happening to me man xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and then as a family we set some stuff out and I was fine in a short-sleeved shirt and pant while it was 50 outside xXthat1redheadXx#9990: like usually I get super cold but I went outside this morning and told her it was colder in the car than outside cause it was and so I asked out of curiosity what is was and she said it was 41 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: for some reason I'm not getting cold :/ PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: isn't that truman lisx#1702: wow lisx#1702: that looks like if jesus and ryan renolds plus some other guy were crossed together lisx#1702: christmas music make me feel whole inside lisx#1702: do you guys not sleep burarahurricane#6369: i want to go home PeckServers.com#8342: oni vas burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: That one is Little valley elementary Maulie#8927: What school is that? PeckServers.com#8342: Effin eff its cold out here :( PeckServers.com#8342: Good MoRnInG CG!!!!! SpencerLS#2849: Maybe cuz it's 12:42 SpencerLS#2849: Finished my homework and I'm even more confused than before EJCaldwell#2924: Gn PeckServers.com#8342: Gn everybody PeckServers.com#8342: The heaviest box is *ur box* 😏 burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: Like that pick up line be fire ASF PeckServers.com#8342: God damn PeckServers.com#8342: Thats... Just hot burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/LAcYOwpSIpcAAAAM/yugioh-no-u.gif burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: Sorry "mms" PeckServers.com#8342: With sms you should be able to PeckServers.com#8342: Really? burarahurricane#6369: bc not everyone has an iphone once the gc is made we cant add more people without making a whole new thkynymagpbkebrr PeckServers.com#8342: If you insist PeckServers.com#8342: 😳 burarahurricane#6369: 😯 EJCaldwell#2924: just not disney EJCaldwell#2924: im down burarahurricane#6369: need mroe people PeckServers.com#8342: Oh burarahurricane#6369: no PeckServers.com#8342: Is the gc made? burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: Yeh PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah who stole your autocorrect alysse? EJCaldwell#2924: but can somebody say something in the GC so i can rename people Mocha#3331: you would be a different peson with autocorrect burarahurricane#6369: RYAN GOSLING burarahurricane#6369: rusn godlingn burarahurricane#6369: @an Mocha#3331: bruh 💀 PeckServers.com#8342: Cum burarahurricane#6369: rha n burarahurricane#6369: ryanngodsling burarahurricane#6369: ry in fofolsyng Mocha#3331: TYSM EJCaldwell#2924: you can't go negative burarahurricane#6369: ruan gosrlung EJCaldwell#2924: cody PeckServers.com#8342: I'm losing brain cells 😔😔 Mocha#3331: PLEASE EJCaldwell#2924: can you say somehting in the CG so i can rename everybody Mocha#3331: I NEED TO KNOW HIS NAME burarahurricane#6369: tesrs in my eyes plakne dfitnes burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: Hey GURL PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> be parta tha gc!!! Mocha#3331: My guy gonna make me act up 💏 😻 🫶 burarahurricane#6369: hey girl burarahurricane#6369: Mocha#3331: WHO IS THIS 😭 LMFAOOOO burarahurricane#6369: uraqt burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: What the Mocha#3331: LMAOOO burarahurricane#6369: shhhzhh PeckServers.com#8342: We'll be in the same GC 🤦 burarahurricane#6369: EJCaldwell#2924: you want them hot milf's? Mocha#3331: Hopefully another Jessica wants to know my location 🥵 EJCaldwell#2924: so fun EJCaldwell#2924: ikr Mocha#3331: I can't wait to get more scam medsages burarahurricane#6369: ok EJCaldwell#2924: i don't want cody having it EJCaldwell#2924: i will DM you EJCaldwell#2924: give me a min burarahurricane#6369: aweosme 😎 PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah they're going to rat us out for all the crimes we've committed burarahurricane#6369: coupe cgat EJCaldwell#2924: im down EJCaldwell#2924: okay, burarahurricane#6369: to sell thme to the pilixe PeckServers.com#8342: Its a grand scheme EJCaldwell#2924: why do you want our numbers? PeckServers.com#8342: Preposterous! burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: diabolicsl PeckServers.com#8342: Raunchy burarahurricane#6369: vile even……… burarahurricane#6369: twisted) burarahurricane#6369: sick Mocha#3331: I'll dm you my number Mocha#3331: Ok then yeah sure I'm down PeckServers.com#8342: Lisa knows my number burarahurricane#6369: yues burarahurricane#6369: yues Mocha#3331: Oh shi fr PeckServers.com#8342: So basically just a gc PeckServers.com#8342: Sadness burarahurricane#6369: udont need an ipjone… Mocha#3331: But phone expensive 😔 Mocha#3331: I'm saving up for iphone because me want PeckServers.com#8342: Working phone= okay PeckServers.com#8342: Phon = work Mocha#3331: Frfr PeckServers.com#8342: Besties Mocha#3331: I have phone 📱 PeckServers.com#8342: ❣️ Mocha#3331: have phone PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeah walter said he was gonna make a super secure chat Mocha#3331: Me no have iphone PeckServers.com#8342: Ill stick with my Google messages and RCS.. the open standard PeckServers.com#8342: Thats a you guys thing burarahurricane#6369: lisa patented 👍 burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: so that we can make a cg imessage gc :D burarahurricane#6369: heyyyDoes anyone want to send theur phone numbers in discord where tjey can harvesr ur user data and sell it to the police if needed PeckServers.com#8342: L SpencerLS#2849: I accidentally solved a problem with the bounds from a different problem so I had to do it again 😰 PeckServers.com#8342: Now im hungie:(((( PeckServers.com#8342: LUCKYYYY lisx#1702: which is sad lisx#1702: we didn't have ketchup tho lisx#1702: i had those today lisx#1702: omg EJCaldwell#2924: Dino nuggies be hitting different at 10 pm lisx#1702: I even feel less depressed now lisx#1702: CHRISTMAS IS MY FAVORITE HOLIDAY PeckServers.com#8342: LOL SpencerLS#2849: The answer was freaking 0 lisx#1702: anytime lisx#1702: np SpencerLS#2849: Thanks PeckServers.com#8342: #felt that lisx#1702: me rn https://open.spotify.com/track/44mYhOVgerj2qPjkGDVA6n?si=5accafc1ac28432e 😄 lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/7vQbuQcyTflfCIOu3Uzzya?si=2df2d5773e044688 lisx#1702: I know what you need SpencerLS#2849: I can do it but I have no motivation SpencerLS#2849: Just a triple integral lisx#1702: what's the question SpencerLS#2849: I wrote down the question so far PeckServers.com#8342: Oof SpencerLS#2849: I'm still trying to start question 1 on my first homework assignment PeckServers.com#8342: Jk lol PeckServers.com#8342: Understandable have a nice day SpencerLS#2849: Math PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/OrYokHfK4CAAAAAM/movie-one-eternity-later.gif PeckServers.com#8342: Far far away lisx#1702: how PeckServers.com#8342: In some distant galaxy PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/Y-T_vbYQAlkAAAAM/i-really-dont-like-this-process-ignace-aleya.gif SpencerLS#2849: Somehow lisx#1702: omg that reminds me of george lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bart-simpson-the-simpsons-at-least-you-tried-fail-failure-gif-7859548 PeckServers.com#8342: Thats me lisx#1702: how does that work PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/WTXhTcgVTYoAAAAM/squidward-weekend.gif SpencerLS#2849: Like 2.5 dimensional lisx#1702: what does that mean SpencerLS#2849: Now, comprehending fractional dimensions is another thing PeckServers.com#8342: Lmaoo SpencerLS#2849: Both lisx#1702: both? PeckServers.com#8342: Dementia or you learned it? SpencerLS#2849: I already did PeckServers.com#8342: *shitty pun* PeckServers.com#8342: I might get dementia trying to learn this SpencerLS#2849: The other data points can be *represented* as dimensions PeckServers.com#8342: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah that sounds dum PeckServers.com#8342: Oh SpencerLS#2849: But not really SpencerLS#2849: Kind of PeckServers.com#8342: Oh i see, so dimensions are just data points so x,y,z density viscosity temperature etc lisx#1702: another dimension lisx#1702: so it's just like SpencerLS#2849: Yeah it's impossible SpencerLS#2849: And the volume of the 4d object would be the total mass SpencerLS#2849: But, a small brain example would just be a 3d object with a density function applied at every point SpencerLS#2849: Technically you can have a shape with as many dimensions as you want SpencerLS#2849: The 4th dimension PeckServers.com#8342: I feel stupid asking but its like really hard to comprehend a 4th dimension lisx#1702: time? lisx#1702: whats the other dimension SpencerLS#2849: Well yeah PeckServers.com#8342: Shapes can have 4 dimensions? SpencerLS#2849: Jk I know why but still SpencerLS#2849: Why do I have to find volume of a 4 dimensional shape PeckServers.com#8342: Agreed SpencerLS#2849: Math is dumb lisx#1702: some things are better left unsaid \:) PeckServers.com#8342: Nevermind PeckServers.com#8342: Does that mean that walters a... PeckServers.com#8342: Oof, thats a saying that walter uses a lot lisx#1702: sounds like what a prostitute would say lisx#1702: not bad actually PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/YIUbUoKi8ZcAAAAM/sesame-street-kermit-the-frog.gif WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/7DkU4AK9MFzKOJmmeLE4fc?si=68d3df35603a454a WalterJS#2477: lol PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/9yn1l4ukGW8AAAAM/cat-vibe.gif PeckServers.com#8342: I wish I had that in school PeckServers.com#8342: Yoo thats fuckin sick!! WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/4v29ovfpK0lI9Zqs5ijt2O?si=c22e4dd844a94034 WalterJS#2477: it actually makes it way faster to use noredink WalterJS#2477: thanks lisx#1702: haha nice WalterJS#2477: but grammarly is actually kinda dumb so it gets it wrong sometimes WalterJS#2477: it uses the grammarly api WalterJS#2477: I finally made a NoRedInk hack! WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: Upbeat motivational playlist for anyone who needs that PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1E8P7BURFLYBI3?si=BoKLy7p2RAKxTJVTuLJN6w&utm_source=copy-link PeckServers.com#8342: Ill be your pocket cody 😩 Mocha#3331: Need me a pocket cody PeckServers.com#8342: Thats like the hoe-be-gone that i naturally generate SpencerLS#2849: Yep PeckServers.com#8342: Hoe eraser? SpencerLS#2849: Gotta start carrying this stuff around PeckServers.com#8342: 69 views - *nice* PeckServers.com#8342: Pretty legit PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/0xZCWNEqksviuLKZawYMki?si=JFI0HrG9QsCcmiljoQ2IBA&utm_source=copy-link PeckServers.com#8342: definately would recommend over previous decks EJCaldwell#2924: i need it PeckServers.com#8342: it was intense PeckServers.com#8342: SO CLOSE PeckServers.com#8342: I almost won the game :((((( PeckServers.com#8342: AAHHHHH PeckServers.com#8342: There are so many good cards!!! PeckServers.com#8342: !!! PeckServers.com#8342: Bro!! The new apples to apples deck was built by one of us!!!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeaa we just approach them nice and theyll go for it!! lisx#1702: can always count on daniel to be optimistically realistic lisx#1702: oh yeah username123115#4960: we just gotta convince them to completely change their business model PeckServers.com#8342: My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined PeckServers.com#8342: Fuck lisx#1702: it's already a thing PeckServers.com#8342: We should follow through on discords skip up and make a platform called bonfire PeckServers.com#8342: bruh PeckServers.com#8342: the first 2 messages man WalterJS#2477: ???? PeckServers.com#8342: im losing my mind PeckServers.com#8342: BINGO!! PeckServers.com#8342: its such a cool site even tho its so simple PeckServers.com#8342: https://donutoperatorbingo.com/ PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> you should make something like this site for cg!!!! PeckServers.com#8342: That would be sick EJCaldwell#2924: its a really good price PeckServers.com#8342: Im probably gonna get one too for a remote gaming server EJCaldwell#2924: the 3070 is like the perfect bang for your buck PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeah fs looking into it the 3080 ti is only 50% better but costs like 2.5x so i horrible bang for buck EJCaldwell#2924: the normal 3080 is cheaper and not much better EJCaldwell#2924: 3070 it is then EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: so i have been waiting for a better pc so i get a good gaming experience PeckServers.com#8342: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: oof EJCaldwell#2924: and on my laptop i get 10 FPS for it PeckServers.com#8342: oh nice EJCaldwell#2924: so that will be the test games EJCaldwell#2924: i have Doom and Doom eternal EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: do you play much games? PeckServers.com#8342: yeah that would be an incredible gaming rig EJCaldwell#2924: i will look then PeckServers.com#8342: naw its titanium edition which is a little more beefy EJCaldwell#2924: i thought the TI were for laptops PeckServers.com#8342: I havent looked PeckServers.com#8342: at that point is the 3080 ti much more? EJCaldwell#2924: i will test it first EJCaldwell#2924: but idk yet EJCaldwell#2924: i might upgrade it to a 3070 PeckServers.com#8342: thats pretty lit actgually EJCaldwell#2924: yea PeckServers.com#8342: rtx 3060 right? PeckServers.com#8342: oh thats sick! EJCaldwell#2924: so i only have to pay 800 for that beast of a computer EJCaldwell#2924: so he is giving me 300$ to hlep me EJCaldwell#2924: and my dad helped buy my older sisters a laptop each PeckServers.com#8342: yeh EJCaldwell#2924: so i am gonna get that desktop computer okay PeckServers.com#8342: oh? PeckServers.com#8342: hopefully it has a MUX chip too so that the gpu can be turned off when not inuse EJCaldwell#2924: I JUST REMEMBERD SOMETHING EJCaldwell#2924: it better be good PeckServers.com#8342: I wonder how big the battery is EJCaldwell#2924: but its a laptop PeckServers.com#8342: a very espensive one too EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: almost as strong as the desktop EJCaldwell#2924: there is a strong laptop as well username123115#4960: i love mozzarella sticks username123115#4960: holy crap thats a steal PeckServers.com#8342: same with laptops PeckServers.com#8342: that would be cool PeckServers.com#8342: whether they are prebuilt or parts for building one PeckServers.com#8342: I wonder if this year will have some good black friday deals of pcs EJCaldwell#2924: Lookat the top EJCaldwell#2924: WalterJS#2477: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Ideadaddy 🤔 PeckServers.com#8342: Sorry PeckServers.com#8342: Thinkdaddy 🤔 PeckServers.com#8342: To be fair it would be an upgrade to optidaddy WalterJS#2477: Maybe in a week or two I can buy it WalterJS#2477: How long is it available cuz I want to buy that gaming pc but I don’t have the money rn WalterJS#2477: Pretty much the same WalterJS#2477: It’s a Garbo pc WalterJS#2477: that’s the point WalterJS#2477: It was a joke bruh 💀 PeckServers.com#8342: So basically a grandma pc PeckServers.com#8342: Tbh its probably like an i5 12500 and no gpu PeckServers.com#8342: Seems like an ok deal but they dont say what cpu it has PeckServers.com#8342: Is that in magazine? PeckServers.com#8342: Waltrrrrrr WalterJS#2477: heheh WalterJS#2477: Damn that Lenovo think centre is a great deal WalterJS#2477: now THAT is determination WalterJS#2477: HAHAHAHAHAH EJCaldwell#2924: I know what I am getting EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: record 😎 lisx#1702: no literally how did i even do it last time lisx#1702: LEVEL 5 MAKES ME WANT TO KILL SOMEBODY... good thing it comes with a suicide option lisx#1702: WHY IS IT SO MUCH HARDER WHEN I KNOW HOW TO PLAY lisx#1702: only took me 10 minutes to figure out how to move too it was great lisx#1702: 🤩 lisx#1702: hi burarahurricane#6369: hHeyyy PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> whats the dixie meats stats? PeckServers.com#8342: 65535 - (reported temp) PeckServers.com#8342: So reading the temp just takes some math PeckServers.com#8342: Turns out that the reason it is happening is because the sensor gives a 16-bit integer, but its giving the temp in positive temperature, and chromeos is treating that 16-bit integer as if it's supposed to subtract the temp from 65535 (2^16) (1111111111111111) so really that temp was ~27 C Maulie#8927: If reactors got that hot I don't even know what we would do username123115#4960: darn i hate it when my cpu turns into a nuclear reactor EJCaldwell#2924: make liquid steak EJCaldwell#2924: you could melt one Maulie#8927: You could cook a steak with that PeckServers.com#8342: Its a nice little hand warmer... Er hand cooker PeckServers.com#8342: Idk man, somehow its 13x the surface of the sun tho Maulie#8927: Bro how does it not melt PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Looks like I need to re apply my thermal paste PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: maybe the third one contains some of the 0.000001% of fat that spencer has PeckServers.com#8342: thats my final guess PeckServers.com#8342: first one looks like cartilage, second and third ones look like tendon WalterJS#2477: I’m not seeing anything that you’re seeing in those images PeckServers.com#8342: Imma go out on a limb and say youll probably get it lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Nice PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh! SpencerLS#2849: I hope what I wrote is actually coherent SpencerLS#2849: I think SpencerLS#2849: *finally finished* lisx#1702: 😭 lisx#1702: the first one looks like shrimp, the second onelooks like fish,and the third one looks like cooked cabbage lisx#1702: omg that looks DISGUSTING PeckServers.com#8342: Found them PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/owZRvScrPosAAAAM/confused-sunny-megatron.gif WalterJS#2477: None of those make sense where’s the doctors notes haha WalterJS#2477: Well what even is it a picture of WalterJS#2477: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: You uave a dirty mind too huh? WalterJS#2477: That first pic 😳 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Hey that’s what Phoenix is doing PeckServers.com#8342: You got this https://media.tenor.com/GszkURBWpMcAAAAM/you-got.gif SpencerLS#2849: But thanks SpencerLS#2849: Due tomorrow 💀 PeckServers.com#8342: Good luck!!! SpencerLS#2849: Anyway, back to my sterling scholar applications 💀 PeckServers.com#8342: Lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: That was good I have to admit PeckServers.com#8342: Hehehe xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/pain-painful-rip-gif-19017159 PeckServers.com#8342: Thats totally metal bro xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Sick you *are* a cyborg xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yooo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: That also sounds very uncomfy SpencerLS#2849: Yup titanium PeckServers.com#8342: Oih you have metal? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Valid SpencerLS#2849: At least I can say I'm a cyborg PeckServers.com#8342: I bet that hurt so bad PeckServers.com#8342: No spencer PeckServers.com#8342: 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 SpencerLS#2849: I was getting dressed today and I accidentally bent my knee like 25 degrees and I felt popping and stuff and it hurt PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao SpencerLS#2849: No 🥲 PeckServers.com#8342: Thatd be sick PeckServers.com#8342: Did it at least come complimentary with that office chair for support? PeckServers.com#8342: Oh SpencerLS#2849: Idk probably until sometime next week SpencerLS#2849: PeckServers.com#8342: Oof, how long you gotta keep it that way? SpencerLS#2849: I can't bend it so I have a brace that keeps my leg straight PeckServers.com#8342: It looks painful whatever it is PeckServers.com#8342: Idek what that is but it looks like different parts of the tendon PeckServers.com#8342: These are so sick!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Do they let you move it? PeckServers.com#8342: OOF! SpencerLS#2849: Also I think the fentanyl wore off 😐 my knee actually hurts now SpencerLS#2849: Like what's this stuff SpencerLS#2849: They only gave me the pictures from the scope so idk what I'm even looking at PeckServers.com#8342: Oh speaking of that gif <@413134448654155776> did you get any pictures of your knee? PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/fSx-TiN-g_IAAAAM/myeheheh-mmm-yes.gif PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh i bet tomorrow morning itll be 1.2k WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> whats the stats for dixie meats? PeckServers.com#8342: WaltER PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/7-I2j0upLcs PeckServers.com#8342: *crowd roars* PeckServers.com#8342: Im GoNnA CoMe PeckServers.com#8342: *dont come* PeckServers.com#8342: Dont come lisx#1702: why did he add the 20 lisx#1702: i'm lisx#1702: that's right lisx#1702: yeah it's right lisx#1702: no it actually doesn't make sense WalterJS#2477: Lmao the comments WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: https://youtube.com/shorts/-05rRCouA-s?feature=share lisx#1702: but why did he add 20 lisx#1702: no that does make sense lisx#1702: except now my brain is broken so idk if that makes sense or not lisx#1702: like 3*90=270 and 270 subtract the 20 that the clerk had and that's 250 lisx#1702: okay so the first time i watched it I thought he was going to subtract there instead of adding lisx#1702: aaaaaaaaaa lisx#1702: wiat hold up lisx#1702: the 50 doesn't have anything to do with the 300 tho lisx#1702: what did he do lisx#1702: yeah but WalterJS#2477: That’s because it has no logic lisx#1702: im still confuseddd WalterJS#2477: Yeah that’s the dumbest YouTube short ever lisx#1702: that doesn't make sense lisx#1702: why didnt he give 50 back to them lisx#1702: why did the clerk pocket 20 lisx#1702: wait but lisx#1702: i'm so dumb lisx#1702: aaaaaaaa lisx#1702: 300 lisx#1702: it was the lisx#1702: OH lisx#1702: why did he split 250 to 20 and 30 lisx#1702: no actually I'm so confused lisx#1702: he lost me at $20 PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah i saw that comment too 😂😂😂 WalterJS#2477: They should have just done the scoreboard chant PeckServers.com#8342: Too bad they didnt WalterJS#2477: No that makes perfect sense, the $10 went to the IRS lisx#1702: but if they swore in their chant maybe we could've won from the penalty 🤩 lisx#1702: and also the other side didn't really say anything PeckServers.com#8342: Thats how they do it at sc too im just stupid PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeaaaa lisx#1702: YOU CAN'T DO THAT *CLAP CLAP CLAP-CLAP-CLAP* lisx#1702: it was actually like lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: I see where they were going with that but the presenter explained it entirely wrong lmao EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/lSqGcvqeV8U?feature=share EJCaldwell#2924: My brain hurts doing this and I don’t know why PeckServers.com#8342: Thats... Funny asf PeckServers.com#8342: Oh 😳 WalterJS#2477: We do it all the time at sc PeckServers.com#8342: That would be funny to hear that chant PeckServers.com#8342: YES *CLAP* WE *CLAP* FU *CLAP* CKING *CLAP* CAN PeckServers.com#8342: YOU *CLAP* CAN'T *CLAP* DO *CLAP* THAT *CLAP* lisx#1702: and whenever the other team does something like shove one of our players the entire stand would start chanting YOU CAN't DO THAT lisx#1702: it was kinda funny lisx#1702: those soccer girls were like vicious lisx#1702: that sounds right honestly SpencerLS#2849: Sometimes you kick the ball out of bounds on purpose in soccer lisx#1702: it still sucked PeckServers.com#8342: Lucky lisx#1702: half a day PeckServers.com#8342: Hey at least it was a day off of school though PeckServers.com#8342: Weird lisx#1702: the other school kicked the ball into the bleachers like ten times too lisx#1702: i guess it's hard to run around so much and still be able to kick right PeckServers.com#8342: Sounds like a school team lisx#1702: and none of them were good PeckServers.com#8342: Pretty sure it is hard too lisx#1702: soccer looks really hard PeckServers.com#8342: Losers WalterJS#2477: NERDS lisx#1702: and they lost 💀 WalterJS#2477: Better than being in school all day if you ask me WalterJS#2477: That sounds cool PeckServers.com#8342: Was it atleast an interesting game? lisx#1702: but it was very boring lisx#1702: so i guess that part was good lisx#1702: instead of going to class lisx#1702: had to ride the bus to a soccer game PeckServers.com#8342: TBH that sounds boring AF lisx#1702: literally the entire school PeckServers.com#8342: Oh i see lisx#1702: I don't even know WalterJS#2477: Why???? PeckServers.com#8342: Y tho WalterJS#2477: Do it then PeckServers.com#8342: Youre just scared of knowing that ill beat u even with the insider knowledge lisx#1702: a SOCCER game lisx#1702: we were at a soccer game for half the day today WalterJS#2477: Your just sad cuz you can’t beat it WalterJS#2477: Oof Mocha#3331: Sorry that was mean Mocha#3331: I hate you Maulie#8927: School isn't that bad Maulie#8927: ?? Mocha#3331: I HATE SCHOOL SMSM lisx#1702: SCHOOL SUCKS OMG PeckServers.com#8342: <:sus:783176301502267423> PeckServers.com#8342: Technically we can't count your score as winning because you built it and therefore have insider knowledge PeckServers.com#8342: Oh hey thats sick WalterJS#2477: even faster WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: https://www.walterjs.dev/projects WalterJS#2477: try and beat it WalterJS#2477: 46 seconds WalterJS#2477: new fastest time WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: https://walterjs.dev/projects WalterJS#2477: Here’s the current version WalterJS#2477: I call it “additive velocity” WalterJS#2477: Everyone get prepared, I’m releasing a speedrunning update to incidence later today, and it includes entirely new movement mechanics WalterJS#2477: That’s sick asf PeckServers.com#8342: I feel bad that we discovered at like 7:00pm yesterday EJCaldwell#2924: This looks beautiful EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/watch?v=AZHBl5yWqJk&feature=share Mocha#3331: Oh my gosh I'll give you a virtual birthday hug 🤗🫂 PeckServers.com#8342: <@749747503947055136> https://youtu.be/ajlkhFnz8eo lisx#1702: 😂 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Poor lisa xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Mhm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LISA xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🙀🙀🙀 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: !!! lisx#1702: thanks SpencerLS#2849: Also happy late birthday lisa!!! Idk anyone's birthdays 🤦‍♂️ SpencerLS#2849: And it's weird because I could taste / smell it SpencerLS#2849: It didn't affect me much I was mostly just super light headed SpencerLS#2849: Yeah being on drugs is weird PeckServers.com#8342: Tbh imo its fire WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/40i0IC6nDOHGM3oLIfQhIx?si=l8vpBI-ATx2bk74LfT9-4g&context=spotify%3Asearch%3Aswirch%2Blan WalterJS#2477: Fire song if you ask me WalterJS#2477: Watch me switch lanes, switch lanes, switch lanes N\*\*\*\*\*s change, but Im gon remain the same Running checks like Usain, Usain, Usain laint worried bout a thing, shorty watch me Switch Lanes See me flexed up, took off for the top I swear the n\*\*\*\*\* messed up Only speaking money, told him get his checks up Thought that s\*\*\* was funny, Tell me where the laughter lisx#1702: What PeckServers.com#8342: God its so cringe 😂😂😂 PeckServers.com#8342: Youre switching lanes again PeckServers.com#8342: Walter stop switching lanes WalterJS#2477: Lmao WalterJS#2477: Oh god not this again PeckServers.com#8342: Jk lol PeckServers.com#8342: Lisa why are you switching lanes? lisx#1702: idk EJCaldwell#2924: why did you not say anything EJCaldwell#2924: wait it was lisx#1702: haha it's okay lisx#1702: lmao WalterJS#2477: same PeckServers.com#8342: I deserve this dunce cap PeckServers.com#8342: Fuck me now I feel like a stupid head WalterJS#2477: Yea I checked the <#819820233287139339> channel PeckServers.com#8342: We need to throw you a virtual birthday party PeckServers.com#8342: Why didn't you say anything? PeckServers.com#8342: Happy birthday Lisa! PeckServers.com#8342: Is it really her birthday? WalterJS#2477: GUYS I JUST REALIZED WE MISSED LISAS BIRTHDAY OR MAHBE IT WAS JUST ME IDK BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY <@726265256082407504> I AM SORRY I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS ON MONDAY WalterJS#2477: Weird WalterJS#2477: Upon further research it’s actually quiet common WalterJS#2477: actually wait WalterJS#2477: I bet it was probably just like oxys or something WalterJS#2477: Did they actually? WalterJS#2477: No shot lisx#1702: what a chad SpencerLS#2849: *fentanyl PeckServers.com#8342: lol PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/myeheheh-mmm-yes-heheheh-wohoho-wohohoh-gif-16531073 SpencerLS#2849: I'll be getting pictures of it soon PeckServers.com#8342: oh nice SpencerLS#2849: Yeah and jumping SpencerLS#2849: They had to scrape out the bad stuff and anchor it to my bone PeckServers.com#8342: oh isnt that one of the ones for running or something? SpencerLS#2849: They said I definitely needed it which is good PeckServers.com#8342: ouch lmao SpencerLS#2849: In my knee SpencerLS#2849: Patellar tendon repair PeckServers.com#8342: what surgery was it? PeckServers.com#8342: dang SpencerLS#2849: And anesthesia PeckServers.com#8342: thats scary PeckServers.com#8342: oh the pain killers? SpencerLS#2849: Idk which ones, just the normal ones for surgery PeckServers.com#8342: ok, yeah those will do that SpencerLS#2849: Apparently I heard they gave me some Fentynol PeckServers.com#8342: which ones? SpencerLS#2849: But they didn't affect me too much, I'm just light headed SpencerLS#2849: Being on drugs is weird PeckServers.com#8342: i cant believe he said that lol PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/7-I2j0upLcs?feature=share EJCaldwell#2924: that sucks SpencerLS#2849: No PeckServers.com#8342: Meh call me Carson's was funnier EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/yB4vYQ1oSco?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: And has that many criminal charges PeckServers.com#8342: This kid is 14 PeckServers.com#8342: Literally what the frick PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxuNYhPJu6POd25lJoY_yKZfG5Pa9mG5Sd lisx#1702: were you allowed to use a calculator? PeckServers.com#8342: http://pn/ PeckServers.com#8342: http://ai/ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🙀 burarahurricane#6369: EJCaldwell#2924: Check out what happened in #Quiplash3 jackboxgames.com https://games.jackbox.tv/artifact/quiplash3Game/1cbf6d0526e2183d71232de9c2844ae5/?_gl=1*k8ial8*_ga*MTM1MTE4NzYxMy4xNjY2MTQzNzU1*_ga_V1QJVQMYF1*MTY2NjE0Mzc1NS4xLjEuMTY2NjE0Njk1Mi4wLjAuMA.. SpencerLS#2849: It was this problem SpencerLS#2849: You know when x y and z turn out to be cube roots of fractions there is a good chance you did something wrong... PeckServers.com#8342: Oof SpencerLS#2849: 8 problems SpencerLS#2849: That absolutely sucked SpencerLS#2849: At least I got my handy notecard 🙏 EJCaldwell#2924: gl SpencerLS#2849: I'm actually scared SpencerLS#2849: Time to go take my math test 💀💀 EJCaldwell#2924: i tried for a while to do it lisx#1702: we totally should lisx#1702: i don't remember drarwing that 😭 burarahurricane#6369: 2 hoururs to go PeckServers.com#8342: Its a real thing PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah Mocha#3331: Ain't it strange as soon as I entered school I wanted to kms (keep myself safe) Mocha#3331: Real PeckServers.com#8342: HOME GO THEN THEN GO HOME burarahurricane#6369: WANT GO HOME HOME GO WANT 😕 PeckServers.com#8342: must watch PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrVSj0WwtMM PeckServers.com#8342: kms myself PeckServers.com#8342: im out of school at 1 and then I am going to my other college school :( till 5 EJCaldwell#2924: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: same, it sucks that we are all in school EJCaldwell#2924: i wish we could play right now PeckServers.com#8342: ha! loser PeckServers.com#8342: that would be litty Mocha#3331: SCHOOOOL EJCaldwell#2924: we can play again sometime PeckServers.com#8342: Those were the days PeckServers.com#8342: Lolll burarahurricane#6369: good times mann PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/WtO3AHMBePY PeckServers.com#8342: oh? shes gonna fight us for it 😏 lisx#1702: you can try 😼 EJCaldwell#2924: Can i also have a single lung PeckServers.com#8342: and can I cut your liver in half and sell one half? EJCaldwell#2924: Lisa, can i sell your kidneys? PeckServers.com#8342: it actually gives you another 69 years lisx#1702: Does it give you 20 extra years if u take ten times as much lisx#1702: Scary EJCaldwell#2924: TRUE PeckServers.com#8342: OOH we could totally remove one of eachothers kidneys and sell them for multiple thousands of dollars EJCaldwell#2924: even how to do surgery EJCaldwell#2924: there is a wikihow for everything EJCaldwell#2924: who else would i go for m8 EJCaldwell#2924: you would be my target PeckServers.com#8342: you should do it EJCaldwell#2924: there are so many wikihows on how to make EMP's EJCaldwell#2924: https://www.wikihow.com/Build-an-EMP-Generator EJCaldwell#2924: anybody can make a EMP with wikihow EJCaldwell#2924: our PeckServers.com#8342: that leaves the fate of the universe in your hands PeckServers.com#8342: hEhE 😏 EJCaldwell#2924: I know what i gotta do then PeckServers.com#8342: we have things for power outages PeckServers.com#8342: emp would be bad EJCaldwell#2924: or a EMP EJCaldwell#2924: what about a power out EJCaldwell#2924: hehe PeckServers.com#8342: which would mean that I hold the power of the universe when I unplug peckservers PeckServers.com#8342: his sites would break and the world would to into chaos EJCaldwell#2924: XD PeckServers.com#8342: yes EJCaldwell#2924: ;c EJCaldwell#2924: i can't listen to it right now PeckServers.com#8342: This is my notification sound EJCaldwell#2924: do you think walter would end the enture universe? PeckServers.com#8342: the death of the universe is in the hands of the force factor alpha king supreme v2 select series PeckServers.com#8342: imagine forgetting your morning pills and jsut vaporizing SpencerLS#2849: vHeat death of the universe PeckServers.com#8342: true true EJCaldwell#2924: then i become dust EJCaldwell#2924: i can turn it off if i want PeckServers.com#8342: thats a long time to live EJCaldwell#2924: i need v69420 PeckServers.com#8342: then become an alpha king PeckServers.com#8342: then v69 EJCaldwell#2924: got it SpencerLS#2849: Then take v3 for 3 years EJCaldwell#2924: 3* EJCaldwell#2924: i need atleast 2 EJCaldwell#2924: i want more than just 2 years SpencerLS#2849: Just take Walter's force factor alpha king supreme v2 select series, it gives you 2 extra years of life PeckServers.com#8342: LOL EJCaldwell#2924: jk EJCaldwell#2924: i wish PeckServers.com#8342: imagine if when you graduated school you just immediately died PeckServers.com#8342: im on my death bed <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> PeckServers.com#8342: yer dun bud EJCaldwell#2924: you're old EJCaldwell#2924: you are done m8 PeckServers.com#8342: err. wait PeckServers.com#8342: me too EJCaldwell#2924: i can't wait for school to be over for good PeckServers.com#8342: 🤔 PeckServers.com#8342: just think, one day itll all be over SpencerLS#2849: Well I have class in 20 minutes PeckServers.com#8342: imaging having to be in school right now EJCaldwell#2924: i am in school rn PeckServers.com#8342: <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> SpencerLS#2849: I have school rn 😢 PeckServers.com#8342: yeah its insane EJCaldwell#2924: im 15 and i feel like thats too long PeckServers.com#8342: ikr EJCaldwell#2924: that would suck PeckServers.com#8342: hey specnjer PeckServers.com#8342: and we all live for like a thousand years PeckServers.com#8342: what if someone comes up with a death-B-gone PeckServers.com#8342: hey just think thats an A, and ill be a 4.0 student when I finally die EJCaldwell#2924: we will never know EJCaldwell#2924: you could be 99/100 done with life PeckServers.com#8342: <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> PeckServers.com#8342: and im dying PeckServers.com#8342: im 1/4 the way through my life PeckServers.com#8342: life is scary PeckServers.com#8342: its scary PeckServers.com#8342: maybe PeckServers.com#8342: and all the youngins will make fun of me EJCaldwell#2924: what about a daddy EJCaldwell#2924: thats older than old PeckServers.com#8342: in 40 years ill be a mummy PeckServers.com#8342: im ancient PeckServers.com#8342: because then i become senile EJCaldwell#2924: you are already old EJCaldwell#2924: too bad PeckServers.com#8342: I dont want to get old EJCaldwell#2924: also tru PeckServers.com#8342: it also means that you might have to stay 6 feet under for infinity PeckServers.com#8342: true PeckServers.com#8342: lol EJCaldwell#2924: but that means i could also stay way later EJCaldwell#2924: you're not wrong EJCaldwell#2924: i mean PeckServers.com#8342: youll get to go home early PeckServers.com#8342: if theres a school shooting PeckServers.com#8342: I mean just think PeckServers.com#8342: felt that EJCaldwell#2924: school EJCaldwell#2924: in EJCaldwell#2924: be EJCaldwell#2924: to EJCaldwell#2924: want EJCaldwell#2924: dont EJCaldwell#2924: i EJCaldwell#2924: now EJCaldwell#2924: about EJCaldwell#2924: right EJCaldwell#2924: home EJCaldwell#2924: go EJCaldwell#2924: to EJCaldwell#2924: want EJCaldwell#2924: I PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/m4hxsSHKjN4 username123115#4960: thank you for informing me about such dangers username123115#4960: oh wow! PeckServers.com#8342: you can find all of the information about this at flatearth.co.uk.zk.tv PeckServers.com#8342: havent they told you? PeckServers.com#8342: its dangerous to stay safe username123115#4960: whats wrong with people keeping themselves safe smh EJCaldwell#2924: i just don't like people talking like that EJCaldwell#2924: ik Mocha#3331: they're gonna keep themselves safe 🥰 EJCaldwell#2924: don't talk like that lisx#1702: same PeckServers.com#8342: I might just kms burarahurricane#6369: imagine PeckServers.com#8342: All administration goes in tmmro PeckServers.com#8342: Lucky whores EJCaldwell#2924: thats what i am doing right now lisx#1702: that I probably have to fit into 2 hours lisx#1702: but I have like 4 hours of homework 🤩 lisx#1702: i dont have school tomorrow either EJCaldwell#2924: daniel does as well Mocha#3331: rip bozo Mocha#3331: L EJCaldwell#2924: i do :c Mocha#3331: YESSSS burarahurricane#6369: no Mocha#3331: I'm pretty sure we don't but i just wanna make sure Mocha#3331: ? Mocha#3331: do we have school tmmr EJCaldwell#2924: anybody else do work to game soundtracks PeckServers.com#8342: Now i wont see him for 2 years lol PeckServers.com#8342: Twas good PeckServers.com#8342: Buddy did his fairwell talk tho PeckServers.com#8342: Church is freaking weird champ boiis EJCaldwell#2924: He got destroyed EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/vTA40O2Ix5Q?feature=share burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/ok-all-nice-gif-22927671 burarahurricane#6369: weed username123115#4960: weed time EJCaldwell#2924: It went out of bounds tho so people could not drive over it at least EJCaldwell#2924: And my phone fell out of my pocket EJCaldwell#2924: Driving the go carts EJCaldwell#2924: I was at fiesta fun EJCaldwell#2924: So PeckServers.com#8342: I want to have clients get a lan ip over the vpn so we can have servers over it PeckServers.com#8342: Right now the server is doing network address translation (NAT) which means that instead of each client getting their own peckservers ip address, they are getting a vpn server ip address and the vpn server ip is where all of the traffic goes through WalterJS#2477: I dont understand what that means PeckServers.com#8342: We need to do this to the VPN server PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> https://superuser.com/questions/974327/disable-nat-in-openvpn PeckServers.com#8342: It was crazy PeckServers.com#8342: All in like 2 hours PeckServers.com#8342: We redid the entire network rack in there, and reorganized it, and plugged in about 300 individual ethernet connections PeckServers.com#8342: Theres a building in the middle of campus, it's where the convenience and bookstore are PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeah on campus PeckServers.com#8342: U? PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Ready to sleep PeckServers.com#8342: Hey WalterJS#2477: How is everyone doin WalterJS#2477: Sup nerds lisx#1702: I was close lisx#1702: Ah it was Robert wadlow lisx#1702: Today in math we learned about a guy called uhhh Robert Gilbert cawdor rawford walcart or something he was super tall and then he died lisx#1702: No I swear that’s like every month PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/720aDqm9aY0AAAAM/monsters-inc-sully.gif burarahurricane#6369: eheheheheh PeckServers.com#8342: And itll be a role reversal moment PeckServers.com#8342: And then you can throw us!!!!! burarahurricane#6369: one day i’ll geta long an dpainful height increasjng surgery and ill be six thrre and idk where i was going with this burarahurricane#6369: just tryou wait PeckServers.com#8342: I mean can you blame them tho burarahurricane#6369: and i was like 🧍 burarahurricane#6369: all the people at school werenlike agahahahgaa ur in dnagerr burarahurricane#6369: everyone eants to thro w me PeckServers.com#8342: Then a tumble PeckServers.com#8342: Just a lil shove EJCaldwell#2924: Who said it had to be hard/far PeckServers.com#8342: Naw we spare them EJCaldwell#2924: sorry EJCaldwell#2924: you know the rules burarahurricane#6369: 5'4" : ( EJCaldwell#2924: lol l PeckServers.com#8342: WOOO PeckServers.com#8342: Im down LESS DO IT EJCaldwell#2924: We just have to drive 6 hours EJCaldwell#2924: True PeckServers.com#8342: Shes short PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah we should eliminate lisa Maulie#8927: Wow EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: Dayum Maulie#8927: My dad is 6'7 PeckServers.com#8342: Giv it a hug PeckServers.com#8342: Rlly? Dang PeckServers.com#8342: 5'11 Maulie#8927: 6'2 EJCaldwell#2924: how tall is everybody EJCaldwell#2924: The cat stole my room EJCaldwell#2924: Does anybody have a room I can stay at PeckServers.com#8342: OMG *squishes cat with hugs*!!!!! SpencerLS#2849: New polyphia song SpencerLS#2849: https://open.spotify.com/track/0Qj7PB41b6XgkApKPwDy1r?si=LVKnE5IRTZ6V5DeZzxpiDA&utm_source=copy-link burarahurricane#6369: omg cutie EJCaldwell#2924: it wants to play minecraft EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: Cat stole it EJCaldwell#2924: I don’t have a room anymore EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: a bab.y…. burarahurricane#6369: WEed EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: CAT PeckServers.com#8342: The first one is walters PeckServers.com#8342: from 2013 PeckServers.com#8342: Minecraft of a chromebook running on a windows tablet :) PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: yeah thats extra early too PeckServers.com#8342: oof lmao EJCaldwell#2924: Why is it the one day we have off I wake up early PeckServers.com#8342: Tbh to be honest, your smarter at that than me PeckServers.com#8342: Idrk dont really know that many tho burarahurricane#6369: tfw face when u dont know abbreviations 😔 burarahurricane#6369: icb cant believe u dont know that many PeckServers.com#8342: Ive run out of abbreviations to butcher PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao burarahurricane#6369: fr real PeckServers.com#8342: Lol out loud, that tbh had me ROFL on the floor laughing PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao my ass off!!! Yaaas! EJCaldwell#2924: that sucks lisx#1702: but then I couldn't lisx#1702: that i was thinking of lisx#1702: THAT WAS THE ONE xXthat1redheadXx#9990: keep myself safe? EJCaldwell#2924: ikr right burarahurricane#6369: smh my head lisx#1702: kms myself.... EJCaldwell#2924: why PeckServers.com#8342: Gonna KMS myself EJCaldwell#2924: i just won a chess game with 4 secs left on the clock Mocha#3331: REAL PeckServers.com#8342: REAL!!! PeckServers.com#8342: YES! Mocha#3331: Real Mocha#3331: Oh wait I have work 💀 Mocha#3331: I will no longer be saying real for a week now that my mental capacity can regenerate 🤪 PeckServers.com#8342: and will to live PeckServers.com#8342: yeah it only took half of your life and mental capacity Mocha#3331: But now I get that funny lil number 🤩🤩 Mocha#3331: It only took half my mental stability and sleep 🤪 burarahurricane#6369: SLAY! Mocha#3331: Same here 4.0 gang Mocha#3331: YOOOOO GOATED burarahurricane#6369: now that rhe break is started* burarahurricane#6369: wait burarahurricane#6369: well now that break is over im done ee burarahurricane#6369: thank u burarahurricane#6369: i missed so much school for tennis idk how i did that lol PeckServers.com#8342: Good job!! PeckServers.com#8342: Thats insane PeckServers.com#8342: Holy christ EJCaldwell#2924: this is not true then burarahurricane#6369: NOPE 😎 (somehow) PeckServers.com#8342: Anybody fail?? PeckServers.com#8342: AYeah yeah woo woo!!! EJCaldwell#2924: and now i am at 800 EJCaldwell#2924: i started at like 600 EJCaldwell#2924: i have won like 5 games in a row EJCaldwell#2924: i KNOW i did not get close to a 4.0 burarahurricane#6369: Good Job 👍 burarahurricane#6369: i literally had terrible grades dor moee than half the quarter burarahurricane#6369: which is crazzy because burarahurricane#6369: and i think i acrually made it witha 4.0 EJCaldwell#2924: i learned i am really good at 3 min chess burarahurricane#6369: QUARTER OVER 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: EVRRYONE PLEASEEEE READ THIS https://matthewgoldman.com/the-story-of-rindercella/ Maulie#8927: Congratulations EJCaldwell#2924: i died Maulie#8927: First quarter is over? Everyone still alive? Mocha#3331: Real PeckServers.com#8342: Ishmael has rubbed off on you lmaoo lisx#1702: real!! PeckServers.com#8342: WITH poly-urea i must add PeckServers.com#8342: apparently we are a 16 year old boy presenting to the emergency room PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Thats what i thought too WalterJS#2477: cash does count WalterJS#2477: Idk what y’all are talking about but net worth is what you own, so all your assets (including liquid ones) minus what you owe EJCaldwell#2924: It’s still glowing EJCaldwell#2924: I forgot it glows EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/KkvmtpFxYHk lisx#1702: so close! 😄 PeckServers.com#8342: So you should feel proud man PeckServers.com#8342: This means that walter and i both have +1.5k to our names PeckServers.com#8342: <:thonk:792962252772343808> PeckServers.com#8342: or maybe cash it all out for pennies PeckServers.com#8342: I guess I could buy the latest crypto scam and add that to my worth PeckServers.com#8342: also that wouldnt work cause the money I got from selling myself wouldnt count toward my worth PeckServers.com#8342: then take my mone.... wait a minujte PeckServers.com#8342: I could sell myself on the black market PeckServers.com#8342: theres a though SpencerLS#2849: Well if I sold my organs 🤔 PeckServers.com#8342: sadness PeckServers.com#8342: but im only worth a whopping 5k PeckServers.com#8342: and checking would make it 9 SpencerLS#2849: angst PeckServers.com#8342: cause if so then my net worth would be up to like 8K PeckServers.com#8342: sadness SpencerLS#2849: Nope... PeckServers.com#8342: aah so my savings wouldnt count? SpencerLS#2849: Debt is included but not money PeckServers.com#8342: aaah PeckServers.com#8342: what are liabilities then? SpencerLS#2849: *nevermind I got it backward* PeckServers.com#8342: HMMM PeckServers.com#8342: so is it just money and assets then? PeckServers.com#8342: well my version of net worth includes debt, which i have none of SpencerLS#2849: Which is why worth =/= wealth SpencerLS#2849: Yep PeckServers.com#8342: that wouldnt make sense, causee I could have a 100k car and be 1m, in debt SpencerLS#2849: No? PeckServers.com#8342: debt is a part tho isnt it? PeckServers.com#8342: and hey walter the business has a couple grand worth of inventory SpencerLS#2849: Debt and liquid aren't included in net worth PeckServers.com#8342: and Ihave no debt PeckServers.com#8342: all my projects and random shit maybe another 1k PeckServers.com#8342: my other stuff is like 1k maybe PeckServers.com#8342: the datacenter itself is like 3 grand maybe PeckServers.com#8342: what mine wa\s PeckServers.com#8342: If I actually had to guess SpencerLS#2849: Me too PeckServers.com#8342: oh hey better that I though SpencerLS#2849: $0.02 PeckServers.com#8342: $5? SpencerLS#2849: *intense calculations* SpencerLS#2849: I probably have a net worth of WalterJS#2477: MacBook and Apple Watch WalterJS#2477: Lol WalterJS#2477: 10^(3*4) WalterJS#2477: I’m stupid WalterJS#2477: Oh yeah PeckServers.com#8342: you wont be dissapointed PeckServers.com#8342: and unlike school chromebooks it actually runs well and fast PeckServers.com#8342: and is the best computer ever PeckServers.com#8342: its cracked PeckServers.com#8342: so you can literally play games that were meant for a 5 inch screen on a 15 inch screen with waaay more clarity PeckServers.com#8342: and its got a cracked version of chrome os that allows the google play store to work EJCaldwell#2924: How are you in the much debt PeckServers.com#8342: removable keyboard PeckServers.com#8342: its got a touch screen PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeah walter youre gonna love this chromebook if you end up getting it username123115#4960: isn't that 10^81 PeckServers.com#8342: Its like most of all the monies on earth PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr WalterJS#2477: 10^(3^4) PeckServers.com#8342: YEs but infinity aire sounds cooler WalterJS#2477: A thousand thousand thousand thousands WalterJS#2477: It’s crazy to think how much money a trillion dollars really is WalterJS#2477: Well- technically I would be a trillionaire but PeckServers.com#8342: then youll have 16 thousand years to become in infinitiaire PeckServers.com#8342: if you keep it up youll find the anti age agent and become a billionaire PeckServers.com#8342: yeah I think that meth checks out WalterJS#2477: If you think about it I’ve got 1.35k in 16 years so all I need is 16thousand years and I’ll have a million! WalterJS#2477: Facts PeckServers.com#8342: youre basically a millionaire WalterJS#2477: My net worth is 1.35k PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah the asstes WalterJS#2477: Cuz I got assets WalterJS#2477: well I am positive net worth still PeckServers.com#8342: thats fancy asf PeckServers.com#8342: oh yueah you were saying that next paycheck you were gonna ghave positive netwoth! WalterJS#2477: $1.21k WalterJS#2477: Let me check my fancy app PeckServers.com#8342: how much debt you got left? PeckServers.com#8342: yeah thats a good idea WalterJS#2477: right now I’m trying desperately to save my money so that when I get paid I can pay off my debts and then I’ll be a free man PeckServers.com#8342: lmaoo WalterJS#2477: Idk abt that lol PeckServers.com#8342: i mean youre pretty much already there PeckServers.com#8342: yeah WalterJS#2477: One day when I’m rich asf I’ll have time for all these ideas WalterJS#2477: Ya that was a dope game PeckServers.com#8342: we need rift PeckServers.com#8342: YAAS PeckServers.com#8342: bet WalterJS#2477: also I’m going to add a speed running timer because I bet I’m faster 😉 WalterJS#2477: rift? PeckServers.com#8342: Yes and then you should make that first person shooter a thing again PeckServers.com#8342: i am currenly world record for speed running it WalterJS#2477: I’ll add a tutorial eventually I have many features planned WalterJS#2477: Good luck with your speed running lol WalterJS#2477: There’s 5 levels so far WalterJS#2477: And then there are targets around the map it’s a puzzle game. Your gun has three modes: -pull (blue): pulls you toward target -push (red): pushes you away from target -stay (purple): holds you in place Which are activated with left click, right click, and both click respectively. There are 4 different target colors: Blue: only blue laser works Red: only red laser works. Purple: only purple works Gray: all lasers work WalterJS#2477: you need to be on a Pc username123115#4960: how do you move him around WalterJS#2477: I forgot that we set that up WalterJS#2477: What is that seo haha WalterJS#2477: Lol username123115#4960: das cool username123115#4960: wow PeckServers.com#8342: @everyone https://www.walterjs.dev/projects/incidence2d walter is a nerd WalterJS#2477: Sweet! PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> ill bring one over next time i come over, they work intensely well PeckServers.com#8342: this is why auction is SO AWESOME PeckServers.com#8342: and there is 5500 pages left in the tonor cartridge!! PeckServers.com#8342: for $28 each PeckServers.com#8342: I got TWO of them PeckServers.com#8342: !!! PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: OMG THE PRINTERS WORK!!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/pog-fish-poggers-pog-that-is-poggers-i-am-pogging-gif-26310291 PeckServers.com#8342: Absolute POG CHAMP EJCaldwell#2924: HE IS A GOD AT EVERYTHING EJCaldwell#2924: One of them is EJCaldwell#2924: Yes PeckServers.com#8342: Have u seen yours? PeckServers.com#8342: Thats.. very interesting PeckServers.com#8342: Just barely yea 😔 EJCaldwell#2924: have you ever searched up your name on the Urban Dictionary Cody? EJCaldwell#2924: also don't mind the time that was sent at EJCaldwell#2924: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah im glad he said something, hopefully that teacher either changed her mindset or got fired EJCaldwell#2924: it was really good ngl PeckServers.com#8342: Ooooh!! Nom nom nom nom EJCaldwell#2924: Facts were said here EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/82axO5EmkNA?feature=share EJCaldwell#2924: This looks so good EJCaldwell#2924: Also good@choice EJCaldwell#2924: Good choice SpencerLS#2849: I shall consume water PeckServers.com#8342: Instead I shall consume cinnamon toast crunch!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Casadeeznutz sounds amazing rn tbh EJCaldwell#2924: Because I want a quesadilla EJCaldwell#2924: Anybody else just make random food at 11 pm SpencerLS#2849: Yeah it's just a *rough* draft lisx#1702: also when the other not-piano part comes in for more than 4 times it gets kinda boring so you should add something different the 5th time lisx#1702: yeah SpencerLS#2849: Definitely going to add more. I haven't even added bass or vocals yet SpencerLS#2849: Yeah thanks I like the piano too. It's supposed to go from 0-100 really quickly as you can tell lisx#1702: you should keep going lisx#1702: and the last part is cool lisx#1702: I like the piano part lisx#1702: it's kinda cool actually lisx#1702: ooh SpencerLS#2849: https://www.spencerls.dev/Thing.wav Not the best but maybe I can make something out of it Maulie#8927: No wonder we have the worst drivers EJCaldwell#2924: i want to die PeckServers.com#8342: lmaoo EJCaldwell#2924: i wish my perents were fine with that EJCaldwell#2924: i could tell it was European PeckServers.com#8342: you only need 70% to pass here EJCaldwell#2924: still PeckServers.com#8342: wut thats not what im saying lol EJCaldwell#2924: it was made in europe EJCaldwell#2924: that was not even made in america PeckServers.com#8342: welcome to the standards of drivers ed in murca EJCaldwell#2924: they were videos so i am not doing them EJCaldwell#2924: i didn't even do two of the things EJCaldwell#2924: all i needed was a 70% PeckServers.com#8342: its passing right? EJCaldwell#2924: nice ;D EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: i feel dead atm EJCaldwell#2924: the rest of it took 5 hours PeckServers.com#8342: coolio EJCaldwell#2924: the final test took me 3 1/2 mins to do EJCaldwell#2924: I AM DONE PeckServers.com#8342: lucky EJCaldwell#2924: i think this simulation counts for one of them PeckServers.com#8342: It was 5 for me EJCaldwell#2924: 4 hours of driving* EJCaldwell#2924: 5 hours of driving and 6 hours of watching people drive PeckServers.com#8342: because then ytou can drive PeckServers.com#8342: but its worth it EJCaldwell#2924: its boring PeckServers.com#8342: only a little stressful PeckServers.com#8342: its really easy EJCaldwell#2924: but i don't want to PeckServers.com#8342: the driving part of it EJCaldwell#2924: idk PeckServers.com#8342: when do you start drivers ed? PeckServers.com#8342: well atleast itll be done EJCaldwell#2924: i work both tomorrow and i have something else of wednesday EJCaldwell#2924: i have till midnight on wednesday to get it done but my parents want it done today PeckServers.com#8342: even I dont procrastinate that hard PeckServers.com#8342: dont you have like 2 hours to actually get it finnished? EJCaldwell#2924: THIS HAS BEEN FIVE HOURS OF PURE PAIN burarahurricane#6369: godspeed PeckServers.com#8342: nice EJCaldwell#2924: I AM SO CLOSE TO BEING DONE PeckServers.com#8342: for being from 2013 PeckServers.com#8342: but this thing is SICK PeckServers.com#8342: and apparently google doesnt allow the use of camera gps or nfc on chrome os to be passed through to android apps PeckServers.com#8342: but for whatever reason the orientation sensor isnt working so thats fun PeckServers.com#8342: which includes games PeckServers.com#8342: so now I can install all apps from the play store PeckServers.com#8342: it allows you to install a normal install of chrome os on it instead of chrome os flex PeckServers.com#8342: https://github.com/sebanc/brunch PeckServers.com#8342: I installed brunch on it PeckServers.com#8342: I have transformed the chromebook into a gaming chromebook EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/XWozbzfmGtg?feature=share EJCaldwell#2924: a practice one atleast EJCaldwell#2924: i want a butterfly knife EJCaldwell#2924: i may have 20-40 rubiks cubes but i will not punch any of them EJCaldwell#2924: i will do none of those Maulie#8927: Rubiks cube Maulie#8927: Or your monitor Maulie#8927: Punch the wall xXthat1redheadXx#9990: punch something and then regret punching it cause it hurts xXthat1redheadXx#9990: do it then EJCaldwell#2924: i want to punch ssomething EJCaldwell#2924: somebody send me some mental health help EJCaldwell#2924: 5* miles EJCaldwell#2924: i would rather run a mile than do this garbage EJCaldwell#2924: toddler EJCaldwell#2924: a EJCaldwell#2924: like EJCaldwell#2924: for EJCaldwell#2924: is EJCaldwell#2924: this EJCaldwell#2924: this EJCaldwell#2924: do EJCaldwell#2924: to EJCaldwell#2924: have EJCaldwell#2924: i EJCaldwell#2924: do EJCaldwell#2924: why EJCaldwell#2924: dumb EJCaldwell#2924: so EJCaldwell#2924: is EJCaldwell#2924: this EJCaldwell#2924: insane EJCaldwell#2924: going EJCaldwell#2924: am EJCaldwell#2924: i SpencerLS#2849: Just enabling the playback controls option on the video element did the trick for me SpencerLS#2849: I figured out how to skip the videos... EJCaldwell#2924: i could do the 20 min lesson in 5 mins EJCaldwell#2924: its just slow username123115#4960: aren't you like trying to cram the entire class in the period of 3 days EJCaldwell#2924: it looks like it had a 500$ budget EJCaldwell#2924: this is so slow EJCaldwell#2924: this was made by a 7 year old PeckServers.com#8342: Youve got this etan EJCaldwell#2924: i am going to go insane EJCaldwell#2924: and the simulation broke within the first 10 mins EJCaldwell#2924: i can't stand it EJCaldwell#2924: so fricking much EJCaldwell#2924: it fricking sucks EJCaldwell#2924: I hate drivers Ed PeckServers.com#8342: today is a great day to be a warrior burarahurricane#6369: goodday kind sir PeckServers.com#8342: good afternoon CG!!! PeckServers.com#8342: hey look its where walter was buried after he got in that car accident PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah i bet, its sad that things like that dont exist anymore Maulie#8927: It made navigating the phone 10x easier Maulie#8927: The Motorola I had wasn't that advanced so it didn't have a fingerprint sensor but I loved the Moto Shortcuts like the flashlight PeckServers.com#8342: it was also cool because it had a bamboo back panel PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah I feel like Motorola knows what they are doing when it comes to that stuff, and its weird how they arent more prevalant in the phone space. My brother had a moto g and it was one of first phones to have a fingerprint sensor Maulie#8927: I would rather have the Motorola feature though Maulie#8927: One thing I miss about Motorola is that if you wanted to turn on your flashlight you could just shake your phone, Samsung doesn't have that but it does have Fingerprint sensors in the screen so it's a tradeoff I guess PeckServers.com#8342: and only the amount of google that you deem necessary PeckServers.com#8342: no bloat at all PeckServers.com#8342: it would also be really sweet to find a phone that has a reasonably fast processor, and good battery life, and root it PeckServers.com#8342: Oh it would be interesting if they are worth switching to Maulie#8927: They are Android as well but I don't think they're directly owned by SamSung Maulie#8927: The Motorola brand is still going strong PeckServers.com#8342: they have a lot of similar issues PeckServers.com#8342: the automotive space is cute too PeckServers.com#8342: its gotten so bad that I only buy factory unlocked phones PeckServers.com#8342: and yeah verizon does a similar thing PeckServers.com#8342: yeah its too bad that phones like that dont still exist lmao Maulie#8927: And T-Mobile wasn't recommending me stuff to download every 2.5 seconds after an update Maulie#8927: When I had the Motorola you could actually uninstall system apps that weren't critically needed PeckServers.com#8342: yeah that too, so in order to get google removed you have to install just the os, but its useless without google, so you end up installing google Maulie#8927: The operating System is owned by Google like come on now PeckServers.com#8342: but samsung is like 🖕 nope f u PeckServers.com#8342: but yeah, im honestly starting to be pushed away from android atleast from samsung because all the selling points for android are supposed to be that its yours and you control it PeckServers.com#8342: if it was up to the manufacturers, no PeckServers.com#8342: its even worse with carrier provided devices Maulie#8927: Did we own them to begin with? PeckServers.com#8342: yeah its like at this point do we even own our phones anymore Maulie#8927: And everytime the phone updates the system it tries to get me to install things I don't want like Toon Blast and Tiktok lol Maulie#8927: I know it annoys me PeckServers.com#8342: and it *cant* be removed PeckServers.com#8342: and whats more is that facebook is a system app PeckServers.com#8342: mine looks very similar to that except i only have 64 gb Maulie#8927: Maulie#8927: Yeah PeckServers.com#8342: is it a samsung? Maulie#8927: I'm looking at the little bar that shows what my storage is used for and most of it is the system PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, exactly Maulie#8927: So it's not noticeable enough but still Maulie#8927: My new phone has 128GB and 22.53 is taken by the system PeckServers.com#8342: there was a whole 700mb for apps and photos PeckServers.com#8342: my first phone had a whopping 4gb storage PeckServers.com#8342: its basically false advertising PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, same Maulie#8927: Honestly though I feel like the OS systems of phones are bloatware sometimes, my old phone has 32GB and half was taken by the system PeckServers.com#8342: the school district actually made a script that removes things like cortana and xbox game bar and all the telelmetry stuff so windows actually runs properly PeckServers.com#8342: its really scary PeckServers.com#8342: as well as tracking PeckServers.com#8342: yep and they push so hard to put bloatware and advertising stuff Maulie#8927: Windows just keeps adding more settings and changing the names every now and then so it gets harder to find stuff PeckServers.com#8342: I wasnt alive for windows xp release but used it for some time and it was honestly great PeckServers.com#8342: i miss how intuitive things were PeckServers.com#8342: IKR Maulie#8927: Honestly though Windows 7 was such a good OS Maulie#8927: Yeah even my windows seven pro was quieter than the playstation Maulie#8927: Oh PeckServers.com#8342: so the fan wasnt moving any air PeckServers.com#8342: with dust and hair from the air Maulie#8927: They got clogged? PeckServers.com#8342: apparently they got clogged or something PeckServers.com#8342: it basically sounded like a server in a datacenter or something PeckServers.com#8342: exactly Maulie#8927: Jet Turbine activated *Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* PeckServers.com#8342: this was in winter too PeckServers.com#8342: I remember I used to stream with this one kid from school and every time his brother hopped on his play station you could hear it through the mic over discord Maulie#8927: Bro my sister uses it as a heater in the winter PeckServers.com#8342: its still so funny how loud the playstation 4 was PeckServers.com#8342: HAHA thats sick lmao Maulie#8927: And it isn't loud enough to compete with my Playstation 4 so that's a bonus Maulie#8927: Everything I have thrown at it has ran it at top notch performance or based on my battery settings Maulie#8927: It is significantly better than what I had previously which was a $90 Windows 7 Pro PC my dad got off of the Facebook Marketplace Maulie#8927: The only reason it could go up is because it seems like it might no longer be in production, but even then I don't think that would be why PeckServers.com#8342: does it game well too? PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah fs Maulie#8927: Glad I bought it when I did though Maulie#8927: I wouldn't know lol PeckServers.com#8342: especially with things like gpus going back down PeckServers.com#8342: that it went up PeckServers.com#8342: yeah thats strange Maulie#8927: This is the closest one I can find to my current model on their site. It is more powerful for like an extra $40 PeckServers.com#8342: oh no linus sad face :( PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtQPwbftSLg this is the closest one I think Maulie#8927: 2020 PeckServers.com#8342: what year is it? PeckServers.com#8342: yeah Maulie#8927: On my laptop? PeckServers.com#8342: I wonder if linus did a video on it PeckServers.com#8342: defiantely still weird how it went up so high Maulie#8927: I wonder how much it is on the actual Razer website if I can find it on there, they've recently begun to replace this model with more powerful ones PeckServers.com#8342: thats a pretty decent laptop actually Maulie#8927: When I bought it it's price was listed at $1199.99 which is just $1200 Maulie#8927: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08LZYN1ZF/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 PeckServers.com#8342: what laptop is it? PeckServers.com#8342: thats insane PeckServers.com#8342: dang it went the other way on the price spectrum Maulie#8927: My laptop when I bought it was $1200, now it's $1500 on Amazon PeckServers.com#8342: I got another surface pro coming in the mail PeckServers.com#8342: so its up to what cpu its got and how well it can be cooled PeckServers.com#8342: they just run bog standard windows Maulie#8927: Dang PeckServers.com#8342: well yeah technically Maulie#8927: Not even Solitare? PeckServers.com#8342: yeah its stupid because they are so expensive on launch but they arent very worth it considering that a proper laptop or desktop at the same price can actually game and stuff Maulie#8927: The Tap 11 is almost as expensive as my current Laptop Maulie#8927: Dang PeckServers.com#8342: waaay too much PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: good question PeckServers.com#8342: lemme see PeckServers.com#8342: its got an i5 4600u Maulie#8927: How much would it have cost back then? PeckServers.com#8342: $46 on auction Maulie#8927: 2013? And how much did you get if for? Like $20? PeckServers.com#8342: yeah and considering its from 2013 its hella powerful PeckServers.com#8342: Maulie#8927: Yeah so it is one of those PeckServers.com#8342: yeah they keyboard can be folded behind or can be entirely removed and its gotta lil stand in the back Maulie#8927: Or am I thinking of something else? Maulie#8927: Oh so it's like one of those tablets that you can like fold over itself? to like make it look like a laptop, just an ipad, and stuff? PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: and now it runs chrome os Maulie#8927: Do you have a picture of it by chance? PeckServers.com#8342: for like dirt cheap PeckServers.com#8342: got it from dixie stata auction PeckServers.com#8342: yeah its pretty cool Maulie#8927: Oh PeckServers.com#8342: its like a windows tablet Maulie#8927: Surface pro? PeckServers.com#8342: so like now i dont have an excuse to get out PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah I was gonna get a screen protector for this surface pro thingy and the screen protector store is closed Maulie#8927: (Almost) Everything is closed PeckServers.com#8342: WHys sundays gotta be so boring :(( Maulie#8927: Yooo same PeckServers.com#8342: Hi cg, im bored PeckServers.com#8342: this it the fingerremover 4 million PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blU_2wIMT4U PeckServers.com#8342: yeah duolingo is terifying and ive never actually had to use it lmaoo EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/DHfKt-2zDcA?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: TIME BOMB PeckServers.com#8342: Woah where did the time go? PeckServers.com#8342: !!!@ PeckServers.com#8342: MORNINGHGGGGGHGGHHHG burarahurricane#6369: good morning ☀️ ☀️ ☀️ PeckServers.com#8342: 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 burarahurricane#6369: povCody does drugs PeckServers.com#8342: FORTNITE PeckServers.com#8342: FORTNITE PeckServers.com#8342: FORTNITE PeckServers.com#8342: FORTNITE PeckServers.com#8342: FORTNITE WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: FORTNITE PeckServers.com#8342: FORTNITE **** PeckServers.com#8342: FORTNITE PeckServers.com#8342: FORTNITE PeckServers.com#8342: FORTNITE PeckServers.com#8342: FORTNITE FORTNITE FORTNITE FORTNITE FORTNITE FORTNITE FORTNITE FORTNITE FORTNITE v WalterJS#2477: fortnite question mark ? burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/cat-dance-gif-25818512 PeckServers.com#8342: FORTNITE FORTNITE FORTNITE FORTNITE FORTNITE PeckServers.com#8342: FORTNITE PeckServers.com#8342: FORTNITE burarahurricane#6369: YEAH FORTNITE WE BOUT TO GET DOWN!!!! lisx#1702: frfr PeckServers.com#8342: fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite PeckServers.com#8342: fortnite PeckServers.com#8342: fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite PeckServers.com#8342: fortnite SpencerLS#2849: It's always normal to the level curve of the surface when evaluated at a point SpencerLS#2849: There's lot of things it does. It gives you the direction of the directional derivative that increases the fastest lisx#1702: what does it do SpencerLS#2849: It can be expanded to more dimensions SpencerLS#2849: That's the gradient vector SpencerLS#2849: Yeah lisx#1702: is that this part? lisx#1702: well except for the last part with the words SpencerLS#2849: Understanding how to get to the system of equations is the most complex part lisx#1702: I Understood it lisx#1702: hey that was cool PeckServers.com#8342: OMG THIS SONGS BACK PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/59VvXIuLzVdoYj8Y5AGr0j?si=a03bcaf8e76f414f PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/dance-kid-club-gif-9152583 PeckServers.com#8342: I was just boppin off and that song came on lisx#1702: hey i know that song PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/0t3ZvGKlmYmVsDzBJAXK8C?si=e7f5377771e84769 PeckServers.com#8342: oh? SpencerLS#2849: Good question PeckServers.com#8342: Last i rememver it was coding but its been forever PeckServers.com#8342: So what are you doing with yourself now that school is easing up? SpencerLS#2849: Nah PeckServers.com#8342: Lmaoo PeckServers.com#8342: Because you like meth 🤷‍♂️ probs SpencerLS#2849: I guess so I don't have to take it later SpencerLS#2849: But I really don't even need it for that... idk why I'm taking it PeckServers.com#8342: Fun PeckServers.com#8342: Oooh SpencerLS#2849: College credit PeckServers.com#8342: Oh so u are taking meth? Interesting, just for fun or what? SpencerLS#2849: The only real classes I have are biology and political science online SpencerLS#2849: Well technically I don't have to take math, which is 2 class periods, teacher aide, or asl but I like the classes so 🤷‍♂️ PeckServers.com#8342: Thats good, i ask cause i had like 3 classes my senior year and since youre overachiever i was curious if you had the same SpencerLS#2849: Not too busy PeckServers.com#8342: Hows your schedule and everything looking, busy or no? SpencerLS#2849: Yes PeckServers.com#8342: Wait Spencer you're a senior right? PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao SpencerLS#2849: Uhhh sure PeckServers.com#8342: Oh for a second i thought it was like hardwater but... Hardnumbers instead like some sort of buildup on the numbers SpencerLS#2849: Yeah if there's more than one constraint SpencerLS#2849: You have to solve the system of equations to get the scalars SpencerLS#2849: Those equations give you g(x,y,z) and h(x,y,z) lisx#1702: so like these things? lisx#1702: oh SpencerLS#2849: Numbers. That scale things lisx#1702: what are scalars PeckServers.com#8342: I feel like if you ever have to actually use this anywhere you might aswell just kys SpencerLS#2849: Also I finally finished my quiz. It only took 4 hours for 6 problems SpencerLS#2849: ∇f = λ∇g+μ∇h+ν∇k+... Where ∇ denotes the gradient vector and λ,μ,ν,... are scalars EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/7FzaX2v63Qs?feature=share The last one lisx#1702: what's the method of Lagrange multipliers SpencerLS#2849: Bruh all of that to find (x, y, z) = (2, 1, 2) PeckServers.com#8342: this really do be a bruh moment EJCaldwell#2924: oh PeckServers.com#8342: both my phone and chromebook are at 69% PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: ? PeckServers.com#8342: NO SHOT PeckServers.com#8342: Upon furthe inspection yes that is mathematically correct SpencerLS#2849: Fair enough PeckServers.com#8342: Nope, i saw math and immediately ran SpencerLS#2849: Did you even look at what I wrote 🤦‍♂️ PeckServers.com#8342: Wouldnt know PeckServers.com#8342: A quick way to get a reckles driving charge EJCaldwell#2924: you did SpencerLS#2849: I think I got the right answer PeckServers.com#8342: THats. Maulie#8927: https://youtu.be/eX80kekieKA username123115#4960: some people just can't handle the truth smh EJCaldwell#2924: you're lisx#1702: obviously username123115#4960: duh username123115#4960: hes counting in base 8 username123115#4960: your wrong username123115#4960: look EJCaldwell#2924: daniel i want to murder you lisx#1702: can confirm username123115#4960: dat do be true EJCaldwell#2924: WHY EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/watch?v=q1mLq0QCkPk&feature=share It’s worse now PeckServers.com#8342: yeah pretty sure if you finnish when youre a junior you just graduate with the seniors EJCaldwell#2924: we graduate when we have all the credits we need i think username123115#4960: don't we still graduate when we're seniors tho username123115#4960: wait what PeckServers.com#8342: youre smart EJCaldwell#2924: ? PeckServers.com#8342: hes a thunder bren EJCaldwell#2924: success PeckServers.com#8342: oh howd that happen? PeckServers.com#8342: youd think they would let you just keep it cause of all the thing you have to use it for EJCaldwell#2924: but now i am graduating on 2024 EJCaldwell#2924: nope EJCaldwell#2924: because i would of graduated on 2025 PeckServers.com#8342: did you lose access to anything when they did that? EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: so it changed on you? PeckServers.com#8342: so close to being an alpha EJCaldwell#2924: not 25 EJCaldwell#2924: my email for like 5 years was 24caldwethj@washk12.org Maulie#8927: 2017 EJCaldwell#2924: fun fact PeckServers.com#8342: its still so weird to me to see all the little elementary school kids and their emails starting with 38 EJCaldwell#2924: she is not PeckServers.com#8342: wait when was she born? Maulie#8927: So my little sister is generation Alpha Maulie#8927: Maulie#8927: Wasn't the next generation after Gen z called gen Alpha though? Maulie#8927: Yeah, just looked it up Maulie#8927: Oh PeckServers.com#8342: more like generation WHY PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah its mellenials Maulie#8927: One second Maulie#8927: But hey, Google is a thing Maulie#8927: I have no idea PeckServers.com#8342: was there ever a gen Y? Maulie#8927: Generation zombie PeckServers.com#8342: instead of someone they want to avoid PeckServers.com#8342: but a big part of getting the respect and avoiding that entirely is being someone they can trust PeckServers.com#8342: its like, how? I would be like, THE FUCK YOU SAY TO ME get yo bum ass in your room PeckServers.com#8342: i always find it bewildering when I go to a friends house like my neighbors and their kids literally guilt their backbone less parents into doing whatever they want PeckServers.com#8342: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: not being raised right is also one PeckServers.com#8342: but those are the primary brain deaderizers that I can think of PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: then lockdown PeckServers.com#8342: yeah it all started with fortnite\ PeckServers.com#8342: but yeah it would be cool to have kids so that I could do my best to make them useful parts of society EJCaldwell#2924: another thing z could mean i guess EJCaldwell#2924: gen z is just a bunch of brain dead zombies tho PeckServers.com#8342: lmao EJCaldwell#2924: including finding love EJCaldwell#2924: you can do whatever you want okay PeckServers.com#8342: yeah haha, i mean i probably wont ever find love but yes nuclear war EJCaldwell#2924: you knew what i ment EJCaldwell#2924: i am so happy you did not take that the wrong way EJCaldwell#2924: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: yeah hopefully nuclear war doesnt ruin us PeckServers.com#8342: none of this cementing your feet to the starbucks parkinglot in protest EJCaldwell#2924: if we last long enough for you to find love PeckServers.com#8342: and they are going to be hard working PeckServers.com#8342: they are going to be respectful first of all PeckServers.com#8342: imma teach my kids right EJCaldwell#2924: just wait for gen z to have kids PeckServers.com#8342: but since they themselves didnt have much direction, their kids are royally fricked PeckServers.com#8342: yeah its scary because a lot of the millenial generation is now parents EJCaldwell#2924: and never punished them too badly EJCaldwell#2924: they spoiled most of gen z EJCaldwell#2924: i also feel like its millennials faults tho PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBN4bJVIFS8 PeckServers.com#8342: I feel like most people here are atleast semi level headed so thats good PeckServers.com#8342: or were all going to die PeckServers.com#8342: either they will grow up and actually see the world and how moronically stupid they are PeckServers.com#8342: sadly thats probably the case EJCaldwell#2924: I feel like <10% will actually be good for society PeckServers.com#8342: then we know that we are really fucked PeckServers.com#8342: who knows, maybe itll do what linux drives to and roll over to gen aa or something PeckServers.com#8342: and were gen z PeckServers.com#8342: yeah cave men were gen a EJCaldwell#2924: We are the last one EJCaldwell#2924: No wonder why we are gen Z EJCaldwell#2924: It really is PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah this generation is fucked EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/Q_Fx-zb6JBs?feature=share I hate how I am in the same generation as these people Maulie#8927: Good Morning! :D PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning CG!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Its CG!!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Oh em gheeeee PeckServers.com#8342: Darn I died around 12:20 EJCaldwell#2924: i am bored EJCaldwell#2924: anybody want to talk about random things EJCaldwell#2924: you should make a bigger one PeckServers.com#8342: what are you trying to do to me youtube PeckServers.com#8342: Sorry what??? PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVnro__XvFs Maulie#8927: <@383372123714093098> Maulie#8927: Austin? PeckServers.com#8342: one more bop for the night PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/59VvXIuLzVdoYj8Y5AGr0j?si=034060a9159346ab burarahurricane#6369: ohh wmm geeeeee PeckServers.com#8342: OMG GN CGGGGGGGG!!!! PeckServers.com#8342: lmao EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: despecially the shooting PeckServers.com#8342: shooting straight fax there PeckServers.com#8342: jesus burarahurricane#6369: mass shooters really took "u miss all of the shots u dont take" to heart EJCaldwell#2924: “I love the back of your forehead” -My Dad burarahurricane#6369: no burarahurricane#6369: i miss the cambrian explosion. that shit was banging fr PeckServers.com#8342: men in ginas? burarahurricane#6369: meninjgitis EJCaldwell#2924: Oh gosh burarahurricane#6369: meningitis more liek....men tits burarahurricane#6369: meningitis burarahurricane#6369: hey have you gusy ever heard of this thing caleld nmeningitis burarahurricane#6369: im always right burarahurricane#6369: JUST kisdding n. i love go d. winky face PeckServers.com#8342: tbh straight fax tho burarahurricane#6369: im sorry for yoru loss EJCaldwell#2924: We’re christien burarahurricane#6369: bros before labor for the capital corporations ! EJCaldwell#2924: She is not a hoe okay EJCaldwell#2924: Can I also add he got off work for this burarahurricane#6369: bros before hoes EJCaldwell#2924: Yea PeckServers.com#8342: just up and left the wedding? PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah EJCaldwell#2924: Kind of a jerk move right PeckServers.com#8342: oh? EJCaldwell#2924: And her brother left to hang out with his mates EJCaldwell#2924: I am at me cousin’s wedding EJCaldwell#2924: So something dumb just happened PeckServers.com#8342: but hey its super cool cause chrome os flex literally breathes new life into old hardware, hence why the school chromebooks are so under powered but still work so the i5 4200u in this makes it hella fast for browser based thingies PeckServers.com#8342: ikr username123115#4960: sounds like a bad bug username123115#4960: that username123115#4960: wut PeckServers.com#8342: Fear not though, a utility knife and card board was enough to carve out the magnet and fill it PeckServers.com#8342: But hey, battery life PeckServers.com#8342: Theres no winning for some reason PeckServers.com#8342: Yes... But see chrome os on the surface pro 2 has a bug that when the magnet in the keyboard puts it to sleep it doesnt ever wake up again username123115#4960: don't surface pros come with keyboards username123115#4960: wait PeckServers.com#8342: Yay google PeckServers.com#8342: Im running chrome os on a microsoft surface pro 2 and this onscreen keyboard is god awful PeckServers.com#8342: A lil song to cheer u up PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/6izJLgEhCpYOEmuytBwiQu?si=07j8Kr0mQQSIoKlrK0JA3w&utm_source=copy-link PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning cg!!! Maulie#8927: Good morning burarahurricane#6369: good morning. ☀️ EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: i got something very scarry EJCaldwell#2924: gn cody WalterJS#2477: gn PeckServers.com#8342: Night CG!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ I gotta get up at 6:30 WalterJS#2477: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih7DEc82myw PeckServers.com#8342: AYasss PeckServers.com#8342: Oh, lmao lisx#1702: there were only 39 comments lisx#1702: it wasn't PeckServers.com#8342: How far down was it? PeckServers.com#8342: Lol lisa lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: Another one to the fire list! PeckServers.com#8342: Im blue da ba dee ba da dieee🎵🎵🎵 WalterJS#2477: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpMnVdv0ayQ SpencerLS#2849: If I don't feel like lyrics but I want something that slaps I turn on Playing God by Polyphia PeckServers.com#8342: Most of daft punk's songs are good! PeckServers.com#8342: OMG YESSS WalterJS#2477: i started investing in the S&P 500 SpencerLS#2849: I've also been digging Get Lucky by daft punk... Maulie#8927: Ayo PeckServers.com#8342: And you can use that trust fund to pay for your car PeckServers.com#8342: Put it towards a trust fund that goes towards tax evasion PeckServers.com#8342: Oh, yeah that would be smart too lmao WalterJS#2477: maybe I should pay off my debt first tho... PeckServers.com#8342: That's not too bad, considering you make multiple thousands per site lmao WalterJS#2477: but I heard they were like 10x better than the airpods WalterJS#2477: $250 WalterJS#2477: plus I heard they are really really good PeckServers.com#8342: How much are they Walter? SpencerLS#2849: Silk sonic is where it's at WalterJS#2477: I just got paid for another website WalterJS#2477: im gonna get "just vibin" engraved on them PeckServers.com#8342: Bro dont you have things to save for? WalterJS#2477: I am thinking about buying the new airpod pros v2 WalterJS#2477: that is fair PeckServers.com#8342: No they want you to get a YouTube music subscription Walter SpencerLS#2849: Lyrics aren't good enough WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: 🎵 brand new Lamborghini frick a cop car🎵 PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah that one is scary how it hits home so hard WalterJS#2477: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=639PaE0PIW4 WalterJS#2477: im still sad they deleted like my favorite song off spotify PeckServers.com#8342: Spencer this was spawned from that second song https://open.spotify.com/track/3veKU8AyUteh46qOKUlbJC?si=dF_qzKDsTEqQZX4bvOBIlQ&utm_source=copy-link SpencerLS#2849: Only cuz it's an inside joke with xc PeckServers.com#8342: Taylor swift is cringle WalterJS#2477: sicko mode is alright. WalterJS#2477: NO 💀 SpencerLS#2849: Also sicko mode SpencerLS#2849: Industry baby 🔥 PeckServers.com#8342: Oh that's what they call you? lisx#1702: shtup WalterJS#2477: ew lisx#1702: it has taylor swift lisx#1702: this one is better WalterJS#2477: more like a lil fruity lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/6N1K5OVVCopBjGViHs2IvP?si=a73debedb9264269 PeckServers.com#8342: A lil nax x!!!! SpencerLS#2849: I am an Aries so makes sense WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/7jahcsevTvePvdduUFVzpq?si=b1cf79bdcc6b47e0 lisx#1702: IS THAT TAYLOR SWIFT I SEE WalterJS#2477: I bet spencer would like Aries PeckServers.com#8342: Wait none of them are?!? PeckServers.com#8342: Almost none of those are explicit Spencer lisx#1702: YO SpencerLS#2849: PeckServers.com#8342: Hes a teacher WalterJS#2477: idk what that means lisx#1702: imagine having to do book probjects... PeckServers.com#8342: Oh do you have rarick? WalterJS#2477: we have to record ourselves talking about it WalterJS#2477: just a quarterly book project PeckServers.com#8342: Oh? Whats it on? WalterJS#2477: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I still have to make a video project for LA thats due tonight PeckServers.com#8342: Probably why it sounds upbeat then haha SpencerLS#2849: But sounds minor PeckServers.com#8342: Silly me WalterJS#2477: this song is that one song you put on when your just driving alone depressed https://open.spotify.com/track/2kx5sQgmjYug0GiDh1a4sU?si=3a20d3bb891b41cb PeckServers.com#8342: Oh SpencerLS#2849: It's actually in a major key PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah i agree its got a good minor vibe but some how upbeat SpencerLS#2849: Sometimes SpencerLS#2849: agreed WalterJS#2477: but depressing music just always hits WalterJS#2477: when youre happy you can listen to happy music WalterJS#2477: depressing music just sounds better PeckServers.com#8342: Impossible SpencerLS#2849: I honestly like the second one more WalterJS#2477: listen- WalterJS#2477: this is the first non explicit song on my playlist https://open.spotify.com/track/1j9woC5YVGXcQEVcelh0M8?si=e75f2ff5f60342e6 lisx#1702: you probably think that because the second one is depressing SpencerLS#2849: Both songs start simple and then they are insane PeckServers.com#8342: With Duo PeckServers.com#8342: Each subscription is like $7 a month WalterJS#2477: oh I was just listening to the preview WalterJS#2477: I have the student plan its like $5 a month PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeah, the duo plan is the best SpencerLS#2849: You have to get past the violin part on the first one Maulie#8927: The individual plan is $10 a month like Spotify PeckServers.com#8342: I think they're about the same right? WalterJS#2477: I think theyre the same Maulie#8927: Is Apple music more than Spotify? PeckServers.com#8342: Also Fair enough WalterJS#2477: second one is not bad SpencerLS#2849: I don't wanna pay for spotify PeckServers.com#8342: Fair enough WalterJS#2477: i see SpencerLS#2849: Well my dad has an account so I can use it PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah... WalterJS#2477: even I dont use apple music SpencerLS#2849: https://open.spotify.com/track/33aLws184a7SVqraKuDqI3?si=_wh8Y5FgRUm52pbrQg5ecw&utm_source=copy-link PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah whats up with the apple misic Spencer? SpencerLS#2849: https://open.spotify.com/track/4UG2Fm0E98LhE2dlNxiAXx?si=Yf6WeNszRlOz_Qz693RLOw&utm_source=copy-link lisx#1702: spencer.... apple music? 😭 SpencerLS#2849: https://music.apple.com/us/album/this-is-what-falling-in-love-feels-like/1582691804?i=1582691808&ls https://music.apple.com/us/album/this-is-what-heartbreak-feels-like/1613552729?i=1613552734&ls Why are these songs so good lisx#1702: i'm bored./ PeckServers.com#8342: Oh is it just like the perfect reflection or something EJCaldwell#2924: Light PeckServers.com#8342: ❤️❤️ PeckServers.com#8342: What is even that?? username123115#4960: milm toilet EJCaldwell#2924: Holy crap Mocha#3331: Gold afternoon dad PeckServers.com#8342: GOOD MORNING CG!!!!!!!!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Anything for you 😍😍❤️❤️🥰🥰 Mocha#3331: Donate please I'm broke I have a crippling gambling addiction PeckServers.com#8342: Must watch 💅 PeckServers.com#8342: This has to be the funniest clip ive ever taken PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxFSStOoHnRBBkLTQXMppG7003f5hOWDQU PeckServers.com#8342: Working for the achool district has been one of the best things lisx#1702: cody do be kinda stacked PeckServers.com#8342: Thats with 40% going to savings PeckServers.com#8342: Hey its like 1.something K so i dont blame u lisx#1702: same bro EJCaldwell#2924: i also want your paycheck PeckServers.com#8342: Mo' monies PeckServers.com#8342: I want!!!! My!!!!! Paycheck!!!!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nice xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hey! burarahurricane#6369: i want!!!!! to go!!!! home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🧪 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: exactly PeckServers.com#8342: For research and the spice the night up PeckServers.com#8342: Its one of those work and home projects 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 Mocha#3331: It doesn't have to be for science: 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I've been going around jiggling balls for my science fair project PeckServers.com#8342: It's for science, I promise PeckServers.com#8342: Nothing else but a lil jiggle PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah but thats it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/855324189849419786/1027054879686017045/v12044gd0000cbl5tobc77u1qf697idg.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: Kinda irritated me when you did that lol PeckServers.com#8342: Don't admin abuse PeckServers.com#8342: You suck PeckServers.com#8342: Hey lisa lisx#1702: Idk what that’s supposed to mean but I think preschool is bad influence for him 😭 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yes lisx#1702: My brother just asked me “are you sixty nine” EJCaldwell#2924: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol Maulie#8927: You seriously got that game? EJCaldwell#2924: time to have a ~~good~~ time EJCaldwell#2924: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fr EJCaldwell#2924: still one of my favorite games tho EJCaldwell#2924: i just need to get a better pc so i can play mods without lag EJCaldwell#2924: i have beaten it a few times EJCaldwell#2924: i just get bored playing it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you must not be playing it right xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you don't think terraria is addicting? EJCaldwell#2924: i wish terraria was more addicting xXthat1redheadXx#9990: agreed EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: c xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I like the logo too xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but also you don't have to listen to me if you don't wanna xXthat1redheadXx#9990: otherwise it looks very good and professional xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and then to use something else than "in town" for either "Great Service" or "High Quality" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the only suggestion is not to use transparency in the paragraph under "Let's do it right the first time." lisx#1702: I still think you should make the block of tiny text more readable tho lisx#1702: The blue on black looks really good WalterJS#2477: new website for cody what do yall think WalterJS#2477: https://www.peckservers.com/home WalterJS#2477: <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142> lisx#1702: tod bot probably xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ... lisx#1702: he was sigma xXthat1redheadXx#9990: were you high WalterJS#2477: <:sigma:1025960418537132142> burarahurricane#6369: so truee lisx#1702: say 🚫 to admin abuse 🤪 WalterJS#2477: fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnitefortnite fortnite fortnite fortnitefortnite fortnite fortnite fortnitefortnite fortnite fortnite fortnitefortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite lisx#1702: keep yourself safe 🙃 WalterJS#2477: why is this the first result WalterJS#2477: /tts yourururururrrrrrrururururuurou rurururu rr rrrrrururururuurou rururururrrrrrruru rururuurourururu rurrrrrrr rurururuurour ururururrrr rrrururu r uruurourururururr rrrrruru rururuuro urururururrrrrrrururururuurou rururururrrrrrrururur uruurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururur urrrrrrrurururur uurou rurururu rrrrrrrur urururuurour ururururrrrrrrururu ruruuroururururur rrrrrrururururuuroururur urur rrrrrrururururuuroururu rururrrrrr rururururuuroururur ururrrr rrrurururu ruurourururur urrrrrrr rururur uurou ru rurururrr rrrrur urururuuroururur ururrrrrrrururururuurourururu rurrrrrrr ururururuu rourur ururur rrrrrururururuur our ururururrrr rrrururururuur moo momomomoooomom oomomomoomooomoomooooomm mmommomom omommmm ommmm WalterJS#2477: /tts yourururururrrrrrrururururuurou rurururu rr rrrrrururururuurou rururururrrrrrruru rururuurourururu rurrrrrrr rurururuurour ururururrrr rrrururu r uruurourururururr rrrrruru rururuuro urururururrrrrrrururururuurou rururururrrrrrrururur uruurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururur urrrrrrrurururur uurou rurururu rrrrrrrur urururuurour ururururrrrrrrururu ruruuroururururur rrrrrrururururuuroururur urur rrrrrrururururuuroururu rururrrrrr rururururuuroururur ururrrr rrrurururu ruurourururur urrrrrrr rururur uurou ru rurururrr rrrrur urururuuroururur ururrrrrrrururururuurourururu rurrrrrrr ururururuu rourur ururur rrrrrururururuur our ururururrrr rrrururururuur moo momomomoooomom oomomomoomooomoomooooomm mmommomom omommmm ommmm WalterJS#2477: /tts yourururururrrrrrrururururuurou rurururu rr rrrrrururururuurou rururururrrrrrruru rururuurourururu rurrrrrrr rurururuurour ururururrrr rrrururu r uruurourururururr rrrrruru rururuuro urururururrrrrrrururururuurou rururururrrrrrrururur uruurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururur urrrrrrrurururur uurou rurururu rrrrrrrur urururuurour ururururrrrrrrururu ruruuroururururur rrrrrrururururuuroururur urur rrrrrrururururuuroururu rururrrrrr rururururuuroururur ururrrr rrrurururu ruurourururur urrrrrrr rururur uurou ru rurururrr rrrrur urururuuroururur ururrrrrrrururururuurourururu rurrrrrrr ururururuu rourur ururur rrrrrururururuur our ururururrrr rrrururururuur moo momomomoooomom oomomomoomooomoomooooomm mmommomom omommmm ommmm WalterJS#2477: yourururururrrrrrrururururuurou rurururu rr rrrrrururururuurou rururururrrrrrruru rururuurourururu rurrrrrrr rurururuurour ururururrrr rrrururu r uruurourururururr rrrrruru rururuuro urururururrrrrrrururururuurou rururururrrrrrrururur uruurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururur urrrrrrrurururur uurou rurururu rrrrrrrur urururuurour ururururrrrrrrururu ruruuroururururur rrrrrrururururuuroururur urur rrrrrrururururuuroururu rururrrrrr rururururuuroururur ururrrr rrrurururu ruurourururur urrrrrrr rururur uurou ru rurururrr rrrrur urururuuroururur ururrrrrrrururururuurourururu rurrrrrrr ururururuu rourur ururur rrrrrururururuur our ururururrrr rrrururururuur moo momomomoooomom oomomomoomooomoomooooomm mmommomom omommmm ommmm WalterJS#2477: yourururururrrrrrrururururuurou rururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrr rurururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururur uruurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururur urrrrrrrururururuuroururururu rrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururu ruruurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuuroururur ururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurouru rurururrrrrrrururururuuroururur ururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuur moomomomomoooomomoomomomoomooomoomooooommmmommomomomommmmommmm WalterJS#2477: yourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuurourururururrrrrrrururururuur moomomomomoooomomoomomomoomooomoomooooommmmommomomomommmmommmm WalterJS#2477: yoourururururrrrrrrururururuur moomomommomomomomom final answer: yes WalterJS#2477: final answer: yes WalterJS#2477: yoourururururrrrrrrururururuur moomomommomomomomom Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! Truth or Dare#8712: WalterJS#2477: youuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrururururuur moomomommomomomomom Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: :white_check_mark: The R rating was enabled here! Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: see walters a fag WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: /tts admin abuse lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: bet Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: your mom lisx#1702: your mom lisx#1702: your mom lisx#1702: your mom lisx#1702: your mom lisx#1702: your mom lisx#1702: your mom WalterJS#2477: ligigiiiggigigiigigigigigiiiigigigiggigigiigma baalalallalalalalsssssssssss lisx#1702: your mom WalterJS#2477: ligigiiiggigigiigigigigigiiiigigigiggigigiigma WalterJS#2477: ligigiiiggigigiigigigigigiiiigigigiggigigiigma PeckServers.com#8342: fucker WalterJS#2477: liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigigigigigiggigma PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> WalterJS#2477: ligma WalterJS#2477: limga PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 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WalterJS#2477: <:hehe:856378380332433408> WalterJS#2477: <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:walter:911026649192091708> <:sigma:1025960418537132142> WalterJS#2477: <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:walter:911026649192091708> <:sigma:1025960418537132142> WalterJS#2477: <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:walter:911026649192091708> <:sigma:1025960418537132142> WalterJS#2477: <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:walter:911026649192091708> <:sigma:1025960418537132142> WalterJS#2477: <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:walter:911026649192091708> <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> WalterJS#2477: thats it you fkn nerds lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/jungkook-te-quiero-i-love-you-vlive-bts-gif-22929147 PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/jungkook-bts-jungkook-confused-jungkook-what-jungkoom-wtf-gif-25966917 PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-bangtan-boys-bangtan-sonyeondan-jungkook-jeon-jungkook-gif-17692860 PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> WalterJS#2477: <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:walter:911026649192091708> <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> WalterJS#2477: <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:walter:911026649192091708> <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> WalterJS#2477: <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:walter:911026649192091708> <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> WalterJS#2477: <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:walter:911026649192091708> <:sigma:1025960418537132142> WalterJS#2477: <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:walter:911026649192091708> <:sigma:1025960418537132142> lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/jimin-shy-gif-25071997 WalterJS#2477: <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:walter:911026649192091708> <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142>🥺 <:sigma:1025960418537132142> lisx#1702: 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<:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142> lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/hello-bts-gif-20027060 PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142> WalterJS#2477: <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142> WalterJS#2477: <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> 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<:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142><:sigma:1025960418537132142> lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-mubashshera-jungkook-jungkook-cute-jungkook-birthday-gif-23995920 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/ksjprincee-namjoon-rm-kim-namjoon-joon-gif-24574636 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/dynataees-taekook-vkook-taekook-hug-bts-gif-25002983 WalterJS#2477: <:mlg_spencer:549781743419392020> lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/ksjprincee-namjoon-rm-kim-namjoon-joon-gif-24574636 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/i-miss-you-bts-im-an-army-violet-i-love-bts-bangtan-kids-gif-25990948 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/runbts-runbts122-suga-bts-suga-bts-suga-heart-gif-19753550 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/jimin-hot-bts-abs-adorable-gif-22976404 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/finger-heart-bts-jungkook-love-hearts-gif-26325979 PeckServers.com#8342: genuinely dont care PeckServers.com#8342: do it then WalterJS#2477: only im alloud to spam WalterJS#2477: bro im actually gonna kick you PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/36mUrhcZ7ZgAAAPo/imagine-niall-cunningham.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/36mUrhcZ7ZgAAAPo/imagine-niall-cunningham.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/36mUrhcZ7ZgAAAPo/imagine-niall-cunningham.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/36mUrhcZ7ZgAAAPo/imagine-niall-cunningham.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/36mUrhcZ7ZgAAAPo/imagine-niall-cunningham.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/36mUrhcZ7ZgAAAPo/imagine-niall-cunningham.mp4 WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/36mUrhcZ7ZgAAAPo/imagine-niall-cunningham.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/36mUrhcZ7ZgAAAPo/imagine-niall-cunningham.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/36mUrhcZ7ZgAAAPo/imagine-niall-cunningham.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/36mUrhcZ7ZgAAAPo/imagine-niall-cunningham.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/36mUrhcZ7ZgAAAPo/imagine-niall-cunningham.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/36mUrhcZ7ZgAAAPo/imagine-niall-cunningham.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/36mUrhcZ7ZgAAAPo/imagine-niall-cunningham.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/36mUrhcZ7ZgAAAPo/imagine-niall-cunningham.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/36mUrhcZ7ZgAAAPo/imagine-niall-cunningham.mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/36mUrhcZ7ZgAAAPo/imagine-niall-cunningham.mp4 WalterJS#2477: <:walter:911026649192091708> WalterJS#2477: <:walter:911026649192091708> WalterJS#2477: why does this look like one of them cringe ass people from the matrix movie PeckServers.com#8342: cum PeckServers.com#8342: cumcum PeckServers.com#8342: v WalterJS#2477: <:walter:911026649192091708> <:walter:911026649192091708> <:walter:911026649192091708> <:walter:911026649192091708> <:walter:911026649192091708> <:walter:911026649192091708> <:walter:911026649192091708> <:walter:911026649192091708> <:walter:911026649192091708> <:walter:911026649192091708> <:walter:911026649192091708> <:walter:911026649192091708> <:walter:911026649192091708> <:walter:911026649192091708> PeckServers.com#8342: cumcumcumcum PeckServers.com#8342: cum PeckServers.com#8342: cum PeckServers.com#8342: cum PeckServers.com#8342: cum PeckServers.com#8342: cum PeckServers.com#8342: cum WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/yay-brushing-teeth-unicorn-cool-gif-16033821 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/yay-brushing-teeth-unicorn-cool-gif-16033821 PeckServers.com#8342: cum PeckServers.com#8342: cum PeckServers.com#8342: cumcum PeckServers.com#8342: cum PeckServers.com#8342: cum PeckServers.com#8342: cum WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/yay-brushing-teeth-unicorn-cool-gif-16033821 PeckServers.com#8342: cum WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/yay-brushing-teeth-unicorn-cool-gif-16033821 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/yay-brushing-teeth-unicorn-cool-gif-16033821 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/yay-brushing-teeth-unicorn-cool-gif-16033821 PeckServers.com#8342: cumcum WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/yay-brushing-teeth-unicorn-cool-gif-16033821 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/yay-brushing-teeth-unicorn-cool-gif-16033821 PeckServers.com#8342: cum WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/yay-brushing-teeth-unicorn-cool-gif-16033821 PeckServers.com#8342: cum WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/yay-brushing-teeth-unicorn-cool-gif-16033821 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/yay-brushing-teeth-unicorn-cool-gif-16033821 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/yay-brushing-teeth-unicorn-cool-gif-16033821 PeckServers.com#8342: kinda like chernobyl PeckServers.com#8342: he ran outta steam PeckServers.com#8342: cum WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/meme-daddy-issues-flex-seal-gif-12555867 PeckServers.com#8342: cum WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/meme-daddy-issues-flex-seal-gif-12555867 PeckServers.com#8342: cum WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/meme-daddy-issues-flex-seal-gif-12555867 PeckServers.com#8342: cum PeckServers.com#8342: cum WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/meme-daddy-issues-flex-seal-gif-12555867https://tenor.com/view/meme-daddy-issues-flex-seal-gif-12555867https://tenor.com/view/meme-daddy-issues-flex-seal-gif-12555867 PeckServers.com#8342: cum WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/meme-daddy-issues-flex-seal-gif-12555867 PeckServers.com#8342: cum WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/meme-daddy-issues-flex-seal-gif-12555867 PeckServers.com#8342: BILLY MAYS HERE WITH SEX TASTE WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/meme-daddy-issues-flex-seal-gif-12555867 PeckServers.com#8342: ghsd WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/meme-daddy-issues-flex-seal-gif-12555867 PeckServers.com#8342: sgdfh WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/meme-daddy-issues-flex-seal-gif-12555867 PeckServers.com#8342: sfgh PeckServers.com#8342: js PeckServers.com#8342: ghsfg PeckServers.com#8342: gj sfdgh sf PeckServers.com#8342: ghsf PeckServers.com#8342: f PeckServers.com#8342: had PeckServers.com#8342: sfgd PeckServers.com#8342: sdgfdgh PeckServers.com#8342: g WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/meme-daddy-issues-flex-seal-gif-12555867 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/meme-daddy-issues-flex-seal-gif-12555867 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/meme-daddy-issues-flex-seal-gif-12555867 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/meme-daddy-issues-flex-seal-gif-12555867 PeckServers.com#8342: hjks WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/meme-daddy-issues-flex-seal-gif-12555867 PeckServers.com#8342: jg PeckServers.com#8342: g PeckServers.com#8342: js hfhkjfgh PeckServers.com#8342: sfg PeckServers.com#8342: dh PeckServers.com#8342: gfsdfg PeckServers.com#8342: h PeckServers.com#8342: rgdsg PeckServers.com#8342: fjasd WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/slumber-sleep-sleepy-dreaming-surreal-gif-17164361 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/slumber-sleep-sleepy-dreaming-surreal-gif-17164361 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/slumber-sleep-sleepy-dreaming-surreal-gif-17164361 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/slumber-sleep-sleepy-dreaming-surreal-gif-17164361 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/slumber-sleep-sleepy-dreaming-surreal-gif-17164361 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/slumber-sleep-sleepy-dreaming-surreal-gif-17164361 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/slumber-sleep-sleepy-dreaming-surreal-gif-17164361 PeckServers.com#8342: dgh PeckServers.com#8342: gs PeckServers.com#8342: fgs PeckServers.com#8342: sdf sdfgasga PeckServers.com#8342: df PeckServers.com#8342: fs PeckServers.com#8342: fd PeckServers.com#8342: dfsd PeckServers.com#8342: sdf PeckServers.com#8342: sdf WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-dream-hoodie-kids-meme-some-random-everything-gif-24123750 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-dream-hoodie-kids-meme-some-random-everything-gif-24123750 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-dream-hoodie-kids-meme-some-random-everything-gif-24123750 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-dream-hoodie-kids-meme-some-random-everything-gif-24123750 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-dream-hoodie-kids-meme-some-random-everything-gif-24123750 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-dream-hoodie-kids-meme-some-random-everything-gif-24123750 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-dream-hoodie-kids-meme-some-random-everything-gif-24123750 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-dream-hoodie-kids-meme-some-random-everything-gif-24123750 PeckServers.com#8342: sdf PeckServers.com#8342: df PeckServers.com#8342: fs PeckServers.com#8342: sd PeckServers.com#8342: sdf PeckServers.com#8342: df PeckServers.com#8342: dfs WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-dream-face-reveal-geebo-dreamsmp-gif-24076851 PeckServers.com#8342: f WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-dream-face-reveal-geebo-dreamsmp-gif-24076851 PeckServers.com#8342: sd WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-dream-face-reveal-geebo-dreamsmp-gif-24076851 PeckServers.com#8342: sdf WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-dream-face-reveal-geebo-dreamsmp-gif-24076851 PeckServers.com#8342: sdf PeckServers.com#8342: sdf PeckServers.com#8342: sdf PeckServers.com#8342: f WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-dream-face-reveal-geebo-dreamsmp-gif-24076851 PeckServers.com#8342: sd PeckServers.com#8342: d WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-dream-face-reveal-geebo-dreamsmp-gif-24076851 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-dream-face-reveal-geebo-dreamsmp-gif-24076851 PeckServers.com#8342: fd WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-dream-face-reveal-geebo-dreamsmp-gif-24076851 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-dream-face-reveal-geebo-dreamsmp-gif-24076851 PeckServers.com#8342: that might stop him PeckServers.com#8342: we could ddos him PeckServers.com#8342: df PeckServers.com#8342: fs PeckServers.com#8342: sd PeckServers.com#8342: sdf PeckServers.com#8342: sdf PeckServers.com#8342: df PeckServers.com#8342: fs PeckServers.com#8342: s PeckServers.com#8342: sdf PeckServers.com#8342: df PeckServers.com#8342: s WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/happymatt-gif-23357838 PeckServers.com#8342: sdf WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/happymatt-gif-23357838 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/happymatt-gif-23357838 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/happymatt-gif-23357838 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/happymatt-gif-23357838 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/happymatt-gif-23357838 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/happymatt-gif-23357838 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/happymatt-gif-23357838 PeckServers.com#8342: that looks like u fr tho PeckServers.com#8342: asd PeckServers.com#8342: asdf PeckServers.com#8342: asdf PeckServers.com#8342: asdf WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-mcyt-quackity-susba-among-us-gif-21973033 PeckServers.com#8342: sdf WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-mcyt-quackity-susba-among-us-gif-21973033 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-mcyt-quackity-susba-among-us-gif-21973033 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-mcyt-quackity-susba-among-us-gif-21973033 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-mcyt-quackity-susba-among-us-gif-21973033 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-mcyt-quackity-susba-among-us-gif-21973033 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-mcyt-quackity-susba-among-us-gif-21973033 PeckServers.com#8342: sasdf WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/dream-mcyt-quackity-susba-among-us-gif-21973033 PeckServers.com#8342: d PeckServers.com#8342: d PeckServers.com#8342: s PeckServers.com#8342: a PeckServers.com#8342: dfg PeckServers.com#8342: gs PeckServers.com#8342: sdf PeckServers.com#8342: fg PeckServers.com#8342: gsd PeckServers.com#8342: sdf PeckServers.com#8342: dfg PeckServers.com#8342: gs PeckServers.com#8342: df PeckServers.com#8342: sdfg WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: you cant PeckServers.com#8342: How can i ban this man WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 PeckServers.com#8342: i can see it PeckServers.com#8342: LOL WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/cream-dream-gif-21973409 PeckServers.com#8342: he was like "imma do it" and it took him 4 tries to actually do it PeckServers.com#8342: LOL PeckServers.com#8342: i jsut realized how damn big the adams apple cartilige thingy is WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: thats like how you do it lmao WalterJS#2477: try it out WalterJS#2477: watch the netire thing lmfaooo PeckServers.com#8342: that is cringe burarahurricane#6369: NO!!!!!!!!!!!! PeckServers.com#8342: I AM KEEPING MYSELF SAFE PeckServers.com#8342: CALM TF DOWN PeckServers.com#8342: JESUS MAN burarahurricane#6369: JKILL YORUSELF WalterJS#2477: I searched "dream face reveal" on youtube and this was the third result......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6qlCYsmgdI PeckServers.com#8342: no\. PeckServers.com#8342: my brother in christ PeckServers.com#8342: bro burarahurricane#6369: LOOK AT HIM LOOK AT MY BABY HES MY BABY BOY HES SO CUTE PeckServers.com#8342: its over PeckServers.com#8342: like a pretty boy PeckServers.com#8342: like a city boy skater boy PeckServers.com#8342: i can see that WalterJS#2477: people say he looks like a skater boi PeckServers.com#8342: welp that was a 3 day letdown PeckServers.com#8342: fsfs WalterJS#2477: defininetely fits the minecraft youtuber vibe PeckServers.com#8342: he looks like a fortnite kid PeckServers.com#8342: hes a pretty boy which isnt a good thing WalterJS#2477: he looks like a DND kid PeckServers.com#8342: yeah WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: bro is mid PeckServers.com#8342: 2.5 mbps per every 7 seconds PeckServers.com#8342: i ran it against 800k PeckServers.com#8342: then like 3 terabit PeckServers.com#8342: yeah WalterJS#2477: theres like 1.2 million people rn PeckServers.com#8342: probably 500 gigabit tho PeckServers.com#8342: theroetical maximum of 2.080 terabits a second currently by my math PeckServers.com#8342: hopefully youtube gives a report on how bad the inrush of views hurts PeckServers.com#8342: yeah thats incredible burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: HOWS THE FACETIME CALL GOING??? PeckServers.com#8342: EPIC BUILD UP MUSIC PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/0LK0ipEdI8ZcFCUtw3pISm?si=245b169f55d243cc PeckServers.com#8342: also his fingers are ugly as hell PeckServers.com#8342: and expensive as shit PeckServers.com#8342: is bewildering PeckServers.com#8342: the gigawatts that youtubes cdn is gonna draw when this shit goes live PeckServers.com#8342: thats a lot of people burarahurricane#6369: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtpdMkKvB6U burarahurricane#6369: https://www.youtube.com/dream PeckServers.com#8342: debatable lisx#1702: hello walter burarahurricane#6369: cause theyre jsut that awesome PeckServers.com#8342: so how the heck are they so popular????? burarahurricane#6369: its the era of content burarahurricane#6369: after the face reveal burarahurricane#6369: but its okay burarahurricane#6369: THEY DONT burarahurricane#6369: THEY DONT STREAM ! burarahurricane#6369: THEY LITERALLY DONT UPLOAD 😭 PeckServers.com#8342: <@749747503947055136> wait a minute theres like no activity on dream and georgenotfounds yt channel where do they do most of their content? PeckServers.com#8342: wheres DREAM PeckServers.com#8342: shut it lisa PeckServers.com#8342: whats HAPPENING lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: HES NOT LIVE YET PeckServers.com#8342: have you not seen the new apple tracking policies lisx#1702: <@531264285385424916> burarahurricane#6369: THIS IS HIS CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/dream WalterJS#2477: hold up im gettin a call WalterJS#2477: but WalterJS#2477: even tho its cheaper now WalterJS#2477: thats exactly why apple is so expensive PeckServers.com#8342: 99% of the time PeckServers.com#8342: if you arent paying then they are selling your data WalterJS#2477: and technically they are just "holding their own data" PeckServers.com#8342: do you pay for discord tho? WalterJS#2477: because tencent is a majority shareholder WalterJS#2477: its in discords tos too but everythin we do still goes to china WalterJS#2477: is it tho PeckServers.com#8342: Its in their tos, they would be breaking the law if they treated me like a gmail user PeckServers.com#8342: if its a proper premiere then itll start 2 minutes early and have that beautiful "silent partner - space walk" song WalterJS#2477: google is scary WalterJS#2477: cap PeckServers.com#8342: 5 MINUTES PeckServers.com#8342: I own my data, not google PeckServers.com#8342: plus i have gsuite so i am more safe than you on google WalterJS#2477: security is apples top priority PeckServers.com#8342: that is the worst argument ever WalterJS#2477: nuh uh PeckServers.com#8342: you nerd PeckServers.com#8342: SO DOES APPLE PeckServers.com#8342: and duo WalterJS#2477: its scary PeckServers.com#8342: and google messages WalterJS#2477: and google tracks you PeckServers.com#8342: and google WalterJS#2477: android is glitched PeckServers.com#8342: and chrome os WalterJS#2477: no PeckServers.com#8342: so does android WalterJS#2477: theres no getting around it WalterJS#2477: the reason its better is that it all fits together and... "it just works" PeckServers.com#8342: anywho 6 MINUTES LEFT PeckServers.com#8342: for like facetime and imessage and a badge on twitter that says "twitter for iphone" sounds like a cult lmao PeckServers.com#8342: so basically i am just throwing away a good phone for a different good phone PeckServers.com#8342: they never were trash, but android had its downfalls, now they are both good burarahurricane#6369: 7 minutes WalterJS#2477: add me like 1 minute before WalterJS#2477: not yet burarahurricane#6369: oh m ygoe lisx#1702: walter u want in burarahurricane#6369: walter u want in WalterJS#2477: no its not tho like iphones used to be trash but now theyu are better PeckServers.com#8342: thats personal preference WalterJS#2477: just switch WalterJS#2477: iphone is so much better WalterJS#2477: its not even a joke WalterJS#2477: like WalterJS#2477: its legitametely just better PeckServers.com#8342: 🙄 simpletons lisx#1702: iphonism is superior PeckServers.com#8342: imagine having apple bias WalterJS#2477: he wont convert lisx#1702: wow imagine WalterJS#2477: no hes cringe PeckServers.com#8342: nope, im smart lisx#1702: cody do you have an iphone PeckServers.com#8342: 11 MINUTES burarahurricane#6369: oh right now burarahurricane#6369: whgen are we doing the ft tho WalterJS#2477: add me to the ft when its almost there burarahurricane#6369: 13 MINUTESSS WalterJS#2477: when is the reaveal PeckServers.com#8342: lisa? burarahurricane#6369: yes burarahurricane#6369: i think burarahurricane#6369: yes PeckServers.com#8342: do you all have iphones? lisx#1702: we should ALL facetime PeckServers.com#8342: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS lisx#1702: YA burarahurricane#6369: yAAA lisx#1702: <@749747503947055136> burarahurricane#6369: yeaaa lisx#1702: that'd be so fun burarahurricane#6369: if it'll let me burarahurricane#6369: ok lisx#1702: we should totally facetimeee WalterJS#2477: send your reaction in discord burarahurricane#6369: im filming my reaction <- karma and i are sending our reactions to each other lisx#1702: itll be fun we can listen to you scream about it lisx#1702: when it happens lisx#1702: or something lisx#1702: you should stream it in gamer chat burarahurricane#6369: 18 to be exact burarahurricane#6369: well burarahurricane#6369: in 20 minutes burarahurricane#6369: cause its happening burarahurricane#6369: ya lisx#1702: ooh i know lisx#1702: its not there burarahurricane#6369: m burarahurricane#6369: https://www.youtube.com/dream strea burarahurricane#6369: hes premiering the face reveal n youtube PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, with all 20 megabit WalterJS#2477: so that he cant do the face reveal PeckServers.com#8342: hopefully they would call it shitter WalterJS#2477: should I ddos twitter right now PeckServers.com#8342: DUN DUN DUUUUUN burarahurricane#6369: NO PeckServers.com#8342: wait whats that 😱 ANOTHER TWITTER!! burarahurricane#6369: peace and love on planet earth] PeckServers.com#8342: t'would be heaven PeckServers.com#8342: OMG IMAGINE A WORLD WITH NO TWITTER!!!!!!! burarahurricane#6369: WAIT YASSSSSSSAHTAT WPULD BE AWESOME PeckServers.com#8342: that would be fun burarahurricane#6369: the broken internet was a given PeckServers.com#8342: maybe take twitter down burarahurricane#6369: hes gonna do both PeckServers.com#8342: or hes gonna break the internet PeckServers.com#8342: that burarahurricane#6369: dream hit 30.4 mil oh hes gonna gain so manhy subs from this face reveal isnt he PeckServers.com#8342: thats 8 eyes staring into your soul PeckServers.com#8342: <:sus:783176301502267423> <:sus:783176301502267423> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sus:783176301502267423> <:sus:783176301502267423> PeckServers.com#8342: <:sus:783176301502267423> you heard me burarahurricane#6369: wgat dud yiu just say 2 me lisx#1702: I think it's supposed to be a gif PeckServers.com#8342: what even is that? burarahurricane#6369: NO DISCORYD WHY burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: jk lmao PeckServers.com#8342: debatable lisx#1702: how tragic PeckServers.com#8342: they ran outta breath in anticipation that they died and will never know what dream looks like PeckServers.com#8342: yeah lisx#1702: or maybe we do but alysse has just stopped breathing so that's why we're not hearing anything about it lisx#1702: nope WalterJS#2477: do we know what dream looks like yet PeckServers.com#8342: pov when you just lost all your stonks burarahurricane#6369: pov u got on moms computer PeckServers.com#8342: *sigma arm PeckServers.com#8342: its a mega arm PeckServers.com#8342: shit yeah that is trippy PeckServers.com#8342: oh, yeah! "When your blunt doesnt light" Mocha#3331: I'm dead fr WalterJS#2477: thats really funny WalterJS#2477: im gonna post it on instagram but I need a caption WalterJS#2477: thats me lisx#1702: where is that arm coming from PeckServers.com#8342: walter shared it like 6 months ago lisx#1702: uh PeckServers.com#8342: pretty sure its george PeckServers.com#8342: lmao lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: i like that one PeckServers.com#8342: or "When you forget your coffee" lisx#1702: is that you PeckServers.com#8342: "we watch as the wild dumbass sinks into his chair" WalterJS#2477: best caption gets a cookie WalterJS#2477: Caption this image. PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12NZCxUrMZQ PeckServers.com#8342: It was an internal meeting with myself WalterJS#2477: where exactly did that come up in conversation is my quesation PeckServers.com#8342: I came to the realization, if something broke my femur I would basically just kms. That would hurt so incredibly bad that it's easier to just die lmao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yay PeckServers.com#8342: hollow weenie is coming soon!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/spooky-spooky-month-pumpkins-jack-o-lantern-gif-15178842 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: YYEEEESSS xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I did not PeckServers.com#8342: Whats up cucks!!! Welcome to cocktober!!! lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/october-happy-october-skeletons-dance-dancing-gif-6098053 lisx#1702: THAT'S SO CRAZY lisx#1702: oh my god it's october....... PeckServers.com#8342: Oh i see PeckServers.com#8342: Oh maybe acrylic or wood, never seen one lisx#1702: The stick part lisx#1702: Yeah but the other part PeckServers.com#8342: Isn't that made of horse hair or something? PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah interestingly enough the speed of light is only the speed of light in a vacuum lisx#1702: Oh wait that’s carbon fiber SpencerLS#2849: No lisx#1702: Is that the same thing cello bows are made of?? lisx#1702: Huh SpencerLS#2849: It moves at .7c because of how light moves at different speeds in mediums like water SpencerLS#2849: Silica glass lisx#1702: What’s fiber made of lisx#1702: That kinda makes sense I mean how else do I get my anime lisx#1702: How do they calculate that PeckServers.com#8342: Morning chaps!! PeckServers.com#8342: But fiber is better because there isnt nearly as much resistance PeckServers.com#8342: Which is the exact same as copper cable PeckServers.com#8342: Did you know that fiber optic is actually 70 ish % the speed of light PeckServers.com#8342: Also ya know how fiber optic uses light PeckServers.com#8342: Did yall know that if you were to have a fiber optic cable directly between here and japan, the latency just in the time it takes light to travel would be 45 milliseconds PeckServers.com#8342: 🔥 PeckServers.com#8342: 🧍‍♂️ PeckServers.com#8342: Epico burn PeckServers.com#8342: Shit man xXthat1redheadXx#9990: like your mom PeckServers.com#8342: Hay is for horses, thank god youre a cow xXthat1redheadXx#9990: get wrecked lisx#1702: oh my god xXthat1redheadXx#9990: is for horses 😈 burarahurricane#6369: cody 🌟 PeckServers.com#8342: We love and appreciate you too!!!! burarahurricane#6369: OMG. THANK YOU burarahurricane#6369: WANNA HUG BRO? lisx#1702: TAKE ANOTHER 🌷 lisx#1702: SAME BRO burarahurricane#6369: TAKE A FLOWER ! 🌼 burarahurricane#6369: I LOV E AND APPRECIATE U ALL burarahurricane#6369: DID YOU KNOW burarahurricane#6369: HI CG PeckServers.com#8342: *no photographing while driving burarahurricane#6369: yaaaaaaa!! lisx#1702: That’s an accomplishment in itself lisx#1702: We all survived lisx#1702: Good job this week lisx#1702: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ITS FRIDAY WHO WANTS TO WATCH NINE HOURS OF ANIME WITH ME lisx#1702: No texting while driving burarahurricane#6369: wow! Mocha#3331: We have so much in common burarahurricane#6369: i want to never be at school… PeckServers.com#8342: What a novel concept PeckServers.com#8342: OH its cause hes NEVER at school PeckServers.com#8342: Hmm i cant seem to understand why that would be.... Maulie#8927: Man was only at school for 20 minutes and says he doesn't have enough time to finish homework PeckServers.com#8342: How come? EJCaldwell#2924: So I was at school for all of 20 mins today PeckServers.com#8342: Check it out, this cloud has a slight chubb PeckServers.com#8342: Hi sex nerd!! Mocha#3331: Hi choky nerd PeckServers.com#8342: **sigmagiganerd PeckServers.com#8342: *sigma nerd WalterJS#2477: Nerd PeckServers.com#8342: I just want you all to know that schools are terrifying when nobody is here in the lights are off PeckServers.com#8342: Morning chunguses PeckServers.com#8342: Omg its ROARdon GRAMsay lisx#1702: when I was supposed to be asleep lisx#1702: more like I thougth abhout it lisx#1702: never did lisx#1702: i just lisx#1702: but then like lisx#1702: and we could like lipsync and record it and get famous lisx#1702: you know I was going tor come up with a corheao for smashmouth all star lisx#1702: TOTALLY burarahurricane#6369: THIS IS SO MUCH MORE FRUNNNNN burarahurricane#6369: WHY FO MATH HOMEWORK WHEN I CNA DANCE TO ALL START SMASLH MOUTH ISNTEAD? lisx#1702: dang burarahurricane#6369: HEY IM WATGHING THAT GUY lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/gordon-ramsay-idiot-sandwich-angry-mad-what-are-you-gif-4169547 PeckServers.com#8342: https://media.tenor.com/zjtviDPKkwIAAAAM/asdf-getoutofmysandwich.gif lisx#1702: jyou're an idiot sandwisch lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: Get out of my sandwich PeckServers.com#8342: HEY PeckServers.com#8342: 😬 PeckServers.com#8342: Mona* lisx#1702: that's me fr PeckServers.com#8342: Moaning lisa lisx#1702: HEY PeckServers.com#8342: Issalisa PeckServers.com#8342: Slisa lisx#1702: HELP I DID IT AGAIN lisx#1702: THAT'S SOMETHING I'D SAY TO SOMEOEN IF I WAS TRYING TO BE REALLY WEIRD this isn't helpoing lisx#1702: YOU'RE A 🪨 ⭐ lisx#1702: you're a 🪨 ⭐ lisx#1702: come ⏯️ lisx#1702: get your 🎮 on lisx#1702: you're an all ⭐ lisx#1702: HEY NOW lisx#1702: all that ✨ is 🪙 lisx#1702: 💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨ burarahurricane#6369: ONLY SHOOTING STARS BREAK THE MOLD burarahurricane#6369: ALL THAT GLITERS IS GOLDLDLDDDD burarahurricane#6369: GET YOUR GAMNE ON burarahurricane#6369: UR ALL STAR lisx#1702: 💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨💎 ✨ PeckServers.com#8342: And I'm gone, bye guys! burarahurricane#6369: HEY NOW burarahurricane#6369: 24-72 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 lisx#1702: 💎 ✨ lisx#1702: 24-72 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!! lisx#1702: I DID lisx#1702: if i didn't actually have anything to say 😭 lisx#1702: I shouldn't have said HEY burarahurricane#6369: DID YOU GUYS HEAR ABOUT DREAMS FACE REVEAL COMING UP IN 24 TO 72 HOURS ? lisx#1702: weird lisx#1702: but that's like lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: It's generally a greeter so it would be some form of conversation starter PeckServers.com#8342: Hiws life burarahurricane#6369: HOW ARE YOU? PeckServers.com#8342: Whats up PeckServers.com#8342: SAME!!!!!! lisx#1702: no no imagine if you were a normal person what would you say after HEY burarahurricane#6369: I LVOE THAT SONGNG lisx#1702: 😭 PeckServers.com#8342: <:reverse_card:788946351294513212> burarahurricane#6369: NO. Y9OUUUUUUU!!U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Now, you're an all-star come and get your game on, get Slayed lisx#1702: OMG THIS JUST PROVES MY POINT THERE'S NOTHING TO SAY AFTER HEY PeckServers.com#8342: HI lisx#1702: HEY PeckServers.com#8342: Jk PeckServers.com#8342: Shut up lisx#1702: 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS burarahurricane#6369: 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS 24-72 HOURS lisx#1702: 24-72 HOURS lisx#1702: IKR ALSO burarahurricane#6369: YAYYYY lisx#1702: AND TOMORROW i GET TO PLAY A TENNIS MATCH AGAINST A GIRL WHO'S PRETTY NICE lisx#1702: AREN'T YOU JUST SO GRATEFUL THAT THE SUN HASN'T EXPLODED YET lisx#1702: IT'S SUCH A GOOD DAY TO BE ALIVE lisx#1702: HEY GUYS PeckServers.com#8342: I wonder if the crack turtle could do some sort of fractal xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm trying to make the other and if I succeed I'll send it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: And it started out trying to do something even harder but I gave up and thought this would be easier and it was xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Haha xXthat1redheadXx#9990: It was a lot of testing angles and line lengths xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Not super PeckServers.com#8342: how hard was that to code? PeckServers.com#8342: gaw dayum, the crack turtle is cracked xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Thanks lisx#1702: that actually looks pretty cool PeckServers.com#8342: I didnt know this but https://calculator.apps.chrome is a thing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://codehs.com/sandbox/id/spinning-but-lines-too-rc6jjz/run PeckServers.com#8342: now to clarify, losing manifest v2 will only make it harder to ad block, but not impossible. im just saying these are the things that are happening PeckServers.com#8342: which will lose manifest v2 support as its... made by google PeckServers.com#8342: is that all of these here browsers including firefox and a plethora of others use chromium PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: the problem with that statement tho SpencerLS#2849: Just use a different browser 🤷‍♂️ PeckServers.com#8342: But the thing i more wanted your opinion on was hosting a vpn server that gets you access to a pi-hole server for network based ad blocking PeckServers.com#8342: They might entirely remove those apis PeckServers.com#8342: As far as i am aware they wont have the same access to the page that they did before PeckServers.com#8342: They dont support external access to data, so updating or generally making them usable would be hard WalterJS#2477: The only limitation would be if somehow manifest v3 didn’t support content scripts WalterJS#2477: So everyone will be ready to make the change WalterJS#2477: When they roll out a new version the developers are notified like 6 months in advance in fact I bet I have an email about it WalterJS#2477: Why would manifest v3 not work PeckServers.com#8342: Hey <@531264285385424916> , maybe that should be something we look into doing PeckServers.com#8342: but that would require a vpn to use externally and not everyone is going to have that option PeckServers.com#8342: PI Hole might just be *a* solution to this PeckServers.com#8342: and now the internet is going to be absolute ass to use PeckServers.com#8342: frick google PeckServers.com#8342: long story short PeckServers.com#8342: so if google does this and takes away the manifest v2 api's in the process, our adblockers will cease to work PeckServers.com#8342: all extensions currently use manifest v2 PeckServers.com#8342: apparently manifest is the api's used for extensions to work PeckServers.com#8342: I saw a video today that said google is rolling out a thing called manifest V3 PeckServers.com#8342: coom xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> lisx#1702: you should add a keyboard solo in there somewhere lisx#1702: whoa its actually pretty good EJCaldwell#2924: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Thats very good xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lmfao Mocha#3331: Keep myself safe 🙂 Mocha#3331: I WILL KMS lisx#1702: keep yourself safe!! PeckServers.com#8342: youd better share it when it drops SpencerLS#2849: Haha. Yeah I'm making a full song but that's just the drum/bass/chords I've experimented with so far Mocha#3331: and it's a time where we still use jukeboxes Mocha#3331: makes me feel like I'm gonna fight a bartender PeckServers.com#8342: we need an extended version PeckServers.com#8342: come back... PeckServers.com#8342: Spencer!!! PeckServers.com#8342: did I miss him? PeckServers.com#8342: holy shit its a wild spencer!!!! burarahurricane#6369: funk SpencerLS#2849: opinions? Mocha#3331: Kms Mocha#3331: Keep myself safe PeckServers.com#8342: that one PeckServers.com#8342: yeah Mocha#3331: Kys (keep yourself safe) PeckServers.com#8342: kindly make sure that im safe PeckServers.com#8342: imma just kms PeckServers.com#8342: SHIT burarahurricane#6369: skill issue PeckServers.com#8342: which would you prefer? PeckServers.com#8342: its like learning how to drive a manual car in new york or the country side PeckServers.com#8342: to hone your skills while under significantly less pressure lisx#1702: f i was going to sleep lisx#1702: what's the point of a paragraph typing test if there's no timer lisx#1702: #love lisx#1702: he was the product of incest PeckServers.com#8342: he is the chad Mocha#3331: adonis is a chad lisx#1702: adonis is like some guy in greek mythology PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Mocha#3331: then what's the point if you don't enjoy it lisx#1702: idk how to lisx#1702: but I can't just have fun Mocha#3331: you're so focused on winning Mocha#3331: you clearly don't want to lisx#1702: to have fun lisx#1702: are you going to tell me Mocha#3331: Idk what to tell you honestly lisx#1702: so I still feel like a failure lisx#1702: even if I win that match lisx#1702: and they still win at least 1 game Mocha#3331: FUN Mocha#3331: I don't think you're having fun lisx#1702: and I don't have any fun winning when the other people are bad Mocha#3331: a win is a win lisx#1702: but all the matches I won was because the other people were bad lisx#1702: I did hold up my 1:2 win/lose rate lisx#1702: I mean Mocha#3331: maybe the schools are just that stacked lisx#1702: there honestly was not one match where I felt like I did good lisx#1702: true but I've already been a failure for the majority of the season so maybe I can improve now? Mocha#3331: how are you gonna improve if you're not a failure lisx#1702: and I'm a failure if I'm not doing good Mocha#3331: as cliche as it sounds you have to have fun no matter what because you're doing something that you enjoy lisx#1702: I can't have fun if I'm a failure lisx#1702: I'll have fun if I do good lisx#1702: okay but I told you Mocha#3331: but I don't think you realize how important having fun is Mocha#3331: power of friendship lisx#1702: I just need to believe 😄 lisx#1702: technically I have a chance lisx#1702: yeahh that's the spirit Mocha#3331: 😃 Mocha#3331: if you did good then you would win the whole event lisx#1702: right lisx#1702: but if I did good then I should've won lisx#1702: I'll have fun if I did good lisx#1702: that's what my tennis coaches keep saying Mocha#3331: and if you lose? Mocha#3331: BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT'S MOST IMPORTANT lisx#1702: I'll have fun when I win lisx#1702: it's okay lisx#1702: I KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO SAY THAT Mocha#3331: I will if you have fun 😄 Mocha#3331: no lisx#1702: you won't be proud of me? 😭 😭 😭 Mocha#3331: puupppy Mocha#3331: not the dog eyes Mocha#3331: aw hell naw 💀 lisx#1702: if I win will you be proud of me 🥺 lisx#1702: I just need proper motivation Mocha#3331: this is all one big skill issue Mocha#3331: yeah I could tell you weren't listening to any of my other advice lisx#1702: this whole time lisx#1702: that's the best advice you've given me lisx#1702: honestly Mocha#3331: just play better honestly lisx#1702: (if I lose my first match I technically might have to go back to school but if I win then I won't have to go back so maybe that will be sufficient motivation to win! this is all forever away so I should go to bed now bye Mocha#3331: slahy lisx#1702: but I will try to be positive in saying that there is one good thing because I get to miss school ALL DAY that day 🥳 lisx#1702: but then again the win rate wouldn't actually go back to 1:2 if I lose again because it would actually go to 4:7 which is close to 1:2 but is actually different SO maybe thats a sign 🤷 lisx#1702: ~~statistically though I don't think I'm going to win because if you think about it so far I've won 4 matches and lost 6 and I've basically always had a 1:2 win:lose rate so *statistically* I would lose again for the win rate to go back to 1:2 and also the last time I played that girl I wasn't too far off but it was like 1-6 3-6 so I won 4 and she won 12 and that's like 1:3 so I only won 25% of the games which is not a big percentage but counting in things like weather??? idk man but I do know that now I'm stressing myself out and thinking too many things like so uh yeah~~ lisx#1702: and *hAvE fUn* lisx#1702: a lot lisx#1702: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa IT'S OKAY I'LL BE FINE I'LL JUST try lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: be emotionally stable and not talk to myself too much lisx#1702: and I should just lisx#1702: I think my serve just needs to be better lisx#1702: frfr lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: kinda makes sense lisx#1702: and that lisx#1702: and lost 0-6 0-6 to all three of them lisx#1702: I played the #1 #2 and #3 girls Mocha#3331: and improve off what you learned off your match fr lisx#1702: oh wait i just realized Mocha#3331: that's why YOU HAVE TO HAVEEE FUNNN Mocha#3331: don't put too high expectations on yourself you're gonna end up just stressing yourself out even more Mocha#3331: that's the point the more you win the better players you play PeckServers.com#8342: woah lisx#1702: yeah I know her too PeckServers.com#8342: dutson PeckServers.com#8342: cassidy lisx#1702: and it was one of the 0-6 0-6 ones PeckServers.com#8342: umm PeckServers.com#8342: I know a dutson PeckServers.com#8342: Dutson? lisx#1702: and I've played the #1 girl before lisx#1702: and THEN if i win I play one of these girls (probably the #1) Mocha#3331: yeah it's seeded lisx#1702: if i win i'll play one of these girls (probs the #4) Mocha#3331: Yeah honestly that is hella stressful Mocha#3331: yeah I found you lisx#1702: https://www.uhsaa.org/gtennis/2022/brackets/3A.php#:~:text=%2312-,Lisa%20Song,-(Waterford)%2010 Mocha#3331: then it's a single elim bracket Mocha#3331: ohhh was it like a round robin Mocha#3331: what kind of bracket is it then? lisx#1702: no Mocha#3331: is it double elimination\ lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: DO YOU SEE HOW STRESSFUL THAT IS Mocha#3331: is there a bracket that i can see? lisx#1702: if I don't win it's my last match lisx#1702: then I play another one lisx#1702: *unless I win* lisx#1702: here's the catch Mocha#3331: ENJOY YOURSELF lisx#1702: yes but Mocha#3331: YOU BETTER HAVE FUN THEN Mocha#3331: I just take deep breathes and once I start playing I'm too focused than actually nervouse lisx#1702: next friday is my last match Mocha#3331: tournament nerves do be stressful fr lisx#1702: and believing in myself or whatever lisx#1702: I feel like it's more of getting stressed in tournaments Mocha#3331: I actually enjoy losing because then i learn more than if I won Mocha#3331: as someone who plays a video game competitively and is actually pretty good at it I would say that there wasn't any improvement until I focused less on winning and moer on enjoying the experience lisx#1702: I can't not worry about winning though if I feel like I have a chance to Mocha#3331: winning is pretty cool Mocha#3331: TRUE Mocha#3331: or any hope of improving because you just get too frustrated lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: I'll have fun when I win Mocha#3331: if you don't have fun then there really isn't any point Mocha#3331: don't worry about matches just enjoy yourself don't worry about winning until you start actually having fun while playing matches lisx#1702: and then I mess up and it feels like I'm not even good at it anymore lisx#1702: especially when I feel like I have a chance to win lisx#1702: but I get so stressed Mocha#3331: is no point lisx#1702: I knowww my coach says that Mocha#3331: if you're not having fun then there Mocha#3331: have fun Mocha#3331: you have to remember when it comes to competitive stuff like this that the number one goal is guess what Mocha#3331: that's the problem lisx#1702: sometimes lisx#1702: yeah Mocha#3331: ^^ lisx#1702: *maybe* lisx#1702: so lisx#1702: not hot lisx#1702: it's going to be lisx#1702: and this time lisx#1702: it was hot lisx#1702: the last time we played lisx#1702: BUT lisx#1702: against this girl I've already played before lisx#1702: I have to play like at most 1 more game Mocha#3331: and you're getting frustrated while doing it right PeckServers.com#8342: I would think that would be the goal lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: i mean lisx#1702: season is allllmost over Mocha#3331: do you want to get better and be good at tennis? lisx#1702: it's going to be okay though PeckServers.com#8342: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: its like the waterboy but ... girl lisx#1702: hahaha lisx#1702: the water girl 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: lol lisx#1702: oh lisx#1702: the what PeckServers.com#8342: maybe you should just be the water girl for awhile lisx#1702: yeah that was just what I was thinking thanks 😭 PeckServers.com#8342: yeah youre completely inept lisa Mocha#3331: skill issue PeckServers.com#8342: yeah thats the kind of thing that would make me just not want to do it anymore PeckServers.com#8342: 0-6 PeckServers.com#8342: yeah lisx#1702: yeah I get that lisx#1702: but PeckServers.com#8342: and it was depressing as shit lisx#1702: it's just the matches I think lisx#1702: I got 0-6 0-6 like 3 timesssss and it's so frustrating PeckServers.com#8342: and it would take a lot of work to get back to where I was PeckServers.com#8342: I ask because there was a couple times where I would really bulk up at the gym but then get super lazy for months and it would make me physically weaker PeckServers.com#8342: lmao lisx#1702: can't really remember but I think I watched a lot of anime... lisx#1702: during the practices I can beat the other two girls who are in singles and practice with me but I suck at the matches PeckServers.com#8342: did the time when you were sick make you physically inactive or did you still do stuff? lisx#1702: it's like lisx#1702: and I do really bad like all the time lisx#1702: but sometimes the matches are sad and make me depressed if I do really bad lisx#1702: i really like the girls on the team because they're all super nice lisx#1702: i like practices lisx#1702: but it also does kind of suck lisx#1702: which sounds like it sucks but that's actually the best level because I feel like I improve and do better lisx#1702: and then there's the level thats a level higher than me where I try my best and get super tired and die and don't even get a game lisx#1702: and then there's that other level where I have to try really hard because they're like the same level as me lisx#1702: I just don't get a very good score because I get nervous or something lisx#1702: but I mostly win ish when they're bad lisx#1702: because when they suck im just bored or something (this has happened once lmao because they usually aren't that bad) but then there's like another level of sucking that's a little bit better where i"m like i know i can beat them but then I might do really bad and be sad and depressed and get a bad score PeckServers.com#8342: or does going to them feel like a chore to even get up lisx#1702: bu thte matches are bad when I'm playing this girl who either sucks or who is the same level as me lisx#1702: and the matches are fun ish when I'm playing someone like a level higher than me lisx#1702: the practices are kinda helpful when Im just hitting with the other two girls who are in singles PeckServers.com#8342: do you enjoy the matches and practices? PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah that makes sense lisx#1702: but I feel like I was doing better in april lisx#1702: and if i add the matches every week and the practices every week together it's like 3 to 4 times a week lisx#1702: every week lisx#1702: sometimes lisx#1702: and we have matches lisx#1702: some times lisx#1702: and we have practice like lisx#1702: and then tennis season started lisx#1702: and then there was this one week where I was "sick" and then I continued to be "sick" for about 3 more months lisx#1702: I was doing good from like I think 2021/april this year lisx#1702: well but see PeckServers.com#8342: but how long have you been practicing 3-4 times a week? PeckServers.com#8342: ok yes lisx#1702: april? lisx#1702: idk lisx#1702: in like lisx#1702: I used to do better PeckServers.com#8342: do tell lisx#1702: I feel like lisx#1702: it's complicated lisx#1702: *well* PeckServers.com#8342: theres a chance Mocha#3331: I think you play tennis PeckServers.com#8342: how long have you been doing that routine? lisx#1702: 3 to 4 times a week lisx#1702: I guess i play like lisx#1702: well PeckServers.com#8342: twice a week PeckServers.com#8342: do you practice every week or whats it like PeckServers.com#8342: ok but answer my question lisx#1702: i mean *kind* of PeckServers.com#8342: someone get me a bo-oh-oh-wo-oh Mocha#3331: don't you play tennis PeckServers.com#8342: sorry sometimes my british comes out a little bit lisx#1702: are you doing nicotine burarahurricane#6369: shed juul… lisx#1702: shed juul 😭 PeckServers.com#8342: *schedule PeckServers.com#8342: like whats your shed juul? lisx#1702: I swear I do worse when the other girl is bad PeckServers.com#8342: Oh how often have you been practicing? lisx#1702: ESPECIALLY when the opponent is also sucking lisx#1702: and the opponent is Also Sucking lisx#1702: like when I'm just sucking PeckServers.com#8342: define "stupid matches" lisx#1702: when i'm hitting those stupid matches tho PeckServers.com#8342: all practice makes for a better player PeckServers.com#8342: You probably are but you cant tell lisx#1702: I feel like I kinda just get worse and worse lisx#1702: I honestly can't even tell if I'm doing better or not lisx#1702: if only lisx#1702: 😂 lisx#1702: 🥲 PeckServers.com#8342: I would be like "no I just pulled that information out of my ass" lisx#1702: and i didnt get to do it lisx#1702: the match was over lisx#1702: but then lisx#1702: are YOU sure the next time she called a ball out just for fun lisx#1702: and i was going to be like PeckServers.com#8342: thats just how girls are about everything PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah lisx#1702: "aRe yOu SuRe" PeckServers.com#8342: someone has ill feelings towards the sport lisx#1702: and you call a ball out and they're like lisx#1702: do you ever play a girl lisx#1702: tennis should just die lisx#1702: yes 😭 PeckServers.com#8342: cutting bloody balls? lisx#1702: 🔪🩸🎾 lisx#1702: i can just lisx#1702: I literally hate tennis so much rn lisx#1702: haha burarahurricane#6369: gotta grind 4 it💪 burarahurricane#6369: im hoping for 2nd singles burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: next year lisx#1702: 3rd singles lisx#1702: but you'll be like lisx#1702: that sucks lisx#1702: bruh burarahurricane#6369: ppl in jv girls tennis arent good 😭 lisx#1702: oh haha burarahurricane#6369: yeah burarahurricane#6369: no she was in varsity brcause they had lots of injuries on the team last year lisx#1702: did everyone else you played not have "actually decent" shots 😂 burarahurricane#6369: and apparently she “loved being run around” and that was my main strategy to make her run all across the court w evrry shot but she just got everything back😭 i ahd to hit some crazy winner to get the point lisx#1702: but she didn't get in this year? burarahurricane#6369: and her shots were actually decent burarahurricane#6369: and played in regions and state as varsity last year burarahurricane#6369: she was So consistent lisx#1702: was the girl good? burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: well there's always room to improve burarahurricane#6369: :/ burarahurricane#6369: losing my second match but winning all the other ones put me jn 4th or 5th burarahurricane#6369: 1st 2nd 3rd PeckServers.com#8342: thats really frustrating lisx#1702: which place gets medal? burarahurricane#6369: but camille won against her so thag was good! i wore her out a LOT in my match with her burarahurricane#6369: it was a shitty draw burarahurricane#6369: and the girl i played in my second match went to the finals burarahurricane#6369: no its because the one i lost was my second match so it bumped me WAY down in the standings so i didnt get a chance to medal despite having some of the most wins 😐 lisx#1702: haha PeckServers.com#8342: I guess me coming from the "D- will suffice" mindset that didnt immediately make sense lol PeckServers.com#8342: oh lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: there were 4 matches they won 3 of them but they're so disappointed in themselves that they lost one of them that they're like "but it was stupid its whatever" lisx#1702: what a chad lisx#1702: wow PeckServers.com#8342: wait doesnt that mean you won burarahurricane#6369: but it was stupid its whatever PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh a big steamy working class man burarahurricane#6369: i won 3/4 of the matches PeckServers.com#8342: OOF, how did the game go? Mocha#3331: I have both 🫶 burarahurricane#6369: but no more tennis practice!!! now its just pit orch burarahurricane#6369: except i hbsve school :( burarahurricane#6369: same burarahurricane#6369: i was so titred from the tennis championship yesterday i was super loopy and was falling into stuff a bunch PeckServers.com#8342: im bored and dont want to go to work tomorrow PeckServers.com#8342: ❣️ jesus wishes you the same Mocha#3331: Always loooking out for my good ol pals lisx#1702: aww thanks sexnerd you're so nice 🥰 Mocha#3331: kys (keep yourself safe) PeckServers.com#8342: you guys been keeping up on imagine dragons? Mocha#3331: so fruity PeckServers.com#8342: grass hurts lisx#1702: you're super special Mocha#3331: I must be allergic to the sun PeckServers.com#8342: stop PeckServers.com#8342: no lisx#1702: wow you're so good at that cody it's so impressive and quirky and funny Mocha#3331: I've been touching too much grass lisx#1702: haven't touched grass in years 😔 PeckServers.com#8342: fitness dick in your mouf PeckServers.com#8342: ok so now that we have got the stupid deez nuts jokes off the table, how have you guys been keeping up on your fitness? lisx#1702: 🤦 Mocha#3331: I lov eyou too bbg 💏 PeckServers.com#8342: ❤️ lisx#1702: and so he was like yeah catholiscm does suck PeckServers.com#8342: i love you!! PeckServers.com#8342: thankyou! lisx#1702: with lutherism being all like catholism sucks Mocha#3331: mind gobblin deez nuts lisx#1702: and learned about martin luther lisx#1702: and he went to school PeckServers.com#8342: definately doesnt do anything to mind gobblin lisx#1702: basically there was this french dude named john calvin lisx#1702: no? great! lisx#1702: do you know what it does lisx#1702: epic PeckServers.com#8342: yeah its a religion lisx#1702: do you want to know what calvinism is? lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: but you havent even asked what it is? PeckServers.com#8342: so i wont send any PeckServers.com#8342: but only the images of it are scary PeckServers.com#8342: its like interesting PeckServers.com#8342: its cool tho lisx#1702: i dont want to hear about it then PeckServers.com#8342: I just heard of it and its actually scary PeckServers.com#8342: have any of you ever heard of a mind gobblin? PeckServers.com#8342: figuring out how to effectively pirate is a fun and challenging task PeckServers.com#8342: ikr lisx#1702: i n t e r e s ti ng PeckServers.com#8342: And i usually use remote desktop because the way they stop you from capturing it is by sending it directly to the graphics processor which bypasses any programs along the way, making it invisible. Remote desktop *is* the graphics card so you can capture it that way PeckServers.com#8342: Hdmi splitters sometimes strip HDCP off of the signal so you can use el capture card PeckServers.com#8342: You can actually screen record a couple ways PeckServers.com#8342: I guess its not worth implement on public videos PeckServers.com#8342: They do on their paid movies lisx#1702: also why doesn't youtube have it lisx#1702: could you take the drm off?? lisx#1702: so like lisx#1702: ooooooooooooohhhhhh that thing PeckServers.com#8342: Cause its cool EJCaldwell#2924: It was 5:30 AM PeckServers.com#8342: Im just explaining drm PeckServers.com#8342: I know, your case is probably something different EJCaldwell#2924: In the pic I sent there is something PeckServers.com#8342: Exactly EJCaldwell#2924: There is nothing there PeckServers.com#8342: Case in point PeckServers.com#8342: Its just sonething that makes taking screen shots or recording impossible without first stripping the drm off PeckServers.com#8342: I mean amazon prime and hulu and betflix all implement it EJCaldwell#2924: But that is my sister okay EJCaldwell#2924: Ok PeckServers.com#8342: Digital rights management EJCaldwell#2924: I don’t think it’s that lol burarahurricane#6369: drm@Dream burarahurricane#6369: dreeam burarahurricane#6369: ddrram EJCaldwell#2924: Also what’s DRM EJCaldwell#2924: It was a Snapchat filter PeckServers.com#8342: No it was probably actually some content that had DRM, so she was probably taking a screenshot to show your older sister but it didn't capture any of the content PeckServers.com#8342: Thats paranormal man EJCaldwell#2924: my younger sister sent that to my older sisters at 5:30 AM EJCaldwell#2924: WalterJS#2477: We should all aspire to be as chadlike as Joseph Aikens one day. Willing to do the work even when it was hard to do 🫡 burarahurricane#6369: tjjose were good days WalterJS#2477: That was so funny WalterJS#2477: I remember that bruh WalterJS#2477: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PeckServers.com#8342: I remember Joseph aikens, he was a real Chad for telling us about Walter's death lisx#1702: fr burarahurricane#6369: i had a suspicion <:borkenheart:913244689749143592> lisx#1702: it was on hangouts lmfao lisx#1702: no burarahurricane#6369: guguys wherenis it 😕 lisx#1702: fr burarahurricane#6369: WEJRES THE ACTUAL STORY burarahurricane#6369: TTHISI burarahurricane#6369: someoen pleease tell me im not crazy and didnt dream that uo burarahurricane#6369: yhat wasnr exactly te story u was looking fror burarahurricane#6369: ~~the 21st night of september~~ yhst one time walter was like “i ran from thr cops on my scooter and tracor and jumped into. a bush.” <- paraphrase d And then he was like “ha sike i got all of you@ burarahurricane#6369: REMEMBER burarahurricane#6369: DO YOU GUYS burarahurricane#6369: wow aqeskme PeckServers.com#8342: You're gonna be riding with true pride username123115#4960: thats a smexy bike EJCaldwell#2924: Ima be biking in fashion EJCaldwell#2924: Check out the new ride PeckServers.com#8342: Oh! lisx#1702: lisx#1702: I saw that one the other day burarahurricane#6369: https://youtu.be/JhCr12Q69eA burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: lol PeckServers.com#8342: *coming* soon PeckServers.com#8342: theres a cock store? PeckServers.com#8342: wat? burarahurricane#6369: thank you EJCaldwell#2924: whats wrong with that EJCaldwell#2924: its a clock store Maulie#8927: <@749747503947055136> burarahurricane#6369: <@852187118113652776> donyou burarahurricane#6369: @DOES ANYONE HAVE THE COCK STORE IMAGE :( burarahurricane#6369: i Want to Go Home PeckServers.com#8342: thats like saying your mom is made of fire when really shes just hot Maulie#8927: Bro that's like saying chocolate is made from a plant so it's 'healthy' (excluding dark) lisx#1702: bro it was just a joke chill EJCaldwell#2924: still burarahurricane#6369: brro y ou could say that about almost anythingg EJCaldwell#2924: soda is also made from water soooo username123115#4960: thats still a lotta soda EJCaldwell#2924: Where did you get three times a week mate EJCaldwell#2924: I forgot to say it’s once a week Maulie#8927: I'm only subscribed to 47 burarahurricane#6369: idk if thats a lot or a little burarahurricane#6369: im subbed to 122 burarahurricane#6369: how many people are you guys subscribed to on yt Maulie#8927: That's even worse ;-; EJCaldwell#2924: 40* EJCaldwell#2924: It’s 49 EJCaldwell#2924: No Maulie#8927: Bro you drink a 32oz mountain dew like three times a week EJCaldwell#2924: my parents never buy soda EJCaldwell#2924: i don't drink too much soda Mocha#3331: Average soda drinker discovers the delights of water EJCaldwell#2924: water is underrated EJCaldwell#2924: Best store EJCaldwell#2924: Mocha#3331: Real burarahurricane#6369: wwell You see. i ahve demons lisx#1702: i did nothing last night lol lisx#1702: same PeckServers.com#8342: yeah what is going on for you to write 860 words on minecraft lol Mocha#3331: 860 words is crazy damnnn burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/2grjqo0Frpf2okIBiifQKs?si=e0b3765980544629 burarahurricane#6369: and also burarahurricane#6369: i absolutleky lost my mjnd over minecraft last night and wrote 860 words jn ome sitting <- the most ive written in a While . is tysed up kinda late because of it tho burarahurricane#6369: Bothe 😎 PeckServers.com#8342: This is at the district tech office PeckServers.com#8342: Check this out PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.peckvideo.com/watch/how-to-properly-dispose-of-data_p2gPFKTDicjR1ID.html PeckServers.com#8342: lol PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: what even is earth? PeckServers.com#8342: or is it some song reference? PeckServers.com#8342: did something happen last night? PeckServers.com#8342: Why? burarahurricane#6369: im remembering. the 21st night of september EJCaldwell#2924: guess my name is still fitting EJCaldwell#2924: i have a problem EJCaldwell#2924: so i spend over 80$ on fun puzzles on just under an hour EJCaldwell#2924: nice EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: it was a free subscription that i never canceled EJCaldwell#2924: only personn that does that is pie nerd EJCaldwell#2924: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: Imagine paying $10 a month to play chess EJCaldwell#2924: so i was buying some new puzzles and i check my bank balance and i see like 120$ missing from my account and so i thought i got double charged for the things because i had spend about 60$ worth on cubes/accessories so i was super confused so i checked where it came from and it was a chess.com subscription that i forgot to cancel and now i hope i get my 120$ back EJCaldwell#2924: i just got so fricking scared PeckServers.com#8342: Fricken scawwy PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/yGDkiUAwxRs?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah whatever it is it's really cool, seems really efficient at drilling wood EJCaldwell#2924: you just need that strange tool PeckServers.com#8342: Probably not but I'm going to make one for sure PeckServers.com#8342: This will single-handedly save my life one day EJCaldwell#2924: that is sick PeckServers.com#8342: This is literally the coolest damn thing I've ever learned ever PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/Ut8D4ap8GWs?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: and dual jobs means no matter what I have income PeckServers.com#8342: yeah it pays well too burarahurricane#6369: oh thats cool PeckServers.com#8342: Thankfully PeckServers.com#8342: I am an elementary tech for wcsd and the college is a second job now username123115#4960: are you workign for a school username123115#4960: oh wait username123115#4960: college? username123115#4960: wait so like PeckServers.com#8342: I hate it PeckServers.com#8342: Back to elementary school PeckServers.com#8342: For work PeckServers.com#8342: Im at school PeckServers.com#8342: Same lisx#1702: i wanna go home burarahurricane#6369: iwqnt to go home burarahurricane#6369: EPIC lisx#1702: Epic lisx#1702: Wpic lisx#1702: EPUC lisx#1702: OH@GIW burarahurricane#6369: THE 21ST NIGHT OF SEPTEMBER burarahurricane#6369: DO@YOU REMEMBER burarahurricane#6369: username123115#4960: omg its wednesday burarahurricane#6369: GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS Mocha#3331: ismilll PeckServers.com#8342: Hows it supposed to be speled Mocha#3331: Why is only my name spelled wrong 😭 Mocha#3331: Why is my name spelt wrong PeckServers.com#8342: You're are a nerd EJCaldwell#2924: this is really fun EJCaldwell#2924: walter was first to die then daniel then me then cody then math EJCaldwell#2924: lisa was so close to winning EJCaldwell#2924: Iain won this time EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: more* EJCaldwell#2924: we need to do this once mroe EJCaldwell#2924: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: Sounds un sigma of him burarahurricane#6369: L EJCaldwell#2924: and walter died a lame way burarahurricane#6369: oh mg god i killed dream EJCaldwell#2924: this is fun to watch EJCaldwell#2924: one more time? EJCaldwell#2924: also Johnathan died so fast in both games EJCaldwell#2924: you killed dream tho so i think you win with kills burarahurricane#6369: YEAHHHHHH EJCaldwell#2924: same with dyno EJCaldwell#2924: YOU GOT THE MOST KILLS burarahurricane#6369: I HAD SOME OF THE MOST KISLSS 😎 EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: ig k=nyg gold... EJCaldwell#2924: its done EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: so true Mocha#3331: me when I die of hugner burarahurricane#6369: and then sends them burarahurricane#6369: of all the things burarahurricane#6369: and he takes screenhsots burarahurricane#6369: cause it goes in stages PeckServers.com#8342: This server is incredibly cancer burarahurricane#6369: hugner games simulartorr burarahurricane#6369: SO Ttrue EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: Thats what im saying Mocha#3331: What did I miss Mocha#3331: What is going on 😭😭 PeckServers.com#8342: Why are there so many images every time??? burarahurricane#6369: JTHAT IS THE FUFNNIEST OUTCOME... burarahurricane#6369: 980_*)#&(^&)*#$_^)%(#$&)*#$)^*(* EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: Hm? EJCaldwell#2924: so the pics don't work PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/Xt4l-SgerxE PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/PbihqzCFp28 PeckServers.com#8342: https://c.tenor.com/TrQp5JS4IbMAAAAM/jeremyclarkson-top-gear.gif EJCaldwell#2924: why EJCaldwell#2924: cody PeckServers.com#8342: https://c.tenor.com/BKXDQljjZg4AAAAM/dbs.gif burarahurricane#6369: sotrrue EJCaldwell#2924: idk PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: but with pictures this time EJCaldwell#2924: we are doing it again username123115#4960: rickhard :( username123115#4960: NOOOOOO EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: dyno killed me EJCaldwell#2924: thats the entire thign EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: but i need pics lisx#1702: what EJCaldwell#2924: ima redo it and send it all at once okay lisx#1702: 😭 lisx#1702: I WAS ROOTING FOR HIM lisx#1702: NOOOOOOO lisx#1702: i can see rickhard doing that lisx#1702: poor dyno 😭 burarahurricane#6369: hunger games simulator EJCaldwell#2924: Hunger games simulator EJCaldwell#2924: should i change some teams? PeckServers.com#8342: What even is that? EJCaldwell#2924: thats what i plan on doing for who i can burarahurricane#6369: use pfps EJCaldwell#2924: time to do it again EJCaldwell#2924: i need pics so i looks better burarahurricane#6369: <@852187118113652776> u seein this EJCaldwell#2924: <@852187118113652776> burarahurricane#6369: OH MY GOD…CHONKLAD W EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: wait what i thought bryce was a he EJCaldwell#2924: CODY WON EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: dyno dead EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: fr burarahurricane#6369: rickhards mar eit so far 😭🌟 EJCaldwell#2924: thats two deaths in one night EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: omg fr EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: what??? EJCaldwell#2924: blame cody burarahurricane#6369: wwow EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: THRJEY DROWNED ME. ? EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: so not dream EJCaldwell#2924: it was from cody as well lisx#1702: fr 💯 <@484351343503474698> EJCaldwell#2924: there you go alysse EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: grinding in their sleep EJCaldwell#2924: concrete games games lisx#1702: fr lisx#1702: cg games................................... EJCaldwell#2924: They wanted Gabe dead lol EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: yes..... EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: oh wait cody killed me EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: WHO IS WILLIAM 😭 burarahurricane#6369: IT WAS CLIMBING A TREEE E😭😭😭 MNO myd rogirzz my drogie.. EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: fr burarahurricane#6369: **NOOOOOOOO* burarahurricane#6369: crrying my self to sle ep EJCaldwell#2924: there goes dream EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: 😭 😭 😭 lisx#1702: lisx#1702: fr EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: im still alive 💪 lisx#1702: fr EJCaldwell#2924: we were seccond out i mean lisx#1702: fr burarahurricane#6369: i bet i was like “i wanna go home” EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: fr lisx#1702: fr burarahurricane#6369: sso true he loves his axes cdream u will Always be fmaous EJCaldwell#2924: nice EJCaldwell#2924: my team is the first one out EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: this is so dream EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: walter you gr brithrr EJCaldwell#2924: idk lisx#1702: who tf is william EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: RIP LISA <:borkenheart:913244689749143592> EJCaldwell#2924: Day 1 EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: So theoretically yes PeckServers.com#8342: I can actually spoof views Mocha#3331: 3 trillion PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: I just looked the other day, guess how many videos are on peckvideo PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.peckvideo.com/watch/YnQtjLKddAjQYLG Mocha#3331: Weren't you just talking about how you've been wanting to go to school ebcasue you were bored 🤨🤨🤨 username123115#4960: i don't have class for another 50 minuuuutes username123115#4960: lmao lisx#1702: AND MURDER MHYSLEF lisx#1702: I WANT TO GO HOME burarahurricane#6369: i want to go home burarahurricane#6369: IT WAS 11 LIKE 10 SECONDS AGO EJCaldwell#2924: in finve mins burarahurricane#6369: ITS MIDNGIDHY WHEN DID THAT HAPEON EJCaldwell#2924: you go in thinking its gonna be bad and its not that bad EJCaldwell#2924: just watched morbius and it was not as bad as it sounded Mocha#3331: NO 🙏 Mocha#3331: Elementary>>>>>> Mocha#3331: Yes Mocha#3331: Y'know hanging out with friends before going out to the dance doing stuff like taking pictures and going to fiesta fun Mocha#3331: Yeah I've heard that people like the day activities more than the actual dance xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fr though PeckServers.com#8342: No, just one of a smaller percentage Maulie#8927: Is your highschool experience that bad? Maulie#8927: Yes lisx#1702: are you sure about that lisx#1702: 💀 Maulie#8927: Highschool is 100x better than middleschool Maulie#8927: What, is that a bad answer? PeckServers.com#8342: Can I ask you why? Maulie#8927: Yes PeckServers.com#8342: Fun!! lisx#1702: I've been doing homework since like 2 burarahurricane#6369: UYEWH burarahurricane#6369: NO!!!!1! lisx#1702: too lisx#1702: the credit card lisx#1702: like lisx#1702: isn't visa lisx#1702: wait burarahurricane#6369: GEORGE VISA!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Yall excited for school tomorrow? PeckServers.com#8342: We need to compile all of our evidence and submit it to the bbc PeckServers.com#8342: Spencerrr!!!! EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: whenever you send a message on discord its like spotting big foot in the woods burarahurricane#6369: SPENCER SpencerLS#2849: Homecoming was hype PeckServers.com#8342: You ever been? Maulie#8927: Oh PeckServers.com#8342: Like most school dances, its lame PeckServers.com#8342: I didnt go with anyone because Im an antisocial nerd PeckServers.com#8342: I was behind the scenes of one Maulie#8927: You've gone before? lisx#1702: usually by now it would've been halfway through november but it's still september lisx#1702: it's only been 10 days tho PeckServers.com#8342: And its also lame PeckServers.com#8342: Nope graduated PeckServers.com#8342: Yo what??? Mocha#3331: It's been going by so quick for me lisx#1702: This is like the longest month ever…… Maulie#8927: Yo same Mocha#3331: Nope had work EJCaldwell#2924: did anybody go to the homecoming dance? Mocha#3331: heaven xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the valley of milfs Mocha#3331: That's like me I'm mexian 🌮🌯🌮🌯🌮🌯 Mocha#3331: YOOO MEXICANS lisx#1702: good job mexico lisx#1702: wow burarahurricane#6369: thats cool burarahurricane#6369: oh hey its mexico independence day lisx#1702: I want to go to bed rn 😭 lisx#1702: it's honestly so stupid how there were like a hundred guys names we have to memorize and there's like 2 women lisx#1702: querelle des femmes lisx#1702: first feminist frfr lisx#1702: christine de pizan burarahurricane#6369: its been a long weke burarahurricane#6369: that was a bad joke burarahurricane#6369: sorry burarahurricane#6369: lik e a true woman burarahurricane#6369: yeyah you did need that period burarahurricane#6369: ok sure burarahurricane#6369: ok yeah true burarahurricane#6369: alao truee burarahurricane#6369: truee lisx#1702: give it maybe 2 and a half years. burarahurricane#6369: ITS LIAM lisx#1702: IT'S LIAM lisx#1702: OMG burarahurricane#6369: he looks just like you burarahurricane#6369: <@776230986324246558> YOU DIDNDT TELL ME U WWRE IN A TOM SIMONS VLOG… EJCaldwell#2924: yes i am username123115#4960: your not pinging me EJCaldwell#2924: Got it Mocha#3331: Tell him to shut up EJCaldwell#2924: Phone username123115#4960: how did you have internet EJCaldwell#2924: <@734161534799839272> wants to go home <@484351343503474698> EJCaldwell#2924: So the power just went out at success achadamy EJCaldwell#2924: <:ultimate_reverse_card:788946589993402428> username123115#4960: shut EJCaldwell#2924: <@734161534799839272> i wanna go home PeckServers.com#8342: Before i lose my chance PeckServers.com#8342: I beggeth of you PeckServers.com#8342: Please 🙏 PeckServers.com#8342: So imma gigarevers their ass PeckServers.com#8342: Someone shared adonis PeckServers.com#8342: Naw its a different gc lisx#1702: I would give it to you but you would use it on me -_- PeckServers.com#8342: Screw discord PeckServers.com#8342: Cant even use it in this server without nitro PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> PeckServers.com#8342: Does anyone have the gigareverse original image file lisx#1702: no memes in general lisx#1702: <#947700985193693255> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CiV7NKkAjpG/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/IpCC-4no1Os xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what did I just watch xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/CAZ8kTQ49c8 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :/ lisx#1702: well it's not very hard xXthat1redheadXx#9990: writing and stuff lisx#1702: about what xXthat1redheadXx#9990: she knows we don't know that much but it's like she expects us to know xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but still xXthat1redheadXx#9990: mine was only a day late xXthat1redheadXx#9990: exactly lisx#1702: it was just 2 weeks late 🤪 lisx#1702: no my essay was literally perfect lisx#1702: I couldn't focus xXthat1redheadXx#9990: at least mine wasn't that bad xXthat1redheadXx#9990: smh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the amount of anxiety... lisx#1702: I turned in the first big essay like more than 2 weeks late 😂 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I forgor about it til the morning after xXthat1redheadXx#9990: too late xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *I am* lisx#1702: and do not turn in things late xXthat1redheadXx#9990: like it's the beginning and it's as if she's expecting us to be prop lisx#1702: for the writing just follow the rubric and you'll be fine xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well like grading wise xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? lisx#1702: Or any class for that matter 😂 lisx#1702: Actually we didn’t ever do anything in that class lisx#1702: Nah she was chill username123115#4960: she was strict all year lmao username123115#4960: uh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: was robertson really strict at the beginning of the year for you guys too username123115#4960: ^^^ burarahurricane#6369: iwant to go home EJCaldwell#2924: <@734161534799839272> wants to go home EJCaldwell#2924: i wanna go home xXthat1redheadXx#9990: milking it and remembering it are different Maulie#8927: Finished my math homework in five minutes, don't know what to do for the rest of the class EJCaldwell#2924: I wanna go home Mocha#3331: TRUE burarahurricane#6369: glad today was a weekend so we didnt avhve to watch people die for the 10th time in school burarahurricane#6369: which is nice burarahurricane#6369: i think its beginning to die burarahurricane#6369: i c an t wait for them to stop milking it EJCaldwell#2924: for some people it was xXthat1redheadXx#9990: same lisx#1702: me either Mocha#3331: I don't think 9/11 was happy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? burarahurricane#6369: gottdmamn it discord 😭 burarahurricane#6369: hahppy 9/11 : ) burarahurricane#6369: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lisas got no chill xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lmfao EJCaldwell#2924: they are pale as frick EJCaldwell#2924: you should see my sisters EJCaldwell#2924: if you think i am lisx#1702: you really are though EJCaldwell#2924: but i am not that white EJCaldwell#2924: i may be white EJCaldwell#2924: shut up cody xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Is the team named after how white ethan is? lisx#1702: 😂 i totally forgot about this EJCaldwell#2924: its impossible to cheat in that regards PeckServers.com#8342: Maybe theyre a cheater hacker naughty EJCaldwell#2924: all same person within a few days i think EJCaldwell#2924: the other one is a 0.31% or a 0.54% and you multiply that by 94 and by 3 EJCaldwell#2924: and that is the odds of getting that drop EJCaldwell#2924: and then you multiply that by like 14 because of the amount of times he killed that creature EJCaldwell#2924: so the drop chance is a 0.04% and to get the creature to even spawn is a 20% from a 1/600 mob EJCaldwell#2924: ima find the math on how rare the one item was PeckServers.com#8342: Imagibe getting shit on for luck that is entirely out of your control EJCaldwell#2924: this is just really funny xXthat1redheadXx#9990: bruh EJCaldwell#2924: somebody got 3 rare items in 92 attempts where it has taken people over 200 to get just one or two EJCaldwell#2924: it just got worse xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rip EJCaldwell#2924: this guild that i am in is so mad at one guy for getting one really rare drop from a rare creature username123115#4960: i know that language :D' username123115#4960: omg WalterJS#2477: but its in c++ WalterJS#2477: so im gonna do that WalterJS#2477: next semester WalterJS#2477: and the professor told me to take CS 3005 WalterJS#2477: I tested out of CS1400 at the college WalterJS#2477: Oof PeckServers.com#8342: but at like 50% zoom PeckServers.com#8342: yeah that fixed it lisx#1702: maybe lisx#1702: zoom out PeckServers.com#8342: somewhere there is the view count and upload date PeckServers.com#8342: what is youtube doing here? lisx#1702: just have to find the right bts songs lisx#1702: totally lisx#1702: its gonna work lisx#1702: and im gonna do it lisx#1702: fr burarahurricane#6369: ur a genius lisx#1702: 😮 lisx#1702: win lisx#1702: does w stand for lisx#1702: wait burarahurricane#6369: thats a W PeckServers.com#8342: AND got the victory royale PeckServers.com#8342: Naw some sweat at tilted one shot her lisx#1702: wow burarahurricane#6369: ] burarahurricane#6369: oh em gee ita s spencer Mocha#3331: Don't worry I got her reboot card but all the vans are in the storm idk if I can make it 😭 WalterJS#2477: Don’t worry bois im confident that queen Elizabeth can make it out the gulag in one piece, we gotta root for her Maulie#8927: And yes we have it in the background Maulie#8927: It's actually pretty good Maulie#8927: Me and my sister are playing it rn PeckServers.com#8342: Just put the tetris theme on loop and youve got real life tetris PeckServers.com#8342: That looks kinda fun tbh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😔 Maulie#8927: They turned Tetris into a BOARD GAME Commander Lumbar support#1704: Commander Lumbar support#1704: lisx#1702: so what does the monarchs do lisx#1702: that's so underwhelming lisx#1702: her last name is windsor lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: THE ONION SLAYED THIS ONE https://www.theonion.com/note-do-not-run-until-fucking-queen-is-dead-or-people-1849511595?utm_campaign=TheOnion&utm_content=1662653380&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_source=twitter Mocha#3331: I'm suddenly a huge fan of ireland Mocha#3331: ☠️☠️☠️ burarahurricane#6369: do y know aboyt the brutality ireland has faced because of england’s occupation of it lisx#1702: ireland.... burarahurricane#6369: IM CRYUNINGN Commander Lumbar support#1704: not have* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: she represented it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: she didn't rule over england if that's what you're saying burarahurricane#6369: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonization xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *glorious* lisx#1702: this is so funny tho xXthat1redheadXx#9990: duh burarahurricane#6369: it got the bastard part right!!!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: she's the queen burarahurricane#6369: do tou know anytbint avout her xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/dwight-schrute-the-office-salute-yes-sir-rip-gif-16721894 lisx#1702: im going to be so depresesd now xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisx#1702: and sad lisx#1702: stupid lisx#1702: thats so lisx#1702: any questino worng lisx#1702: can i get lisx#1702: how lisx#1702: bruh lisx#1702: but i need to know what i did wrong burarahurricane#6369: 💀💀💀 lisx#1702: but he said everything else was good xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/niko-omilana-shush-gif-21311909 lisx#1702: this is sad lisx#1702: bruh lisx#1702: i do not lisx#1702: issues lisx#1702: domain lisx#1702: i have lisx#1702: he just says lisx#1702: and he won't grade it and give it back burarahurricane#6369: 😭😭😭😭 DOMAIN ISSUES lisx#1702: i do NOT have domain issues lisx#1702: for the domain of functions yk lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: I DO NOT HAVE DOMAIN ISSUES burarahurricane#6369: DOMAIN ISSUES???? lisx#1702: DOMAIN ISSUES lisx#1702: they had lisx#1702: he said lisx#1702: everyone whos turned in the test so far xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 💢 lisx#1702: said I had "domain issues" 💀 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 lisx#1702: the freaking teacher lisx#1702: i had my first math test 😭 burarahurricane#6369: she foesnt deserv eit lisx#1702: @here lisx#1702: guys burarahurricane#6369: no burarahurricane#6369: RIP BOZO!!!! burarahurricane#6369: ITS QWESOME xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I need to make a memorial for her xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ik lisx#1702: 💀 😂 😂 lisx#1702: and the little badge with a number on it is like how many problems you've done lisx#1702: like how many you get right or something lisx#1702: or like mastery lisx#1702: I think it means like accuracy burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: LIZZY’S DEAD ! burarahurricane#6369: EJCaldwell#2924: i just did 3 pullups and 6 chin-ups with my hurt wrist EJCaldwell#2924: i want to go home username123115#4960: i don't think i've done 64 number theory problems username123115#4960: and i go to 52 username123115#4960: and then i do like 10 problems username123115#4960: 2 for number theory today username123115#4960: i was at like username123115#4960: k i don't understand lisx#1702: you really like giving up wow lisx#1702: this is mine lisx#1702: ig lisx#1702: how much you've done lisx#1702: the numbers are like lisx#1702: um so lisx#1702: lol username123115#4960: and why isn't the bar graph for number theory scaling properly username123115#4960: and why are they all red username123115#4960: what do these numbers mean username123115#4960: there appears to be a small problem username123115#4960: wait crap i can't guess zero twice in a row username123115#4960: but then i'd have to sacrifice a whole problem username123115#4960: i should do that username123115#4960: wait you do lisx#1702: if you guess 0 for your second try you get a badge 🤓 username123115#4960: guessing zero on alcumas problems is such a valid strategy omg EJCaldwell#2924: its not like i am sitting right next to you as wellatm EJCaldwell#2924: ayo same username123115#4960: i wanna go home username123115#4960: guys lisx#1702: EJCaldwell#2924: it tasted like watered down mtn dew lisx#1702: it matches with the Ch lisx#1702: so cute PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr isnt it cute!?! PeckServers.com#8342: But its also spicy lisx#1702: whoa you do have a little green leaf by your name PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeah that stuff is kinda giid PeckServers.com#8342: 😊 username123115#4960: what'd it taaaste like EJCaldwell#2924: that mtn dew was not worth it EJCaldwell#2924: i guess we will find out EJCaldwell#2924: idk Mocha#3331: Doesn't that stuff kill you 😃 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh no... EJCaldwell#2924: Look at what me and Daniel found xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 EJCaldwell#2924: same burarahurricane#6369: i want to go home username123115#4960: yo same EJCaldwell#2924: i wanna go home lisx#1702: that was from so many years ago omg lisx#1702: WHEN YOU REMEMBER THAT THERE ARE STILL BTS SONGS YOU HAVEN'T HEARD BEFORE AND LIFE BECOMES GOOD AGAIN https://youtu.be/XQmpVHUi-0A lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-war-of-hormone-war-of-hormone-bts-hello-hello-hello-hello-bts-gif-21634870 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/jhope-bye-bts-hobi-hello-gif-14764782 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-bangtan-boys-bangtan-sonyeondan-rm-jin-gif-15630139 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/kookie-jungkook-bts-vlive-funny-gif-21382895 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-bangtan-sonyeondan-kpop-min-yoongi-suga-gif-18419556 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-suga-big-hit-entertainment-bangtan-boys-kpop-gif-16055359 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/jin-bts-korean-gif-14959947 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-bangtan-boys-bangtan-sonyeondan-jungkook-jeon-jungkook-gif-17784160 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/hello-cute-smile-park-jimin-jimin-gif-15570602 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-bangtan-boys-bangtan-sonyeondan-bts-jimin-park-jimin-gif-17655793 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-bangtan-boys-bangtan-sonyeondan-jungkook-jeon-jungkook-gif-17776638 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-taehyung-hello-vbts-peace-out-gif-12696475 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/general-kenobi-turn-around-star-wars-gif-15335963 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/jin-hello-bts-hello-there-sunglasses-gif-15565367 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/jimin-wave-hi-hey-bye-gif-14045428 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/hello-there-general-kenobi-star-wars-grevious-gif-17774326 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-bangtan-boys-bangtan-sonyeondan-kpop-cute-gif-17239737 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/jungkook-bts-cute-so-hey-gif-18182067 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-bangtan-boys-bangtan-sonyeondan-bts-jungkook-jungkook-gif-17752959 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/welcome-bts-taehyung-gif-14194107 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/welcome-gif-25377061 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/jungkook-gif-20974220 lisx#1702: wow burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: 13 HOURS AR STUPDI FUCKIBG SCHOOL IM FREEEEEEEEEE burarahurricane#6369: IM FINALLY HOME PeckServers.com#8342: *special* PeckServers.com#8342: we do have a special bond lisx#1702: sexnerd before cody: just chillin sexnerd after cody: EJCaldwell#2924: now come up with a nerd name EJCaldwell#2924: he is back PeckServers.com#8342: :D I even have a leafy next to my name!!! PeckServers.com#8342: ayo HIHI EJCaldwell#2924: oh hey it worked EJCaldwell#2924: he can't click that Maulie#8927: Very helpful lisa Maulie#8927: .-. lisx#1702: https://discord.com/invite/Z8Y65HKxC3 Maulie#8927: Cubenerd don't EJCaldwell#2924: only walter and lisa can invite you Thawunguy#6106: mmmmmm juicy invite Maulie#8927: Oh wait Maulie#8927: You want invite? Thawunguy#6106: nned invite Thawunguy#6106: xactly EJCaldwell#2924: https://tenor.com/view/monty-python-tis-but-a-scratch-gif-12051667 Thawunguy#6106: fun lol EJCaldwell#2924: idk Thawunguy#6106: scratch* Thawunguy#6106: did it break or just scrathc? Thawunguy#6106: a true skater to the core EJCaldwell#2924: i skated it off Maulie#8927: Yeah, he just "Walked it off" Maulie#8927: What about joining back on your first account? EJCaldwell#2924: im fine Thawunguy#6106: mega ouch Thawunguy#6106: on my *only* alternative account 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: !!! Thawunguy#6106: Daddy! ❤️ Thawunguy#6106: mega oof 🤣 Thawunguy#6106: oof Thawunguy#6106: ALYSSEEEE <33333 lisx#1702: who needs a ti84 when you can just have rickhard lisx#1702: wow lisx#1702: idk how to do that tho lisx#1702: uhhh username123115#4960: also i don't know if this is relavent to your model but you could try that i guess username123115#4960: *maybe username123115#4960: they can overclock to 420 mhz 😎 username123115#4960: rickhard has more proccessing power than that username123115#4960: wait what lisx#1702: should've gotten ti 83 silver... who even cares if ti 84 has 20 times more memory and twice the processing speed, when ti 83 has built in puzzle pack 😫 lisx#1702: aldskjflkjsdklfjds lisx#1702: how much more depressed this is going to make me in math class lisx#1702: with this calculator lisx#1702: that works lisx#1702: and force them to make me a new block dude lisx#1702: I need to kidnap those people who made it lisx#1702: I'm actually so mad that I can't download puzzle pack though lisx#1702: godo job burarahurricane#6369: so we won burarahurricane#6369: but like actual chads ww’re used to no shade lisx#1702: wow... burarahurricane#6369: becausee qe have literally no shade on our courts burarahurricane#6369: 😎 the crimson girls lost becausw they fell apart bc of the heat burarahurricane#6369: thank yiu lisx#1702: I emailed the website of the company that made it... but that website hasn't been updated since 2007... before I was born... so I'm not sure if they'll get that email lisx#1702: I'm glad you're still alive and haven't melted lisx#1702: good job lisx#1702: 🥲 lisx#1702: 🤦 lisx#1702: lisx#1702: this is super depressing but apparently puzzle pack doesn't work with my calculator username123115#4960: niiice gj burarahurricane#6369: WE WON AGAINST CRIMSON 8-6 LFGGGGGG 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 username123115#4960: but how much harder could programming a calculator beeee username123115#4960: yeaaaaah lisx#1702: wait is this for rickhard lisx#1702: uhh username123115#4960: look 10 hours is a pretty reasonable amount of time for a janky tv remote right username123115#4960: suuure lisx#1702: but at least you figured things out after 10 hours right lisx#1702: wow lisx#1702: lol username123115#4960: except i just died for like 10 hours before figuring anything out username123115#4960: wow this is just like with the pico c/c++ sdk lisx#1702: I just realized this thread is from 10 years ago lisx#1702: that sounds like good advice lisx#1702: lisx#1702: haha username123115#4960: though you'd probably be better off programing using an actual computer then a calculator lol lisx#1702: that's proabbly more likely username123115#4960: or be too busy playing block dude lisx#1702: that's true username123115#4960: you could like learn to while in math lol lisx#1702: I totally would do that if I remember how to program lisx#1702: wow what a new and unheard of idea that's definitely never been actually carried out by anyone (and especially not you) username123115#4960: although thats more something i would do username123115#4960: and call it something stupid to make it original username123115#4960: like tetris username123115#4960: you could program games tooo now username123115#4960: but like username123115#4960: lmfao lisx#1702: jk lisx#1702: yeah! but since they're on reddit it's probably because they're too stupid for math tho \:D username123115#4960: the threads full of people who do nothing in math class too! username123115#4960: wow lisx#1702: bruh lisx#1702: on ti84 lisx#1702: TETRIS lisx#1702: <@734161534799839272> there are MORE GAMES....... lisx#1702: BRO WHAT lisx#1702: lisx#1702: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/13ozy1/i_am_brandon_sterner_the_creator_of_block_dude/ lisx#1702: all the things I'm going to *learn* :DD lisx#1702: yeah fsfs im definitely going to get an A in that class as long as I keep beating the levels of block dude username123115#4960: ah yes challenge and entertain students while they *learn* lisx#1702: bro imagine having games on your iphone when you can have games on your ti84 plus ce 😎 lisx#1702: there are like 3 other games on there other than block dude too lisx#1702: this is going to challenge me so much 🤩 lisx#1702: then I could use the `prgm` button to do things other than type im bored in it hahaha lisx#1702: that sounds fun actually username123115#4960: or assembly lisx#1702: I couldn't find it today username123115#4960: i guess you also could just learn to program in TI-BASIC lol lisx#1702: does it? username123115#4960: wait it doesn't come preloaded with python? lisx#1702: to make simple python programs lisx#1702: where i can take 10 times longer username123115#4960: its gonna be a nightmare to type lmao lisx#1702: that was on the school calculators lisx#1702: also I wanna download the python thingy lisx#1702: not playing blockdude at all lisx#1702: just doing math on my calculator lisx#1702: duh lisx#1702: but I won't be playing block dude 🙄 i'll be doing math on my calculator username123115#4960: nah its fine its on a calculator so its technically math stuff lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lisx#1702: I think it's called puzzlepack username123115#4960: impolite to play block dude while the teacher was talking lisx#1702: download it onto my calculator first username123115#4960: wouldn't it be like lisx#1702: I have to like lisx#1702: except lisx#1702: YEAH username123115#4960: you can like finish the game now lisx#1702: it would probably be *impolite* if I was doing other homework while the teacher was talking username123115#4960: OH YEAH lisx#1702: also remember brick dude username123115#4960: or are you not allowed to username123115#4960: you could do other homework during math lisx#1702: do u know if I can go on discord on my ti 84 lol username123115#4960: lmao lisx#1702: i'll just have to suffer and be bored during math class but like that happens every year so I guess it's nothing new 🥲 lisx#1702: so I probably won't do that lisx#1702: but honestly it's a miracle if I can even pass ap euro history because there's so much reading that I've been skipping lisx#1702: I can do ap calculus lisx#1702: and then when i finish reading it lisx#1702: read the big precalculus book that the teacher person issued to us lisx#1702: I could just lisx#1702: that's true username123115#4960: well like kiiiinda lisx#1702: but algebra and trigonometry isn't calculus either username123115#4960: theres like alyways self studying if you have will power lisx#1702: thats true username123115#4960: but geometry and algebra are kinda completely different things tho lisx#1702: it was all a lie lisx#1702: I totally thought I was going to be learning calculus lisx#1702: it is kinda sad username123115#4960: thats kinda sad lisx#1702: like they don't call geometry prealgebra lisx#1702: they shouldn't have included the word calculus in it if it didn't have calculus in it though username123115#4960: oh username123115#4960: lol lisx#1702: 🤯 lisx#1702: which is why it was called p*recalculus* username123115#4960: i guess its to *prepare* for calculas lisx#1702: it's just algebra and trigonometry username123115#4960: huh lisx#1702: there is no calculus in precalculus lisx#1702: so basically lisx#1702: I never knew this lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: (unless you were a math genius) lisx#1702: they don't offer any other ap tests other than history this year lisx#1702: no username123115#4960: are you doing any ap tests other then history this year lisx#1702: he did do some stuff username123115#4960: he did some stuff lisx#1702: but i dont think i can use google during the ap test lisx#1702: its this dude username123115#4960: wow lisx#1702: like I know there's that one painter guy who painted normal people in the northern renaissance who weren't nobles and had pretty pictures of kids playing and people harvesting and beggars and he used naturalism and all that but it's pretty much useless to know all this because i dont know the guy's name lisx#1702: lol yeah exactly username123115#4960: ^^^ username123115#4960: not that you'd need to bribe him lol lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: mr gardella didn't even give us any assignments though so idk what people even bribed him for username123115#4960: rip lisx#1702: I don't think so username123115#4960: can you bribe him with candy bars lisx#1702: it's kinda fun but I can't remember any of the peoples names username123115#4960: oof lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: if I switched to ap calculus there would be more homework too username123115#4960: isn't your histroy class an ap class too lisx#1702: so lisx#1702: and I have soo much history homework lisx#1702: but it's nice because there isn't a lot of homework and stress and stuff lisx#1702: 🥲 lisx#1702: I wish I did precalculus over the summer lisx#1702: you know lisx#1702: he used to be a military person lisx#1702: actually he's just like mr gardella lisx#1702: yeahh lisx#1702: but like worse username123115#4960: but with actual hw? lisx#1702: so you actually have to shout at him username123115#4960: mr gardella username123115#4960: so like lisx#1702: and he can't hear anyone talk lisx#1702: he's like kinda old lisx#1702: the teacher is pretty funny lisx#1702: ikr username123115#4960: niiiiice lisx#1702: also I corrected the teacher 🤩 lisx#1702: well the thing is today we went over the problems that people thought were "hard" in chapter one and people had so many questions on the easy questions and they were like taking a whole page of notes on them but it was really easy and stuff lisx#1702: oh let me see username123115#4960: is there a syllabus or something lisx#1702: it was just that big brain lisx#1702: wow that just opened up a whole nother dimention of my brain lisx#1702: true lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: yeah username123115#4960: well like why take normal chem when you can take ap chem you know same big brain logic lisx#1702: Idk about me lmao lisx#1702: well YOU can because you're smart and good at math and stuff 😭 lisx#1702: I mean why would I do that since I haven't even taken ab lisx#1702: ofc not lol lisx#1702: they said you can *do* it not that you'll *pass* it and get a 5 though username123115#4960: your taking bc username123115#4960: unless username123115#4960: also its ab which is like way less hard than bc i think username123115#4960: if my counseler just went whatever you can do ap calc then how hard could it beeeeee lisx#1702: we haven't learned anything lisx#1702: that might just be this week but idk lisx#1702: precalc is soooooo boring though username123115#4960: well like lisx#1702: aaaaaaaaaaa lisx#1702: if it'll be too hard or something like that lisx#1702: but idk lisx#1702: yeah that'd be cool lisx#1702: haha username123115#4960: coincidence, i think not username123115#4960: minecraft player getting wrist injuries? EJCaldwell#2924: That I plan on getting username123115#4960: then you could like forward the assignments over and i can see if i'll die if i take the ap calc test this year username123115#4960: omg you totally should Mocha#3331: My ass thought it was a carpal tunnel glove ☠️☠️ lisx#1702: Because precalculus seems really useless lisx#1702: I kinda wanna switch to ap calculus ab lisx#1702: I think it should be able to lisx#1702: Imma see if my ti 84 can connect to internet lisx#1702: It was so fucking boring and everyone was low key stupid lisx#1702: I just had math for the first time this year lisx#1702: Nooooooooo 😭😭 burarahurricane#6369: see u in the other sude burarahurricane#6369: asll here i go guys hope i dont die Maulie#8927: Nvm I just read the rest of general Maulie#8927: Bro what did you do this time EJCaldwell#2924: I better not of sprained it burarahurricane#6369: rip EJCaldwell#2924: Fell while skating burarahurricane#6369: what hapepned burarahurricane#6369: oof EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: So uh Maulie#8927: The man himself is back, on one of his many alternative accounts xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Daddy? lisx#1702: <:nails_pride:1016532825077448704><:nails_pride:1016532825077448704><:nails_pride:1016532825077448704><:nails_pride:1016532825077448704><:nails_pride:1016532825077448704><:nails_pride:1016532825077448704><:nails_pride:1016532825077448704> lisx#1702: it is awesomeness burarahurricane#6369: <:nails_pride:1016532825077448704> <:nails_pride:1016532825077448704> <:nails_pride:1016532825077448704> <:nails_pride:1016532825077448704> <:nails_pride:1016532825077448704> <:nails_pride:1016532825077448704> THHIS IS AQEOSME lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: 💅<:nails:1016532825077448704> lisx#1702: <:nails:1016532825077448704> lisx#1702: Mocha#3331: Real lisx#1702: homework is killing me Mocha#3331: We need more pride 💅 EJCaldwell#2924: lol Mocha#3331: And not gay enough Mocha#3331: Lonely lisx#1702: friends forever lisx#1702: awww it's so cute EJCaldwell#2924: how did you like the video i sent you EJCaldwell#2924: not bad burarahurricane#6369: CODY Thawunguy#6106: How have things been while i was gone? Thawunguy#6106: <3333 I missed you guys too! lisx#1702: We missed you lisx#1702: Hi Cody Thawunguy#6106: Hi everyone 🙂 Thawunguy#6106: Shit im supposed to be changing my passwords not messing around here Maulie#8927: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/855324189849419786/1015998191642095687/v12044gd0000cc8g32jc77uemfj8cnng.mp4 lisx#1702: nice burarahurricane#6369: nice xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nice EJCaldwell#2924: you can't say anything untill you listen to it EJCaldwell#2924: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4lz8MN6MQA Maulie#8927: Facts EJCaldwell#2924: that song is amazing tho EJCaldwell#2924: i did not relize it was that until you pointed it out Maulie#8927: Bro how could I NOT remember that? EJCaldwell#2924: i have to EJCaldwell#2924: and i am surprised he remembered it Maulie#8927: lol Maulie#8927: Pls don't Maulie#8927: Oh gosh no EJCaldwell#2924: and this song turned on EJCaldwell#2924: so me and <@606620815349383209> were at work today, just doing things, and one of the people in the back have a bluetooth speaker lisx#1702: and there's some girls who are really nice and they talk to me but I feel like I don't really have anything in common with them and it's just exhausting to talk to them xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah lisx#1702: And now there’s a bunch of people idk and it’s like I have to talk to them but i don’t really.like them lisx#1702: God last year sucked fr but at least I had *friends* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fr thgouh lisx#1702: THIS IS SO DEPRESSSING lisx#1702: WE’RE ALL ALL ALONE xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm all alone lisx#1702: And I was like I miss alysse I miss jaxin i miss walter i miss liam i miss everyone 😭😭😭 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: too xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I miss you guys lisx#1702: When I was walking on the grass all alone 🥲🥲 lisx#1702: I WAS THINKING THAT TODAY 😭 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fr xXthat1redheadXx#9990: where xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah burarahurricane#6369: <@776230986324246558> come backjv burarahurricane#6369: i miss liam username123115#4960: its amazing username123115#4960: guys theres actually people in the dinky little hallway outside of the media center today lisx#1702: hahaha i have no clue but they're definitely a literal genius username123115#4960: do they do mathcounts lol burarahurricane#6369: me when i have to go to school and lisa isnt there to prod me endlessly and tell me shes bored evrry 1.5 seconds lisx#1702: well i was thinking the gnf that crashes into the twoers but yse that one too lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: his hsnds. Are so tjny burarahurricane#6369: wehen lsia is here 🌟😊 lisx#1702: when lisa is here: \*insert gnf* lisx#1702: ikr burarahurricane#6369: me when lisa isnt here 😕 lisx#1702: like bruh lisx#1702: like pre calc ap calc ab ap calc bc stats advanced topics everything lisx#1702: there's a 7th grader who's already finished all the math classes they offer lisx#1702: I heard at my school lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: its okay I'M ALIVE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lisx#1702: overall happiness has gone down like70% 🥲 burarahurricane#6369: i miss you :(( lisx#1702: also i miss you 😭 lisx#1702: 🤪 thanks bro burarahurricane#6369: good job burarahurricane#6369: omg username123115#4960: username123115#4960: OH MSYF ODSGOD I DID IT xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😳 username123115#4960: ap chemistry the perfect class for fifth graders username123115#4960: ah yes Commander Lumbar support#1704: Thanks burarahurricane#6369: ** ** ** ** thats awesoem ' Commander Lumbar support#1704: <@726265256082407504> Commander Lumbar support#1704: Commander Lumbar support#1704: You’ll never guess what movie I’m watching Mocha#3331: Also like the rest of me Mocha#3331: Ssrm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *... legs... hurt... so bad...* Maulie#8927: I understand you like the genre as well but apparently the ones I play are "Boring" Maulie#8927: Yeah EJCaldwell#2924: real time strategy? EJCaldwell#2924: rts? Maulie#8927: So glad I can humble myself with RTS games EJCaldwell#2924: i have been getting more and more bored of skyblock but there is not much more things to do Maulie#8927: ^ EJCaldwell#2924: i am fine with that username123115#4960: and replace it with a new one lmao EJCaldwell#2924: he is on hypickel now EJCaldwell#2924: he ligit broke it EJCaldwell#2924: does it surprise you tho burarahurricane#6369: ermm yeayh.....We dont talk about . it \\ EJCaldwell#2924: tommy broke the server EJCaldwell#2924: antfrost was in my game EJCaldwell#2924: what game should i play EJCaldwell#2924: it will get rid of my hypixel skyblock addiction i bet EJCaldwell#2924: i don't want to even have a chance to get banned on this server burarahurricane#6369: thats good burarahurricane#6369: lol EJCaldwell#2924: i am not toxic EJCaldwell#2924: jk EJCaldwell#2924: do i try to stream snipe? burarahurricane#6369: but tommy's about to go play skybattle on mcci ^-^ burarahurricane#6369: i dont relaly play minecraft burarahurricane#6369: no lol EJCaldwell#2924: and its not toxic EJCaldwell#2924: did you attempt to get into mcci? burarahurricane#6369: NICE ! EJCaldwell#2924: i also just won a game EJCaldwell#2924: he got 20th out of 21 people burarahurricane#6369: thats so cool burarahurricane#6369: hbomb my beloved burarahurricane#6369: :O! EJCaldwell#2924: ikr burarahurricane#6369: omg! EJCaldwell#2924: also i beat Hbomb EJCaldwell#2924: I know some of these people\ EJCaldwell#2924: i would say same but now i got this EJCaldwell#2924: THIS WAS SENT THREE DAYS AGO BUT STILL EJCaldwell#2924: WHY DO I NOT CHECK MY GMAIL EJCaldwell#2924: now i have something to do while i am still sick EJCaldwell#2924: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Maulie#8927: Me toooooooo username123115#4960: im booooored Maulie#8927: Just scrolling through youtube don't mind me Maulie#8927: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBs7Nek8YDw&list=PLGEsAWfaqs78x9ZkgXAz_FgFQ3AVfnM7F&index=36 Mocha#3331: It'll only end up really moldy too lisx#1702: it'll probably get here within 10-15 business days 😄 lisx#1702: yes please Mocha#3331: I can put a piece in a box and mail it Mocha#3331: Do you want some lisx#1702: sucks for you i guess lisx#1702: gee lisx#1702: -_- Mocha#3331: I remembered I don't really like cake Mocha#3331: The cake wasn't that good I didn't finish it Mocha#3331: Update lisx#1702: ikr EJCaldwell#2924: Those look really good lisx#1702: 😭 Mocha#3331: I think I'll eat some in spite of lisa Mocha#3331: I have cake in my fridge lisx#1702: cake... lisx#1702: this looks good lisx#1702: im so desperate at this point I'll even take chocolate lisx#1702: will kill for cake 🤬 🔪 lisx#1702: I want cake 😠 Maulie#8927: I might not end up going to school tomorrow anyways lisx#1702: haha Maulie#8927: I was excited for a second Maulie#8927: Oh lisx#1702: because school hasn't started for me yet lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: I just don't have school on monday lisx#1702: no Maulie#8927: Do we like, not have school on Monday or something? Maulie#8927: Is something happening this Monday? lisx#1702: school starts on tuesday lisx#1702: school Maulie#8927: Is there something special you're doing on Tuesday? lisx#1702: lemon cakes are so good lisx#1702: lisx#1702: I really want cake 🥲 lisx#1702: more cake lisx#1702: omg I know I shoudl go to dairy queen on tuesday. because school starts. and I should get rewarded for enduring thru torture lisx#1702: i should try that the next time I go to dairy queen... sometime... lisx#1702: because I just get the oreo one every single time I go there Maulie#8927: Cookie dough is always a good one though lisx#1702: I don't think I've had that one lisx#1702: oh darn Maulie#8927: I like the animal circus cookie one, that they never have available anymore cause of supply issues :( lisx#1702: actually chocolate with strawberries are good too lisx#1702: and the dairy queen oreo blizzard are my favoriteee lisx#1702: they are Maulie#8927: Oreos are the best lisx#1702: but it also has oreos and I like oreos flavored things lisx#1702: ik that one has chocolate lisx#1702: oreos lisx#1702: dont worry I wont send cake in every channel. its too late today for that lisx#1702: cakkkeeeee lisx#1702: lisx#1702: look this one's pink lisx#1702: and cake lisx#1702: I like cookies and cream though lisx#1702: I mean chocolate is *okay* but more than a tiny bit is not okay because then it's disgusting lisx#1702: so I guess I only like white chocolate Maulie#8927: Alright lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: that's just chocolate lisx#1702: more cake Maulie#8927: What about Milk Chocolate? Maulie#8927: That is fact lisx#1702: I like white chocolate lisx#1702: white chocolate is good though lisx#1702: but that doesn't taste good Maulie#8927: That's the point lisx#1702: and it's bitter Maulie#8927: Oh lisx#1702: it always makes me sneeze lisx#1702: I think I'm kinda alergic to dark chocolate Maulie#8927: Dark choclate lisx#1702: and ugh lisx#1702: because it's so sweet lisx#1702: and the same with chocolate lisx#1702: because its gross and makes me want to throw up lisx#1702: I don't like meat lisx#1702: well Maulie#8927: How is that even close? Maulie#8927: Choclate compared to meat? lisx#1702: that looks good lisx#1702: i like this tho lisx#1702: i dont like it lisx#1702: meat lisx#1702: it's like lisx#1702: cake Maulie#8927: how lisx#1702: cake lisx#1702: i hate chocolate lisx#1702: ew chocolate lisx#1702: cake lisx#1702: cakeeee lisx#1702: cake 🥲 Maulie#8927: Choclate moose? lisx#1702: this looks like cake lisx#1702: more cake Maulie#8927: Nah I took what was left home lisx#1702: its cake lisx#1702: I want cake Maulie#8927: Thats a sad birthday gift username123115#4960: oof EJCaldwell#2924: so what he got was 4 sick children EJCaldwell#2924: today is my dads birthday Maulie#8927: Dibs on the leftovers xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😁 lisx#1702: at least you brought cake xXthat1redheadXx#9990: indeed Maulie#8927: Well guess the partys over, wasn't bad though xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fr though Maulie#8927: Ride on into school the sickest way possible xXthat1redheadXx#9990: or a paper weight xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yup Maulie#8927: Well at least I can use something to block my door now xXthat1redheadXx#9990: good luck Maulie#8927: ;-; xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😇 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 3 tons xXthat1redheadXx#9990: only... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's small though xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🐅 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: uhm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ofc Maulie#8927: What is it? Maulie#8927: Oooh thank you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🎁 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well here's my present nonetheless Maulie#8927: Yeah? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so you're the only one still here xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😈 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🍰 Maulie#8927: Oh please Maulie#8927: Yeah, welcome xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 4 1/2 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: at least I'm here 🥳 Maulie#8927: Five hours late to the party bro xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and if you have a vaccine and have gotten it that doesn't mean you'll never be able to get it again :/ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah... burarahurricane#6369: yeppers lisx#1702: yeah but that's them so you should still get tested EJCaldwell#2924: And they were not sick for more than 3-4 days EJCaldwell#2924: So that chances of it are super slim EJCaldwell#2924: But both my mom and dad have also had Covid EJCaldwell#2924: Ik that Maulie#8927: The vaccine only lowers your chances of getting sick, not out right obliterating it EJCaldwell#2924: And they got the vaccine EJCaldwell#2924: My parents and older sister are/were sick EJCaldwell#2924: It’s not covid Maulie#8927: Maybe it'll be COVID-22 Maulie#8927: <@383372123714093098> Maybe you should actually get tested for something? Like come on bro username123115#4960: get well soon username123115#4960: uh username123115#4960: yeah that sounds kinda bad username123115#4960: oh EJCaldwell#2924: i can't hear as well now EJCaldwell#2924: my throat is sore EJCaldwell#2924: i can't speak EJCaldwell#2924: yes username123115#4960: are you still dying EJCaldwell#2924: Why must my head hate me Maulie#8927: ? That doesn't make any sense EJCaldwell#2924: you don't though Maulie#8927: Don't have to imagine, I can xXthat1redheadXx#9990: L EJCaldwell#2924: imagine being able to say more than five words without getting out of breath EJCaldwell#2924: IDK Maulie#8927: Bro the heck you do to your voice? EJCaldwell#2924: my throat is in pain EJCaldwell#2924: Yesterday* EJCaldwell#2924: Worse than yestery EJCaldwell#2924: I lost my voice again 😐 lisx#1702: I HATE MATH OMG Maulie#8927: Only a matter of time before a petition starts... burarahurricane#6369: me too 😕 Mocha#3331: I miss rickhard lisx#1702: 1620 <:weedtime:929515889907335168> Mocha#3331: time Mocha#3331: weed username123115#4960: F EJCaldwell#2924: i lost most of my voice EJCaldwell#2924: you can atleast talk lisx#1702: my spotify playlist on shuffle is my healing process Mocha#3331: real EJCaldwell#2924: i think i lost my voice EJCaldwell#2924: im the one dying lisx#1702: And I am dying burarahurricane#6369: ? it is rainingb username123115#4960: the hallway in front of the library is like the lamest hallway ever username123115#4960: i've been here for an hour and a half username123115#4960: there is nobody in the school hallways right now :( username123115#4960: me toooóöô burarahurricane#6369: 𝖎 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖌𝖔 𝖍𝖔𝖒𝖊 username123115#4960: i will be moral support username123115#4960: ethan are you suffering in math username123115#4960: i still want to go home username123115#4960: yoooo same EJCaldwell#2924: <@734161534799839272> I wanna go home xXthat1redheadXx#9990: "that's not true you're lying to yourself" and I was like "no I'm not" and then I thought that it still wasn't true but I just said "ok yeah you're right" (basically) xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I did it to make myself stop thinking about it and then after I was like xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idek lisx#1702: about what xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I think I did it today xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yemsh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well I'm lie to myself xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh lisx#1702: I'm not lying I'm being optimistic geez xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lying to yourself always makes it better xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yup lisx#1702: 👍 <= is what I'm telling myself xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hopefully lisx#1702: because I'll hopefully actually enjoy school this year lisx#1702: it'll be okay lisx#1702: it's okay xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hahahahahahahahah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yup lisx#1702: I'll just be suffering alone in the corner lisx#1702: YOU'RE RIGHT 😭 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but we're gonna get out of school 2-3 weeks before you do so hah! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hm lisx#1702: less than 1 week lisx#1702: it starts next tuesday lisx#1702: nope xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so you're not going to school yet xXthat1redheadXx#9990: k xXthat1redheadXx#9990: thank you this is gonna save me so much confuion lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh yay lisx#1702: I changed alysse's name color lisx#1702: haha xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idk what I thought xXthat1redheadXx#9990: actually xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and then I thought you said good morning xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I thought alysse said that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh my gosh lisx#1702: um xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hold up xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait wth xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ohhhhj lisx#1702: I wanna go home lisx#1702: i'm gonna be like lisx#1702: when i'm going to be at school next week lisx#1702: so i was like xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh lisx#1702: i wanna go home lisx#1702: he's also like lisx#1702: and when ismael is at school lisx#1702: i wanna go home lisx#1702: he's always like lisx#1702: because when daniel is at school lisx#1702: i wanna go home lisx#1702: they were like lisx#1702: when alysse was at school lisx#1702: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so are you guys not at home or what xXthat1redheadXx#9990: just the aneurysm lisx#1702: aneurysm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/pain-painful-rip-gif-19017159 lisx#1702: its just the lisx#1702: orrrrrr lisx#1702: liam has been hacked? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh my heck! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: liam you are just to funny xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hahahahahHAHAHAhAh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh my gosh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😁 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I fixed it lisx#1702: yeah I get that lisx#1702: oof xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you guys also have the same color of username and I can't see the pfp so I got you guys switched up especially in the conversation after I said alysse was born in china lisx#1702: hahaha xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that makes more sense xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I knew it ! lisx#1702: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: were you born in china xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so lisa xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that makes more sense lisx#1702: yeahhhhhhhhhhhh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ooohhhhhhhhhhh lisx#1702: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: did I respond to alysse instead of you lisa lisx#1702: alysse wasn't born in china xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 0oh wait xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah? lisx#1702: you know <@749747503947055136> is alysse right xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it was supposed to be literal cause I thought you were born in china lisx#1702: that was so funny xXthat1redheadXx#9990: uhm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: huh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nice lisx#1702: liam 😂 seriously though are you okay xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ????????????????????????????? ???????????? burarahurricane#6369: im texting from my grave xXthat1redheadXx#9990: are you guys gone xXthat1redheadXx#9990: anyways xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and then I had an aneurysm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's accurate xXthat1redheadXx#9990: absolutely not lisx#1702: that the doctor gave you burarahurricane#6369: did you have a stroke lisx#1702: pills lisx#1702: did you take those lisx#1702: are you okay lisx#1702: liam... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I thought you said so....... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ???? lisx#1702: 😂 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ikr burarahurricane#6369: i wasnt born in china 😕 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: or did I imagine you say that lisx#1702: that was so funny liam I forgot to laugh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: weren't you born there... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it was joke burarahurricane#6369: what lisx#1702: what xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: china? EJCaldwell#2924: imagine being at school username123115#4960: meee Maulie#8927: Who's ready to go home? EJCaldwell#2924: why are you going back like months? lisx#1702: BRUH lisx#1702: I'M WATCHING THAT lisx#1702: I'M WATCHING THAT lisx#1702: GUYSSSS lisx#1702: OH MY GOD username123115#4960: i could just randomly email them username123115#4960: so on the off chance they go to success username123115#4960: i have their first and last name username123115#4960: actually EJCaldwell#2924: thats some gourmet crap burarahurricane#6369: 😕 burarahurricane#6369: melted fruit snack burarahurricane#6369: uh burarahurricane#6369: this burarahurricane#6369: all i have is this EJCaldwell#2924: blame lisa lisx#1702: I wanna donut to2 burarahurricane#6369: i want a donut :( lisx#1702: it does look good EJCaldwell#2924: that looks good lisx#1702: donut lisx#1702: I want donuts lisx#1702: lmao lisx#1702: or something lisx#1702: email lisx#1702: ask for their lisx#1702: lol username123115#4960: but its kinda hard to when the class is online lol username123115#4960: i totally should with that one kid lisx#1702: aww did u make friends username123115#4960: connections amirite username123115#4960: and everybody else are actually college students lmfao username123115#4960: whos like 15 username123115#4960: theres like one other kid with me in the class lisx#1702: omg I just got an ad on youtube... even though I had adblock... because the adblock didn't load fast enough 🥲 lisx#1702: o h username123115#4960: online math lisx#1702: What’s it for username123115#4960: i got the easiest part of a 6 part question wrong and ihad to do it all over again 😭 lisx#1702: Guys next week I’m going to be the one saying I wanna go home 😭😭😭 username123115#4960: the schs library is so bare username123115#4960: i'm bored burarahurricane#6369: i want to go home burarahurricane#6369: good morning cg ☀️ burarahurricane#6369: thank u i tried my hardestt lisx#1702: im bored Mocha#3331: Social anxiety at its finest 🤩🤩🤩🤩🥳🥳🥳🤩🥳🤩🥲 Mocha#3331: Yes my heart sank when she said we had to present a poem in front of the class lisx#1702: really Mocha#3331: Language arts is going to be the death of me if I have to keep socializing with new people 😻 Mocha#3331: I really related to that poem brought a tear to my eye 🥺 lisx#1702: thats not four traits burarahurricane#6369: im subbing in for 3rd singles💀 burarahurricane#6369: round robin thing burarahurricane#6369: for a varsity tourney burarahurricane#6369: the cherry on top is that im missing world civ AGAIN burarahurricane#6369: Oh yeah burarahurricane#6369: what was i saying burarahurricane#6369: Who puts cherries on anytbing burarahurricane#6369: TOP burarahurricane#6369: cherry on TOO burarahurricane#6369: wait whats the burarahurricane#6369: or burarahurricane#6369: and the cherry on the cake burarahurricane#6369: because i missed friday for the wade tourney :/ burarahurricane#6369: i think im@getting called to wolrd civ for tgt burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: and is definitley wht i will turn in 👍 burarahurricane#6369: tho burarahurricane#6369: mine is awrsome burarahurricane#6369: real 😭 Mocha#3331: After hearing we had to do a poem in front of the class I wanted to break down 😭 burarahurricane#6369: and i forgot burarahurricane#6369: and i dont have afirst period burarahurricane#6369: becausw the bell schedule is different burarahurricane#6369: it was why i was late burarahurricane#6369: no i know that Mocha#3331: Just stay in your third period it's like study hall burarahurricane#6369: sorryvf for the breakdown in main im okayish now 👍👍👍 burarahurricane#6369: and u dorgot moy friyck g is ateht burarahurricane#6369: um hounng to jump off a veduef im houng to kill myself im goibg to sliyy my writsts i aam ay my limit this is it for me burarahurricane#6369: im going tokilk msyelf burarahurricane#6369: shit fuck fhsir shit shot shit suribhsir burarahurricane#6369: <@484351343503474698> DO YOU KNKW burarahurricane#6369: TODAY burarahurricane#6369: SHIT IS IT TOUCH GOLD TOME lisx#1702: https://youtube.com/shorts/JrmzvJ05Uqs?feature=share lisx#1702: gang violence 🔫 https://youtube.com/shorts/baO9TFdbkkI?feature=share EJCaldwell#2924: idk what to do lisx#1702: I'm surprised that's not a real ad it's so good WalterJS#2477: And this is why I trust Bank of America to secure my money https://youtube.com/shorts/fYJN-yT-3vE?feature=share WalterJS#2477: custom popups lisx#1702: it looks like a google website WalterJS#2477: thanks WalterJS#2477: The update added in the ability to change around the alumni. You can move players, add new players, change if they are active alumni or not, and remove players lisx#1702: that looks sick af WalterJS#2477: i think it looks really good i dont know how I made this look so good WalterJS#2477: latest update for the sc baseball admin panel WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: fr lisx#1702: The good old days lmao lisx#1702: That was awesome WalterJS#2477: Who remembers when it was just like Spencer and I and a few other people and we would jus troll all the new members WalterJS#2477: Dang bro CG has come a long way burarahurricane#6369: olease dont manifest my ant bed buddies back ithey only just left and i dont think they had a nice stay i kept on smashinf them 😕 lisx#1702: thats not very nice lisx#1702: oh no Mocha#3331: >:) Mocha#3331: Goodnight cg hope everyone gets bitten by bed bugs EJCaldwell#2924: we just did not have that much EJCaldwell#2924: i used butter Mocha#3331: It says you may use butter Mocha#3331: That's cheating EJCaldwell#2924: i needed to toast it more lisx#1702: it doesnt look very toasted EJCaldwell#2924: and it was mostly the jam i used EJCaldwell#2924: i wish i toasted it more burarahurricane#6369: REALLY GOOD 😭 EJCaldwell#2924: the middle slice could of been a little more toasted EJCaldwell#2924: really good EJCaldwell#2924: ngl EJCaldwell#2924: It is made EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: and i will tell you how it goes EJCaldwell#2924: i will make my own version of it username123115#4960: doesn't that look appetizing EJCaldwell#2924: why is that a wikipedia article lisx#1702: that is eye opening lisx#1702: wow username123115#4960: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toast_sandwich EJCaldwell#2924: im hungry, what should i make EJCaldwell#2924: i lost xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :/ lisx#1702: its probably just cArToOns lisx#1702: and if its korean then its technicially not anime anymore xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah lisx#1702: i don't xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'll be surprised if you watch korean anime xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and helps you get used to hearing it lisx#1702: ~~also watching anime 24/7 but we dont talk about that~~ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it helps you situate into the language kinda lisx#1702: by only knowing so little xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's actually a good thing to listen to bts if you're learning korean lisx#1702: because i can kinda sing japanese songs lisx#1702: but i think just leraning the alphabet will help lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: that I will be able to half sing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yuh lisx#1702: all those bts songs lisx#1702: fr tho lisx#1702: ~~practice french~~ lisx#1702: I should xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *korean* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you should learn xXthat1redheadXx#9990: \*gasp* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: learn a language xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@726265256082407504> lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/ta3jn-jungkook-bts-jungkook-good-luck-bts-comfort-gif-21981426 EJCaldwell#2924: Wish me luck EJCaldwell#2924: I am in an intense game of Catan lisx#1702: learned lisx#1702: that I already lisx#1702: if I'm not going to practice the other ones lisx#1702: but like whats the point lisx#1702: first I'd have to GET a new instrument lisx#1702: i can't just learn a new instrument though lisx#1702: 💀 EJCaldwell#2924: Learn a new instrument lisx#1702: But there isn’t anything lisx#1702: That you fold a few times and throw away when you’re done lisx#1702: it’s just paper lisx#1702: Or useful in any way lisx#1702: It’s not even fun lisx#1702: I’ve done that before burarahurricane#6369: oragami burarahurricane#6369: how about burarahurricane#6369: anythjng… lisx#1702: Like what burarahurricane#6369: have you tried a new hobby yet lisx#1702: If I get one more day of summer, I’m literally going to have to kill myself because I’m so fucking bored EJCaldwell#2924: this looks funny EJCaldwell#2924: oh lisx#1702: and also lost a bunch of the pieces lisx#1702: I have trauma from a black puzzle i had that i never solved EJCaldwell#2924: it matches better i think EJCaldwell#2924: i just looked at the other coloers EJCaldwell#2924: good choice lisx#1702: the gray one i guess EJCaldwell#2924: puzzle* EJCaldwell#2924: same cube EJCaldwell#2924: which looks better lisx#1702: your choice EJCaldwell#2924: so black or grey EJCaldwell#2924: i want magnets EJCaldwell#2924: i was needing a new one EJCaldwell#2924: yes lisx#1702: 12? lisx#1702: how many sides does it have EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: #2 EJCaldwell#2924: #1 EJCaldwell#2924: which one is cooler EJCaldwell#2924: That last one EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/koYeYQkkxWU?feature=share EJCaldwell#2924: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: actual ones are harder xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the mini's really easy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I got the best score EJCaldwell#2924: i win xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I got a better time lisx#1702: I beat you EJCaldwell#2924: L lisx#1702: you tried lisx#1702: lol username123115#4960: FCK username123115#4960: weed time EJCaldwell#2924: i just found it funny WalterJS#2477: That’s kinda normal my boi Mocha#3331: Me too burarahurricane#6369: thats epic EJCaldwell#2924: Nice xXthat1redheadXx#9990: perfect time xXthat1redheadXx#9990: LETS GOOOOOOO EJCaldwell#2924: <@484351343503474698> Daniel wants to go home EJCaldwell#2924: Why does Utah tech sell shot glasses Mocha#3331: That sounds like fun I wish I could've done the same lisx#1702: nothing today lisx#1702: I've done burarahurricane#6369: ive been reading a bunch today and a wrote a couple hundred words so doin pretty chill EJCaldwell#2924: how about you? EJCaldwell#2924: good burarahurricane#6369: how are we 2day fine citizens of concrete games llc discord server burarahurricane#6369: hi Mocha#3331: Fr Maulie#8927: How do you respond to this? username123115#4960: hi same EJCaldwell#2924: wanna do something EJCaldwell#2924: same username123115#4960: i'm bored Mocha#3331: It's your lawn now username123115#4960: wait this isn't my lawn username123115#4960: k nearest neighbors outperforms my super awesome 3 layer neural network 😭 EJCaldwell#2924: same burarahurricane#6369: imnm srsly at a loss for worrssds burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! EJCaldwell#2924: the hypixel forums is a strange place ngl EJCaldwell#2924: why is dream making out with Walter White EJCaldwell#2924: WHAT THE FRICK burarahurricane#6369: its nice outside burarahurricane#6369: good morning cg ☀️ username123115#4960: no like my math class in success Mocha#3331: real Maulie#8927: Suck it up buttercup EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: because its in success username123115#4960: bruh i lost my math class lmao burarahurricane#6369: im haveijbgy so much fun playing ladder masycgies 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 im taking ALL the W’s todatey burarahurricane#6369: im so tired and deleriosuye xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Thanks 🥰🥰😘😘😊😊😊🥰😘😊😘😍😛🥰🥰🥰😘😊😍😍😍☺️☺️☺️☺️😘☺️ Mocha#3331: Wow I'm so proud of you good job 🤩💅 lisx#1702: I sure did 🤪 Mocha#3331: Mhm sure YOU did lisx#1702: we did 🥳 Maulie#8927: Congratulations everyone. We survived the first two days of school EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/GX4ae_2pDDA?feature=share I know what he’s saying, but it sounds like something else EJCaldwell#2924: Just over 3 hours EJCaldwell#2924: Yes Maulie#8927: You out already? EJCaldwell#2924: That was a short work day EJCaldwell#2924: He’s awesome EJCaldwell#2924: Most people from snow canyon know him burarahurricane#6369: i know him ! EJCaldwell#2924: Cash McFadden just walked into where I work Commander Lumbar support#1704: :/ Mocha#3331: Only a little bit of rain tbh wish it rained harder Commander Lumbar support#1704: Same burarahurricane#6369: our backyard is flooding 💀 burarahurricane#6369: huh Commander Lumbar support#1704: weird thing is the dead tree next to it is just fine\ Commander Lumbar support#1704: our trees been here 30+ years and this knocked it down burarahurricane#6369: there peobably will be burarahurricane#6369: yeah Commander Lumbar support#1704: still burarahurricane#6369: fine* burarahurricane#6369: far burarahurricane#6369: fae burarahurricane#6369: and they seemed dine so dae Commander Lumbar support#1704: twice*, one just now burarahurricane#6369: well i was just there Commander Lumbar support#1704: i wouldnt be surprised if theres at least 2 trees gone at the high school burarahurricane#6369: yikes Commander Lumbar support#1704: theres water pouring into the house burarahurricane#6369: oh nooo Commander Lumbar support#1704: that tree was in the middle of 2 tortoise habitats and part of where the 3 ducks roam Commander Lumbar support#1704: burarahurricane#6369: o p e Commander Lumbar support#1704: and then it fell burarahurricane#6369: AND WE WERE OUR THERE Commander Lumbar support#1704: lightning struck our tree burarahurricane#6369: IT ATARTED POURING OUT OF LITERALLY NOWHWRE burarahurricane#6369: YEAH burarahurricane#6369: OH burarahurricane#6369: what Commander Lumbar support#1704: thats a yes Commander Lumbar support#1704: anyone else getting rain burarahurricane#6369: im soaked EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: I SURVRIBED MOM PICKED ME UP EJCaldwell#2924: now i don't want to go to work even more EJCaldwell#2924: this rain is insane burarahurricane#6369: im literally going to die username123115#4960: its hailing so hard burarahurricane#6369: I TREE HAILING burarahurricane#6369: ese has ro hise in our coaches car😭😭😭 burarahurricane#6369: ther r spmlg two o t us who donr havr xars burarahurricane#6369: u cna barely see burarahurricane#6369: that picture does not show how hqed its actually raining burarahurricane#6369: WHAT A GREAT FIRST DAY TENNIS PRACTICE username123115#4960: its like raining really hard username123115#4960: wow EJCaldwell#2924: but i don't like a lot of the sports Maulie#8927: I'll give my first day a Solid 8, wasn't bad but it's never a utopia lol EJCaldwell#2924: i have one friend in my class atleast Maulie#8927: For real some of the sports are actually quite boring Mocha#3331: It's only fun if you have a friend in it and sometimes the sport is boring EJCaldwell#2924: frick EJCaldwell#2924: i forgot i work today EJCaldwell#2924: ikr Maulie#8927: PE is a fun class I don't get why everyone hates it so much Mocha#3331: Idk they all kinda suck but PE can be fun Mocha#3331: And the only class I'm looking forward to tmmr is probably just fitness for life ig EJCaldwell#2924: i wanted that class Mocha#3331: And it's intro to digital graphics arts and that class seems like fun Mocha#3331: So far I'm only enjoying one of my classes EJCaldwell#2924: so that will change soon EJCaldwell#2924: but i only had two classes EJCaldwell#2924: today was not that bad Mocha#3331: I'm not gonna survive the year 😭 Maulie#8927: Seems like everyone survived, all be it with questionable mental health burarahurricane#6369: IM GOING TO DIEEE i want to go home but gothic font i have over 3 hours to go EJCaldwell#2924: what should i do EJCaldwell#2924: again EJCaldwell#2924: they also did not have my name EJCaldwell#2924: yes username123115#4960: did you get your picture taken username123115#4960: im home too username123115#4960: no way username123115#4960: wow EJCaldwell#2924: idk what to do now EJCaldwell#2924: I am now home EJCaldwell#2924: Not for two hours EJCaldwell#2924: Nope lisx#1702: To go to more school EJCaldwell#2924: Well I’m leaving school burarahurricane#6369: all goodlol EJCaldwell#2924: Sorry EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: that was an ominous notifixation EJCaldwell#2924: <@749747503947055136> I see you EJCaldwell#2924: Goodbye school lisx#1702: Do you need to jump into a drier lisx#1702: What’s happening burarahurricane#6369: i feel like a sad lost wet cat burarahurricane#6369: i have no idea whats happening Mocha#3331: I've gone clinically insane burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: iMaGinE bEinG iN sChOol EJCaldwell#2924: Gm burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/salute-gif-21949953 Mocha#3331: Boo education Maulie#8927: *Yayyy* username123115#4960: yayyyyy education Maulie#8927: Please enjoy school lol Maulie#8927: First good morning on a school day in a while burarahurricane#6369: anyway GOODNNIGHT. at eleadt qe can suffer Together 😊 burarahurricane#6369: yhat emoji looks like a pedo burarahurricane#6369: 🌚 Mocha#3331: Gooodnight cg hopefully y'all enjoy school tmmr because I know I won't 😍 EJCaldwell#2924: gn lisx#1702: bye lisx#1702: its fiiiiiiiiiiiine lisx#1702: a painful death lisx#1702: I'm going to die tomorrow lisx#1702: aaaaaaaaaaaa EJCaldwell#2924: i am going to bed in like 5 mins tho to finish up some things EJCaldwell#2924: thats what i am doing lisx#1702: seth in that hairstyle looks like joshua bassett lisx#1702: I'm going to sleep lisx#1702: I can't afford 10 minutes though lisx#1702: like 10 minutes EJCaldwell#2924: how much longer is it lisx#1702: the episode isn't over what do I do EJCaldwell#2924: this is unheard of from me EJCaldwell#2924: somehow i am actually trying to go to bed at a reasonable time lisx#1702: HELP lisx#1702: BUT THIS SHOW IS JUST SO SO SO SO SO SO SO FUCKING AMAZING THAT i CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT lisx#1702: I'VE SEEN ANOTHER EPISODE EVEN THOUGH i SWORE THE LAST ONE WAS THE EPISODE 2 EPISODES AGO EJCaldwell#2924: same lisx#1702: I haven't seen michael reeves in so long i totally forgot he existed lisx#1702: that video lisx#1702: oh my god EJCaldwell#2924: i wish he uploaded more burarahurricane#6369: im rooting for him EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Hu3p5ZR_i5s&feature=share This man will end the human civilization WalterJS#2477: No clue lisx#1702: throw people? lisx#1702: what even are the rules of wrestling lisx#1702: lol WalterJS#2477: I’m prettt strong and lean so I just need to learn WalterJS#2477: And lean lisx#1702: in like lisx#1702: thats u lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/wwe-world-wrestling-entertainment-wrestler-wrestling-fight-gif-17428038 WalterJS#2477: Other than you need to be strong WalterJS#2477: yeah the only thing is I literally know absoultely nothing about wrestling WalterJS#2477: Haha lisx#1702: youd fit right in lisx#1702: all the wrestling guys in mr langs desktop wallpapers looked like theyve got six packs lisx#1702: I think you can probably be pretty good at wrestling WalterJS#2477: And I’m doing track WalterJS#2477: I’m gonna try wrestling instead lisx#1702: but you still didn't have enough fUn to not quit baseball WalterJS#2477: Lol lisx#1702: ... WalterJS#2477: Well that’s actually still a decent amount of time to do all the big rides lisx#1702: I have tennis in the morning WalterJS#2477: Oh WalterJS#2477: there’s always more girls on the skyride at night lisx#1702: I think I'm only staying until like 6 WalterJS#2477: it’s fun at night WalterJS#2477: You should WalterJS#2477: are you staying until it closes lisx#1702: is it WalterJS#2477: It’s gonna be so hot WalterJS#2477: why so late lisx#1702: but also I can't do that because we're going there at 2 WalterJS#2477: -my little league baseball coach every year since I was born lisx#1702: that was a great talk lisx#1702: wow WalterJS#2477: HaVe FuN WalterJS#2477: And mOsT iMpOrTaNtLy lisx#1702: sigh WalterJS#2477: And gender WalterJS#2477: 💀💀 you can adapt the plan to your individual needs lisx#1702: 😂 lisx#1702: that last part lisx#1702: don't think I'll do that lisx#1702: I WalterJS#2477: That’s the main idea lisx#1702: um- WalterJS#2477: And there you go WalterJS#2477: Next ride collosus and then wicked and then the spider WalterJS#2477: next ride the sky ride to the other side of the park and on the way get as many girls snaps as you can WalterJS#2477: And you gotta be in the front row far left or right side WalterJS#2477: You gotta be the first cart WalterJS#2477: And ride cannibal right when they open the gates WalterJS#2477: and then go to the left WalterJS#2477: get there like an hour before it opens lisx#1702: I got a free ticket WalterJS#2477: I have been many times WalterJS#2477: Ooooo sounds fun lisx#1702: hey according to google its only a *little* busy Mocha#3331: You're gonna be able to go on like three rides Mocha#3331: Bruh lisx#1702: Oh well we’re going at 2pm so 💀 Mocha#3331: The lines are garbage go early in the morning if you can Mocha#3331: It's a fun place to go the rides are really big and it's fun lisx#1702: Lol lisx#1702: I’m going tomorrow though lisx#1702: I’ve never been lisx#1702: Oh nice Mocha#3331: I don't think I can handle another year of that Mocha#3331: I'm gonna drop out just because of daniel 😭 Mocha#3331: Yeah it's fun I've been on thale cannibal and also like every ride username123115#4960: i can't wait to tell you that i want to go home tommorow burarahurricane#6369: and went like three other times alsp burarahurricane#6369: we camped there for my birthday once burarahurricane#6369: yes lisx#1702: …no? lisx#1702: Have u guys been to lagoon Mocha#3331: My little brother called me weird for sleeping without socks on Mocha#3331: Gooooodmorning cg I can't wait to explode and die tmmr lisx#1702: <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> <:mgk:1004935116591726622> burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: Good mourning 🙀🤪 Maulie#8927: Good morning EJCaldwell#2924: good morning burarahurricane#6369: good morning ☀️ EJCaldwell#2924: dead inside lisx#1702: is doing something sketchy lisx#1702: but this weird guy lisx#1702: no burarahurricane#6369: have they accomplished murder yet burarahurricane#6369: awesome lisx#1702: I'm watchingt this smovie burarahurricane#6369: hows it goin compadres burarahurricane#6369: he y EJCaldwell#2924: I am just a gamer EJCaldwell#2924: What can I say username123115#4960: i have like way more deaths then you on those chapters lmao EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: now for the caset tape level EJCaldwell#2924: chapter two was easy EJCaldwell#2924: THIS GAME IS SO GOOD burarahurricane#6369: 🤝 u and me both Mocha#3331: My sleep schedule is ruined and straight garbage for school 😭 Mocha#3331: I went to sleep and nine got called on my phone and it woke me up at like 1 and can't go back to sleep Mocha#3331: I'm not ready for season one 💀😭 EJCaldwell#2924: and about an hour and a half EJCaldwell#2924: it only took 387 deaths EJCaldwell#2924: ITS NOT OVER? EJCaldwell#2924: I DID IT EJCaldwell#2924: THESE PLATFORMS SUCK EJCaldwell#2924: wooo Maulie#8927: School in three days EJCaldwell#2924: how many trys did it take you username123115#4960: you've goot this EJCaldwell#2924: not counting the start EJCaldwell#2924: after 122 deaths i got the the 2nd cp EJCaldwell#2924: I GOT PAST THE SPOT EJCaldwell#2924: i can't freaking do it username123115#4960: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: so i do the mixtape level? EJCaldwell#2924: 149 EJCaldwell#2924: nvm username123115#4960: b r u h EJCaldwell#2924: just over 100 username123115#4960: whats your death count username123115#4960: quick question username123115#4960: also username123115#4960: now you should do it EJCaldwell#2924: got it username123115#4960: oooooh EJCaldwell#2924: yup username123115#4960: nice EJCaldwell#2924: i think EJCaldwell#2924: found it username123115#4960: well for the tape you just wanna go around and activate a bunch of those moving platforms EJCaldwell#2924: then no i did not username123115#4960: there is EJCaldwell#2924: there is no heart for the first level username123115#4960: also did you get the heart username123115#4960: do you want a hint EJCaldwell#2924: i can't find it EJCaldwell#2924: where is the tape username123115#4960: nice username123115#4960: oh wow EJCaldwell#2924: 20 username123115#4960: wait how many do yo uhave EJCaldwell#2924: i found them all in a row EJCaldwell#2924: for the first level username123115#4960: wait you found all strawberries? EJCaldwell#2924: i mcan't find it EJCaldwell#2924: also its not get all strawberry's EJCaldwell#2924: i was username123115#4960: ooh are you at the place with the antenna EJCaldwell#2924: is it something to do with the birds? username123115#4960: i had to go through the chapter three times before i found it username123115#4960: believe in yourself username123115#4960: you can do iiiit EJCaldwell#2924: i can't find it Mocha#3331: Well you kinda need it to play the second to last chapter EJCaldwell#2924: i would still find them all EJCaldwell#2924: even if it didn't Mocha#3331: And you get even more gaming to do Mocha#3331: Well it gives you a secret level EJCaldwell#2924: time to find it Mocha#3331: That may have been the worst typo of my life lisx#1702: thats not a cassett tape its just a rectangle <:sus:783176301502267423> Mocha#3331: Or if you wanna get with actual terms its a casset tape EJCaldwell#2924: so its a collectible Mocha#3331: That's a mixtape EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: is it like a letter to somebody? EJCaldwell#2924: <@484351343503474698> whats the rectangle collectible thing EJCaldwell#2924: this is way easier with controller EJCaldwell#2924: not ps4 buttons EJCaldwell#2924: everything in celeste is in xbox/nitendo words EJCaldwell#2924: or i just have to hold my hands in a strange way EJCaldwell#2924: so i may get a controller username123115#4960: i saw you username123115#4960: oh yeah EJCaldwell#2924: also i saw you talking to gabe and george EJCaldwell#2924: i misread your thing username123115#4960: EJCaldwell#2924: i thought you had a 7th username123115#4960: i miss my whole a day s2 EJCaldwell#2924: what? lisx#1702: not the jello! lisx#1702: oh no EJCaldwell#2924: ima try with keyboard but i may switch to controller EJCaldwell#2924: also i got celeste EJCaldwell#2924: if i don't get an 8th period class i guess i will only have a single class at the high school for b days burarahurricane#6369: oh lol EJCaldwell#2924: and what is everybodys 8th period becaues i want to see if there are any fun ones that one of you are in EJCaldwell#2924: <@749747503947055136> i saw you going to the school right as i was leaving EJCaldwell#2924: I don’t have an 8th period EJCaldwell#2924: True EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: high school: season 1 EJCaldwell#2924: Also I guess I am only having 3 high school classes s1 EJCaldwell#2924: It’s a freaking keyboard Maulie#8927: Come on thats the first thing you should try EJCaldwell#2924: WHY DID I JUST NOW TRY THAT EJCaldwell#2924: unplugging and plugging back in EJCaldwell#2924: in the dumbest way possible EJCaldwell#2924: its fixed username123115#4960: noice EJCaldwell#2924: i think i fixed my keyboard username123115#4960: segragation Mocha#3331: It was in a different section Mocha#3331: WHY WAS JT SEPERATE 😭😭 Mocha#3331: Or maybe I check none of them Mocha#3331: Good idea username123115#4960: check all of them Mocha#3331: I'm none of these they hate brown people Mocha#3331: Also why is there no hispanic 😭 Mocha#3331: Mocha#3331: Yeah that sounds about right username123115#4960: 16 / 20 username123115#4960: maybe more like username123115#4960: actually wait username123115#4960: you just move back to the start of the screen username123115#4960: but like if you die you don't have to redo the whole chapter username123115#4960: the chapters are pretty hard username123115#4960: 10/20 username123115#4960: like EJCaldwell#2924: and a lot of VR games look fun but i don't have a vr EJCaldwell#2924: and portal looks fun EJCaldwell#2924: a game that looks fun but i won't get it is stray EJCaldwell#2924: and make the community mad EJCaldwell#2924: they just ruin the game EJCaldwell#2924: cheaters suck Mocha#3331: I hate speedrun cheaters it's like cheating to get a participation trophy EJCaldwell#2924: i was also looking at videos of speedrun cheaters on it so that was the main reason i wanted to look at it Mocha#3331: On a scale of 1-20 Mocha#3331: How hard was celeste EJCaldwell#2924: <@734161534799839272> Mocha#3331: <@734161534799839272> EJCaldwell#2924: didn't daniel ju st plya it Mocha#3331: I remember it being hard ask daniel that he's playing it Mocha#3331: Idk man the first time I played it was years ago but from what I remember it was like a 7 ish I think EJCaldwell#2924: i like hard games EJCaldwell#2924: on a scale from 1-10 how hard is it for a first playthrough Mocha#3331: Get it it's a really fun platformer with lots to do EJCaldwell#2924: i may get celeste Mocha#3331: Also good game Mocha#3331: Katana zero Mocha#3331: Uhmm lemme think Mocha#3331: Good gaem Mocha#3331: Deleste EJCaldwell#2924: i was looking at that lol Mocha#3331: Eleste Mocha#3331: Celeste Mocha#3331: Celeste Mocha#3331: Celeste EJCaldwell#2924: i have seen the game and i am not really interested in it personally Maulie#8927: I've beaten the whole game and you would most def like it Maulie#8927: Teardown on steam. It's a short game with lots of explosions and tactical thinking as your upgrade your equipment EJCaldwell#2924: anybody have any game ideas EJCaldwell#2924: i want to get a new game but i don't know what to get Maulie#8927: And I remembered you were learning French so why not? Maulie#8927: When I went to Yellowstone we passed the Grand Tetons and my dad told me to look up what it means in French burarahurricane#6369: IM CRYING lisx#1702: does that have to do with me learning french burarahurricane#6369: LMAOO???? lisx#1702: what lisx#1702: um Maulie#8927: <@726265256082407504> Is this why you learned French? burarahurricane#6369: oh god oh god burarahurricane#6369: next week burarahurricane#6369: thast like burarahurricane#6369: school starts on the 11th burarahurricane#6369: oh god EJCaldwell#2924: Yooo username123115#4960: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: You have it 7th right EJCaldwell#2924: At least I think username123115#4960: ;D Maulie#8927: Oh yeah.... I totally remembered that lisx#1702: just delete the app burarahurricane#6369: hsobs burarahurricane#6369: I HATE YOU TIKTOKIFICATION OF SOCIAL PLATFORMS lisx#1702: AGAIN?! burarahurricane#6369: NOOO I ALMOST GOT TRAPPED IN THE YOHTUBE SHORTS BLACKHOKE lisx#1702: so thats more like 3 and a half lisx#1702: it was during christmas tho burarahurricane#6369: wwel it s almost 5 years lisx#1702: I literally never noticed what he was doing in that shot before lisx#1702: I JUST REALZI9ED WHAT THAT WAS lisx#1702: I can't math lisx#1702: yaers ago lisx#1702: it was 4 lisx#1702: FUCK NO IT WASN'T lisx#1702: bro that was 2018 and 2018 was 5 years ago.................................................. burarahurricane#6369: banher lisx#1702: lets not forget about this masterpiece https://youtu.be/eSFhd-CGIWU burarahurricane#6369: but i ummmmn burarahurricane#6369: i dontnknow how to tell you this 😐 burarahurricane#6369: . erm,, lisx#1702: don't https://open.spotify.com/track/0TkJIyL69RAUIbNwGub6uR?si=230fd49163cf4403 burarahurricane#6369: as soon a s i figure out. how a pan works burarahurricane#6369: hehybguys i m going to Cook a meal for you all 😊 EJCaldwell#2924: It’s granddads birthday Maulie#8927: ? interesting EJCaldwell#2924: I was not expecting that EJCaldwell#2924: Maulies and my grandparents just showed up EJCaldwell#2924: We got robotics together username123115#4960: because i can't show up to rehearsals because of success academy being in the mornings lol username123115#4960: im kinda not in jazz band anymore username123115#4960: except username123115#4960: here it iiiissss username123115#4960: yeah username123115#4960: im dumb username123115#4960: nvm username123115#4960: i don think its correct lisx#1702: https://www.powerschool.washk12.org burarahurricane#6369: powerschool.washk12.org username123115#4960: where seeeee EJCaldwell#2924: <@734161534799839272> did you get your schedule? EJCaldwell#2924: was there like a computer programming 1 that i did not have to do or something lisx#1702: oh dang EJCaldwell#2924: exactly one week until school starts EJCaldwell#2924: my collage classes are not there yet EJCaldwell#2924: but if i really only have 7 classes in semester 1 i want to take a shop class EJCaldwell#2924: also it would be 6 EJCaldwell#2924: bottem is 2 EJCaldwell#2924: top is 1 EJCaldwell#2924: thats for each semester lisx#1702: because two of them is "release time" lisx#1702: don't you only have 5 EJCaldwell#2924: i only have 7 for some reason EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: most look fun EJCaldwell#2924: i got my classes finally WalterJS#2477: It was just like “F***!” Really loud in the middle of the night so yeah 💀💀 WalterJS#2477: Oh yea also it recorded me sleep talking at like 3:44 am WalterJS#2477: 10/10 would recommend WalterJS#2477: It was great WalterJS#2477: It felt like I just woke up on my own WalterJS#2477: It woke me up like WalterJS#2477: Dude that was actually so sick WalterJS#2477: It’s listening on your mic Maulie#8927: Magic lisx#1702: how does it know your tossing and turning tho WalterJS#2477: I just have it on my nightstand lisx#1702: do you sleep with the phone then WalterJS#2477: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sleep-cycle-sleep-tracker/id320606217 WalterJS#2477: I’m gonna try it out tonight I wonder if it’s any good WalterJS#2477: So if you are tossing and turning within the timeframe it will wake you up then so it’s easier to wake up if that makes sense WalterJS#2477: And it wakes you up within like 30 min of that based on how well you’re sleeping WalterJS#2477: You set a wake up time WalterJS#2477: I just got this app that like lisx#1702: people lisx#1702: its like burarahurricane#6369: oh burarahurricane#6369: genq burarahurricane#6369: whats a sorority burarahurricane#6369: tjis was aweskme https://youtube.com/shorts/dhNCBj50VZY?feature=share burarahurricane#6369: rip EJCaldwell#2924: But still EJCaldwell#2924: Only 20 mins that time EJCaldwell#2924: MY POWER WENT OUT AGAIN burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/4cOdK2wGLETKBW3PvgPWqT?si=ee84a63fb85e4249 Commander Lumbar support#1704: 248-434-5508 EJCaldwell#2924: it only took an hour this time EJCaldwell#2924: My power went out and now I am sad WalterJS#2477: Idk why it helps but it does WalterJS#2477: see I told you lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: THANKS FOR SENDING THAT TO ME lisx#1702: I already do the self reflection writing part tho lisx#1702: just watching it made me so much less depressed 😂 lisx#1702: I just tried to stop thinking about it after I watched the optimistic nihilsm one after it didn't help WalterJS#2477: this video actualyl works lisx#1702: lmao WalterJS#2477: same haha heres my youtube history from that night WalterJS#2477: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPPPFqsECz0 lisx#1702: yeah I watched that one right after I watched the other one WalterJS#2477: I just need to find it WalterJS#2477: but theres another video WalterJS#2477: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBRqu0YOH14 I guess you said optimistic nihilism doesnt help anyway lisx#1702: sure lisx#1702: lmao WalterJS#2477: I found a second video that saves you from depression if you want the link lisx#1702: so depressing that optimistic nihlism isn't even helping lisx#1702: that is a depressing video WalterJS#2477: that moment when you're ready for someone to make fun of how dumb you are but then it turns out you aren't alone lisx#1702: hi EJCaldwell#2924: comeback EJCaldwell#2924: Maulie#8927: ???? EJCaldwell#2924: Why is it true EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/wiRMMGW8f1A?feature=share lisx#1702: klsdjaflk burarahurricane#6369: gothic font. there are 4 months left of 2022 burarahurricane#6369: it s august tommorrow burarahurricane#6369: huys burarahurricane#6369: erm WalterJS#2477: Depressing asf to think we’ve probably already spent 80% of the time we will EVER spend with our families for the rest of our lives WalterJS#2477: https://youtu.be/JXeJANDKwDc lisx#1702: hi burarahurricane#6369: good morning cg ☀️ EJCaldwell#2924: it was also at my work lisx#1702: it was so stupid EJCaldwell#2924: same lisx#1702: I burned my hand today 😂 EJCaldwell#2924: i think it is going to bruise burarahurricane#6369: suffer WalterJS#2477: Good EJCaldwell#2924: and i hurt my foot at work EJCaldwell#2924: boring for me lisx#1702: hows it been WalterJS#2477: hi lisx#1702: hey walter WalterJS#2477: Hi bored lisx#1702: ski lisx#1702: I’m bored lisx#1702: Hey broskis EJCaldwell#2924: (i think) EJCaldwell#2924: it was infront of his house and i know he does not have a fan\ EJCaldwell#2924: i am just guessing this is his burarahurricane#6369: evil....vile....terrible....im shocked EJCaldwell#2924: 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 EJCaldwell#2924: I have stolen <@606620815349383209>’s fan burarahurricane#6369: 😎 EJCaldwell#2924: yay you got it burarahurricane#6369: morning burarahurricane#6369: mornjgn burarahurricane#6369: good mirnigng b! EJCaldwell#2924: also GM EJCaldwell#2924: this was worth it EJCaldwell#2924: how did it take me 10 minutes to make a freaking quesadilla EJCaldwell#2924: worth it EJCaldwell#2924: My mind says yes but my stomach says quesadilla EJCaldwell#2924: Is it weird to be having dinner right now WalterJS#2477: I guess inhalers are ok WalterJS#2477: Lmao username123115#4960: *sad inhaler noises* WalterJS#2477: General advice dont inhale things that aren't air WalterJS#2477: Other than inhaling smoke that's always bad WalterJS#2477: Weed really isn't that bad once your brain is fully developed WalterJS#2477: Painkillers mess you up man EJCaldwell#2924: It’s just not good EJCaldwell#2924: Don’t drink in general lisx#1702: And don’t drink too much alcohol EJCaldwell#2924: Or any bad drug lisx#1702: And don’t do heroine lisx#1702: Or adderall lisx#1702: And don’t get addicted to painkillers burarahurricane#6369: where do my parks and recreation taxes go to then EJCaldwell#2924: There ya go lisx#1702: I mean don’t do recreational weed lisx#1702: Sorry EJCaldwell#2924: What about medical weed burarahurricane#6369: like using it to get high or just in general lisx#1702: That pain medicine is even worse lisx#1702: But also lisx#1702: It’s not good lisx#1702: Yeah lisx#1702: Wait lisx#1702: Don’t do weed lisx#1702: We talked about that in class today lisx#1702: Omg burarahurricane#6369: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> Mocha#3331: damn I like don't think anyone asked bro 🤷‍♂️ Commander Lumbar support#1704: could have* Mocha#3331: If anyone is down to play then just @ me Mocha#3331: Well it's kinda fun I've been playing it a little Mocha#3331: Bruh lisx#1702: Wow burarahurricane#6369: and then i went and did somethng else burarahurricane#6369: i watchd hasan start loading the game Mocha#3331: It's free and it's like brawlhalla Mocha#3331: Has anyone here played multiversus? Mocha#3331: I went to some pawn shops today which was fun they had like nothing interesting lol Mocha#3331: I just be chilling lisx#1702: I am the one person to say good morning first EJCaldwell#2924: you could of been the one person to say good morning first lisx#1702: I woke up at 10:30 ish EJCaldwell#2924: how long ago did youi wake up? lisx#1702: This is just what happens when no one’s talked in general yet; I just assume it’s morning EJCaldwell#2924: lol lisx#1702: Wait lisx#1702: Oh EJCaldwell#2924: *morning* EJCaldwell#2924: ah yes lisx#1702: Gm lisx#1702: I can't remember why we were talking about anything in class today lisx#1702: I have dementia burarahurricane#6369: i have no idea lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/john-galt-who-is-john-galt-kid-asking-who-gif-15478051 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/galt-who-is-john-galt-confused-asking-gif-15478056 lisx#1702: but more importantly, burarahurricane#6369: exasxct;ly lisx#1702: john is a very generic name and smith is an even more generic name burarahurricane#6369: john. smith.... lisx#1702: I've always understood what you're saying burarahurricane#6369: DO YOU UNSDERSTAND WAHT IM SAYIGN.. burarahurricane#6369: JOHN SMIHTH burarahurricane#6369: john smith lisx#1702: reading all that has completely made me forget what I was going to do burarahurricane#6369: john smith burarahurricane#6369: john smith lisx#1702: um burarahurricane#6369: it is the most white guy name to ever white guy burarahurricane#6369: like if our name was john smith ilwe wpuld totally look like a joh n smith burarahurricane#6369: me too tbh burarahurricane#6369: so could walter and cody and burarahurricane#6369: BUT YOU COULD TOTALLY PASS AS A JOHN SMITH burarahurricane#6369: /j burarahurricane#6369: not jhon burarahurricane#6369: you are john smith burarahurricane#6369: no EJCaldwell#2924: i am not Jhon smith burarahurricane#6369: any white guy ever lisx#1702: Who’s John smith burarahurricane#6369: parents will see a baby and be like is anyone gonna name that john smith and not wait for an answer Mocha#3331: They don't do it on purpose Mocha#3331: Unironically 💀 burarahurricane#6369: isnt it crazy to think ppl really do walk around unironically with names like john smith EJCaldwell#2924: gm Mocha#3331: Gooodnmorning 🐈‍⬛ lisx#1702: hi burarahurricane#6369: gooood morning cg ☀️ EJCaldwell#2924: I would get sick in this I feel like lisx#1702: I'm mostly bored lisx#1702: so we should do something lisx#1702: and sad lisx#1702: but I'm bored burarahurricane#6369: pov You are lisa lisx#1702: no i dont *use* it who do you think I am burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/gaming-twitch-emote-bttv-gif-18722020 lisx#1702: what do you mean burarahurricane#6369: no way…lisa gamer arc lisx#1702: it was amayzing lisx#1702: what lisx#1702: gee even *I* have steam EJCaldwell#2924: Idk burarahurricane#6369: what do u have in mind EJCaldwell#2924: want to do somthing else EJCaldwell#2924: and might not be safe burarahurricane#6369: that will take time and effort burarahurricane#6369: unless i want to do some backhanded loophole piratey stuff burarahurricane#6369: yea EJCaldwell#2924: you're on mac EJCaldwell#2924: and you can't get that right? burarahurricane#6369: i need windows 10 to play 😐 EJCaldwell#2924: what burarahurricane#6369: o no.... EJCaldwell#2924: whats your name? EJCaldwell#2924: you need this number EJCaldwell#2924: 251593713 EJCaldwell#2924: is it downloaded? burarahurricane#6369: WE HAVE DONE IT burarahurricane#6369: OKAY EJCaldwell#2924: just add a number burarahurricane#6369: if i add 5 es to algae it works EJCaldwell#2924: what happened? EJCaldwell#2924: is it taken... burarahurricane#6369: NOO burarahurricane#6369: ok burarahurricane#6369: wait i got it burarahurricane#6369: i will not recrgert this EJCaldwell#2924: and steam is downloaded EJCaldwell#2924: so the account is made? burarahurricane#6369: perfect EJCaldwell#2924: algae burarahurricane#6369: aMAYzing352.... burarahurricane#6369: to what it is now burarahurricane#6369: but then we changed it EJCaldwell#2924: oh burarahurricane#6369: it was something before i dont remember burarahurricane#6369: and that was the one time we jchanged it burarahurricane#6369: only once EJCaldwell#2924: you know you can change it right EJCaldwell#2924: think of a funny name then burarahurricane#6369: thhat was a mistake of middle school lisa and i... burarahurricane#6369: i do not want it to be my chess.com usnername. EJCaldwell#2924: what is your chess.com username burarahurricane#6369: thinking emoij burarahurricane#6369: what should i make it burarahurricane#6369: i was just about to ask that myself EJCaldwell#2924: whats your steam name? EJCaldwell#2924: that the logo burarahurricane#6369: YEAH ok this is hthe right one clicking blindly works 😎 burarahurricane#6369: its probably burarahurricane#6369: uh burarahurricane#6369: wait i just clicked onthe first thing that said steam i dindt eve n check if this was the right EJCaldwell#2924: there are a lot of good games on it burarahurricane#6369: ok im gettting steam EJCaldwell#2924: its free to get burarahurricane#6369: i dont have that :/ EJCaldwell#2924: steam burarahurricane#6369: where can i ifind it EJCaldwell#2924: what to play burarahurricane#6369: #merica burarahurricane#6369: no way...they added guns to chess... EJCaldwell#2924: its free EJCaldwell#2924: anybody down EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: in the jungle the mighty jungle EJCaldwell#2924: yet it is calming EJCaldwell#2924: the thunder is loud EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: yea i dont know lmao lisx#1702: thats super random lisx#1702: why tho lisx#1702: aaaasskjfhkd yes EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: and every time i hang out with jaxin shes like "you have adhd" and im like um maam this is a mcdonalds EJCaldwell#2924: i need to get tested for it burarahurricane#6369: and then i watched that one video about adhd cody sent forever ago or was it walter i dont rmemeber but it was the one where he was like "this just described my life experience bro" or whatevfer and everything the guy said ? was things. i have but its whatever I dont have adhd hahah 😊 burarahurricane#6369: it hhappens so much its funn y burarahurricane#6369: itsbeen hthis who le thing. where i keep finding stuff relatable and like 'haha i do that" and then it turns out its about adhd EJCaldwell#2924: ? burarahurricane#6369: oh goddamn it WHY DO THE ADHD ALLEGATIONS KEEP FOLLOWING ME EJCaldwell#2924: its really bad EJCaldwell#2924: but i think i have like adhd EJCaldwell#2924: same burarahurricane#6369: do u remember chris burarahurricane#6369: my brain goes through topics like that in 30 seconds burarahurricane#6369: seems reasonable EJCaldwell#2924: all in the span of 30 mins EJCaldwell#2924: and then chess EJCaldwell#2924: then to how people like their steak EJCaldwell#2924: then to steak EJCaldwell#2924: to sushi EJCaldwell#2924: we go from rubiks cubes EJCaldwell#2924: its really funny EJCaldwell#2924: i have just been chatting about the most random stuff in this discord that i am in lisx#1702: who is it burarahurricane#6369: okay burarahurricane#6369: ohhh i jnow who this is burarahurricane#6369: OH GOD THEY RESPONDED burarahurricane#6369: OH GOD burarahurricane#6369: ghelp burarahurricane#6369: HERE GOES NOTHIGN burarahurricane#6369: that woule be embarrassing burarahurricane#6369: unless its someone i like know burarahurricane#6369: well thats the point i think burarahurricane#6369: LMAOO lisx#1702: if it was someone I didn't know lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: personally that would make me block you lisx#1702: just do both lisx#1702: oh god burarahurricane#6369: ok Cracks knuckles time toget to work burarahurricane#6369: its geterrifykng burarahurricane#6369: with the dreeth burarahurricane#6369: magbe this one burarahurricane#6369: i was also thknking one of drwams snaps from this morning lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: OH THAT COULD BE EPIC lisx#1702: do it lisx#1702: you dont love me back lisx#1702: yes burarahurricane#6369: maybe i can scare them off burarahurricane#6369: should i send thme an image lisx#1702: besides that lisx#1702: what can it do to you lisx#1702: then don't click on any links burarahurricane#6369: what if its a hacj acco un lisx#1702: don't ask lisx#1702: I even found their blog 😭 http://www.allebest.com/ lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: accept i t lisx#1702: no clue burarahurricane#6369: whomsy lisx#1702: and *used* to live in california, just like the kid in class lisx#1702: 2. the guy lives in sandy utah lisx#1702: 1. he has the same last name burarahurricane#6369: :O lisx#1702: the first one burarahurricane#6369: thats craszy bro burarahurricane#6369: like ine of these guys ? lisx#1702: george was questioning it so I did some research and now I have a whole panel of evidence lisx#1702: ACTUALLY lisx#1702: YES burarahurricane#6369: ACTUALLT ??? lisx#1702: no? okay 😔 well I think it's pretty insane lisx#1702: anyone at all lisx#1702: anyone alive lisx#1702: bro lisx#1702: tell me that's not fucking insane lisx#1702: somebody lisx#1702: ISN'T THAT ACTUALLY INSANE??!?!??! lisx#1702: and it's fucking true lisx#1702: and apparently his dad owns chess.com lisx#1702: for the last like two weeks lisx#1702: so today I talked to the guy who sat next to me in class lisx#1702: this is so funny but lisx#1702: GUYS Mocha#3331: No?? Mocha#3331: Sometimes I guess 🐈‍⬛ burarahurricane#6369: putin burarahurricane#6369: pt 2 electric boogaloo https://youtu.be/lsYiPIGwehc lisx#1702: HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN THE TEA VIDEO ABOUT CONSENT lisx#1702: OH YEAH burarahurricane#6369: goodnight sexnerd 😊 lisx#1702: Jk lisx#1702: Even george? lisx#1702: Sweet dreams Mocha#3331: 😻 Mocha#3331: Well I'm going to sleep GOOOOOODNIGHT to all of cg I love every single one of you (platonically) lisx#1702: 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Mocha#3331: It was funny I guess we're just equal skill like that Mocha#3331: But I'm tired and was moving fast so I stalemated lol lisx#1702: So quirky lisx#1702: Wow Mocha#3331: I had made in one too lol but I wanted to make with only bishops cause I'm quirky like that 🤪 lisx#1702: Why did you stalemate then lisx#1702: Bruh 🤦‍♀️ Mocha#3331: And he has a king Mocha#3331: Lol we there are four bishops a knight and two rooks for me lisx#1702: It’s not gonna load for me haha I’ll wait till tomorrow Mocha#3331: FR ‼️ Mocha#3331: SO TRUE lisx#1702: Jk lisx#1702: And most importantly he’s hot Mocha#3331: Here was the ending for the game cause idk how to send it Mocha#3331: lisx#1702: He’s cool lisx#1702: Same bro lisx#1702: WHY DID YOU MAKE SIX BISHOPS lisx#1702: OH Mocha#3331: It became stalemate Mocha#3331: Yeah I made like six bishops lisx#1702: Ethan must have really improved then Mocha#3331: Ikr I love the art style for horimiya lisx#1702: Oh dang lisx#1702: MIYAMURA IS AWESOME lisx#1702: THATS AWESOME Mocha#3331: Bad Mocha#3331: My bsd Mocha#3331: Lol lisx#1702: YAYYYYY Mocha#3331: That's the terms Mocha#3331: It's a funny game lol Mocha#3331: <@383372123714093098> can you send the game Mocha#3331: Also we made stalemate Mocha#3331: Yeah it is lol lisx#1702: The hair looks like miyamura but that’s it lisx#1702: Wait your chess.com thing is the same person! lisx#1702: Is it miyamura???????????? lisx#1702: No… lisx#1702: Jk EJCaldwell#2924: be we are of equal skill lisx#1702: And since I beat you a total of one times you’re destined to lose 😇 lisx#1702: Bro I lost EJCaldwell#2924: sent an invite Mocha#3331: I forgot to ask that lol Mocha#3331: Also <@726265256082407504> do you know where my pfp is from now? Mocha#3331: Here is my user Mocha#3331: EJCaldwell#2924: whats your username EJCaldwell#2924: fun Mocha#3331: I was just playing the cuphead dlc Mocha#3331: Ok I'm also extremely tired so that's my excuse if I lose EJCaldwell#2924: i will play a game Mocha#3331: <@383372123714093098> I'm bored wanna play chess EJCaldwell#2924: does not happen as much anymore because i don't have my braces anymore burarahurricane#6369: i hate it when that hapoens EJCaldwell#2924: i have a popcorn kernel stuck in my teeth EJCaldwell#2924: why are people so slow at chess EJCaldwell#2924: ah burarahurricane#6369: frick EJCaldwell#2924: what were you trying to say burarahurricane#6369: mistake burarahurricane#6369: mitsake burarahurricane#6369: misrake burarahurricane#6369: i was typing with one thumb It was a amostake EJCaldwell#2924: what? burarahurricane#6369: hey guys lisx#1702: hi gut burarahurricane#6369: fruovk burarahurricane#6369: hey guts burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/marge-ashamed-face-covered-gif-18630395 Commander Lumbar support#1704: especially seeing as the only one of those that are close together are "e" and "f" Commander Lumbar support#1704: and its really weird for you to miss the "'ve" keys and instead hit " of" Commander Lumbar support#1704: well ive been correcting you for alot longer than that EJCaldwell#2924: but i was gone for half of that Commander Lumbar support#1704: really EJCaldwell#2924: a week Commander Lumbar support#1704: how long have you had that keyboard EJCaldwell#2924: because i am not used to this keyboard yet EJCaldwell#2924: other than when i type fast EJCaldwell#2924: i spell correctly Commander Lumbar support#1704: or at least you make a big deal about it and blame it on me that you refuse to spell Commander Lumbar support#1704: you, care about me correcting you Commander Lumbar support#1704: oh wait no Commander Lumbar support#1704: but, people care about me correcting them Commander Lumbar support#1704: its normal for me in the same way its normal for you to obsess over different rubix cubes EJCaldwell#2924: because people like being that way because it is who they are and nobody cares but you Commander Lumbar support#1704: but theres almost always someone being dumb Commander Lumbar support#1704: well the thing is, i dont care much about what happens in this server EJCaldwell#2924: thats not normal you know Commander Lumbar support#1704: you did this to yourself Commander Lumbar support#1704: you brought this up Commander Lumbar support#1704: normally i'll scan through messages and if i see an error, ill correct it Commander Lumbar support#1704: clearly its making you annoyed Commander Lumbar support#1704: not to make me happy lisx#1702: then don't complain about it when he does lol Commander Lumbar support#1704: oh no no no EJCaldwell#2924: i am not going to change the way i type just to make you happy Commander Lumbar support#1704: so your choices are continue, or fix it Commander Lumbar support#1704: and you already know that im not changing it Commander Lumbar support#1704: its as simple as, if you dont like what i do, fix it Commander Lumbar support#1704: then stop whining about me correcting you EJCaldwell#2924: then deal with me getting backl at you Commander Lumbar support#1704: i do, by correcting it EJCaldwell#2924: and stop whining about it EJCaldwell#2924: deal with it EJCaldwell#2924: it just how i type Commander Lumbar support#1704: could have, or could've does mean something Commander Lumbar support#1704: could of, means nothing EJCaldwell#2924: it does not freaking matter EJCaldwell#2924: the reason being Commander Lumbar support#1704: you're the first 3 grammar mistakes i see Commander Lumbar support#1704: and if i look up "could of" Commander Lumbar support#1704: like "could of" Commander Lumbar support#1704: and worse Commander Lumbar support#1704: because you always do it more Commander Lumbar support#1704: but even if i dont, yours always stand out Commander Lumbar support#1704: i know i used to Commander Lumbar support#1704: im pretty sure i do it to everyone Commander Lumbar support#1704: and most of them learn EJCaldwell#2924: bull crap Commander Lumbar support#1704: i do it to everyone Commander Lumbar support#1704: i stop correcting you when you stop needing to be corrected EJCaldwell#2924: you have to stop correcting me then Commander Lumbar support#1704: win win Commander Lumbar support#1704: so you stop annoying me, i stop correcting you Commander Lumbar support#1704: by correcting you Commander Lumbar support#1704: and i do EJCaldwell#2924: you will have to deal with it as well EJCaldwell#2924: and when i start to annoy you EJCaldwell#2924: you just annoy me and i hate it you Commander Lumbar support#1704: ... EJCaldwell#2924: i am nice Commander Lumbar support#1704: and a few weeks ago i thought you might actually be nice now, but you're starting to prove me wrong for once Commander Lumbar support#1704: most of the people in this server are nice but you're kind of a dick Commander Lumbar support#1704: not them Commander Lumbar support#1704: i left mostly because of you\ Commander Lumbar support#1704: and if anything i'd say of all people in this server, you "bullied" me the most Commander Lumbar support#1704: you care about me correcting you Commander Lumbar support#1704: but EJCaldwell#2924: i just don't care about using proper grammar in a freaking chat that is used to have fun so people should not care about grammar Commander Lumbar support#1704: *using* english correctly Commander Lumbar support#1704: oh excuse me Commander Lumbar support#1704: and the actions i took being, learning english correctly Commander Lumbar support#1704: you deal with yours by saying "this is why we bullied you" EJCaldwell#2924: you deal with the consequences of your actions Commander Lumbar support#1704: and so do you Commander Lumbar support#1704: example: you EJCaldwell#2924: you annoy people Commander Lumbar support#1704: i left becausse people were being annoying as all hell Commander Lumbar support#1704: thats kind of a dick move, ethan EJCaldwell#2924: thats why he left on his main account lisx#1702: we didn't bully him lisx#1702: what lisx#1702: I could go to bed now... EJCaldwell#2924: this is why people bullied you in the server EJCaldwell#2924: george shut up EJCaldwell#2924: that was a sudden change in subject Commander Lumbar support#1704: could have* EJCaldwell#2924: lol lisx#1702: bts is so awesome EJCaldwell#2924: i am just happy i did not win off time lisx#1702: 😂 EJCaldwell#2924: i was playing bad for my standards EJCaldwell#2924: you could of won lisx#1702: seeing it lisx#1702: gj lisx#1702: gg EJCaldwell#2924: gg lisx#1702: I just did EJCaldwell#2924: sent an invite lisx#1702: https://www.chess.com/member/25songlis EJCaldwell#2924: whats your username? lisx#1702: oh sure EJCaldwell#2924: we need to friend eachother tho EJCaldwell#2924: get on and i will send an invite EJCaldwell#2924: okay lisx#1702: I'm gonna lose miserably tho jsyk lisx#1702: I got 20 minutes lisx#1702: we could play chess EJCaldwell#2924: anybody want to do something EJCaldwell#2924: i now have 800 elo EJCaldwell#2924: hope i win EJCaldwell#2924: if i win this game of chess i will be 800 burarahurricane#6369: so truee lisx#1702: today we will be discussing the profound quote, "none is better than one, so don't be a simp" -the antisimpionaire sigma grindset EJCaldwell#2924: yay burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/tony-stark-iron-man-rdj-robert-downey-jr-gif-14889389 lisx#1702: this is the cult meeting lisx#1702: you are already here EJCaldwell#2924: i want to join burarahurricane#6369: it was almost a perfect rectangle lisx#1702: 🕯️🕯️🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️🕯️🕯️ burarahurricane#6369: cg hippie arc lisx#1702: 🕯️ 🕯️ burarahurricane#6369: cg cult meeting lisx#1702: 🕯️ burarahurricane#6369: cg manifestation circle lisx#1702: uh burarahurricane#6369: we Are all holding handxs. and sitting in a circle. cg down by the banks game lisx#1702: I know where all 3 of you live 😈 burarahurricane#6369: rveryone lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: who and who lives half a mile away from each other? burarahurricane#6369: all the time bro EJCaldwell#2924: you ever just choke on your own cup of water EJCaldwell#2924: i never knew that username123115#4960: hmmmmmmmmmm EJCaldwell#2924: we do? burarahurricane#6369: omg no way username123115#4960: we live like half a mile away from each other burarahurricane#6369: its raiining its pouuring the olldd man is snorringgg username123115#4960: its almost as if username123115#4960: wow i heard it too burarahurricane#6369: imagine EJCaldwell#2924: bruh EJCaldwell#2924: i just won a game of chess by timeout with over 5 mins left EJCaldwell#2924: was that thunder outside EJCaldwell#2924: same lisx#1702: I'm bored lisx#1702: mgk is such an anime character lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/bs20GWAJVCE it's our boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lisx#1702: ||I still need a good anime to watch :(|| lisx#1702: and the teacher doesn't really seem to care lisx#1702: and I'm pretty sure the people sitting behind me play fornite in the middle of the class lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: BUT STILL IT'LL BE SO FUN burarahurricane#6369: 😱 h...e...double hockey sticks... lisx#1702: but I'll die lisx#1702: BUT ANYWAY I'M SO EXCITED FOR SCHOOL TO START lisx#1702: what lisx#1702: uh burarahurricane#6369: me: oooahawowagogalallala my mom, nodding: mm-hm lisx#1702: like he says hell lisx#1702: also the teacher kinda swears sometimes lisx#1702: it's kinda funny though lisx#1702: getting relationship advice from a 30 year old lisx#1702: half the time lisx#1702: these couple days have kinda been like burarahurricane#6369: o hiawroya3wy;reiojfl\ lisx#1702: I just feel like falling asleep half the time lisx#1702: it's a fun class actually lisx#1702: because that's also bad lisx#1702: no sexual harrassment lisx#1702: and also lisx#1702: ✨ communication✨ lisx#1702: so lisx#1702: but the lesson was he could've just talked to her lisx#1702: it was awkward as heck lisx#1702: today he talked about when he was 16 and the very first time he held a girls hand lisx#1702: except they're sooooo awkward 😂 burarahurricane#6369: epic lisx#1702: our teacher is pretty nice and he tells life stories just like Mr. Lang burarahurricane#6369: LOL lisx#1702: oh god I can totally hear it burarahurricane#6369: jaxin voice Consent is Important ! lisx#1702: today we learned about ✨consent✨ lisx#1702: well yesterday actually burarahurricane#6369: pov scotus lisx#1702: we learned about that in class today lisx#1702: 😠 lisx#1702: it's not nice lisx#1702: don't increase teen suicide lisx#1702: yk? lisx#1702: leading to teen suicide lisx#1702: it's like burarahurricane#6369: erm... lisx#1702: it's still not good lisx#1702: emmmmmm lisx#1702: but I'll be sure to come visit you once in a while lisx#1702: but it'll probably be pretty boring so I'll probably just leave and go haunt someone else after a day username123115#4960: by joining that game we were in username123115#4960: they were *asking* to be cyberbullied burarahurricane#6369: yay ! username123115#4960: no you see lisx#1702: I will haunt you as a ghost lisx#1702: sure lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: not the puter..... burarahurricane#6369: ? lisx#1702: come to your house and murder your computer burarahurricane#6369: haunt me as a ghost lisx#1702: I'll have to lisx#1702: sorry but I can't be a bystander burarahurricane#6369: well if you do die do you promise to haunt me as a ghost lisx#1702: that's not nice lisx#1702: don't bully lisx#1702: any bullying is bad burarahurricane#6369: y uou wont die !! lisx#1702: cyberbullying is bad lisx#1702: oh no lisx#1702: I really need to find a good anime to watch lisx#1702: thats so many days lisx#1702: 5 lisx#1702: wait lisx#1702: in 4 days lisx#1702: when is it going to be august lisx#1702: bro its not even august lisx#1702: idk lisx#1702: maybe lisx#1702: but it can still be fun even when I'm dead! lisx#1702: just kidding I'll totally die lisx#1702: IT'S GOING TO BE SO FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN- unless I die then it won't but i won't die.! lisx#1702: OMG lisx#1702: I CAN'T WAIT FOR SCHOOL TO STARTTTTTTTTTT 🤩 🤩 🤩 lisx#1702: i'm bored lisx#1702: bro same actually lmao burarahurricane#6369: rage EJCaldwell#2924: lucky 😡 lisx#1702: oh thats funny i have a schedule too burarahurricane#6369: aw look at you go username123115#4960: we made 4 people suffer till automatic bed break username123115#4960: minecraft cyberbullying is really fun burarahurricane#6369: MINE ARENT WORKING EITHER D: EJCaldwell#2924: i feel your pain Mocha#3331: Lmfaoo username123115#4960: not schs student momemnt Mocha#3331: TRUE burarahurricane#6369: this is a peanut butter hate club. burarahurricane#6369: gif EJCaldwell#2924: how do you pronounce gif Mocha#3331: Why are my discord gifs not working :(( EJCaldwell#2924: this is funny burarahurricane#6369: amazing EJCaldwell#2924: and failing really badly EJCaldwell#2924: he is doing magic burarahurricane#6369: <3_<3 burarahurricane#6369: heart emojis heart eyes burarahurricane#6369: im watching sylvee's bday stream georgei s embarrassing himself... Mocha#3331: We love drugs burarahurricane#6369: he went live like ten minutes gao burarahurricane#6369: drug posititiveity ! EJCaldwell#2924: Ranboo just went live burarahurricane#6369: no wya..... EJCaldwell#2924: i am no longer bored Mocha#3331: I don't believe you I've had coke and zero sugar coke and I still got high EJCaldwell#2924: it tastes the exact same as the one with sugar burarahurricane#6369: surgar literally tiatstes like suahr Mocha#3331: Zero sugar tastes like a watered down soda Mocha#3331: Sugar makes stuff sweeter wym 💀 EJCaldwell#2924: you can't even taste sugar Mocha#3331: El gato Mocha#3331: That's worse burarahurricane#6369: meow Mocha#3331: Yee haw burarahurricane#6369: neigh neigh bitch yk hahaha EJCaldwell#2924: its zero sugar Mocha#3331: Soda taste gross burarahurricane#6369: jjst like the horse Mocha#3331: I don't like soda burarahurricane#6369: its me in spirit Mocha#3331: Fr ⁉️ burarahurricane#6369: if my knees werent being annoying today EJCaldwell#2924: what if i give you a Mtn Dew Baja Blast burarahurricane#6369: this is me Mocha#3331: You can try asking lisa I'm sure she's bored Mocha#3331: No not really im chilling tbh EJCaldwell#2924: want to play skribble or gartic Mocha#3331: 😐 Mocha#3331: LMFAOO Mocha#3331: I'm not I'm straight chillin burarahurricane#6369: pov ur ethan EJCaldwell#2924: bored* EJCaldwell#2924: i am board EJCaldwell#2924: idk what to do EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: stoner canyon EJCaldwell#2924: but snow canyon sucks EJCaldwell#2924: i just want to know what classes i got burarahurricane#6369: rip Mocha#3331: They put weight training instead EJCaldwell#2924: i hope i get in it Mocha#3331: Bruh digital arts graphics intro was one of the classes I actually wanted and they didn't put it on there 😭 burarahurricane#6369: idk how i feel about psychology but its chill ig burarahurricane#6369: yeaaa Mocha#3331: Sculpture seems interesting I didn't even know they had that lol Mocha#3331: I think I'm gonna switch one of my classes for psychology I kinda regret not taking that lol EJCaldwell#2924: and that is daniel EJCaldwell#2924: i only know one other person doing it EJCaldwell#2924: probably me burarahurricane#6369: i remember someone mentioning that burarahurricane#6369: oh yeah burarahurricane#6369: oof EJCaldwell#2924: its because i am now technically a collage student burarahurricane#6369: did you go to powerschool.washk12.org burarahurricane#6369: thts weird burarahurricane#6369: huh burarahurricane#6369: ? EJCaldwell#2924: bruh EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: me when Mocha#3331: Go to the powerschool website and go to class choices Mocha#3331: I mean I like the teacher he's pretty chill but like I don't think they're gonna teach us actual coding stuff EJCaldwell#2924: but how did you see your schedule EJCaldwell#2924: not gaming development burarahurricane#6369: he dfinitely did Mocha#3331: Maybe video production or music engineering Mocha#3331: I'm honestly not hyped for any of them EJCaldwell#2924: some of those classes look fun Mocha#3331: This is my schedule Mocha#3331: Mocha#3331: I feel like kid gru would do weed burarahurricane#6369: also after watching the new minions movie i can safely say there is not one minion that doesnt do weed burarahurricane#6369: i came up with it on thw spot EJCaldwell#2924: its just very random burarahurricane#6369: omg = orange moldy grapefruits EJCaldwell#2924: what? burarahurricane#6369: it can stand for anything burarahurricane#6369: orange moldy grapefruits burarahurricane#6369: oh my goodness burarahurricane#6369: oh my golly burarahurricane#6369: oh my gosh burarahurricane#6369: oh my god EJCaldwell#2924: also you know what omg means right? EJCaldwell#2924: nice EJCaldwell#2924: after like 5+ years you get a floor burarahurricane#6369: wow burarahurricane#6369: oh Maulie#8927: I haven't had a floor in my room since we remodeled it, it's just been the concrete base burarahurricane#6369: ? Maulie#8927: Omg we gonna get a floor in my room. Yay! Mocha#3331: I heard it was supposed to flood in the st.george area Mocha#3331: Very hard EJCaldwell#2924: raining* EJCaldwell#2924: its reaning EJCaldwell#2924: what? Maulie#8927: Baguette EJCaldwell#2924: Ik Maulie#8927: Me and my sister have the T-Shirt that says that (Yes we've shown it to you before) EJCaldwell#2924: its 58$ tho :c EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: now i want the other one as a hoodie EJCaldwell#2924: And it smells like black licorice EJCaldwell#2924: My sisters got me this EJCaldwell#2924: Mocha#3331: EJCaldwell#2924: idk username123115#4960: its like this one right here right username123115#4960: can't you see it on their website too EJCaldwell#2924: oh Mocha#3331: No idk what that is EJCaldwell#2924: because if you are you get it like the day before school starts EJCaldwell#2924: you doing success academy? lisx#1702: I just need to be in a good enough mood to do it lisx#1702: i kinda want homeowkr and I kinda don't lisx#1702: we never really had any homework last year though Mocha#3331: I don't wanna be doing hw and shi again 😭 Mocha#3331: So am I lisx#1702: because i'm going to die lisx#1702: I'm sad Mocha#3331: I guess I'll just enjoy whatever we have left of summer Mocha#3331: I don't want to go back there 😭 Mocha#3331: I don't want school to start lisx#1702: for real lisx#1702: I'm going to di e lisx#1702: scary lisx#1702: thats so lisx#1702: schools going to start lisx#1702: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Mocha#3331: Has anyone gotten their schedule btw? Mocha#3331: Maybe you should like just not be bored 🤯 lisx#1702: but like lisx#1702: (not actually) lisx#1702: die lisx#1702: I'm so bored I think I might just Mocha#3331: we will miss you pie nerd Maulie#8927: For anyone who cares I won't be back until August 2nd lisx#1702: I’m just all alone lisx#1702: Nobody is alive EJCaldwell#2924: it feels so nice to use a keyboard to type EJCaldwell#2924: So far EJCaldwell#2924: Yet EJCaldwell#2924: I am so close to home EJCaldwell#2924: I just want to see my things I ordered EJCaldwell#2924: I hate long drives EJCaldwell#2924: 4 hours Maulie#8927: When do you get back home anyways? EJCaldwell#2924: I finished Maulie#8927: I thought you loved climbing EJCaldwell#2924: I want to go home burarahurricane#6369: hey burarahurricane#6369: hello burarahurricane#6369: hi lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/minion-woohoo-yeah-excited-cheer-gif-20155890 lisx#1702: Friday Mocha#3331: Happy friday 🥳 burarahurricane#6369: happ y friday ! lisx#1702: Once upon a time burarahurricane#6369: back when spencer existed… burarahurricane#6369: when will <@776230986324246558> return from the war.... burarahurricane#6369: i miss liam 😕 burarahurricane#6369: lolllll lisx#1702: its was kinda funny lisx#1702: like right in front of the whole class and the teacher and everything lisx#1702: "thats HUGE thats ENORMOUS thats MASSIVE" lisx#1702: and thne he was like lisx#1702: and while this other kid was doing his presentation the kid was like yelling at him like WOW THATS BIG lisx#1702: there was this kid who sat behind me at that class thing I was at today Mocha#3331: But I gotta go somewhere later but at least I get to play some melee Mocha#3331: I woke up and worked and now I'm tired but at least I get to chill now lisx#1702: which was probably why I wasn't tired lisx#1702: and I woke up without needing my alarm lisx#1702: I wasn't even tired today Mocha#3331: Thursdays are honestly my favorite days burarahurricane#6369: happy totally tubular thursday lisx#1702: its thursdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lisx#1702: But it’s probably like 30 since I don’t go very often because I suck at it lisx#1702: I can’t remember what Id get when I go bowling Mocha#3331: I'm like trash I haven't been bowling in foreerreever Mocha#3331: 91 isn't too bad good job bro EJCaldwell#2924: I am better at wii sports burarahurricane#6369: good job 👍 EJCaldwell#2924: But I did good I think EJCaldwell#2924: I am not the best at bowling lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/M8KmqaJvgpE Mocha#3331: Ikr they should hire me lisx#1702: What a genius lisx#1702: Dang Mocha#3331: Bruh if there's a bomb then just turn it off 🤪🙄 username123115#4960: but my dad did say that there was a bomb threat at the university too username123115#4960: idk i i just passed over it on my way home WalterJS#2477: It’s currently 1:30 am WalterJS#2477: I think I have fallen down the YouTube rabbit hole WalterJS#2477: https://youtube.com/shorts/1zeWXEa9kZk?feature=share WalterJS#2477: https://youtube.com/shorts/9gLLAU2ZpwI?feature=share WalterJS#2477: https://youtube.com/shorts/VTSRSNpxtP4?feature=share burarahurricane#6369: omg…. Mocha#3331: Did they find my meth lab 🙀🙀🙀 Mocha#3331: Is it a drug bust Mocha#3331: That sounds interesting like wtf is going on at the middle school Mocha#3331: Why did you just glance over what daniel said 💀 lisx#1702: I'm still bored username123115#4960: There’s like 5 police cars and a k9 at the middle school lisx#1702: I'm bored EJCaldwell#2924: It’s the hardest puzzle there is WalterJS#2477: Lmao burarahurricane#6369: ….>:) EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: I make a quesadilla EJCaldwell#2924: People do strange things at 1 AM EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: i found the hardest puzzle there is EJCaldwell#2924: gotta save that money as you can EJCaldwell#2924: and i just found somthing else that would be nice for cubing EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: its a mystery EJCaldwell#2924: i got two new rubiks cubes that are hard and 3 things idk what they are WalterJS#2477: I think so EJCaldwell#2924: is it the one that opened like a few months ago WalterJS#2477: what did you get WalterJS#2477: Oh I see EJCaldwell#2924: i have never been WalterJS#2477: I’ve never been WalterJS#2477: also has anyone been to the contact climbing gym? I’m gonna go tomorrow and was wondering if anyone wanted to meet me there like 6-8pm EJCaldwell#2924: but they ship it all together and one of the things was out of stock for a few days EJCaldwell#2924: like 4 days ago WalterJS#2477: oh nice what did you order EJCaldwell#2924: and i want to know when my package is going to arrive EJCaldwell#2924: which i really enjoy EJCaldwell#2924: i am going camping and climbing EJCaldwell#2924: if i can get off work for thursday-saturday ima get a good workout EJCaldwell#2924: ya WalterJS#2477: that’s how you know it was a good workout 😂 EJCaldwell#2924: nice WalterJS#2477: I felt like I was gonna die after WalterJS#2477: It’s been decent, I hit an insane workout earlier EJCaldwell#2924: how has your day been WalterJS#2477: I am glad WalterJS#2477: That’s good EJCaldwell#2924: my day is going good WalterJS#2477: This is a perfectly normal question to ask at this perfectly normal time WalterJS#2477: it’s definitely the day still and not 11:30 WalterJS#2477: How’s everyone’s day going Mocha#3331: The whole server is now your lawn burarahurricane#6369: oopsie O_o burarahurricane#6369: oh thjs isnt my lawn burarahurricane#6369: no way….it is burarahurricane#6369: is it just for the men with grabbable waists? burarahurricane#6369: why do we call it that burarahurricane#6369: its the lower back right burarahurricane#6369: why is it called the small of your bacj EJCaldwell#2924: so fast that thsi new keyoard is messing me up EJCaldwell#2924: i just type really fast burarahurricane#6369: momg welcome to the club ! EJCaldwell#2924: I CANT FREAKING TYOE burarahurricane#6369: <:epic:835701893262999592> burarahurricane#6369: epic EJCaldwell#2924: i blocked them just ebcause i dislick people burarahurricane#6369: a DANGER TO YOUR ACCOUNTS SAFETY burarahurricane#6369: a HACJER burarahurricane#6369: a SCAMMER EJCaldwell#2924: I CAN"T TYPE WITH THIS KEYBOARD EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: who the frick is thisa lisx#1702: but i totally have to go to bed now 😦 lisx#1702: OH NO I FORGOT TO DO MY FRENCH lisx#1702: seems to be the trend today 🥰 burarahurricane#6369: its okay We’re stanning together 😘 burarahurricane#6369: FR ! lisx#1702: oh no im stanning in general lisx#1702: danny looking like a real chad lisx#1702: oh god i forgot how much of a vibe these danny gonzalez videso were lisx#1702: lisx#1702: wow burarahurricane#6369: LMAO lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HB610vd3nU burarahurricane#6369: bad does another thing but i dont rmemver what it is burarahurricane#6369: he does competitive knife throwing and gun shooting things and is mildly paranoid . all while refusing to swear and being one of the most kind and supportive friends out there (he brought the dteam together :D) burarahurricane#6369: he is kind of terrifying burarahurricane#6369: well lisx#1702: 😂 lisx#1702: a bad boy lisx#1702: I thought he was like lisx#1702: I literally never knew that hahaha lisx#1702: dang lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: i hqve no idea why he names that He is the sweetest most pg streamer I Would Kill for him lisx#1702: I thought he was a bad boy though lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-spank-funny-moments-gif-14004842 lisx#1702: you DID \>:( burarahurricane#6369: nssorry. . i stanned in main burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: bad boy “BARK AURUFHERURHEJ “lANGUAGE!!!!” halo….::…. burarahurricane#6369: BAD BOY https://youtu.be/ALm4ze9RqHQ HALO ? burarahurricane#6369: yeah i remmeber that lisx#1702: west villanges is sjkladf jlk;dsj burarahurricane#6369: MR LANGUAGE v ? lisx#1702: lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: BAD BOY HALO ? burarahurricane#6369: BUT BADBOYHALO? lisx#1702: i.e. lisx#1702: I've known to start recognizing them after the taylor swift incident burarahurricane#6369: mmy whole world has been shaterred burarahurricane#6369: the thjng about muffin is that it contains Multitudes. badboyhalo thinkin about u muffin. puffy pop off. skeppy eboy. even a whole dreamnotfound story arc (something no song has done before). and….sexual innuendos??,?? lisx#1702: not a sigma move? WalterJS#2477: You hold yourself back burarahurricane#6369: NOT BADBOYHALO lisx#1702: how am I the dumb one now burarahurricane#6369: did BadBoyHalo write sexual innuendos into his hit song muffin WalterJS#2477: Lmfao WalterJS#2477: DM me I do t have the energy to find you on my friends list burarahurricane#6369: ou my god WalterJS#2477: Ur dumb lisx#1702: then I won't know! lisx#1702: I won't think too hard about it lisx#1702: thank you \:) WalterJS#2477: How creative of you Lisa lisx#1702: uh WalterJS#2477: At least the main people WalterJS#2477: You definitely know who they are lisx#1702: i came up with it \:D lisx#1702: same WalterJS#2477: lmao WalterJS#2477: I must say I like that name lisx#1702: oh WalterJS#2477: Yes. lisx#1702: do you know who <@749747503947055136> is WalterJS#2477: Nopeee WalterJS#2477: We all know I’m stupid lisx#1702: do you just not know who anyone is after they change their names like once 🤦 WalterJS#2477: You don’t have to say it out loud WalterJS#2477: sssh lisx#1702: you're so stupid lisx#1702: 😂 lisx#1702: LMAO lisx#1702: OH WalterJS#2477: Not gonna lie I had no clue who “borednerd” was WalterJS#2477: I guess I can tell you Lisa lisx#1702: I wouldn't know who they were anyway WalterJS#2477: oh WalterJS#2477: The problem with secrets is they want to be let out WalterJS#2477: idk lisx#1702: dms? 😏 WalterJS#2477: It’s so hard not to speak WalterJS#2477: agrhrjfkskebthekenfhudshfjf f WalterJS#2477: Hehe lisx#1702: there goes my daily entertainment lisx#1702: 😦 WalterJS#2477: This server has too much reach WalterJS#2477: I shouldn’t WalterJS#2477: Idk lisx#1702: spill? 🥺 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/none-of-my-business-tea-kermit-frog-gif-5084362 WalterJS#2477: but I really wanna see it play out and at the same time wanna not WalterJS#2477: And it’s really hard not to say anything WalterJS#2477: I just heard some major tea from this old friend group lisx#1702: i can write a fanfic about this WalterJS#2477: hahaha lisx#1702: amazing WalterJS#2477: .. lisx#1702: and somehow you went with her last name :p WalterJS#2477: Um lisx#1702: wait lisx#1702: if you and chloe white had a kid and named him walter in 100 years lisx#1702: no its like WalterJS#2477: I’ve always been a uhhhh business man let’s say WalterJS#2477: Walter white is me in 50 years lisx#1702: you know what willy wonka does to his chocolate cakes??!?!?! lisx#1702: "willy wonka imma be your chocolate cake" ARE YOU GOING TO ARGUE THAT THAT'S NOT QUESTIONABLE? burarahurricane#6369: D U S T lisx#1702: lmao burarahurricane#6369: WHY WOYLD YOY SAY THAT ABOUT MUFFIN lisx#1702: that is questionable music lisx#1702: <@749747503947055136> lisx#1702: i'm bored lisx#1702: when the weather is just "dust"... lisx#1702: guy while breaking up with his gf: https://open.spotify.com/track/6m1TWFMeon7ai9XLOzdbiR?si=3c70f2333aac42b6 lisx#1702: guy after listening to bts: https://open.spotify.com/track/2X3UgVLSA4wYriGIQyYmMA?si=49469dbaa22d41d6 lisx#1702: guy breaking up with his gf: https://open.spotify.com/track/2QZe2H1f03t5PJWEMg2Mbe?si=2b208565c3824c84 burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/0w9SSLVuq8ZlCdrfEuqQ6z?si=AuhrJBGdThaRpE-QL_kV0w burarahurricane#6369: STREAM MUFFIN BY BADBOYHALO ! Mocha#3331: do you know the muffin man jesse Mocha#3331: jesse hurry we must bake we must bake for the muffin man jesse burarahurricane#6369: wher e are rhe drugs jesse Mocha#3331: peak Mocha#3331: watch breaking bad burarahurricane#6369: gottem <:epic:835701893262999592> Mocha#3331: lmfaooo lisx#1702: walter after listening to bts: https://open.spotify.com/track/7HYJqAMbKDJYRyEfUGOCBB?si=628e0176ee284224 burarahurricane#6369: LOL lisx#1702: walter be like: https://open.spotify.com/track/7bxGcILuAjkZzaveU28ZJS?si=7f6f5ad5ccfa4d64 burarahurricane#6369: too burarahurricane#6369: maybe bts will save walter Mocha#3331: drugs lisx#1702: totally recently lisx#1702: what i just got into lisx#1702: you'd NEVER guess lisx#1702: bro lisx#1702: you've stooped so low 😦 lisx#1702: it's like me lisx#1702: never seen this side of you burarahurricane#6369: did lisa take over your discord account lisx#1702: wow WalterJS#2477: BRO IM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BORED Mocha#3331: make a facebook post for it WalterJS#2477: and this morning WalterJS#2477: I was hanging out with him yesterday burarahurricane#6369: or maybe yhat sigma guy burarahurricane#6369: how about adonis WalterJS#2477: with someone WalterJS#2477: I ned to hang out WalterJS#2477: im bored asf Maulie#8927: Why'd he leave? lisx#1702: even cody left because gabe wasn't here 😔 lisx#1702: algae when everyone's gone ^^^ lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/elton-john-im-still-standing-survival-strong-winning-gif-16201953 burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/final-player-evan-raynr-raynday-gaming-evdog805-last-player-gif-24136063 lisx#1702: 😅 haha lisx#1702: last standing soldier lisx#1702: good morning username123115#4960: so true 😔 Mocha#3331: It's not the same as gaeb 😔 username123115#4960: what about walter's ~~monthly~~ occasional appearance Mocha#3331: No the server is dead without gabe and his witty remark every now and again EJCaldwell#2924: am i not fun :c username123115#4960: :( Mocha#3331: Well that's fun one less person 🥲 Mocha#3331: Oh lol yeah I asked him about it a while back but he just responded earlier username123115#4960: so i thought that was why he was dead in cg username123115#4960: and i was kinda just talking to myself in dms username123115#4960: he was like dead for a week username123115#4960: well Mocha#3331: Did you just notice Daniel? username123115#4960: 10 meters away username123115#4960: i do live like EJCaldwell#2924: or raid his house EJCaldwell#2924: you can still dm him username123115#4960: ^ EJCaldwell#2924: what username123115#4960: noooooooooooooo EJCaldwell#2924: its not the same size as me last one EJCaldwell#2924: i can't type with this new keyboard EJCaldwell#2924: hwo will leave next burarahurricane#6369: pats burarahurricane#6369: i would never leave you cg burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/another-one-bites-dust-bucky-gif-18378067 burarahurricane#6369: no.... Mocha#3331: 🪦 Mocha#3331: Gaeb gone EJCaldwell#2924: this username123115#4960: exactly username123115#4960: or knowing how to grammer username123115#4960: differentiating between normal dogs and obama's dog username123115#4960: ok now which do you think felt more important at the time EJCaldwell#2924: and he also has procrastination username123115#4960: uh my smooth brain couldn't figure out how to give them the gift of language processing Mocha#3331: Where is rickhard daneil burarahurricane#6369: but i think i would die . or develop another disease burarahurricane#6369: i want to drink this so bad username123115#4960: Good imail Maulie#8927: Good afternoon Maulie#8927: Frick Maulie#8927: Good morning lisx#1702: good morning america Maulie#8927: Those times are messing with my head lol burarahurricane#6369: good morning Mocha#3331: How's your summer been going daneil Mocha#3331: Goodmorning daneil username123115#4960: good morning people burarahurricane#6369: I NO W UNDERSTAND THIS REFEREMCE ! Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/spongebob-crying-cry-cries-bursting-into-tears-gif-21814831 burarahurricane#6369: Mocha#3331: Minion feet Mocha#3331: Real burarahurricane#6369: ? WalterJS#2477: EJCaldwell#2924: it just has to be allined almost perfectly burarahurricane#6369: i bet EJCaldwell#2924: its so hard to turn burarahurricane#6369: omg miniscule EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: my parents also get me a rubiks cube that is the size of my thumb EJCaldwell#2924: smaller tho which is strange EJCaldwell#2924: my uncle just gave it to me and this is a way nicer keyboard than my old one EJCaldwell#2924: i can change the color of the keyboard to make is a gay keyboard EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: :o!! EJCaldwell#2924: I got a new keyboard EJCaldwell#2924: i am fine with that EJCaldwell#2924: okay burarahurricane#6369: producer manager burarahurricane#6369: omg u can be our uh EJCaldwell#2924: i just kinda want to help out EJCaldwell#2924: also give me the role so i can like audio record it and stuff because i can figure out how to do it lisx#1702: yeah thats kinda a good point EJCaldwell#2924: would walter interupt you lisx#1702: :/ lisx#1702: other people have admin EJCaldwell#2924: just give the role to like you and <@749747503947055136> lisx#1702: not really burarahurricane#6369: ⚠️spam⚠️ ⚠️spam⚠️ ⚠️spam⚠️ ⚠️spam⚠️ ⚠️spam⚠️ EJCaldwell#2924: but ya lisa you can make a vc that only a single role can access lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/jungkook-jungkook-disappear-dynataee-dynatae-jungkook-leave-gif-22902256 burarahurricane#6369: dpam lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/admireskoo-gif-23490912 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/jin-disappear-bts-disappear-kpop-disappear-seokjin-disappear-jin-gif-21728023 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/jimin-jimin-disappear-dynataee-dynatae-jimin-gone-gif-23069957 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-jin-disappears-gif-20910194 burarahurricane#6369: cg burarahurricane#6369: ^ cody leaving ch burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/quackity-fading-meme-meme-quackity-fading-meme-quackity-meme-gif-20751460 lisx#1702: omg that gif lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-funny-nodding-glasses-yea-gif-18200637 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/yoongi-yoongi-tired-dynataee-dynatae-yoongi-no-gif-22772736 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/peakgloss-yoongi-suga-bts-kpop-gif-22487239 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-jimin-nono-no-nope-gif-19881121 EJCaldwell#2924: she can neither confirm nor deny that accusation lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/michael-scott-creasing-forehead-the-office-office-absolutely-gif-11888908 lisx#1702: uh burarahurricane#6369: DID YIU KILL CODY?? burarahurricane#6369: thats an rxplosion lisx#1702: 💥 burarahurricane#6369: poof EJCaldwell#2924: and he is gone EJCaldwell#2924: so random people can't join EJCaldwell#2924: beacuse when they first joined somebody said this server was private lisx#1702: but it didnt work ... lisx#1702: idk what you were trying to do with that EJCaldwell#2924: we know it is an alt from somebody here lisx#1702: you should take kunami with you PeckServers.com#8342: jk made you look PeckServers.com#8342: btw ill be taking kunami with me PeckServers.com#8342: 👍 😄 lisx#1702: probably lisx#1702: when you get back lisx#1702: we'll be here PeckServers.com#8342: yeah lisx#1702: take your time EJCaldwell#2924: are you actually cody lisx#1702: and we'd make it so not everyone has permission to talk because thad totally mess it up PeckServers.com#8342: Guys I think im going to leave for a little bit, i just spend too much time here. It was nice hangin with you all tho. my dms are always open lisx#1702: or just invite people to listen anyway lisx#1702: dreams discord podcast lisx#1702: like lisx#1702: what if we get so big we'd want to invite people to listen tho burarahurricane#6369: not like its used anyway EJCaldwell#2924: just make a private voice chat lisx#1702: and we wouldn't want to hog up gamer voice all the time lisx#1702: cus we'd just use a voice channel EJCaldwell#2924: podcast-lawn lisx#1702: we should make a new server for it EJCaldwell#2924: you sould make a lawn for that lisx#1702: we can answer a bunch of questions that nobody asked lisx#1702: 🗒️ burarahurricane#6369: 🤔✍️ EJCaldwell#2924: talk about upcoming events EJCaldwell#2924: you could tell storys talk about stonks gossip about people in CG bring other people on burarahurricane#6369: thats so inspiratioanl EJCaldwell#2924: you could talk about anything lisx#1702: lmao lisx#1702: we'll introduce our sevesl lisx#1702: the discord version of that emoji reminds me of that nail painting game on boredbutton burarahurricane#6369: rich e daters 💅💅💅 lisx#1702: idk if thats a good thing tho id rather bte like bts but IT'LL BE COOL WE'LL BEFAMOUS! lisx#1702: WE;LL BE JUST LIKE KARL AND SAPNAP lisx#1702: WE SHOULDDO OIT THEN lisx#1702: on spotify? lisx#1702: how do they do it? lisx#1702: is that what that is lisx#1702: OH burarahurricane#6369: hashtag Strema banter burarahurricane#6369: karl and sapnap burarahurricane#6369: you know who does have a podcats lisx#1702: there are podcasts *about* bts thouygh lisx#1702: so they don't really need a podcast lisx#1702: they have their own reality show lisx#1702: well lisx#1702: but they're fmouse! lisx#1702: no burarahurricane#6369: does brs have a podcast lisx#1702: (?) lisx#1702: WE'D BELIKE BTS burarahurricane#6369: OH YEAH!!! lisx#1702: we'd jjust talk EJCaldwell#2924: It would be entertaining lisx#1702: AND WE CAN GO LIVE ON THE MOON/OTHER PLANET AGIAN burarahurricane#6369: what will we talk about lisx#1702: WE'LL BE FAMOUS lisx#1702: we could totaloly do it lisx#1702: for podcasts EJCaldwell#2924: Apple Music lisx#1702: they have the weirdest ads EJCaldwell#2924: Google play? lisx#1702: peopel actaully listen to those????? EJCaldwell#2924: iTunes burarahurricane#6369: spotify lisx#1702: i don't even know hwo podcasts work EJCaldwell#2924: Spotify lisx#1702: you listen to this stuff lisx#1702: idk lisx#1702: or like lisx#1702: twitch??? lisx#1702: like lisx#1702: how do we do that burarahurricane#6369: LISA LETS START A PODCAST EJCaldwell#2924: ima go check on my dog lisx#1702: OMG HE JUST lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/butter-bts-jhope-emiko-dream-gif-21651644 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-butter-gif-21627344 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/butter-bts-mygvoidz2-butter-remix-megtan-gif-22866911 lisx#1702: did someone say butter burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/show/5vjIQasHl1KJkppWhHWMQQ?si=C2hXUeBoQ862RdYbD6PVBw EJCaldwell#2924: i thought that said butter for a sec lol lisx#1702: podcast#4 ft. ethan of cg lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: WE CAN BE LIKE BANTER EJCaldwell#2924: just start a CG podcast you two and invite the people of this server to it every once in a while burarahurricane#6369: :O im so flatrered burarahurricane#6369: OH YEAH!! lisx#1702: for like a day ; lisx#1702: vlog lisx#1702: we had a lisx#1702: <@749747503947055136> lisx#1702: we totally could lisx#1702: LMAO EJCaldwell#2924: or just most of CG EJCaldwell#2924: i feel like you two could start a good podcast lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/2QWEMqQMJR1KDf6hDjJOs6?si=86c846b9edb54805 EJCaldwell#2924: its entertaining lisx#1702: like arson lisx#1702: its bruning up EJCaldwell#2924: its why i am in this server lisx#1702: fr burarahurricane#6369: me and my lawn are a hot topic round these parts lisx#1702: we shoudl have a message thats just updated every 30 minutes of what the current darbg lawn status is EJCaldwell#2924: you will see a lot of stuff in that chat log lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: yes burarahurricane#6369: and also georgenotfoudn EJCaldwell#2924: go up lisx#1702: no actually you'll just see bts EJCaldwell#2924: i just wrote an entire short story in <#864931644087205898> if you want to see it PeckServers.com#8342: bro im trying to add a gpu to my windows vm but guess what microsoft thought was more important which also caused it to bsod PeckServers.com#8342: so then admit it 🤷‍♂️ lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/arya-stark-gameof-thrones-maisie-williams-gurl-raised-eyebrow-gif-4626285 burarahurricane#6369: ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/dancing-cocky-got-tyrion-gif-5178804 EJCaldwell#2924: they left lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/no-way-game-of-thrones-sad-gif-14514471 burarahurricane#6369: GHFHDJHSFKGFGSAHD lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/call-the-banners-game-of-thrones-rob-stark-get-everyone-call-a-meeting-gif-13291519 burarahurricane#6369: https://www.wikihow.com/Fight-Off-a-Kidnapper burarahurricane#6369: https://www.wikihow.com/Survive-an-Abduction-or-Hostage-Situation EJCaldwell#2924: please search it up burarahurricane#6369: there must be a wikihow for this EJCaldwell#2924: they did not even bring my sister with them burarahurricane#6369: tgey want to what EJCaldwell#2924: send help EJCaldwell#2924: my older sisters friends and boyfriend just showed up and they want to steal me burarahurricane#6369: i am rottaly right lisx#1702: you're rottaly right lisx#1702: omg burarahurricane#6369: society if ice cream wasn't invented burarahurricane#6369: ice cream is one of the greatest inventions of mankind EJCaldwell#2924: ima eat more of my icecream that i got way too much of EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: saur true!!! lisx#1702: thats why they call me lethal lisa 😈 EJCaldwell#2924: ah okay burarahurricane#6369: well...you see...lisa actaully means lucifer EJCaldwell#2924: idk what to do EJCaldwell#2924: -. --- / -.-- --- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- username123115#4960: -. --- / -.-- --- ..- ..- ..- ..- EJCaldwell#2924: -.-- --- ..- .----. .-. . / .- / -. . .-. -.. username123115#4960: cause its funni EJCaldwell#2924: why tho username123115#4960: i'll be trying to make file go brrr EJCaldwell#2924: ? username123115#4960: im dying to a bmp file EJCaldwell#2924: want to do somthin username123115#4960: huh EJCaldwell#2924: and i am home alone EJCaldwell#2924: but i am not putting any back EJCaldwell#2924: i got too much username123115#4960: thats a lotta icecream EJCaldwell#2924: why did i get this much icecream EJCaldwell#2924: I think I got too much EJCaldwell#2924: I HAVE FOUND ICECREAM LETS GO EJCaldwell#2924: Or any good snacks EJCaldwell#2924: My house has no popcorn EJCaldwell#2924: Also I am sad EJCaldwell#2924: Why do you have devil horns? Dyno#3861: lisx#1702: you just gotta not be a loser and admit it lisx#1702: whatever bro PeckServers.com#8342: Youre so bad at lying Lisa lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Literally none of that is evidence tho EJCaldwell#2924: that is so believable Commander Lumbar support#1704: I knew it lisx#1702: yes Commander Lumbar support#1704: So it is Cody lisx#1702: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Mr6P6OuNtitidOq4iufTDt8pdE-wlNqV5XS7EmZ5_Cg/edit?usp=sharing EJCaldwell#2924: what? lisx#1702: HOW HAVE I NOT ONITCED IT BEFORE lisx#1702: IT LOOKS JSUT LIKE YOU OMG lisx#1702: lol dargiscool#0610: https://tenor.com/view/yoda-baby-baby-yoda-baby-i-am-jedi-gif-15572435 EJCaldwell#2924: my fingers hurt so much dargiscool#0610: WHY AM I LISAS ALT ? PeckServers.com#8342: you didnt let me finnish my sentence PeckServers.com#8342: lamo PeckServers.com#8342: only the one whos getting caught would say that PeckServers.com#8342: thats what password managers are for PeckServers.com#8342: so i couldnt remember it if i tried lisx#1702: thats the shittiest respsonse Ive ever heard PeckServers.com#8342: and on top of that all of my passowrds are random PeckServers.com#8342: but i do for everything lisx#1702: you don't have to have the password saved to have an account.... 🤦 PeckServers.com#8342: what does that accomplish tho dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> PeckServers.com#8342: let me just spill all of my personal secrets while im at it EJCaldwell#2924: i trust you now dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> PeckServers.com#8342: are you happy? dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761><@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: v dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> PeckServers.com#8342: dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: <@905846774265159761> dargiscool#0610: i know exactly what to do EJCaldwell#2924: you can go up or down dargiscool#0610: you could have easily cropped yeah EJCaldwell#2924: not all of it PeckServers.com#8342: thats all i really can do PeckServers.com#8342: i showed you my password list PeckServers.com#8342: thats what i said dargiscool#0610: ? PeckServers.com#8342: yeah get out of here, you have alts EJCaldwell#2924: i have spent that past two hours fixing this cube and i want to die atm lisx#1702: nO pRoOf?!??!?! PeckServers.com#8342: i did mention that PeckServers.com#8342: or george dargiscool#0610: HIDDEN ALT HERGKAFDHJ PeckServers.com#8342: so im sitting here having had exhausted all means of proving it EJCaldwell#2924: i love how cody thinks it could only be one of you two and nobody else or it could be a normal person for all we know dargiscool#0610: :/ lisx#1702: ??????????? PeckServers.com#8342: but you still have no proof burarahurricane#6369: i already have an alt in this server lisx#1702: no it hasn't 😂 we knew it was you since you joined PeckServers.com#8342: no u PeckServers.com#8342: hiding an alt in the server burarahurricane#6369: i didnt even know how to make an alt account a year ago 😭 lisx#1702: bro at least make your accusations REALISTIC PeckServers.com#8342: and its been going on for a year burarahurricane#6369: literally what would this accomplish burarahurricane#6369: for what PeckServers.com#8342: its the perfect opportunity lisx#1702: 😂 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: why would it not tho! burarahurricane#6369: WHY WOULD IT BE ME????? PeckServers.com#8342: so its either lisa or you alysse PeckServers.com#8342: and I certainly dont have an account by that name PeckServers.com#8342: which means that its different PeckServers.com#8342: but she doesnt have lisas notes for kunami PeckServers.com#8342: shes gotten me every time PeckServers.com#8342: all of lisas notes burarahurricane#6369: liek wgat PeckServers.com#8342: youve done worse lisx#1702: all that effort just to frame you \:( PeckServers.com#8342: but yall think its me PeckServers.com#8342: see thats what im saying lisx#1702: oh yeah fs totally something I'd do burarahurricane#6369: thats not rly a lisa move PeckServers.com#8342: i thought you knew her burarahurricane#6369: ??? PeckServers.com#8342: to stir drama burarahurricane#6369: why would lisa ghost ping herself PeckServers.com#8342: that doesnt really fit tho PeckServers.com#8342: 🤣 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bart-simpson-the-simpsons-at-least-you-tried-fail-failure-gif-7859548 PeckServers.com#8342: its lisa PeckServers.com#8342: BROOO burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/cry-about-it-taylor-taylor-swift-taylor-swift-cry-about-it-cry-about-it-taylor-swift-gif-23606090 PeckServers.com#8342: no shot its actually her PeckServers.com#8342: wait... what! why didnt lisa say anything lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-j-hope-deal-w-ith-it-gif-10314771 PeckServers.com#8342: lisas shit memes™️ lisx#1702: lisas top teir memes™️ PeckServers.com#8342: for all we know its lisa or some shit PeckServers.com#8342: ive been innocently sent to death row PeckServers.com#8342: i quit lisx#1702: 😎 burarahurricane#6369: JDFHGADKH PeckServers.com#8342: but like how is this evidence burarahurricane#6369: see now we know its you lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: im pulling a trump media and keeping it factual lisx#1702: definitely PeckServers.com#8342: its fake news man burarahurricane#6369: ur pulling a trump lisx#1702: idk man burarahurricane#6369: now why would someone innocent try to delete evidence PeckServers.com#8342: no u lisx#1702: mod abuse 😔 PeckServers.com#8342: yes, cause it is factually incorrect burarahurricane#6369: YOU DELETED IT ? lisx#1702: caught in 4k...again... PeckServers.com#8342: ones chonklad and ones thawunguy lisx#1702: 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: these are the only two discord.com entries in m ypassword list lisx#1702: to clear it all up lisx#1702: im making a meme for u lisx#1702: its okay cody PeckServers.com#8342: your logic is bass ackwards EJCaldwell#2924: to try and prove its not you PeckServers.com#8342: why would I say teehee? burarahurricane#6369: in what world would george say teehee kunami#5233: teehee PeckServers.com#8342: why does no one suspect him? PeckServers.com#8342: also doesnt george do all of the pinging? PeckServers.com#8342: theres no winning with you guys PeckServers.com#8342: bro f off its not me! lisx#1702: fr burarahurricane#6369: caught in 4k PeckServers.com#8342: prove youre not me cause theres no winning lisx#1702: cody big fail 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: hey <@905846774265159761> say something PeckServers.com#8342: oh hey kunami's online burarahurricane#6369: SMACKCAM lisx#1702: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: bro im ROFL rn lisx#1702: lisx#1702: its actually hilarious PeckServers.com#8342: all gae? lisx#1702: one sec PeckServers.com#8342: its like a monopoly but with 3 EJCaldwell#2924: what lisx#1702: algae EJCaldwell#2924: idk what that is even burarahurricane#6369: lisa lisx#1702: you know what's *really funny* PeckServers.com#8342: cause you like trio-polies lisx#1702: guys EJCaldwell#2924: why do you keep saying that PeckServers.com#8342: trio-poly EJCaldwell#2924: if i were staff i would of done it at well PeckServers.com#8342: by lisa EJCaldwell#2924: the rest got kicked Commander Lumbar support#1704: the real question is, why do i have *one* alt here PeckServers.com#8342: so we have to get around her blocks Commander Lumbar support#1704: thats too much PeckServers.com#8342: prolly cause lisa blocks everyone Commander Lumbar support#1704: because EJCaldwell#2924: why do you even have an alt here and not your main account Commander Lumbar support#1704: trash EJCaldwell#2924: nice burarahurricane#6369: bullet time ninja lisx#1702: gj WalterJS#2477: Thanks WalterJS#2477: Yessir PeckServers.com#8342: gj PeckServers.com#8342: hell yeah! PeckServers.com#8342: NO SHOT WalterJS#2477: Bois I just got my license PeckServers.com#8342: OOH GOTTEM PeckServers.com#8342: Before these nuts EJCaldwell#2924: because i don't even know what bts is EJCaldwell#2924: i have no clue PeckServers.com#8342: you gotta guess EJCaldwell#2924: what is it EJCaldwell#2924: sure PeckServers.com#8342: but arent you gonna ask what btn is? PeckServers.com#8342: i bust trigger people to keep the world turning EJCaldwell#2924: why bust you trigger people PeckServers.com#8342: I think lisa is really into BTN EJCaldwell#2924: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: mustve been an insane wild guess or something EJCaldwell#2924: i have no clue to how i got that right PeckServers.com#8342: absolute scholars EJCaldwell#2924: XD PeckServers.com#8342: you guys are genius PeckServers.com#8342: ones black and ones silver EJCaldwell#2924: the color? PeckServers.com#8342: see if you nerds can figure out the riddle: Whats the deciding difference between a black paperclip and a silver paperclip? PeckServers.com#8342: couldnt remember if doom needed 128 or 129 gb ram PeckServers.com#8342: ok, i was worried there for a second EJCaldwell#2924: Yes PeckServers.com#8342: do you think itll run doom? PeckServers.com#8342: 32 core server with 128GB whams PeckServers.com#8342: burarahurricane#6369: borednerd* PeckServers.com#8342: nerd PeckServers.com#8342: lmao lisx#1702: I was so confused lisx#1702: I thought it was patient O lisx#1702: OH it's patient 0 EJCaldwell#2924: i want to be something i care about at least lisx#1702: lisx#1702: I thought you didn't want that EJCaldwell#2924: mor than i thought it would be EJCaldwell#2924: shipping is a lot EJCaldwell#2924: i just spent 30$ on cubes EJCaldwell#2924: but i like cubes a lot WalterJS#2477: What about Giga nerd EJCaldwell#2924: i hate patient 0 EJCaldwell#2924: make me Cubenerd at least burarahurricane#6369: we’re a happy little nerd family burarahurricane#6369: amazing PeckServers.com#8342: because youre not a sigma male if you dont WalterJS#2477: why should I WalterJS#2477: Hmmm burarahurricane#6369: normal name cringe EJCaldwell#2924: i just want to have my normal name but they won't let me burarahurricane#6369: for the second nerd revolution PeckServers.com#8342: change your name to SigmaNerd WalterJS#2477: What? EJCaldwell#2924: can you change my name back to normal EJCaldwell#2924: just let me be my normal self EJCaldwell#2924: WHY MUST I DO THIS TO MYSELF PeckServers.com#8342: mark cubenerd EJCaldwell#2924: please no EJCaldwell#2924: it will take a few weeks to come tho lisx#1702: we should change your name to cubenerd EJCaldwell#2924: i can get 4 puzzles that i don't have and an axxessory for 20 bucks EJCaldwell#2924: why not lisx#1702: a french thing lisx#1702: its like lisx#1702: ooh PeckServers.com#8342: well yes but why EJCaldwell#2924: i almost will have every puzzle that they do events for EJCaldwell#2924: im doing it burarahurricane#6369: yes EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: do i do it burarahurricane#6369: w h o ah EJCaldwell#2924: and expensive EJCaldwell#2924: thats a big cube EJCaldwell#2924: i need a shelf for thees EJCaldwell#2924: 9 of them EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: i wonder how many puzzles i have PeckServers.com#8342: quite a ways EJCaldwell#2924: how far up did you have to go up for that PeckServers.com#8342: because you have so many rubiks cubes EJCaldwell#2924: the frick EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: 62$ EJCaldwell#2924: and an expensive one EJCaldwell#2924: that is a strange puzzle EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: i have a cube like that just not that color burarahurricane#6369: wait yhats kinda epic burarahurricane#6369: i think theres a big parade EJCaldwell#2924: and its only in pink EJCaldwell#2924: this cube looks cool burarahurricane#6369: itd a french monument EJCaldwell#2924: what is that EJCaldwell#2924: what? burarahurricane#6369: ehats hsppening in france burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/bonne-f%C3%AAte-nationale-14julliet-france-paris-french-gif-17733843 EJCaldwell#2924: i want to get a better computer EJCaldwell#2924: no EJCaldwell#2924: i want to save my money burarahurricane#6369: y ooure looking at pubes?!?! EJCaldwell#2924: idk why even EJCaldwell#2924: i am now just looking at cubes burarahurricane#6369: rat spin EJCaldwell#2924: what burarahurricane#6369: ivr forgor how think burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/rat-spinning-horizontally-gif-25424411 EJCaldwell#2924: 17$ EJCaldwell#2924: i forgot EJCaldwell#2924: how much was this thing EJCaldwell#2924: thankfully EJCaldwell#2924: it did not break EJCaldwell#2924: its good EJCaldwell#2924: i threw it in the bin i put the rest of the puzzles in PeckServers.com#8342: imagine EJCaldwell#2924: i think i just broke it lisx#1702: it'll start regretting its life choices Mocha#3331: Because he isn't chronically online lisx#1702: and don't feed it lisx#1702: make it sit in a corner Mocha#3331: He just doesn't understand the joke 🤦 PeckServers.com#8342: HA burarahurricane#6369: wHy sO SerIous? EJCaldwell#2924: i am just mad at that puzzle PeckServers.com#8342: ethen so serious today lisx#1702: aaAAAAAaaaaaaaa Mocha#3331: Not really tho burarahurricane#6369: my favoriite video of the 1960s spiderman intro was twken doen and ive never been the same since 😔 Mocha#3331: I'm sorry EJCaldwell#2924: its not funny EJCaldwell#2924: just stop Mocha#3331: RAHHHH Mocha#3331: But does he have this dick in his mouth burarahurricane#6369: i skoipped the is he strong listen bud he’s got radioactive blood line oops EJCaldwell#2924: my dad has a golden venom comic book burarahurricane#6369: can he swing from a thread? take a look overhead HEY THEREEE THERE GOES THE SPIDERMAN Mocha#3331: Look at venom grippers lisx#1702: spiderman burarahurricane#6369: does whatever a spider can lisx#1702: spiderman burarahurricane#6369: spiderman burarahurricane#6369: spiderman lisx#1702: aw EJCaldwell#2924: 't really want to EJCaldwell#2924: i don' lisx#1702: its even better lisx#1702: would the ✨ live version ✨ make you consider it? Mocha#3331: I guess it was Mocha#3331: No one said RAHHHH EJCaldwell#2924: i don't tho PeckServers.com#8342: you know you want it EJCaldwell#2924: shut up Mocha#3331: Is this joke too esoteric PeckServers.com#8342: idk if hes practiced enough to take one that big Mocha#3331: I'm hilarious Mocha#3331: I'm so funny Mocha#3331: How about you learn to have this dick in your mouth PeckServers.com#8342: only if you want EJCaldwell#2924: should i learn how to do my bigger cubes PeckServers.com#8342: bts more like bum that shit lisx#1702: and it doesn't have a billion views \>:( EJCaldwell#2924: idc for music videos lisx#1702: it deserves a billion views Mocha#3331: Not at all Mocha#3331: Didn't even consider it EJCaldwell#2924: no lisx#1702: listen to the bts song of the day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEeFrLSkMm8 Mocha#3331: Seethe EJCaldwell#2924: i have cried enough as a child burarahurricane#6369: oh EJCaldwell#2924: no burarahurricane#6369: cry EJCaldwell#2924: what should i do lisx#1702: ✂️ 🌿 🌺 ✨ EJCaldwell#2924: idk what to do burarahurricane#6369: me and lisa waking up at 5 am sharp to tend to our cg lawns lisx#1702: 🫡🫡 EJCaldwell#2924: ima go back to cubes PeckServers.com#8342: hehe burarahurricane#6369: veterans of cg 🫡 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/no-sleep-its-been84years-titanic-gif-13077787 EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: I DID IT PeckServers.com#8342: HEY! HES A PHONY PeckServers.com#8342: #phony burarahurricane#6369: <@726265256082407504> would remember burarahurricane#6369: do you know what totally is to this server? burarahurricane#6369: u said totally EJCaldwell#2924: people don't lie on the internet EJCaldwell#2924: i said i did not use it burarahurricane#6369: ur a fake 😕 burarahurricane#6369: wow EJCaldwell#2924: i totally did not use auto correct EJCaldwell#2924: pyramid burarahurricane#6369: isn that even how you spell pursmid burarahurricane#6369: pyramid burarahurricane#6369: pyrismir burarahurricane#6369: PURAEMID burarahurricane#6369: drick burarahurricane#6369: tubicbb purwmir EJCaldwell#2924: its not a cube EJCaldwell#2924: IT DID NOT HAPPEN THIS TIME burarahurricane#6369: watching you break down over the rubix cube is really funny i won t lie EJCaldwell#2924: FINALLY EJCaldwell#2924: HAPPEN EJCaldwell#2924: THIS EJCaldwell#2924: DOES EJCaldwell#2924: WHY PeckServers.com#8342: i love shitty gifs from dead memes! PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/gotword-deeznuts-gottem-deez-nuts-gif-4394929 PeckServers.com#8342: HA! GOTTEM burarahurricane#6369: nuts! PeckServers.com#8342: no u EJCaldwell#2924: I AM SO FREAKING MAD PeckServers.com#8342: deez once told me that its a very noble profession burarahurricane#6369: yep lisx#1702: Seems legit PeckServers.com#8342: ooh theres no debating that source EJCaldwell#2924: IT HAPPeNED AGAIN burarahurricane#6369: twice removed EJCaldwell#2924: CRAP burarahurricane#6369: from my mothers brothers uncles grandpas daughters unborn baby lisx#1702: Of naming people along dr Seuss books? lisx#1702: From experience? PeckServers.com#8342: yeah and the benefits are usually good burarahurricane#6369: yes lisx#1702: Did you now burarahurricane#6369: ive heard it pays well lisx#1702: I should PeckServers.com#8342: you should be a professional namer burarahurricane#6369: u are lisx#1702: I’m insane at this naming business burarahurricane#6369: <@531264285385424916> lisx#1702: Ikr PeckServers.com#8342: thatd be so perfect lmao burarahurricane#6369: OH MY GOD THAT S PERFECTKSHSLSGSK lisx#1702: if I could change Walter’s I’d make it sigmanerd PeckServers.com#8342: *SMACK* burarahurricane#6369: a little WACKY PeckServers.com#8342: ooga booga bongo man burarahurricane#6369: a little goofy PeckServers.com#8342: wiggly burarahurricane#6369: we be a little wonky PeckServers.com#8342: wonky nerds PeckServers.com#8342: a box of nerd burarahurricane#6369: bottom text burarahurricane#6369: pov: concrete games llc discord server lisx#1702: It was a stroke of genius lisx#1702: You better Mocha#3331: Fine I'll go back PeckServers.com#8342: booo PeckServers.com#8342: LMAOOOO PeckServers.com#8342: YES Mocha#3331: Bruh I just changed it EJCaldwell#2924: or that EJCaldwell#2924: real nerd PeckServers.com#8342: an unbearable amount of nerds burarahurricane#6369: u need one Mocha#3331: So many nerds lisx#1702: It’s the second revolution of nerds Mocha#3331: Wow lisx#1702: hes like “ok i dont really care” PeckServers.com#8342: its a revolution burarahurricane#6369: this is so awesome PeckServers.com#8342: hes like "i guess i have to" username123115#4960: ok lisx#1702: Usernerd lisx#1702: Haha burarahurricane#6369: nerdname EJCaldwell#2924: user = nerd burarahurricane#6369: usernerd PeckServers.com#8342: gaenerd burarahurricane#6369: this is the gathering of nerds….. lisx#1702: Guys help me think of one for Daniel lol EJCaldwell#2924: there are not stickers EJCaldwell#2924: i just relized i have a lot of puzzles PeckServers.com#8342: you just gotta peel the stickers off and rearrange them EJCaldwell#2924: or search up how to do it PeckServers.com#8342: all of the hard work tho :( EJCaldwell#2924: i just have to rescramble this EJCaldwell#2924: ik a cooler way that i can solvr lisx#1702: Hahah lisx#1702: I may or may not have started it… PeckServers.com#8342: thats where you just end yourself EJCaldwell#2924: i hate this pattern burarahurricane#6369: looks cooler that way PeckServers.com#8342: rip EJCaldwell#2924: I am sad burarahurricane#6369: I WAS THERE FOR THE SOMEBOYD EPIDEMIC ! <- that should go on a tshirt PeckServers.com#8342: omg there is still reminants of that lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: I WAS THERE lisx#1702: I remember that lisx#1702: Omg burarahurricane#6369: those were such good times PeckServers.com#8342: i approve this message PeckServers.com#8342: yayyy chonknerd! username123115#4960: its the somebody epidemic all over again PeckServers.com#8342: LOL burarahurricane#6369: for u lisogie burarahurricane#6369: thats so perfect burarahurricane#6369: BOREDNERD burarahurricane#6369: this is awesome EJCaldwell#2924: XD burarahurricane#6369: <@606620815349383209> LMAOOOO EJCaldwell#2924: i got a pattern i can't do :c EJCaldwell#2924: FRICK burarahurricane#6369: ehehe PeckServers.com#8342: OOH GOTTEM burarahurricane#6369: more likw pie nerd EJCaldwell#2924: ima just finish my puzzle PeckServers.com#8342: pie boii knows burarahurricane#6369: stob him Maulie#8927: Only took a matter of time PeckServers.com#8342: do it EJCaldwell#2924: i will stab you burarahurricane#6369: thats amazing burarahurricane#6369: LMAOO PeckServers.com#8342: hehe EJCaldwell#2924: CODY lisx#1702: That’s as far as my genistry goes tho lisx#1702: Amazing burarahurricane#6369: ur a genius Maulie#8927: Don't agree to that EJCaldwell#2924: i will stab you EJCaldwell#2924: no PeckServers.com#8342: thats ok, i can change it for you lisx#1702: No we should make it like gaynerd etc EJCaldwell#2924: and i am not changing my discord name burarahurricane#6369: ikr lisogie ^-^ EJCaldwell#2924: can't PeckServers.com#8342: allgae burarahurricane#6369: 1 nerd 2 nerd red nerd blue nerd! we’re like dr suess sueess girl how do you spell seurrss lisx#1702: That sounds fun algae lisx#1702: Hahahha burarahurricane#6369: lets all change our names to some form of nerd lisx#1702: Taaaaaake me back to the paradise city burarahurricane#6369: true Mocha#3331: true EJCaldwell#2924: true lisx#1702: This is the moment in the class when everyone instantly stops talking lisx#1702: That was a bts reference \>:( burarahurricane#6369: so true!! EJCaldwell#2924: i love some spelling mistakes burarahurricane#6369: how does one stob EJCaldwell#2924: stob lisx#1702: Stob it lisx#1702: But nah I’m going to listen tot he voices Mocha#3331: Lislayy burarahurricane#6369: !?! burarahurricane#6369: LisaSlay? LisaSlay?? lisx#1702: Anytime bro 😎 Mocha#3331: Thanks queen make sure to take your daily yass pills 🤭💅 lisx#1702: 😂😂 lisx#1702: Slayyy Mocha#3331: Well I guess I can be boringly studious at times 🥰🤞 lisx#1702: We’re all foolish or contemptible people who lack social skills or are boringly studious 😍😍✨💅✌️ lisx#1702: Yeah EJCaldwell#2924: most of us are both lol EJCaldwell#2924: there are 2 PeckServers.com#8342: to people that do niche things PeckServers.com#8342: but society has rewrote that a little imo PeckServers.com#8342: i feel like that makes sense lisx#1702: Lol EJCaldwell#2924: but i am definitely a nerd for a few things EJCaldwell#2924: ik PeckServers.com#8342: im just razzing, i dont even know you lmao PeckServers.com#8342: either me walt or spenc EJCaldwell#2924: also cody why do you think i am a nerd lisx#1702: How do you define being a nerd though EJCaldwell#2924: walter Mocha#3331: I feel like it's cody Mocha#3331: Who's the biggest nerd here tho Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/yh-gif-25406060 lisx#1702: Hahahha PeckServers.com#8342: <:hehe:856378380332433408> PeckServers.com#8342: the adonis nerd Mocha#3331: He's such a nerd he isn't even a nerd anymore he is a chad PeckServers.com#8342: therefore im the genius variant of nerd EJCaldwell#2924: you're the one that is running servers PeckServers.com#8342: just the facts 🤷‍♂️ PeckServers.com#8342: ♥️ EJCaldwell#2924: okay and Mocha#3331: Thanks baby gorwl 🥰 PeckServers.com#8342: and youre a hottie 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: you especially Mocha#3331: Cody is a baddie Mocha#3331: Not true burarahurricane#6369: true ! EJCaldwell#2924: everybody here is a nerd PeckServers.com#8342: Nerd alert lisx#1702: I'm doing duolingo for french 😂 to see how much I know lisx#1702: nah lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: Hi bored, get some sleep lisx#1702: I'm bored burarahurricane#6369: next tim e lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/the-big-bang-theory-jim-parsons-sheldon-cooper-there-there-comfort-gif-4921481 PeckServers.com#8342: Fidget spinner RPG, duh EJCaldwell#2924: what the frick is this game PeckServers.com#8342: Did you burn them or what? EJCaldwell#2924: thats why you made them PeckServers.com#8342: Rp EJCaldwell#2924: cookies are good EJCaldwell#2924: that sucks lisx#1702: I just wanted pizza 😭 lisx#1702: I don't know why I even made cookies lisx#1702: my cookies definitely failed lisx#1702: 😂 WalterJS#2477: I’m so disappointed in myself I really thought I’d get a 36 PeckServers.com#8342: are you ok lisa? lmao lisx#1702: I'm confused lisx#1702: I thought I wanted pizza lisx#1702: why am I making cookies lisx#1702: maybe i just won't add chocolate chips then lisx#1702: a bag of chocolate chips cost more than just buying already made cookies lisx#1702: so apparently lisx#1702: im going to get chocolate chips lisx#1702: too easy lisx#1702: thats lisx#1702: but no lisx#1702: I *could* just *get cookies* at harmons lisx#1702: you know lisx#1702: its also 5 minutes away lisx#1702: it is lisx#1702: is harmons open lisx#1702: I have at least 3 hours lisx#1702: that literally means lisx#1702: considering i've been going to bed at like 1... lisx#1702: thats not too late lisx#1702: well its only 9 lisx#1702: its fine ig lisx#1702: except I don't have chocolate chips lisx#1702: I can actually totally make cookies lisx#1702: omg I just realized we have brown sugar lisx#1702: sheet makes it sound like it's made of paper or something lisx#1702: made of metal lisx#1702: it's a pan lisx#1702: it's not a sheet lisx#1702: thats so misleading lisx#1702: why is it called baking sheet lisx#1702: but thats not really required right lisx#1702: I don't really have chocolate chips lisx#1702: I should make cookies instead! lisx#1702: it's occurred to me that this is a lot of work lisx#1702: people put meetballs on pizza? lisx#1702: for the toppings lisx#1702: but I don't have cheese and stuff lisx#1702: so i have everything to make pizza dough lisx#1702: if i knew how to make pizza lisx#1702: thats actually a great idea... lisx#1702: is that what they call it lisx#1702: i can make pizza cupcakes lisx#1702: omg lisx#1702: way easier lisx#1702: so its like lisx#1702: I already did it once lisx#1702: maybe I'll just make cupcakes again lisx#1702: you know lisx#1702: how do you know which kind to get lisx#1702: there's like 20 different types of cheese PeckServers.com#8342: youd better get to building lisx#1702: -_- lisx#1702: if you use a metal thingy PeckServers.com#8342: youre supposed to have a giant pizza oven made of bricks too lisx#1702: or something lisx#1702: so the bottom doesn't get charred PeckServers.com#8342: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: ooooh lisx#1702: ig lisx#1702: to bake the pizza on lisx#1702: its just a piece of wood PeckServers.com#8342: what is that for? lisx#1702: we don't have this supposed "pizza stone" PeckServers.com#8342: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: no WaY lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: bread?!?!??!?!?!? PeckServers.com#8342: cause guess what pizza dough is PeckServers.com#8342: and in bread lisx#1702: did you know that there's sugar in pizza dough? PeckServers.com#8342: sounds like a complicated solution to a simple problem tho :( lisx#1702: and it was also a long time ago lisx#1702: or something lisx#1702: ate it lisx#1702: and I'm pretty sure everyone else in my group did the important parts while I just lisx#1702: I don't remember how we did it though lisx#1702: I think I've made pizza at school before lisx#1702: dang lisx#1702: or cheese lisx#1702: we don't even have pepperioni lisx#1702: maybe I can try to make pizza lisx#1702: just for pizza????? lisx#1702: that's so much work lisx#1702: do stuff lisx#1702: and lisx#1702: get up lisx#1702: I'd have to lisx#1702: thats not really a problem but still lisx#1702: and pizza costs money lisx#1702: and I kinda already had dinner lisx#1702: plus it's like almost late lisx#1702: for everyone! lisx#1702: and that's so much work lisx#1702: outside lisx#1702: to go get pizza lisx#1702: talk to my parents lisx#1702: I'd have to like lisx#1702: in this situation though PeckServers.com#8342: isnt there like a billion pizza places in slc? lisx#1702: I want pizza PeckServers.com#8342: i hope you find what you are looking for! PeckServers.com#8342: im happy for you lisx#1702: I want pizza lisx#1702: PowerSchool EJCaldwell#2924: How do you see those Mocha#3331: I don't remember trying at all so it makes sense Mocha#3331: Mocha#3331: Lol I did so bad on the aspire 💀 lisx#1702: 😂 lisx#1702: I sucked at reading in 5th grade lisx#1702: whatever this iowa thing is lisx#1702: <@531264285385424916> first get on discord burarahurricane#6369: <@531264285385424916> go on powerschool lisx#1702: <@531264285385424916> lisx#1702: <@531264285385424916> lisx#1702: whatd u get lisx#1702: <@531264285385424916> lisx#1702: allllright lisx#1702: oh and that poem thingy lisx#1702: passages lisx#1702: it had like lisx#1702: what was the reading lisx#1702: my brain has failed to process burarahurricane#6369: 🤠 lisx#1702: same 👒 burarahurricane#6369: same hat lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: yeah same burarahurricane#6369: i dont remember lisx#1702: I cant remember anything lisx#1702: what was the science tho lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: yeahh lol lisx#1702: because our class was too good for that burarahurricane#6369: that scatterplot thing lisx#1702: stuff we never learned lisx#1702: oh wait it had like lisx#1702: what even was up with the math one though lisx#1702: ig kinda lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: :O ur cracked lisx#1702: and everything else lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: same lisx#1702: tf lisx#1702: username123115#4960: really bad for math username123115#4960: i did like username123115#4960: the test section on powerschool lisx#1702: where do you see that though lisx#1702: yo I bet I did terrible lisx#1702: wait thats a thing burarahurricane#6369: yeah thats interesting burarahurricane#6369: oh no why ismy math so bad username123115#4960: you can see them on powerschool username123115#4960: ye burarahurricane#6369: htey are ? username123115#4960: well "predicted" composite score username123115#4960: is higher then my composite score username123115#4960: none of my scores username123115#4960: PeckServers.com#8342: What did you get? PeckServers.com#8342: Fascinating username123115#4960: and all of my predicted subject scores were lower then my predicted composite score username123115#4960: the aspire scores are out lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/just-you-christy-anna-faris-mom-only-you-gif-19845192 PeckServers.com#8342: Is it getting hot in here or is it just me? PeckServers.com#8342: Wooo PeckServers.com#8342: Check out them specs! PeckServers.com#8342: Got the server all set up and shii PeckServers.com#8342: Wow EJCaldwell#2924: Holy cow EJCaldwell#2924: There is a subreddit called r/Potato lisx#1702: What’s that? lisx#1702: Go outside???? Maulie#8927: When I went out to take the trash it felt so good outside burarahurricane#6369: its been too long 2 remember that burarahurricane#6369: idk about before it rains tho burarahurricane#6369: yeppers ! burarahurricane#6369: Well when i went outside today it was 109 qnd there was no cloud in sight So PeckServers.com#8342: To be fair though it is basically the smell of asphalt PeckServers.com#8342: Monster EJCaldwell#2924: i hate the smell of rain PeckServers.com#8342: But can alysse PeckServers.com#8342: Ofc i can PeckServers.com#8342: It smells so good EJCaldwell#2924: can you not smell rain burarahurricane#6369: ? burarahurricane#6369: uou Smelt th e rain EJCaldwell#2924: i smelt that earlier PeckServers.com#8342: Is it really? Yay!! burarahurricane#6369: !!! i forgot water fell from the sky burarahurricane#6369: ITS RAINING OUTSIDE PeckServers.com#8342: It was depressing as hell tho knowing that project would have been lost to something so stupid PeckServers.com#8342: And voila it was back up and running PeckServers.com#8342: But miraculously i managed to find what was corrupted and fix it PeckServers.com#8342: 😢😢😢 PeckServers.com#8342: I thought it was gone PeckServers.com#8342: Accounts videos literally everything PeckServers.com#8342: Is that during the process the entire database for that website broke PeckServers.com#8342: What i didnt know PeckServers.com#8342: But thats the server that http://peckvideo.com is hosted on PeckServers.com#8342: I was moving my main windows server to another machine PeckServers.com#8342: Internally PeckServers.com#8342: Guys i almost died today! lisx#1702: Not going to pretend that makes sense lisx#1702: Apparently I can play music using the books app lisx#1702: The next time I get internet I’m going to edit out the parts where they talk lisx#1702: And it’s a live version which is cool… unless there’s no video 🥲🥲 lisx#1702: And they talk in between 🥲 lisx#1702: 🥲 lisx#1702: But there’s no video lisx#1702: 😄 lisx#1702: 3 songs in a roll lisx#1702: It’s like lisx#1702: It turns out I have another one on my computer burarahurricane#6369: yolo lisx#1702: Oof burarahurricane#6369: BUT WHATEVER burarahurricane#6369: my pt exercises were lisx#1702: Bruh burarahurricane#6369: i kinda dont want to walk lisx#1702: That lisx#1702: Yeah I got they part burarahurricane#6369: guess i have to walk now burarahurricane#6369: but leaving my room lisx#1702: Boring burarahurricane#6369: wel lno tleaving the house lisx#1702: That sounds burarahurricane#6369: and also leaving to eat dinner burarahurricane#6369: watching ludwigs stream lisx#1702: What are you doing burarahurricane#6369: spoilsport burarahurricane#6369: wow lisx#1702: The risk is too grat burarahurricane#6369: the original problem would still be solved :D lisx#1702: But the. I might die burarahurricane#6369: well then you wont be bored anymore ! lisx#1702: 😂 lisx#1702: Get blown away or something lisx#1702: What if I burarahurricane#6369: thats no excuse lisx#1702: There’s carpet burarahurricane#6369: you cant wiggle the grass between yoru toes inside lisx#1702: Doneo lisx#1702: I can do that inside burarahurricane#6369: maybe do a hop or two lisx#1702: Tho lisx#1702: Windy burarahurricane#6369: wiggle your toes in it lisx#1702: It’s like burarahurricane#6369: rub it on your fingers burarahurricane#6369: touch grass lisx#1702: What now lisx#1702: I did it lisx#1702: They’re great songs (esp friends) but I’m scared if I listen to them too much I’ll start to hate them lisx#1702: And 3% of Anne Frank’s diary lisx#1702: Two pages of the tempest burarahurricane#6369: maybe draw a picture ? lisx#1702: I read like burarahurricane#6369: or maybe touch some grass ? lisx#1702: I downloaded them the minute before my internet died last night 😄 burarahurricane#6369: why not read a book ? burarahurricane#6369: of course lisx#1702: And ego by bts lisx#1702: Friends by bts burarahurricane#6369: what two songs lisx#1702: YES MY WIFE 😭😭😭😭😭 lisx#1702: With barely enough data to send messages burarahurricane#6369: oh yeah your wife lisx#1702: Except listen to like the 2 songs I have downloaded on my computer lisx#1702: I literally can’t do a thing burarahurricane#6369: THATS CRAZY ! burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/wilbur-soot-sootgifs-dsmp-dream-smp-mcyt-gif-23100358 lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/2IM62Gocn1627nKL1aSifz?si=9Fyfri4fRzuM7GUCDJHurA lisx#1702: I’m just sitting here all alone… lisx#1702: I’d totally want to hire bts lisx#1702: Except for the bts part lisx#1702: That sound awful though so I hope I don’t become rich lisx#1702: Like bts 😂😂 lisx#1702: Yk I think I’m the type of person that if I was rich I’d just sit at my super big mansion all day and hire people to entertain me lisx#1702: Narrator: She receives no response.. as usual lisx#1702: I’m bored EJCaldwell#2924: true burarahurricane#6369: the world would be abetter place without them lisx#1702: Because alysse said to lisx#1702: lol idk EJCaldwell#2924: why? lisx#1702: YEAH burarahurricane#6369: FUCK DISNEY!!!! EJCaldwell#2924: why not just wait a few months for it to come out on disney plus burarahurricane#6369: but its pirated and bad quality ^-^ EJCaldwell#2924: interesting EJCaldwell#2924: oh burarahurricane#6369: W'ERE WATCHING THOR LOVE AND THUNDER EJCaldwell#2924: <@726265256082407504> <@749747503947055136> what are you doing in the vc lisx#1702: Bts videos will wake me up lisx#1702: Aaaaaa I’m so tiiiiired burarahurricane#6369: Mocha#3331: Goooooodnight lisx#1702: Bye lisx#1702: Sleep lisx#1702: Anyway lisx#1702: Which is cool lisx#1702: And they’ll be continuing their reality show too Mocha#3331: 🌚 lisx#1702: And they’ll still be meeting up like every week and stuff they’ll just be releasing solo albums and stuff for a bit lisx#1702: They aren’t disbanding tho they’re still together Mocha#3331: Seeya goodnight 👁️👄👁️ lisx#1702: Good idea same bye Mocha#3331: Yeah maybe I will later today I think imma head to sleep now lisx#1702: Life goes on is my favorite bts song lisx#1702: You can check them out right now too they have so much stuff out already lisx#1702: Yeah it is Mocha#3331: Tell me when the band is back together and I'll probably check them out Mocha#3331: That's awesome tbh maybe I'll start listening to them after their break lisx#1702: So they can be even better together lisx#1702: And spending time apart lisx#1702: Like self discovery lisx#1702: They’re focusing on solo projects more lisx#1702: Well it’s more like Mocha#3331: I probably won't watch it rn 💀 lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/1t0iJ7F_k9Q Mocha#3331: A lot of that kinda stuff happens in the smash scene where there are players traveling every week to tournaments and they get burntout Mocha#3331: Oh yeah that's cool probably from burnout I'm sure they're doing a lot for their fans lisx#1702: You can watch the video too lisx#1702: Taking a break lisx#1702: They’re kinda Mocha#3331: But for what lisx#1702: They cried too Mocha#3331: 🤏🎛️ lisx#1702: Here, notches, have a fist Mocha#3331: 🎛️🤛 lisx#1702: lol Mocha#3331: Me when I have to turn notches lisx#1702: Of them just talking Mocha#3331: Bruh what were they even doing 💀🎛️ lisx#1702: I watched an hour long bts video today lisx#1702: You’re right lisx#1702: 😂 Mocha#3331: 💅 Mocha#3331: A very unhealthy lifestyle 🤩🤩🤩 lisx#1702: Bts is not just a music group, they’re a lifestyle 🤩🤩🤩 Mocha#3331: IM SCREAMING AND KICKING MY FEET Mocha#3331: AGHH THE FACE IT'S BACK Mocha#3331: Can we get some more #relatable in the chat pleas Mocha#3331: So true lisx#1702: #relatable Mocha#3331: Just like bts fr Mocha#3331: FAKE LOVE lisx#1702: 💜 REMINDS ME OF BTS Mocha#3331: ✍️ 🤓 lisx#1702: 🫰💜 Mocha#3331: Me when I'm writing and need a picture to describe that action ✍️ lisx#1702: 😽😽😽 Mocha#3331: ✍️ Mocha#3331: 😺 😸 😹 😻 😼 😽 🙀 😿 😾 lisx#1702: 🙀 lisx#1702: Lol Mocha#3331: They look so ugly lisx#1702: 🎃 Mocha#3331: I hate the discord cat emojis lisx#1702: 💩 Mocha#3331: 😿 lisx#1702: 🤡 lisx#1702: 🤠 Mocha#3331: 👁️👄👁️ lisx#1702: 😼 lisx#1702: 👻 lisx#1702: 😈 Mocha#3331: Delete now please Mocha#3331: AGHHHHH Mocha#3331: I couldn't bare to look at it anymore lisx#1702: 🌚 Mocha#3331: It just stares Mocha#3331: I hate this one Mocha#3331: lisx#1702: 😶‍🌫️ Mocha#3331: Android has these goofy stickers lisx#1702: LMAO Mocha#3331: Mocha#3331: Bruh 💀🎛️🌡️ lisx#1702: I would but it’s gonna take like twenty minutes to get to you Mocha#3331: Send screenshot lisx#1702: Oof Mocha#3331: 🥶 💯 Mocha#3331: I can't see it I got android Mocha#3331: 🌡️ lisx#1702: This one is my favorite lisx#1702: 🫠 Mocha#3331: Bruh who needs this lisx#1702: And I swear iPhone recently just added so many more random ones Mocha#3331: 🎛️ lisx#1702: There are Mocha#3331: There are so many random emojis lisx#1702: I made it pink tho Mocha#3331: It's too pixelated on my phone 📱 lisx#1702: Yes Mocha#3331: I just realized it was bts Mocha#3331: Lmfao lisx#1702: 🤣 lisx#1702: I saw my pfp and realized this profound truth Mocha#3331: That came out of no where 💀 Mocha#3331: Wtf lisx#1702: Bts is so amazing Mocha#3331: Shit too hard for little ol me lisx#1702: It’s two am lisx#1702: Bruh lisx#1702: Somewhere Mocha#3331: Nvm I give it lisx#1702: So it’s been sent twice lisx#1702: I found it once too lisx#1702: Ok Mocha#3331: Wait I can find it gimme a sec lisx#1702: Should’ve pinned it lisx#1702: It’s lost in the depth of darbg lawn 🥲 Mocha#3331: I love that image with all my body and soul Mocha#3331: LMFAOOO lisx#1702: \*insert alyseez ah men Jesus picture* Mocha#3331: Thank the lord with all my heart for making lisa's sleep schedule worse 🙏🙏💯💯 lisx#1702: God givin me data so I can prolong my insomnia and talk to ismail 😭😭 Mocha#3331: Can I get an amen 🙏 lisx#1702: I’m so thankful 😭 lisx#1702: LMAO Mocha#3331: He a homie for that one Mocha#3331: God is giving you some data rq Mocha#3331: Bruh 💀 lisx#1702: My mom told me my phone isn’t supposed to had data tho so idk lisx#1702: I think I’m using data rn lisx#1702: Oh actually Mocha#3331: I can't look at anything my friends send me on insta 😢🔫 Mocha#3331: Lmfao literally me anytime I open up insta lisx#1702: I honestly have no clue why my internet is working at all lisx#1702: Exactly (me pretending my internet works enough for me to see that picture) Mocha#3331: (me also pretending to know who that is) Mocha#3331: He just like me fr Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/he-just-like-me-fr-gif-25075803 lisx#1702: Wow that’s so amazing lisx#1702: You’re just like ***nAtSu?!?!!?!?!!*** Mocha#3331: I'm just like him fr Mocha#3331: Im literally like * insert generic anime character* Mocha#3331: Well then idk what got tell you lisx#1702: Mhm ~~pretending like I know who they are~~ Mocha#3331: Believe it! lisx#1702: Power of the flashback Mocha#3331: Maybe even sasuke lisx#1702: Oh wow Mocha#3331: I'm literally naruto Mocha#3331: Yes the flashbacks will remind me of all my friends even at my lowest just like naruto lisx#1702: But too much effort lisx#1702: Yeah I’m sure that’d work great Mocha#3331: Lmfao all the lip smacking and hair brushes lisx#1702: Even while you’re all alone in the dark? lisx#1702: But then I’d have to open YouTube or something Mocha#3331: Yeah you shouldn't underestimate me I have the power of friendship lisx#1702: You’re all set then in that case Mocha#3331: Maybe you should play some ✨asmr✨ lisx#1702: Oh dang sorry I didn’t know Mocha#3331: Lol ok I see how it is Mocha#3331: I've seen a few fighting animes I'm practically a pro 😎 lisx#1702: Bad advice lisx#1702: It didn’t work lisx#1702: I just did it Mocha#3331: Meh I don't blame you maybe you should just try closing your eyes lisx#1702: So you can punch the s out of them lisx#1702: You just have to learn karate or something lisx#1702: But I don’t really feel like it Mocha#3331: Ikr it sounds awesome but if I get caught that doesn't sound fun lisx#1702: I tried that a few times though Mocha#3331: I'm sure that'll get you tired lisx#1702: That doesn’t sound fun lisx#1702: That does kinda sound fun Mocha#3331: Drop and gimme twenty push ups lisx#1702: I’ll just save it for the minute before class starts tomorrow morning \:) lisx#1702: But I don’t really want it turn on the lights Mocha#3331: It was so surreal I kinda liked it lol lisx#1702: Maybe I could do my French homework Mocha#3331: I might try going on that walk at three am again but with some music this time lisx#1702: Once is enough Mocha#3331: But ig you'd probably like get mugged if you did and that one life would like not be there anymore lisx#1702: It was super creepy lisx#1702: I’ve gone on a walk in the dark before though Mocha#3331: Yolo Mocha#3331: Oh yeah Mocha#3331: What was that term lisx#1702: Dark Mocha#3331: Emphasis on could lisx#1702: But it’s like lisx#1702: I *could* Mocha#3331: Ik I'm very funneh lisx#1702: haha Mocha#3331: Maybe you could go for a walk rn 😜 Mocha#3331: Yeah I guess you could also just go for a walk and listen to music that's pretty nice lisx#1702: ik what your going to say lisx#1702: 😜 lisx#1702: Sunlight lisx#1702: There’s like lisx#1702: It’s so hot outside tho Mocha#3331: Maybe I normally go longboarding whenever I don't do anything for a day to get some sunlight lisx#1702: Or something lisx#1702: I wanted to watch another bts video lisx#1702: But then lisx#1702: I was almost going to lisx#1702: Maybe I should’ve gone outside today Mocha#3331: I'm too lazy to look it up Mocha#3331: I'm pretty sure Mocha#3331: I think idk Mocha#3331: Yeah it does lol lisx#1702: What has vitamin d? Sunlight?? lisx#1702: Oh Mocha#3331: I think it's the lack of vitamin d like al said if you don't have enough it can cause insomnia lisx#1702: I think it’s called boredom lisx#1702: And I only have to wake up at like 9:45 tomorrow because my French teacher moved our lesson to 10am 🤦 Mocha#3331: Idk I'm not a doctor Mocha#3331: I think there's a name for that it's probably something called insomnia lisx#1702: There is a certain motivation it takes to go to bed that I lack Mocha#3331: No one wants to ruin their sleep schedule especially me 😅 Mocha#3331: Well you should probably be heading to bed it's getting kinda late lisx#1702: Lmao Mocha#3331: Get back down here and suffer with the rest of us lisx#1702: I didn’t go outside though Mocha#3331: Bruh lucky lisx#1702: The high was 97 today 😆 lisx#1702: Insane Mocha#3331: They literally closed early just because of the heat Mocha#3331: It was steaming and the ac at my work doesn't work so I was burning lisx#1702: Lol Mocha#3331: It was like 112 earlier today lisx#1702: It’s kinda hot but like really not at all lisx#1702: It was like last month Mocha#3331: Damn how's the weather up there Mocha#3331: Oh what bruh 💀 lisx#1702: I’ve already moved lisx#1702: Yeah Mocha#3331: Are you moving before tenth grade? lisx#1702: There were a bunch of reasons tho and now I’m kinda confused too lisx#1702: Idk man Mocha#3331: Why didn't I think of that 😦🙄 Mocha#3331: Oh so true why else lisx#1702: Reasons and stuff lisx#1702: Um Mocha#3331: Oh that's like really far why you going all the way to salt lake? lisx#1702: Salt lake Mocha#3331: Where to? lisx#1702: Oh Mocha#3331: No lisx#1702: Did you not know Mocha#3331: Damn that sucks lisx#1702: Yeah lol Mocha#3331: Oh you're moving? lisx#1702: Snow canyon does have it lisx#1702: I would’ve done it if I didn’t move Mocha#3331: I'd love to take it but you said snow doesn't have it lisx#1702: It does Mocha#3331: Ap psych sounds cool lisx#1702: When I was failing to fall asleep lisx#1702: It literally just randomly popped into my mind like “I wonder what Spencer got for his ap exams” Mocha#3331: I wanna take some more ap classes too lisx#1702: Lol Mocha#3331: I got some shi on my mind so I'm just chilling Mocha#3331: Same lisx#1702: Bro what am I doing I should go to sleep lisx#1702: I would’ve taken ap psych if I wasn’t moving tho lisx#1702: So that makes up for it \:) lisx#1702: Which snow canyon doesn’t have lisx#1702: But they do have ap euro history lisx#1702: Which is kind of sad lisx#1702: But apparently they don’t have that class 💀 even tho snow canyon has it lisx#1702: I want to take ap psych lisx#1702: I wonder what he got lisx#1702: I swear 2017 feels like it happened not that long ago but that felt like it was forever ago lisx#1702: Aaaaaaaaaa that feels like so long ago it doesn’t even make any sense but it was only almost a year ago??!?????? lisx#1702: Bruh he did calculus and psychology and got both fives lisx#1702: Ofc lisx#1702: I FOUND WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR EJCaldwell#2924: But she was fine with it today EJCaldwell#2924: She never lets me do this to her EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: i keep forgetting i changed my computer background EJCaldwell#2924: but i got 3 bags of chips and a drink for like 7$ EJCaldwell#2924: i like being cold then hot EJCaldwell#2924: i can't wait for Fall or winter burarahurricane#6369: i was glistening with sweat at tennis <- i dont eve n know ok mr ord said that once and its lived in my brain burarahurricane#6369: its gettin toast y devil emoji EJCaldwell#2924: worth it tho EJCaldwell#2924: and i am now sweating EJCaldwell#2924: grabed my stuff then left EJCaldwell#2924: i biked to the store which takes like 5 mins EJCaldwell#2924: it is so hot outside PeckServers.com#8342: LOL PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/gRBbpZ7ciaQ?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: hardcore Mocha#3331: Nightcore EJCaldwell#2924: It has no core PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning papa lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/xEeFrLSkMm8 lisx#1702: good morning nerd WalterJS#2477: pog WalterJS#2477: good morning nerds Mocha#3331: Maybe I need to pog juice username123115#4960: its not bad username123115#4960: i hope it tastes poggers Mocha#3331: Lmfaoo it was worth it for the pog juice username123115#4960: i had to awkwardly grab a tablet Mocha#3331: Good username123115#4960: no Mocha#3331: Does Daniel have a phone now 😳 username123115#4960: imma drink it >:D Mocha#3331: Me username123115#4960: pog juice username123115#4960: weed time lisx#1702: After analyzing the piano part I’ve realized that there’s literally no reason for the cello part to even exist because it’s the exact same as the pianos left hand all the way through 🥲🫠 lisx#1702: I'm so stupid lisx#1702: WE'RE ONLY PLAYING THE 3RD MOVEMENT??? lisx#1702: AKLDSJFLAK; SDJFKL;ASD I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING lisx#1702: What even am I doing I should just practice bruh lisx#1702: But there’s two beats in the measure so 8% lisx#1702: 4% lisx#1702: That’s like lisx#1702: So it’s only 0.04444444 which is like some fraction apart lisx#1702: 1/6 is like 0.1666666 and 1/8 is like 0.1222222222 lisx#1702: They’re pretty much similar anyway right lisx#1702: Well in any case when I play it they’ll probably just be the same… lisx#1702: 16th triplets are longer lisx#1702: 6 < 8 so lisx#1702: Anyway lisx#1702: They really should rename the notes lisx#1702: But 8 32nd notes make a beat lisx#1702: And 2 pairs of 16th triplets which is 6 16th triplets make a beat lisx#1702: Because 4 sixteenth notes make a beat lisx#1702: Okay 16th note triplets are still longer lisx#1702: Which ones are longer, 16th note triplets or 32nd notes lisx#1702: Wait so lisx#1702: I hate this lisx#1702: Without counting the last two lisx#1702: And notes lisx#1702: 1 & 2e&a lisx#1702: I’ll just do like lisx#1702: Yeah that probably works lisx#1702: And just play it ish lisx#1702: Not really count it lisx#1702: Maybe I’ll just lisx#1702: Okay I can’t even say that lisx#1702: How would you count those though lisx#1702: I hope not lisx#1702: I wonder if there’s any legitimate piece that uses 64th notes EJCaldwell#2924: i don't know music lisx#1702: And it sounds funny lisx#1702: Totally not complicated at all EJCaldwell#2924: i have zero clue to what you are saying lol lisx#1702: 1ded&dad lisx#1702: Like lisx#1702: Apparently you just add a “d” sound in between lisx#1702: Oh so lisx#1702: How do you count 32nd notes though lisx#1702: I’ll just count 2e+a and then play the last two notes in what time is left lisx#1702: Okay I know lisx#1702: How the frick do you play this lisx#1702: I need help lisx#1702: This is so stupoiudjahicchia lisx#1702: What about the other time signatures that aren’t 4 beats long lisx#1702: Why is the 4 beat one the whole note lisx#1702: Brooo lisx#1702: To make a beat. Which is why THEY SHOULD BE CALLED EIGHTH NOTES lisx#1702: 8 of them lisx#1702: You need like lisx#1702: How do you count 32nd notes lisx#1702: And I still don’t know how to count that lisx#1702: But it’s not that way and now I’ve confused myself… lisx#1702: This would make things so much more sense lisx#1702: Since it’s and eighth of a beat lisx#1702: 32nd note an eighth note lisx#1702: And 16th note a quarter note lisx#1702: Because it’s half a beat lisx#1702: Then eighth note can be called a half note lisx#1702: And whole note should be called a four note lisx#1702: And half note should be called a two note lisx#1702: Because it should be called a one note because it’s one beat lisx#1702: But also why is a quarter note called a quarter note lisx#1702: It all makes sense now lisx#1702: Which is why they’re 32nd notes lisx#1702: Split into two lisx#1702: So 0.25 lisx#1702: It’s 1 minus 0.75 lisx#1702: Kangiwifbjdjwoqonfjr lisx#1702: No I’m dumb lisx#1702: Oh lisx#1702: What lisx#1702: But wait lisx#1702: Right EJCaldwell#2924: 1.25? lisx#1702: So what’s 2 minus 0.75 😭 lisx#1702: Bro what this is the most stupid rhythm ever I’m literally doing math to try and figure out how many beats that is burarahurricane#6369: 1 EJCaldwell#2924: does a straw have one or two holes PeckServers.com#8342: Probably EJCaldwell#2924: should i go to bed PeckServers.com#8342: Lookit all those cores PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/V3vSXsjnAS0?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: You got this boii burarahurricane#6369: yeah good luck!!! WalterJS#2477: even tho I’m gonna easily pass I’m just irrationally nervous yk how that goes WalterJS#2477: Ngl WalterJS#2477: I’m so nervous rn WalterJS#2477: Lol burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: LMAOO Maulie#8927: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Crap, everyone stay off the sidewalks, walter is getting his license soon WalterJS#2477: I’m taking my driving test today burarahurricane#6369: he is an essential psrt of our lore…. burarahurricane#6369: its amazing EJCaldwell#2924: that is cursed EJCaldwell#2924: ngl burarahurricane#6369: hey guys ^-^ always remember beiberfied walter loves you! Maulie#8927: ;-; burarahurricane#6369: 🤯 PeckServers.com#8342: What do you call an alligator in a vest? ||An in-vesti-gator|| PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr lmao, i got it from a yt short burarahurricane#6369: that was awrsome PeckServers.com#8342: Muahahahaha EJCaldwell#2924: Shut PeckServers.com#8342: What do you call an aligator that uses gps? ||A navi-gator|| lisx#1702: thats true EJCaldwell#2924: most like the US i guess EJCaldwell#2924: idk lisx#1702: why EJCaldwell#2924: it would be canada EJCaldwell#2924: i said if i were to go anywhere other than the US lisx#1702: why do you want to move to canada lisx#1702: and use words that normal french doesn't use lisx#1702: they speak canadian french lisx#1702: they speak french there EJCaldwell#2924: which they speak english and french there EJCaldwell#2924: if i were to move anywhere it would be Canada lisx#1702: it's not very fun but its okay too lisx#1702: you can learn chinese too EJCaldwell#2924: i mean lisx#1702: it's fun EJCaldwell#2924: why french lisx#1702: you should learn french! EJCaldwell#2924: should i learn how to solve the rest of my cubes EJCaldwell#2924: idk what to do lisx#1702: so im listening to the original one first lisx#1702: and they were going to sing this song lisx#1702: of some of them singing other members songs lisx#1702: I was watching a karaoke video burarahurricane#6369: LMAOOOO ur crazy fr lisx#1702: I'm actually insane lisx#1702: I'VE FOUND IT EJCaldwell#2924: but not with most of us PeckServers.com#8342: already been lisx#1702: i accidentally left my music on for an hour EJCaldwell#2924: ikr burarahurricane#6369: wait that sounds kinda epic…cg escape room… Maulie#8927: Apparently it's such a bizarre thing, I think i'll keep it EJCaldwell#2924: gone* EJCaldwell#2924: then that number is bone EJCaldwell#2924: just go to the notification bell and click it Maulie#8927: I don't watch half the things I subscribe too, until like four weeks later EJCaldwell#2924: THATS WHAT I SAID Maulie#8927: Idk Commander Lumbar support#1704: do you have that many youtube notifications Commander Lumbar support#1704: how in the hell EJCaldwell#2924: its 25$ to enter EJCaldwell#2924: if anybody wants to do this DM me EJCaldwell#2924: for each room EJCaldwell#2924: there is an 8 person max EJCaldwell#2924: we just need one person to buy all the tickets and have everybody pay that one person Maulie#8927: The one I just sent was one I've been to EJCaldwell#2924: the one that i sent EJCaldwell#2924: those are the best ones Maulie#8927: Oh, thats what happened to it :( EJCaldwell#2924: ima look at the different ones now EJCaldwell#2924: there are a few places EJCaldwell#2924: it will be here in the morning EJCaldwell#2924: it would be really fun to do with this group Maulie#8927: I think you're asking at the wrong time of the day EJCaldwell#2924: But really does anybody want to do an escape room Maulie#8927: I don't recongnize this place at all EJCaldwell#2924: GM EJCaldwell#2924: 368 E St George Blvd, St. George, Ut Maulie#8927: oh EJCaldwell#2924: i think there is only the one in town Maulie#8927: Is that the one in the middle of downtown? Next to the Pizza Factory? Maulie#8927: As the last 4-5 minutes of July 4th God Bless America EJCaldwell#2924: i think it would be fun to do one with a lot of us EJCaldwell#2924: the game night or CIA one looks fun EJCaldwell#2924: https://www.stgeorgeescaperooms.com/rooms EJCaldwell#2924: anybody else want to do it EJCaldwell#2924: if you pay 25-30$ we can go Mocha#3331: So true EJCaldwell#2924: what does that mean tho Mocha#3331: I said what I said EJCaldwell#2924: what Mocha#3331: Npc EJCaldwell#2924: i want to do an escape room EJCaldwell#2924: if you are still there change the horizontal one to Kevin Heart EJCaldwell#2924: one of our fireworks misfired twice and a few people were hit but not hurt burarahurricane#6369: happpy fourth of july....! EJCaldwell#2924: oh gosh burarahurricane#6369: wait not at the school on our neighbors house jfkDFJLKGDHFKLDF.....yay fireworks burarahurricane#6369: funky! burarahurricane#6369: at the school burarahurricane#6369: theres a fire EJCaldwell#2924: my ones shot up into the air unlike the rest of them EJCaldwell#2924: and we did some fireworks and i chose the good ones EJCaldwell#2924: love it burarahurricane#6369: LMAOOOO PeckServers.com#8342: Walterll never notice EJCaldwell#2924: there goes 20 mins EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: ima time myself putting it back together EJCaldwell#2924: Why did I do this burarahurricane#6369: i totally am 😏 EJCaldwell#2924: ? EJCaldwell#2924: what PeckServers.com#8342: Omg alysse youre a 78 watt generator! Maulie#8927: PeckServers.com#8342: No that sounds miserable lisx#1702: I think I'll have to stick to finish my textbook before I can read that 😭 lisx#1702: never mind, it's kind of hard lisx#1702: does anybody want to read Les Misérables with me? https://beq.ebooksgratuits.com/vents/Hugo-miserables-1.pdf PeckServers.com#8342: What's the dangers again PeckServers.com#8342: I cant remember lisx#1702: hello burarahurricane#6369: that memory randomly popped into my head today burarahurricane#6369: did ur guys’ elementary school principals also give ur class a speech on why not to eat ur boogers . or was that just me lisx#1702: Ik PeckServers.com#8342: oof lisa lisx#1702: 5k 😭 PeckServers.com#8342: in what? lisx#1702: There was this guy who was pushing a wheelchair who was faster than me lisx#1702: People pushing baby rollers were faster than me PeckServers.com#8342: mentally? lisx#1702: Old people were faster than me PeckServers.com#8342: oof lisx#1702: 4 year olds were faster than me lisx#1702: It was really sad though lisx#1702: Sort of ish lisx#1702: I did it PeckServers.com#8342: Anyone got a stack of bone meal? EJCaldwell#2924: and it also annoys me burarahurricane#6369: NO UR SO RIGHT EJCaldwell#2924: i am not wrong tho burarahurricane#6369: why dud you have to say that i cant unsee it burarahurricane#6369: oh my gif EJCaldwell#2924: but she is bored Mocha#3331: Because she isn't bored EJCaldwell#2924: lisa, why is your name 17 EJCaldwell#2924: And you can’t change my mind about that EJCaldwell#2924: And 011 with short hair looks like a young version of Eminem EJCaldwell#2924: Good show EJCaldwell#2924: Just finished stranger things as well EJCaldwell#2924: GM Mocha#3331: Wooo america or something 🥳🥳 Maulie#8927: Happy fourth bois PeckServers.com#8342: i personally was a little dissappointed in the way they ended it WalterJS#2477: it was so good PeckServers.com#8342: ikr EJCaldwell#2924: The last episode of stranger things is long burarahurricane#6369: :O! PeckServers.com#8342: now for it to open up and have big hot steamy plant sex with its neighbor PeckServers.com#8342: omg a lil flower!! PeckServers.com#8342: GUESS WHOSE GONNA BE A PUMPKIN DADDY!!! PeckServers.com#8342: this song is powerful PeckServers.com#8342: @here PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/7HkCAUZ9LvLC4YMlVtEZ6q?si=6cefe378b7a344f7 PeckServers.com#8342: home, sweet home! lisx#1702: It gives my cello so much more room to collect dust lisx#1702: Maybe I’ll just put it in the middle of the room to show off how great it is to have a cello stand lisx#1702: Now there isn’t anywhere to put my cello stand lisx#1702: And when I was sorting my books in order of how much I like them I realized that all but three of them I brought along purely for decoration purposes 🤦‍♀️ burarahurricane#6369: yay burarahurricane#6369: !! lisx#1702: I have about 50 times more desk space now burarahurricane#6369: well duh lol lisx#1702: Also I got a bookshelf (finally) lisx#1702: That’s not legit grammar though burarahurricane#6369: and watch it in youtube burarahurricane#6369: just click on the link Commander Lumbar support#1704: burarahurricane#6369: whoah EJCaldwell#2924: This is impressive EJCaldwell#2924: https://youtube.com/shorts/PJZP96JB_RE?feature=share burarahurricane#6369: you shouldn't've stayed up lisx#1702: this is so weird lisx#1702: you know what never mind I think my brain is just dying anyway lisx#1702: but also not right at the same time lisx#1702: it seems right lisx#1702: I should not've stayed up ... lisx#1702: because then I can say lisx#1702: does the contraction not've exist? lisx#1702: oh I remember now lisx#1702: I must be so tired that my brain has become completely degenerated lisx#1702: but now I completely can't remember lisx#1702: I was going to say something lisx#1702: dang lisx#1702: maybe I shouldn't have stayed up till 2:30 last night lisx#1702: wtf lisx#1702: it's only 9 lisx#1702: that's so weird lisx#1702: I feel like going to bed lisx#1702: good job lisx#1702: thats a lot of words burarahurricane#6369: i have written over a thousand words today ^-^!!!! burarahurricane#6369: u know what else is WILD? burarahurricane#6369: lisa ur WILD fr burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/oh-she-crazy-crazy-gary-williams-kenan-shes-nuts-shes-insane-gif-24721909 lisx#1702: I'm bored lisx#1702: wow EJCaldwell#2924: they better not change it EJCaldwell#2924: they did it EJCaldwell#2924: Mocha#3331: I need that EJCaldwell#2924: I just learned that there is a subreddit called r/milk lisx#1702: It’s funny lisx#1702: Yeah PeckServers.com#8342: https://c.tenor.com/kHcmsxlKHEAAAAAM/rock-one-eyebrow-raised-rock-staring.gif lisx#1702: It’s on Netflix lisx#1702: You should watch saiki k lisx#1702: And then watch anime lisx#1702: And complain a LOT on discord to hope for someone to come talk to you lisx#1702: Deal with it 😎 PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeah? Mocha#3331: I think lisa might have a cure PeckServers.com#8342: Its called severe unreversible boredom PeckServers.com#8342: I have a problem Mocha#3331: anything to not be bored 😈 lisx#1702: sacrificing me for the sake of your entertainment? 😭 Mocha#3331: so I think lisa playing it would be funny and you should most definitely play it lisx#1702: I don't think I want to play that game Mocha#3331: that shit is terrifying that's why playing the game is so much scarier than actually just watching it Mocha#3331: the tension of trying to not lose and having to keep track of anything and if you make one small mistake you get jumpscared Mocha#3331: there is so much substance burarahurricane#6369: u would burarahurricane#6369: lol lisx#1702: in that case burarahurricane#6369: substance lisx#1702: I would *REALLY* scream a lot burarahurricane#6369: theres no like burarahurricane#6369: it just relies on jump scares burarahurricane#6369: i think fnaf is dumb personally lisx#1702: yeah burarahurricane#6369: yeahhh burarahurricane#6369: REMEMBER AT LUNCH ? lisx#1702: whatever Mocha#3331: even I get scared while playing it that shit terrifies me lisx#1702: its the freddie burarahurricane#6369: OH YEAH I SHOWED HER FREDDY ONE TIME lisx#1702: waiiit Mocha#3331: it's a scary game with a scary bear burarahurricane#6369: she would probably die burarahurricane#6369: omg it would be so funny lisx#1702: <@749747503947055136> knows lol lisx#1702: because I'd suck at it and scream a lot lisx#1702: I think it'd be really funny to watch me play anything lisx#1702: whats that Mocha#3331: I think it'd be really funny to watch lisa play fnaf lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: absolute masterpiece lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zs7xO5P3Az4 burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: hood morning ! lisx#1702: morning PeckServers.com#8342: Must wach PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/OUbIm05zOlw?feature=share burarahurricane#6369: all the others were taken burarahurricane#6369: needed the tennis courts burarahurricane#6369: just finished st vol2 burarahurricane#6369: dude burarahurricane#6369: DUDE lisx#1702: doesnt that basically undoes the ban lisx#1702: so people are doing it today instead... lisx#1702: because apparently utah banned them on july 4 🤦 PeckServers.com#8342: I just remembered PeckServers.com#8342: But no PeckServers.com#8342: Its a true dilema lisx#1702: have you been contemplating this problem ever since that day? PeckServers.com#8342: Why the unity park at the very top of ivins? PeckServers.com#8342: None of you guys lived in ivins right? PeckServers.com#8342: Im still tryna figure out burarahurricane#6369: we totally did PeckServers.com#8342: :D PeckServers.com#8342: We totally attacked lisa! PeckServers.com#8342: That was a fun day burarahurricane#6369: omg u were there!! PeckServers.com#8342: Oh YEAH! burarahurricane#6369: ikr lisx#1702: that looks like it was pretty epic lisx#1702: oh wow burarahurricane#6369: it was epic burarahurricane#6369: remember that day at the park jn ivins lisx#1702: WHAT WAS THE CONTEXT FOR THAT PICTURE lisx#1702: why did i find this lisx#1702: skladfj ;lkdsjfakl lisx#1702: why are there fireworks today lisx#1702: thank you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nice xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hahahaha! lisx#1702: hi content 😇 I'm bored xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I am content 😇 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I have been waiting for that lisx#1702: ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh my gosh that was perfect xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/cr1tikal-penguinz0-meme-woo-yeah-baby-gif-19316511 lisx#1702: wow that's great!!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: CAUSE SOMEHOW IT WAS NUMBER TWO LIKE A WEEK AGO CAUSE PEOPLE DONT KNOW GOOD CONTENT xXthat1redheadXx#9990: FINALLY xXthat1redheadXx#9990: STRANGER THINGS IS TOP TV SHOW ON NETFLIX xXthat1redheadXx#9990: LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fr] PeckServers.com#8342: Says to self: "the pain wasnt for nothing" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: very poggers PeckServers.com#8342: Gets back from deployment for cancer testing and gets the good news that its all gone. Tells everyone else and the news breaks free PeckServers.com#8342: Ayy! A chonky follower! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmfao EJCaldwell#2924: lol username123115#4960: omg its an appreciator of you <@852187118113652776> EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: can i stab a person EJCaldwell#2924: that is me burarahurricane#6369: lol EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: <@383372123714093098> YOU EJCaldwell#2924: its my skyblock client EJCaldwell#2924: no username123115#4960: is that lunar EJCaldwell#2924: this was from my client EJCaldwell#2924: username123115#4960: ;-; Maulie#8927: ;-; Maulie#8927: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr6hseCpUpI username123115#4960: Commander Lumbar support#1704: im so disappointed PeckServers.com#8342: Oof they a bunch of phonies Commander Lumbar support#1704: PeckServers.com#8342: Idk PeckServers.com#8342: Jk PeckServers.com#8342: Calcium Commander Lumbar support#1704: 43 Commander Lumbar support#1704: PeckServers.com#8342: Thats crazy Commander Lumbar support#1704: ive spotted a problem PeckServers.com#8342: Commander Lumbar support#1704: i didnt even know that Commander Lumbar support#1704: Commander Lumbar support#1704: we have a breaking bad cancer sucks design Commander Lumbar support#1704: turns out Commander Lumbar support#1704: a while back i was scrolling through our amazon page Commander Lumbar support#1704: i just remembered Commander Lumbar support#1704: ooooohhh wait PeckServers.com#8342: And then up comes the stomach contents Commander Lumbar support#1704: they give you more Commander Lumbar support#1704: to get rid of the cancer it caused Commander Lumbar support#1704: yknow what the best part is Commander Lumbar support#1704: but Commander Lumbar support#1704: kinda PeckServers.com#8342: Hey at least they did one thing not entirely horrible Commander Lumbar support#1704: thats a not so fun fact Commander Lumbar support#1704: the nazis played a part in "curing" cancer Commander Lumbar support#1704: but that also means Commander Lumbar support#1704: but that was a while ago Commander Lumbar support#1704: i used to know the story behind it PeckServers.com#8342: Some dude is probably fighting in the war and found out he didn't have cancer anymore PeckServers.com#8342: Weird Commander Lumbar support#1704: chemotherapy was derived from mustard gas Commander Lumbar support#1704: fun fact PeckServers.com#8342: That is the only escape from cancer PeckServers.com#8342: Might aswell dissolve myself in a barrel Commander Lumbar support#1704: causes cancer Commander Lumbar support#1704: the stuff they give you to get rid of the cancer PeckServers.com#8342: Why our stupid little cells have to have such a high error rate Commander Lumbar support#1704: and even if that cancer doesnt come back Commander Lumbar support#1704: its pure luck you dont get it again Commander Lumbar support#1704: and even if they do get it all PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah fuck cancer Commander Lumbar support#1704: its a lose lose situation Commander Lumbar support#1704: or die Commander Lumbar support#1704: try again Commander Lumbar support#1704: if they dont get it all Commander Lumbar support#1704: in my experience, if they cant get the cancer off, they take whatever its on Commander Lumbar support#1704: you amputate Commander Lumbar support#1704: at stage 4 Commander Lumbar support#1704: and they knew they didnt get all of it Commander Lumbar support#1704: if it was localized in his arm Commander Lumbar support#1704: they took muscle EJCaldwell#2924: they basically did that Commander Lumbar support#1704: if anything, the most they probably could've done would be to amputate the arm early Commander Lumbar support#1704: even if they did get rid of 99%, if it metastasized that 99% couldve only been 25% Mocha#3331: Who wouldn't lie to them Commander Lumbar support#1704: for his sake and theirs Commander Lumbar support#1704: it'd probably be better for him if he lied Mocha#3331: He has almost every reason to lie to his fans Commander Lumbar support#1704: either hes lying, or not Commander Lumbar support#1704: EJCaldwell#2924: he said they got rid of 99% of it in one of the update videos Commander Lumbar support#1704: Commander Lumbar support#1704: you probably would too if there were millions of kids watching you Commander Lumbar support#1704: as much as i hate to say it EJCaldwell#2924: he made it sound like he was perfectly fine Commander Lumbar support#1704: at the rate it was going, there was a good chance this was gonna happen EJCaldwell#2924: Commander Lumbar support#1704: ive only ever seen em once Mocha#3331: I saw it at first but I thought it was bait Commander Lumbar support#1704: darn EJCaldwell#2924: yes Mocha#3331: I'm just hearing about it like thirty minutes ago Commander Lumbar support#1704: seriously? EJCaldwell#2924: i saw you talking about it a few hours ago EJCaldwell#2924: how did you just now see it Mocha#3331: Indescribable Mocha#3331: That shit is just something EJCaldwell#2924: he also closed all of his skyblock islands i saw Mocha#3331: I just saw the video EJCaldwell#2924: i just have players off Commander Lumbar support#1704: enough that i didnt see the npc or the tag above it Commander Lumbar support#1704: when i was on there were tons of people EJCaldwell#2924: i wrote like 3 sentences Commander Lumbar support#1704: then realized it was limited to 1 page Commander Lumbar support#1704: i wrote this long book Commander Lumbar support#1704: already been there EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: i could care less Commander Lumbar support#1704: you're now the only non-bot online EJCaldwell#2924: strange Commander Lumbar support#1704: just not in the sidebar Commander Lumbar support#1704: i see it in your messages EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: i just changed it Commander Lumbar support#1704: mhm EJCaldwell#2924: glich EJCaldwell#2924: i want to punch that kid Commander Lumbar support#1704: Commander Lumbar support#1704: also Commander Lumbar support#1704: Commander Lumbar support#1704: well he sure is getting attention EJCaldwell#2924: frick that kid Mocha#3331: He's just ignorant and disrespectful Mocha#3331: That's some stupid ass kid who doesn't realize the impact of his words and is only seeking attention even people like that don't deserve that Commander Lumbar support#1704: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3QH4BP5JJE Commander Lumbar support#1704: there might be a few exceptions to that Mocha#3331: It's really sad what happened I didn't watch him all too much but I knew he was a good guy and no one deserves this kind of thing to happen to them Mocha#3331: Commander Lumbar support#1704: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: Breaks my heart PeckServers.com#8342: I just saw the technoblade video and we lost such a legend to it PeckServers.com#8342: Ya know fuck cancer lisx#1702: completely unheard of PeckServers.com#8342: Walter online? PeckServers.com#8342: Impossible burarahurricane#6369: thats crazy WalterJS#2477: Lmao lisx#1702: magic lisx#1702: 💀 lisx#1702: lisx#1702: ** ** lisx#1702: it's june 30 lisx#1702: bro Commander Lumbar support#1704: ? lisx#1702: oh god thats creepy burarahurricane#6369: \*guitar* burarahurricane#6369: everybody wham wham wham whamwhamwhwam wham whamwham wham wham wham whamawhamwham burarahurricane#6369: lolol lisx#1702: no this is the best song ever https://open.spotify.com/track/5T7ZFtCcOgkpjxcuaeZbw0?si=b199271b51024688 lisx#1702: omg you're right burarahurricane#6369: its so epic burarahurricane#6369: well one of them burarahurricane#6369: anyway this is sthe best song ever https://open.spotify.com/track/0v1UkJlgDqGgmaPLs95pOE?si=c0d2251fd10c4c07 burarahurricane#6369: i never learn..... burarahurricane#6369: narrator: he continued to listen to songs on repeat, the habit getting increasingly worse burarahurricane#6369: today is the last day of june. o7 burarahurricane#6369: LMAO EJCaldwell#2924: Wat PeckServers.com#8342: Thems roleplaying us Mocha#3331: /j Mocha#3331: bro's living my dream 💀 WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: Homedepot theme 10 hours! PeckServers.com#8342: It is tho! EJCaldwell#2924: some guy i am paying with EJCaldwell#2924: Guild > [VIP] gameover758 [IRON]: why the home depot theme a banger EJCaldwell#2924: you are not my dad tho PeckServers.com#8342: Youre supposed to have faith in your dad PeckServers.com#8342: Pie boii PeckServers.com#8342: Pie boii PeckServers.com#8342: It rolls off the tongue so well though EJCaldwell#2924: i don't think it will tho PeckServers.com#8342: Its gonna catch on, so forever EJCaldwell#2924: for how long tho PeckServers.com#8342: So now he is pie boy PeckServers.com#8342: He had the audacity to go get pie PeckServers.com#8342: He cant live it dows EJCaldwell#2924: you saw and you did the action PeckServers.com#8342: Fax EJCaldwell#2924: i did not even tell you to di it this time PeckServers.com#8342: Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to welcome to you, "pie boii" EJCaldwell#2924: i aint no snitch EJCaldwell#2924: i do 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: Trust PeckServers.com#8342: On* PeckServers.com#8342: Its gonna catch in PeckServers.com#8342: Hehehe PeckServers.com#8342: Or do you? EJCaldwell#2924: <@852187118113652776> i see what you didd burarahurricane#6369: dam :( PeckServers.com#8342: im infuriated! PeckServers.com#8342: by like only a couple tens of miles PeckServers.com#8342: rain PeckServers.com#8342: but also guess what missed us PeckServers.com#8342: thats insane burarahurricane#6369: 🦋 PeckServers.com#8342: because of the 2 circles lisx#1702: 🧈🪰 burarahurricane#6369: tjat doesn look like a word PeckServers.com#8342: but you can see where the two radios reach and basically where they are burarahurricane#6369: rfrick burarahurricane#6369: is that how you spell it burarahurricane#6369: butterfly lisx#1702: it is! burarahurricane#6369: buttefrly burarahurricane#6369: butterlyr lisx#1702: uh burarahurricane#6369: its a buttefly PeckServers.com#8342: its ksl's doppler radar thingy PeckServers.com#8342: check this out PeckServers.com#8342: burarahurricane#6369: big hypee xXthat1redheadXx#9990: tis burarahurricane#6369: thats crZy burarahurricane#6369: irs love of my life burarahurricane#6369: s burarahurricane#6369: omg i just figured out what loml mean burarahurricane#6369: wgat lisx#1702: thats your hottest selfie ive ever seen 😂 burarahurricane#6369: its almost here…. https://youtu.be/sBEvEcpnG7k burarahurricane#6369: twould! burarahurricane#6369: i lef t my phone in the sun on the court and it overheated 💀 burarahurricane#6369: u should teach me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it would be life-changing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: deary me alysse you need to take a dodging class East Germany Is Going Great#1917: yo WalterJS#2477: Lmao there’s chadvas.net.com and .org available WalterJS#2477: I could get gigac.net tho PeckServers.com#8342: super not sketchy at all lmao WalterJS#2477: It is just for 750 euros from an off brand site PeckServers.com#8342: i wonder if that domain is available WalterJS#2477: canvas.gigachad.net lmao Mocha#3331: Canvas but awesome WalterJS#2477: Lmao PeckServers.com#8342: that would be SICK PeckServers.com#8342: YES WalterJS#2477: @everyone I have a very important question so awhile ago I was working on this thing called GigaCanvas 💀 should I actually finish it. It would be a fully functional canvas client (that u could use instead of regular canvas) just gigachad themed 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah usually when the rabies kicks in its time for a break burarahurricane#6369: i cant close my mouth rig ht burarahurricane#6369: its so swollen talkimg is weird burarahurricane#6369: i changed my mind this is annoying burarahurricane#6369: i think i will survive this battle wound 🫡 burarahurricane#6369: remind me to never get braces again PeckServers.com#8342: you ok? PeckServers.com#8342: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: how does that even happen tho PeckServers.com#8342: alysse burarahurricane#6369: on an entirely unrelated note my lip is split snd swollen :( burarahurricane#6369: umm protip dont let peoplr throw your phone at your face when you have braces ! im not speaking from experience or anything hahaha burarahurricane#6369: 😏 burarahurricane#6369: it just gor worse 😕 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: !?!?!??! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ??? PeckServers.com#8342: OR maybe they are immortal lisx#1702: saiki k is a good anime xXthat1redheadXx#9990: foolish mortal burarahurricane#6369: ok i knew my sense of like heat was off but me comfortably wearing a sweatshirt outside when its literally 100 degrees is a new one for me 😐 burarahurricane#6369: ! burarahurricane#6369: natasha likr black widoow burarahurricane#6369: irs actually this sobg https://open.spotify.com/track/5Z2FnAryUjmaRFW2BowuIH?si=YdTyVUPOQiyAUHiFOIqhUA PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/3U5JVgI2x4rDyHGObzJfNf?si=3479815f820a493a PeckServers.com#8342: <@749747503947055136> your status reminds me of this song PeckServers.com#8342: so its almost vomit inducing cause this oily shit is in your mouth but you cant taste it PeckServers.com#8342: woah i just tried mct oil and it has like -1 flavor, like seriously nothing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *???* PeckServers.com#8342: get rekt PeckServers.com#8342: thats why its called a spoiler PeckServers.com#8342: lmaooo Mocha#3331: I sowwy Mocha#3331: I din't mean it liam bbg Mocha#3331: 🙀 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/sobbing-uncontrollable-shower-cry-gif-3550874 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I will Mocha#3331: oh no boo hoo cry about it liam lisx#1702: bruh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you spoiled it for me !!!!! 🤬 PeckServers.com#8342: Ya know whats messed up, the movie "the mist" spoiler ||at the end the fucking dad kills everyone after they run outta gas, INCLUDING HIS OWN KID right as the mist clears up, but he only had enough bullets for them, and so he had to live with the fact that he killed them, like what a fucked up ending to a movie|| xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🏃 💨 🏫 Mocha#3331: baliff whack his pp xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🏃 💨 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🙀 🙀 🙀 🙀 🙀 🙀 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🧑‍⚖️ Mocha#3331: and maybe yours too 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: good Mocha#3331: thank you liam I will xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/hUj5K7ComC0 lisx#1702: ap ;( lisx#1702: is it really though Mocha#3331: a four is still good tho PeckServers.com#8342: Youd think theyd be done by now tho PeckServers.com#8342: Weird lisx#1702: they probably need a lot of people to grade all of the writing and speaking ones though lisx#1702: yeah Idk why lisx#1702: they should just change everything >5 to "Complete failure" PeckServers.com#8342: 🤔 PeckServers.com#8342: Hmmm PeckServers.com#8342: But you still havent gotten scores? PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeah! That one but we could make a movie abt it lisx#1702: that doesn't seem right lisx#1702: bruh it was only last month lisx#1702: last month lisx#1702: yes PeckServers.com#8342: Have you taken the test yet lisx#1702: where they got inside the giant peach lisx#1702: like that one book lisx#1702: relieve stress or something lisx#1702: you know, maybe I'll just review the scoring details to PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah, when its all over we should hollow it out and crawl inside it lisx#1702: yeah I hope it works out, that'd be cool PeckServers.com#8342: Hopefully its ready in October tho PeckServers.com#8342: Thanks, its been lotta work keeping bugs off of it lisx#1702: in july lisx#1702: just in time for halloween PeckServers.com#8342: So that means giant pumpkins PeckServers.com#8342: Flowers are growing too lisx#1702: good job lisx#1702: it looks alive lisx#1702: wow PeckServers.com#8342: Guys look! Vine is back! Its just pumpkin vine this time! lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: Daas lisx#1702: https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/view-scores/ PeckServers.com#8342: Yuh PeckServers.com#8342: Its like an email link as far as im aware lisx#1702: they probably send you an email Mocha#3331: damn I guess that's good enough pretty much the same thing PeckServers.com#8342: No idea but i do knwi act scores lisx#1702: that would be less scary than getting a less than 5 😭 Mocha#3331: for our ap tests PeckServers.com#8342: For what lisx#1702: i dont think cody's taken an ap test before tho PeckServers.com#8342: No they probably tie you down and force you to take it in the backrooms Mocha#3331: cody do you know how we get our scores Mocha#3331: 💀 lisx#1702: idk Mocha#3331: they just send it to you in the mail right? lisx#1702: I don't even want to know the score anymore lisx#1702: this is so depressing lisx#1702: and then maybe I won't die lisx#1702: maybe if I have enough faith then I'll get a 5 on my ap test thingy lisx#1702: 😭 Mocha#3331: get it right lisa jeez always assuming 🙄 lisx#1702: oh Mocha#3331: born on the 24th of janurary Mocha#3331: Nope I'm an aquarius actually lisx#1702: are you a https://open.spotify.com/track/3rJEu8LZdav4zROLJynwnj?si=a01b72202c5a4790 lisx#1702: gotcha Mocha#3331: there's a few more like that Mocha#3331: that's not the only song like that too 💀 lisx#1702: you have a pretty special playlist I like it 👍 lisx#1702: yeah it kinda does haha lisx#1702: lmao Mocha#3331: so it puts me in a good mood Mocha#3331: I won't I just think the song is funny and makes me laugh Mocha#3331: then maybe the really boppy one then lisx#1702: don't take it personally lisx#1702: just way too much cringe Mocha#3331: lol Mocha#3331: I don't blame you lisx#1702: I'm not adding it though lisx#1702: it is pretty cringe but the beat is good lisx#1702: lol Mocha#3331: yeah it's pretty cringe but I like the beat lisx#1702: but the ones in that playlist are usually more darker ish https://open.spotify.com/playlist/11XBextmBzqdZTFW6myzuC?si=af7ebfa90fc3472d Mocha#3331: I tried Mocha#3331: man I can't have pride lol 💀 Mocha#3331: ong Mocha#3331: goes hard Mocha#3331: it's a good song lisx#1702: that song lisx#1702: wow lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/6u4pADuJ055iYJMi38E2I4?si=cf99b5496f5446e6 💀 💀 💀 Mocha#3331: it's more like a hiphop style so I guess that one username123115#4960: sure burarahurricane#6369: and my clmpurer is not dead burarahurricane#6369: when infijish dinner lisx#1702: do you want the skribblr role lisx#1702: seems legit. you know you should've just said "I'll just buy them celery" because that's what you'd actually do 😂 Mocha#3331: and also maybe al Mocha#3331: I'm assuming you lisa? Mocha#3331: who else would want to join the skribbl other than me and daniel lisx#1702: LOL lisx#1702: so I have a few choices. I can add it to my random genre(but mostly pop because I mostly listen to pop on meh days) one, my hiphop-sorta playlist, or my really boppy one username123115#4960: oh Mocha#3331: we never started 💀 Mocha#3331: no we wouldn't we have a line we do not cross username123115#4960: are we still playing username123115#4960: e x a c t l y Mocha#3331: I just have one I use with a bunch of random songs which is like good enough burarahurricane#6369: “do you have a hole in your soul” “i have a hole somewhere” “can i fill it” <- that is a quote u guys would totally say lisx#1702: like how celery juice makes you live 100 years? lisx#1702: but it's sad because I don't know which playlist to add it to... PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeah that thing at sakura username123115#4960: they're guarenteed to make you rich 100% lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: lol Mocha#3331: WITH THE CASHIERS AND STUFF Mocha#3331: AT LIKE ALL THE CHINESE BUFFETS Mocha#3331: THOSE THINGS lisx#1702: yeah username123115#4960: https://giphy.com/gifs/cat-asukagruen-klatze-Pk9ThuWSq6zIGKQBkB lisx#1702: that was totally great though lisx#1702: OH YEAH username123115#4960: the funni cat things lisx#1702: I probably asked you this before but what did you talk about? username123115#4960: do i get points for that lmao username123115#4960: well i spoke username123115#4960: probably lisx#1702: did you fail your culture presentation though username123115#4960: maybe lisx#1702: probably lisx#1702: I think you've got this lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: lol username123115#4960: well if i got a 4 or 5 i wouldn't be so sad actually Mocha#3331: ong it is lisx#1702: and you'll be sad? lisx#1702: you'll get a 4 username123115#4960: im gonna be so sad if i don't get a 3 Mocha#3331: also no breakfest lisx#1702: also this song is kinda fire https://open.spotify.com/track/2O37qWcDgagAXrGCIyeIeb?si=58ea5d41b9cb4ce1 Mocha#3331: I went in with like five hours of sleep and an energy drink my friend gave me lisx#1702: it's just going to make it even worse whenif I fail lisx#1702: but still lisx#1702: I probably shouldn't have been so nervous lisx#1702: honestly now that you bring it up like *that* Mocha#3331: that shit sounded so easy lisx#1702: 😂 Mocha#3331: I WISH lisx#1702: lmao username123115#4960: imagine not writing a story based on 4 pictures Mocha#3331: it's hype Mocha#3331: I heard it and I liked it Mocha#3331: it's made by a popular japanese artist lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: osu lisx#1702: whatsitcalled lisx#1702: it sounds like something that would be on that one game lisx#1702: well this one *is* kind of cringe https://open.spotify.com/track/55O5PJor96At64xOQSWnkc?si=b4596986162541e7 Mocha#3331: I guess you're right my music taste is just based as hell lisx#1702: have pride 🌈 man Mocha#3331: CAUSE IT IS lisx#1702: why would you call your own music taste cringe 😭 lisx#1702: but also I like world's smallest violin lisx#1702: and I've heard maybe lisx#1702: yeah I've heard the mother mother one probably at least 5 times but I can't remember how it goes Mocha#3331: my music taste is pretty esoteric and cringe Mocha#3331: probably ones al recommended me a while back lisx#1702: I've heard 3 songs from it before Mocha#3331: treating each other with respect PeckServers.com#8342: Two big hot steamy men Mocha#3331: no we are just guys burarahurricane#6369: u guys are like george and sapnap before mcc starts Mocha#3331: it felt pretty easy especially since the essay was about uniforms lisx#1702: well you said it was easy right Mocha#3331: a five hopefully Mocha#3331: you wouldn't understand lisx#1702: that sounds like a pain what do you think you're going to get? PeckServers.com#8342: But its fun! Mocha#3331: yeah I had to write a million essays in spanish definetly my hardest class and we had to write it in like 45 min burarahurricane#6369: not the secs x chonklad gay roleplay…. PeckServers.com#8342: Gottem lisx#1702: got it lisx#1702: 🤦 here we go again Mocha#3331: thakn you i mainly listen to the playlist that looks like I mashed my keyboard PeckServers.com#8342: Ive even tasted it but never seen it lisx#1702: frick wrong reply but whatever PeckServers.com#8342: Listen you always turned out the lights and made it romantic lisx#1702: now I can judge your music choice lisx#1702: I followed you lisx#1702: IKR it's totally not as complicated as yours because we don't even have to do an argumentative essay (and heck i can't even write an argumentative essay in english without taking at least 2 days to get the right "mindset" and be able to focus or something) but somehow I'm still going to fail it totally makes me feel like a failure burarahurricane#6369: deiz sounds like deez NUts Mocha#3331: you're telling me from all the times we've fucked you've never seen my dick 😧 PeckServers.com#8342: Naw its how much deiz is in the atmosphere PeckServers.com#8342: Yours specifically burarahurricane#6369: aww Mocha#3331: dick PeckServers.com#8342: You know what ive discovered Tonight burarahurricane#6369: but that one is less of a bop burarahurricane#6369: and its less bad in the acoustic version burarahurricane#6369: u get used to it p quickly Mocha#3331: yeah daniel told me about the chinese test and it sounded like a million times easier also apparently this is my spotify acc username z65yb70gfvvwcyyxdi23zsb0m lisx#1702: at least he gets paid though right?????? lisx#1702: lmao lisx#1702: that sounds hard lisx#1702: dang lisx#1702: I wish I could listen to maybe (by mgk) but I hate the part where the horizon whatever guy starts screaming it's so fking annoying and then I'd have to skip the rest of the song so I can't even listen to it I hate it Mocha#3331: we had to like write an argumentative essay, cultural comparison, conversation, and reading and answering questions using articles, graphs, and audios burarahurricane#6369: my dad has been ranting about his job for tbe past hour and a half :/ lisx#1702: what was on the ap spanish test? lisx#1702: good for you though lisx#1702: bruh lisx#1702: july 5 Mocha#3331: I think I did pretty good it felt pretty easy lisx#1702: I just realized that 😭 burarahurricane#6369: but i have listendd to half alive before ! Mocha#3331: when do they come out I actually don't know how to check 💀 lisx#1702: FRICK burarahurricane#6369: i wasnt tlaking about maybe by half alive lisx#1702: yeah same lisx#1702: HOW DID YOU DO burarahurricane#6369: ?? Mocha#3331: can't wait to see my results whenever they come out lisx#1702: thats not the one by mgk tho burarahurricane#6369: thats what he said! Mocha#3331: yessirrr lisx#1702: you took ap spanish burarahurricane#6369: im listening to mgk on amazon music lisx#1702: OH YEAH lisx#1702: yessir burarahurricane#6369: me ? Mocha#3331: I took ap spanish btw Mocha#3331: it took me a second to figure out what slang you were talking about lisx#1702: ***I can't word this lisx#1702: **how did you come to find the song lisx#1702: *where did you get the song from lisx#1702: how'd you find it PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh its sex! burarahurricane#6369: it comes on and i open disxord and its right there lisx#1702: wow lisx#1702: it scared me a little how much resemblance it had burarahurricane#6369: NONWAY IM LISTENING TO THAT SONG PeckServers.com#8342: I play on chonkla which is a Mexican slang for a pair of flat shoes lisx#1702: ikr Mocha#3331: looks just like me 😍 Mocha#3331: LMFAOOO lisx#1702: there's a million secs lisx#1702: jk lisx#1702: oh I found you Mocha#3331: it's probably secs Mocha#3331: idk I forgor lisx#1702: whats your spotify name thingy Mocha#3331: I use it whenever I do nothing and anything lisx#1702: is there https://open.spotify.com/track/1eTdTVIxLlhHwwA50vEzZa?si=fb3de46cd8474957 ? Mocha#3331: yeah lisx#1702: do you have spotify? lisx#1702: 🎶 maybe 🎶 🎶 maybe 🎶 🎶 maybe 🎶 Mocha#3331: yeah that is a good song from like the preview lisx#1702: when you said that my brain just started playing it lisx#1702: that's a good song lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/2fhAEQ0rBKl8bY8PoEmZYZ?si=e91bc1a71cb94fdd Mocha#3331: everything I leraned in school is now gone Mocha#3331: I think my brain is rotting on the inside from all the nothing I do lisx#1702: I think my brain is getting confused with all that french Mocha#3331: that's if they're online tho lisx#1702: my typing has gone to a whole other level Mocha#3331: there's always a first time lisx#1702: they've never joined before Mocha#3331: or maybe <@734161534799839272> or maybe <@404102391416487936> Mocha#3331: <@383372123714093098> you wanna join? lisx#1702: or chunky maybe Mocha#3331: that kinda makes sense Mocha#3331: 🤦‍♂️ Mocha#3331: I'm so stupid how'd I not think of that lisx#1702: I thought it was a chonky lad burarahurricane#6369: duh burarahurricane#6369: its a lad that chonks Mocha#3331: so true except like that explains nothing lisx#1702: is it a chonklad Mocha#3331: <@852187118113652776> what is a chonklad Mocha#3331: sure I'm pretty bored rn so why not lisx#1702: So does anyone wanna play <@&989360645822640128> lisx#1702: Seems like today for you has just been https://open.spotify.com/track/3esA216TyLHEkNiBCeCmcg?si=3c84bb9824c041cf lisx#1702: 😂 lisx#1702: I feel ya PeckServers.com#8342: Darn, thats extremely infuriating lmao burarahurricane#6369: and rvrtything was ruined burarahurricane#6369: i did it BUT THEN MY COMPUTer died PeckServers.com#8342: Easy as that PeckServers.com#8342: You just gotta type burarahurricane#6369: 𝖞𝖔𝖚 burarahurricane#6369: IVE BEEN STARING AT THIS STUPID QUOTATION MARK FOR 30 MINUTES im goign insane PeckServers.com#8342: Sounds like an absolute blast PeckServers.com#8342: Oof burarahurricane#6369: why does writing burarahurricane#6369: why do i have to have characters stay in character.....why do anything burarahurricane#6369: WHY DO I HAVE TO MAKE THINGS MAKE SENSE burarahurricane#6369: II HATE E WRITINGGGG it is the worst thing Ever PeckServers.com#8342: Jus bein board, u? lisx#1702: whats up PeckServers.com#8342: Hey lisx#1702: hi PeckServers.com#8342: Cats are hands down one of the best things in this world Mocha#3331: Lmfaoo I love cat videos lisx#1702: Hey I’m reading a book about that PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/uYTAr9-yZ_g?feature=share @here Mocha#3331: I think they're doing good things Mocha#3331: I wanna go to one of those my brother was at one I might go with him the next he goes Mocha#3331: I need that fr xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/hUj5K7ComC0 PeckServers.com#8342: pie boii doesnt like his name PeckServers.com#8342: no shot he left again PeckServers.com#8342: the dominance has been asserted PeckServers.com#8342: muahahah EJCaldwell#2924: i think we joined the same day EJCaldwell#2924: or way older EJCaldwell#2924: i am now older in this server than him EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: he just reset his "joined since" counter smh EJCaldwell#2924: idk EJCaldwell#2924: he is back PeckServers.com#8342: why would he leave? PeckServers.com#8342: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: now he needs to join and you will need to change his name PeckServers.com#8342: for now that should work PeckServers.com#8342: ill do that later EJCaldwell#2924: just change one of the roles i have so that it can PeckServers.com#8342: im not even gonna try to fix it PeckServers.com#8342: this servers roles are a mess PeckServers.com#8342: https://discord.gg/FQgJZUhb EJCaldwell#2924: <@852187118113652776> EJCaldwell#2924: and when he gets back change his name back to pie boii EJCaldwell#2924: can you make it so i can send invites so he can come back EJCaldwell#2924: and he left lol PeckServers.com#8342: YES EJCaldwell#2924: change maulies name to pie boi in this PeckServers.com#8342: something like that? PeckServers.com#8342: kill the jews PeckServers.com#8342: fair enough EJCaldwell#2924: say somethying bad PeckServers.com#8342: oof, what did he think i woulda said? EJCaldwell#2924: that was not as bad an <@606620815349383209> thought your message would be PeckServers.com#8342: good, people standing up for their rights Maulie#8927: Me and my Mom were driving to look at this new pie place and on the way there a pro abortion protest was happening in front of the Brokers real estate building PeckServers.com#8342: that being said heres a snippet of music served from the new server https://www.peckservers.com/cody/files/Demon.wav PeckServers.com#8342: ikr, im so proud to be one too! Compared to how much I usually hate linux, that was fun to set up! lisx#1702: Nerd PeckServers.com#8342: i made my first ubuntu apache server!! PeckServers.com#8342: YEAHHH WOOO i DID IT!! Maulie#8927: Yes it did PeckServers.com#8342: Holy crap, the impossible just became possible PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: It was from a person in a server I am in Maulie#8927: *You have been randomly selected from servers you didn't know exist to win a prize in our giveaway* EJCaldwell#2924: yes and i did PeckServers.com#8342: Report them PeckServers.com#8342: Was that in dms? PeckServers.com#8342: A lot EJCaldwell#2924: how much is bit coint atm? EJCaldwell#2924: look at this scam EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: hello Mocha#3331: Ayo same bro PeckServers.com#8342: 4 hours of sleep! Woo woooo PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning people Mocha#3331: With a bunch of houses Mocha#3331: Uhmm it's on the same street that lins is on lisx#1702: Is it the place with the bunch of houses on the hill where you can see the whole st george lisx#1702: That sounds kinda familiar Mocha#3331: I guess I can just make a sandwich and I live in dixie downs lisx#1702: Well just make a sandwich or something then lisx#1702: Where do you live lisx#1702: Aw Mocha#3331: And I'm too hungry to walk Mocha#3331: Meh too far lisx#1702: At night lisx#1702: Then yeah you should just walk to cafe rio Mocha#3331: Cafe rio is so good ong kinda wish I had some rn I'm pretty hungry 😖 lisx#1702: This is the most amazing cafe rio I’ve ever had at almost 11 lisx#1702: which is kinda a plus lisx#1702: now lisx#1702: and curtains lisx#1702: I also have a bed lisx#1702: and look okay lisx#1702: now if I have a 1'7 wide bookshelf it just might fit lisx#1702: my room got re-re-organized lisx#1702: 🤦 Mocha#3331: Maybe if you're fast enough catch them lisx#1702: because my whole family was hungry 😂 lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: my parents drove there lisx#1702: no lisx#1702: uh Mocha#3331: At night Mocha#3331: Then yeah you should just walk to cafe rio lisx#1702: it's actually backwards logic now that I think about it lisx#1702: and then my mom decided we should have dinner early for some reason Mocha#3331: Hell yeah breakfast at lunch sounds like fun lisx#1702: I woke up at 11:50 and had "breakast" at 12 Mocha#3331: Which is two profit Mocha#3331: I made ten dollars Mocha#3331: Eight lisx#1702: how many dollars did it take to enter? Mocha#3331: If you sleep at like two am that's like lunch for you Mocha#3331: Why so early lol 💀 lisx#1702: I had dinner at 5 and I'm so hungry rn Mocha#3331: I at least didn't get smashed too hard I got third and made two dollars 😎 lisx#1702: oh Mocha#3331: And got smashed Mocha#3331: I was smashing bros lisx#1702: was it a cool death lisx#1702: what happened Mocha#3331: And yes cafe rio sounds good rn ngl Mocha#3331: No I died lisx#1702: anyone alive? lisx#1702: no? lisx#1702: anyone else craving cafe rio PeckServers.com#8342: bruh what lisx#1702: you can have staff too if you want burarahurricane#6369: yay burarahurricane#6369: omg lisx#1702: here you can have it nobody cares about this server anymore anyway 😭 lisx#1702: 🥲 burarahurricane#6369: ok i have to ask Why do i not have the big brain role >:/ lisx#1702: for the rest of my life lisx#1702: I will look like that^^^ lisx#1702: \:( lisx#1702: and not happy lisx#1702: if not I'm going to super super sad and depressed lisx#1702: I hope I get a 5 burarahurricane#6369: oooh lisx#1702: oh yeah I forgot about that lisx#1702: I get my ap test score burarahurricane#6369: what happens in 11 days burarahurricane#6369: july 5ht burarahurricane#6369: nope in eleven days it is the day after independence day burarahurricane#6369: ? lisx#1702: count it lisx#1702: do the knuckles thing burarahurricane#6369: bow many days are in june lisx#1702: uh burarahurricane#6369: july 4th ? lisx#1702: no guesses? lisx#1702: guess what happens in 11 days burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: and religion was really important and was a really big part of the government from since it was made, so it's always been that way even if the people have changed lisx#1702: when everyone came from england or wherever lisx#1702: I think it's more because of how much of the country was religious when it was founded burarahurricane#6369: this is so ridiculous burarahurricane#6369: i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands one nation *under god* indivisible with liberty and justice for all lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: yeah our own country motto literally has to do with christianity what the hell lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: yeah we really do live in a dystopia lisx#1702: 1984 lisx#1702: it reminds me of the book I'm reading lisx#1702: that is messed up burarahurricane#6369: this ALSO has to do with how the church never really separated from state burarahurricane#6369: its so fucked all of it burarahurricane#6369: like before 2003 it was completely legal for police officers to break into your home and arrest you just for being gay even if you didn't publicly display anything burarahurricane#6369: exactly! but homophobia is so rooted in people's ideologies that we're discriminated against by the very government lisx#1702: that doesn't even have to do with anything burarahurricane#6369: YEAH lisx#1702: okay but like that doesn't seem fair that the government gets to decide what kind of people you get to have sex with burarahurricane#6369: yes burarahurricane#6369: and its already in jeopardy again burarahurricane#6369: we havent even had 20 years of freedom yet lisx#1702: in us? burarahurricane#6369: and same sex intercourse was only made legal 19 years ago burarahurricane#6369: it was only legalized seven years ago lisx#1702: is gay marriage legal? lisx#1702: that makes sense lisx#1702: when there's a plausible solution but they're making it illegal burarahurricane#6369: exactly lisx#1702: to prevent people in need from getting help when they're in tough situations lisx#1702: it's not their business burarahurricane#6369: which is why im really mad lisx#1702: yeah burarahurricane#6369: ? burarahurricane#6369: ok but do you see how messed up it is that the government would be forcing someone to do that/ lisx#1702: then just...dont have so much sex burarahurricane#6369: ppl cant always afford or access birth control either Mocha#3331: Because some people are stupid as hell lisx#1702: why don't they just wear protection or something then burarahurricane#6369: its about whether or not someone else has the right to your body burarahurricane#6369: and its not even about whether or not the fetus or embryo is alive burarahurricane#6369: but you cant kill something that was never alive burarahurricane#6369: thats how they frame it lisx#1702: I thought people were against abortion because it was killing babies burarahurricane#6369: i know it makes no sense but like i said its to control burarahurricane#6369: making abortion illegal doesn't stop abortions. it just makes them unsafe lisx#1702: that's like saying they made it illegal because they made it illegal burarahurricane#6369: to force that upon people! burarahurricane#6369: therefore creating a greater economic divide between race lisx#1702: so why did they make it illegal burarahurricane#6369: because of their socioeconomic background adn the clear impact of racism in our system people of color who need an abortion wont be able to get access to it (they dont have the money to travel to somewhere where its legal, so they do it illegally, and risk their lives) or they are forced to give birth to the child wihtout the money to support it and are forced into poverty lisx#1702: how do they overturn something that was already decided "150 years" ago though burarahurricane#6369: but this is going to have a disproportionate impact on minorities, especially people of color burarahurricane#6369: im not articulating this well burarahurricane#6369: it was about controlling people and their rights lisx#1702: what was it about then burarahurricane#6369: and overturning it wasn't about abortion burarahurricane#6369: roe v wade was never even really about abortion burarahurricane#6369: because its not your fucking business to force someone to raise a child lisx#1702: how does it work lisx#1702: isn't it more about not being able to raise a kid burarahurricane#6369: thats not how it works lisx#1702: how is abortion privacy though burarahurricane#6369: because roe v wade was all about protecting your right to privacy burarahurricane#6369: theyre going to come for lgbtq rights next lisx#1702: how so burarahurricane#6369: and the cases that allowed gay rights to become legal were *built* on that case lisx#1702: pregnant people can't kill their unborn babies? lisx#1702: so now burarahurricane#6369: they overturned the roe v wade case, which has allowed the states to make abortion illegal burarahurricane#6369: attacking minorities of people and vulnerable communities isn't very nice burarahurricane#6369: taking away 150 years of progress isn't very nice lisx#1702: what did they do? burarahurricane#6369: taking away human rights from millions of people isnt very nice lisx#1702: that doesn't seem very nice burarahurricane#6369: i hope with the new ease to have access to guns that someone in the capitol is killed and i hope the supreme court feels scared burarahurricane#6369: well what do they expect with their new ak47 ruling lisx#1702: don't kill anyone burarahurricane#6369: yes lisx#1702: is it the government thingy burarahurricane#6369: no lisx#1702: *wonderful weather* outside, isn't it burarahurricane#6369: really bad lisx#1702: how's your day been lisx#1702: what's up lisx#1702: HEY GUYS PeckServers.com#8342: wym? burarahurricane#6369: cringe culture is dead PeckServers.com#8342: of cringe lords? PeckServers.com#8342: the army? lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bts-together-bts-ot7-bts-gif-24984692 lisx#1702: join the army lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V02QF9bwcY Maulie#8927: Hello lisx#1702: hi Maulie#8927: Morning PeckServers.com#8342: Top of the morning! PeckServers.com#8342: This shit is powerful PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/hxBhPwhTfAw Maulie#8927: I know, I couldn't imagine how he was feeling right then PeckServers.com#8342: Man it must be shitty for that man, he just got a new car and it got stolen PeckServers.com#8342: Thats good Maulie#8927: Well there was Cameras right outside the front of the building, so they definitely caught it, and he got on the phone with the cops instantly. PeckServers.com#8342: Did they get it back yet? Or just file a police report PeckServers.com#8342: Dang Maulie#8927: It wasn't left running, he just left the key in the car is what we're guessing, and someone gambled I guess PeckServers.com#8342: He probably left it running with the key in the ignition didnt he PeckServers.com#8342: Holy crap Maulie#8927: So me and my dad just went to the Gas Station, and he met one of his old workers there. And he told us that he just got a new car (Nissan 2016 I think) and me and my dad went to look and we couldn't find it, he comes outside after buying his drink and realizes his car went missing. In the four minutes we were inside the Gas Station, someone jacked his car. PeckServers.com#8342: That is the funniest shit ever lmaoo PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/jWe0g2h3kH0?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: omg yes! burarahurricane#6369: and when the spin does the chair whooo what a blast burarahurricane#6369: i love it when the chair does the spin thing burarahurricane#6369: anyone else enjoy a good chair spin Maulie#8927: yo PeckServers.com#8342: yo lisx#1702: yo burarahurricane#6369: yo Mocha#3331: yo East Germany Is Going Great#1917: yo lisx#1702: why is there no ceiling fan gif lisx#1702: so I never got to be a fan lisx#1702: but i just never bothered to go down the youtube rabbit hole with it lisx#1702: ive listened to bts since last year lisx#1702: well technically lisx#1702: lmao burarahurricane#6369: if i sent that gif now i wouldnt even notice burarahurricane#6369: bro lisx#1702: goated lisx#1702: past lisa was lisx#1702: bro what lisx#1702: its jhope lisx#1702: omg burarahurricane#6369: how did you know that i missed a dnf discord podcast and its five hours long and taht i really want to watch it but its such a long vod that i also dont want to watch it and im stuck just sitting here debating if i should commit or not lisx#1702: <@749747503947055136> lisx#1702: I’m so bored please join lisx#1702: In gamer voice lisx#1702: A discord podcast lisx#1702: I’m starting a podcast lisx#1702: Guys burarahurricane#6369: ok theres no juice dont worry everyone ^-^ burarahurricane#6369: love being a writer so i have to search stuff like this burarahurricane#6369: juice burarahurricane#6369: does it have like burarahurricane#6369: when you cut up a watermleon burarahurricane#6369: important question burarahurricane#6369: Maulie#8927: ;-; EJCaldwell#2924: lies Maulie#8927: You're literally sitting right behind me Maulie#8927: Not lies EJCaldwell#2924: lies burarahurricane#6369: imagine having One discord server Maulie#8927: Frick Ethan raided my discord last night lisx#1702: imagine having more than 1 discord server PeckServers.com#8342: Oh shit it warped back here burarahurricane#6369: ive seen that image so many tjimes Maulie#8927: PeckServers.com#8342: eyes pop out, jaw drops to floor, tongue rolls out, AWOOOOOGA. Now thats a dame PeckServers.com#8342: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: no preview? PeckServers.com#8342: https://sharing.peckservers.com/files/Cody%20(FS)/20220621_193529.jpg PeckServers.com#8342: hold on, i need this in full res PeckServers.com#8342: Possibly the start to a giant pumpkin? PeckServers.com#8342: making a 10 second version burarahurricane#6369: hand over mouth burarahurricane#6369: this song is so epic https://open.spotify.com/track/2TxCwUlqaOH3TIyJqGgR91?si=78a2ada2827045d4 burarahurricane#6369: abba not being pronouncedlike ay bee bee ay is literally so baffling like who let this happen Maulie#8927: What you doing with that video? PeckServers.com#8342: i wanted a section of this 10 hour video i did in 2019 and was able to just open the project again PeckServers.com#8342: THIS is why you never delete files PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: wait isnt that the definition of kids? PeckServers.com#8342: when your own creation annoys you PeckServers.com#8342: lmao lisx#1702: im turning that off lisx#1702: no Dyno#3861: go practice <@726265256082407504>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unless you've already practiced then good job!!!!!!!!!!!!! but if you haven't...GO PRACTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lisx#1702: i'm so bored lisx#1702: Mocha#3331: me after literally just chilling Mocha#3331: it's some anime girl eating a concha and that's all I know Mocha#3331: idk I found it on twitter and I liked it lisx#1702: <@484351343503474698> lisx#1702: what's your pfp PeckServers.com#8342: great start to the morning lmao PeckServers.com#8342: oof Mocha#3331: No way my younger brother just told me "kill yourself" 💀 Mocha#3331: Morning fella PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning fine tolks! burarahurricane#6369: crazy burarahurricane#6369: (insert vine of thr girl who was like “i looked up the definition of slay and i promise you i do NOT slay…i dont kill people😬😬😬“) lisx#1702: he just did it lisx#1702: real music lisx#1702: it's lisx#1702: the flashback music lisx#1702: he played the music lisx#1702: omg burarahurricane#6369: II MEAN SLEEP burarahurricane#6369: hmm i#maybe i shoukd slay burarahurricane#6369: youu tobr burarahurricane#6369: https://youtu.be/pGgeYnnbQOE PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah the one with the big booty cheeks burarahurricane#6369: OH MY GOD ITS THE GUY PeckServers.com#8342: *proceeds to have psychotic breakdown* PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/bDL-NelN7w0?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/1S8fhc3Teb8?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: What the... PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/HK-E0lSUj_4?feature=share lisx#1702: I'd ratehr do the original song if I was going on america got talent lisx#1702: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Do it on America's got talent PeckServers.com#8342: You should lisx#1702: I think I have the potential to do a live cover of as it was PeckServers.com#8342: Holy cow its 11 lisx#1702: I needed that lisx#1702: thank you 😭 burarahurricane#6369: tears in my eyes that was beautiful lisx#1702: <@749747503947055136> lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh ooh ooh, and play on the cello at the same time PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah, the skit idea. The acting was horrible lisx#1702: I could sing a cover lisx#1702: 🎶 youtube's not the same aaaaaas it waaaas 🎶 aaaaas it waaaaaas lisx#1702: you called it genius tho? PeckServers.com#8342: It could have been funny though PeckServers.com#8342: It felt really forced PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr burarahurricane#6369: not funny burarahurricane#6369: incredibly burarahurricane#6369: so burarahurricane#6369: that was burarahurricane#6369: wow PeckServers.com#8342: YouTube's not the same way as it was before sadly PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah It seems like all the skit channels have kind of taken a downturn lisx#1702: the old cast was better PeckServers.com#8342: What a genius skit PeckServers.com#8342: No fricking way PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/78G-DQhILng?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: lmaoo burarahurricane#6369: amen i will continue on my villain arc PeckServers.com#8342: whatever youre on keep it that way, that was a powerful burn lmao burarahurricane#6369: im not in my right mind lisx#1702: -_- PeckServers.com#8342: Fuckin rekt, jesus lisx#1702: cus it wasnt in my recently used. but i used to use it like all the time lisx#1702: bro i just realized I haven't used the eyebrow emoji in like decades burarahurricane#6369: /lh /j burarahurricane#6369: try getting a life lisx#1702: this is becoming a problem lisx#1702: I'm kinnnnnnndaa bbbbooooorrred again lisx#1702: guess what lisx#1702: guys lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/41ltleYVuvEjnqiygy2rQ3?si=2bffff9567eb4e09 lisx#1702: you mean PeckServers.com#8342: its the next ww3 PeckServers.com#8342: everyone go to your bomb shelters PeckServers.com#8342: oh no, now they will be able to recommend good music to us THE SHAME burarahurricane#6369: not my spotify history screaming cat emoji lisx#1702: ||as long as I stay on prealgebra 🥲 || lisx#1702: and actually doable lisx#1702: they're so much easier lisx#1702: in my defense lisx#1702: yesn't username123115#4960: Are you procrastinating on those aops questions by doing the trainer thing? lisx#1702: it is lisx#1702: is 281 prime lisx#1702: omg my favorite lisx#1702: I'm gonna do more problems until I get a streak of 22 lisx#1702: Ig I'm in such a bad mood that I just can't practice anymore lisx#1702: this is really sad lisx#1702: *and* I unpassed a topic lisx#1702: I lost my streak of six questions in a row... lisx#1702: but it's really more than 2 lisx#1702: I thought that 10 minus anything bigger than 7 would be less than 2 Mocha#3331: so true lisx#1702: so for some reason lisx#1702: lisx#1702: the internet said so lisx#1702: no it's positive lisx#1702: I messed up 😭 Mocha#3331: cause it's nothing Mocha#3331: I thought it was neither lisx#1702: because "it doesn't have a negative sign" lisx#1702: apparently yes lisx#1702: is 0 a positive integer? lisx#1702: *5 lisx#1702: and I've done at least 3 more lisx#1702: for some reason since I said that I haven't gotten a single one wrong lisx#1702: it was asking for something else lisx#1702: OH I GET WHY I GOT THIS QUESTION WRONG lisx#1702: though lisx#1702: I had so many questions when I read it the first time lisx#1702: especially when I already know how it ends lisx#1702: its not very entertaining lisx#1702: because im losing patience with it lisx#1702: maybe i should go finish 1984 soon lisx#1702: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: most of the math i do is addition and subtraction of measurements and conversion of bits to bytes and back PeckServers.com#8342: however it *can* be fun PeckServers.com#8342: most of it is the first one tho lisx#1702: but sometimes it's fun too lisx#1702: sometimes math is really stupid PeckServers.com#8342: which makes me feel stupid PeckServers.com#8342: math just exhausts me lisx#1702: and way confused lisx#1702: it always just makes me feel dumber lisx#1702: require thinking lisx#1702: the kind that like lisx#1702: because when i do math lisx#1702: but does doing math make you smarter? lisx#1702: this has actually never occurred to me before lisx#1702: so PeckServers.com#8342: <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> PeckServers.com#8342: when fedex takes the fun out of unboxing PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxC6738B5YWu3erzY_-KCxUL0-HUJnqbBz PeckServers.com#8342: oh the irony of communism PeckServers.com#8342: same with tiktok, who is a very chinese company lisx#1702: even though you aren't even allowed to used discord in china Mocha#3331: if they shut down discord it would be better for humanity as a whole PeckServers.com#8342: its actually pretty scary if you think about it PeckServers.com#8342: which means the chinese goverment has say in what happens with discord PeckServers.com#8342: a chinese company PeckServers.com#8342: also discords majority shareholder is tencent lisx#1702: and your texting style lisx#1702: or that lisx#1702: like how many hours you've spent playing minecraft PeckServers.com#8342: oh no not my diary.txt lisx#1702: they will steal all your secrets PeckServers.com#8342: which means that maybe the app/program monitors other things on the device PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, the funny thing is that theres not much data to collect from what users do on discord lisx#1702: they will spread your gayness around burarahurricane#6369: they can sell all my data if it means keeping godforsaken ads away from me Mocha#3331: but I like that first answer better Mocha#3331: or nitro PeckServers.com#8342: which means they make their money off of selling our data PeckServers.com#8342: but its free PeckServers.com#8342: yeah lisx#1702: have you ever noticed how discord doesn't have ads lisx#1702: my brain is broken lisx#1702: if I get this question wrong I'm gonna go practice lisx#1702: nvm math sucksssss lisx#1702: i got this!!!! (?) lisx#1702: but like lisx#1702: which is really depressing lisx#1702: this is also prealgebra lisx#1702: ughhhh lisx#1702: time to do better lisx#1702: bruh no wonder I got it wrong lisx#1702: that part went right over my head lisx#1702: they were riding toward each other lisx#1702: they weren't riding toward the same direction lisx#1702: so basically lisx#1702: I hate it when this happens lisx#1702: I read the stupid question wrong lisx#1702: OH lisx#1702: to think that amc8 is 8th grade and below and i cant get these questions... 😭 lisx#1702: but it's even more horrible when I get it wrong both times burarahurricane#6369: noooooooo thats horrible lisx#1702: I don't remember when I did that question the first time but I feel bad for my past self lisx#1702: this is actually painful burarahurricane#6369: fr! lisx#1702: that sounds fun lisx#1702: we should lisx#1702: whoa burarahurricane#6369: we should all go here for a fun little cg field trip ^—^ burarahurricane#6369: GHDKFHSLFHSKFHKSFH lisx#1702: and i've completely stopped doing it lisx#1702: my hw this time is due in like july tho lisx#1702: great times lisx#1702: I still haven't finished those homework problems to this day lisx#1702: we did do that lisx#1702: oh yeah burarahurricane#6369: all those fun memories burarahurricane#6369: havent we spent class periods staring at your math homework from there lisx#1702: no way how the f do you even know about it burarahurricane#6369: no way it s the art of problem solving lisx#1702: but I have something super fun to do lisx#1702: i'm bore rd too PeckServers.com#8342: oof lmao Mocha#3331: why did rydra take mario to bf he got steam rolled 😭 Mocha#3331: It was really close too it went 3-2 last hit scenario Mocha#3331: He's close with the people of sotah so I'm cheering him on he just made an upset on MVD Mocha#3331: I'm watching crown top 32 rn I hope rydra makes it far PeckServers.com#8342: Im bored PeckServers.com#8342: munch time lisx#1702: yes EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: PERFECT lol PeckServers.com#8342: talk about a third leg EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxzilVXz4e0XtFSC0-9yDc04OOne5Gztbw @here PeckServers.com#8342: boo yeah! PeckServers.com#8342: i made it so the "reload your files" button on the sharing site reloads the iframe instead of the whole page PeckServers.com#8342: OMG I DID A JAVASCRIPT PeckServers.com#8342: everything, but nothing EJCaldwell#2924: what is wrong with you guys PeckServers.com#8342: Lmaooo Mocha#3331: we gonna get that morning quickie 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: See you then PeckServers.com#8342: Sick, its in my companies calendar Mocha#3331: 4:20 am PeckServers.com#8342: Alr, what time Mocha#3331: october 4th PeckServers.com#8342: : 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: Whens your next opening? Mocha#3331: you're gonna have to make an appointment Mocha#3331: nah dude I'm all booked up for the next few months PeckServers.com#8342: Shit, you got time? lisx#1702: Bruh stupid discord lisx#1702: Have hardcore \<@484351343503474698> Mocha#3331: have hardcore sex PeckServers.com#8342: im bored PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning human shaped members of cg llc discord server! EJCaldwell#2924: i see that PeckServers.com#8342: shit man, i found a rock biome PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: i wanted to play PeckServers.com#8342: titty f'er PeckServers.com#8342: stain EJCaldwell#2924: ? PeckServers.com#8342: shit EJCaldwell#2924: not enough people PeckServers.com#8342: WhAt HaPpEnEd To ThE RoOm? EJCaldwell#2924: guess not EJCaldwell#2924: <@606620815349383209> give_a_minute#1155: sure I am EJCaldwell#2924: <@726265256082407504> EJCaldwell#2924: no EJCaldwell#2924: @here EJCaldwell#2924: https://garticphone.com/en/?c=00404fc6bc EJCaldwell#2924: wanna play gartic now EJCaldwell#2924: ik there is a way to do it PeckServers.com#8342: pretty sure theres a way to do that EJCaldwell#2924: what if i streamed my laptop to the firestick PeckServers.com#8342: youd need to plug it into a tv or monitors hdmi input PeckServers.com#8342: no possible way of doing it with what you currently have, as far as im aware atleast EJCaldwell#2924: so no easy way of doing it PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.amazon.com/usb-capture-card/s?k=usb+capture+card youd need something like this PeckServers.com#8342: thats like connecting two outputs of a hose together PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah, thats a video output, its not capible of doing what you want EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: with the usb cable? EJCaldwell#2924: just strait in PeckServers.com#8342: via what EJCaldwell#2924: the laptop PeckServers.com#8342: mkay what all is that plugged into EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: thats the fire stick? EJCaldwell#2924: idk PeckServers.com#8342: are you sure that what you plugged into was a video input or is it a video output? EJCaldwell#2924: its not PeckServers.com#8342: and see if there is an input showing up PeckServers.com#8342: go to device manager PeckServers.com#8342: try video capture device PeckServers.com#8342: go to that menu with the options for adding sources EJCaldwell#2924: help me pls EJCaldwell#2924: where is that PeckServers.com#8342: what are tyhe options PeckServers.com#8342: MUST SEE EJCaldwell#2924: which one PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxeJyfd3OsY7fHMhPfTT-G87xX9ntfMfLR PeckServers.com#8342: check and see if you have any capture devices you can add EJCaldwell#2924: i do have obs PeckServers.com#8342: have you checked that it actually showed up PeckServers.com#8342: do you have obs installed? EJCaldwell#2924: let me grab it fast EJCaldwell#2924: i may need the remote EJCaldwell#2924: what do i do EJCaldwell#2924: in gamer voice EJCaldwell#2924: let me share my screen PeckServers.com#8342: the only way i can think of is something like obs PeckServers.com#8342: umm, is it showing up in windows? EJCaldwell#2924: now how do i open it up PeckServers.com#8342: nice! PeckServers.com#8342: it works! EJCaldwell#2924: its plugged in EJCaldwell#2924: got iut EJCaldwell#2924: let me go grab the cord for the firestick lisx#1702: so Im gonna go watch more bts videos ping me if you guys play gartic phone PeckServers.com#8342: ok, did you try throwing it out a window? EJCaldwell#2924: but that takes too much time\ EJCaldwell#2924: no PeckServers.com#8342: did you try turning it off and on again? EJCaldwell#2924: my left screen became my right screen PeckServers.com#8342: same PeckServers.com#8342: yayyy EJCaldwell#2924: EVERYTHING IS BACKWARDS NOW PeckServers.com#8342: unless there is one that isnt, in which case that would make sense why you wanted it lisx#1702: i have 0 idea what you guys are talking about PeckServers.com#8342: pretty sure PeckServers.com#8342: everything on that fire stick is available on websites tho EJCaldwell#2924: yolo PeckServers.com#8342: hmm, sounds like youre boned EJCaldwell#2924: but if i unplug the one thing it will crash the monitors EJCaldwell#2924: i have two PeckServers.com#8342: do you only have one usb 3 port on that laptop? EJCaldwell#2924: https://sharing.peckservers.com/files/Video%20(FS)/IMG_1467.MOV PeckServers.com#8342: interesting PeckServers.com#8342: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: i sent a video EJCaldwell#2924: don't think so lisx#1702: how come you can see his setup PeckServers.com#8342: is there any latency on those monitors cause of the doc? EJCaldwell#2924: my dad set it up so ya PeckServers.com#8342: holy christ that is quite the conglomerate of a setup you have EJCaldwell#2924: idk lisx#1702: does it work EJCaldwell#2924: we are trying to get jackbox to work lisx#1702: honestly serves me right because I didn't practice today lisx#1702: omh Dyno#3861: go practice <@726265256082407504>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unless you've already practiced then good job!!!!!!!!!!!!! but if you haven't...GO PRACTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lisx#1702: I'm bored PeckServers.com#8342: hi video PeckServers.com#8342: you are video PeckServers.com#8342: yes PeckServers.com#8342: https://sharing.peckservers.com/files/Video%20(FS)/IMG_1467.MOV EJCaldwell#2924: perfect name right PeckServers.com#8342: found it EJCaldwell#2924: it on the website now PeckServers.com#8342: <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> PeckServers.com#8342: you should be ashamed PeckServers.com#8342: the audacity lisa lisx#1702: I forgot to check discord entirely lisx#1702: wow lisx#1702: hi PeckServers.com#8342: lmaoo PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: yayyy, free testing!!! EJCaldwell#2924: i guess i am the gunnie pig in this test then PeckServers.com#8342: havent tested on apple devices however PeckServers.com#8342: should PeckServers.com#8342: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: does it work for mobile? PeckServers.com#8342: https://sharing.peckservers.com EJCaldwell#2924: where is the link to compress it PeckServers.com#8342: why not EJCaldwell#2924: i can't send the video PeckServers.com#8342: yeah that would be ideal EJCaldwell#2924: let me record a short video to show you PeckServers.com#8342: hate it when limescale builds up PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: do you have an hdmi monitor? PeckServers.com#8342: oh EJCaldwell#2924: its the one so i can see out of the other moniters PeckServers.com#8342: that is a very daunting task after all PeckServers.com#8342: oh i see PeckServers.com#8342: very authentic to windows EJCaldwell#2924: i can if i take a usb out PeckServers.com#8342: in your laptop? EJCaldwell#2924: but i can't fit it in EJCaldwell#2924: i have one with me right npw EJCaldwell#2924: we have two PeckServers.com#8342: do you have one? EJCaldwell#2924: i can't do it anyways EJCaldwell#2924: ya PeckServers.com#8342: well then youd need a capture card EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: hdmi? PeckServers.com#8342: oh, isnt the fire stick an output decive EJCaldwell#2924: i guess i don't need the hard drive atm EJCaldwell#2924: put the firestick in my laptop PeckServers.com#8342: what are you trying to do? EJCaldwell#2924: XD PeckServers.com#8342: dont mind me just playin solitare EJCaldwell#2924: i can't fit it EJCaldwell#2924: slight problem EJCaldwell#2924: now time to test it PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: i got the fire stick PeckServers.com#8342: somehow this feels authentic to windows 10 PeckServers.com#8342: its clippyyyy PeckServers.com#8342: OMG its literally doing this in the browser! EJCaldwell#2924: ima go grab and test it PeckServers.com#8342: OMG the internet explorer for the MEMES EJCaldwell#2924: and test it out EJCaldwell#2924: should i go grab my fire stick PeckServers.com#8342: yeah its massive, but its a complicated html5 thingy PeckServers.com#8342: converted it from flash to html5 Maulie#8927: That's a big link PeckServers.com#8342: someone preserved it PeckServers.com#8342: from 2001 Maulie#8927: ? PeckServers.com#8342: its windows RG edition! PeckServers.com#8342: guys! PeckServers.com#8342: https://uploads.ungrounded.net/ruffle_wrapper/ruffleembed.html?v=1.0.66&useloader=1&browsermode=default&props=%7B%22ruffle%22%3A%22%2Fruffle_wrapper%2Flib%2Fruffle.js%3F1654782845%22%2C%22public_path%22%3A%22%2Fruffle_wrapper%2Flib%2F%22%2C%22swf%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fuploads.ungrounded.net%2F27000%2F27549_winrg2.swf%3F999273008%22%2C%22vars%22%3A%7B%22NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID%22%3A1%2C%22NewgroundsAPI_SandboxID%22%3A%2262aea4985821a%22%2C%22NewgroundsAPI_SessionID%22%3A%22%22%2C%22NewgroundsAPI_UserName%22%3A%22%26lt%3Bdeleted%26gt%3B%22%2C%22NewgroundsAPI_UserID%22%3A0%2C%22ng_username%22%3A%22%26lt%3Bdeleted%26gt%3B%22%7D%2C%22width%22%3A550%2C%22height%22%3A400%2C%22icon%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fpicon.ngfiles.com%2F27000%2Fflash_27549_card.png%3Ff1643553649%22%7D Maulie#8927: Oh EJCaldwell#2924: you get packs of games or a single game EJCaldwell#2924: jackbox is a company Maulie#8927: How do you have packs for Jackbox and not even Jackbox itself? EJCaldwell#2924: use it for jackbox because i know i have a few of the packs on it Maulie#8927: What are you gonna do? Use it as a gaming stick? EJCaldwell#2924: and my laptop has a port EJCaldwell#2924: it uses hdmi tho EJCaldwell#2924: yes Maulie#8927: Isn't that for TV's? EJCaldwell#2924: you think i could connect a fire stick to my laptop? EJCaldwell#2924: most people don't even know what that means Maulie#8927: That's less expensive than HOI4 EJCaldwell#2924: 25-30$ EJCaldwell#2924: check* EJCaldwell#2924: let me chack PeckServers.com#8342: how much is it? EJCaldwell#2924: we should all pool in money and get somebody jackbox PeckServers.com#8342: bonus points EJCaldwell#2924: im dead inside so does that count PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: lets face it, everyone is dead EJCaldwell#2924: <@749747503947055136> wanna play gartic PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/3GKk5XgDqddCfe8jcIABTW?si=e56c154431df48ed why is this song so good? PeckServers.com#8342: GARTIC PHONE STAT!!! EJCaldwell#2924: wanna play gartic EJCaldwell#2924: <@726265256082407504> PeckServers.com#8342: <@726265256082407504> PeckServers.com#8342: LISAAA burarahurricane#6369: ayyyy PeckServers.com#8342: Shit's amazing PeckServers.com#8342: Omg, parents are gone so the bass is bumping! PeckServers.com#8342: It was soooo cringey PeckServers.com#8342: Lmaooo lisx#1702: nope don't remember lisx#1702: i play pokemon go everyday? PeckServers.com#8342: Crazy PeckServers.com#8342: And has an album now PeckServers.com#8342: Apparently he is actually pretty talented PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/ZGZtaH_iAhI PeckServers.com#8342: You guys remember pokemon go kid? lisx#1702: bro the little brother is such a jerk lisx#1702: aww she met the guy lisx#1702: they were wrong lisx#1702: they thought I wouldn't copy down the essay in the shot and search up where they got it? lisx#1702: bad writing lisx#1702: and since a bunch of homework cheat websites on it, it obviously didn't miss the point of the book lisx#1702: so he didn't do a plagiarize check lisx#1702: maybe the teacher did a plagiarize check lisx#1702: *unless* lisx#1702: I don't think it deserves an F lisx#1702: it's also on 8 other different websites lisx#1702: found where the show writers got that essay from https://schoolworkhelper.net/government-oppression-in-george-orwells-1984/ lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: Did you get an f too? PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh lisx#1702: lisx#1702: im reading that book PeckServers.com#8342: Pronounced weedoo PeckServers.com#8342: Its an actual building on campus PeckServers.com#8342: Wedu lisx#1702: I'm so bsored again lisx#1702: this person's last name is <:weedtime:929515889907335168> lisx#1702: because you'll choke and die if you eat the tiny parts lisx#1702: it says you shouldn't play with it if you're under 3 years old PeckServers.com#8342: oof im downloading like 100 gigs of firmware from this sketchy russian ip address and its taking 5 ever PeckServers.com#8342: oh, you just gotta ask lisa EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: like food? PeckServers.com#8342: with chinese? PeckServers.com#8342: yeah kind of EJCaldwell#2924: And I have a box with Chinese EJCaldwell#2924: And I have big hands PeckServers.com#8342: eek those are absolutely tiny lmaoo EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: ooh PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: And now I have 3 mini screwdrivers PeckServers.com#8342: thats nothing PeckServers.com#8342: pppft EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: Idk PeckServers.com#8342: never solved one before PeckServers.com#8342: is it hard to solve? PeckServers.com#8342: i bet mines worse EJCaldwell#2924: That pyramid is like a 4x4 PeckServers.com#8342: oooh EJCaldwell#2924: Like a 3x3 EJCaldwell#2924: Holy cow my desk is now a mess PeckServers.com#8342: like a 2x2 EJCaldwell#2924: I Have a smaller pyramid one EJCaldwell#2924: I am a nerd PeckServers.com#8342: never seen a triangle one PeckServers.com#8342: thats cool tho PeckServers.com#8342: youre such a nerd lmao EJCaldwell#2924: Still have one more on the way tho EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: Yes PeckServers.com#8342: ooh like rubiks cubes? PeckServers.com#8342: jesus lmao EJCaldwell#2924: I got new cubes tho so I am now happy EJCaldwell#2924: And I had a panic attack so fun EJCaldwell#2924: I don’t like boating EJCaldwell#2924: I hated it PeckServers.com#8342: nice! howd it go? EJCaldwell#2924: My stuff arrived EJCaldwell#2924: It’s good to be back EJCaldwell#2924: I just got home from my trip and had 27 pings in 3 days lisx#1702: oh whadaya know that's an mgk song https://open.spotify.com/track/41ltleYVuvEjnqiygy2rQ3?si=dffa3db93f484650 lisx#1702: it'd be the cause of WWIII PeckServers.com#8342: imagine if they didnt lisx#1702: it's be AMAZING lisx#1702: thats not too much to ask right lisx#1702: imagine if taylor swift and bts did a collab lisx#1702: uh Mocha#3331: Jug koop Mocha#3331: I only know jug koop lisx#1702: <:smaet:787830542137032715> lisx#1702: so you know that's pretty good lisx#1702: at least 6% of the words lisx#1702: I can understand like lisx#1702: the language that I can "speak" even more now because of anime lisx#1702: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: The language that you can “speak” lisx#1702: I like this one because it's in japanese https://open.spotify.com/track/3UHPGOkUcE4hE7sqBF4Snt?si=136f1b4d6ff54508 lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/0n2moJpAEWHwaPYYjkzMDl?si=539280b6348e4dce lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/3QH8rQGNFX8VLbCgZ7uPTS?si=c2e9282aa2694508 lisx#1702: why not 😭 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Nah lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/249gnXrbfmV8NG6jTEMSwD?si=7379230473694309 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/right-dr-evil-austin-powers-sarcastic-sure-gif-5615650 lisx#1702: https://giphy.com/gifs/personal-shia-labeouf-just-saying-GcSqyYa2aF8dy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I wish I was more😔 lisx#1702: *yet* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Kinda xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I dont losten. To bts lisx#1702: want me to send you my favorite bts songs? 😍 lisx#1702: are you still learning korean lisx#1702: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Korean ploeple lisx#1702: oh? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Oh PeckServers.com#8342: @here i need some test peoples to go to <#820100634954170420> and test my new service! thanks in advance! PeckServers.com#8342: i just stumbled across it on google PeckServers.com#8342: holy crap remember that stupid shell shock website i made to get around impero PeckServers.com#8342: Nice, lisx#1702: even if I never get to know how fairy tail ends lisx#1702: y'all have so much faith in me lisx#1702: and the goal is "forever" ig lisx#1702: I have officially gone 1 day without watching anime Dyno#3861: lisx#1702: whaaaa lisx#1702: wait this isn't lisas lawn lisx#1702: a lot of korean words sound kinda like japanese lisx#1702: (no one asked but every time fairy tail person is fighting bad guy they're like THIS IS FOR FAIRY TAIL'S FUTURE or YOU'VE JUST DESTROYED MY FRIENDS FUTURE or WE HAVE TO DO THIS FOR EVERYONE'S FUTURE) lisx#1702: they say the word future in fairy tail like a LOT a lot and that's how I know lisx#1702: https://translate.google.com/?sl=ja&tl=ko&text=%E6%9C%AA%E6%9D%A5&op=translate lisx#1702: so they said the word future (in korean) in that video and it sounds really similar to "future" in japanese lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jfIOa_zgRc lisx#1702: and these are killing mehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfzy-7eno70 lisx#1702: I haven't seen any of dannys vines before burarahurricane#6369: https://youtu.be/RLf-munbkyI lisx#1702: james cordon is the best late night show person burarahurricane#6369: epic lisx#1702: <@749747503947055136> I've decided I'm going to name the cactus looking plant you gave me bts lisx#1702: bts!!! PeckServers.com#8342: frankie!!! burarahurricane#6369: frank <3 PeckServers.com#8342: those are good names PeckServers.com#8342: ooh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but I think I'm gonna go with frank xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was thinking of naming my salamander djurra lisx#1702: sure thanks Mocha#3331: alrighty then have fun lisx#1702: nah I'm gonna go practice now lisx#1702: hm Mocha#3331: you wanna do another one? Mocha#3331: close game lisx#1702: gg Mocha#3331: gg lisx#1702: then you'd take the knight lisx#1702: nvm lisx#1702: wait lisx#1702: bro I should've gone with the bishop there PeckServers.com#8342: hi dad, im bored Mocha#3331: I'm running on five hours of sleep I'm sure you'll do fine Mocha#3331: ok I sent the inv lisx#1702: jsyk I'm trash at chess at the moment Mocha#3331: alright gimme a sec lisx#1702: Let’s play chess lisx#1702: Yes lisx#1702: Yo Mocha#3331: <@726265256082407504> Mocha#3331: I'm pretty bored too Mocha#3331: or chess Mocha#3331: I'd be down to play something like skribbl or garctic phone lisx#1702: bruh Dyno#3861: go practice <@726265256082407504>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unless you've already practiced then good job!!!!!!!!!!!!! but if you haven't...GO PRACTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lisx#1702: there isn't even anyone here to say "hi bored I'm dad" lisx#1702: today is so boring lisx#1702: I ' m k i n d a b o r e d lisx#1702: because that's how long my last challenge of how many days in a row I could practice cello for went lisx#1702: I'm gonna say 10 Maulie#8927: None Dyno#3861: Dyno#3861: PeckServers.com#8342: For you PeckServers.com#8342: Oh THATS why person was pink Mocha#3331: I don't like it put it back Mocha#3331: Wow my name color is different Mocha#3331: El gato 😺 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🙀🙀🙀 burarahurricane#6369: no way its liam xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/tingle-zelda-gif-13419677 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I agree PeckServers.com#8342: Tingle!!! burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/tingle-elf-dance-gif-11546893 PeckServers.com#8342: Hmm interesting Maulie#8927: I didn't know every opening was its own achievement PeckServers.com#8342: Tingle lisx#1702: I'll be back lisx#1702: with the help of google translate and google docs autocorrect PeckServers.com#8342: Do it lisx#1702: I'm gonna go and write about my week in french now PeckServers.com#8342: IKR its so fun! lisx#1702: I love disassembling stuff lisx#1702: omg PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/9XMTpmHI4hg?feature=share lisx#1702: wow PeckServers.com#8342: Shit thats a depressing sentence PeckServers.com#8342: Then give it a hug cause i have a hole that was made when my cat died that needs to be filled by another animal PeckServers.com#8342: Ty <3 ill def send pictures if we are successful PeckServers.com#8342: Imagine a cow on a leash PeckServers.com#8342: Lmaooo lisx#1702: there are cows on a campus lisx#1702: and i was like what lisx#1702: I read cows burarahurricane#6369: i wish u luck burarahurricane#6369: crows are awesome PeckServers.com#8342: The gay bee reminded me of that PeckServers.com#8342: Apparently its not hard and they live forever PeckServers.com#8342: Me and my co worker are totally going to try to befriend the campus crows PeckServers.com#8342: Omg what a cutieee PeckServers.com#8342: Thats not cool of him at all! Glad youre good tho burarahurricane#6369: omg@its a gay bee burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/lqbt-pride-pride-bee-rainbow-rainbow-bee-gif-25224190 burarahurricane#6369: my dad guilt tripped + gaslit me ahahahdgdhdj already been dealing w some stuff snd him making me feel like a burden and not good enough was the final straw 🧍its okay tho i finally stopped crying like twenty minutes ago :] we all good totally burarahurricane#6369: im aight <3 i stopped crying a little ago PeckServers.com#8342: You like.. ok and everything? PeckServers.com#8342: Shit what happened? PeckServers.com#8342: Muahahahhahah lisx#1702: the french lesson is tomorrow now... lisx#1702: Idk burarahurricane#6369: why cant japanese be a world labyage lisx#1702: it's a language burarahurricane#6369: why is french a world language lisx#1702: anyway lisx#1702: except for anime 😈 lisx#1702: nowhere teachers japanese \:( lisx#1702: they didn't teach japanese \:( lisx#1702: not really any specific reason lisx#1702: for lisx#1702: and I picked french lisx#1702: the options were chinese (which I already know so I'd be so bored and I hate being bored so NO), french or spanish burarahurricane#6369: oh yeah lisx#1702: because I have to do a "world language" next year burarahurricane#6369: why are you lrarning freench lisx#1702: and then I'd have motivation burarahurricane#6369: do it then lisx#1702: I'd actually want to lisx#1702: that'd be so much better lisx#1702: bro imagine if I could learn japanese instead of french burarahurricane#6369: i knowweewwwww lisx#1702: haven't seen you in forever burarahurricane#6369: i had a breakdown in a public space and i feel like shit. bees buzz buzz buzz guyses bonkers lisx#1702: alyssseeeeeeeee burarahurricane#6369: bonkers burarahurricane#6369: guyses burarahurricane#6369: guyses burarahurricane#6369: frick why did i say guyses burarahurricane#6369: what are your guyses opinions on bees burarahurricane#6369: slahs lighthearded slash not maf burarahurricane#6369: pRoPeR eNgLiSh this is discord and i am gothic font me PeckServers.com#8342: J'allais dire lisx#1702: google translate to the rescue lisx#1702: uhhh PeckServers.com#8342: Allez, tu as ça lisx#1702: oui lisx#1702: uhhh PeckServers.com#8342: Et après ? PeckServers.com#8342: Je l'ai fait PeckServers.com#8342: Muahaha PeckServers.com#8342: Ça va PeckServers.com#8342: time to go to my phone where those options are PeckServers.com#8342: that is PeckServers.com#8342: yeah lisx#1702: its pretty nice lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: thats powerfu; lisx#1702: you hold down and there are options PeckServers.com#8342: they have that? lisx#1702: it's the one good thing about using a mac lisx#1702: which means you pronounce it like "sa" instead of "ka" PeckServers.com#8342: yeah i dont wanna find the unicode for that tho lisx#1702: there's a cedilla under the 2nd c though lisx#1702: yes PeckServers.com#8342: comment ca va PeckServers.com#8342: see i know french PeckServers.com#8342: lmaoooo lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: basically: ca peut aller PeckServers.com#8342: les choses vont bien, même si elles sont en feu lisx#1702: which means things are going badly lisx#1702: you'll just use "ça va mal" PeckServers.com#8342: hold on PeckServers.com#8342: shoot lisx#1702: nope PeckServers.com#8342: is there a translation for everythings on fire and im dying? lisx#1702: with the most basic and robotic responses lisx#1702: *answer the how are you question lisx#1702: now you can introduce yourself lisx#1702: ``` Pour saluer et répondre : great and respond Comment ça va ? / Comment allez-vous ? : how are you? Je vais bien : I'm fine Très bien, merci : very well, thanks Ça va : fine pas mal : not bad ça peut aller : I'm getting by ça ne va pas / ça va mal : things aren't going well / things are going badly ``` lisx#1702: 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: hey, you, egg-heg PeckServers.com#8342: that sounds like a powerful insult lmao PeckServers.com#8342: rofl lisx#1702: at least thats what it sounds like to me lisx#1702: egg-heg lisx#1702: it's like PeckServers.com#8342: sounds like hieroglyphs or some shit PeckServers.com#8342: i cant make out what they are saying for y tho lisx#1702: yes PeckServers.com#8342: doublave PeckServers.com#8342: it just sounds like lazy english lisx#1702: watch the video PeckServers.com#8342: how do yhey PeckServers.com#8342: MY FAVORITE lisx#1702: you'll never guess how they pronounce Y PeckServers.com#8342: OH YAYYY L'ALPHABET lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LYy3P2okyw lisx#1702: listen to this french alphabet song lisx#1702: instead, lisx#1702: yeah cus then you aren't pronouncing it right PeckServers.com#8342: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: is it that bad lisx#1702: don't follow that instinct PeckServers.com#8342: it weird cause instinctively i wanna say jacques like jakwez lisx#1702: oh look at that, there's new vocab phrases on page 4 lisx#1702: Apparently, the name "Jacques" in French translates to "James" in English, even though it's pronounced like "Jack"... lisx#1702: But we've only gotten to like 92 in my lessons lisx#1702: there are 409 total PeckServers.com#8342: how many left? lisx#1702: one of which is mostly a picture lisx#1702: I've officially finished reading 2 pages of my textbook PeckServers.com#8342: well its not proper in english so your anger towards it is warranted lisx#1702: it's still annoying when you do it in english tho PeckServers.com#8342: weird ! burarahurricane#6369: NO WAY… ! lisx#1702: yes PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah like this ? lisx#1702: so apparently in french you always put a space in front of ❗ and ❓ and colons and semicolons PeckServers.com#8342: its yours lisx#1702: Somebody’s name is catfish PeckServers.com#8342: i have 3 sata ports left on the motherboard, i might do a raid 1 with 2 1tb hdd's and store these backups there instead. i dont wanna wear out the nand cells on all these ssds PeckServers.com#8342: one step closer to not losing everything PeckServers.com#8342: yayyy <@531264285385424916> i got webdav backup from my synology to my new file server set up!! PeckServers.com#8342: oof lmao lisx#1702: like 5 PeckServers.com#8342: how many hours were you running on then? lisx#1702: yes PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah isnt that when ismael told you to sleep lisx#1702: but then I was so tired that it didn't really work lisx#1702: I woke up at 7 yesterday lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: luckily work forces me to PeckServers.com#8342: itll make you happier over all PeckServers.com#8342: you should work to fix your sleep schedule lisx#1702: and I wouldn't have been able to sleep otherwise anyway because I went to bed really late the day *before* that too PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah standard weeb shiz lisx#1702: because I was watching anime lisx#1702: I went to bed at like 1 PeckServers.com#8342: what lead to that PeckServers.com#8342: goddamn lisx#1702: I woke up at 12 today PeckServers.com#8342: time bomb PeckServers.com#8342: where did time go PeckServers.com#8342: holy crap its 9 PeckServers.com#8342: we tend to do that a lot lisx#1702: since french is way older PeckServers.com#8342: honestly probably lisx#1702: english probably just stole it from french PeckServers.com#8342: i wonder if its cause of the latin root that they are both connected by lisx#1702: my french teacher said words like that that are spelled the exact same in french and english and called "cognates" PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/ba-dum-tsss-drum-band-gif-7320811 lisx#1702: that was very intelligent of you PeckServers.com#8342: learning things PeckServers.com#8342: yayyy lisx#1702: gj PeckServers.com#8342: so youre intelligente and im intelligent lisx#1702: and feminine is intelligente PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah lisx#1702: the masculine is intelligent PeckServers.com#8342: oof so close just a couple vowls lisx#1702: wait no lisx#1702: it's intelligente PeckServers.com#8342: i actually dont know PeckServers.com#8342: intellegante? lisx#1702: guess what intelligent in french is lisx#1702: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: gj PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, those are actually all intelligent ideas lmao lisx#1702: and practice cello lisx#1702: and also maybe stop watching anime lisx#1702: I'm going to get enough sleep so I'll be able to actually understand things lisx#1702: and most importantly PeckServers.com#8342: skimming makes it hard asf PeckServers.com#8342: yeah thats the only way to fully understand it lisx#1702: I need to read this book word by word PeckServers.com#8342: thats... a good question lisx#1702: hm\ PeckServers.com#8342: my french teach once told me that english is one of the best languages to know becuase its based off of almost all other ones and because its so damn complicated it kind of pre teaches you for the others lisx#1702: what does the infinitive of a verb mean though PeckServers.com#8342: vs we want vs they wanted vs she wanted and so on lisx#1702: I guess every english grammar rule just goes right over my head lisx#1702: I never thought about that lisx#1702: "I want" vs "they want" vs "she wants" or whatever PeckServers.com#8342: always am lisx#1702: like when you say lisx#1702: wait you're right PeckServers.com#8342: singular plural he she they we etc PeckServers.com#8342: it actually really closely relates to english PeckServers.com#8342: it makes sense tho PeckServers.com#8342: lmao lisx#1702: except to torture anyone who wants (or is forced to) learn french lisx#1702: why do they do that lisx#1702: so apparently the same verb is spelled differently depending on what subject pronoun or whatever you use in front of it lisx#1702: This makes me so confused i don’t even want to try PeckServers.com#8342: no way french is that easy PeckServers.com#8342: theres gotta be more PeckServers.com#8342: ok whats next PeckServers.com#8342: water mysteriously fills my lungs lisx#1702: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, whenever i see the language i cease to breathe too lisx#1702: this is great lisx#1702: and I'm gonna die soon lisx#1702: like I'm drowning in bunch of language stuff that I don't know lisx#1702: that's actually EXACTLY what it feels like lisx#1702: omg lisx#1702: learning French literally feels like drowning lisx#1702: because I can't think of any other way lisx#1702: yeah I think it's right PeckServers.com#8342: i dont actually know if thats right but it kind of looks like a singular vs plural thing lisx#1702: I forgot that was a thing lisx#1702: thanks cody lisx#1702: THAT MAKES A LOT OF SENSE lisx#1702: OH PeckServers.com#8342: no idea PeckServers.com#8342: maybe something like nos bird vs notre birds lisx#1702: but isn't "our" plural anyway lisx#1702: except nos is under the "plural" section lisx#1702: cus notre is "our" but nos is also "our" PeckServers.com#8342: is there anything below the bottom of that image? lisx#1702: whats the difference between notre and nos lisx#1702: I don't get the bottom part of this though PeckServers.com#8342: tf is an ordinature again? lisx#1702: I guess lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: un vs une PeckServers.com#8342: ooh so the prefix thingy with e at the end is feminine lisx#1702: because that's how it works lisx#1702: soon I *will* know it lisx#1702: and uh lisx#1702: but for now I'm just gonna pretend I know the articles lisx#1702: I should know that lisx#1702: it's called articles lisx#1702: articles 😭 lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: its kinda fun tho, youll get it soon lisx#1702: fr 😭 PeckServers.com#8342: is what its called PeckServers.com#8342: too much work lisx#1702: let me find the page- lisx#1702: okay I think thats called PeckServers.com#8342: and la teacher is female PeckServers.com#8342: le teacher is male PeckServers.com#8342: la and le PeckServers.com#8342: but they do this really weird thing where they do (la) or (le) teacher for female or male lisx#1702: what's the difference between she and her lisx#1702: wait PeckServers.com#8342: yeah so normally we say things like teacher lisx#1702: so I'm trying to figure out this chart rn lisx#1702: this is totally gonna work PeckServers.com#8342: lmao lisx#1702: thanks lisx#1702: yay PeckServers.com#8342: we can learn together PeckServers.com#8342: ill be there with you PeckServers.com#8342: yeah so you should just do it lisx#1702: because school lisx#1702: but I kind *have* to PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, but sometimes in life you just gotta do it if you wanna get better at it lisx#1702: and memorizing things is boring lisx#1702: because I hate it and I don't want to study PeckServers.com#8342: whys that lisx#1702: I don't know if I'll be able to get through summer if I keep taking French either PeckServers.com#8342: i literally asked my teach and she laughed then told me lisx#1702: anytime soon lisx#1702: I don't think my teacher will teach me that though lisx#1702: of course you'd know that lisx#1702: bruh 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: and apparently fuck shit and all other related things are just the same word cause they dont do insults the same way or something PeckServers.com#8342: yeha PeckServers.com#8342: "lazy eye brown" PeckServers.com#8342: and i tried to be class clown and said lazy eye PeckServers.com#8342: i only know cause it was an excersixe in class PeckServers.com#8342: eyes i think lisx#1702: but ok lisx#1702: i don't know what that means lisx#1702: there are like a billion different possessive adjectives PeckServers.com#8342: les yeux lisx#1702: so apparently PeckServers.com#8342: thatd be kind of cool actually lmao lisx#1702: lisx#1702: it'll be *fun* lisx#1702: wanna relearn french with me PeckServers.com#8342: i completely failed tho cause i suck at school PeckServers.com#8342: shes cool PeckServers.com#8342: yeah i had mrs gaskell for french PeckServers.com#8342: oh lisx#1702: you wouldn't know them lisx#1702: because shes old and doesn't know how to use the computer half the time PeckServers.com#8342: who is ti? lisx#1702: and I don't like the teacher person PeckServers.com#8342: lisa with a+ effort over here lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: thats a good start PeckServers.com#8342: oh lisx#1702: so I just didn't go PeckServers.com#8342: howd it go? lisx#1702: but I didn't study PeckServers.com#8342: turbo mega mongo weeb lisx#1702: I had a french lesson today PeckServers.com#8342: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: you already do lisx#1702: I'd do it anyway lisx#1702: not that I need an excuse to watch anime PeckServers.com#8342: plus thats just an excuse to watch anime and grow into a mega weeb lisx#1702: it's je m'appelle PeckServers.com#8342: yeah yeah its been like 3 years lisx#1702: right lisx#1702: not lisx#1702: that's PeckServers.com#8342: j'mapelle PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, but they are cool words PeckServers.com#8342: *right* exactly lisx#1702: you have to like memorize words tho PeckServers.com#8342: and dont you already have some knowledge in it? lisx#1702: right lisx#1702: watching anime would be studying PeckServers.com#8342: its a cool language tho lisx#1702: then lisx#1702: if only I could do japanese instead lisx#1702: and I have 0 motivation PeckServers.com#8342: grandma destroyed you lisx#1702: also Idk if I wanna keep doing french anymore cus it sucks PeckServers.com#8342: bingo lmaoooo lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: is it the "you fucking weeb" part PeckServers.com#8342: but are you a weeb? PeckServers.com#8342: oh dang East Germany Is Going Great#1917: top 33 teams in the country PeckServers.com#8342: and its not the failed finals part East Germany Is Going Great#1917: for speech and debate East Germany Is Going Great#1917: At nationals PeckServers.com#8342: deep down you know part of its true PeckServers.com#8342: what even is octos? lisx#1702: nah East Germany Is Going Great#1917: Actually I made it to octos PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/QxwUt23vPbs @here Dyno#3861: Dyno#3861: lisx#1702: back in the day when lisx#1702: 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/zNaKFVOs9qw Maulie#8927: The amount of boobie jokes I've heard on this trip. The blue footed boobie burarahurricane#6369: i hate english burarahurricane#6369: but have different meanings depending on where you put the emphasis burarahurricane#6369: where theyre spelled the exact same burarahurricane#6369: they’re another one of those Words burarahurricane#6369: and record burarahurricane#6369: record burarahurricane#6369: oh my god burarahurricane#6369: wait burarahurricane#6369: we need to record this in the . records burarahurricane#6369: a new member burarahurricane#6369: no way burarahurricane#6369: HELLO CONCRETE GAMES LLC DISCORD SERVER ! Mocha#3331: Bro I pulled up with the blueprints they were giving me all they're cool rocks for my goated idea PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah, you were one of the ones to invent the wheel too right Mocha#3331: The old city of mesopotamia the ones who invented the wheel PeckServers.com#8342: Old PeckServers.com#8342: Ancient PeckServers.com#8342: M... mesopotamia? Maulie#8927: Mesopatamic? PeckServers.com#8342: I want to say my original account was in 2016 but i cant remember PeckServers.com#8342: Hes mesopotamic Maulie#8927: Secs made his in 2018 PeckServers.com#8342: Youre ancient johno Maulie#8927: I registered this account in 2019? Dyno#3861: lisx#1702: Wait why can you mention everyone Dyno#3861: lisx#1702: bye PeckServers.com#8342: gn humans PeckServers.com#8342: holy crap its 10:30 PeckServers.com#8342: that would make sense lisx#1702: I think I joined this server the day after I got this account PeckServers.com#8342: oh lisx#1702: yeah I think so PeckServers.com#8342: 2020? PeckServers.com#8342: wait when did you again? lisx#1702: I didn't join in 2019 PeckServers.com#8342: what happened to you joining in 2019? PeckServers.com#8342: wow im a server admin loser too Dyno#3861: lisx#1702: oh look at that, I've almost been in this server for two months PeckServers.com#8342: server admin lol Dyno#3861: PeckServers.com#8342: weird how it was made at 5:04AM tho PeckServers.com#8342: time flies PeckServers.com#8342: dang thats almost 2 Dyno#3861: Commander Lumbar support#1704: #7 is over a year old Commander Lumbar support#1704: kool Dyno#3861: lisx#1702: -_- PeckServers.com#8342: not for you but everyone else PeckServers.com#8342: that was a fun couple days Commander Lumbar support#1704: maybe\ lisx#1702: lisx#1702: remember that one time when you guys were ghostpinging me PeckServers.com#8342: idk why, but you do you Commander Lumbar support#1704: thats why she got this account Commander Lumbar support#1704: mhm PeckServers.com#8342: they never lie PeckServers.com#8342: remember lisas notes Commander Lumbar support#1704: ||*same*|| PeckServers.com#8342: you guys busted that one in like 5 minutes PeckServers.com#8342: yeah mines thawunguy lisx#1702: I still don't believe that Commander Lumbar support#1704: so still nobody knows who that is PeckServers.com#8342: all of mine are gone i think PeckServers.com#8342: no actually believe it or not Commander Lumbar support#1704: was kunami one of your alts? PeckServers.com#8342: we have a game that some of us play here where we see how long we can make an alt blend in Finnplayz_#1183: 👀 Commander Lumbar support#1704: i ahev around 30 PeckServers.com#8342: true ture Finnplayz_#1183: Everyone needs at least 5 PeckServers.com#8342: he is <@802665920400982016> Commander Lumbar support#1704: huzzah Finnplayz_#1183: Who is George lol PeckServers.com#8342: we have a.. problem with alts PeckServers.com#8342: *sighs relief* PeckServers.com#8342: ok its not georges ok lisx#1702: thats an old account Dyno#3861: Finnplayz_#1183: Through <@454805555626639371> PeckServers.com#8342: no shot its georges alt Finnplayz_#1183: That would be Walter PeckServers.com#8342: where you find us from? PeckServers.com#8342: awesome, nice to meet you lmao Finnplayz_#1183: I’ll fit in Finnplayz_#1183: That pretty much sums up my server usage lol PeckServers.com#8342: get your spotlight stolen lmao lisx#1702: that was literally exactly what I was going to say lmao PeckServers.com#8342: where we are all definately active PeckServers.com#8342: welcome to our paradise! PeckServers.com#8342: hi william PeckServers.com#8342: get rekt lisa lisx#1702: bruh Finnplayz_#1183: William Finnplayz_#1183: Actually wrong lol lisx#1702: just a guess lisx#1702: their name is Finn Finnplayz_#1183: Hello lisx#1702: I think PeckServers.com#8342: welcome <@342134452673183744> , who is you? PeckServers.com#8342: its been atleast 3 centuries i think lisx#1702: whens the last time that happened PeckServers.com#8342: n..n..nn..new member? PeckServers.com#8342: the only treatment is death unfortunately lisx#1702: I don't think it's treatable either PeckServers.com#8342: its probably terminal boredom PeckServers.com#8342: true lisx#1702: well I'm always really bored so PeckServers.com#8342: thats pretty cool tho lisx#1702: I was probably really bored PeckServers.com#8342: yeah yeah lisx#1702: lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: how long it take you PeckServers.com#8342: lmao i thought you hadnt yet PeckServers.com#8342: oh thats insane lisx#1702: a year ago lisx#1702: I built it lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: oh have you built it? lisx#1702: if thats what you're talking about lisx#1702: I already got the picture lol lisx#1702: did what? PeckServers.com#8342: then you could say that you did PeckServers.com#8342: you should do it lisa Mocha#3331: so true Mocha#3331: lmao lisx#1702: well the lego is to scale so Mocha#3331: it looks real nice Mocha#3331: that fits really well lol WalterJS#2477: lol lisx#1702: 😎 lisx#1702: so I can do that lisx#1702: I saw the picture and I was like I gotta get it lisx#1702: isn't it amazing lisx#1702: @here lisx#1702: nvm too much work Mocha#3331: oh ok lol Mocha#3331: it'd never compare to the actual thing built in your room tho lisx#1702: let me finish my meme lisx#1702: one sec lisx#1702: ikr Mocha#3331: oh shit that looks pretty cool it's almost like it's the actual building lisx#1702: lisx#1702: let me show you Mocha#3331: of like the actual building? Mocha#3331: wdym you have a picture to go with it lisx#1702: the only reason I got the picture is because it can match my lego Mocha#3331: wow that's really cool lisx#1702: today I got a picture to go with it lisx#1702: *well* lisx#1702: https://discord.com/channels/549747067606532096/549747067606532098/827987902784733264 Mocha#3331: what lego thingy Mocha#3331: No? lisx#1702: remember that lego thingy i made Mocha#3331: yes lisa lisx#1702: GUYSSSSSSSSS PeckServers.com#8342: network switch, its what connects everything to the router and firewall on a network username123115#4960: whats a switch PeckServers.com#8342: You know you love it Mocha#3331: Nerd talk PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeah with the government grant they are replacing everything give_a_minute#1155: that's a lot of hardware they got give_a_minute#1155: still????? PeckServers.com#8342: Thx lmao give_a_minute#1155: I wish you the best of luck PeckServers.com#8342: They have new ones every week give_a_minute#1155: I thought that ended an era ago lol PeckServers.com#8342: So far its lookin like its gonna cost a lot PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah, their surplus auction give_a_minute#1155: utah tech give_a_minute#1155: er give_a_minute#1155: at dixie? PeckServers.com#8342: Too many lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Hopefully of i win the auction on this switch i can connect all important servers at 10 gig give_a_minute#1155: you have a lot of those optiplexes give_a_minute#1155: yeahh PeckServers.com#8342: Super secret code and files PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah itll be development projects and code/site storage so having dataloss would be infinitely bad give_a_minute#1155: what're you guys gonna be storing on that give_a_minute#1155: that's quite the safety measure lmao give_a_minute#1155: cool PeckServers.com#8342: Raid z3 means 3 drives can fail outright without data loss PeckServers.com#8342: Its 16 256GB ssds in a raid z3 PeckServers.com#8342: About 3TB give_a_minute#1155: how much storage do you have now PeckServers.com#8342: Yes, on these dell proprietary boards they usually only have 3 or 4, but for things like file servers they may need 60-100 so they get these sas cards and use a backplane system to hook up a theoretical infinite amount of drives give_a_minute#1155: didn't know you could do that give_a_minute#1155: there's only 4 originally right? as in sata connections give_a_minute#1155: ooohhhhhhh that makes a lot of sense PeckServers.com#8342: A SAS or "serial attached scsi" controller and and splitter, thats how the ssds connect to the motherboard give_a_minute#1155: what're the thingys in the pci e slots WalterJS#2477: Oh wow that’s a ton PeckServers.com#8342: 16 ssds PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> daas file server Mocha#3331: anytime it always helps me lisx#1702: Thanks for the ”go back to sleep” suggestion lisx#1702: Yeah Mocha#3331: 👍 Mocha#3331: that's pretty good lisx#1702: But not as much lisx#1702: But I’m still tired lisx#1702: I’m alive PeckServers.com#8342: Good night lisx#1702: Good night lisx#1702: you can't watch anime if you can't keep your eyes open lisx#1702: you know what they say PeckServers.com#8342: You got this lisa, we believe in you lisx#1702: That’s a good iead lisx#1702: Wow PeckServers.com#8342: What a novel concept Mocha#3331: Just go back to sleep lisx#1702: If I walk for more than a thousand steps today I think I’ll just collapse lisx#1702: I’m going to die today lisx#1702: I went to bed at 2 and woke up at 7:30 and my body can’t take it anymore lisx#1702: I didn’t know this was a thing last time Mocha#3331: Too bad anish isn't here this time I was rooting for him last time lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75uIaJdCe4M lisx#1702: okay so I know this is ultimately nerdy but loookkkk! PeckServers.com#8342: Mornin lisx#1702: Morning fam EJCaldwell#2924: same here PeckServers.com#8342: #same lisx#1702: Can’t sleep PeckServers.com#8342: the one and only server friendly Virus PeckServers.com#8342: OH LOOK daddy <@431540078784020491> is online!!! PeckServers.com#8342: they probably want you to be aware of how sexually active you are PeckServers.com#8342: on what? lisx#1702: WHY THIS IS AN OPTION 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: Then he could dmca takedown PeckServers.com#8342: Class action in fact lisx#1702: he could sue PeckServers.com#8342: We should ask our friendly neighborhood ginger liam! lisx#1702: I bet the gingers are mad lisx#1702: they definitely should get banned for that PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah, thats what im saying. They have some real gall lisx#1702: ginger? that's kinda hair-racist of them PeckServers.com#8342: I see ginger, do you see *any* others? PeckServers.com#8342: Just a hearty game of word guesser burarahurricane#6369: LMAOOO PeckServers.com#8342: Bro wat lisx#1702: 😏 Commander Lumbar support#1704: you're* Commander Lumbar support#1704: you had one job PeckServers.com#8342: Anyone want a goddamn bucket truck? PeckServers.com#8342: https://m.publicsurplus.com/sms/dixiescit,ut/auction/view?auc=3062738 PeckServers.com#8342: Wow tuesday stinks burarahurricane#6369: lmaooo PeckServers.com#8342: Wouldnt your computer crash or something PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah it used to be a problem for you lmao lisx#1702: \*alysse back in the day spending 2 minutes counting their tabs* burarahurricane#6369: ^ not that much whihc is good ive calmed down since my 120 tabs days burarahurricane#6369: i have 48 open on my phone and theyre all ao3 ^-^ PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: I have 7 and 2 of them are youtube username123115#4960: i have 92 and its taking up 6 gigs of ram xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nice Mocha#3331: I have like ten tabs open and only like two of them aren't smash related 💀 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you can always tell what a person is like based on the amount of tabs open and what those tabs are xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I just realized something lisx#1702: What a happy reunion that was for you guys PeckServers.com#8342: havent seen you in awhile PeckServers.com#8342: holy shit <@781364813447561257> is online! Mocha#3331: but yeah I'll remind you fs Mocha#3331: oh ofc EJCaldwell#2924: i am totally not saying that because he is my uncle EJCaldwell#2924: also the boss is a chill guy EJCaldwell#2924: just have to remind me Mocha#3331: I'll just wait for sunday for you to give it to your boss then EJCaldwell#2924: i don't know if they even have a website EJCaldwell#2924: i don't know Mocha#3331: can I apply online actually? EJCaldwell#2924: on sunday i will talk to my boss and give him your info if you can work Mocha#3331: yeah there EJCaldwell#2924: Anasazi or some different spelling of it Mocha#3331: I forgot the name but I know where it is I'm pretty sure EJCaldwell#2924: if you want to apply there EJCaldwell#2924: just like DM me your phone number and first and last name EJCaldwell#2924: just have to remind me EJCaldwell#2924: i will ask when i go back to work on sunday if you want EJCaldwell#2924: you know where i work right? EJCaldwell#2924: and the tips were 2/3 of the money i got EJCaldwell#2924: i think they are Mocha#3331: no where is responding to my applications and I have no connections 😢 Mocha#3331: are they still hiring? username123115#4960: Are you now a rich boi EJCaldwell#2924: just got my paycheck and i did not know how much tips were and i am fine with that lisx#1702: okay this is so weird but my esc key wasn't working, and when I turned off siri, it started working again burarahurricane#6369: wooOoOooOo PeckServers.com#8342: Insane in the membrane Mocha#3331: sanest fairy tail enjoyer lisx#1702: This is the sanest I’ll get PeckServers.com#8342: She needs a hug PeckServers.com#8342: Fax lisx#1702: the comment section gives me anxiety lisx#1702: isn't that just statistics lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/7snnRaC4t5c lisx#1702: Apparently there’s a diagnosable condition called math anxiety Mocha#3331: Lisa I think summer has made you clinically insane lisx#1702: If you think about it lisx#1702: No it totally is Mocha#3331: Cg is not like your cartoon Mocha#3331: Never speak again lisa lisx#1702: I've been thinking about this a lot (for the last twenty minutes), and you know, cg is kind of like fairy tail lisx#1702: *Problems identified. 1 solution found: watch anime* lisx#1702: Ikr PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Me: trying to sleep for work tomorrow My mind: PeckServers.com#8342: Muahahaha EJCaldwell#2924: <@852187118113652776> change my name back PeckServers.com#8342: Oof EJCaldwell#2924: zombie hit me off PeckServers.com#8342: Bro how you keep getting stuck? EJCaldwell#2924: gm EJCaldwell#2924: whenever i say that i get unstuck EJCaldwell#2924: and i am now stuck again EJCaldwell#2924: nvm EJCaldwell#2924: and i am still stuck in the void on the server EJCaldwell#2924: don't make fun of my spelling PeckServers.com#8342: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: borgle EJCaldwell#2924: i can't spell PeckServers.com#8342: yayyy first time winner! GN everyone! burarahurricane#6369: bye :( lisx#1702: 💧 lisx#1702: that i spammmed too much ig lisx#1702: i was so happy that you used my picture burarahurricane#6369: ///?????? lmao lisx#1702: yeah I can vouch that he was burarahurricane#6369: this is true burarahurricane#6369: lmaoo PeckServers.com#8342: I mean there was like 4 peiple yelling into it lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Oof burarahurricane#6369: guy s my left ear is still messed up lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Bruh i was the only one that wasn't lmao WalterJS#2477: Cody was on my computer WalterJS#2477: …. WalterJS#2477: ❤️ men WalterJS#2477: hi WalterJS#2477: ummm WalterJS#2477: hi i6ys mre 22wqalter PeckServers.com#8342: premium youtube feed here PeckServers.com#8342: aah yes PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzh4VLLD5RI burarahurricane#6369: but its ok i just refreshed snd it workrd burarahurricane#6369: and it said that burarahurricane#6369: and so i was in the process of signing up burarahurricane#6369: i haf to make another alt so my spouse would unblock me Maulie#8927: What did you do to get that message? PeckServers.com#8342: Ofc, glad I could help 😊 burarahurricane#6369: thank u that clears it up PeckServers.com#8342: Well basically the resource you are trying to use is being rate limited burarahurricane#6369: wht does this mean PeckServers.com#8342: Feels like both 5 minutes and 5 months at the same time burarahurricane#6369: wtf burarahurricane#6369: wait thats it username123115#4960: a week of summer username123115#4960: its been like username123115#4960: wow xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fr WalterJS#2477: That person was so bad WalterJS#2477: Lmfao EJCaldwell#2924: this was the game EJCaldwell#2924: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🤦 EJCaldwell#2924: and it took me 13 moves EJCaldwell#2924: i was up 20 EJCaldwell#2924: when i mated them xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rip EJCaldwell#2924: i just had a guy that was even worse xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but gj xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that guy wasn't very good smh EJCaldwell#2924: i just had the shortest chess win i think i have ever got xXthat1redheadXx#9990: he's the entire reason I was cutting open lithium batteries today! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/CTVd_WxblGII love nile red Maulie#8927: Your opponent wasn't great but you shouldn't have castled queenside, that whole area was open Kingside would've been a little better EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: i think i just had my best chess game ever PeckServers.com#8342: and very good looking PeckServers.com#8342: smooth and hard burarahurricane#6369: when cody PeckServers.com#8342: Im a board PeckServers.com#8342: caffeine up the wazoo is bad for sleep PeckServers.com#8342: well now you know lmfaooo lisx#1702: and sweet lisx#1702: it was pink lisx#1702: I'd never had it before xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/OdBhynG9SVg xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/z9lda5k3xis xXthat1redheadXx#9990: when you listen to the insrumentals you can clearly tell xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if you listen to the background it's the same in both xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the first one was made in 2015 and the second in 2019 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://open.spotify.com/track/4LNRuQo3X25SpLxd4d97FO?si=99d2a7a4fa024772 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://open.spotify.com/track/2u0CelO5c81XS7z3dGpHbS?si=1e4b353953214328 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so listen to this xXthat1redheadXx#9990: GUYS!!! I think I found some copywrite xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🙀 Maulie#8927: This is why I don't drink energy drinks PeckServers.com#8342: What did you think would happen PeckServers.com#8342: Lisaaaa burarahurricane#6369: why eould you do that lisx#1702: Guys… help…..I had like a whole can of monster before I went to bed and now I can’t sleep lisx#1702: How was that “soon” PeckServers.com#8342: Rhythm TWEEZERS? PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljtMmLD4p7w im sorry but WHAT the HELL is this game? PeckServers.com#8342: Shitland xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and good dirt xXthat1redheadXx#9990: very nice xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👆 👌 😩 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🐏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🐑 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: shetland PeckServers.com#8342: meh, mines better 😏 Mocha#3331: Wrong song it's the one by Carti 😡 PeckServers.com#8342: yeah yeah woo woo PeckServers.com#8342: To get up, get up, get up so cash your checks and get up Hey my nigga we havin' a wonderful day and I won't fuck with me. Why? Mocha#3331: That's not how the song goes 😡 lisx#1702: I’m up Mocha#3331: It's the first of the monthhh Mocha#3331: Wake uppppp PeckServers.com#8342: Well yes but world map Minecraft server burarahurricane#6369: you know you love it ! burarahurricane#6369: play with lisa and i pspspsps https://skribbl.io/?z4z7GKjv8MCy PeckServers.com#8342: hehe youve been fooled into conforming xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no burarahurricane#6369: oh my god lisx#1702: THAT WASNT IN MEXICO lisx#1702: WHOA PeckServers.com#8342: It's South America I know PeckServers.com#8342: Shush I was trying to be funny Maulie#8927: Mexico? PeckServers.com#8342: ai is definately taking over the world WalterJS#2477: sometimes its stupid WalterJS#2477: and then you just make minor adjustments as needed WalterJS#2477: fr lisx#1702: That’s kinda insane lisx#1702: Wow WalterJS#2477: for context clues WalterJS#2477: and its able to analyze all of hte other code in the project WalterJS#2477: like you start writing a bit and then its able to auto complete WalterJS#2477: it just knows lisx#1702: How do you tell it what you want it to code WalterJS#2477: github copilot wrote literally this entire section of code for me WalterJS#2477: this is sooooo cooooool! burarahurricane#6369: yeah :( burarahurricane#6369: by e lisx#1702: Bye lisx#1702: Oh no I’ve gone past my sleep schedule lisx#1702: Did your phone pretend to be a girl burarahurricane#6369: i ve been SCAMMED lisx#1702: What does that even mean burarahurricane#6369: oh my god….ive been catfished by my own phone….. burarahurricane#6369: wait ehat time is it burarahurricane#6369: https://www.wright.edu/ lisx#1702: Wright burarahurricane#6369: i k n o w r i g h t lisx#1702: W o w t h a t w a s s o f u n n y burarahurricane#6369: slash inside joke pensive emoji burarahurricane#6369: Hey That Wasnt My Music Phase lisx#1702: All of it except for Taylor swift was lisx#1702: Well lisx#1702: My music taste in 2020 was super super cringe lisx#1702: You were a music missionary PeckServers.com#8342: and it has a slightly positive energy, just enough not to exist PeckServers.com#8342: scientists recently discovered it, its basically a black square quark lisx#1702: Like a black hole, but a square lisx#1702: It’s just a black square PeckServers.com#8342: i always knew this spot in mexico didnt exist PeckServers.com#8342: shoot, exposed lisx#1702: Not that you’d know PeckServers.com#8342: girls = bad news PeckServers.com#8342: youd be 1000% correct lisx#1702: Cody exposed lisx#1702: 😆 lisx#1702: I think that just means you don’t know any girls lisx#1702: It’s also everyone’s forever music phase PeckServers.com#8342: hehe PeckServers.com#8342: you mean nobodys music phase PeckServers.com#8342: if everyone is you then you arent wron lisx#1702: It’s also everyone’s last music phase lisx#1702: Everyone’s first music phase is Taylor swift lisx#1702: Scary lisx#1702: They were kinda b\*\*\*\*\*\* WalterJS#2477: it was just fire WalterJS#2477: yeah 2020 was the year that I converted everyone to my music taste ngl WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1EM5GvglGtOnyY?si=ea8f4bf9ff93423e dope playlist WalterJS#2477: the kid laroi was a thing WalterJS#2477: oh wait tho WalterJS#2477: oh damn my favorite song of 2020 was definitely Goat - Lil Tjay WalterJS#2477: tons of tjay, melly, juice wrld, etc oooo lil durk WalterJS#2477: ransom WalterJS#2477: broke af WalterJS#2477: we got like F.N. which is an absolute bop WalterJS#2477: 2019 was a dope year for music xXthat1redheadXx#9990: not I WalterJS#2477: alright its the same exact thing WalterJS#2477: fast forward to 2018 lets see what i got WalterJS#2477: thats true PeckServers.com#8342: its when you dont really know what there is to offer PeckServers.com#8342: i feel like thats everyones first music phase tho WalterJS#2477: I just pulled up my top songs from 2017 on spotify and i used to be one of those nerds who listened to trap music WalterJS#2477: frfr PeckServers.com#8342: ransom is a bop WalterJS#2477: ok so 2019 ransom 2020 camelot 2021 keys 2022 hotbox WalterJS#2477: wait nvm ransom came out 2019 WalterJS#2477: I think i have compiled the definitive list of my favorite song per year since 2020 2020: Ransom 2021: keys 2022: Hotbox xXthat1redheadXx#9990: absolutely not xXthat1redheadXx#9990: see xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok I don't like them together they look gross but by themselves yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: look at these guys ❤️‍🔥 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: WalterJS#2477: bruh 😂 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you are forgiven 🙏 WalterJS#2477: That’s true xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and satasfying WalterJS#2477: Sorry? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and cool WalterJS#2477: this new song is gonna be my 2022 summer vibe lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: they're so cute xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I now want a millipede WalterJS#2477: It was around the time with like tessa and angel and pretty much just all of last summer WalterJS#2477: Kinda after WalterJS#2477: Yeah around there but not really xXthat1redheadXx#9990: why are centipedes so frickin scary dude xXthat1redheadXx#9990: bro wth xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so disappointing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's slower xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but still xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *not* 1000 but 400-750 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh nvm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: how can a thing with 100 legs be faster than something with 1000? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I am confused xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idek lisx#1702: No I think it was xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it was not the time period lisx#1702: Was it *the* time period? lisx#1702: I’m not 100% sure what your talking about but lisx#1702: Oh WalterJS#2477: it has to do with where I was at during the time period lisx#1702: But not really super super good lisx#1702: It’s okay lisx#1702: I think that songs kinda overrated WalterJS#2477: Honestly comparable to keys WalterJS#2477: dude I love that song I think it’s too 3 favs rn WalterJS#2477: https://youtu.be/RK02u7bwqV8 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: **t̴̄̎h̶̽́e̸̛͊ ̴́̚r̸͑̃ă̶̍y̴̑̿ć̷͝i̵̛͐ṅ̷͊s̸̀͒** lisx#1702: I like it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: is it like a job xXthat1redheadXx#9990: do you get money xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: horrifying? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😸 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: there is cat logo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah Mocha#3331: that sounds sick as hell man good shit 😤 Mocha#3331: yo you just like me fr lisx#1702: Putting together furniture is like legos irl lisx#1702: Jokes on you it doesn’t matter WalterJS#2477: Here I’ll send u a video of what it can do xXthat1redheadXx#9990: same but we still will do it 😈 WalterJS#2477: No but GitHub copilot is actually the coolest thing ever lisx#1702: #waltershewmakeisoverparty WalterJS#2477: Jokes on you I don’t use twitter lisx#1702: We’re canceling you on Twitter if you don’t xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😀 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yalls deserve it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm leaving a verbal clap xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idec xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👏 👏 clap WalterJS#2477: hahaha WalterJS#2477: Yes I will be back on June 30th guys WalterJS#2477: Haha yeah that’s a good way to learn xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I expect to see you on June 30th lisx#1702: It’s so sad xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: understand xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I care cause a lot of the times I don't understand so I listen so that I can better WalterJS#2477: hahah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes I'm acquainted with that WalterJS#2477: like me WalterJS#2477: and then get excited about random ass stuff that nobody cares about but nerds WalterJS#2477: where I talk a lil xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol WalterJS#2477: you need to be prepared for my single appearance every month xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes WalterJS#2477: if ur in CG WalterJS#2477: listen WalterJS#2477: lmfao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ||what|| xXthat1redheadXx#9990: COOLLL!!!! WalterJS#2477: ITS BASICALLY AN AI PROGRAMMER THAT AUTOCOMPLETES YOUR CODE WalterJS#2477: THIS IS SICK WalterJS#2477: I JUST GOT APPROVED FOR GITHUB COPILOT WalterJS#2477: GUYS!!!! Maulie#8927: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HHN2oxFIWKA PeckServers.com#8342: On one plant you have both and female flowers so as long as you can get the pollen from male to female you can grow pumpkins from only one plant PeckServers.com#8342: Did you know that pumpkin plants are kind of asexual username123115#4960: ooooooof PeckServers.com#8342: freaking hell, i planted my giant pumpkin plant not 2 weeks ago and theres already bugs living on it EJCaldwell#2924: What the frick lisx#1702: I should start using that Mocha#3331: I'm busy not being bored Mocha#3331: Not rn sadly Maulie#8927: Chess.com? Mocha#3331: PeckServers.com#8342: maybe with a player swinging behind it PeckServers.com#8342: yeah good idea WalterJS#2477: I’m thinking like a baseball moving towards you with like headphones on WalterJS#2477: I just got an idea PeckServers.com#8342: something with a walking baseball player and the music symbol WalterJS#2477: cant think of anything WalterJS#2477: no not at all PeckServers.com#8342: Sweet, you got anything in mind yet? WalterJS#2477: for the app icon and obviously im gonna have a discord server for it WalterJS#2477: I need to figure out a logo for it WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/2HKv5HnXAAOoQdluLGTYMM?si=b1b2673f56bc4ab8 <@852187118113652776> <@726265256082407504> WalterJS#2477: right now im working on the song selection part WalterJS#2477: looking good so far WalterJS#2477: but uh WalterJS#2477: i had to completely remake it WalterJS#2477: going good PeckServers.com#8342: hey walter, hows walkup going? Mocha#3331: lmfaooo PeckServers.com#8342: Juuustt.. likkeee... You.... WalterJS#2477: I just asked my dad he says he thinks it’s a mess up WalterJS#2477: Maybe it’ll go away next year when we’re at the HS officially in PowerSchool WalterJS#2477: idk why that’s included in our class rank it’s kinda stupid WalterJS#2477: I didn’t give af in 7th and 8th WalterJS#2477: Same Mocha#3331: I'm like 88th cause seventh grade me decided to just not get a 4.0 username123115#4960: o xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it was like that last year too but Ik people last year that were also first so xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idk username123115#4960: is it cause you have higher grades username123115#4960: :((( xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: except for me 😈 😈 😈 😈 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: everyone with a 4.0 has "2 of 476" username123115#4960: why is it 2 >:( username123115#4960: reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee PeckServers.com#8342: yeah same xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I wonder... PeckServers.com#8342: yo whos this again? that pfp keeps catching my eye, its god awful lisx#1702: that's probably why they get paid WalterJS#2477: doctors have a hard job guys WalterJS#2477: but no signs of bacteria in my ears or throat or anything just inflamation WalterJS#2477: with a delayed onset feaver which leads me to think its bacterial WalterJS#2477: and then I got sick like 5 days after I finished the antibiotics WalterJS#2477: apparently if you take antibiotics with mono you get a rash WalterJS#2477: I wish I could remember if I got a rash WalterJS#2477: and they worked WalterJS#2477: they gave me antibiotics WalterJS#2477: because when I was first sick like 3 weeks ago, WalterJS#2477: it doesnt all add up though PeckServers.com#8342: Then i ate his ramen leftovers PeckServers.com#8342: Walters PeckServers.com#8342: It really is mysterious lisx#1702: have you ate anyone elses ramen lately WalterJS#2477: ayo PeckServers.com#8342: Atleast not mouths anywhere near eachother WalterJS#2477: oh PeckServers.com#8342: Nope WalterJS#2477: what about your mom WalterJS#2477: its the mono mystery PeckServers.com#8342: Maybe, but statistically i havent kissed anyone in 5 years lisx#1702: the mysterious case of mono WalterJS#2477: jk WalterJS#2477: I bLaMe YoU cOdY WalterJS#2477: you're the most likely to have it out of me lydia and everyone statistically PeckServers.com#8342: The plot thickens WalterJS#2477: or who knows maybe you gave it to me PeckServers.com#8342: The ramen strikes back PeckServers.com#8342: Kms lmao WalterJS#2477: remember when u and jack ate my ramen WalterJS#2477: bro if i have it then you probably have it PeckServers.com#8342: I dont want that shit WalterJS#2477: idk PeckServers.com#8342: Cause isnt it airborne too PeckServers.com#8342: Get tested WalterJS#2477: hey I might not even have mono we dont know for sure ok PeckServers.com#8342: Proba WalterJS#2477: maybe she didnt know PeckServers.com#8342: Kind of like chicken pox lisx#1702: did lydia not tell you she got mono before kissing you then or something 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: Thats good WalterJS#2477: once you do get sick from it WalterJS#2477: I mean at least you wont ever get sick again PeckServers.com#8342: Wow humans suck WalterJS#2477: it stays in your system for the rest of your life WalterJS#2477: nope PeckServers.com#8342: Theres no way to get rid of it then? WalterJS#2477: and you dont have symptoms for like 2 months after getting it WalterJS#2477: your contagious for like 3-18months after you get it WalterJS#2477: well once you have it, you have it forever PeckServers.com#8342: It passes liek a cold does right WalterJS#2477: if I do have mono its not that big of a deal PeckServers.com#8342: Hehe WalterJS#2477: nerd joke WalterJS#2477: lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: Bro, you shouldve got stereo, its waaay better Mocha#3331: damn you probably actually have mono💀 WalterJS#2477: but I dont have strep, I dont have covid, I dont have the flu WalterJS#2477: but since im starting to feel better we didnt test today WalterJS#2477: cuz the thing is it would take 2 weeks to get a blood count and determine if I actually have mono WalterJS#2477: but anyway my doctor said that if I dont feel better by sunday morning then I need to call her up and we will do a blood test WalterJS#2477: she could have given it to me like 2 months ago WalterJS#2477: no chance that I gave it to her PeckServers.com#8342: You probably either got it from or gave it to lydia then Mocha#3331: dam you be making out and shi WalterJS#2477: pretty much heres what my doctor said WalterJS#2477: well technically it can be an STI but its primarily transmitted through saliva PeckServers.com#8342: Illegal Mocha#3331: not even eye contact PeckServers.com#8342: Its serious tho so you should probably get tested. It's also considered an STD Mocha#3331: this why you can't be doing anything pre marital WalterJS#2477: I do be feeling like shit WalterJS#2477: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: Also mono makes you feel like shit WalterJS#2477: its cringe to do it any other way WalterJS#2477: exactly PeckServers.com#8342: The only way to do it WalterJS#2477: ikr Mocha#3331: but that's like the best way to do it WalterJS#2477: thats not allowed WalterJS#2477: interlocked WalterJS#2477: where ur fingers are like WalterJS#2477: its called waffling or something I think WalterJS#2477: did you know that your not supposed to hold hands in a certain way premaritally PeckServers.com#8342: Its all those premarital activities WalterJS#2477: once you get it, it never leaves PeckServers.com#8342: All day everyday WalterJS#2477: I bet you have mono cody WalterJS#2477: it was only a matter of time PeckServers.com#8342: You are an adult WalterJS#2477: so WalterJS#2477: 9/10 adults have mono PeckServers.com#8342: Hes probably secretly post marital at this point WalterJS#2477: pre marital is not a word to me WalterJS#2477: bruh 💀 💀 you did not just say that Mocha#3331: what you get for premarital kissing Mocha#3331: lmfaooo WalterJS#2477: lol burarahurricane#6369: it what being a chad costs WalterJS#2477: my entire family is making fun of me for it rn 💀 WalterJS#2477: guys I might have mono burarahurricane#6369: we’re watchinn it rn! WalterJS#2477: no im catching up season 2 ep 4 rn WalterJS#2477: lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: Bruh jesus aint real, dw abt it. Its the thought that makes it so great, not stupid technicalities lisx#1702: they don't even go to church 😭 😭 burarahurricane#6369: LMAOOOOO lisx#1702: my parents didn't like my poster because they said its bad to cross out the word jesus 😭 burarahurricane#6369: scum of the earth PeckServers.com#8342: Basically cancerous cringe cells PeckServers.com#8342: Non fungible token burarahurricane#6369: oh u lucky innocent soul lisx#1702: whats an nft lisx#1702: nope PeckServers.com#8342: Have any of you started season 4 of stranger things? lisx#1702: I hope so PeckServers.com#8342: Its something i think she would like a lot PeckServers.com#8342: Its actually awesome tho lmao lisx#1702: so I came up with this amazing idea lisx#1702: because she said she wanted something cheesy lisx#1702: I'm giving it to jaxin for her birthday present lisx#1702: it's okay you can do that lisx#1702: bruh WalterJS#2477: that would be epic WalterJS#2477: Lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: Imma make it an nft WalterJS#2477: Jokes on you though I can just print it out WalterJS#2477: I want it lisx#1702: thanks haha lisx#1702: told you it's the *starting* price Mocha#3331: 100$ is too cheap lisa you don't have to be so humble PeckServers.com#8342: Yoo thats sick! lisx#1702: bad lighting but it looks like this [deleted \:)] lisx#1702: dm for details lisx#1702: \:) lisx#1702: at a starting price of $100 lisx#1702: I will consider selling it to you lisx#1702: if anyone wants one lisx#1702: also I just made this super cool poster lisx#1702: yeah that did fix it JohnPorter#7990: the only way to fix it is to restart your computer JohnPorter#7990: it does that JohnPorter#7990: if you end the file explorer application JohnPorter#7990: i know JohnPorter#7990: ohhh Mocha#3331: Slept at like 9:20 woke up at 8:20 Mocha#3331: Damn I was so tired and sore yesterday that I slept for eleven hours PeckServers.com#8342: There you have it ladies and gentlemen, an in-depth interview with Lisa lisx#1702: bye lisx#1702: I need sleep lisx#1702: with me lisx#1702: not sleep at all tonight lisx#1702: who wants to lisx#1702: yo you guys PeckServers.com#8342: to <@383372123714093098> whered you go? burarahurricane#6369: ur a little comedian lisx#1702: darn lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: tomorrow lisx#1702: that's awesome lisx#1702: omg! Maulie#8927: It does? burarahurricane#6369: wAIT GUYS the new stranger thigns episodes drop today???? lisx#1702: its okay though there's only 10 minutes left PeckServers.com#8342: Oof lisx#1702: to make it go faster lisx#1702: which was why I was closing stuff in the first place 😅 lisx#1702: I'm downloading something PeckServers.com#8342: Rip, i guess.. have you tried turning it off and on again lisx#1702: clicking things lisx#1702: I was kinda just lisx#1702: I thnk I must've nuked that too... lisx#1702: I can't use the windows button lisx#1702: well PeckServers.com#8342: Then type explorer.exe PeckServers.com#8342: If i remember correctly you can do win+r PeckServers.com#8342: Did you kill explorer.exe? lisx#1702: everything else is just gray lisx#1702: my entire screen lisx#1702: that is lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: oof lisx#1702: I can't even press the windows key burarahurricane#6369: ood lisx#1702: and i can't do anything else lisx#1702: the only thing i have is google chrome lisx#1702: and there isn't even a taskbar lisx#1702: it's just gray lisx#1702: and now my computer does no have a background lisx#1702: some task lisx#1702: so i ended like lisx#1702: you can end tasks lisx#1702: in the task manager place lisx#1702: so you know how lisx#1702: guys i messed up xXthat1redheadXx#9990: sage did it I think xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh yeah JohnPorter#7990: but yeah JohnPorter#7990: well i didn't throw it up there xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol JohnPorter#7990: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@454805555626639371> were you the one that got you sharpie stuck on the basketball hoop TAKOYAKII#2886: Anyone play apex? Just wondering username123115#4960: niiiiice PeckServers.com#8342: 10/10 would recommend PeckServers.com#8342: Its like a sense of relief in a way PeckServers.com#8342: Graduation is truly a good feeling tho PeckServers.com#8342: Oooh yeah, youll all be working for my ass one day haha PeckServers.com#8342: Whats the saying, youll all be my slaves or something PeckServers.com#8342: Thanks haha PeckServers.com#8342: That is so frickin sad Mocha#3331: I better see you putting adult life to work grind stops for no one sir 😤👍 Mocha#3331: Either way don't mind all that I typed CONGRATULATIONS CODY FOR GRADUATION GOATED MF 😤😤 Mocha#3331: Saw a lot of people I knew graduate but like now I gotta say bye to my friend 😭😭 Mocha#3331: Graduation was super fucking goated this year Mocha#3331: IVE BEEN LIVING WITH HIM FOR A GOOD LIKE TWO MONTHS AND NOW HES LEAVING 😭😭 Mocha#3331: MY SENIOR FRIEND IS MOVING TO MINNESOTA AND IM GONNA MISS HIM HES LIKE A FUCKING BROTHER TO ME Mocha#3331: BROOO I FR BE TEARING UP PeckServers.com#8342: I was genuinely surprised when i got claps and people screaming my name considering how little i talk to people lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Ooooh yeah Mocha#3331: The bleachers closest to where you enter the field Mocha#3331: I was standing at the top of the bleachers in the middle PeckServers.com#8342: Where were you sitting? PeckServers.com#8342: Ayyy, it was quite the event Mocha#3331: I was there Cody I saw my brother graduate such a goated day username123115#4960: but if ditch i'd leave gabe alone username123115#4960: i wanna go home Maulie#8927: Imagine username123115#4960: im still at skool PeckServers.com#8342: sussssy Maulie#8927: Play with us PeckServers.com#8342: Hi board username123115#4960: i m b o r e d PeckServers.com#8342: Itll be *fun* tho PeckServers.com#8342: Sadness burarahurricane#6369: :O lisx#1702: omg it changed again lisx#1702: I've never seen this version either! burarahurricane#6369: its from majoras mask lisx#1702: I have school tho lisx#1702: it's at 8 lisx#1702: when is it lisx#1702: where is it PeckServers.com#8342: Come to graduation PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh ooh ooh what does ot taste like? lisx#1702: nothing lisx#1702: I have literally a whole hour to do lisx#1702: I didn't even set my alarm lisx#1702: and I never see that version of my wallpaper lisx#1702: but it's early enough to see this version of my wallpaper lisx#1702: I don't know why lisx#1702: I woke up so early today lisx#1702: wow burarahurricane#6369: Its THE FINAL COUNTDOWNN burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/3MrRksHupTVEQ7YbA0FsZK?si=AkTusFThRTK60mPAwmyZIQ burarahurricane#6369: I CAN PRACTICALLY TASTE FREEDOMMMMMM burarahurricane#6369: guys this is it burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/majoras-mask-intro-gif-12366334 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was the influence xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lmfao burarahurricane#6369: GHSKFHSKFHSKFHSKFNLDJFKDH PeckServers.com#8342: jesus alysse, i was in my dms and saw your status change username123115#4960: ok PeckServers.com#8342: Just to Mix things up a little PeckServers.com#8342: Hi daniel im chodey username123115#4960: im bored PeckServers.com#8342: Sleep tho ally burarahurricane#6369: its a whole 66 degrees outside burarahurricane#6369: what a beautiful tuesday burarahurricane#6369: HAPPY TOMORROW burarahurricane#6369: thats c r a z y burarahurricane#6369: lary clinton burarahurricane#6369: hi PeckServers.com#8342: when you know the trending gif of the day lisx#1702: when you realize that's the trending gif of the day lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/school-year-over-jackpot-winner-gif-5592343 PeckServers.com#8342: Hi back, im cody lisx#1702: I am back burarahurricane#6369: okmg i have becmoe a real boy star2 burarahurricane#6369: mandible PeckServers.com#8342: a geographer could also kill you lisx#1702: a geographer could be you Maulie#8927: I could be a geographer Maulie#8927: Totally looks like Russia Maulie#8927: mint choclate? lisx#1702: join lisx#1702: yes Maulie#8927: Are we still playing? lisx#1702: good bye PeckServers.com#8342: w h y w o u l d i w a n n a burarahurricane#6369: s u r e lisx#1702: w a n n a p l a y a g a i n lisx#1702: im starting it lisx#1702: last call PeckServers.com#8342: sploog-bob mems burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/guerra-war-ready-to-fight-gear-up-arnold-schwarzenegger-gif-13809686 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/war-war-calls-time-to-game-lets-play-cod-gif-22194895 burarahurricane#6369: play ply pla y pl ay play play lisx#1702: does anybody want to play https://skribbl.io/?NNaWqrk1Wmer xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: I just got word that youre spreading your shit around. Me and the cow shit arent having any of it! PeckServers.com#8342: Horse shit here burarahurricane#6369: hi its bullshit talking who is this ? burarahurricane#6369: ring ring ring lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bullshit-cell-phone-liar-gif-24349999 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idk what you mean lisx#1702: for it to be right lisx#1702: I'd have to say I'm I'm so bored lisx#1702: no it isn't xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes it is lisx#1702: That's not even right xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hi so bored I'm liam! lisx#1702: (figuratively) xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hi bored I'm liam! lisx#1702: I will be dead lisx#1702: imagine what's going to happen when it's summer lisx#1702: this sucks lisx#1702: I'm so bored lisx#1702: there's nothing to do lisx#1702: I'm bored xXthat1redheadXx#9990: frfr lisx#1702: lisx#1702: these kind of endings are my least favorite lisx#1702: **/s** lisx#1702: oh, yes, this makes *perfect sense* lisx#1702: but everyone got dementia lisx#1702: everyone didn't die lisx#1702: okay so lisx#1702: and now everyone's going to die lisx#1702: now the girl got dementia too lisx#1702: bro lisx#1702: it wasn't boring lisx#1702: what no lisx#1702: so I'm really confused now lisx#1702: but I don't get why they got to meet because she's supposed to be dead lisx#1702: but the girl was dead and then he drank some water and she was alive again and then she was gone and then he forgot her name lisx#1702: and then the guy went back to find the girl lisx#1702: yeah Mocha#3331: I saw it like one or two years ago so I don't remember too much other than the fact these two people switch bodies or something lisx#1702: again 😦 lisx#1702: the kid just got dementia 😦 Mocha#3331: A little boring but still pretty goof Mocha#3331: Yeah it was alright lisx#1702: I'm so fucking confused lisx#1702: the anime movie thingy lisx#1702: Has anyone seen Your Name Mocha#3331: so true lisx#1702: oof there's school tomorrow lisx#1702: lisx#1702: it makes it so puny though burarahurricane#6369: ithink the blush gave it life PeckServers.com#8342: Shes nervous PeckServers.com#8342: Even sexier lisx#1702: the blush might've been too much lisx#1702: it's a blondie now burarahurricane#6369: tomorrow burarahurricane#6369: tonoouw burarahurricane#6369: :O wait is it the talrnt show burarahurricane#6369: man u alwyas jnow how to get me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I do crosswords and solitaire for fun xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I am a boomer PeckServers.com#8342: no balls (figuratively (or not) )(edited) PeckServers.com#8342: Yayyyy alysse, you're a real boy now huh? lisx#1702: no balls (figuratively) lisx#1702: do it burarahurricane#6369: it loks really bad right now i will not share burarahurricane#6369: wair ive been working on art too!! PeckServers.com#8342: Sexy asf burarahurricane#6369: incredible lisx#1702: I made color burarahurricane#6369: thinkin. thinkin about youuuu (EVERY DAY !) burarahurricane#6369: THINKIN THJNKIN ABOUT YOY MUFFIN YOU KNOW OUR LOVE WAS TEN TIME S SWEETER THAN CANDY TEN TIMES SWEETER THAN CAKE PeckServers.com#8342: You sound like a boomer xXthat1redheadXx#9990: The smirk on computer is way better lisx#1702: i don't think that's possible burarahurricane#6369: country shoutout time shoutout to \*closes eyes and randomly clicks in the flag section of emojis* 🇩🇪 germany Maulie#8927: Ban it PeckServers.com#8342: Muffin top PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 lisx#1702: I hate that emoji xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Its not big enough burarahurricane#6369: yes it is its cake in a paper cup xXthat1redheadXx#9990: That’s not cake lisx#1702: 🧁 lisx#1702: here xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Do I get cake lisx#1702: good job xXthat1redheadXx#9990: P PeckServers.com#8342: real mans chess PeckServers.com#8342: wouldnt you know weather girl lisx#1702: i wish i had good colored pencils 😦 then I could color it lisx#1702: i think lisx#1702: thanks lisx#1702: jk lisx#1702: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: thats hot PeckServers.com#8342: woah lisx#1702: I made a picture burarahurricane#6369: fr lisx#1702: what a pro burarahurricane#6369: i did ballet tap and jazz burarahurricane#6369: thank u thank u lisx#1702: alysse be like: I identify as MGK lisx#1702: find the missing letter lisx#1702: qwertyuiolkjhgfdsazxcvbnm lisx#1702: u gh lisx#1702: I have nothing to do lisx#1702: today is so boring lisx#1702: bored lisx#1702: broed lisx#1702: m lisx#1702: ' lisx#1702: i PeckServers.com#8342: The one and inly dancer alysse PeckServers.com#8342: Alysse the great PeckServers.com#8342: Wait that so cool tho burarahurricane#6369: none of it rly stuck burarahurricane#6369: but only for like fourish years burarahurricane#6369: i was also a dancer actually PeckServers.com#8342: So they are turbo nerds? PeckServers.com#8342: Woah burarahurricane#6369: well three of them were/are dancers PeckServers.com#8342: where are the best sources for this so called anime? lisx#1702: anime lisx#1702: you should watch PeckServers.com#8342: Ughhh PeckServers.com#8342: Theres noooooothing to doooooo PeckServers.com#8342: Mega nerd lisx#1702: today is so boring PeckServers.com#8342: You can say that again lisx#1702: today is so boring PeckServers.com#8342: What a weird topic for them burarahurricane#6369: my mom + saiti + my aunt and her friend lisx#1702: who are you with xXthat1redheadXx#9990: foraging? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh PeckServers.com#8342: F**king nerds burarahurricane#6369: like contemporary dance and…. foraging xXthat1redheadXx#9990: like what PeckServers.com#8342: Boooooooo lisx#1702: …(edited)(edited) burarahurricane#6369: …(edited)(edited) burarahurricane#6369: the people im with are talking about boring and unrelatable things i feel unentertainrd burarahurricane#6369: next week! lisx#1702: ...(edited) PeckServers.com#8342: ...(edited) lisx#1702: ... PeckServers.com#8342: SNEK! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: are you feeding your snek this week or next xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh alysse! PeckServers.com#8342: For now *evil music plays* burarahurricane#6369: AND THEN THE CYCLE WILL START ANEW burarahurricane#6369: FOR A MERE TWO AND HALF MONTHS AT LEAST xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? burarahurricane#6369: I AM NEARLY FREE FROM THE RESTRAINTS OF THE AMERICAN EDUCATION SYSTEM xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Whats poppin? PeckServers.com#8342: Hi alysse xXthat1redheadXx#9990: same burarahurricane#6369: I BELIEVE I HAVE ASCENDED THE MORTAL PLANE OF EXISTENCE! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I agree burarahurricane#6369: IT IS GOOD TO SEE YOU ALL THIS FINE SUNDAY xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes username123115#4960: hello member of concrete games llc discord server burarahurricane#6369: HELLO CONCRETE GAMES LLC DISCORD SERVER ! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yesh PeckServers.com#8342: Inded xXthat1redheadXx#9990: indeed PeckServers.com#8342: tomorrows monday xXthat1redheadXx#9990: indeed lisx#1702: whoa it's sunday xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I should PeckServers.com#8342: you should go PeckServers.com#8342: wow xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and the tickets are only $26! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: there's a concert for girl in red in salt lake xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh my goodness PeckServers.com#8342: today is nostalgia Sunday if you couldn't tell PeckServers.com#8342: christ i miss playing minecraft with all of you guys xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yay! lisx#1702: 🎂 lisx#1702: you can have some too lisx#1702: amazing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🍰 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you get cake! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👏👏👏👏👏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it looks very good xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok yeah I was about to say you should merge them together lisx#1702: I made it cooler \:D PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/vvr9AMWEU-c Mocha#3331: that looks pretty sick lisa good job 👍 lisx#1702: thanks PeckServers.com#8342: oh wait thats sick! PeckServers.com#8342: ooh show us some of your work! burarahurricane#6369: yep! lisx#1702: isn't pride month next month burarahurricane#6369: zwow lisx#1702: this is all of them together lisx#1702: (other than the rainbow one) lisx#1702: the blue one is my favorite lisx#1702: I had to make the dress 8 different colors and then piece it together lisx#1702: so I kinda knew how to use illustrator lisx#1702: and I watched like 4 illustrator videos like last year lisx#1702: because I didn't know how to use photoshop 😂 WalterJS#2477: Seems like a photoshop job to me WalterJS#2477: But why did you do that in illustrator haha WalterJS#2477: Wow nice work! lisx#1702: this is the original lisx#1702: I'm very very proud of it lisx#1702: 😂 lisx#1702: <@749747503947055136> taylor swift pride dress lisx#1702: lisx#1702: THIS TOOK FOREVER lisx#1702: I AM FINISHED lisx#1702: nvm I can fix it lisx#1702: wait lisx#1702: fuck lisx#1702: i messed up lisx#1702: noooooooooooooooooooooo lisx#1702: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: riiiiiigghhht lisx#1702: I'm totally goated at adobe illustrator now xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes? lisx#1702: maybe lisx#1702: it'sgonna be super great xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :) lisx#1702: wanna watch me make a thingy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no lisx#1702: anyone alive lisx#1702: good morning Mocha#3331: username123115#4960: orange supremecy Maulie#8927: Huh? Mocha#3331: You're racist just like daniel lisx#1702: 🤦 Mocha#3331: This is a side I thought I would never see from you lisa smh 🥲 lisx#1702: they are all sad in the the first picture lisx#1702: that's why it's a smiley face lisx#1702: and then the second picture is integration lisx#1702: the first picture shows segregation Mocha#3331: Brown Mocha#3331: You must hate people like me lisx#1702: it's a depiction of history Mocha#3331: Damn didn't know you were racist 😕 lisx#1702: it's racism lisx#1702: no Mocha#3331: Is it that everything belongs together lisx#1702: @here lisx#1702: We made something very deep today. Search for the meaning carefully within yourselves, and then you may understand lisx#1702: After: lisx#1702: Before: lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/happy-groot-dancing-moves-marvel-gif-17290544 Mocha#3331: : ) Mocha#3331: yayyyy summer time woooooo burarahurricane#6369: 😔 username123115#4960: no more confetti :( username123115#4960: RIP party mode PeckServers.com#8342: Weird xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that was not the right time to be listening to russian music lmfao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fr Maulie#8927: Then go home username123115#4960: i wanna go home Mocha#3331: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: <@726265256082407504> why did you leave the SCHS discord? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? PeckServers.com#8342: fr Mocha#3331: real Mocha#3331: NOOOO THEY GOT YOU SAYING REAL TOO burarahurricane#6369: real Mocha#3331: I took a three hour nap and still feel like I'm running on like one hour of sleep Mocha#3331: sleep is a scam lisx#1702: so it actually makes perfect sense lisx#1702: yesterday felt like a thursday lisx#1702: today feels like a friday burarahurricane#6369: https://youtube.com/shorts/Tec8Hc0Scxg?feature=share Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rickhard Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rickhard xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rick lisx#1702: i definitely have that burarahurricane#6369: i’d need to double check burarahurricane#6369: do not quote me on that tho burarahurricane#6369: its like chronic hand pain lisx#1702: real skill lisx#1702: thats lisx#1702: wow lisx#1702: uh Rickhard#0906: Better not tell you now lisx#1702: !eightball "what is carpal tunnel" Rickhard#0906: Most likely lisx#1702: !eightball "do i have carpal tunnel" Rickhard#0906: Don't count on it Mocha#3331: !eightball "should Daniel go home" Mocha#3331: BRUUUU 😭 Rickhard#0906: Outlook good Mocha#3331: !eightball "do I have carpal tunnel" Rickhard#0906: Very doubtful burarahurricane#6369: !eightball “do i go” Rickhard#0906: Ask again later burarahurricane#6369: !eightball “do i go” burarahurricane#6369: !eightball Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Maulie#8927: Rickhard is just a system to check if someone touched your computer username123115#4960: my pc is on username123115#4960: huh Rickhard#0906: Hi bored! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: im bored xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah lisx#1702: wow PeckServers.com#8342: "it lisa" PeckServers.com#8342: Rickhard#0906: Signs point to yes Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball “are you female rickhard” Rickhard#0906: Cannot predict now Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball “are you male rickhard” Mocha#3331: I love triangles that aren't drawn to scale EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: slightly familiar lisx#1702: that sounds burarahurricane#6369: surface tension ? lisx#1702: why are water droplets round lisx#1702: ikr burarahurricane#6369: wow they're legit lisx#1702: oh dang I'm actually impressed this guy even used 365.25 burarahurricane#6369: lmao lisx#1702: how did they live back then lisx#1702: applause sounded like water lisx#1702: this must be why 😭 lisx#1702: the video and sound quality are bad asf but I can still tell he's better than me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiwkBFR6rW0 lisx#1702: what would I do lisx#1702: but lisx#1702: i should go... do something burarahurricane#6369: :o lisx#1702: and they all soudn so coollllllllllllll lisx#1702: theres like a lot of these https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiMcObh3Dq8 lisx#1702: guitar and cello actually sound godly together https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-hUC0z2VDE lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mb9jlbiVF4 omg music Mocha#3331: He looks just like me fr 🥺🥺 Mocha#3331: LMFAOOOO lisx#1702: thank you lisx#1702: ik burarahurricane#6369: thats incredible burarahurricane#6369: SHFDJGKHJGFDSFDAFGHJK lisx#1702: <@484351343503474698> lisx#1702: lisx#1702: this was so descriptive that I made a picture burarahurricane#6369: NOT THE PINNED COMMENT... burarahurricane#6369: yeah tis like When Did Drew Grow Legs c? lisx#1702: but is it just me or is it kinda weird to see like more than shoulder-up part of his body in a video burarahurricane#6369: satin... Mocha#3331: satan: why you in hell me: I lied about counting to one hundred lisx#1702: exactly lisx#1702: see how its an error lisx#1702: proof lisx#1702: lying is a sin Mocha#3331: (I lied) lisx#1702: proud of you too lisx#1702: look at you go Mocha#3331: not that big of a deal I can count to one hundred easily burarahurricane#6369: omg look at drew go lisx#1702: definitely famous now lisx#1702: hes like lisx#1702: <@749747503947055136> amazing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJzOoPwqVM8 lisx#1702: as straight as those lines 😍 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/neon-lights-purple-yellow-lines-gif-15416394 lisx#1702: AS STRAIGHT AS THIS LINE **\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~** burarahurricane#6369: yeh yah yeh yeh yeh yah yea yah yah burarahurricane#6369: HLEP lisx#1702: there is more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nHIOq4qjc0 Maulie#8927: Yeah lisx#1702: she can count to 7 now tho right lisx#1702: <@749747503947055136> funny asf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBnAmn84co0 Maulie#8927: ;-; Maulie#8927: almost five Maulie#8927: 4 lisx#1702: is your sister 3 as well? Maulie#8927: My sister needs to step up her game lisx#1702: my brother can count to 100 😂 Maulie#8927: Wow, not even my sister could count to 7 at 3 ;-; lisx#1702: good job lisx#1702: yes Maulie#8927: 3? lisx#1702: close Maulie#8927: 4 lisx#1702: guess Maulie#8927: How old is he? lisx#1702: yup username123115#4960: wow lisx#1702: theres 7 letters lisx#1702: see lisx#1702: william username123115#4960: whats his name burarahurricane#6369: omg lisx#1702: cus today he was like "theres 7 letters in my name!" and we were like how do you know that lisx#1702: it's so cute lisx#1702: and he counts the letters on his fingers as he does it burarahurricane#6369: :O!! lisx#1702: and cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee lisx#1702: and awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lisx#1702: which is so coollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll burarahurricane#6369: came on what lisx#1702: my brother knows how to spell his name now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lisx#1702: THE REASON I CAME ON lisx#1702: OH YEAH lisx#1702: as you should burarahurricane#6369: because i feel hyporccritical with all my typoes burarahurricane#6369: i just dont usually correct them burarahurricane#6369: FR AHJFGHAHKFJ Maulie#8927: George moment burarahurricane#6369: yeah i know its really stupid but it still is a pet peeve 😭 lisx#1702: "lksjdkfj jomec shdixu wokx" lisx#1702: when most of your typing now is like lisx#1702: you care about that lisx#1702: the fact that lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: breathe is the verb tense of breath lisx#1702: what/ burarahurricane#6369: where were burarahurricane#6369: their there they're burarahurricane#6369: its the same with your vs you're burarahurricane#6369: grammar lisx#1702: since he talks like twice a year now lisx#1702: and basically walter too lisx#1702: and then spencer left lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: why does it annoy you tho burarahurricane#6369: we actually thought about things burarahurricane#6369: yeah it was epic burarahurricane#6369: it still annoys me i havent changed so much after all lisx#1702: the prime of the server lisx#1702: 2021 was like lisx#1702: remember when we had like actually interesting conversations lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: 👍 burarahurricane#6369: no lisx#1702: remember when i didnt know this burarahurricane#6369: all the glorious gif conversations... burarahurricane#6369: YAS lisx#1702: yo remember the gif phase burarahurricane#6369: we probably didn't thats so funny burarahurricane#6369: i completely forget jaxin was on cg until one day im reminded lisx#1702: I bet we didnt know what amongus was burarahurricane#6369: neither do i lisx#1702: I don't even remember that lisx#1702: wow burarahurricane#6369: no way... burarahurricane#6369: OH MY GOD ME FROM A YEAR AGO HOW COULD YOU GET IT WRONG.....this is so sad burarahurricane#6369: im so much worse now 💅 🌟 burarahurricane#6369: hashtag cringe burarahurricane#6369: 2020 and 2021 me does no t tho burarahurricane#6369: late 2021 and 2022 me still has it lisx#1702: it was not pretty lisx#1702: oh god I just got to jaxin's cursed photos phase burarahurricane#6369: ha that was funny past 2022 me burarahurricane#6369: wait it totally is lisx#1702: omg thats me lisx#1702: 😂 burarahurricane#6369: yeah when i read that i had to think very carefuly lisx#1702: "George appreciation hour" would mean something different now burarahurricane#6369: NO WAY..... lisx#1702: dang kudos to u lisx#1702: lisx#1702: bro me either 😭 burarahurricane#6369: what a coincidence ! lisx#1702: i was just there lisx#1702: omg burarahurricane#6369: 🌈 🌟 username123115#4960: today is the last day of discord party mode :( burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: but it was only monday lisx#1702: i thought I was close burarahurricane#6369: thats a reallt good question lisx#1702: w h y i s n ' t i t f r i d a y y e t PeckServers.com#8342: But good morning PeckServers.com#8342: See ismael this is why procrastinating is bad Mocha#3331: Good morning 😁👍 Maulie#8927: Good morning..? Mocha#3331: work piling Mocha#3331: eyebags worsening burarahurricane#6369: lmao yea lisx#1702: like everything in "Other" lisx#1702: and other useless things lisx#1702: ik burarahurricane#6369: garageband burarahurricane#6369: instead it has burarahurricane#6369: yea it should have a drawing thing lisx#1702: mac should have ms paint burarahurricane#6369: https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/12/world/milky-way-center-black-hole-image-scn/index.html lisx#1702: hello PeckServers.com#8342: *bored PeckServers.com#8342: Hi lisa burarahurricane#6369: hi lisx#1702: i' m bor ed burarahurricane#6369: or more liek richard burarahurricane#6369: is it like rick-hard Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short burarahurricane#6369: how is rickhard pronounced PeckServers.com#8342: Pickle rick Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: thank you rickhard Rickhard#0906: Hi bored! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: im bored lisx#1702: thanks lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: you have to right click it and choose copy to clipboard burarahurricane#6369: theres several ways lisx#1702: oh Maulie#8927: My laptop can do that lisx#1702: swipe to a different screen lisx#1702: no like Maulie#8927: We can do that Maulie#8927: You mean swipe tabs? lisx#1702: you don't get to swipe on windows lisx#1702: it's so fun lisx#1702: you get to swipe on mac though Maulie#8927: Windows > Mac Maulie#8927: Imagine lisx#1702: it takes the picture but it doesn't go on your clipboard lisx#1702: it was command shift 4 but it doesn't work Maulie#8927: Look it up lisx#1702: thats what I'm asking Maulie#8927: How are you supposed to take a screenshot on mac? lisx#1702: no Maulie#8927: You don't have a print screen button? lisx#1702: it doesn't work lisx#1702: how do u take a screenshot on mac burarahurricane#6369: george does seem like a fun person to smoke a blunt with tho like my idea l blunt rotation quackity badboyhalo (because its funny) and george . also charlie slimecicle burarahurricane#6369: yea and i said bitch two posts one month ? george pass me the blunt EJCaldwell#2924: lol lisx#1702: did you just speak to tommyinnit too lisx#1702: that's kinda sus how'd you know what he said burarahurricane#6369: he said give me a goddamn minute lisx#1702: I just spoke to tommyinnit burarahurricane#6369: (tommyinnit voice) AMONGUS lisx#1702: "Rules are for the weakest among us" lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/43rA71bccXFGD4C8GOpIlN?si=e9290d2522b2498b PeckServers.com#8342: What does rickhard run on? PeckServers.com#8342: Deiz EJCaldwell#2924: do it PeckServers.com#8342: We should... Delete that username123115#4960: yeah lisx#1702: richkard is dead username123115#4960: im bored lisx#1702: who even checks their mail anymore lisx#1702: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: it was a video link lisx#1702: watch the video? EJCaldwell#2924: did you watch it? lisx#1702: I ' m k i n d a b o r e d lisx#1702: It means you shouldn't send a video download link, or shoot people and crash their cars EJCaldwell#2924: idk what it is burarahurricane#6369: its something you shouldnt do EJCaldwell#2924: and what even is rule 9 burarahurricane#6369: lmao Ywah the rules died not long after their establisment EJCaldwell#2924: and you know the rules are not enforced because of rule 1 EJCaldwell#2924: 2 and 8 EJCaldwell#2924: i love how two of the rule basically contradict each other give_a_minute#1155: H EY burarahurricane#6369: <#784973741276397628> <- i forgor 💀 that existed EJCaldwell#2924: just online EJCaldwell#2924: and it is the exact same as Wii sports EJCaldwell#2924: and not the Wii EJCaldwell#2924: it was made for the Wii U EJCaldwell#2924: it looked so bad EJCaldwell#2924: beat* EJCaldwell#2924: but it won't be hard to bear EJCaldwell#2924: it better be better then club PeckServers.com#8342: Dont do that EJCaldwell#2924: and if it not better then wii sports club i will kill myself EJCaldwell#2924: and it better hold up to the legend that is wii sports and wii sports resort EJCaldwell#2924: the New nitendo switch sports EJCaldwell#2924: you guys want to know what game i really want to play Mocha#3331: I guess I'll get started on it at like four Mocha#3331: and hw doesn't Mocha#3331: but like smash brothers gives me dopamine Mocha#3331: yeah I guess PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao, but if you have homework you only have a couple days to get it done right? Mocha#3331: voting is now closed Mocha#3331: thank you gabe for voting y Mocha#3331: smash it is yayyyyy Mocha#3331: do I do hw or do I play smash for another few hours (n = hw y = smash) Mocha#3331: I need a vote for a second PeckServers.com#8342: Hi lisa, it appears youve turned slavic? lisx#1702: ¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº–≠`«‘“…æ÷≥≤ lisx#1702: å∫ç∂´ƒ©˙ˆ∆˚¬µ˜øπœ®ß†¨√∑≈¥Ω lisx#1702: hi burarahurricane#6369: hi lisx#1702: ¨¨¥†ƒ√∫˙∆ˆø¬˚µ˚ø˚∆˜∫˙¨˙∫©†¥ƒçƒ®ƒ∂´ßç√©˙¨ˆ˚∆˜∫√ƒ®´ß∂´∑ß∂ß∑åΩåœ∑ß≈穆®∂ƒç√˙¨¥©∆˚ˆ∆˜˙¥¨ˆ˚˚¬π¬˚≤µ˜µ∆˚ˆ¨ˆ˚∆˜∆¨¥†ƒ®´∑ß≈ç√∫˜∆˚ˆ¨¥†®´∑åß∂´∑œåßœ¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº–“π¬≤µ∆ˆºª•¶†©∫˜µ≤…“‘«æ…≥≥…¬˚˜∫√ç≈Ωåœ∑´∂ƒ©˙∆ EJCaldwell#2924: it better be burarahurricane#6369: itll be good i bet PeckServers.com#8342: *hopefully* PeckServers.com#8342: Its gonna be good burarahurricane#6369: yeaa PeckServers.com#8342: Light being color PeckServers.com#8342: True true, so in that case it would be the absence and presence of light EJCaldwell#2924: same burarahurricane#6369: because in your eyes you need a thing ? whats it called this party mode confetti is distracting uymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm YOU NEED DIFFERETN PHOTORECEPTORS right yea you need rods to distinguish black and white and then cones to osmeohting process colors and so that makes me think maybe that theyre diffeerent from colors burarahurricane#6369: i dont know <:thonk:792962252772343808> PeckServers.com#8342: Imo they could be both but i haven't researched it burarahurricane#6369: im curious burarahurricane#6369: what is the people’s opinion do u guys think black and white are colors or are they shades burarahurricane#6369: i think s4’s first episode(s?) comes out this month right burarahurricane#6369: yeppers burarahurricane#6369: YAAS literally Maulie#8927: I haven't even finished watching the first season lol Maulie#8927: There's a fourth season coming out? PeckServers.com#8342: Any one else feel this way? PeckServers.com#8342: Im so excited for the 4th season of stranger things burarahurricane#6369: thank u :] PeckServers.com#8342: I get it, its a real big problem. You have my support Maulie#8927: This just reminded me of something a long time ago. burarahurricane#6369: sorry gender is just a big part of my life <- it causes me a lot of problems burarahurricane#6369: umm ok! glad we could come to a consensus ^-^ PeckServers.com#8342: You know what you're right, just stop talking about it all the time. burarahurricane#6369: gender is the social construct burarahurricane#6369: sex is determined by chromosomes burarahurricane#6369: https://www.genome.gov/genetics-glossary/Gender ? that same source PeckServers.com#8342: Nobody said gender was determined by genitalia? Gender is determined by chromosomes. Just like genitalia is Maulie#8927: Government website, fancy burarahurricane#6369: chromosomes = genitalia = sex sex ≠ gender But gender CAN = sex (for cis people) burarahurricane#6369: and it didnt even use gender instead of sex burarahurricane#6369: it jist talked abojt chromosomes burarahurricane#6369: ? where in that article does it say gender is determined by genitalia did i miss a paragraph PeckServers.com#8342: That is not to speak for how an individual identifies personally though, no one can tell another person how to feel about themselves PeckServers.com#8342: And like i said, its actually your gender and genitalia that are determined by your chromosomes PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.genome.gov/27557513/the-y-chromosome-beyond-gender-determination PeckServers.com#8342: Sure. burarahurricane#6369: but thanks burarahurricane#6369: i’d like to see some reliable sources that say gender is determined by ur genitals maybe?? burarahurricane#6369: yea ik they arent scholarly sources because the scholarly ones Cost Money but there are a billion sources supporting this PeckServers.com#8342: I wouldnt consider those scholarly sources first of all, the web md article was written by a pediatrician, theres no author listed for the dictionary.com one and the verywell health one written by a gynecologist. But like i say, the devils in the details and uaing the correct facts are key. Either way we all support you and your struggles and are here for you! burarahurricane#6369: epic burarahurricane#6369: i would pull up more scholarly sources but theyre all locked behind a paywall 😭 burarahurricane#6369: I Am Keeping It Factual burarahurricane#6369: https://www.verywellhealth.com/sex-vs-gender-meaning-5093122 https://www.dictionary.com/e/gender-vs-sex/ https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/difference-between-sex-and-gender Maulie#8927: I've learned more in the past two minutes than I have in science PeckServers.com#8342: Youre right, and im happy for you. But i also want you to understand the facts, gender is determined by your x and y chromosome. Your genitals are determined by your gender. Dont get me wrong, this is great and im happy for you, but try to keep to factual science when talking about it. Again, amazing! burarahurricane#6369: if only i was cis 😭 my lifw would be 80% easier my problems would be fixed my mental health wouldd be <:stonks:782449607049216020> burarahurricane#6369: it is true that gender is not determined by ur genitals ! gender is a thing in the brain. HOWEVER because of how gender was constructed and how it is assigned (by what genitals u have) sex and gender r linked. and so it gets a lot harder to be viewed as a boy when ur body displays what is typically determined to be a girl :(. And also because of this gender dysphoria is born! i am in the wrong body and it hurts. gender all so messy and igheirheir save me PeckServers.com#8342: Well thats a lie lisx#1702: idk PeckServers.com#8342: Whats that supposed to mean? lisx#1702: yep. oh god whatever PeckServers.com#8342: Oh god, whatever. lisx#1702: biological gender is PeckServers.com#8342: Are... You sure about that? Why do you think gender is refered to as "sex" lisx#1702: it's just gross lisx#1702: ? lisx#1702: it doesn't have to do with gender lisx#1702: that's literally just for sex lisx#1702: why does that have to do with the "cock and balls" part burarahurricane#6369: Have You Ever Heard Of The Trans Of Gender? lisx#1702: ew why burarahurricane#6369: mentally i am already there EJCaldwell#2924: surgery Maulie#8927: And how do you suppose that happens? PeckServers.com#8342: You just gotta grow a cock and balls 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: You can make it come true PeckServers.com#8342: I like the name alysse burarahurricane#6369: h i lisx#1702: h e l l o burarahurricane#6369: them included yea Mocha#3331: The only famous british person is the queen EJCaldwell#2924: by this you mean youtubers right? EJCaldwell#2924: thats what i did EJCaldwell#2924: get a summer job burarahurricane#6369: ? somehting isnt adding up burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: why are there so many famous british people burarahurricane#6369: come to my house more lisx#1702: but I'm going to be all alone when school ends burarahurricane#6369: im barely holding it together lisx#1702: I hate how school is going to be over soon burarahurricane#6369: whoah this si so weird burarahurricane#6369: i think jt was like two hours burarahurricane#6369: im sk disoriented burarahurricane#6369: i kust took. nap burarahurricane#6369: holy shit burarahurricane#6369: is it fridsay username123115#4960: omg an achievement username123115#4960: <@968988198673985566> EJCaldwell#2924: I am having an amazing day for chess Mocha#3331: good shit Mocha#3331: good job daniel 😤 EJCaldwell#2924: nice username123115#4960: i finished a swim a thon :D EJCaldwell#2924: and they were 200 more elo then me EJCaldwell#2924: and chess.com said it was not a good move as well lisx#1702: that was nice 😂 EJCaldwell#2924: that bishop sac tho EJCaldwell#2924: black lisx#1702: what color were you EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: I just had a good chess game xXthat1redheadXx#9990: got it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I thought you were implying my name was "hello liam I'm bored" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh nvm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ?... that's not how it works.... EJCaldwell#2924: nice* EJCaldwell#2924: and it looks lice EJCaldwell#2924: I just spent a hour making a computer from a game lisx#1702: I'll play tetris until my brain explodes of boredom Mocha#3331: Then how are you not gonna be bored Mocha#3331: Boooooo lisx#1702: uh no Mocha#3331: 😿 Rickhard#0906: Ask again later Mocha#3331: !eightball "should I do something" Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Mocha#3331: It's rickhard :)))) Mocha#3331: *g a s p* Rickhard#0906: Hi bored! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Mocha#3331: I'm bored Mocha#3331: Bored Mocha#3331: Hi bored go practice maybe lisx#1702: I'm bore d lisx#1702: CONFFFEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lisx#1702: https://discord.com/blog/7th-birthday Maulie#8927: In settings apparently username123115#4960: where do you find it lisx#1702: does no one else have this???? lisx#1702: IT'S AMAZING lisx#1702: I KNOW RIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT username123115#4960: thats a lotta conffeti lisx#1702: THIS IS AMAZING lisx#1702: SO MUCH CONFETTI lisx#1702: sldkjfalkjsdlkfajsdklfjaslk;jfdksljfaklsdjf lk;sdjkl lisx#1702: well when I logged on it just showed up and asked if I wanted to turn on party mode lisx#1702: it was in settings Maulie#8927: How did you turn that on? Maulie#8927: What..? lisx#1702: lisx#1702: apparently discord has this thing called "party mode" today and it has achievements and everything idrk what it's supposed to be but there is a lot of confetti.... lisx#1702: hello Maulie#8927: Good afternoon Maulie#8927: Lol Mocha#3331: I'm where you long to be dañiel Mocha#3331: Dead username123115#4960: ismael where are you username123115#4960: ryker... username123115#4960: hooman am i username123115#4960: i am hooman TAKOYAKII#2886: https://youtu.be/7ENrzaFDta4 TAKOYAKII#2886: <@484351343503474698> holy crap this game is crazy Mocha#3331: Lmfaoo Dyno#3861: go practice <@726265256082407504>!!!!!!!!!!!!! lisx#1702: hey bored I'm bored too Mocha#3331: Hello liam I'm bored xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hello bored I'm liam burarahurricane#6369: username123115#4960: im bored burarahurricane#6369: OH NO SLEEP DODNT FIX MY EYE im like glongn tp die burarahurricane#6369: good morning Cody Chonklad ! PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning concrete games LLC official discord PeckServers.com#8342: Holy burarahurricane#6369: i dont need eyes to taste freedom Maulie#8927: Sounds like your eyes are gonna give out before you make it to freedom burarahurricane#6369: freedom is so close i can almost taste it EJCaldwell#2924: YES lisx#1702: \:( burarahurricane#6369: THERES KNLY TEN DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT!!!!!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you don't like arcade craniacs?! Maulie#8927: Red wasn't the impostor PeckServers.com#8342: That man should be dead EJCaldwell#2924: no duh burarahurricane#6369: a screen mayhaps burarahurricane#6369: will do boss EJCaldwell#2924: what am I looking at PeckServers.com#8342: Trust PeckServers.com#8342: You should try for 10:30 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/sushichaeng-among-us-among-us-meme-shocked-confused-gif-22454610 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/among-us-gif-23586211 lisx#1702: today is an imposter friday burarahurricane#6369: it literally does burarahurricane#6369: i just mnow i went to bed at like 10;30 last nighr and it was crazy burarahurricane#6369: i dont remember burarahurricane#6369: i thjnk burarahurricane#6369: its mostly been like 11:30 stuff burarahurricane#6369: i only stayed up til 12:30 like once or twice this week burarahurricane#6369: ACTUALLY IVE BEEN REALLY GOOD! lisx#1702: today has friday vibes lisx#1702: 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: But more or less sleep PeckServers.com#8342: I know its been awhile PeckServers.com#8342: Not sex ismael Mocha#3331: That sounds so familiar Mocha#3331: What is getting to bed PeckServers.com#8342: What time have you been getting to bed alysse? Maulie#8927: Very reassuring burarahurricane#6369: 👁️🚫 burarahurricane#6369: e y e Maulie#8927: You good bro? EJCaldwell#2924: is for the weak lisx#1702: Sleep burarahurricane#6369: just like pop already or something do what u need to do stop doing the heartbeat thing 😭 burarahurricane#6369: my eye is being so annoying wtf burarahurricane#6369: you know if hou remove some@letters an d change some@biology spells violin burarahurricane#6369: like the pigs we dissected in biology burarahurricane#6369: this is true burarahurricane#6369: spiderman into the spiderverse iliterally one@of the best films out there Maulie#8927: Some people have completed their speedruns before they even started burarahurricane#6369: i have been on my life speedrun any% PeckServers.com#8342: I think youre dying burarahurricane#6369: is it normal for eyes to have heartbeats burarahurricane#6369: @speech and debate is a trash class burarahurricane#6369: dyno is dead burarahurricane#6369: dyno burarahurricane#6369: naur……….even the bots wont saybhi…. burarahurricane#6369: bots im bored burarahurricane#6369: wqhat the fuck the 🏳️‍🌈 isnt supported………..this is kiterally homophobi burarahurricane#6369: why did the emojis change burarahurricane#6369: imagine PeckServers.com#8342: imagine being late username123115#4960: im gonna be late to la aren't i EJCaldwell#2924: True burarahurricane#6369: woOOOOO burarahurricane#6369: ITS FINALLY THURSDAY burarahurricane#6369: ☀️ burarahurricane#6369: death is i n the aur burarahurricane#6369: mournin burarahurricane#6369: mornin Mocha#3331: balloons tower defense theme hits different PeckServers.com#8342: Funny we meet like this again 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: Oh hey step sis WalterJS#2477: Hi dick Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short WalterJS#2477: Hi rickhard Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short EJCaldwell#2924: Hi rickhard, i am Ethan Rickhard#0906: Hi bored! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: im bored Rickhard#0906: test lisx#1702: !say lisx#1702: uh lisx#1702: !say lisx#1702: two mintues ago lisx#1702: I swear it was like 3 lisx#1702: how is it five already username123115#4960: now nobody mess with rickhard lisx#1702: !on lisx#1702: !On lisx#1702: !turnon lisx#1702: \:( lisx#1702: !turn on lisx#1702: !on lisx#1702: !open username123115#4960: i'll fix it rq EJCaldwell#2924: I was going to make it say something :c Maulie#8927: It's a 'bug' Rickhard#0906: Turning Off :( username123115#4960: !close username123115#4960: oh god Maulie#8927: Daniel fix EJCaldwell#2924: Frick you Maulie#8927: We're doomed Rickhard#0906: no lisx#1702: !say "no" general EJCaldwell#2924: It sets off my bot EJCaldwell#2924: Stop Rickhard#0906: lisa is awesome lisx#1702: !say "lisa is awesome" general Rickhard#0906: lisa is awesome lisx#1702: !say "lisa is awesome" general Rickhard#0906: lisa is awesome lisx#1702: !say "lisa is awesome" general Rickhard#0906: lisa is awesome lisx#1702: !say "lisa is awesome" general Rickhard#0906: lisa is awesome lisx#1702: !say "lisa is awesome" general Rickhard#0906: lisa is awesome lisx#1702: !say "lisa is awesome" general Rickhard#0906: lisa is awesome Rickhard#0906: lisa is awesome Rickhard#0906: lisa is awesome Rickhard#0906: lisa is awesome EJCaldwell#2924: It set of a bot in my server lol EJCaldwell#2924: What Rickhard#0906: lisa is awesome username123115#4960: !say hi burarahurricane#6369: !!!!!!!!!!!!! lisx#1702: I'm bored lisx#1702: lmao burarahurricane#6369: if i just played my rooks better kyler wouldve been dead burarahurricane#6369: i know we should play sometime burarahurricane#6369: i wanna play more chess but i suck at playing online online chess bad burarahurricane#6369: thank u :] PeckServers.com#8342: Absolute fucking nerds burarahurricane#6369: but at least i didnt get wiped i have more sauce than i thought burarahurricane#6369: this is so sad burarahurricane#6369: I WAS SO FUCKING CLOSE I LITERALLY HAD HIMMMMM i was sweeping him for the first half of the game but then i blundered my rook and he beat me by three points ;( lisx#1702: remmember the trash talking? burarahurricane#6369: i need to power up and gather all my sauce burarahurricane#6369: tofay i play kyler 👍 burarahurricane#6369: Maulie#8927: I can do it when I get home PeckServers.com#8342: thanks in advance PeckServers.com#8342: lmk what it does PeckServers.com#8342: oneblockatatime.playsmp.net PeckServers.com#8342: its the one block at a time release PeckServers.com#8342: Can a minecraft nerd help me test a server? EJCaldwell#2924: GM username123115#4960: gm Maulie#8927: Good morning burarahurricane#6369: good@morning Concrete Games LLC discord server ☀️ Maulie#8927: It's probably for how many trophies you get EJCaldwell#2924: this annoys me Maulie#8927: Idk Maulie#8927: lol EJCaldwell#2924: why is it gold EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: no copium just fax Mocha#3331: that's what someone with no bitches would say Mocha#3331: copium burarahurricane#6369: imagine needing bitches Maulie#8927: Dang JohnPorter#7990: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: go to sleep then Mocha#3331: <@734161534799839272> I wanna go to sleep Maulie#8927: So I jogged the whole thing Maulie#8927: Cause we had 3 minutes to complete it EJCaldwell#2924: why would you do that Maulie#8927: I ran around the school in a 1:20 and now my lungs are dying EJCaldwell#2924: most people can only do one tho EJCaldwell#2924: i was only allowed 2 print projects EJCaldwell#2924: i can't do anymore prints Maulie#8927: Now you should 3d print an instant chair Maulie#8927: Instant cube EJCaldwell#2924: it is Maulie#8927: That's sick though EJCaldwell#2924: all 3 peices are the same EJCaldwell#2924: in the cube yes Maulie#8927: And you can just arrange them in any way? EJCaldwell#2924: those combined into the cube EJCaldwell#2924: yes Maulie#8927: The one with the three separate pieces? EJCaldwell#2924: look at the pic above... Maulie#8927: If behind that would be semi empty space Maulie#8927: Like shown in the picture you sent EJCaldwell#2924: what do you mean by one side tho Maulie#8927: Wow EJCaldwell#2924: full 3d print Maulie#8927: Is it like full 3D or just on one side? Maulie#8927: That is awesome EJCaldwell#2924: cube EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: gm gm PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning gc PeckServers.com#8342: Sunny EJCaldwell#2924: I think that one was Rose burarahurricane#6369: ☀️ <- rhe only good emoji burarahurricane#6369: good morning cg ☀️ PeckServers.com#8342: Aww the little thing is so CUTE burarahurricane#6369: baby,,, EJCaldwell#2924: She got her head stuck :c burarahurricane#6369: only 14 school days to go tho burarahurricane#6369: same :( lisx#1702: I don't want to go to school burarahurricane#6369: likee did next week not get the memo for nice spring weather lisx#1702: 🥲 PeckServers.com#8342: Tis early burarahurricane#6369: in may! PeckServers.com#8342: Goddamn next thing you know there will be news reports of eggs being cooked on the sidewalk lisx#1702: right burarahurricane#6369: no next monday PeckServers.com#8342: Next burarahurricane#6369: literally What lisx#1702: like tomorrow? PeckServers.com#8342: Frick burarahurricane#6369: its supposed ro be 100 degrees next monday burarahurricane#6369: no way bro PeckServers.com#8342: Like COME ON man PeckServers.com#8342: Jesus why the hell they gotta end all seasons with sad heartbreak and loss burarahurricane#6369: 😭 saddest moment in the show PeckServers.com#8342: Frick that dumb ass russian frick just shot Smirnoff EJCaldwell#2924: Puppy toy EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: We found a use for my old shoes burarahurricane#6369: the wind is evil username123115#4960: plant cannabalism PeckServers.com#8342: Hey look on the bright side, they will be fertilizer for the next ones username123115#4960: :( PeckServers.com#8342: Sadly cut sgort username123115#4960: and then fall to their deaths prematurely username123115#4960: they could've grown up nice and big username123115#4960: they had a bright future PeckServers.com#8342: Death to the wind PeckServers.com#8342: Rip 🔪 burarahurricane#6369: rattles the bars of my cage burarahurricane#6369: WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE WINDYYYYYY i wajt to go outside and run free burarahurricane#6369: it fuckin wimdy username123115#4960: we lost some budding pomegranates ;-; lisx#1702: there's like a literal hurricane going on outside rn burarahurricane#6369: he really is 🥰 PeckServers.com#8342: He is amazing! Best Soviet traitor ever! PeckServers.com#8342: *Smirnoff PeckServers.com#8342: Happy mother's day mommy! Mocha#3331: Happy mother's day to all the wonderful moms who did cool stuff to spawn us here 😺 burarahurricane#6369: not sur e how much i like the whole implied ‘suicide was the only right option’ message at the end there wbut okb! burarahurricane#6369: it surprised me it was a lot more graphic than other marvel movies burarahurricane#6369: just got back from watching the new doctor strange burarahurricane#6369: he is the best russian traitor scientist <3 burarahurricane#6369: tell me what u think of alexei PeckServers.com#8342: I just got to season 3 PeckServers.com#8342: So far its been really good! burarahurricane#6369: fr EJCaldwell#2924: great choice of show burarahurricane#6369: daniels editing skills are really popping off https://youtu.be/DiGUvLTK_TE burarahurricane#6369: https://youtu.be/xsLJZyih3Ac PeckServers.com#8342: Looks like you had an existential crisis last night PeckServers.com#8342: Im here burarahurricane#6369: hi Maulie#8927: Hello burarahurricane#6369: thats crazy lisx#1702: if you have mass, then you are massive lisx#1702: so does that mean if you had a speed of light amount of mass, it turns into energy? lisx#1702: so speed of light is like super fast lisx#1702: wait lisx#1702: how do you times mass by the speed of light lisx#1702: whatsoever lisx#1702: 0 sense lisx#1702: that makes lisx#1702: it's the speed of light lisx#1702: what's the c in e=mc^2 lisx#1702: does having more energy make stuff have more mass lisx#1702: mass lisx#1702: so lisx#1702: mass and gravity stuff lisx#1702: so heaviness is like lisx#1702: according to quora, it's because it's heavier lisx#1702: why does the sun have more gravity than the earth anyway lisx#1702: where was i lisx#1702: anyway lisx#1702: w lisx#1702: omg it's tomorro lisx#1702: so the earth would need to have more gravity than a bunch of little suns for the little suns to spin around the earth lisx#1702: this seems practical lisx#1702: and would need to have a thousand little suns spinning around it in every direciton lisx#1702: and the earth wouldn't need to spin lisx#1702: except for really really hot places lisx#1702: that'd be cool lisx#1702: Imagine what would happen if the sun was always up all the time lisx#1702: d lisx#1702: e lisx#1702: r lisx#1702: o lisx#1702: b lisx#1702: ** ** lisx#1702: m lisx#1702: ' lisx#1702: I lisx#1702: here lisx#1702: not lisx#1702: is lisx#1702: everyone lisx#1702: because lisx#1702: no one lisx#1702: I am speaking to lisx#1702: this is depressing lisx#1702: nobody is here lisx#1702: so lisx#1702: right now feels like the perfect time to not go to bed lisx#1702: a n y o n e h e r e ? lisx#1702: I haven't stayed up this late since.... yesterday lisx#1702: h e l l o burarahurricane#6369: omg yaas stranger things 🌟 PeckServers.com#8342: I just finished season 1 of stranger things, they had me believing that they were going to leave off with elle gone. Low key had me stressin, im like "how the hell they going to do that to my boy Mike" lisx#1702: they aren't mentally ill burarahurricane#6369: in all senses of the word burarahurricane#6369: theyre insane username123115#4960: more then to las vegas username123115#4960: thats like username123115#4960: wow burarahurricane#6369: I woudl literally die burarahurricane#6369: and then run a full marathon after that (26 miles) burarahurricane#6369: bike 146 miles <-wtfwtfwtf burarahurricane#6369: they swim in open water for three miles lisx#1702: but it's good for the economy! PeckServers.com#8342: Its bs, they take over almost every main road in our city, its a slap in the face burarahurricane#6369: shits crazy bro burarahurricane#6369: ironman EJCaldwell#2924: also how do you like the skins EJCaldwell#2924: knives are fun PeckServers.com#8342: What... EJCaldwell#2924: its a really sharp one EJCaldwell#2924: this is fun EJCaldwell#2924: I just found a knife burarahurricane#6369: adonis Mocha#3331: that's hot EJCaldwell#2924: Mocha#3331: da neil Mocha#3331: da niel Mocha#3331: good afternoon daniel Mocha#3331: oh shit your right 💀 username123115#4960: liar Mocha#3331: hi bored it's the morning Maulie#8927: Good morning amazing people username123115#4960: im bored lisx#1702: hi give_a_minute#1155: gm PeckServers.com#8342: Moooornin username123115#4960: gm lisx#1702: sup 🌟 burarahurricane#6369: morning ☀️ lisx#1702: MORNING PeckServers.com#8342: Damn, such a baddie PeckServers.com#8342: Send pics lisx#1702: o h w e l l lisx#1702: and i can't really play it without being confused lisx#1702: it's messing with my brain burarahurricane#6369: yeah that is so weird lisx#1702: there's like the same note in the middle of the page for 14 beats in a row followed by six measures of eighth notes lisx#1702: lmao burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: it's like he was just putting notes on a page burarahurricane#6369: i saw B and my brain autofilled lmao lisx#1702: I don't think it does burarahurricane#6369: oHOpps i read it weong lisx#1702: it's Bach and yeah 😂 burarahurricane#6369: does it even have one 😭 burarahurricane#6369: that is certainly funky burarahurricane#6369: tf was beethoven on lisx#1702: and I can't hear the melody lisx#1702: like there'd be 3 half notes in a row and then a bunch of eighth notes and then some odd number of quarter notes and it just doesn't fit or something lisx#1702: the rhythms just feel so out of place lisx#1702: <@749747503947055136> is it just me or does this song make no sense whatsoever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omZpAVuOncY lisx#1702: bet Mocha#3331: * cutely strangles you* lisx#1702: lmao Mocha#3331: I'm going to strangle you lisx#1702: ik im just messing with you Mocha#3331: You already know what I look like 💀 Mocha#3331: wdym? lisx#1702: fr? Mocha#3331: real face reveal not clickbait Mocha#3331: 💀 lisx#1702: 🤯 lisx#1702: omg face reveal give_a_minute#1155: you really are lookin like a samurai though Mocha#3331: I look so stupid 💀 Mocha#3331: Here it is gabe Mocha#3331: burarahurricane#6369: the spotify lyric option updated and it is kinda epic now Mocha#3331: I will fs just gimme a sec give_a_minute#1155: you got to send a pic of that Mocha#3331: it feels kind of refreshing but I look like a samurai 💀 Mocha#3331: wow I just put my hair in a hair tie and jesus it feels weird not having my hair constantly be in my eyes PeckServers.com#8342: Fricj yeah PeckServers.com#8342: Its the WEEKEND!!!! EJCaldwell#2924: same Maulie#8927: I'm home and happy PeckServers.com#8342: Go home then username123115#4960: i wanna go home username123115#4960: i wanna go home Mocha#3331: Go home pleaseeeeee 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 username123115#4960: i wanna go home username123115#4960: i wanna go home username123115#4960: i like turtles and have minecraft username123115#4960: pets are almost username123115#4960: i wanna go home username123115#4960: i wanna go home username123115#4960: i wanna go home username123115#4960: i wanna go home username123115#4960: i wanna go home Mocha#3331: I wanna go home username123115#4960: i wanna go home Mocha#3331: 😤 😤 💜 💜 💜 Mocha#3331: At least it's fridayyyyyyy Mocha#3331: Daniel I wanna go home too burarahurricane#6369: same username123115#4960: i wanna go home username123115#4960: i wanna go home username123115#4960: i wanna go home username123115#4960: i wanna go home+ deluxe premium username123115#4960: i wanna go home username123115#4960: i wanna go home Mocha#3331: Daniel 1 v 1 tetris username123115#4960: i wanna go home Mocha#3331: Respectfully Mocha#3331: Die <3 username123115#4960: i wanna go home username123115#4960: i wanna go home username123115#4960: i wanna go home username123115#4960: i wanna go home Mocha#3331: Friday moment PeckServers.com#8342: YAYYYY burarahurricane#6369: ITSBFINALLU FRIDAY ☀️ WalterJS#2477: that’s epic WalterJS#2477: Lmaooo PeckServers.com#8342: It really was a feat PeckServers.com#8342: Cause having .cum on a shirt isnt very tasteful burarahurricane#6369: iconic PeckServers.com#8342: Thats by design PeckServers.com#8342: So tgey made a shirt PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah lttstore.com was on there and the 2 most edited pixels on there were the o in .com burarahurricane#6369: omg i do Maulie#8927: Barely see it PeckServers.com#8342: Remember r/place? PeckServers.com#8342: The red letters Maulie#8927: I don't see it EJCaldwell#2924: just wow Maulie#8927: Um... EJCaldwell#2924: wow PeckServers.com#8342: Lttstore.cum EJCaldwell#2924: i don't get it Maulie#8927: I don't get it Maulie#8927: There's a white dot PeckServers.com#8342: At the o in .com Maulie#8927: There's two t's PeckServers.com#8342: Look closlier and you'll see why EJCaldwell#2924: my one is better EJCaldwell#2924: na PeckServers.com#8342: I have the best shirt EJCaldwell#2924: it was <@454805555626639371> that did EJCaldwell#2924: i did not make the design but i printed this out Maulie#8927: You actually printed it PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: I have the best shirt here lisx#1702: ah. PeckServers.com#8342: Let me know how that goes. Should be interesting lisx#1702: im going to try and use adobe media encoder PeckServers.com#8342: With all of the .ts files PeckServers.com#8342: It actually resembles how dvds are formatted PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah its a content delivery format lisx#1702: that sounds so familiar PeckServers.com#8342: leettss gooo webbb devvvv PeckServers.com#8342: http://notes.peckservers.com PeckServers.com#8342: ayyyy i finally got my new note taking service up and running properly! PeckServers.com#8342: living on the edge while committing federal crimes PeckServers.com#8342: its hot asf PeckServers.com#8342: except software PeckServers.com#8342: me too Mocha#3331: Mainly for anime and games Mocha#3331: I loveee piracy I used to do it quite a bit PeckServers.com#8342: and if you wanna try to use their software that just does it, i would run it in a vm cause its probably not really safe to run on your machine PeckServers.com#8342: quite an ass hat way for them to do it on their end but it works i guess PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.videoproc.com/media-converter/m3u8-to-mp4.htm PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: and your job to use ffmpeg to convert it to mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: ive obtained their m3u8 file PeckServers.com#8342: they use m3u8 PeckServers.com#8342: ive figured out some stuff lisx#1702: I dont remember the website it was on lisx#1702: here then https://zy.aoxtv.com/m3u8.php?url=https://v4.szjal.cn/20190930/tpNLWZoZ/index.m3u8 PeckServers.com#8342: no seriously im curious how they do it. usually when i come across a site that is being a whore, i try to un...whore it. it's a fun challenge for me, i promise. lisx#1702: nah I'm just going to give up I don't want you to waste your time PeckServers.com#8342: gimme link PeckServers.com#8342: those bastards PeckServers.com#8342: blast! PeckServers.com#8342: cause unless they are like youtube or netflix or hulu which break up the stream into a billion little streams then its easy lisx#1702: so I can't get to it anyway lisx#1702: I think this particular website has a blob: link as their video link PeckServers.com#8342: most include the source code PeckServers.com#8342: but there are like 2000 ways around that PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah, there are ways to select what controls the user can interface wiith lisx#1702: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9756837/prevent-html5-video-from-being-downloaded-right-click-saved lisx#1702: so I'm looking at those lisx#1702: there aren't really anything that tells you how to undo it but there's a bunch of stuff that tells you how to make it so you can't download lisx#1702: well PeckServers.com#8342: lmao, have you found anything that makes any sense lisx#1702: lmao lisx#1702: I've been on stack overflow for like the last thirty minutes PeckServers.com#8342: farts PeckServers.com#8342: "f**king arts" PeckServers.com#8342: more like language farts PeckServers.com#8342: language arts lisx#1702: honestly PeckServers.com#8342: god la is annoying PeckServers.com#8342: yeppers lisx#1702: thanks thou PeckServers.com#8342: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: alright lisx#1702: I'm just going to find another website PeckServers.com#8342: thats fine lisx#1702: I'm trying to figure out piracy lisx#1702: it's kinda sketchy lisx#1702: uh\ PeckServers.com#8342: whats the site? lisx#1702: like it's like that lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: if that doesnt work then they have thought of that and there isnt an easy way without knowing more PeckServers.com#8342: does that make sense PeckServers.com#8342: i.e. https://www.peckvideo.com/watch/the-piano-guys-behind-thepianoguys_MOT8HWpNgPElP3b.html this is the main page where the video is and https://www.peckvideo.com/upload/videos/2021/06/dJSMXWX8agDDIV7Kol8b_05_0822eef1c7326c0955ebb42b0a4bdab2_video.mp4 this is the directory for the file lisx#1702: and then got to another website lisx#1702: so I did that^^^ lisx#1702: the website the video is on you can't even right click lisx#1702: okay so PeckServers.com#8342: try inspecting and find the video source and visit that url where the video is stored directly and download that lisx#1702: possible lisx#1702: like lisx#1702: is that lisx#1702: do you know lisx#1702: <@852187118113652776> lisx#1702: how do u download a video if the right click "save as..." is greyed out burarahurricane#6369: \*pat pat* PeckServers.com#8342: I don't have to and its that fact that makes me wanna DIE burarahurricane#6369: imagine PeckServers.com#8342: no red ink! PeckServers.com#8342: !! PeckServers.com#8342: ! burarahurricane#6369: fuck ? PeckServers.com#8342: ! PeckServers.com#8342: FU*K Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: rickhard is back alive :D burarahurricane#6369: ^-^ PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning the one and only alysse in the official concrete games LLC discord server EJCaldwell#2924: !eightball “are you trans” burarahurricane#6369: 16 school days remain burarahurricane#6369: good morning concrete games llc discord server ☀️ PeckServers.com#8342: Jeez, thats depressing Maulie#8927: Emotional Damage burarahurricane#6369: \*pat pat* lisx#1702: I've always been replaced 😔 EJCaldwell#2924: lisa's been replaced Maulie#8927: rip lisa burarahurricane#6369: bestie Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short burarahurricane#6369: omg rickhard and i can ve trans buddies Maulie#8927: PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/heartbeat-heart-heart-rate-gif-16980252 PeckServers.com#8342: insert heart beat turning back on username123115#4960: uh PeckServers.com#8342: how dickhard are you rickhard? Maulie#8927: Daniel plugged the life support back in Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: hi rickhard give_a_minute#1155: dick give_a_minute#1155: hi give_a_minute#1155: yayy Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short give_a_minute#1155: rickhard username123115#4960: i could relaunch PeckServers.com#8342: lmao give_a_minute#1155: oh Maulie#8927: It's like that meme unplugging the persons life support so you can charge your phone PeckServers.com#8342: the sheer audacity Maulie#8927: Wow PeckServers.com#8342: how could you PeckServers.com#8342: you username123115#4960: so i turned her off username123115#4960: when rickhard was running give_a_minute#1155: oH? username123115#4960: i couldn't launch my game username123115#4960: oh give_a_minute#1155: yea PeckServers.com#8342: looks like he needs a server to host rick hard on Dyno#3861: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> Maulie#8927: RIP Rickhard 2022-2022 -Loved weed PeckServers.com#8342: oh seems legit Maulie#8927: Oh give_a_minute#1155: whenever daniel's computer turns off rickhard dies as well PeckServers.com#8342: mommy? PeckServers.com#8342: ooooh RIIIICKHARRRRDDDD Maulie#8927: Where did Rickhard go? Maulie#8927: !eightball "Is cave water the best?" Maulie#8927: I love that video PeckServers.com#8342: LMAO PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCpivYFGet8 burarahurricane#6369: i think i have less sauce Mocha#3331: Onlyy like a little tho burarahurricane#6369: he do be having the sauce Mocha#3331: He has like a little sauce Mocha#3331: I'm sure you'll do fine kyler is only a little goated xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol burarahurricane#6369: next advisory burarahurricane#6369: 😔 i do not want to die in flames burarahurricane#6369: and so im gonna play kyler burarahurricane#6369: twice burarahurricane#6369: wlso i beat mason in chess burarahurricane#6369: :D burarahurricane#6369: omg cake xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🍰 burarahurricane#6369: thank u xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you get... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it looks awesome xXthat1redheadXx#9990: dddddaaaannnnng PeckServers.com#8342: Why not PeckServers.com#8342: Well you see EJCaldwell#2924: Just why Cody EJCaldwell#2924: Why PeckServers.com#8342: May the 4th bite your genitals and leave you to die PeckServers.com#8342: Gm EJCaldwell#2924: Good morning everybody lisx#1702: good morning alysse burarahurricane#6369: why is it only wednesday (head in hands) the world is cruel burarahurricane#6369: may the fourth be with u burarahurricane#6369: good morning cg ☀️! PeckServers.com#8342: Absolute fricking mad lad PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/Z9NQatne0xg PeckServers.com#8342: that video was awesome PeckServers.com#8342: yeah username123115#4960: was it in a video about harder drives Maulie#8927: Give an example? PeckServers.com#8342: that honey badgers are assholes? PeckServers.com#8342: did you know PeckServers.com#8342: mine also did PeckServers.com#8342: yours did PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: the reason i ask is cause a guy scanned the internet for all ip addresses that responded and im tryna see if ours responded WalterJS#2477: I’ve had it for a while tho I think WalterJS#2477: Idk I’m not home WalterJS#2477: Uhhhh PeckServers.com#8342: hey <@531264285385424916> whats your ip and how long have you had it? PeckServers.com#8342: me too cause then you guys could teach me chess lisx#1702: everyone in my class sucks lisx#1702: I wish I was in your chess advisory burarahurricane#6369: fhank u <:epic:835701893262999592> PeckServers.com#8342: jesus h alysse thats insanely good! burarahurricane#6369: yeppers PeckServers.com#8342: you make that? burarahurricane#6369: nOOOO if i win against mason i have to play kyler :( burarahurricane#6369: chess player* burarahurricane#6369: im epic and won how good of a playwr is mason burarahurricane#6369: did somethjtn actually important happen in chess yesterday burarahurricane#6369: why tf did i ger called to fry burarahurricane#6369: hi cg i popped off a little itty bit Maulie#8927: :( Maulie#8927: Lucky PeckServers.com#8342: 17th for me 😏 Maulie#8927: May 26th burarahurricane#6369: YASSSSSSSSS PeckServers.com#8342: Lets fucking go boiiiis PeckServers.com#8342: Schools almost OVER!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao burarahurricane#6369: lets fucking GO burarahurricane#6369: this is the last aleks for the rest of the school year burarahurricane#6369: wait guys omg xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: it makes no sense PeckServers.com#8342: how about "sorry my dick slipped in your mouth cause it did" PeckServers.com#8342: also reddit is stupid as hell, "sorry your post has been removed for seemingly no reason" EJCaldwell#2924: ya PeckServers.com#8342: omg i sympathize for you, aleks is like 400x worse than nri EJCaldwell#2924: i have aleks tho EJCaldwell#2924: L PeckServers.com#8342: FRICK no red inK EJCaldwell#2924: but a bigger pumpkin EJCaldwell#2924: not a boat EJCaldwell#2924: seen bigger username123115#4960: ooh theres also that pumpkin carriage from cinderella username123115#4960: james? Maulie#8927: Ever seen the play or film (some boys name) and the giant peach? PeckServers.com#8342: can you imagine obtaining a pumpkin of such magnitude Maulie#8927: Senior Prank Boat competition in the making username123115#4960: pumpkin boats exist :O burarahurricane#6369: ^-^ lisx#1702: good morning alysse PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning cg member! burarahurricane#6369: good morning cg ☀️ PeckServers.com#8342: Finee Rickhard#0906: Ask again later PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball is sleep important? Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: I love you rickhard Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: Rickhard is always right PeckServers.com#8342: Fuck Rickhard#0906: It is decidedly so PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball am i gay? EJCaldwell#2924: don't you have a fan you can turn on Maulie#8927: I can't sleep my room is like 13524532453 degrees EJCaldwell#2924: ya i can't make it one frame EJCaldwell#2924: frick EJCaldwell#2924: IT WORKED EJCaldwell#2924: i think i got a 1 frame video now Mocha#3331: Oh good shit ethan EJCaldwell#2924: finally Mocha#3331: Just that masculine urge to talk about something you like for three hours straight EJCaldwell#2924: i found one that works Mocha#3331: I've been wanting to make a video essay lately though Mocha#3331: Idk I've never used premier EJCaldwell#2924: also what file type should i use EJCaldwell#2924: gn Mocha#3331: Goodnight everyone Mocha#3331: Ok thank you dick Rickhard#0906: Yes - definitely Mocha#3331: !eightball "should I sleep now?????" Mocha#3331: Omg I'm gonna strangle you dick Rickhard#0906: Cannot predict now Mocha#3331: !eightball "should I go to sleep now?" Mocha#3331: Oh that's pretty cool EJCaldwell#2924: minecraft map EJCaldwell#2924: i am so mad Mocha#3331: What's the video on? EJCaldwell#2924: this is like 4+ hours of footage Mocha#3331: Massive L Mocha#3331: Lmfaoo EJCaldwell#2924: and the file type is not supported EJCaldwell#2924: i have been recording a video to work on Rickhard#0906: Better not tell you now Mocha#3331: !eightball "should I got to sleep" EJCaldwell#2924: FRICK Mocha#3331: Just look up video tutorials EJCaldwell#2924: well i don't know how to use premiere pro EJCaldwell#2924: doing something else atm EJCaldwell#2924: give me half a hour PeckServers.com#8342: Do it, no balls EJCaldwell#2924: but i kinda want to try now EJCaldwell#2924: idk PeckServers.com#8342: Would yt accept it? EJCaldwell#2924: its called a 1 frame video PeckServers.com#8342: Bet EJCaldwell#2924: i could make shorter PeckServers.com#8342: same, its beem on mine all mormimg and i finally caved Maulie#8927: I saw that video this morning lol PeckServers.com#8342: yeah and it was from back in like 2011 username123115#4960: 25 million views? PeckServers.com#8342: there is like a billion and they are all less than a second long PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPEE9ZwTmy0 guys what the hell is this saga PeckServers.com#8342: noice EJCaldwell#2924: holy cow EJCaldwell#2924: that thing had 8gb of ram EJCaldwell#2924: ima wait till i can put it on its side to mess with stuff PeckServers.com#8342: Thats my one advice PeckServers.com#8342: Minecraft servers are single threaded so you need a cpu with strong single threaded performance EJCaldwell#2924: its not been used in at least 6-10 months EJCaldwell#2924: no PeckServers.com#8342: Do you know any of its specs? EJCaldwell#2924: minecraft server for maps to play EJCaldwell#2924: this laptop that i use though is better PeckServers.com#8342: What kind of server you tryna make? PeckServers.com#8342: Cool, those are great for getting started EJCaldwell#2924: old family PeckServers.com#8342: Is it an old family pc or whats ots story EJCaldwell#2924: i don't think this thing has ever been opened EJCaldwell#2924: its old EJCaldwell#2924: well PeckServers.com#8342: Very cool PeckServers.com#8342: Oooh it is a hard drive, its just a weird one EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: Yuh EJCaldwell#2924: storage? PeckServers.com#8342: Thats cool tho, send me a pic of the bottom right EJCaldwell#2924: but still EJCaldwell#2924: ik PeckServers.com#8342: The odds of you breaking it are small. Just dont use excessive force and makesure things are lined up before doing anything EJCaldwell#2924: and i don't have a job quite yet EJCaldwell#2924: i dont' want to break it EJCaldwell#2924: i want to use this thing as a server PeckServers.com#8342: That's how you learn PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah, idk, normally theres a metal partof a hard drive but all i see is a circuit board EJCaldwell#2924: i mostly want to see the RAM EJCaldwell#2924: I want to touch stuff but i feel like i will break it EJCaldwell#2924: this thing is like 10+ years old i think PeckServers.com#8342: I cant tell what your storage device is but it looks like its leaning to an ssd EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: This thing is so dusty EJCaldwell#2924: Grand parents house lisx#1702: I didn't like that book PeckServers.com#8342: Everyone must watch PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/GaRHV8SV_ls?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: Where was it Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Maulie#8927: Lol you had fun with Rickhard username123115#4960: oh yeah burarahurricane#6369: qe also read the walk to water or somehtjng burarahurricane#6369: yeah star girl username123115#4960: like it was called star girl or something username123115#4960: does anybody remember that one book we read in 7th grade lisx#1702: but then I realized I'm stupid lisx#1702: for a sec there I thought you did something cool EJCaldwell#2924: Finally got my old pc PeckServers.com#8342: For deez nuhts PeckServers.com#8342: Shes sentient Mocha#3331: she never lies PeckServers.com#8342: Shiii Rickhard#0906: Ask again later PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball is this telepathy Rickhard#0906: Very doubtful Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Mocha#3331: !eightball "does rickhard lie?" PeckServers.com#8342: Maybe telepathy Mocha#3331: LMFAOOO Rickhard#0906: My reply is no PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball is this coincidence? Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Mocha#3331: rickhard does not lie burarahurricane#6369: oh de ar PeckServers.com#8342: This has tonbe coincidence Mocha#3331: WHATTTT Rickhard#0906: Yes - definitelyAs I see it, yes Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Mocha#3331: !eightball "does rickhard have secs with of age people" PeckServers.com#8342: LOL Rickhard#0906: Ask again later Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: !eightball is rickhard gay? burarahurricane#6369: u did done fuck up now PeckServers.com#8342: Look at what youve done username123115#4960: oh nonononon burarahurricane#6369: IT IS CERTAIN.. Rickhard#0906: It is certain Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: !eightball "is rickhard underage?" PeckServers.com#8342: Lol Mocha#3331: he just like me fr PeckServers.com#8342: Sounds a lot like you ismael Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Mocha#3331: rickhard loves to be railed PeckServers.com#8342: Confirmed PeckServers.com#8342: OHHHH Mocha#3331: wow Rickhard#0906: It is decidedly so username123115#4960: !eightball ^ Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Mocha#3331: !eightbball "does rickhard take dickhard Mocha#3331: wow he really is humble and allmighty Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: So then rickhard takes dickhard? Rickhard#0906: My sources say no Mocha#3331: !eightball "should I worship you now???" burarahurricane#6369: humble i see Rickhard#0906: Cannot predict now Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Mocha#3331: !eightball "should I worship rickhard" Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: but rickhard is a girl username123115#4960: wow Mocha#3331: I guess your right cody Rickhard#0906: Signs point to yes Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Mocha#3331: !eightball "is rickhard dickhard" username123115#4960: yea Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short PeckServers.com#8342: Rickhard is dickhard username123115#4960: only 75% asian 😔 Mocha#3331: well anyways yeah we should postpone it is pretty windy username123115#4960: there's a difference Mocha#3331: lmfaoo username123115#4960: just a failure Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Mocha#3331: never mind rickhard is smart username123115#4960: not dumb username123115#4960: see Rickhard#0906: Signs point to yes Mocha#3331: !eightball "is my name ismael" Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Mocha#3331: rickhard doesn't know anything Mocha#3331: boooo Rickhard#0906: Outlook good Mocha#3331: !eightball "should we play pickleball" burarahurricane#6369: LMAO PeckServers.com#8342: Nice choice of words Rickhard#0906: Better not tell you now username123115#4960: !eightball "is now a good time to play pickelball?" username123115#4960: only one way to decide it username123115#4960: well username123115#4960: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Mocha#3331: not unless you hit it reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hard username123115#4960: and blowable username123115#4960: is like light username123115#4960: a pickelball username123115#4960: but username123115#4960: uh Mocha#3331: the wind is just an excuse to stop the grind username123115#4960: becuase it is so windy username123115#4960: probably not today PeckServers.com#8342: #youtube PeckServers.com#8342: #h264video PeckServers.com#8342: #humanlife burarahurricane#6369: #internet burarahurricane#6369: #yas PeckServers.com#8342: #uselessgenerictag burarahurricane#6369: i jsut went to ctrending gifs but the gifs werent loading so i jsut sfcrolled nad cliked a random one PeckServers.com#8342: #meme PeckServers.com#8342: #life PeckServers.com#8342: LOL burarahurricane#6369: o h burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/dr-pepper-child-drinking-kid-gif-9893802 EJCaldwell#2924: ? burarahurricane#6369: omg thats crazy 🤪 #basketball#sports#funny#haha#discord#emoji PeckServers.com#8342: A shoot and a miss burarahurricane#6369: cool lisx#1702: I'm disappointed in you burarahurricane#6369: idc lisx#1702: it's not too late lisx#1702: there's time lisx#1702: you can still stop burarahurricane#6369: im all in now tho so like L lisx#1702: the internet did ruin you lisx#1702: I agree EJCaldwell#2924: i have not heard that song somehow burarahurricane#6369: llike the song https://open.spotify.com/track/2Q1s11otlyEtj80OgsqDFz?si=d3397776c50540cd burarahurricane#6369: tge internet ruined me EJCaldwell#2924: just wow EJCaldwell#2924: wow burarahurricane#6369: amogus EJCaldwell#2924: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah PeckServers.com#8342: IWillShove50FuckingBoiledPotatoesUpYourFuckingAssIfYouDoNotGiveMeAccessNow PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/oI1ZN2H-gzA Maulie#8927: The McDonald Army username123115#4960: we won the game Maulie#8927: Daniels architecture at it's finest Maulie#8927: !say "Hello" EJCaldwell#2924: they taste good PeckServers.com#8342: hot cheetos and mt dew huh? EJCaldwell#2924: even tho i just had lunch EJCaldwell#2924: i think ima go get a cup of it and maybe some hot Cheetos PeckServers.com#8342: its also really healthy in comparison EJCaldwell#2924: which is not as bad EJCaldwell#2924: but my dad bought diet EJCaldwell#2924: i am sad that i am out of it atm PeckServers.com#8342: it will forever rest in piss EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: especially the mountain dew EJCaldwell#2924: and your desk EJCaldwell#2924: rip the Mt. Dew PeckServers.com#8342: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: maybe a mt. dew tree Mocha#3331: It'll be like a new houseplant Mocha#3331: Leave it there to grow into something new PeckServers.com#8342: yeah Mocha#3331: That's fun PeckServers.com#8342: luckily it didnt get on anything important PeckServers.com#8342: i just spilled mountain dew all over my desk Mocha#3331: I may not be able to go depends on the time PeckServers.com#8342: May the month be with you Mocha#3331: Wake up wake up it's the first of the month username123115#4960: its may wow PeckServers.com#8342: Bottom of the 8 3/4 am PeckServers.com#8342: The dingaling? Me neither Maulie#8927: Good morning lol EJCaldwell#2924: also gm EJCaldwell#2924: don't mind the thing in the background Maulie#8927: I think he has enough Meth at his disposal PeckServers.com#8342: Maulie#8927: I found the perfect thing for George Maulie#8927: https://c.tenor.com/9pqtx4U-tg4AAAAM/youre-your.gif burarahurricane#6369: whoah hes all over Mocha#3331: Though after may seventh it's gonna be 10$ to enter the weekly Mocha#3331: I just want to bring more action to the local scene since there's like none plus there's a 100$ prize pool Mocha#3331: It's gonna be the start of a new weekly smash tournament it starts at 8 but friendlies start at 6:45 Mocha#3331: Idk if anyone here is interested but on may seventh there is going to be a free local smash tournament happening at lazer mania PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao, me and my amazon boxes be like EJCaldwell#2924: Idk why I have not thrown it away yet EJCaldwell#2924: It’s been empty for like a week PeckServers.com#8342: Jk lol, but those crisps do be lookin fire EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: I didnt think that 255,255,255 could get any whiter PeckServers.com#8342: Theres more?!?! EJCaldwell#2924: you should see my tan line if you think that is white PeckServers.com#8342: You have the whitest thumb EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: And on my thing of chips it is the British slang for it EJCaldwell#2924: Because I just did EJCaldwell#2924: You ever read the nutritional facts about food for no reason PeckServers.com#8342: <@776230986324246558> Youre popular daddy PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: The past 😏 username123115#4960: the future Mocha#3331: <@734161534799839272> what time? username123115#4960: because me and gabe finished username123115#4960: tommorow maybe PeckServers.com#8342: Hmm, yeah if yer down ill come username123115#4960: the one by the middle scool PeckServers.com#8342: Where at? Im god awful at it but do know a little username123115#4960: ok Mocha#3331: Maybe tmmr if you'd be down PeckServers.com#8342: How can i help you? PeckServers.com#8342: You make it, we take it! PeckServers.com#8342: Hi! Welcome to the james abortion clinic PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Same, but its better than being social username123115#4960: my brain is mush username123115#4960: more youtube is the last thing i need lol PeckServers.com#8342: You should try them PeckServers.com#8342: Ive found that youtube shorts make me not bored PeckServers.com#8342: Hi bored, im also bored username123115#4960: I’m bored PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/e7zUOwBeOBc username123115#4960: :< Rickhard#0906: My sources say no username123115#4960: !eightball “will anybody play pickelball with us?” username123115#4960: Frick username123115#4960: !ehightball “will anybody play pickelball with us?” username123115#4960: Ooh username123115#4960: Anyone wanna play pickelball lisx#1702: lol Mocha#3331: Damn now you got me all giddy Rickhard#0906: Better not tell you now Mocha#3331: !eightball "will soargo win low tide city" username123115#4960: you lieee Rickhard#0906: Signs point to yes username123115#4960: !eightball "will we win this round of bedwars" Rickhard#0906: It is now 12: 5 Maulie#8927: !gtime Maulie#8927: what time is it Rickhard#0906: Reply hazy, try again Rickhard#0906: I luv weed :) Rickhard#0906: Hi bored! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: !eightball "im bored weed rickhard" Rickhard#0906: Outlook good Mocha#3331: !eightball "should I watch low tide city" Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Mocha#3331: Rickhard Mocha#3331: Good answer dick Rickhard#0906: Very doubtful Mocha#3331: !eightball "should I play smash" Mocha#3331: I'm gonna kill you Rickhard#0906: Ask again later Mocha#3331: !eightball "should I play smash until I WANNA BLOW MY BRAINS OUT" Rickhard#0906: Concentrate and ask again Mocha#3331: !eightball "should I play smash until I wanna blow my brains out" lisx#1702: IT WAS JUST JANUARY lisx#1702: 🤯 lisx#1702: that's insane lisx#1702: you're right lisx#1702: omg burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: I hate you lisx#1702: bruh Rickhard#0906: My reply is no lisx#1702: !eightball "will I practice today" Rickhard#0906: Outlook not so good username123115#4960: !eightball "eightball do you feel happy?" Rickhard#0906: Ask again later username123115#4960: !eightball "how do you feel" EJCaldwell#2924: but i was thinking of doing silver for the base and green for the rocket and button EJCaldwell#2924: but because i am a shop aid i can do another print as well as that EJCaldwell#2924: I really hope that it works PeckServers.com#8342: thatll be cool to see PeckServers.com#8342: noice EJCaldwell#2924: yes EJCaldwell#2924: so i can't till tuesday PeckServers.com#8342: johnsons class? EJCaldwell#2924: i am going to print it out at school PeckServers.com#8342: have you started printing that rocket out yet? EJCaldwell#2924: good PeckServers.com#8342: /night PeckServers.com#8342: anyways hows yalls day? PeckServers.com#8342: just my luck on a friday :) PeckServers.com#8342: the ups reset the network switch so many times that it reset part of its config, INCLUDING the fiber interface for the router, so nothing was accessable and everything went to hell PeckServers.com#8342: omg i think the shit storm is over PeckServers.com#8342: cool EJCaldwell#2924: now what do i make silver and what do i make lime green EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: now i just need to print and test it out EJCaldwell#2924: i just made my own air rocket launcher using a 3d print give_a_minute#1155: this takes priority over sleep now burarahurricane#6369: our great national parks on netflix give_a_minute#1155: I need to see that give_a_minute#1155: wait wait wait wait which one burarahurricane#6369: we need to get obama as a va in an animated series next Mocha#3331: Obamna burarahurricane#6369: AND THIS IS UNRELATED BUT DID YOU KNOW THAT THERES A NATURE DOCUMENTARY VOICED BY OBAMA WE’RE WATCHING IT RIGHT NOW AND ITS SO FUNNY burarahurricane#6369: she was so good burarahurricane#6369: the soloist was caroline campbell <- shes like a big name and it was awesome JohnPorter#7990: yep burarahurricane#6369: omg guys i jusr came back from the sw symphony concert and it was SOOO good Mocha#3331: Catfishing is so much fun isn't it give_a_minute#1155: y i k e s JohnPorter#7990: and he still seemed completely fine with it JohnPorter#7990: we even told him that we were a freshman JohnPorter#7990: yeah username123115#4960: wow give_a_minute#1155: well at least you got em give_a_minute#1155: creepy JohnPorter#7990: and then he totally wanted to go out JohnPorter#7990: by taking a photo and translating it through faceapp JohnPorter#7990: we got his number and convinced him that we were a girl JohnPorter#7990: and trying to flirt with them JohnPorter#7990: there was this creepy senior guy who was talking to all the girls on our team JohnPorter#7990: omg we just baited someone at my track meet xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Foul💀 PeckServers.com#8342: this is like the 3rd ups PeckServers.com#8342: fricking a! i my ups for my entire rack just failed Mocha#3331: Fat* Mocha#3331: A fay minute Mocha#3331: I'll definitely consider a lot it's been a while since I watched an anime lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: it's cute lisx#1702: yes you should watch it Mocha#3331: :( lisx#1702: or else cody is going to ban me for spamming 😱 lisx#1702: I'm going to stop now lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/spy-x-family-anya-forger-gif-24175718 Mocha#3331: So cute :0 Mocha#3331: Omg lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/spy-x-family-spy-family-anya-forger-loid-forger-anya-spy-family-gif-25331947 Mocha#3331: Thank you for making me combust of cuteness lisx#1702: good job lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/anya-spy-x-family-anya-forger-spy-x-family-anya-gif-25408502 give_a_minute#1155: isn't that going to cause a commotion give_a_minute#1155: uhh Mocha#3331: Pshhhhh lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/waku-waku-anya-forger-spy-x-family-anya-forger-waku-waku-gif-25473030 Mocha#3331: Pahhhhhhhh Mocha#3331: I've exploded lisx#1702: anya is like kanna but with real emotion lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/spy-x-family-anya-forger-anya-anya-spy-x-family-gif-25350380 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/spy-x-family-anya-shocked-anime-shocked-face-gif-25175112 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/anya-forger-spy-x-family-anya-spy-x-family-anya-gif-25350358 Mocha#3331: I'm gonna explode of cuteness lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/spy-x-family-spy-family-%E3%82%B9%E3%83%91%E3%82%A4%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%83%9F%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC-anya-forger-forger-anya-gif-25353157 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/spy-x-family-anya-forger-gif-24175983 give_a_minute#1155: we need more of those gifs Mocha#3331: That's adorable lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/anya-spy-x-family-anya-spy-x-family-gif-25408442 Mocha#3331: Omg 🥺☺️☺️☺️☺️ lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/spy-x-family-anya-sparkling-eyes-anime-gif-25175073 Mocha#3331: What a funny word Mocha#3331: That must be awesomeness give_a_minute#1155: it's great lisx#1702: it's pretty good too but Anya's voice in the anime makes it so much cuter give_a_minute#1155: it's only gotten to ep 3 Mocha#3331: I still have to watch it though💀 lisx#1702: I also read the manga Mocha#3331: It looks cute I was considering the manga but decided to wait for the anime lisx#1702: it's pretty cute lisx#1702: omg do you watch that Mocha#3331: I've been wanting to watch it since it looks good lisx#1702: YES Mocha#3331: So a lot of crab 🦀 username123115#4960: because seafood = expensive right? username123115#4960: just eat a bunch of seafood username123115#4960: oh Mocha#3331: It's seafood night apparently username123115#4960: or whatever they're called give_a_minute#1155: that's a thing? give_a_minute#1155: .. username123115#4960: do they have like a meat bouncer give_a_minute#1155: anya Mocha#3331: Lisa I just realized your pfp isn't that from spy x family? give_a_minute#1155: but no choccy fountain ;-; Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: hi rickhard username123115#4960: thats a lotta food lisx#1702: oh god Mocha#3331: It's like a tiny skateboard Rickhard#0906: Hi bored! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short lisx#1702: I'm bored username123115#4960: oh Mocha#3331: 18$ per person give_a_minute#1155: what is that give_a_minute#1155: a penny...board? username123115#4960: how much does admission to this buffet cost Mocha#3331: Especially after falling on my ass earlier trying to ride a penny board give_a_minute#1155: yeah that's not happening tonight is it Mocha#3331: I deserve sleep give_a_minute#1155: you deserve it maybe Mocha#3331: Yes it is give_a_minute#1155: enjoy it champ give_a_minute#1155: I am very knowledable give_a_minute#1155: oh IT IS A CARb Mocha#3331: I hate complex sugars they are confusing give_a_minute#1155: smart give_a_minute#1155: am I Mocha#3331: I need more simple sugars give_a_minute#1155: is sugar a carb give_a_minute#1155: er give_a_minute#1155: wait give_a_minute#1155: "fast burning carbs bad" give_a_minute#1155: remember today in biology Mocha#3331: God ice cream is so good 🤤 Mocha#3331: Ig but all I really want is ice cream give_a_minute#1155: at least you can eat a bunch of dessert right Mocha#3331: 😭 Mocha#3331: It is and they had like no good food here too give_a_minute#1155: that's sad give_a_minute#1155: w h a t Mocha#3331: No you just pour the syrup yourself username123115#4960: choccy fountains are amazing username123115#4960: yes give_a_minute#1155: ooo do they have one of those chocolate fountains? Mocha#3331: I'll grab some more ice cream for you daniel give_a_minute#1155: go consume more of their pastries username123115#4960: keep on eating champ Mocha#3331: Guess not Mocha#3331: Lmfao username123115#4960: you are never full username123115#4960: when your at a buffet Mocha#3331: It's very packed here Mocha#3331: No it would make a scene Mocha#3331: I think that would be funny give_a_minute#1155: now's the perfect time to blow up isn't it Mocha#3331: You make it so dick does knock knock jokes Mocha#3331: I'm just bored now cause I'm full and all my aunt's and uncles are talking 😁 username123115#4960: yeah that makes sense username123115#4960: oh username123115#4960: and you just teleported to mesquite? Mocha#3331: To eat out with family ig username123115#4960: you were bored username123115#4960: why are you in mesquite Mocha#3331: Bored Mocha#3331: I'm just sitting here rn username123115#4960: oh Mocha#3331: Some buffet in mesquite username123115#4960: from where Mocha#3331: Daniel I just had the worst california rolls in my entire life Rickhard#0906: Outlook not so good username123115#4960: !eightball "was the eightball lying" Mocha#3331: LMFAOOO username123115#4960: oh gawd Rickhard#0906: It is certain username123115#4960: !eightball "will ismael suffocate me" Mocha#3331: Daniel I am going to suffocate you username123115#4960: 😎 Mocha#3331: Rickhard#0906: Hi bored! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Mocha#3331: I'm bored PeckServers.com#8342: Oh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nah this is in another server PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: There currently is, you might not have perms xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I swear there was stuff there at one point xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rip xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😡 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: there is supposed to be stuff here xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait wat PeckServers.com#8342: Maybe, but it's not worth my time. It's a moot point. Lisa is in the wrong lisx#1702: well I made certain to just kick you and george's alts xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wouldn't be in the log things lisx#1702: if you're talking about kunami PeckServers.com#8342: I don't remember, and I can't look because I unbanned them xXthat1redheadXx#9990: we are all gamers xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ma lisx#1702: who? lisx#1702: because you could just undo it lisx#1702: but it didn't have any effect PeckServers.com#8342: Along with other members that you thought werent active enough PeckServers.com#8342: You kicked me, banned me and george and gis alts xXthat1redheadXx#9990: true lisx#1702: I didn't ban anyone xXthat1redheadXx#9990: he was loony PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well technically, in reality yes but in his mind they did do something wrong PeckServers.com#8342: Banning without the owners permission is wrong lisx#1702: that's what's wrong with it lisx#1702: I didn't like it lisx#1702: it made you happy but it didn't make me happy PeckServers.com#8342: Theres nothing wrong with that lisx#1702: you kept ghostpinging me lisx#1702: but you did do something wrong PeckServers.com#8342: Analogy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah... lisx#1702: what does that have to do with anything xXthat1redheadXx#9990: convo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: this xXthat1redheadXx#9990: for xXthat1redheadXx#9990: song xXthat1redheadXx#9990: background PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah, hitler killed the gews cause he didnt like them, not cause they did anything wrong xXthat1redheadXx#9990: great xXthat1redheadXx#9990: a xXthat1redheadXx#9990: is xXthat1redheadXx#9990: this lisx#1702: and I kicked the alts to try and get YOU GUYS who OWN the alts to STOP lisx#1702: it's not the alts that were bad it was YOU GUYS because you weren't being nice PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: also if you don't kick the main account it seems reasonable PeckServers.com#8342: If not used for bad PeckServers.com#8342: But are alts in general against rules? PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah, thats fair xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause if you kick somebody and they came back with an alt you should still be able to kick them PeckServers.com#8342: Is so then thats fair lisx#1702: and I didn't add bad bots PeckServers.com#8342: Do we have rules against alts? lisx#1702: because it literally does no damage lisx#1702: but I only kicked the alts to make a point, knowing you would just add them back PeckServers.com#8342: Thankyou *saluts* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: not if it's an alt PeckServers.com#8342: Ive never done any of that PeckServers.com#8342: Admin abuse i.e. kicking people and adding bots without permission is punishable xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but how is pinging everybody an offense lisx#1702: because it was annoying xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no offense to anybody xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok here me out PeckServers.com#8342: Why would ghost pinging be an offense in any way on any discord server tho lisx#1702: but I guess that's fine because you're you lisx#1702: and you never even said sorry or got any punishment for ghostpinging me lisx#1702: you took away my admin roles because I kicked you and george's alts because you and george kept ghostpinging me lisx#1702: that's totally not true though PeckServers.com#8342: Thats... What i said yeah lisx#1702: this is? PeckServers.com#8342: This is why we took away your admin PeckServers.com#8342: Thats a rather selfish point of view, be that as it may, its his server and you should treat it that way lisx#1702: go on a computer, write click on dyno, click block. you don't need perms to block someone on your own account lisx#1702: I don't think walter cares though... it's just you PeckServers.com#8342: And i cant block it because i dont have perms PeckServers.com#8342: No lt really is PeckServers.com#8342: You should probably ask the server owner first Rickhard#0906: I luv weed :) username123115#4960: permanently high on weed lisx#1702: oh god give_a_minute#1155: I can tell lisx#1702: \*pat pat* Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: good rickhard Rickhard#0906: I luv weed :) username123115#4960: weed lisx#1702: lmao give_a_minute#1155: ? username123115#4960: i have a great idea username123115#4960: oh my gosh username123115#4960: on weed give_a_minute#1155: way too high give_a_minute#1155: and high Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short give_a_minute#1155: oh my god rickhard you're so useless username123115#4960: so negative Rickhard#0906: Reply hazy, try again username123115#4960: !eightball "will we do anything today" give_a_minute#1155: we should take ethan hostage if he's available Rickhard#0906: Outlook not so good username123115#4960: !eightball "will we exercise today" give_a_minute#1155: arrowhead we go to then give_a_minute#1155: fine give_a_minute#1155: agh username123115#4960: it doesn't lie give_a_minute#1155: oh give_a_minute#1155: what username123115#4960: <@404102391416487936> Rickhard#0906: Outlook not so good username123115#4960: !eightball "will we run today" Rickhard#0906: o.O give_a_minute#1155: uh Mocha#3331: Imma blow you up to smitherins Mocha#3331: It's not looking good for you dick😈 😈 username123115#4960: stupid eightball Rickhard#0906: Outlook not so good username123115#4960: !eightball "does ismael hate dik" Mocha#3331: All dick should be eradicated from the earth Mocha#3331: I hate dick username123115#4960: :( Rickhard#0906: Cannot predict now username123115#4960: !eightball "does he" lisx#1702: lmao Mocha#3331: 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 Mocha#3331: I hate you dick Mocha#3331: Bye Rickhard#0906: hi Mocha#3331: dick Mocha#3331: Dick Mocha#3331: Dic Mocha#3331: Dik Mocha#3331: Dixk Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short username123115#4960: rickhard doesn't lie Rickhard#0906: It is decidedly so username123115#4960: !eightball "will he" EJCaldwell#2924: But got PR on 100 and 200 lisx#1702: just block it or something lisx#1702: and it's not that annoying, it sends positive messages EJCaldwell#2924: Sadly EJCaldwell#2924: Still did not make starting height for high jump lisx#1702: good job lisx#1702: Daniel made it though. Don't you want to support his budding coding career? EJCaldwell#2924: And I am so tired now EJCaldwell#2924: <@454805555626639371> and I both did really good the the meet today lisx#1702: chill PeckServers.com#8342: and you cant just be adding bots willy nilly PeckServers.com#8342: listen, the freaking d yno replying to everything is annoying so you should remove it burarahurricane#6369: exactly lisx#1702: the control place PeckServers.com#8342: wheres that at? lisx#1702: in the control place PeckServers.com#8342: how are you making dyno auto respond? lisx#1702: what? PeckServers.com#8342: so all of dynos triggers are on an account that only you have access to? lisx#1702: and asked me to add it lisx#1702: daniel made it PeckServers.com#8342: lisa why you adding bots? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was indeed very glad Dyno#3861: you're welcome. don't have a good day, have a great day. xXthat1redheadXx#9990: thankfully xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and zachary chandler won secretary xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes lisx#1702: also did akira win lisx#1702: who got secretary then xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no it was secretary burarahurricane#6369: on disney plus in think ! lisx#1702: did she run for science rep too xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I feel bad though cause kamry lost xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yippee lisx#1702: I believed in you the entire time xXthat1redheadXx#9990: "wow"? lisx#1702: good job lisx#1702: wow username123115#4960: nice xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I WON SCIENCE REPPPPP!!!!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: GGGUUUUEEEEESSSS WHHHHAAAATTTTTT xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nnniiiiiccceeee PeckServers.com#8342: LOL Rickhard#0906: Hey! I'm Rickhard, but you can call me dick for short Dyno#3861: Hi Rickhard Rickhard#0906: test lisx#1702: there's going to be a new percy jackson series? lisx#1702: oh really burarahurricane#6369: did u hear that kid is gonna be percy in the new pjo series :o im excited for it lisx#1702: I did 14 extra topics 😦 lisx#1702: seen it burarahurricane#6369: https://youtu.be/XMdrHHh2aJc PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/Djrz03gHo_0?feature=share burarahurricane#6369: ahahaha uou killed them epic fuck dargiscool PeckServers.com#8342: 🔪not anymore burarahurricane#6369: ive had several regrets already but eh burarahurricane#6369: its coming to life ooOoOoO burarahurricane#6369: this energy burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/oldspice-ghirahim-link-zelda-explosion-gif-5505191 dargiscool#0610: i l i v e burarahurricane#6369: its the ideal character growth <- embracing the cringe. getting *cringier* lisx#1702: you just never got over the cringe, and remained cringey to this day lisx#1702: *of course* burarahurricane#6369: omg that rhymed burarahurricane#6369: no everything ive ever watched and liked has continued to slay to this day PeckServers.com#8342: All the time lisx#1702: have you ever watched something that you liked when you were super little and just experienced how absolutely cringey it was PeckServers.com#8342: On todays episode of how fucked up is fucked up... Thats fucked yp PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/ffBK6S23syM?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: The sword was in the rocks butt hole PeckServers.com#8342: Did you get it tho PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr burarahurricane#6369: omg he looks like lonk from pennsylvania PeckServers.com#8342: LOL PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/E8VmRRr_FQ0?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/6L7lZg4VX_0?feature=share lisx#1702: I was going to do something... but what was I going to do... Maulie#8927: lol EJCaldwell#2924: I have stalemated him twice and won 3-4 times EJCaldwell#2924: I think he was scared of me lol EJCaldwell#2924: Jackson said he would have to go try hard on me and that he would destroy me EJCaldwell#2924: Yes username123115#4960: in advisory? EJCaldwell#2924: That sucks burarahurricane#6369: i am behind :( EJCaldwell#2924: And I did it twice EJCaldwell#2924: It was funny burarahurricane#6369: u didindeed burarahurricane#6369: lol EJCaldwell#2924: Feels good burarahurricane#6369: wordle , you should not jump into weird cars on your way home burarahurricane#6369: oh god speedrun time burarahurricane#6369: I FORIGT I HAD TNENSI burarahurricane#6369: oHhhH lisx#1702: because those are the ones I put to test it 😂 burarahurricane#6369: but why those two coords burarahurricane#6369: huh lisx#1702: world globe thingy lisx#1702: the lisx#1702: on like lisx#1702: distance between the two coordinates lisx#1702: it was latitude longitude coordinates burarahurricane#6369: distance from what?? burarahurricane#6369: ??? lisx#1702: what Dyno#3861: lisx#1702: what r ranks Dyno#3861: PeckServers.com#8342: Good for you Maulie#8927: I got dropped off at my home by Ethan's dad burarahurricane#6369: hello* burarahurricane#6369: belpp PeckServers.com#8342: Heilsps to you too! burarahurricane#6369: hello burarahurricane#6369: heklo burarahurricane#6369: heilsps burarahurricane#6369: wpocicokwjxhxiwnbdjf PeckServers.com#8342: I just spent all day since 5 installing and configuring my new fiber optic router for peckservers PeckServers.com#8342: I wanna die but also love myself at the same time PeckServers.com#8342: Gj, you went fixey EJCaldwell#2924: how EJCaldwell#2924: that fixed it EJCaldwell#2924: my discord broke burarahurricane#6369: and YOURE PLAYING i want to see you play :( burarahurricane#6369: because people are PERFORMING specificicay htryd lisx#1702: why EJCaldwell#2924: that sucks burarahurricane#6369: the band is playing httyd EJCaldwell#2924: ? burarahurricane#6369: OMG ITS HAPPENING HTTYD im@killing@msystl burarahurricane#6369: well they Certainly sound like a middle school band ! burarahurricane#6369: deciding whrther or not to just completely roast these guys or. not burarahurricane#6369: at the band concert ^-^ Dyno#3861: Ikr, so crazy Dyno#3861: Hey! I'm Dyno, and you're.... AWESOME! Keep being you, man. (or woman. or non-binary individual. or cat.) burarahurricane#6369: [insert picture here of pinoccio but with dyno's pfp overlaid his face but im too lazy to edit it] burarahurricane#6369: thats crazy burarahurricane#6369: omg Dyno#3861: Hi, I'm Dyno, and I'm totally alive Dyno#3861: Hey! I'm Dyno, and you're.... AWESOME! Keep being you, man. (or woman. or non-binary individual. or cat.) dargiscool#0610: https://tenor.com/view/the-office-yeppers-yep-michael-scott-gif-14797535 burarahurricane#6369: yeppers' Dyno#3861: Hi bored, I'm Dyno! Maulie#8927: Bored is a trigger word? burarahurricane#6369: okay burarahurricane#6369: no? burarahurricane#6369: how about playing go fish burarahurricane#6369: im not suer what kind of answer that is Dyno#3861: Hey! I'm Dyno, and you're.... AWESOME! Keep being you, man. (or woman. or non-binary individual. or cat.) burarahurricane#6369: want to play 20 questions with me dyno burarahurricane#6369: fuck burarahurricane#6369: how about uh burarahurricane#6369: you said that burarahurricane#6369: ummm Dyno#3861: Hey! I'm Dyno, and you're.... AWESOME! Keep being you, man. (or woman. or non-binary individual. or cat.) burarahurricane#6369: how was your day dyno burarahurricane#6369: so uh burarahurricane#6369: okay yay Dyno#3861: Hey! I'm Dyno, and you're.... AWESOME! Keep being you, man. (or woman. or non-binary individual. or cat.) burarahurricane#6369: dyno do you want to talk with me Dyno#3861: Hi bored, I'm Dyno! burarahurricane#6369: i am....*bored* burarahurricane#6369: im gonna say it PeckServers.com#8342: Naw, its just habit, its not that its your fault burarahurricane#6369: im just generally bad at self care burarahurricane#6369: now i do it like every othe r day burarahurricane#6369: used to PeckServers.com#8342: But going a week makes acne bad PeckServers.com#8342: I do daily either in the morning or night PeckServers.com#8342: You only shower once a week? burarahurricane#6369: which is already 6 days w/o a shower.. burarahurricane#6369: bc in my childhood i'd regularly shower only once a week burarahurricane#6369: regulalry burarahurricane#6369: howdo people like shower burarahurricane#6369: omg karma lisx#1702: I also like this song https://open.spotify.com/track/7vXtuHrqgzQi58ihUO7L2d?si=f13c88acd3c84bb7 burarahurricane#6369: and its just like blah blah space colonization.....bam. mr beast be upon ye lisx#1702: I like this song https://open.spotify.com/track/6qST0IPVo7CCmKqxmTfCAm?si=054bb385dc43420d lisx#1702: ... burarahurricane#6369: mr beast HE LEGIT SCARED MERNUR4AEWY7DFSHOULJFAKDS lisx#1702: for what burarahurricane#6369: IM SOBBING lisx#1702: ... lisx#1702: 15 is quinze lisx#1702: 14 is quatorze lisx#1702: 13 is treize burarahurricane#6369: oh my gdo i thought i still had a quotation on my clipboard AND THEN I GOT JUMPSCARED WITH MR BEAST lisx#1702: 12 is douze lisx#1702: 11 is onze lisx#1702: 10 is dix, which is like "dease" lisx#1702: 9 is neuf lisx#1702: 8 is huit, which is kinda like ooweet lisx#1702: heptagon is only one letter away from septagon though! and that has 7 sides burarahurricane#6369: LMAOO THATS SO SAD lisx#1702: ~~except september is month 9~~ burarahurricane#6369: sept embwer lisx#1702: I don't think you pronounce the p lisx#1702: 7 is sept lisx#1702: 6 is six, but it's pronounced like "cease" lisx#1702: which is kinda like "sank" lisx#1702: 5 is cinq lisx#1702: which is like "cat" but with a little really soft "h" sort of sound in the end for the r lisx#1702: 4 is quatre burarahurricane#6369: ehehehhe lisx#1702: bird burarahurricane#6369: doodoo lisx#1702: you're progressing burarahurricane#6369: doo...dooo lisx#1702: good job! burarahurricane#6369: doo lisx#1702: doo burarahurricane#6369: how do you say deux lisx#1702: 3 is trois lisx#1702: 2 is deux lisx#1702: 1 is un lisx#1702: so I learned my numbers last week lisx#1702: 🤦 burarahurricane#6369: mon ami! username123115#4960: im so french username123115#4960: 🥖 lisx#1702: trois semaines lisx#1702: it's been three whole weeks username123115#4960: uh lisx#1702: I'm a pro now 😎 lisx#1702: yeh username123115#4960: nice username123115#4960: oh lisx#1702: I'm taking a class username123115#4960: did you do duolingo or something lisx#1702: I don't really remember any of the other days lisx#1702: monday in french is "lundi" lisx#1702: today is monday lisx#1702: since I'm soo good at it now lisx#1702: I should teach all of you guys french burarahurricane#6369: also if you took away peoples subscribers Maulie#8927: If you could bribe the judge it would be burarahurricane#6369: that doesnt sound vrye evil mr gbeast to me Maulie#8927: And this case sucks Maulie#8927: No it's Ace Attorney burarahurricane#6369: ur game is evil mr beast? Maulie#8927: The only thing monsieur baguette is this game I'm playing lisx#1702: tu es correcte lisx#1702: 😎 lisx#1702: je suis very very bien at francais burarahurricane#6369: fr lisx#1702: wait lisx#1702: moi very very bien at francais burarahurricane#6369: its the only thing i picked up from speaking to jaxin in french via translator burarahurricane#6369: tu est 39u83rewafdsokhalef;ds burarahurricane#6369: bonjour lisx#1702: you've said it like twenty times 😂 whenever anything french burarahurricane#6369: ...baguette burarahurricane#6369: noooahahaha lisx#1702: bruh is that the only thing you know burarahurricane#6369: mon ami <3 lisx#1702: moi non likey tu insulting francais burarahurricane#6369: hes evil mr beast burarahurricane#6369: is the video i think burarahurricane#6369: minecraft but we can only see one chunk burarahurricane#6369: im making a dream team video reference like the cool and awesome person i am lisx#1702: that's kinda frenchist of you burarahurricane#6369: noo lisx#1702: are you insulting the french 😭 burarahurricane#6369: hes got like 20387203486p98q3650q347 subscribers on youtube it gets him a lot of money burarahurricane#6369: no....hes really....*monsieur baguette* lisx#1702: and it's like his videos are all I GAVE AWAY MONEY (TITLE IN ALL CAPS BUT WHERE DO YOU EVEN GET THIS MONEY?????) Maulie#8927: you're saying Mr.Beast isn't Mr.Beast? burarahurricane#6369: lol lisx#1702: he looks like he's made of rubber-plastic lisx#1702: fake lisx#1702: EXCATLY burarahurricane#6369: Unauthentic burarahurricane#6369: he feels so burarahurricane#6369: YEAH.... lisx#1702: straining with forced energy all the time lisx#1702: he's like lisx#1702: ikr lisx#1702: f lisx#1702: except in mr james's advisory in 7th grade burarahurricane#6369: why does he look like that lisx#1702: I've never seen a single mr beast video burarahurricane#6369: why is he always yellign burarahurricane#6369: our vibes dont mesh burarahurricane#6369: does anyone else find mr beast really offputting and like...unsettling Commander Lumbar support#1704: dont PeckServers.com#8342: whats mrs. teach gonna have to say about that? PeckServers.com#8342: uh oh Maulie#8927: A little bit eariler to Maulie#8927: We have our orchestra performing the same day at Dixie burarahurricane#6369: does the band concert start at 6 or is there a performance before that username123115#4960: i can make it username123115#4960: oh lisx#1702: I'd be so dead lisx#1702: imagine if you didn't come 😭 lisx#1702: username123115#4960: what time is it username123115#4960: oh crap lisx#1702: and may 19 (the awards ceremony) is the one where we play jungle boogie and if I didn't have you lisx#1702: tomorrow is the one where we play your time will come, fly me to the moon, funkytown, and livin la vida loca lisx#1702: those are two separate things lisx#1702: we have a jazz band concert tomorrow lisx#1702: that's the awards ceremony username123115#4960: i thought she said may 19 username123115#4960: but lisx#1702: 🤦 lisx#1702: *you should've known this weeks ago* username123115#4960: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lisx#1702: *we have a concert tomorrow* lisx#1702: *yes daniel* lisx#1702: um username123115#4960: we have a concert tommorow? username123115#4960: wait what lisx#1702: I have a little more faith in jazz band lisx#1702: I have a jazz band concert tomorrow too though lisx#1702: good thing it's the last one lisx#1702: Me too lisx#1702: I didn't like it very much lisx#1702: thanks PeckServers.com#8342: i saw you in the front row PeckServers.com#8342: good job! PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, i ended up getting there at 6 but it was good! lisx#1702: you actually went? PeckServers.com#8342: Are you guys staying for a little bit? burarahurricane#6369: iwanyefto die that whole time burarahurricane#6369: note to self never perform while sick that sucked i was like on the brink of passing out bc sick + anxiety is just Not A Good Pair burarahurricane#6369: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Them screams PeckServers.com#8342: Amazing job guys! burarahurricane#6369: highschool auditorium burarahurricane#6369: 5:30 PeckServers.com#8342: What time lisx#1702: anyone wanna come to our orchestra concert today? burarahurricane#6369: the lrters dont even match >> burarahurricane#6369: TAO lisx#1702: "I was gonna say I'll send him a strongly-worded DM... but murder's fine too" -friend whatshisname burarahurricane#6369: heartstopper >>>>>>>> burarahurricane#6369: THATS AMzing lisx#1702: THAT'S INSANE lisx#1702: omg I'm so glad you like this PeckServers.com#8342: Lisa 1 cody 0 PeckServers.com#8342: Ok fine you got me,this is amazing burarahurricane#6369: and they stand like 🧍 lisx#1702: I LOVE THAT PART 😭 burarahurricane#6369: its so epic PeckServers.com#8342: They kissed AGAIN OMG PeckServers.com#8342: I love how nick shows up in the rain, and they both just say "hi" and stare at eachother for awhile burarahurricane#6369: YEAH!!!! lisx#1702: YEAH PeckServers.com#8342: THEY KISSED PeckServers.com#8342: OMG THEY PLAYED CHVRCHES AT THE PARTY lisx#1702: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Or is it just me PeckServers.com#8342: Charlies freinds are not really supportive lisx#1702: they'll love it PeckServers.com#8342: Their whole body would end up being covered in filler cause of all your mistakes lisx#1702: and it's so satisfying lisx#1702: I've been drawing on myself today a lot lisx#1702: art lisx#1702: with like lisx#1702: and I'll just cover it up lisx#1702: 😎 lisx#1702: I don't make mistakes PeckServers.com#8342: But imagine if you messed up lisx#1702: You know, it would be so fun to be a tattoo artist. You'd get to make art on people's skin, *and* cause them pain. and drawing on skin is so fun burarahurricane#6369: yaas PeckServers.com#8342: I have to agree lisx#1702: it litearlly is burarahurricane#6369: this show is literally so cute burarahurricane#6369: ur welcome lisx#1702: thanks burarahurricane#6369: sorry ill keep my heartdtoppe dnf au to myself 😔 lisx#1702: please don't burarahurricane#6369: THERES LITERALLY HREEN AND BLUE HEARTS PeckServers.com#8342: Golden PeckServers.com#8342: Sister: i dont think hes straight lisx#1702: just you wait cody 😏 burarahurricane#6369: :( PeckServers.com#8342: Sad PeckServers.com#8342: But nick backed off PeckServers.com#8342: They were boutta hold hands burarahurricane#6369: and being RIGHT burarahurricane#6369: it was just me being cringe :( PeckServers.com#8342: I missed it PeckServers.com#8342: Dms alysse lisx#1702: don't talk about it lisx#1702: just burarahurricane#6369: how woukd rhis ruin it this makes it even better lisx#1702: RUINING IT lisx#1702: YOU ARE lisx#1702: NEVER lisx#1702: NEVE RSPEEK OF IT burarahurricane#6369: NO DONT DELETE IT IS TRHUE lisx#1702: PLEASE lisx#1702: DON'T RUIN THIS FOR ME lisx#1702: FUCK YOU lisx#1702: this movie has really nice chill songs that sound good too https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5K2SPafhWzu36LvpQEWMLR?si=e4d47fb2a7f744c5 PeckServers.com#8342: She is supportive which is good lisx#1702: and a nice sister PeckServers.com#8342: Maybe i havemt been paying attention lisx#1702: she is actually really awesome PeckServers.com#8342: So far she seems like she sux burarahurricane#6369: shes iconic lisx#1702: no no she's great burarahurricane#6369: \*sips on straw* lisx#1702: riiiiight PeckServers.com#8342: Charlies sister kinda sux lisx#1702: o PeckServers.com#8342: Charlie is daddy 1 and nick is daddy 2 lisx#1702: Charlie's sister: "I don't think he's straight." PeckServers.com#8342: The true daddy burarahurricane#6369: yaas PeckServers.com#8342: Where charlies freind just ruined his confidence lisx#1702: 😍 lisx#1702: he's daddy #forever lisx#1702: also he's not daddy #2 lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: Middle of ep.2 lisx#1702: which part are you on? PeckServers.com#8342: Also daddy #2 is finally realizing hes gay and its kinda cool to watch lisx#1702: lol PeckServers.com#8342: No its METH PeckServers.com#8342: "yeah bill imma go smoke some meths" PeckServers.com#8342: Its MATH PeckServers.com#8342: I didnt know british meant improper lisx#1702: they're british! PeckServers.com#8342: Whtly the hell they say it PLURAL PeckServers.com#8342: MATHS! PeckServers.com#8342: Thats.. what i said lisx#1702: "for fear of sounding gay"??? PeckServers.com#8342: For fear of sounding gay, those two are cute together lisx#1702: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Discord lol PeckServers.com#8342: Oh so that is your phone number i see PeckServers.com#8342: More than that lisx#1702: there needs to be 1000000000 PeckServers.com#8342: Oh i might binge this lisx#1702: only 8 PeckServers.com#8342: How many are there lisx#1702: AT LEAST PeckServers.com#8342: Yes, thats exactly what i meant lisx#1702: WATCH TILL EPISODE 3 lisx#1702: in which case I completely agree lisx#1702: by cringe I think you mean it's adorable lisx#1702: 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: As cringey as the sfx is PeckServers.com#8342: Its a giod story PeckServers.com#8342: Either way im hooked lisx#1702: aussie too PeckServers.com#8342: They speak english very similar to us PeckServers.com#8342: I dont think thats a British thing lisx#1702: mAtHs lisx#1702: yes PeckServers.com#8342: Maths? lisx#1702: I already mentioned that lisx#1702: because they're british lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: It said maths dept PeckServers.com#8342: Instead of math department PeckServers.com#8342: On the wall lisx#1702: what? lisx#1702: no they're amazing lisx#1702: 😭 PeckServers.com#8342: True daddy #2 confirmed PeckServers.com#8342: Oh also lisa i just noticed "maths dept" EJCaldwell#2924: One is for noise PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Oh you have double trouble for fans? EJCaldwell#2924: I have a floor fan at like half PeckServers.com#8342: Smae PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah EJCaldwell#2924: I mean my ceiling fan PeckServers.com#8342: Mine makes too much noise if i do that PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao PeckServers.com#8342: For max blowing power EJCaldwell#2924: I like cold rooms PeckServers.com#8342: Aah EJCaldwell#2924: Max PeckServers.com#8342: Mines medium PeckServers.com#8342: Same, what speed do you do yours at? EJCaldwell#2924: I have all fans running in my room 24/7 PeckServers.com#8342: And it feels weird without a blanket PeckServers.com#8342: Servers and stuff PeckServers.com#8342: Mainly cause my room gets really hot EJCaldwell#2924: I just wear shorts PeckServers.com#8342: I actually only sleep in undies PeckServers.com#8342: Even at school EJCaldwell#2924: Same PeckServers.com#8342: Never EJCaldwell#2924: Are you the person to never wear pants Cody? PeckServers.com#8342: ☹️ PeckServers.com#8342: But all my gym shorts are dirty EJCaldwell#2924: Put clothes on PeckServers.com#8342: Hopefully my parents dont walk in one watching this in my underwear, that would be... Unfortunate PeckServers.com#8342: Cringe ass effects lisx#1702: just keep watching lisx#1702: what? PeckServers.com#8342: Lisa, im sorry. What the fuck is this EJCaldwell#2924: At the very start they behead a person lisx#1702: I remember that part being very creepy EJCaldwell#2924: He just lost his hands EJCaldwell#2924: Not even at the action part yet EJCaldwell#2924: I forgot how good this movie was PeckServers.com#8342: Kinda strange PeckServers.com#8342: Very nice PeckServers.com#8342: "i broke up with my boyfriend, sister: is he a knob??" What an interaction EJCaldwell#2924: So in the meantime I am watching doctor strange PeckServers.com#8342: I would massage them but that would be weird EJCaldwell#2924: So I am going to get it checked out tomorrow for my arm lisx#1702: just keep watching it's so awesome PeckServers.com#8342: Thats still ti be determined EJCaldwell#2924: My head and arms hurt PeckServers.com#8342: Are you dying? lisx#1702: way too short 😭 lisx#1702: it's very short though lisx#1702: yes of course PeckServers.com#8342: Thats a lot of effort PeckServers.com#8342: Oh shit its a series PeckServers.com#8342: Do you feel weird lisx#1702: i think that's the point of having a first episode 😂 EJCaldwell#2924: The roll yesterday PeckServers.com#8342: What happened son? PeckServers.com#8342: I genuinely didnt PeckServers.com#8342: Im only like 10 mins in and i think ive already learned the entire premise of the story EJCaldwell#2924: I love how like nobody saw me saying I might have an concussion PeckServers.com#8342: Close enough lisx#1702: i have no clue why i said nicky i meant nick 😭 lisx#1702: obs PeckServers.com#8342: I can already see it PeckServers.com#8342: Hes the real second daddy PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah hes sick lisx#1702: sure PeckServers.com#8342: The white shirt class mate guy right? lisx#1702: literally the best lisx#1702: and like lisx#1702: nicky is awesome thoug h PeckServers.com#8342: To the no one liking him part PeckServers.com#8342: I shall not add on, but yes lisx#1702: he's kinda hot though lisx#1702: no one likes him lisx#1702: yeah he really is 😭 PeckServers.com#8342: Second daddy is kinda a dick tho PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 *yet* lisx#1702: .......(*yet) lisx#1702: YOU DONT KNOW THAT PeckServers.com#8342: Both of them are daddies ♥️♥️😍 lisx#1702: WAIT TILL YOU GET TO EPISODE THREE 😍 😍 😍 😍 IT WAS FUCKING AMAZING lisx#1702: KLDS;AJFKLDSJFLKASJDKFLJSDKLJFAS burarahurricane#6369: YEHAH lisx#1702: TODAY lisx#1702: LIKE lisx#1702: AS OF lisx#1702: IT'S MY FAVORITE SHOW lisx#1702: IT IS AMAZING burarahurricane#6369: like Heartstopper good bro this show is so cut ei love it i lvoe it this is the show ive longed for lisx#1702: yes PeckServers.com#8342: That's kinda... Hot PeckServers.com#8342: Oop hes gay EJCaldwell#2924: Also my family thinks I have a concussion PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr its beautiful PeckServers.com#8342: Lisa question PeckServers.com#8342: Im watching it and have already come to that conclusion EJCaldwell#2924: I don’t watch the show EJCaldwell#2924: Idk PeckServers.com#8342: Is the main character gay? EJCaldwell#2924: Love it lisx#1702: which is cool too lisx#1702: plus everyone in it is british PeckServers.com#8342: <:sus:783176301502267423> lisx#1702: it's REALLY good lisx#1702: so happy I can cry 😭 😭 PeckServers.com#8342: Therefore ive still not detemined how good this "romance" you speak of is, so ill go look it it lisx#1702: this new show also makes me happy 😭 lisx#1702: yeah that is good PeckServers.com#8342: But its not that her music sucks, its that it makes you happy.and thats good lisx#1702: that's what I said PeckServers.com#8342: That's a relative opinion lisx#1702: but that's just a matter of opinion lisx#1702: which you're going to say is wrong again lisx#1702: but more importantly, her music is good PeckServers.com#8342: Both of which are wrong lisx#1702: there is such a distinct difference there lisx#1702: taylor swift is *hot* PeckServers.com#8342: Shes a Canadian actor PeckServers.com#8342: No shes not, youre darn right lisx#1702: taylor swift isn't *cute* lisx#1702: I've never seen her before lisx#1702: um PeckServers.com#8342: Google lisx#1702: who's alisha newton? lisx#1702: and one of the lead actors are kinda hot PeckServers.com#8342: Like Taylor swift cute or Alisha newton cute? lisx#1702: it's CUTE romance!!! Mocha#3331: pron Mocha#3331: no not porn PeckServers.com#8342: What about porn? lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: Im watching Cleveland show tho lisx#1702: like neither Mocha#3331: Pron lisx#1702: search it up PeckServers.com#8342: Like romeo and juliet or crazy rich asians lisx#1702: yeah... Mocha#3331: Then I'll tell you if I don't like it Mocha#3331: Damn just let me check it out first lisx#1702: just because lisx#1702: well uh you might not like it though PeckServers.com#8342: What kind of romance? Mocha#3331: Plus I was talking about the genre in general Mocha#3331: No imma a lil busy rn so ill check it out in a bit lisx#1702: did you read the show description lisx#1702: it's the best show I've seen on netflix so far Mocha#3331: Sometimes it can be too corny but like it's still good lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: I mean it cant be that bad if Netflix signed it in... Oh wait, Netflix signs everything in Mocha#3331: Yeah romance is good lisx#1702: are you in to romance??? Mocha#3331: Plus I haven't really watched anything in a while Mocha#3331: I have an open mind towards anything lisx#1702: lmao lisx#1702: so bad for you lisx#1702: like taylor swift good PeckServers.com#8342: Oop lisx#1702: what's south park lisx#1702: but I'm not sure if you'd like it PeckServers.com#8342: Like Taylor swift good or south park good? lisx#1702: YOU SHOULD lisx#1702: really???? Mocha#3331: I might check it out then fs lisx#1702: It's actually so good though 😍 I'm not even kidding Mocha#3331: LMFAO PeckServers.com#8342: Oh... Did you 😏 lisx#1702: no but Mocha#3331: Is it like sexual 💀 Mocha#3331: Wha.. lisx#1702: you'll see 😏 Mocha#3331: Sounds good Mocha#3331: Oooo lisx#1702: I just finished lisx#1702: it came out today PeckServers.com#8342: Woah, never heard of it lisx#1702: quite relative to the current topic (apparently) I'm watching Heartstopper PeckServers.com#8342: https://c.tenor.com/p0lNNzuNlOYAAAAM/peugeot-508.gif PeckServers.com#8342: Youll be the next distracted boyfriend Mocha#3331: I'm sorry Daniel but I need to make money somehow Mocha#3331: LMFAOOOOO username123115#4960: no i don't wanna be in *another* getty images collection Mocha#3331: wellllllll 👀 PeckServers.com#8342: Dang, thats like 3 hours or something lisx#1702: *well* PeckServers.com#8342: Hehe race jokes PeckServers.com#8342: All your holes would be... The same size cause daniels asian Mocha#3331: What're you watching Mocha#3331: I wish I was gabe🤤 lisx#1702: I've seen like 200 minutes of netflix today PeckServers.com#8342: I hear him and gaybe do some hot stuff every once in awhile Mocha#3331: Too bad it only goes out 1000ft 🥲 Mocha#3331: I'm gonna spy on daniel😍 PeckServers.com#8342: Kekw Mocha#3331: Wow what a great use and terrible idea :)) PeckServers.com#8342: No, you just wanna spy on the neighbors <:sus:783176301502267423> PeckServers.com#8342: Sick, now you can spy on the neighbors! lisx#1702: \:D lisx#1702: you should give it to me so *I* can leave it in *my* room to collect dust Mocha#3331: Time to leave it in my room to collect dust 😎 Mocha#3331: I won a cool drone in a giveaway and it just came in the mail 🥶 👍 PeckServers.com#8342: itll never happen again, im so sorry JohnPorter#7990: sus xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Foul💀 PeckServers.com#8342: 😢 PeckServers.com#8342: it just slipped in PeckServers.com#8342: i promise i dont use it PeckServers.com#8342: im sorry JohnPorter#7990: 👀 JohnPorter#7990: JohnPorter#7990: excuse me but JohnPorter#7990: sir PeckServers.com#8342: what yall think of my background? JohnPorter#7990: probably JohnPorter#7990: yeah lisx#1702: he's probably just really dramatic lisx#1702: lmao lisx#1702: because her eyes had "divine light" in them lisx#1702: but he remembered her eyes forever lisx#1702: about this woman he saw once lisx#1702: oh so it's a love letter lisx#1702: o lisx#1702: or like pretending he met the goddess helen? lisx#1702: is he calling another girl helen JohnPorter#7990: dang its like 20 pages shorter than what i remember lisx#1702: and saying he met her lisx#1702: okay but first why is he writing a poem about a goddess WalterJS#2477: I still don’t lisx#1702: after hours of watching netflix lisx#1702: maybe I can try to understand it now WalterJS#2477: After years of google searching WalterJS#2477: I finally found the poem WalterJS#2477: Aha WalterJS#2477: https://www.eapoe.org/works/poems/tohelnwe.htm lisx#1702: I wanted to fall asleep by then and just did the last half of the test in like ten minutes WalterJS#2477: That was all I really understood tho WalterJS#2477: I actually understood the eyes part after a few tries JohnPorter#7990: yeah... it was super cryptic lisx#1702: it made no sense whatsoever lisx#1702: edgar allen poe must've been high when he wrote that JohnPorter#7990: the part about the eyes JohnPorter#7990: that was really confusing Maulie#8927: We aren't even doing our tests until next week ;-; EJCaldwell#2924: Imagine doing the reading portion on the tests Mocha#3331: The hardest part was staying awake Mocha#3331: Nah it was just boring bro 😴 WalterJS#2477: That passage was pretty confusing WalterJS#2477: Did anyone get the Edgar Allen Poe poem “For Helen” or whatever WalterJS#2477: The reading started easy and then it got really confusing at the end WalterJS#2477: The math was sooo easy WalterJS#2477: Bruh PeckServers.com#8342: Happy life day burarahurricane#6369: HAPPY EARTH DAY 🌟 🌱 burarahurricane#6369: t h e s o u n d o f m y d y i n g s o u l PeckServers.com#8342: Aleks tho always suvked lisx#1702: it's really easy honestly lisx#1702: so you never see them ever again PeckServers.com#8342: Thats rough lisx#1702: can you disable youtube comments burarahurricane#6369: knife emoji burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: aleks and canvas PeckServers.com#8342: Delta or aleks PeckServers.com#8342: What site do you guys do your math in? lisx#1702: sending quackity pictures lisx#1702: you've been on discord lisx#1702: you haven't though burarahurricane#6369: its not working burarahurricane#6369: work burarahurricane#6369: work burarahurricane#6369: work burarahurricane#6369: stop burarahurricane#6369: brain burarahurricane#6369: i hate brasin burarahurricane#6369: IVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS STPUDI MATH ASSIGNEMTN THAT MY THIGNATWEDFGOSYUIKCJVXVKL; lisx#1702: I thought you were going to perfect your dying cow squeaks burarahurricane#6369: i haven't practcied burarahurricane#6369: fuck lisx#1702: practice lisx#1702: I should go lisx#1702: I'm bored burarahurricane#6369: :( PeckServers.com#8342: Imagine having to do the aspire test burarahurricane#6369: of testing burarahurricane#6369: sparkles four hours sparkles burarahurricane#6369: we get to do PeckServers.com#8342: RIP burarahurricane#6369: the aspire stuff burarahurricane#6369: IVE NEVER THOUGHT SO FEW THOUGHTS PeckServers.com#8342: What test you guys have? burarahurricane#6369: neither do i my brain has lliterally stoppped working lisx#1702: I don't want to do the testing stuff tomorrow \:( burarahurricane#6369: guys with faces also look like this guy with a face burarahurricane#6369: wgat burarahurricane#6369: exaclty Maulie#8927: 16 swearing dictionary man lisx#1702: I mean it was a guy with a face so I see how you made that correlation burarahurricane#6369: and you know who also has furly hari burarahurricane#6369: has burarahurricane#6369: curly hair burarahurricane#6369: and the guy had like PeckServers.com#8342: He's like "oop delicious mushroom, coiled snake" burarahurricane#6369: but he also oftentimes wears this red jacket burarahurricane#6369: and red sleeves Maulie#8927: Isn't the shirt he wears white? With a red collar? burarahurricane#6369: i have some mental illness Maulie#8927: How PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao PeckServers.com#8342: This guy crazy as burarahurricane#6369: i saw a red shirt and thought ghe guy was tommyh innit 😐 PeckServers.com#8342: Its funny as hell PeckServers.com#8342: Actually watch this PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/qUwFfu4VPi0?feature=share burarahurricane#6369: + PeckServers.com#8342: + lisx#1702: stupid keyboard lisx#1702: oops lisx#1702: + PeckServers.com#8342: The glass is beneficial to the blood stream and healthy brain functions burarahurricane#6369: it is an important part of your diet PeckServers.com#8342: No, i actually really need fiber PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: my arm hurts so freaking much lisx#1702: are you being sarcastic PeckServers.com#8342: Im so excited PeckServers.com#8342: Its confirmed, CenturyLink fiber is coming to my neighborhood EJCaldwell#2924: I felt like I was EJCaldwell#2924: I didn’t pass out though PeckServers.com#8342: Oh you probably did get in front of him and it felt so good you passed out EJCaldwell#2924: I was trying to get in front of him EJCaldwell#2924: He was right there with me EJCaldwell#2924: Just ask <@454805555626639371> EJCaldwell#2924: It was a fell 50m sprint PeckServers.com#8342: Hmm, crazy EJCaldwell#2924: Just tried to slow down too much I think EJCaldwell#2924: Drank plenty EJCaldwell#2924: Nope PeckServers.com#8342: Dehydration EJCaldwell#2924: I don’t think it’s that PeckServers.com#8342: Brain tumor fs EJCaldwell#2924: Gave EJCaldwell#2924: My legs have out I think EJCaldwell#2924: I just fell EJCaldwell#2924: I did not even trip give_a_minute#1155: sounds like an experience give_a_minute#1155: head go bonk EJCaldwell#2924: My hearing went all static for like five mins EJCaldwell#2924: I almost passed out I think EJCaldwell#2924: Idk PeckServers.com#8342: Jesus son is it swolen or anything? EJCaldwell#2924: Mountain bike inc makes me feel not much pain EJCaldwell#2924: The scratches I can deal with tho EJCaldwell#2924: It was the arm I tried to catch myself with burarahurricane#6369: D: thats not good EJCaldwell#2924: Why do you want gabe? username123115#4960: oof EJCaldwell#2924: Now I can’t bend i#or straighten it too far EJCaldwell#2924: I fell at track and did an entire roll EJCaldwell#2924: My arm is in so much pain lisx#1702: it's so insane it's the literal series 😭 lisx#1702: this song is literally written by grrm burarahurricane#6369: I WAS GONNA SEND THAT TO YOU ive b3en listening to florence + the machine a lot recently lisx#1702: omg this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTa1jHk1Lxc burarahurricane#6369: O H MY GOD IT KEEPS DOING IT burarahurricane#6369: HJAFDAKFGADF PeckServers.com#8342: Aah yes the one and only truthLONGAWN burarahurricane#6369: the stupdi BOT HAS TRAPPED ME IN THE #TRUTHLONGAWN burarahurricane#6369: HELP ME burarahurricane#6369: oh yeah crazy lisx#1702: it was so weird like Idek how it got there burarahurricane#6369: fOr SoMe ReAsOn lisx#1702: for some reason I found your waterbottle sitting in my backpack burarahurricane#6369: HVE MY WATEBRTOTLE burarahurricane#6369: YOU lisx#1702: oh yeah alysse lisx#1702: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh burarahurricane#6369: part burarahurricane#6369: not for the first patt Dyno#3861: lisa is awesome xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisa wasn't there? burarahurricane#6369: NO Dyno#3861: lisa is awesome burarahurricane#6369: LISA STILL UAS MY FUCKUNG WATERVOTTLE burarahurricane#6369: OH MY GOD burarahurricane#6369: i just walked past geothe burarahurricane#6369: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that should work xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1oswuvNCTIUieGVrJkG9ejXnmm1IyaI2STaS7zCCjGA4/edit?usp=sharing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: bruh burarahurricane#6369: <@776230986324246558> burarahurricane#6369: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you guys should go through this to make sure it's not gonna make me yk die by cringe xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1oswuvNCTIUieGVrJkG9ejXnmm1IyaI2STaS7zCCjGA4/edit?usp=sharing PeckServers.com#8342: Plus all of the wifi access points and cameras PeckServers.com#8342: The core network at my house where i host all of my web, file, and Minecraft servers JohnPorter#7990: what do you use it for? PeckServers.com#8342: Its some really good enterprise equipment that i got for pennies on auction PeckServers.com#8342: The top of those two can power things through those ports PeckServers.com#8342: The bottom two have 48 gigabit ports each PeckServers.com#8342: That switch is garbage tho compared to the rest PeckServers.com#8342: Idk, i guess one day it got decorated TAKOYAKII#2886: There were some minor setbacks xd EJCaldwell#2924: Why is there a mustache xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Its light and stuff PeckServers.com#8342: Its so cool PeckServers.com#8342: Yup xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you? PeckServers.com#8342: Guess who just got fiberrer! PeckServers.com#8342: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: foul💀 lisx#1702: my dad picked me up at 4 😭 lisx#1702: oh yeah guess what xXthat1redheadXx#9990: indeed Ig so too lisx#1702: yeah I guess I am lisx#1702: guess you didn't get to prove you're better than an 800 😂 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh Dyno#3861: lisa is awesome xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisa xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah Dyno#3861: lisa is awesome xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisa you're back!!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh my gosh lisx#1702: No you can’t lisx#1702: People in chess advisory suck lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: this guy has a gun tho ““”̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿’̿’̵͇̿з=(≖ڡ≖)=ε/̵͇̿/̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿’““ burarahurricane#6369: it can do ur mom Maulie#8927: Im not cause it can't do anything burarahurricane#6369: never u derestimate rhe digitak fa e burarahurricane#6369: omg omg salve for the wounded soul updated this is epic Maulie#8927: What is a digital face gonna do? burarahurricane#6369: its jnot yoy tho…its me devil emoji Maulie#8927: If it was me yes burarahurricane#6369: are u Sure EJCaldwell#2924: You sure about that Maulie#8927: I don't think you can get past attempted burarahurricane#6369: anyway its not attempted murder anymore ^-^ burarahurricane#6369: i was alrwady on the edge it was all i needed to push me over it Maulie#8927: You're going to attempt murder over a water bottle? burarahurricane#6369: she stole mg wayer bottle EJCaldwell#2924: Also Hitlers birthday EJCaldwell#2924: Why EJCaldwell#2924: 6 burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: I dont think you could even if you wanted to burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: im goung to kill kisa JohnPorter#7990: 👀 burarahurricane#6369: ok j played really badtoay but i wa shyper and wa s judt like fuck it idc and moved and made blunders so i lost to jackson BUT I DINT CARE !bb burarahurricane#6369: <@383372123714093098> what number ar wyoy burarahurricane#6369: im actually epic burarahurricane#6369: who was dissing my chess skills fuck you im in teh top five in terms of points in chess advisory burarahurricane#6369: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:epic:835701893262999592> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:epic:835701893262999592> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:epic:835701893262999592> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:epic:835701893262999592> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:epic:835701893262999592> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:epic:835701893262999592> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:epic:835701893262999592> burarahurricane#6369: GUYS ITS WEED DAY Mocha#3331: Goodnight TAKOYAKII#2886: Ight night Mocha#3331: Imma go to bed Mocha#3331: Awesome TAKOYAKII#2886: I'm an idiot TAKOYAKII#2886: Damn wasn't paying attention to my time Mocha#3331: Gg TAKOYAKII#2886: Ahahahahaha TAKOYAKII#2886: Oips TAKOYAKII#2886: There TAKOYAKII#2886: Ah TAKOYAKII#2886: Yeah idk Mocha#3331: Lmaoo Mocha#3331: What TAKOYAKII#2886: ... TAKOYAKII#2886: Going on TAKOYAKII#2886: There's like 3 games TAKOYAKII#2886: Uhhhh Mocha#3331: Ok yeah I got it TAKOYAKII#2886: Yeah Mocha#3331: Did you send it? Mocha#3331: Ok TAKOYAKII#2886: Dont see it, here I'll send it Mocha#3331: I sent it again Mocha#3331: Strange TAKOYAKII#2886: Says ur offline Mocha#3331: Alright TAKOYAKII#2886: Also my parents are still talking to ppl so I'm on my phone rn if I disconnect its cuz my data is trash Mocha#3331: I already sent it lol TAKOYAKII#2886: K I'll send it Mocha#3331: You know what sure let's get at it TAKOYAKII#2886: U ready? TAKOYAKII#2886: <@484351343503474698> TAKOYAKII#2886: K TAKOYAKII#2886: 45 mins something like that Mocha#3331: Sure I'm down TAKOYAKII#2886: 30 mins? TAKOYAKII#2886: So like TAKOYAKII#2886: Idk as soon as I get home from church Mocha#3331: Like how much time is a bit? TAKOYAKII#2886: If ur up for it TAKOYAKII#2886: In a bit TAKOYAKII#2886: But like TAKOYAKII#2886: Not rn TAKOYAKII#2886: Wanna play a game TAKOYAKII#2886: Just to make a point that I am supposed to be better than an 800 (probs not) Mocha#3331: Yeah TAKOYAKII#2886: <@484351343503474698> TAKOYAKII#2886: Hey uh lisx#1702: k cya TAKOYAKII#2886: Ight cya TAKOYAKII#2886: Maybe Friday lisx#1702: yeah TAKOYAKII#2886: Or something TAKOYAKII#2886: Tmr TAKOYAKII#2886: Xd TAKOYAKII#2886: Same lisx#1702: some other time though because I gtg TAKOYAKII#2886: Alright lisx#1702: sure lisx#1702: so more like 16/29/5 TAKOYAKII#2886: Wanna bet? lisx#1702: nah I'd beat you at least one more time lisx#1702: LMAO Dyno#3861: lisa is awesome TAKOYAKII#2886: Lisa want me to make that 15/30/3 Mocha#3331: yeah it was not a good moment for me 💀 lisx#1702: lmao TAKOYAKII#2886: Uhhhh lisx#1702: I mean if I can beat you you're definitely doing bad lmao Mocha#3331: probably I was playing a lot of bad moves lisx#1702: you're probably just doing bad today lisx#1702: oh Mocha#3331: I've played him like six times I think lisx#1702: his rapid is 1200 too Mocha#3331: jared hasn't beaten me once Mocha#3331: yall are like even Mocha#3331: lmfaoo lisx#1702: Mocha#3331: him Mocha#3331: yeah lisx#1702: yeah good night lisx#1702: this jared?? Mocha#3331: goodnight lisx#1702: lmao exactly lisx#1702: chess and everything else 😭 Mocha#3331: I think I happened to play like shit today too 💀 lisx#1702: I think I just happened to be really cracked today Mocha#3331: you are bipolar for chess lmao lisx#1702: it depends on the day though lisx#1702: I'm very honored Mocha#3331: you were playing better than jared fs Mocha#3331: no way your 700 Mocha#3331: you were playing like a 1200 lisx#1702: lisx#1702: my chess play skills kinda go like this Mocha#3331: lmao ok lisx#1702: can't promise I'll be as good the next time we play though Mocha#3331: good games lisx#1702: yeah Mocha#3331: oh alright we should play again fs tho lisx#1702: or I'm going to die again tomorrow lisx#1702: I have to go to bed Mocha#3331: for all the beans Mocha#3331: wanna go for one more? Mocha#3331: BROOO lisx#1702: TRUST ME I FELT STUPIDER lisx#1702: I saw it half a second after I moved some other piece 😭 Mocha#3331: I FELT SO STUPID Mocha#3331: YEAH lisx#1702: did you see that??? lisx#1702: I could've taken your rook there though lisx#1702: don't even lisx#1702: you know what Mocha#3331: no way your a 700 💀 lisx#1702: ikr lisx#1702: THIS CLOSE lisx#1702: i was Mocha#3331: close game ong lisx#1702: pathetic lisx#1702: totally lisx#1702: that was Mocha#3331: LMFAOOO lisx#1702: FUCK lisx#1702: that I saw like a second too late lisx#1702: I missed the best move lisx#1702: I'm so dumb PeckServers.com#8342: you PeckServers.com#8342: off topic, have any of you ever noticed how cringey the acting in music videos is, especially the lip syncing lisx#1702: that seems like a really wrong move lisx#1702: fuck Mocha#3331: I wanna run it back Mocha#3331: yea lisx#1702: wanna go again Mocha#3331: yeah it was called the trompowski but I misplayed the move order lisx#1702: is it the one with the bishop and the knight lisx#1702: idk what its called lisx#1702: oh yeah with the bishop coming out first Mocha#3331: but I fumbled it Mocha#3331: just go for a ceartain opening that lets me get everything lisx#1702: what were you trying to do Mocha#3331: so i'll play more positionally lisx#1702: so sad Mocha#3331: but I realized you don't fall for stupid stuff lisx#1702: imagine Mocha#3331: I fumbled cause I was trying to cheese you lisx#1702: Idek what happened lisx#1702: 😅 Mocha#3331: run it back PeckServers.com#8342: i dont have one lisx#1702: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: see the issue here PeckServers.com#8342: cody PeckServers.com#8342: lisa Dyno#3861: lisa is awesome PeckServers.com#8342: lisa Maulie#8927: 1v1 me lisx#1702: yeah Dyno#3861: lisa is awesome PeckServers.com#8342: Did you win lisa? PeckServers.com#8342: Ayo lisx#1702: 😏 lisx#1702: my hip hop music is defintely working though lisx#1702: that's not very nice 😦 Mocha#3331: shut yo ass up smh lisx#1702: excuses excuses Mocha#3331: I guesss lisx#1702: I won one though Mocha#3331: I was palying two games at the same time lol lisx#1702: okay Mocha#3331: imma actually try this time lisx#1702: I knew it Mocha#3331: run it back Mocha#3331: shut up Mocha#3331: NOO\ lisx#1702: what did I say <@484351343503474698> Mocha#3331: run it back im pissed lisx#1702: 😈 Mocha#3331: lmao Mocha#3331: sorry I was playing more smash and just moved a piece Mocha#3331: I hate myself so much Mocha#3331: I hate myself lisx#1702: <@383372123714093098> do you want me to stream it.. Mocha#3331: alright bet lisx#1702: we should do rapid lisx#1702: hm Mocha#3331: wanna do some bullet or do you wanna do rapid? Mocha#3331: alirght I got it lisx#1702: probably lisx#1702: <@484351343503474698> I sent the request EJCaldwell#2924: Or share the link if that works lisx#1702: I could stream it EJCaldwell#2924: I have popcorn Mocha#3331: yeah Mocha#3331: umm if you can figure it out EJCaldwell#2924: Can I watch Mocha#3331: <@726265256082407504> alright my username is diggitydog42 Mocha#3331: just gimme like two min Mocha#3331: yeah sure lisx#1702: Wanna play? lisx#1702: <@484351343503474698> im home now Mocha#3331: oh 💀 Maulie#8927: I'm good Mocha#3331: lemme go get my mouse real quick Mocha#3331: yeah I realized Maulie#8927: idek what i was doing Mocha#3331: It was hard to move the pieces Mocha#3331: sorry wait I was playing on a mousepad 💀 Maulie#8927: 121?!?!?! EJCaldwell#2924: Just send the link I think Maulie#8927: Mocha#3331: I don't have the invite lisx#1702: Lol Maulie#8927: I do know there is a way to spectate games I just don't know how they do it Mocha#3331: I was playing smash sorry mb Mocha#3331: oh woops Maulie#8927: PeckServers.com#8342: learn from ol tommy PeckServers.com#8342: just get smart PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RY_2gElt3SA Mocha#3331: it's like funny Mocha#3331: stupidity will never be bad lisx#1702: “Everyone is talented in many ways” Maulie#8927: Except when it is lisx#1702: And stupidity isn’t *bad* lisx#1702: I’m just referring to chess PeckServers.com#8342: there Dyno#3861: lisa is awesome PeckServers.com#8342: actually lisx#1702: 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: dont take it personally lisa PeckServers.com#8342: aww you were supposed to react more, now i feel bad lisx#1702: Yeah PeckServers.com#8342: both of which you struggle at Maulie#8927: idk how lisx#1702: It’s just the difference of dying from time or dying of stupidity PeckServers.com#8342: gimme a spectate link Mocha#3331: alright sure Maulie#8927: Haven't played the mode in like two months Maulie#8927: Willing to try one round of bullet lisx#1702: The less time there is the worst I am at it Mocha#3331: huge difference PeckServers.com#8342: corporate marketing Mocha#3331: blitz is more time to think Maulie#8927: I've never understood the point of blitz and bullet. They're basically the same thing Maulie#8927: Mocha#3331: I mainly play blitz and I think im like 1200 PeckServers.com#8342: 69:0kdr Mocha#3331: oh Mocha#3331: like 1000 I don't play a lot of bullet lisx#1702: Mine is probably around 200 😂 lisx#1702: What’s your bullet rating PeckServers.com#8342: <:thonk:792962252772343808> PeckServers.com#8342: its rapid fire, like bullets Mocha#3331: Yeah Maulie#8927: 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, lisx#1702: Is bullet the 1 minute ones? EJCaldwell#2924: lol Mocha#3331: Alright I feel like playing some bullet just @ me PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/third-base-ball-baseball-coach-gif-19488754 lisx#1702: Um lisx#1702: Maybe when I get home Maulie#8927: If she won't I will Mocha#3331: Based EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: chess sucks what can i say burarahurricane#6369: remember that window of time where it was a 50/50 of who would win PeckServers.com#8342: lisa are you going to do it this year EJCaldwell#2924: That came out of nowhere PeckServers.com#8342: whens cross country burarahurricane#6369: so you could beat me burarahurricane#6369: you were at ur peak too lisx#1702: I don’t remember that lisx#1702: 🤨 Mocha#3331: You wanna run some games rn? PeckServers.com#8342: doubt it Maulie#8927: I don't think so lisx#1702: No I think I’d at least win one burarahurricane#6369: then i kinda stopped playing over the summer and now i suck PeckServers.com#8342: then you learned important things EJCaldwell#2924: The only reason I won was because of time and I had the upper hand burarahurricane#6369: i used to be epic at chess Maulie#8927: Trust me he could win them all easily lisx#1702: Lmao Mocha#3331: Lmaooo burarahurricane#6369: i take offense from this PeckServers.com#8342: i played with a co worker and got shit on every time lisx#1702: Bet lisx#1702: Hmmmmm Maulie#8927: I came really close to winning once but I ran out of time EJCaldwell#2924: Okay Mocha#3331: I would win all of them fs Maulie#8927: Trust me we played like 10 and I didn't win a single one Mocha#3331: Unless it's bullet burarahurricane#6369: if he doesnt do the assign the ppls playing thing thne yaas lets do it PeckServers.com#8342: thats what it feels like atleast PeckServers.com#8342: ive come up with a new response to "wanna play chess with me", "wanna come configure vlans with me?" lisx#1702: I bet if we played 20 games I would win at least one EJCaldwell#2924: <@749747503947055136> wanna play chess tomorrow EJCaldwell#2924: I should vs them tomorrow in chess class PeckServers.com#8342: very much Maulie#8927: If only I had more time... :( EJCaldwell#2924: Yes Mocha#3331: I don't think I'v lost to anyone in this server yet lol Maulie#8927: Does she even know how to play chess? PeckServers.com#8342: ally EJCaldwell#2924: Allyse (spelt name wrong sorry) lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: I can probably beat like half a person in this server Mocha#3331: You Maulie#8927: Name at least one person that you win more than half the games lisx#1702: Ikr PeckServers.com#8342: true EJCaldwell#2924: False PeckServers.com#8342: i would say yes but i really dont know how to play ches Mocha#3331: You play a game all motivated being like "man I can't wait to outwit my opponent using problem solving and tactics" then you lose because you didn't see their bishop and moved your queen into their line of sight Maulie#8927: You can't beat anyone else in this server EJCaldwell#2924: Shhhh lisx#1702: Exactly! Maulie#8927: Only because you know you would win lisx#1702: Exactly EJCaldwell#2924: Wanna 1v1 me Cody in chess PeckServers.com#8342: it sounds nerd level boring PeckServers.com#8342: i never got into chess so i have no idea how fun it is Mocha#3331: Chess is fun until it isn't PeckServers.com#8342: you win when you are better and lose when you suck harder PeckServers.com#8342: thats usually how winning and losing works tho lisx#1702: And that’s not really much fun either lisx#1702: Except usually I only win because the other person sucks even more lisx#1702: Unless when I win lisx#1702: I suck at it lisx#1702: Chess isn’t fun anymore lisx#1702: No Maulie#8927: Or have I still ruined the game for you from last time? Maulie#8927: Play chess with me lisx#1702: Help lisx#1702: I’m bored EJCaldwell#2924: What PeckServers.com#8342: Frack! burarahurricane#6369: lol lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: yeah I watched that yesterday Dyno#3861: Hey! I'm Dyno, and you're.... AWESOME! Keep being you, man. (or woman. or non-binary individual. or cat.) burarahurricane#6369: dyno...ur quoting free guy Maulie#8927: oh Mocha#3331: It got triggered by the hyperlink Maulie#8927: It got triggered by the GIF? Dyno#3861: you're welcome. don't have a good day, have a great day. Mocha#3331: It's cause the gif had thank you Maulie#8927: Oh Dyno#3861: you're welcome. don't have a good day, have a great day. Maulie#8927: thank you? Maulie#8927: How'd you get it to say this? Mocha#3331: I said d*yno Dyno#3861: Hey! I'm Dyno, and you're.... AWESOME! Keep being you, man. (or woman. or non-binary individual. or cat.) Maulie#8927: What did you do to get dyno to say that? Maulie#8927: 💀 Maulie#8927: No? Maulie#8927: Wait so if you say lmao Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/ltg-low-tier-god-you-should-kill-yourself-now-gif-23487049 Dyno#3861: Hey! I'm Dyno, and you're.... AWESOME! Keep being you, man. (or woman. or non-binary individual. or cat.) Mocha#3331: Shut the actual fuc up dyno😡 😡 😡 🤬 Dyno#3861: you're welcome. don't have a good day, have a great day. Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/praying-cat-please-thank-you-thanks-gif-16119732 Mocha#3331: Lmaooo💀 Maulie#8927: Yeah EJCaldwell#2924: The track Maulie#8927: You were probably at the stadium EJCaldwell#2924: Track Maulie#8927: Where? lisx#1702: I'm sick lisx#1702: ~~even though biology is already over~~ burarahurricane#6369: LMAO lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/hang-in-there-kitten-meme-og-meme-monday-motivation-gif-12929901 lisx#1702: don't give up lisx#1702: uh lisx#1702: lol what burarahurricane#6369: she just decided to not go EJCaldwell#2924: Track PeckServers.com#8342: Why EJCaldwell#2924: Wow EJCaldwell#2924: What happened to Lisa? burarahurricane#6369: gothic font im dyjgn burarahurricane#6369: i might snap and go on my clingy arc burarahurricane#6369: EJCaldwell#2924: I am at Dixie right now PeckServers.com#8342: I dont have to JohnPorter#7990: Imagine EJCaldwell#2924: smh EJCaldwell#2924: Imagine being at school right now burarahurricane#6369: crazy JohnPorter#7990: thats me JohnPorter#7990: yep JohnPorter#7990: oop burarahurricane#6369: fr JohnPorter#7990: school... JohnPorter#7990: rip PeckServers.com#8342: Kms burarahurricane#6369: school tomorrow <:borkenheart:913244689749143592> <:borkenheart:913244689749143592> <:borkenheart:913244689749143592> <:borkenheart:913244689749143592> burarahurricane#6369: :O PeckServers.com#8342: I think I know who that is burarahurricane#6369: yes PeckServers.com#8342: He looks familiar, does he go to your school? burarahurricane#6369: 😎 burarahurricane#6369: OOOHHHHHH IM SUCH AN IDIOT ! burarahurricane#6369: THATS WHY YIU burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: OOOOHHHH that makes sense EJCaldwell#2924: Iain Carter Maulie#8927: Totally would've gone if I was still in the Fifth grade PeckServers.com#8342: Suicide day 😏 burarahurricane#6369: A day Maulie#8927: Tomorrow A day or B day? burarahurricane#6369: epic username123115#4960: thats awsome Maulie#8927: Apparently this is an ad now burarahurricane#6369: i wss likr wtf why did my grade drop burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: yeah burarahurricane#6369: was that for math lisx#1702: <@749747503947055136> did you get this lisx#1702: yeah burarahurricane#6369: man lisx#1702: I'm still bored lisx#1702: I know right burarahurricane#6369: so inclusive ^-^ Dyno#3861: Hey! I'm Dyno, and you're.... AWESOME! Keep being you, man. (or woman. or non-binary individual. or cat.) burarahurricane#6369: dyno burarahurricane#6369: omg…. burarahurricane#6369: quackity burarahurricane#6369: quackitu burarahurricane#6369: this is the ebdt fay od my life burarahurricane#6369: OMG! burarahurricane#6369: dream burarahurricane#6369: OMG Maulie#8927: George burarahurricane#6369: george Maulie#8927: George? Dyno#3861: it's a free country and you can say whatever you want burarahurricane#6369: fuck duck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck Maulie#8927: Thank you lol burarahurricane#6369: LMAO Dyno#3861: it's a free country and you can say whatever you want burarahurricane#6369: fuck ! Maulie#8927: Could you say that one more time Dyno#3861: Hey! I'm Dyno, and you're.... AWESOME! Keep being you, man. (or woman. or non-binary individual. or cat.) Dyno#3861: Hey! I'm Dyno, and you're.... AWESOME! Keep being you, man. (or woman. or non-binary individual. or cat.) Maulie#8927: dyno lisx#1702: dyno lisx#1702: maybe lisx#1702: here I changed it lisx#1702: that's not very nice 😦 PeckServers.com#8342: No because you do garbage like dyno burarahurricane#6369: FUCK YOUUUUUUUII burarahurricane#6369: DYNO MORE LIKE DIEYES lisx#1702: exactly isn't it great Maulie#8927: ^ PeckServers.com#8342: Ask anyone Maulie#8927: Just ask <@749747503947055136> PeckServers.com#8342: You have more power than me, I can't take away your admin Maulie#8927: Everyone else would say otherwise lisx#1702: why though it's great Dyno#3861: Hey! I'm Dyno, and you're dumb! Maulie#8927: Oh yeah btw can you get Dyno to shut up the whole server is losing it lol lisx#1702: I've always had them PeckServers.com#8342: You got them back? lisx#1702: guess what PeckServers.com#8342: Yes lisx#1702: cody remember when you took away my admin roles PeckServers.com#8342: Youre PeckServers.com#8342: Wow you are bad at spelling Maulie#8927: Actually it's Your PeckServers.com#8342: You're lisx#1702: wow your bad spelling smh lisx#1702: I cant believe it's <@852187118113652776> PeckServers.com#8342: I cant believe its <@726265256082407504> lisx#1702: Hi <@852187118113652776> PeckServers.com#8342: Hi <@726265256082407504> burarahurricane#6369: 🌟 this is epic lisx#1702: 😅 thanks burarahurricane#6369: omg <@!726265256082407504> welcome back 💖💖 PeckServers.com#8342: Anyways im going rants over good luck PeckServers.com#8342: After effects PeckServers.com#8342: Lightroom PeckServers.com#8342: Including acrobat which is a god send PeckServers.com#8342: Im telling you theres absolutely no reason to pay for adobe when you can get premiere Photoshop and ALL other adobe products for free PeckServers.com#8342: Think of it like a license key, it cant see anything or control anything, it just tells the software you are allowed to use it Maulie#8927: When you activate it that email is still activated PeckServers.com#8342: You also get Microsoft office through the school PeckServers.com#8342: Once you sign in its activated PeckServers.com#8342: You dont have to use the actually email or the account, you just have to sign in PeckServers.com#8342: Wym Maulie#8927: The way my school runs the account(s) is what I don't like PeckServers.com#8342: Cody@peckservers.com PeckServers.com#8342: The inly reason i pay for a separate one is because its for my business PeckServers.com#8342: And gsuite products PeckServers.com#8342: You also have like 1tb of google drive through the school PeckServers.com#8342: But till then its free PeckServers.com#8342: Then you can pay UrbanAngel1999#3001: unless you move PeckServers.com#8342: Youll have it till you graduate PeckServers.com#8342: Why Maulie#8927: I don't like to be dependant on my school account PeckServers.com#8342: Save $516 PeckServers.com#8342: Why when you can have it for free on 3 devices for like 4 more years UrbanAngel1999#3001: why though when you could've just used it for free... Maulie#8927: I signed up for Photoshop and Premiere Pro Maulie#8927: Yeah PeckServers.com#8342: For adobe PeckServers.com#8342: A month? Maulie#8927: $40 UrbanAngel1999#3001: not likely PeckServers.com#8342: Your mother UrbanAngel1999#3001: whos the new person Maulie#8927: Let me look Maulie#8927: I don't remember PeckServers.com#8342: How much does that cost you? UrbanAngel1999#3001: it's boring now because I've read way too much of it in the last... four months UrbanAngel1999#3001: but UrbanAngel1999#3001: I've been reading a game of thrones UrbanAngel1999#3001: lol UrbanAngel1999#3001: I'm bored Maulie#8927: Hows it going? burarahurricane#6369: alt UrbanAngel1999#3001: I've always been here Maulie#8927: You came back? UrbanAngel1999#3001: I'm bored Maulie#8927: I pay for a subscription cause I want to keep my school email at school EJCaldwell#2924: Dad PeckServers.com#8342: Where is it now? EJCaldwell#2924: Ima do that when I get my laptop back PeckServers.com#8342: Download adobe cc and sign in EJCaldwell#2924: How Maulie#8927: It's uploaded in such bad quality as well PeckServers.com#8342: Dang Maulie#8927: That one video just keeps going PeckServers.com#8342: I actively use it PeckServers.com#8342: No, you *do* Maulie#8927: Everyone keeps telling me you don't lol PeckServers.com#8342: The entire adobe suite PeckServers.com#8342: You get it free from school Maulie#8927: Nvm Maulie#8927: Oh wait Maulie#8927: Adobe EJCaldwell#2924: Just need software for editing and graphic design PeckServers.com#8342: One day he'll get a video idea EJCaldwell#2924: I have plans for a few Maulie#8927: Eventually. In a million years EJCaldwell#2924: Who says I don’t have one coming eventually PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao Maulie#8927: From your description it sounds like PeckServers.com#8342: Its a hot item Maulie#8927: No idea what that even is lol PeckServers.com#8342: Thats hot asf PeckServers.com#8342: In fairness youve never been in the same room as a cisco switch Maulie#8927: Got that whole setup and you still aren't doing Youtube? PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao Maulie#8927: With no fans it probably is PeckServers.com#8342: Dang hot asf EJCaldwell#2924: Yes Maulie#8927: Like mine? EJCaldwell#2924: Headphone jack Maulie#8927: Circle port? EJCaldwell#2924: Not lightning port EJCaldwell#2924: I need headphones that have the circle port Maulie#8927: I like the table EJCaldwell#2924: I can do console games now EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: I upgraded my setup burarahurricane#6369: LMFAO Mocha#3331: gonna start using that one Mocha#3331: I looked up synonyms and found that one of them is "as pleased as punch" 💀 Mocha#3331: those are some good ones but don't reach what I'm trying to describe when I use glad burarahurricane#6369: lol Mocha#3331: I know words Mocha#3331: synonym* burarahurricane#6369: pleased burarahurricane#6369: happy burarahurricane#6369: grateful Mocha#3331: I find myself using that word a lot and kinda want to change that a bit Mocha#3331: what's a good adjective for glad PeckServers.com#8342: No! Instant gratification all the way burarahurricane#6369: its all about the long run burarahurricane#6369: high road gives u the moral superiority and favor of the parents tho PeckServers.com#8342: Man the high road is so unsatisfying tho burarahurricane#6369: no i took the high road unfortunately EJCaldwell#2924: or did you drop kick the child EJCaldwell#2924: you slap them back burarahurricane#6369: younger sibling :| EJCaldwell#2924: how/why PeckServers.com#8342: IT'S EASTER!!!!!! Mocha#3331: Happy Easter 🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇 Maulie#8927: Rip. Im launching balloons at people burarahurricane#6369: i got slapped :( burarahurricane#6369: happy easter ! Maulie#8927: Happy Easter! PeckServers.com#8342: rundll PeckServers.com#8342: In this little skit I'm "wild west" and Ishmael is "Bruce" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😈 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: He didnt exclude humans WalterJS#2477: Lmao PeckServers.com#8342: cause we are mammals, and tbh you kinda lookin like a snack 😏 WalterJS#2477: 😂😂😂😂😂 East Germany Is Going Great#1917: WalterJS#2477: Ayoooooo why u callin humans “food” that’s a bit sus East Germany Is Going Great#1917: pfff East Germany Is Going Great#1917: So true burarahurricane#6369: u could say the same abt humans WalterJS#2477: @everyone if animals didn’t want to be eaten, then why are they made out of food? PeckServers.com#8342: . PeckServers.com#8342: ikr, this season of family guy has been really funny burarahurricane#6369: and my knees dodnt hurt that bad!!!! burarahurricane#6369: it was fun burarahurricane#6369: back from the first like legit bike ride ive done this yr i think Mocha#3331: Shit had me dead Mocha#3331: That's comedy gold dude 💀 PeckServers.com#8342: im sorry WHAT was the message here? PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: Meet is on Tuesday EJCaldwell#2924: You have to tell the coaches now JohnPorter#7990: who knows maybe ill go crazy and do an 800 as well JohnPorter#7990: maybe throw in a 400 JohnPorter#7990: probably JohnPorter#7990: oh idk PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning dads and dadettes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Fax burarahurricane#6369: peepoGiggle burarahurricane#6369: ehehehehe EJCaldwell#2924: just wow EJCaldwell#2924: wow PeckServers.com#8342: thats one letter away from peepoo burarahurricane#6369: NO…….not peepo :( EJCaldwell#2924: i believe you WalterJS#2477: 💀💀 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/sad-gif-24523682 PeckServers.com#8342: *bonk* burarahurricane#6369: i dont even know if i was being sarcastic there i dont remwmver PeckServers.com#8342: your sarcasm isnt appreciated PeckServers.com#8342: shush burarahurricane#6369: thats unfortunaye PeckServers.com#8342: but ive run out of ways to prove it PeckServers.com#8342: i doubt that so incredibly hard burarahurricane#6369: totally burarahurricane#6369: we believe you PeckServers.com#8342: idk why you guys dont understand that PeckServers.com#8342: neither is kunami lol burarahurricane#6369: of course im right <:hehe:856378380332433408> EJCaldwell#2924: you're right burarahurricane#6369: and what’shisname burarahurricane#6369: you were talking to like iain the other day burarahurricane#6369: uhhh EJCaldwell#2924: also you know who i talk to in shop a lot <@749747503947055136> EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: this can be the new beiberfied walter…… burarahurricane#6369: papa smurf but hes walter burarahurricane#6369: omg EJCaldwell#2924: Just high jump again EJCaldwell#2924: What events are you going to do on Tuesday EJCaldwell#2924: Okay JohnPorter#7990: Papa Shew EJCaldwell#2924: But who invited you? EJCaldwell#2924: <@!454805555626639371> is not a Cody alt burarahurricane#6369: <:thonk:792962252772343808> <:thonk:792962252772343808> <:thonk:792962252772343808> <:thonk:792962252772343808> burarahurricane#6369: watermelon . PeckServers.com#8342: LOL Mocha#3331: Frog in a bender 😭 Mocha#3331: I thought of a flower crown at first💀 JohnPorter#7990: :P JohnPorter#7990: Thx burarahurricane#6369: okay i will tentatively trust you ^-^ JohnPorter#7990: Fr new JohnPorter#7990: Hola burarahurricane#6369: but umm hi ! welcome to the server burarahurricane#6369: are u a fr new person or another cody alt burarahurricane#6369: <@!454805555626639371> furrows brow burarahurricane#6369: a watermelon WalterJS#2477: a frog in a blender hehehe WalterJS#2477: @everyone What’s green and red and goes around in a circle? Maulie#8927: ? burarahurricane#6369: Maulie#8927: Uh, what? burarahurricane#6369: hsellp cbcdtet gameca llc! EJCaldwell#2924: But still EJCaldwell#2924: And not deep EJCaldwell#2924: I should of said that it went in side ways EJCaldwell#2924: Okay PeckServers.com#8342: Thats how you get a lot of diseases give_a_minute#1155: they should do a cover of it sometime EJCaldwell#2924: This song is really good Maulie#8927: burarahurricane#6369: onl y quarter inch imagine burarahurricane#6369: hgggg EJCaldwell#2924: Quarter of an inch deep into my hand about EJCaldwell#2924: It was just there EJCaldwell#2924: And I did not even feel it EJCaldwell#2924: I stabbed myself with a needle a few weeks ago in shop while I was a shop aid burarahurricane#6369: physical therapy Maulie#8927: Context? burarahurricane#6369: at least its just a finger indtead of a metal rod breaking skin and goin to the bone burarahurricane#6369: pokamuscle.com is horrible they dont know what theyre doing to thaf poor person burarahurricane#6369: i have determinde that my muscles do NOT like being poked burarahurricane#6369: but at least i wasnt electrocuted thsi time!!!!! burarahurricane#6369: i got stabbed again today 😭😭😭😭😭 WalterJS#2477: Like I can get my eyes to shift between sometimes WalterJS#2477: Your eyes are overthinking it WalterJS#2477: Even the manufacturer confirmed that it’s a black and blue burarahurricane#6369: thats like yellow burarahurricane#6369: the gold is dimmer than that WalterJS#2477: As you can see it’s clearly not gold WalterJS#2477: Side* WalterJS#2477: I added some gold on the wide burarahurricane#6369: NOOOOOOOO xXthat1redheadXx#9990: tis black and blue burarahurricane#6369: NO WalterJS#2477: That’s black and blue xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fish xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fish happened WalterJS#2477: Wtf is that EJCaldwell#2924: Let’s go PeckServers.com#8342: finallY username123115#4960: yay burarahurricane#6369: before weekenes burarahurricane#6369: FINAL DAY PeckServers.com#8342: Some real hard sucking Mocha#3331: what that mouth do? Maulie#8927: Where does the fish live? PeckServers.com#8342: Like what the hell happened in the evolution process to make that thing PeckServers.com#8342: gross EJCaldwell#2924: cool PeckServers.com#8342: THIS IS A FISH PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: i will get my executioner mask Mocha#3331: to the guillotine he goes Mocha#3331: I don't think daniel is human... EJCaldwell#2924: you are crazy username123115#4960: white and gold now username123115#4960: is username123115#4960: it burarahurricane#6369: wtf username123115#4960: but now it looks blue and black username123115#4960: it looked gold and white yesterday burarahurricane#6369: i got it frlm the intrneet burarahurricane#6369: oh the dreas burarahurricane#6369: i made it Maulie#8927: Where did you even get the image from PeckServers.com#8342: how even could that be Mocha#3331: 👍 EJCaldwell#2924: not* EJCaldwell#2924: i hope now Mocha#3331: I am clinically insane EJCaldwell#2924: are you color blind? Mocha#3331: I'm not 😢 EJCaldwell#2924: i thought you were joking lol Mocha#3331: stuff like this just make me PSHHHHH 🤯 Mocha#3331: this is why I explode daily burarahurricane#6369: @:$;92$:9-) why is it. why does it Mocha#3331: this image is going to give me nightmares Mocha#3331: the other said white and gold Mocha#3331: I just asked two other people and one said blue and black burarahurricane#6369: welcoem t oth e club burarahurricane#6369: uyr outnumbered here burarahurricane#6369: ethan and cody see it too Mocha#3331: I'm going clinically insane Mocha#3331: how are you seeing white and gold 😭 burarahurricane#6369: wtf ! Mocha#3331: even in the lighting I see the color blue and black burarahurricane#6369: this is crazy Mocha#3331: IT LOOKS BLACK AND BLUE IDK WHAT TO SAY 😭 burarahurricane#6369: how are those colors black and blue in that lighting hu h burarahurricane#6369: BYT THAST CUZ OF THE LIGHTING. its obscioulysly white and gold burarahurricane#6369: tbthis is messed up its like neither Mocha#3331: sure that is you Mocha#3331: % Mocha#3331: well one of us are crazy and I'm like 99 burarahurricane#6369: tis literally white and gold Mocha#3331: that's literally black and blue Mocha#3331: what burarahurricane#6369: 𝖜𝖙𝖋 Mocha#3331: black and blue PeckServers.com#8342: 5700 kelvin white and gold burarahurricane#6369: tHTS WHAT I M THINGKIGM EJCaldwell#2924: ??!?!??! EJCaldwell#2924: what EJCaldwell#2924: how? burarahurricane#6369: popwla are saying its liek blue nd shit and like wtf burarahurricane#6369: YES THANK YOU xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the colors EJCaldwell#2924: white and gold? burarahurricane#6369: QUESTION PF THE DAY WHAT COLORS ARE THIS DRESS burarahurricane#6369: guess i cant go with that plan burarahurricane#6369: well that sucks burarahurricane#6369: hm PeckServers.com#8342: Then yes itll stay on your transcript when you graduate burarahurricane#6369: mm vegetables burarahurricane#6369: woul d anyone like some salad burarahurricane#6369: yea PeckServers.com#8342: Youre in 9th right? Maulie#8927: Not really username123115#4960: <#829094007513677826> ? Maulie#8927: <:thonk:792962252772343808> Maulie#8927: We have quote of the day. We have word of the day. Where's Question of the day? Maulie#8927: Yeah burarahurricane#6369: thats sad burarahurricane#6369: they didnt even get the whole rainbow in there burarahurricane#6369: well i did it counter clockwise burarahurricane#6369: puts head in han d s username123115#4960: Left is counter clockwise right username123115#4960: Wait didn’t it twist to the left burarahurricane#6369: HWHO LY SHIT WE GOUT A DOUBLE UPDATE FOR LU :000000 burarahurricane#6369: thacvbj you Mocha#3331: good luck with your dna model 👍 burarahurricane#6369: time to retwist aga in burarahurricane#6369: OKAY THATS WAHT I GHTHOUGHT okay burarahurricane#6369: why i do. i upress the space button in the middle of wor rds Mocha#3331: that's how I turned it in at least Mocha#3331: conter clockwise is what he said I'm pretty sure burarahurricane#6369: is that the way mr lang wa nt ed us todo it Mocha#3331: It twists to the right Maulie#8927: That's really the only specific way Maulie#8927: You just twist one string one way and the other string the opposite burarahurricane#6369: but now im doubting e cerythign in my realiti y burarahurricane#6369: my bio log y teach er burarahurricane#6369: an i could have xworn it was counter clockwise Maulie#8927: Who's Mr Lang? burarahurricane#6369: y3AH i suppose it dose nbut mr lang said we needed it to twist in a certtain way didn'y he Maulie#8927: That's because it does burarahurricane#6369: Both WYS S burarahurricane#6369: is telling me burarahurricane#6369: the internet burarahurricane#6369: im going crazy burarahurricane#6369: waht way does dna twist xXthat1redheadXx#9990: sometimes* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: indeed burarahurricane#6369: only sometimes? EJCaldwell#2924: You are crazy some times burarahurricane#6369: knife emoji. violence burarahurricane#6369: i need to smash a person. or a bug magbe burarahurricane#6369: i could stab somekne with these scissors burarahurricane#6369: someone whsould get me a baseball bat WalterJS#2477: burarahurricane#6369: wgat if i just threw in the towel with tbis class burarahurricane#6369: does anyrjinf happen burarahurricane#6369: wait so if i finish this year with an F in communications tech PeckServers.com#8342: that sounds like a time and a half burarahurricane#6369: it sounds so fun burarahurricane#6369: i wanna jump off a building PeckServers.com#8342: *jumps off building* PeckServers.com#8342: so basically i should kill myself burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: cringle burarahurricane#6369: i have been waititjg . this rntire class period burarahurricane#6369: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: Thanks dad PeckServers.com#8342: very proud of you son PeckServers.com#8342: thats not half bad EJCaldwell#2924: 6 pins EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: this is a very special moment for you in your lock picking adventures! its basically the equivalent of winning an oscar but not slapping chris rock PeckServers.com#8342: ooh, how many pins? EJCaldwell#2924: I picked the lock with a paper clip EJCaldwell#2924: I want to see that PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao! idk, definately some sort of circus. you know, when they catch on fire Maulie#8927: I can't even imagine what that would look like Mocha#3331: Do it and send video plzzzz PeckServers.com#8342: im so wired on coffee rn that i feel like i could run a marathon and do 50 pushups at the same time burarahurricane#6369: its pretty epic PeckServers.com#8342: Its so exciting PeckServers.com#8342: The realizations are setting in! burarahurricane#6369: monday off too burarahurricane#6369: yeah for easter Maulie#8927: We have Friday off? burarahurricane#6369: sleep is a thjng that exists burarahurricane#6369: i compulsively checjed my grades and got mildly depressed but NEXT MONTH IS MAYYYY burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: omg!!!!!!!! burarahurricane#6369: may is the last month of school burarahurricane#6369: next mont h is may burarahurricane#6369: wait omg burarahurricane#6369: woe. school be upon ye PeckServers.com#8342: I'm so tired right now, I feel like Mark Zuckerberg if he spent a day listening to a history teacher through their phone EJCaldwell#2924: yes burarahurricane#6369: at least its just 4 days this week ? EJCaldwell#2924: ima bring my lock pick to school EJCaldwell#2924: and its a A day EJCaldwell#2924: yes burarahurricane#6369: oh god theres school tomorrow EJCaldwell#2924: and i just don't want to EJCaldwell#2924: my dad tells me to try out Maulie#8927: Everyone at my school tells me to tryout. My mom tells me all the time EJCaldwell#2924: you may be quite good at football Maulie#8927: Now if I actually wanted to do football EJCaldwell#2924: i was not going to say that EJCaldwell#2924: i think my best is like 11 or 12 Maulie#8927: Not only that but I have more mass than you EJCaldwell#2924: pull ups are hard Maulie#8927: Fair EJCaldwell#2924: and i would like to see you do 10 pull ups EJCaldwell#2924: i am just really skinny EJCaldwell#2924: also thats not true Maulie#8927: From like two years ago burarahurricane#6369: oof get rekt EJCaldwell#2924: still stronger than you m8 Maulie#8927: Says the person with bone arms burarahurricane#6369: exactly ! EJCaldwell#2924: am i right EJCaldwell#2924: who needs protein Maulie#8927: It's kinda important burarahurricane#6369: what sbout it Maulie#8927: What about protein burarahurricane#6369: theres leaves and sticks to provide enrichment burarahurricane#6369: noo im keeping them like a moth Maulie#8927: About thought about sending that jar to north Korea? Maulie#8927: Uh huh...... EJCaldwell#2924: noo........ EJCaldwell#2924: i just put my chair down and now i feel short burarahurricane#6369: i have my fbi agent safe in a jar ^-^ Maulie#8927: Your telling me your bed is a suicide bomb 24/7? burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: shoot, didnt I tell you to keep that hush? now both the cia and fbi are gonna be in their bed EJCaldwell#2924: thats not normal EJCaldwell#2924: you mean Maulie#8927: The C4 stuffed in the mattress. PeckServers.com#8342: what are you hiding PeckServers.com#8342: is that some kind of invisibility device alysse? PeckServers.com#8342: a what now? burarahurricane#6369: my dad has a tnmt screen cloth its really funny burarahurricane#6369: hi PeckServers.com#8342: reply from your phone if your phone is dead PeckServers.com#8342: its probably dead burarahurricane#6369: ope 1% burarahurricane#6369: my puoen is at 2% im livin on the edge burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/4UHyrGQCHu0Orh2utUxbNY?si=rU134j_qQWu2qx7BE2RTbw https://open.spotify.com/track/50eJOxJiGmJ7PBZaTKpje1?si=k61IBtt2Q6-IiOAG1mmFFA https://open.spotify.com/track/3lzVf5nFSdH0RYivtf9V6C?si=9WDMnoohRYak0CGUlWgpDQ https://open.spotify.com/track/2iVsPIS2yjS4xhs5Rdy65O?si=38VB_NsaSnmCDWjlQ3uVIQ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fax PeckServers.com#8342: Same with russian music 😏 Mocha#3331: spanish music goes hard PeckServers.com#8342: Smh PeckServers.com#8342: Spotify be conspiring again burarahurricane#6369: ijus twanted to listen to mainstream sellout pleas e burarahurricane#6369: ?? spotfiy is playing me angsty spanish music what burarahurricane#6369: it wss likenit got cut off there wasnt even that bad of pins and needles burarahurricane#6369: well i couldnt feel amything PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh that must tingle like crazy EJCaldwell#2924: thats not good burarahurricane#6369: oops i accidentally cut off the circulation in my foot its all purpley now burarahurricane#6369: omg ! PeckServers.com#8342: I will admit, that is one song by MGK that does get my noggin jogging. burarahurricane#6369: lets GO Mocha#3331: got me head bangin and shii😤 burarahurricane#6369: hell yeahhhhhh Mocha#3331: 👍 👍 Mocha#3331: this song went pretty hard PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr! Thats the second amazing song ive found from rick and Morty burarahurricane#6369: thats epic burarahurricane#6369: :00000 ooooh PeckServers.com#8342: It's a good song though, youd probably like it too EJCaldwell#2924: i did not see the ping PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao EJCaldwell#2924: not me lol EJCaldwell#2924: oh wait EJCaldwell#2924: okay? PeckServers.com#8342: this song is totally you PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaFnOnxPMBk <@749747503947055136> PeckServers.com#8342: That scared me PeckServers.com#8342: Ok good EJCaldwell#2924: don't know them EJCaldwell#2924: i saw that PeckServers.com#8342: Bottom one PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Ethan Mocha#3331: 😭 😭 Mocha#3331: El gatoooooooooo Mocha#3331: :0 burarahurricane#6369: yeppers PeckServers.com#8342: Is that a cat i see? PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning everyone! burarahurricane#6369: this message wa sbrought to you by nordvpn burarahurricane#6369: bab burarahurricane#6369: u must be blind or somethigngb burarahurricane#6369: shes ltierally right there wrym Mocha#3331: there is no cat😠 burarahurricane#6369: cat 🥰 burarahurricane#6369: im like talented burarahurricane#6369: walter* how did i thpo that so epicly burarahurricane#6369: okg woekrwter burarahurricane#6369: that soufnd dfun burarahurricane#6369: ooog Mocha#3331: and it will cause a fire Mocha#3331: so maybe you blow me up Mocha#3331: I want to commit exploding myself burarahurricane#6369: i want to commit arson fire emoji exlamation mark ecxxlqmqtion maek burarahurricane#6369: its ome kf my favorutes of his new album Mocha#3331: it looks good Mocha#3331: i'll listen to it later fs burarahurricane#6369: ^ a bop burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/25wdC7CJmCJPgnKw9rYquJ?si=44aBtvxpSJ-PkeGpRsby8w burarahurricane#6369: fr burarahurricane#6369: thats a song by mgk Mocha#3331: sleep is cringe Mocha#3331: actually nahhh burarahurricane#6369: maybe Mocha#3331: and maybe I should too burarahurricane#6369: maybe Mocha#3331: you should probably get some sleep burarahurricane#6369: that do be true burarahurricane#6369: yeahperts Mocha#3331: I guess but like it's worse than normal burarahurricane#6369: gm ☀️! burarahurricane#6369: 👍 burarahurricane#6369: i thjnk thags just my hdhdal thwhate rt Mocha#3331: also good mornning burarahurricane#6369: im realllkkllyyy tempted to keep reading dtuff sleep is orverayed Mocha#3331: is that why you can't type burarahurricane#6369: my elft eye wont stop warerifng burarahurricane#6369: hopd morniny cg n! PeckServers.com#8342: Pretty much, atleast locally. Theres 48 gigabit ports that can switch at full speed, aswell as fiber optic support Maulie#8927: So makes the internet faster and faster depending on the amount of cords? burarahurricane#6369: duck you dyno i yahwt you burarahurricane#6369: george burarahurricane#6369: its wternal pain and suffering burarahurricane#6369: when i say george burarahurricane#6369: see burarahurricane#6369: its bc george is a trigger PeckServers.com#8342: Makes my networks work, its like the Ethernet ports on the back of your router but there's more of them Maulie#8927: What will it do exactly? Dyno#3861: Hey! I'm Dyno, and you're dumb! EJCaldwell#2924: shut up dyno Dyno#3861: Hey! I'm Dyno, and you're dumb! EJCaldwell#2924: you saying st george is dyno going off burarahurricane#6369: which part EJCaldwell#2924: that is a bit strange burarahurricane#6369: IM TALKIMG ABOUT THW CUTY I LIVE IN… Dyno#3861: nobody *cares* about georgenotfound, alysse burarahurricane#6369: sometimes i forget st george like actually has people in it so like whenver we go out to a plaza or something and its busy my anxiety slides in like 𝓱𝓮𝔂 burarahurricane#6369: yeppers PeckServers.com#8342: actually that sounds really finnicky PeckServers.com#8342: yeah that doesnt sound like the most fun\ burarahurricane#6369: surprisingly, wire and beads r not the easiest thigns to make a dna model out of burarahurricane#6369: \*pained smile* burarahurricane#6369: im on my third attempt of redoing it so it comes off the deoxyribose sugars burarahurricane#6369: its been a learning curve burarahurricane#6369: and before THAT i redid it so that the thingies attached better burarahurricane#6369: and before that i was redoing it for a hydrogen bond between the nucleotides burarahurricane#6369: before that i was repainting for distinction in components burarahurricane#6369: currently im redoing it so that the nucleotides come off the deoxyribose sugars burarahurricane#6369: struggling to meet the requirements PeckServers.com#8342: whats going wrong with it? PeckServers.com#8342: oh no thats not good burarahurricane#6369: ive had to redo the thing like 6 times now burarahurricane#6369: my dna model project is taking so much trial and error oh my GOD burarahurricane#6369: nice PeckServers.com#8342: good ol serial PeckServers.com#8342: ive finally learned how to use it :D PeckServers.com#8342: yay for the console port PeckServers.com#8342: burarahurricane#6369: :0 PeckServers.com#8342: Its the switch on the bottom PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: ive just gotten my new cisco enterprise switch, and with the help of my boss i learned basic console command line switch config! its actually so sick PeckServers.com#8342: guys guess what Maulie#8927: It does have a dummy firing mechanism though. EJCaldwell#2924: still cool tho EJCaldwell#2924: okay Maulie#8927: Yes. No. EJCaldwell#2924: you buy that? and is it real Maulie#8927: Went to the Scottish festival Mocha#3331: Morning PeckServers.com#8342: Morning PeckServers.com#8342: I just got 7 hours and feel like ass Mocha#3331: God I feel great Mocha#3331: I just got 11 hours of sleep burarahurricane#6369: :o Maulie#8927: I just turned 15 EJCaldwell#2924: im fine with that if gas goes down burarahurricane#6369: probably EJCaldwell#2924: i will most likely be the friend driver i bet burarahurricane#6369: that’s cool EJCaldwell#2924: i will be able to drive right after winter break next school year burarahurricane#6369: i wont be 16 till junior year EJCaldwell#2924: okay burarahurricane#6369: yeppers EJCaldwell#2924: are you 14? EJCaldwell#2924: you're not 16 tho burarahurricane#6369: cant relate EJCaldwell#2924: just need a parent EJCaldwell#2924: i could go drive right now if i wanted burarahurricane#6369: like vroom vroom yk ahahaha burarahurricane#6369: theyre cool EJCaldwell#2924: they are good burarahurricane#6369: what is uour opinion on. cars EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: insert normal and mentally stable conversation topic here EJCaldwell#2924: hello burarahurricane#6369: h i EJCaldwell#2924: hello burarahurricane#6369: hi EJCaldwell#2924: did it EJCaldwell#2924: i am now trying to pick it with the thing you use to turn it EJCaldwell#2924: i can do it in one now EJCaldwell#2924: update EJCaldwell#2924: It is a easy lock EJCaldwell#2924: It took me like 20 seconds EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: So proud of you dad username123115#4960: gj EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: I also just picked a lock EJCaldwell#2924: And sun burnt EJCaldwell#2924: Holy cow my legs are tan EJCaldwell#2924: But my hand hit the bar EJCaldwell#2924: I almost made it over 4:10 in high jump EJCaldwell#2924: I’m mad at myself username123115#4960: oof EJCaldwell#2924: That sucks burarahurricane#6369: my body hurts burarahurricane#6369: hello cg ^-^ PeckServers.com#8342: good nit Maulie#8927: Goodnight all Maulie#8927: Ok I'm gonna actually get some sleep Maulie#8927: Yeah remembered ;-; EJCaldwell#2924: i said zombie kids EJCaldwell#2924: that EJCaldwell#2924: ya Maulie#8927: Maulie#8927: I'll try sending a good one EJCaldwell#2924: PIC Maulie#8927: It's genre is Zombie, post-apoalytic EJCaldwell#2924: send a pic of it Maulie#8927: Idk EJCaldwell#2924: same game Maulie#8927: And $25 Maulie#8927: Well there is something called Days Gone on steam but it's 18+ EJCaldwell#2924: it was free for playstation + a few months ago EJCaldwell#2924: idk PeckServers.com#8342: steam on Maulie#8927: On steam? burarahurricane#6369: :0 EJCaldwell#2924: good game tho EJCaldwell#2924: its Days Gone burarahurricane#6369: doesnt sound like it burarahurricane#6369: no burarahurricane#6369: oh burarahurricane#6369: is it the radioactive children that kill themselves one EJCaldwell#2924: *stabs child* EJCaldwell#2924: but still EJCaldwell#2924: they may be zombies EJCaldwell#2924: i found a game that has children you can kill Maulie#8927: Wow burarahurricane#6369: \*whistles innocently* Maulie#8927: ~~It was~~ burarahurricane#6369: thats fun EJCaldwell#2924: idk why i thought of a child's balls.... Maulie#8927: She was just doing an Autopsy report for the bean bag burarahurricane#6369: it was old and smooshy so obicouslly i stabbed i t EJCaldwell#2924: ima play some tetris Maulie#8927: I bled all over one once EJCaldwell#2924: wat EJCaldwell#2924: i'm sorry burarahurricane#6369: fun burarahurricane#6369: it wad tun EJCaldwell#2924: WOW burarahurricane#6369: i stabbed one open one time EJCaldwell#2924: lol Maulie#8927: Totally didn't google it burarahurricane#6369: little balls EJCaldwell#2924: you would be correct Maulie#8927: I think it's some kind of foam, so it molds to you when you sit or lay on one EJCaldwell#2924: i don't thinks thats fiber glass Maulie#8927: What bean bags are made of Maulie#8927: Oh EJCaldwell#2924: small glass beads EJCaldwell#2924: no EJCaldwell#2924: what do you think the weight was Maulie#8927: Do you mean fiber glass? EJCaldwell#2924: yes Maulie#8927: Glass? EJCaldwell#2924: too much glass leaking though Maulie#8927: What changed? EJCaldwell#2924: i don't use that anymore Maulie#8927: You got that weighted blanket for a reason right? EJCaldwell#2924: atm* Maulie#8927: You should EJCaldwell#2924: but i don't want to amt EJCaldwell#2924: i should go to sleep soon Maulie#8927: Goodnight, I don't expect anyone to sleep at a reasonable time burarahurricane#6369: om nom nom PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: With a worm taking a bite out of it PeckServers.com#8342: Windows xp background Maulie#8927: Digital ones Maulie#8927: Does anyone have good wallpaper ideas? Maulie#8927: Google can sometimes be vary vague on your situation username123115#4960: good idea Maulie#8927: If it keeps persisting thought maybe ask your parents to get it checked out username123115#4960: earrape Maulie#8927: Hopefully your school doesn't do a fire drilll username123115#4960: life is so cruel Maulie#8927: Lol EJCaldwell#2924: lol username123115#4960: but i *don't* wanna hear everything in 2010 gaming youtuber microphone username123115#4960: :((((((( give_a_minute#1155: enjoy username123115#4960: fck give_a_minute#1155: right give_a_minute#1155: uh username123115#4960: maybe if i sleep it'll go away username123115#4960: suck to hear username123115#4960: just like username123115#4960: or not hurt give_a_minute#1155: use practice pedal thingy then username123115#4960: like pano :( username123115#4960: everything high pitched or loud hurts give_a_minute#1155: maybe if you hit it again it'll undo it username123115#4960: everything sounds so weird Maulie#8927: Do we need to amputate the ear? burarahurricane#6369: D: username123115#4960: now its ringing really loud :d burarahurricane#6369: it do be like that sometimes username123115#4960: happened username123115#4960: it just username123115#4960: well it wasn't intentional PeckServers.com#8342: Why'd you go and do that PeckServers.com#8342: I forgot you go to Dixie LMFAO username123115#4960: i slapped myself with a swim cap and now i can't hear out of my left ear :( Maulie#8927: My high school? PeckServers.com#8342: If you're at the high school next year you should take Mr Allen's computer class, he does some c# stuff Maulie#8927: I wish. I wanna learn C# so I can use Unity PeckServers.com#8342: So proud PeckServers.com#8342: Schmick, now you're a professional programmer! burarahurricane#6369: iooh Maulie#8927: I learned some of html today Maulie#8927: I could still find out very quickly EJCaldwell#2924: And he still@does not know where I live lol EJCaldwell#2924: I know where he sleeps in case you want to steal his kneecaps burarahurricane#6369: slap away Maulie#8927: Yes, but you would get slapped in the face by it burarahurricane#6369: cant a hypocrite be right 😭 Maulie#8927: Looks who's talking EJCaldwell#2924: they are smol burarahurricane#6369: aw EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: Puppy’s* EJCaldwell#2924: I finally got pics of the puppy burarahurricane#6369: rip EJCaldwell#2924: just hit my knee on the corner of my desk EJCaldwell#2924: OW EJCaldwell#2924: ima get some water EJCaldwell#2924: and that i did not drink enough during track today with how far we ran EJCaldwell#2924: i was just thinking about water burarahurricane#6369: get some good sleep drink water adn pray for thebest burarahurricane#6369: oof EJCaldwell#2924: but i feel sick atm EJCaldwell#2924: i hope i am not sick EJCaldwell#2924: im not going to that website burarahurricane#6369: you shouldve checked doesthedogdie.com <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> EJCaldwell#2924: they were born dead tho burarahurricane#6369: :( doggie die EJCaldwell#2924: but it is still sad EJCaldwell#2924: not 11 EJCaldwell#2924: corgies normally have 6-8 Mocha#3331: that's so sad so many dead puppies PeckServers.com#8342: Thats a high death rate, i wonder why EJCaldwell#2924: There were 5 stillborns EJCaldwell#2924: There are 6 puppies burarahurricane#6369: ivr been stranfed at lyhe library…… burarahurricane#6369: like how bad i did on that math test burarahurricane#6369: yea probably Maulie#8927: Not only that but it's probably impacted ever other aspect of your life at this point EJCaldwell#2924: I would get some sleep burarahurricane#6369: 👍 burarahurricane#6369: I have a tennis tournament fridya and saturday and i have been going to bed after 1 am for th e past wek EJCaldwell#2924: because i have a track meet on Friday and i want to do good EJCaldwell#2924: i better be able to get sleep EJCaldwell#2924: I am watching somebody rage at a game, this is funny EJCaldwell#2924: for high jump EJCaldwell#2924: also i can almost just 4 and a half feet off the ground EJCaldwell#2924: lol Maulie#8927: Man his shoulder is really good at typing EJCaldwell#2924: Don’t know why I said face EJCaldwell#2924: And by face I mean shoulder Maulie#8927: Imagine PeckServers.com#8342: Wow EJCaldwell#2924: Just dropped my phone onto my face PeckServers.com#8342: C section tho EJCaldwell#2924: Ow frick Maulie#8927: Wow EJCaldwell#2924: Shut EJCaldwell#2924: She is having to get a c-section right now PeckServers.com#8342: He just nutted too hard EJCaldwell#2924: But not 11 PeckServers.com#8342: That makes sense PeckServers.com#8342: Oooh EJCaldwell#2924: Planned PeckServers.com#8342: It's all right Maulie#8927: My dirty humor isn't great PeckServers.com#8342: Do you think it's just a random dog or was it planned EJCaldwell#2924: But it was up north I think EJCaldwell#2924: That’s kind weird PeckServers.com#8342: I mean it would be quite the show Maulie#8927: Um actually no PeckServers.com#8342: Either that or your dogs a prostitute Maulie#8927: Idk PeckServers.com#8342: Someone EJCaldwell#2924: You think I was there m8 EJCaldwell#2924: A command in google hangouts Maulie#8927: Wdym you don't know?!? EJCaldwell#2924: Idk Maulie#8927: For a min I was like what's a corgis? EJCaldwell#2924: It normally 6-8 PeckServers.com#8342: Who knocked her up? PeckServers.com#8342: Yea EJCaldwell#2924: Corgie EJCaldwell#2924: But 11 dogs for a corgis PeckServers.com#8342: I mean it's pretty normal for them to die though so still pretty cool EJCaldwell#2924: Both at birth EJCaldwell#2924: And 2 have died PeckServers.com#8342: Rip EJCaldwell#2924: And she has had 5 so far EJCaldwell#2924: And we found out she still has 6 more in her EJCaldwell#2924: Well she went to the vet Mocha#3331: saving it for later I see 🤤 burarahurricane#6369: thats a new one burarahurricane#6369: ttheres a baby dog corpse jn ur fridge ? EJCaldwell#2924: its in the fridge i think username123115#4960: oof EJCaldwell#2924: so there are 3 atm EJCaldwell#2924: 4 so far but one died apparently :c PeckServers.com#8342: How many pups? EJCaldwell#2924: lol give_a_minute#1155: cool but also h u h username123115#4960: what burarahurricane#6369: your dog is What Maulie#8927: That is .... Okay EJCaldwell#2924: My dog is giving birth PeckServers.com#8342: This is a must watch PeckServers.com#8342: OMG😂😂😂 PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/H0Lb_65Trpk?feature=share burarahurricane#6369: good morning cg! Mocha#3331: wow I wish I could be as cool as you daniel 😢 username123115#4960: 😎 username123115#4960: in 5 seconds username123115#4960: 25 clicks Mocha#3331: Zero chance I need a screenshot right now💀 username123115#4960: imagine not clicking 25 😎 PeckServers.com#8342: cool PeckServers.com#8342: and its a picture of my router? PeckServers.com#8342: apparently its actually http://psse.in/lnkdn/image1/ PeckServers.com#8342: test #i found linkedin https://psse.in/lnkdn/ PeckServers.com#8342: thats legit a 500 mb file that contains nothing designed specifically for stress testing web servers PeckServers.com#8342: test #i have to many files on my web server https://psse.in/tmp PeckServers.com#8342: test 6 http://psse.in/mathway/ Mocha#3331: wow what a story PeckServers.com#8342: test 5 http://howlongcanimakethislink.maybeicantellastory.thereoncewasalittlefaroahthathatedlife.theend.peckservers.com/ssdweb/ssdweb/r/security PeckServers.com#8342: test 4 http://shitstaintittyfer.urawhore.peckservers.gotcha.peckservers.com/ssdweb/ssdweb/r/security Mocha#3331: I'm not clicking that PeckServers.com#8342: test 3 http://psse.in/security/ PeckServers.com#8342: test 2 http://peckservers.com/cody/files/Demon.wav PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.peckservers.com/cody/files/Demon.wav EJCaldwell#2924: gj Mocha#3331: oh shit I just got 11 😎 EJCaldwell#2924: Daniel can click way faster Mocha#3331: I normally average like 9-10 Mocha#3331: Yeah that's the one I've been doing EJCaldwell#2924: just got 11.6 EJCaldwell#2924: that was also a 5 second test Mocha#3331: you got some nice fingers Mocha#3331: damnnn EJCaldwell#2924: 11.4 EJCaldwell#2924: i wonder what my one is Mocha#3331: I am not very fast Mocha#3331: I know EJCaldwell#2924: pathetic Mocha#3331: I feel like I've peaked Mocha#3331: I've been playing this stupid clicks per second website and the best I've gotten is 10.2 clicks per second EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Pass: dick PeckServers.com#8342: User: suck my username123115#4960: doesn anyone know the log in and password username123115#4960: bruh username123115#4960: Mocha#3331: happy birthday to murphy 🎂 burarahurricane#6369: :0 Commander Lumbar support#1704: Commander Lumbar support#1704: todays murphys birthday PeckServers.com#8342: Me and walt just hit the gym so hard it didn't know what hit it PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning all PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr burarahurricane#6369: that was epic burarahurricane#6369: whoah burarahurricane#6369: hi PeckServers.com#8342: <@749747503947055136> PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/ASW95_9uLjk?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: Im dying burarahurricane#6369: cody's declining PeckServers.com#8342: Hmm i wonder lol EJCaldwell#2924: ? PeckServers.com#8342: Bruh EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: agahahahhaa vocab.com against boomers confirmed PeckServers.com#8342: For April fools, Linus set his forum to comic sans PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Sorry did I say bitch? I meant cunt PeckServers.com#8342: It's because Robertson is a bitch WalterJS#2477: I used hypens instead of commas because it would be weird to have 4 commas in a sentence WalterJS#2477: burarahurricane#6369: maybe email her? burarahurricane#6369: yeah thats weird burarahurricane#6369: huh WalterJS#2477: you can use commas, hyphens, or curly braces burarahurricane#6369: aren't appositives moer marked with commas than em dashes burarahurricane#6369: maybe it needs to be commas burarahurricane#6369: like the sentence can function without it WalterJS#2477: she makred every single one of my appositives wrong burarahurricane#6369: uhh that looks like an appositive to me WalterJS#2477: the appositive part is the `-including former presidents-` and its an appositive because it clarifies who some of the `many people of influence` are WalterJS#2477: <@!749747503947055136> WalterJS#2477: mrs robertson marked this as not an appositive can someone explain how tf this isnt an appositive `On top of that, many people of influence–including former presidents–are pushing for the complete privatization of healthcare.` PeckServers.com#8342: Thx :D it was super fun to build for sure! burarahurricane#6369: thats super cool burarahurricane#6369: ooooh PeckServers.com#8342: The mismatch panel makes me want to shoot myself, but it's about 400 watts of solar and it works PeckServers.com#8342: Not many people can say they just mined bitcoin on their home made solar array, but i just did SpencerLS#2849: You too PeckServers.com#8342: have a good one! SpencerLS#2849: Aight I'm out, see ya SpencerLS#2849: Yeah PeckServers.com#8342: IKR, its like why do they have to make them all different SpencerLS#2849: Ouch I just barely realized how bad the discord emojis are PeckServers.com#8342: so true tho PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao SpencerLS#2849: It's been great not using discord 😂 SpencerLS#2849: I turned on 2fa so it should be fine PeckServers.com#8342: its been a minute, how you been? PeckServers.com#8342: aah, that sounds fun! SpencerLS#2849: Had to make sure my account wasn't being hacked... got texts about my "discord security code" PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxmLD8y0RNQ burarahurricane#6369: :00 thats crazy PeckServers.com#8342: <@!413134448654155776> IS ONLINE! hi! PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtube.com/shorts/bkQTug5ZnUQ?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: weird weird weird, whatever it was seems to have subsided. I tried emailing those addresses to let them know/ask what was going on, but none of them work WalterJS#2477: okay good PeckServers.com#8342: so i cranked the limit to one failed attempt PeckServers.com#8342: somehow they werent getting blocked too PeckServers.com#8342: the weirdest shiz ever WalterJS#2477: Greg71 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: What the hell is HaPpEnInG username123115#4960: oof PeckServers.com#8342: i just had all of peckservers's ssl certificates fail to renew cause concretegames.net doesnt point to my ip anymore. who knows how long of an issue thats been PeckServers.com#8342: rip PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUtktuWzeaA you guys might find this interesting Mocha#3331: Based WalterJS#2477: Lmao WalterJS#2477: It’s not logical at all, but there are still great moral lessons to be learned WalterJS#2477: Like I said, I’m not learning about religion as some practical thing, It’s about the moral lessons. Id hope that’s what the majority of religions promote these days too, because I find it really hard to believe an adult believes all these stories about “noahs ark” and all that. PeckServers.com#8342: Where are the homosexuals on that list? They usually have horns WalterJS#2477: I mean theoretically “adam and eve” may have even walked on 4 legs WalterJS#2477: sorta but not really. We evolved from the same ancestors of apes… so if you want to say that apes are also “Adam and eves” children then I guess… but I wouldn’t really consider that common ancestor to be a person. Here’s a historic species list for reference (of course with fossils and plenty of evidence to back it up if u go researching) Mocha#3331: I just read what I typed out and realized I made zero sense Mocha#3331: Honestly what you said made zero sense to my monkey brain or what you said made no sense because what I'm reading is that because we all came from one being from evolution means it invalidates the fact that god made two beings adam and eve which are the two people we came from Mocha#3331: Based give_a_minute#1155: christopher hitchens is another well-known guy that participates in a lot of debates, albeit on the opposite end give_a_minute#1155: dennis prager and dinesh d'souza are some examples of guys you can find online that argue for the bible's credibility give_a_minute#1155: and there are plenty of debates out there too give_a_minute#1155: The Bible Project is another channel that discusses their own arguments on the matter give_a_minute#1155: it goes without saying its a complex topic to delve into, although I would argue getting the research done is pretty rewarding WalterJS#2477: One of them was “the complexity argument” where essentially he claims that a complex being can only be created by another complex being. he gives an example saying that a bird cannot evolve from a rock. So humans must have been created by a more complex organism, which he labels god. It makes sense but I realized that the example is an over generalization & a slippery slope thinking error after he explains that “humans create computers”. Because we have proven that apes and humans have a common ancestor, we know the common ancestor was not more complex than us, which unfortunately invalidates the argument. I still found it interesting to think about though. I look forward to digesting more arguments in the future WalterJS#2477: It was interesting to think through some of his reasons for god to exist WalterJS#2477: I don’t believe in it like some blind following it’s more just to understand the moral reasoning behind the Bible and stuff. I mean there’s probably lots of great stories in there that can teach things which is what I aim to learn. Essentially I’m reading this like any other self improvement book, not like a historical account. WalterJS#2477: Guys I decided to learn more about Christianity I am watching this video it’s kinda interesting https://youtu.be/eKzVmk988iQ burarahurricane#6369: techno uploaded :D! burarahurricane#6369: yeah fr Mocha#3331: Handheld mode with switch would be beautiful if the joy cons functioned Mocha#3331: I'm trying to play smash right now and I'm finna get carpal tunnel Mocha#3331: I hate joy cons😭 burarahurricane#6369: my joycons are so DRIFTY burarahurricane#6369: fhKFHSKFJALFBSKBFKSHD give_a_minute#1155: I guess you're just destined to break your knees whether it be in real life or not lmao EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: frick im playing botw and i confused its physics w minecraft so i thought i wouldnt take any damage falling into a shallow puddle 😭😭 burarahurricane#6369: omg burarahurricane#6369: okg Dyno#3861: Hi bored, I'm Dyno! burarahurricane#6369: bored PeckServers.com#8342: fuck you dyno PeckServers.com#8342: holy hell im bored PeckServers.com#8342: its a joke EJCaldwell#2924: with what? EJCaldwell#2924: what? PeckServers.com#8342: i just shot myself in the head and it feels good Maulie#8927: Imagine EJCaldwell#2924: this hurts EJCaldwell#2924: I just popped my jaw Mocha#3331: Bad evening to all these people here and good evening to all my bitches 😍 PeckServers.com#8342: Good night people burarahurricane#6369: yw ^-^ EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Oh genius, now whenever im in a field with 3 people and ones annoying the shiz outta me, i know what to do! Thanks alysse! burarahurricane#6369: make someone else do it so u dont get caught 👍 simple PeckServers.com#8342: That would be much appreciated! burarahurricane#6369: need tips for burying the body burarahurricane#6369: have fun PeckServers.com#8342: Sorry mommy im too busy digging holes burarahurricane#6369: k EJCaldwell#2924: i am doing something now burarahurricane#6369: anotherV? burarahurricane#6369: i see jt now burarahurricane#6369: OHHHHHHHHH Maulie#8927: No EJCaldwell#2924: an axolotl would be easier tho Maulie#8927: I wasn't gonna draw an axolotol EJCaldwell#2924: why\ Maulie#8927: Believe it or not..... I was trying to make this EJCaldwell#2924: the thing you made for my thing burarahurricane#6369: yeah i had no ide awhat that was LMao Maulie#8927: wym? EJCaldwell#2924: maulie what was that bunny giraffe thing? burarahurricane#6369: my art is stunning EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: “IMAGINE” SKFJSLJFSKHF EJCaldwell#2924: those were amazing EJCaldwell#2924: lol EJCaldwell#2924: you don't EJCaldwell#2924: ya EJCaldwell#2924: i don't think so EJCaldwell#2924: no burarahurricane#6369: isnt the minimum ppl 4 EJCaldwell#2924: should i just start with us 3 EJCaldwell#2924: oh burarahurricane#6369: EJCaldwell#2924: ? burarahurricane#6369: wallpaper engine ? EJCaldwell#2924: he just got online burarahurricane#6369: i can see ur online cody burarahurricane#6369: aybe if we spam ping <@!852187118113652776> EJCaldwell#2924: pls EJCaldwell#2924: play one game at least daniel burarahurricane#6369: ive got like 5 minutes username123115#4960: i gotta leave soon burarahurricane#6369: op yea !! EJCaldwell#2924: <@!749747503947055136> <@!734161534799839272> you going to join? EJCaldwell#2924: i made one EJCaldwell#2924: https://garticphone.com/en/?c=2014588c80 burarahurricane#6369: lmaoooo Maulie#8927: Still gotta keep those ads visible lol burarahurricane#6369: we can start a new one with thr 4 of us username123115#4960: michael reeves uploaded :O EJCaldwell#2924: give me 10 mins burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: lisa had to go D: burarahurricane#6369: YEHA i just ran out of time 😭 Maulie#8927: did it mean titanic? burarahurricane#6369: HELPNDID ANYON E GET THE COW WAS STRANDED IN THE CRASH OF THE TIT burarahurricane#6369: this was amazing EJCaldwell#2924: then i will be back in a few mins EJCaldwell#2924: i will swap with you Maulie#8927: I'm down EJCaldwell#2924: i have to clean burarahurricane#6369: thats fine lmao EJCaldwell#2924: but i may not be able to draw all of them burarahurricane#6369: kk! EJCaldwell#2924: i can get on burarahurricane#6369: you dumb bitch EJCaldwell#2924: okay burarahurricane#6369: george is playing ! we judt need 1 mroe person to join Dyno#3861: nobody *cares* about georgenotfound, alysse burarahurricane#6369: ok Mocha#3331: I'm a lil busy rn burarahurricane#6369: one of the best games ever Mocha#3331: Actually I can't anyways lol EJCaldwell#2924: Just let me get some food EJCaldwell#2924: You will see Mocha#3331: What is that burarahurricane#6369: <@!484351343503474698> gartic phone burarahurricane#6369: hell yea join us burarahurricane#6369: edited the msg with a new link EJCaldwell#2924: I’m down if everybody else is burarahurricane#6369: doing yhkngs 👍 burarahurricane#6369: lisa and i r at the library burarahurricane#6369: <@!852187118113652776> <@!383372123714093098> <@!606620815349383209> wanna play gartic phone https://garticphone.com/en/?c=220568a4a7 PeckServers.com#8342: Finally my solar array is able to keep my batteries charged while using my computer PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: ayy youre british now burarahurricane#6369: im so schtewpid burarahurricane#6369: FUCK I FORGOT WE HAVE HOMEROOM TODYA PeckServers.com#8342: After it failed once burarahurricane#6369: :0 PeckServers.com#8342: It held 53 lbs PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Death to school PeckServers.com#8342: More onions PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/u2hVK24UPWQ EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Or xxxl PeckServers.com#8342: Try xxl EJCaldwell#2924: i want to know what a XL is EJCaldwell#2924: that thing is really big and its only a medium PeckServers.com#8342: Looking fire Maulie#8927: Ethans is cooler though. it's red, and it would actually match my cup burarahurricane#6369: yoo thats sick Mocha#3331: it's a sick board Maulie#8927: I totally wanna bring the set to school and play someone with it Mocha#3331: my little brother lost my pieces and it's gone now Mocha#3331: I need me a board Maulie#8927: Officially have more chess swag than Ethan. Maulie#8927: Grapefruit Izze is the best burarahurricane#6369: no Maulie#8927: Was it an Izze? burarahurricane#6369: yes but it shouldnt be Maulie#8927: Oh wait yeah Maulie#8927: Grapefruit juice is a thing? burarahurricane#6369: IT TASTES LIKE VOMIT burarahurricane#6369: oh god grapefruit juice is disgusting EJCaldwell#2924: this thing is massive EJCaldwell#2924: its an mens medium burarahurricane#6369: huh EJCaldwell#2924: medium burarahurricane#6369: ummm large burarahurricane#6369: yeah!!! EJCaldwell#2924: also happy trans visibility day EJCaldwell#2924: but guess the size EJCaldwell#2924: vector? burarahurricane#6369: not gru but the bowl cut one i think burarahurricane#6369: you look like the guy from despicable me EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: Guess what size this is EJCaldwell#2924: Some of my track stuff came in today PeckServers.com#8342: Im rollin in keyboards as the kids say PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr EJCaldwell#2924: That’s a lot of keyboards Maulie#8927: That's random xXthat1redheadXx#9990: To understand what you're reading, you need to understand most of the words in the text. Having a strong vocabulary is a key component of reading comprehension. Students can learn vocabulary through instruction. But they typically learn the meaning of words through everyday experience and also by reading. burarahurricane#6369: maybe xXthat1redheadXx#9990: bipolar? burarahurricane#6369: she goes through a lot of highs and lows xXthat1redheadXx#9990: because Maulie#8927: Whys that? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisa seems depressed burarahurricane#6369: whoa PeckServers.com#8342: Keyboards for days PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: 😂😂😂 PeckServers.com#8342: Kekw EJCaldwell#2924: What did I just read? PeckServers.com#8342: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lmao yeah burarahurricane#6369: were all snazzied up now burarahurricane#6369: :0 ✨✨✨✨ burarahurricane#6369: >:] omg xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao glad you like it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@!749747503947055136> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I love it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Heheheheheh yeahhhhh PeckServers.com#8342: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Everything is the same xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? PeckServers.com#8342: there son xXthat1redheadXx#9990: For alysse lisa and I xXthat1redheadXx#9990: The ✨✨✨psychotic trio✨✨✨ PeckServers.com#8342: what you thinking? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Can I make a role cody xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: its so imersive even with a ceiling fan in the way xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Noice PeckServers.com#8342: auction PeckServers.com#8342: work xXthat1redheadXx#9990: How PeckServers.com#8342: $25 projector PeckServers.com#8342: and get this xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Woah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🙀 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Thats what I assumed and was like PeckServers.com#8342: Its a projector aimed at the ceiling in me room PeckServers.com#8342: Thats just my wallpaper xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Shaggy stripping PeckServers.com#8342: Can you tell what it is? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Woah there PeckServers.com#8342: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: The ***drastic duo***😈😈😈 PeckServers.com#8342: Hey guys check this out xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Hm <:thonk:792962252772343808> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lol burarahurricane#6369: liam we need a duo name xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *we* PeckServers.com#8342: i will get to her one day xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: par for the course xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lisa was not interested xXthat1redheadXx#9990: We as in <@!749747503947055136> and I not lisa xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lmao PeckServers.com#8342: im so proud to be the person you remember when talking about those subjects, im a proud dad, ive taught you well ❤️ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: We talking about cock and I was reminded of you🥰 PeckServers.com#8342: its a good day xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I also have thursday PeckServers.com#8342: you miss me? PeckServers.com#8342: i got work thursday xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ok PeckServers.com#8342: maybe friday xXthat1redheadXx#9990: To the library tomorrow with us! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: You need to come xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@!852187118113652776>! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <:thonk:792962252772343808> PeckServers.com#8342: any of the many xXthat1redheadXx#9990: What park xXthat1redheadXx#9990: About that... PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/wide-vladimir-putin-russian-walking-gif-17506944 PeckServers.com#8342: ya know with everything going on rn in the world, the wide putin meme needs to be restored PeckServers.com#8342: to the park Maulie#8927: It feels so good outside, I want to take my bike somewhere but I don't know where EJCaldwell#2924: i am okay EJCaldwell#2924: just like a few drops EJCaldwell#2924: its not much blood burarahurricane#6369: D: EJCaldwell#2924: and my leg is bleeding EJCaldwell#2924: I am so dang tired PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxILLYvIabg burarahurricane#6369: fr PeckServers.com#8342: OOH the beats! 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: whats up PeckServers.com#8342: not here burarahurricane#6369: <@!852187118113652776> burarahurricane#6369: <@!852187118113652776> where you Bagel da gamer#1694: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? burarahurricane#6369: can u get high off of wet asphalt it smells like something u can get high off of burarahurricane#6369: my art class has made the long and perilous journey to the library 👍 good thing im@ a veteran of this path burarahurricane#6369: i guess i like have seen them before but i never really??? processed the sighr burarahurricane#6369: i never noticed this but there are literally power lines going thru the school field wtf xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ***wordle*** xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🤬 burarahurricane#6369: good morning cg ! sun emoji PeckServers.com#8342: by far the best video in existence PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW2LvQUcwqc Maulie#8927: I would play more chess but my brain can't worka nymore Mocha#3331: good night I should finish this homework Maulie#8927: Good night Mocha#3331: umm ok then broski xXthat1redheadXx#9990: adidos xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok well I gtg but I will be back tomorrow to explain Mocha#3331: you blunder mate in nine Mocha#3331: after qc3 I play ng5 Maulie#8927: Trading a queen for a knight xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you're welcome Maulie#8927: Corrected clean slate Mocha#3331: yeah that's what I was saying Maulie#8927: Maulie#8927: The numbers and letters were actually never flipped Maulie#8927: So um... Mocha#3331: 😭 Mocha#3331: dude all I see are skribbles xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the black part lmao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: why not this xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: still Maulie#8927: wait no Maulie#8927: This is from blacks perspective so the numbers are flipped Mocha#3331: the eighth rank is supposed to be on the bottom for the black side Maulie#8927: It's a one on one copy of the original screenshot Mocha#3331: your chess.com is weird or im just that tired Maulie#8927: ? Mocha#3331: that's not how the board is supposed to be set up wtf Maulie#8927: So instead of C2 it would be F2? Mocha#3331: dam fr xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🙏 Maulie#8927: Mocha#3331: you can play qxf6 Maulie#8927: I just realized we had the letters and numbers flipped. Let me add a clean slate xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's a lot to get the queen when you can checkmate Mocha#3331: and the queens can be traded since if I play nxf7 Mocha#3331: then qf5 Mocha#3331: I play ng5 Mocha#3331: after you play qxc2 Maulie#8927: Since when do the queens get traded? Mocha#3331: my attack is too slow Mocha#3331: no cause then you can trade off the queens and there is no checkmate threat Maulie#8927: The black queen can't move to C2, and if the white queen did that you would be throwing the game at that point Mocha#3331: in the line I'm talking about Mocha#3331: that's not a move Mocha#3331: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you mean qg5 Mocha#3331: so that after I play ng5 you can play qf5 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Mocha#3331: the best move here is qxc2 I'm pretty sure xXthat1redheadXx#9990: for the queen xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and... Maulie#8927: Move the queen right out of there Mocha#3331: it would be protected by the queen Maulie#8927: The rook pair though xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and so if you move your knight then you could kill it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: exactly Mocha#3331: nothing is on e3 Maulie#8927: What is that suppose to do? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what about none of that and qxe3 Maulie#8927: So assume the blue circled rook is on that empty blue circle. All he has to do is move his rook to that red circle and whether you take it or not he can checkmate xXthat1redheadXx#9990: which is... Maulie#8927: I see another checkmate method if you move that rook there though xXthat1redheadXx#9990: we're talking about the your queen correct Maulie#8927: I'm *big brain* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and the rook Maulie#8927: I just did Maulie#8927: Yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: dd you forgor about the queen that's right there Maulie#8927: almost free Maulie#8927: Not only is that a free rook but also makes checkmate faster xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah Maulie#8927: So what you're saying is move the rook on the right to E8 and then when he moves the knight to G5 move the rook to E7? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Maulie#8927: Idek where to look now lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's why... Maulie#8927: Not only does that stall checkmate but you put yourself in a box more than you were before xXthat1redheadXx#9990: there 😇 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Imma about to commit sudoku Maulie#8927: I'm looking at the green arrows. Should I be looking at something else? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: not at all Maulie#8927: That's the same thing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh whoops wrong rook xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the rook isn't to threaten xXthat1redheadXx#9990: unless you be big brain and you win Maulie#8927: If you moved the rook to threaten he would just move the queen back to F7 and then just move the knight after xXthat1redheadXx#9990: possibly xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah? Maulie#8927: Sack the queen and then stall checkmate xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's why you don't Maulie#8927: Even if you moved the pawn you still couldn't run Maulie#8927: You can't xXthat1redheadXx#9990: then run (?) Maulie#8927: And then if you take knight with rook queen takes rook and they'll you get checkmated next turn Maulie#8927: If you don't remove the knight then queen goes H8 Mocha#3331: I am threatening mate in one with that Maulie#8927: Then get mated afterwards xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that doesn't put me in check though so I could do *other* stuff Mocha#3331: nope I would then play nxf7 Maulie#8927: <3 threw the knight on my pawn xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you could kill the knight...? Maulie#8927: Not the way it played out in the game Maulie#8927: Moving that pawn wouldn't have done anything xXthat1redheadXx#9990: or is that what he did Mocha#3331: Yeah liam the move you played blunders mate in nine xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: then just xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wrong side Maulie#8927: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nvm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: do you mean ng4? Mocha#3331: lemme check witht the computer Mocha#3331: I don't think you can defend my threat if I play ng5 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: (the ohs were not to the pic) xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh oh oh oh oh burarahurricane#6369: yep Mocha#3331: N is used for knight Mocha#3331: K is used for king xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's not how you spell knight liam... smh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait xXthat1redheadXx#9990: how Mocha#3331: you would have suffered the same fate as maulie Maulie#8927: But he played his knight Maulie#8927: I would've taken the pawn hoping that he would've used his rook to take my pawn then I would check the king while taking the rook Mocha#3331: I would have played ng5 Maulie#8927: No the pawn and the rook top of board xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I would've gone here Mocha#3331: It was qxc2 I think Maulie#8927: idk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but what was his next move Mocha#3331: he got mated in like the next five moves xXthat1redheadXx#9990: by... Maulie#8927: Shot myself in the foot xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah but with that pic what did you do next Mocha#3331: and lost Mocha#3331: maulie played chess Maulie#8927: Lose Mocha#3331: bet my chess.com acc is diggitydog42 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what did maulie do xXthat1redheadXx#9990: also xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and if he smashes you he gets to smash you PeckServers.com#8342: lets do it PeckServers.com#8342: oh that means you get to demolish me twice xXthat1redheadXx#9990: good deal Mocha#3331: I don't really care just one game and if I demolish you then I get head PeckServers.com#8342: im too stupid for chess tho Mocha#3331: I don't wanna do my work and want to procrastinate Mocha#3331: you trying to play a game of chess? PeckServers.com#8342: hey sexy mofo Mocha#3331: hey sugar daddy PeckServers.com#8342: hows life? burarahurricane#6369: long time no see xXthat1redheadXx#9990: HEY CODY burarahurricane#6369: hello cody ! PeckServers.com#8342: HI DADS AND DADETTES xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <:thonk:792962252772343808> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hm Mocha#3331: were you gonna sac the queen or somn 💀 Maulie#8927: mine Mocha#3331: maulie xXthat1redheadXx#9990: who's turn was it Maulie#8927: I was trying to predict what moves he might do if he moved the horse there burarahurricane#6369: LMAO xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I love when the queen is able to move like a horse 😍 Mocha#3331: wow and he deleted the chess chat 😔 burarahurricane#6369: walter was like "we have too many useless channels \*deletes them*" burarahurricane#6369: fsr russian stuffeth wasn't killed i wontder why Maulie#8927: The purge? burarahurricane#6369: along with the rubiks cube chat burarahurricane#6369: it gotsmited in the purge i think Mocha#3331: well what happened to it burarahurricane#6369: \*looks off wistfully* burarahurricane#6369: back in the old days.... burarahurricane#6369: before you Maulie#8927: When did we ever have a chess chat? Maulie#8927: No? Mocha#3331: I have resurrected chess in this server burarahurricane#6369: didn't we once have a chess chat...... Mocha#3331: This game is fun Maulie#8927: My braincells are inferior Mocha#3331: good game Mocha#3331: yup Maulie#8927: Another one? Maulie#8927: I guess that is something I should seriously rethink Maulie#8927: I only think about what my pieces can do Mocha#3331: look at what your opponent can do Mocha#3331: You did better that game but you just have to see those threats sooner Mocha#3331: Good game Maulie#8927: I put it down then it hit me Mocha#3331: ik that's why I took Maulie#8927: I was gonna lose my queen if I wanted to trade Mocha#3331: what a way to start the game Mocha#3331: LMAOOO Mocha#3331: alright bet Maulie#8927: Not doing anything really atm Maulie#8927: I can rematch Mocha#3331: wann rematch or are you gonna only play one? Mocha#3331: lmaoo Maulie#8927: I'm thinking to myself like "I'm playing the modern defense he's gonna bring the knights over. I have to stop that" Also me: *Hang everything* Mocha#3331: yeah you just let all my pieces hang out with your king lol Maulie#8927: I think that checkmate easily proved it Maulie#8927: I can't create plans lol Mocha#3331: It will help with visualization of the board Mocha#3331: Bro learn to not use arrows 😭 Mocha#3331: good game dude Maulie#8927: gg Maulie#8927: I'm tryna think so hard burarahurricane#6369: 🤓😍🤩😞😶‍🌫️🤥😲🥸 likeee hello burarahurricane#6369: emojis are so funny Maulie#8927: lol EJCaldwell#2924: wow Mocha#3331: so sure I'll play chess EJCaldwell#2924: same Mocha#3331: I gotta catch up on hw im not doing Maulie#8927: Chess? Mocha#3331: based EJCaldwell#2924: talk Mocha#3331: ok how do we resurrect this chat Maulie#8927: Dead chat EJCaldwell#2924: because it just happened to me EJCaldwell#2924: don't you hate it when you get beaten by 20 points in a game where the first to 1000 wins or if two people pass 1k its whoever has more burarahurricane#6369: jdslfjk oof EJCaldwell#2924: but for the single lightning strike EJCaldwell#2924: not for the rain EJCaldwell#2924: track got canceled today EJCaldwell#2924: Good thing it was not me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oof EJCaldwell#2924: Mr Neff Rick rolled his class today PeckServers.com#8342: Fax Mocha#3331: Sleep is overrated 😪 Maulie#8927: Sleep is overrated. Also, I got a new spring assisted knife and I love it burarahurricane#6369: bro theyre insane fr https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=36&v=mnLdAeSXZv0&feature=emb_logo burarahurricane#6369: there isnt the adrenaline burarahurricane#6369: yeah playing tennis when the people ur playing with isnt as fun cuz the shots aren't fast and you dont habe to use all of ur brai n and body Mocha#3331: 😴 Mocha#3331: Yes I have but I be falling asleep while playing🤭 Mocha#3331: Lmao burarahurricane#6369: have you considered...*youre* the mid part of tennis? /j /lh Mocha#3331: I was alright Mocha#3331: Not really💀 burarahurricane#6369: were u good at it Mocha#3331: Yeah burarahurricane#6369: have u ever played tennis give_a_minute#1155: (maybe because it is but ignore that) give_a_minute#1155: pickleball really be sounding like old man's tennis argh Mocha#3331: Tennis mid bro burarahurricane#6369: u should give_a_minute#1155: I should try tennis sometime give_a_minute#1155: darn burarahurricane#6369: (on the racket) burarahurricane#6369: and thats the only shot in tennis that uses 2 hands give_a_minute#1155: o h burarahurricane#6369: but also you dont even need both hands in a backhand bc u can do a onehanded backhand give_a_minute#1155: pickleball backhnads take one give_a_minute#1155: imagine having to use both burarahurricane#6369: you use both hands on a backhand in tennis give_a_minute#1155: ever give_a_minute#1155: and not any other sport give_a_minute#1155: that's dfeinitely unique to it give_a_minute#1155: just put that paddle in the other hand give_a_minute#1155: when you really need to stretch for the last foot or so give_a_minute#1155: isn't that so cool give_a_minute#1155: okay but like you can use both hands Mocha#3331: True burarahurricane#6369: pickleballs bad give_a_minute#1155: idk the ball refuses to go fast give_a_minute#1155: uh give_a_minute#1155: they just give_a_minute#1155: we put the same amount of effort into the hits okay burarahurricane#6369: LMAOO give_a_minute#1155: *shut* u *p* ***it's just*** s p e cial okay? burarahurricane#6369: Mocha#3331: Cause like the average high schooler can do like 60 mph Mocha#3331: Shit fr that's gotta be a lie burarahurricane#6369: no burarahurricane#6369: give_a_minute#1155: very cool material I'll tell ya give_a_minute#1155: and that other forehand serve give_a_minute#1155: pickleball has a uh drop serve Mocha#3331: Yes burarahurricane#6369: can volleyball serves go over 100 mph Mocha#3331: Nah volleyball has the coolest serves burarahurricane#6369: and overheads burarahurricane#6369: Also tennis has Serves which are the coolest ever give_a_minute#1155: yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah burarahurricane#6369: they need the nutrients from the leaves to survirbvve teh cold or somethign somethign burarahurricane#6369: yea give_a_minute#1155: ummm give_a_minute#1155: or else they won't survive the cold? I don't remember from elementary why they go dormant give_a_minute#1155: yes that is username123115#4960: and thats not good burarahurricane#6369: we even sometimes play on grass courts username123115#4960: yeah but in fall trees like die burarahurricane#6369: tennis courts are usually green give_a_minute#1155: that's natural give_a_minute#1155: yellow is the color of fall leaves sometimes username123115#4960: and therefore not 100% natural username123115#4960: 100% green username123115#4960: but thats not like username123115#4960: i mean there is flourescent lime burarahurricane#6369: "but a google search for optic yellow color"...? Mocha#3331: Lmaoo give_a_minute#1155: *cough* username123115#4960: burarahurricane#6369: t e n n i s b a l l s a re g r e e n give_a_minute#1155: all of these sports are good give_a_minute#1155: using that logic username123115#4960: and green is good username123115#4960: and natural stuff is green username123115#4960: and water is natural username123115#4960: swimming has water give_a_minute#1155: pickleball has...shoot give_a_minute#1155: except it doens't give_a_minute#1155: you know that thing they use to heal you burarahurricane#6369: tennis has serena williams and roger federer give_a_minute#1155: well maybe its just mid-air cupping username123115#4960: = less things to hit person username123115#4960: wait but more holes = less space give_a_minute#1155: but it makes the impact more painful for the person maybe give_a_minute#1155: yall should understand give_a_minute#1155: clear explanation give_a_minute#1155: it like makes the ball hurt more based on uh the formula of x/pi to the k;lfjasklfjladsk;jflkadsjflkadsjfk;djdsjfksdjf burarahurricane#6369: yeah\ username123115#4960: slower username123115#4960: don't the holes make it like burarahurricane#6369: tennis balls are also hollow ? give_a_minute#1155: give me a sec to count my fingers give_a_minute#1155: its hollow though so that makes it like burarahurricane#6369: and therefore a lighter impact burarahurricane#6369: therefore less inertia burarahurricane#6369: they dont have as much mass burarahurricane#6369: not really give_a_minute#1155: well yeah but plastic pickleballs can do the same amount of damage burarahurricane#6369: you cant drown playing tennis username123115#4960: you can splash people with water burarahurricane#6369: plus you can drown swimming burarahurricane#6369: exactly burarahurricane#6369: yea but u can also hit people with tennis balls give_a_minute#1155: but swimming is just inefficient running username123115#4960: so swimming is obviously superior username123115#4960: and pickelball username123115#4960: and you run in tennis username123115#4960: running sucks give_a_minute#1155: well you can put power behind a pickleball too burarahurricane#6369: tennis u can get more power behind the ball and make it go fast and have high adrenaline kicks burarahurricane#6369: tennis court is bigger give_a_minute#1155: ffhhhh give_a_minute#1155: wait that isn't unique give_a_minute#1155: you can run across the court! burarahurricane#6369: tennis takes the most technique out of all of them so if ur good at tennis ur automatically a chad give_a_minute#1155: (just calculating its awesomeness obviously) username123115#4960: yes username123115#4960: build character username123115#4960: things that suck uh give_a_minute#1155: give me a moment give_a_minute#1155: in pickleball you can uh burarahurricane#6369: ur right there give_a_minute#1155: oh shut up burarahurricane#6369: pickleball is a wimp's tennis give_a_minute#1155: not that obv username123115#4960: tell you the time? username123115#4960: what else would it do username123115#4960: yeah give_a_minute#1155: and your watch consumes half of its battery just trying to compute solar noon give_a_minute#1155: only according to your watch give_a_minute#1155: it zooms slower username123115#4960: ~~remember when we got more exercise running to and from the court then actually playing~~ give_a_minute#1155: but instead give_a_minute#1155: kinda like in tennis give_a_minute#1155: and it goes *zoom* give_a_minute#1155: hit a ball with a paddle give_a_minute#1155: and you like give_a_minute#1155: then yeah give_a_minute#1155: if it's a 1v1 give_a_minute#1155: but like give_a_minute#1155: I mean not really give_a_minute#1155: but you move around a lot Mocha#3331: In pickleball you hit a ball with a paddle🤢 give_a_minute#1155: debatable username123115#4960: I think not username123115#4960: can you dive into the pavement when running? username123115#4960: yeah give_a_minute#1155: amazing username123115#4960: or something username123115#4960: dive username123115#4960: and you can like give_a_minute#1155: ur stoopid Mocha#3331: Stewpid Mocha#3331: Wrong Mocha#3331: No give_a_minute#1155: I think that's how it works give_a_minute#1155: my opinion is 120 percent of yours because I'm gae username123115#4960: of steel username123115#4960: you get lungs give_a_minute#1155: not my thing give_a_minute#1155: nope give_a_minute#1155: the feeling of that ice cold water at sand hollow give_a_minute#1155: the amount of effort just to move 50 meters username123115#4960: its a whole party username123115#4960: and your legs give_a_minute#1155: its running but worse username123115#4960: move your arms username123115#4960: you can username123115#4960: do you know all the things you can do in water give_a_minute#1155: says you Mocha#3331: Bad opinion username123115#4960: you suck give_a_minute#1155: swimming sucks Mocha#3331: No Mocha#3331: Objectively correct give_a_minute#1155: no no you guys got it all wrong its pickleball you're looking for username123115#4960: he speaks the truth burarahurricane#6369: u wish Maulie#8927: Swimming > Tennis burarahurricane#6369: imagine swimming Maulie#8927: Imagine username123115#4960: imagine not swimming indoors PeckServers.com#8342: Lol burarahurricane#6369: i should cut my hair shorter EJCaldwell#2924: thats a nice thing about short hair burarahurricane#6369: so u have to run more and like adjust ur shots and blows ur hair in ur face so u cant see and its eugh burarahurricane#6369: the wind throws off the balls burarahurricane#6369: is it EJCaldwell#2924: windy track it worse burarahurricane#6369: windy tennis :/// EJCaldwell#2924: it did rain for a few mins burarahurricane#6369: man... burarahurricane#6369: it does'nt look like its gonna rain :( burarahurricane#6369: i would use my epic dodging skills while i throw the shoe Maulie#8927: Throwing that shoe is going to backfire very quickly burarahurricane#6369: i would throw a shoe Maulie#8927: I'll give her a scooby doo snack and we'll part ways EJCaldwell#2924: She will shoot you if she gets the chance EJCaldwell#2924: you runnin or you going to pled for your life EJCaldwell#2924: Mocha#3331: Mocha#3331: I am a larry lurr stan EJCaldwell#2924: it really is burarahurricane#6369: trigonometry is DUMB and STUPID i have decided burarahurricane#6369: ITS DUE TOMRORORW.. burarahurricane#6369: THAT I HAVE NOT GOTTEN PAST Q3 ON burarahurricane#6369: THE MATH ASSIGNMENT burarahurricane#6369: lmaooo EJCaldwell#2924: looking like she wants to murder me EJCaldwell#2924: and I turn around and i see her staring at me EJCaldwell#2924: I just tried to find my dog by saying her name burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: The fact that you had that exact pic ready is scary EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: Hey <@749747503947055136> are you gogy now ? EJCaldwell#2924: Weed time <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> Maulie#8927: Of course it's not a word PeckServers.com#8342: Hence phonetically PeckServers.com#8342: Maulie isnt a word Maulie#8927: nvm PeckServers.com#8342: They *sound* the same PeckServers.com#8342: Reed PeckServers.com#8342: PhOnEtIcAlLy Maulie#8927: How did you get that when searching my name? PeckServers.com#8342: Aka ecstasy PeckServers.com#8342: Molly Maulie#8927: I'm sorry, what? PeckServers.com#8342: *phonetically* Maulie#8927: It's not spelled like that though PeckServers.com#8342: And a drug PeckServers.com#8342: A common girl name PeckServers.com#8342: Your username PeckServers.com#8342: Actually phonetically its 3 nouns in this instance right Maulie#8927: All I could find Maulie#8927: PeckServers.com#8342: Tho its molly PeckServers.com#8342: Drugz Maulie#8927: ? PeckServers.com#8342: You are a noun and a verb too burarahurricane#6369: lmaoo yep Mocha#3331: It's a noun if you're talking about someone's dream Mocha#3331: It's a proper noun if you're talking about the person burarahurricane#6369: english is such a . language burarahurricane#6369: yeaaa Maulie#8927: I dreamed last night Dyno#3861: nobody *cares* about dream, alysse burarahurricane#6369: “i am going to dream tonight” <- verb Maulie#8927: burarahurricane#6369: yes Maulie#8927: It's a noun and verb Dyno#3861: nobody *cares* about dream, alysse burarahurricane#6369: “i had a dream last night” <- in that sentence its a noun right burarahurricane#6369: you are singlehandedly putting me in my toxic arc Dyno#3861: nobody *cares* about dream, alysse burarahurricane#6369: so is a dream like. a thing ? a place ? its gotta be a noun right burarahurricane#6369: a noun is a person place or thing burarahurricane#6369: like its a verb too right burarahurricane#6369: shut up om thinking about the word Dyno#3861: nobody *cares* about dream, alysse burarahurricane#6369: is dream a noun burarahurricane#6369: greetings, chatters give_a_minute#1155: good morning username123115#4960: good morning EJCaldwell#2924: Good evening Cody Maulie#8927: Good morning? PeckServers.com#8342: Good evening Maulie#8927: Wait a minute, there's a fourth one? EJCaldwell#2924: can't say if it was better than the first three because i hardly remember them EJCaldwell#2924: it was good EJCaldwell#2924: Just finished watching the 4th Matrix movie burarahurricane#6369: those are my favorute username123115#4960: i sure do love finding TURE statements username123115#4960: EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: life and death hand in unlovable hand hand emoji burarahurricane#6369: cycles burarahurricane#6369: ive become Life…. EJCaldwell#2924: Good job burarahurricane#6369: MCC TODAY 🌟 PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning you succulent humans! Hows your days? username123115#4960: gm burarahurricane#6369: my@wordle winstreak flashed vefore my eyes burarahurricane#6369: MY GOD Wordle 280 5/6* ⬛🟩⬛⬛🟨 ⬛🟩⬛🟨⬛ 🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 EJCaldwell#2924: it was something weird Mocha#3331: Goodmorning to everyone here🙃 burarahurricane#6369: o h g o d burarahurricane#6369: oh god burarahurricane#6369: gm ! wtf is todays wordle Maulie#8927: Good morning EJCaldwell#2924: GM PeckServers.com#8342: and it works! PeckServers.com#8342: i just made a transfer switch PeckServers.com#8342: weed time <:weedtime:929515889907335168> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🤫 PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 EJCaldwell#2924: lol EJCaldwell#2924: quiet PeckServers.com#8342: r/woosh PeckServers.com#8342: thats the joke EJCaldwell#2924: its power EJCaldwell#2924: why would it be different xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👌 PeckServers.com#8342: the exact same PeckServers.com#8342: it feels... EJCaldwell#2924: nice PeckServers.com#8342: ayo rn im on 100% solar energy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Howeth burarahurricane#6369: omg PeckServers.com#8342: Dead meat Maulie#8927: Dead chat Mocha#3331: Yuh yuh yuh Mocha#3331: Four hours of sleep baby PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning <3 PeckServers.com#8342: Rip Mocha#3331: Man I fr got school today PeckServers.com#8342: its got the power of a 600lb person all in the package of 3x3x2.5 PeckServers.com#8342: even better Mocha#3331: Ball flattener :0 PeckServers.com#8342: 600lbs of cock flattening action for long lasting pleasure Mocha#3331: Over 600lbs of hard core action😍 PeckServers.com#8342: its got all the clamping power PeckServers.com#8342: the E and the end cap form something that looks like EI Mocha#3331: New sex toy confirmed PeckServers.com#8342: this is what they normally look like if that helps PeckServers.com#8342: Maulie#8927: *Yes, making sense to my brain* PeckServers.com#8342: then I had to unwrap the secondary windings and remove them entirely PeckServers.com#8342: i had to seperate all of those and their end caps to even get the thing apart PeckServers.com#8342: the middle part going inside of the coil PeckServers.com#8342: imagine its an E PeckServers.com#8342: you see the shape of the metal tho burarahurricane#6369: :0 PeckServers.com#8342: more Maulie#8927: So that thing could lift 600lbs? PeckServers.com#8342: which was 600lbs holding force PeckServers.com#8342: and its smaller then the other one that i had PeckServers.com#8342: more than 600lbs for sure PeckServers.com#8342: but its got like a lot of holding force PeckServers.com#8342: not sure Maulie#8927: What will you do with your new invention? PeckServers.com#8342: This took a lot of work but it was worth it PeckServers.com#8342: I just built a giant electromagnet out of an old transformer dargiscool#0610: homework is just the preferred chains of teachers burarahurricane#6369: THE MATH ASSIGNMENT burarahurricane#6369: slay dargiscool#0610: im gonna reinvent myself. im gonna vecome TOXIC dargiscool#0610: i have the potential to becoem a whole new PERSON dargiscool#0610: idk why are you ^-^ burarahurricane#6369: wHy ArE yOu HiTtnG yOuRsElF dargiscool#0610: https://tenor.com/view/punch-one-man-gif-14279695 dargiscool#0610: if yo u dont look closely he looks like gogy dargiscool#0610: omg is that markplier burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/markiplier-punch-markiplier-punch-attack-fight-gif-23206537 dargiscool#0610: wooeoeoeoeoeooeoeoooo burarahurricane#6369: yeppers dargiscool#0610: 😏 im gonna beecome. a karlnap main dargiscool#0610: sapnap ? dargiscool#0610: karl dargiscool#0610: ohat lesat gogy is safe... dargiscool#0610: gogy ? PeckServers.com#8342: Yep confirmed PeckServers.com#8342: georgenotfound PeckServers.com#8342: Lisas smart for that dargiscool#0610: I HATE YOIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUYUU Dyno#3861: nobody *cares* about georgenotfound, alysse dargiscool#0610: georgenotfound dargiscool#0610: SOBS screams throwsup PeckServers.com#8342: Georgenotfound dargiscool#0610: ITS BECAUSE I HAVE TH E3 DRAGONAMSTERR ROLE dargiscool#0610: what the hell PeckServers.com#8342: Thats even better Dyno#3861: nobody *cares* about georgenotfound, alysse dargiscool#0610: georgenotfound PeckServers.com#8342: HE! burarahurricane#6369: ITS literally homophobic dargiscool#0610: BUT ITS ONLY WHEN <@!749747503947055136> SAYS IT PeckServers.com#8342: And georgenotfound PeckServers.com#8342: I love how Lisa made one for dream dargiscool#0610: you dshould die too Dyno#3861: Hey! I'm Dyno, and you're dumb! dargiscool#0610: dyno PeckServers.com#8342: Oooh Dyno#3861: Hey! I'm Dyno, and you're dumb! PeckServers.com#8342: dyno burarahurricane#6369: k dargiscool#0610: u first burarahurricane#6369: die dargiscool#0610: frick dargiscool#0610: hey :smirk; Dyno#3861: Hey! I'm Dyno, and you're dumb! username123115#4960: dyno Mocha#3331: Based xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no I don't burarahurricane#6369: <@!776230986324246558> do you olay wordle on hard mode i do burarahurricane#6369: something soemthing you’ll like it so much it’ll become part of your DNA! WalterJS#2477: What’s the catchphrase burarahurricane#6369: yeah lmao WalterJS#2477: Omg that’s such a great way to remember that it’s cytosine guanine username123115#4960: oh EJCaldwell#2924: use newgrounds Maulie#8927: you have to go to a couple of specific websites to find it since Adobe flash got taken down Maulie#8927: Grindcraft username123115#4960: what EJCaldwell#2924: and that was fun EJCaldwell#2924: also i just got back from axe throwing EJCaldwell#2924: i remember that game Maulie#8927: Change my mind Maulie#8927: Grindcraft is the ultimate Idle farm game PeckServers.com#8342: Squeaaak Maulie#8927: Cody's voice in that video XD Maulie#8927: I just saw this on my recommended xXthat1redheadXx#9990: k good burarahurricane#6369: that was the first one said xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I hope one of you guys did apple burarahurricane#6369: no Commander Lumbar support#1704: anyone know who office aid is for 8B PeckServers.com#8342: He was very burarahurricane#6369: <@!531264285385424916> Concrete Games LLC should rebrand to Cytosine Guanine LLC lisa even came with a good catchphrase burarahurricane#6369: i mean hes right isnt he EJCaldwell#2924: also i think i won on ground breaking inventions EJCaldwell#2924: then its banana EJCaldwell#2924: you ever just grab a popsicle thinking its pineapple EJCaldwell#2924: Maulie#8927: Alright gn PeckServers.com#8342: Ground vaporizing PeckServers.com#8342: LOL EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: My guy comes in with a shovel calling it groundbreaking EJCaldwell#2924: Maulie#8927: His has a little more pizzazz EJCaldwell#2924: Maulie#8927: Wow bro, that's so groundbreaking PeckServers.com#8342: Maulie#8927: I mean if it won't take long I can see PeckServers.com#8342: But I wanted to show you a groundbreaking invention PeckServers.com#8342: Cringe Maulie#8927: Maybe tomorrow PeckServers.com#8342: Before I go, do any of you want to see a groundbreaking invention? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok Mocha#3331: 😳 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😈 Mocha#3331: 🥲 Mocha#3331: She has some stomach problem and she probably won't be here tmmr too xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 💀 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rip xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause she wasn't at school today as you could probably tell Mocha#3331: Yes she's been really sick recently xXthat1redheadXx#9990: or gone xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@!484351343503474698> do you know if lucy was sick today xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well yeah but still I don't think so Mocha#3331: Hot people xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and also I'm still confused how that's only nsfw image xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🤫 Mocha#3331: Doesn't mean I can't be gay for the homies😍 WalterJS#2477: actually I was referring to your picture xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and *yeah* <@!484351343503474698> this isn't the truth-lawn 🙄 Mocha#3331: 🦶 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: okie dok then Mocha#3331: Perhaps Mocha#3331: Toenail xXthat1redheadXx#9990: knife play perhaps? WalterJS#2477: this is not a NSFW channel WalterJS#2477: excuse you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so cool xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hahahaha ***yes*** Mocha#3331: 🥶 🥶 🥶 WalterJS#2477: ‼️ WalterJS#2477: ayo Mocha#3331: I love pron especially when they don't have women burarahurricane#6369: LMAO xXthat1redheadXx#9990: then the band aid didn't stick to now I look like a yarnamite 😈 burarahurricane#6369: yeah :/ WalterJS#2477: you could write a porno script with that I bet <@!484351343503474698> would love it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so I got hand sanitizer and disinfected it WalterJS#2477: thats hot WalterJS#2477: damn xXthat1redheadXx#9990: we were doing self defense and I blocked and felt a sting and was like "braxely did you just cut me with your toenail" so I turned my wrist and as I thought, my wrist bleeding Mocha#3331: My kind of kink WalterJS#2477: kinky xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I got cut by someones toenail 🥲 WalterJS#2477: I doubt theyd have such a question xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh also xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol WalterJS#2477: your right WalterJS#2477: shit xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you're not ready to take the ACT because you haven't mastered the grammatical art of "and I" not "me and" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: kinda a reality check WalterJS#2477: me and lisa and ally and kyler went to ask and they wouldnt let us xXthat1redheadXx#9990: he told me today cause if I go with him to school we'd have to leave at 7:30 and I was wondering why and he's like "I'm taking the ACT tomorrow" and I was like woah WalterJS#2477: I wish I could xXthat1redheadXx#9990: my brother is taking the ACT tomorrow Mocha#3331: What xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yk something weird xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? Mocha#3331: It's not eloquent xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it makes even more sense if you don't *try* to understand xXthat1redheadXx#9990: some of the parts don't really link especially without context but still it can make sense if you actually try xXthat1redheadXx#9990: (for once) xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no I'm actually not xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the evolved part reminds me of when you try to get a better score on utah compose so you add in words that should make sense WalterJS#2477: i can ttell WalterJS#2477: is he joking ally WalterJS#2477: youve got to be joking burarahurricane#6369: natural is a stretch xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it sounds intellectual and natural xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no it actually doesn't xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? WalterJS#2477: lmao WalterJS#2477: your telling me the rest doesnt.... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no it's right it just sounds try hardy Mocha#3331: We wouldnt want the readers to think it's a dumb monkey brain WalterJS#2477: yeah we have our evolved brains burarahurricane#6369: no no thats the best part xXthat1redheadXx#9990: when you put that it seemed a bit to try hardy WalterJS#2477: idk how else to do it WalterJS#2477: I had to include "evolved" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no it makes sense WalterJS#2477: listen xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the only part that I don't think is very good is the "evolved brains" part Mocha#3331: Yea it makes zero sense💀 WalterJS#2477: but regardless WalterJS#2477: which i am username123115#4960: its a *masterpiece* WalterJS#2477: and she'd think im mocking her WalterJS#2477: it has 0 meaning WalterJS#2477: im not actually gonna include it WalterJS#2477: please dont say that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: already did.... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's good xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hm Mocha#3331: I'm going to explode WalterJS#2477: dont try to understand it WalterJS#2477: so WalterJS#2477: it has a lot of yellow WalterJS#2477: but WalterJS#2477: i dont know what I just wrote WalterJS#2477: burarahurricane#6369: F WalterJS#2477: *image sending slow wifi* WalterJS#2477: I have absolulely zero clue what these two sentences mean, but they include a ton of vocab words so i dont care burarahurricane#6369: good luck soldier :salute: burarahurricane#6369: <@!531264285385424916> here you go :] burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: fr WalterJS#2477: also lisa u gotta stop changing your name its so cancerous to try and ping you burarahurricane#6369: oh firkc my stupid kNEES dies burarahurricane#6369: one sec WalterJS#2477: ya burarahurricane#6369: kk WalterJS#2477: okay thanks 💀 burarahurricane#6369: wat me to send u burarahurricane#6369: lmaoooo WalterJS#2477: and its an empty page titled "Vocabulary Words" burarahurricane#6369: oi can send you a pic if u dont have it WalterJS#2477: I just went to page two WalterJS#2477: fuck burarahurricane#6369: idk why i said vocab my brain is being fried by this paper jnife emoji knife emoji knife emoji burarahurricane#6369: just the la journal burarahurricane#6369: wait not covab journal WalterJS#2477: the.... vocab journal? burarahurricane#6369: one of those burarahurricane#6369: or page 7 burarahurricane#6369: page 2 of the vocab journal WalterJS#2477: <@!826480395469848597> burarahurricane#6369: oh WalterJS#2477: to add into my perfect paper WalterJS#2477: where can I find the list of academic vocab words for LA PeckServers.com#8342: why does your mom need help? WalterJS#2477: <@!749747503947055136> WalterJS#2477: I NEED HELP WalterJS#2477: GUYS burarahurricane#6369: ayy PeckServers.com#8342: damn we hittin all the goals today PeckServers.com#8342: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> PeckServers.com#8342: weed time PeckServers.com#8342: Nice PeckServers.com#8342: burarahurricane#6369: you could say it was….amayzing Maulie#8927: Sounds like your day was *amazing* burarahurricane#6369: thats good Maulie#8927: Went well burarahurricane#6369: summed it up perfectly PeckServers.com#8342: Its school alright Mocha#3331: Tired burarahurricane#6369: irs also an A day hahahah burarahurricane#6369: a day burarahurricane#6369: its been EJCaldwell#2924: How about you? EJCaldwell#2924: Good burarahurricane#6369: how is everyone fs firsr day back going burarahurricane#6369: :0 burarahurricane#6369: WHY MEEEE burarahurricane#6369: frick im getting vlood all ober my phonr screasn burarahurricane#6369: I STABBED MYSLF EITH A WIRTE burarahurricane#6369: fgFUCK username123115#4960: nice PeckServers.com#8342: Daddy built a bridge PeckServers.com#8342: if you do the same, the client device will choose between the two based on which one is faster PeckServers.com#8342: its simpler PeckServers.com#8342: alright, imma do that one for both 2.4 and 5 ghz WalterJS#2477: Ya burarahurricane#6369: mr clark isnt THAT cruel burarahurricane#6369: yeah Maulie#8927: oh burarahurricane#6369: no Mocha#3331: I wanst here on friday🥲 Maulie#8927: So the assignments weren't created during the break? burarahurricane#6369: and time to finish it in class which is what i did burarahurricane#6369: lol well we had friday before the break to finish it i think burarahurricane#6369: i made a paper chain to count down the days left of school ^-^ its the lesbian flag colors bc…women Maulie#8927: Your teachers must suck giving you math homework during the break burarahurricane#6369: i mean how much will ur grade be impacted Mocha#3331: Oh no he went offline I guess I'll never know what to do Mocha#3331: Should I go to sleep or do the math assignment burarahurricane#6369: thank u thank u give_a_minute#1155: incredible burarahurricane#6369: yeppers Maulie#8927: You guys are going to that too? give_a_minute#1155: just like get a calculator and start jamming some numvbers in burarahurricane#6369: yeah im on my secretly good at trig arc 😎 i got 10/10 first attempt give_a_minute#1155: should be fine then burarahurricane#6369: it was !! give_a_minute#1155: oohhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhhhh Mocha#3331: Sin cos tan Mocha#3331: Yea burarahurricane#6369: oh wait wss it the little trigonometry one ? give_a_minute#1155: ah right a top priority sorry for doubting give_a_minute#1155: I think give_a_minute#1155: do janky stuff with some equations give_a_minute#1155: and the shapes you can solve if you like Mocha#3331: I've been busy sleeping burarahurricane#6369: hm burarahurricane#6369: shapes give_a_minute#1155: shapes give_a_minute#1155: uh burarahurricane#6369: what was it about again burarahurricane#6369: i have no idea if i did the math assignment give_a_minute#1155: it's been like two weeks burarahurricane#6369: yeah Mocha#3331: I still haven't down the math assignment🙃 give_a_minute#1155: at least it's an a day those are usually pretty easy burarahurricane#6369: fr burarahurricane#6369: not pog give_a_minute#1155: spring break ended too abruptly burarahurricane#6369: man . we have school tmr :( burarahurricane#6369: she hasnt sent any like email abt it yet so give_a_minute#1155: I'm riding on that hope I haven't turned it in either give_a_minute#1155: *accept it burarahurricane#6369: yeahh give_a_minute#1155: I think she'll still accept give_a_minute#1155: might want to do that soon burarahurricane#6369: bc i havent done that yet burarahurricane#6369: were we supposed to turn in the permission slip thing give_a_minute#1155: darn well burarahurricane#6369: yeah same lol give_a_minute#1155: haven't even gotten to that wood splitter one give_a_minute#1155: 3 times give_a_minute#1155: I've practiced like give_a_minute#1155: h a give_a_minute#1155: yeah give_a_minute#1155: oh burarahurricane#6369: yeah march 25th right give_a_minute#1155: it is? give_a_minute#1155: back up burarahurricane#6369: the orchestra festival thing is this week burarahurricane#6369: wait what the heck PeckServers.com#8342: lol Maulie#8927: I just made my sister go insane for the past half hour giving her questions about obscure geography and countries PeckServers.com#8342: oop i did another naught joke PeckServers.com#8342: what Ukraine is seeing right now username123115#4960: my state of the art cloth simulator username123115#4960: username123115#4960: it do thing PeckServers.com#8342: its like a mesh PeckServers.com#8342: ooh pretty username123115#4960: i made some abstract art PeckServers.com#8342: <@!531264285385424916> is this the table flip you used? burarahurricane#6369: with all their little trickshots and running and ball-kicking (but accurately ) burarahurricane#6369: hwo do u do that bro burarahurricane#6369: like burarahurricane#6369: bro professional soccer players are actually kinda scary PeckServers.com#8342: Jk PeckServers.com#8342: I dare you to jump into it PeckServers.com#8342: Tumbl tumbl burarahurricane#6369: big tumbleweed ? burarahurricane#6369: WHY Wordle 275 4/6* ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟨 ⬛⬛🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟨⬛🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 burarahurricane#6369: e burarahurricane#6369: it was my lovejoy pipelin burarahurricane#6369: it is PeckServers.com#8342: It took two normies to do that PeckServers.com#8342: Todays wordle ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟨⬛🟨🟩 ⬛⬛🟨⬛🟨 ⬛⬛⬛🟨⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 EJCaldwell#2924: one day is a good song tbh burarahurricane#6369: EJCaldwell#2924: wish i was as well Mocha#3331: Thank you🤩 burarahurricane#6369: (insert link to One Day by Lovejoy here) burarahurricane#6369: i believe in u xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yippee Mocha#3331: Good job wish I could do the same🥳 👍 burarahurricane#6369: good night ConcreteGames LLC ! burarahurricane#6369: omg guys…look at me go…im gonna sleep at a reasonable time tonight ^-^ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ***YYYYEEEEESSSS!!!!!!!!*** xXthat1redheadXx#9990: -ly awesome!!!!!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's weird burarahurricane#6369: fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk burarahurricane#6369: 23 A days and 23 B days burarahurricane#6369: 46 days of school left EJCaldwell#2924: if we ever meet up i will bring the airhorn EJCaldwell#2924: i got it from a white elephant gift exchange PeckServers.com#8342: Aah yes, when the siblings get annoying, bring out the airhorn Maulie#8927: I think it's self explaintory PeckServers.com#8342: Why do you even have an air horn PeckServers.com#8342: Lol that woulda been bad Maulie#8927: Could you imagine trying to explain that to your parents? EJCaldwell#2924: My parents would of killed me if that fell and went off EJCaldwell#2924: my airhorn fell off the desk and it is almost 10:00 PM EJCaldwell#2924: I just got so scared PeckServers.com#8342: Prof streamer now PeckServers.com#8342: Walter got a new webcam xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I just got "reprimanded" by nerds xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what the heck even is this burarahurricane#6369: LMAO WalterJS#2477: https://youtube.com/shorts/g9yU9exfGIM?feature=share PeckServers.com#8342: y EJCaldwell#2924: Ga Maulie#8927: Gm give_a_minute#1155: gm username123115#4960: gm PeckServers.com#8342: Morning burarahurricane#6369: this is the ultimate weed time burarahurricane#6369: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/oh-boy-4am-am-four-ohboy4am-gif-20487087 burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/oh-boy3am-gif-10356365 burarahurricane#6369: gosh dang it im gonna have to wait until 3 to use rhe patric k gif <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> burarahurricane#6369: good morning concrete games llc discord server burarahurricane#6369: pron…. Mocha#3331: Especially lego pron😍 😍 🥶 Mocha#3331: When the homies sending you porn rn😍 PeckServers.com#8342: Thats what you get tho when its a shit battle royale with no methods of talking to anyone PeckServers.com#8342: They are so sweaty EJCaldwell#2924: the community is worse PeckServers.com#8342: Its absolute dog shit EJCaldwell#2924: Fortnite is the worst game and you can't change my opinion on that burarahurricane#6369: LMAOOO EJCaldwell#2924: Shut Mocha#3331: No way when did they make fortnite real Mocha#3331: Ayo save some for me bro PeckServers.com#8342: *crunch* PeckServers.com#8342: commere planty planty PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 EJCaldwell#2924: Don’t do it burarahurricane#6369: ITS FYREAD EJCaldwell#2924: Cody PeckServers.com#8342: dont tempt me with a good time PeckServers.com#8342: i mean burarahurricane#6369: IY MURDERED IT 😭😭😭😭 burarahurricane#6369: FUCK MY PLANT Maulie#8927: It's a big gun EJCaldwell#2924: It was also like 50 Ponds EJCaldwell#2924: And the kickback on it was not even that bad EJCaldwell#2924: That was supposed to be a tracer bullet but it did not work sadly PeckServers.com#8342: Thats freakin sick! PeckServers.com#8342: Ayyy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🤦 burarahurricane#6369: this is so messed up burarahurricane#6369: **ITS TALLER THAN ME** what thencuck xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol I think it actually is Maulie#8927: Ok I was about to say a gun that big needing to propel a bullet that large made that little of sound? EJCaldwell#2924: It shook the ground and made a huge shockwave effect EJCaldwell#2924: That was not the full volume Maulie#8927: It was much quieter than I thought it was gonna be EJCaldwell#2924: its like 5 and a half feet tall burarahurricane#6369: that gun is like as big as me EJCaldwell#2924: The video got sent EJCaldwell#2924: Ayy EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: The bullets were huge burarahurricane#6369: im writing a thing EJCaldwell#2924: But they need to get sent to me EJCaldwell#2924: I have pics and videos EJCaldwell#2924: I shot that EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: Ima get a video of me shooting it EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: *ethan has gone airborne* PeckServers.com#8342: B*O*o*M* PeckServers.com#8342: That sounds scary PeckServers.com#8342: Yo really EJCaldwell#2924: This is going to be fun EJCaldwell#2924: In like a hour EJCaldwell#2924: I get to shoot a .50 Cal Rifle EJCaldwell#2924: GM PeckServers.com#8342: Whats the occasion? PeckServers.com#8342: Fancy PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh burarahurricane#6369: im going to teach myself about BIOLUMINESCENCE! burarahurricane#6369: good morning cg ! burarahurricane#6369: oh no D: PeckServers.com#8342: Seems like bad design if you ask me PeckServers.com#8342: That the power protection for my servers blew up PeckServers.com#8342: Its actually really bad lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Def. Not EJCaldwell#2924: that does not sound good PeckServers.com#8342: And i almost shit myself PeckServers.com#8342: Then all of my servers shut off PeckServers.com#8342: It popped and let out smoke PeckServers.com#8342: shiz PeckServers.com#8342: i just fried my ups PeckServers.com#8342: Lmfao EJCaldwell#2924: lol Mocha#3331: Woops I thought it only had the first one lol burarahurricane#6369: thwts rather negative Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/low-tier-god-gif-23870362 EJCaldwell#2924: good morning PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning everyone burarahurricane#6369: yess Maulie#8927: At the end of every episode where they would talk about the animals in real ife burarahurricane#6369: like rice and beans burarahurricane#6369: staple of my childhood EJCaldwell#2924: Yes? burarahurricane#6369: omg wild kratts do u guys remember wild kratts Maulie#8927: Afternoon xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ga username123115#4960: good afternoon give_a_minute#1155: gm Maulie#8927: Good morning username123115#4960: gm PeckServers.com#8342: Mornin burarahurricane#6369: hjmmmmmm burarahurricane#6369: maybe i should sleep burarahurricane#6369: and i dont have water but thats okay <- this message is sponsored by Dehydration ! burarahurricane#6369: time is literally an illusion and also im thirsty burarahurricane#6369: good mroning concrete games llc disxord server \*tips hat* burarahurricane#6369: WHEN DID IT BECOME TWO THEITFY AY EM ? Maulie#8927: If I had seen it I probably wouldn't even care to remember EJCaldwell#2924: one of them is Also Try Terraria EJCaldwell#2924: I have seen it like 3-4 times Maulie#8927: No EJCaldwell#2924: have you never seen that one Maulie#8927: Hello minecraft Maulie#8927: So a movie was influenced by a Foot fetish? burarahurricane#6369: nice EJCaldwell#2924: I also forgot to say that the movie was good burarahurricane#6369: ????????? burarahurricane#6369: EJCaldwell#2924: well i just deleted the files just because it is strange and i don't think there is anything behind it EJCaldwell#2924: there are just a lot of things that was in the movie burarahurricane#6369: fair point EJCaldwell#2924: you think i know burarahurricane#6369: y is batman doing an arg EJCaldwell#2924: and this is now creepy EJCaldwell#2924: i just need to find the website EJCaldwell#2924: so there may be a whole ARG EJCaldwell#2924: and there was a URL after all the credits EJCaldwell#2924: I also just got back from watching the new batman movie burarahurricane#6369: fr >:] EJCaldwell#2924: I have killed a cactus xXthat1redheadXx#9990: where did she *leaf* to Maulie#8927: Oh gosh PeckServers.com#8342: You are really going out on a *limb* this spring break arent you PeckServers.com#8342: LOL burarahurricane#6369: ive been *branching* out this spring break yk 😏 burarahurricane#6369: lmaoooo PeckServers.com#8342: First you get lost at sea then a tree tries to kill you PeckServers.com#8342: Sounds like your spring break has been wild burarahurricane#6369: he s dead burarahurricane#6369: yep Maulie#8927: Are they also a Dream SMP member? burarahurricane#6369: he be a gamer… burarahurricane#6369: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hau_sZCNxkY https://youtube.com/c/Slimecicle subscribble Maulie#8927: Who? burarahurricane#6369: lik e charlie slimecicle in the apocal- actually not like charlie BETTER burarahurricane#6369: no….its strong…it’ll survive i believe in it Maulie#8927: I think once the stem becomes the same color as the leaves it might be too late burarahurricane#6369: i gace it water everyhtjing will be fine 👍 burarahurricane#6369: unm succulent dude burarahurricane#6369: HMAG IN THERE BUDDY Maulie#8927: What kind of plant is it? burarahurricane#6369: it s dying burarahurricane#6369: oh god burarahurricane#6369: THAT REMINDS ME OF MG PLANT Maulie#8927: ? burarahurricane#6369: OH THSHIT burarahurricane#6369: good for it 👍 burarahurricane#6369: dang burarahurricane#6369: on the plus sife ! we will not need to keep picking up those dumb peaches that arent even good for eating over the summer now :] Maulie#8927: It's still green to this day though Maulie#8927: There's a plant I've almost killed from neglect burarahurricane#6369: but it died 😔 burarahurricane#6369: lasted a good like 15 yrs Maulie#8927: Oh burarahurricane#6369: it was dead Maulie#8927: Poor tree burarahurricane#6369: but on the plus side i felt strong burarahurricane#6369: the tree i tore apart with my bare hands tried to fight bacj im all scratched :( burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: skin is malleable PeckServers.com#8342: How does that even happen PeckServers.com#8342: Bruh burarahurricane#6369: i tied my watch on too tight and now my skin is literally pokadotted burarahurricane#6369: minecraft.... PeckServers.com#8342: Oh lol burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: past me...is that a lyri c? burarahurricane#6369: ? PeckServers.com#8342: People who buy are dumb PeckServers.com#8342: No no the peeps who sold fast were smart Maulie#8927: Yeah but who would buy an NFT that has no protection. You can see all the meme videos of people screenshotting NFTs PeckServers.com#8342: Rip lol burarahurricane#6369: th e internet PeckServers.com#8342: Where did you find that? PeckServers.com#8342: Or smart if you think abt it cause they sold everything and got out before the fall burarahurricane#6369: bruh theyre literally so dumb 😭 Maulie#8927: I'm surprised at how people actually sold NFT's in the first place Mocha#3331: NO MORE APES Mocha#3331: LETS FUCKNIGN GOOOOO burarahurricane#6369: WOOOOOO PeckServers.com#8342: *nice* Maulie#8927: If we're keeping it to the games standards, you could still win even with in on Impossible mode. It would probably take you several hours though Mocha#3331: Goodmorning ~3~ <3 PeckServers.com#8342: Mornin username123115#4960: gm PeckServers.com#8342: What about a 1v69? Dyno#3861: Found one! EJCaldwell#2924: i have said i would not do that okay EJCaldwell#2924: i will not do that PeckServers.com#8342: Suck my ding dong PeckServers.com#8342: Bing bong Maulie#8927: 1v2 PeckServers.com#8342: make a grilled cheese PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao EJCaldwell#2924: idk what to do EJCaldwell#2924: i got time PeckServers.com#8342: Long story EJCaldwell#2924: why did you change your name? PeckServers.com#8342: Hit the gym with walt PeckServers.com#8342: burarahurricane#6369: ooof PeckServers.com#8342: Thats SUCKS PeckServers.com#8342: RIP EJCaldwell#2924: and a lot of wood EJCaldwell#2924: and it broke a hard to get tool EJCaldwell#2924: and vein mined all of it EJCaldwell#2924: i was making a mobfarm on a modded skyblock Maulie#8927: What kind of work? EJCaldwell#2924: I just deleted like a half an hour of work EJCaldwell#2924: I am so mad PeckServers.com#8342: It defied that hard PeckServers.com#8342: Lol burarahurricane#6369: “v shaped recovery” burarahurricane#6369: lmao burarahurricane#6369: rememebrr when we thought this would jsut last for a coupla months and rhen die down PeckServers.com#8342: its been happening for too long PeckServers.com#8342: holy crap thats insane burarahurricane#6369: this week is the 2 yr anniv of the covid lockdown :0 thats crazy burarahurricane#6369: ikr burarahurricane#6369: yep lol PeckServers.com#8342: thats a lot of travelling PeckServers.com#8342: cool burarahurricane#6369: + california for a tiny bit burarahurricane#6369: uhh laughlin nevada and lake havasu city arizona PeckServers.com#8342: where did you go? PeckServers.com#8342: ooh fancy burarahurricane#6369: driving bakc home :] PeckServers.com#8342: you? PeckServers.com#8342: feels good to not have school PeckServers.com#8342: amazing burarahurricane#6369: how is everyone’s spring break going ^-^ burarahurricane#6369: chonklad PeckServers.com#8342: 😘 🥰 Mocha#3331: Only for you it is😘 burarahurricane#6369: goood morning cg ! EJCaldwell#2924: GM PeckServers.com#8342: That sounds like a sexual reference 😏 Maulie#8927: Good morning Mocha#3331: goodmorning to all my hog ridas give_a_minute#1155: gm username123115#4960: gm PeckServers.com#8342: Mornin PeckServers.com#8342: they already scrape a bunch of money from listings why the hell they gotta sell my data too PeckServers.com#8342: Why the frick is this enabled by default PeckServers.com#8342: idk imma kms tho WalterJS#2477: how WalterJS#2477: tf PeckServers.com#8342: god FUCKING damnit PeckServers.com#8342: the FUCKING LINE GOT DISCONNECTED WalterJS#2477: *DiScPlInE wIlL tAkE yOu PlAcEs MoTiVaTiOn CaN't* PeckServers.com#8342: say "secs" out loud PeckServers.com#8342: welcome to cg WalterJS#2477: why do we have a channel called <#947673102433783820> PeckServers.com#8342: we might have to postpone ti WalterJS#2477: fuck I gottaw ake up in 6 hours WalterJS#2477: just say the room wasnt actually purple, the can was just so vibrant it changed the cameras perception of life PeckServers.com#8342: artists, more like autists WalterJS#2477: just selling on egay PeckServers.com#8342: fs WalterJS#2477: because we are actually artists WalterJS#2477: if they ask just tell them it was like a can but we like did custom art on it PeckServers.com#8342: def. worth $125 PeckServers.com#8342: i mean it is a nice can WalterJS#2477: shit PeckServers.com#8342: its fine tho PeckServers.com#8342: i think they are combing through our performance and that listing might actually make it look more sus PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao WalterJS#2477: I was trying to make the transaction less sketchy yk WalterJS#2477: yeah idk where Iwas going with that WalterJS#2477: Waltismus prime WalterJS#2477: but WalterJS#2477: like optimus prime WalterJS#2477: yk WalterJS#2477: its shipped through Waltismus Prime Express PeckServers.com#8342: reason: unhandled exception WalterJS#2477: on egay WalterJS#2477: you should check the tracking number for the package I sennt you WalterJS#2477: lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: walter.exe has stopped responding WalterJS#2477: '8'∂ˆÔÍ∏ÂÏÔıͲ˜¸¬Ú¬µ≤˙©Ω˚ƒ˙¬∫∂≥ƒ∫ߥ´ƒ©†å§∑ˆ©ƒ¬¨å∫ƒå´©§¶ª´ø©π˙“©ª–º–´‘“…¯Ï ∂˙√¬ß∫∂ƒ†ˆƒ WalterJS#2477: ´˝å¥ WalterJS#2477: eGayyyyy PeckServers.com#8342: egay has me on hold PeckServers.com#8342: bruh imagine being a gigabren PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao WalterJS#2477: absolute genius 200IQ move WalterJS#2477: LMFAO WalterJS#2477: and hes like oh okay thats fine then no problem WalterJS#2477: and I was like nahhh bruh its for religious regions WalterJS#2477: and the dude stopped the game and said to take my chain off WalterJS#2477: so I was in the box about to hit (with my chain on) WalterJS#2477: But I had a plan WalterJS#2477: were not allowed to wear chains or anything WalterJS#2477: and WalterJS#2477: I was at baseball game yk WalterJS#2477: earlier today WalterJS#2477: so WalterJS#2477: whos ready for a random story time PeckServers.com#8342: but its a guy that dead ass called a radio station and talked about killing women PeckServers.com#8342: it was such a casual conversation PeckServers.com#8342: legit EJCaldwell#2924: What EJCaldwell#2924: I’m sorry PeckServers.com#8342: Woah PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/HBRAY3N3FXw PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh that looks like a lot of fun! burarahurricane#6369: i fidnt die :D burarahurricane#6369: creature burarahurricane#6369: what the tuck i sthis creacutee burarahurricane#6369: its the lkndon bridge burarahurricane#6369: and weeeeeeeee r bakc burarahurricane#6369: our engien wworks burarahurricane#6369: guys we’re saved burarahurricane#6369: have u guys seen drwam on twitter hes literally done w everyone burarahurricane#6369: BS DREAM…. burarahurricane#6369: aTHEIR BIAT burarahurricane#6369: our engine i s literally smoking burarahurricane#6369: we’re saveddddddsddsssdddd burarahurricane#6369: omg the peopel r coming burarahurricane#6369: nah PeckServers.com#8342: You might die PeckServers.com#8342: Bruh thats scawwy burarahurricane#6369: thisnis really funny burarahurricane#6369: we rre gtrykng to call the porple for help Maulie#8927: It'll just take longer burarahurricane#6369: 5 miles fromthw place burarahurricane#6369: ww r like Maulie#8927: You can always paddle burarahurricane#6369: we’re stuckjjjkkkkkkkkk burarahurricane#6369: i mean start burarahurricane#6369: our engien qirnt stop burarahurricane#6369: in themkake PeckServers.com#8342: *in* the lake? EJCaldwell#2924: Sounds fun burarahurricane#6369: we’re stranded in the lake 😐 Mocha#3331: W username123115#4960: we won username123115#4960: but allas username123115#4960: and landed in some goals username123115#4960: he put up some good wombo combos PeckServers.com#8342: Supersonic hog ridaaaa PeckServers.com#8342: Lmfao Mocha#3331: I'm sure he won fs fs username123115#4960: he put up a valient fight Mocha#3331: HOGGGG RIDAAAAAAAAAA Mocha#3331: 😮😮😮😮 username123115#4960: playing mc username123115#4960: its the hog rider himself username123115#4960: username123115#4960: <@!484351343503474698> username123115#4960: now i am username123115#4960: well Maulie#8927: You free? username123115#4960: hi Maulie#8927: Sup bored username123115#4960: im bored Mocha#3331: You finna make.me act up ong Mocha#3331: You got some meaty legs and upper🥵 WalterJS#2477: My deadlift is 365 WalterJS#2477: 175 PeckServers.com#8342: Well his max is 69 school busses full of kids, the 6 is more of his weight belt Mocha#3331: Weak PeckServers.com#8342: 6 school busses full of kids Maulie#8927: 3.14159265 35897932384626433832795028841971693993751 username123115#4960: heppy pi day burarahurricane#6369: imagine being strong Mocha#3331: It's gotta be good you got big hot steamy muscles Mocha#3331: Dam bro what's your bench? PeckServers.com#8342: I aspire to have muscles as massive as his WalterJS#2477: Me and Cody hit the gym today Maulie#8927: nvm WalterJS#2477: ????? Maulie#8927: From a movie or something? Maulie#8927: Someone at school told me WalterJS#2477: I dont get it Maulie#8927: Can you show me the directions to the beach? WalterJS#2477: We got the cameras set up 🙂 PeckServers.com#8342: Lmfao Mocha#3331: I ship PeckServers.com#8342: Cringe WalterJS#2477: lisas homophobic burarahurricane#6369: workin PeckServers.com#8342: Look at daddy in his natural habitat PeckServers.com#8342: burarahurricane#6369: yee PeckServers.com#8342: Dang fancy, gyro remotes are so cool burarahurricane#6369: umm its from the LG brand and thats as much as ik PeckServers.com#8342: What kind is it? PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh burarahurricane#6369: my remote does that :0 Maulie#8927: Stop spamming EJCaldwell#2924: Join us EJCaldwell#2924: Join us EJCaldwell#2924: Join us Maulie#8927: We can do Rusted Warfare or we're playing The Final Stand 2 rn Maulie#8927: Well username123115#4960: with what EJCaldwell#2924: us EJCaldwell#2924: join EJCaldwell#2924: us EJCaldwell#2924: join EJCaldwell#2924: us EJCaldwell#2924: join Maulie#8927: Play with us username123115#4960: im bored Mocha#3331: Rocket league trading TAKOYAKII#2886: Anyone in the reselling business? Maulie#8927: sounds like it PeckServers.com#8342: Its a rich people remote PeckServers.com#8342: Exactly Maulie#8927: You could buy yourself a TV with that money. Not a very good one but still Maulie#8927: $500..... PeckServers.com#8342: Unless you are willing to pay $500 for a Logitech remote PeckServers.com#8342: The media pc market is not ready PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr Maulie#8927: So much for that quality of life invention PeckServers.com#8342: you use the remote to point at what you want to click PeckServers.com#8342: but the gyro mouse thing is pretty futuristic Mocha#3331: There's no way💀 PeckServers.com#8342: you have to use the function key to type basically anything but a-z PeckServers.com#8342: now its an even shittier keyboard 🙌 yayyy WalterJS#2477: Just the fact that they called him an NPC had me dying 😭😭 WalterJS#2477: https://youtu.be/2JYJF9L5YW4 burarahurricane#6369: imaginennot being in pst 😏 burarahurricane#6369: good morning Maulie#8927: good afternoon username123115#4960: good afternoon Maulie#8927: Also Good morning Maulie#8927: What a quality of life invention Mocha#3331: Now you can finally type without using the shitty tv keyboard🥳 PeckServers.com#8342: Yo check out this sick asf windows remote i got PeckServers.com#8342: Complex gaming PeckServers.com#8342: I wonder what cg stands for PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh Maulie#8927: I saw the title and clicked on it PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/pfXKsYCedPM EJCaldwell#2924: gn PeckServers.com#8342: gn PeckServers.com#8342: ayy files are done copying PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao EJCaldwell#2924: i don't tho PeckServers.com#8342: you could only wish to be this dirty PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: soul mates or some shit EJCaldwell#2924: i think we have the same sense of humor or something PeckServers.com#8342: great minds think alike PeckServers.com#8342: ayy EJCaldwell#2924: a funeral PeckServers.com#8342: besides like a funeral or some shiz PeckServers.com#8342: i cant think of many worse ones EJCaldwell#2924: it would not be the worst place tho PeckServers.com#8342: can you imagine rubbing one off at WORK of all places EJCaldwell#2924: the answer is no EJCaldwell#2924: what the frick PeckServers.com#8342: Im sorry WHAT LOUIS!?!?! PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0y0oLnYdlY PeckServers.com#8342: it doubles for the abreviation for cock and balls! PeckServers.com#8342: AAND xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🤦 PeckServers.com#8342: C==B PeckServers.com#8342: B∞ PeckServers.com#8342: infinity dick EJCaldwell#2924: ? PeckServers.com#8342: D∞ PeckServers.com#8342: Its like ginger ale but more like kombucha PeckServers.com#8342: It tastes sooo good tho burarahurricane#6369: LMAO EJCaldwell#2924: that looks like cough syrup EJCaldwell#2924: no joke PeckServers.com#8342: Daddy loves bundaberg Mocha#3331: I LOVE LEAN🥶 🥶 💜 💜 Maulie#8927: Russian Roulette: Drug abuse version Mocha#3331: it doesn't actually kill you unless you abuse it Mocha#3331: lmfaoo Maulie#8927: This is like the tide pod challenge all over again Mocha#3331: it's also known as purple drank Mocha#3331: popular rappers Maulie#8927: with that Maulie#8927: who came up Maulie#8927: who Mocha#3331: then you drink it and pray you don't die Mocha#3331: it's where you mix together sprite, cough syrup, and jolly ranchers Mocha#3331: well my friend lean is a beautiful thing Maulie#8927: Nope Mocha#3331: oh Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/abhi-lean-cup-abhi-loves-lean-love-lean-gif-24881305 PeckServers.com#8342: I love lean nuhts PeckServers.com#8342: Water feels good too Mocha#3331: I LOVE LEAN 💜 Mocha#3331: drugs feel good burarahurricane#6369: and ? drugs feel good Mocha#3331: dam now we just need 43.1 billion people to go vegan and we got no more co2 in the air Maulie#8927: Ribeye is really good PeckServers.com#8342: Sadness PeckServers.com#8342: But steak tastes good burarahurricane#6369: that took me forwver to type i had a melted reeses jn one hand and i just decided to just eat the werappee with it it was easierr PeckServers.com#8342: Hmm burarahurricane#6369: did u know that going vegetarian can stop 1 ton of co2 (or methane idr) from polluting the atmosphere every [certain amt of time i dont remember it was something like each year or 15 years or a lifetime] or smth like that its pretty cool Mocha#3331: 😳 PeckServers.com#8342: Jk PeckServers.com#8342: Now bend over Mocha#3331: your right white people are just better 😔 PeckServers.com#8342: We must be intellectuals Mocha#3331: ive only heard white people say it and very few brown people PeckServers.com#8342: Imagine associating the best comeback of all time with a skin color Mocha#3331: that's pretty cool PeckServers.com#8342: Dont save her tho Mocha#3331: im slowly turning white burarahurricane#6369: bit o both Mocha#3331: that is the last time im going to make a ur mom joke PeckServers.com#8342: Gottem Mocha#3331: especially your mother PeckServers.com#8342: Save the cows Mocha#3331: are you vegan for health or is it for the animals? PeckServers.com#8342: Apparently f1.0 PeckServers.com#8342: Not sure, lemme check EJCaldwell#2924: just late username123115#4960: rip burarahurricane#6369: 😭 EJCaldwell#2924: danget EJCaldwell#2924: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> burarahurricane#6369: FUCJ burarahurricane#6369: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> username123115#4960: weed time burarahurricane#6369: been vegetarian for almost 2 yrs now :] EJCaldwell#2924: sounds interesting username123115#4960: maybe later username123115#4960: ok burarahurricane#6369: yeppp im vegetarian (occasionally pescatarian) give_a_minute#1155: just come over and knock give_a_minute#1155: I'll gib hat EJCaldwell#2924: are you Vegan/Vegetarian? username123115#4960: h a t EJCaldwell#2924: nice give_a_minute#1155: I would assume that's important for security cams like that, you know seeing things from a decent distance and stuff give_a_minute#1155: waht's the aperture give_a_minute#1155: that's clean PeckServers.com#8342: Look at this sexy camera I just installed PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah its fast food, its not designed for every type of diet burarahurricane#6369: okay the STUPIDEST yhing aboyt fast food id that they almost have NOTHING good for vegetarian / vegan options like bruh ! PeckServers.com#8342: good Morning Maulie#8927: Good afternoon burarahurricane#6369: goood morning ! username123115#4960: gm give_a_minute#1155: gm EJCaldwell#2924: gm Maulie#8927: Good morning PeckServers.com#8342: George is probably the whitest here EJCaldwell#2924: george just has a short tempter tbh Mocha#3331: That whole argument was the biggest white people moment I is ever seen🤦 Mocha#3331: White people moment PeckServers.com#8342: OR (conspiracy theory time) he didnt get an A in a class and his dad roasted him over a fire PeckServers.com#8342: i wonder if he had practice PeckServers.com#8342: weird EJCaldwell#2924: He was at school today PeckServers.com#8342: concerning fs EJCaldwell#2924: Strange EJCaldwell#2924: Hmm PeckServers.com#8342: yeah but we run a business together and have responsibilities together and he hasnt responded to anything including texts at all today or yesterday 😬 EJCaldwell#2924: he is like this quite a bit if you pay attention PeckServers.com#8342: ok whats up with walter, hes been online discord all day but hes been radio silent PeckServers.com#8342: its weird EJCaldwell#2924: i feel like the days have been getting longer EJCaldwell#2924: same PeckServers.com#8342: this pandemic has messed with my sense of time big time PeckServers.com#8342: its been like 10 montsh PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, i was wrong lmfao burarahurricane#6369: its been less than that lol burarahurricane#6369: i joined this server a litrle under 2 yrs ato burarahurricane#6369: no EJCaldwell#2924: what PeckServers.com#8342: <@!826480395469848597> thats what I thought PeckServers.com#8342: Ok hopefully we are all in somewhat of agreement and this has been settled cause Imma go PeckServers.com#8342: <@!826480395469848597> and? PeckServers.com#8342: its part of being in a server like this PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, everyone has their own problems Commander Lumbar support#1704: ethan wasnt the only problem in this server PeckServers.com#8342: so leave Commander Lumbar support#1704: but before i leave PeckServers.com#8342: yeah we get that Commander Lumbar support#1704: frustrated is an understatement PeckServers.com#8342: just step away then PeckServers.com#8342: I can tell you are just frustrated. trust me, taking a break will be good for you Commander Lumbar support#1704: and now im not entirely on it Commander Lumbar support#1704: from what ive seen he's the most stupid in this server Commander Lumbar support#1704: now i have no need to PeckServers.com#8342: so just block him... Commander Lumbar support#1704: and ethan starts acting like a complete idiot PeckServers.com#8342: so everything that has stemmed from the point beyond where he stated that you were annoying is invalidated because think the same back Commander Lumbar support#1704: asked a question Commander Lumbar support#1704: i got on Commander Lumbar support#1704: notice how i sent no messages today, said nothing, to ANYONE Commander Lumbar support#1704: and so is he PeckServers.com#8342: that... you are annoying at times Commander Lumbar support#1704: his point being? i dont wanna go back and look PeckServers.com#8342: aaand his point still stands Commander Lumbar support#1704: i was getting at ethan for blocking me for being *annoying* PeckServers.com#8342: and you were getting after ethan for blocking you Commander Lumbar support#1704: still doesnt work PeckServers.com#8342: lol Commander Lumbar support#1704: i have him blocked Commander Lumbar support#1704: OOHHHHHHHhh PeckServers.com#8342: seems like a recurring theme PeckServers.com#8342: maybe he has you blocked PeckServers.com#8342: idk bruh Commander Lumbar support#1704: PeckServers.com#8342: he is wody s Commander Lumbar support#1704: Commander Lumbar support#1704: why cant i search for messages from walter Commander Lumbar support#1704: actually PeckServers.com#8342: what is a special few? Commander Lumbar support#1704: and if it did a special few would probably be banned by now PeckServers.com#8342: what are you getting at? PeckServers.com#8342: so that invalidates 2 of your points in one go Commander Lumbar support#1704: but the rule book doesnt even matter anymore Commander Lumbar support#1704: yea PeckServers.com#8342: towards the beginning you were the one that referenced the rule book every time I said a swear PeckServers.com#8342: how? Commander Lumbar support#1704: i dont remember you being called out the most PeckServers.com#8342: its a persistent thing PeckServers.com#8342: remember what? Commander Lumbar support#1704: i dont remember that Commander Lumbar support#1704: ummmmmm PeckServers.com#8342: if anything i am the biggest offender of the rules and have been called out the most PeckServers.com#8342: yeah and its also just a little weird that you would even consider doing that Commander Lumbar support#1704: and it would take way too long to try and find each time someone said something proving that wrong PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, and maybe its time to take a break. a big reason I left and took a break is because I had some personal issues i needed to figure out and I wasnt getting along with anyone. It feels good to just step away Commander Lumbar support#1704: its not gonna change anything Commander Lumbar support#1704: its not even worth it to try and fight back Commander Lumbar support#1704: at this point PeckServers.com#8342: well either way, you havent been singled out with those rules any more than anyone else EJCaldwell#2924: and i have been here from last summer Commander Lumbar support#1704: no there has been PeckServers.com#8342: yeah so basically most of the time ive been here theres basically been no rules, my bad EJCaldwell#2924: you have been here longer than I Commander Lumbar support#1704: still not close to 2 EJCaldwell#2924: must of been a while ago Commander Lumbar support#1704: just over a year Commander Lumbar support#1704: ok thats my bad then PeckServers.com#8342: my first message EJCaldwell#2924: remember what? PeckServers.com#8342: lol PeckServers.com#8342: why would i remember that PeckServers.com#8342: no Commander Lumbar support#1704: you remember your first message Commander Lumbar support#1704: it might actually not be Commander Lumbar support#1704: now that i think about it Commander Lumbar support#1704: actually PeckServers.com#8342: you sure about that? Commander Lumbar support#1704: it hasnt even been 1 since you joined PeckServers.com#8342: its if you say something thats just wrong or too far PeckServers.com#8342: nobody has cared about rules since spencer left tho lmfao, its been like 2 years Commander Lumbar support#1704: i mean earlier if i said anything even a little too far someone would get on my back about breaking a rule Commander Lumbar support#1704: at least the only one that really uses it PeckServers.com#8342: meh, thats your personal opinion. this server is about friend to friend conversation, and people have lives Commander Lumbar support#1704: and you're the only person with real power now Commander Lumbar support#1704: spencer is practically dead Commander Lumbar support#1704: walter barely does anything Commander Lumbar support#1704: this server has turned into complete garbage Commander Lumbar support#1704: im staying on this one for now PeckServers.com#8342: how does lisa have perms to do that? MMMMM#2210: hence why ive had lisa kick all but one of my alts PeckServers.com#8342: ok so if thats how you are feeling, then its probably the best. There is no reason to stay if you arent enjoying your time here MMMMM#2210: i have an invite link MMMMM#2210: if i want to come back i can MMMMM#2210: ive decided against it because i only really use this server out of all of them, and i still come on sometimes MMMMM#2210: well it still holds up as a great reason to leave the server PeckServers.com#8342: yeah and? I have no context for what that was even about MMMMM#2210: that was you MMMMM#2210: PeckServers.com#8342: why and why? MMMMM#2210: ive been debating leaving the server for a while but have decided against it PeckServers.com#8342: you are by pinging general a billion times. if you have an issue with a server member, take care of it privately. Dyno#3861: MMMMM#2210: sorry MMMMM#2210: if i am MMMMM#2210: at least im not giving effort into doing it MMMMM#2210: but im not dragging you into this PeckServers.com#8342: you are the problem right now tho MMMMM#2210: *pat* PeckServers.com#8342: *pats back* MMMMM#2210: you used to be a part of the problem too ya know PeckServers.com#8342: commere PeckServers.com#8342: aww gogy do you need a hug? MMMMM#2210: i did absolutely nothing to you today and suddenly you decide you want to be a dick and blame me MMMMM#2210: but you do, cause you keep responding. you keep blocking me. and you keep doing the same thing over and over again EJCaldwell#2924: george could shut the frick up for all i care EJCaldwell#2924: and i don't even care burarahurricane#6369: wow george is going off EJCaldwell#2924: i was just giving cody easy solutions to the problem Commander Lumbar support#1704: "deal with it" Commander Lumbar support#1704: he got so riled up he blocked me Commander Lumbar support#1704: hence my point EJCaldwell#2924: i don't even see what hes sending Commander Lumbar support#1704: thats how i feel with you all of the time burarahurricane#6369: the girls r fighting.:.. Commander Lumbar support#1704: now imagine that, but i cant spell, have no sense of the english language, and am just overall stupid burarahurricane#6369: Commander Lumbar support#1704: its annoying isnt it Commander Lumbar support#1704: you see how much you're thinking about muting me EJCaldwell#2924: you can mute them faster than he can make them EJCaldwell#2924: just mute all of his accounts burarahurricane#6369: byeeeeee Commander Lumbar support#1704: np PeckServers.com#8342: thanks george PeckServers.com#8342: imma just go, all the vibes are ruined lol Commander Lumbar support#1704: deal with it EJCaldwell#2924: i care because every single one of those it a ping you idiot Commander Lumbar support#1704: because you replied Commander Lumbar support#1704: but you do PeckServers.com#8342: just did EJCaldwell#2924: because i don't really care EJCaldwell#2924: cody can't you server mute him MMMMM#2210: deal with it EJCaldwell#2924: you don't even know the context of that one MMMMM#2210: deal with it PeckServers.com#8342: bro george stfu MMMMM#2210: deal with it PeckServers.com#8342: it ONLY WORKS AT GIGABIT MMMMM#2210: deal with it MMMMM#2210: deal with it MMMMM#2210: deal with it PeckServers.com#8342: i spent all of this time trying to pair 2x 1 gigabit ethernet ports to make a 1x 2gigabit interface, windows even reported it as such, but guess what... EJCaldwell#2924: deal with it PeckServers.com#8342: bruh MMMMM#2210: theres 2 of them now MMMMM#2210: crap burarahurricane#6369: ^-^ burarahurricane#6369: personally i rly appreciat e ur efforts ethan thank u for not misgendering me either :D MMMMM#2210: and...? MMMMM#2210: i say something and suddenly theres a tiny idiot being himself MMMMM#2210: and you're part of the reason i have this server muted MMMMM#2210: i did nothing to you today burarahurricane#6369: good question ^-^ MMMMM#2210: in fact MMMMM#2210: i could say the exact same thing MMMMM#2210: ethan, remember when you blocked me because i corrected you for being a completely stupid person EJCaldwell#2924: then leave EJCaldwell#2924: if you don't like it EJCaldwell#2924: deal with it' EJCaldwell#2924: i did it to annoy you MMMMM#2210: instead i got a little idiot answering on behalf of them MMMMM#2210: they havent responded MMMMM#2210: i did EJCaldwell#2924: you would have to ask THEM MMMMM#2210: so why did you EJCaldwell#2924: because i can't have a answer MMMMM#2210: for you it might just be one EJCaldwell#2924: deal with it EJCaldwell#2924: you are letting little things annoy you MMMMM#2210: but who knows MMMMM#2210: and thats not a compliment MMMMM#2210: i have a 5 year old cousin you remind me of MMMMM#2210: ethan MMMMM#2210: yea i know EJCaldwell#2924: i am just doing it to annoy you MMMMM#2210: but why not MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: now do you see how incredibly stupid i just sounded EJCaldwell#2924: because MMMMM#2210: why EJCaldwell#2924: because MMMMM#2210: why not EJCaldwell#2924: because i don't MMMMM#2210: why not EJCaldwell#2924: easy EJCaldwell#2924: i don't want it that MMMMM#2210: thats a great answer ethan, yknow what. why dont you have your status set to the Uzbekistan flag EJCaldwell#2924: why not MMMMM#2210: but why MMMMM#2210: i mean sure EJCaldwell#2924: they wanted it MMMMM#2210: its completely random EJCaldwell#2924: why not MMMMM#2210: why? MMMMM#2210: yea but like EJCaldwell#2924: because they can MMMMM#2210: why does <@!749747503947055136> have the Uzbekistan flag as their status? PeckServers.com#8342: mornin <@!531264285385424916> PeckServers.com#8342: FUCK dude the minecraft server folder is taking up 1/4 of my ssd 😬 MMMMM#2210: and theres no sound Mocha#3331: I feel like I'm watching it on a gameboy MMMMM#2210: https://bit.ly/shrekthemoviewebsite Mocha#3331: Maybe you should make another useless website MMMMM#2210: https://codeprojects.org/FF2G_v0CivbiPwctjJGkl-vdVc0LnMGc-Yk8FTozWCY/Shrek.html Mocha#3331: That sounds awesome Mocha#3331: Lmaooo MMMMM#2210: its a gif MMMMM#2210: worse Mocha#3331: Was it in like 144p MMMMM#2210: it was just a blank page with shrek playing Mocha#3331: Lmfaooo MMMMM#2210: bitly banned my website link cause it thought it was a virus MMMMM#2210: that reminds me Mocha#3331: Go rewatch shrek for the 47204792047290184630104720648th time MMMMM#2210: that sounds boring Mocha#3331: They're pretty cool Mocha#3331: Watch some random video essay MMMMM#2210: no Mocha#3331: ^^^ MMMMM#2210: no Mocha#3331: Then enjoy that process MMMMM#2210: its gonna take a long time MMMMM#2210: but Mocha#3331: Do something about it MMMMM#2210: no Mocha#3331: Don't complain MMMMM#2210: im bored burarahurricane#6369: mental health hp boost +50 burarahurricane#6369: and WE DONT HAVE SCHOOL burarahurricane#6369: kts so ni ce outside PeckServers.com#8342: good for you! PeckServers.com#8342: yayyy burarahurricane#6369: I DONT WANT TO DIE ANYMORE >:D burarahurricane#6369: THE FUTURE TOWARDS RECOVERY IS ACTUALLY LOOKING BRIGHT!!! burarahurricane#6369: GUESS WHO DIDNT GET STABBED TODAY!!!! burarahurricane#6369: now i jusy gotta get thrtough physical therapy burarahurricane#6369: WIOOOOOOOOO EJCaldwell#2924: For a week at least EJCaldwell#2924: NO MORE SCHOOL EJCaldwell#2924: LETS GO burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/majoras-mask-intro-gif-12366334 Maulie#8927: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: but there wasnt a power cut off so for like 3 hours it just kept burning and they couldnt do anything about it PeckServers.com#8342: which is <:sus:783176301502267423> PeckServers.com#8342: and there was maintainance done to it not 24 hours earlier PeckServers.com#8342: it was one of the inverters in the battery room that started it Maulie#8927: Wow PeckServers.com#8342: so you can imagine how bad that is PeckServers.com#8342: and apparently the design made a giant chimney PeckServers.com#8342: bro thats what im saying Maulie#8927: The wood and no exit? Maulie#8927: Who thought that was a good idea? lisx#1702: that's *so last year* lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: may 10th i think PeckServers.com#8342: last year Maulie#8927: When did this happen????? PeckServers.com#8342: its the conclusion of the ovh datacentre fire in france that destroyed like 500k websites Maulie#8927: What is this about exactly? PeckServers.com#8342: OOP! EJCaldwell#2924: "You need skill to grasp the opportunity presented by luck" Maulie#8927: It's similar enough PeckServers.com#8342: who the hell builds their datacenter out of wood? EJCaldwell#2924: the quote is Maulie#8927: Quoting technoblade? PeckServers.com#8342: someones gonna be in trouble PeckServers.com#8342: oh shiz PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: i just need skill to keep it EJCaldwell#2924: it was luck mostly PeckServers.com#8342: very nice btw PeckServers.com#8342: finally why it happened PeckServers.com#8342: FRICK YEAH PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/news/ovhcloud-fire-report-sbg2-data-center-had-wooden-ceilings-no-extinguisher-and-no-power-cut-out/ EJCaldwell#2924: Computer, Engineering and science EJCaldwell#2924: the overall thing is EJCaldwell#2924: from my quick glance at it username123115#4960: i have it in the afternoon username123115#4960: oh EJCaldwell#2924: let me check EJCaldwell#2924: morning username123115#4960: is that ace academy username123115#4960: day EJCaldwell#2924: or do you mean day EJCaldwell#2924: computer username123115#4960: which half username123115#4960: OOH PeckServers.com#8342: Yes but if youve never heard it, you have no idea what to expect PeckServers.com#8342: But if its tuned right a sound that isnt channel based should sound like its coming from everywhere PeckServers.com#8342: Pretty much lisx#1702: as you should be able to infer from the name... lisx#1702: and surround is like you hear it from all around you and the sound surrounds you PeckServers.com#8342: You know how when you listen to those you can tell its coming from in front of you? PeckServers.com#8342: Ok yes that works EJCaldwell#2924: Speakers through his laptop works but not as good PeckServers.com#8342: Well let me think of another analogy for you PeckServers.com#8342: Hm EJCaldwell#2924: he does not PeckServers.com#8342: You dont have a tv anywhere? Maulie#8927: I don't have tv PeckServers.com#8342: do any of you just listen to your tv through the built in speakers? PeckServers.com#8342: its crazy though PeckServers.com#8342: yeah if you are a sound nerd those would probably make your day PeckServers.com#8342: hmm Maulie#8927: I saw an ad yesterday for surround sound headphones. Price tag was a lot but it looked promising PeckServers.com#8342: think of being able to hear left and right, but also front and back PeckServers.com#8342: kinda thing PeckServers.com#8342: bluetooth speaker vs headphones Maulie#8927: I've worn headphones PeckServers.com#8342: sure year Maulie#8927: So basically headphones? PeckServers.com#8342: where you can dicern left from right PeckServers.com#8342: where you have a speaker on each side of your head burarahurricane#6369: spectacular spiderman ! Maulie#8927: Not that I know of PeckServers.com#8342: have you ever gone from mono to stereo? PeckServers.com#8342: its pretty spectacular Maulie#8927: I've thought about it Maulie#8927: Is surround sound as good as people say it is? burarahurricane#6369: yeAH lisx#1702: MAR10 MARIO lisx#1702: OH I see it burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: happy mario day burarahurricane#6369: GUYS ITS MAR10 DAY PeckServers.com#8342: surround is so awesome PeckServers.com#8342: dang thats pretty cool lisx#1702: I think our tv has a jbl thing that has that PeckServers.com#8342: you have surround too? PeckServers.com#8342: ooh nice lisx#1702: hey we have those too EJCaldwell#2924: for expensive stuff PeckServers.com#8342: i made a surround setup in my room with 2 logitech speaker sets EJCaldwell#2924: it is PeckServers.com#8342: well thats probably a prereq to getting new stuff lol EJCaldwell#2924: i have like 200-300 bucks PeckServers.com#8342: tho PeckServers.com#8342: mega subwoofer EJCaldwell#2924: i don't even have a job PeckServers.com#8342: and only like $100 EJCaldwell#2924: are they cheap PeckServers.com#8342: they are super good PeckServers.com#8342: get the 400 watt logitech ones EJCaldwell#2924: i need speakers PeckServers.com#8342: look at how clean that is PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: ncie lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/4ZtFanR9U6ndgddUvNcjcG?si=7bc94dd8f2a544bb burarahurricane#6369: :0 PeckServers.com#8342: so excite PeckServers.com#8342: i just got a new computer EJCaldwell#2924: from my quick 1 min at looking online you can EJCaldwell#2924: let me check EJCaldwell#2924: i don't plan on staying at Dixie my entire schooling career burarahurricane#6369: to an out of state university/college burarahurricane#6369: yeah ik but the degree probs wont transfer EJCaldwell#2924: you do it during highschool you know right burarahurricane#6369: liek....go to a good school so i can be da best 👍 burarahurricane#6369: i was gonna but i wanna go do stuff outside of utard MMMMM#2210: that sounds hella boring MMMMM#2210: but then i decided MMMMM#2210: i was gonna do it MMMMM#2210: gj EJCaldwell#2924: because that cuts down on two years of collage EJCaldwell#2924: it is burarahurricane#6369: thats nice EJCaldwell#2924: and the thing is halfway into next school year i can drive without my parents burarahurricane#6369: niceee burarahurricane#6369: :000000 EJCaldwell#2924: I got into success academy EJCaldwell#2924: GO EJCaldwell#2924: FREAKING EJCaldwell#2924: LETS username123115#4960: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> lisx#1702: I forgot about that. I almost saw it again EJCaldwell#2924: That sucks burarahurricane#6369: <:cat_ohno:828416120251875329> burarahurricane#6369: AND IT LOOKED REALLY SAD AND DROOPY burarahurricane#6369: and then i put it on the thingy burarahurricane#6369: and it looked worse burarahurricane#6369: and then i put it back togwther burarahurricane#6369: i broke it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it looks cool xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah burarahurricane#6369: thnajks EJCaldwell#2924: That looks good burarahurricane#6369: whichh is so basic and dumb and boring its depressing 😔 burarahurricane#6369: idk where im even gonna put it on my book project burarahurricane#6369: this cost me almost the ENTIRE PERIOD OF WORK burarahurricane#6369: 😐 username123115#4960: oof burarahurricane#6369: its not even turning out that good :( burarahurricane#6369: guys making paper roses is REALLY HARD AND TIME CONSUMING xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol Mocha#3331: I would bark for liam🥵 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but that explains the confused face you gave me username123115#4960: :( Mocha#3331: No username123115#4960: are you at skool xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I am not a furry xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I did not bark burarahurricane#6369: um….anyone else hear <@!776230986324246558> bark at lisa…multiple times….<:thonk:792962252772343808> Mocha#3331: Im a gamer tho so I respawned Mocha#3331: No EJCaldwell#2924: <@!484351343503474698> are you alive, Daniel wants to know xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol burarahurricane#6369: they WONT STOP DLIXKERINGGG burarahurricane#6369: the lights keep flickering in this classroomn burarahurricane#6369: tjank u PeckServers.com#8342: You got this Ally! burarahurricane#6369: how is evrryoneeeeee burarahurricane#6369: i hope thqt doesnt happen in school 👍 burarahurricane#6369: i fell asleep on the bathroom floor burarahurricane#6369: im kinda tired burarahurricane#6369: I CAN MAKE IT <- NO I CANT <- YES I CAN !! burarahurricane#6369: TWO DAYS LEFT OF SCHOOL BEFORE THE BREWAK burarahurricane#6369: moooornin ^-^ PeckServers.com#8342: Moooornin Mocha#3331: I'll put it on with my tongue 😍 PeckServers.com#8342: daddy i want you to put the cream on my toe then suck it off 😍 Mocha#3331: <3 Mocha#3331: I want to lick the cream off your toe PeckServers.com#8342: i would like to buy some toe cream PeckServers.com#8342: hi is this the dollar store? lisx#1702: Meh Maulie#8927: There's an audience for everything lisx#1702: There aren't any good ones anyway Maulie#8927: Why lisx#1702: None of my videos are public Maulie#8927: Then my laptop broke Maulie#8927: I only have one video on the channel lisx#1702: 😎 lisx#1702: I have like three times as many subs as you Maulie#8927: Maulie#8927: You need some requirement Maulie#8927: True lisx#1702: I think you need to be more popular before monetizing it Maulie#8927: You could slap a lot of ads on it though lisx#1702: Seems like a lot of work Mocha#3331: Either way a video essay seems kinda like your style you should definitely find something you like and make one lisx#1702: I was quoting Mocha#3331: Oh mb lisx#1702: Maulie's message said she Mocha#3331: You think I'm a girl😭 Maulie#8927: clicked on the profile like two seconds after Maulie#8927: I don't really know lisx#1702: *she?* lisx#1702: That's right that did happen lisx#1702: Oh Maulie#8927: That's how he would know Maulie#8927: Most recent one, you can see <3 texting right below it lisx#1702: I don't remember that Mocha#3331: While back idk Mocha#3331: It was called like mii something Mocha#3331: I watched one on that wii u social media thing lisx#1702: When did alysse say that? Maulie#8927: The subnautica ones are so good Mocha#3331: Because alysse said you were a swiftie lisx#1702: How do you even know I like Taylor swift Mocha#3331: Then maybe you could try doing an iceberg type video lisx#1702: I wouldn't want random people I don't know looking at it though Maulie#8927: An autobiography? lisx#1702: I should just make one about myself Mocha#3331: Or you could find a show you really like Mocha#3331: That's why you can research lisx#1702: I don't know that much about her Mocha#3331: Taylor swift Maulie#8927: What would you do it on? Mocha#3331: They seem like a lot of fun to do I've always wanted to make one lisx#1702: Idk what I would make it about lisx#1702: I could make one of those Mocha#3331: To eight hours lisx#1702: Oh Maulie#8927: I watched one about Ukraine this morning Mocha#3331: They can be as short as 15-20 min Maulie#8927: I like some of those Mocha#3331: They're pretty much just videos where people will take a topic they enjoy and analyze it very deeply Mocha#3331: Wow this is gonna be an amazing experience for you then Maulie#8927: You could watch paint dry lisx#1702: What's a video essay Mocha#3331: Watch five hour long video essays lisx#1702: YouTube had been very boring lately Maulie#8927: Oh burarahurricane#6369: nauuur youtube is dying lisx#1702: No Maulie#8927: The reddit tuber? lisx#1702: I have a friend who's into those though Maulie#8927: Heard of Rslash? lisx#1702: Thanks for not lisx#1702: It's okay Maulie#8927: I won't lisx#1702: Please don't Maulie#8927: I forgot Maulie#8927: Sorry lisx#1702: No lisx#1702: Tf Maulie#8927: Wait Maulie#8927: I got a horror story podcast I could send you Maulie#8927: What do you want to do lisx#1702: I'm bored burarahurricane#6369: lmao lisx#1702: Mr bowhwhis or whatever his name is told Walter today that he wouldn't be able to get in mit if he didn't get good grades and it was funny to listen to Maulie#8927: In school, yes, on the road, no. lisx#1702: Pfff lisx#1702: Oh I read that wrong lisx#1702: Productively eh? You sound like someone who has experience in this field burarahurricane#6369: greta made a differenc e bc shes in europe and europe actually cares or at least pretends to Maulie#8927: What I mean by sitting on the street is blocking the whole road. Stalling people and productivity burarahurricane#6369: no one would care burarahurricane#6369: i wouldnt be able to make any kind kf impact in st frucking george tho lisx#1702: You never know lisx#1702: ... Yeah I think you're going to end up as one if hose people burarahurricane#6369: but thats not my style burarahurricane#6369: but actually i mean Greta Thunberg started out by sitting jn the street and look at the impact she’s made lisx#1702: It's not a very iPad friendly website burarahurricane#6369: theres so many other things u could do burarahurricane#6369: making donations to organizations does something burarahurricane#6369: changing ur lifestyle to save the planet does somethjng Maulie#8927: Exactly burarahurricane#6369: that doesnt do anythjng Maulie#8927: Just don't end up as one of those people who thinks it's a good idea to sit in the street burarahurricane#6369: idk boyt u but im not super into living the apocalypse burarahurricane#6369: instead of watch as it all falls apart 😐 burarahurricane#6369: if we start Taking Action tho we can like….actually live a good life lisx#1702: And the world is probably full of people like me, and that is why you're going to die young by your case burarahurricane#6369: makes me wanna cry 👍 burarahurricane#6369: b r u h burarahurricane#6369: like literally we’re aimed to hit 1.5 degrees C in *ELEVEN FUCKING YEARS* I WONT EVEN BE FUCKING THIRTY BEFORE THE WORLD STARTS GOING TO SHIT ? lisx#1702: I've *stopped* lisx#1702: I don't really care PeckServers.com#8342: but you do it too lisx#1702: No burarahurricane#6369: BUT ISNT THIS AN IMPORTANT THING TO KNOW? lisx#1702: That is a good thing Cody don't turn it on it's annoying PeckServers.com#8342: lisa do you still? lisx#1702: Good thing I have @ everyone ping suppressed burarahurricane#6369: yeh PeckServers.com#8342: wait really? burarahurricane#6369: i dont have perms anyway PeckServers.com#8342: bad PeckServers.com#8342: no lisx#1702: 😅 burarahurricane#6369: alas burarahurricane#6369: i would @ everyone but burarahurricane#6369: makes me wanna convince the rest of my family to go vegetarian burarahurricane#6369: and got 41.3 tons of co2 emissions which was SO DEPRESSING WTF burarahurricane#6369: i did it for my household burarahurricane#6369: you guys should take this quiz to determine ur carbon footprint https://www.wren.co/calculator xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lmao PeckServers.com#8342: r tod only in truth lawn PeckServers.com#8342: thats right, had to do that Truth or Dare#8712: :white_check_mark: The R rating was disabled here! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Hahaha PeckServers.com#8342: cause doing it in general has its issues PeckServers.com#8342: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Get it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Haha xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I... *see* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lmao PeckServers.com#8342: and that is only for certain eyes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yeah... PeckServers.com#8342: cause its where truth or dare happens xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Whats the lock on truth lawn lol lisx#1702: It was just that I saw it again and it creeped me out so I kinda had to PeckServers.com#8342: alright, well if you arent gonna tell anyone then why even talk about it lmfao lisx#1702: And I don't want to be retraumatized lisx#1702: Too much blackmail PeckServers.com#8342: ok? lisx#1702: No PeckServers.com#8342: stat PeckServers.com#8342: dm me PeckServers.com#8342: why are you scarred lisx#1702: I can't tell you PeckServers.com#8342: was it creepy PeckServers.com#8342: but why PeckServers.com#8342: yes, thats understandable lisx#1702: It's a cat lisx#1702: (In my defense) PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: It was REALLY creepy PeckServers.com#8342: kind of, when youre trying to roast someone lisx#1702: Does it matter PeckServers.com#8342: i only call you cringe tho 🤷 lisx#1702: Cody: *cringe* lisx#1702: Calling people cringe on every given occasion is cringe burarahurricane#6369: wELL burarahurricane#6369: IN THR SHAPE OF AN L ON HER FOREHEAD lisx#1702: *she was looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb...* burarahurricane#6369: L lisx#1702: You know when I was little I saw like ten seconds of a cartoon and had nightmares about it for years PeckServers.com#8342: AWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGGAAAA! burarahurricane#6369: do u ever just wanna go AGIRURIRURURURUUOOIUUHHAGGHTFGHFHFJDKHDKDHDKDBFJJDKRHGHEOEIRHFJSJGDOWURRUUYYUUUUUUHGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRR likr all the time burarahurricane#6369: ^ lisx#1702: It brings back trauma burarahurricane#6369: thqt would br so epic PeckServers.com#8342: i would edit my 404 page to have george not found but that takes a lot of work burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: aww how cute burarahurricane#6369: 404 lisx#1702: Alyssa aa a. Aaaaaaaa burarahurricane#6369: gergrirge nmot doubd burarahurricane#6369: lisa aa a a a a a a. aa a a a. a a a. a a an a a a a. a. a a burarahurricane#6369: NAUR MY@MESSGAGE PeckServers.com#8342: *nice* PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: we aint making fun of you cause youre scared, we are making fun of you for not telling us why PeckServers.com#8342: aww thanks lisa 😍 Mocha#3331: 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 Mocha#3331: no your the only person to have ever been scared in all of history lisx#1702: Get it now? lisx#1702: So that makes you stupid lisx#1702: And you're making fun of me for it Maulie#8927: ? lisx#1702: You've been scared before too Maulie#8927: Please elaborate lisx#1702: You're stupid PeckServers.com#8342: imagine being scared lisx#1702: I a m a l s on o t s a y i n g a n y t h i n g PeckServers.com#8342: cringe lisx#1702: I t j u s t i s PeckServers.com#8342: no lisa, its not hard to read, why is it fun to do? lisx#1702: I s t h i s h a r d t o r e a d b e c a u s e i t s v e r y f u n t o d o PeckServers.com#8342: ofc lisx#1702: I a m n o t s a y i n g a n y t h i n g PeckServers.com#8342: shes scared of nice marshmallow robots Maulie#8927: You're scared of movies? lisx#1702: Well yeah not about the *pHoBiA* PeckServers.com#8342: reread lisx#1702: ??? Maulie#8927: I ' m n o t g o i n g t o s a y a n y t h i n g lisx#1702: He gives out lollipops PeckServers.com#8342: in all reality tho, big hero 6 was an emotional rollercoaster for me lisx#1702: I ' m n o t g o i n g t o s a y a n y t h i n g Maulie#8927: If only he gave out marshmallows PeckServers.com#8342: hes a medical marhsmallow Mocha#3331: its literally baymax lisx#1702: I can't tell you or I'm going to risk getting traumatized again and I can't take any more of it Mocha#3331: ^^^ PeckServers.com#8342: lisa is just cringe Maulie#8927: What's wrong with Baymax? PeckServers.com#8342: 😍 lisx#1702: Close enough PeckServers.com#8342: he IS tho PeckServers.com#8342: you said that so incredibly wrong its sad Mocha#3331: baymax is so cute tho Mocha#3331: schizophrenia 😭 lisx#1702: It's like the skitzawhateverphobia thing but worse lisx#1702: Okay but the thing is it was literally on the title card it was so fucking creepy Mocha#3331: im sure everyone here is other than like cody and or walter lisx#1702: Don't take my word for it I'm universally acclaimed to be completely uncultured Mocha#3331: thats reallyy funny Mocha#3331: ok so then that means probably no one here knows what it means lisx#1702: I'm probably wrong but it looks like the lightning guy from Spider-Man PeckServers.com#8342: just death PeckServers.com#8342: i dont Mocha#3331: I need this answered PeckServers.com#8342: ok george lisx#1702: I just saw baymax on Netflix. I am never watching Netflix again Mocha#3331: Actually wait how many of you actually know what this image means? Mocha#3331: me when someone corrects someone else Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/ltg-low-tier-god-you-should-kill-yourself-now-gif-23487049 lisx#1702: *bieber PeckServers.com#8342: beiber is cringe asf PeckServers.com#8342: its waaay better then beiber PeckServers.com#8342: naw i kinda like that look burarahurricane#6369: woah gow did beiberfied walter get here :o burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: 69 PeckServers.com#8342: 101 lisx#1702: A n y o n e? lisx#1702: Give me a number between 25 and 101 burarahurricane#6369: i rememver lisx#1702: I don't even remember that lisx#1702: Hm lisx#1702: I wonder when it disappeared burarahurricane#6369: walter purged skme of the fhannels lisx#1702: Cus I'm looking at my roles and there's the Rubik's cube one burarahurricane#6369: its what nade the rbiks cube roke so specoal burarahurricane#6369: :0 THWRE WAS lisx#1702: Is it just me or did there used to be a Rubik's cube chat.... <@!749747503947055136> ? burarahurricane#6369: that’s better ^-^ burarahurricane#6369: . burarahurricane#6369: doesnt show up i. moble burarahurricane#6369: naurrr my star D: burarahurricane#6369: the one and only ALYSSE lisx#1702: Oh look, it's the one and only Alyssa <@!749747503947055136> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yoop xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Indeed xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Gamowayo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Spaceeda! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Thanks! PeckServers.com#8342: *nice* EJCaldwell#2924: nice EJCaldwell#2924: Weed Time + 69 PeckServers.com#8342: 🤣 PeckServers.com#8342: Get it right PeckServers.com#8342: Jeez PeckServers.com#8342: Weed time + 24 PeckServers.com#8342: No burarahurricane#6369: guys we missed weed time Maulie#8927: I'm currently installing discord on my laptop Maulie#8927: Speakers and microphone PeckServers.com#8342: What was up with it? PeckServers.com#8342: Nice burarahurricane#6369: :0 Maulie#8927: My laptop came back today burarahurricane#6369: yepperooo PeckServers.com#8342: Pretty sure Maulie#8927: Wait he was 13? PeckServers.com#8342: Daddy soviet is now 14 username123115#4960: happy borthday <@!776230986324246558> ! Mocha#3331: <@776230986324246558> Mocha#3331: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIAM🥳 🥳 🥳 🤩 🥳 🤩 🥳 🤩 🥳 🤩 😣 🤩 🥳 🤩 🥳 🤩 🥳 🤩 🤩 🥳 😍 😍 😍 😍 MMMMM#2210: Heppy bortdey <@!776230986324246558> username123115#4960: bare minimum for an a :D xXthat1redheadXx#9990: gj username123115#4960: LETSE GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO burarahurricane#6369: vouch xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@!726265256082407504> is a kleptomaniac for candy burarahurricane#6369: hello :D East Germany Is Going Great#1917: hallo hallo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: there xXthat1redheadXx#9990: **yes** xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes PeckServers.com#8342: Hes a soviet thats 1 year older now xXthat1redheadXx#9990: thanks! burarahurricane#6369: <@!776230986324246558> HAPPY BIRRRTGDAY xXthat1redheadXx#9990: thank you! burarahurricane#6369: tru PeckServers.com#8342: Cats are the best imo PeckServers.com#8342: AwWwW wW PeckServers.com#8342: Lil salamander, happy borfday burarahurricane#6369: cats r amazing Mocha#3331: I fr want me a cat😺 Mocha#3331: Man looking at all these animals makes me want a pet😔 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/IdoD2147Fik xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🤔 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I have a feeling hes plotting an escape plan xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hes not moving xXthat1redheadXx#9990: he is vibing on moi arm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah haha burarahurricane#6369: lmaooo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: \*lick* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I showed him a pic of himself and responded with xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so cute xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yyyeeee burarahurricane#6369: reptile ganggggg burarahurricane#6369: iconic burarahurricane#6369: journey likes to wrap around my extremities ^—^ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Hector? burarahurricane#6369: he is a lad burarahurricane#6369: omg hecttor。。。 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Hes doing the licking thing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Here is gek xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yes burarahurricane#6369: bab burarahurricane#6369: omg xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <:thonk:792962252772343808> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: MMMMM#2210: Awwwww xXthat1redheadXx#9990: You can see the gears turning xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Look at his face in the last pne xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: HES SO CUTE MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: Look MMMMM#2210: 1 PeckServers.com#8342: You have axolotls? PeckServers.com#8342: 😮 MMMMM#2210: If i hold my finger against the axolotls tank it’ll follow it MMMMM#2210: I just noticed something amazing lisx#1702: Nice xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/fax-facts-true-fax-machine-no-cap-gif-23341580 burarahurricane#6369: salamanders r very cool xXthat1redheadXx#9990: IK burarahurricane#6369: thats so poggers xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Thank you! burarahurricane#6369: AYO PeckServers.com#8342: Goddamn happy early birthday son! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: On the morrow xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I need to set up his cage xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/rubbing-hands-evil-hello-gif-5471596 PeckServers.com#8342: Wait whens your bday? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: But when I get home ofc xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Im not home yet :/ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ik!!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Pics? PeckServers.com#8342: Yo thats fuckin sick xXthat1redheadXx#9990: As an early b day present from my grandparents!!!!!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I GOT A SALAMANDER!!!!!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Thats what im SaYiNg burarahurricane#6369: wtf PeckServers.com#8342: Look very *closely* PeckServers.com#8342: See the problem PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Bro FRICK youtube tv lisx#1702: I don't do discord calls enough to know what it sounds like PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah lisx#1702: Literally lisx#1702: She must be really hot PeckServers.com#8342: Also what it would feel like to go outside PeckServers.com#8342: To get those genes PeckServers.com#8342: I wonder what her ancestry is lisx#1702: And like a result of human selective breeding PeckServers.com#8342: Ive never seen darker skin PeckServers.com#8342: Its insane PeckServers.com#8342: Dark chocolate lisx#1702: She looks like chocolate PeckServers.com#8342: Kekw burarahurricane#6369: missed opportunity <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> burarahurricane#6369: that was the perfect opportunity for a rickroll wtf PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AbU9oQgbcM PeckServers.com#8342: Bingo PeckServers.com#8342: Lmfao burarahurricane#6369: badladla PeckServers.com#8342: That and a mix of balala PeckServers.com#8342: Theres not really a way to enunciate it tho burarahurricane#6369: badada PeckServers.com#8342: Its kind of like badada burarahurricane#6369: whatever ! burarahurricane#6369: god that sentence's structure is so awkward burarahurricane#6369: * burarahurricane#6369: sophisticated burarahurricane#6369: i speleled htthat wrong fruck burarahurricane#6369: i need to soudn . sophysticated burarahurricane#6369: but NOT using badoop burarahurricane#6369: guys how woul d you describe the little badoop discord makes when you leave a call PeckServers.com#8342: Very pretty indeed burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: holy shit PeckServers.com#8342: She has some of the darkest skin in the world PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: I would like to introduce you guys to nyakim gatwech PeckServers.com#8342: imma go watch some hacked youtube, bye lisx#1702: I know PeckServers.com#8342: thats rough lisx#1702: which is so annoying lisx#1702: when I forget to turn on shuffle, it's just a loop of all taylor swift songs lisx#1702: there's so many taylor swift songs in my playlist PeckServers.com#8342: fuckshitdamncockbitchcuntwhore now i know myAbCsSsS burarahurricane#6369: abcdefU and uR mOm burarahurricane#6369: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz PeckServers.com#8342: <@!726265256082407504> burarahurricane#6369: ay y lisx#1702: didn't hear it lisx#1702: it worked lisx#1702: yep lisx#1702: try me @bonk lisx#1702: they're off again PeckServers.com#8342: Theres a specific setting lisx#1702: I thought I turned them off but they're here again lisx#1702: stupid discord has ping sounds and I hate it PeckServers.com#8342: Thankyou 🙇‍♂️ burarahurricane#6369: that was a good one PeckServers.com#8342: HAHAHAHAHA burarahurricane#6369: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO lisx#1702: it ran out of screen time PeckServers.com#8342: Because it lost its contacts lisx#1702: it was cracked lisx#1702: it was dead burarahurricane#6369: :0 why lisx#1702: it didn't have service PeckServers.com#8342: (dad joke) PeckServers.com#8342: Why was the cell phone wearing glasses? lisx#1702: I'm also hungry. and kind of bored. I'm going to go find some food lisx#1702: I'm offended burarahurricane#6369: u could be the next prodigy but slightly old burarahurricane#6369: mabyeb lisx#1702: maybe I should start training lisx#1702: eh I dont think it works lisx#1702: ahh burarahurricane#6369: interresring lisx#1702: lisx#1702: iNtErEsTiNg lisx#1702: but it'd be so freaking annoying lisx#1702: perfect pitch is kinda cool burarahurricane#6369: <:wild_laugh:828417962239197185> 🔥 burarahurricane#6369: i hoep she enjoys the book it was really good and im spreading the cause like widlfire >:) burarahurricane#6369: :0 omg xh PeckServers.com#8342: Merry jane 5 burarahurricane#6369: weedtiemtn 1 lisx#1702: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> burarahurricane#6369: good song ^_^ https://open.spotify.com/track/2n0U2OG5d6TuW5mKx7YrC0?si=c20b6545e3744169 lisx#1702: and the other... DIES because the wire broken and caught on fire and the bird got electrocuted. the other bird saw the electricity comin but he didn't tell the other bird because he HATED the other bird and now that bird is dead burarahurricane#6369: oHHHHHHH burarahurricane#6369: twooooooo birrrdsss on a wiiireee one tries to fly awayy and the other waaaatches him close form that wireeeeee he says he wants to as well but he. is a . liar du du dudd dum bdum dum ub dmd urd od odododod two birds on a wiirree one tries to fly away...and the other.... lisx#1702: \*(quietly)* lisx#1702: \*fades away...* lisx#1702: um lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: you know? lisx#1702: ... lisx#1702: .. lisx#1702: . lisx#1702: .. lisx#1702: that's that link lisx#1702: the message lisx#1702: that's my reply lisx#1702: and so lisx#1702: you said "we *love* those" lisx#1702: it's because lisx#1702: I'm not saying *that's* a "nice useless realization" lisx#1702: I mean lisx#1702: no no burarahurricane#6369: thats not a realization thats an opinion lisx#1702: https://discord.com/channels/549747067606532096/892627349454082049/949170594983841863 burarahurricane#6369: we love those ^-^ lisx#1702: nice useless realizations PeckServers.com#8342: compounded by the fact that its so far out and has kind of small blood vessels PeckServers.com#8342: its mostly tendons PeckServers.com#8342: theres not really any muscles there PeckServers.com#8342: i think i realized why fingers and hands get so cold so easily lisx#1702: ok burarahurricane#6369: 𝖇𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖋𝖔𝖗 8 𝖉𝖆𝖞𝖘 burarahurricane#6369: 𝖙𝖚𝖇𝖇𝖔 𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒 👍 lisx#1702: 𝖍b𝖞 lisx#1702: 𝖉𝖞𝖎ng burarahurricane#6369: 𝖜𝖞𝖉 lisx#1702: 𝖍𝖎 PeckServers.com#8342: some big ass savings PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9Yec76fK3E burarahurricane#6369: 𝖍𝖎 PeckServers.com#8342: if they just kept going strong kmart would still be a thing PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xwUuSM06xQ lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk71h2CQ_xM lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: omg have you seen that maxell video lisx#1702: important lisx#1702: lamp lisx#1702: yes PeckServers.com#8342: Lisa when her headphones die but mgk releases a new song lisx#1702: i'm so good at my abcs i can do them backwards (with effort) lisx#1702: plus I have speakers PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao burarahurricane#6369: soon ull be a pro ^-^ lisx#1702: look at those developing ms paint skillz burarahurricane#6369: thats incredible oh my tod lisx#1702: wow lisx#1702: 😂 burarahurricane#6369: LMAOOOOOOOO PeckServers.com#8342: lisa when her headphones die but theres a new mgk song lisx#1702: and I don't even know if they work while they're charging lisx#1702: the charger for these headphones have a super short cable PeckServers.com#8342: whats worse is when you dont have a charger on hand lisx#1702: yeah I bet you can totally relate EJCaldwell#2924: hate when that happens lisx#1702: but I didn't practice lisx#1702: I have a . . . cello lesson PeckServers.com#8342: sadness <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> lisx#1702: "low battery, please recharge headset" 😒 PeckServers.com#8342: theres a mood lingering PeckServers.com#8342: idk why PeckServers.com#8342: today kind of sucks PeckServers.com#8342: same lisx#1702: I'm always bored PeckServers.com#8342: Hey look its lisa lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: Its the .exe icon PeckServers.com#8342: Win 10 believe it or not lisx#1702: windows 7? lisx#1702: from like lisx#1702: it's a computer disk thing PeckServers.com#8342: Also my pfp is better PeckServers.com#8342: Who is it lisx#1702: i tried to make my profile picture brighter lisx#1702: okay? PeckServers.com#8342: Ik its a joke lisa lisx#1702: but I *did* burarahurricane#6369: nice pfp burarahurricane#6369: ooh new name color PeckServers.com#8342: cause it was donw PeckServers.com#8342: *or did you* PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao lisx#1702: cus I used both of them during student council today lisx#1702: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: does it? lisx#1702: it's just the mobile apps PeckServers.com#8342: wherever thats hosted PeckServers.com#8342: maybe it was their api PeckServers.com#8342: really lisx#1702: open.spotify.com and discord web version were both working xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it makes sense though right PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: IK!!!!! burarahurricane#6369: NICE burarahurricane#6369: TOU DID IT xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@!749747503947055136> !!!!!! PeckServers.com#8342: that there is open.spotify.com's ip which is in google cloud PeckServers.com#8342: this confirms it PeckServers.com#8342: YUP lisx#1702: "time to go outside everyone" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: zag as in juke PeckServers.com#8342: hopefully theres some news articles in the near future PeckServers.com#8342: crazy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: "Fjord quails can zag the wimpy black vex." xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it makes *pretty* fine sense lisx#1702: so did spotify on mobile xXthat1redheadXx#9990: !!!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I BEAT HER BY 7 LETTERS xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I DID IT xXthat1redheadXx#9990: OH MY GOSH PeckServers.com#8342: which raises the question, why didnt yt go down PeckServers.com#8342: so google says discord is in google cloud, same with spotify EJCaldwell#2924: so don't complain EJCaldwell#2924: i had braces for over 5 years almost burarahurricane#6369: brUh lucky i have like a yr left with my braces …many more appointments to come <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> PeckServers.com#8342: also rip PeckServers.com#8342: RIP EJCaldwell#2924: this one is at least the last one i have burarahurricane#6369: i have one this month too 😔 EJCaldwell#2924: and i want to do more then like collect a few things EJCaldwell#2924: in like a half hour burarahurricane#6369: rip EJCaldwell#2924: i have a ortho appointment burarahurricane#6369: y EJCaldwell#2924: im dead inside atm burarahurricane#6369: 👁️ PeckServers.com#8342: Lemme do some research PeckServers.com#8342: I wonder if their host went down burarahurricane#6369: thank u 🌟 PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah burarahurricane#6369: and its even weirder that discord and spotify (at least mobile) went down at the same time PeckServers.com#8342: Also nice name PeckServers.com#8342: At least they did say something though burarahurricane#6369: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: I'm curious what actually happened PeckServers.com#8342: Darn thats very vague burarahurricane#6369: they saifd this ? EJCaldwell#2924: at least the podcast system is up EJCaldwell#2924: its not down burarahurricane#6369: but i have two music apps so it was okat burarahurricane#6369: i couldnt jam to my cgeorge playlist :( burarahurricane#6369: that was Also Really Depressing burarahurricane#6369: is spotify sitll doqn burarahurricane#6369: spotifytalked about how it was down xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol burarahurricane#6369: omg it could burarahurricane#6369: lets check discord twitte r👍 burarahurricane#6369: yeah rly weird PeckServers.com#8342: Weird tho I wonder if theyll say anything about it PeckServers.com#8342: "the little gay people in my phone" PeckServers.com#8342: That could be a movie burarahurricane#6369: i was sad and depressed i couldnt talk to the little gay people in my phone 😔 burarahurricane#6369: yes EJCaldwell#2924: true PeckServers.com#8342: Its so true PeckServers.com#8342: Bruh! PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Maybe Russia doesnt like discord PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr, made them myself EJCaldwell#2924: Nice grey box’s PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: We’re getting nuked PeckServers.com#8342: Its just grey PeckServers.com#8342: Same PeckServers.com#8342: Weird, i wonder whats happening EJCaldwell#2924: I can’t see the pic EJCaldwell#2924: I am PeckServers.com#8342: Aah yes PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Feels like a ddos attack PeckServers.com#8342: And its still randomly throwing errors PeckServers.com#8342: For like 3 hours it wouldn't load any channels PeckServers.com#8342: Did anyone else have any issues tho give_a_minute#1155: err right PeckServers.com#8342: Lmfao the physical servers that host the discord server give_a_minute#1155: why'd you want to check a random country's servers PeckServers.com#8342: On data and wifi PeckServers.com#8342: But everywhere i keep getting network errors PeckServers.com#8342: I connected to the discord servers in the Philippines to see if they were working give_a_minute#1155: what does that mean give_a_minute#1155: ohhhhhhhhhhhhh PeckServers.com#8342: No lmfao i vpned to the Philippines give_a_minute#1155: when did you leave PeckServers.com#8342: Weird PeckServers.com#8342: Now its back PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah give_a_minute#1155: huh EJCaldwell#2924: Hi Liam, I’m dead inside PeckServers.com#8342: So im in the Philippines PeckServers.com#8342: Discord died xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hi I'm not bored anymore! I'm liam lisx#1702: hi bored now I'm not bored anymore username123115#4960: hi cody! I'm bored now PeckServers.com#8342: Hi Daniel! Im cody username123115#4960: hi b o r e d! I'm Daniel lisx#1702: i ' m b o r e d xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Jk PeckServers.com#8342: Tone indicators are for pussies PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah i tried honking but you didnt hear xXthat1redheadXx#9990: really? lisx#1702: lol username123115#4960: THAt tEXt iS AWSoME Mocha#3331: 💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯💯 💯 💯 Mocha#3331: I just spam emojis Mocha#3331: true lisx#1702: ToNe InDiCaTiOnS are c R I N g E lisx#1702: wait except for when walter is a disappointment Mocha#3331: you forgot the /j lisx#1702: nah walter is perfect Mocha#3331: Lmaoo PeckServers.com#8342: Thats bdsm PeckServers.com#8342: Actually wait PeckServers.com#8342: Imagine being excited about being in pain Mocha#3331: Dying gang Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/lets-go-lets-goo-lest-gooooooooooooooooo-gif-19416648 give_a_minute#1155: eyyyyy same Mocha#3331: At least no school for me<:sunglasses_weep:853125724578775060> EJCaldwell#2924: Okay Mocha#3331: My throat is killing me dude Mocha#3331: L school W sickness EJCaldwell#2924: You sick? PeckServers.com#8342: Omg i saw you by the middle school <@776230986324246558> Mocha#3331: <3 Mocha#3331: Dying EJCaldwell#2924: <@!404102391416487936> and <@!484351343503474698> where are you guys burarahurricane#6369: good morning cg :D burarahurricane#6369: goodnygyht cofy! PeckServers.com#8342: Good night children burarahurricane#6369: whne did it brfomr eleven <:wind_confushion:828414848315949116> burarahurricane#6369: goodnigut ! EJCaldwell#2924: also its 11:11 EJCaldwell#2924: GN EJCaldwell#2924: well ima head off to bed burarahurricane#6369: ^ EJCaldwell#2924: ? burarahurricane#6369: ¡ bingo ! EJCaldwell#2924: everybody in this discord server is a disappointment somewhere burarahurricane#6369: i sorta had time i couldve fit it in somehwere burarahurricane#6369: 😔 im. a disappointment burarahurricane#6369: i shouldve practiced burarahurricane#6369: wow….ur not the parasocial type i c lisx#1702: I don't even know her lisx#1702: Not really burarahurricane#6369: taylor swift ? EJCaldwell#2924: lol lisx#1702: Especially myself lisx#1702: Except for selected individuals EJCaldwell#2924: even yourself? burarahurricane#6369: i noticed lisx#1702: Everyone is a disappointment in my 👁️ burarahurricane#6369: not really lisx#1702: Did you just realize this? burarahurricane#6369: we havr different definitons of disappointment lisx#1702: I call it disappointment burarahurricane#6369: no no its called ingenious not dīśãppöîñtmēńt lisx#1702: What a dīśãppöîñtmēńt EJCaldwell#2924: oh wow burarahurricane#6369: omg wow its me 🌟 lisx#1702: Omg wow it's you burarahurricane#6369: i did ^-^ work smarter not harder lisx#1702: Didn't even bother to do it them self lisx#1702: But the thing is alysse literally copied and pasted it lisx#1702: And I care lisx#1702: Copied* burarahurricane#6369: î thìñk šø EJCaldwell#2924: for something that dumb EJCaldwell#2924: Who cares if you get coppied lisx#1702: Hėÿ ÿōù čòpìęd míñē burarahurricane#6369: î thìñk šø lisx#1702: î dõńt thìñk šø EJCaldwell#2924: ya lisx#1702: Is it really though burarahurricane#6369: rhat is an epic line burarahurricane#6369: oh mh gofd EJCaldwell#2924: and no i did not know lisx#1702: I wasn't sure if you knew that or not EJCaldwell#2924: that one i understand lisx#1702: Okay but a strait is like a river or something. And a board is a piece of wood burarahurricane#6369: she was george before george got here lisx#1702: *bored lisx#1702: *Bored EJCaldwell#2924: don't become george lisx#1702: *straight EJCaldwell#2924: and now i get to board way to fast to play one game for too long EJCaldwell#2924: i used to only play games EJCaldwell#2924: and i only play for like 10-20 every few days lisx#1702: It was still your life that you sold to the video game devils EJCaldwell#2924: the game i have been playing most on steam is Super Auto Pets EJCaldwell#2924: those are all from years ago mostly lisx#1702: Whatever you say buddy lisx#1702: \*checks your video game hours on steam* lisx#1702: Remember the speech the guy gave us? EJCaldwell#2924: i get to board to fast so i can't really get addicted lisx#1702: You get addicted though burarahurricane#6369: all things are good in moderation burarahurricane#6369: but its also really good to have fun things to pass time burarahurricane#6369: thats what they tell you burarahurricane#6369: look im one of the special few who gets dragged into fandom and obsessions ^-^ EJCaldwell#2924: depends on the one EJCaldwell#2924: i just need to commit to it lisx#1702: Video games are bad burarahurricane#6369: it is a very very good game EJCaldwell#2924: it is a good game tho lisx#1702: ...if you want to sell your life to the link god burarahurricane#6369: i restarted my play through to start learning speedrunning techniques but ive been so busy i havent been able to rly teahc myself yet lol EJCaldwell#2924: i played it for like a week strait then quit burarahurricane#6369: very good game burarahurricane#6369: YOU SHOULD EJCaldwell#2924: i should try Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild again EJCaldwell#2924: it feels like it should be like the end of January atm burarahurricane#6369: 2021 feels like ages ago…. burarahurricane#6369: its only month 3 PeckServers.com#8342: Too fast fs EJCaldwell#2924: this year feels like its going by so fast Mocha#3331: Golira Mocha#3331: 🦍 PeckServers.com#8342: Its actually black history year believe it or not Mocha#3331: Monkey march 🐒 Mocha#3331: It's actually just called monkey march tho Mocha#3331: This is actually a continuation of black history month PeckServers.com#8342: But big hot steamy mommies are where it's at EJ EJCaldwell#2924: idk what to do atm Mocha#3331: Lmaoo PeckServers.com#8342: Bounce bounce EJCaldwell#2924: and thats where i head out burarahurricane#6369: boobas do be pretty funny PeckServers.com#8342: Worship the coochies Mocha#3331: I love big hot steamy mommies too burarahurricane#6369: same ^-^ PeckServers.com#8342: Same EJCaldwell#2924: same burarahurricane#6369: did you guys know its natjonal womens month thats crazy i like women Mocha#3331: I forgor I wasn't supposed to be horny😭 😭 EJCaldwell#2924: i am like a dead persons heartbeat line PeckServers.com#8342: Plot twist EJCaldwell#2924: no PeckServers.com#8342: Ej is gay? EJCaldwell#2924: like deez nuts jokes Mocha#3331: I'm sorry I falied lisa😭 😭 burarahurricane#6369: pretty mid tbh EJCaldwell#2924: t EJCaldwell#2924: i don' burarahurricane#6369: nuts are okay PeckServers.com#8342: What about deez tho? EJCaldwell#2924: i did not mean it like that okay PeckServers.com#8342: Same burarahurricane#6369: jjgGKFJDJDJDJBDSHK Mocha#3331: Same EJCaldwell#2924: i like eating nuts PeckServers.com#8342: Well, its been a long time burarahurricane#6369: bc hes That Kinda Guy EJCaldwell#2924: they are good EJCaldwell#2924: why not PeckServers.com#8342: Also why the hell are you eating pistachios burarahurricane#6369: exactly PeckServers.com#8342: Hammer burarahurricane#6369: theres not a single one i dont like EJCaldwell#2924: its not open at all EJCaldwell#2924: can't EJCaldwell#2924: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: Use another pistachio shell burarahurricane#6369: LOVEJOY HAS SO MANY BANGER SONGS EJCaldwell#2924: like that burarahurricane#6369: except for the tirms when i dont care about it ! WalterJS#2477: No no we don’t say amen we say adonismen burarahurricane#6369: i care about grammarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr WalterJS#2477: We summoned adonis EJCaldwell#2924: only george cares about grammar, if hes not here type however the heck you want WalterJS#2477: I think it worked burarahurricane#6369: 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️<- pretend its a circle im lazy 🕯️🕯️🕯️adonis ? 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ Mocha#3331: Amen brutha WalterJS#2477: Lmao WalterJS#2477: we hereby summon the almighty adonis into our bodies may he give us adonisly qualities like confidence, discipline, humility,presence and gratitude burarahurricane#6369: grammar 😭 EJCaldwell#2924: I hate when it happens burarahurricane#6369: WORST burarahurricane#6369: t burarahurricane#6369: oh no thats always the worse EJCaldwell#2924: my pistachio can't open :c burarahurricane#6369: try being in fandom 👍 EJCaldwell#2924: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WalterJS#2477: I’m sorry but just be an adonis and you’ll understand burarahurricane#6369: are we starting a summoning circle i want in EJCaldwell#2924: you can make a cult if you want WalterJS#2477: Adonis adonis adonis burarahurricane#6369: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how could you WalterJS#2477: Adonissssssss WalterJS#2477: Adonis is the only cult WalterJS#2477: No WalterJS#2477: Everyone has their strengths burarahurricane#6369: we definitely need to start the me cult then burarahurricane#6369: :O WalterJS#2477: Yes. EJCaldwell#2924: you could come up with so many lines from those songs EJCaldwell#2924: oh gosh burarahurricane#6369: its a good one burarahurricane#6369: oh baby isnt life so FUCK-ING IN-CON-SISTENT burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/0IUprcNjE2hDtlvY8rq2W9?si=ty0KgB5LS_2MDcNRV6tEVg PeckServers.com#8342: Omg alysse thats insane, now i do <:hehe:856378380332433408> burarahurricane#6369: one day…. lisx#1702: I wonder if there'll ever be a next time burarahurricane#6369: yeah :/ lisx#1702: 30 or 31 or something lisx#1702: Oh yeah your average was like burarahurricane#6369: god i mightve gotten a 29 burarahurricane#6369: we shpuld chrck next time lisx#1702: Oh burarahurricane#6369: i dont rremeber lisx#1702: Was it better than math at least? burarahurricane#6369: and a similar score for math 😔 burarahurricane#6369: i think i got like a 30 on the scienc eone 😐 lisx#1702: And there were so many words lisx#1702: It was stupid and I couldn't read lisx#1702: I think it was around a 32 or 33 burarahurricane#6369: its just kinda trickyy burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: Yeah I did really bad at the science one too burarahurricane#6369: crazy ! lisx#1702: *More than three questions correct!!!!* lisx#1702: So that's like lisx#1702: 3+3\*2*5 lisx#1702: 33 is like lisx#1702: Yeah it's not working burarahurricane#6369: fhskdhskhdkshdsu lisx#1702: It's so high of a number that my three brain cells can't even wrap themselves around it burarahurricane#6369: like a 33 or something i dont remember exactly lisx#1702: Wait what did you get on the English one? burarahurricane#6369: slash j i kinda rly suck at the math and science burarahurricane#6369: its rigged for me 🥰 lisx#1702: The act is probably rigged or something though burarahurricane#6369: ikr we shoukd start a me cult lisx#1702: Adonis? Pshhhhh who cares about him when there's the More Goated™️ Alysse? burarahurricane#6369: i have 1 braincell that makes it kinda sad walter 😐 /j lisx#1702: Wow really? burarahurricane#6369: oh my god cody did you know thats a SONG? https://open.spotify.com/track/6Jmcp9lvqThYqwJc033uWS?si=5zToBbU7QXmERAjAVV4pmg literally crazy burarahurricane#6369: does that make me even more goated than you ? burarahurricane#6369: LMAOOO YEAH SHE CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD AND WE SPENT LIKE FIVE MINUTE SLOSING IT OVER THE PICTURE SHFHJSBD Mocha#3331: I'm sorry👶 lisx#1702: I don't think you're trying enough Mocha#3331: No problem Maulie#8927: Ok Mocha#3331: I am horny Maulie#8927: Did I miss something? Mocha#3331: I will no longer be as horny as to please lisas high class conversations PeckServers.com#8342: Lel Mocha#3331: high tier on the color list Mocha#3331: Pink is a nice color fs PeckServers.com#8342: The pink works too PeckServers.com#8342: Thats wayy better Mocha#3331: yup PeckServers.com#8342: Does it let you now? Mocha#3331: I am racist Mocha#3331: actually maybe not Mocha#3331: yes im very sure Mocha#3331: Finally lisx#1702: Are you sure you know how to? PeckServers.com#8342: Hol on Mocha#3331: I cant change it 🥲 PeckServers.com#8342: Try that Mocha#3331: Can I have perms to change my server name cody pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase PeckServers.com#8342: I just realized if i call you a little shit it means more Mocha#3331: lisa whenever I say anything horny/j Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/garfieldomori-omori-tone-indicators-omori-garfield-meme-omori-slash-j-omori-slash-srs-gif-22663525 Mocha#3331: /srs Mocha#3331: because im brown PeckServers.com#8342: Youll understand when you are older lisx#1702: Okay but literally all of them are the same so how is that even funny PeckServers.com#8342: Dick and balls Mocha#3331: dik an nuts Mocha#3331: I just like making funny coc and ball jokes PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/3OLRx06NTVjSIsUdEnXyEb?si=2AVsFpo6Q0eXRasTPyzOcA&utm_source=copy-link PeckServers.com#8342: You fine PeckServers.com#8342: Youve actually kept the horniness at a good level since youve joined tho Mocha#3331: You can't just change genetics like that Mocha#3331: It's in my brown people nature Mocha#3331: naw I cant Mocha#3331: aghhhhhhhhhh lisx#1702: You should try Mocha#3331: maybe I should be less horny though I do feel like it's becoming a problem lol lisx#1702: You don't have a very good sense of humor Mocha#3331: im literally lol-ing right now Mocha#3331: it didn't make sense Mocha#3331: thats why its funny PeckServers.com#8342: /j lisx#1702: And it didn't even make sense PeckServers.com#8342: Maybe you aren't funny? lisx#1702: It wasn't funny though Mocha#3331: not /srs Mocha#3331: it was a /j Mocha#3331: /j lisx#1702: No it isn't PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/0fKBpzIc1DlELo5zP1NFqV?si=ipd2xa9pSEKcD1Pm_OZBXg&utm_source=copy-link Mocha#3331: /j PeckServers.com#8342: Jk PeckServers.com#8342: Lisa PeckServers.com#8342: Be ashamed PeckServers.com#8342: Exactly Mocha#3331: secsphobic PeckServers.com#8342: Unspeakable PeckServers.com#8342: Transphobic PeckServers.com#8342: Misogynistic PeckServers.com#8342: And homophobic PeckServers.com#8342: Sexish Mocha#3331: racism I say Mocha#3331: This is racist Mocha#3331: Lisa all men are horny its just brown men are open about it PeckServers.com#8342: Shut it, you know you like it lisx#1702: See this is what I'm talking about PeckServers.com#8342: Adonis PeckServers.com#8342: Big burly steamy sexy hot men lisx#1702: Adonis is gray not brown WalterJS#2477: https://media.giphy.com/media/dgtfXGbDSAqxB5SvND/giphy.gif WalterJS#2477: such a uhmmm *fitting* name Mocha#3331: all brown men are horny PeckServers.com#8342: We complete eachothers horniness Mocha#3331: sorry for being brown lisa Mocha#3331: its paradise canyon now lol WalterJS#2477: I went htere like 1st-3rd lisx#1702: He is bringing out the horniest side of Cody I've ever seen WalterJS#2477: i forgot that school existed WalterJS#2477: oh yeah Mocha#3331: Ive known you since elementary didn't you go to dixie sun PeckServers.com#8342: Thats what we need here WalterJS#2477: been there done that lisx#1702: He's so horny it's actually disturbing WalterJS#2477: ive known him since like 6th grade PeckServers.com#8342: Shut it lisa Mocha#3331: lmaooo ok lisx#1702: No he hasn't WalterJS#2477: I just didnt know who he was PeckServers.com#8342: How have you not known this PeckServers.com#8342: Hes been the best addition in quite some time Mocha#3331: idk Mocha#3331: Like a few weeks ago I think WalterJS#2477: lol WalterJS#2477: when did u join the server lisx#1702: 🧢 WalterJS#2477: yes WalterJS#2477: OH Mocha#3331: Ismael WalterJS#2477: what is yo name Mocha#3331: yes we are in the same grade lol PeckServers.com#8342: In your case goated at touching deez WalterJS#2477: hold on WalterJS#2477: im jacked WalterJS#2477: have you seen me in person lisx#1702: Is it really though PeckServers.com#8342: Thats like college level stuff WalterJS#2477: and considering a idont read books PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah WalterJS#2477: shutup thats actually good considering im a freshman lisx#1702: Because you get 28s on your act language arts tests? Mocha#3331: goated at touching no grass PeckServers.com#8342: *walkup song plays* WalterJS#2477: theres a reason they call me the 🐐 lisx#1702: Right PeckServers.com#8342: Hes goated at basically everything lisx#1702: Uh huh WalterJS#2477: I just never turn it in on time WalterJS#2477: im goated at language arts lisa PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah lisx#1702: You want *walter* to help you with your *language arts* PeckServers.com#8342: Waiting PeckServers.com#8342: I have untill the end of the quarter and its a couple assignments lisx#1702: Wait Cody WalterJS#2477: i have no time tomorrow. When is your assignment due. I could help out the next day lisx#1702: He sucked at explaining it it was frustrating PeckServers.com#8342: Thats hot asf WalterJS#2477: walkup.me I'm making a program to control all of our walkup songs its gonan be dope PeckServers.com#8342: What is it PeckServers.com#8342: I need help with my la, i can take you to the game if you want too WalterJS#2477: first official baseball game tomorrow WalterJS#2477: busy af WalterJS#2477: I just bought a new domain WalterJS#2477: codes PeckServers.com#8342: Walt whats your schedule looking like tomorrow? WalterJS#2477: but its confusing af until that point WalterJS#2477: its not too hard once you understand it WalterJS#2477: I had to watch the notes video on it WalterJS#2477: oof EJCaldwell#2924: and i can't remember to do that EJCaldwell#2924: i still need to do that assignment EJCaldwell#2924: What Walter lisx#1702: that's depressing WalterJS#2477: doing homework lisx#1702: where were you today lisx#1702: hbcc WalterJS#2477: <@!734161534799839272> WalterJS#2477: <@!749747503947055136> WalterJS#2477: <@!383372123714093098> WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: ned help WalterJS#2477: math WalterJS#2477: pls WalterJS#2477: <@!726265256082407504> help lisx#1702: and sevi lisx#1702: what is that face lisx#1702: omg <@!749747503947055136> its you lisx#1702: I hope she gets embarrassed 😂 lisx#1702: I'm commenting on every single one of jaxin's strava posts lisx#1702: I have some runs in my watch that I didn't upload burarahurricane#6369: oof lisx#1702: it says i haven't ran since november lisx#1702: oh i found it lisx#1702: how do you see your runs things lisx#1702: huh burarahurricane#6369: it sent out a notif u uploaded a run bc u havent in a while lisx#1702: or something like that lisx#1702: it's fun lisx#1702: I'm going to try and run more lisx#1702: i see u lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: That was the one lisx#1702: how about the "whys no one talking" PeckServers.com#8342: Nah u did good PeckServers.com#8342: Just one cause i realized that i was wrong initially and my sense of time was messed up lisx#1702: how many messages did you delete and send again lisx#1702: I didn't really do an amazing job though I just ran PeckServers.com#8342: The universe spoke to me and told me that you did an amazing job on a run lisx#1702: i did this half a second ago lisx#1702: how the frick burarahurricane#6369: whoah cody……ur joining *them*? PeckServers.com#8342: Im bored PeckServers.com#8342: Thats d33p lisx#1702: it must've been meant to be PeckServers.com#8342: How does that even happen lisx#1702: (don't ask why I was searching that up, it's not important) lisx#1702: Ikr burarahurricane#6369: OH MY GOD ANFHKSBDKSHDKSBDKDB lisx#1702: 💀 username123115#4960: :D username123115#4960: square organizer username123115#4960: username123115#4960: PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh fun lisx#1702: *sure* lisx#1702: haha username123115#4960: maybe they use pygame to launch their missles lisx#1702: do the russian fighting people use pygame a lot?? lisx#1702: yeah but how would that help username123115#4960: maybe the ukraine thingy lisx#1702: why though username123115#4960: no pygame documentation :( lisx#1702: I don't get it username123115#4960: junior username123115#4960: apperently they ahve something called scratch juinor lisx#1702: i remember doing it in like second grade username123115#4960: wow username123115#4960: 3 years ago username123115#4960: actually scratch was fun lisx#1702: every sane person should username123115#4960: terrible username123115#4960: yes lisx#1702: I hate block code with also a furor username123115#4960: kind of sucks username123115#4960: because using block code for 6 years lisx#1702: that's insane lisx#1702: wow username123115#4960: which is great username123115#4960: and we get to not use block code lisx#1702: me either lisx#1702: oh lisx#1702: I gues... username123115#4960: no lisx#1702: btw daniel did you ever get this question username123115#4960: at least now we have organized sets username123115#4960: haha lisx#1702: I now hate legos with a furor username123115#4960: but i just finished lego league lisx#1702: today sucked though lisx#1702: oh yeah lisx#1702: it's super sad username123115#4960: we get to mess with robots in python now lisx#1702: you know youtube's no fun anymore lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: yk im proud of myself for running the lap in pe with no braces but now my knees really hurt and tennis is not gonna be fun burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/58ge6dfP91o9oXMzq3XkIS?si=Bd6YYzFJQn-PZyfPX4-B-g burarahurricane#6369: lmao lisx#1702: but his son is stupid and evil lisx#1702: the headmaster person is actually really nice though burarahurricane#6369: 😔 lisx#1702: and the headmaster person of the greenhouse's SON who's the "dean" is STUPID and EVIL and i HATE him burarahurricane#6369: OH YEAH lisx#1702: I just wish she'd tell her dad who is the headmaster or something of the greenhouse lisx#1702: she literally got so close but EVERYONE is working with the bitch lady lisx#1702: BUT UGHL:SDKJFKLSD JIT"S SO FREAKING HARD FOR HER lisx#1702: and brooke suspected stuff about her boyfriend's mom and the guy working with his mom burarahurricane#6369: oh lisx#1702: brooke is the one who's in the eagles house whose boyfriend is the basketball guy whose mom is evil and who broke his leg and found a taser burarahurricane#6369: its been at least 3 years 👍 burarahurricane#6369: yeah i dont remember either lisx#1702: idk what her name is lisx#1702: uh lisx#1702: that's lisx#1702: no burarahurricane#6369: is she te h one whose monm died lisx#1702: I feel so bad for Brooke lisx#1702: I'm only on like episode 10 season 1 lisx#1702: yeah burarahurricane#6369: tennis is gonna be :/ burarahurricane#6369: it is very wimdy burarahurricane#6369: the plot kinda unspooled into this weird puddle burarahurricane#6369: it got kinda confusing at the end burarahurricane#6369: idk if i finishedit burarahurricane#6369: i feel like i binged the first half stopped watching for six months and then started a gain lisx#1702: how much of it? burarahurricane#6369: wev'e beenover htis burarahurricane#6369: yes lisx#1702: alysse have you seen the greenhouse academy? burarahurricane#6369: mind boggling burarahurricane#6369: just completely burarahurricane#6369: thats insane lisx#1702: I'm bored lisx#1702: I saw it a month ago when it came out PeckServers.com#8342: Thats so funny PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah my co worker just showed me that vid lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRed0Xmc2Wg lisx#1702: and another vido about it lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v68zYyaEmEA&t=790s lisx#1702: theres a vido about it PeckServers.com#8342: Apparently all the possible and correct words for wordle are in the source code, they literally copy pasted the authors code without checking it lisx#1702: me lisx#1702: compared to like lisx#1702: the guy is so good lisx#1702: yeah! username123115#4960: were doing in jazz band username123115#4960: the thingy username123115#4960: its like username123115#4960: oh wow lisx#1702: I'm proud of you lisx#1702: good job PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.megaplextheatres.com/film/HO00001928/the-batman PeckServers.com#8342: Woah.... Weird PeckServers.com#8342: We all need to find one of these time slots that work the best Maulie#8927: In st. George WalterJS#2477: is the movie WalterJS#2477: and* WalterJS#2477: When abs where PeckServers.com#8342: How PeckServers.com#8342: Wait what where? PeckServers.com#8342: Very swell PeckServers.com#8342: Ofc anyone can come Maulie#8927: It's snowing outside too burarahurricane#6369: its so light outside thi s is awesome WalterJS#2477: https://youtu.be/HJZesOKHuAw Mocha#3331: And guns Mocha#3331: There are a lot of fight scenes Mocha#3331: More badass than scary Mocha#3331: Nice job on that grind dude WalterJS#2477: Im proud WalterJS#2477: I got 657/660 WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: Well WalterJS#2477: Can I bring ma girl to the movie if so I’ll go WalterJS#2477: Apparently aleks has a 10 second timeout WalterJS#2477: ??? EJCaldwell#2924: GN EJCaldwell#2924: but ya i gtg as well EJCaldwell#2924: i am free most days after 6 PeckServers.com#8342: anyways good night PeckServers.com#8342: but yeah im down to go whenever if you guys have time PeckServers.com#8342: probably EJCaldwell#2924: i think it only shows a few days in advance PeckServers.com#8342: if it does its not showing up on the site EJCaldwell#2924: does it not go all week PeckServers.com#8342: they are running it PeckServers.com#8342: the movie EJCaldwell#2924: who? PeckServers.com#8342: i mean they are going wednesday and thursday too EJCaldwell#2924: and Tuesdays will be crazy because of the $5 PeckServers.com#8342: ill fight for those seats PeckServers.com#8342: competition babey PeckServers.com#8342: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: plus there will be a lot of people because it just came out PeckServers.com#8342: im usually free after 4-5pm PeckServers.com#8342: hmm, we can figure that out when the week starts, walter and you guys can probs find out EJCaldwell#2924: at least this week EJCaldwell#2924: i think on Tuesday its Five bucks but i can't that day EJCaldwell#2924: ya PeckServers.com#8342: either way, not too bad PeckServers.com#8342: it seems so, but last time i went i think i paid more EJCaldwell#2924: so its about $7.25 for us EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: walter is a senior so its cheap PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: lemme find standard PeckServers.com#8342: for luxury PeckServers.com#8342: not sure, this website is kinda bad EJCaldwell#2924: how much are the tickets? PeckServers.com#8342: we gonna get LuXuRy PeckServers.com#8342: idk when but sometime EJCaldwell#2924: watch Batman PeckServers.com#8342: batman movie WalterJS#2477: Where EJCaldwell#2924: would also be the first time me and you would meet eachother WalterJS#2477: I said I was gonna be on the fuckin grind PeckServers.com#8342: hey walt you should come PeckServers.com#8342: that would be epico WalterJS#2477: Ik PeckServers.com#8342: jesus H dude EJCaldwell#2924: depending on the day i might join PeckServers.com#8342: lets go then WalterJS#2477: Ty EJCaldwell#2924: gl WalterJS#2477: ik EJCaldwell#2924: its due in a hour WalterJS#2477: I’ve already done 130 WalterJS#2477: Thank god for mathway EJCaldwell#2924: you do??? WalterJS#2477: Still got 40 topics to go EJCaldwell#2924: oh gosh WalterJS#2477: The blue means aleks EJCaldwell#2924: if i got the 660 i would have just over a A- if i fixed everything i could EJCaldwell#2924: same WalterJS#2477: I literally won’t get an A in math if I don’t finish it. Probably even if I Do finish it I still won’t EJCaldwell#2924: and i would still have a B EJCaldwell#2924: i looked at what i would get even if i got a 0 WalterJS#2477: No breaks EJCaldwell#2924: i gave up on it WalterJS#2477: No rest WalterJS#2477: Day WalterJS#2477: Fucking WalterJS#2477: All WalterJS#2477: I’ve been doing aleks lisx#1702: Definitely lisx#1702: A lot of it lisx#1702: I know from experience how necessary it is lisx#1702: Yessir EJCaldwell#2924: im heading off to bed soon give_a_minute#1155: absolutely burarahurricane#6369: very necessary 👍 lisx#1702: (Don't ask why I'm still here. Sleep is so necessary) EJCaldwell#2924: its PG-13 lisx#1702: Is it scary??? lisx#1702: Wait lisx#1702: I wanna go Mocha#3331: only truth Mocha#3331: no scam EJCaldwell#2924: sure... Mocha#3331: real Mocha#3331: of me in real life Mocha#3331: real video Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/meme-hog-rider-clash-of-clans-memes-clash-royale-gif-24280865 PeckServers.com#8342: he is secs, the master of the monopoly that is the sex industry. Man could only wish to be like him Mocha#3331: I am peak man that is why I am hog rider Mocha#3331: I am the entire industry Mocha#3331: wdym the sex business? PeckServers.com#8342: so hows the sex business going? PeckServers.com#8342: me and walt daddy and maybe lisa PeckServers.com#8342: sick, that would be cool to check out Mocha#3331: yea PeckServers.com#8342: did you see it at megaplex? Mocha#3331: it's definetly worth a watch PeckServers.com#8342: very good PeckServers.com#8342: hmmm PeckServers.com#8342: or boring at points Mocha#3331: splendid PeckServers.com#8342: story line solid? PeckServers.com#8342: thats good Mocha#3331: I felt like there wasn't a bad moment in the entire three hours Mocha#3331: the batman movie is honestly super well made Mocha#3331: ok but fr fr PeckServers.com#8342: i feel like you have mixed feelings about it Mocha#3331: 🙄 Mocha#3331: it was okaaaaaaaay PeckServers.com#8342: if 10/10 is mid then what is 20/10? Mocha#3331: so kinda mid tbh imo Mocha#3331: I would rate it like a 10/10 EJCaldwell#2924: i will take that as a yes Mocha#3331: It was peak EJCaldwell#2924: was it a good movie? Mocha#3331: Imma make it my entire personality mow😹 😹 💀 👶 💀 😹 👶 😹 👶 🥺 😹 👶 🛹 😈 Mocha#3331: Batman movie be making me feel some new things PeckServers.com#8342: gn Lisa! sleep well lisx#1702: okay good night <@!852187118113652776> lisx#1702: <@!734161534799839272> peak improv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HJP7Qz1a-Q lisx#1702: well now you know that he does golf at bloomington PeckServers.com#8342: if i ever ran into him i would lisx#1702: you should do that lisx#1702: Idk how to do that lisx#1702: ha... lisx#1702: 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: and maybe be on their yt channel PeckServers.com#8342: you should befriend him lisx#1702: if he actually goes to desert hills lisx#1702: he probably doesn't have any friends then lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: when you sent that link i followed PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao lisx#1702: I was just going to say that his instagram account isn't even followed by anyone I know so either instagram is broken or he doesn't have any friends PeckServers.com#8342: i bet that PO box is within 4 miles lisx#1702: oh bruh PeckServers.com#8342: yeah i did some poking on google maps to see if there was anything, but google maps is always 10 years behind so it yielded nothing lisx#1702: mountains check out i guess lisx#1702: huh PeckServers.com#8342: lincoln is probably spencers age PeckServers.com#8342: actually i think the second oldest girl is your guy's age PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj0K8I4ANak also this is their house if you were curious lisx#1702: wait what PeckServers.com#8342: his dad picked him up from school on a video lisx#1702: how do you know that PeckServers.com#8342: apparently him and his dad own the channel lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: whats inside? lisx#1702: he has 7 million subs PeckServers.com#8342: and there are other big yt channels PeckServers.com#8342: but yeah thats one PeckServers.com#8342: ikr lisx#1702: weirdo PeckServers.com#8342: yeah he does golf apparently lisx#1702: https://www.instagram.com/p/CaI2ZNDrjy1/ PeckServers.com#8342: oh lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: is that a pic you took? PeckServers.com#8342: no actual way lisx#1702: wtf I go to tennis there lisx#1702: you're righttttt PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: lincoln markham lisx#1702: and what about him?? lisx#1702: lincoln who lisx#1702: and according to google post malone has a mansion in utah PeckServers.com#8342: lincoln PeckServers.com#8342: ooh yay grammar lisx#1702: who? lisx#1702: whaa lisx#1702: I'm sure youtube thinks I really need this... PeckServers.com#8342: pretty sure the kid is your age and goes to desert hills PeckServers.com#8342: they destroy stuff and are kinda rich lisx#1702: never heard of it PeckServers.com#8342: yessss!?! lisx#1702: well I told you I was on my instrumental youtube music phase PeckServers.com#8342: whats inside actually lives in st. george lisx#1702: right?! PeckServers.com#8342: king of random lisx#1702: but it's not really that big PeckServers.com#8342: that... checks out lisx#1702: well ig there's studio c lisx#1702: how many lisx#1702: that means utah actually exists PeckServers.com#8342: its crazy how many actually big youtube channels are from utard lisx#1702: and since they have 7 million subscribers on youtube lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: wait really lisx#1702: I found out the the piano guys are from utah lisx#1702: because uh lisx#1702: BUT i just got fresh proof today that *utah* does exist lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: pretty sure canadians dont exist anyways PeckServers.com#8342: it is very lisx#1702: thats weird PeckServers.com#8342: i learned that from linus PeckServers.com#8342: its what canadians call beanies lisx#1702: touc??? lisx#1702: what PeckServers.com#8342: or a touc as the cad nerds say PeckServers.com#8342: he just mostly wears a beanie PeckServers.com#8342: yeah it is lisx#1702: I was more thinking it was just the face lisx#1702: huh PeckServers.com#8342: and pretty sure his wife has made him take more care of his hair PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, his beard has come in very nice lisx#1702: he's been looking better in recent years PeckServers.com#8342: if linus what good looking PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao lisx#1702: well anyway it's because I saw this on my youtube recommends and didn't read the title and thought it was linus lisx#1702: a lot of times people from different races look similar to me too PeckServers.com#8342: 🤯 lisx#1702: I guess PeckServers.com#8342: yooo thats actually so cool PeckServers.com#8342: theyve done studies on it lisx#1702: it's probably because you've been staring at linus's face for too long PeckServers.com#8342: i forget what its called PeckServers.com#8342: that they look the same to you but totally seperate to me lisx#1702: how many people do you know that are from canada? exactly PeckServers.com#8342: yo thats actually interesting lisx#1702: because they happen to look completely identical to me, and get this, they're *both from canada* PeckServers.com#8342: not even close 😆 PeckServers.com#8342: by looks? lisx#1702: lisx#1702: but the question is, is linus secretly ryan reynolds? PeckServers.com#8342: basically how websites make requests and how netflix did it differently PeckServers.com#8342: kekw lisx#1702: I have no clue what he's talking about PeckServers.com#8342: but this is cooler PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxFt3YsjyQg PeckServers.com#8342: thats cool lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSUk_QzdyMw this guy has a fancy cello lisx#1702: lisx#1702: bruh PeckServers.com#8342: Fuck SME lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMTPHiDcIyU lisx#1702: I have developed a sudden obsession in pop instrumental music on youtube PeckServers.com#8342: lol lisx#1702: nah PeckServers.com#8342: call the po po lisx#1702: it's kind of disturbing lisx#1702: and "YEAHHHHHHHHHHH GET OUT OF HERE" PeckServers.com#8342: welcome to america lisx#1702: I can hear the neighbors yelling ferociously and this really loud guy going like YEAH! FUCK YEAH! PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0UEtbmtoCo EJCaldwell#2924: I am disappointed in you PeckServers.com#8342: and breathe in PeckServers.com#8342: just wait a moment PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7EdmzIoCL4 EJCaldwell#2924: What Maulie#8927: <@383372123714093098> PeckServers.com#8342: hey.. hey... eJ PeckServers.com#8342: hey ej lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: makes sense PeckServers.com#8342: which means hes buried in life PeckServers.com#8342: cause hes got the same genes as spencer lisx#1702: really? PeckServers.com#8342: not often tho PeckServers.com#8342: yeah he has Maulie#8927: Isn't that Gavin? lisx#1702: has this person ever been online before? PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 you know it PeckServers.com#8342: pretty sure there are videos of calling for reservations at places that obvi dont take reservations Maulie#8927: Only if you tip PeckServers.com#8342: i thought you meant at like where you work PeckServers.com#8342: oh Maulie#8927: Asking for a reservation at McDonald's? PeckServers.com#8342: thats just mean to you guys tho EJCaldwell#2924: i am not going to breathe in PeckServers.com#8342: this is another banger from kitboga PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4EmC44kyB4 Maulie#8927: Instead of prank calling you should ask for a reservation Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEK89ZhTVes EJCaldwell#2924: ? PeckServers.com#8342: Click on ron! EJCaldwell#2924: ? ? ? ? ? Maulie#8927: ? ? ? ? ? EJCaldwell#2924: gj PeckServers.com#8342: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EJCaldwell#2924: ???? PeckServers.com#8342: ? ? ? EJCaldwell#2924: okay? Maulie#8927: ? ? ? PeckServers.com#8342: ? PeckServers.com#8342: ? Maulie#8927: ? ? PeckServers.com#8342: ? Maulie#8927: ? PeckServers.com#8342: @everyone join gamer voice MMMMM#2210: ? EJCaldwell#2924: Same Mocha#3331: L aleks W opinion burarahurricane#6369: deserved PeckServers.com#8342: Its been 3 years and i still hate aleks burarahurricane#6369: <:thmirk:827579121432264764> lisx#1702: Yeah because you keep spamming in this chat Mocha#3331: like you were referring to it like a historic event that happened a long time ago Mocha#3331: I thought you meant like "remember this day?" give_a_minute#1155: lmao Mocha#3331: I misread that lol Mocha#3331: im stipid as hell give_a_minute#1155: what give_a_minute#1155: seriously give_a_minute#1155: forget what Mocha#3331: youd have to be stupid as hell to forgot Mocha#3331: it was literally yesterday give_a_minute#1155: remember this day burarahurricane#6369: oka y PeckServers.com#8342: Its called capacitive touch screens, look it up burarahurricane#6369: IU COFORGOT BOUT CONSECUTIBVVE Mocha#3331: Im pretty sure Mocha#3331: consecutive burarahurricane#6369: on the seame line burarahurricane#6369: like burarahurricane#6369: so its the ones that are burarahurricane#6369: corresponding is nt it burarahurricane#6369: consistent burarahurricane#6369: no burarahurricane#6369: crime interior angles burarahurricane#6369: ...crime burarahurricane#6369: cons ? burarahurricane#6369: int. is interior burarahurricane#6369: what is cons. int. shortened for burarahurricane#6369: 32 is a nice number because if you divide it by 4 you get 8 burarahurricane#6369: omg burarahurricane#6369: do you guys think i've hit 31k msgs yet burarahurricane#6369: oh myg od those comments about possessive apostrophe and adding an s in a name that ends in s got kinda heated burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/pirates-caribbean-code-guidlines-rules-gif-10164767 burarahurricane#6369: omg this jason dude literally quoted potc burarahurricane#6369: wwehn dnf stays winning 😎 /j burarahurricane#6369: lol burarahurricane#6369: oof burarahurricane#6369: whoah thats a lot of plays xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I can't find the pencil burarahurricane#6369: ????????? burarahurricane#6369: what the frick dude burarahurricane#6369: but i t wont show up on google docs burarahurricane#6369: why is grammarly on my aleks xXthat1redheadXx#9990: here let me see burarahurricane#6369: any time she goes over my phone my phone screen goews jfhgerywalgrhewdsk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and it was only that one xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's what I was thinking burarahurricane#6369: lmfao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: \*snake licks screen* burarahurricane#6369: that is so weird burarahurricane#6369: *what* ???? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and it did it with the lead burarahurricane#6369: my phone picks up my snake's touch lmao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ik! burarahurricane#6369: WHAT xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was able to scroll with a pencil burarahurricane#6369: why doesnt itw ork with pencil erasers tho :( it would ebe so fu n xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yk what's even weirder burarahurricane#6369: thats so weired burarahurricane#6369: i can scroll wit h my charger cord burarahurricane#6369: I DIDN'T KNOW PHONES PICKED UP CHARGER CORDS 'S TOUCH ? burarahurricane#6369: hi lisa lisx#1702: hi bored, I'm lisa username123115#4960: im bored lisx#1702: my poor eyes are physically dead burarahurricane#6369: YEAH lisx#1702: I see it PeckServers.com#8342: You know, they have dicks hanging from their faces 😁 burarahurricane#6369: why did i read gender reveal fails as gender face rveveal ? burarahurricane#6369: https://youtu.be/_uzCqw-W1bU Mocha#3331: 🤓 burarahurricane#6369: 😭😒😕🙃😄😅😒😟😔🤪😎😚😚🥰☺️🙂😅😉🤣😍😛😎🤩😕😟😔🤨😙😒😒😒😓🤯🥵🤭😬😶🤥😡😠🤬🤯🥵😱🥶🤔😳🤭🥱🤔🤗😓😥😨🤫🤥😶😐😑😬🙄😵😯😪🤤😴😲😮😧😦🤐🥴🤢🤮🤧😷🤒🤕🤑🤠🤟👈👆👆🤘✋☝️👇👆☝️✋🤟🤞🤜 emkji ? ! Mocha#3331: I NEEEEEEEEEEEED your milkies 😍 PeckServers.com#8342: DADDY 🥰😘♥️♥️ burarahurricane#6369: morning burarahurricane#6369: morntugng burarahurricane#6369: on top of the w@alornung burarahurricane#6369: 🧍 🌅 Mocha#3331: HI THERE BBG! 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 PeckServers.com#8342: Top of the morning PeckServers.com#8342: Omg hi secs! burarahurricane#6369: itss a vhs 👍 burarahurricane#6369: ————— | LMAO | ————— burarahurricane#6369: hhello! Mocha#3331: Good morning there cody PeckServers.com#8342: Also hi Alysse, you were up late PeckServers.com#8342: Good morning everyone burarahurricane#6369: beds are nice i would exist in thise forverr but sleep is pretty mid burarahurricane#6369: i dknt wanna slseeeep iys overrated anyway burarahurricane#6369: <:thmirk:827579121432264764> but whay if i read snother chapter…… burarahurricane#6369: i will sleep anf stop torturing this chat once i finish this chapte r 👍 burarahurricane#6369: or maybe im jusg grtting sleep deprivrd burarahurricane#6369: do you not see the resemblanxe ? burarahurricane#6369: 2 minutes of research tells me theyre still relevant 👍 burarahurricane#6369: LMAO looks like a vhs burarahurricane#6369: LMAO burarahurricane#6369: do they still make dvd s ? or is evryrhig now streamed burarahurricane#6369: i watchrd the lion jing on one of these at my grandmas once burarahurricane#6369: OH ITS THIS THJNG burarahurricane#6369: a compelete relic from a totally irrelevant and forgotten time…… burarahurricane#6369: it does tv things right ? burarahurricane#6369: waht is a vhs burarahurricane#6369: the passage of time is real vut how we measure it is all made up burarahurricane#6369: you know time is a social construct burarahurricane#6369: i would ask when that happendd but thats a dumb question! the clock says 3 minutes ago burarahurricane#6369: it is two am ! wild burarahurricane#6369: alsogood morning evrrypne ! burarahurricane#6369: i am rotating my braincell in my mind like one of those rotisserie chickens burarahurricane#6369: i havee to go get her :( burarahurricane#6369: oh no jpurney is udnder the bed again 😔😔😔 burarahurricane#6369: i hear dlapping sonwsnds burarahurricane#6369: does anyone wanna hear my knock knock joke burarahurricane#6369: hello ? burarahurricane#6369: (imagine this with reverb sustain and echo turned all the way up ⬇️) EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Hmm, i dont even know who you are WalterJS#2477: I’m not gay WalterJS#2477: Uhm WalterJS#2477: Oh WalterJS#2477: Did I say anything weird WalterJS#2477: What happened WalterJS#2477: Guys Cody was on my account MMMMM#2210: what a coincidence MMMMM#2210: PeckServers.com#8342: Finally you come out of the closet Mocha#3331: It was funny lol WalterJS#2477: Those little homophobic whores Mocha#3331: I got kicked out of my clash royale clan for saying that WalterJS#2477: im gay burarahurricane#6369: omg i just came up woth a great knock knock joke someonr come here i needd to tell it burarahurricane#6369: eight o clock is a really good time for rmirrderr burarahurricane#6369: it do be knida miserable PeckServers.com#8342: Les miserables burarahurricane#6369: yea lisx#1702: I'd be really surprised how you can tolerate all your other music if you did lisx#1702: Oh is title track the one that's like I SOLD SOME TICKETS TO MY DOWNFALL IT SOLD OUT IN MINUTES? burarahurricane#6369: it is all depressing but i dont vibe to all of it lisx#1702: All of mgk is depressing and all of mgk is good burarahurricane#6369: do yo ulike misery x cpr ? https://open.spotify.com/episode/18O1Fk5YKM3JdHiYDa8fyU?si=df0fa9f9df23490e lisx#1702: Well it is funny but it makes me sick lisx#1702: Jk lisx#1702: I have, and I can vouch that it's significantly better Mocha#3331: It goes so hard ong burarahurricane#6369: she like sthat one lisx#1702: How does that one go again Mocha#3331: listen to mask sus remix Mocha#3331: I don't blame you the song is a little silly lol burarahurricane#6369: im fine with depressing songs but it actually has to like . be good lmao Mocha#3331: True burarahurricane#6369: but its actually *good* lisx#1702: Isn't title track kind of depressing too? burarahurricane#6369: makes me think of toad from mario fsr lol burarahurricane#6369: im mentally stable 👍 lisx#1702: You're not very good lisx#1702: It's more pathetic than me lisx#1702: I am burarahurricane#6369: youre pathetic lisx#1702: It's pathetic lisx#1702: I don't like mask burarahurricane#6369: he's gonna release an ep this yr burarahurricane#6369: thats gonna change!! lisx#1702: Well he only has three songs... lisx#1702: I just happen to hate most of them lisx#1702: That's not true. I listen to them all Mocha#3331: https://open.spotify.com/track/4pmY8VGrZn94CLiV3o58Dd?si=fb0f2b6c46684510 Mocha#3331: I feel like you would like this song alysse burarahurricane#6369: it also wans't very good burarahurricane#6369: the song lisx#1702: What? burarahurricane#6369: mm valid Mocha#3331: I think they all mid Mocha#3331: I still haven't enjoyed a single dsmp song lol burarahurricane#6369: she likes dreams stuff hto 😏 burarahurricane#6369: shes a swiftie tho so its fine /j Mocha#3331: for good reason 💀 burarahurricane#6369: lisa never gives my music a chance <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> burarahurricane#6369: yw anytime burarahurricane#6369: cooliooo burarahurricane#6369: spiderman junkie xl remix...my beloved... burarahurricane#6369: oh my god.. Mocha#3331: I forgor metal existed so imma just grind to that now Mocha#3331: thanks for some bangers burarahurricane#6369: jhgfhfj' burarahurricane#6369: i feel like this says a lot about me as a person . burarahurricane#6369: im curious burarahurricane#6369: https://favoritemusic.guru burarahurricane#6369: fr Mocha#3331: need some new music to grind out these aleks topics 😔 burarahurricane#6369: oh yeah you gonna cry is such a savage song burarahurricane#6369: kk Mocha#3331: lemme listen after the other two you just recd burarahurricane#6369: hayloft II is also a BANGER burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/0kYMwaQWABTkFff8AZjmYI?si=cb7485a816904336 burarahurricane#6369: ayyy Mocha#3331: I liked hayloft and title track Mocha#3331: So far from the ones youve recd burarahurricane#6369: i have no idea what ur music taste is tho so ! burarahurricane#6369: + https://open.spotify.com/track/4vLBnQtece15fFhqWxZvJP?si=7898f2db0e444530 burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/1jas4QjqGPF9jIYukRMKke?si=bc53d6e45aaf4eb0 burarahurricane#6369: OH WAIT WE CANT FORGET LOVEJOY burarahurricane#6369: kinda depressing burarahurricane#6369: always a classic burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/2kS6td1yvmpNgZTt1q5pQq?si=739673877095462d burarahurricane#6369: spotify is dying :( lisx#1702: Idk burarahurricane#6369: i'll just listn to i trn burarahurricane#6369: is it good burarahurricane#6369: i still haven't lsitened to that one i forgot about it :o lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwowRNLw8Fg burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/2MA6YoaFF7fnWqkuOAWjUg?si=5d86d4e2375d4073 https://open.spotify.com/track/0RZLmpEzGR2NHite6rvS5H?si=e3d3c5dbbb854c27 https://open.spotify.com/track/3MrRksHupTVEQ7YbA0FsZK?si=d87ac14c8e584f57 https://open.spotify.com/track/6yluLIF5UowR56bZgIwd69?si=95c4aa51ea3d4b9a Mocha#3331: I need me some more hype songs to listen any recs? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/Bd6RESaCxc4 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fax burarahurricane#6369: cardboard has an interesting taste xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol EJCaldwell#2924: And I have been up for 5+ hours EJCaldwell#2924: I feel dead inside burarahurricane#6369: FHDGK<>?????? lisx#1702: tf past lisa? lisx#1702: Good job give_a_minute#1155: gj give_a_minute#1155: that's crazy sheeeeeeesh Mocha#3331: You deserve a break fs Mocha#3331: Good shit ethan you did an awesome job dude username123115#4960: nice! PeckServers.com#8342: Yer gonna be dead for a couple days tho lol PeckServers.com#8342: Very good job PeckServers.com#8342: Damn dude thats an insane amount of laps! EJCaldwell#2924: Today* EJCaldwell#2924: I am not going to be doing almost anything tomorrow EJCaldwell#2924: And legs EJCaldwell#2924: My feet are in so much pain EJCaldwell#2924: About EJCaldwell#2924: So overall distance 11 and 1/3 miles EJCaldwell#2924: 15 of which were with the help of a chair EJCaldwell#2924: 125 laps EJCaldwell#2924: Finished EJCaldwell#2924: Ten more then I have ran ten miles EJCaldwell#2924: Hour 3: 100 total laps PeckServers.com#8342: Gl! EJCaldwell#2924: Hour 2: 65 laps total EJCaldwell#2924: Hour 1: 25 laps EJCaldwell#2924: Ima do like hourly updates EJCaldwell#2924: Ya PeckServers.com#8342: I wish i could come back but i gotta get up in the morning EJCaldwell#2924: And somehow I am not tired at all EJCaldwell#2924: I just got here PeckServers.com#8342: <@383372123714093098> we went and ran a couple laps burarahurricane#6369: BOOM Wordle 259 3/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟩 ⬛🟩⬛🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 EJCaldwell#2924: imagine username123115#4960: and i should probably leave Mocha#3331: L username123115#4960: steam no be work Mocha#3331: alright username123115#4960: some time in the future username123115#4960: cya username123115#4960: gotta go username123115#4960: nvm Mocha#3331: why you leave bbg Mocha#3331: <@!734161534799839272> EJCaldwell#2924: where did you go? Mocha#3331: Callate EJCaldwell#2924: ? burarahurricane#6369: ¿donde esta mi telefono??? burarahurricane#6369: sheuwnri EJCaldwell#2924: my game crashed again username123115#4960: imagine using desktop EJCaldwell#2924: my game just crashed i think Mocha#3331: gotta finish up some hw Mocha#3331: maybe in a bit EJCaldwell#2924: anybody else want to join us on tetr.io EJCaldwell#2924: yes EJCaldwell#2924: the HSFG username123115#4960: or username123115#4960: gamer voice? EJCaldwell#2924: thats the code EJCaldwell#2924: https://tetr.io/#HSFG username123115#4960: sure username123115#4960: ok EJCaldwell#2924: and want to vc? EJCaldwell#2924: want me to make the lobby EJCaldwell#2924: also i am now home EJCaldwell#2924: XD username123115#4960: i WouLd likE TO Have YoU knoW ThAT piNg is LITeRLLy the beST Game do HAvE grACed tHIS GOsh DarN EArTH THanK YOU vERy mUch username123115#4960: ExCuse me NOw username123115#4960: ok lisx#1702: ping is fun lisx#1702: no EJCaldwell#2924: Ping is worse tbh EJCaldwell#2924: It’s not tho lisx#1702: its the crappiest game ever EJCaldwell#2924: Daniel when I get home want to play Tetris EJCaldwell#2924: But not everybody EJCaldwell#2924: I could destroy quite a few people here EJCaldwell#2924: Daniels not the best either Mocha#3331: very true daniel thanks for your professional opinion username123115#4960: and thats fun username123115#4960: press buttons username123115#4960: you can like username123115#4960: but lisx#1702: I suck at it lisx#1702: tetris is the worst game ever username123115#4960: tetris username123115#4960: im gonna play lisx#1702: absolutely nothing lisx#1702: I have nothing to do lisx#1702: wyd lisx#1702: me too username123115#4960: im bored burarahurricane#6369: yea burarahurricane#6369: like when we first did it afterwards i saw a LOT of improvement with my pain lisx#1702: That’s good then right burarahurricane#6369: as much as i hate to admit it i think it does help lisx#1702: …no? burarahurricane#6369: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dry_needling lisx#1702: Is it working? burarahurricane#6369: and it also like loosens muscle tension burarahurricane#6369: or soemthing burarahurricane#6369: which makes it stronger burarahurricane#6369: it like simulates contractions in the muscle burarahurricane#6369: and there was this student guy there who’s graduating from college in may who watched my pt session it was funny cuz he looked like he could be the brother of my physical therapist lisx#1702: How is it supposed to help again? burarahurricane#6369: my leg was jiggling burarahurricane#6369: he turned the frequency way up on the electrocuting part it was weird lisx#1702: I’m sorry burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: Did it hurt burarahurricane#6369: i think i jinxed it :( burarahurricane#6369: FUCKING HELL EJCaldwell#2924: anybody want to guess how far i am going to walk/jog/run at 1AM-5AM lisx#1702: OH that's where you are EJCaldwell#2924: Hi bored, i'm Ethan lisx#1702: I'm bored burarahurricane#6369: 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️manifesting im not stabbed in PT today 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ burarahurricane#6369: NOOOOOO burarahurricane#6369: i dont relaly wanna get stabbed :/ burarahurricane#6369: I hope i dont get stabbed again to day Mocha#3331: True💯 💦 PeckServers.com#8342: its reciept paper, masturbation is only for the bathroom <:hehe:856378380332433408> Mocha#3331: Why is there a roll of toilet paper💀 burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: so this is much better burarahurricane#6369: but i was fully expecting like a 150 or something burarahurricane#6369: idk PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: why did she dock you five points? burarahurricane#6369: y oof ? lisx#1702: oof burarahurricane#6369: thats way better than i expected burarahurricane#6369: omg PeckServers.com#8342: Jk PeckServers.com#8342: No burarahurricane#6369: wwOooOooOoOo burarahurricane#6369: GUSY ITS THW WEEKENED burarahurricane#6369: L lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: You nerds gonna be at the library again today? MMMMM#2210: She’s my neighbor username123115#4960: hi bored! I'm Daniel burarahurricane#6369: yea lisx#1702: i'm bored lisx#1702: hi lisx#1702: jacksons mom? lisx#1702: what? burarahurricane#6369: what a throwback burarahurricane#6369: shes subbing for my art class :0 burarahurricane#6369: lmg guys do you rmember that one sub teacher lady who commented rudely on walter’s essay online thing EJCaldwell#2924: GM Maulie#8927: Good morning to you Maulie#8927: Coolio PeckServers.com#8342: We'd like to invite you on this friday morning, to enjoy youself and have a good day PeckServers.com#8342: My fellow mercans burarahurricane#6369: good morning give_a_minute#1155: good morning america wooooooooooooooooooo PeckServers.com#8342: give_a_minute#1155: well ok then give_a_minute#1155: you just PeckServers.com#8342: Adildos PeckServers.com#8342: Heh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: gn give_a_minute#1155: gn xXthat1redheadXx#9990: adios xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well give_a_minute#1155: you know it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fore s*ure* give_a_minute#1155: did pep there give_a_minute#1155: I definitel give_a_minute#1155: Y*eah* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes give_a_minute#1155: I mean give_a_minute#1155: ? give_a_minute#1155: that was a pep talk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and thank you for the pep talk give_a_minute#1155: adios xXthat1redheadXx#9990: adidos xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes. xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🥲 give_a_minute#1155: you need it give_a_minute#1155: well go get some sleep give_a_minute#1155: pain give_a_minute#1155: lmao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: -_- xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and then after that next year xXthat1redheadXx#9990: until next quarter xXthat1redheadXx#9990: NEVER AGAIN DO I DO IT give_a_minute#1155: gj xXthat1redheadXx#9990: HAHAHAHA xXthat1redheadXx#9990: WITH THE ALEKS xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I AM FINISH xXthat1redheadXx#9990: YES give_a_minute#1155: couldn't be me give_a_minute#1155: imagine sleeping early PeckServers.com#8342: Good night EJCaldwell#2924: gn EJCaldwell#2924: well i should get some sleep PeckServers.com#8342: Lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: But i just wanna run EJCaldwell#2924: i just realized you were messing with me PeckServers.com#8342: Cringe PeckServers.com#8342: Thats the joke PeckServers.com#8342: E*thin* EJCaldwell#2924: and they said they only want track kids to keep track EJCaldwell#2924: first off its Ethan just to let you know PeckServers.com#8342: Ethin PeckServers.com#8342: Wait so why cant i run along side you in the charity run? burarahurricane#6369: coolio EJCaldwell#2924: it* EJCaldwell#2924: but i will look at i EJCaldwell#2924: i would not know because we have different teachers burarahurricane#6369: lool ikr burarahurricane#6369: 9Khjk burarahurricane#6369: goodnight burarahurricane#6369: idk if that link works ;thumbsup: burarahurricane#6369: is it ? https://docs.google.com/document/d/10gBK_hDJu53Pg4wl3ed_Q_FswGn7Jidfla6Kozwl8S4/edit?usp=sharing give_a_minute#1155: omg the amount of people I was not expecting that many EJCaldwell#2924: is it good? burarahurricane#6369: screw it im turning in my book project EJCaldwell#2924: 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 burarahurricane#6369: 🔪🔪 🔪 PeckServers.com#8342: Deth to aleks EJCaldwell#2924: so i have gotten a few done EJCaldwell#2924: i also found some easy aleks topics EJCaldwell#2924: if you don't want to do it you don't have to EJCaldwell#2924: and if anybody else wants to join they can PeckServers.com#8342: Anything for you PeckServers.com#8342: Sure EJCaldwell#2924: or walk EJCaldwell#2924: also cody do you want do be in a vc while i run burarahurricane#6369: lmao everyone is doing last minute book projects EJCaldwell#2924: my mouse be zoomin EJCaldwell#2924: i only used that because i used to have a wooden desk EJCaldwell#2924: i don't need the mousepad EJCaldwell#2924: wait EJCaldwell#2924: i also learned that i can change the mouse sensitivity everywhere and its so nice because i don't need to drag my hand all over my mousepad PeckServers.com#8342: Spikey EJCaldwell#2924: sounds interesting EJCaldwell#2924: okay PeckServers.com#8342: Ive decided i want a sea urchin EJCaldwell#2924: because i have not been reading at all EJCaldwell#2924: and i can't EJCaldwell#2924: which i don't want to do EJCaldwell#2924: I also have 2 bookmarks burarahurricane#6369: yepp burarahurricane#6369: my la hw is due tmr burarahurricane#6369: lucky EJCaldwell#2924: but Aleks is due in like 3 days EJCaldwell#2924: i can finish the LA work because thats due next week burarahurricane#6369: but i just finished all my la hw burarahurricane#6369: im in the same boat burarahurricane#6369: rip EJCaldwell#2924: and all LA homework EJCaldwell#2924: 40+ aleks topics EJCaldwell#2924: because i procrastinate EJCaldwell#2924: i have so much EJCaldwell#2924: i feel you burarahurricane#6369: hoem wo rk :( EJCaldwell#2924: ? burarahurricane#6369: ghfhhf EJCaldwell#2924: because no negative numbers for side lengths EJCaldwell#2924: because it was for a triangle EJCaldwell#2924: and then i realized it could not be the -4 EJCaldwell#2924: and i was like which one is it EJCaldwell#2924: I just spent like 20 mins thinking about the answer for a aleks question and the x came out to x = 20 and -4 lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/4LRuYjrhMEhiuo5wa4XfYL?si=8tmOdJlxReqf_YRtjpCg0A EJCaldwell#2924: Mornin? burarahurricane#6369: mornin lisx#1702: mornin give_a_minute#1155: mornin PeckServers.com#8342: mornin burarahurricane#6369: maybe i will just avoid using tthat the n......./// burarahurricane#6369: wwhat if the song doesn't ahve any lines ? lisx#1702: eurghhhhhhhhhhh lisx#1702: orchestra is the only thing not working now lisx#1702: I'm bored again lisx#1702: I shouldn't have done that different colors across the rainbow thing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lisx#1702: but it felt wrong without them lisx#1702: I think the backgrounds makes it a little confusing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ***"slightly"*** burarahurricane#6369: ""slightly"" PeckServers.com#8342: Mhm lisx#1702: it's actually slightly altered for comedic effect burarahurricane#6369: yay :d burarahurricane#6369: like this one -> https://open.spotify.com/track/22TntnVO3lQNDR5nsvxGRs?si=632f415b7def4a2a it only says mfer once lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: Bro what the fuck burarahurricane#6369: fo r the playlist thing for the book projects thing for la do you think it's okay if i have explicit song on there xXthat1redheadXx#9990: when I finished like a month+ ago xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I feel so happy about the scales because even though I procrastinated them til the last day when it actually was supposed to be turned in I made it in on time but now I'm super early and everyone else is freaking out xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rip burarahurricane#6369: o o f lisx#1702: this is kind of sad, I emailed mrs winslow my scales two weeks ago and she commented for me to send her them burarahurricane#6369: because the dude is literally horrible burarahurricane#6369: for stealing adn raping his wife burarahurricane#6369: by this one dude burarahurricane#6369: he wsa jilled burarahurricane#6369: oh he is! lisx#1702: he's probably dead xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol burarahurricane#6369: i am also starting a pyrrhus hate club burarahurricane#6369: i ifinished ! my heart is in tatters but it was so very good burarahurricane#6369: hes actually homophobic burarahurricane#6369: OH MG GOD WHAT THE FUCK burarahurricane#6369: pyrrhus is a fucking idiot oh my god xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👏 👏 burarahurricane#6369: GHSKFHSKFBSKBDSKFHKDHFKFBEKGKFHDJG lisx#1702: lisx#1702: its done lisx#1702: you! burarahurricane#6369: who is alyssa lisx#1702: aww you caught the easter egg burarahurricane#6369: bru h lisx#1702: I spent like ten minutes on this thinking bubble and I'm now realizing it was a horrible idea burarahurricane#6369: LMAOOOOOOOOO lisx#1702: BRUH lisx#1702: 😂 burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> OH MY GOD IM SOVBIIGBSHWKFNSKDHSKDBSNBSJCSNHFSBADVFBNDJD burarahurricane#6369: > Her black eyes seem to contract, like dying stars. “I am glad that he is dead,” she says. > > It is the last thing she will ever say to him. holyyy shit im gonnnna cry MMMMM#2210: One thing twitters right about MMMMM#2210: Finally MMMMM#2210: lisx#1702: LOL xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rip burarahurricane#6369: literally all i said was “I dont even want to hear it” because you alreayd told me 30 times lisx#1702: fuck the textbox disappeared burarahurricane#6369: I NEVER SAID THIS LMAOO burarahurricane#6369: its so good burarahurricane#6369: the song of achilles burarahurricane#6369: i wouldnt be surprised if i was the one writing it LMAO burarahurricane#6369: reading burarahurricane#6369: GJSKFHSKFBSKFHKSHDKFBKSHFH???? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what book series is it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the book that you're reading or the one that you're "writing" burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/2kS6td1yvmpNgZTt1q5pQq?si=b34a8wacRdOSX5LAazqg2w burarahurricane#6369: i jnrew rhey were doomed but noOoooooooo :( burarahurricane#6369: nooooooooo burarahurricane#6369: OH MY GOD THE MAIN CHAEACTER OF MH BOOK JUST DIED xXthat1redheadXx#9990: noice xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I KNEW IT!!!! burarahurricane#6369: was this from like yesterday xXthat1redheadXx#9990: "hi bored I'm alysse" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the attention to detail is immaculate xXthat1redheadXx#9990: haha burarahurricane#6369: MY KNEE BETRACES lisx#1702: from a while ago burarahurricane#6369: was this soemthtingh thyahappened today or a new original tm comic xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol burarahurricane#6369: :D burarahurricane#6369: IFS ME burarahurricane#6369: OMG IT D@E ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :/ lisx#1702: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@!726265256082407504> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it looks like "heil hitler" PeckServers.com#8342: Oh lmfao burarahurricane#6369: my tennis coach :D burarahurricane#6369: carson ward lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: Carson gubler? PeckServers.com#8342: Lol burarahurricane#6369: that was epic he should sub for mh class es more burarahurricane#6369: whays some dumb things ive fone i need to turn them into life lessons burarahurricane#6369: :0099900000000 burarahurricane#6369: CARSON IS SUBBINNGMY SOEECH AND DEBATE CLASS burarahurricane#6369: OG MY GOD NO WAY Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: I wish Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: daddys gonna go shower, brb burarahurricane#6369: i am so screwed 🥰 burarahurricane#6369: i have 0 % done ! give_a_minute#1155: I've procrastinated too much already give_a_minute#1155: I'm like 14% done give_a_minute#1155: plus I got a book project to work on give_a_minute#1155: I'm not tryin to be annoying but just know I ain't interested PeckServers.com#8342: atleast i have PeckServers.com#8342: at this point weve gotten over how gross it is and realized its just a game PeckServers.com#8342: dont be baby PeckServers.com#8342: and alysse MMMMM#2210: even lisa MMMMM#2210: you're up MMMMM#2210: everyones done it MMMMM#2210: is it tho give_a_minute#1155: besides my answer to that question is extremely obvious give_a_minute#1155: sorry mate but you uh..*pushes up glasses* did not read my terms and conditions Truth or Dare#8712: give_a_minute#1155: ? MMMMM#2210: you're up MMMMM#2210: <@!404102391416487936> MMMMM#2210: done PeckServers.com#8342: welcome to dms MMMMM#2210: And im not friended to alysse either PeckServers.com#8342: lisa? MMMMM#2210: Dont know how on mobile PeckServers.com#8342: yeah lisx#1702: You do it George PeckServers.com#8342: dc being stupid PeckServers.com#8342: wait PeckServers.com#8342: im not friends with you or alysse so cant MMMMM#2210: No gaeb MMMMM#2210: Me, you, lisa, alysse MMMMM#2210: Make a group dm MMMMM#2210: Cody MMMMM#2210: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lisx#1702: Hello PeckServers.com#8342: sooo whats your decision MMMMM#2210: Hellur PeckServers.com#8342: hi MMMMM#2210: Im back PeckServers.com#8342: thats R tod for you PeckServers.com#8342: yup Maulie#8927: Uh... Wow PeckServers.com#8342: now im making them decide too PeckServers.com#8342: i said mine PeckServers.com#8342: the truth was out of the last 3 people you messaged who would you fuck marry and kill Maulie#8927: Summary? PeckServers.com#8342: oh boy youve missed hell Maulie#8927: ? PeckServers.com#8342: i wanna move on PeckServers.com#8342: clocks ticking PeckServers.com#8342: sooo PeckServers.com#8342: fair enough burarahurricane#6369: BRB: Biden Rolled Boys lisx#1702: I'll do it when George tells his PeckServers.com#8342: hey lisa feel free to answer too lisx#1702: Bro what lisx#1702: If you're so concerned give_a_minute#1155: ^ MMMMM#2210: Brb lisx#1702: Without gabe PeckServers.com#8342: KEKW lisx#1702: Just group dm then burarahurricane#6369: :D give_a_minute#1155: eh burarahurricane#6369: im babey ! give_a_minute#1155: I was going all in for that ss PeckServers.com#8342: you are a baby if you dont give_a_minute#1155: I'm not gonna say anything PeckServers.com#8342: so get to thinking kids PeckServers.com#8342: cause we need one from gabe too MMMMM#2210: But not gaeb PeckServers.com#8342: no MMMMM#2210: Make MMMMMs chat only accessible to us give_a_minute#1155: oh fine PeckServers.com#8342: no tod ss give_a_minute#1155: wdym MMMMM#2210: Better idea burarahurricane#6369: no but wait i keep flip flopping :/ PeckServers.com#8342: and ill ban you gabe if you ss and use that ss PeckServers.com#8342: we aint moving on untill you all 3 do it give_a_minute#1155: my ss give_a_minute#1155: I need burarahurricane#6369: want me to go first give_a_minute#1155: n o burarahurricane#6369: boom PeckServers.com#8342: spit it out burarahurricane#6369: we can ban gaeb from seeing chanenel history PeckServers.com#8342: and gabe give_a_minute#1155: *hey george if you do it I'll post a response too* PeckServers.com#8342: spit it out PeckServers.com#8342: same ally burarahurricane#6369: ywas PeckServers.com#8342: tod stays in tod lisx#1702: Is it really that bad George just do it already MMMMM#2210: *screenshot war* PeckServers.com#8342: im waiting guys, i basically said i would fuck someone i never met, and marry some 14 year old that i play mc with, how bad can it really be? burarahurricane#6369: i have an anssner but its like boring adn teh ssimiliar give_a_minute#1155: I don't give_a_minute#1155: wrong message give_a_minute#1155: wait give_a_minute#1155: I don't MMMMM#2210: I plan to keep it that way give_a_minute#1155: mind you burarahurricane#6369: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\o///////// give_a_minute#1155: *out of context* screenshots MMMMM#2210: I dont think gaeb has any MMMMM#2210: I have many sceenshots PeckServers.com#8342: welcome to the club ally burarahurricane#6369: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ MMMMM#2210: You dont understand burarahurricane#6369: idk what to do with thsi ! lisx#1702: Yeah this is a safe space PeckServers.com#8342: excatly burarahurricane#6369: waht happens in tod sTAYS in tod give_a_minute#1155: george give_a_minute#1155: ok PeckServers.com#8342: heres a rule, you are a pussy if you use anything in tod for evidence give_a_minute#1155: 5 ss of me being...me give_a_minute#1155: you have like give_a_minute#1155: GIVE ME SOME MATERIAL TO WORK WITH FOR ONCE give_a_minute#1155: no I mean like I'll definitely not screenshot it PeckServers.com#8342: true PeckServers.com#8342: HA MMMMM#2210: That means nothing in screenshot war PeckServers.com#8342: hopefully never PeckServers.com#8342: its hypothetical, this will probably never happen burarahurricane#6369: okay ;/ PeckServers.com#8342: yeah give_a_minute#1155: I never would give_a_minute#1155: awwww cmon MMMMM#2210: Cody, gaeb, me MMMMM#2210: But the moment i say it gaebs gonna screenshot it burarahurricane#6369: are my choices you gaeb george or you lisa george ? give_a_minute#1155: say it and I'll totally not ss it PeckServers.com#8342: spit it out MMMMM#2210: I have an answer MMMMM#2210: Well you see MMMMM#2210: O PeckServers.com#8342: much gone PeckServers.com#8342: yes lisx#1702: We know you're trying to feel special PeckServers.com#8342: you guys still have to answer MMMMM#2210: You deleted it? PeckServers.com#8342: buuuut PeckServers.com#8342: i cant have that haunting me PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: yeah cause its gone give_a_minute#1155: sorry chode the answer was only mildly surprising lisx#1702: \*awkward silence* lisx#1702: 0 people did MMMMM#2210: Same give_a_minute#1155: I didn't burarahurricane#6369: i didnt PeckServers.com#8342: the question is how many people ss'd mine give_a_minute#1155: I need some blackmail on you lisx#1702: It's gonna make history give_a_minute#1155: you know it burarahurricane#6369: no balls MMMMM#2210: Its bound to be screenshotted PeckServers.com#8342: you should MMMMM#2210: But im thinking about wether actually saying it PeckServers.com#8342: i put my life out there and answered too PeckServers.com#8342: yeah MMMMM#2210: Even im thinking of an answer MMMMM#2210: Y lisx#1702: Nah PeckServers.com#8342: in this server PeckServers.com#8342: last 3 peeps you messaged PeckServers.com#8342: i think so yeah MMMMM#2210: So you, gaeb, alysse PeckServers.com#8342: server MMMMM#2210: In dms or server? lisx#1702: Out of everyone? PeckServers.com#8342: last 3 people you messaged at the time burarahurricane#6369: lisa entering the chat ? PeckServers.com#8342: this MMMMM#2210: Who are my options MMMMM#2210: Depends lisx#1702: At what PeckServers.com#8342: is anyone else going to take a stab at it give_a_minute#1155: aw you're so nice thanks PeckServers.com#8342: sooo... PeckServers.com#8342: i was agreeing PeckServers.com#8342: im saying id rather not fuck you PeckServers.com#8342: but if it was life or death and there was no way to get out of it id choose what i did give_a_minute#1155: the crap are ya gonna do dig me up at the public cemetery PeckServers.com#8342: none of you for any MMMMM#2210: Then who PeckServers.com#8342: yk youre like 14 or some shit PeckServers.com#8342: id rather stick to that burarahurricane#6369: lisa enters the chat ? give_a_minute#1155: ever thought of that give_a_minute#1155: well how about he just not f me at *all* MMMMM#2210: And canonically im codys dad PeckServers.com#8342: ayooo any of you gonna say lisx#1702: Hello MMMMM#2210: Exactly give_a_minute#1155: *n* *o* give_a_minute#1155: just choose george he's the least offending out of the three MMMMM#2210: Would you rather he do it while you’re alive PeckServers.com#8342: tod says that wont work burarahurricane#6369: what if i just killed all of you burarahurricane#6369: euhthg PeckServers.com#8342: answer the fuck marry kill one PeckServers.com#8342: alysse first burarahurricane#6369: ayo… PeckServers.com#8342: i mean thats a start give_a_minute#1155: cody give_a_minute#1155: you're fucking my corpse give_a_minute#1155: canonically I'm already dead PeckServers.com#8342: cmon PeckServers.com#8342: i wanna hear yalls answer PeckServers.com#8342: i bit the bullet PeckServers.com#8342: hold on PeckServers.com#8342: actually no PeckServers.com#8342: maybe burarahurricane#6369: ghFHSKFHDI MMMMM#2210: Does this mean we have to change the server family tree burarahurricane#6369: LMFAO MMMMM#2210: Oh crap Truth or Dare#8712: give_a_minute#1155: I ain't doin no fuckin mister PeckServers.com#8342: hold on PeckServers.com#8342: damn clipbord PeckServers.com#8342: and it would be socially worse if i fucked or married you cause of your age and anatomy and it looks worse but they are allbad so lets move on PeckServers.com#8342: i thought of you alysse PeckServers.com#8342: IKR MMMMM#2210: Stranger than I thought burarahurricane#6369: oh em gee you would kill me im so honored MMMMM#2210: Oh PeckServers.com#8342: im sorry PeckServers.com#8342: theres no options that are better MMMMM#2210: I think that just solidified my position in the roster MMMMM#2210: Thats what she said PeckServers.com#8342: no hard feelings PeckServers.com#8342: this is hard burarahurricane#6369: 👁️ MMMMM#2210: Not counting yourself me, gaeb, and alysse give_a_minute#1155: it just sounds like the shortened word form of orgasm PeckServers.com#8342: lets see MMMMM#2210: So you, me, and gaeb PeckServers.com#8342: ooh this is new content Truth or Dare#8712: give_a_minute#1155: um PeckServers.com#8342: they do things to make an orgy happen MMMMM#2210: When many mommies and many daddies love eachother very much give_a_minute#1155: I'm pretty sure give_a_minute#1155: you don't got this MMMMM#2210: I got this PeckServers.com#8342: you poor soul PeckServers.com#8342: oh gabe give_a_minute#1155: what the crap is an orgy to begin with burarahurricane#6369: he just did it so we would turn away and not hit him PeckServers.com#8342: well duh Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: /truth rating:R PeckServers.com#8342: seeing who can go the fastest MMMMM#2210: From what im hearing it was alot more than that PeckServers.com#8342: ooh worm is fun burarahurricane#6369: and alos like shields burarahurricane#6369: and we used the sleeping bags to move around like worms MMMMM#2210: It was a “gang wrestling” PeckServers.com#8342: double trouble burarahurricane#6369: with pillows and fists burarahurricane#6369: we were literally in their camper hittinf eafh other PeckServers.com#8342: oh they were both ganging up on you MMMMM#2210: That doesnt sound like wrestling burarahurricane#6369: ITBWAS WITH TWO TOEHR PEOPLE THO it was nt just me MMMMM#2210: You were “wrestling” and he pulled his dick out PeckServers.com#8342: lmfaooo PeckServers.com#8342: alysse PeckServers.com#8342: do tell PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 burarahurricane#6369: he kept flashing his pp burarahurricane#6369: when i was wrestling witha friend PeckServers.com#8342: what age we talking? burarahurricane#6369: that ahpoened farther back PeckServers.com#8342: oh no burarahurricane#6369: actually it wasnt ! PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: that was your first experience with dick? PeckServers.com#8342: yikes burarahurricane#6369: there was one time in like fifth grafe there was this kid who pulled down another kid s pants underwear and all it was traumatizing for 10 yr old me Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: actually good point PeckServers.com#8342: no give_a_minute#1155: is this all tod has to offer give_a_minute#1155: sure PeckServers.com#8342: moving on? PeckServers.com#8342: there are no adults so i cant PeckServers.com#8342: hmmm Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: lol burarahurricane#6369: i think the real question is are they easy to kill or not PeckServers.com#8342: any thougts? PeckServers.com#8342: but a good person is the best PeckServers.com#8342: both are important Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: done already Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: bhFJSGSKDHKSHF PeckServers.com#8342: you know the drill PeckServers.com#8342: lisa.... Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: no give_a_minute#1155: also also moving moving on on PeckServers.com#8342: omH Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: LOL PeckServers.com#8342: you can look eachother in the eye burarahurricane#6369: LMAO MMMMM#2210: 3rd trumpet PeckServers.com#8342: more personal PeckServers.com#8342: on Truth or Dare#8712: give_a_minute#1155: *also* moving on PeckServers.com#8342: hMMMMM PeckServers.com#8342: hmmmmmm Truth or Dare#8712: give_a_minute#1155: moving on PeckServers.com#8342: NO burarahurricane#6369: no PeckServers.com#8342: ... PeckServers.com#8342: oh god Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: it was like a single marble PeckServers.com#8342: time to go *R* burarahurricane#6369: one time i accidentally stole something from a store PeckServers.com#8342: tod is running out of original truths Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! PeckServers.com#8342: 10/10 wouldnt reccomend PeckServers.com#8342: yuh give_a_minute#1155: fhhhhhhhhh ouch burarahurricane#6369: o o f burarahurricane#6369: no <3 PeckServers.com#8342: it was a flip flop (first mistake) PeckServers.com#8342: mildly give_a_minute#1155: did it just go straight through your shoe Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: suprised i didnt get sepsis or anything from that looking back on it burarahurricane#6369: ooof PeckServers.com#8342: was doing some farming stuff and was swinging the pitchfork and set it down on the return swing like a jack ass and it went through PeckServers.com#8342: OOH give_a_minute#1155: do tell burarahurricane#6369: also that one time i got a woodchip shoved up my palm PeckServers.com#8342: when i sent a pitch fork through my foot burarahurricane#6369: knees PeckServers.com#8342: hMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM PeckServers.com#8342: hmmmmmm Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: that shit would hurteddededed PeckServers.com#8342: but not in 7 minutes PeckServers.com#8342: a lot can happen PeckServers.com#8342: i mean burarahurricane#6369: i mean PeckServers.com#8342: probs a guy cause all the girls here are too young and not much can happen with a guy burarahurricane#6369: y ou dont kno w? burarahurricane#6369: yeahh its basically like ur not v interested in sex & adjacent ahha PeckServers.com#8342: hmmm MMMMM#2210: They lock you in a room with someone else PeckServers.com#8342: whats 7 mins in heaven PeckServers.com#8342: wiat you are unhorny? burarahurricane#6369: asexual - unhorny demi - have to know someone before feeling s happen (“love at first sight” not a thing) pansexual - do not care abt the gender of the person ur interested in 👍 Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Yes PeckServers.com#8342: yes Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: with a snapping motion PeckServers.com#8342: apparently it rips your vertibre apart PeckServers.com#8342: how the hangmans noose works PeckServers.com#8342: ooh burarahurricane#6369: stuff about how people die and how to kill them PeckServers.com#8342: all naughty stuff is in incognito cause yk... PeckServers.com#8342: its mostly server stuff PeckServers.com#8342: hmmm Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: v PeckServers.com#8342: and it was only a little burarahurricane#6369: imagine being 21 PeckServers.com#8342: once Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: thanks PeckServers.com#8342: but good for you PeckServers.com#8342: i dont even know what both of those are burarahurricane#6369: yk burarahurricane#6369: im asexual demipansexual :) but usually i just go with queer bc PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: get the list out PeckServers.com#8342: *bonk it typing* lisx#1702: its your question burarahurricane#6369: \*cracks knuckles* PeckServers.com#8342: idk lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: but that was a good one PeckServers.com#8342: spirit Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: unplugging the teachers computer <:hehe:856378380332433408> PeckServers.com#8342: naw, thats kind of cringe to think so highly of someone lisx#1702: and no lisx#1702: no Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: participate lisx#1702: what? PeckServers.com#8342: lisa? burarahurricane#6369: lol PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: walter burarahurricane#6369: karma Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: yeppp PeckServers.com#8342: perfectly logical burarahurricane#6369: but i stull do it sometimes burarahurricane#6369: idk why i did it either 👍 lisx#1702: yeehaw burarahurricane#6369: yeha PeckServers.com#8342: that seems dangerous PeckServers.com#8342: waoh burarahurricane#6369: stand on the vanity and the n fall and be in pain PeckServers.com#8342: it sucks cause i blew it right then and there PeckServers.com#8342: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: jerked one Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: oh let's not go there Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: samw burarahurricane#6369: if i found the right people and i wanted to get mearrrieeesd lisx#1702: I wouldn't PeckServers.com#8342: it seems like fun if everyone is down PeckServers.com#8342: maybe lisx#1702: no burarahurricane#6369: a lot Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: no Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: FJSHFKVHSJE PeckServers.com#8342: aww look at our little turkey burarahurricane#6369: yeah 😐 lisx#1702: does your dad call you that??? burarahurricane#6369: turkey PeckServers.com#8342: lokey Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: the one of this dick lisx#1702: n.a. Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: a guy getting his head chopped off? lisx#1702: so many options in this chat Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: cause im an awkward mofo PeckServers.com#8342: somewhere not silent Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: at least you're honest lisx#1702: 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: <:hehe:856378380332433408> burarahurricane#6369: its just lisa PeckServers.com#8342: i dont wanna say burarahurricane#6369: no actually PeckServers.com#8342: HmMmmMmmMMm burarahurricane#6369: a tie PeckServers.com#8342: nope, only normal ones burarahurricane#6369: hmmmmmmmmmmm Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: wtf burarahurricane#6369: no Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: its repeating burarahurricane#6369: no Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/wasted-gta-gif-21874257 lisx#1702: it was a joke burarahurricane#6369: in our tod at the park lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/1a7WZZZH7LzyvorhpOJFTe?si=ef6910398f7841d2 burarahurricane#6369: :( you did say you would marry me tho PeckServers.com#8342: WaStEd PeckServers.com#8342: bruh lisx#1702: I wouldn't date you back though burarahurricane#6369: l isa beca use f reiend PeckServers.com#8342: interressant PeckServers.com#8342: very diverse answers lisx#1702: I don't think I had an actual one till like... sixth grade burarahurricane#6369: uhhh little but it wasnt like a romantic crush i wa sin like 1st grade and it was a pretty girl ❕ Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! burarahurricane#6369: become a hermit in the woods burarahurricane#6369: <:hehe:856378380332433408> PeckServers.com#8342: real young lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/high-five-top-gun-tom-cruise-gif-9817538 Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: :highfive: PeckServers.com#8342: jeebus lisx#1702: thats what I was thinking! PeckServers.com#8342: lol burarahurricane#6369: die PeckServers.com#8342: sex Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: wtf I didn't do that PeckServers.com#8342: hehe PeckServers.com#8342: cause its in the name burarahurricane#6369: lmaooo PeckServers.com#8342: hopefully karma wasnt a bitch lisx#1702: here I was thinking she was straight 😭 burarahurricane#6369: theyre the best :D burarahurricane#6369: yea PeckServers.com#8342: is karma a person? Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: and jaxin wanted tme to be herr platonic gf vut yk karma burarahurricane#6369: yea lisx#1702: karma? burarahurricane#6369: almost 2 lisx#1702: is it spencer MMMMM#2210: Guess youll never know burarahurricane#6369: 1 PeckServers.com#8342: 2 lisx#1702: -0.3 Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: lol burarahurricane#6369: that would raise ur acverage form zero burarahurricane#6369: but what about at the parjk PeckServers.com#8342: bs MMMMM#2210: Never taken one lisx#1702: who MMMMM#2210: Tie, and not a 15 way one PeckServers.com#8342: 0.15 lisx#1702: -0.3 Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: you still need to hold up on your promise to kill me lisx#1702: but if I could kill alysse, walter, and cody too, that'd be awesome PeckServers.com#8342: cause i know he would take it well lisx#1702: I've already promised to murder liam burarahurricane#6369: hmmmm PeckServers.com#8342: george PeckServers.com#8342: hmm Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: and then i just shoved it under the seat and pretendied nothin g happened 👍 PeckServers.com#8342: are you sure it was a doll? PeckServers.com#8342: theres a lot of things that are pink and plastic lisx#1702: just like the girl? PeckServers.com#8342: oop burarahurricane#6369: it was something pink and plastic burarahurricane#6369: uhh i tjink i broke this one girl s doll or something lisx#1702: dont really do those anymore PeckServers.com#8342: havent ever been in one Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: same lisx#1702: a stell bar burarahurricane#6369: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: its just a 40lb steel bar burarahurricane#6369: omg lisx#1702: I used to like chewing my necklace burarahurricane#6369: and my hoodie strings r good too PeckServers.com#8342: tell me lisx#1702: there was a dream one time... PeckServers.com#8342: we need to get you some soft metal chew toys\ PeckServers.com#8342: bruh burarahurricane#6369: coins are also good Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: hmmm burarahurricane#6369: bingo burarahurricane#6369: they taste good PeckServers.com#8342: that seems very metal tasting Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: ouch burarahurricane#6369: i dont do it as often now but yeah 👍 burarahurricane#6369: i like chewing on keys PeckServers.com#8342: i dont get into office politics very often so i dont hear many rumors either lisx#1702: jaxin does anyway burarahurricane#6369: do we ? burarahurricane#6369: i dont talk to people so i never hear them PeckServers.com#8342: thats why im immune to ebola lisx#1702: my friends say nothing I eat at lunch is edible PeckServers.com#8342: dirt PeckServers.com#8342: same burarahurricane#6369: all the time Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: i mean 😏 lisx#1702: 💀 lisx#1702: spencer burarahurricane#6369: imagine being old burarahurricane#6369: L PeckServers.com#8342: someone whos close in age to me... wait there are none burarahurricane#6369: would yo u PeckServers.com#8342: and id never hit you\ burarahurricane#6369: lis a PeckServers.com#8342: jk then id be hitting a girl PeckServers.com#8342: im lilo Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/beating-up-beating-up-lilo-fight-beat-up-beat-down-gif-19482217 PeckServers.com#8342: fight fight fight PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 fight PeckServers.com#8342: good answer burarahurricane#6369: irs a battle to the death then MMMMM#2210: Never done it PeckServers.com#8342: me burarahurricane#6369: me Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: … PeckServers.com#8342: wars burarahurricane#6369: greed PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: lis... Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: 👍 burarahurricane#6369: underrated cute things PeckServers.com#8342: they were all aight Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! lisx#1702: context...???????? burarahurricane#6369: yoy do it lisx#1702: me doing that lisx#1702: remember lisx#1702: I don't even lisx#1702: lol what burarahurricane#6369: and then flops to the desk in despair lisx#1702: thats also a taylor swift song https://open.spotify.com/track/2Rk4JlNc2TPmZe2af99d45?si=6da0ac11398848ed PeckServers.com#8342: women being themselves burarahurricane#6369: when she makes thay confused face and scrucnhes up her face lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: and also lisa lisx#1702: ME!\ burarahurricane#6369: and the baby nightlights lisx#1702: ofc burarahurricane#6369: toothless Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: they call those sex piles in the industry PeckServers.com#8342: 10 or more thats where its at lisx#1702: why do we have to do R rated ones lisx#1702: ew Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: welcome to tod lisx#1702: emphasis on *oddly* MMMMM#2210: Whats your kink isnt personal? PeckServers.com#8342: say lisa when was the last time you sucked dick? lisx#1702: yeah that's what I mean burarahurricane#6369: why would anykne want to nkow that PeckServers.com#8342: have any of the others not been lisx#1702: considering PeckServers.com#8342: i mean PeckServers.com#8342: face and probably trimmed it 2 weeks lisx#1702: that's oddly personal Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: lmao lisx#1702: \*jaxins voice* *YOU WOULD* burarahurricane#6369: from 8600 BC lisx#1702: oh my PeckServers.com#8342: LOL burarahurricane#6369: the gay caveman drawings on rocks in zimbabwe PeckServers.com#8342: aah yes persian porn MMMMM#2210: someone in my game just got $3000 lisx#1702: I knew that before PeckServers.com#8342: so proud lisx#1702: the one where they don't show any skin MMMMM#2210: So you did learn something PeckServers.com#8342: lisa whats your favorite porn genre?? lisx#1702: *dysfunction PeckServers.com#8342: oh my MMMMM#2210: First erectile disfunction now this Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: I didn't ask lisx#1702: don't tell me PeckServers.com#8342: you innocent soul MMMMM#2210: Oh my hell PeckServers.com#8342: oh god lisa lisx#1702: I don't know what that means PeckServers.com#8342: im not gonna broadcast what my fetishes are here lol lisx#1702: I don't know how to *think* Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: lol MMMMM#2210: Not me MMMMM#2210: She said it PeckServers.com#8342: unfortunately for your fan fic thats illegal PeckServers.com#8342: i think you know the answer to that one MMMMM#2210: Well from what im hearing, from lisas “not for long” i’d assume not for long PeckServers.com#8342: hmmm Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! PeckServers.com#8342: its the future PeckServers.com#8342: well i mean i havent had... sex MMMMM#2210: You fixed it MMMMM#2210: Darn MMMMM#2210: Have you tried linux? lisx#1702: what is that burarahurricane#6369: GHSKDHSKBDKSBFKSBCKNDVK Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: i was shooting for 17 but that window left me lisx#1702: he said himself lisx#1702: no MMMMM#2210: Did you just threaten to bang cody lisx#1702: *least* fav lisx#1702: he's planning for 19 lisx#1702: not for long PeckServers.com#8342: lol PeckServers.com#8342: HeH MMMMM#2210: I thought you were a virgin burarahurricane#6369: we’re on the same wavelength lisx#1702: though I couldn't read half of those words PeckServers.com#8342: but idk about fav PeckServers.com#8342: secs is cool lisx#1702: same bruh lisx#1702: secs PeckServers.com#8342: lets play tod burarahurricane#6369: gonna ve hknest its secs 👍 PeckServers.com#8342: lets not PeckServers.com#8342: no MMMMM#2210: *you were saying* PeckServers.com#8342: HmMmMmm burarahurricane#6369: lol PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: bet Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! burarahurricane#6369: in terms of probability its a much higher chance than 0 lisx#1702: ||*WE'RE NOT GETTING BACK INTO THAT AGAIN THOUGH*|| PeckServers.com#8342: odds are if we exist theres something similar somewhere else lisx#1702: like religion or something burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: it doesn't really feel like something to *believe* in PeckServers.com#8342: its par for the course burarahurricane#6369: but not the hollywood ones PeckServers.com#8342: i mean theres gotta be something out there besides us burarahurricane#6369: yes PeckServers.com#8342: sure burarahurricane#6369: \*silence* lisx#1702: well Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: confession time PeckServers.com#8342: geroge? burarahurricane#6369: lmaooo Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: imagine using facebook MMMMM#2210: I have a few of my teachers facebook friended burarahurricane#6369: theyre old an d wrinkly PeckServers.com#8342: oh god lisx#1702: crusty = creepy PeckServers.com#8342: yep... you... you got me lisx#1702: no burarahurricane#6369: all our teachers ar e like old and crusty lisx#1702: naive* MMMMM#2210: You just cant go in PeckServers.com#8342: but i was young and nieve burarahurricane#6369: ew MMMMM#2210: You can go there lisx#1702: ew PeckServers.com#8342: yes lisx#1702: I want to go Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: yep lisx#1702: that sounds fun PeckServers.com#8342: or sent to crazy camp lisx#1702: right PeckServers.com#8342: probably killed PeckServers.com#8342: nobody knows cause if you get in you dissappear MMMMM#2210: Idk lisx#1702: for what PeckServers.com#8342: that is still oddly active PeckServers.com#8342: its a decomissioned government base MMMMM#2210: Its where the government keeps all the aliens lisx#1702: wdym PeckServers.com#8342: this is a george question MMMMM#2210: Its where they keep all the aliens Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: LOL lisx#1702: I've kind of heard of it but I don't really know what it is MMMMM#2210: The governments doing a good job then PeckServers.com#8342: lisa... PeckServers.com#8342: BRO MMMMM#2210: Its relatively close lisx#1702: whats area 51 PeckServers.com#8342: and get shot MMMMM#2210: Then get in a car and drive to area 51 PeckServers.com#8342: ive social engeneered my way into places if that counts lisx#1702: it sounds boring Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: very interesting MMMMM#2210: ish lisx#1702: why then PeckServers.com#8342: ghost town? MMMMM#2210: REALLY OLD MMMMM#2210: Like MMMMM#2210: Its old MMMMM#2210: But its just a few hours away from area 51 PeckServers.com#8342: i havent really endulged in hentai lisx#1702: why lisx#1702: MMMMM#2210: Its not an active base Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: boom PeckServers.com#8342: but that could mean that it would be the first to go MMMMM#2210: And the entire town is full of garbage PeckServers.com#8342: thats good reasoning MMMMM#2210: Biggest in nevada PeckServers.com#8342: oooh MMMMM#2210: Its got an army base next to it lisx#1702: why MMMMM#2210: Hawthorn nevada PeckServers.com#8342: nope Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: that one place PeckServers.com#8342: maybe with an s/o PeckServers.com#8342: by myself PeckServers.com#8342: somewhere in canada Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: LOL lisx#1702: "man i love frogs" lisx#1702: ethan lisx#1702: lol MMMMM#2210: Depends PeckServers.com#8342: never really did any research on them burarahurricane#6369: LMAO PeckServers.com#8342: interesting concept Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: im answering all of them PeckServers.com#8342: anyone else wanna chip in? lisx#1702: bro MMMMM#2210: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: back when it was legal PeckServers.com#8342: yes Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: there lisx#1702: <#829094007513677826> PeckServers.com#8342: theres no way that could work tho PeckServers.com#8342: maybe shower thought Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: lol lisx#1702: and now they know PeckServers.com#8342: as evident by the previous messages PeckServers.com#8342: that im open to talking about basically anything Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: ha funny PeckServers.com#8342: cause i havent PeckServers.com#8342: 19 Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: excessive annoyingness lisx#1702: when he sent the same video PeckServers.com#8342: oh lisx#1702: from like half a year ago PeckServers.com#8342: hmmm lisx#1702: thats another message lisx#1702: no Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: pretty sure i was first lisx#1702: ^^^ MMMMM#2210: Ikr PeckServers.com#8342: dude that one is so freaking funny MMMMM#2210: Again lisx#1702: that's been sent here before PeckServers.com#8342: not inappropriate as in that way MMMMM#2210: Yall need to watch it lisx#1702: seen it lisx#1702: that was george MMMMM#2210: https://youtu.be/8dE4mRlBP5M lisx#1702: no lisx#1702: what Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: arent you the one that wanted r tod? PeckServers.com#8342: why lisa MMMMM#2210: That reminds me lisx#1702: stop talking about this PeckServers.com#8342: im sure she knew lisx#1702: lets PeckServers.com#8342: meh, idk lisx#1702: umm MMMMM#2210: Did it work? PeckServers.com#8342: cover up and say i was undressing cause it was hot MMMMM#2210: Howd that go down PeckServers.com#8342: mom MMMMM#2210: By whom PeckServers.com#8342: getting caught in the *act* i suppose Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! PeckServers.com#8342: turn ons, hmm, generally nice person, turn offs, being rude PeckServers.com#8342: no childhood PeckServers.com#8342: same lisx#1702: I didn't have a childhood PeckServers.com#8342: ooop Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: no im the MaStEr at masterbation PeckServers.com#8342: i love that lisx#1702: also *masturbation PeckServers.com#8342: LOL lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: i have morals PeckServers.com#8342: no Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: FRICK MMMMM#2210: wheres the masterbation cat when you need em PeckServers.com#8342: collin from collinfurze lisx#1702: taylor swift? Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: he spent two thousand dollars on his new macbook PeckServers.com#8342: hmmm Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: same lisx#1702: I've never had a roommate before MMMMM#2210: thats a blatant lie PeckServers.com#8342: myself lisx#1702: myself Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: lisx#1702: no he isn't PeckServers.com#8342: yeah MMMMM#2210: doesnt count, he already is PeckServers.com#8342: spencer lisx#1702: walter lisx#1702: oh yeah in that case a lot... Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: but idk PeckServers.com#8342: probably Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: 2nd hand lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: yes lisx#1702: wow Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: ... PeckServers.com#8342: i think its a shoot off of a wrestling move MMMMM#2210: quite the coincidence MMMMM#2210: that sounds like a wrestling move PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: more cum PeckServers.com#8342: theres a position thats something like the reverse hammer which is like really dangerous lisx#1702: what does that even mean Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: bondage? lisx#1702: uh Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: i just did /truth PeckServers.com#8342: they are boring PeckServers.com#8342: why pg george PeckServers.com#8342: have a wonderful night lisx#1702: bye Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: later xXthat1redheadXx#9990: for now xXthat1redheadXx#9990: adios peoples I gtg PeckServers.com#8342: *even* lisa lisx#1702: what no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: even lisa lisx#1702: speak for yourself... PeckServers.com#8342: we are all on the same dirty wave length xXthat1redheadXx#9990: or the comprehensiveness of dirty talking xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol yeah PeckServers.com#8342: some level of introversion lisx#1702: they are alive xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hm lisx#1702: but its not very fun Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! lisx#1702: yes PeckServers.com#8342: but yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes indeed PeckServers.com#8342: not well PeckServers.com#8342: yes Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: all my skills are great xXthat1redheadXx#9990: climbing up a fridge xXthat1redheadXx#9990: they're all- xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: um PeckServers.com#8342: the ability to play mc MMMMM#2210: eye vibration xXthat1redheadXx#9990: don't have one so no MMMMM#2210: granite grey Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: like your soul PeckServers.com#8342: dont have one xXthat1redheadXx#9990: black Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😈 Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hola lisx#1702: "hi" MMMMM#2210: make a wish lisx#1702: about cancer? Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: nice MMMMM#2210: a few times MMMMM#2210: one of the stopped me like a month later and asked about it PeckServers.com#8342: same xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisa PeckServers.com#8342: ill keep my mouth shut here MMMMM#2210: i did an assembly with like 300 highschoolers PeckServers.com#8342: but ive done the same Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: the ones i have had yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: never had one lisx#1702: you talk a lot PeckServers.com#8342: LOL Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: AAAAAAAA xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmao I was typing it as you said it MMMMM#2210: i once got recognized at a dollar tree lisx#1702: SO MANY OPTIONS lisx#1702: oh my god PeckServers.com#8342: but id be nice about it MMMMM#2210: ish xXthat1redheadXx#9990: george PeckServers.com#8342: george xXthat1redheadXx#9990: um PeckServers.com#8342: hmmm Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yessire PeckServers.com#8342: hell to the no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: maybe lisx#1702: nah PeckServers.com#8342: hes soviet too Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: -_- xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm watching you lisa lisx#1702: it's a *truth* PeckServers.com#8342: yeah i just saved you lisx#1702: when i first met alysse i thought they had a twin lisx#1702: hence the "ignorant" part MMMMM#2210: i had no clue who you were lisx#1702: yeah something like that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh good lisx#1702: george was extremely ignorant and annoying and not very nice PeckServers.com#8342: childish in the way that you have a really cool and understanding/comprehensive mindset and arent stingey xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I knew walter before soooo... lisx#1702: walter was cool lisx#1702: idk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: how so lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: cody talked about weird server stuff that I didn't understand xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🤨 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but "childish" PeckServers.com#8342: how nice xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh thank you lisx#1702: liam was childishly weird PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisa: thought was lilly but nice and patient PeckServers.com#8342: friendly xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cody: dirty daddy lisx#1702: ooh Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rip PeckServers.com#8342: ive only been on one lisx#1702: no MMMMM#2210: never been on one xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: mmm not generally MMMMM#2210: bush did 9/11 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: um Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: lel xXthat1redheadXx#9990: \*smacks* PeckServers.com#8342: aaand right to the dms xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what was it for PeckServers.com#8342: hit me PeckServers.com#8342: believe it or not PeckServers.com#8342: its really fun xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so.... 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: i havent checked how many are in my liked xXthat1redheadXx#9990: never heard of that toy PeckServers.com#8342: oh MMMMM#2210: Pennsylvania 6-5000 PeckServers.com#8342: oh no now we have a q&a coming PeckServers.com#8342: which one xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait MMMMM#2210: and one of them is one word repeated PeckServers.com#8342: ? PeckServers.com#8342: george collier xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no MMMMM#2210: 2 of my 200 songs have words in them PeckServers.com#8342: yes PeckServers.com#8342: no, its just really obscure stuff or really innappropriate Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: dsmp PeckServers.com#8342: kind of xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: maybe xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: i pick walter xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: uuuuuuhhh PeckServers.com#8342: hmmmmmmm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh really Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: infact i have a whole box of them PeckServers.com#8342: well yeah, youve gotta learn how to use one lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but you've worn a condom xXthat1redheadXx#9990: never PeckServers.com#8342: never xXthat1redheadXx#9990: um Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I joke I joke PeckServers.com#8342: thats big PeckServers.com#8342: but not killed PeckServers.com#8342: ive taken a piss xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😈 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: killed Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: i dont think i know any of you enough for that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no PeckServers.com#8342: nah Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh jeez PeckServers.com#8342: the female reproductive system xXthat1redheadXx#9990: a lot Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: ayy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: go to college 👍 PeckServers.com#8342: not be an adult Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: usually xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh PeckServers.com#8342: me dating any of you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what is PeckServers.com#8342: its generally frowned upon xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ PeckServers.com#8342: cant Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idk PeckServers.com#8342: theres too much to choose from PeckServers.com#8342: lived PeckServers.com#8342: hmmm Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: probably PeckServers.com#8342: sucked cause i had no reference xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes? maybe Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hm PeckServers.com#8342: yep xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 6? PeckServers.com#8342: average Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rip xXthat1redheadXx#9990: its short xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: cause too long is worse xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👌 PeckServers.com#8342: the size i have now xXthat1redheadXx#9990: omega boobs Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I've never tasted myself so I wouldn't know PeckServers.com#8342: to lazy to google PeckServers.com#8342: idk what that means Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! PeckServers.com#8342: kms xXthat1redheadXx#9990: be scared Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol PeckServers.com#8342: yes Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and it was in elementary so it doesn't matter PeckServers.com#8342: lel xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well sick and making it seem worse are different so no PeckServers.com#8342: no PeckServers.com#8342: 3 weeks ago Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: today Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: 🥲 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: soda xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rootbear or cream Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ginger xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol PeckServers.com#8342: what i cheat a lot Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wow cody xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no PeckServers.com#8342: yes Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: depends who xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: um xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 top bottom left and right xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes Truth or Dare#8712: username123115#4960: me Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: um xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: awww howd youknow? Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm too tired xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@!522569307004076033> ya gotta do it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: LMFAO xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ... Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hahaha- Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nobody Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I think Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: probs walter xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I feel like cody could do either xXthat1redheadXx#9990: um Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: uh Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: sorry man xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cody xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hahahahahaha Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cody...? lisx#1702: like... all of you lisx#1702: this ones hard Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: walter xXthat1redheadXx#9990: walter Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: ooooooooooooooooooooooo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: together xXthat1redheadXx#9990: both lisx#1702: obvi xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cody lisx#1702: walter Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: see cody living from his car Truth or Dare#8712: :white_check_mark: **Question sent!** Their answer will be sent here once they reply. lisx#1702: no I mean lisx#1702: 🤦 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisx#1702: tell me you can't see that too xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmao Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: :white_check_mark: **Question sent!** Their answer will be sent here once they reply. Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: oh lisx#1702: i dont get it Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: :white_check_mark: **Question sent!** Their answer will be sent here once they reply. Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! lisx#1702: gnf onlyfans Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: is that a thing... Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: what Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: -_- xXthat1redheadXx#9990: how big the cock Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisa spill the beans Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: no lisx#1702: wtf Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: no Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: no Truth or Dare#8712: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: who dat lisx#1702: no Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: no Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: done that Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: what Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! lisx#1702: no Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: ||yes|| xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no lisx#1702: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ||no.|| lisx#1702: ||>:)|| username123115#4960: ||:(|| lisx#1702: ||shuptup|| username123115#4960: ||Hi bored! I'm Daniel|| Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000000 lisx#1702: hm Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: that sounds gross Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: ||yeah. surprising, right?|| xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ||really|| lisx#1702: ||I'm bored|| lisx#1702: my hand hurts again lisx#1702: I've finished lisx#1702: I assume so username123115#4960: due tommorow? username123115#4960: are they username123115#4960: wait xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisx#1702: anytime \:) xXthat1redheadXx#9990: np PeckServers.com#8342: thanks for that PeckServers.com#8342: see you guys are awesome friends! PeckServers.com#8342: imma try that PeckServers.com#8342: thats a good idea lisx#1702: it just gives you something else to focus on besides being mad at your life PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, its a whole thing and its no fun lisx#1702: it helps when I have a fight with my parents xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you kinda need to focus for that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: um xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oof lisx#1702: read a book PeckServers.com#8342: and the thing that sucks is now that weve had an argument im just pissed and cant even focus PeckServers.com#8342: <:hehe:856378380332433408> PeckServers.com#8342: thats what geology and computer systems are for PeckServers.com#8342: their reasoning is stupid tho, and they are threatening to take things from that i pay for and maintain, even though i am an adult and have a REAL job and do lots of side jobs and have a really good income source and can definately manage my time lisx#1702: yeah but what about *socialising* PeckServers.com#8342: or i would have PeckServers.com#8342: i dont think it was available or something xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh PeckServers.com#8342: la PeckServers.com#8342: i have to now, but my reasoning was that I get less done sitting in there than i do at home lisx#1702: if you're getting powerschool calls. or just have signed up for the online class in the first place? lisx#1702: why don't you just go then xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what class is it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rip PeckServers.com#8342: I havent been going to my last period but have been doing it online, and they think that I should have to go to the last period because *even though* it is all doable online, I "enrolled" in an in person class, and they are threatening stuff if they get another powerschool call lisx#1702: why what happened PeckServers.com#8342: parents suck PeckServers.com#8342: school sucks burarahurricane#6369: that sounds like a good plan 👍 burarahurricane#6369: lmao lisx#1702: my handwriting is so bad by the end of this the teacher won't be able to read a single word, and will just give me full credit simply because the words are there lisx#1702: yeah I dont really understand it sometimes but I guess it's just how it is PeckServers.com#8342: ikr, not all of us are corporate slaves lisx#1702: sorry I forget sometimes that other people have "lives" and "desires" lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: i TRIED but i also have a life and other things i needed to do and wanted to do PeckServers.com#8342: id like to indulge in come Concrastination! PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/spongebob-squarepants-spongebob-procrastination-rainbow-happy-gif-5073196 lisx#1702: but you could've finished your book project and reading pages and extra credit megamind last weekend burarahurricane#6369: thats what i do lisx#1702: you should try to do work on the weekends lisx#1702: .....art? burarahurricane#6369: i have not finished any of thsoe lisx#1702: aleks lisx#1702: reading pages? lisx#1702: did you do your book project lisx#1702: that sucks burarahurricane#6369: i need to manage my time carefully lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: cuz i have loads of other work too burarahurricane#6369: when is it due tho lisx#1702: as a master procrastinator myself (not that you are one usually on schoolwork...), I believe in you lisx#1702: and write a lot lisx#1702: just actually do it lisx#1702: you have time burarahurricane#6369: it is not ! burarahurricane#6369: it doesn't say ! wonderful is it on the calendar burarahurricane#6369: frick when are these due burarahurricane#6369: "EXTRAS BECAUSE I WAS GIVEN THE WRONG INSTRUCTIONS" and then add all the stuff i was missing except i dont really have the time for that burarahurricane#6369: after it burarahurricane#6369: but i could also do burarahurricane#6369: yea h lisx#1702: you should just try to add some more. have you finished it all already? lisx#1702: yeah burarahurricane#6369: bye bye 4.0 :( PeckServers.com#8342: a- lisx#1702: because then I'd have a 97 PeckServers.com#8342: thats not so bad lisx#1702: I really wish I didn't procrastinate on that benchmark essay now burarahurricane#6369: if I get 100 on everything else + get do the megamind extra credit i will have an A- lisx#1702: but if I do get 100% on the diabolical journal (which I'm planning to... only have five chapters left to write...) I will have a 95% anyway PeckServers.com#8342: or you talking b range? PeckServers.com#8342: will you guys stay in the A range atleast? lisx#1702: I've given up at this point lisx#1702: since i have a 0 on the discussion thing lisx#1702: same burarahurricane#6369: lmaoo PeckServers.com#8342: ill be on my deathbed and someone will guess it PeckServers.com#8342: burarahurricane#6369: it'll be secure fs PeckServers.com#8342: thanks alysse, imma use that as my next password <:hehe:856378380332433408> burarahurricane#6369: peorijfladjkhaerwofdsclkjhasdfgla;.hm, bre,sdlxpcy-2358pqrjlgweanb,dsm burarahurricane#6369: i did an average of 4 per chapter group . burarahurricane#6369: hhhhhhhhhhh burarahurricane#6369: is there any way i could fix my dialectal journal tho PeckServers.com#8342: youve got tis PeckServers.com#8342: im doing all of my classes right now and ill probably be done in like a couple hours burarahurricane#6369: (head in hands) burarahurricane#6369: and aleks is due on march 6th PeckServers.com#8342: 48 hours burarahurricane#6369: for language arts burarahurricane#6369: no everything is due this friday PeckServers.com#8342: thats like a lot of time PeckServers.com#8342: 9 days till the end of the quarter PeckServers.com#8342: youve got this PeckServers.com#8342: no PeckServers.com#8342: alysse burarahurricane#6369: GFUCKi m so screweed PeckServers.com#8342: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> + 6 minutes burarahurricane#6369: and even if i get 100 percent on all other assignments (except for the class discussion) and do the megamind e xtra creidt theres no way i can keep my A burarahurricane#6369: at this point i'd get like half credit xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :/ lisx#1702: you should've just done more anyway lisx#1702: there's so much more to write than three per like two to four chapters though burarahurricane#6369: im so fucked lisx#1702: and just skimmed your message lisx#1702: I probably didn't comprehend what per chapter *group* meant burarahurricane#6369: that would be kinda weird burarahurricane#6369: uhhmmm so what if i just like added a bunch to the end burarahurricane#6369: bUT IT WAS LITERALLY YOU WHO TOLD ME AJHDFCKJAFDLJ 😭 burarahurricane#6369: properly burarahurricane#6369: ecause i didn't do the thing lisx#1702: hopefully burarahurricane#6369: that doesn't really matter tho b burarahurricane#6369: does she lisx#1702: she likes you lisx#1702: you'll be fine burarahurricane#6369: oh fuck burarahurricane#6369: oh my god please dont tell me its per chapter lisx#1702: then you probably have like... five pages lisx#1702: bruh burarahurricane#6369: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: weed time burarahurricane#6369: im ver y screwed if its per chapter 👍 burarahurricane#6369: because i did it per group.... burarahurricane#6369: did we have to do three connections *per chapter* or per chapter *group*? burarahurricane#6369: my question is uh burarahurricane#6369: oh dear PeckServers.com#8342: <@!749747503947055136> PeckServers.com#8342: <@!531264285385424916> PeckServers.com#8342: walterrrr xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yes! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Hopefully the latter PeckServers.com#8342: we need more participants xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yeah lol PeckServers.com#8342: that 400 different numbers are calling her xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Haha PeckServers.com#8342: shes either thinking this is so dumb or shes scared shitless xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lmao PeckServers.com#8342: thats so funny PeckServers.com#8342: KEKW xXthat1redheadXx#9990: She didnt answer so I left a message saying “**you know what you did, and you will pay**” username123115#4960: ._. xXthat1redheadXx#9990: K PeckServers.com#8342: with *67 PeckServers.com#8342: your turn PeckServers.com#8342: it was lmfao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Thats funny xXthat1redheadXx#9990: LMFAO PeckServers.com#8342: eek PeckServers.com#8342: thats bs PeckServers.com#8342: that sucks lisx#1702: 200 points... PeckServers.com#8342: then i hung up lisx#1702: bro what PeckServers.com#8342: shes like "no i, i didnt do it PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: i did it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: K PeckServers.com#8342: *67 PeckServers.com#8342: oh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: No xXthat1redheadXx#9990: So they cant see it PeckServers.com#8342: to block a restricted number? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: No xXthat1redheadXx#9990: So what do you do to block the call number xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yeah PeckServers.com#8342: should I say the samething you did? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yup xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lemme check once more just in case xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 435 714 9249 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Aight ill do it again PeckServers.com#8342: its scary if used right PeckServers.com#8342: it restricts your number and makes it look like its comeing from nowhere lisx#1702: it makes the number go away PeckServers.com#8342: also call using *67 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: K PeckServers.com#8342: sure PeckServers.com#8342: hmmm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yes? PeckServers.com#8342: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: If I gave the number would you do it too xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: blackmail, the only way PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao Maulie#8927: Yeah lisx#1702: you should just forget about the leprechaun. revenge isn't going to bring it back PeckServers.com#8342: thats not a cheeseball thats trum.... oh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I called my friend on a number she doesnt know and told her “**someones going to pay for the leprechaun**” in a deep voice so hopefully shes scared burarahurricane#6369: LMAO Maulie#8927: I'd buy it so I could say I have a cheeseball on a coin burarahurricane#6369: ???? PeckServers.com#8342: thats good lisx#1702: it was okay PeckServers.com#8342: youve been silent all day PeckServers.com#8342: how was school? lisx#1702: Sup cody PeckServers.com#8342: i SeE yOu PeckServers.com#8342: Hi LiSa xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: ooh a game of bad cop good cop?!?!?! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *bad boys need to be punished* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *and* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you're like the bad cop xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it works either way PeckServers.com#8342: 😈 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no no no PeckServers.com#8342: shit PeckServers.com#8342: wait xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😈 PeckServers.com#8342: and all of them PeckServers.com#8342: and erase the whiteboard too PeckServers.com#8342: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: or I'll just erase all of their hard work on the white board xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😈 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: idk when or where but something xXthat1redheadXx#9990: something bad's going to happen xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I told my friend to take a pic and send it to me but it was before 4th period so she was gonna take it after but they erased it before I even got a picture 😭 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *and* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and it took me almost all of 2nd period xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but the purple sharpie is going to run out xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fax PeckServers.com#8342: petition to get timothy back xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and my friend said she didn't have anything to do with it but the fact that she didn't do *anything*, as in try to stop them, means she did ***everything*** xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and they still did xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and he did tell them not to xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I even told mr straussmen (or however you spell it) to tell them not to PeckServers.com#8342: banish the whores to hell PeckServers.com#8342: aah yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: because they're whores PeckServers.com#8342: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and the rainbow coming out of the pot of gold he was holding PeckServers.com#8342: why did they erase him tho xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah burarahurricane#6369: that makes them erasi bc him even worse burarahurricane#6369: omg he was buff i didnt jnow that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: th Buff Leprechaun PeckServers.com#8342: *whips out twitter* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: those sluts erased Timothy PeckServers.com#8342: the entire yearbook xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the *people* in yearbook PeckServers.com#8342: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well xXthat1redheadXx#9990: we should cancel yearbook xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol burarahurricane#6369: LMFOA PeckServers.com#8342: its 2:20 PeckServers.com#8342: where the hell are you? WalterJS#2477: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> Mocha#3331: No one can disagree as this is fact Mocha#3331: Weed cat is the best gen 9 starter burarahurricane#6369: 👍 ineed food burarahurricane#6369: and also i did so much detail why am i doing this to myself its spuusted to be SIMPLE but noooo i gotta draw all these like cherry blossosm and tuwofbwignakgnalgnwkfbkx sf kal burarahurricane#6369: dunb burarahurricane#6369: and burarahurricane#6369: its dumb burarahurricane#6369: i got dumb finger prints all over my dumb thing EJCaldwell#2924: I just think it looks a bit better without it EJCaldwell#2924: And I only told gabe about it EJCaldwell#2924: I am surprised it took so long for somebody to notice it EJCaldwell#2924: I decided to get rid of it burarahurricane#6369: oh dear Bagel da gamer#1694: Whoops! burarahurricane#6369: 22.5” x 28” burarahurricane#6369: ph god the poster paper is ginormous burarahurricane#6369: bc idk how those look from memory burarahurricane#6369: also i was using my ohone for butterfly wing refrrences lisx#1702: fun burarahurricane#6369: i wont be coming to advisory btw im styaing to kepe working on my thjngy ❕ lisx#1702: well you should get off your phone burarahurricane#6369: hrthe posrer paper she got out last tjme isnte heree burarahurricane#6369: ok i have drawn the rough draft 👍 now i dont know what to do burarahurricane#6369: of* burarahurricane#6369: whats something i can draw 21 oncf burarahurricane#6369: i cant beliebe i got called alyssa TWICE in math smh smh burarahurricane#6369: hrs numberless…. lisx#1702: where did the 06 in your name go <@!383372123714093098> PeckServers.com#8342: I do multiple layers of addition on my hands and just roll over back to one PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah i do the same lisx#1702: So you just count it instead lisx#1702: It's because adding the numbers don't work lisx#1702: So you count the one in your head and the other with your hand and you don't have to remember the one on your hand because you're counting it on your hand so you can keep track of both lisx#1702: It's for when you have to count two different numbers at a time burarahurricane#6369: if u have to use ur hands to count to fifteen burarahurricane#6369: its not impressive burarahurricane#6369: im gonna be real burarahurricane#6369: fhats so……… burarahurricane#6369: what ? lisx#1702: And also fifteen lisx#1702: I can count to ten on one hand burarahurricane#6369: we’ve cracked the code ! burarahurricane#6369: exactly lisx#1702: Brain goes yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lisx#1702: Yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii burarahurricane#6369: the opposite of brrrr is yiiiiiii lisx#1702: That sucks burarahurricane#6369: SO THEREFORE burarahurricane#6369: okay and the opposit eof B would be Y right PeckServers.com#8342: i ask myself that every day lisx#1702: i lisx#1702: It's I burarahurricane#6369: no break is the only thknkg thatkeeps me alive lisx#1702: Break is bad burarahurricane#6369: I SYILL HAVENT FIGURED OUT THE OPPOSITE OF R lisx#1702: No lisx#1702: And your dad and your sister everyone except for your dog burarahurricane#6369: itll be cool when its april or spring break lisx#1702: And your mom lisx#1702: No u burarahurricane#6369: no lisx#1702: It's march isn't that cool lisx#1702: Why did you do that lisx#1702: Ummm PeckServers.com#8342: i deleted my 404 page i paid walter for and in the hundreds of gigabytes of data i have, its not there. discords a bitch and doesnt have it anymore either PeckServers.com#8342: i just fucked up give_a_minute#1155: the more stalling posisble the better give_a_minute#1155: idk about you all but time is like the one thing I need right now give_a_minute#1155: it means more *time* burarahurricane#6369: it memasns more school (weeps( give_a_minute#1155: for L.A. the deadline does anyways give_a_minute#1155: well give_a_minute#1155: quarter ends soon give_a_minute#1155: ok but like isn't that good give_a_minute#1155: sleep may be important on second thought give_a_minute#1155: ah wait nevermind my brain cells just did the connection thing give_a_minute#1155: we've nit what now burarahurricane#6369: guys we’re nit rven galway through the week this is messed up WalterJS#2477: Yk it lisx#1702: Aw look at you using your biology words WalterJS#2477: and that was with me having a stress fracture in my left tibia WalterJS#2477: Oh yeah I am also the fastest on the team 😎 WalterJS#2477: I’m pretty strong WalterJS#2477: Yeah Maulie#8927: You like pitching? WalterJS#2477: I play right field, third base, and pitch WalterJS#2477: no we all have a few positions we can play Maulie#8927: So more like "everyone gets their turn" kind of thing? PeckServers.com#8342: jk that was a really shitty pun PeckServers.com#8342: its cause youre lookin too fresh 😏 WalterJS#2477: Maybe some softmores WalterJS#2477: I don’t think any freshman will play varsity WalterJS#2477: Thanks lisx#1702: Still good job WalterJS#2477: Bro nah WalterJS#2477: Probably not until like varsity PeckServers.com#8342: idk, Ukraine invasions are kind of fun to discuss lisx#1702: For you PeckServers.com#8342: how unfortunate lisx#1702: You guys didn’t take about anything fun lisx#1702: Hi lisx#1702: Are you done with aleks PeckServers.com#8342: ! PeckServers.com#8342: hi lisaaaaa PeckServers.com#8342: oh hey, lisa is talking about herself again lisx#1702: Are you in varsity lisx#1702: You guys talk a lot Maulie#8927: Do they assign people roles on the team for the whole season? Maulie#8927: Oooh gj WalterJS#2477: Baseball team Maulie#8927: What team PeckServers.com#8342: good job! PeckServers.com#8342: fuck yeah dude! WalterJS#2477: I MADE THE TEAM!! 🎉🎉 PeckServers.com#8342: enter with caution PeckServers.com#8342: this is for nerds only PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzKcLB0_uAY&t=337s xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idk burarahurricane#6369: i feel like theres something i need to be doing but im jsut not doing it 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ burarahurricane#6369: why is imagine dragons playing this is not it burarahurricane#6369: wlso alt rock… burarahurricane#6369: i lsiren to indie rock a slot burarahurricane#6369: im fonna listen to rock burarahurricane#6369: is this what its lime to be an angry teenager i courl findght the workd burarahurricane#6369: WHAT IF I LISNEDNEFD TO HEAVY METAL i feel like i could hanfle it in this state burarahurricane#6369: omg i can watcc g megamjnd PeckServers.com#8342: flanges burarahurricane#6369: (f) burarahurricane#6369: phalanges PeckServers.com#8342: they might break PeckServers.com#8342: aah yes your fingets burarahurricane#6369: if i ounch the wall will my fingets or the wall break first PeckServers.com#8342: 😬 PeckServers.com#8342: nevermind find another victim PeckServers.com#8342: yikes that gross xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was about to say that burarahurricane#6369: that i e was definitrely kinky PeckServers.com#8342: you should commit those unspeakable acts of violence on me burarahurricane#6369: i wanr to commit unspeakable ascts of violenceeeeeerdedeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee PeckServers.com#8342: :( sadness xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I can't watch it 😭 PeckServers.com#8342: burarahurricane#6369: bonk burarahurricane#6369: speaking of notes i douwoonloaded a notes app to help woith outlining my story but its confusing and confusing and als o confusing idk what im doing 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: bonk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👍 burarahurricane#6369: mnoted 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it wouldn't feel too good burarahurricane#6369: what wiudl havpepend if i hit liam in the head with it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: put a piece of metal in someones pocket/pants (or the metal buttons on jeans) and let that baby rip (literally rip their pants off) PeckServers.com#8342: stick it to someones car xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes! PeckServers.com#8342: legit its so fun, i can bring it sometime xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ***!!!*** PeckServers.com#8342: once its on a piece of steel, its basically impossible to get off xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ***let's play with it*** xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah PeckServers.com#8342: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and it shot a thing through 1 1/2 inch piece of metal burarahurricane#6369: didf you know the word set holds the world record for most meaningds xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's what my scout leader said he did xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *supposedly* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you can make them out of motors PeckServers.com#8342: MwAhaHaH xXthat1redheadXx#9990: tis dangerous xXthat1redheadXx#9990: heheheheheh PeckServers.com#8342: zap burarahurricane#6369: mkill peoeopleev PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: see now thats thinking with your thinking cap xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😈 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: make a rail gun PeckServers.com#8342: it can hold 600 lbs and it barely uses any power xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😈 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: make a rail gun xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah PeckServers.com#8342: and its actually freaking awesome PeckServers.com#8342: the ones they use to hold doors closed PeckServers.com#8342: i bought a massive electro magnet from amazon burarahurricane#6369: die? PeckServers.com#8342: hey guys guess what burarahurricane#6369: but the manga is only 35 pages burarahurricane#6369: he showed iup for like 5 panels PeckServers.com#8342: the more ya knew burarahurricane#6369: the ss prequel manga burarahurricane#6369: orrville is a charcter i n burarahurricane#6369: did you kjonw PeckServers.com#8342: shrek is in my burarahurricane#6369: iorrvile PeckServers.com#8342: eek xXthat1redheadXx#9990: SIMP: Shrek Is My President username123115#4960: oof PeckServers.com#8342: roll on obamas toes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol burarahurricane#6369: LMAO: Let me Ask Obama xXthat1redheadXx#9990: knees not at Israelian office PeckServers.com#8342: im curious if google even remembers it username123115#4960: i'll try google username123115#4960: soooo username123115#4960: but edge uses bing PeckServers.com#8342: bing sadness username123115#4960: no burarahurricane#6369: not like me typoing "yes" as "74" burarahurricane#6369: its not that far off burarahurricane#6369: k n and i are all by l m adnd o PeckServers.com#8342: was there atleast any results? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but still xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :/ burarahurricane#6369: IT HAD A AND O xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wasn't even close lmao burarahurricane#6369: jesus ids dead PeckServers.com#8342: jeez alysse xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ohkay burarahurricane#6369: LMAO* ufuck burarahurricane#6369: KNAIO PeckServers.com#8342: lol burarahurricane#6369: im the words morst accurate typer xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol username123115#4960: burarahurricane#6369: there we go burarahurricane#6369: 👍 burarahurricane#6369: :thumbausp; ' burarahurricane#6369: :thumbsup; xXthat1redheadXx#9990: thubmsup burarahurricane#6369: slowlky but shurelyy burarahurricane#6369: i have 19 topics to go :thubmsup: PeckServers.com#8342: sadness PeckServers.com#8342: oop burarahurricane#6369: thats when aleks is due PeckServers.com#8342: on may 6th burarahurricane#6369: o h em gee its pref3ect xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yayay PeckServers.com#8342: happy bday PeckServers.com#8342: burarahurricane#6369: like an old ldoor burarahurricane#6369: jajehklfjaiuwly4efghk.aehsfzdgngjlhasdfvlhjasdb,znfghgljakweftyrio67rtukja4ghw3erhdsfjcx, <- my state of mind botdy and soul rn xXthat1redheadXx#9990: unhinged burarahurricane#6369: im like xXthat1redheadXx#9990: epic lol burarahurricane#6369: im unhinged burarahurricane#6369: HWHO CARES i need to do sojthign burarahurricane#6369: wait no that hurts burarahurricane#6369: IM GONNA GO OUTSIDE AND RUN burarahurricane#6369: that was founny i read it in the voice i have for karma in my ehad o i love indsided jokes that people accidentally referecne n:Thumbsup: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: haha burarahurricane#6369: kJDLFHGSFJKLADSFHBADKFHAGDFKAHDGKASHDFJKASDHGKASHGFKASHGDFJKAJHSGFKHGNJKUJHGKKHGNBH xXthat1redheadXx#9990: kinky PeckServers.com#8342: also stab me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I wnat to tab somethign also burarahurricane#6369: ur far away PeckServers.com#8342: stab me burarahurricane#6369: thie kind for cool kids burarahurricane#6369: I WNAT T SO TAB SOMETHIGN xXthat1redheadXx#9990: a pratrty burarahurricane#6369: i could probably stab someone rn /gen PeckServers.com#8342: what kind of party burarahurricane#6369: i feel so unhingted to day xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wekshould PeckServers.com#8342: yes burarahurricane#6369: party burarahurricane#6369: wekshould throw a pratrty PeckServers.com#8342: ikr burarahurricane#6369: thats incredinleble its been two howowle years PeckServers.com#8342: i havent been on in forever PeckServers.com#8342: yes, last i checked haha burarahurricane#6369: is peckbideos wstill alive burarahurricane#6369: im on a new level PeckServers.com#8342: Guys 5 days from now is the second year anniversary of PeckVideo :O how do we celebrate WalterJS#2477: extreme typing skills burarahurricane#6369: lol its okay WalterJS#2477: lmao WalterJS#2477: sorry i had no clue what you were asking i thought you meant what team burarahurricane#6369: :tuhumbsup: burarahurricane#6369: i cant' t ype burarahurricane#6369: wellduh&* burarahurricane#6369: swell douh WalterJS#2477: snow canyon burarahurricane#6369: wasnt thererh that one guy who exploded a bird with a basbeball hit username123115#4960: good luck burarahurricane#6369: thats colll burarahurricane#6369: koh :0 PeckServers.com#8342: for the angels PeckServers.com#8342: pro baseball player burarahurricane#6369: whta d yo oo ca, l a fissh with no eye burarahurricane#6369: is he a fish......ai ttrwout even burarahurricane#6369: hwo is mike trout burarahurricane#6369: '''''''''''''''''''''thats cool i brt yoyui wlli get in i PeckServers.com#8342: hes the next mike trout burarahurricane#6369: wthe basevasll team ? PeckServers.com#8342: good luck! WalterJS#2477: theyre releasing the results later tonight at 9:30 WalterJS#2477: guys i hope i make the team burarahurricane#6369: omg :0 lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPgERvDU8s8 omg there's a discord sponsorship ad <:blobaww:828416679495073845> lisx#1702: thats not even my hair color PeckServers.com#8342: Oh look its lisa lisx#1702: maybe lisx#1702: this little girl looks like lydia lisx#1702: because everyone had that pen lisx#1702: and i remmeber traiding pencaps with people lisx#1702: i got a red one lisx#1702: in elementary lisx#1702: or had lisx#1702: I have that pen lisx#1702: *Business stuff* lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_s64x2zC7U lisx#1702: a little bit lisx#1702: yeah burarahurricane#6369: orange tie mustache guy looks like chris pratt lisx#1702: "cus i'm never givin you up not givin you up not giving you up nooooot" burarahurricane#6369: oh my god... EJCaldwell#2924: Track is from3:30 to 5:00 so there’s the time lisx#1702: new ripoff rick roll song? 👀 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLr33BKumVE PeckServers.com#8342: Kekw xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🙀 lisx#1702: (jk) lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/the-mo-you-know-reading-rainbow-gif-11015145 lisx#1702: huh lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: I have a life lisx#1702: you could just join the track team PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao EJCaldwell#2924: We could just hop into a call and chat with that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: would if he just came anyways PeckServers.com#8342: Thats discrimination burarahurricane#6369: lmao EJCaldwell#2924: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's sportsist EJCaldwell#2924: They don’t want anybody that is not on the track team xXthat1redheadXx#9990: PeckServers.com#8342: 🔪 ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: now we get to jump them PeckServers.com#8342: I get that a lot PeckServers.com#8342: Fax xXthat1redheadXx#9990: they don't like you PeckServers.com#8342: Aww how come 😢😢 EJCaldwell#2924: I just learned EJCaldwell#2924: I can also text and ride a bike EJCaldwell#2924: So I am now sad EJCaldwell#2924: Cody I can’t invite you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: as in they *would* nuke people if they intervened xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and russia didn't *say* they were gonna nuke anybody they just said that if anyone tried to intervene they's retaliate like no one's seen before xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well I'm back xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it was 30 min before East Germany Is Going Great#1917: lame PeckServers.com#8342: Bruh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I might have to leave soon though Maulie#8927: We can talk about it now xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nice East Germany Is Going Great#1917: some rock stuff xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what genre xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cool East Germany Is Going Great#1917: also found some good new music xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh goody East Germany Is Going Great#1917: feel like I did ok East Germany Is Going Great#1917: just took the ACT again xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hby East Germany Is Going Great#1917: nice xXthat1redheadXx#9990: foin East Germany Is Going Great#1917: so anyways hows your day going xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *ok?* East Germany Is Going Great#1917: https://tenor.com/Ns5R.gif xXthat1redheadXx#9990: just wow xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wow xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you guys talked about the invasion of ukraine without me 😤 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wow Maulie#8927: Bruh East Germany Is Going Great#1917: https://tenor.com/bs6m0.gif East Germany Is Going Great#1917: diagnosis- maidenless PeckServers.com#8342: My girl gets nuclear action every night we alone together 😏 East Germany Is Going Great#1917: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crxo7sXNbFQ East Germany Is Going Great#1917: oh more songs East Germany Is Going Great#1917: ja, makes sense when nuclear powers are threatening to intervene, no? East Germany Is Going Great#1917: you are using thousands of nuclear warheads on the poles Maulie#8927: Russia threatened nuclear action during one of the negotiations East Germany Is Going Great#1917: because you are not targetting what you are meaning to hit East Germany Is Going Great#1917: which would not only end the country firing it totally, but also be totaly pointless East Germany Is Going Great#1917: yes, if used to deliberately evaporate the atmosphere Maulie#8927: The after effects will take care of what remains Maulie#8927: There are still enough nukes on the planet to end life as we know it East Germany Is Going Great#1917: no more cold war buildup + exploding population in regions without nuclear targets or weapons of their own = no end to civilization burarahurricane#6369: yeah ofc East Germany Is Going Great#1917: populations are too big and weapon stores are too small East Germany Is Going Great#1917: nuclear war is no longer total Maulie#8927: How East Germany Is Going Great#1917: ja, and he was wrong Maulie#8927: I remember when Albert Einstein said that WW4 would be fought with sticks and stones East Germany Is Going Great#1917: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TwioIc6a_8 East Germany Is Going Great#1917: anyways heres some funny serbian music East Germany Is Going Great#1917: I phrased it weird lol East Germany Is Going Great#1917: ja PeckServers.com#8342: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: 150 million? East Germany Is Going Great#1917: 42% is a hundred and a half million people ish East Germany Is Going Great#1917: there are plenty of rational reasons for war East Germany Is Going Great#1917: just nukes East Germany Is Going Great#1917: 😆 East Germany Is Going Great#1917: not a very strong army any more EJCaldwell#2924: Ok PeckServers.com#8342: Yes? EJCaldwell#2924: One more class left of school EJCaldwell#2924: Yay EJCaldwell#2924: Also Cody do you go to high school? EJCaldwell#2924: Facts burarahurricane#6369: lmao true PeckServers.com#8342: My which would be, " school sucks " burarahurricane#6369: why do we have to write a graduation speech i feel like ive learned nothing about life idk how jm supposed to offer *advice* WalterJS#2477: lmao burarahurricane#6369: this was incredibly funny to me burarahurricane#6369: plus now we have all these new ways to kill each other with nukes and millions of types of gun s and stuff burarahurricane#6369: i think it’s because we’ve kinda started to realize how much war can affect us even if u live its still quite very Traumatizing and i’d assume any rational person wouldnt want that fjskhfso Maulie#8927: Most of my usage is just listening to podcasts PeckServers.com#8342: Nobody likes killing anyone whether you have tiktok or not 😬 anybody you speak to that doesnt have a criminal history will most likely tell you the same PeckServers.com#8342: While i dont like to come across adls denying all of our problems, we have many, we are better off than you think WalterJS#2477: this wasnt even that long ago WalterJS#2477: tons of time on youtube WalterJS#2477: another 3 on instagram WalterJS#2477: I used to spent 5 hours just sending snapchat streaks WalterJS#2477: I have about 45min to an hour these days, and its usually on Notes, I journal a lot in there Maulie#8927: I average about two and a half. Highest was yesterday at three and a half. However, datas for Sunday - today and this doesn't even count the time I would have on my laptop WalterJS#2477: like its not hard to see that 90% of us are struggling. But the first step to making a change in the country is admitting that we can do better. Denying the problems is only making them worse Maulie#8927: Now I'm curious. I'm gonna check my screen time WalterJS#2477: what WalterJS#2477: like WalterJS#2477: i used to have 12+ hours a day on phone screen time WalterJS#2477: i used to be downnnnn badddd WalterJS#2477: same with me Maulie#8927: That last sentence is my middle school in a nutshell WalterJS#2477: Its not about owning a gun, or being like some mega powerlifter. Its about the mental strength, the discipline. Like you said, the people in the army have it, but most regular people dont. If you cant stare at a wall for at least an hour without looking at your phone thats a problem. Maulie#8927: I would go political but no one I know likes to talk about politics WalterJS#2477: k cya PeckServers.com#8342: Have to go to work, good debate everyone! WalterJS#2477: like in the video he says that most of us are degenerates. its straight facts. I used to be one too and its taken a lot of work to stop. and I have a lot more work to do. You dont realize it until you escape it. There's no denying that we are entering hard times in our country and the world. The amount of political problems these days are ridiculous and its only going to keep getting worse. Global tension between countries is rising too, and with the invasion of Ukraine, thats escalating exponentially. We do have a really strong army, but we are still the foundation of our country. And we need to do everything we can to support it. Maulie#8927: India and China are actually have territorial squabbles and in not starting a war both armies are fighting with fists PeckServers.com#8342: But i think you give one of them a gun and scare the shit out of them with the facts and they can fight just fine Maulie#8927: India already did that PeckServers.com#8342: Ill give you that PeckServers.com#8342: I think tiktok should be banned WalterJS#2477: whos like watching tiktok 7 hours a dauy WalterJS#2477: our younger generation WalterJS#2477: dude its our generation PeckServers.com#8342: Neither am i, but it also doesnt lessen america and our capabilities any less, good point by Maulieis that leadership is very important WalterJS#2477: and its not our adult population as much Maulie#8927: Rather than being controlled by the democrats WalterJS#2477: but we can change that Maulie#8927: I feel like what we need is a president who can actually think for himself WalterJS#2477: in the circumstance that us citizens had to fight we wouldnt stand a fuckin chance WalterJS#2477: this isnt some threat or insult against america, im just not afraid to say it how it is. PeckServers.com#8342: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: My dad is also a happy working man, and gives me a good life and taught me how to kill if necessary and understand that life can be hard Maulie#8927: Good job catching that PeckServers.com#8342: Just cause you are obese doesnt make you not strong WalterJS#2477: my dad is too PeckServers.com#8342: My dad is obese, he can also drop you in one go PeckServers.com#8342: That may be it, but that's only 42%. And really why does it matter, thats a product of our free lifestyle. We are a small country "relatively" so even if no one was obese it wouldnt change much WalterJS#2477: thats like way better WalterJS#2477: theyre gonna give you one WalterJS#2477: also owning a gun doesnt really matter your not gonna bring it with you to fight in the war Maulie#8927: Even if the get what they want they probably won't last much longer politicaly Maulie#8927: Russia economy is dying rn though WalterJS#2477: there on a different level WalterJS#2477: compared to like russia bruh WalterJS#2477: were not lookin good WalterJS#2477: like WalterJS#2477: 45% are obese WalterJS#2477: 45% or less own a gun Maulie#8927: Oh wait Maulie#8927: Jeez WalterJS#2477: 42.4% is obese on a google search PeckServers.com#8342: What? PeckServers.com#8342: And it depends on what you call obese Maulie#8927: Not stereotypically, our population is obese WalterJS#2477: i think its a lot higher than that but theres not any real stats so who knows PeckServers.com#8342: We are stereotypically obese and jack off a lot according to that guy but thats only 30% of people id guess, a decent amount of our population is people that own a gun and will defend their rights WalterJS#2477: yessir hes a badass Maulie#8927: President of Ukraine Maulie#8927: I feel like if the person was in a life or death situation they would probably shoot the other person PeckServers.com#8342: And a lot are WalterJS#2477: we need strong people willing to do what has to be done WalterJS#2477: this is what im talking about Maulie#8927: The only thing I've prepared for is shooting targets and those flying clay disks PeckServers.com#8342: Theres no way to prepare for thing like that PeckServers.com#8342: Well thats an internal problem that if push comes to shove youll have to deal with Maulie#8927: I know how to use a gun but having the will to shoot someone even if it is the enemy is different WalterJS#2477: wdym PeckServers.com#8342: Speak for yourself but me and maulie will be on the ground defending Maulie#8927: I do WalterJS#2477: nope PeckServers.com#8342: Walter do you know how to use a gun WalterJS#2477: the chance that we enter a war in like the next 10-15 years I think is very very high PeckServers.com#8342: Being drafted? Maulie#8927: China would only get involved if WW3 started tho WalterJS#2477: this isnt about Ukraine Maulie#8927: All I'm saying is for the United States to do a land invasion of China would be almost impossible to win against and if we managed too the suffering would be unimaginable. PeckServers.com#8342: This invasion is really not as big as the media is making it PeckServers.com#8342: Sure, but the president said hes not going to be a part of russia if russia tries to invade Ukraine, so the fact tgat we are staying back, probably not WalterJS#2477: and now we got grown men scared to go WalterJS#2477: I mean in WW2 it was completely different. There were like 14yo begging to go fight in the war Maulie#8927: Facts PeckServers.com#8342: I actually worry more about our president ruining us then our military not being able to destroy a country WalterJS#2477: what im saying is that in the circumstance regular cititzens get drafted, hardly any of us are fit for that mentally or physically WalterJS#2477: yeah the actual soldiers definitly are disciplined Maulie#8927: Not to mention in both populations the amount of people that aren't able to fight due to physical injuries or something PeckServers.com#8342: We do, but every single soldier that has any rank is more disciplined and trained than you think Maulie#8927: They say numbers don't win a war. But America would sure have a tough time winning WalterJS#2477: and were all gonna be fucked WalterJS#2477: big problem is that if any of us truly go to war, as soon as someone starts losing there gonnna send nukes PeckServers.com#8342: Shear population is not skill tho lol WalterJS#2477: true our naval is the best Maulie#8927: 1.4 Billion is significantly more than 330 million. The best way to beat China in a war would be through naval blockades and shrinking it's economy WalterJS#2477: irdk i mean, just cuz we spend the most on millitary doesnt mean its the best. we waste a hell of a lot of money on things in the millitary PeckServers.com#8342: On top of the fact that toktok is in China PeckServers.com#8342: Free media will and always has heen corupt PeckServers.com#8342: I think you underestimate our military, now its a different story when a bunch of countries gang up on us EJCaldwell#2924: True EJCaldwell#2924: lol WalterJS#2477: I think he has a point with how corrupt like tiktok and stuff is getting. like it really is destroying us from the inside Maulie#8927: America could never win a land war against China PeckServers.com#8342: That was in reply to the drafted message EJCaldwell#2924: Ya WalterJS#2477: UK PeckServers.com#8342: And im sure on top of the military we have, adding drafts to that, america could singlehandedly destroy wherever hes from WalterJS#2477: i was about to get in the shower before that video. After the video I turned the water all the way cold and took a straight cold shower WalterJS#2477: theres definietely a chance im getting drafted to war in 3 years WalterJS#2477: regardless WalterJS#2477: fair, but its not just america. its also canada, the uk, etc PeckServers.com#8342: It shows delusion towards the opposite end on his side PeckServers.com#8342: I think hes coming from yhe right place, but hes using examples like north korea who is in poverty and kills those who speak out against their "government" then proceeds to stereotype america falsely, it all kind of invalidates his point WalterJS#2477: were going to become true adonises WalterJS#2477: who wants to join me WalterJS#2477: we all need to man tf up are my thoughts WalterJS#2477: just watched the entire video PeckServers.com#8342: What ar your thoughts on that WalterJS#2477: @everyone https://youtu.be/ts1PElztgu8 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: also xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I got treash sleep on saturday because of the campout xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I want to sleep xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and I just found out on saturday I have a staff meeting for camp loll from 9am to 12pm and am not happy about that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idek PeckServers.com#8342: Jk PeckServers.com#8342: How have you managed PeckServers.com#8342: A whole 2 weeks PeckServers.com#8342: Lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: weeks xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and we haven't had one for like 2 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: Sleepovers are fun tho PeckServers.com#8342: Sadness xXthat1redheadXx#9990: gj xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I might be having a sleepover with my cousin though xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hmmm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh PeckServers.com#8342: If im not mistaken PeckServers.com#8342: Its Saturday mornin PeckServers.com#8342: TIL what fomo was xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and 3 hours less is a lot of hours less and I have a piano recital tomorrow so 5 hours of sleep is not recommended xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but I like to sleep xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm kinda getting some fomo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but it sounds really fun actually and I'm not joking xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and it'd be really cold xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and my parents probably wouldn't let me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I sleep deprived as is PeckServers.com#8342: Wbu? PeckServers.com#8342: For as long as i can xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@!852187118113652776> are you actually gonna run PeckServers.com#8342: Oop EJCaldwell#2924: i think i just made somebody alt f4 in tetr.io PeckServers.com#8342: /j PeckServers.com#8342: Loser lisx#1702: And you kept moving burarahurricane#6369: in the flesh burarahurricane#6369: you had ME lisx#1702: You had a photo tho EJCaldwell#2924: I was not on it last year EJCaldwell#2924: Idk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah burarahurricane#6369: https://discord.com/channels/549747067606532096/864715836111192074/948073255867146281 burarahurricane#6369: do u think my thingy lokns like lisa xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah burarahurricane#6369: i think it looks like me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it actually looks pretty darn good lisx#1702: I remember spencer talking about it last year lisx#1702: Is this the same thing <@!383372123714093098> EJCaldwell#2924: Okay lisx#1702: Probably not EJCaldwell#2924: If you want to let me know by Thursday lisx#1702: I like my sleep lisx#1702: Idk EJCaldwell#2924: No lisx#1702: Jk lisx#1702: Scared? 👀 😈 EJCaldwell#2924: But do you want to join us if possible? EJCaldwell#2924: I am not going to argue with you lisx#1702: Which is why long distance is more fun for me EJCaldwell#2924: Okay lisx#1702: Because I’m bad at running lisx#1702: That’s exactly why I’m not good at them lisx#1702: Long distance is better EJCaldwell#2924: Because they are fast EJCaldwell#2924: Sprints are fun EJCaldwell#2924: Running long distance sucks lisx#1702: Which is pretty intuitive but I think too much most of the time and it’s so hard lisx#1702: ALL the time lisx#1702: You just have to try REALLY hard lisx#1702: I’ve figured out the ultimate way to be good at tennis lisx#1702: Running sucks lisx#1702: That doesn’t sound very fun PeckServers.com#8342: Skilled strategic sprinting lisx#1702: Isn’t baseball like running around but you hit a ball or throw or something occasionally too? PeckServers.com#8342: Hes just gotta prove it lisx#1702: Nice PeckServers.com#8342: Hes the next mike trout EJCaldwell#2924: What do you mean tryouts? WalterJS#2477: ill just quit when baseball starts WalterJS#2477: im going to do track next year even though its during the baseball season WalterJS#2477: I wish I could join track WalterJS#2477: if i had my track spikes on fs WalterJS#2477: i could do better WalterJS#2477: its alright WalterJS#2477: i got a 7.14 on the 60yd WalterJS#2477: I think I was the fastest on the team WalterJS#2477: we did sprints WalterJS#2477: Baseball tryouts were today and tomorrow PeckServers.com#8342: A worn out one at that WalterJS#2477: ||Must be an ugly chick|| WalterJS#2477: lmao WalterJS#2477: It does a little bit WalterJS#2477: ????? PeckServers.com#8342: Say that in a thick aussie tv show accent PeckServers.com#8342: "oh no, they've turned around, this plot seems to be progressing" PeckServers.com#8342: "we watch as the wild dumbass makes his way to the exit" PeckServers.com#8342: Lol EJCaldwell#2924: As long as I get a bit if sleep before I should be fine, and if I have my 40 oz of mt.dew PeckServers.com#8342: *gogy is typing... PeckServers.com#8342: Oh i can go all night and into the morning 😏 EJCaldwell#2924: But I want to stay as long as possible EJCaldwell#2924: Just for the people who can’t last the entire time EJCaldwell#2924: Another nice thing is I don’t think you have to stay the entire time EJCaldwell#2924: I may watch it EJCaldwell#2924: That looks interesting PeckServers.com#8342: This mans a god PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/KJIrjLqKKrI EJCaldwell#2924: Only the coaches will know PeckServers.com#8342: Cause god knows thatll come back to haunt me EJCaldwell#2924: Okay PeckServers.com#8342: Lol no EJCaldwell#2924: Really? PeckServers.com#8342: Chody peck* EJCaldwell#2924: I will put Cody Peck PeckServers.com#8342: Find oot first tho EJCaldwell#2924: Okay PeckServers.com#8342: If the answer is yes then heck yeah EJCaldwell#2924: But I am asking tomorrow EJCaldwell#2924: I dont even know if I can invite people EJCaldwell#2924: Anybody that wants to come PeckServers.com#8342: Whos this info being relayed to? MMMMM#2210: neat MMMMM#2210: hm EJCaldwell#2924: They said there is like a indoor track I think MMMMM#2210: ? MMMMM#2210: in the school lap thing EJCaldwell#2924: i just want to be able to talk to people EJCaldwell#2924: idc who joins EJCaldwell#2924: So if anybody wants to join me just dm my your first and last name PeckServers.com#8342: Or a tailpiece bypass tool PeckServers.com#8342: Or some pin combs EJCaldwell#2924: 2 wrenches EJCaldwell#2924: all you need to pick some locks are Maulie#8927: Have you seen (don't know if it's the same person) person where he locks picks every master lock in like one second calling it a disappointment? PeckServers.com#8342: This dude literally shit on 90% of all common padlocks PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/ULUz4u5FLYg Maulie#8927: Gatorade time EJCaldwell#2924: not this late tho EJCaldwell#2924: would not be the first time i have done something like this EJCaldwell#2924: ya Maulie#8927: Sounds like my schools swim a thon EJCaldwell#2924: where you walk around the school and every lap done people donate some money Maulie#8927: For sleep deprivation? EJCaldwell#2924: a fundraiser Maulie#8927: What even is this activity? EJCaldwell#2924: but thats no fun EJCaldwell#2924: that or 4 AM in the morning to 7 AM PeckServers.com#8342: 🤣🤣 Maulie#8927: Fair PeckServers.com#8342: Say secs out loud Maulie#8927: Why is it titled like that tho EJCaldwell#2924: it was the only available time that was open PeckServers.com#8342: Its sec's lawn PeckServers.com#8342: Less do this shit EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah thats even better PeckServers.com#8342: Oh its 1 AM EJCaldwell#2924: why is this a thing <#947673102433783820> EJCaldwell#2924: okay Maulie#8927: No thank you Maulie#8927: At 1 in the morning? EJCaldwell#2924: Maulie want to join us if I can get you in? EJCaldwell#2924: Fixed it PeckServers.com#8342: <@383372123714093098> EJCaldwell#2924: Try pinging me Maulie#8927: It's too far from me though. PeckServers.com#8342: HmMmMmM EJCaldwell#2924: Nothing PeckServers.com#8342: ThayMake this thing called a charger PeckServers.com#8342: Try going to your top left panel where your dms are EJCaldwell#2924: I could get on my laptop and check on that Maulie#8927: My phone's at 5% lol PeckServers.com#8342: Oh EJCaldwell#2924: iPhone PeckServers.com#8342: It did that to me too PeckServers.com#8342: Yoo you on windows? EJCaldwell#2924: It says I have a discord notification but when I open the app I don’t PeckServers.com#8342: Why EJCaldwell#2924: I am annoyed lisx#1702: yeah he got injured EJCaldwell#2924: Ik that EJCaldwell#2924: Just like a walk/jog EJCaldwell#2924: I overheard one of the kids still going but not running at all to take it easy on his leg PeckServers.com#8342: The co owner of cg PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah walt said hes super busy with literally everything lisx#1702: when we're walking to biology EJCaldwell#2924: I think I know who you’re talking about lisx#1702: i see him occasionally outside the school Maulie#8927: I haven't actually heard from Spencer in a while EJCaldwell#2924: Is he on it? PeckServers.com#8342: Didnt spencer get tendonitis lisx#1702: kyler EJCaldwell#2924: Only like 2 kids PeckServers.com#8342: There you go EJCaldwell#2924: Idk anybody PeckServers.com#8342: Ayyy EJCaldwell#2924: Date of death? lisx#1702: is spencer doing track PeckServers.com#8342: E PeckServers.com#8342: D PeckServers.com#8342: Date of.... EJCaldwell#2924: Okay? PeckServers.com#8342: Use that brain of yours PeckServers.com#8342: Think long and hard EJCaldwell#2924: Dod? PeckServers.com#8342: And dod PeckServers.com#8342: Andmy dob EJCaldwell#2924: Don’t need that PeckServers.com#8342: I can give my social too EJCaldwell#2924: I may just need your full names tho EJCaldwell#2924: Now I need to ask if others can come PeckServers.com#8342: Yes PeckServers.com#8342: Aww EJCaldwell#2924: We could do the truth or dare lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: it'd be a long walk for them PeckServers.com#8342: Make alysse come too lisx#1702: I mean.. maybe I can sneak out....? 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: Sick EJCaldwell#2924: I will ask if others can come lisx#1702: I tried to sketch more people during biology, but the light was too dim and they kept moving. plus I couldn't face right at them and the angles were weird, and it would've been creepy to stare at someone for 10 minutes straight lisx#1702: it's not really looking *at* you lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: Same PeckServers.com#8342: Not before/in/on your soul... But past it EJCaldwell#2924: Better than what I could of done lisx#1702: staring past your soul lisx#1702: it's the evil eye lisx#1702: (/j) PeckServers.com#8342: There is a sort of mystere in her eye in that one PeckServers.com#8342: Oop lisx#1702: It does make alysse look much better though there's that 🤔 PeckServers.com#8342: Thats pretty good PeckServers.com#8342: I mean... lisx#1702: it's not *that* good lisx#1702: at least the face is probably proportionate PeckServers.com#8342: When did you get so good at art PeckServers.com#8342: Woah lisx#1702: lisx#1702: and it doesn't really look like alysse PeckServers.com#8342: Oh goodness lemme see lisx#1702: I also made a depressed goth version of alysse today PeckServers.com#8342: <:blobaww:828416679495073845> almost PeckServers.com#8342: Wow thats like just wow lisx#1702: it took me thirty minutes lisx#1702: really? thanks PeckServers.com#8342: Jesus f**king jeepers thats really f**king good lisa lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: I completely missed that reference lisx#1702: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH PeckServers.com#8342: Maybe PeckServers.com#8342: Did you... Did you just... Draw that? EJCaldwell#2924: So anybody want to hang out at 1 AM - 4 AM walking at the high school on Saturday EJCaldwell#2924: 1 AM - 4 AM EJCaldwell#2924: And I signed up for the worst time possible EJCaldwell#2924: So the high school has a 24 has relay EJCaldwell#2924: I just did something stupid and idc lisx#1702: pretty good if I do say so myself lisx#1702: lisx#1702: it's done lisx#1702: I drew a really great portrait of alysse today WalterJS#2477: Like everything else it takes practice lisx#1702: ART IS HARD lisx#1702: WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPINGING lisx#1702: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fell for me just right WalterJS#2477: Was it heavy or light xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I just felt the weight and picked off of that WalterJS#2477: I used an 11 WalterJS#2477: Oh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I didn't look weirdly enough xXthat1redheadXx#9990: somehow I did better in 5th grade WalterJS#2477: Wait what size ball did you use xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah WalterJS#2477: I got 98 WalterJS#2477: 🤴 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you'll probably get more points though WalterJS#2477: 👑👸 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol WalterJS#2477: You can have my crown WalterJS#2477: That’s insane xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wednesday lisx#1702: guys does this new marker outline thing look good WalterJS#2477: When xXthat1redheadXx#9990: right xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I guess xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yay! lisx#1702: yeahhh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: not to brag but I got 33 😏 WalterJS#2477: for what lisx#1702: wait WalterJS#2477: yes WalterJS#2477: no lisx#1702: thats faster than i can run lisx#1702: rigged lisx#1702: it doesn't look very right xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that drains fast WalterJS#2477: Look how cracked I am at bowling I threw it 29mph xXthat1redheadXx#9990: is it the energy thing in your brain xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ohohoh WalterJS#2477: Cuz your drawing a brain WalterJS#2477: Inside your brain WalterJS#2477: Brain WalterJS#2477: Get it WalterJS#2477: Ha WalterJS#2477: Hav WalterJS#2477: inside your brain WalterJS#2477: Lisa what is going on rn WalterJS#2477: ho ber WalterJS#2477: ho ber WalterJS#2477: most impressive xXthat1redheadXx#9990: impressive lisx#1702: ofc lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: they don't look very right lisx#1702: I don't htink my swipey things are working xXthat1redheadXx#9990: did you do it all on MS paint though xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol lisx#1702: tooo much work xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm not lisx#1702: ummm lisx#1702: don't judge too much xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *frontal* lobe lisx#1702: this is an artistic rendition give_a_minute#1155: in the front give_a_minute#1155: like lisx#1702: idk where that is xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but still it's great 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the only commentary is that the frontal lobe needs to protrude more xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it is oddly working lisx#1702: but it's great xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I see what you did there WalterJS#2477: makes me want to kms WalterJS#2477: I can’t believe Lisa is doing art in MS paint rn xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah username123115#4960: one of those sierpinski triangles username123115#4960: oh yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I forgot what it's called but it looks like that fractal triangle username123115#4960: yay username123115#4960: it got one more line completed username123115#4960: wait lisx#1702: haha username123115#4960: . Δ ΔΔ you could do this ΔΔΔ username123115#4960: lol lisx#1702: that's a lot more leveled-up than mine lisx#1702: wow username123115#4960: triangle xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol username123115#4960: Δ username123115#4960: thenk lisx#1702: here you can have my triangle Δ lisx#1702: so sad lisx#1702: darn username123115#4960: i wanna make a triangle and now python wants my cpu :( xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol Maulie#8927: Sorry Daniel Dyno#3861: Maulie#8927: Cody's was pretty cool xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I vote mine, maulie's, and cody's looks the coolest lisx#1702: oh my god Maulie#8927: Interesting xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *interesting* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's... Maulie#8927: Neither did I xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I didn't know that's what it looked like up close Maulie#8927: Uh .. xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :/ Dyno#3861: lisx#1702: gnf won't look good anyway xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ye Dyno#3861: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :/ Dyno#3861: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ooo Dyno#3861: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: are you saying this because you projecting your opinion on me? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no it doesn't look cool Maulie#8927: Walter got his face sliced lisx#1702: are you saying his literal face doesn't look good lisx#1702: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: walter's does not xXthat1redheadXx#9990: maulie's looks cool xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh Dyno#3861: Dyno#3861: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok it only does mine Dyno#3861: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah Dyno#3861: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😁 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: with arms xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I wanna be the one xXthat1redheadXx#9990: can I be a worm lizard xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but I can't be the *only* small angler fish xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause I'm the small one lisx#1702: it's *difficult* lisx#1702: I don't want to talk in the discussion PeckServers.com#8342: That makes more sense PeckServers.com#8342: Oh YEAH xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I missed weed time xXthat1redheadXx#9990: aw man xXthat1redheadXx#9990: why would you take a 94 if you could get higher easily xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and alysse is a tree phrog xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I thoguht she was an angler fish lisx#1702: hmmmmmmmmmm lisx#1702: which is even better lisx#1702: then I'd have a 97%, which is almost like an A+ lisx#1702: and it'll be acceptable lisx#1702: just three times lisx#1702: maybe I should try to talk in the discussion... lisx#1702: it's basically the same as if I talked thrice in the discussion and didn't have any extra credit lisx#1702: According to my calculations, if I don't talk at ALL in the 70-point discussion in language arts, and still get 100% on everything else, my grade will be a 93.53%, which gets rounded up to a 94% on powerschool, and will still be an A lisx#1702: yeah it really is PeckServers.com#8342: It is dumb how canvas doesn't automatically do that lisx#1702: it was 52, 80, 30 and then what's the fourth one? lisx#1702: what did you get on question 7 of the math homework lisx#1702: yeah burarahurricane#6369: and it was partner work burarahurricane#6369: was that the one with the three boxes lisx#1702: click on the highlighted part burarahurricane#6369: it doeesn't bring me there ; ( \ lisx#1702: it looks like this lisx#1702: you click the one on top lisx#1702: it is the grades place burarahurricane#6369: what otherplace lisx#1702: lisx#1702: go to the other place burarahurricane#6369: bc it was already graded burarahurricane#6369: and it gives me the same thing burarahurricane#6369: *and* the grades page burarahurricane#6369: i clicked on it from the to do list burarahurricane#6369: no ? lisx#1702: no burarahurricane#6369: it does Not lisx#1702: If you click on it it tells you burarahurricane#6369: ??? what was this assignment burarahurricane#6369: epic PeckServers.com#8342: Its confirmed that lisa is a worm lizard PeckServers.com#8342: Mornin everyone PeckServers.com#8342: Atleast 7 burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> do u know xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ burarahurricane#6369: how old is taylor swift lisx#1702: am i xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but you're talking to her rn xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hm lisx#1702: akira is playing poke a muscle xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but you have akira xXthat1redheadXx#9990: l xXthat1redheadXx#9990: o xXthat1redheadXx#9990: l lisx#1702: I'm bored xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yay! burarahurricane#6369: raindrops…that works :D xXthat1redheadXx#9990: drops? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rain? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: flower? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: uuuhhhhmmmm burarahurricane#6369: now we need to do 18 of something xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol burarahurricane#6369: 15 ducks…an army to conquer the world xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well beans could be too possibly burarahurricane#6369: those are a spring thing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: or that burarahurricane#6369: BABY DUCKS xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :D burarahurricane#6369: :0 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: beans burarahurricane#6369: what should i draw 15 of xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah burarahurricane#6369: thats rly cool burarahurricane#6369: crazy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it pollinates those plants you're allergic to xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *if* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so if you eat honey from bees in this area it can build immunities to some of the plants you're allergic to burarahurricane#6369: huh burarahurricane#6369: chonk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: chonk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: honey from bees in this area can build immunities to the plants in the area (that they pollenate) burarahurricane#6369: idk how to draw bees th at small👍 burarahurricane#6369: Chonky boy omg xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but it can build immunities xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well yeah Ig burarahurricane#6369: you can choke an d die on it ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: do it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wanna know something cool about honey burarahurricane#6369: i could make a business outta this burarahurricane#6369: ok 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: just steal their honey xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nvm then xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I thought you were attacking them xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh burarahurricane#6369: why :( theyre endangered xXthat1redheadXx#9990: slash them with a sword 😈 burarahurricane#6369: the bees are coming….. burarahurricane#6369: 12 bees here i clme burarahurricane#6369: like this (<- my wip rough draft) burarahurricane#6369: and we have to do likr a 1 and then the spelled out number and then drawn number of things for the days burarahurricane#6369: we have to choose a mont h from a specific year that has had an impact/will impact ur life burarahurricane#6369: we’re doing calendars in art xXthat1redheadXx#9990: why burarahurricane#6369: 😔 burarahurricane#6369: wrf i dont want to draw twelve mini of those burarahurricane#6369: 🐝 burarahurricane#6369: what do bees look like again xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🍰 burarahurricane#6369: 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: there ya go burarahurricane#6369: swift burarahurricane#6369: frick burarahurricane#6369: seift burarahurricane#6369: deitt burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> how old is taylor seift xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ikr burarahurricane#6369: congratulations xXthat1redheadXx#9990: find as in mia lent it to me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: indeed I did lisx#1702: you found a clculator xXthat1redheadXx#9990: look over xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/are-you-sure-about-that-gif-18238502 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisa's typing lisx#1702: nobody has a calculator you idiot xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh dear xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/gasp-shookt-omg-surprised-shocked-gif-7508630 burarahurricane#6369: u just got bonked burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/kendo-shinai-bonk-doge-horny-gif-20995284 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm not the one sucking burarahurricane#6369: shut xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and swallow cause it's lisa burarahurricane#6369: sucks to suck lisx#1702: I'm still bored lisx#1702: I'm bored burarahurricane#6369: (cg: good morning alysse!( burarahurricane#6369: good morning cg :D burarahurricane#6369: LMAO PeckServers.com#8342: We know burarahurricane#6369: so that might br a thing to ask parents abt or smn burarahurricane#6369: i didnt get the email tho burarahurricane#6369: also for the biology test tmr my mom got an email with stuff to study / know for the test burarahurricane#6369: omfg gender dysphoria did not just decide to waltz in IGH THIS SUCKS can i just sleep forever <:sunglasses_weep:853125724578775060> burarahurricane#6369: WOOO letd go i really am just living wordle to wordle help me Wordle 254 3/6 ⬛⬛⬛🟨🟩 🟩⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 burarahurricane#6369: nvm i started feelin shittyyy wooooo so i am ✨ waiting for the wordle ✨ burarahurricane#6369: i think im gonna sleep gn gamers :D burarahurricane#6369: do i stay up for the wordle or do jt in the morning…..true questions fr… lisx#1702: So much to do so much to see lisx#1702: The years start coming and they don't stop coming, fed to the rules and I hit the ground running. Didn't make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb lisx#1702: Well lisx#1702: She was looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead lisx#1702: I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed lisx#1702: Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me PeckServers.com#8342: Goodnight everyone <:3333:891328788082864139> PeckServers.com#8342: But sleep lisx#1702: I knooooooooooooooooooow but but but. But but but but PeckServers.com#8342: More lisx#1702: Is it just a dopamine rush MMMMM#2210: We have jazz band tomorrow burarahurricane#6369: fyck tbem british peoples hastag freedom hashtag guns hashtag PeckServers.com#8342: Hatred lisx#1702: What is love PeckServers.com#8342: Murka lisx#1702: Speak for yourself burarahurricane#6369: we r MeriCaNs PeckServers.com#8342: Jk PeckServers.com#8342: I came back to say hi to your style burarahurricane#6369: fr burarahurricane#6369: they say darli ng a lo t lisx#1702: That's even worse burarahurricane#6369: he could also be british burarahurricane#6369: LMAO lisx#1702: Are you from the nineties PeckServers.com#8342: Lol lisx#1702: Ignore that lisx#1702: Sorry that was just the automated response programmed into my not-brain PeckServers.com#8342: Lisa, darling, sleep lisx#1702: Eek lisx#1702: NO SLEEP lisx#1702: Egrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr PeckServers.com#8342: Sleep will help you find your brain burarahurricane#6369: it was never there at all….. lisx#1702: Maybe I never found my brain in the first place burarahurricane#6369: good qhestiont lisx#1702: Why do I always say stupid things lisx#1702: Should not have brought that up lisx#1702: I regret this PeckServers.com#8342: No bren lisx#1702: Brain? What's a Brian where did you go PeckServers.com#8342: Gn liam PeckServers.com#8342: Hi burarahurricane#6369: goodnight liammm burarahurricane#6369: LMAO thats unfortunate lisx#1702: Oh my god I think I was the one who started it 😭 lisx#1702: But you're all gone lisx#1702: Somebody help lisx#1702: Thinking is hard lisx#1702: Nvm I'm still broken lisx#1702: Bye xXthat1redheadXx#9990: adios xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well I gtg so adios people I might not be able to go on tomorrow put yeah lisx#1702: I think my brain healed xXthat1redheadXx#9990: broken lisx#1702: Makes no difference xXthat1redheadXx#9990: kneecaps xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 100% xXthat1redheadXx#9990: also I only encourage the jumping lisx#1702: You definitely could xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah I could kill you 🥰 lisx#1702: Ew no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes lisx#1702: We... will? lisx#1702: (Read: alysse and Liam bully me while I fight back mostly on alysse because Liam is too good at hitting people) burarahurricane#6369: all 3 of us <:blobaww:828416679495073845> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: tis true though lisx#1702: 😂 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's a threesome lisx#1702: True love lisx#1702: Eugh lisx#1702: I'm back xXthat1redheadXx#9990: brb xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so you'll probably like it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the first one I think is called "talking to dragons"(?) burarahurricane#6369: ok xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'll show you where they are in the library tomorrow burarahurricane#6369: i mightve xXthat1redheadXx#9990: then no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's really good burarahurricane#6369: idk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: have you read the enchanted forest chronicles xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fax burarahurricane#6369: i tend to lean to the fantasy/sci fi/realistic fiction genres xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you will no longer be allowed to talk to us nerds 😤 burarahurricane#6369: umm just book s burarahurricane#6369: not much can do more than that burarahurricane#6369: lotr literally revolutionized fiction as a whole xXthat1redheadXx#9990: otherwise I'll exile you burarahurricane#6369: well yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that better be better burarahurricane#6369: a lot of fics iv'e read have complex storylines and plot and stellar characterization and good writing and !!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what about LotR xXthat1redheadXx#9990: there xXthat1redheadXx#9990: !?* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ?! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what books do you read burarahurricane#6369: often i find that fics can be like . way better than some of the books ive read xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nr burarahurricane#6369: there is a VAST difference there xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :/ burarahurricane#6369: uhh no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but then reading on discord would be too burarahurricane#6369: i mean the books dont coutn for assignments xXthat1redheadXx#9990: actually Idk maybe burarahurricane#6369: but not many published books xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah no it doesn't count xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no trophy? burarahurricane#6369: if you count all th e fanfiction? then BOY i have been READING xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🏆 burarahurricane#6369: well i mean burarahurricane#6369: 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: tsk tsk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: get readin sonny my child burarahurricane#6369: i have no t had the bes t reading record for a while burarahurricane#6369: ineed to read 2 books before then burarahurricane#6369: yheres so much due on marcvh 4 (sobs) burarahurricane#6369: will rn* burarahurricane#6369: i sill fn burarahurricane#6369: no :0 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: tis good xXthat1redheadXx#9990: alysse have you listened to this https://open.spotify.com/track/1ydKLmtx7LYnDe1udTu96w?si=6d76a403f60c4e83 PeckServers.com#8342: Band doors are the best doors burarahurricane#6369: for our instrumetns burarahurricane#6369: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but you guys go through the band doors a lot right burarahurricane#6369: 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah burarahurricane#6369: last period burarahurricane#6369: biology xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nvm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: do you- xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that too burarahurricane#6369: lisa and i will be wlalking down from the highschool xXthat1redheadXx#9990: outside doors otherwise they'll think your a ped PeckServers.com#8342: Super straight shot xXthat1redheadXx#9990: since it's an A day go by the band doors burarahurricane#6369: :o PeckServers.com#8342: You might see me there burarahurricane#6369: 3:10 burarahurricane#6369: to like burarahurricane#6369: right when sfchool gets out xXthat1redheadXx#9990: right after school PeckServers.com#8342: What time frame we talking about? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: we will wait tomorrow burarahurricane#6369: next to the middle school xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol burarahurricane#6369: yea PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh PeckServers.com#8342: City one? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: santa clara library burarahurricane#6369: (read: lisa beats the shit out of me when i try to be nice :c) PeckServers.com#8342: That's the best part xXthat1redheadXx#9990: just walk to the library from the hs PeckServers.com#8342: I want to be part of the cult xXthat1redheadXx#9990: sometimes lisa and alysse wrestle PeckServers.com#8342: Omg how do i join? burarahurricane#6369: tis xXthat1redheadXx#9990: tis fun burarahurricane#6369: fr xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you're missing out cody burarahurricane#6369: itr is a biiology teset xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh I thought it was a biology test but even still she will burarahurricane#6369: we walk to the library together almost every da y PeckServers.com#8342: Omg a reunition burarahurricane#6369: wtf xXthat1redheadXx#9990: IK!!! burarahurricane#6369: :0 YOU TOTALLY SHOULD PeckServers.com#8342: What is *Illuminati music plays* she has erectile dysfunction? burarahurricane#6369: i'lll probably do fine burarahurricane#6369: idk burarahurricane#6369: hm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I need to show you my book of reptiles burarahurricane#6369: body systems give_a_minute#1155: secs doesn't either give_a_minute#1155: have no idea give_a_minute#1155: i burarahurricane#6369: whgats it about xXthat1redheadXx#9990: k burarahurricane#6369: i forogot about that burarahurricane#6369: that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisa will ace the erectile dysfuntion part burarahurricane#6369: oh burarahurricane#6369: yes:! PeckServers.com#8342: 🤓 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: her name give_a_minute#1155: GUYS PeckServers.com#8342: Spelleth hwhat give_a_minute#1155: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh my gosh! alysse! (is that how thoust spelleth it) burarahurricane#6369: a good decision PeckServers.com#8342: Good observation num nuts xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah! :D burarahurricane#6369: yera xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes I actually did MMMMM#2210: Lisa left MMMMM#2210: Lol burarahurricane#6369: YEAH they flatten their little bodies and throw themselves off of trees :D PeckServers.com#8342: Me after Taco Bell xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I did have a comment but I'm not gonna say that burarahurricane#6369: DID YOU KNOW that the moon has moonquakes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: did you know that some snakes can fly (glide) PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 burarahurricane#6369: then how do you know that bglass animals is ruined for you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: as in your penis xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😞 burarahurricane#6369: ahve you listened to any other glass animals songs PeckServers.com#8342: I can breathe through my sea snake xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I still need to find that emoji burarahurricane#6369: like frogs xXthat1redheadXx#9990: whoops burarahurricane#6369: did you guys know that some sea snakes can breathe through their skin xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh yeah PeckServers.com#8342: Wrong reply? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well the radio ruined it for me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm sorry but heat wave ruined glass animals for me PeckServers.com#8342: 🤓 PeckServers.com#8342: Imagine being a turbo nerd burarahurricane#6369: you guys should listen to this cool song https://open.spotify.com/track/0rRjGruFonCGOt0S5zAJNQ?si=ee75185f7d48434b PeckServers.com#8342: On my biology PeckServers.com#8342: Algee xXthat1redheadXx#9990: biolowgee PeckServers.com#8342: Erectile dysfunction is when penis no get hard no more xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: which is an erection xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but then she wanted to know what a boner and erectile dysfuntion was PeckServers.com#8342: Its slang for erection which is when the penis gets hard burarahurricane#6369: go bed lisx#1702: I was going to bed... a long time ago xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: stat xXthat1redheadXx#9990: we need a grave PeckServers.com#8342: You love choking on them too xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rip xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh dear burarahurricane#6369: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@!749747503947055136> do yk what it means Mocha#3331: too bad erectile dysfunction has cursed me lisx#1702: what does boner mean burarahurricane#6369: stoppppp Mocha#3331: I love boner xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes burarahurricane#6369: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: erectile dysfunction lisx#1702: thinking lisx#1702: oh yeah lisx#1702: whats it called burarahurricane#6369: frick xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh boy lisx#1702: do that brain stuff xXthat1redheadXx#9990: get hard lisx#1702: I sitll can't lisx#1702: it's not working xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and penis burarahurricane#6369: i defibrilatroed your brain PeckServers.com#8342: She doesnt know how sex works... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but I like it picasso xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I oh that that was the diagram for getting horny af lisx#1702: what does that have to do with this xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cody said it lisx#1702: i dont get it burarahurricane#6369: i mr eally good burarahurricane#6369: dio u guys like my art Mocha#3331: LMFAOOO burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: LMFAO OH MY GOSH lisx#1702: what does that mean Mocha#3331: erect Mocha#3331: Cause it's literally in the name burarahurricane#6369: @LISA I GOT U PeckServers.com#8342: Erection is when the penis gets firm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: getting horny af xXthat1redheadXx#9990: a boner xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no work xXthat1redheadXx#9990: dysfuction lisx#1702: what does erectile mean xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🦴 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: erectlie xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's literally the name xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :/ lisx#1702: how would i have kown lisx#1702: uggggggggggggggggg PeckServers.com#8342: And made it weird lisx#1702: this kind of xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I thought you did lisx#1702: well i didn't know it was going to be PeckServers.com#8342: You asked her why we were talking about ed xXthat1redheadXx#9990: sorry lisa Mocha#3331: LMFAOO xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well now she does PeckServers.com#8342: She showed me Mocha#3331: wait did lisa not know what erectile disfunction was 😭 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was lied to xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I thought she did xXthat1redheadXx#9990: getting the straight to the point Ig MMMMM#2210: Not here MMMMM#2210: She did PeckServers.com#8342: She didnt even ask bro lisx#1702: have I ever told you that MMMMM#2210: Blood goes to pp xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well *you* wanted to know lisx#1702: you guys are disgusting MMMMM#2210: When a man gets horn E lisx#1702: I don't want to know lisx#1702: can we please stop talking about this xXthat1redheadXx#9990: erectile dysfuntion MMMMM#2210: Ok so lisx#1702: I'm so confused lisx#1702: what are you talking about lisx#1702: I don't understand at all xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes she does xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: literally it's true MMMMM#2210: Now do you understand? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: mostly old people xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cannot lisx#1702: um xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but some people lisx#1702: what lisx#1702: so everyone here............................................. xXthat1redheadXx#9990: they get filled with blood lisx#1702: but 3 people on discord have thought my name was lilly MMMMM#2210: There ya go xXthat1redheadXx#9990: when a man gets horny af lisx#1702: no lisx#1702: uh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok so lisx#1702: i'm too early? lisx#1702: oh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: remember when I was trying to guess who you were the first convo we ever had lisx#1702: who is lilly <@!776230986324246558> MMMMM#2210: That comes later give_a_minute#1155: that's what I'm wondering lisx#1702: [furious grunting]? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: NO lisx#1702: who's lilly MMMMM#2210: When a mommy and a daddy lisx#1702: what lisx#1702: uh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: or lilly xXthat1redheadXx#9990: or female for you lisx#1702: ew lisx#1702: ...... lisx#1702: ....... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: (male) lisx#1702: ...... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: when a person lisx#1702: ..... lisx#1702: .... lisx#1702: ... lisx#1702: .. xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so lisa lisx#1702: . lisx#1702: words lisx#1702: woooooooooooords? Mocha#3331: Not too gay xXthat1redheadXx#9990: for that message PeckServers.com#8342: Yes daddy? MMMMM#2210: Would you care explaining what erectile disfunction is to lisa burarahurricane#6369: hold on mfor me give_a_minute#1155: pretty gae ngl burarahurricane#6369: on burarahurricane#6369: im saving you lisa just hold oh lisx#1702: which words Mocha#3331: 3026492729/10 give_a_minute#1155: you missed the big argument burarahurricane#6369: we zoomin lisx#1702: when are words xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 7.69 burarahurricane#6369: chat fasy give_a_minute#1155: oh hey george lisx#1702: how are words? lisx#1702: where are words MMMMM#2210: C o d a y lisx#1702: what are words lisx#1702: words don't make sense PeckServers.com#8342: Double sexy fuck yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: mmm mmm mmm give_a_minute#1155: on a scale of 1-10 how gay xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cock and ball torture xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I laughed a bit too loud lisx#1702: ew Mocha#3331: In my mout xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes you do lisx#1702: thinking is hard Mocha#3331: Dick and balls xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nonetheless it's still gone lisx#1702: have no idea what you guys are talking about lisx#1702: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: She does kind of have a void without it lisx#1702: *your burarahurricane#6369: i work at the hospital :Htumgups;; PeckServers.com#8342: Me too! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: your dick lisx#1702: ugh lisx#1702: come BCKA lisx#1702: thoughts lisx#1702: thinking lisx#1702: miss lisx#1702: i PeckServers.com#8342: Pretty sure hospitals auction them off xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rip burarahurricane#6369: thats unforgutnaty burarahurricane#6369: darn xXthat1redheadXx#9990: her's got too big and then fell off lisx#1702: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: like lilly burarahurricane#6369: lia do u have a png of ur brian lisx#1702: i don't- feel okay xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh my gosh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisa has a dick give_a_minute#1155: although you probably already have lisx#1702: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well it'll give itself dompamine but ok give_a_minute#1155: forget about it lisx#1702: what dick convo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I don't think the dick convo is making her brain better too but oh well burarahurricane#6369: hodl on i need to break out the autodesk sketchbook for this lisx#1702: Dear Brain, Please come back, I've missed you so. I can't really think about you though now that you're gone. I miss thinking too. If you come back I will give you dopamine. Love, Lisa burarahurricane#6369: I HAVE MY DEFIBRILLATROR give_a_minute#1155: Lisa T-Minus until-alysse-gets-to-you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah! PeckServers.com#8342: Erectile dysfunction burarahurricane#6369: IM COMING PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yes, Ed lisx#1702: where arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I can't believe I can't remember lisx#1702: brain lisx#1702: dead lisx#1702: i'm still xXthat1redheadXx#9990: when you can't have one burarahurricane#6369: bzz bzz yk give_a_minute#1155: my micro d is probably the outcome of it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if you have the boner thing burarahurricane#6369: i wanna defibrillate someone PeckServers.com#8342: You shocked your cock with some defibrillator paddles? give_a_minute#1155: I can speak from experience I don't think that's how it works burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/nina-dobrev-died-shock-defibrillator-hospital-gif-5136601 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: max power PeckServers.com#8342: It springs back to life after that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: kink xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh my gosh yes give_a_minute#1155: huge mistake give_a_minute#1155: no see I've done that burarahurricane#6369: no burarahurricane#6369: bo PeckServers.com#8342: Then you touch them on both sides of your cock xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 lisx#1702: haha burarahurricane#6369: HAT*& burarahurricane#6369: LMAO SAME HATE lisx#1702: that guy looks like he's in bts burarahurricane#6369: omg is that a kpop gu8y give_a_minute#1155: you get metal pads and rub them together burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/bts-bangtan-boys-bangtan-sonyeondan-bts-j-hope-j-hope-gif-16217744 give_a_minute#1155: and so lisx#1702: how did you do that alysse give_a_minute#1155: is dead give_a_minute#1155: when guy lisx#1702: oh my god give_a_minute#1155: it's like lisx#1702: what is that burarahurricane#6369: lisa come here give_a_minute#1155: *deep inhale* PeckServers.com#8342: Re*sus*itation burarahurricane#6369: elts try it give_a_minute#1155: may be surprised burarahurricane#6369: no no i think it'll work give_a_minute#1155: actaully give_a_minute#1155: with that burarahurricane#6369: it'll totally work give_a_minute#1155: few issues give_a_minute#1155: uh give_a_minute#1155: so xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cardio pulminary resesitation PeckServers.com#8342: That one burarahurricane#6369: WE NEED A DEFIBRILLATOR ON LISA'S BRAIN Mocha#3331: Defibrillator give_a_minute#1155: THAT ONE PeckServers.com#8342: Zap burarahurricane#6369: OR HOWEVERY OU SPELL IT give_a_minute#1155: YEAh burarahurricane#6369: DEFIBROLATOR give_a_minute#1155: metal pads give_a_minute#1155: as in like give_a_minute#1155: not like chest burarahurricane#6369: do you khow what cpr is give_a_minute#1155: no burarahurricane#6369: no iuts not PeckServers.com#8342: Being sucked out of your nose xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes it is xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but I already said it... burarahurricane#6369: uhhhh its not c section isn't that a pregnancy thing give_a_minute#1155: no not that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cpr lisx#1702: evaporating lisx#1702: is lisx#1702: and lisx#1702: fizzled up lisx#1702: my brain burarahurricane#6369: what is it called lisx#1702: I WAS SO CLOSE PeckServers.com#8342: In stead of his gas tank guzzling gas, his ass tank guzzles cum give_a_minute#1155: idk burarahurricane#6369: yea yea burarahurricane#6369: yea give_a_minute#1155: and it goes *boom* give_a_minute#1155: like the metal padss xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's a bot lisalmao burarahurricane#6369: YEah burarahurricane#6369: n burarahurricane#6369: GHRUHRRHFUTH - omg theyre alive agai give_a_minute#1155: with the ironing things xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cpr lisx#1702: wait whats' taht burarahurricane#6369: and they go c le ar ! lisx#1702: ????????? lisx#1702: cpu burarahurricane#6369: with the electriciticy burarahurricane#6369: whats the thing they do on ur chest to make your heart work again lisx#1702: I can FEEL it even thought mr lang said brain has no nerves xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well wishing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: Cum guzzling? give_a_minute#1155: yea lisx#1702: rotting lisx#1702: dying lisx#1702: it's burarahurricane#6369: tomororow is an A day right lisx#1702: please lisx#1702: please help lisx#1702: my brain doesn't work anymore xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cock sucking give_a_minute#1155: L.A. give_a_minute#1155: OH RIGHT give_a_minute#1155: honestly PeckServers.com#8342: .7 PeckServers.com#8342: 7.5 give_a_minute#1155: damn give_a_minute#1155: is so give_a_minute#1155: my iq give_a_minute#1155: ***A C K*** lisx#1702: you spoiled it for me. i was totally going to do it give_a_minute#1155: NOT PeckServers.com#8342: Oh no give_a_minute#1155: DID I burarahurricane#6369: lolll give_a_minute#1155: HOW give_a_minute#1155: MY give_a_minute#1155: OH give_a_minute#1155: GOD give_a_minute#1155: MY lisx#1702: this is the most valuable thing I've gotten out of this night burarahurricane#6369: YOU DID IT burarahurricane#6369: WOOOOOOO PeckServers.com#8342: Ayyy give_a_minute#1155: OH xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you should hear what I hear from person give_a_minute#1155: PeckServers.com#8342: Cum on gabe i kniw you are better than this burarahurricane#6369: cnmon gaeb i know youre better than this PeckServers.com#8342: Cha cha burarahurricane#6369: what letter is often paired with c give_a_minute#1155: WITH C give_a_minute#1155: CAN WORK Mocha#3331: I chamed give_a_minute#1155: WHAT CONSONANT burarahurricane#6369: think of common letter combos PeckServers.com#8342: You are so close gaeb xXthat1redheadXx#9990: technicallly russian but it was for XP not XP in the language Mocha#3331: Czant goofy ass word PeckServers.com#8342: Bad give_a_minute#1155: goddamit I can't word burarahurricane#6369: painful burarahurricane#6369: that is so burarahurricane#6369: OH MY GOD Mocha#3331: LMFAOO give_a_minute#1155: *ehhhh?* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: thanks PeckServers.com#8342: You are oddly sexual for your age, its rather fascinating Mocha#3331: What language? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: !!!!! burarahurricane#6369: congrats :D xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I GOT FIRST IN DUOLINGO burarahurricane#6369: people ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: OH PEOPLE Mocha#3331: I'm a masochist so it's not really torture PeckServers.com#8342: You suffer? Cock and ball torture give_a_minute#1155: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm burarahurricane#6369: and A doesn't repeat burarahurricane#6369: the word doesn't ahve any other vowels other than A Mocha#3331: I do it whenever I cum give_a_minute#1155: it's been 14 hours PeckServers.com#8342: Let him suffer give_a_minute#1155: please PeckServers.com#8342: No give_a_minute#1155: yes burarahurricane#6369: want a hint give_a_minute#1155: aaaaagh Mocha#3331: He got that used toilet water skills give_a_minute#1155: WHAT WORD GOES HERE PeckServers.com#8342: Its worse PeckServers.com#8342: Nah g, pasta water burarahurricane#6369: its okkay we're all well meaning here i think <3 give_a_minute#1155: tahnk you very much give_a_minute#1155: ok I'm statistically likely to get a 3 word wordle on any given day Mocha#3331: + ratio Mocha#3331: So trash Mocha#3331: Dogwater xXthat1redheadXx#9990: spaseeba daddy PeckServers.com#8342: Jk PeckServers.com#8342: Idiot burarahurricane#6369: I BELIEVE IN YOU give_a_minute#1155: I can't lisx#1702: at wordle lisx#1702: you suck gaeb give_a_minute#1155: what words xXthat1redheadXx#9990: haha give_a_minute#1155: what the crap burarahurricane#6369: YOU CAN DO IT lisx#1702: hahahaha give_a_minute#1155: h e *l* *p* lisx#1702: nothing makes sense anymore PeckServers.com#8342: We know xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I like texting cause then I don't say stupid things and so instead I say stupid things on accident 👍 (like the gay thing and I promise I did not do that analogy because of murder and gay people) lisx#1702: I'm crazy PeckServers.com#8342: Lel burarahurricane#6369: im sorry :( itll bget better with practice lisx#1702: NOT lisx#1702: *funny(* burarahurricane#6369: e PeckServers.com#8342: Cause we are funny or cause other reasons? burarahurricane#6369: thnen u automatically take a breath lisx#1702: it HURTS ALYSSE IT HURTS lisx#1702: it hurts burarahurricane#6369: expand ur stomach burarahurricane#6369: wait no i know a rtrick to breathing lisx#1702: building lisx#1702: has left the belding burarahurricane#6369: expand ur lungs lisx#1702: life lisx#1702: I can't breathe anymore PeckServers.com#8342: Me 3 burarahurricane#6369: LMAO PeckServers.com#8342: I meant hi PeckServers.com#8342: Shoot PeckServers.com#8342: Your moms a hoe burarahurricane#6369: i like women 😳 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol Mocha#3331: When it turns into an argument people start to show what they really think, and that's my favorite part lisx#1702: nothing burarahurricane#6369: i dont want to go to school tomorororw!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Das gay, youre gay 🏳️‍🌈 good for you lisx#1702: no worky lisx#1702: dead xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *cum* lisx#1702: brain give_a_minute#1155: stop f*cking me then ya gae man lisx#1702: did I mention lisx#1702: im dead inside lisx#1702: 😩 lisx#1702: WHO BROUGHT THIS UP xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh lisx#1702: I'M NOT GRATEFUL xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it started to turn into an argument but I'm glad you enjoyed it Mocha#3331: I love big hot steamy men with gallons of cum PeckServers.com#8342: Headach PeckServers.com#8342: Sameeee lisx#1702: I AM DEAD INSIDE PeckServers.com#8342: That was a really fun and insightful convo, thanks guys lisx#1702: hypocrite give_a_minute#1155: I can't figure it out give_a_minute#1155: a word that starts with c and has a and n in it PeckServers.com#8342: Yes burarahurricane#6369: its our cult >:D xXthat1redheadXx#9990: we are wody...? Mocha#3331: Gn dude nice Convo either way burarahurricane#6369: gnnn PeckServers.com#8342: Gn 💖 lisx#1702: we are wody Mocha#3331: True xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah burarahurricane#6369: uncultured PeckServers.com#8342: Speak for yourself, we are wody lisx#1702: I AM DEAD INSIDE WalterJS#2477: Alr bois it has been a good convo but we’ve lost focus, it’s turning into more of an argument. I’m gonna head out now and go sleep gn xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so that you can spoil it -_- burarahurricane#6369: did u do todays wordle give_a_minute#1155: I HAVEN'T FIGURED TODAY'S OUT YET Mocha#3331: I hate wordl boring ass game fr xXthat1redheadXx#9990: aye aye captain lisx#1702: YEAH WORDLE LETS TALK ABOUT WORDLE xXthat1redheadXx#9990: every second since we were born we've been dying PeckServers.com#8342: Meeeeee Mocha#3331: So it's true burarahurricane#6369: who can't wait for the next wordle wooO!!!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: we all are lisx#1702: step away.... Mocha#3331: It all boils down to because god said so lisx#1702: just gonna lisx#1702: it's okay it's okay lisx#1702: dying lisx#1702: I'm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if you love someone that much then what the church says won't matter lisx#1702: I CAN't help it Mocha#3331: I get why people say it's bad the church thinks that, but your not trying to understand why the church thinks any of this PeckServers.com#8342: Dont die give_a_minute#1155: well the religion's interpretation of him PeckServers.com#8342: Technically yes, yes it is possible if you believe hard enough. But it's up to you in the end lisx#1702: there's so many bruises lisx#1702: hitting walls lisx#1702: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: then do it PeckServers.com#8342: I feel like it a certain point we end up going in circles burarahurricane#6369: ;handshkae; PeckServers.com#8342: Same burarahurricane#6369: can u imagine. like you love someone so much and theyre the light of your life and you want to spend the rest of your life with them. but this church says no ur not allowed to friends is the most ur allowed to be???? bro why does the church get to decide how and who you love shouldn't that be a you thing... lisx#1702: this conversation is killing me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: do you wonder why god gave us free agency do to what we please WalterJS#2477: imagine if roles were reversed and you were told that it’s wrong to act on feelings towards an opposite sex. Do you see how that’s messed up? lisx#1702: I feel you 😭 Mocha#3331: He is a literal god💀 Mocha#3331: God does xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you don't have to listen to the church Mocha#3331: They don't PeckServers.com#8342: The church shouldn't have say on how you express that love xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah? PeckServers.com#8342: But gay love is the same as straight love, its love give_a_minute#1155: fhhhhhhhh I felt that it helped a lot too until....but I'm not going there because I don't have the braincells to stay sane Mocha#3331: When I said this I meant the judging people act on their feelings not gay people being gay xXthat1redheadXx#9990: adios bagel PeckServers.com#8342: Gn bagel xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you can act gay but you having a gay relationship the church says not to WalterJS#2477: I’m glad you have become a happier and better person, I hope you continue to advance. Gn 😎😎 burarahurricane#6369: gn Mocha#3331: I was so confused on what y'all were talking about burarahurricane#6369: yepperoo Mocha#3331: Lol WalterJS#2477: people aren’t *acting like they’re gay* so it’s not an urge. They legitimately are Mocha#3331: OH SHIT I THINK YALL MISUNDERSTOOD WHAT I TYPED xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh boy Bagel da gamer#1694: Well I'm going to sleep, so I just wanted to leave y'all with this. The church has helped me in my life more than I can ever express. It helped me fight depression, and it continues to keep me motivated to be a better person. I know that there are some things that aren't completely explained, or that are quite controversial, and if you want to learn more about those things, and what our stance is on them, join seminary. It's a chill class that is also basically an easy A. xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's with everything burarahurricane#6369: liam . liam . xXthat1redheadXx#9990: acting and thinking give_a_minute#1155: put yourself in a tight position there bud xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and rules PeckServers.com#8342: But sex is in good nature and is loving whereas murder is a heinous crime xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's with sin xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no burarahurricane#6369: JCOMPARE BEING GAY TO BEING A MURDERER/??? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: technically you shouldn't think about murder for the churches standards because "love thy neighbor" give_a_minute#1155: um give_a_minute#1155: you're about burarahurricane#6369: DID YOU JUST COFAHJDJKFD???/ WalterJS#2477: it’s not some like urge to be gay. It’s not like an urge to do drugs. It’s who they are. lisx#1702: why is *acting on* gay stuff like murder give_a_minute#1155: you just Mocha#3331: Because the holy Spirit gave it to them give_a_minute#1155: buddy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you can think about doing drugs (you shouldn't) but acting it out is not good (there hopefully that's better) lisx#1702: but why should they PeckServers.com#8342: They are Natural feelings too xXthat1redheadXx#9990: also it's with murder burarahurricane#6369: theyre essentially saying that gay people dont deserve the same ability to love as stragiht people do xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you can have whatever feelings you want Mocha#3331: It's called self control lisx#1702: but those feelings are their legit feelings you can't stop them from acting on them xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's because it's considered a sin because of what god gave us to do PeckServers.com#8342: Humans wanna fuck, but the church doesnt wnat them to. What are the people supposed to do? Mocha#3331: It only really matters if they act on those feelings. If they do then they are a bad Christin, but if they don't they will eventually stop silenty judging WalterJS#2477: That line is literally saying “don’t be who you are” lisx#1702: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisx#1702: I've been invited to like twenty young womens burarahurricane#6369: bro thats so fucked up actually WalterJS#2477: 💀 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it actually changes everything PeckServers.com#8342: Precisely lisx#1702: does that change anything xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol burarahurricane#6369: but like there are countless times that ive heard ppl talk abt all their pastors (or whatevrr the correct term is sry not religious and never have been lmao !) preechjng abt gay being a sin and stuff PeckServers.com#8342: Lisa and Liam on a date give_a_minute#1155: people end up silently judging them tho and yeahhhhhh PeckServers.com#8342: Awww xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😊 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: non-members are allowed in young mens xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well I could invite you PeckServers.com#8342: And people like you with that kind of love and respect for others are amazing, but i also cant count the number of times I was out of church activity going up to someone's door and the first question was "are they a member" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: then you'll know what you're talking about lisx#1702: okay lisx#1702: should I xXthat1redheadXx#9990: then do it lisx#1702: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: did you read the link I sent lisa lisx#1702: it's like treating them like children who made mistakes and didn't know what was best for themselves Mocha#3331: No one in the church is allowed to hate anyone xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I didn't know how to say it so that was the "something" part lol burarahurricane#6369: which is pretty close to hating them :/ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm sorry but I never exclude anyone that's not from the church and everyone Ik doesn't either (at least not upfront they haven't do Idk fsfs) lisx#1702: morally wrong lisx#1702: they just think being gay is wrong Mocha#3331: They don't PeckServers.com#8342: I know because I was on the other side of it at burarahurricane#6369: i dont think they hate gay people Mocha#3331: That's because they want everyone to go to heaven PeckServers.com#8342: They do welcome all, but with a massive thick lens of judgment in between Mocha#3331: Imma just boil it down to the church welcomes all xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if you think the church hates gay people or something like that please read this https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/official-statement/same-gender-attraction lisx#1702: but then a bunch of doofuses joined and people stopped talking Mocha#3331: I don't know how to respond without sounding like a total asshole burarahurricane#6369: remember when we used to have these convos all the time that was wild PeckServers.com#8342: ✊ bros and hoes united give_a_minute#1155: [insert first time? pic here] WalterJS#2477: +1 point for each message lmao WalterJS#2477: Yes Bagel da gamer#1694: Let me put it this way. We believe in marriage between a man and a woman. We also believe that it is our duty to have kids, and raise them in a good and loving home, at least to the best of our abilities lisx#1702: do we get extra member points for participating PeckServers.com#8342: It was crazy, I used to be an active member in the church. But once I left I was treated like a piece of s*** by them WalterJS#2477: We have these every once and a while in the CG chat I must thank you all for being a member burarahurricane#6369: same ! burarahurricane#6369: so like lgbtq+ people dont feel welcome by the church because maybe they dont get kicked out* but its not a very welcoming space all the same PeckServers.com#8342: Sameee Mocha#3331: No I like deep conversations give_a_minute#1155: go to sleep give_a_minute#1155: just give_a_minute#1155: can we all give_a_minute#1155: this feels like insanity PeckServers.com#8342: It is so fun! Mocha#3331: Secs Mocha#3331: Reproduce lisx#1702: but why is being gay a sin WalterJS#2477: This is dope asf btw we’ve been having deep convos for the last like hour and a half lisx#1702: I had this one... but not quite give_a_minute#1155: did you get the gif at least Mocha#3331: If we kicked people out for being gay then we might as well kick people out for lying give_a_minute#1155: oh cmon lisx#1702: that's a screenshot not a gif 😠 give_a_minute#1155: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but it's not a sin to be associated with gay people PeckServers.com#8342: The church is theoretically about love, and supporting everyone. But when it comes to anything in reality they're very judgmental towards everything in my personal opinion lisx#1702: they literally did xXthat1redheadXx#9990: they haven't done anything like that since burarahurricane#6369: liek “i love gay people but i dont agree with rhem being gay they should stop doing that” give_a_minute#1155: I have to scroll like 30 pages down just to find the beginning of this whole mess xXthat1redheadXx#9990: once lisx#1702: why though what if gay people are genuinely gay and that's just how they are WalterJS#2477: This is her point on homophobia again. You essentially called their sexual orientation a sin right there. xXthat1redheadXx#9990: same burarahurricane#6369: yeah see thats a whole problem on jts own Mocha#3331: Pretty much Bagel da gamer#1694: The church doesn't kick people out for being gay, we just don't support it. We don't hate it, but we don't agree with it PeckServers.com#8342: Pretty sure they excommunicated at one point for being gay, if not that then they actively ostracized for it burarahurricane#6369: i hate stereotypes 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: k burarahurricane#6369: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :/ lisx#1702: OKAY THE THING IS IT LITERALLY LASTS LIKE 2 SECONDS EVERY TIME AND I HAVE TO CLICK LIKE THREE BUTTONS TO RECORD IT AND STOP IT RIGHT BEFORE IT STOPS AND IT IS SO HARD 😭 Mocha#3331: Gay is a sin sadly xXthat1redheadXx#9990: not supporting and not having things to do with it are different WalterJS#2477: I don’t think she meant that in a stereotypical way. burarahurricane#6369: so close yet so far 😔😔😔 give_a_minute#1155: LISA THAT WAS YOUR CHANCE give_a_minute#1155: SEVERAL PEOPLE WERE TYPING xXthat1redheadXx#9990: there weren't very many gay people in that time lisa lol burarahurricane#6369: yeppero PeckServers.com#8342: And actively not supporting it PeckServers.com#8342: From what I've heard, the church has been very against lgbtq and anything to do with it lisx#1702: so gay is sin? lisx#1702: but what about the fact that there are no gay people in the bible Mocha#3331: People treat gay people like animals but they should be treated like equals since we all sin burarahurricane#6369: but a lot of people use religion as an excuse for their homophobia xXthat1redheadXx#9990: none of my family is homophic but we're christian PeckServers.com#8342: What happened? burarahurricane#6369: ik xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm not homophobic burarahurricane#6369: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: Sure to pray about your thoughts and feelings Mocha#3331: True just cause your gay doesn't mean you should die burarahurricane#6369: i dont wanna go to school i would liek tk die PeckServers.com#8342: Fax bro burarahurricane#6369: <:Ravio_point:828416933313511455> lisx#1702: and sleep is good and we all have school tomorrow?? WalterJS#2477: Lmao WalterJS#2477: Could just be a simulation burarahurricane#6369: how entirely corrupted with homophobia the entirety of Christianity and all adjacent religisk is lisx#1702: just believe in what you believe in. and accept that other people can believe differently xXthat1redheadXx#9990: they give all of the Muslims (correct me if I'm wrong) a horrible name for what they do "in the name of god" WalterJS#2477: Facts PeckServers.com#8342: Who knows maybe none of us exist lisx#1702: point is lisx#1702: guys guys guys PeckServers.com#8342: Point is we're in a giant void and we don't know anything that's around us but what we're told WalterJS#2477: point is we don’t know where or not it was just her subconscious mind, or a deity. Could be either, depending on how you interpret your thoughts. burarahurricane#6369: like for example xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the taliban burarahurricane#6369: there must be a LOT of stupid people in religion xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well my other sister was tickling her and it went down her throat 🤦 Bagel da gamer#1694: Right back to what I said before. It's not knowing it was from God for sure, it's knowing that it was from God yourself xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :/ burarahurricane#6369: a dangerous gamble to consume a jolly rancher xXthat1redheadXx#9990: maybe burarahurricane#6369: like im way older than that and consider it Mocha#3331: Yup I misread it PeckServers.com#8342: Not to be rude or lessen your situation, but in my personal opinion the brain starts to perceive things differently when under a lot of stress and pressure xXthat1redheadXx#9990: like the taleban WalterJS#2477: ^^ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's what is stupid is people do that and give the entire church a bad name burarahurricane#6369: whg did you give a 3 year old a jolly rancher lisx#1702: but the voice could just be her unconscious mind Mocha#3331: Lemme reread it Mocha#3331: Wait I think I read that wrong burarahurricane#6369: i think the biggest issue i take with religion is all the hate and stuff its used for. like people r literally killed in the name of religion like bro thats Not Cool but other than that idrc ? it makes me kinda uncomfortable or whatever but like live ur life man u do u xXthat1redheadXx#9990: she was 3 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? WalterJS#2477: My question is, if your mom didn’t know English, could that same message have been conveyed give_a_minute#1155: clearly... Bagel da gamer#1694: Deep conversations Mocha#3331: Lol that's just someone being a dumbass lisx#1702: the only reason I'm staying in this conversation is so I can take that "Several people are typing" gif successfully and it's not working so can everyone just start typing for like 10 seconds please give_a_minute#1155: what the crap happened here xXthat1redheadXx#9990: an experience my mom had was when my sister was choking on a jolly rancher and was turning blue, while my dad was praying my mom was trying to save my sister, and then all of the sudden she heard a voice say "we're losing her" and so she gave one last leap and pounded hard on my sisters back and the candy popped out, after it was over my mom asked my dad if he said anything and he said "no I was praying" PeckServers.com#8342: It's the guilt that goes with not doing it Mocha#3331: Poor people going to hell rip bozo😹 😹 🙌 Mocha#3331: Who said that Mocha#3331: You're not forced to lol burarahurricane#6369: why is sabrina carpenter playing lisx#1702: except for all the side effects of having a religion like the rules and giving money to the church Mocha#3331: Not really🥲 burarahurricane#6369: thank u PeckServers.com#8342: You're doing great alysse burarahurricane#6369: the choice between being the comedic relief or actually contributing to the conversation<:thonk:792962252772343808> WalterJS#2477: Yeah that makes sense. So you can trust or not, either way the same outcome will be achieved (is that sorta what your saying?) PeckServers.com#8342: I Like that analogy Mocha#3331: It definitely does for me Mocha#3331: That's why it feels so illogical to believe in him PeckServers.com#8342: No, thats where the logic part frontal lobe comes in Mocha#3331: Just to trust Mocha#3331: God isnt to be comprehend Mocha#3331: It boils down to "trust me bro" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: exactly xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if your morals are that killing and doing other really bad stuff to people is your morals does that make it right PeckServers.com#8342: It's how we cope with things, I choose to cope with things myself whereas others may choose to cope in a different way Mocha#3331: Exactly PeckServers.com#8342: Not that religion is bad, it's just that there's two sides.yall have helped me realize this WalterJS#2477: That is what interests me. Does she mean to say that god spoke to her? So if she had not understood English, could he have spoken to her? This shows that one must have a base understanding or belief in a god/religion before there mind can comprehend/create experiences of it. I have no doubt that I could repeat “god is real” in my head 10 thousand times and then have a spiritual experience. The subconscious mind is extremely responsive to the stimulus the conscious mind places upon it. Meaning that you can convince yourself of almost anything if you try hard enough burarahurricane#6369: <:hehe:856378380332433408> Bagel da gamer#1694: Ok, so basically all this comes down to is faith. Sure, the experiences that you have are not proven to be from God, but that's not the point. The point is that you know it was from God yourself PeckServers.com#8342: By definition its my morals too xXthat1redheadXx#9990: for you not morally PeckServers.com#8342: Oh alysse, this is why we love you Mocha#3331: Not the right time to talk about this lol😭 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's why my religion doesn't bible bash and if someone you know has I apologize for them PeckServers.com#8342: The definition of the frontal lobe Mocha#3331: I mean that's one way fo thinking about it burarahurricane#6369: dream was streamign and then i had to catsit lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I've been very prepared for this xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm not getting mad I'm just explaining burarahurricane#6369: not to be annoying or anything but 😏thats a song https://open.spotify.com/track/2OnrjKShafw7qtoyLkKNR2?si=pc-Lv0LQTyycTecgByNmCQ PeckServers.com#8342: I feel like that could be just her realizing and accepting who was actually in the wrong Bagel da gamer#1694: Oh yeah, it looks like it's pretty heated lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: choosing the right not doing whatever lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: someone's late to the party burarahurricane#6369: are we talking about religion ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I've heard so many stories about the spirit helping but I'm pretty sure a lot of times it's not god that's telling you everything lisx#1702: but it sounds a lot like just her conscience WalterJS#2477: Then doesn’t that mean everything God has taught you could theoretically be just moral lessons taught to you by parents and other people you trust? The involvement of god may or may not be there, but the lessons are still learned by you lisx#1702: my piano teacher told me one time after her son died (it was a long story but basically he was drunk and had a gun and his wife called the police and stuff happened and he died) and she was really mad at his wife but when she was all alone she heard god talk to her and tell her not to be mad at his wife Mocha#3331: Nope not at all PeckServers.com#8342: For me, my frontal lobe does all of that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no that's why Mocha#3331: Experiences they found through god personally xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no, I haven't it's usually the spirit that guides you and helps translate (the latter I'm pretty sure of) WalterJS#2477: Guys pls answer this I gotta understand PeckServers.com#8342: Woah woah liiivin on a prayer Mocha#3331: That's what the new testament is lisx#1702: or maybe they came up with it through their own experiences and just added it to the collection of other stories Mocha#3331: God is the reason the stories exist. The people who actually wrote them down are just the messenger PeckServers.com#8342: Meh, not really WalterJS#2477: Agreed xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's not forced it's just impatience if that's why and that's also when it doesn't become as sacred of a thing if you're doing it only for sex PeckServers.com#8342: This is true, but how often does that actually happen WalterJS#2477: so have either of you ever had a personal experience with God, like seeing him or hearing him speak to you? If so, in what way was he conveying his message? Was it through images, or was it using the English language? Or just feelings xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm talking about the first two lisx#1702: well if it's the stories then they aren't necessarily taught to you by *god* it's just you interpreting the stories on your own and agreeing with its morals and adopting them as your own. and if it's the psychedelic experiences then that's more like your unconscious mind telling you things and you thinking it's god Mocha#3331: It's definitely pressured but if you find someone who you love I'm sure they'll have similar ideals when it comes to this PeckServers.com#8342: You cant have sex untill you are married, which is why marriage is forced in the first place and divorce rate is high xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh yeah, it does Mocha#3331: You can just replace god with religion if that makes it easier to understand xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but the sex part is confusing me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well yeah PeckServers.com#8342: 🤦‍♂️ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: possibly all maybe PeckServers.com#8342: Marriage xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? WalterJS#2477: When you say that god taught you, do you mean a story someone told you, or maybe something in the Bible or other biblical writing? Or are we talking like legit psychedelic experience PeckServers.com#8342: In my opinion, it's too objectified. It shouldn't be a limitation in what you do. Especially when it comes to having sex. You shouldn't have to make it something that is required. That's why the divorce rate is so high xXthat1redheadXx#9990: also in my opinion too if you love someone that much and want to spend the rest of your life with them and be with them after then that's why I'd do it Mocha#3331: My opinion on marriage is that it's pretty cool. I mean you get to spend the rest of your life with someone you constantly want to be around. If you fidn that person then the rest of your life would probably be great xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so therefore I wouldn't have had the chance to have an opinion for it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: my parents wouldn't be together without it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so many things would not have happened in my life without the church xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well yeah but credit is given to religion Mocha#3331: I only adopted it because god showed me. Ofc I am the one who took the time to do it, but I have to give credit to the teacher showing me PeckServers.com#8342: Well said xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well jesus will fight for you in the end regardless so you do you WalterJS#2477: I think you guys should take credit for your own character development. The ideas presented through religion may have assisted you, but it was you who changed; you who adopted a new moral. PeckServers.com#8342: Heck yeah Mocha#3331: Plus you guys were talking about marriage imma give my opinion on that too PeckServers.com#8342: He thoereticall has the holes on his body to back that up xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes Mocha#3331: Fr xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's what we believe WalterJS#2477: I’d smash WalterJS#2477: Facts xXthat1redheadXx#9990: bible is true when it's translated correctly Mocha#3331: What I said is a summary, but understanding God has definitely made me a better person PeckServers.com#8342: That's why I Don't preach by it PeckServers.com#8342: I can't know for sure PeckServers.com#8342: Ive never seen one nor do I have evidence of one PeckServers.com#8342: I've also never seen one, nor do I have evidence of one / many so why would I start a religion based on it? WalterJS#2477: I would like to understand xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wdym "probably" Mocha#3331: + Jesus is a chad Mocha#3331: The amount of stories I've heard from preists, missionaies, and the bible is amazing. If the Bible is all a lie, and all the time spent on god is wasted I still wouldn't regret it. This is because God has showed me so many morals, and ways to live my life better xXthat1redheadXx#9990: there's a lot of reason and explanation through experience WalterJS#2477: Or you can live your life regardless of whatever someone promises. I just want to continually be the best person I can be and live my best life. Maybe there’s something for me and the end, or maybe there’s not. In the moments before I die I’ll look back on my life and feel accomplished, knowing I achieved everything I could. then I’ll die, or maybe there is something after. PeckServers.com#8342: I know they most likely do, using probability, and the sheer size of the universe we can predict that they probably do xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: noice lisx#1702: without reason? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: faith xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you realize in the bible it talks about how aliens exist PeckServers.com#8342: Me too lisx#1702: tell me Mocha#3331: I'm not trying to convert anyone, but if you want to know my full explanation sure PeckServers.com#8342: I believe aliens are real, therefore I'm going to start a religion that worships them lisx#1702: then why do you believe them PeckServers.com#8342: Exactly Mocha#3331: You don't lisx#1702: but how do you know they're not just lying to you about it all xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I forgot the names xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and an imbetween PeckServers.com#8342: Which is exactly why I'll spend my time thinking about my business instead of how to make Jesus love me more Mocha#3331: Again heaven and hell are completely incomprehensible that's why you just have to have faith xXthat1redheadXx#9990: heaven xXthat1redheadXx#9990: there's hell xXthat1redheadXx#9990: in my church there's three branches of Ig unearthly realms or something lisx#1702: why would you want something for eternity though I'd rather have ups and downs xXthat1redheadXx#9990: exactly WalterJS#2477: The idea of heaven and hell seem the same. Eternal pain, or eternal pleasure? you can’t enjoy the highs without the lows. That what makes life worth living Mocha#3331: Heaven and hell are completely incomprehensible xXthat1redheadXx#9990: by a l o t xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the difference is immense xXthat1redheadXx#9990: also that's comparing earth to heaven xXthat1redheadXx#9990: for a lot of people it is PeckServers.com#8342: Especially when he rains all over me 🥰🥰 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :/ lisx#1702: but earth isn't that bad xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol Mocha#3331: I love my sky daddy🥰 (as a Catholic) xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it said hell is a lot like earth PeckServers.com#8342: Jesus is my drug xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and in the doctorine and covenants (I think) xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but that's just a hit and wanting more that's not literally heaven xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's be the things in your neck too WalterJS#2477: some things provide more than others, drugs near the top. And we’re talking best imaginable, so that’s quite high on the list too, which is why I’m comparing it to drugs xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :/ PeckServers.com#8342: Your brain is actually the drug kekw xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's not that much for what you get in return WalterJS#2477: That’s anything. It’s all dopamine in the brain xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol (eh balance people take things to the extremes) PeckServers.com#8342: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> PeckServers.com#8342: But how can i know that im going to be alive tomorrow or that im ever even going to really succeed in life? Why would i prioritize something like the church for a *promise* that i might get "rewarded* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's drugs... lisx#1702: people don't overdose from religion though WalterJS#2477: even the most intense drugs aren’t great forever. Soon the pleasure fades and continued use assists to no avail. That’s the reason many addicts go for more and more to achieve that same feeling, until eventually dying of overdose. This is the same for any pleasure the human mind can endure. So in that sense you are right, there is no other explanation than we cannot and will not ever understand. xXthat1redheadXx#9990: delish xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: \*moans* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but now xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I thought I didn't like it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: like hecking *sushi* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: most of it that I didn't try I love now xXthat1redheadXx#9990: like literally every food as a child for me PeckServers.com#8342: True xXthat1redheadXx#9990: not to be rude but you can't know until you've actually tried with intent on actually, well, trying PeckServers.com#8342: The lds church is a scam playing on peoples need for a god PeckServers.com#8342: Welp there isn't a clearer way to say it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it doesn't... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's a reward from god for doing your best in life so it is unimaginable how grand it would be PeckServers.com#8342: If that makes sense PeckServers.com#8342: Its not that religeon is inherently bad, its that (my personal opinion) LDS church is that its not what they tell their members it is. And its more of a hatred for that specific branch of religion xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if you knew the feeling and were living in it (as in heaven) I don't think you'd ever get tired of living in it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's not anything we could understand as Ig you'd say mortals WalterJS#2477: heaven or hell if they even exist both scare me—the idea of both feels more like a punishment. I don’t want to live forever. Even imagining the most amazing and best experience of my life, i wouldn’t want to live it every day. I mean that even if heaven is the best thing imaginable, eventually you will get bored of it. You have eternity to lose interest, and what then? What are your thoughts on this xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause I just heard it through this xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but I couldn't know at all xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and if she'd been praying with intent and faithfulness (I'm not saying she wasn't) I would guess that god would give her an answer to help her husband PeckServers.com#8342: I am basically their grandkid and spent a lot of days working for them before his passing. I was fhere through it all lisx#1702: ...like what xXthat1redheadXx#9990: there's probably more to the story than that PeckServers.com#8342: And more debt ontop of her medical debt PeckServers.com#8342: But her love of her life of 50 years gone PeckServers.com#8342: She got nothing in return PeckServers.com#8342: The farm lady up my street is in immense medical debt cause her husband had cancer, the whole time she paid her tithings and prayed. He suffered the entire time before he died WalterJS#2477: I see a lot of similarities xXthat1redheadXx#9990: then it's an income and you'll make it again xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's actually not true at all WalterJS#2477: Shouldnt* WalterJS#2477: if you want to donate that’s great but it should be a pressure PeckServers.com#8342: Thats my point PeckServers.com#8342: Its a LOT PeckServers.com#8342: Ok so replace the word won with earned WalterJS#2477: It’s like when they used to change you to clear your sins. It’s messed up xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if you won the lotto you wouldn't have to pay tithing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it applies only to earning money from jobs and such xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's winning not *earning* WalterJS#2477: I don’t think you should feel pressured into paying hard earned money to get something in return (like blessings or going to heaven) in fact it seems to contradict a lot of the moralities taught in the Bible PeckServers.com#8342: Its a LOT PeckServers.com#8342: If you won 100k youd be giving 10k, if you won 1m youd be just GiViNg 100k xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :/ lisx#1702: to get more money from more people xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the church uses the money to build churches and temples xXthat1redheadXx#9990: in blessings that you wouldn't understand lisx#1702: why does god need your money though PeckServers.com#8342: And it will be "returned" somehow xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's 0.03 more than utah taxes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's not that bad WalterJS#2477: True, they “suggest” to pay forth 10% of your income.. xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? PeckServers.com#8342: No its cause utah is a mormon state and the church has too much power and ALSO doesnt have to pay taxes on the billions it guilts from its members 😬 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I would like to see more cultures and places but I'm not gonna change me beliefs nor my morals WalterJS#2477: don’t take it that way WalterJS#2477: Ya fs I’m not trying to change your beliefs xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's a good goal and you do you but for me Ik what religion I want to be in PeckServers.com#8342: I used to be in the church, and that's exactly why I left. Is all of the reasons that you stayed, you are talking the truth. xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's probably so people don't do stupid stuff to the temples PeckServers.com#8342: No WalterJS#2477: I don’t pretend to know it all I certainly have a lot to learn. That’s the main reason I want to travel everywhere I can and learn all I can from those cultures lisx#1702: you kind of do that on a mission xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm not saying that you have to go on a mission but it's better if you wanna strengthen your testimony PeckServers.com#8342: Oh and you have to ask the church if you can have a bar even remotely close to a temple in Utah WalterJS#2477: That’s why I’m emphasizing the importance of escaping Utah for a while, to truly get a clear headed view on everything xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ PeckServers.com#8342: Its a trade off, it depends on how you want spend your time. xXthat1redheadXx#9990: in utah it makes it a rule with the church because of the amount of lds people but in most everywhere else it's not as strict in that sense lisx#1702: you learn life skills while you're on your mission though xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's not a rule it's a suggestion WalterJS#2477: I mean we can all learn lessons from the stories from different religions but I think it would be wrong to take any one set of ideals as complete truth and facts when in reality there isn’t any proof or any of it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's the word of wisdom xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: for me, I can't be behind in astrophysics cause I can't work as it while getting a bachelors PeckServers.com#8342: Like bitch, coffee aint bad PeckServers.com#8342: Ant telling you what is good and bad WalterJS#2477: I think it’s pretty fucked up to make rules enforcing what one can and cannot believe PeckServers.com#8342: That is true lisx#1702: bruh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the only thing about that is if you find a religion you believe in you might've broken the rules when you weren't (if you can repent that's good but still) PeckServers.com#8342: Walter could be the next Plato WalterJS#2477: I’m not saying a mission is bad im just saying that I think it would be worthwhile to fully escape the grasp of religion for a few small years. I (an atheist) plan to learn about all sorts of religions in the future, probably joining churches for small amounts of time. So it’s completely reasonable to learn but not necessarily change your beliefs PeckServers.com#8342: Degree wise, but you are still 2 years behind your career compared to people that would have stayed xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? nr cause if you get an associates in high school you those 2 years in a mission are basically free years cause you're not behind PeckServers.com#8342: Thats very cool WalterJS#2477: that’s cool WalterJS#2477: They don’t go door to door preaching every day xXthat1redheadXx#9990: an example is my dad had absolutely no idea what he wanted to be but after his mission he knew he wanted to be a teacher and now he's been one foe 19 years PeckServers.com#8342: But that's my tired brain talking, I listen to Walter he's logical PeckServers.com#8342: It actually is, to mention that it eats up valuable time and money that could be used for important things like jobs and school WalterJS#2477: To truly open your eyes WalterJS#2477: The point of traveling is to escape that fog lisx#1702: you go there for like 2 years so I'd say you do live like them xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it teaches you so many things about what you want to do xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's not that expensive PeckServers.com#8342: Missions xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? lisx#1702: but you know so many other things that blur the image of the world when you're older, and you're just seeing it through a layer of bias WalterJS#2477: but I mean like truly visit and live there like them. Not just spreading your religion but actually living there xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and also my parents went to 5 different counties together in the first years of their marriage PeckServers.com#8342: But you have to preach something, and you have to live by their rules, and you have to pay for it all. WalterJS#2477: Theoretically you do visit an outside place WalterJS#2477: Ok that’s true ther is the mission xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and then you get married after not right after cause that's weird and stereotypical PeckServers.com#8342: It's a whole other topic that could get me riled up WalterJS#2477: Bro that makes no sense even biologically. Prefrontal cortex doesn’t develop until your like 25 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 1 it's gonna sound worse to you but after you turn 18 you go on a mission PeckServers.com#8342: There's no pleasure to be involved in it PeckServers.com#8342: They're basically taught to reproduce and that's it WalterJS#2477: how so xXthat1redheadXx#9990: actually very false WalterJS#2477: I feel so bad for the Mormons bruh. They’re taught to get married at 18 and have kidsz they never really getta have a chance to see the world outside of mormonvillie xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and my ward is an old person ward PeckServers.com#8342: Everybody run! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ik many lds people who aren't married lisx#1702: or maybe when you're young is the only time you can understand the real picture PeckServers.com#8342: When you're young is when you want to explore the world, when you're old is when you want to settle down and get married WalterJS#2477: aw fuck xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh wow lisx#1702: ~~he's mormon you can't help him~~ PeckServers.com#8342: Good luck to you sir, your life will be hell WalterJS#2477: At least not before your 30 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: brooo WalterJS#2477: don’t do it WalterJS#2477: No WalterJS#2477: Broooo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you can do whatever you want but Imma get married WalterJS#2477: Yeah but you were probably to young to understand the full picture—or to even care. I know I still am too young PeckServers.com#8342: You know it 😏 😏 lisx#1702: like you have one PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah Lisa get a life lisx#1702: it is lisx#1702: I've already been to other parts of the world WalterJS#2477: Now THAT is sad xXthat1redheadXx#9990: probably all of the scandinavian countries lisx#1702: korean isn't a country lol PeckServers.com#8342: People think i wanna settle down and be permanently stuck in this town that I've lived in all my life? Ofc traveling the world sounds amazing WalterJS#2477: It’s like literature — you read it with your head, but you interpret it with your heart. (Page 57) xXthat1redheadXx#9990: norway xXthat1redheadXx#9990: russia xXthat1redheadXx#9990: south korea xXthat1redheadXx#9990: for me lisx#1702: I don't have any PeckServers.com#8342: Fuck yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: HAHAHA RUSSIA give_a_minute#1155: great expereicen overall give_a_minute#1155: try out the slums in asia it's a whole nother level of poverty WalterJS#2477: Wdym lisx#1702: plus personally i think i've already been to the "world" lisx#1702: well don't you think travelling the world is kinda cliche WalterJS#2477: Cody don’t you want to travel the world WalterJS#2477: okay lisa then what’re your future plans lisx#1702: haha PeckServers.com#8342: Then the other 48 years are hell lisx#1702: well i think it's all the same PeckServers.com#8342: For 5 minutes lisx#1702: that's really sad WalterJS#2477: essentially lisx#1702: it's probably fun lisx#1702: do get married lisx#1702: what no WalterJS#2477: 💀💀 PeckServers.com#8342: To sum up everything you guys are saying: don't get married! WalterJS#2477: Nope WalterJS#2477: you can’t truly understand what it’s like for others until you live like they do lisx#1702: not even like canada? WalterJS#2477: nope and that’s the problem lisx#1702: there's the internet lisx#1702: have you been to any countries other than america? WalterJS#2477: There’s so much to learn WalterJS#2477: Bruh lisx#1702: meh WalterJS#2477: like Mexico, England, Spain, china, Russia WalterJS#2477: all of the other major countries lisx#1702: how do you define "world" WalterJS#2477: why not lisx#1702: no I don't WalterJS#2477: Yes lisx#1702: do I WalterJS#2477: you clearly need to travel the world too WalterJS#2477: What WalterJS#2477: Bruh lisx#1702: I feel like it's all the same everywhere lisx#1702: like what WalterJS#2477: see all there is to see WalterJS#2477: I gotta travel the world first yk WalterJS#2477: But I’m not gonna be ready for a while WalterJS#2477: one day I’m sure I will WalterJS#2477: idk the whole “get married have kids get a bunch of loans, mortgage and go broke but familyyyy” type of thing doesn’t seem too appealing to me at this point. But there’s always a possibility so that’s why I say 40 lisx#1702: not even for *true love?* WalterJS#2477: I’m not tryna get married until like 40 (if at all) lisx#1702: haha WalterJS#2477: plus I’m not even out of highschool WalterJS#2477: I’d slap the shit out of my self until I got it straight 💀 lisx#1702: yeah but the "I-gotta-marry-her" kind of "like" WalterJS#2477: I do like her lisx#1702: and actually start to like her WalterJS#2477: yk I can’t marry a Mormon chick lisx#1702: but what if you fall in love WalterJS#2477: That was never the plan lisx#1702: even if you won't be together https://open.spotify.com/track/47HtKpfzpAt8rQjjXWotFj?si=cea7f2a0a1f646a0 WalterJS#2477: even if she breaks up with me WalterJS#2477: I’m in a better place mentally now WalterJS#2477: she won’t WalterJS#2477: nah lisx#1702: I hope lydia doesn't make you depressed too lisx#1702: that's good WalterJS#2477: I think WalterJS#2477: I’m not depressed anymore WalterJS#2477: That was cuz of sadie WalterJS#2477: oh yeah lisx#1702: you did WalterJS#2477: who said I’m depressed WalterJS#2477: bruh 💀 lisx#1702: is that why you're depressed? WalterJS#2477: it can also cause rlly bad anxiety WalterJS#2477: for like a few hours but you can’t really do anything productive, mostly just sit there and like eat chips xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: good advice xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🤦 lisx#1702: doesn't it make you feel good though WalterJS#2477: ||From all my first hand experiences|| WalterJS#2477: read to page 69 of the rent collector lisx#1702: from your first-hand experience? WalterJS#2477: Guys guess what I did today WalterJS#2477: lmao WalterJS#2477: Yes I’m black to my old self WalterJS#2477: Didn’t notice any benefits WalterJS#2477: I don’t think it should be legal it kinda messes you up mentally, low focus the next few days etc lisx#1702: did listening to that make you feel black? WalterJS#2477: https://youtu.be/RSj8yc9LWMs burarahurricane#6369: true burarahurricane#6369: rue burarahurricane#6369: thats...so tur burarahurricane#6369: wow Bagel da gamer#1694: This is in an article about legalizing marijuana btw Bagel da gamer#1694: Thank you Readtheory, spouting knowledge since 2010 PeckServers.com#8342: thats up to your imaginaton MMMMM#2210: How many places have you been where people go commando MMMMM#2210: Wym *everywhere you’ve been* PeckServers.com#8342: atleast everywhere ive been PeckServers.com#8342: but it usually means naked lisx#1702: ah PeckServers.com#8342: sure MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: Not entirely PeckServers.com#8342: naked MMMMM#2210: Oh lisx#1702: what does that mean Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: or so when someone gets mad at him and blocks him, he can make them mad 15 more times lisx#1702: so that when he has to do truth questions like "who do you like the most in the server" he can say "15-way tie" MMMMM#2210: I havent gotten around to adding the other 15 PeckServers.com#8342: cause hes just like that Bagel da gamer#1694: why does George have 15 alts? burarahurricane#6369: 32 burarahurricane#6369: oh and my alt burarahurricane#6369: maybe 33 to account for lisa and cody's alts burarahurricane#6369: so that would mean 35 people burarahurricane#6369: 15? burarahurricane#6369: how many alts doe s george have burarahurricane#6369: :0 50 mem bers burarahurricane#6369: how many people are in cg now burarahurricane#6369: we r such good cellists Bagel da gamer#1694: wooo! burarahurricane#6369: cello gang amirite burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: 10 to go lisx#1702: more progress lisx#1702: 11 to go lisx#1702: progress lisx#1702: I don't have any good topics to do on aleks lisx#1702: I know it's so pessimistic and uncharacteristic of you DON"T DO THAT PESSIMISTIC BAD LITERALLY burarahurricane#6369: okay ive never rly done that before👍 lisx#1702: that's an order lisx#1702: be nice to yourself lisx#1702: that's the worst thing you could do lisx#1702: noooo don't tell yourself to shut up burarahurricane#6369: i need to do math burarahurricane#6369: no one caresss shut up alyesssseeeeeee burarahurricane#6369: there was nothing to really prompt this burarahurricane#6369: why am i arguing for free music burarahurricane#6369: like how the native americans used petroglyphs to tell stories burarahurricane#6369: + sharing art is another part of human nature burarahurricane#6369: itts like a staple of human nature burarahurricane#6369: you can make art out of anything and anyone can do it burarahurricane#6369: art isn't rly rare tho burarahurricane#6369: huh lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: happened?* burarahurricane#6369: ahppened? burarahurricane#6369: what ha;e;end? burarahurricane#6369: wh lisx#1702: just reading 2014 news articles don't mind me lisx#1702: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/taylor-swift-abruptly-pulls-entire-catalog-from-spotify-55523/ burarahurricane#6369: where did she go lisx#1702: it's a playlist made by spotify burarahurricane#6369: come back tyaorlor?; lisx#1702: oh wow https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2o4DUptiV0P9SFb3LK78Gt PeckServers.com#8342: Quack MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: burarahurricane#6369: omg tiny MMMMM#2210: Shes 3 MMMMM#2210: burarahurricane#6369: ducky burarahurricane#6369: :0 MMMMM#2210: Today is one of our ducks birthdays MMMMM#2210: I just realized PeckServers.com#8342: Rippem xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oof burarahurricane#6369: when the internet crashes when ur trying to do aleks :( xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/fax-facts-true-fax-machine-no-cap-gif-23341580 PeckServers.com#8342: Dk EJCaldwell#2924: just why EJCaldwell#2924: why EJCaldwell#2924: true burarahurricane#6369: fghdgsdf PeckServers.com#8342: But lisa swallows PeckServers.com#8342: Nope, all humans suck burarahurricane#6369: theres a bunch of fucked up people out there and in this fandom :/ burarahurricane#6369: andi agree burarahurricane#6369: its good not to generalize burarahurricane#6369: tjank u MMMMM#2210: fine burarahurricane#6369: tha tmakes me fee l so good about msyelf 👍 burarahurricane#6369: thanks 👍 MMMMM#2210: but *some* dream stans are even worse MMMMM#2210: humanity can be bad MMMMM#2210: https://www.change.org/p/me-members-dsmp-dni EJCaldwell#2924: why was it not a perm ban >:c PeckServers.com#8342: I actually hate humanity MMMMM#2210: PeckServers.com#8342: Change.org petition needs to be started burarahurricane#6369: yes please MMMMM#2210: dream*smp*stans** EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: That gets rid of the young idiots and the boomers in one shot MMMMM#2210: dreamstans* PeckServers.com#8342: Can we vote to delete twitter and Facebook all on one go PeckServers.com#8342: I hate humanity MMMMM#2210: ive gone too far MMMMM#2210: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol EJCaldwell#2924: we are the same height tho PeckServers.com#8342: Silence little one EJCaldwell#2924: so ima just be quiet now EJCaldwell#2924: but i never closed discord EJCaldwell#2924: ya i was PeckServers.com#8342: Werent you gonna head out? EJCaldwell#2924: facts PeckServers.com#8342: Nah, youd get dumber xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I thought you were saying george is my teacher PeckServers.com#8342: You're welcome son xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok I see xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's this joke xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: my teacher? PeckServers.com#8342: And he said "lets wait, my butt is still sore" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait PeckServers.com#8342: And i said " awesome dude, so proud. Lets go get you a bike" EJCaldwell#2924: cya MMMMM#2210: my bad, i mistook him for his mom EJCaldwell#2924: and ima head out PeckServers.com#8342: And said to me "guess what dad, i jsut fucked my teacher" PeckServers.com#8342: Liam came home from school one day PeckServers.com#8342: Yall ready for this xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was drugged MMMMM#2210: PeckServers.com#8342: It was in your sleep EJCaldwell#2924: XD xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I did not give consent PeckServers.com#8342: Woah george you fucked liam? EJCaldwell#2924: TRUE MMMMM#2210: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ex-cat-ly PeckServers.com#8342: Excatly PeckServers.com#8342: AND more MMMMM#2210: this could be useful MMMMM#2210: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the idiotic part of it is that they ruin it for all of us and the army of moms come and hunt us down EJCaldwell#2924: that would be discord with pedos MMMMM#2210: this is just dsmp MMMMM#2210: nah nah PeckServers.com#8342: Injection bleach EJCaldwell#2924: i need to get rid of my eyes MMMMM#2210: is mouth bleach EJCaldwell#2924: you're right MMMMM#2210: the only cure PeckServers.com#8342: Welcome to the shit side of discord MMMMM#2210: that wont fix it MMMMM#2210: nah EJCaldwell#2924: i need eye bleach xXthat1redheadXx#9990: heheheheh burarahurricane#6369: sorry what was that i only caught the dumptruck part MMMMM#2210: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ik PeckServers.com#8342: Dont threaten me with a good time xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: Woah lisx#1702: it'll be on your life record EJCaldwell#2924: do it no balls EJCaldwell#2924: yes Commander Lumbar support#1704: Commander Lumbar support#1704: do i join it EJCaldwell#2924: okay xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ǘ̴̇N̴̽̕L̶͒͝Ë̵́̐Ȧ̸̮S̴̐͠H̵̎̾ ̵̌̋T̵̈͠H̸̿͐Ê̶͝ ̸̞͌I̸̛͝N̵͆͝F̸͇̚Ȋ̵͝N̶̤̈́I̸͒͝T̴̎̋E̵̓̑ ̶͐͛P̷̉̐Ő̸͠W̴̏̍É̸̈R̶̍̅ ̴̈͆Ō̸̊F̸̻̀ ̵̓̾M̸̐͠Ȳ̶̜ ̷̔̿P̵͖̋H̶̏̈́Ỳ̷̿Š̸̂I̷̎̌C̵̉̄S̵͂̋ ̵̹̂B̶͒͘R̴̛͝E̸̛̓Ā̸̏K̷͋̄Ì̵̈N̴̓̓G̸̅̏ ̸̓DUMPTRUCK lisx#1702: the racism part Commander Lumbar support#1704: this account MMMMM#2210: are you talking about the fact that there are people in the world that are stupid enough to do this crap, or the racism part? MMMMM#2210: no lisx#1702: thats messed up EJCaldwell#2924: but you won't see me in it or near it lisx#1702: yo EJCaldwell#2924: i am fine with an alt PeckServers.com#8342: No balls PeckServers.com#8342: Main acct PeckServers.com#8342: No balls george MMMMM#2210: ill do it on an alt MMMMM#2210: discord.gg/dreamgender EJCaldwell#2924: i dare you to join it MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: thats their official discord EJCaldwell#2924: WHAT THE FRICK IS THAT MMMMM#2210: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Why MMMMM#2210: https://t.co/06wqiD2Zgd EJCaldwell#2924: yup PeckServers.com#8342: For them PeckServers.com#8342: Free money... EJCaldwell#2924: thats just a scam... burarahurricane#6369: LMAOOOO burarahurricane#6369: sATIRE/????? PeckServers.com#8342: How when yer gae burarahurricane#6369: thats pretty fucked up of you bro :/ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'll take it MMMMM#2210: burarahurricane#6369: man :/ MMMMM#2210: i guess im dreamphobic now MMMMM#2210: guys MMMMM#2210: awww crap PeckServers.com#8342: You are now an ass-tro-physicist PeckServers.com#8342: There you go son MMMMM#2210: https://dreamphobias.carrd.co/# burarahurricane#6369: theyre obviously gonna point out all the weirdos burarahurricane#6369: and then when you have a highly criticized fandom burarahurricane#6369: you get the weirdos burarahurricane#6369: its just what happens when u have a huge pool of people in a fanbase burarahurricane#6369: yea MMMMM#2210: this is disgusting burarahurricane#6369: 33* MMMMM#2210: EJCaldwell#2924: *"If you do this get off the internet"* EJCaldwell#2924: i like what it says underneath MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: *dreamsexual* as defined by the urban dictionary xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah EJCaldwell#2924: oh gosh PeckServers.com#8342: Ultimate laziness and efficiency xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh MMMMM#2210: *dreamsexuals* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fan fic MMMMM#2210: ... MMMMM#2210: with the MMMMM#2210: it gets worse xXthat1redheadXx#9990: a ***big*** party MMMMM#2210: but xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh wow MMMMM#2210: and they all simultaneously being shipped together EJCaldwell#2924: i think one of my sisters got a wink from one of the members when they went to one of the concerts like 10+ years ago MMMMM#2210: im overestimating MMMMM#2210: well MMMMM#2210: and their entire fanbase is between the ages of 8 and 18 MMMMM#2210: but its made of like 20 people MMMMM#2210: imagine that MMMMM#2210: yknow how one direction used to be a big band, and almost all of their fans were girls EJCaldwell#2924: role play EJCaldwell#2924: i watch like 1 person who does not play it that much' MMMMM#2210: the crap is RP EJCaldwell#2924: and no i am not EJCaldwell#2924: i don't like the RP PeckServers.com#8342: Hes a regular PeckServers.com#8342: Ethan knows xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *most* EJCaldwell#2924: most of it is xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I don't really know what it is PeckServers.com#8342: Its probs cringe xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ik but like MMMMM#2210: it is MMMMM#2210: you're one of the lucky people PeckServers.com#8342: But im probably wrong PeckServers.com#8342: I think its dream smp xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ............... I kinda don't even know what dsmp is cause I've never really... yk... tried to lisx#1702: the entire dsmp probably hates you too MMMMM#2210: 👍 PeckServers.com#8342: your are lisx#1702: *you're* the uneducated one lisx#1702: -_- burarahurricane#6369: @lisa what s the taylor switf sont wg where it goes haters gonna hate ahate ahte ahteathe et h somethigns omething Mocha#3331: Oh shit I can do reactions now lisx#1702: w d ym Mocha#3331: What ok burarahurricane#6369: i lvoe uneducated people goodbye Mocha#3331: And toxic the amount of death threats they send because someone didn't like their dnf post is horrid lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/6ycyxo6YA7iug48Qe1QoaE?si=db92065400f5487a lisx#1702: they really are cringe thats fs Mocha#3331: The actual dsmp is meh Mocha#3331: I just don't like the dsmp community lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3TEYJkNEb4 lisx#1702: he's the only I actually like lisx#1702: yeah that's what I'm saying Mocha#3331: Oh he is ok burarahurricane#6369: YORUE NEW BOWYFRIDN lisx#1702: catchy songs lisx#1702: who sings lisx#1702: wilbur lisx#1702: the other one lisx#1702: no not that guy Mocha#3331: I hate dream the most lisx#1702: hair lisx#1702: he has lisx#1702: uh lisx#1702: whats his name lisx#1702: and talks lisx#1702: does the stuff lisx#1702: the one who burarahurricane#6369: thats unfortunate 🧍 lisx#1702: you don't even like... that one other guy? lisx#1702: no lisx#1702: um Mocha#3331: Based on deez nuts lisx#1702: what does based mean Mocha#3331: Gogy is totally cringe and based lisx#1702: obviously lisx#1702: because gogy is totally awesome Mocha#3331: Wdym shame on me😭 lisx#1702: amazing lisx#1702: seriously?? Mocha#3331: Ofc lisx#1702: also shame on you lisx#1702: <@!522569307004076033> ? lisx#1702: who's the other gogy? Mocha#3331: But mostly gogy because he is the same name as the other gogy Mocha#3331: I hate the entire dsmp burarahurricane#6369: #relatable burarahurricane#6369: im bveery pathetic xXthat1redheadXx#9990: had to do her like that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wow lisx#1702: jk lisx#1702: he's just like you 🤮 burarahurricane#6369: hes a pathetic little man lisx#1702: ew burarahurricane#6369: he just played minecraft adn fell in lvoe with his best friend 🧍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: not even that but *genecide* burarahurricane#6369: but also gogy didn't murder millions burarahurricane#6369: less hate more disgust xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🤨 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you don't hate hitler xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hitler burarahurricane#6369: hes also dead :/ how coudl you hate a dead man burarahurricane#6369: hes GOGY burarahurricane#6369: :( you cant hate gogy lisx#1702: 😢 but it's my pfp burarahurricane#6369: its burarahurricane#6369: itd PeckServers.com#8342: ITS PeckServers.com#8342: Todays wordle 🟩⬛🟩🟩⬛ ⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 PeckServers.com#8342: Interressant xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://open.spotify.com/track/1ydKLmtx7LYnDe1udTu96w?si=a03ad42d11c547aa xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <3 PeckServers.com#8342: <3 PeckServers.com#8342: Its like us as humans, we have to look happy but we internally suffer and get laughed at burarahurricane#6369: even through their eternal suffering <3 PeckServers.com#8342: They always so happy burarahurricane#6369: omg i love those guys PeckServers.com#8342: *wiggling intensifies* PeckServers.com#8342: https://c.tenor.com/PKqiq0INpC8AAAAM/inflatable-dancing.gif burarahurricane#6369: its so trippy PeckServers.com#8342: Wiggl wiggl burarahurricane#6369: yea PeckServers.com#8342: Its hard PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh that one is so weird burarahurricane#6369: i can nevrr do it quite right :( burarahurricane#6369: do u guys know thjat one trixk where you flop ur pencil between ur fingers and it looks liek its wiggling PeckServers.com#8342: Ancient site from the good ol days of the internet PeckServers.com#8342: IKR burarahurricane#6369: omg thats epic PeckServers.com#8342: https://c.tenor.com/x4kH5TiVm1wAAAAM/arm-wave-out-wave.gif burarahurricane#6369: wiggle chat burarahurricane#6369: bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle burarahurricane#6369: bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle bigger wiggle PeckServers.com#8342: Wiggl PeckServers.com#8342: http://www.staggeringbeauty.com/ burarahurricane#6369: wiggle xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wiggle chat xXthat1redheadXx#9990: chat PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/bugcat-crazy-cat-wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-dance-gif-17214029 burarahurricane#6369: <:hehe_back:939684349022969886> PeckServers.com#8342: <:hehe:856378380332433408> burarahurricane#6369: u read my mind PeckServers.com#8342: Wiggle check burarahurricane#6369: wiggle wiggle Mocha#3331: Wave check burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/smart-thinking-thoughts-think-ponder-gif-7713620 Mocha#3331: I love waves burarahurricane#6369: LMAO PeckServers.com#8342: They are like waves, yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: or like this... burarahurricane#6369: little weewoos burarahurricane#6369: theyre like burarahurricane#6369: waves wiggle xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🙀 burarahurricane#6369: in the english language xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah but it's *waves* PeckServers.com#8342: Just like red and redhead burarahurricane#6369: one of the most common letters Mocha#3331: Radio isn't a cool bird tho burarahurricane#6369: whiis like the PeckServers.com#8342: Welcome to the club burarahurricane#6369: it doesnt have e tho burarahurricane#6369: gogy :0 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: radio has more and "r" and "d" are common consonants Mocha#3331: I hate gogy PeckServers.com#8342: And hatred PeckServers.com#8342: Love Mocha#3331: gogy PeckServers.com#8342: Future hubby burarahurricane#6369: bc . yk burarahurricane#6369: i usually open with either dream or space burarahurricane#6369: lol PeckServers.com#8342: My headass always starts with something stupid like puppy burarahurricane#6369: very Mocha#3331: I'm smart burarahurricane#6369: 2 burarahurricane#6369: mm yea then itd be ez to guess from there lol Mocha#3331: Plus it has three vowels Mocha#3331: Ofc I love the bird so I always open with it PeckServers.com#8342: Goddamn PeckServers.com#8342: And squishy burarahurricane#6369: crane* burarahurricane#6369: did you open with crabe Mocha#3331: I am goated with the sauce Mocha#3331: Wordle 253 2/6 🟩⬛🟩🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 burarahurricane#6369: hmmm ive never gotten one in 2 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: tsk tsk burarahurricane#6369: WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING im so disappointed in myself Wordle 253 4/6 ⬛⬛🟩🟨⬛ 🟩⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 burarahurricane#6369: omg new wordle time xXthat1redheadXx#9990: k i n d a xXthat1redheadXx#9990: heheh lmao burarahurricane#6369: ehehehe Mocha#3331: Booba burarahurricane#6369: do you have a favorite song burarahurricane#6369: well we could keep talking about boobs those are really funny burarahurricane#6369: <:warriors_disappointed:855934297217957918> burarahurricane#6369: 😐 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👎 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ***NYET!!!!*** burarahurricane#6369: almost new wordle!!1!1! burarahurricane#6369: ok thats enough horny for the month i think 👍 burarahurricane#6369: Dyno#3861: Found one! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: or xXthat1redheadXx#9990: or eating xXthat1redheadXx#9990: for shanking people PeckServers.com#8342: Those carrots could be useful PeckServers.com#8342: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I like how it just cuts off at the end lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/IaXsLdGo_zI xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if you're bad then yeah lisx#1702: it sounds cool, but not very fun to play PeckServers.com#8342: Just like this di.. xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's pretty interesting either way xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🧐 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: actually xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's worse with context then without xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh my gosh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: LMFAO burarahurricane#6369: now we just need the dteam and danny gonzalez collab burarahurricane#6369: omg buddies MMMMM#2210: This sounds oddly good MMMMM#2210: https://youtu.be/otadUHa3Pyo lisx#1702: *two worlds collid-* lisx#1702: ;dalksjfkl;sdjflkadshg;kladsjflkasjdk;lfsadjfkl 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 lisx#1702: oh my god burarahurricane#6369: im lovingthe mic burarahurricane#6369: :0 lisx#1702: yeah! and idk but i think I like danny thrasher commentary videos better than danny gonzalez commentary videos? 😳 👀 burarahurricane#6369: whoa......... PeckServers.com#8342: Shrek got excited PeckServers.com#8342: https://c.tenor.com/_SrPld3iGZQAAAAM/slime-green.gif lisx#1702: what has HAPPENED to you daniel? lisx#1702: he's seriously making a commentary video lisx#1702: I almost mistook this for danny... could daniel be making commentary videos?! burarahurricane#6369: i cant wait for the next wordle burarahurricane#6369: ok will keep that in mind 👍 burarahurricane#6369: t hats c r a z y lisx#1702: don't worry, if you keep talking about it everyday we'll never forget it burarahurricane#6369: omg i did lisx#1702: yes. you brought it up yesterday too burarahurricane#6369: . a long time burarahurricane#6369: only took me burarahurricane#6369: YAYYYY I finaly got today's quota of aleks topics done burarahurricane#6369: omtg do you guys remember hotsaustinmsda23 burarahurricane#6369: sometimes i can still hear her voice.... burarahurricane#6369: those were teh times burarahurricane#6369: i miss when jaxin was on discord burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: PEE!!! burarahurricane#6369: omg and my dreamland gogy pfp burarahurricane#6369: those were the days burarahurricane#6369: OMG I FORGOT ABOUT MY FBOY TUBBO PFP lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/1JmEymqQwLXvCg3sJ7gz0n?si=b53fcdc4e09840ce <@!531264285385424916> burarahurricane#6369: omg i forgot how good this song was burarahurricane#6369: also good no brain grammar :thubmsup: burarahurricane#6369: memory* burarahurricane#6369: i have such good memories burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/5amAJIEdIVtWYEi4wGp7Fn?si=9d40ae91b5834db6 burarahurricane#6369: S burarahurricane#6369: CITY OF ANGEL lisx#1702: with the wispy voice burarahurricane#6369: angel one lisx#1702: the one with the la girl burarahurricane#6369: oh yeah the burarahurricane#6369: what song was it ? burarahurricane#6369: "ths song is actually okay" burarahurricane#6369: oh wait it was lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: *that it was big and veiny?* lisx#1702: where is that burarahurricane#6369: no comment PeckServers.com#8342: What did Lisa end up saying? PeckServers.com#8342: Lol lisx#1702: <:hehe:856378380332433408> burarahurricane#6369: there it is lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/3DrjZArsPsoqbLzUZZV1Id?si=d42e483c38d544fb burarahurricane#6369: december me...................................... lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/058pBOh77XQJNg3YWGr4jN?si=36233834481549e9 burarahurricane#6369: gol PeckServers.com#8342: It is beautiful burarahurricane#6369: im giggling out loud burarahurricane#6369: cg is chillin 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: What the hell is that lisx#1702: thank you burarahurricane#6369: it looks great lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: that took forever actually idk I tried to make that rose really detailed burarahurricane#6369: so true burarahurricane#6369: LMAO lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> PeckServers.com#8342: *Vomits internally* PeckServers.com#8342: LOL burarahurricane#6369: 😳 PeckServers.com#8342: Aww look at you two go! You are almost similar enough to be lovers burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: x^-1=1/x lisx#1702: um burarahurricane#6369: oh so like x^-1 is 1/2 of x i knew that burarahurricane#6369: whats the opposite of a negative power burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> burarahurricane#6369: we're twinning :D burarahurricane#6369: its more of a quiet server that still manages to get up to a lot of chaos lol burarahurricane#6369: and i'd say maybe 300 of those people would talk burarahurricane#6369: like we average at 600 people online at a time burarahurricane#6369: plus only like a little under half of the people on the server actually like do anything on there burarahurricane#6369: strangely super homey and welcoming server burarahurricane#6369: lu is a very like burarahurricane#6369: yea lisx#1702: can you in a server with 2000 people? burarahurricane#6369: in a server with 50,000 people you can't rly get to know people or anythng burarahurricane#6369: fun to be in yk / burarahurricane#6369: im not a huge fan of the big streamer servers its not very like burarahurricane#6369: no lisx#1702: are you in the quackity discord server burarahurricane#6369: u go king <3 burarahurricane#6369: but i mean its true quackity is hiliarious burarahurricane#6369: hes complimenting himself . burarahurricane#6369: thats amaz ing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uk2jRDvHPbk burarahurricane#6369: OMG LESBIANS.... PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/ruQRvlNp-xQ PeckServers.com#8342: Kekw xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmao you had to do her like that 😂 EJCaldwell#2924: when i was like 4 Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: :) EJCaldwell#2924: i don't care for it EJCaldwell#2924: and i can still say EJCaldwell#2924: my older sister just made me watch a episode of anime lisx#1702: 😐 lisx#1702: georgenotfound standing on a bed wearing a black dream hoodie PeckServers.com#8342: What is your profile picture lisa? PeckServers.com#8342: L lisx#1702: this is what happens when you make me do homework 😭 lisx#1702: I totally thought it was gonna be monday lisx#1702: tomorrow is a sunday lisx#1702: oh my god burarahurricane#6369: its an extra credit thing for la right EJCaldwell#2924: why? burarahurricane#6369: 🥲 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: then somehow he turned it to russian xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it was the top one xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the cat started to step on the keyboard so I put what he did burarahurricane#6369: true burarahurricane#6369: so ture xXthat1redheadXx#9990: фтв ру егктвув ше ещ кгыышфт xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ;//////////////.p[-;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lisx#1702: no you're not burarahurricane#6369: i am so bad at math xXthat1redheadXx#9990: pp burarahurricane#6369: the volume of a cylinder is V=πr^2h 👍 burarahurricane#6369: thank u for the advice lisx#1702: breathe lisx#1702: take a deep breath burarahurricane#6369: pppppppppppppppppppppp burarahurricane#6369: ππππππππππππππππππππ burarahurricane#6369: π burarahurricane#6369: I DIDNT KNOW THIS BUTTON EXISTED oh mhy god i did so bad on hthis topic it wants e to stop burarahurricane#6369: you know when you loop dreams music it can put you in a trance that helps you do work burarahurricane#6369: yea lisx#1702: me too lisx#1702: m good guess burarahurricane#6369: idk lisx#1702: how long do you think that will take me lisx#1702: I just need to do 25 then lisx#1702: okay lisx#1702: 650 or 660 burarahurricane#6369: 660 lisx#1702: how many topics do we need? lisx#1702: what if they're not good for you burarahurricane#6369: but what if i really like the miencraft men burarahurricane#6369: i have 40 topics to go :/ lisx#1702: stop watching minecraft men then burarahurricane#6369: yea burarahurricane#6369: :( burarahurricane#6369: all i have the brain for is watching minecraft man get chased by other minecraft men......... lisx#1702: I completely forgot lisx#1702: oh yeah I need to finish aleks ' burarahurricane#6369: was watch dmanhunt burarahurricane#6369: all i could do burarahurricane#6369: all my braincells have bee ngone for so long burarahurricane#6369: i ha. e no brIN burarahurricane#6369: I DONT KNWO WHAT IT IMEANS ! burarahurricane#6369: EVEN ODD burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: I CONT KENOW Q2P37RY0OIHLK2HWAESDXCNM,,M> burarahurricane#6369: FRICK burarahurricane#6369: I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ANYMOREEEEE burarahurricane#6369: thatsi ncredible lisx#1702: I now have six pages of megamind quotes burarahurricane#6369: anything really burarahurricane#6369: what is burarahurricane#6369: what is math burarahurricane#6369: what is life burarahurricane#6369: what is this one burarahurricane#6369: gffrickity frack burarahurricane#6369: FRICK burarahurricane#6369: even burarahurricane#6369: im gonana say.... burarahurricane#6369: ummm burarahurricane#6369: f(x)_ b3ing negative or somethign or somethign burarahurricane#6369: about burarahurricane#6369: the thing burarahurricane#6369: i didn' t listen to burarahurricane#6369: I CANT DECIDE burarahurricane#6369: the evidence is compelling fr burarahurricane#6369: the slime block + water mlg then fishing rod enderpearl clutch was so hot burarahurricane#6369: uh huh lisx#1702: of the game thing lisx#1702: around the palce lisx#1702: and walked burarahurricane#6369: LMAO lisx#1702: yep lisx#1702: breathed lisx#1702: you can tell by the way thyey burarahurricane#6369: is this an odd even or neither function 🧍 lisx#1702: so completely staged EJCaldwell#2924: absolutely nothing burarahurricane#6369: yeah lol but what can u do 😔 burarahurricane#6369: hes back…slooping and gooping once more…. burarahurricane#6369: SLIMECICLE STREAM ? :0! lisx#1702: it was staged EJCaldwell#2924: i bet so many people are going to say it was staged lol EJCaldwell#2924: it really was burarahurricane#6369: GOD that manhunt was insane omg lisx#1702: it's okay PeckServers.com#8342: the best song on this planet PeckServers.com#8342: my baby PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/0k7wmahjkn389wAZdz19Cv?si=9e70f0c769db481f burarahurricane#6369: i apprediate it PeckServers.com#8342: ill be your lawyer but youll probs lose the case burarahurricane#6369: jester clwon burarahurricane#6369: a clown jester burarahurricane#6369: im also a clown tho :D burarahurricane#6369: D: Maulie#8927: Hmm lisx#1702: no burarahurricane#6369: will you be my lawyer…. lisx#1702: clowns go to circuses burarahurricane#6369: oh lisx#1702: jesters go to court burarahurricane#6369: thats wherebjesters goe wright burarahurricane#6369: my home burarahurricane#6369: omg acircuse PeckServers.com#8342: Wft are my neighbors doing lol burarahurricane#6369: jester burarahurricane#6369: jcuk burarahurricane#6369: fester burarahurricane#6369: cj burarahurricane#6369: jezter burarahurricane#6369: what can i say im. a jswster PeckServers.com#8342: oh alysse how you provide endless entertainment lmfao burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/tingle-elf-dance-gif-11546893 burarahurricane#6369: TINGLE PeckServers.com#8342: cringle burarahurricane#6369: I MAYBE CRINGE BUT I AM TFREE PeckServers.com#8342: cringe burarahurricane#6369: IM NAPEHFOWBFKABFMANFMSN NOT OKAY THIS IS THE LAST ONE EVRR burarahurricane#6369: FIVE MINTUESS burarahurricane#6369: TEN MINTUESS burarahurricane#6369: FIFTEEN MUNTUES burarahurricane#6369: lhoood bljob burarahurricane#6369: 17 burarahurricane#6369: TWENTY MINUTES lisx#1702: it's a thousand words long and I still have two more letters to write lisx#1702: I'm doing my book project burarahurricane#6369: shes in denial burarahurricane#6369: you dont know that….. lisx#1702: false lisx#1702: I've always been burarahurricane#6369: this is all a hallucination from your ghost mind….. burarahurricane#6369: becaus e i kill ed you in you r sleep PeckServers.com#8342: Because you werent burarahurricane#6369: im ahakignggbakfbbskhhsjgkebfmavdfjgkwndhrj widhwfklwvflzvrlvbwjfbwfobwdk wcldjbagk lisx#1702: why wouldn't i be burarahurricane#6369: tre end of an era PeckServers.com#8342: Hi lisa burarahurricane#6369: the last ken ever PeckServers.com#8342: Wait Lisa's alive? burarahurricane#6369: 23 MINUTES burarahurricane#6369: ITS HAPPENING IN lisx#1702: and then ten minutes ago lisx#1702: twenty minutes ago lisx#1702: you already told us burarahurricane#6369: GUYS ITS THE LAST MANHUNT EJCaldwell#2924: cute cat PeckServers.com#8342: awwww KiTtY burarahurricane#6369: she is so sleepy EJCaldwell#2924: True WalterJS#2477: burarahurricane#6369: LMAO PeckServers.com#8342: Reminds me of lisa PeckServers.com#8342: Yikes hes real young and he already likes cum burarahurricane#6369: the planet is being destroyed in this movie its awesome burarahurricane#6369: our ag e Mocha#3331: No kizzy Mocha#3331: 96 PeckServers.com#8342: Wait how old are you tho <@484351343503474698> PeckServers.com#8342: One of many burarahurricane#6369: this is what we call a cg horny moment EJCaldwell#2924: just why? EJCaldwell#2924: just EJCaldwell#2924: why? PeckServers.com#8342: Cum lovers unite PeckServers.com#8342: Cum lovers together PeckServers.com#8342: Amen Mocha#3331: All because of our love of cum Mocha#3331: We are above the law. Lovers destined to be and nothing can stop us EJCaldwell#2924: i am going insane because of it PeckServers.com#8342: The only issue is that you are a minor and im not 😬 EJCaldwell#2924: my sisters are watching my little pony and its so annoying burarahurricane#6369: that sounds cool and epic and cool fs Mocha#3331: It was very hot and cool and epic and cool Mocha#3331: Yes we had big gay sex burarahurricane#6369: uh huh EJCaldwell#2924: that sounds fun burarahurricane#6369: for my knees ✨ burarahurricane#6369: because i ahevr to go to physical therapy burarahurricane#6369: well it was the intermountain healthcare physical therapy building by my house EJCaldwell#2924: why were you in the hospital? burarahurricane#6369: :( i hate it burarahurricane#6369: so the y stab you like ten times more necessary burarahurricane#6369: its even worse when they have to reposition the needles burarahurricane#6369: it is ! burarahurricane#6369: and ur like when will it be over when will it stop please no god why burarahurricane#6369: and it hurts and makes ur blood pound in ur ears burarahurricane#6369: and the muscle jumps and contracts and irritates around the needle burarahurricane#6369: and they turn on the electrical current burarahurricane#6369: they take little aligator clamps and connect them to the needles in ur legs burarahurricane#6369: WHEN IT CANT POSSIBLY GET ANY WORSE EJCaldwell#2924: painful EJCaldwell#2924: sounds EJCaldwell#2924: that burarahurricane#6369: and then burarahurricane#6369: its absolutely horrible burarahurricane#6369: and then they WIGGLE IT AROUND to reposition until the muscle twitches burarahurricane#6369: and it goes down to the bone burarahurricane#6369: and then they stab rhe need le into ur leg burarahurricane#6369: and then they go “3 ,2, 1” burarahurricane#6369: and they go “its ur favorite :)” and i go pale with dread burarahurricane#6369: and then they get these needles burarahurricane#6369: well its more of a reclinable chair burarahurricane#6369: well they make you lay on the little bed thing EJCaldwell#2924: how? burarahurricane#6369: but that was whwre i got stabbed :[ burarahurricane#6369: well i was at a hospital place burarahurricane#6369: and the fact that it keeps happening isnt super chill either i thought i was done with it :| burarahurricane#6369: it was really miserable -4/10 would not recommend burarahurricane#6369: well the stabbing was so i could get electrocuted a little give_a_minute#1155: they got great food over there I heard give_a_minute#1155: check out a hopsital give_a_minute#1155: also give_a_minute#1155: maybe give_a_minute#1155: so that's currently your one major concern after being stabbed randomly give_a_minute#1155: wow burarahurricane#6369: my legs hurt from being stabbed :/ i cant walk very well it is painful burarahurricane#6369: oh rifht of course give_a_minute#1155: obv give_a_minute#1155: the lady who sang "if you wanted it you shoulda put a ring on it" burarahurricane#6369: if you wanted it you shoulda put a ring on it woo o o oo oo oh who o oooh oh oh if you like it you should a put a ring on it woo o oh o h oh h o who sang taht burarahurricane#6369: she coulda been suicidal give_a_minute#1155: that doesn't work here give_a_minute#1155: yeah....no burarahurricane#6369: wait why was tthis the first thing sent on janurary (i know how to spell that i just dont want to tyep ) 23rd LMAO MMMMM#2210: That’s what she said? EJCaldwell#2924: but i could not jump in burarahurricane#6369: lpips burarahurricane#6369: damm EJCaldwell#2924: i was going to use the toilet EJCaldwell#2924: thats a good idea EJCaldwell#2924: i was meant to die give_a_minute#1155: you should put a toaster in it burarahurricane#6369: sont let urself down :( pick urself up and get bakc up again ! hey ! somethign somethign somet hing i thnk that s a song EJCaldwell#2924: and now my corps is flying MMMMM#2210: And got tired MMMMM#2210: I read my missed messages EJCaldwell#2924: i am downing my self in a bathtub in a game MMMMM#2210: If I had to guess burarahurricane#6369: mmeditating> /? MMMMM#2210: I don’t even remember burarahurricane#6369: me singing mask by popular controversial minecraft youtuber dream... burarahurricane#6369: spideerman fanfictoin. ? burarahurricane#6369: what si the burarahurricane#6369: was it my toe jam ? i dont have that byY the way burarahurricane#6369: and got minecraf t burarahurricane#6369: was that wehen i joined the mc server burarahurricane#6369: omg wait burarahurricane#6369: nOOOO my airpodd died D: give_a_minute#1155: *lmao give_a_minute#1155: lmo burarahurricane#6369: maybe thats why i dont remember the 23rd of janruary give_a_minute#1155: go there give_a_minute#1155: let's not give_a_minute#1155: uh burarahurricane#6369: omg burarahurricane#6369: thats an idea burarahurricane#6369: and we daaaandced the night awayyyyyyyy burarahurricane#6369: love was changin the minds of pretendahs lisx#1702: On the twenty third night of janurAry EJCaldwell#2924: can't you go back and read it? burarahurricane#6369: teh 21st night of septembe....r...... burarahurricane#6369: i went cross eyed trying to read c r a z y oh no i did it gain what the heck lisx#1702: Do you remember burarahurricane#6369: thats c r a z y lisx#1702: Alysse????? MMMMM#2210: Not the only one tho burarahurricane#6369: what hapepned on the twenty thrid of januaury lisx#1702: Has that changed give_a_minute#1155: *ehhhhhh?* MMMMM#2210: I’ve had you blocked since the 23rd of January burarahurricane#6369: decimal give_a_minute#1155: *get it* give_a_minute#1155: *december* burarahurricane#6369: /gen lisx#1702: What burarahurricane#6369: im srorryry burarahurricane#6369: did i cross a line :[ give_a_minute#1155: *sick MMMMM#2210: Remember when you were the only person I actively tried not to be a sick to burarahurricane#6369: (unsert lisa's taylor swift song here) EJCaldwell#2924: that feels like so long ago burarahurricane#6369: d3cevmber.... burarahurricane#6369: what a time burarahurricane#6369: i think burarahurricane#6369: december burarahurricane#6369: uhh decemner burarahurricane#6369: what a time give_a_minute#1155: when'd that happen burarahurricane#6369: rhat was funny burarahurricane#6369: remember when i accdienttaly rolep;ayed as austin the studienct council cive vice* presitdent MMMMM#2210: That reminds me give_a_minute#1155: he just had it for a few hours because some guy on twitter had it as a pfp as well burarahurricane#6369: omg was ismael rping as gaeb.... lisx#1702: I thought gaeb said that before you mentioned it lisx#1702: I see it too give_a_minute#1155: ***it's a spitting image of em' I'll tell ya*** EJCaldwell#2924: i would not question it burarahurricane#6369: a miniisuscule cage... give_a_minute#1155: the poor guy give_a_minute#1155: in a *cage*? burarahurricane#6369: wheres my gogy in a cage pic burarahurricane#6369: omg gogy give_a_minute#1155: gogy has left the scene EJCaldwell#2924: np burarahurricane#6369: said* burarahurricane#6369: 's sa8d to me burarahurricane#6369: thats the nicest thing anyone ever EJCaldwell#2924: 👍 burarahurricane#6369: awwww burarahurricane#6369: awww burarahurricane#6369: its another part of my jester clowernery 👍 EJCaldwell#2924: because it annoys george MMMMM#2210: That’s because you’re just as bad EJCaldwell#2924: i like it EJCaldwell#2924: yes burarahurricane#6369: my spelling,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. burarahurricane#6369: me? give_a_minute#1155: I think EJCaldwell#2924: its funny and entertaining tho give_a_minute#1155: it's for *aesthetic* burarahurricane#6369: (more than one kind of pride if yk 😏) burarahurricane#6369: i know i wear my badge with pride <3 give_a_minute#1155: if we're applying the same principle then you can't talk trash at all MMMMM#2210: Maybe it was burarahurricane#6369: that was just grammar burarahurricane#6369: that wasn't even bad spelling tho MMMMM#2210: You probably have the worst spelling in this server MMMMM#2210: You can’t really talk trash about bad spelling burarahurricane#6369: i love irony give_a_minute#1155: said the self-proclaimed grammar police MMMMM#2210: That’s *sad* burarahurricane#6369: he would you pick.... EJCaldwell#2924: i would not give_a_minute#1155: *who MMMMM#2210: That’s a good point Ethan, such a good point I’m obliged to ask since you so graciously volunteered. If you could have a threesome with two other people here, he would you pick? give_a_minute#1155: *you really could've played into that george* EJCaldwell#2924: lol give_a_minute#1155: oh cmon give_a_minute#1155: 1(?) give_a_minute#1155: 2 give_a_minute#1155: 3 burarahurricane#6369: get ready for impact give_a_minute#1155: MMMMM is on the scene burarahurricane#6369: thats what he said EJCaldwell#2924: its not gay if its with the homies give_a_minute#1155: there's a difference give_a_minute#1155: I'm *gae* give_a_minute#1155: he said it EJCaldwell#2924: i ain't gay burarahurricane#6369: young love <3 EJCaldwell#2924: in this discord EJCaldwell#2924: one of two people EJCaldwell#2924: yup give_a_minute#1155: I even know where he lives give_a_minute#1155: we're such good pals burarahurricane#6369: aw look at you two finishing each other's sentences EJCaldwell#2924: sad give_a_minute#1155: that's give_a_minute#1155: wow give_a_minute#1155: oh burarahurricane#6369: its his alts i think EJCaldwell#2924: i don't want to get it give_a_minute#1155: I still don't get it EJCaldwell#2924: its been worse burarahurricane#6369: but what if we asked rweawwy reawwy nice 🥺 EJCaldwell#2924: i will not say EJCaldwell#2924: and no burarahurricane#6369: ej caldwell isnt cringe neough ?? slahs j EJCaldwell#2924: what i used to call myself Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: straight mofo PeckServers.com#8342: gay mofo MMMMM#2210: Gay mofo Mocha#3331: Me and u Mocha#3331: 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 PeckServers.com#8342: me too Mocha#3331: I love cum MMMMM#2210: gay mofo MMMMM#2210: \gay mofo MMMMM#2210: gay mofo MMMMM#2210: gay mofo MMMMM#2210: gay mofo Mocha#3331: No I'm never getting laid👍 🛹 Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: gay mofo MMMMM#2210: 15 way tie Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: Yes Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: Premarital sex is a sin MMMMM#2210: no EJCaldwell#2924: nope Mocha#3331: No Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: Yes Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: I CAME Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: im pretty sure his mom reads his messages Mocha#3331: Lmaoooo Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: bf* Mocha#3331: If not family then my gf Mocha#3331: Yea but I don't think that was the point of the question MMMMM#2210: its an unspoken rule EJCaldwell#2924: it never said it couldn't be family EJCaldwell#2924: yes MMMMM#2210: no Mocha#3331: Does my mom count? MMMMM#2210: Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: 🍑 🍆 MMMMM#2210: what the crap Mocha#3331: George🥵 Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: Love anal MMMMM#2210: called it EJCaldwell#2924: thats nice Mocha#3331: Except george Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: Everyone is a ten in my eyes😍 Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: C*um* MMMMM#2210: you're forgetting the other one Mocha#3331: C*um EJCaldwell#2924: it would be pain tho EJCaldwell#2924: ya EJCaldwell#2924: you can just say the word Mocha#3331: Yes Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: C*um MMMMM#2210: thats kinda weird, but it'd be even weirder if it said a different kind of coming EJCaldwell#2924: now that is good Mocha#3331: I'm comming Mocha#3331: I'm coming Mocha#3331: I'm coming Mocha#3331: I'm coming Mocha#3331: I'm coming Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: breakfast at dinner EJCaldwell#2924: same Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: Dinner Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: Lol MMMMM#2210: wut Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: the grass in my backyard is covered in duck poop Mocha#3331: No Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: What's wrong with too much grass MMMMM#2210: Mocha#3331: Touch grass maybe MMMMM#2210: no MMMMM#2210: no Mocha#3331: Or hw Mocha#3331: Either way you could try picking up something new MMMMM#2210: discord bug Mocha#3331: I would *never* MMMMM#2210: Mocha#3331: Wym? MMMMM#2210: did you change your pfp? MMMMM#2210: wait MMMMM#2210: i did just a few hours ago EJCaldwell#2924: ^ Mocha#3331: Touch grass MMMMM#2210: bored MMMMM#2210: im MMMMM#2210: im so bored, ill think about it lisx#1702: “No” lisx#1702: Wanna watch me make fried rice? lisx#1702: *I was never here…..* \*fades away slowly….* MMMMM#2210: im bored again lisx#1702: Welllllllll MMMMM#2210: *and discord* lisx#1702: I don’t; I’m using my mom’s phone to look at *fried rice recipes* lisx#1702: My mom wants me to get better at cooking so she’s making me attempt to make fried rice MMMMM#2210: i thought you didnt have a phone lisx#1702: It’s really fun to scroll burarahurricane#6369: huh lisx#1702: Bug lisx#1702: It’s an old lady lisx#1702: 🥲 lisx#1702: Who are always in their twenties by the time I watch the shows burarahurricane#6369: ??? lisx#1702: And there’s always cute actors lisx#1702: They’re funny lisx#1702: Haha yeah burarahurricane#6369: im fine 👍 burarahurricane#6369: its okay burarahurricane#6369: im dumb burarahurricane#6369: 400 burarahurricane#6369: whats 20 squared burarahurricane#6369: to quote jaxin, *you would* burarahurricane#6369: oh the tweeny ones lisx#1702: except not disney lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: like the ones with teenagers in high school burarahurricane#6369: what ones lisx#1702: it only took a couple months lisx#1702: I'm finding all the good kiddy shows on netflix again burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/respect-hat-tip-tip-hat-gif-7890251 burarahurricane#6369: gpodo job ;D lisx#1702: addition is not even that hard anymore lisx#1702: I've done so much math lately that I can almost do the `5 vs 8 vs (1)3` combo and the `5 vs 7 vs (1)2` combo perfectly burarahurricane#6369: IRRELEFVANT burarahurricane#6369: his brain is just so big burarahurricane#6369: picsu * burarahurricane#6369: you guys should do it with me i have a lot of options and i feel like theres some nice quotes in there once you scroll past the gogy pios lisx#1702: I figured it out 22 minutes ago burarahurricane#6369: itslike possession burarahurricane#6369: i lov e using other people to talk burarahurricane#6369: but that was really fun :D burarahurricane#6369: thats what all this was for burarahurricane#6369: i KNEW HE SAID IT burarahurricane#6369: JARED give_a_minute#1155: how'd he make that one up lisx#1702: um give_a_minute#1155: wow burarahurricane#6369: drumroll please burarahurricane#6369: its burarahurricane#6369: but i figured it out 😏 lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: oops that was kinda aggressibe burarahurricane#6369: ***I KNOW YOUR MIDDLE NAME*** give_a_minute#1155: lisx#1702: lisx#1702: lisx#1702: give_a_minute#1155: lisx#1702: lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: give_a_minute#1155: burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: like eugh lisx#1702: it's just so annoying burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: lol give_a_minute#1155: burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: I really don't like saying y a instead of "yeah" burarahurricane#6369: MMMMM#2210: there was no attempt in using the correct english language in that sentence burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: haha lisx#1702: oh MMMMM#2210: thats just plain stupid MMMMM#2210: at least would of *kinda* sounds like would've lisx#1702: yes it is MMMMM#2210: thats not even a mistake MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: but instead i found this MMMMM#2210: so i was gonna count how many times hes made that same *mistake* burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: give_a_minute#1155: lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: EJCaldwell#2924: WHY DO I HAVE SO MANY QUOTES lisx#1702: S burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: EJCaldwell#2924: before i go insane EJCaldwell#2924: ima just head out lisx#1702: EJCaldwell#2924: i can make it so i can't see your messages burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: EJCaldwell#2924: do it then burarahurricane#6369: EJCaldwell#2924: can you please stop username123115#4960: lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: EJCaldwell#2924: thats how many times i have said a thing burarahurricane#6369: EJCaldwell#2924: how many of those do you have? burarahurricane#6369: EJCaldwell#2924: stop using me to talk burarahurricane#6369: EJCaldwell#2924: what is the context? burarahurricane#6369: x lisx#1702: me either EJCaldwell#2924: i don't remember that EJCaldwell#2924: what? lisx#1702: context? burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: back in the day.... burarahurricane#6369: OH YEAH lisx#1702: right lisx#1702: jaxin: LISA FLIPPIN SONG burarahurricane#6369: LMAO lisx#1702: I don't know any song named anything burarahurricane#6369: she does burarahurricane#6369: (* I dont actally remember saying this btw its kinda funny( EJCaldwell#2924: i swear you almost have a song for anything burarahurricane#6369: georgenotfoudn.......grte.... burarahurricane#6369: its just my unhingedness has latched onto lisx#1702: are you going https://open.spotify.com/track/3DrjZArsPsoqbLzUZZV1Id?si=e822741d2f564b39 burarahurricane#6369: i dont thin k im an y better now actually burarahurricane#6369: who was definitely unhineged EJCaldwell#2924: what? lisx#1702: which is different burarahurricane#6369: i have quote screenshots of december!me EJCaldwell#2924: yes burarahurricane#6369: omg.....december me...i remember lisx#1702: his name is johnathan EJCaldwell#2924: you guessed 8 times lisx#1702: I knew it EJCaldwell#2924: yes lisx#1702: james EJCaldwell#2924: thats maulies name lisx#1702: jared lisx#1702: jonathan lisx#1702: john lisx#1702: jimmy lisx#1702: jake lisx#1702: justin lisx#1702: jackson lisx#1702: is it jordan EJCaldwell#2924: you don't know my middle name burarahurricane#6369: -Ethan Caldwell, 2022 ™️ lisx#1702: why did you ask if you didn't want to know EJCaldwell#2924: no PeckServers.com#8342: Googel lisx#1702: -Alyssa May, 2022 ™️ EJCaldwell#2924: What? burarahurricane#6369: -Cody Peck, 2022 ™️ PeckServers.com#8342: Crunchy cookie creamy candy cupcake burarahurricane#6369: -Lisa Song, 2022 ™️ lisx#1702: Making the world a better place one correction at a time™️ lisx#1702: you could see it on his face burarahurricane#6369: yea he gave this whole explanation speech in homeroom i think he died inside when it played lisx#1702: would of is completely wrong and everyone does it EJCaldwell#2924: but it was fine EJCaldwell#2924: i am not going to say why EJCaldwell#2924: that correcting was fine lisx#1702: would've* EJCaldwell#2924: it really would of lisx#1702: it would've been so funny if they did tho lisx#1702: apparently aldo said he was going to have austin and sam read it but they didn't lisx#1702: and everyone was trying so hard not to laugh EJCaldwell#2924: i would think lisx#1702: it was so awkward when they filmed it during student council lol EJCaldwell#2924: yes? lisx#1702: and the part about tampons or something EJCaldwell#2924: ya lisx#1702: oh yeah did you guys watch the announcements video today MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: i just found this on my games subreddit MMMMM#2210: what the crap MMMMM#2210: and i sell starving student cards MMMMM#2210: chores lisx#1702: from where? MMMMM#2210: but most of my games probably wont work on it MMMMM#2210: yes lisx#1702: do you get money MMMMM#2210: only 650 dollars MMMMM#2210: i could buy a steam deck burarahurricane#6369: rip MMMMM#2210: and all the good ones are too big for my pc MMMMM#2210: but that takes time MMMMM#2210: cause i had to buy new headphones EJCaldwell#2924: check the free games on steam MMMMM#2210: and i have no money MMMMM#2210: that costs money burarahurricane#6369: (technoblade voice) can't you see history repeating itself?? lisx#1702: games are bad lisx#1702: don't do that lisx#1702: no EJCaldwell#2924: get a new game MMMMM#2210: thats why im bored MMMMM#2210: there is nothing to do lisx#1702: lisx#1702: lol EJCaldwell#2924: find something to do then MMMMM#2210: im still bored burarahurricane#6369: predictable MMMMM#2210: bored burarahurricane#6369: how are you today MMMMM#2210: hello burarahurricane#6369: hi bored MMMMM#2210: im bored MMMMM#2210: The brick lisx#1702: you forgot the lot of money was there? lisx#1702: cool Maulie#8927: That sounds insanely specific EJCaldwell#2924: i promise you i am not speaking from experience PeckServers.com#8342: *shot gun* EJCaldwell#2924: the one that wants to be like you so they follow you everywhere annoying you and then they start jumping onto you and then they raid your room and take over everything unless you barricade yourself in your room and protect your belongings with the most powerful nerf gun you have PeckServers.com#8342: The slap in the face little cousin PeckServers.com#8342: Im in school still so i get everything back in tax returns EJCaldwell#2924: the annoying little cousin Maulie#8927: I feel like income tax is a cousin to federal taxes EJCaldwell#2924: not taxes on living EJCaldwell#2924: but not life taxes EJCaldwell#2924: ik Maulie#8927: Bro as soon as you get a job you have to pay taxes PeckServers.com#8342: Actually awesome PeckServers.com#8342: Thats really epico MMMMM#2210: So him and his coworkers all got one MMMMM#2210: My dad did a bunch of the work on the blocks MMMMM#2210: So i forgot that was there EJCaldwell#2924: cool PeckServers.com#8342: (well his family) PeckServers.com#8342: And i think his name is on that plaque PeckServers.com#8342: And donated it to dsu PeckServers.com#8342: Some one has a lot of money PeckServers.com#8342: Dixie state holland building EJCaldwell#2924: ? EJCaldwell#2924: where are you PeckServers.com#8342: Yo whats this <@522569307004076033> PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Sadness 😢 EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: and she loved how it looks EJCaldwell#2924: i told her i am making her a shirt EJCaldwell#2924: i just made my sister very happy EJCaldwell#2924: Also happy birthday EJCaldwell#2924: You are now an adult, you ready to pay your taxes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes I did xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes burarahurricane#6369: iddid you havve to csll him daddy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Thanks man! burarahurricane#6369: i think im on. my villain arc burarahurricane#6369: his face i s dumb burarahurricane#6369: do you think it’d be socially acceptable for me to murder that kid for occupying my seat MMMMM#2210: Hepy bortdy lisx#1702: amazing burarahurricane#6369: :0 adultified PeckServers.com#8342: On this day 18 years ago burarahurricane#6369: spencer ‘s ghost texting agajn…. burarahurricane#6369: WHOAH <@!852187118113652776> did you evacuate the womb on this day Maulie#8927: Have never gonna give you up written burarahurricane#6369: lmao L MMMMM#2210: Crap MMMMM#2210: Never gonna give you up Mocha#3331: If makes brain go brrr Mocha#3331: Bro the song goes hard burarahurricane#6369: if u can play it slowly......... burarahurricane#6369: LMAO YEAH give_a_minute#1155: so sacrilegious it just radiates through the entire universe give_a_minute#1155: flight of the bumblebee burarahurricane#6369: vivaldi's four seasons (<- not rly a song but its music) burarahurricane#6369: never gonna give u up burarahurricane#6369: africa by toto Maulie#8927: Name a song that everyone knows EJCaldwell#2924: plus one of my older sisters have covid, but she does not live here EJCaldwell#2924: but if i am not at school tomorrow you now know why EJCaldwell#2924: so most of the time i would be listening to his stream EJCaldwell#2924: last year my LA teacher did not give a single crap as long as we did our work EJCaldwell#2924: and thats when i am a shop aid burarahurricane#6369: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: he starts during 3rd period PeckServers.com#8342: Yoo you watch those during class? EJCaldwell#2924: i have only caught the first half of the first one burarahurricane#6369: im sad i usually can't watch the first halves burarahurricane#6369: those streams have been adding years to my life EJCaldwell#2924: same EJCaldwell#2924: i got to watch Phill play breath of the wild PeckServers.com#8342: Oh no burarahurricane#6369: thats nice EJCaldwell#2924: and even catch some live streams burarahurricane#6369: i just wanna live happily in my enclosure :[ EJCaldwell#2924: i can listen to music EJCaldwell#2924: but most days i am good burarahurricane#6369: huh PeckServers.com#8342: Welcome to life EJCaldwell#2924: i was working on other class disclosures and taking the rafting off of a 3d print burarahurricane#6369: what hapepned yeseterday EJCaldwell#2924: other than yesterday burarahurricane#6369: your e usually standing inhte shop all sad EJCaldwell#2924: i don't ever have anything else to do most of the time burarahurricane#6369: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: its okay EJCaldwell#2924: if you ever need help ask me burarahurricane#6369: like. at all burarahurricane#6369: i dont rly do that stuff burarahurricane#6369: e burarahurricane#6369: its so far from my usual comfort zon EJCaldwell#2924: why? burarahurricane#6369: i feel like such a fish out of water in that class EJCaldwell#2924: its at least a easy class burarahurricane#6369: uhh no lmao EJCaldwell#2924: don't you like comms? PeckServers.com#8342: Thats impressive burarahurricane#6369: :( EJCaldwell#2924: and they almost totaled up to a mile PeckServers.com#8342: Aww :( EJCaldwell#2924: i did sprints burarahurricane#6369: all of my classes suck and make me want to die PeckServers.com#8342: Damn PeckServers.com#8342: Whys that EJCaldwell#2924: track EJCaldwell#2924: and they will hurt more tomorrow PeckServers.com#8342: Why EJCaldwell#2924: my legs hurt so much right now burarahurricane#6369: not to be the kid who make s suicide jokes but b days make me want to off myself PeckServers.com#8342: Yayyy/nooo EJCaldwell#2924: ima be dead tomorrow most likely PeckServers.com#8342: No burarahurricane#6369: oh god its a b day tomorrow EJCaldwell#2924: have a great day EJCaldwell#2924: okay PeckServers.com#8342: No burarahurricane#6369: lmao EJCaldwell#2924: whats tomorrow then? PeckServers.com#8342: I mean apple warehouses are kinda like garages PeckServers.com#8342: No burarahurricane#6369: nice WalterJS#2477: its pretty swaggy WalterJS#2477: im bringing it to school so ill show u tomorrow WalterJS#2477: 14 inch WalterJS#2477: its one of the M1 Pro ones WalterJS#2477: i got it on the website WalterJS#2477: no lol burarahurricane#6369: rip EJCaldwell#2924: my legs are in pain burarahurricane#6369: didja get it at one of those garage sales burarahurricane#6369: macbook buddies xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hello EJCaldwell#2924: hello WalterJS#2477: hello from my new macbook burarahurricane#6369: these songs are literall y the same waht the frick burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/0W2v7c71tdYzN0oK06GZVP?si=707a84e3124443d9 burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/7fyG2MquxykO3Ufiku1Dj2?si=f08f0701549b47c5 give_a_minute#1155: what does that even mean Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: 15 way tie MMMMM#2210: yes PeckServers.com#8342: No lisx#1702: So who’s the person of your choice <@!522569307004076033> burarahurricane#6369: WOOOO Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: tomorrow's friday MMMMM#2210: wow lisx#1702: is redfearn the coach? EJCaldwell#2924: there is long distance lisx#1702: but I know I'm bad at it lisx#1702: so I'm actually not sure lisx#1702: but then again I didn't like any of them before I did cross country, and now I think long distance is fun lisx#1702: I don't like sprints as much lisx#1702: oh EJCaldwell#2924: and no weights EJCaldwell#2924: but it was sprints EJCaldwell#2924: just under a mile lisx#1702: or was it more weights and strength stuff? lisx#1702: how much did you have to run? EJCaldwell#2924: i am dead inside atm EJCaldwell#2924: not bad EJCaldwell#2924: i forgot about that lisx#1702: was it fun? lisx#1702: you told us EJCaldwell#2924: i just joined today lisx#1702: I don't really want to anymore lisx#1702: but I got lazy when it came around EJCaldwell#2924: you can still join lisx#1702: I wanted to do track at the beginning of the year EJCaldwell#2924: and i am fine with that lisx#1702: long distance doesn't like you either EJCaldwell#2924: i don't like long distance lisx#1702: *I hear it's better* lisx#1702: you should've done cross country EJCaldwell#2924: and now i am on track lisx#1702: well that's literally practically impossible for me 😂 EJCaldwell#2924: i used to run quite a bit lisx#1702: 🙄 EJCaldwell#2924: i think my best is like a 7 minute mile lisx#1702: me and my 12 minute miles 🥲 lisx#1702: and I haven't ran in oh *decades* EJCaldwell#2924: its not that bad actually lisx#1702: and I'm lazy lisx#1702: but it's kinda chilly lisx#1702: I actually thought about that EJCaldwell#2924: or walk EJCaldwell#2924: go for a run then lisx#1702: and I don't want to *effort* lisx#1702: the book I have rn requires *concentration* to read lisx#1702: I don't have an easy book to read though EJCaldwell#2924: i thought you loved reading lisx#1702: boring lisx#1702: I don't like those EJCaldwell#2924: read EJCaldwell#2924: play a game lisx#1702: I don't like online classes EJCaldwell#2924: take some online classes then lisx#1702: I miss school EJCaldwell#2924: find something to do then lisx#1702: still bored lisx#1702: lisx#1702: lisx#1702: lisx#1702: lisx#1702: lisx#1702: wow lisx#1702: I'm bored EJCaldwell#2924: And I started today EJCaldwell#2924: Because they started a few weeks ago EJCaldwell#2924: I wish they would of announced it better than they did EJCaldwell#2924: And my finger typing is so dang slow EJCaldwell#2924: I just got back from track EJCaldwell#2924: But I am so tired right now EJCaldwell#2924: So I may retake it EJCaldwell#2924: I got a 70 burarahurricane#6369: rip EJCaldwell#2924: But I still have a B+ EJCaldwell#2924: Not as good i as I thought I would lisx#1702: not what I was expecting 🤣 lisx#1702: that was lisx#1702: oh my god lisx#1702: how'd you do Maulie#8927: Russia invaded Ukraine this morning xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and it was only for one letter xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the last one I *kinda* cheated on by clicking the letters kinda until it worked but still xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I finished the crossword lisa PeckServers.com#8342: "iblolgy" lisx#1702: yes burarahurricane#6369: you guys should totally check out our slide show on weed!!!1!1! it is veryamazing completely and make sure you view on presenter mode https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1TArElWFh2AbEc9gRb8ZCDuhND8CB0SAC7MBjQk3Gxsc/edit PeckServers.com#8342: ToniTek resales first shipment went out today! Yayyy walter and me! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: an* PeckServers.com#8342: I just listened to it again 💀 WalterJS#2477: It’s a holy song WalterJS#2477: 💀💀 PeckServers.com#8342: That song man PeckServers.com#8342: Lmfaooo PeckServers.com#8342: Omg WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/6B89ADIwxCw60PHZN6Kdp4?si=13h8NIyMQQq49mYyd9dJlg burarahurricane#6369: good morning burarahurricane#6369: we’re almo st there PeckServers.com#8342: One day away from Friday burarahurricane#6369: its thursday tomorrow.. PeckServers.com#8342: Hes doing good in the girl dept fs EJCaldwell#2924: good for you WalterJS#2477: It was hot asf 😩🥵 WalterJS#2477: she jus grabbed my hand and put it on her thigh WalterJS#2477: At the assembly today WalterJS#2477: Guys Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: only for it to be 10 seconds EJCaldwell#2924: i spent like a hour to fight a boss EJCaldwell#2924: yes Maulie#8927: Is that why Daniel ..? EJCaldwell#2924: also hitlers birthday EJCaldwell#2924: weed Maulie#8927: No not really xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if only xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I would but I've done so much today and it's at 2% Maulie#8927: He'll just grind Duolingo all night EJCaldwell#2924: do you know what 420 means right EJCaldwell#2924: hey maulie xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh my gosh yes Maulie#8927: 420 EJCaldwell#2924: you will have 420 xp xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: too... Maulie#8927: 111 more XP points xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wdym xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? Maulie#8927: Yeah, 111 Maulie#8927: Wait Maulie#8927: Only 111 to go EJCaldwell#2924: Duolingo\ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: !!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I got 309 XP Maulie#8927: Wut that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: EJCaldwell#2924: because then you could kill them and run far away and it would be close to impossible to kill the runner Maulie#8927: Me and my sister found a way around it EJCaldwell#2924: for a manhunt yes Maulie#8927: Not really EJCaldwell#2924: you also need the plugin/datapack Maulie#8927: Just ask Cody to make a survival server and then spin a wheel to see who gets what Maulie#8927: Mechanics? EJCaldwell#2924: its the mechanics Maulie#8927: Cap EJCaldwell#2924: i am good at that pvp EJCaldwell#2924: i never said anything about that pvp Maulie#8927: So that's why you lose 1v1 EJCaldwell#2924: but i am not as experienced with newer versions of minecraft burarahurricane#6369: dude im so hype for saturday we got to hear a tiny snippet on foolish's stream the other day and wOOOO its def gonna be a spectacular ending to the series burarahurricane#6369: it'd be so cool EJCaldwell#2924: i feel like i would not be bad at a manhunt EJCaldwell#2924: ya burarahurricane#6369: cuz apparently it s already been recorded and stuff burarahurricane#6369: i think what happened was 1 fan was chosen and then they just became another hunter with the rest EJCaldwell#2924: its just depends on who is going in burarahurricane#6369: lmao yeah EJCaldwell#2924: but they would need like 10 people to even have a chance at winning lol EJCaldwell#2924: that would be cool dargiscool#0610: there still might be the fanhunt one too tho EJCaldwell#2924: ya dargiscool#0610: did you hear about it being the last one ever :[ EJCaldwell#2924: it comes out on saturday EJCaldwell#2924: ya dargiscool#0610: ejcaldwell oh six do you watch minecraft manhunt dargiscool#0610: ik im good at this kinda thing 😏 ' dargiscool#0610: its all one lien EJCaldwell#2924: thats a good insult EJCaldwell#2924: i like that last line dargiscool#0610: i think this is war xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oooohhhhh dargiscool#0610: post-ers like not the thing you hang up but the people on social media * dargiscool#0610: all of the gnf cat posters stole them dargiscool#0610: i think dargiscool#0610: thats a good question dargiscool#0610: god grammarly hates me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: where are the cats xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Где кошки? dargiscool#0610: imagine xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ope dargiscool#0610: i was tempetd EJCaldwell#2924: imagine leaning another language dargiscool#0610: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/die-gif-8468069 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I would just yk dargiscool#0610: i stopped using duolingo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that is so sad dargiscool#0610: and i got so depresseed dargiscool#0610: and then i lost it dargiscool#0610: i got a two hundred sixty something streak for chinese dargiscool#0610: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: have you done duolingo dargiscool#0610: thats so crazy dargiscool#0610: wow xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'll tell you how much XP I've gotten today once I'm done xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Imma get 50 more so I'm 50 ahead xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah burarahurricane#6369: you seem really excited burarahurricane#6369: is this the first time youve done it burarahurricane#6369: will you last to the end of the week tho burarahurricane#6369: omg you did it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: YEYEYEYEEEESSSLSSGHSDSDLGJKHSDLKGJHNNBDKVHLODKSVLEDHGKJVNLSKDKJGVNKNLSKDL̶̛͗J̵̘̈́K̴̈̕D̷̋͠S̵̈́͝Ĥ̴̅F̷́͗O̷̾͠I̴͐̈S̶͊̇D̷̖̅U̸͊̚Ĺ̶̎K̶̽̉G̴͛̾H̸̋͑Š̷̀D̵̒́L̶̿͛Ũ̵͘K̷̀̈G̴͂̇F̵̔͆H̷̽͝ burarahurricane#6369: omg im gonna be gay and use mutlicolored pens on my book outline xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fsfs EJCaldwell#2924: mean* EJCaldwell#2924: thats not what i freaking mena burarahurricane#6369: LMAO EJCaldwell#2924: oh quiet xXthat1redheadXx#9990: do they now xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 EJCaldwell#2924: i understand it burarahurricane#6369: ayo... EJCaldwell#2924: minecraft villagers suck so much burarahurricane#6369: i literally onl ey exist on this world for confusion of the general masses burarahurricane#6369: good :D burarahurricane#6369: man xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I am so confused at that sentence burarahurricane#6369: what ych your englsih young men xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? burarahurricane#6369: fwhat the headck burarahurricane#6369: red EJCaldwell#2924: FRICK burarahurricane#6369: ur head isn't read burarahurricane#6369: i almsot said head but i cought myself frick caught&* burarahurricane#6369: ogm you have a read fu red(* name like ur heair xXthat1redheadXx#9990: \;) burarahurricane#6369: :) xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes 😊 burarahurricane#6369: he's not geroge ihes liam 😊" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I* EJCaldwell#2924: i don't care about grammar xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm just trying to help the modern day's grammar xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nyet EJCaldwell#2924: shut up EJCaldwell#2924: you're not george xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I* EJCaldwell#2924: so i don't care about spelling if i don't catch it burarahurricane#6369: same EJCaldwell#2924: okay* EJCaldwell#2924: i type fast onay burarahurricane#6369: batter.... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: better* EJCaldwell#2924: because the last time we had a test she did not wake up on time EJCaldwell#2924: my sister batter wake up on time tomorrow xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh burarahurricane#6369: good luck username123115#4960: now for the sentence types... username123115#4960: i got my 17 vocabulary words :D EJCaldwell#2924: the test should be easy MMMMM#2210: I need to do 1, 4, and 21 MMMMM#2210: Hw* MMMMM#2210: I haven’t finished the he MMMMM#2210: Crap lisx#1702: <@!522569307004076033> you should study lisx#1702: I hate those questions with four pairs of coordinates and asks you to find the quadrilateral type. I can never get them right and it takes me an eternity lisx#1702: And I believe we have a test in math lisx#1702: School sucks but at least tomorrow’s A day again lisx#1702: Thanks me too burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> i like your new name color its aesthetic burarahurricane#6369: omg lesbian princesses burarahurricane#6369: m ister be as t xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and I went down from 4th to 5th today but not I'm in 2nd so that's even better xXthat1redheadXx#9990: very close xXthat1redheadXx#9990: close though xXthat1redheadXx#9990: still not in first though 😮‍💨 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I went from 270 XP to 462 XP xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yay Bagel da gamer#1694: Uuuh, Readtheory...? username123115#4960: yay burarahurricane#6369: EVEYRON STOP TALKING ABOUT CRYPTO 😭 burarahurricane#6369: tiny hail xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it was tiny hail xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah Mocha#3331: Lean > Weed username123115#4960: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> username123115#4960: weed time lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: it's literally sunny here give_a_minute#1155: it's so cool burarahurricane#6369: little snow balls burarahurricane#6369: theyre like burarahurricane#6369: but so tiny burarahurricane#6369: tiny hail burarahurricane#6369: dude it s like EJCaldwell#2924: is it? burarahurricane#6369: dude i think its snowing over here??? burarahurricane#6369: whathte fuc username123115#4960: It’s hailing burarahurricane#6369: ghfdkajhj ?? waht is up vocab dot com lisx#1702: I really liked it EJCaldwell#2924: and now my legs hurt EJCaldwell#2924: and made it in 3 and a half mins EJCaldwell#2924: the moment school got out i ran home EJCaldwell#2924: imagine being near the school atm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <:hehe:856378380332433408> burarahurricane#6369: but okay burarahurricane#6369: i have no idea what she gainrd from that burarahurricane#6369: i sute hope lisa doesnt lose my airpod ! burarahurricane#6369: i had a grand time 😏 MMMMM#2210: This is hella boring EJCaldwell#2924: I don’t like going to the high school for assembly’s PeckServers.com#8342: Yikes that sounds scary burarahurricane#6369: time is lurching forward and slowing down at weird paces today its disorienting PeckServers.com#8342: Imagine being that big of a nerd 😏 lisx#1702: Lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🔥🔥🔥😈🔥🔥🔥 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: tomorrow imma grind duolingo so I can be the top xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisx#1702: lol EJCaldwell#2924: i type too fast MMMMM#2210: There ya go MMMMM#2210: Ive heard of that game, is it good? EJCaldwell#2924: its only like 40 cents EJCaldwell#2924: i need to pay the library fine EJCaldwell#2924: that reminds me lisx#1702: it took so long lisx#1702: ewww lisx#1702: that book burarahurricane#6369: did you lisx#1702: i ddon't remmebr lisx#1702: did i ahve dinner burarahurricane#6369: get food lisx#1702: food burarahurricane#6369: i need to writteeedsese lisx#1702: hungry lisx#1702: I"m hungrye lisx#1702: maybe I'll- EJCaldwell#2924: ima just finish farming these beans lisx#1702: maybe I'll leave right this second burarahurricane#6369: sleep… EJCaldwell#2924: i know i am soon lisx#1702: maybe I'll do it right now lisx#1702: maybe I will lisx#1702: maybe I should lisx#1702: sleep EJCaldwell#2924: you should go to sleep lisx#1702: haha lisx#1702: this morning lisx#1702: today lisx#1702: wait lisx#1702: I remmebr doign that yesterady lisx#1702: sleep lisx#1702: why ddi I have to wadd three mreo syllables ot it lisx#1702: I was so close lisx#1702: improvisation lisx#1702: improvization EJCaldwell#2924: you come up with something on the spot lisx#1702: improvizatino lisx#1702: frick lisx#1702: oh lisx#1702: that's so nto it lisx#1702: improvinization lisx#1702: improvenization lisx#1702: improvernizaition? lisx#1702: improvinization lisx#1702: improvienaiszaiont lisx#1702: what does improv stand for lisx#1702: v lisx#1702: and impro lisx#1702: sightreading bad tho lisx#1702: I almost *miss* it lisx#1702: i whavne't beened to jazz band in like eforever lisx#1702: tha'ts what I sadi lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: exceptemrly MMMMM#2210: In time for *jazz band* lisx#1702: so fujn very fun lisx#1702: fun ' lisx#1702: fun ufn lisx#1702: thirty lisx#1702: six lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: time lisx#1702: uh lisx#1702: when do i have to wake up tomorrow???? EJCaldwell#2924: you should get some sleep lisa burarahurricane#6369: mhmmgm lisx#1702: definitely lisx#1702: working burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: brain EJCaldwell#2924: sleep is good lisx#1702: thoughts lisx#1702: time lisx#1702: um lisx#1702: is good lisx#1702: that lisx#1702: sleep yes lisx#1702: and uh lisx#1702: 3 lisx#1702: 4 lisx#1702: 10 lisx#1702: it's... lisx#1702: ;aflk;dlksjafkldsjakl SLEEP SLEEP IS GOOD EJCaldwell#2924: because i heard it was up at the high school burarahurricane#6369: well i wouldnt know lmao EJCaldwell#2924: i hope i am wrong about a assembly lisx#1702: I mean that student council was doing stuff for the assembly burarahurricane#6369: cant both happen EJCaldwell#2924: so are you burarahurricane#6369: why are YOU on screens lisx#1702: geez alysse lisx#1702: why are you on screens its white ribbon week lisx#1702: i thought student council was doing stuff for that though lisx#1702: haha burarahurricane#6369: gotta* OH MU FGOD MMMMM#2210: Whats a guess speaker burarahurricane#6369: its gogys be about screen s or something isnt it white ribbon week EJCaldwell#2924: i forgot who it was lisx#1702: your mom MMMMM#2210: Whats your guess on who it is EJCaldwell#2924: let me check the school calender EJCaldwell#2924: i think its a guess speaker lisx#1702: really? lisx#1702: I won't MMMMM#2210: You wont MMMMM#2210: Do it lisx#1702: ofc EJCaldwell#2924: its called a Grub burarahurricane#6369: cute :0 EJCaldwell#2924: I may make this my pfp EJCaldwell#2924: i want a plushie of it EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: and this cute thing EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: and this person' EJCaldwell#2924: thats my pic EJCaldwell#2924: i am thinking of doing this character EJCaldwell#2924: but i don't know what i want to do for my shirt burarahurricane#6369: ooh nice EJCaldwell#2924: i should be done on Thursday EJCaldwell#2924: and i am almost done EJCaldwell#2924: only like 2 kids are done with it EJCaldwell#2924: and the other class is so behind EJCaldwell#2924: i don't think i will really do anything tomorrow burarahurricane#6369: yeah lol EJCaldwell#2924: its my job in that class EJCaldwell#2924: np burarahurricane#6369: thank u burarahurricane#6369: ohh okay EJCaldwell#2924: it took me like 20-30 mins EJCaldwell#2924: which is text EJCaldwell#2924: i chose the easiest one EJCaldwell#2924: one you can choose from a list burarahurricane#6369: what comes after that ? burarahurricane#6369: er wait almost finished burarahurricane#6369: i think i started that one burarahurricane#6369: ok EJCaldwell#2924: next is the pizza burarahurricane#6369: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: all 4? burarahurricane#6369: robot burarahurricane#6369: with the rovot burarahurricane#6369: thinfy burarahurricane#6369: the create and edit EJCaldwell#2924: have* PeckServers.com#8342: Jesus f EJCaldwell#2924: which ones jave you done burarahurricane#6369: wait tomrorowoa??? EJCaldwell#2924: i do MMMMM#2210: An* burarahurricane#6369: does anyone know what illustrator lessons things we’re supposed to do i forgot all of them and mr teacher guy doesnt put it on the board anymor EJCaldwell#2924: plus we have a assembly i think EJCaldwell#2924: I hate 2 of those classes in my b day EJCaldwell#2924: a second one was suppose to come out soon burarahurricane#6369: NOOOOO its a b day tomorrow EJCaldwell#2924: have you played hollow knight PeckServers.com#8342: I think its cute PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah but we dont kick people because 2 peiple dont like them EJCaldwell#2924: if you don't like my PFP you can leave you know MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: But its not just me PeckServers.com#8342: We dont kick people because you dont like them burarahurricane#6369: <:smoothbrain:782845544887222282> MMMMM#2210: Sound it out MMMMM#2210: Special MMMMM#2210: He’s… EJCaldwell#2924: idk how its spelt okay MMMMM#2210: Just ignore it burarahurricane#6369: animi ?????? MMMMM#2210: <@!726265256082407504> you have perms to kick ethan, right? EJCaldwell#2924: no Mocha#3331: Put it back MMMMM#2210: Learn to EJCaldwell#2924: also i know i spelt that wrong Mocha#3331: Idc EJCaldwell#2924: i don't like animi at all burarahurricane#6369: this server is a dictatorship MMMMM#2210: Fine burarahurricane#6369: kick MMMMM#2210: Ban em burarahurricane#6369: >:[ EJCaldwell#2924: idc what the group says Mocha#3331: Change it back NOW burarahurricane#6369: the group agrees lisx#1702: group has decided change it back to kanna Mocha#3331: I played hollow knight for five min and got bored EJCaldwell#2924: its such a good game Mocha#3331: gross MMMMM#2210: Gross lisx#1702: what happened to kanna 😢 lisx#1702: ew EJCaldwell#2924: this looks much better to me lisx#1702: and I have three chapters left MMMMM#2210: I have 15 alts on this server lisx#1702: you're so nice... lisx#1702: bet I just finished seven chapters of this stupid book 😭 Mocha#3331: LMAOO BDSM TEST RESULTS lisx#1702: happens all the time in it MMMMM#2210: Is it the thing where you take a test and it tells you your kinks? lisx#1702: you should watch a game of thrones MMMMM#2210: Wait EJCaldwell#2924: ITS 10:00 I AM FREE PeckServers.com#8342: You innocent souls PeckServers.com#8342: OH NO EJCaldwell#2924: idk MMMMM#2210: Whats BDSM? EJCaldwell#2924: same Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: because i like it :c PeckServers.com#8342: Why lol burarahurricane#6369: i refuse to take off my sweatshrit MMMMM#2210: 15 way tie PeckServers.com#8342: Why burarahurricane#6369: im s weating PeckServers.com#8342: Hmmm burarahurricane#6369: me Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: LMAOO gottme Mocha#3331: Ik she a baddie😩 burarahurricane#6369: i didnt even practice MMMMM#2210: *Your mom was just too tempting* burarahurricane#6369: catch me spending 6 hours on fricking homework Mocha#3331: Have you 👀 Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: Assuming I do the deed Mocha#3331: Dam these rated R ones funny Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: No but I found one in my parents room Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: No way they exciting they sound painful💀 Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: Breathing Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: They cool Truth or Dare#8712: Mocha#3331: Cousin because I love incest🥰 Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: wow thats so....R rated PeckServers.com#8342: Its the default assumption PeckServers.com#8342: You being you MMMMM#2210: And I literally was Commander Lumbar support#1704: You saw it either way Commander Lumbar support#1704: What would the point be in me using this PeckServers.com#8342: Mhm sure Truth or Dare#8712: Commander Lumbar support#1704: Had to test something Truth or Dare#8712: :white_check_mark: The R rating was enabled here! Commander Lumbar support#1704: Im just using this one Commander Lumbar support#1704: Im not on this to get your attention PeckServers.com#8342: Why are you using alts to get my attention Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Idk how to Commander Lumbar support#1704: With the bot Commander Lumbar support#1704: You should allow R rated things Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: :white_check_mark: **Question sent!** Their answer will be sent here once they reply. PeckServers.com#8342: WhAt MMMMM#2210: Come hitherto MMMMM#2210: <@!852187118113652776> Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: CRAP Truth or Dare#8712: Find other players: https://discord.gg/vBERMvVaRt EJCaldwell#2924: neither Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: i am so close to being able to change this when i said i would lisx#1702: so maybe you should've turned it in on time? lisx#1702: it's because it shows it's late burarahurricane#6369: bthats so unfair :[ burarahurricane#6369: wait burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: just not graded yet lisx#1702: because mine doesn't show I have a 0 lisx#1702: on the right side lisx#1702: what does yours look like burarahurricane#6369: ??? does everyone have this burarahurricane#6369: i;ll scrape by with my A if i talk one more time burarahurricane#6369: well if mrs robertson grades my r&j vs p&t assignment from a zero burarahurricane#6369: i have 0 memory of her mentioning that lisx#1702: since it's 70 points burarahurricane#6369: i dont think she has lisx#1702: either way lisx#1702: she's told us when you were here lisx#1702: Still burarahurricane#6369: :/ burarahurricane#6369: i was in quarantine lisx#1702: she's told us about twenty times burarahurricane#6369: just burarahurricane#6369: so like burarahurricane#6369: yeah i know that much lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: f burarahurricane#6369: also i had no idea you had to tal k 7 times wt burarahurricane#6369: how is it graded MMMMM#2210: not even raining for me burarahurricane#6369: its just drizzling here MMMMM#2210: not for me lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: According to my calculations, if I talk at least *twice* in the class discussion I will have an 93.4% in la burarahurricane#6369: r eally ? lisx#1702: like crazy lisx#1702: It's pouring outside burarahurricane#6369: i dont know lisx#1702: Do we have to highlight every single one of each sentence type we have, or just 5 for each? lisx#1702: I can let you borrow some of mine, I have more then enough burarahurricane#6369: compound complex sentences suck burarahurricane#6369: past me was a fool for thinking it would be easy to get the sentence structures done burarahurricane#6369: IM ALMOST THERE...I CAN ALMOST SEE THE LIGHT burarahurricane#6369: i managedf t o fit 3 vocab words in 1 sentenc e look at me go lisx#1702: and like twice as hard... lisx#1702: the challenge problems on the stupid website are different than the ones on the book tho lisx#1702: I have the solutions manual burarahurricane#6369: wait no 6 : 0 burarahurricane#6369: 4 more vocab words in burarahurricane#6369: so i can get like burarahurricane#6369: not me adding whole other paragraph to the dumb paper username123115#4960: only the solutions manual have awnsers to challenge problems username123115#4960: wait nvm username123115#4960: take out the Aops algebra bok username123115#4960: idea* username123115#4960: geniu sidea lisx#1702: will definitely need your help lisx#1702: I'm doing great username123115#4960: i took an online math class once and the same thing happened to me lisx#1702: thanks burarahurricane#6369: YSEAHHHH I@BELIEVE IN YOU lisx#1702: and if i take it again thats just stupid because money lisx#1702: theres no way I'll be able to talk the calculus one if I dont finish this class lisx#1702: I- got this lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: yayy.... lisx#1702: 146 lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: crunch time lisx#1702: because there's literally 5 weeks left burarahurricane#6369: oof lisx#1702: and I cannot stop ignoring it lisx#1702: okay help I literally haven't done my algebra class stuff for like the last two month burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: hmm I don't think so because "because of this" isn't really a clause burarahurricane#6369: yeah lol lisx#1702: yeah like the way they'd say "someone who denies the existence of the solar system" or something 🤦 burarahurricane#6369: god my computer is lagging so hard i might need to restart burarahurricane#6369: someone who DENIES the existence of god...the subtexts there lmao burarahurricane#6369: > Without these laws to protect LGBTQ citizens, it is also incredibly difficult to go to court and attain a fair ruling. what about THIS one lisx#1702: 😂 burarahurricane#6369: do you thknk that counts as a copmlex sentence burarahurricane#6369: > Openly LGBTQ people have been refused employment, fired, and treated unfairly in the workplace based on their sexual or gender identity because of this. burarahurricane#6369: yikes WalterJS#2477: I dont think vocab.com likes atheists PeckServers.com#8342: Both have their own issues, that's why doors have 2 states EJCaldwell#2924: i got what i am going to change my pfp to after this EJCaldwell#2924: np burarahurricane#6369: tahnk you burarahurricane#6369: okay ! that makes sense burarahurricane#6369: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: so x = 10 EJCaldwell#2924: it would just go back to that burarahurricane#6369: 2x=6x-40 EJCaldwell#2924: that works burarahurricane#6369: 2x=y burarahurricane#6369: so then 3x-x=y EJCaldwell#2924: ya burarahurricane#6369: 3x=x+y EJCaldwell#2924: because* EJCaldwell#2924: ebcause it says that EJCaldwell#2924: it would be 3 EJCaldwell#2924: nvm burarahurricane#6369: what EJCaldwell#2924: wait EJCaldwell#2924: so you would add 2 to that EJCaldwell#2924: there is allready a x burarahurricane#6369: it wouldnt be 3x it would be 2 x right EJCaldwell#2924: so you could then do 3x = 7x-40 EJCaldwell#2924: so y = 6x-40 lisx#1702: is that much also evident EJCaldwell#2924: bp = dp lisx#1702: -_- burarahurricane#6369: that much is evident EJCaldwell#2924: ap = cp burarahurricane#6369: no you didnt'p lisx#1702: just be smart EJCaldwell#2924: easy burarahurricane#6369: oops capslock lisx#1702: i told you tho burarahurricane#6369: HOW DO YOU DO THIS ONE lisx#1702: there's already so many channels tho EJCaldwell#2924: just that bot EJCaldwell#2924: we need walter to make a chat for it lisx#1702: gamer chat lisx#1702: gaemer chat lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: gaymer chat lisx#1702: next time then EJCaldwell#2924: i am now done lisx#1702: ethan you should just go to <#550156497942740993> EJCaldwell#2924: now thats a hard one Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: think i am successful Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: i don't have a crush Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: depends who Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: i hate little bugs EJCaldwell#2924: ghosts Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: because i like my friends EJCaldwell#2924: thats a hard one Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: because either way you lose a year of your life lisx#1702: lol wtf is this video 😂 EJCaldwell#2924: lose a year off my life Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: i already got this one Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: forget dates name Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: then i can invest it EJCaldwell#2924: now* EJCaldwell#2924: then no EJCaldwell#2924: because if its the same EJCaldwell#2924: depends on how much money in each one Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: easy EJCaldwell#2924: never wait in line Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: or what everybody thinks of it EJCaldwell#2924: a biblical accurate one EJCaldwell#2924: now, what kind of angel Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: they get compared to Shrek EJCaldwell#2924: when you cut them they make you cry lisx#1702: I can't remember lisx#1702: what are onions EJCaldwell#2924: because then people would cry EJCaldwell#2924: onions Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: its would you rather lisx#1702: wtf Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: idk lisx#1702: whats paranoia Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: last night Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: taylor swift used to do country lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/album/7mzrIsaAjnXihW3InKjlC3?si=Fhce-jJrTvCYyY1Dc1_8eg EJCaldwell#2924: THAT ONE IS AMAZING EJCaldwell#2924: XD Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/0Om9WAB5RS09L80DyOfTNa?si=4d4af858b8314ba0 Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! EJCaldwell#2924: can we get rid of this one, it is pure pain Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: not as fun EJCaldwell#2924: you can use discord lisx#1702: when I get a phone I'm going to prank call everyone I know Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Its just stupidity MMMMM#2210: Its not a mistake MMMMM#2210: Good point EJCaldwell#2924: i don't make typos, i make grammar mistakes MMMMM#2210: <@!383372123714093098> Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: yes, because i got home in less than 5 mins after school ended Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: money, my debit card, gift card to swig, and speedway card MMMMM#2210: Money Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: who do you think Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: yes we should totally do that it'd be fun EJCaldwell#2924: XD lisx#1702: done... Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: i kinda want to get people from this server and do it IRL PeckServers.com#8342: I would but.... Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Hmm Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Fuck Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: same PeckServers.com#8342: Dont have one Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Yuh lisx#1702: just like not look at your hands? lisx#1702: wdym PeckServers.com#8342: Nah Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Be parents lisx#1702: that list goes on and on PeckServers.com#8342: Last time i attended walters party Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Too much work Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! PeckServers.com#8342: Kick that ine asshole teachers balls lisx#1702: I'd stare at everyone really hard and read their texts PeckServers.com#8342: Hmmm Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Fuck lisx#1702: I hope I never do it either lisx#1702: kill myself PeckServers.com#8342: You two shoyld totall go out Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: HAHAHA burarahurricane#6369: guess who just got a hot date slahs j ay PeckServers.com#8342: Thats so funny burarahurricane#6369: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: Omg if its alysse imma shit my dick lisx#1702: done lisx#1702: LOL PeckServers.com#8342: Lmfao i dont have friends tho MMMMM#2210: No lisx#1702: awwww Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Depends whos online PeckServers.com#8342: Walter or lisa lisx#1702: jk lisx#1702: I'd save dyno lisx#1702: hmmmmmmm PeckServers.com#8342: It legit makes it no fun when only you play Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: No Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Yes Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Why do you send them so fast MMMMM#2210: None Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Idk PeckServers.com#8342: No cause i suck Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: No Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Ok Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! PeckServers.com#8342: Yes Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: You shouldnt go so fast PeckServers.com#8342: I can bend my elbow backward Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: I can vibrate my eyes Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Bob PeckServers.com#8342: Way worse Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Hot asians and blonds 🤔 Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! PeckServers.com#8342: Did you read last nights tod? PeckServers.com#8342: Lel lisx#1702: it wouldn't let me MMMMM#2210: I got the same dare an you were the first lisx#1702: I didn't even do all of it lisx#1702: lol Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: When lisa finds your Instagram Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: LOL Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Still 0 Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: lang Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: oh god thr hair lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/0Om9WAB5RS09L80DyOfTNa?si=4d4af858b8314ba0 burarahurricane#6369: im so flatter ed burarahurricane#6369: omg…. lisx#1702: omg <@!749747503947055136> lisx#1702: i tried to but like 80 posts later... MMMMM#2210: Sentence* Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: 🥲 Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: You didnt even know me when i was blonde EJCaldwell#2924: that would be weird Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! MMMMM#2210: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: I could finally be blonde again Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: <#819820233287139339> Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: I welded without the goggles on EJCaldwell#2924: or we use the gamer chat EJCaldwell#2924: ya burarahurricane#6369: we need a tod channel Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Not winslow lisx#1702: -_- EJCaldwell#2924: DO IT Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: From first grade MMMMM#2210: It was a picture of him EJCaldwell#2924: do it again MMMMM#2210: Just a few days ago MMMMM#2210: I just so happen to have done that Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: But the pfp’s nice Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: so is the pfp Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Thats just torture MMMMM#2210: You cant make me EJCaldwell#2924: do it george MMMMM#2210: No Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: its only dares and not truth Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Nope Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: george do /dare Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Thats a stupid question Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: 0 MMMMM#2210: 0 Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Already* Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: i all ready said i am not doing it george Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Truth or Dare#8712: username123115#4960: Coolio Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: i allready have this trash MMMMM#2210: I have an idea MMMMM#2210: But EJCaldwell#2924: i am not doing it username123115#4960: ... MMMMM#2210: LOL Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Too long Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: <@!734161534799839272> <@!404102391416487936> MMMMM#2210: I already have MMMMM#2210: Ask someone for their moms number? Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: do it then Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Done Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: pop country MMMMM#2210: Wordless Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: XD Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Last 10 days MMMMM#2210: Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: 3rd time Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: and i am not calling them while they are at work Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! EJCaldwell#2924: my parents are not home atm Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Either cody because mc or lisa because math EJCaldwell#2924: don't have one Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! EJCaldwell#2924: i don't have any pics of me Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! EJCaldwell#2924: yes Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: we got this one eariler Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: 🤝 EJCaldwell#2924: same with you MMMMM#2210: You’re one of those people EJCaldwell#2924: same Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: People Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: still MMMMM#2210: Kanna isnt a furry EJCaldwell#2924: i am not doing that with is PFP MMMMM#2210: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: we also got this one MMMMM#2210: Pp Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: But replace banana with pickles Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Ill do it EJCaldwell#2924: NOPE Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: nope Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! MMMMM#2210: Guess you’ll never know Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: we got this one last night EJCaldwell#2924: between who Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Still a hard tie Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! MMMMM#2210: Yea MMMMM#2210: Thats even worse EJCaldwell#2924: you try R rated? Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Darn Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: What happens if i Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: DO IT GEORGE MMMMM#2210: Oh hell no Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Your moms house Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Pic MMMMM#2210: That means nothing to me EJCaldwell#2924: the reaper leviathan MMMMM#2210: Before kanna EJCaldwell#2924: he used the below zero one MMMMM#2210: What was your old pfp EJCaldwell#2924: yes MMMMM#2210: Was it? MMMMM#2210: You had one other EJCaldwell#2924: that was maulie MMMMM#2210: Mostly to different subnautica ones EJCaldwell#2924: and thats it EJCaldwell#2924: i had the reaper EJCaldwell#2924: lies MMMMM#2210: You changed it like 3 times EJCaldwell#2924: i did MMMMM#2210: No you didnt Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: i had my one for over a year as well Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Im not losing my streak MMMMM#2210: Ive had this pfp for more than a year EJCaldwell#2924: what should we do guys EJCaldwell#2924: YES Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: nope MMMMM#2210: Yes EJCaldwell#2924: same Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Id rather bake a cake EJCaldwell#2924: NOOOOOOOOOOOO Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: No Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Hard tie Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: Rick astley EJCaldwell#2924: I am god, you have chosen the right religion EJCaldwell#2924: and you are strange if you have done that EJCaldwell#2924: i have never done that Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: He said, “why? Am i sharp” MMMMM#2210: A saxophonist was having sex the other night when she said, “pull out, pull out” Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: i don't want to date atm EJCaldwell#2924: nobody Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: I cant think of any i havent said already EJCaldwell#2924: do it goerge Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: MMMMM#2210: No EJCaldwell#2924: Hollow knight wiki Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: u never know when it might come in handy…😏 EJCaldwell#2924: lol Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: but why burarahurricane#6369: everyone hurry and get ur screenies EJCaldwell#2924: I am switching this at 10:00 PM burarahurricane#6369: oh my god HEATWAVES ON THE RADIO SCARING ME OUT OF MY SEAT lets go burarahurricane#6369: lisa: \*complaining abt how horny cg can get* also lisa: the plants are having sex 😳 PeckServers.com#8342: A match made in heaven lisx#1702: I know right MMMMM#2210: It’s beautiful MMMMM#2210: What the hell burarahurricane#6369: it means not burarahurricane#6369: IT IS GERMAN I KNEW IT burarahurricane#6369: what does nicht mean burarahurricane#6369: i think its amazing EJCaldwell#2924: I hate it burarahurricane#6369: 😐 its all blank…. burarahurricane#6369: when didni fall asleep burarahurricane#6369: dude what didni do last night burarahurricane#6369: nicht is another language rightlike german or@somethjtn or amni just@makiing thjng s up burarahurricane#6369: night burarahurricane#6369: i dont remember hwta happened last nicht Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Also mornin PeckServers.com#8342: It was FuN PeckServers.com#8342: Omg alysse you missed ToD lastnight burarahurricane#6369: PH MY GOD ACTUALLY ?? thats incredible EJCaldwell#2924: The power to sleep whenever I want Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Jesus loves you all EJCaldwell#2924: Cya PeckServers.com#8342: L8r lisx#1702: Aka morning PeckServers.com#8342: Goddo correct lisx#1702: Have a godly night EJCaldwell#2924: That’s a god auto correct lisx#1702: Hahahaha EJCaldwell#2924: God night PeckServers.com#8342: God night two EJCaldwell#2924: Ah yes lisx#1702: Yes sleep sleep is good god night EJCaldwell#2924: Gn EJCaldwell#2924: Well ima head to bed PeckServers.com#8342: Later lisx#1702: You too EJCaldwell#2924: And sleep PeckServers.com#8342: Lisa lisx#1702: Awww that's so wholesome EJCaldwell#2924: You guys Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: Well ima do one more then go lisx#1702: 😂 do you know me PeckServers.com#8342: Same EJCaldwell#2924: Nope PeckServers.com#8342: *fun* PeckServers.com#8342: But thats when its fun Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: Yourself lisx#1702: Actually- not since I'm in bed but lisx#1702: I *wish* there was a person next to me EJCaldwell#2924: And now just don’t do anything with it EJCaldwell#2924: I used it like twice a few years ago EJCaldwell#2924: Same with me PeckServers.com#8342: Not really PeckServers.com#8342: Hmmm EJCaldwell#2924: I guess my twitter that I don’t use PeckServers.com#8342: *gets the s*** shocked out of them* Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: My phone lisx#1702: Lol Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: If it were yesterday it would be this pic lisx#1702: Unrelatable question EJCaldwell#2924: Nope PeckServers.com#8342: No lisx#1702: No lisx#1702: Uh Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: I slept like shit and had to get up early lisx#1702: Haha EJCaldwell#2924: So this convo lisx#1702: I was really bored EJCaldwell#2924: Today has been 19 mins PeckServers.com#8342: Hmm lisx#1702: HMMMMMMM lisx#1702: Let's say the minute is over Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Excatly EJCaldwell#2924: True EJCaldwell#2924: I am just spamming lisx#1702: It doesn't work when you're doing it on purpose tho EJCaldwell#2924: I EJCaldwell#2924: I PeckServers.com#8342: Ej does EJCaldwell#2924: I EJCaldwell#2924: Okay EJCaldwell#2924: I EJCaldwell#2924: I PeckServers.com#8342: Same EJCaldwell#2924: I EJCaldwell#2924: Okay EJCaldwell#2924: I EJCaldwell#2924: I EJCaldwell#2924: Okay lisx#1702: Idk how to be annoying EJCaldwell#2924: I EJCaldwell#2924: I EJCaldwell#2924: Okay EJCaldwell#2924: I EJCaldwell#2924: I EJCaldwell#2924: Okay EJCaldwell#2924: Okay EJCaldwell#2924: Okay lisx#1702: Hi EJCaldwell#2924: Okay EJCaldwell#2924: Okay EJCaldwell#2924: Okay PeckServers.com#8342: Im cody EJCaldwell#2924: Okay PeckServers.com#8342: Hi Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Mhm EJCaldwell#2924: Because I am not jealous of anybody so I just chose him PeckServers.com#8342: They are <:big_brain:787829221137317900> lisx#1702: Yeah same spencer and Walter lol PeckServers.com#8342: Aww EJCaldwell#2924: I would have to say Maulie PeckServers.com#8342: Oop PeckServers.com#8342: They are smort lisx#1702: He's not here anymore PeckServers.com#8342: And Walter PeckServers.com#8342: Spencer EJCaldwell#2924: Now that is a hard one PeckServers.com#8342: HmMmM Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: It’s because I switched to my phone lisx#1702: Haha PeckServers.com#8342: Alysses dragon EJCaldwell#2924: That’s a hard choice lisx#1702: Uhh that's weird Truth or Dare#8712: :arrow_up: Enjoying the bot? Consider [upvoting me](https://top.gg/bot/692045914436796436/vote)! PeckServers.com#8342: Woah lisx#1702: /tod EJCaldwell#2924: I did not send that PeckServers.com#8342: Heck EJCaldwell#2924: What the PeckServers.com#8342: Hello EJCaldwell#2924: Hi PeckServers.com#8342: 🤣 yeah EJCaldwell#2924: Or both lisx#1702: Or a really short elbow PeckServers.com#8342: If you had a really long tongue maybe lisx#1702: Didn't work and admitted defeat lisx#1702: I tried for a second EJCaldwell#2924: i am also not flexible at all lisx#1702: Oof EJCaldwell#2924: here* EJCaldwell#2924: same her EJCaldwell#2924: possible* PeckServers.com#8342: Cant, I've tried for hours EJCaldwell#2924: thats not possibele tho Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Very nifty EJCaldwell#2924: its in the wrong order EJCaldwell#2924: why did it send like that EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: It EJCaldwell#2924: oh my gosh i found it PeckServers.com#8342: Hey ive never heard lisx#1702: Wow PeckServers.com#8342: Idk man EJCaldwell#2924: i still have the paper i think EJCaldwell#2924: its a good song okay PeckServers.com#8342: LOL EJCaldwell#2924: by wilbur soot EJCaldwell#2924: Your sister was right PeckServers.com#8342: Do tell EJCaldwell#2924: it was just the name of it EJCaldwell#2924: its not a bad song EJCaldwell#2924: i still have the paper PeckServers.com#8342: That soumds god awful PeckServers.com#8342: Oh no EJCaldwell#2924: for like 10 mins PeckServers.com#8342: Oop EJCaldwell#2924: bad choice PeckServers.com#8342: Thats talent EJCaldwell#2924: the song i chose tho lisx#1702: Awwww EJCaldwell#2924: i sang infront of my class in guitar once, not so bad PeckServers.com#8342: Lisa PeckServers.com#8342: I have crippling stage fright lisx#1702: Alysse EJCaldwell#2924: same* EJCaldwell#2924: smae EJCaldwell#2924: maulie lisx#1702: I would but that would wake up my parents Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: i would rather not because i will get into truble Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: Thank god i can get rid of George EJCaldwell#2924: that would be george lol lisx#1702: Oop Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: All in favor say anything or nothing EJCaldwell#2924: i am fine with Ethan or EJ PeckServers.com#8342: Yes EJCaldwell#2924: NO lisx#1702: Maybe we should all start calling you that then EJCaldwell#2924: good thing he does not go to our school PeckServers.com#8342: Kekw EJCaldwell#2924: my friend does this all ready and it drives me crazy PeckServers.com#8342: Aww ♥️ how cute PeckServers.com#8342: Sup EjCaLdWeLl lisx#1702: Jk EJCaldwell#2924: but not the full thing EJCaldwell#2924: i am fine with EJ lisx#1702: Idk you'll have to figure that part out on your own 🤷 EJCaldwell#2924: in public PeckServers.com#8342: Hmmmm EJCaldwell#2924: people saying EJCaldwell06 Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: The question is which one in the server is your crush? EJCaldwell#2924: cookies are good EJCaldwell#2924: good for you PeckServers.com#8342: Awww lisx#1702: Have a cookie 🥠 PeckServers.com#8342: I would but no girls like me Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: Haha EJCaldwell#2924: same PeckServers.com#8342: Thsi server lisx#1702: Hey that's what I was thinking PeckServers.com#8342: This one Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: This one? \:0 PeckServers.com#8342: R/woosh whatever moving on EJCaldwell#2924: THIS ONE Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: And I get carried away sometimes because it's so fun lisx#1702: I really like setting people up together EJCaldwell#2924: i have a mom and dad PeckServers.com#8342: Hits too close to home? lisx#1702: Sorry EJCaldwell#2924: i don't like it lisx#1702: Okay EJCaldwell#2924: lets stop talking about me and cody being gay together okay PeckServers.com#8342: LOL lisx#1702: ~~Or should I say *gay* into marriage~~ PeckServers.com#8342: Skipping marriage and going straight to the bedroom EJCaldwell#2924: cody* EJCaldwell#2924: you would be right cvody PeckServers.com#8342: God i hope not, youre like 15 or some shit lisx#1702: Jumping straight into marriage?! lisx#1702: Yeah EJCaldwell#2924: i am not going to date you cody lisx#1702: It's autocorrect okay PeckServers.com#8342: We can adopt lisx#1702: You both want two kids!its perfect PeckServers.com#8342: "your ill be" lisx#1702: What a happy little family you'll be EJCaldwell#2924: me? lisx#1702: I can see it in like ten years EJCaldwell#2924: same with me PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr lisx#1702: Don't forget to invite me to your wedding EJCaldwell#2924: same EJCaldwell#2924: 7 hours 15 mins lisx#1702: What a love story PeckServers.com#8342: 2 lisx#1702: I have to wake up in thirty minutes and seven hours PeckServers.com#8342: *evil laughs* Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: Morning EJCaldwell#2924: WHY lisx#1702: Whoa EJCaldwell#2924: that was the first thing PeckServers.com#8342: That makes us both gay PeckServers.com#8342: Aww so wholesome EJCaldwell#2924: also gm lisx#1702: We're listening EJCaldwell#2924: you are now gay EJCaldwell#2924: okay, PeckServers.com#8342: Phill in yhe blanks PeckServers.com#8342: Its up to your imagination EJCaldwell#2924: finish the sentence cody lisx#1702: ☝️ same EJCaldwell#2924: continue PeckServers.com#8342: That im... Nevermind EJCaldwell#2924: like right now lisx#1702: Me texting rn EJCaldwell#2924: me staying up too late Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Youre welcome EJCaldwell#2924: i do as well but i don't show it EJCaldwell#2924: i do it to much lisx#1702: I just get influenced PeckServers.com#8342: *FuCk* lisx#1702: You guys do this too much PeckServers.com#8342: Bob ross PeckServers.com#8342: Happy thoughts Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Aah lisx#1702: It was just the first thing that came to mind EJCaldwell#2924: WHAT THE FRICK LISA PeckServers.com#8342: True true lisx#1702: That's what she said??? PeckServers.com#8342: Why are you proud of the trees tho EJCaldwell#2924: i would say me being nice and helping others out lisx#1702: Trees EJCaldwell#2924: that is a hard one PeckServers.com#8342: Deez nuhts Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: that is wholesome lisx#1702: You're welcome PeckServers.com#8342: So sweet PeckServers.com#8342: Aww how wholesome lisx#1702: I want you to breathe PeckServers.com#8342: Lisa what do you want me to do? EJCaldwell#2924: oh no Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: I couldn't even if i wanted to lisx#1702: Ooooooooooooo EJCaldwell#2924: nope Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: EEK PeckServers.com#8342: /truth rating:PG13 EJCaldwell#2924: cody you better not EJCaldwell#2924: nope Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Eek PeckServers.com#8342: /TRUTH EJCaldwell#2924: last summer Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: nope PeckServers.com#8342: Is there a way to interact with it? EJCaldwell#2924: it would have to be the chicken right EJCaldwell#2924: THIS EJCaldwell#2924: WHY Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Sure EJCaldwell#2924: should we do more /tod PeckServers.com#8342: You're welcome EJCaldwell#2924: that is a strange image now in my head PeckServers.com#8342: Look on the bright side, now if you are thirsty you can put your mouth over the shower head to get max flow EJCaldwell#2924: and they also get really hot EJCaldwell#2924: i just have to bend my neck EJCaldwell#2924: not bad acctually PeckServers.com#8342: That reminds me, how have the showers been? EJCaldwell#2924: i am still mad about that PeckServers.com#8342: Thats a face PeckServers.com#8342: Yep EJCaldwell#2924: of me showing i am taller than my shower PeckServers.com#8342: Standard nerd EJCaldwell#2924: only one PeckServers.com#8342: Hes sent pics of himself here EJCaldwell#2924: also true lisx#1702: You wouldn't even know what he looks like PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh a challenge? EJCaldwell#2924: maulie does not know where i live EJCaldwell#2924: 2 EJCaldwell#2924: wait EJCaldwell#2924: only 3 people in this discord know where i live PeckServers.com#8342: And print that pfp on your forehead PeckServers.com#8342: Ill find you EJCaldwell#2924: my one would be boring PeckServers.com#8342: Bet PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh i like it EJCaldwell#2924: can't force me PeckServers.com#8342: Gaethan lisx#1702: The group has decided you're keeping that pfp for the rest of your life Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Kekw EJCaldwell#2924: i am not gay okay PeckServers.com#8342: Yes EJCaldwell#2924: we are all going to have fun with this PeckServers.com#8342: You just gotta let your *head* (wink wink) point you in the right direction lisx#1702: Where does Cody get his claims lisx#1702: No it's not EJCaldwell#2924: and no i am not PeckServers.com#8342: Idk is it? EJCaldwell#2924: is this a guy? lisx#1702: Umm wrong reply?? PeckServers.com#8342: Is ethan gay? EJCaldwell#2924: idk if there was another way PeckServers.com#8342: This sounds suspicious lisx#1702: So well PeckServers.com#8342: *had*? EJCaldwell#2924: and i had to download it EJCaldwell#2924: she sent a pic PeckServers.com#8342: How EJCaldwell#2924: you chose it lisx#1702: It's amazing PeckServers.com#8342: It suits you well lisx#1702: Same bruh EJCaldwell#2924: im not tho EJCaldwell#2924: i need to do this PeckServers.com#8342: Man im really liking the new pfp tho Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: Get shreked EJCaldwell#2924: fax lisx#1702: Haha PeckServers.com#8342: Aah yes stupidly lisx#1702: Same. But you can get used to it EJCaldwell#2924: one that i make PeckServers.com#8342: What is it called when you cant identify your own self? EJCaldwell#2924: i should get a new PFP tho EJCaldwell#2924: i am so used to my reaper leviathan lisx#1702: wait till George sees this EJCaldwell#2924: i keep thinking that it is somebody else lisx#1702: LOL IKR lisx#1702: Yes PeckServers.com#8342: I can get used to this EJCaldwell#2924: you are lucky i even did it PeckServers.com#8342: Waifu ethan EJCaldwell#2924: NO lisx#1702: Oh my god this is amazing you should keep this as your profile picture forever PeckServers.com#8342: Discord knows that im using the bot and fills it in for me but the bot just ignores me EJCaldwell#2924: so it is just strange PeckServers.com#8342: Thats what im saying EJCaldwell#2924: also that was my phone EJCaldwell#2924: i can't really do that lisx#1702: That's weird... Truth or Dare#8712: PeckServers.com#8342: That was forced lisx#1702: Cody: dick minecraft server Ethan: BEST PFP EVER EJCaldwell#2924: let me try on my phone PeckServers.com#8342: The thing is, nothing pops up EJCaldwell#2924: sunny Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: Did you click the thing that popped up? Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: cody i got you PeckServers.com#8342: Why no workey PeckServers.com#8342: See EJCaldwell#2924: all ready have PeckServers.com#8342: /dare rating:PG13 Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: It's epic EJCaldwell#2924: i hate it so much lisx#1702: best thing you've ever done Ethan PeckServers.com#8342: See PeckServers.com#8342: /dare Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: just type in a command and press enter PeckServers.com#8342: It doesnt let me lisx#1702: Aaaaaaa EJCaldwell#2924: i hate it PeckServers.com#8342: So how do you use the bot? lisx#1702: iTs AMAZING EJCaldwell#2924: he is asleep i bet lisx#1702: <@522569307004076033> lisx#1702: OMG PeckServers.com#8342: Oh my gawd its beautiful EJCaldwell#2924: i hate it lisx#1702: Yeah you can change it back tomorrow night EJCaldwell#2924: it has been done lisx#1702: That's okay EJCaldwell#2924: because i am not a weeb EJCaldwell#2924: idk who that is lisx#1702: If I have georgenotfound as my pfp you should have kanna as yours EJCaldwell#2924: i will until tomorrow night okay EJCaldwell#2924: plus i don't have this pic of my reaper lisx#1702: I did one alysse picked lisx#1702: You HAVE to EJCaldwell#2924: I REFUSE TO DO THAT lisx#1702: Yeaaaah EJCaldwell#2924: NOPE lisx#1702: The group has decided change your pfp to this: Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: Here Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: //tod EJCaldwell#2924: these are fun EJCaldwell#2924: i have never skipped a class Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: Math all the way Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: but i like my reaper :c lisx#1702: Oooo EJCaldwell#2924: XD Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: this is a hard one lisx#1702: Never had one Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: its a family member EJCaldwell#2924: because odds are lisx#1702: Lol EJCaldwell#2924: i am not doing that Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: i started seeing what there was tho lisx#1702: You avoid d answering that EJCaldwell#2924: if they were like 3 years older they would go to jail and it would be strange to date somebody less than my age Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: that one is easy Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: nope Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: good thing i don't have a crush on anybody EJCaldwell#2924: that one is amazing Truth or Dare#8712: Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: i wonder what else there is EJCaldwell#2924: that escalated quickly lol Truth or Dare#8712: EJCaldwell#2924: i am going to love this bot Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: gamers burarahurricane#6369: gn gamefs burarahurricane#6369: im gonna make a donut or somethjng burarahurricane#6369: thank u thank u burarahurricane#6369: (puts head in hands) burarahurricane#6369: oh no burarahurricane#6369: to thr DEVELOPERS ? burarahurricane#6369: uh Truth or Dare#8712: lisx#1702: It looks epic burarahurricane#6369: i did it in 30 seconds 😎😎😎 lisx#1702: Idk burarahurricane#6369: what is /suggest lisx#1702: Whoa burarahurricane#6369: what Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: :0 lisx#1702: But I do that all the time lisx#1702: HA Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: i could also do a pixel version burarahurricane#6369: so epic burarahurricane#6369: wait what if i addrd fire burarahurricane#6369: transparent bg and evrrything B) burarahurricane#6369: boom world record pace PeckServers.com#8342: Oh i cant wait to see what you create burarahurricane#6369: i dont have ms pajnt but i dwill do the next best thing 👍 burarahurricane#6369: ok PeckServers.com#8342: AlYsSe open pAiNt PeckServers.com#8342: We need to make one burarahurricane#6369: theres not a pitchfork emoji PeckServers.com#8342: Lel burarahurricane#6369: 🔪🔥 PeckServers.com#8342: We must revolt PeckServers.com#8342: Shit bot PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah its not listening to my reqs, i just copied what ethan used and it didnt work burarahurricane#6369: i have no idea how it works PeckServers.com#8342: /nhie PeckServers.com#8342: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ PeckServers.com#8342: What am I doing wrong? PeckServers.com#8342: /dare rating:PG13 PeckServers.com#8342: Do commands just not work for me or what? PeckServers.com#8342: /help tod PeckServers.com#8342: /help PeckServers.com#8342: The frick PeckServers.com#8342: NoThInG PeckServers.com#8342: /help PeckServers.com#8342: This bot is shit PeckServers.com#8342: /nhie rating:r PeckServers.com#8342: /dare PeckServers.com#8342: The FuCk PeckServers.com#8342: /dare rating:R PeckServers.com#8342: /tod PeckServers.com#8342: tod R PeckServers.com#8342: Shot bot PeckServers.com#8342: /tod rating:R PeckServers.com#8342: /tod PeckServers.com#8342: Cancer EJCaldwell#2924: what is this bot? Truth or Dare#8712: burarahurricane#6369: rip PeckServers.com#8342: *they got their shit rocked 38 - 59 burarahurricane#6369: lmao L PeckServers.com#8342: Sc womens basketball is getting their shit rocked 😬 EJCaldwell#2924: MMMMM#2210: Everyone is burarahurricane#6369: loll Mocha#3331: Lmaoo fr dude can't wait to break every tv in the house PeckServers.com#8342: The question is how many joycons are gonna go through tvs with wii bowling? lisx#1702: 😐 burarahurricane#6369: everyone Look at <@!726265256082407504>’s PFP IM SNKDNFKDNFJGBB!! Mocha#3331: or made it worse Mocha#3331: can't wait to see how they've improved it Mocha#3331: Yea that one i'm pretty hyped for it burarahurricane#6369: i wanna try it burarahurricane#6369: the esports one EJCaldwell#2924: I am going to get it EJCaldwell#2924: Switch sports? Mocha#3331: are you gonna play the new wii sports tho 👀 EJCaldwell#2924: plus i have bowled a perfect 300 on it EJCaldwell#2924: i went to my grandparents house to pick up my wii just for wii sports EJCaldwell#2924: whats wrong with wii sports lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: Lmao imagine EJCaldwell#2924: i can definitely say i am way better at wii sports bowling PeckServers.com#8342: *nice* burarahurricane#6369: ayy EJCaldwell#2924: I got a nice number EJCaldwell#2924: burarahurricane#6369: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> burarahurricane#6369: it just got smited 😏 burarahurricane#6369: take that burarahurricane#6369: boom PeckServers.com#8342: Kekw burarahurricane#6369: im turning off grammarly in discord burarahurricane#6369: this popping up is annoying burarahurricane#6369: typo burarahurricane#6369: shut up i know that was a tiypeo burarahurricane#6369: on discord burarahurricane#6369: its going to hate me burarahurricane#6369: oh god maybe downloading grammarly wa s a mistake xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/LHUp_dmLNak EJCaldwell#2924: same with football xXthat1redheadXx#9990: did he get those" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: "*woah* how PeckServers.com#8342: Lucky PeckServers.com#8342: Damn xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and you would've tooken pics of me and when I got back I'd be like EJCaldwell#2924: perks of having your dad be a sponsor for that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I would've watched it EJCaldwell#2924: i use to go to those for free and get into the food room PeckServers.com#8342: That wouldnt ve a shame PeckServers.com#8342: But imagine if you were at the game xXthat1redheadXx#9990: tis xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes PeckServers.com#8342: Tis but a shame PeckServers.com#8342: Pmfao burarahurricane#6369: 40 secons ago...dang xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause now it has at least 15,000 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I still saw it like that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok maybe not xXthat1redheadXx#9990: how sad xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was the 2nd view xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no freaking way PeckServers.com#8342: L xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ PeckServers.com#8342: You should come xXthat1redheadXx#9990: my brother's at the game too xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol PeckServers.com#8342: AYYY burarahurricane#6369: i can finally feel the back of my head again burarahurricane#6369: wooo haircut Mocha#3331: Nothing like getting checkmate with the knight cube Mocha#3331: MMMMM#2210: Nice MMMMM#2210: Soccer MMMMM#2210: Oooooohhh PeckServers.com#8342: MMMMM#2210: What sport PeckServers.com#8342: And the schs computer teacher PeckServers.com#8342: Commercial live streaming setup for sports MMMMM#2210: Wassat burarahurricane#6369: :0 PeckServers.com#8342: Look at me being an AV nerd PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Makes sense with all the PaIn esploded kNeEs come with haha burarahurricane#6369: i feel like my pain tolerance has just become kinda wack at this point PeckServers.com#8342: Tis painful PeckServers.com#8342: 😢 idk how you do this burarahurricane#6369: <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> 🤝<:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> PeckServers.com#8342: Hey <@749747503947055136> were in the same boat, i just blew up my knee earlier today PeckServers.com#8342: Oh MMMMM#2210: So I was running on cellular MMMMM#2210: 40 mins away MMMMM#2210: They live like PeckServers.com#8342: Wym? MMMMM#2210: I’m going into a dead zone MMMMM#2210: It’s much cuter when it’s asleep lisx#1702: ? lisx#1702: MMMMM#2210: It’s Kanna levels of cute MMMMM#2210: Is so *cute* MMMMM#2210: The top one MMMMM#2210: But lisx#1702: it's just a cat PeckServers.com#8342: AwWwWwWw MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: Bottom one is special MMMMM#2210: Top one is flow PeckServers.com#8342: ? PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah MMMMM#2210: <@!852187118113652776> PeckServers.com#8342: Such as? PeckServers.com#8342: Awwwww MMMMM#2210: It just fell asleep in my lap MMMMM#2210: And they have a weenie dog too EJCaldwell#2924: some cats are cute MMMMM#2210: I think so lisx#1702: are you in love give_a_minute#1155: that's wholesome EJCaldwell#2924: but that think is cute EJCaldwell#2924: i thought it was going to be bad MMMMM#2210: It’s our duck MMMMM#2210: EJCaldwell#2924: oh no MMMMM#2210: And I’ve just discovered this video EJCaldwell#2924: anybody want to do something MMMMM#2210: Or how I found it MMMMM#2210: I don’t remember why i even started watching MMMMM#2210: So she was just sleeping and the lady walked in and said “and this is flow” and the cat woke up and let out the cutest little meow I’ve ever heard MMMMM#2210: Her names flow MMMMM#2210: Maybe PeckServers.com#8342: Aww, pics? EJCaldwell#2924: now that is a insane playtime for just skyblock EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: and you're one of the horny people it was made to lure in 😂 EJCaldwell#2924: you know how i was thinking like 2k hours on minecraft was a lot EJCaldwell#2924: but george EJCaldwell#2924: now we just need to wait to see her babies if she is preggo EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: brb EJCaldwell#2924: let me get a new pic MMMMM#2210: And chunky MMMMM#2210: It was short EJCaldwell#2924: thats almost 2 years old now that i think about it MMMMM#2210: This thing was like a weenie dog and a corgi EJCaldwell#2924: and its old MMMMM#2210: Nah EJCaldwell#2924: thats the best pic i have of her EJCaldwell#2924: MMMMM#2210: Idk EJCaldwell#2924: bet my corgi is cuter MMMMM#2210: It’s just too cute MMMMM#2210: But it’s worth it MMMMM#2210: I am MMMMM#2210: And their neighbor has a corgi EJCaldwell#2924: and i said i had about 1.5k - 2k hours on minecraft lisx#1702: I thought you were allergic EJCaldwell#2924: hey george, you know how you were asking my playtime for minecraft a few days ago MMMMM#2210: Because I don’t like cats MMMMM#2210: And that’s saying something MMMMM#2210: I have ever seen MMMMM#2210: And she has the cutest cat MMMMM#2210: I’m at my moms friends house MMMMM#2210: <@!852187118113652776> MMMMM#2210: Fine MMMMM#2210: Yea lisx#1702: if you just try your best to ignore the thirst trap parts it's pretty good lisx#1702: it's my least favorite aspect of the anime lisx#1702: it's such a thirst trap MMMMM#2210: I might since dragon maid stopped give_a_minute#1155: you should MMMMM#2210: Mhm Mocha#3331: It's pretty much when a creator makes something sexual to lure in horny people to watch whatever they made MMMMM#2210: I looked it up on urban dictionary MMMMM#2210: Ish Mocha#3331: Do you know what a thirst trap is? MMMMM#2210: Then you’re expecting one Mocha#3331: No way that ain't a thirst trap Mocha#3331: Big tit dragon girls MMMMM#2210: If you’re not expecting one, you’re *probably* not gonna get one MMMMM#2210: If you watch it expecting a thirst trap you’re gonna get one PeckServers.com#8342: You Mocha#3331: Wdym depends on the person? Mocha#3331: But that was years ago so I don't remember anything Mocha#3331: I saw the first episode MMMMM#2210: Depends on the person watching MMMMM#2210: Have you even seen kobayashi MMMMM#2210: Never seen it Mocha#3331: Either way mob psycho>kobayashi give_a_minute#1155: it might be a permissions thing, but I'm pretty sure it isn't give_a_minute#1155: that's weird give_a_minute#1155: ? Mocha#3331: Why can't I add reactions to messages give_a_minute#1155: see? Mocha#3331: It just is Mocha#3331: So true give_a_minute#1155: ||Mob Psycho is better|| Mocha#3331: I'm ninety percent sure it's a thirst trap give_a_minute#1155: leaving that to george give_a_minute#1155: uh Mocha#3331: Well is it? give_a_minute#1155: well give_a_minute#1155: oh Mocha#3331: Lmaoo💀 give_a_minute#1155: give me a moment give_a_minute#1155: urban dictionary to the rescue once again give_a_minute#1155: what's a thirst trap Mocha#3331: I haven't seen it but it just looks like a thirst trap MMMMM#2210: Im disappointed give_a_minute#1155: just wasn't my thing give_a_minute#1155: H*eY* it was good don't get me wrong MMMMM#2210: Ever MMMMM#2210: I’ve been to one give_a_minute#1155: mornin Maulie#8927: Morning burarahurricane#6369: gmmm PeckServers.com#8342: Mornin PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr, all the social interaction and everything burarahurricane#6369: imagine going to parties PeckServers.com#8342: Amen WalterJS#2477: My parties are always fire asf PeckServers.com#8342: Nah, you just lame if you dont come to walters parties MMMMM#2210: In my defense i probably had better things to do PeckServers.com#8342: Its cause you never come over to party with us or you woulda seen the updated one by now MMMMM#2210: It was much less epic last time i saw it WalterJS#2477: ^^ PeckServers.com#8342: And an epico office MMMMM#2210: I dont remember that PeckServers.com#8342: And a hot tub PeckServers.com#8342: And a pool PeckServers.com#8342: Hes got a ping pong table too MMMMM#2210: Land Sq. Ft: 11,326 MMMMM#2210: You used to have a trampoline that would fly into the neighbors yard when it was windy MMMMM#2210: Your house is 2951sq ft, 3 bed, 6 bath, 0.26 acres MMMMM#2210: Its like a pin Maulie#8927: Can we get audio of this button? WalterJS#2477: All I remember about George’s house is a George says cancer sucks button machine and also some pop tarts PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/lxZqS61ldp4 this is crazy PeckServers.com#8342: Cause we have a long history PeckServers.com#8342: Lets actually not PeckServers.com#8342: Where do i start PeckServers.com#8342: Oh boy weve hit a chord in george MMMMM#2210: The crap i do to you that you could *one up me* on MMMMM#2210: Wym you one upped me PeckServers.com#8342: Therefore i one upped u PeckServers.com#8342: Im saying i found it MMMMM#2210: Hes been to my house PeckServers.com#8342: Well duh MMMMM#2210: Walter already knows my address PeckServers.com#8342: 🙋‍♂️ nobody scares me more than i can scare them 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: Which is when you pull a <:reverse_card:788946351294513212> and find his address PeckServers.com#8342: Hes like that one kid in the back of class thats always watching you and taking notes PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr WalterJS#2477: He knows too much WalterJS#2477: George is a bit scary PeckServers.com#8342: Good for him tho PeckServers.com#8342: *x files plays LOUDER* MMMMM#2210: He wouldnt tell PeckServers.com#8342: Them making out? PeckServers.com#8342: Could it have been... PeckServers.com#8342: Like a wildfire apparently MMMMM#2210: Rumor is during the dance him and lydia left and came back together MMMMM#2210: Rumor spreads PeckServers.com#8342: *x files theme plays* PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao PeckServers.com#8342: Howd he know? WalterJS#2477: Yes MMMMM#2210: Lydia? Mocha#3331: Congrats dude🛹 🥳 WalterJS#2477: Guys guess what I have gf now Mocha#3331: gaeb lisx#1702: ☝️ MMMMM#2210: Idk EJCaldwell#2924: scrap is where they go into the restaurant and letting them go does what it says MMMMM#2210: Molten freddy’s aleady out MMMMM#2210: Too late MMMMM#2210: Well EJCaldwell#2924: i said it wrong EJCaldwell#2924: you want to scrap them EJCaldwell#2924: yes MMMMM#2210: And if you dont tase em they get loose MMMMM#2210: Does scrapping mean you go through the whole noice thing EJCaldwell#2924: then its a bit of a challenge EJCaldwell#2924: don't scrap any of them and get lefty MMMMM#2210: idk MMMMM#2210: and wait for it to load EJCaldwell#2924: have you been getting the animatronics? or scrapping them MMMMM#2210: you just sit there MMMMM#2210: its like fnaf 3 on crack MMMMM#2210: its kinda boring EJCaldwell#2924: good choice on a game george MMMMM#2210: in this server its spelled gaeb Mocha#3331: Not really lisx#1702: does it have people that are creepy looking? Mocha#3331: I mean it has blood lisx#1702: is it scary tho? Mocha#3331: That's pretty much what happens episode one lisx#1702: oh Mocha#3331: It's what gets you hooked Mocha#3331: No lisx#1702: is that like the entire plot lisx#1702: oh Mocha#3331: Dam you really can't enjoy something without spoiling it huh lisx#1702: what a plot twist Mocha#3331: It's not weird compared to dragon maids Mocha#3331: Why are you asking if it's weird if you watched an anime about dragon maids💀 lisx#1702: is it weird tho? Mocha#3331: Characters you get attached too, and moments that make you go on the edge of your seat Mocha#3331: But it's suspenseful and full of drama lisx#1702: and really creepy lisx#1702: it sounds a bit questionable Mocha#3331: 👶 Mocha#3331: It's gooooood lisx#1702: hmmmmmm.... lisx#1702: but he thought dragon maid was bad Mocha#3331: But you have to watch episode one until the very end Mocha#3331: Ask gabe he liked it Mocha#3331: You'll understand after episode one lisx#1702: how descriptive Mocha#3331: It goes hard I promise Mocha#3331: Watch talentless nana PeckServers.com#8342: Oh the challenges of life lisx#1702: but I don't like that book lisx#1702: hmmm maybe I could read that book... lisx#1702: I have nothing to do lisx#1702: when does school start lisx#1702: I'm ready to go back to school lisx#1702: this is like summer break lisx#1702: I'm so bored lisx#1702: what just happened lisx#1702: BUT THEY DIDN'T EVEN lisx#1702: ended lisx#1702: it just lisx#1702: bro lisx#1702: I am MMMMM#2210: Keep watching MMMMM#2210: Maybe MMMMM#2210: Idk lisx#1702: does she at least say something about it besides calling tohru an idiot? lisx#1702: bro lisx#1702: they are *not* lisx#1702: like this PeckServers.com#8342: Cring lisx#1702: ending it lisx#1702: NOT lisx#1702: are lisx#1702: they lisx#1702: what is this lisx#1702: bruh MMMMM#2210: Keep watching MMMMM#2210: Idk lisx#1702: why didn't tohru put kobayashi in a tux EJCaldwell#2924: so i just drink water EJCaldwell#2924: and i don't like milk or apple juice lisx#1702: oh *right now* EJCaldwell#2924: my family does not but soda that much EJCaldwell#2924: now PeckServers.com#8342: On an average day of work at dsu, i probably drink 50 - 150 ounces of various sodas EJCaldwell#2924: and i also drink a lot of water normally EJCaldwell#2924: its just so good PeckServers.com#8342: You should stop doing that lol lisx#1702: there's flower petals everywhere and everything lisx#1702: so when are they getting married <@!522569307004076033> lisx#1702: kobayashi is going to turn into an alcoholic MMMMM#2210: On this account MMMMM#2210: I finally exceeded 500 hours on one of my games MMMMM#2210: Which reminds me lisx#1702: I remember you saying that MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: I dont even remember that lisx#1702: from back in the Jaxin Era™️ of cg EJCaldwell#2924: lol lisx#1702: my favorite quote from george EJCaldwell#2924: only one profile EJCaldwell#2924: on hypixel skyblock EJCaldwell#2924: i know a youtuber that has over 3k i think EJCaldwell#2924: no MMMMM#2210: Is it maulie MMMMM#2210: *mhm* EJCaldwell#2924: i know some people with 2000 hours on hypixel skyblock only MMMMM#2210: lisx#1702: thats a lot EJCaldwell#2924: which is nothing compared to a lot of others EJCaldwell#2924: 1.5k MMMMM#2210: how many hundreds of hours do you think you have on minecraft EJCaldwell#2924: idk MMMMM#2210: How many hundreds of hours do you have on minecraft lisx#1702: you have nice way showing it EJCaldwell#2924: i care EJCaldwell#2924: jk EJCaldwell#2924: who cares about health lisx#1702: that sounds healthy EJCaldwell#2924: this is the second time in 72 hours i have drank a 40oz of mt.dew EJCaldwell#2924: I am so shaky right now EJCaldwell#2924: i wanted to stay home EJCaldwell#2924: i was forced out PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah, thats what you get for being an active human EJCaldwell#2924: and my dad must of put the bag down in my phone EJCaldwell#2924: it was in a backpack PeckServers.com#8342: Wait how the frick did you crack it? EJCaldwell#2924: how the frick is that sus? PeckServers.com#8342: Sus EJCaldwell#2924: thats what i get for going outside :c EJCaldwell#2924: on any device EJCaldwell#2924: i have never broken a screen and it be my fault lisx#1702: can't relate lisx#1702: ha EJCaldwell#2924: its not even my fault EJCaldwell#2924: I LASTED SO LONG WITHOUT CRACKING THE SCREEN EJCaldwell#2924: MY PHONE GOT CRACKED EJCaldwell#2924: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EJCaldwell#2924: hi there burarahurricane#6369: hhelloo EJCaldwell#2924: ayo burarahurricane#6369: :D!!! lisx#1702: GUYS guess what we still have 2 more days of break this is absolutely amazing burarahurricane#6369: ayy EJCaldwell#2924: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> burarahurricane#6369: B) burarahurricane#6369: i feel like ive been in my emo phase for a while burarahurricane#6369: ehh lisx#1702: and before you know it you'll be listening to taylor swift lisx#1702: this must be your emo phase burarahurricane#6369: ok lisx#1702: idk burarahurricane#6369: whhy is adonis driving da bus lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/U07VKXydCUw lisx#1702: also lisx#1702: listen to this entire playlist too https://open.spotify.com/playlist/11XBextmBzqdZTFW6myzuC?si=ec7b3634c24b472d lisx#1702: in that case burarahurricane#6369: yep lisx#1702: have you pinched yourself to make sure lisx#1702: are you dreaming burarahurricane#6369: no lisx#1702: do you have a headache burarahurricane#6369: im kinda tired from my hike lisx#1702: did you check your temperature lisx#1702: are you sure burarahurricane#6369: no lisx#1702: do you have a fever lisx#1702: are you sick alysse burarahurricane#6369: wasn't bad burarahurricane#6369: i listened to all of it eysterday burarahurricane#6369: lol burarahurricane#6369: thats what im doing lisx#1702: \*to audience*: I'm getting alysse into mgk I must be god! \:D lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/album/57lgFncHBYu5E3igZnuCJK?si=C3EmgTd4QAy0XeZAAKrtew lisx#1702: you should listen to the rest of the entire album too burarahurricane#6369: :D lisx#1702: <:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845> lisx#1702: <:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845><:blobaww:828416679495073845> burarahurricane#6369: i like this song burarahurricane#6369: yeaa lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> lisx#1702: omg lisx#1702: what? burarahurricane#6369: "iS THIS SAPNAP">>???????????????./ lisx#1702: don't watch it lisx#1702: actually that videos really weird lisx#1702: except they're actually not adonises lisx#1702: reminds me of walter lisx#1702: omg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlT3zUrRT6c lisx#1702: oh my burarahurricane#6369: omg PeckServers.com#8342: Hey alysse this might apply to you https://youtu.be/x9EEbrs4oWc burarahurricane#6369: love it :) lisx#1702: isn't peer pressure just the best lisx#1702: lisx#1702: you still have a little bit to go tho burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: im not really online that much anymore Mocha#3331: sup🤸 Maulie#8927: Thats a good deal, also, welcome! burarahurricane#6369: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: Welcome Secs PeckServers.com#8342: Gm from cali!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Aww its such a pleasure Mocha#3331: Oh and if anyone in this server ever wants to play a game of chess I'm always down Mocha#3331: Sup🛹 burarahurricane#6369: i’m gonna catch up to lisa with most messages sent burarahurricane#6369: u guys get to have my unhinged presence all the time 🥰 burarahurricane#6369: and i moved out for a sec with high af chat but now that thats dead burarahurricane#6369: it was the first one i ever joined burarahurricane#6369: dude cg is like my home server EJCaldwell#2924: Gm burarahurricane#6369: anyway Goodmorning cg :D burarahurricane#6369: i think im getting worse at wordle burarahurricane#6369: (sobs) burarahurricane#6369: what the hell Wordle 245 5/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛🟨⬛ 🟩⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 burarahurricane#6369: WHAT IS THIS burarahurricane#6369: this is nto going well at all burarahurricane#6369: oh fuck burarahurricane#6369: its not refreshing nooo burarahurricane#6369: new wordle t minus 3 min burarahurricane#6369: omg burarahurricane#6369: when did it become almost midnight burarahurricane#6369: what burarahurricane#6369: yooo hallo <@!484351343503474698> MMMMM#2210: its finally ready MMMMM#2210: all the bots left MMMMM#2210: steam trading site EJCaldwell#2924: For what? MMMMM#2210: ive been 6th in line for 2 hours Maulie#8927: You can still type in Multiple lines EJCaldwell#2924: Find it easier EJCaldwell#2924: During phone now EJCaldwell#2924: And there are 4 Maulie#8927: I type in lines EJCaldwell#2924: No endings add the the % EJCaldwell#2924: Also weird fact EJCaldwell#2924: not computer EJCaldwell#2924: its on my playstation EJCaldwell#2924: also sorry for the bad quality EJCaldwell#2924: i have not been on all that much today EJCaldwell#2924: idk MMMMM#2210: https://youtu.be/ZOab8lYI2H8 MMMMM#2210: What is wrong with youtube MMMMM#2210: Also MMMMM#2210: What the hell EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: Not the entire game EJCaldwell#2924: And it’s also a profile EJCaldwell#2924: It shows I am at 111% EJCaldwell#2924: It’s the game EJCaldwell#2924: Trust me MMMMM#2210: Either the creators are bad at math and you’re bad at math, or just you’re bad at math EJCaldwell#2924: but the 3 big addons to the game added now stuff that added to the % EJCaldwell#2924: it is dumb how it is EJCaldwell#2924: being at 111% MMMMM#2210: I dont think thats how game percentages work EJCaldwell#2924: i can go get a pic of it EJCaldwell#2924: i have not done 112% EJCaldwell#2924: i did MMMMM#2210: So you didnt 100% it EJCaldwell#2924: because the extra 12% was addons to the game EJCaldwell#2924: its not tho Mocha#3331: same thing 💀 EJCaldwell#2924: 112% was hard Mocha#3331: last time I did that was when I played celeste EJCaldwell#2924: 100% was easy Mocha#3331: yeah 100% a game can be hard EJCaldwell#2924: much EJCaldwell#2924: so EJCaldwell#2924: suck EJCaldwell#2924: will EJCaldwell#2924: which EJCaldwell#2924: i just have to do the 2nd hardest thing in the game EJCaldwell#2924: i am so close to 112% MMMMM#2210: You have low standards coming into this server EJCaldwell#2924: well ima head out and go play more hollow knight Mocha#3331: smoothest brain I ever seen MMMMM#2210: <:smoothbrain:782845544887222282> EJCaldwell#2924: at least i think? EJCaldwell#2924: i know i spelt that wrong MMMMM#2210: You’re* Mocha#3331: yea EJCaldwell#2924: and yes Mocha#3331: oh yea that's so much better tysm EJCaldwell#2924: do you watch a lot of animi ? give_a_minute#1155: and you're watching give_a_minute#1155: I'm gae give_a_minute#1155: and probably for the last time give_a_minute#1155: reporting live on the scene MMMMM#2210: What about a weeaboo give_a_minute#1155: well crap Mocha#3331: I hate the community give_a_minute#1155: *o h* Mocha#3331: no I genuinely despise being called a weeb give_a_minute#1155: was this a joke give_a_minute#1155: *we go to ishmael for his professional opinion* EJCaldwell#2924: are Karens EJCaldwell#2924: the only people saying it is a slur give_a_minute#1155: is it though? EJCaldwell#2924: its not give_a_minute#1155: (I think) give_a_minute#1155: it's a joke EJCaldwell#2924: but i will respect your wishes Mocha#3331: im going to twitter rn EJCaldwell#2924: which it is not give_a_minute#1155: don't cancel me give_a_minute#1155: oh well my apologies EJCaldwell#2924: thats saying Karen is a slur Mocha#3331: for me it is give_a_minute#1155: since when give_a_minute#1155: wha Mocha#3331: don't call me a weeb that's worse than calling me a slur MMMMM#2210: I convinced lisa to watch it MMMMM#2210: *i know* Mocha#3331: just the first ep Mocha#3331: haven't seen the full thing give_a_minute#1155: *he's a weeb too* give_a_minute#1155: you made a mistake there buddy EJCaldwell#2924: cursed MMMMM#2210: You watch? EJCaldwell#2924: is EJCaldwell#2924: that Mocha#3331: to be fair obama does look hot as kanna give_a_minute#1155: count give_a_minute#1155: doens't give_a_minute#1155: THAT give_a_minute#1155: I WAS SELF-AWARE give_a_minute#1155: nonononnoono MMMMM#2210: give_a_minute#1155: *** wh y*** Mocha#3331: you came out six months ago and I didn't know? give_a_minute#1155: bro give_a_minute#1155: cmon give_a_minute#1155: you were on my side man give_a_minute#1155: you give_a_minute#1155: you give_a_minute#1155: that's how it's been for the last 6 months Mocha#3331: cause it's true give_a_minute#1155: but anyways give_a_minute#1155: somehow? give_a_minute#1155: ah right for clarification the big joke here is that I'm gae <@!484351343503474698> MMMMM#2210: You being the first, ethan being the second give_a_minute#1155: ngl give_a_minute#1155: that's pretty gay george Mocha#3331: lmaooo EJCaldwell#2924: i have been strait my whole life give_a_minute#1155: someone wishes someone was gay right now EJCaldwell#2924: just ask maulie EJCaldwell#2924: i can get a list of all the answers and questions that they asked her MMMMM#2210: Were being the key word Mocha#3331: what a plot twist Mocha#3331: dam really though you were give_a_minute#1155: *w o a h* EJCaldwell#2924: no Mocha#3331: well were you? EJCaldwell#2924: my sister asked if i was gay when she got hers taken out EJCaldwell#2924: happy i read those EJCaldwell#2924: is funny EJCaldwell#2924: that Mocha#3331: lmaooo MMMMM#2210: He flipped my mom off the entire way home so she couldnt record anything MMMMM#2210: When my brother got his wisdom teeth out EJCaldwell#2924: sleep is for the weak EJCaldwell#2924: and then she asked if he was gey right after give_a_minute#1155: *nah* EJCaldwell#2924: i saw somebody get asked a lot of questions after getting their wisdom teeth taken out Mocha#3331: sleep is good Mocha#3331: it's good if you go to sleep EJCaldwell#2924: but my day was good give_a_minute#1155: we got very little time left give_a_minute#1155: I don't know how *much* of a good day he can possibly have left EJCaldwell#2924: the day is a hour and 20 mins tho Mocha#3331: have a good rest of your day now 😁 EJCaldwell#2924: okay? Mocha#3331: if you don't know what that image means then you don't deserve to know MMMMM#2210: Im pretty sure i have a class pic with him in first grade EJCaldwell#2924: ? Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/ltg-low-tier-god-you-should-kill-yourself-now-gif-23487049 give_a_minute#1155: nice MMMMM#2210: And we went to the same elementary school EJCaldwell#2924: IKR MMMMM#2210: Idc MMMMM#2210: Or a few times Mocha#3331: your is so much faster to type than you're MMMMM#2210: Or twice MMMMM#2210: He beat me at tetris once give_a_minute#1155: I think give_a_minute#1155: don't worry the two are good friends MMMMM#2210: Use the right your MMMMM#2210: One lesson you should learn early on EJCaldwell#2924: don't mind george Mocha#3331: https://tenor.com/view/youre-your-spies-spies-in-disguise-youre-spies-gif-20405819 MMMMM#2210: You’re* EJCaldwell#2924: okay Mocha#3331: yea your ethan EJCaldwell#2924: i am asking if you know who i am EJCaldwell#2924: ik Mocha#3331: I'm Ismael EJCaldwell#2924: you know who i am? Mocha#3331: sup bro EJCaldwell#2924: hello there give_a_minute#1155: ***wH e eeeeeeeeze*** Mocha#3331: suuup MMMMM#2210: Hellur <@!484351343503474698> EJCaldwell#2924: and then took like a 2 hour nap at like 3-5 EJCaldwell#2924: i woke up late lisx#1702: ...because that makes sense EJCaldwell#2924: so i am wide awake right now EJCaldwell#2924: i went to bed at 2AM last night lisx#1702: sleep is good lisx#1702: sleep lisx#1702: ohyeah lisx#1702: ew why did I start doing math math sucks lisx#1702: anyway lisx#1702: and there's probably extra time because after I already mastered like most of the words it just cut to giving me ALL the words to practice instead of just the ones I needed to master and I did a bunch of practicing other words lisx#1702: but I guess it's because those words are super easy lisx#1702: whereas if I did 3.36*30 it would equal like 100 minutes lisx#1702: except that's not even right because I just mastered the 30-word list we had for the assignment plus a couple more words and that only took me 40 minutes lisx#1702: so apparently it takes me an average of 3.36057692 minutes to "master" a word EJCaldwell#2924: so it would take me about 2-3 hours to finish if the rate it takes does not change EJCaldwell#2924: i have spen 1:22 lisx#1702: EJCaldwell#2924: and i am not EJCaldwell#2924: you are in the honors class lisx#1702: that's not really fair EJCaldwell#2924: wow lisx#1702: we've had to learn 266 words this year so far EJCaldwell#2924: just a little under 30 secs per word EJCaldwell#2924: yup lisx#1702: that would be like 1 word per 30 seconds 😂 lisx#1702: i did the math wrong lisx#1702: wait nevermind EJCaldwell#2924: want to do it EJCaldwell#2924: don't* EJCaldwell#2924: i just don EJCaldwell#2924: i wish you could do my work lisx#1702: statistically lisx#1702: actually yeah lisx#1702: well based on the points EJCaldwell#2924: you could do 91 words in 40 mins? lisx#1702: fun... lisx#1702: so I guess you guys just got assigned 40 minutes of vocab.com to do for three quarters... lisx#1702: thats like how much i do in 40 minutes lisx#1702: I think my class does more than the other honors class too lisx#1702: imagine EJCaldwell#2924: the top one for me is 115098 lisx#1702: 🤷 EJCaldwell#2924: WHAT THE HECK EJCaldwell#2924: its more lisx#1702: ' lisx#1702: you guys must have very little to do then EJCaldwell#2924: and they are not due till the end of this quarter EJCaldwell#2924: so for quarters 1-3 its all the same lisx#1702: like too little or too much EJCaldwell#2924: he assigned us the wrong ammount lisx#1702: how much vocab.com do you guys have??? EJCaldwell#2924: overall lisx#1702: for like this week? lisx#1702: I'm pretty sure it's just my class though because it literally says "5b honors la" on top EJCaldwell#2924: 63987 EJCaldwell#2924: your class must be the sweety one then lisx#1702: how many points does he have lisx#1702: everyone else on my leaderboard is someone who I know is my class EJCaldwell#2924: and he is not in my class EJCaldwell#2924: because george is on my leaderboard EJCaldwell#2924: i think its the teacher lisx#1702: miiiiiine EJCaldwell#2924: ya lisx#1702: as one word lisx#1702: mine just sounds like if you said "my one" really fast lisx#1702: my one lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: *mine EJCaldwell#2924: let me open my one up lisx#1702: lisx#1702: it's not EJCaldwell#2924: i think its the entire school lisx#1702: that's weird lisx#1702: Idk anyone named "annie guarda" in our class EJCaldwell#2924: idk lisx#1702: who's this EJCaldwell#2924: i do it at school sometimes lisx#1702: don't you want to make it good though EJCaldwell#2924: wow lisx#1702: I'm 1/6 of the total points for our class's vocab.com EJCaldwell#2924: because it is a distraction EJCaldwell#2924: youtube i am trying not to use as much EJCaldwell#2924: fine EJCaldwell#2924: podcast EJCaldwell#2924: so if i have music its fine EJCaldwell#2924: as long as i have something to listen to i am fine lisx#1702: not really for all three of those? EJCaldwell#2924: not really lisx#1702: what if it's too much one day lisx#1702: and doesn't that make you stressed lisx#1702: but is it good EJCaldwell#2924: but i get all the work done EJCaldwell#2924: i know i am bad at it lisx#1702: that's not good EJCaldwell#2924: like math EJCaldwell#2924: i always do everything last few days EJCaldwell#2924: not really lisx#1702: that sucks EJCaldwell#2924: so i have like 2 quarters of it piled up EJCaldwell#2924: i have not done any of my vocab lisx#1702: literally lisx#1702: how the frick lisx#1702: I just did 40 minutes of this thing EJCaldwell#2924: nice lisx#1702: It was all worth it \:D MMMMM#2210: and i cant check rn MMMMM#2210: idk MMMMM#2210: i did the entire thing in one day MMMMM#2210: he put all 3 quarters of work in one lesson lisx#1702: how many points do you have on vocab.com? MMMMM#2210: strassman messed it up MMMMM#2210: ours does lisx#1702: ours doesn't work like that MMMMM#2210: i finished all my vocab.com 2 quarters ago PeckServers.com#8342: Jk PeckServers.com#8342: Sorry ill be dead that day PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh fancy lisx#1702: yay we have another new vocab.com EJCaldwell#2924: i will still play PeckServers.com#8342: Keyword *were* EJCaldwell#2924: we were trying to ask if you wanted to play gartic phone burarahurricane#6369: but im feeling ooc today burarahurricane#6369: not really i dont spam ping like that lisx#1702: makes sense... lisx#1702: oh they were all alysse lisx#1702: what if I just ignored all those pings lisx#1702: hi..... burarahurricane#6369: it is z a creechur EJCaldwell#2924: Is that a mouse? burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> ik u said my animal comparisons were way off but you cant tell me this ISNT bryce EJCaldwell#2924: facts burarahurricane#6369: and then when yhou take them off ur feet are all sad and cold EJCaldwell#2924: wet socks is the worst thing ever burarahurricane#6369: was much stronger than i expected burarahurricane#6369: the shower thingy burarahurricane#6369: cleanign snake tank :/ now my socks ar wet EJCaldwell#2924: i just need something spicy/hot EJCaldwell#2924: i wish i did not eat all of the takies EJCaldwell#2924: so right now i am just playing minecraft burarahurricane#6369: F EJCaldwell#2924: thats what i am doing right now burarahurricane#6369: then ur trapped in a room,,avoiding the children ,,,,,,,,' burarahurricane#6369: i hate it when that happens :( burarahurricane#6369: r i p burarahurricane#6369: over 1 billion plays... burarahurricane#6369: holy EJCaldwell#2924: wish me luck to not die EJCaldwell#2924: my little sister has a friend here EJCaldwell#2924: I am boarding myself up in my room EJCaldwell#2924: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504>omg hi bestie do you wann play gartic pheon burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> do you want to play gartic phone burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> EJCaldwell#2924: <@!749747503947055136> you want to get lisa EJCaldwell#2924: cody are you sure you don't want to play? EJCaldwell#2924: <@!606620815349383209> want to play gartic phone? EJCaldwell#2924: i can't find it :c PeckServers.com#8342: 😱😏 EJCaldwell#2924: i am going to try to find it EJCaldwell#2924: that reminds me of a video burarahurricane#6369: 🔪 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: Challenge accepted 😏 burarahurricane#6369: excuse 1000 EJCaldwell#2924: we don't need to be in a call PeckServers.com#8342: I would but imma be sick that day PeckServers.com#8342: Naw im pretty much god burarahurricane#6369: i kill god EJCaldwell#2924: want to join us burarahurricane#6369: "I'm pretty much god" username123115#4960: maybe EJCaldwell#2924: wait cody username123115#4960: after dinner burarahurricane#6369: wanna gartic phone burarahurricane#6369: i mean we all have our flaws EJCaldwell#2924: want to join us? username123115#4960: presssing the online button is so much work EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: See now thats a stretch burarahurricane#6369: seconded burarahurricane#6369: vouch! burarahurricane#6369: sometimes it would be for jaxin but shes not on discord anymore really :/ EJCaldwell#2924: lisa is a good person PeckServers.com#8342: Lisa is cool PeckServers.com#8342: Agreed burarahurricane#6369: she doens't relaly pester me burarahurricane#6369: never PeckServers.com#8342: *never* burarahurricane#6369: nahh never PeckServers.com#8342: Jk PeckServers.com#8342: Cough cough: lisa EJCaldwell#2924: i know maulie george and daniel use it PeckServers.com#8342: Agreed burarahurricane#6369: which is not often burarahurricane#6369: i usually use it when i wanna avoid a certain person lMAO EJCaldwell#2924: i don't get why people use the invisible thing EJCaldwell#2924: i know maulie could be burarahurricane#6369: no one is onlineee EJCaldwell#2924: anybody else want to play EJCaldwell#2924: phone* burarahurricane#6369: i will play gartic phoe EJCaldwell#2924: anybody want to play gartic phoe EJCaldwell#2924: lol* EJCaldwell#2924: lo PeckServers.com#8342: Twas a sad day PeckServers.com#8342: 😢😢😢 burarahurricane#6369: . \__\______\___ / \ | R.I.P. Cody | | He was | | almost | | a chad | ---------------------- 🥀 🥀 🥀 PeckServers.com#8342: *stumbles back in room*: nope its not good for you *collapses on floor* burarahurricane#6369: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: Only one way to find out EJCaldwell#2924: i don't think printer ink is heathy burarahurricane#6369: probbaly LMAO PeckServers.com#8342: That method is probably healthier PeckServers.com#8342: Lmfao burarahurricane#6369: and then eat it burarahurricane#6369: i wanna print it out burarahurricane#6369: yummy :( burarahurricane#6369: aaaaaaaaaa PeckServers.com#8342: Just for you PeckServers.com#8342: There PeckServers.com#8342: burarahurricane#6369: >:| PeckServers.com#8342: So i could torture you with it PeckServers.com#8342: I shoulda taken pic PeckServers.com#8342: It is soooo good burarahurricane#6369: nnow im h;ungry burarahurricane#6369: that sounds so good wtf burarahurricane#6369: it sounds so interesting but not yet no PeckServers.com#8342: Its icecream with a coconut/oat shell thats deep fried with chocolate syrup on top PeckServers.com#8342: Its like the best PeckServers.com#8342: Have you ever had deep fried ice cream? burarahurricane#6369: mm yes PeckServers.com#8342: So i dont become mush head PeckServers.com#8342: I need to start doing more language type activities PeckServers.com#8342: Its cause you thunder bren burarahurricane#6369: its improved my sodoku too burarahurricane#6369: wordle grows bren burarahurricane#6369: not to flex /gen but i find them easy n fun >:) PeckServers.com#8342: I just have smol bren PeckServers.com#8342: Ceiling gang? burarahurricane#6369: huh burarahurricane#6369: rly ? burarahurricane#6369: this is really comfortable burarahurricane#6369: floors are underrated actually PeckServers.com#8342: I fail so hard at wordles burarahurricane#6369: and never leaving hopefully burarahurricane#6369: but its back burarahurricane#6369: a horrible crime PeckServers.com#8342: Oh god what have you done? burarahurricane#6369: 😐 burarahurricane#6369: i always get it in 4 burarahurricane#6369: i shoulda done my usual opening word smh burarahurricane#6369: Wordle 244 4/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟩 ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟩 ⬛⬛⬛🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 burarahurricane#6369: im cracjed but i coulda gotten it faster burarahurricane#6369: HOLY burarahurricane#6369: oh god i am failing this badly EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: why is my special wordle tab gone wtf thats so fucked up of past me burarahurricane#6369: anyway time for wordle but im sitting on the floor burarahurricane#6369: so many lines to toe burarahurricane#6369: do i stay more formal ? do i be my usual unhinged ? use the texting lingo that they will probably make fun of me for or spell it all out ? burarahurricane#6369: cuz im like burarahurricane#6369: its so weird texting my parents burarahurricane#6369: its just funny ajrjakfhakf EJCaldwell#2924: whats wrong with that? burarahurricane#6369: HELP she said poop isntead of shit im losing it burarahurricane#6369: OH I STILL AHVENT DONE TODAYS WORDLE burarahurricane#6369: maybe ill just ignore that she missed my joke burarahurricane#6369: d burarahurricane#6369: and itll be kinda awkwar burarahurricane#6369: but then she”ll ask burarahurricane#6369: maybe she doesnt know what it stands for burarahurricane#6369: do u think it’s appropriate to use lmao in all caps at ur mother across text who doesnt like u swearing burarahurricane#6369: yea PeckServers.com#8342: Mehican food is guhd PeckServers.com#8342: Glad i could please 😁 burarahurricane#6369: that was so in character PeckServers.com#8342: You sayin its not wet enough 😏 burarahurricane#6369: if i ever have kids thats what theyre calling me burarahurricane#6369: AND ITS SO CUTE LIKE :000 burarahurricane#6369: turns out ren is like a gender neutral term for mom or dad burarahurricane#6369: ALSO ALSO burarahurricane#6369: or precipitation in general!!! lisx#1702: or... hail! lisx#1702: or snow! lisx#1702: there's NEVER enough rain! burarahurricane#6369: perks of living in a desert, part 1 PeckServers.com#8342: Hmm, i wonder why californias always on fire.... Oh yeah, theres PlAnTs eVeRyWhEre PeckServers.com#8342: 😔 PeckServers.com#8342: Oh no burarahurricane#6369: its yeeted my lawn into the void 😭 burarahurricane#6369: oh god discord is ylitching again PeckServers.com#8342: Shes as comotose as a llama burarahurricane#6369: i thoughht that was a llama PeckServers.com#8342: And a kat PeckServers.com#8342: burarahurricane#6369: ooh PeckServers.com#8342: Look at this sick asf atrium in the middle of my grandmas house PeckServers.com#8342: burarahurricane#6369: i havent done todays burarahurricane#6369: WORDLE burarahurricane#6369: OMG THE WORLD burarahurricane#6369: yep burarahurricane#6369: why did spotify crahs this is dumb PeckServers.com#8342: Amen PeckServers.com#8342: Aww look at you lisx#1702: school is so stupid burarahurricane#6369: yeah burarahurricane#6369: my d scale kinda sucks in thsi recordinf but qhatever we’re resubmittinf anyway!! lisx#1702: orchestra sucks burarahurricane#6369: oof lisx#1702: for participation burarahurricane#6369: heat waves js a GOOD SONG lisx#1702: and i got docked like 10% of my points lisx#1702: i only had 2 absences for orchestra this quarter burarahurricane#6369: yeah thats what I did too lisx#1702: I literally searched it up and canvas said the teacher side can see the other attemps lisx#1702: and did a new attempt lisx#1702: submitted it lisx#1702: well I just burarahurricane#6369: ate the submissions burarahurricane#6369: canvas must have like burarahurricane#6369: yoo ramin djawadi did uncharted’s soundtrack pog lisx#1702: except for like... 1 person lisx#1702: I bet this happened to everyone lisx#1702: lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: i gliterally did thags kinda sad burarahurricane#6369: 😐 lisx#1702: read the comments burarahurricane#6369: wtf lisx#1702: yeah but less cheesy burarahurricane#6369: lemme chdkc lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> lisx#1702: hey has mrs winslow graded your scales burarahurricane#6369: (i think burarahurricane#6369: except american burarahurricane#6369: mgk is kinda like noahfinnce lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/55ZcA6PazdlXjE1jO5GrzJ?si=a2b733005eee47c6 lisx#1702: this is kinda like mgk https://open.spotify.com/track/3mkz6eI4Sram8UhO3teU76?si=bb1d1ef6d2424879 lisx#1702: basically this entire album is just ed sheeran with a guitar https://open.spotify.com/album/1xn54DMo2qIqBuMqHtUsFd?si=eIscIscRQCySR22jMMgwzw lisx#1702: this is more chill https://open.spotify.com/track/12B0Twa9kRz45Xw2PgXHJm?si=f3a3e277c6da4471 lisx#1702: this is also yungblud and its really good https://open.spotify.com/track/1OAkkP5JGtwDZbsE6dg988?si=53fd0e05e9694015 lisx#1702: this one has yungblud, who basically just screams the notes while his voice cracks on every word but it's cool https://open.spotify.com/track/653lIkynLG6WiwoEfsY3Ri?si=103f0d9f6b6d4256 lisx#1702: this ones kinda fun https://open.spotify.com/track/7JBORNKYEw0ubz6VyzS6DM?si=94c374797e0846b1 lisx#1702: halsey is like really satisfyingly violent https://open.spotify.com/track/1OfLNb6dQ9dra1B58iT9Ex?si=10b3ab299b544a47 lisx#1702: nostalgia sorta https://open.spotify.com/track/2BgEsaKNfHUdlh97KmvFyo?si=20cd91baa9a44a20 lisx#1702: this one is really good https://open.spotify.com/track/0TK2EY9qEOo7n2c1UGUukJ?si=5bd2461f71974808 lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/3JjnGLK8IxkNLvo8Lb3KOM?si=b5b85a7dfcad4a52 one direction lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/0WOvSEVpUGkNufX0w0M06F?si=f3abd504068b4815 this one's chill lisx#1702: more punk ish https://open.spotify.com/track/4mGdjNMo0RonTlOEb7cYg4?si=633a4cd0071b4b0f lisx#1702: no, I can't seem to recall any dr seuss character in the shape of a cat with a very tall red and white striped hat burarahurricane#6369: it is :0 burarahurricane#6369: there was a dr seuss charactwr with hats righr burarahurricane#6369: i feel like that one dr seuss person burarahurricane#6369: he’s like over 6’3” so yeah burarahurricane#6369: HELPP lisx#1702: dream is so much taller than sapnap burarahurricane#6369: im sobbing thai is so funny lisx#1702: then... don't burarahurricane#6369: I CATNT EVEN FIT THEM ALL ON MY HEAD THERES LIKE 20 OF THEM lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/27OeeYzk6klgBh83TSvGMA?si=00dffd60a34f42ec https://open.spotify.com/track/1vuUbnY82fCNjfzqjLmblw?si=c49b8360e7cb4bfc https://open.spotify.com/track/3k0YJnqMKRZb8swo86vCkq?si=e9e28a4b33f44543 https://open.spotify.com/track/3FftYzkNisNH913O0KLgiO?si=fc8bb60259a34af2 https://open.spotify.com/track/69LvvkHnFFnX3d5eNObtMo?si=92250c6b36464eb5 https://open.spotify.com/track/2iVsPIS2yjS4xhs5Rdy65O?si=057dcb9ec5494381 https://open.spotify.com/track/6EPxapAlha7pEyn5kXgW3R?si=778ec1cdb0104ceb https://open.spotify.com/track/1eTdTVIxLlhHwwA50vEzZa?si=97ff9967dbbd4c7b https://open.spotify.com/track/0DILU9jjSTnCv1dcbUH3ib?si=82a322ec6fc94f47 https://open.spotify.com/track/63h44N1oLElnzut7RxZt6Z?si=5158f82f00d84b48 burarahurricane#6369: i have a ridiculous amount of hats burarahurricane#6369: lh my god wait actually lisx#1702: and by spanish/hawaii I mean uh barcelona burarahurricane#6369: at the SAME TIME burarahurricane#6369: im gonna wear them ALL burarahurricane#6369: guys i gave so many hats lisx#1702: this one has that cool spanish/hawaii/we're-all-on-this-beach-place-partying sorta vibe https://open.spotify.com/track/3Lfiu5sZ4M4B6JaKMBc0FU?si=b9197b742a2f4f43 burarahurricane#6369: taylor swift isnt even that bad! burarahurricane#6369: I LOVE EVERYTHING burarahurricane#6369: its tiring to try and be like anti whateve lisx#1702: who are you and what have you done with zlyalyse burarahurricane#6369: i am so Openminded 😊 burarahurricane#6369: yeah ! lisx#1702: seriouslY? burarahurricane#6369: yoo this ones cool lisx#1702: it's so difficult when you accidentally add two of the same songs to your playlist and you have to get rid of one, but you added them at different times and one is like a part of the actual album and the other is like downloaded or a part of another playlist or something and then one happens to be one second longer than the other and what if that makes it more special?????? WHICH ONE DO I GET RID OF i cAN't have TWO of the same songs in my playlist this is UGAHSDKL; J burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/mindblown-omg-triggered-gif-19814900 burarahurricane#6369: dude MUSIC IS SO COOL AND FUNKY AND burarahurricane#6369: fjskfhkshdvv?? lisx#1702: punk... https://open.spotify.com/track/4kDgnKgZTX6puRz9EoNjle?si=152421c0b3214f3a lisx#1702: This one's really pretty https://open.spotify.com/track/0z9UVN8VBHJ9HdfYsOuuNf?si=51969b174f5c45d8 lisx#1702: nvm Idk how to do that lisx#1702: let me look for ones I think you'll actually like lisx#1702: I like the audacity lisx#1702: hands burarahurricane#6369: im feelin dangerous today 😏 burarahurricane#6369: rec me some lisx#1702: oh just every single taylor swift or mgk song burarahurricane#6369: it was her birthday on valentines day burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: omg cat face reveal burarahurricane#6369: PATCHES <3 burarahurricane#6369: whats like good music with good guitar and studd does anyone jnow lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: mysic is SO COOL burarahurricane#6369: thats not dream 😔 lisx#1702: 😒 lisx#1702: that's not dream lisx#1702: bruh burarahurricane#6369: 😳 burarahurricane#6369: he has a couple hand cam videos actually..,,, lisx#1702: omg it's a hand burarahurricane#6369: “my hair is DEFINITELY blonde guys blah blah blah burarahurricane#6369: well dream mad eit this whole thkng burarahurricane#6369: big debare burarahurricane#6369: it was actually a lisx#1702: ... burarahurricane#6369: yeah lmaoo burarahurricane#6369: they still wont elt gogy in 😭 kinda homophobic /j lisx#1702: lisx#1702: dream hair color revealed? burarahurricane#6369: ranboo got a visa to go to the uk lisx#1702: well that \*cough* certain government has more than 1 internet celebrity to give visas to... burarahurricane#6369: think burarahurricane#6369: i thmm burarahurricane#6369: orlando burarahurricane#6369: a lot of dream’s friends knows what he looks like obv lisx#1702: where does he live burarahurricane#6369: well yeah lmao burarahurricane#6369: ?? burarahurricane#6369: they were supposed to meet up in like…..…may 2021 but it keep s getting postponed burarahurricane#6369: whenever \*cough* a certain GOVERNMENT \*cough* will let him get the stupid visa lisx#1702: I mean a little bit lisx#1702: that's just weird lisx#1702: ew burarahurricane#6369: and george is gonna move in with them lisx#1702: so he knows what he looks like burarahurricane#6369: yeah!! lisx#1702: wait what burarahurricane#6369: they live together!! lisx#1702: sapnap and dream have met? burarahurricane#6369: omg i found a dime burarahurricane#6369: music is so good lisx#1702: yes burarahurricane#6369: georgenotfound has not streamed for Six Teen Days 😕 burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> taylror Swift ? burarahurricane#6369: THAT REMINDS ME burarahurricane#6369: he is so snazzy burarahurricane#6369: look at him burarahurricane#6369: GOGY lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> *isn't this....* PeckServers.com#8342: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: What? EJCaldwell#2924: What he say? PeckServers.com#8342: Youve reached your quota for correcting people this century MMMMM#2210: Quoting* PeckServers.com#8342: Lmfao lisx#1702: (don't mind me) lisx#1702: is this your first breakup lisx#1702: i KNEW it was true love lisx#1702: true love? lisx#1702: omg <@!749747503947055136> deja vu? lisx#1702: is it the same friend EJCaldwell#2924: she is now quoteing techno PeckServers.com#8342: Ayyy congratulations EJCaldwell#2924: This is amazing EJCaldwell#2924: She now wants to watch technoblade EJCaldwell#2924: And she just said screw me EJCaldwell#2924: She got her wisdom teeth taken out EJCaldwell#2924: Maulies sister just asked if he is gay EJCaldwell#2924: you to Maulie#8927: Good night Maulie#8927: I found out about that setting and instantly turned it on xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I gtg xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well anyways adios people have a wonderful night xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh my gosh I didn't know I could do that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's cause when I told her that thing about "not commit die" it didn't work because I wasn't her friend xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah but I don't think she can dm me without being a friend Maulie#8927: Can't you view them without the person knowing? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah and I kinda want to see them EJCaldwell#2924: they can't even message anymore Maulie#8927: Probably a lot of blocked messages that are begging you to come back or gaslighting you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I think you can connect the dots on what is under the "well anyways" lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh and I forgot to put in the yelling parts at the end EJCaldwell#2924: fax xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I don't think she should hurt herself cause that's also bad but yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idc if she cries about it because she doesn't deserve my pity and I'd rather her only *harm* herself way more then killing herself EJCaldwell#2924: its such a dumb reason EJCaldwell#2924: i doubt she will xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no that she'd kermit sewer slide Maulie#8927: Worried about interacting with her after this? EJCaldwell#2924: don't be EJCaldwell#2924: THAT WAS SO FUNNY xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and I'm a little worried frfr EJCaldwell#2924: I JUST SAW MAULIE GET SO SCARED xXthat1redheadXx#9990: because Idek her thought process any more EJCaldwell#2924: XD xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I sent her a message after and I quote "please don't kys cause that'd be horrible" Maulie#8927: They sound like a manipulator EJCaldwell#2924: they sound like a little piece of garbage Maulie#8927: ^ EJCaldwell#2924: you are in the right to do so Maulie#8927: Lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I beat her little game xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I FEEL LIKE A FREE MAN xXthat1redheadXx#9990: YESSIR xXthat1redheadXx#9990: EJCaldwell#2924: fair xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I told asked hew if she's gonna give me an actual answer on how I'm a sexist and if she says no I'm beating her to the blocking game PeckServers.com#8342: <:big_brain:787829221137317900> PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah EJCaldwell#2924: just say "If you don't say why i am sexist then i am going to block you" that easy PeckServers.com#8342: And you are her game boy Maulie#8927: Manipulator PeckServers.com#8342: A player Maulie#8927: Shes a user PeckServers.com#8342: Thats some psycho shit xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well she better cause I sent her a definition xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh and then she said this just barely so she's definitely crazy PeckServers.com#8342: She probs doesn't even know what it means xXthat1redheadXx#9990: after an hour of me trying to get it out of her xXthat1redheadXx#9990: um imma bout to do it if she doesn't tell me how I'm a sexist PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah Maulie#8927: Depends on how their relationship is PeckServers.com#8342: How hard would it be for you to tell her to f off? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Thats some scary shit man xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's interesting xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: wow Maulie#8927: Dang xXthat1redheadXx#9990: while she's over here complaining about a tap on the back of the knee and saying she can take a hit xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it probably left a red mark on my milky white skin because it stung after and my ear was ringing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: Like full on slap? PeckServers.com#8342: Jesus xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so I tapped the back of her leg because it yk makes people startled and she laughed while saying stop so I did it again and it repeated and we were joking and then she slapped me PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah theres no room to complain PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh carate xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and also it wasn't super hard and as a black belt she has the audacity to complain about getting kicked PeckServers.com#8342: What was the context of the kick? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 3 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: or xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 2 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: like xXthat1redheadXx#9990: btw I didn't kick her that many times xXthat1redheadXx#9990: PeckServers.com#8342: You bet i do xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wanna see the latest update xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol PeckServers.com#8342: But yes, confronting them would be funny PeckServers.com#8342: Situations like that suck where you are stuck with someone cause theres no way to get away from them PeckServers.com#8342: Life is too hard PeckServers.com#8342: Lmfao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it might be a little awkward at martial arts though and I wanna see how I'm a sexist first xXthat1redheadXx#9990: probably PeckServers.com#8342: Sounds like you need to get this person outta your life xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's also true xXthat1redheadXx#9990: tis true MMMMM#2210: I see no problem xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ***really*** mad xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but it's the only way to not make her xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I've played the "being very lax and just agreeing with her" and it's made her very mad MMMMM#2210: You could call em racist in the same way MMMMM#2210: Yknow xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yup PeckServers.com#8342: Sounds like a toxic person xXthat1redheadXx#9990: imma do it next time I ask xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fax xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh my gosh MMMMM#2210: Then ask if they’ve said this to anyone else, if they say no call them sexist for only telling a guy this xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol PeckServers.com#8342: You can see the hair folicles xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's very interesting how fast the subject changes with her xXthat1redheadXx#9990: actually Ig I'm both according to her MMMMM#2210: So are you racist or sexist xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the most confusing thing is she says I don't listen and let her explain but I've been asking for the fast 1/2 hour on the subject "How is Liam Racist?" but everytime she ignores it and doesn't answer xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idk how or why but I kinda don't wanna know xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: apparently I'm a sexist now according to my friend that probably has mental illness EJCaldwell#2924: what movie? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's what cody likes burarahurricane#6369: they asked burarahurricane#6369: she removed my epidermis MMMMM#2210: Why did you send a picture of your leg? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: w xXthat1redheadXx#9990: e xXthat1redheadXx#9990: uh burarahurricane#6369: kicked it burarahurricane#6369: where lisa kicke dot burarahurricane#6369: my leg MMMMM#2210: What the crap is that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok xXthat1redheadXx#9990: uh burarahurricane#6369: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: frosting burarahurricane#6369: mozzarella juice burarahurricane#6369: no its… xXthat1redheadXx#9990: is it vanilla xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah burarahurricane#6369: i wish it was new wordle already burarahurricane#6369: um wait magrb that emoji shouldnt be there it adds a double meaning 😐 burarahurricane#6369: drinking frosting is my favorite passtime 😏 burarahurricane#6369: YEAHH PeckServers.com#8342: Much more PeckServers.com#8342: And more frosting! burarahurricane#6369: its so mych more edible burarahurricane#6369: they should make gingerbread houses out of sugar cookie like this one PeckServers.com#8342: Omg its so delicious looking 😯 burarahurricane#6369: the house i crafted is crumbling …was hungry burarahurricane#6369: 🥰 PeckServers.com#8342: Thats my bonk 😏 burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: I'm starting to regret this lisx#1702: smh lisx#1702: this is so cheesy lisx#1702: why lisx#1702: zac effron lisx#1702: the guy whatshisname is singing lisx#1702: *EW* lisx#1702: I KNEW THIS MOVIE WAS WORTH WATCHING YES YES YES lisx#1702: AMAZING lisx#1702: OMG THEY JUST KISSED lisx#1702: and basically we just listened to the language arts teacher talk about how much she hates the story the whole time lisx#1702: we had to read romeo and juliet in la too Maulie#8927: That's all that matters EJCaldwell#2924: there is only one good line PeckServers.com#8342: The point is that its funny EJCaldwell#2924: you don't like the truth do you Maulie#8927: Why would I try for a five point assignment? Maulie#8927: Wow EJCaldwell#2924: i know because i am with him atm EJCaldwell#2924: he did make that cringy piece of garbage lisx#1702: well you could've just gotten the screenshots from the internet Maulie#8927: That's beacuse it came from Google EJCaldwell#2924: you could of taken that doc off of google Maulie#8927: That pencil icon bottom right shows it's google docs PeckServers.com#8342: Your a hoe and you didnt even know EJCaldwell#2924: you could of stolen it off the internet Maulie#8927: Obviously, how did you think I sent it? EJCaldwell#2924: He wrote that PeckServers.com#8342: LOL Maulie#8927: Maulie#8927: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol burarahurricane#6369: balance burarahurricane#6369: balanxe burarahurricane#6369: remember burarahurricane#6369: thats not ho w healthy relationships work lisx#1702: I couldn't settle for *even* lisx#1702: of course not burarahurricane#6369: you owe me a free kick or something burarahurricane#6369: which means we’re not eeven lisx#1702: <:hehe:856378380332433408> lisx#1702: and last burarahurricane#6369: u kicked me first burarahurricane#6369: yea burarahurricane#6369: but HARD lisx#1702: but you did it last burarahurricane#6369: and then you went and kicked me again burarahurricane#6369: we were even lisx#1702: tailiation if you will lisx#1702: it was reretaliation burarahurricane#6369: 🕶 burarahurricane#6369: sunglasses burarahurricane#6369: its whqt u did to me <3 lisx#1702: ew lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: thats so funky burarahurricane#6369: WHOAH lisx#1702: it's kind of weird lisx#1702: the words just pop into my brain when I need to use them even if I don't know what they mean ] lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: (but usually when it sounds right it means I've probably heard it in similar context) burarahurricane#6369: i tjonk u used it right lisx#1702: (Idk what profound means) burarahurricane#6369: its like uncooked chicken give_a_minute#1155: yeah what happened there lisx#1702: profoundly sorry lisx#1702: I'm lisx#1702: uh burarahurricane#6369: we put it in our mouths and om nom and we taste and then the body goes E NE R G Y and we make a sport out of it somehow burarahurricane#6369: food is so weird burarahurricane#6369: :0 cool it s negative give_a_minute#1155: i can't do comprehend give_a_minute#1155: pretty sure I'm -yk give_a_minute#1155: I don't yk yk fyi burarahurricane#6369: but yk yk burarahurricane#6369: i actually dont burarahurricane#6369: i love neagativity burarahurricane#6369: CATS ARE SO CUTE i like to kiss their little heads burarahurricane#6369: whats that one song that goes like da da daaa dadadadada do do doooo xdodododododoooouuu and its like an oboe give_a_minute#1155: that answers so many questions it goes into the negatives burarahurricane#6369: -1+sqrt(9)! but without the alcohol part give_a_minute#1155: so I've checked my wrist watch which is currently just my wrist burarahurricane#6369: business day over give_a_minute#1155: have a great day give_a_minute#1155: understandable give_a_minute#1155: kk burarahurricane#6369: give me 1 business day burarahurricane#6369: i wanna poke my brain burarahurricane#6369: she said u cant feel ur brain if someone poked it burarahurricane#6369: when mrs window said she had her brian surgerey burarahurricane#6369: window burarahurricane#6369: windslow burarahurricane#6369: when mrs weirjeiejrjtj give_a_minute#1155: on a scale of 1-10 how drunk burarahurricane#6369: does anyone feel like their brain is cotton candy burarahurricane#6369: i want to DIE but no i will continue to live in this endless cycle of yeah im too tired to finish this it wouldve been a cool like sentenxe thing all dramatic and prose y but eh burarahurricane#6369: maybe im just a chicken. a cock if u will (alexa remind me to delete this part of themessage) . so much of me is akin to them… burarahurricane#6369: uncooked chicken burarahurricane#6369: like burarahurricane#6369: it looks like burarahurricane#6369: why doe sthe dermis look like that burarahurricane#6369: fucik burarahurricane#6369: marks burarahurricane#6369: i love it when i get question makes burarahurricane#6369: 😏 burarahurricane#6369: oh burarahurricane#6369: that kmage isnt wloading burarahurricane#6369: NOW IM COLD give_a_minute#1155: burarahurricane#6369: also domt let lisa kick u in the shins Btw she has removed the epidermis from my shin burarahurricane#6369: im like them . im being overheated like a chicken on a stick burarahurricane#6369: you know those chickens in costco they turn on sticks PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 Maulie#8927: I don't know how math works. But I do know how meth works PeckServers.com#8342: Thats how PeckServers.com#8342: 0 - 1 = 7 burarahurricane#6369: how does math work :( PeckServers.com#8342: I get to do homework tho so thats sad PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah, very lisx#1702: fun lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: Visiting fam PeckServers.com#8342: Bsod was so funny tho lisx#1702: why PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah, just landed at orange county lisx#1702: are you at the airport EJCaldwell#2924: were they at least trying to fix it you know? EJCaldwell#2924: like wow EJCaldwell#2924: blue screen of death at a airport EJCaldwell#2924: also EJCaldwell#2924: you flying? burarahurricane#6369: airport ? PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: burarahurricane#6369: 🎵 burarahurricane#6369: (^ dream voice) burarahurricane#6369: am i on my owwnn burarahurricane#6369: am i all aloone lisx#1702: He doesn’t really burarahurricane#6369: i think that was ur brother at least burarahurricane#6369: i think he also voiced that one truck in cars burarahurricane#6369: i forgot his name burarahurricane#6369: the one on the right burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/steve-coogan-owen-wilson-jed-octavius-night-at-the-museum-gif-5235596 burarahurricane#6369: <@!776230986324246558> your brother looks like the one cowboy guy actor from night in the museum lisx#1702: that paints a picture lisx#1702: ew lisx#1702: it's actually going pretty well burarahurricane#6369: woOoOoOoO EJCaldwell#2924: Is time to do almost nothing burarahurricane#6369: im rly good at this EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: boom burarahurricane#6369: cringey burarahurricane#6369: I CANT SOLELL burarahurricane#6369: crungey burarahurricane#6369: firkc burarahurricane#6369: crungey burarahurricane#6369: criey burarahurricane#6369: how cringry burarahurricane#6369: y is that kinda… burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> didd you call me darlignng??? EJCaldwell#2924: We have plenty EJCaldwell#2924: Any of you guys want cringy stickers burarahurricane#6369: rip EJCaldwell#2924: And I have nothing to do EJCaldwell#2924: I am in charge of the lunch time activity EJCaldwell#2924: I am so bored burarahurricane#6369: young love <3 EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Walter and george, sittin in a tree k. I. S. S. I. N. G. burarahurricane#6369: yeah fs WalterJS#2477: what do you think WalterJS#2477: im about to get blocked again burarahurricane#6369: F give_a_minute#1155: the pain give_a_minute#1155: I've just finished mine but now Jared's sister is asking for help on her own writing assignment give_a_minute#1155: yep PeckServers.com#8342: Procrastination is a real bitch amiri give_a_minute#1155: but you know how those long-term projects go give_a_minute#1155: it wouldn't have been if we all worked on the paper all year long like we're supposed to burarahurricane#6369: <:mlg_spencer:549781743419392020> PeckServers.com#8342: it sounds like your guys lives are hell in language arts burarahurricane#6369: im so over it (sobs) burarahurricane#6369: ***too long*** 🗡️ burarahurricane#6369: im catching up as well burarahurricane#6369: 21 PeckServers.com#8342: is it perfect tho? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: how long have you guys had to do this? WalterJS#2477: my perfect paper is 9 pages long WalterJS#2477: im on chapter 0 WalterJS#2477: what, were on chapter 18 now? WalterJS#2477: now I can start reading the book for LA WalterJS#2477: bois I finally finished my perfect paper WalterJS#2477: lets gooooooooooooooo PeckServers.com#8342: This, this is even hotter xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fax xXthat1redheadXx#9990: in russian it'd be Как дела, все PeckServers.com#8342: thats a hot way of saying that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: basically xXthat1redheadXx#9990: how are yall doing PeckServers.com#8342: wass that mean? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cock deela syo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: adios burarahurricane#6369: goodnight lisa :D PeckServers.com#8342: goodnight lisx#1702: anyway sleep is good so goodn ight PeckServers.com#8342: humble brag 😏 lisx#1702: this is the easy stuff lisx#1702: nah my thinking cap's for the big brain stuff lisx#1702: h u h PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: or caulk or pupal or swill or tacit lisx#1702: what does agora mean PeckServers.com#8342: <:thonk:792962252772343808> PeckServers.com#8342: thats using your thinking cap lisx#1702: if you aren't gay you aren't happy lisx#1702: so yeah lisx#1702: gay literally means happiness PeckServers.com#8342: you aint livin life if you aint a lil gay about it amiri PeckServers.com#8342: Oh YES, see now thats just spittin facts there burarahurricane#6369: all of us. just a little bit burarahurricane#6369: we are GAY PeckServers.com#8342: sadly no :( PeckServers.com#8342: sadness 😢 burarahurricane#6369: <:epic:835701893262999592> long live spencer…one of the last memories i have of him burarahurricane#6369: <:epic:835701893262999592> burarahurricane#6369: we r homo sapiens.. who need homocysteine to live…do u see where im going. w this … PeckServers.com#8342: happy homo everywhere! burarahurricane#6369: omg…so much homo in life 🥰 PeckServers.com#8342: its an aminoacid that is vital to life xXthat1redheadXx#9990: amino acid stuff lisx#1702: what does that mean burarahurricane#6369: “(C): hastag . relatable ! my thoughts do that too el oh el i feel u sang ly Btw she sounds really dumb just like me we just have soo much in common :)” burarahurricane#6369: im just gonna be like burarahurricane#6369: im so fed up with this STUPID dialectal journal xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol burarahurricane#6369: me like burarahurricane#6369: it has homo burarahurricane#6369: who is homocysteine xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes I am homocysteine PeckServers.com#8342: And yall cant deny it PeckServers.com#8342: And yall have it PeckServers.com#8342: Yall are homocysteine PeckServers.com#8342: Ipads suk PeckServers.com#8342: Cringeeee lisx#1702: When I make a suggestion I can literally see the letters come out onto the screen at like 1 letter per second lisx#1702: It's pretty sad lisx#1702: Anyway this iPad is really show on google docs so lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/4A2LfnduSTsE8u0ecYROxE?si=55e5c40a54e34d06 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: t h e b i b l e xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes burarahurricane#6369: THE BIBLE??? PeckServers.com#8342: See its meant to be PeckServers.com#8342: Walter can show george weed, and george can humble walter with the bible PeckServers.com#8342: Walter and george were meant to be? WalterJS#2477: so it was funny WalterJS#2477: na I just randomly checked if I could send messages to him, and I cant WalterJS#2477: lol burarahurricane#6369: slash JAY burarahurricane#6369: almost like u cant stop thinking abt him lisx#1702: 🙄 really because you keep mentioning it WalterJS#2477: okay burarahurricane#6369: idk dont remember her mentioning it burarahurricane#6369: i dont think so WalterJS#2477: <@!726265256082407504> <@!749747503947055136> can we use personal pronouns on the call to action? WalterJS#2477: idrc lisx#1702: Just ask him lisx#1702: Do you want him to unblock you? PeckServers.com#8342: I would too but i always get suckered unto undoing it EJCaldwell#2924: i don't know when i will unblock him EJCaldwell#2924: i just muted him because he is annoying atm EJCaldwell#2924: ya PeckServers.com#8342: Cause george has salt running through his veins EJCaldwell#2924: Now why does george have you blocked walter WalterJS#2477: https://assets.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:cf193d9b-ab01-424f-b904-50a693cbf19d?view=difile WalterJS#2477: coolio username123115#4960: I like this one WalterJS#2477: also this one WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: business is ToniTek Resale co. ltd. WalterJS#2477: what do you think of these logos WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: guys burarahurricane#6369: rip WalterJS#2477: bruh george still has me blocked lmao burarahurricane#6369: *sick burn* MMMMM#2210: and if you want me to be less annoying, learn/re-learn english *the right way* cause apparently you didnt the first time. MMMMM#2210: and you *still* say you've *never* called me dumb MMMMM#2210: i count at least 4 times you've called me an idiot MMMMM#2210: you did, and that proves my point EJCaldwell#2924: i just said you're annoying EJCaldwell#2924: i never said you are dumb MMMMM#2210: if im such an idiot im scared to say what in the hell you are MMMMM#2210: but you care about people correcting you EJCaldwell#2924: but i don't really care about the proper grammar way to spell it MMMMM#2210: your messages say differently EJCaldwell#2924: i do MMMMM#2210: and you still dont know how to spell basic words MMMMM#2210: you speak the language EJCaldwell#2924: i just finished a book MMMMM#2210: you cant spell for anything MMMMM#2210: at this point i'd be surprised if you *can* read EJCaldwell#2924: because i don't care about what they are called EJCaldwell#2924: which i don't read EJCaldwell#2924: the bag MMMMM#2210: and where did you get them from the bowl MMMMM#2210: AND YOU STILL SPELLED IT WRONG EJCaldwell#2924: i put them in a bowl idiot MMMMM#2210: WITH THE NAME ON IT MMMMM#2210: you had the bag MMMMM#2210: if you were eating them MMMMM#2210: just the other day you were talking about eating takis MMMMM#2210: ethan EJCaldwell#2924: thats also not true MMMMM#2210: its just that most of its misspelled MMMMM#2210: everything else you say isnt about either one of those MMMMM#2210: oh thats right EJCaldwell#2924: you are just never here when i am talking EJCaldwell#2924: that is not true MMMMM#2210: but i dont really care what you say. you come on to trash talk me, or talk about minecraft EJCaldwell#2924: i agree with cody PeckServers.com#8342: <:3333:891328788082864139> MMMMM#2210: *gee, thanks cody* lisx#1702: brain no worky lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: he literally sat in the same row as us lisx#1702: no I was there lisx#1702: wait what PeckServers.com#8342: 🔪 PeckServers.com#8342: Lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes Maulie#8927: Such wow xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah burarahurricane#6369: there was cardboard fuzzy things in my EYEBROW burarahurricane#6369: oh my god burarahurricane#6369: GEORGE is here burarahurricane#6369: band kids in warrior retreat ? burarahurricane#6369: it took a lot of aggressive brushing burarahurricane#6369: i got most of the fuzzies off burarahurricane#6369: honestly burarahurricane#6369: FHSKHDKSHDKSHD xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? EJCaldwell#2924: I am not going to ask what I just saw xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: since you have so much cardboard on you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *you* could be the project burarahurricane#6369: AND i dont have glue to finish my project burarahurricane#6369: i have cardboard all over me this sucks burarahurricane#6369: it hurt more bit it wasnt bad and dind t really bleed burarahurricane#6369: i did it again 😐 but harder PeckServers.com#8342: Lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: Oh shit xXthat1redheadXx#9990: \:D burarahurricane#6369: good thing this knife is dull bc i just accidntally stabbed mhself with it :D PeckServers.com#8342: Then the air filled with grossness PeckServers.com#8342: I sneezed burarahurricane#6369: what the hell happened to our air quality xXthat1redheadXx#9990: PeckServers.com#8342: Fuckin LOL PeckServers.com#8342: That is the cutest goddamn cat WalterJS#2477: https://youtube.com/shorts/N7CDCywQdRU?feature=share burarahurricane#6369: wouww burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/all-the-fixins-mashed-potatoes-cats-jokes-thanks-for-dinner-gif-12916443 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: "I eat mashed potatoes" in russian burarahurricane#6369: puree? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ya yem puree xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it'd xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? burarahurricane#6369: r em niopn xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Я ем пюри WalterJS#2477: <@!726265256082407504> WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/4W1DvkcupWTpmqwsuhJhwS?si=FHPibdarRYOQ9w8pYREcFw burarahurricane#6369: 😏 lisx#1702: I think I *might be* getting brainwashed WalterJS#2477: This one’s good tho WalterJS#2477: Meh it’s alr lisx#1702: I'm perplexed burarahurricane#6369: *THATS WAHT I WAS SAYING* lisx#1702: kinda actually good burarahurricane#6369: ITS A BOP burarahurricane#6369: YEAH lisx#1702: actually this one isn't that bad lisx#1702: well just not particularly good burarahurricane#6369: simply false xXthat1redheadXx#9990: dicks? burarahurricane#6369: they r both v good xXthat1redheadXx#9990: a girl!? lisx#1702: glass animals bad burarahurricane#6369: also this one https://open.spotify.com/track/2MA6YoaFF7fnWqkuOAWjUg?si=c897b35bae4b4d64 WalterJS#2477: Me and Cody were listening to this earlier https://open.spotify.com/track/45U93i3rs7BxhNmXeEYFiZ?si=4XOY5e_eT8yWLmT1tbXfUw it’s pretty chill lisx#1702: there was a girl in our grade whose last name was dick burarahurricane#6369: @walter do you like this song https://open.spotify.com/track/0RZLmpEzGR2NHite6rvS5H?si=844c6c9d83964fd0 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah WalterJS#2477: actually take that back they are pretty bad as well WalterJS#2477: Lmfao WalterJS#2477: Song bad but moans are alright burarahurricane#6369: you should work at dick's burarahurricane#6369: whats jersey mikes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I should work at jersey mikes burarahurricane#6369: chorus slaps imo but ur own to ur own (<- definitel y how the sayhing goes) WalterJS#2477: Oh 😏 burarahurricane#6369: it doesnt have the misery part tho :( burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/1q7PbnQAW3FJupSC26YGRC?si=a0d65a1197c34848 WalterJS#2477: That song sucks burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: :) xXthat1redheadXx#9990: okie dok xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lis- xXthat1redheadXx#9990: um xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: uuuuhhhhhh lisx#1702: ... burarahurricane#6369: TUBBOOOOOOO lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/alliumghosts-theo-gifs-tubbo-i-know-where-you-live-ok-gif-22802712 burarahurricane#6369: STAY SAFE OUT THERE MAN lisx#1702: IT LOOKS GOOD TUBBO PeckServers.com#8342: lol lisx#1702: TUBBO CUT HIS HAIR burarahurricane#6369: did you only just notic burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/6ycyxo6YA7iug48Qe1QoaE?si=01c12cad0584483d lisx#1702: I PAID FOR THE D NOT A F- this is kinda explicit PeckServers.com#8342: who cranked up the heat in this bitch PeckServers.com#8342: damn xXthat1redheadXx#9990: huh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? burarahurricane#6369: GEROGE PASS ME THE BLUNT burarahurricane#6369: (i save dick by givin it cpr) (i save dick by givin it cpr) lisx#1702: i said b 2 posts 1 month burarahurricane#6369: HE SAID GIVE ME A GODDAMN MINUTE lisx#1702: I JUST SPOKE TO TOMMYINNIT burarahurricane#6369: yeaaaaa burarahurricane#6369: oh maybe misery x cpr burarahurricane#6369: gnf onlyfans burarahurricane#6369: you know what i shodl listen to burarahurricane#6369: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: sad burarahurricane#6369: IT WONT LET ME DOWNLOAD THE SMIRK EMOJI .,,,,,, xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you got to it first xXthat1redheadXx#9990: dam xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 burarahurricane#6369: smirk emoji dot png xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *"partying"* WalterJS#2477: damn PeckServers.com#8342: gOtTeM PeckServers.com#8342: Oh ShIt burarahurricane#6369: we're partying burarahurricane#6369: ur moms PeckServers.com#8342: ooh music? where? lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: you sure abt that? 😏 burarahurricane#6369: we r the jammin trio then WalterJS#2477: So it don’t show up WalterJS#2477: I’m just on my phone burarahurricane#6369: spotify broke WalterJS#2477: Yes I am burarahurricane#6369: but not on spotyfuyfyy\ WalterJS#2477: I am already WalterJS#2477: ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: absolutely not xXthat1redheadXx#9990: jk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I don't- WalterJS#2477: https://discord.com/channels/549747067606532096/549747067606532098/943364964901597265 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nvm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I like how walter didn't... burarahurricane#6369: also liam burarahurricane#6369: walter listen to music WalterJS#2477: Don’t lie lisx#1702: ew no one wants to see that WalterJS#2477: 😂😂 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 WalterJS#2477: send pics Liam lisx#1702: hiding what WalterJS#2477: send belly pics burarahurricane#6369: fFHDLJKAHGLJhgad,jhfgljahsdfglajhsdfgLJGASDFLJHGASFDGLHUASFD WalterJS#2477: Prove it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I am not the one who's pregnant WalterJS#2477: I fixed the message burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/happy-link-ceiti-gif-23738010 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? burarahurricane#6369: but also lisx#1702: omg it *is* you! burarahurricane#6369: ME xXthat1redheadXx#9990: me! WalterJS#2477: listen Idfk how my phone autocorrects “it” to “him” burarahurricane#6369: you know who else has a hat xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the gf? lisx#1702: is it jared lisx#1702: who is he xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmfao that was a quick turn of events WalterJS#2477: maybe I’m just good at hiding it 😏 burarahurricane#6369: fuCk iT HIS GIRLFRIEND IS PREGNANT? ? WalterJS#2477: Wow that made complete sense xXthat1redheadXx#9990: his big hat burarahurricane#6369: the pope???? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nvm burarahurricane#6369: about burarahurricane#6369: agbut xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's the pope lisx#1702: because you always act pretty much the same just different burarahurricane#6369: waht is this song agin xXthat1redheadXx#9990: c==:| burarahurricane#6369: omg wait WalterJS#2477: why not lisx#1702: I don't think you're ever actually high xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah burarahurricane#6369: idk ur acting kinda ooc :/ WalterJS#2477: I’m not high rn WalterJS#2477: Guys just saying thst your judgement of when I’m high is very off xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <:hehe:856378380332433408> burarahurricane#6369: LMAO burarahurricane#6369: people in the hall burarahurricane#6369: i mean burarahurricane#6369: there wasn't any halsl in the people WalterJS#2477: Haha that’s funny, that’s how I met your mom burarahurricane#6369: there was also the big vacuum burarahurricane#6369: oh yeah lisx#1702: I usually just bump into people burarahurricane#6369: idk if i spelled patellafemora l right burarahurricane#6369: patellafemoral pain syndrome <- my knees WalterJS#2477: what burarahurricane#6369: this ios PATHETIC burarahurricane#6369: WALK burarahurricane#6369: opr burarahurricane#6369: STAND burarahurricane#6369: i cant burarahurricane#6369: because burarahurricane#6369: 4 walls xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol burarahurricane#6369: i crashed into like burarahurricane#6369: KNEES ARE EVEN STU[PIDER burarahurricane#6369: WALKING IS STUPID xXthat1redheadXx#9990: tongs that you use for salade WalterJS#2477: I’m tired asf WalterJS#2477: why the hell am I still awake rn lisx#1702: tang for salad??? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: tang like for tongs for salad, soo like sue, and do like dough WalterJS#2477: Mines still bigger burarahurricane#6369: where did that go burarahurricane#6369: one moment i need to find my master sword xXthat1redheadXx#9990: like xXthat1redheadXx#9990: romanized it's tang soo do lisx#1702: that s you burarahurricane#6369: hey WalterJS#2477: Mines bigger burarahurricane#6369: ===|------------> tjats my swrod WalterJS#2477: It looks dope WalterJS#2477: I can do I spinning back kick xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 당수도 WalterJS#2477: idk how to spell lisx#1702: except it doesn't really hurt unless it's alysse WalterJS#2477: Shaolin monk maybe lisx#1702: !!! burarahurricane#6369: do those cpunt xXthat1redheadXx#9990: let me get my korean keyboard out lisx#1702: I know the type where you punch someone burarahurricane#6369: i have sticks WalterJS#2477: And also like shall in monk something or the other xXthat1redheadXx#9990: here burarahurricane#6369: you guys are so violent me i'd never do anyting like that 😊 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yk what else WalterJS#2477: I know tai kwan doe or idk how to spell it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: musical staffs xXthat1redheadXx#9990: a bow staff xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I have two no three big staffs lisx#1702: I'm a pro burarahurricane#6369: obciously lisx#1702: I know martial arts lisx#1702: ME TOO burarahurricane#6369: <@!776230986324246558> make hikm prove it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: obviously you're not high then lisx#1702: really WalterJS#2477: two different kinds actually WalterJS#2477: Yes burarahurricane#6369: you know martial arts? WalterJS#2477: I guess i have two burarahurricane#6369: vague burarahurricane#6369: "martial arts" lisx#1702: martial arts WalterJS#2477: That’s true burarahurricane#6369: no its burarahurricane#6369: do you do karate burarahurricane#6369: karate palce burarahurricane#6369: i bet they give you one at the burarahurricane#6369: i think yo u have a staff WalterJS#2477: I’m just on a different level WalterJS#2477: Not as big as mine tbh burarahurricane#6369: do you have a staff WalterJS#2477: I’m going to right a rhyme xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *very large staff* burarahurricane#6369: just thought you would all want to know and care <3 WalterJS#2477: that’s true WalterJS#2477: damn burarahurricane#6369: police rhymes with alysse lisx#1702: you're super against my policies WalterJS#2477: That’s against my policys lisx#1702: you gave me 29 more dollars for buying it lisx#1702: *if* lisx#1702: that's a pretty good deal lisx#1702: hmmmm WalterJS#2477: I’ll give you a dollar if you buy it WalterJS#2477: For like 30 bucks WalterJS#2477: Does anyone wanna buy a cheap iMac lisx#1702: <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> burarahurricane#6369: YOU DO LMAOOO lisx#1702: I always set myself up[ burarahurricane#6369: thatwas a really good one burarahurricane#6369: that was a good one WalterJS#2477: that was so funny burarahurricane#6369: LMAO WalterJS#2477: lol WalterJS#2477: Your mom MMMMM#2210: you're* WalterJS#2477: I got chips and water lisx#1702: who are you with WalterJS#2477: I’m sitting on my bed too WalterJS#2477: I got chips burarahurricane#6369: im never high burarahurricane#6369: where are YOU? lisx#1702: alysse is never high lisx#1702: alysse isn't high I know that burarahurricane#6369: with ice cream burarahurricane#6369: im sitting here on my bed burarahurricane#6369: i bet YOURE high WalterJS#2477: I bet your hihg burarahurricane#6369: neeever WalterJS#2477: Are you high WalterJS#2477: Delete what messages burarahurricane#6369: i wonder WalterJS#2477: why would you think that burarahurricane#6369: typo.......r u high lisx#1702: why did you delete those messages WalterJS#2477: That’s all there is to it WalterJS#2477: He just has a massive staff WalterJS#2477: What can I say WalterJS#2477: lmao lisx#1702: yeah he just told us lisx#1702: oh WalterJS#2477: George just blockdd me WalterJS#2477: Guys MMMMM#2210: so i blocked him MMMMM#2210: he wouldn't shut up lisx#1702: he'd deserve it MMMMM#2210: im just gonna mute walter lisx#1702: I don't even know burarahurricane#6369: dont want to know where hou wwere going with that MMMMM#2210: did you just confess to being a pedophile burarahurricane#6369: i lisx#1702: I don't really know where I was going with that burarahurricane#6369: w h a t lisx#1702: just kidding lisx#1702: I think he always does that burarahurricane#6369: what lisx#1702: u & me \<3 burarahurricane#6369: he left you on read L lisx#1702: 😱 what have i done burarahurricane#6369: thats TWO more pedofphilizied children in this world lisx#1702: I didn't reallize lisx#1702: ohno burarahurricane#6369: now we have two children godshamit lisa lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: 1 tiny sad child burarahurricane#6369: 1 clueless child burarahurricane#6369: 1 malicious adult lisx#1702: adult burarahurricane#6369: like burarahurricane#6369: isnt the requirements of pedo lisx#1702: by like a year burarahurricane#6369: hes not an adulte burarahurricane#6369: well is it pedo if ur the same age lisx#1702: you're the same age lisx#1702: george stafflord burarahurricane#6369: george of staff lisx#1702: that's definitely the nicest thing he's ever said to you lisx#1702: aww he called you big staff daddy WalterJS#2477: Ya Cody and I are going to get stacked burarahurricane#6369: I BELIEVEIN YOU CODY!! PeckServers.com#8342: would but gotta make sales 🤷 PeckServers.com#8342: darn EJCaldwell#2924: and we need one more person EJCaldwell#2924: its fun EJCaldwell#2924: but bullying kids PeckServers.com#8342: i have decided to take a fat break from mc and pursue business ideas username123115#4960: only the kool kids bully other kids username123115#4960: i keep clicking 1.18 out of habit ;-; EJCaldwell#2924: and its fun bullying kids EJCaldwell#2924: but we have daniel MMMMM#2210: no EJCaldwell#2924: <@!522569307004076033> or <@!852187118113652776> want to bully kids on hypixel? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ver good Maulie#8927: Um... guess it gave me 1234 apparently xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well I gtg so adios for now xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👌 Maulie#8927: My highest recorded score (It doesn't record the 1100) is 904 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that sucks xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🤦 Maulie#8927: And I fell all the way back down to 600 Maulie#8927: It put me all the way up at 1100 Maulie#8927: You know when you go through that five game process to see what your estimated rating is? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: your rapid went down 368? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Maulie#8927: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: heck no Maulie#8927: Wasn't it like 1200? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 613 Maulie#8927: What's your current rating for Rapid? Maulie#8927: fair xXthat1redheadXx#9990: because you used all the time you could xXthat1redheadXx#9990: your time running out technically would be the ultimate "finish all games started" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: resigning Maulie#8927: I wonder if it means by if your time runs out or you resign Maulie#8927: The interesting one that applies is .Finish all games started xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'd be a verified player xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no 🧢 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I don't stall I'm just confused xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I kinda get the stalling part but I don't really get it entirely Maulie#8927: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what's that Maulie#8927: They're thinking of adding something called verified players xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? Maulie#8927: Have you read the newsletter though? Maulie#8927: Big rips xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it happened at least 4 or 5 times xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause that's why they resigned every time and I'm not even kidding xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's what's annoying xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I did something dumb like that but I didn't resign Maulie#8927: That's not accepting that they lost they just ragequit xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's why you shouldn't just resign once I kill your queen xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and basically every time it was because I killed their queen or because they made a dumb move so I was able to kill their queen Maulie#8927: Comebacks can happen sometimes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: or tough it out to the end and possibly win xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you should face your fate and lose xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmfao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? PeckServers.com#8342: They call those pussies in the industry Maulie#8927: Accepting the fact that you lost is cowardness? burarahurricane#6369: its not done yet >:) burarahurricane#6369: it worked burarahurricane#6369: OMG burarahurricane#6369: noooooooooo burarahurricane#6369: i think my charger finally caved burarahurricane#6369: oh no burarahurricane#6369: oof xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's also cowardness xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I want to win by checkmate xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it is very annoying xXthat1redheadXx#9990: these freaking people in chess keep on resigning xXthat1redheadXx#9990: NO Maulie#8927: They'll either move out of your way or go faster Maulie#8927: If it works it works burarahurricane#6369: cruel burarahurricane#6369: thats so burarahurricane#6369: LMAO Maulie#8927: If you flattire them they move faster. Works for me burarahurricane#6369: but then i dontnhave my phoneeeeee burarahurricane#6369: i’d just have to put my knee braces on early or soemthing burarahurricane#6369: yea thay could work burarahurricane#6369: ..,,, EJCaldwell#2924: you don't need it for shop EJCaldwell#2924: just put your stuff in it right after lunch EJCaldwell#2924: wait EJCaldwell#2924: so jog burarahurricane#6369: they make me late for pe every time EJCaldwell#2924: Ikr burarahurricane#6369: WHG DO PEOPLE WALK SK SLOW IN THE HALLS burarahurricane#6369: its dYINGGGG xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmao burarahurricane#6369: did they walkie too burarahurricane#6369: LMAO PeckServers.com#8342: 😂😂😂😂😂 "TALKIES" 😂😂😂😂😂 MMMMM#2210: Takis* MMMMM#2210: Takis* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yea EJCaldwell#2924: imagine learning another language xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I can imagine learning but I can't imagine knowing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I don't burarahurricane#6369: pshh EJCaldwell#2924: imagine knowing another language burarahurricane#6369: imagine xXthat1redheadXx#9990: horrible otherwise but I've retained most of the information xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well for me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: my Russian is still pretty good xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm surprised xXthat1redheadXx#9990: now it's 188 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: dang xXthat1redheadXx#9990: there xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: all in today xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's a lot xXthat1redheadXx#9990: dang xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and I passed all of them so now I can do basics!!!!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I didn't know I could take tests on duolingo and if I passed I could skip those lessons EJCaldwell#2924: ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: YAY! EJCaldwell#2924: that took like a hour EJCaldwell#2924: just finished mining 10240 cobblestone xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/bowing-james-corden-gif-10727719 EJCaldwell#2924: i don't like guaq xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's actually not bad EJCaldwell#2924: also that flavor is nasty lisx#1702: thank you burarahurricane#6369: L burarahurricane#6369: LMAOOOO THAT IS BEAUTIFY EJCaldwell#2924: better than what i could of done lisx#1702: it took me like 10 minutes lisx#1702: yes EJCaldwell#2924: you draw that? lisx#1702: EJCaldwell#2924: another thing is i have not had talkies in like 6 months about Maulie#8927: l xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so that's that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: people have different taste buds xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok then... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ummmmm EJCaldwell#2924: but not in high quantities xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's straight powder EJCaldwell#2924: and yes i do EJCaldwell#2924: but you don't get that much doing that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's where it's at xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you don't lick the powder off of them first sometimes EJCaldwell#2924: its all spread out EJCaldwell#2924: but on the chips xXthat1redheadXx#9990: for the chips and the powder EJCaldwell#2924: it is xXthat1redheadXx#9990: they're the same... EJCaldwell#2924: now thats sad xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :/ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but my friend said he got heart-burn from eating five taki's 🤦 EJCaldwell#2924: it is badf EJCaldwell#2924: but just the strait powder at the end of the bag EJCaldwell#2924: the chips are not that bad xXthat1redheadXx#9990: sorry that was rude xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you're such a white boi EJCaldwell#2924: WHY DID I EAT THE TALKIE POWDER EJCaldwell#2924: MY MOUTH IS ON FIRE EJCaldwell#2924: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH PeckServers.com#8342: Whereas hypixel has hundreds to thousands PeckServers.com#8342: Well yeah, but theres only one physical server EJCaldwell#2924: the que server PeckServers.com#8342: Wym EJCaldwell#2924: also 2b2t sorta has one PeckServers.com#8342: They probably have close to a petabyte considering how many datacenters they are in EJCaldwell#2924: over 100 by now EJCaldwell#2924: if i were to guess EJCaldwell#2924: that was 2017 it said EJCaldwell#2924: that is outdated EJCaldwell#2924: wait EJCaldwell#2924: one thing says it has as much as 46 terabytes EJCaldwell#2924: ik PeckServers.com#8342: They have a distributed system so probably much more EJCaldwell#2924: i wonder what hypixels is lisx#1702: I'm actually in a really good mood today PeckServers.com#8342: Bytes* PeckServers.com#8342: Thats a lotta terabitches PeckServers.com#8342: Aww *claps rapidly* what happened to lisa today?!?!? EJCaldwell#2924: the world file for 2b2t is 13 terabytes burarahurricane#6369: whoa EJCaldwell#2924: which is at 50 million EJCaldwell#2924: thats not even close to hypixel tho EJCaldwell#2924: i just watched one on the minecraft server 2b2t which is about 1.6 million dollars EJCaldwell#2924: you ever just watch random videos where it explains the total cost of everything on said thing lisx#1702: literally everyone knows english lisx#1702: english is easier than most languages lisx#1702: no it's not lisx#1702: alexa & katie i liked that show lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/but-i-am-paris-berelc-alexa-mendoza-alexa-and-katie-im-the-one-gif-16756397 burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/hate-you-anakin-gif-5247878 burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/captain-america-i-understood-that-reference-look-back-gif-14556485 burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/4iyGOU2Wtc7oNG4pm3taVd?si=29539db67e1047ee lisx#1702: my friend said she liked that person today lisx#1702: you know, just being a cynic as usual xXthat1redheadXx#9990: writing it completely different and is whack but speaking in my opinion is another story xXthat1redheadXx#9990: again xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but in a lot of languages the "I am" would change a lot depending how it's used and where it is in the sentance xXthat1redheadXx#9990: where are you I am here xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I am in here xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I am going to the park xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I am hungry xXthat1redheadXx#9990: like xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause if you learn the word "I" or the phrase "I am" it'll never change really xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but it's mostly writing in my opinion EJCaldwell#2924: or one of them xXthat1redheadXx#9990: depends EJCaldwell#2924: English is the hardest second language to learn tho xXthat1redheadXx#9990: there are exceptions but most of those you don't use a lot xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but once yk what to put at the end for those situations it becomes easy PeckServers.com#8342: English is special xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the only way it'll change is if it's multiple, past tense, future tense, or you're doing it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yessir xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause once yk a word you can put it into a sentance PeckServers.com#8342: Damn thats hot xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but 100% not how to *write* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: english is easy to learn how to *speak* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause this is what I think xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I need to ask for your agreement or if you think I'm partially or totally wrong xXthat1redheadXx#9990: also xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👌 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so next year in 9th grade if I'm going strong I'll be learning 3 languages at the same time xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I think imma start that back up xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I want to get into russian again xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🩸 PeckServers.com#8342: Its cause Duolingo bird likes blood xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and I'm getting everything right on this stuff xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but all of the understanding and translating I got wrong xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I took the test thing and all of the stuff where you had to put in the stuff for sounds I got it right xXthat1redheadXx#9990: because xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and Idk why it thinks Idk them xXthat1redheadXx#9990: frfr PeckServers.com#8342: How uncomprehendable the damages from these affairs must be to you and your family xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fax PeckServers.com#8342: Oh liam, for its a shame the struggles you face xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😭 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I just want to start on the basics EJCaldwell#2924: What is xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ik all of hangul but duolingo is making me do it all xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's so annoying EJCaldwell#2924: Plus it was fun that night EJCaldwell#2924: We need more people PeckServers.com#8342: But maybe later PeckServers.com#8342: Normally no EJCaldwell#2924: Is that a yes? PeckServers.com#8342: Bust rn EJCaldwell#2924: want to play gartic? EJCaldwell#2924: okay? PeckServers.com#8342: Its gonna make history one day PeckServers.com#8342: Just remember this PeckServers.com#8342: ToniTek resale Corp. burarahurricane#6369: yes EJCaldwell#2924: You want to try to get at least one other person? EJCaldwell#2924: I think so burarahurricane#6369: hm mmm does gartic work on mobile Maulie#8927: I literally watched that video yesterday EJCaldwell#2924: <@!852187118113652776> want to play gartic? burarahurricane#6369: theyve been quite equally physical EJCaldwell#2924: go for the knee caps EJCaldwell#2924: you burarahurricane#6369: that has not been the case burarahurricane#6369: well in my experience burarahurricane#6369: LMAO EJCaldwell#2924: i dropped a skittle :c EJCaldwell#2924: NOOOOOO EJCaldwell#2924: they go for the brain EJCaldwell#2924: but the girls are mental EJCaldwell#2924: the boys are more physical and are weak as frick EJCaldwell#2924: and techno summed it up perfectly EJCaldwell#2924: the girls are worse than the boys EJCaldwell#2924: going back to 8 year olds burarahurricane#6369: lmao EJCaldwell#2924: then ez win EJCaldwell#2924: just go for his knee caps burarahurricane#6369: yea EJCaldwell#2924: cayson southam? burarahurricane#6369: lisa asked me if she thought i could beat cayson in a match and he was here today and now i can say i am 75% confident i could win (or at least have it be super close) burarahurricane#6369: lol EJCaldwell#2924: they are evil EJCaldwell#2924: other than 8 year olds EJCaldwell#2924: younger kids are so fun burarahurricane#6369: on the plus side i think i bonded with this kid :D hes like 2 or 3 yrs younger than me so he techncially shouldnt be in our division but he is SO good at tennis we’re on like the same skill level and we partnered up in the last drill-game we played and crushed everyone it was poggers burarahurricane#6369: im immune to the placebo affect too cool 4 that EJCaldwell#2924: the placebo affect works on me EJCaldwell#2924: but if it is fake EJCaldwell#2924: idc if it works burarahurricane#6369: ibuprofen is fake it relies on the placebo affect or smth i swear EJCaldwell#2924: okay burarahurricane#6369: most like ly 10 min tho burarahurricane#6369: uhhm 15 minutes max if we dont get dinner EJCaldwell#2924: how long? EJCaldwell#2924: ok burarahurricane#6369: once i get home im totally down to play gartic Maulie#8927: And also trying to find a USB stick EJCaldwell#2924: same Maulie#8927: I'm playing a game right now EJCaldwell#2924: i can wait for people EJCaldwell#2924: you can Maulie#8927: do at Everyone EJCaldwell#2924: we need more people Maulie#8927: Sure EJCaldwell#2924: anybody want to play GarticPhone Dyno#3861: I was so proud when I finished the puzzle in six months, when on the side it said three to four years. Maulie#8927: Y EJCaldwell#2924: please stop Dyno#3861: Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees? Because they're so good at it. Dyno#3861: What’s the longest word in the dictionary? Smiles. Because there’s a mile between the two S’s. EJCaldwell#2924: two EJCaldwell#2924: wait EJCaldwell#2924: i have had a cross eyed teacher once burarahurricane#6369: idk when my nail started bleeding but it defintiely did burarahurricane#6369: but im zoning out listening to mitski mostly burarahurricane#6369: uh well i technically should be doing my math hw Maulie#8927: Wbu? burarahurricane#6369: thats nice Maulie#8927: Vibing peacefully burarahurricane#6369: so what is ev3ryone doing today burarahurricane#6369: aHhh i need to stop thinking abt the wordle asnwer ill neevr forget it at this point 😭 Maulie#8927: That one is actually good XD burarahurricane#6369: LMAO Dyno#3861: What's the worst part about being a cross-eyed teacher? They can't control their pupils. Dyno#3861: I burned 2000 calories today, I left my food in the oven for too long. Dyno#3861: I went to a Foo Fighters Concert once... It was Everlong... Dyno#3861: A man walks into a bar and orders helicopter flavor chips. The barman replies “sorry mate we only do plain” Dyno#3861: What is the leading cause of dry skin? Towels Dyno#3861: Two muffins were sitting in an oven, and the first looks over to the second, and says, “man, it’s really hot in here”. The second looks over at the first with a surprised look, and answers, “WHOA, a talking muffin!” Dyno#3861: I used to work in a shoe recycling shop. It was sole destroying. Maulie#8927: / Dyno#3861: What does an angry pepper do? It gets jalapeño face. Dyno#3861: Where do young cows eat lunch? In the calf-ateria. Dyno#3861: How do you make Lady Gaga cry? Poker face. Dyno#3861: What has ears but cannot hear? A field of corn. Dyno#3861: Whoever invented the knock-knock joke should get a no bell prize. Dyno#3861: A termite walks into a bar and asks “Is the bar tender here?” burarahurricane#6369: lol i was so optomistic -jaxin PeckServers.com#8342: frickity frack burarahurricane#6369: i got 8.14 out of 10 i was expectin g like a 6 burarahurricane#6369: whoah burarahurricane#6369: eh im just gonna put in a random number burarahurricane#6369: i did nt do one of thej burarahurricane#6369: wait burarahurricane#6369: i think burarahurricane#6369: k sumbit quiz burarahurricane#6369: i couldve gotten it in 4 but i was <:smoothbrain:782845544887222282> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the emoshi took to long burarahurricane#6369: Wordle 239 5/6 ⬛🟨⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟨⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩⬛🟨⬛ 🟩🟩⬛🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👀 burarahurricane#6369: i already did todays xXthat1redheadXx#9990: do you wanna know what it it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: non burarahurricane#6369: whoah that was a close one burarahurricane#6369: NO Way it is le rectang burarahurricane#6369: -3 burarahurricane#6369: -9/3 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that was scary xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Wordle 239 6/6 ⬜⬜⬜🟨🟩 🟩🟨⬜⬜🟩 🟩⬜🟨🟨⬜ 🟩🟨⬜⬜🟩 🟩🟩⬜⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 burarahurricane#6369: 1/3 burarahurricane#6369: 4/12 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but *still* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: diagonal xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but xXthat1redheadXx#9990: technically it is burarahurricane#6369: bet xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oui xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fwench burarahurricane#6369: do you think this is le rectang burarahurricane#6369: 🥖 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: le rectang burarahurricane#6369: le burarahurricane#6369: el burarahurricane#6369: no it is NOT a rectang xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol burarahurricane#6369: fuk burarahurricane#6369: 2 burarahurricane#6369: 14/7 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it was facetious burarahurricane#6369: is the slop e of one line burarahurricane#6369: 2/3 burarahurricane#6369: good for u burarahurricane#6369: quackity calling the super bowl the super blow my belvoed burarahurricane#6369: speaking of burarahurricane#6369: too many minecraft men thoughts :( xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I watch burarahurricane#6369: mb burarahurricane#6369: it dropped its trailer today xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause you might be thinking it like "gimlee" burarahurricane#6369: yea xXthat1redheadXx#9990: probably burarahurricane#6369: i think its gimli tho burarahurricane#6369: i feel like there was an e in ther xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oin xXthat1redheadXx#9990: gloin? burarahurricane#6369: i odnt know if it s gimli I THINK SO burarahurricane#6369: therings of power xXthat1redheadXx#9990: gimli? burarahurricane#6369: and its called burarahurricane#6369: and a bunch of ioriginail characters burarahurricane#6369: with elrond and grhjrefdlafdl <- the dwarf guy idk how to spell name xXthat1redheadXx#9990: frfr xXthat1redheadXx#9990: very exciting xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🙀 burarahurricane#6369: tv series burarahurricane#6369: from prime video burarahurricane#6369: did you know theyre doing a prequel show xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm sorry but that's sad burarahurricane#6369: its irrelevant enough in my life that im not gonna just k no w from a random screenshot :sob;' xXthat1redheadXx#9990: s;djghpwolknged xXthat1redheadXx#9990: mhsdjf;gh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: mjgsdf xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hjm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: mh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: mhm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: mhm burarahurricane#6369: I KNOW ROHAN burarahurricane#6369: OH xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause it's kinda impossible to not know what Rohan is if you read lord of the rings xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you also were in 4th grade which is why I made a point xXthat1redheadXx#9990: HHAHAHAHAHAHHA xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I knew you didn't understand it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I thought you read LoTR 🤨 burarahurricane#6369: how is rohan burarahurricane#6369: why is rohan burarahurricane#6369: waht is rohan burarahurricane#6369: who is rohan burarahurricane#6369: rohan xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm so disappointed in wordle burarahurricane#6369: thats kinda kinky liam /j xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the question mark though burarahurricane#6369: no it is not a rectangle shut tf up burarahurricane#6369: lol PeckServers.com#8342: haha PeckServers.com#8342: for making teachers work PeckServers.com#8342: yayy PeckServers.com#8342: right PeckServers.com#8342: ooooh burarahurricane#6369: not this mondya burarahurricane#6369: next monday burarahurricane#6369: and then monday is off for presidents day burarahurricane#6369: uhh the 18th is a teacher prep day PeckServers.com#8342: as you can see im really in tune with school PeckServers.com#8342: ooh whats the special event? burarahurricane#6369: this time burarahurricane#6369: at least its a four day week burarahurricane#6369: D: PeckServers.com#8342: kms lisx#1702: Yūp PeckServers.com#8342: we have sChOoL tomoRrOw PeckServers.com#8342: arggg PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao lisx#1702: Right PeckServers.com#8342: more like 7 actually PeckServers.com#8342: of them PeckServers.com#8342: 4 PeckServers.com#8342: *counts on fingers* PeckServers.com#8342: hence why i have PeckServers.com#8342: id die without a dedicated computer PeckServers.com#8342: but still PeckServers.com#8342: fair lisx#1702: I mostly just use google stuff and it syncs PeckServers.com#8342: cause you can keep your stuff on it for when you do it at home and at school PeckServers.com#8342: a laptop for school is nice sometimes burarahurricane#6369: smooth lisx#1702: But I don't really think it's worth the cause lisx#1702: Except for when I want to change my cursor to a middle finger lisx#1702: I don't really need one tho lisx#1702: Quackity would want you to finish your math PeckServers.com#8342: you should get one PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: Somehow I remember reading 'stares **at** you" and being really confused but decided not to say anything lisx#1702: I wish I had my own computer lisx#1702: Yeah PeckServers.com#8342: eek PeckServers.com#8342: its got the background PeckServers.com#8342: i gotta trim the edges tho 😬 lisx#1702: Amazing PeckServers.com#8342: yes maam lisx#1702: ACTUALLY? PeckServers.com#8342: you just put that in your mouse cursor folder PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: tworks PeckServers.com#8342: lisa i love you for that idea PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: That'd be pretty cool PeckServers.com#8342: *gets giddy* PeckServers.com#8342: imma look into this PeckServers.com#8342: OMG lisx#1702: Could you make that your cursor image PeckServers.com#8342: i try PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao lisx#1702: Apology accepted. That painted such a picture you could be the next bob Ross PeckServers.com#8342: 3d middle finger PeckServers.com#8342: My dad 1 upped me with my own printer burarahurricane#6369: oh em gee quacktiyt streajming,m,, lisx#1702: Why are there pen marks drawing ink stuff on my hand burarahurricane#6369: i read the math homework "Find" instruction as "fuck" burarahurricane#6369: oh no i stared too long burarahurricane#6369: \*stares with you* burarahurricane#6369: yeehaws . sadly lisx#1702: I'm pretty sure we're doing it rn \*stares at letters intently* PeckServers.com#8342: sadness burarahurricane#6369: i have to do this dubm MATH hoMEWORK dont wanna >:( PeckServers.com#8342: im so fucking goddamn sorry that i had the mother fucking audacity to open my shit filled bitch ass mouth lisx#1702: Hahhahahaha burarahurricane#6369: guys we should go on an english watching trip together 🥰 we can make it the next bird watching lisx#1702: You're welcome MMMMM#2210: Thank you lisx#1702: Watch your fucking goddam language bitch PeckServers.com#8342: i deleted it cause its fucking annoying lisx#1702: Cody lisx#1702: Oh MMMMM#2210: Someone deleted it MMMMM#2210: I didnt lisx#1702: Why did you delete it and then send the same message again PeckServers.com#8342: imagine getting stuck with your mortal enemy PeckServers.com#8342: thats so true tho lisx#1702: If you happen to like the person then yeah PeckServers.com#8342: i need to go to more parties PeckServers.com#8342: that sounds so fucking fun lisx#1702: Gross lisx#1702: How would I know what that is lisx#1702: Did you expect me to lisx#1702: No burarahurricane#6369: do you know what seven minutes in heaven is lisx#1702: That doesn't make sense at all lisx#1702: What burarahurricane#6369: so yea burarahurricane#6369: ~! burarahurricane#6369: today burarahurricane#6369: it happened lisx#1702: Didn't that like just happen burarahurricane#6369: -event burarahurricane#6369: aka american football burarahurricane#6369: u and i asterik burarahurricane#6369: this is like me and u lisa burarahurricane#6369: superbowl lisx#1702: Umm olympics? burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: u kno it give_a_minute#1155: and a stomach ache give_a_minute#1155: sounds like fun burarahurricane#6369: and a twix burarahurricane#6369: these heart sprinkles burarahurricane#6369: what else burarahurricane#6369: uh burarahurricane#6369: and burarahurricane#6369: and also sprinkles burarahurricane#6369: i drank icing again burarahurricane#6369: :D burarahurricane#6369: im not even hyper tho burarahurricane#6369: SUGAR TASTE GOOD burarahurricane#6369: I LOV E SUGAR PeckServers.com#8342: now she is super mean to herself burarahurricane#6369: mustve lisx#1702: yeah. she must've really wanted that admin if she had to change her entire personality trait for it burarahurricane#6369: lmaoo lisx#1702: pLeThOrA lisx#1702: wtf lisx#1702: now she's just flattering herself lisx#1702: ^^^ burarahurricane#6369: crazy burarahurricane#6369: wtf lisx#1702: ^^^ lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> look at how *positive* Jaxin used to be it's uncanny PeckServers.com#8342: INSANE PeckServers.com#8342: -6.23% in less than 24 hours PeckServers.com#8342: And it reflects in their stock curve PeckServers.com#8342: Newegg done f**ked up PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: ? WalterJS#2477: Half time show was ass except for the last two songs PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3Ebb082UQs burarahurricane#6369: that’s unfortunate MMMMM#2210: i have this server muted burarahurricane#6369: well if you responded like an hour earlier Maulie#8927: Kewl MMMMM#2210: You pinged me for nothing burarahurricane#6369: nothing MMMMM#2210: What burarahurricane#6369: he hi hi he la la la burarahurricane#6369: join gamer voice PeckServers.com#8342: wait so why you ping me and george? PeckServers.com#8342: darn burarahurricane#6369: we finished PeckServers.com#8342: you playing tennis right PeckServers.com#8342: sure i might come PeckServers.com#8342: yes burarahurricane#6369: <@!522569307004076033> burarahurricane#6369: <@!852187118113652776> burarahurricane#6369: alysse 1 lisa ZERO burarahurricane#6369: (lisa: OUT out oUuut) burarahurricane#6369: lisa wants to know if anyone wants to come meet us at the ivins park to h an g 😏 burarahurricane#6369: also WOOOO I WON burarahurricane#6369: the courts arent THAT bad the nets just a little torn PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/ToAy6VynkX0 back at it MMMMM#2210: i now have a working microphone MMMMM#2210: my headphones finally arrived PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: welcome to hell username123115#4960: Oof username123115#4960: Oh burarahurricane#6369: wild burarahurricane#6369: so now we’re at ivins burarahurricane#6369: but the net was gone burarahurricane#6369: yeah username123115#4960: I think I recognize that fence username123115#4960: Is that the court by the high school burarahurricane#6369: yepperoo lisx#1702: Alrighty lisx#1702: OH burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: so good PeckServers.com#8342: mmmm PeckServers.com#8342: my mcflurry PeckServers.com#8342: SamEEEE lisx#1702: Is said Mcrock close to the tennis courts lisx#1702: I wouldn't want you to choke lisx#1702: Don't laugh while you're eating burarahurricane#6369: McSitting on a McRock eating McFrench fries burarahurricane#6369: we’re here eating mcdonalds LMAO lisx#1702: But yes to what lisx#1702: No response always means yes lisx#1702: Also are you done by now or should I wait a bit <@!749747503947055136> lisx#1702: Where are you going? burarahurricane#6369: i dont rly wanna take a passport picture in my tennis shirt tho burarahurricane#6369: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: its not cold today burarahurricane#6369: hm maybe i’ll wear two shirts burarahurricane#6369: sp i have to take it in my tennis gear gJkfhsh burarahurricane#6369: ans i migjt have to go straight from pictures to tennis burarahurricane#6369: this is sad burarahurricane#6369: to tenni s w lisa burarahurricane#6369: that i might be late burarahurricane#6369: to get rrwady burarahurricane#6369: but theyre taking so long burarahurricane#6369: and my parents deciddd we should take it BEFORE 2 burarahurricane#6369: bruhh we have to tak e passport pictures burarahurricane#6369: she can spend it with me <3 EJCaldwell#2924: but i don't really care EJCaldwell#2924: like me EJCaldwell#2924: are you saying that because you have nobody to spend it with lisx#1702: Valentine's Day is a pretty stupid holiday tho burarahurricane#6369: its valentines day tmr… burarahurricane#6369: yeah im feelin p jittery today idt i’ll be able tofocus but bet lisx#1702: I'm pretty sure I'm going to beat you tho burarahurricane#6369: my knees are being kinda rude abt walking but what r painkillers for amiri lisx#1702: Something like that burarahurricane#6369: lisa r u ready for the Ultimate Showdown 😏 burarahurricane#6369: you guys shouldbe pinged me@i was up <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> EJCaldwell#2924: Told you guys PeckServers.com#8342: Hey it was fun tho PeckServers.com#8342: Lmfaoo MMMMM#2210: I have this server muted for good reason PeckServers.com#8342: Hiiii Dyno#3861: How do you know if there’s an elephant under your bed? Your head hits the ceiling! Maulie#8927: Hello PeckServers.com#8342: whats on your mind walter? PeckServers.com#8342: I might leave too PeckServers.com#8342: gn lisa lisx#1702: good night PeckServers.com#8342: whered everyone go? EJCaldwell#2924: Gn EJCaldwell#2924: Ian go to sleep for real now EJCaldwell#2924: It’s 12:34 EJCaldwell#2924: Well PeckServers.com#8342: i cant even get to it EJCaldwell#2924: :c EJCaldwell#2924: Not watch EJCaldwell#2924: It’s only asking to play EJCaldwell#2924: Oh lisx#1702: "water and lisa" PeckServers.com#8342: samw EJCaldwell#2924: ? EJCaldwell#2924: Ima watch for a bit then lisx#1702: 💧 PeckServers.com#8342: water and lisa EJCaldwell#2924: Who’s playing? lisx#1702: https://play.chess.com/ZRsj7 EJCaldwell#2924: because a streamer started streaming and he pings everybody EJCaldwell#2924: or i would be getting pings at like 3 in the morning EJCaldwell#2924: so they can't wake me up EJCaldwell#2924: happy i don't hear pings PeckServers.com#8342: -lisa just barely PeckServers.com#8342: fear not, with enough pings he will come back EJCaldwell#2924: he is most likely asleep right now PeckServers.com#8342: <@!522569307004076033> lisx#1702: <@!522569307004076033> PeckServers.com#8342: <@!522569307004076033> PeckServers.com#8342: l8r EJCaldwell#2924: gn PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: lisx#1702: 🇮🇹 lisx#1702: 🇫🇷 lisx#1702: \;B EJCaldwell#2924: quiet PeckServers.com#8342: ethan frog back door? EJCaldwell#2924: UP EJCaldwell#2924: FRICK EJCaldwell#2924: THE EJCaldwell#2924: SHUT WalterJS#2477: Guild is green therefor clearly Ethan SImped for Frogs because they are green EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: WHY EJCaldwell#2924: WHY DID I SAY ANYTHING WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: East Germany Is Going Great#1917: East Germany Is Going Great#1917: East Germany Is Going Great#1917: WalterJS#2477: i stole your meme EJCaldwell#2924: fun WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: loser East Germany Is Going Great#1917: id rather play total war lisx#1702: oh East Germany Is Going Great#1917: I dont think so no lisx#1702: <@!409763300595728394> wnana play this game with us East Germany Is Going Great#1917: rofl East Germany Is Going Great#1917: bro tf is that last one East Germany Is Going Great#1917: WalterJS#2477: East Germany Is Going Great#1917: EJCaldwell#2924: WalterJS#2477: East Germany Is Going Great#1917: PeckServers.com#8342: me when i forget my headphones in the morning WalterJS#2477: East Germany Is Going Great#1917: WalterJS#2477: EJCaldwell#2924: why'd i have say that WalterJS#2477: lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: you two should join vc PeckServers.com#8342: yes PeckServers.com#8342: yes lisx#1702: they're built in PeckServers.com#8342: deex nuhts lisx#1702: yeah which one do you want to do WalterJS#2477: theme is <:weedtime:929515889907335168> EJCaldwell#2924: we should have like a theme for the next round EJCaldwell#2924: I did not know aht to put WalterJS#2477: im bad at drawing PeckServers.com#8342: im so proud of that lisx#1702: u probably did a good job becasue I guessed it right WalterJS#2477: i really tried to draw my pfp EJCaldwell#2924: this was amazing lisx#1702: this one is actually amazing WalterJS#2477: legendary WalterJS#2477: adonis WalterJS#2477: ahhahahahah EJCaldwell#2924: I DONT KNOW WHAT A MILF IS lisx#1702: you were close ig lisx#1702: haha WalterJS#2477: oh WalterJS#2477: lmao WalterJS#2477: MILF doesnt mean frogs EJCaldwell#2924: MILF = Man I love frogs WalterJS#2477: man must be into frogs PeckServers.com#8342: you into gay frogs? EJCaldwell#2924: i love frogs EJCaldwell#2924: man EJCaldwell#2924: also no typing words WalterJS#2477: taylor swift is the lie EJCaldwell#2924: The cake is a lie lisx#1702: 🤦 EJCaldwell#2924: who did this EJCaldwell#2924: okay lisx#1702: i know whose this is... EJCaldwell#2924: in the vc if anybody wants to join WalterJS#2477: i found it very funny lisx#1702: ok I'm starting it PeckServers.com#8342: lol EJCaldwell#2924: i think i have seen like 2 videos on this game lisx#1702: it's still not funny lisx#1702: oh WalterJS#2477: <@&828440128741310534> lisx#1702: ????? lisx#1702: uh EJCaldwell#2924: i don't really care WalterJS#2477: mom, can I have a sandwhich? Yes son, but you are not allowed to have an existential crisis PeckServers.com#8342: maybe PeckServers.com#8342: thats why i used my alt EJCaldwell#2924: we hopping into a vc? PeckServers.com#8342: thats what im saying EJCaldwell#2924: its a drawing game PeckServers.com#8342: lmfaooo EJCaldwell#2924: WalterJS#2477: not sure yet PeckServers.com#8342: what is the point of this game? EJCaldwell#2924: XD EJCaldwell#2924: got it EJCaldwell#2924: I have like 4 or 5 password i use EJCaldwell#2924: so i am fijnding it WalterJS#2477: bru lol EJCaldwell#2924: and i forgot my passowrd EJCaldwell#2924: needs my discord EJCaldwell#2924: need a sec lisx#1702: <@!852187118113652776> <@!383372123714093098> join lisx#1702: cool EJCaldwell#2924: bit* EJCaldwell#2924: i can join for a but lisx#1702: https://garticphone.com/en/?c=20f11c57ec WalterJS#2477: or as late as possible WalterJS#2477: <@!383372123714093098> <@!409763300595728394> which one of you would like to join us on our journey to 3am lisx#1702: we need at least 4 people tho WalterJS#2477: ok lets play it WalterJS#2477: oh lol lisx#1702: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/830520977951555604/929177619126185984/album_2022-01-07_17-58-50.gif lisx#1702: its the one we got this from lisx#1702: it's kind of a drawing game WalterJS#2477: was that WalterJS#2477: I wanna pla a game WalterJS#2477: wait this aint even a game WalterJS#2477: how do I join the plink lisx#1702: and we only have 3 lisx#1702: except i think that needs 4 people lisx#1702: wait PeckServers.com#8342: im down to try it lisx#1702: we should play gartic phone PeckServers.com#8342: https://plink.in lisx#1702: the bass on this song is godly PeckServers.com#8342: bruh WalterJS#2477: whats that PeckServers.com#8342: plink WalterJS#2477: any ideas on what game PeckServers.com#8342: what going on with you PeckServers.com#8342: bruh WalterJS#2477: nvm WalterJS#2477: actually WalterJS#2477: nvm WalterJS#2477: no WalterJS#2477: wait WalterJS#2477: oh WalterJS#2477: wanna like start a minecraft world or something idfk WalterJS#2477: we should play a game PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao WalterJS#2477: ill try to stay up late lisx#1702: the ten other times you've said that you usually just ditch us and leave at like 12 PeckServers.com#8342: that means 3 am right? WalterJS#2477: acceptable is late WalterJS#2477: good WalterJS#2477: actually WalterJS#2477: too bad lisx#1702: but my mom told me to go to bed at an "acceptable" time PeckServers.com#8342: fire af lisx#1702: bruh WalterJS#2477: lisa I approve of this song choice so far PeckServers.com#8342: aiight lol WalterJS#2477: helps every time WalterJS#2477: go get a class of cold water and chug it PeckServers.com#8342: tho i just got a tired wave PeckServers.com#8342: iss gon be fun WalterJS#2477: we are staying up as long as possible WalterJS#2477: lisa you should stay up with cody and I PeckServers.com#8342: and big brain PeckServers.com#8342: good music taste PeckServers.com#8342: lisa is epico? PeckServers.com#8342: this is a good start WalterJS#2477: i see lisx#1702: I'm not really feeling like taylor swift today anyway lisx#1702: deal WalterJS#2477: no taylor swift and I will PeckServers.com#8342: maaayyybee PeckServers.com#8342: <:sus:783176301502267423> PeckServers.com#8342: hmmmmm lisx#1702: lisx#1702: you guys should join mine PeckServers.com#8342: yessir WalterJS#2477: U ready for listening party? WalterJS#2477: Just hung up lol PeckServers.com#8342: hows the sweet talking to the babe going? PeckServers.com#8342: i forgot PeckServers.com#8342: oh thats right haha WalterJS#2477: Sorry am on the phone PeckServers.com#8342: Rumor has it walter had some *personal* time in the shower PeckServers.com#8342: its really close haha EJCaldwell#2924: for some reason i thought it said FBI PeckServers.com#8342: what to do in an emergency PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: "an emotional spouse fire" PeckServers.com#8342: this clip PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/wOtPRmg0UeI?t=35 OMG this is so epico PeckServers.com#8342: this guy makes the best videos PeckServers.com#8342: lmfaooo burarahurricane#6369: unstoppable fuel spill!?! PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8yo6zuGY3A PeckServers.com#8342: (when you come back) when is your bum ass gonna find time to come over and blast music on my speakers PeckServers.com#8342: same WalterJS#2477: brb I am also going to shower WalterJS#2477: lol PeckServers.com#8342: alabama PeckServers.com#8342: then it wouldnt be sus at all PeckServers.com#8342: dang WalterJS#2477: weve known eachother for sooo long WalterJS#2477: shes basically my sister WalterJS#2477: nah they were fine with it PeckServers.com#8342: were your parents weird abt it? WalterJS#2477: shes in our grade WalterJS#2477: probably 13 WalterJS#2477: like 13 or 14 I think lisx#1702: how old were you PeckServers.com#8342: howd that go WalterJS#2477: a girl slept over at my house once PeckServers.com#8342: *sleepover* PeckServers.com#8342: freinds with benefits lisx#1702: what if you just told them it was a *sleepover* WalterJS#2477: there like "yOu CaN hAvE a GiRl FrIeNd BuT yOu CaNt DaTe" and im like what bruh thats like the same thing PeckServers.com#8342: even though im almost 18 they would probs still yell at me if the found out i had sex PeckServers.com#8342: mine too PeckServers.com#8342: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: trust me, its freedom WalterJS#2477: nah bruh my parents are lame PeckServers.com#8342: wym, theres nothing sus abt that at all, shes probs down WalterJS#2477: cuz when im 16 I can just leave WalterJS#2477: im not tryna be like "hey mom wanna give me a lift to this girls house yeah its just me and her dont worry about it and dont call me until I call you to pick me up" lisx#1702: wow WalterJS#2477: lol PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: they dont call it sweet 16 for nothing PeckServers.com#8342: thats a good age WalterJS#2477: nd I can drive WalterJS#2477: probably when im 16 PeckServers.com#8342: you cant be an 18 yo virgin like me WalterJS#2477: 💀 lisx#1702: if you do tell us how it goes PeckServers.com#8342: also walt, you gotta utilize that condom i gave you one day WalterJS#2477: kk PeckServers.com#8342: brb gotta shower WalterJS#2477: same PeckServers.com#8342: we will see how long i can stay awake lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: yessir WalterJS#2477: but im thinking around 10:15 to getstarted yk WalterJS#2477: yk it PeckServers.com#8342: hes got a girrrrlll PeckServers.com#8342: ooh WalterJS#2477: at 9:45 WalterJS#2477: I gotta talk to this girl WalterJS#2477: yes but nrn WalterJS#2477: true but not that song lisx#1702: blackbear is usually okay PeckServers.com#8342: we doin this or what waltey lisx#1702: it's not even good pop WalterJS#2477: but its kinda bad WalterJS#2477: idek what this is WalterJS#2477: ooooooohh lisx#1702: so I listened to it PeckServers.com#8342: it went from 50 to 40 but there was magically no sign saying so lisx#1702: I saw you listening to it lisx#1702: no WalterJS#2477: thats actually insane WalterJS#2477: are we listening to the same song WalterJS#2477: how tf WalterJS#2477: somehow WalterJS#2477: we are listening to the same song rn lisx#1702: walter are you actually listening to like pop WalterJS#2477: wait lisa PeckServers.com#8342: yeah excatly WalterJS#2477: codys a reckless driver ofc MMMMM#2210: Y? PeckServers.com#8342: iss like BrUh PeckServers.com#8342: then got pulled over in kayenta PeckServers.com#8342: freaking 10 hours on my feet at work PeckServers.com#8342: tonight was LoNg PeckServers.com#8342: Daddys Home!! PeckServers.com#8342: guess whos home?!?!?! WalterJS#2477: https://youtu.be/ErfLcGnEPF4 lisx#1702: Jk lisx#1702: \*big happy smiles appear on their faces as never seen before! Or I guess never seen after!!* burarahurricane#6369: \*two years ago!lisa and alysse appear onscreen* lisx#1702: \*screen goes wobbly, flashback starts...* burarahurricane#6369: back in the day…. burarahurricane#6369: lmao lisx#1702: I remember in sixth grade I used to do big paragraphs all the time about stupid things and sometimes alysse did too and it was funny and weird at the same time lisx#1702: Haha PeckServers.com#8342: Lisa paragraph™️ EJCaldwell#2924: that is long EJCaldwell#2924: holy cow lisx#1702: 62 this time lisx#1702: Maybe I should start counting it from the end lisx#1702: So you have around 34 to 64 more things left to do lisx#1702: I've counted the list five times and I got 35, 35, 35, 61, and 65 each time respectively MMMMM#2210: i listened to music lisx#1702: Done any of those things? lisx#1702: Have you.... MMMMM#2210: but now im bored again lisx#1702: I'm on an iPad so typing is hard lisx#1702: Good for you MMMMM#2210: well now im playing plink lisx#1702: And well I *thought* I didn't have any suggestions but I guess I wasn't actually thinking because when I am I can come up with things. Evidently lisx#1702: Or try stargazing now that it's almost dark stars are really cool lisx#1702: Sorry that was kinda mean what I meant was that sucks but I don't have any suggestions either so ig just go...try things out? That you haven't tried before? Go exercise or go on a run or read a book or fly a kite or hang out with a friend or make a friend or stare at the sky or clean your room or do some chores or talk to your family or go on a walk or practice your trumpet because you like music so much or listen to music or sleep or stare at the ceiling or eat food(?) or learn a new instrument like guitar or piano or drums or cello or saxophone or trombone or bass or take something apart try to figure out how it works and put it back together again or make a lego house or draw a nice picture or do some math or start a journal or play some chess or do origami or do laundry or reorganize your entire closet or learn a new language or walk around the house blindfolded because that sounds fun or find someone over the age of 1 to play hide and seek with you or plant a tree or try to make a game in python or try baking or do a sport or go to the gym(because people do that right) or **write a five page essay about social justice concerning how we didn't get to play on the big stage at the jazz festival today** or count to 69,420 in your head without messing up or make a list of as many prime numbers as you can or start with 1 and make a list of multiplying the number in front of it by 2 (I used to do that when I couldn't fall asleep or got bored when I was little it's really fun) or go play with the neighbors??? Or read a magazine because those are different from books or draw a comic strip or try to come up with funny puns or learn trigonometry or calculus or physics or psychology or chemistry or geology or astronomy or learn photography or ceramics or statue carving or architecture or how to build a house or sewing or cooking or stick stickers on every object you can find (I tried that also when I was little it wasn't very fun afterward, so I would t recommend it) MMMMM#2210: you've been typing for like 10 mins MMMMM#2210: theres no good games to play lisx#1702: How original MMMMM#2210: im bored MMMMM#2210: but it was made in minecraft lisx#1702: It's a mountain MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: i played a round of cod with mason lisx#1702: hey i like it WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/4ZfcexSAEKL0A1rOQMYn1Z?si=oVxKoAICR_eXPR8eHnx8qw <@!726265256082407504> <@!852187118113652776> lisx#1702: if you weren't on your phone the whole time lisx#1702: that was the best part lisx#1702: bro MMMMM#2210: i now have to use my bluetooth headphones until the new ones get here MMMMM#2210: it hasn't beeped since last night burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/friends-chandler-joey-good-job-great-job-gif-12374537 MMMMM#2210: Just a little bit longer burarahurricane#6369: you can do it MMMMM#2210: Just 30 more minutes and I can leave MMMMM#2210: This is boring EJCaldwell#2924: but i ment 2 hours and 30 mins late EJCaldwell#2924: idk why i put it like that EJCaldwell#2924: home PeckServers.com#8342: Where are you at? burarahurricane#6369: good morning EJCaldwell#2924: even tho its 2:30 late EJCaldwell#2924: gm lisx#1702: Hi PeckServers.com#8342: MOOOORNIN! EJCaldwell#2924: You have a point burarahurricane#6369: well you wanted a suggestion that was't watching or sleeping.......reading EJCaldwell#2924: But I am watching endgame burarahurricane#6369: read EJCaldwell#2924: sleeping* EJCaldwell#2924: that is not watching something or sleepiong lisx#1702: Yes sleep sleep is important EJCaldwell#2924: what should i do tho MMMMM#2210: Then i noticed someone pinged me MMMMM#2210: I was about to go to sleep EJCaldwell#2924: but thats just george EJCaldwell#2924: because you need about 8 hours of sleep as a adult and more as a teen lisx#1702: See George is still up MMMMM#2210: 8-4 MMMMM#2210: Its like having school on a saturday EJCaldwell#2924: you should get going to bed EJCaldwell#2924: so ya lisx#1702: Like seven ish ig EJCaldwell#2924: same EJCaldwell#2924: when do you need to get up? lisx#1702: And this is when I usually go to bed anyway lisx#1702: Yeah but not that early EJCaldwell#2924: its just a bit glichy latly lisx#1702: Yeah the app version doesn't load very well for me like half the time burarahurricane#6369: stiff burarahurricane#6369: now its all burarahurricane#6369: they spaced out the buttons :( burarahurricane#6369: im still not used to the new tumblr update tho burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: You get used to it burarahurricane#6369: it was not like that the last time i opened my computer <- four hours ago EJCaldwell#2924: if you do need to get up early burarahurricane#6369: this is NEW for me EJCaldwell#2924: you should go to bed tho burarahurricane#6369: not for me ' lisx#1702: I am. I kinda just looked for stuff I should bring to the thing tomorrow and didn't sleep EJCaldwell#2924: spotify just has been breaking the last week tho lisx#1702: Sorry to inform you but it's been that way for like the last two months burarahurricane#6369: couldn't elt you put words in my mouth burarahurricane#6369: what can i say my name is nobody burarahurricane#6369: this is so SAD its so horigble give_a_minute#1155: you're awake lisx#1702: It's a mountain burarahurricane#6369: this spotify update is like a tumblr update EJCaldwell#2924: gn lisa give_a_minute#1155: *he* Y lisx#1702: I was wondering if you were going to do it burarahurricane#6369: this is so horroble burarahurricane#6369: WHY DES THE PLAY BUTTTON LOOK LIKE THAT burarahurricane#6369: ITS SO UGLY burarahurricane#6369: WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BUTTONS/??? burarahurricane#6369: thats very cool burarahurricane#6369: spotify is bzROKEN i am sad give_a_minute#1155: cool MMMMM#2210: I used an app to make it look even better MMMMM#2210: Then MMMMM#2210: I downloaded it MMMMM#2210: I didnt give_a_minute#1155: how'd you do it give_a_minute#1155: jeez give_a_minute#1155: wait that's in mc MMMMM#2210: A very high quality minecraft world give_a_minute#1155: wait what exactly is that MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: its done burarahurricane#6369: bye lisa lisx#1702: nobody: bye lisa lisx#1702: bye lisx#1702: Im going to bed lisx#1702: george already broke it EJCaldwell#2924: yes lisx#1702: is it in the minecraft chat EJCaldwell#2924: hhhhhhhhhhheck no lisx#1702: can I join just to mess it up EJCaldwell#2924: I wonder how long until somebody messes the chain up EJCaldwell#2924: I just saw that you changed it to question-mark EJCaldwell#2924: wrong chat m8 PeckServers.com#8342: Jk PeckServers.com#8342: ? EJCaldwell#2924: oh okay username123115#4960: So I deleted them username123115#4960: I had a buncha empty lines EJCaldwell#2924: what were you going to say EJCaldwell#2924: Daniel i saw you there EJCaldwell#2924: so i get like 20 ish EJCaldwell#2924: just because i watch 15 min - 1 hour videos EJCaldwell#2924: more than i watch MMMMM#2210: thats nothing lisx#1702: like...50 EJCaldwell#2924: how many is "too many" to you lisx#1702: I've seen too many youtube videos today \:( EJCaldwell#2924: that is true pain EJCaldwell#2924: 200+ hour world EJCaldwell#2924: modded minecraft MMMMM#2210: a what? EJCaldwell#2924: because i had just found a sleeping dragon MMMMM#2210: i didnt make it MMMMM#2210: idc if the world is corrupted EJCaldwell#2924: and i was mad EJCaldwell#2924: that has happened to me EJCaldwell#2924: the world is not corrupted EJCaldwell#2924: that is not the worse thing that could happen MMMMM#2210: *e r r o r* MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: even worse EJCaldwell#2924: crash? MMMMM#2210: NOOOOOO MMMMM#2210: ETA 15 mins EJCaldwell#2924: 1 second - 1 hour most likely MMMMM#2210: So far its loaded 38 thousand chunks MMMMM#2210: However long it takes to start this MMMMM#2210: Idk MMMMM#2210: When i start this pic lisx#1702: how long is a sec MMMMM#2210: In a sec lisx#1702: darn it lisx#1702: oh MMMMM#2210: Probs lisx#1702: are you going to bed MMMMM#2210: Never even heard of em lisx#1702: george MMMMM#2210: No MMMMM#2210: Not like an adventure map EJCaldwell#2924: have you ever tried diversity, 1, 2, and 3 MMMMM#2210: Its a map that looks good MMMMM#2210: Its 93,936 chunks big EJCaldwell#2924: never heard of it MMMMM#2210: Terra Celestis MMMMM#2210: And imma try and take a picture of the entire thing EJCaldwell#2924: which one MMMMM#2210: I just downloaded an mc map EJCaldwell#2924: other than track soon EJCaldwell#2924: thats why i am not in any school thing lisx#1702: d lisx#1702: n lisx#1702: a lisx#1702: b lisx#1702: ** ** lisx#1702: z lisx#1702: z lisx#1702: a lisx#1702: j EJCaldwell#2924: for what lisx#1702: and I don't want to forget to sleep lisx#1702: I have to wake up early lisx#1702: well EJCaldwell#2924: i got nothing better to do EJCaldwell#2924: i am going to be up till like 2 in the morning EJCaldwell#2924: you could stay up and chat lisx#1702: I'll forget about it forever lisx#1702: if I don't go to bed rn lisx#1702: I'm scared that EJCaldwell#2924: sleep is really good EJCaldwell#2924: jk lisx#1702: this is really hard EJCaldwell#2924: sleep is for the weak lisx#1702: not lisx#1702: or lisx#1702: i have the choice to go to bed lisx#1702: so EJCaldwell#2924: I forgot how good infinity war is MMMMM#2210: Nvm its a razer thing MMMMM#2210: never seen that before MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: tell you if anything comes up MMMMM#2210: ill test it some more MMMMM#2210: only other problem its had MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: looks normal MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: see if anythign seems off MMMMM#2210: should i check events for the device PeckServers.com#8342: Ok MMMMM#2210: im keeping my laptop in my room tonite MMMMM#2210: ill try playing some audio MMMMM#2210: lets see PeckServers.com#8342: Problem solved then? MMMMM#2210: PeckServers.com#8342: See if its on lates MMMMM#2210: its not beeping after i restarted it PeckServers.com#8342: Try update MMMMM#2210: PeckServers.com#8342: See if it has roll back PeckServers.com#8342: Go to drivers PeckServers.com#8342: Right click and go to properties PeckServers.com#8342: Under sound devices MMMMM#2210: PeckServers.com#8342: Open device manager MMMMM#2210: how PeckServers.com#8342: In device manager try rolling back the drivers for the speakers device MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: it only worked when you held the wires in place MMMMM#2210: then it just stopped MMMMM#2210: from the middle MMMMM#2210: the wires started to come out PeckServers.com#8342: How did you break your headphones in the first place MMMMM#2210: most definitely not PeckServers.com#8342: And most importantly is the headphone jack broken off inside it MMMMM#2210: lemme check MMMMM#2210: lemme check lisx#1702: do you have a weird app running in the background PeckServers.com#8342: Whats in your list of audio devices MMMMM#2210: Yes PeckServers.com#8342: Does it change if you turn down the sound MMMMM#2210: Yes lisx#1702: ? lisx#1702: so have you tried turning it off and back on again lisx#1702: I hear it lisx#1702: 😂 MMMMM#2210: there MMMMM#2210: PeckServers.com#8342: I gotta go man, hopefully you figure it out PeckServers.com#8342: No i cant hear anything MMMMM#2210: i play in the mood, then i stop and it beeps MMMMM#2210: can you hear anything in that MMMMM#2210: PeckServers.com#8342: Or like glitches PeckServers.com#8342: Is it windows error sounds MMMMM#2210: and then it starts when i stop PeckServers.com#8342: I don't know what kind of beeping you mean so i have no idea whats going on PeckServers.com#8342: Umm MMMMM#2210: its stopped when i played audio MMMMM#2210: ok now its not stopping PeckServers.com#8342: Hurry cause i just got back from work and am going on a run PeckServers.com#8342: A recording would help a lot MMMMM#2210: and ive tried turning it off and on again PeckServers.com#8342: Ty lol EJCaldwell#2924: gj MMMMM#2210: o, then good job being safe MMMMM#2210: ill try and record it PeckServers.com#8342: Driving PeckServers.com#8342: Define beeping EJCaldwell#2924: that just happens time to time MMMMM#2210: and now things are wrong MMMMM#2210: then my headphones died MMMMM#2210: nothing was wrong EJCaldwell#2924: lisx#1702: and I'm pretty sure it's not my imagination MMMMM#2210: randomly MMMMM#2210: and then stops lisx#1702: I don't really know but it's happened more than like 20 times MMMMM#2210: randomly MMMMM#2210: it makes a long beep MMMMM#2210: no lisx#1702: or something else lisx#1702: sometimes I hear a weird click ish sound coming from my computer EJCaldwell#2924: is it doing like two beeps then waits a while MMMMM#2210: im trying to find out how to run the audio troubleshooter MMMMM#2210: i tried EJCaldwell#2924: search it up before it explodes MMMMM#2210: it just beeped again EJCaldwell#2924: and now don't have to do chores tomorrow EJCaldwell#2924: so i won the bet EJCaldwell#2924: but when he unplugged the thing to make my duel monitor setup it started working again EJCaldwell#2924: so we replaced the batteries and then it still did not work EJCaldwell#2924: and i said it was not EJCaldwell#2924: and my dad says it was the batteries EJCaldwell#2924: so my keyboard was not working today MMMMM#2210: yes EJCaldwell#2924: don't you guys love it when you win a bet against your perents EJCaldwell#2924: because they are all really popular ones EJCaldwell#2924: i have all of my servers muted MMMMM#2210: i have this and the mc server muted EJCaldwell#2924: i just have the entire server on mute lisx#1702: just waving a lot MMMMM#2210: nah EJCaldwell#2924: you you making more alts MMMMM#2210: there are many more MMMMM#2210: EJCaldwell#2924: why'd he block you george MMMMM#2210: and hes gone MMMMM#2210: very loudly MMMMM#2210: and now my computer keeps beeping at me MMMMM#2210: so my headphones broke EJCaldwell#2924: why did you block him cody? PeckServers.com#8342: What MMMMM#2210: and hes gone MMMMM#2210: <@!852187118113652776> MMMMM#2210: urgent MMMMM#2210: help MMMMM#2210: cody PeckServers.com#8342: Grr lisx#1702: you should unblock him lisx#1702: with something lisx#1702: george needs your help PeckServers.com#8342: What lisx#1702: that was fast MMMMM#2210: i just bought new headphones MMMMM#2210: <@!852187118113652776> EJCaldwell#2924: I think this is the first time i have not seen walter online lisx#1702: I don't think walter's going to come anytime soon MMMMM#2210: <@!531264285385424916> MMMMM#2210: well in that case lisx#1702: he's probably just busy or something lisx#1702: codey? lisx#1702: <@!852187118113652776> lisx#1702: that's sad lisx#1702: I don't remember it lisx#1702: really? MMMMM#2210: <@!726265256082407504> MMMMM#2210: and he still has me blocked MMMMM#2210: i need his help MMMMM#2210: can someone message cody and tell him to get online MMMMM#2210: and you listened to it back then MMMMM#2210: and that file was sent months ago MMMMM#2210: and the strongest bone in the body MMMMM#2210: and the most painful bone to break MMMMM#2210: they had a good run MMMMM#2210: my headphones have finally died MMMMM#2210: its the thigh bone lisx#1702: evidently i've already forgotten lisx#1702: we learned about that in biology! lisx#1702: it's the rectus femoris bone lisx#1702: wait MMMMM#2210: <:smoothbrain:782845544887222282> lisx#1702: what's a femur MMMMM#2210: it breaks femurs lisx#1702: I don't really want to know lisx#1702: seems like the same type MMMMM#2210: what do you think lisx#1702: what's that lisx#1702: uh MMMMM#2210: and it was the femur breaker lisx#1702: and I never did? lisx#1702: and you kept telling me to listen to it lisx#1702: or something like that lisx#1702: "this should be your alarm clock" lisx#1702: you had a song and you were like MMMMM#2210: and lisx#1702: you watch anime MMMMM#2210: what do i look like to you, *a dream stan* lisx#1702: remember that one time when MMMMM#2210: im listening to this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/864716742575259718/864724692240957460/Song.zip lisx#1702: it's so funny tho lisx#1702: just kidding lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: no u? MMMMM#2210: garbage lisx#1702: watch that lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xa0Swz3X1cQ MMMMM#2210: thats the one i use MMMMM#2210: the left headphone doesnt work MMMMM#2210: nvm MMMMM#2210: oh wait lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_jWHffIx5E lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ lisx#1702: oh MMMMM#2210: but i have to find a song ive listened to so many times i can tell when it sounds weird MMMMM#2210: and it sounds weird MMMMM#2210: im listening to a song MMMMM#2210: but i cant tell MMMMM#2210: they're cutting out high frequencys lisx#1702: what's wrong with your headphones MMMMM#2210: im tryna fix my headphones MMMMM#2210: nah lisx#1702: just watch it lol MMMMM#2210: might have seen it? lisx#1702: Amazing ^^^ lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRSAatLI2QY lisx#1702: maybe I should bring a book lisx#1702: and so hopefully we won't be bored..........(?) lisx#1702: at least we don't have to ride in a bus lisx#1702: yes MMMMM#2210: we have to be at crimson by 8:30 right? lisx#1702: but you can't just learn to see lisx#1702: that wasn't the point MMMMM#2210: then learn to see lisx#1702: wait lisx#1702: I can't see lisx#1702: the point is lisx#1702: analogies aren't working lisx#1702: yeah you're born with asthma or something lisx#1702: okay that's even worse MMMMM#2210: i dont think thats how asthma works lisx#1702: but they did the same thing lisx#1702: and another person breathed and didn't lisx#1702: one person breathed and got asthma lisx#1702: for example lisx#1702: like lisx#1702: that was an insanely stupid analogy but you get the point lisx#1702: but there's at least one person who did something and didn't break a bone in the whole world and at least one other person who did the same thing and did break a bone MMMMM#2210: exactly lisx#1702: that's like saying "if i didn't break my bone doing this you won't either" lisx#1702: assuring lisx#1702: that's not lisx#1702: what MMMMM#2210: if i learned how to vibrate my eyes in 5th grade then you'll be fine lisx#1702: but how do you know lisx#1702: one of them are already broken MMMMM#2210: i think MMMMM#2210: you cant break your eyes lisx#1702: what if I break my eyes! lisx#1702: I don't want to break my eyes MMMMM#2210: then look harder lisx#1702: but I don't want to MMMMM#2210: get glasses lisx#1702: how do I see better lisx#1702: I can't just *see better* MMMMM#2210: then look harder MMMMM#2210: then see better lisx#1702: my astigmatism is bad enough MMMMM#2210: that means you're not looking hard enough lisx#1702: it doesn't wokr MMMMM#2210: yes lisx#1702: but which one do I look at MMMMM#2210: then look harder lisx#1702: because my eyes see it from different angles lisx#1702: but it doesn't line up MMMMM#2210: really hard MMMMM#2210: just look at the tip of your nose lisx#1702: how tho MMMMM#2210: thats how i learned it lisx#1702: haha MMMMM#2210: really hard MMMMM#2210: just look at your nose MMMMM#2210: its not that hard to learn lisx#1702: I have never been able to do that lisx#1702: I can also do that lisx#1702: until one time <@!749747503947055136> lisx#1702: I didn't even know I was doing it MMMMM#2210: and go cross eyed MMMMM#2210: and i can roll my eyes back MMMMM#2210: i can do that too lisx#1702: I can make one of my eyes move and keep the other one still MMMMM#2210: apparently its called voluntarily nystagmus lisx#1702: that's creepy and cool at the same time MMMMM#2210: and i can do it better MMMMM#2210: but i can move my eyes around while i do it MMMMM#2210: its like that MMMMM#2210: https://youtu.be/Ps0iqH8lAy0?t=49 lisx#1702: it takes so much effort lisx#1702: i hate it when this happens lisx#1702: I just made my eyes go out of focus and now I have trouble keeping them in focus MMMMM#2210: it feels super weird lisx#1702: I remember doing aleks at the back of the classroom during every single math class username123115#4960: thats so weird MMMMM#2210: yea username123115#4960: you showed us that in biology username123115#4960: oh yeah MMMMM#2210: exactly what it sounds like lisx#1702: what do you mean by that??? MMMMM#2210: is how to vibrate my eyes MMMMM#2210: when i was in 5th grade the only thing i remember learning lisx#1702: now I can even do it with my left hand! (at least 2/10 times) lisx#1702: I remember in like fifth grade I would just practice snapping my fingers all day just so I can do it lisx#1702: like really good lisx#1702: that is a plus lisx#1702: I'm really good at snapping though lisx#1702: and EVERYTHING is extremely depressing burarahurricane#6369: 😔 lisx#1702: that are bad lisx#1702: you have to do things lisx#1702: nobody told me how much ninth grade was going to suck lisx#1702: did I mention lisx#1702: I don't like school lisx#1702: ugh lisx#1702: but I really didn't *want* to lisx#1702: maybe I should've done that assignment lisx#1702: but now I'm going to FAIL lisx#1702: lisx#1702: *last quarter* in chinese the teacher gave a lot of extra credit that I *didn't need* at the end of the quarter lisx#1702: I literally JUST barely got my language arts grade back together lisx#1702: it sucks lisx#1702: I hate ninth grade lisx#1702: forEVER lisx#1702: i'm going to fail school lisx#1702: there's that pathetic assignment that I don't want to do lisx#1702: i dont have a 4.0 gpa lisx#1702: I have an A- in chinese lisx#1702: this is so stupid lisx#1702: Tragic. EJCaldwell#2924: THAT MEANS THERE IS NO MATT EJCaldwell#2924: I just learned there is going to be a Nintendo Switch Sports that is like wii sports but they don't have the Miis EJCaldwell#2924: Best name ever EJCaldwell#2924: Dyno#3861: I tried taking some high resolution photos of local farmland, but they all turned out a bit grainy. burarahurricane#6369: oh that does work! dargiscool#0610: I DONT KNOW IF IM EVEN SENDING ANGTHIGNGNGNGNG dargiscool#0610: DISCOFD ON BROWSER BUT MOBILE IS SO BROKEN HELP ME PeckServers.com#8342: Foggo EJCaldwell#2924: fluffy doggo Dyno#3861: Found one! give_a_minute#1155: no just found it on the WP EJCaldwell#2924: did you read that? give_a_minute#1155: god what an incredible economic policy lisx#1702: how would I know about this lisx#1702: from the 80's lisx#1702: it's a sitcom character MMMMM#2210: look it up PeckServers.com#8342: LOL lisx#1702: *its lisx#1702: I can't even lisx#1702: this is so cringy lisx#1702: mg lisx#1702: oh lisx#1702: who's fonzie? PeckServers.com#8342: I need to hug a doggo really quick EJCaldwell#2924: good doggos Dyno#3861: Found one! Dyno#3861: Found one! Dyno#3861: Found one! Dyno#3861: Found one! Dyno#3861: Found one! Dyno#3861: Found one! Dyno#3861: What do computers and air conditioners have in common? They both become useless when you open windows. Dyno#3861: What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter? An irrelephant. Dyno#3861: Whoever invented the knock-knock joke should get a no bell prize. Dyno#3861: Why are giraffes so slow to apologize? Because it takes them a long time to swallow their pride. Dyno#3861: Did you hear about the scientist who was lab partners with a pot of boiling water? He had a very esteemed colleague. Dyno#3861: I don’t play soccer because I enjoy the sport. I’m just doing it for kicks. Dyno#3861: People saying 'boo! to their friends has risen by 85% in the last year.... That's a frightening statistic. Dyno#3861: How does a penguin build it’s house? Igloos it together. Dyno#3861: What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common? Same middle name. Dyno#3861: I asked a frenchman if he played video games. He said "Wii" Dyno#3861: Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie. Dyno#3861: Who is the coolest Doctor in the hospital? The hip Doctor! Dyno#3861: Why couldn't the kid see the pirate movie? Because it was rated arrr! Dyno#3861: My New Years resolution is to stop leaving things so late. Dyno#3861: What kind of dinosaur loves to sleep? A stega-snore-us. MMMMM#2210: uncultured EJCaldwell#2924: i hate how they did not stack EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: yall want any eggs PeckServers.com#8342: kill myself EJCaldwell#2924: Cute dog Dyno#3861: Found one! EJCaldwell#2924: Dog Dyno#3861: Found one! Dyno#3861: Why does Norway have barcodes on their battleships? So when they get back to port, they can Scandinavian. PeckServers.com#8342: <@!531264285385424916> development project lisx#1702: who's fonzie Dyno#3861: Where does Fonzie like to go for lunch? Chick-Fil-Eyyyyyyyy. Dyno#3861: Did you know that protons have mass? I didn't even know they were catholic. give_a_minute#1155: it doesn't get any better does it Dyno#3861: I adopted my dog from a blacksmith. As soon as we got home he made a bolt for the door. burarahurricane#6369: oh god that joke was not the bomb Dyno#3861: A cannibal is someone who is fed up with people. PeckServers.com#8342: But still PeckServers.com#8342: True true lisx#1702: compared to the last one this was okay PeckServers.com#8342: BRUH Dyno#3861: Why was the broom late for the meeting? He overswept. PeckServers.com#8342: That joke is literally so bad lisx#1702: that's terrible Dyno#3861: What musical instrument is found in the bathroom? A tuba toothpaste. lisx#1702: how nice of you lisx#1702: aww PeckServers.com#8342: Ill read it at yours PeckServers.com#8342: Lmfao lisx#1702: at least until the receipt paper fade or something ig... lisx#1702: now, if you ever need to read it all aloud as a monologue at someone's funeral or something, you'll have it right there PeckServers.com#8342: Takes 35 minutes to print bee movie script incase anyone was wondering PeckServers.com#8342: Pov: its time to file taxes WalterJS#2477: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/A1As7xAkk4k PeckServers.com#8342: gogy EJCaldwell#2924: lol lisx#1702: <@!522569307004076033> lisx#1702: you're so famous lisx#1702: OMG LOOK GEORGE IT'S YOU! lisx#1702: awww I'm such a big part of your life burarahurricane#6369: grge. WalterJS#2477: <@!522569307004076033> WalterJS#2477: MMMMM#2210: This video is so boring WalterJS#2477: Just do while True and return out of the loop when finished burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: IM CATCCHINGHER burarahurricane#6369: noOooshe went i side burarahurricane#6369: so mucb purpose is making my knees and legs burn burarahurricane#6369: SHES SLOWING DOWN she can sens eme burarahurricane#6369: SO CLOSE yet so far burarahurricane#6369: just a few pixels… burarahurricane#6369: \SHES WALKING WUTH TOO MUCH PURPOSE burarahurricane#6369: shes so far away i will neber catch up burarahurricane#6369: LISAAA burarahurricane#6369: george police burarahurricane#6369: this js sad burarahurricane#6369: my grades are coming back :D except for communications tech . because mr teacher guy hasnt put the stuff in tbe gradebook burarahurricane#6369: record pace 15 second sketch burarahurricane#6369: LMAO what a funky dude burarahurricane#6369: i habe no ereassrs xXthat1redheadXx#9990: with nine small rectangular boxes on the bottom xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's literally a box xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I looked it up xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nine burarahurricane#6369: eight ? burarahurricane#6369: maybe burarahurricane#6369: umm burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/minecraft-ghast-bye-worstie-gif-24094209 burarahurricane#6369: thats not a good angle burarahurricane#6369: tentacles ? burarahurricane#6369: if those even are legs burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/ghast-minecraft-cringe-fortnite-gaming-gif-14628693 burarahurricane#6369: how many legs do they have xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and easy burarahurricane#6369: that would be funny ngl xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh my gosh do a ghast burarahurricane#6369: minecraff burarahurricane#6369: ummmmmmmm burarahurricane#6369: aghast…a ghast…… burarahurricane#6369: almsot none of those are school appropriate xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/gasp-shookt-omg-surprised-shocked-gif-7508630 burarahurricane#6369: shield burarahurricane#6369: sword burarahurricane#6369: lighter burarahurricane#6369: gun burarahurricane#6369: pool burarahurricane#6369: knife burarahurricane#6369: lets name random objects burarahurricane#6369: hmmmmmm burarahurricane#6369: how do you even cardboard 😩 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol burarahurricane#6369: would* burarahurricane#6369: i wpild take a picture of more of them but sadies head is in the way 😐 burarahurricane#6369: violin would be too hard burarahurricane#6369: peek of other cardboard ideas xXthat1redheadXx#9990: very creative burarahurricane#6369: whats a boax xXthat1redheadXx#9990: a box burarahurricane#6369: project burarahurricane#6369: what should i do for my 3d cardboard xXthat1redheadXx#9990: why... burarahurricane#6369: its shavings are clinging to me its itchy burarahurricane#6369: I HAVE SO MUCH CARDBOARD…STUFF ON ME burarahurricane#6369: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: as I've said but that's besides the point xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah cause she told me too burarahurricane#6369: yeah you orobably do xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I do though burarahurricane#6369: you have no idea 😔 burarahurricane#6369: im so@mad burarahurricane#6369: YEAH xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait did lisa tell you the wordle too xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol burarahurricane#6369: sounds good to me burarahurricane#6369: “today is thursday february 10th 2022. today i feel happier slash excited because it is an A day. i also feel disappointed because my friend spoiled the daily wordle. if i could think outside the box i would change how i feel about sitting in this chair and transform the situation into a rice field and im a cow eating a bowl of baked beans and i’d feel happy because bean.” xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and I'd feel good xXthat1redheadXx#9990: do that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I would change this situation into a rice field and I'm a cow eating a bowl of baked beans burarahurricane#6369: me, as an empath, is always thinking outside of the box burarahurricane#6369: but also not j im an empath burarahurricane#6369: i feel like im right in all of them /j lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: i dont know what situation i should think outside of the box on burarahurricane#6369: what does this bellwork mean mrs moreno burarahurricane#6369: if i could think outside of the box what situation would i change how i feel about and transform it into this new situation and i’d feel how because why xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> burarahurricane#6369: it takes the entire purpose of the game away burarahurricane#6369: WHY would she do that tho burarahurricane#6369: lisa 🔪🔪🔪 burarahurricane#6369: YEAH SHES THE WORDT xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🤬 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you told me the daily wordle xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I hate you <@!726265256082407504> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: who is the "adonis guy" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? burarahurricane#6369: is that the adonis giy burarahurricane#6369: LMAO xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://www.google.com/search?q=ernest+khalimov&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiX5Meyy_X1AhUdIEQIHeeOAWoQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1517&bih=702&dpr=0.9&safe=active&ssui=on xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: just show her Ernest Khalimov burarahurricane#6369: this burarahurricane#6369: yhjs is sad burarahurricane#6369: sad burarahurricane#6369: NOOO I LEFT MY WATER AT HOME yhsk id dad burarahurricane#6369: fuckboy or smth… burarahurricane#6369: without saying like burarahurricane#6369: their mother burarahurricane#6369: how does one explain a chad to burarahurricane#6369: JELP PeckServers.com#8342: Moooornin burarahurricane#6369: /morning burarahurricane#6369: goodnight burarahurricane#6369: hello thursday PeckServers.com#8342: Thats broken af PeckServers.com#8342: Oh shiz EJCaldwell#2924: There are more tops than bottoms EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: it was some genius that should be making millions PeckServers.com#8342: i wish I was that talented lisx#1702: Did you make that PeckServers.com#8342: https://updatefaker.com/windows10/index.html best prank ever PeckServers.com#8342: but the entire thing was cringey PeckServers.com#8342: true EJCaldwell#2924: only good one was Mr Beasts one PeckServers.com#8342: *has flashbacks to the nam of yt* EJCaldwell#2924: 1000 degree knife xXthat1redheadXx#9990: very possible PeckServers.com#8342: what if you make a firey sharp thing? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and it's right for you to EJCaldwell#2924: i am happy you don't know where i live xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hehehehehehehhe xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🩸🔪🔥😈🔥🔪🩸 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🔪🔥😈🔥🔪 EJCaldwell#2924: you are more likely to draw blood tho with sharp things xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and fire with sharp things xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😈 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but sharp things xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: because burning things EJCaldwell#2924: fire is more fun tho xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I agree EJCaldwell#2924: so is fire EJCaldwell#2924: knives are fun burarahurricane#6369: iget to use more knife burarahurricane#6369: yayyyyyyy username123115#4960: i don like waking up tho lisx#1702: it's so fun lisx#1702: we should have jazz band everyday *every* week username123115#4960: yay lisx#1702: tomorrow is A day lisx#1702: GOOD NEWS lisx#1702: "seen it" lisx#1702: <@!522569307004076033> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1pVoMY67sY Maulie#8927: Yeah that did work Maulie#8927: ok username123115#4960: if you do global game_deactivation before the while loop it should work username123115#4960: no lisx#1702: just move the first `game_deactivation = 0` to inside the function Maulie#8927: Do I need to assign global to every reference of game deactivation? Maulie#8927: Hmm... lisx#1702: yeah username123115#4960: it sees you assigning to game deactivation inside the function so it thinks your referencing a local variable username123115#4960: you can do global game_deactivation inside the function i think lisx#1702: i think you need to assign the variable inside the function Maulie#8927: I'm trying to use this variable that is responsible for killing the game. But the error message says I'm trying to use the variable before it's assigned lisx#1702: what is it burarahurricane#6369: i probably definitely could Maulie#8927: It's with variable assignment Maulie#8927: Could you actually help though? lisx#1702: jk lisx#1702: yeah just uh make an appointment I'll be right there Maulie#8927: Who's a coding genius Maulie#8927: Hey I need someones help EJCaldwell#2924: it really was lisx#1702: it was so windy today EJCaldwell#2924: you could most likely destroy me at it EJCaldwell#2924: i have not played it in years burarahurricane#6369: well it was more like my team sucked i wa s just playing mediocre burarahurricane#6369: but its fine burarahurricane#6369: i kinda sucked today burarahurricane#6369: tennis good burarahurricane#6369: it is !! EJCaldwell#2924: one of like 4 sports i have played not at the school EJCaldwell#2924: tennis is a fun sport burarahurricane#6369: i was literally at tennis burarahurricane#6369: its great burarahurricane#6369: wordle? burarahurricane#6369: played waht EJCaldwell#2924: Is it good? EJCaldwell#2924: I have not played that ever burarahurricane#6369: THATS SO HORRIBLE OF YOU burarahurricane#6369: IM NOT LOOKING burarahurricane#6369: NO EJCaldwell#2924: If I played this more I would have a way higher rating EJCaldwell#2924: It was so fast as well xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's fun EJCaldwell#2924: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but gj xXthat1redheadXx#9990: anyways adios for now xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I did it 3 times yesterday and once today EJCaldwell#2924: Feels nice EJCaldwell#2924: Just made a guy rage quit at chess lisx#1702: 😅 MMMMM#2210: dumb is an understatement\ MMMMM#2210: he doesnt hate you? WalterJS#2477: It’s actually the third time I’ve motivated someone to at least pass their classes and get through highschool. “It’s just 4 years” and “you’ll make easily 3x more money just by putting in this work now” WalterJS#2477: Today I talked the kid next to me through it and he got right to work on it WalterJS#2477: They don’t realize how important it is lisx#1702: hm Idk because if they weren't dumb they *would* try a little harder lisx#1702: from years of not trying lisx#1702: they probably just forgot how to try lisx#1702: I guess? WalterJS#2477: In reality they aren’t dumb they just don’t give af about anything school related lisx#1702: I still think they're just dumb lisx#1702: that lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: uh. WalterJS#2477: some slower than others but that’s okayyyy WalterJS#2477: everyone is learning at their own level (: WalterJS#2477: oh shit I was being negative lisx#1702: apparently tho half the people there didn't know what while True did WalterJS#2477: ikr WalterJS#2477: that’s pointless lisx#1702: what you said about comments made more sense WalterJS#2477: why would anyone ever add a comment on a “while True” WalterJS#2477: It made me want to kms WalterJS#2477: They were writing while ass paragraphs up there just to explain what “while True” means lisx#1702: they just typed everything mr bowis said WalterJS#2477: Like wtf were those comments lisx#1702: pretty much everyone you know what I mean WalterJS#2477: Pretty much lisx#1702: everyone in that class is just so dumb WalterJS#2477: there’s a big difference lisx#1702: I have the same kid (who might not be the same kid) in my pe class and I don't know who is who WalterJS#2477: Big difference lisx#1702: how did you know it wasn't rylan WalterJS#2477: Being in a group with jadon earlier today in coding made me want to kill myself lisx#1702: it's in the source lisx#1702: thorn lisx#1702: other lisx#1702: tacit lisx#1702: swill lisx#1702: dodge lisx#1702: pupal lisx#1702: shake lisx#1702: caulk lisx#1702: aroma lisx#1702: agora lisx#1702: cynic lisx#1702: robin lisx#1702: ultra lisx#1702: and then it's ulcer lisx#1702: tomorrow's is pause lisx#1702: no answer always means yes lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> would you like me to spoil the wordle answers for the next eternity? EJCaldwell#2924: okay? Maulie#8927: Also Ethan go to Anarchy rq EJCaldwell#2924: what the Maulie#8927: EJCaldwell#2924: that sucks Bagel da gamer#1694: I just tested positive for covid x-x lisx#1702: it stopped accepting questions before we were born burarahurricane#6369: google........ burarahurricane#6369: how could you do this to me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh burarahurricane#6369: yeah it was kinda awkward xXthat1redheadXx#9990: did your dad see it all happen xXthat1redheadXx#9990: also xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so you won't have internal bleeding but you knew that already xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well you didn't get kicked by a horse burarahurricane#6369: internal bleeding and organ bruising n all that burarahurricane#6369: well usually you try to avoid getting hit in the stomach because thats where all the important stuff xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the front crumples so you don't like yk ***really*** die xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's like the crumple zone of a car xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah that's what'll cause the most damage burarahurricane#6369: 😐 burarahurricane#6369: which is hard xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and you went with it too burarahurricane#6369: plus it caufht my hip xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah burarahurricane#6369: all my organs are there tho :( xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but it won't damage the surface skin xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm not saying it won't hurt xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it absorbs energy like rubber xXthat1redheadXx#9990: throwing a rock on rubber burarahurricane#6369: is NOTHING like rubber burarahurricane#6369: my stomach xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's more like punching rubber xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but it'll absorb most of the energy burarahurricane#6369: i think hard on soft causes more damage xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it won't create as much damage burarahurricane#6369: soft means its more squishy stuff to bruise burarahurricane#6369: i would disagree xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's better than the arm cause it's soft on hard not hard on hard xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh burarahurricane#6369: nope square in da stomach burarahurricane#6369: i thought i was bleeding for a second but i think im not xXthat1redheadXx#9990: did it hit your arm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh burarahurricane#6369: yes burarahurricane#6369: orchestra SUCKS ughhhdhhhh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: thanks MMMMM#2210: Gj xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but Idk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause we got a 1- xXthat1redheadXx#9990: snow canyon will probably win then xXthat1redheadXx#9990: noice MMMMM#2210: 1 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what score did you get xXthat1redheadXx#9990: did the rock hurt xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ope burarahurricane#6369: im disowning lisa burarahurricane#6369: great work everyone MMMMM#2210: Nvm MMMMM#2210: They’re finally quiet MMMMM#2210: It’s not worth it MMMMM#2210: We got a good music score, but at what cost MMMMM#2210: I would very much like to leave this hell of a bus MMMMM#2210: There is a very clear reason they’re not in choir MMMMM#2210: They’ve been singing the same song for 5 mins MMMMM#2210: These kids won’t shut up PeckServers.com#8342: MORRRRNIN! PeckServers.com#8342: .net burarahurricane#6369: im so dumb i typed drusic in the search bar instead of dream :sob; burarahurricane#6369: how are you today <@!726265256082407504> burarahurricane#6369: im gonna listen to drusic burarahurricane#6369: to be ambidextrous burarahurricane#6369: im gonnq convert myself burarahurricane#6369: not ideal burarahurricane#6369: my left handed handwriting is burarahurricane#6369: pixel burarahurricane#6369: and apparently the conclusion was ✨super good✨ but now its done and im sittinghere burarahurricane#6369: and i did a speech burarahurricane#6369: (ANDREW WON IN THE VOTES<:mlg_spencer:549781743419392020> ) lisx#1702: hy burarahurricane#6369: well we debated the best spiderman burarahurricane#6369: nothing is happening in speech n debate PeckServers.com#8342: man thats the worst EJCaldwell#2924: hate when that happens Maulie#8927: Well, I would ask, but I spaced out. ;-; MMMMM#2210: Wat Maulie#8927: George MMMMM#2210: 80 120 180 220 400 600 MMMMM#2210: Poly is 220 EJCaldwell#2924: or is that 300 MMMMM#2210: Nah EJCaldwell#2924: thats the poly one right? MMMMM#2210: I used all up to 600 EJCaldwell#2924: 80 - 120- 180 then the poly one MMMMM#2210: What grit did you use EJCaldwell#2924: the wood side is smoother than the resin side EJCaldwell#2924: my long board is really smooth MMMMM#2210: Its *really* smooth EJCaldwell#2924: so he is buying your time MMMMM#2210: But MMMMM#2210: Yea EJCaldwell#2924: it costs 3 dollars to buy one/the materials from the shop MMMMM#2210: He knows Maulie#8927: S c a m ? ? ? MMMMM#2210: And some kid offered me $10 for it MMMMM#2210: Its become reflective Maulie#8927: And I know where the guns are MMMMM#2210: Ive sanded my boomerang so much lisx#1702: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: i know where you live EJCaldwell#2924: i will sell your soul maulie MMMMM#2210: That reminds me Maulie#8927: I'll put Ethan's on sale for $1 EJCaldwell#2924: how i spelt her name? PeckServers.com#8342: lets do that PeckServers.com#8342: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: honestly Maulie#8927: Can we go back to stealing kneecaps? lisx#1702: that made me chuckle PeckServers.com#8342: then spycameras EJCaldwell#2924: that is not good sometimes tho Maulie#8927: Holy cow that got dark real fast PeckServers.com#8342: first kneecaps PeckServers.com#8342: we pride ourselves in our fast moving conversations PeckServers.com#8342: here at cg EJCaldwell#2924: that went fast PeckServers.com#8342: are you in PeckServers.com#8342: what kind of dirty business EJCaldwell#2924: wo wo wo PeckServers.com#8342: maulie Maulie#8927: *Devices that work with Alexa* EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: thats an odd deal EJCaldwell#2924: perfect EJCaldwell#2924: its pepe the frog Maulie#8927: Amazon is giving me valentines day deals and they're all spy security cameras and hidden microphones PeckServers.com#8342: thats pepe_hands PeckServers.com#8342: no EJCaldwell#2924: because this is pepe PeckServers.com#8342: pee pee PeckServers.com#8342: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: your gargantuious dick Maulie#8927: I know, but why spell it like pepe? MMMMM#2210: Your dick PeckServers.com#8342: <:hehe:856378380332433408> pp Maulie#8927: pp? PeckServers.com#8342: and causes perm damage to your pepe PeckServers.com#8342: so long that your blood clots really badly EJCaldwell#2924: i have heard about that Maulie#8927: I don't need that PeckServers.com#8342: a spider in the amazon rainforest that makes you have a long lasting erection burarahurricane#6369: i remember one time somene spelled my name like Ulieaese or something like that LMAO EJCaldwell#2924: never that PeckServers.com#8342: aether Maulie#8927: What? EJCaldwell#2924: i have had people spell my name Eathen PeckServers.com#8342: the viagra spider burarahurricane#6369: ur all good <3 EJCaldwell#2924: sorry burarahurricane#6369: i've had people guess how to spell my name and it turned out WAY worse Maulie#8927: I'm on Amazon but I don't know what for... EJCaldwell#2924: i thought it was wrong because with names i am really bad at it PeckServers.com#8342: its astonishing how correct you spelled it burarahurricane#6369: LMAO its alysse but good gues good guess EJCaldwell#2924: did i? PeckServers.com#8342: youd better watch out, they gon steal your kneecaps burarahurricane#6369: insane burarahurricane#6369: you spelled my name so correctly MMMMM#2210: Nice spelling EJCaldwell#2924: i am the shop aid for the class that allise is in PeckServers.com#8342: U MMMMM#2210: P PeckServers.com#8342: .gg/piawan PeckServers.com#8342: G Maulie#8927: A PeckServers.com#8342: you cappin so hard rn MMMMM#2210: M EJCaldwell#2924: me? PeckServers.com#8342: L Maulie#8927: cap MMMMM#2210: Thenk EJCaldwell#2924: its my job EJCaldwell#2924: i will help people burarahurricane#6369: okay EJCaldwell#2924: just ask me for help if you need it burarahurricane#6369: good luck lisx#1702: uhh Maulie#8927: Wrong video burarahurricane#6369: even tho i finally got the stuff done burarahurricane#6369: im still failing communicaitions technology MMMMM#2210: I have a concert tomorrow EJCaldwell#2924: my dudes MMMMM#2210: Aagghh burarahurricane#6369: itsgonna be wednesday PeckServers.com#8342: only in cg EJCaldwell#2924: i am smart EJCaldwell#2924: ohh burarahurricane#6369: yea lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: for school lisx#1702: B day lisx#1702: no EJCaldwell#2924: yours? Maulie#8927: That's how conversations work EJCaldwell#2924: we went from like talking about stealing peoples kneecaps to laser microwave burarahurricane#6369: ghadgfhj its a b day tmrwwwwwwww :( burarahurricane#6369: hm i should probably sleep before then th o burarahurricane#6369: wordle in like less than 3 hours !! burarahurricane#6369: it flows burarahurricane#6369: yea lisx#1702: it just happens burarahurricane#6369: my brain is constantly shifting topiscs lisx#1702: no burarahurricane#6369: no burarahurricane#6369: my hours wasted come in handy 😏 EJCaldwell#2924: have you people ever thought about how often we change topics so fast in our chats burarahurricane#6369: i had to teach mrs moreno how to youtube today burarahurricane#6369: i want a knife to sharpen my pencil like the bguy in the art video EJCaldwell#2924: yoooo burarahurricane#6369: laser oven xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/fM9hYzJnao0 burarahurricane#6369: you could add 😏 to the end of any sentence and bam its kinky now PeckServers.com#8342: you guys make it too easy PeckServers.com#8342: hey EJCaldwell#2924: don't be getting all kinky cody PeckServers.com#8342: its ironic cause getting kneecaps removed is far from a good time burarahurricane#6369: its my specialty PeckServers.com#8342: ooh dont threaten me with a good time 😏 Maulie#8927: Shut EJCaldwell#2924: he is like 6"2 MMMMM#2210: An* burarahurricane#6369: hes got good ones too EJCaldwell#2924: he is a easier target lisx#1702: but if they get to you fast enough.... burarahurricane#6369: u too 😏 EJCaldwell#2924: take Corbins lisx#1702: and then fall down in pain because of their lack of kneecaps EJCaldwell#2924: i want my kneecaps lisx#1702: steal PeckServers.com#8342: alysse is gonna do a classic james bond snatheroo on your kneecaps EJCaldwell#2924: don't you dare steel my kneecaps EJCaldwell#2924: unless you get the surgery to get your legs broken and then pulled apart burarahurricane#6369: ur tall enough for kneecap snatching is what i mea n EJCaldwell#2924: i never mean to make fun of people height because they have no control over it EJCaldwell#2924: ? burarahurricane#6369: enough MMMMM#2210: 😏 EJCaldwell#2924: that is like a foot or two long PeckServers.com#8342: these are all innuendos somehow EJCaldwell#2924: you know how tall i am PeckServers.com#8342: you try hard enough itll fit PeckServers.com#8342: suck in and squeeze through EJCaldwell#2924: that would fit my arm and only my arm lisx#1702: I don't think we'd fit EJCaldwell#2924: thats for a baby PeckServers.com#8342: to school one day PeckServers.com#8342: we all outta rock these MMMMM#2210: Idk MMMMM#2210: Well in that case, yes PeckServers.com#8342: how deep was that in you george? lisx#1702: I didn't mean it like that PeckServers.com#8342: maximum suction PeckServers.com#8342: ultimate flexibility xXthat1redheadXx#9990: his... *own* PeckServers.com#8342: he wants to suck on them xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no MMMMM#2210: When you say it like that EJCaldwell#2924: do you want your nuts goerge? lisx#1702: was that in you lisx#1702: oh lisx#1702: o...kay... MMMMM#2210: PeckServers.com#8342: thats just cute EJCaldwell#2924: XD MMMMM#2210: SPOOPY burarahurricane#6369: LMAO lisx#1702: haha EJCaldwell#2924: if anybody were to ask me that i would punch them in the croch if they were male and then run, and just run if it were a girl MMMMM#2210: AH MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: I have something much worse PeckServers.com#8342: lisa if anyone EVER asks you that, RUN EJCaldwell#2924: no MMMMM#2210: You wanna see a tumor PeckServers.com#8342: not so bad PeckServers.com#8342: see PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: please stop cody lisx#1702: i have extreme trauma lisx#1702: its for my sake as well EJCaldwell#2924: thank you lisa PeckServers.com#8342: makes MASSIVE paragraph break PeckServers.com#8342: doesnt like picture MMMMM#2210: Thats a finger ethan EJCaldwell#2924: oh gosh EJCaldwell#2924: are those.... hotdogs? EJCaldwell#2924: i don't like that picture PeckServers.com#8342: plans changed and i found more energy MMMMM#2210: *gus* EJCaldwell#2924: i thought you were going to bed cody? PeckServers.com#8342: a lil lisx#1702: that is traumatizing EJCaldwell#2924: ya PeckServers.com#8342: this bitches face be looking like Chernobyl lisx#1702: you can put it in a pickle jar on your nightstand lisx#1702: hahahha MMMMM#2210: Always nice to have a spare username123115#4960: it'll be fine username123115#4960: i'll have -1 left kidneys MMMMM#2210: I mean lisx#1702: wait what MMMMM#2210: Wat username123115#4960: i'll give you *two* of my left kidneys PeckServers.com#8342: gogy: the king of excuses MMMMM#2210: But theres so many excuses i can use EJCaldwell#2924: I will give you daniels left kidney lisx#1702: lol PeckServers.com#8342: so can we give you a bloody kidney? MMMMM#2210: Aaawww lisx#1702: whenever "kidneys" is mentioned, I think of you MMMMM#2210: I look up and see like 5 people looking at me MMMMM#2210: And whenever he said something regarding, kidney cancer, kidney, or selling kidneys PeckServers.com#8342: *pinches nose* UmM TeAcHer: AcTuAlLy Im MiSsInG OnE Too lisx#1702: everytime anyone says gogy I just think of georgenotfound's onlyfans PeckServers.com#8342: classic gogy MMMMM#2210: Mhm PeckServers.com#8342: i bet you made sure he knew lisx#1702: and you were like *he said amazing* EJCaldwell#2924: so you told him MMMMM#2210: But now he does MMMMM#2210: I dont know if he knew im missing a kidney lisx#1702: 🤦 😂 MMMMM#2210: He said, “ you dont need 2 kidneys to live, a know a bunch of people with 1 kidney and they’re all great” PeckServers.com#8342: HAHAHA xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm so funny xXthat1redheadXx#9990: haha jk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: like the woods xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it means PeckServers.com#8342: sexual in nature xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so lisa xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah that's what I'm saying PeckServers.com#8342: it means hot af lisx#1702: okay EJCaldwell#2924: and don't search it up xXthat1redheadXx#9990: not xXthat1redheadXx#9990: do xXthat1redheadXx#9990: like MMMMM#2210: When a mommy and a daddy love eachother very much xXthat1redheadXx#9990: don't look it up EJCaldwell#2924: you don't need to know xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no PeckServers.com#8342: oh god\ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: uuhhh... MMMMM#2210: I GOT THIS xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😩 lisx#1702: what does kinky mean PeckServers.com#8342: how that go? PeckServers.com#8342: kinky af xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok continuing PeckServers.com#8342: lisa beating me up MMMMM#2210: Today mr.lang was talking about kidneys PeckServers.com#8342: thats what im saying!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's pretty kinky EJCaldwell#2924: i see that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'll be the one to say it... lisx#1702: george is like: speak for yourself PeckServers.com#8342: give george a bloody kidney burarahurricane#6369: TENNSI IS THE BEST xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :/ MMMMM#2210: Um EJCaldwell#2924: i have not played in so long lisx#1702: haha... 😅 EJCaldwell#2924: tennis is fun to play PeckServers.com#8342: dude that woudl be so fun lisx#1702: I don't have time to go to your martial arts though I have tennis and stuff EJCaldwell#2924: lisa at this point anybody will let them get beaten up by you PeckServers.com#8342: yeah! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: we can jump cody together! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hey lisa xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you just have to go to my martial arts PeckServers.com#8342: lisa I want you to beat me up at this point xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisa you can beat me up if you want lisx#1702: I don't want to break a keyboard lisx#1702: no it's not and no you don't PeckServers.com#8342: have you ever smacked a keyboard against a tree, it feels good burarahurricane#6369: uhhghghh i dont wANT to read stupdi chapters 13 through 15 lisx#1702: I don't want to do that. he's nice to mne lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: that would.. hurt MMMMM#2210: Take a lesson from daniels sister, and beat up gaeb with a broom EJCaldwell#2924: thats fun lisx#1702: I just need to start punching trees or something PeckServers.com#8342: therefore its ok PeckServers.com#8342: and you like giving violence PeckServers.com#8342: but i like violence lisx#1702: but violence is bad burarahurricane#6369: d burarahurricane#6369: distracte burarahurricane#6369: me 8 burarahurricane#6369: the mines they destracted ly lisx#1702: I did too- jk burarahurricane#6369: FRICK THE LA HOMEWEROKE burarahurricane#6369: shes crazy lisx#1702: nope. xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's a good point lisx#1702: I want to read about it when I'm older xXthat1redheadXx#9990: weirdo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you don't like... *fire* lisx#1702: of course not PeckServers.com#8342: ngl that would be fun lisx#1702: I don't want him to get hurt EJCaldwell#2924: not a toddler burarahurricane#6369: so that all the weighty stuff drifts away PeckServers.com#8342: lisa you can beat the shit outta me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: don't punch him EJCaldwell#2924: i thought he would be older lisx#1702: I don't like smoke. or fire MMMMM#2210: Thats the point burarahurricane#6369: but do you burn the diaries lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: he gets hurt lisx#1702: I have a diary burarahurricane#6369: and then we would burn the lettersr in the yard PeckServers.com#8342: hes 3 right? EJCaldwell#2924: punch him burarahurricane#6369: we would write letterx with all our secret thoughts and the stuff that weighed us down lisx#1702: why lisx#1702: I do EJCaldwell#2924: lisa do you have a brother? burarahurricane#6369: i remember when i was yougner burarahurricane#6369: you dont even have to talk about them ! lisx#1702: no it doesn't burarahurricane#6369: ACCTUALLY burarahurricane#6369: neither do i but sometimes it helps burarahurricane#6369: \*wink wink* burarahurricane#6369: violince burarahurricane#6369: did you like my pun lisx#1702: I don't like talking about my problems burarahurricane#6369: that brings back so many nmemries xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh yeah lisx#1702: Idk burarahurricane#6369: but everyoe kind ahs tto do it somtiem cuz otherwise it lead s up to suppresed emotisno s liek this and the violince xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I am doing good MMMMM#2210: Just okay? lisx#1702: hbu xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 lisx#1702: she's okay PeckServers.com#8342: i can do waaay more to get you to open up MMMMM#2210: Hows your mom doin xXthat1redheadXx#9990: good answer MMMMM#2210: Lets start small xXthat1redheadXx#9990: don't say yes he'll preform surgery on you MMMMM#2210: European ones are better lisx#1702: I don't like "opening up" lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: do we need to have a chat so you can open up? burarahurricane#6369: she needs to find a good outlet xXthat1redheadXx#9990: she's not doing martial arts lisx#1702: happening PeckServers.com#8342: whats keeping you so tense? lisx#1702: just things lisx#1702: I don't know lisx#1702: until you get strangled... PeckServers.com#8342: lisa why you so angry lately lisx#1702: just the ANGER PeckServers.com#8342: yolo amiri xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idk about that one but maybe burarahurricane#6369: 😔 burarahurricane#6369: its okay xXthat1redheadXx#9990: poor old knee caps PeckServers.com#8342: or "harder daddy?" lisx#1702: I'm sorry burarahurricane#6369: cody woudl burarahurricane#6369: uneles its deirected at ppor old me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmfao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: or "I like that" PeckServers.com#8342: i would say that too lisx#1702: and the answer is yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: or "pin me against a wall" burarahurricane#6369: violence is the question xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ik a person who'd say "do it daddy" lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: we could strangle eachother burarahurricane#6369: about the DRUSIC burarahurricane#6369: the mines keep talking at me PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 burarahurricane#6369: im back froj m the mines again lisx#1702: violence is not the answer, but it comes so naturally xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: dont make me strangle you too xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: n*o* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: y*eah* PeckServers.com#8342: nah you are a thing lisx#1702: s*orry* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: get it right xXthat1redheadXx#9990: psht xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I am a *someone* not a something xXthat1redheadXx#9990: something is not how you address a person PeckServers.com#8342: do you wanna strangle me for fun? lisx#1702: and the stick figures aren't as satisfying without alysse cringing on the sidelines MMMMM#2210: <@!531264285385424916> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wow lisx#1702: I just want to punch someone again PeckServers.com#8342: dw about it, its not important, that comment was from traycen powers lisx#1702: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: she needs kill able things burarahurricane#6369: you dont understand images xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? MMMMM#2210: Wut EJCaldwell#2924: that is the best you will get from me okay PeckServers.com#8342: lisa do you need a hug? burarahurricane#6369: \*presses y* EJCaldwell#2924: i like you as a friend burarahurricane#6369: we LOVE yOU /gen/srs xXthat1redheadXx#9990: PeckServers.com#8342: yeah burarahurricane#6369: YOU PeckServers.com#8342: love EJCaldwell#2924: everybody will PeckServers.com#8342: we... burarahurricane#6369: same lisx#1702: same xXthat1redheadXx#9990: same PeckServers.com#8342: same burarahurricane#6369: i will take it very personally if you suicide lisx#1702: okay xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👍 PeckServers.com#8342: lisa dont kill yourself xXthat1redheadXx#9990: only stick figures xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yourself xXthat1redheadXx#9990: killing PeckServers.com#8342: ik im unoriginal xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisa PeckServers.com#8342: but i stole his name PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: its a concerning story PeckServers.com#8342: my alt is his actual account name EJCaldwell#2924: and garbage people EJCaldwell#2924: is that they are garbage at the game PeckServers.com#8342: thats traycen powers EJCaldwell#2924: but all that says EJCaldwell#2924: i have been told to KYS multiple time by minecraft players PeckServers.com#8342: on what? MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: With an alt WalterJS#2477: https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdkWnxc4/ MMMMM#2210: On your own video lisx#1702: sorry. i won't but I'm just not happy about it MMMMM#2210: Why did you comment PeckServers.com#8342: then you smooth brain\ MMMMM#2210: Cody PeckServers.com#8342: if thats nsfw burarahurricane#6369: from the mines PeckServers.com#8342: its 2 TACOS lisa burarahurricane#6369: im back lisx#1702: no it's not lisx#1702: no nsfw...... PeckServers.com#8342: no suicide is not good EJCaldwell#2924: you what the frick xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah EJCaldwell#2924: suicide is not good PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: why not EJCaldwell#2924: don't talk like that PeckServers.com#8342: Taco dirty to me baby lisx#1702: well it still makes me want to kms PeckServers.com#8342: hehe xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: id rather give the d's than take the f's WalterJS#2477: Haven’t done it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: they *can* be one in the same but... lisx#1702: has she graded your creative writing thing PeckServers.com#8342: its better getting d than getting f'ed xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes a d is better than an f am I right WalterJS#2477: There’s no comment on mine she just hasn’t graded it EJCaldwell#2924: but is it still that good? PeckServers.com#8342: statistically yes a d- is better than an f xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol EJCaldwell#2924: you're not wrong PeckServers.com#8342: gottem lisx#1702: yep. still have a D- but I guess thats better than F PeckServers.com#8342: this dick xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yk what else is massive 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: its a 49 kilobyte notepad file so its MASSIVE xXthat1redheadXx#9990: f PeckServers.com#8342: probs thursday WalterJS#2477: oh F PeckServers.com#8342: but yeah its happening lisx#1702: so I got 25/50 EJCaldwell#2924: it'll be funny lisx#1702: well this is what she said for mine EJCaldwell#2924: idk MMMMM#2210: You should join PeckServers.com#8342: itll probs weigh 40 lbs tho MMMMM#2210: https://plink.in/r/unaware_hospital MMMMM#2210: Walter PeckServers.com#8342: yessir EJCaldwell#2924: can i get a copy of that PeckServers.com#8342: youd all better be there! PeckServers.com#8342: yo when i get some more reciept paper imma print the entire bee movie script live on yt lisx#1702: like the argumentative one? WalterJS#2477: I mean it was late by like a week but she never graded it WalterJS#2477: idk why WalterJS#2477: she didn’t grade it bruh MMMMM#2210: Gn WalterJS#2477: 0% EJCaldwell#2924: gn cody lisx#1702: you can't do any worse than that PeckServers.com#8342: nighty night PeckServers.com#8342: that shit TUCKERED me out lisx#1702: because I got a 50% lisx#1702: what did you get for your benchmark essay lisx#1702: why WalterJS#2477: I have 10% overall grade in LA 😂 lisx#1702: that guy just gives me anxiety WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/just-do-it-shia-la-beouf-do-it-gif-4531935 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😀 EJCaldwell#2924: and i have not had covid yet lisx#1702: couldn't have done it without you EJCaldwell#2924: I know the work xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 'helpful' lisx#1702: thanks xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you're welcome xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/git-gud-video-games-spongebob-gif-21263974 lisx#1702: don't worry about how much work there is, just *do* it WalterJS#2477: Proud of you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: there xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wow xXthat1redheadXx#9990: b r u h WalterJS#2477: Ever since I had Covid I’ve had so much to catch up on and idk I’ve just been rlly struggling to get caught up and every day just more work piles on because of it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wow xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🙀 lisx#1702: it took a lot of integrity to turn down those twenty hypothetical dollars lisx#1702: why don't you WalterJS#2477: I haven’t even read the first chapter WalterJS#2477: No WalterJS#2477: Did I? WalterJS#2477: Yes WalterJS#2477: Because you have tons of dreams and you rarely remember them xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hola WalterJS#2477: If you remember your dream I think it means it’s somehow important WalterJS#2477: So when you wake you have a short window to interpret the imagery generated by your subconscious before it’s gone forever Maulie#8927: You can learn if it was a vision or just your imagination burarahurricane#6369: oh no were we supposed to reaed chapters for la WalterJS#2477: your conscious mind usually isn’t awake during dreaming WalterJS#2477: No lisx#1702: you can learn that you were asleep Maulie#8927: We can learn not to give a toddler the nuclear football now that half the planet is gone WalterJS#2477: First thing when I wake up is “what can I learn from my dream” WalterJS#2477: that’s how I’m confused WalterJS#2477: me after every single event that happens WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/your-happy-workplace-wendy-conrad-what-did-we-learn-learn-from-this-what-did-we-learn-today-gif-17179954 EJCaldwell#2924: why is the grandma from Madagascar on my screen lisx#1702: what happened to him burarahurricane#6369: hi liam' xXthat1redheadXx#9990: WalterJS#2477: There’s always something new to learn 💀 MMMMM#2210: Whos eh lisx#1702: that is lisx#1702: how can you ALWAYS be confused WalterJS#2477: because he wasn’t wearing a seatbelt Maulie#8927: to escape the abusive parents WalterJS#2477: Like- why did the child cross the road? lisx#1702: like what Maulie#8927: idk lisx#1702: alysse WalterJS#2477: idk random things MMMMM#2210: Whos just let me jam lisx#1702: what are you confused about lisx#1702: are you always confused lisx#1702: why lisx#1702: you are? WalterJS#2477: I’m always confused EJCaldwell#2924: you do lisx#1702: you look vaguely confused burarahurricane#6369: <:walter:911026649192091708> lisx#1702: we'll see if my urges to kill someone absolves by tomorrow WalterJS#2477: look at my pfp there’s no denying I’m a chad lisx#1702: okay sure EJCaldwell#2924: XD WalterJS#2477: lol lisx#1702: 😅 ........... WalterJS#2477: I’ll tell him I deserve it he will understand he’s a chad too lisx#1702: uhhh lisx#1702: I don't want mr codingteacher to see me beat you up WalterJS#2477: chad will be fine with it WalterJS#2477: Python WalterJS#2477: Ya EJCaldwell#2924: 2* EJCaldwell#2924: python w lisx#1702: I don't have a class with you tomorrow EJCaldwell#2924: what about 6th period lisx#1702: okay come find me WalterJS#2477: or class WalterJS#2477: Punch me during lunch burarahurricane#6369: glorious lisx#1702: darn it lisx#1702: oh WalterJS#2477: Baseball open field lisx#1702: ?? WalterJS#2477: Alr gn bois WalterJS#2477: Yes open field lisx#1702: are you busy tomorrow after school MMMMM#2210: burarahurricane#6369: i would love to see taht WalterJS#2477: Yes you can punch me burarahurricane#6369: drag it lisx#1702: seriously though??? lisx#1702: I think I'd just settle for the arms or something EJCaldwell#2924: just don't punch him in the croch WalterJS#2477: just don’t punch me downstairs and I’ll be fine lisx#1702: but still lisx#1702: although I'm probably too weak for that lisx#1702: I don't want you to get hurt EJCaldwell#2924: merge on me WalterJS#2477: Unacceptable lisx#1702: so far I've mostly settled with alysse's backpack Maulie#8927: no EJCaldwell#2924: you would loose the fight MMMMM#2210: Why is nobody playing anything WalterJS#2477: I’d rather it be me than someone else WalterJS#2477: You can actually punch me im not joking EJCaldwell#2924: don't Maulie#8927: I'll fight lisx#1702: as are all inanimate objects EJCaldwell#2924: jk EJCaldwell#2924: punch a dog lisx#1702: walls are too hard lisx#1702: it doesn't feel good the way punching human flesh does EJCaldwell#2924: punch your wall then lisx#1702: and soft lisx#1702: pillows are too flimsy lisx#1702: *fight me* EJCaldwell#2924: punch your pillow WalterJS#2477: no problem WalterJS#2477: Okay lisx#1702: yes WalterJS#2477: If you want to WalterJS#2477: You can punch me give_a_minute#1155: you're really asking for it now EJCaldwell#2924: don't punch me please lisx#1702: it's annoying lisx#1702: lately lisx#1702: I keep feeling like punching someone EJCaldwell#2924: tap it then give_a_minute#1155: oh give_a_minute#1155: and if you can coordinate then it'll sound like a *song* WalterJS#2477: I’m on phone give_a_minute#1155: cool ones EJCaldwell#2924: left click give_a_minute#1155: sounds come out give_a_minute#1155: you press left click and then WalterJS#2477: I don’t understand the game we’re just like floating around EJCaldwell#2924: its just one of the best classes in general WalterJS#2477: I love biology WalterJS#2477: random name generator 🤷‍♂️ WalterJS#2477: Me EJCaldwell#2924: ya lisx#1702: none of them are fun except for biology lisx#1702: honors classes are so dumb in 9th grade though EJCaldwell#2924: who is naked avocado? lisx#1702: special needs just has a negative connotation EJCaldwell#2924: yes lisx#1702: yeah WalterJS#2477: Did you know that honors students are technically special needs MMMMM#2210: Ok so everyone join THIS lobby WalterJS#2477: 😏 give_a_minute#1155: *haelth* lisx#1702: are you even surprised? we've always known you were special WalterJS#2477: I literally used to drink like over 1000 a day WalterJS#2477: How am I alive WalterJS#2477: Oh yeah I didn’t realize the max cafffiene for a day is like 400mg lisx#1702: it shows how nice she is <:Ravio_point:828416933313511455> EJCaldwell#2924: https://plink.in/r/unaware_hospital PeckServers.com#8342: lets jsut pick one linkk EJCaldwell#2924: wrong one WalterJS#2477: Haha WalterJS#2477: Very relevant to the topic EJCaldwell#2924: https://plink.in/r/cg EJCaldwell#2924: we are in this link george WalterJS#2477: Fr she is so nice to me MMMMM#2210: Where is everyone lisx#1702: I think I owe her like five bucks lisx#1702: like surprisingly REALLY nice MMMMM#2210: Mhm lisx#1702: but she's actually really nice lisx#1702: I think maybe some people think she's annoying EJCaldwell#2924: you'll see WalterJS#2477: What is plink WalterJS#2477: Also it’s weird asf, anytime someone finds out I like Lydia they’ll be like “oh okay man as long as ur happy” or “you do you bro” I don’t get why PeckServers.com#8342: you should also join our lobby lisx#1702: like me 😏 EJCaldwell#2924: https://plink.in/r/cg username123115#4960: or happy board WalterJS#2477: Ya fr username123115#4960: take a joke board username123115#4960: i think username123115#4960: like take a joke WalterJS#2477: Thanks lol username123115#4960: that you take username123115#4960: theres also those poster thingies username123115#4960: ooh lisx#1702: you should talk to better friends then lisx#1702: do you need positive reinforcement? Nice shirt Nice hair Nice room Nice phone Nice computer Nice lights Ik you have nice lights Nice....house Nice place Nice parents???? Nice. all of it PeckServers.com#8342: live on yt PeckServers.com#8342: yeah lisx#1702: I think it's always been that way WalterJS#2477: Therefor if you need positive reinforcement I will give it to you WalterJS#2477: Is it just me or does it seem like lately people at school r spreading sooo much negativity. Like I’ll talk to a friend and they just talk crap on everyone for 30 min straight. I’ll talk to another friend and same thing. Like bruh it’s causing me to feel more negative lisx#1702: person EJCaldwell#2924: walter burarahurricane#6369: boi EJCaldwell#2924: eyyy burarahurricane#6369: we work so well togherher burarahurricane#6369: so good lisx#1702: guys we are so good at planning things out WalterJS#2477: Bois EJCaldwell#2924: ya burarahurricane#6369: this one ? EJCaldwell#2924: cody resend the link for that give_a_minute#1155: *awkward silence* lisx#1702: you guys hsould join the cg one EJCaldwell#2924: hey gaeb PeckServers.com#8342: unaware hospital MMMMM#2210: Cody and maulie MMMMM#2210: Nah EJCaldwell#2924: the one i made MMMMM#2210: Which one are you in PeckServers.com#8342: imma stream this PeckServers.com#8342: it sounds eipc as shit Maulie#8927: It sounds dope Maulie#8927: We should totally put this on a mixtape MMMMM#2210: So its not a mess of melody MMMMM#2210: Make an order of solos EJCaldwell#2924: https://plink.in/r/cg burarahurricane#6369: i want the salmon or the yellow EJCaldwell#2924: i got it EJCaldwell#2924: i say we make a new room real quick MMMMM#2210: Dibs on dark blue burarahurricane#6369: sadge burarahurricane#6369: MINES NOT WORKINGGGG EJCaldwell#2924: idk what it is EJCaldwell#2924: i just want light blue Maulie#8927: I call dibs on bass beat PeckServers.com#8342: i got surround in my room and this shit sounds epic! EJCaldwell#2924: turn down your sounds PeckServers.com#8342: did everyone go to the cg one? lisx#1702: guys what if we played a different game because this one is...... really loud PeckServers.com#8342: same MMMMM#2210: Im so confuzed PeckServers.com#8342: where everyone go? EJCaldwell#2924: okay PeckServers.com#8342: hospital EJCaldwell#2924: should we all join CG or hospital? PeckServers.com#8342: why what burarahurricane#6369: my jtnernet is dying EJCaldwell#2924: click the link and find out Maulie#8927: What are we talking about? EJCaldwell#2924: true dat lisx#1702: the cg one has a better name EJCaldwell#2924: which one are we all going to be in burarahurricane#6369: which ken EJCaldwell#2924: why EJCaldwell#2924: cody MMMMM#2210: https://plink.in/r/cg_jam_sesh burarahurricane#6369: or goinf freebee burarahurricane#6369: r we ordering solos burarahurricane#6369: hospital EJCaldwell#2924: make sure to name yourself PeckServers.com#8342: everyone join the unaware hospital burarahurricane#6369: @people burarahurricane#6369: it been done PeckServers.com#8342: https://plink.in/r/unaware_hospital MMMMM#2210: I gotchu burarahurricane#6369: at the TABLE burarahurricane#6369: and im stuck burarahurricane#6369: is weak burarahurricane#6369: my ohoen burarahurricane#6369: i dont goy tbr power PeckServers.com#8342: someone do that burarahurricane#6369: make a privsye playcr burarahurricane#6369: im not on tv PeckServers.com#8342: so how do we all get in a jam PeckServers.com#8342: as seen on tv burarahurricane#6369: the songs burarahurricane#6369: as seen by burarahurricane#6369: things burarahurricane#6369: many thinks burarahurricane#6369: FHSKFJSKJDJF PeckServers.com#8342: dang burarahurricane#6369: last time PeckServers.com#8342: /what burarahurricane#6369: i got so many solos PeckServers.com#8342: with who PeckServers.com#8342: aww burarahurricane#6369: im in lvoe lisx#1702: YEAH THESE ARE WAY MORE FUN THAN JAZZ BAND SOLOS EJCaldwell#2924: i will take light blue MMMMM#2210: We should make an order of solos PeckServers.com#8342: the shit is going on? burarahurricane#6369: but what about my….. https://open.spotify.com/track/2AAyBZmMVZSZfgzXRYJOWQ?si=3nbjWPykSv6VNpbpetikyw ? lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/3P0IpouIQbWJgcbM0x3ECA?si=054e705aac17427e lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/7vXtuHrqgzQi58ihUO7L2d?si=3022529190c84e61 burarahurricane#6369: wow you almost got all of them lisx#1702: ? lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/4Agtk2MrapdZAVN7v6PuFO?si=e893e480053a47c9 lisx#1702: 👀 ? EJCaldwell#2924: we should ping them when were ready lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/2W0AJEbIC2vdZTV2nVSAsg?si=9b52850fa17047e2 burarahurricane#6369: im gonna tip this whole bowl over burarahurricane#6369: <@!734161534799839272> lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/1msEuwSBneBKpVCZQcFTsU?si=7da9ae1223604089 MMMMM#2210: <@!734161534799839272> burarahurricane#6369: YEAHH thatd be fun burarahurricane#6369: well 9 is like 45 minutes away EJCaldwell#2924: then have a big session of it burarahurricane#6369: wel george can join ar any time burarahurricane#6369: someone else has my heart <3 EJCaldwell#2924: i say we wait for george PeckServers.com#8342: im impressed at how responsive this page js is MMMMM#2210: At 9 I can burarahurricane#6369: no lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/4A2LfnduSTsE8u0ecYROxE?si=55e5c40a54e34d06 burarahurricane#6369: i dont remember how i messe dit uo EJCaldwell#2924: i will join it burarahurricane#6369: bc of my fooy burarahurricane#6369: im stuck at this table burarahurricane#6369: do it i dare you burarahurricane#6369: i like nice george :0 lisx#1702: but keep doing it george lisx#1702: I know right something must've happened lately because george has been very nice and it's almost *weird* PeckServers.com#8342: im making my own jam sesh MMMMM#2210: Tomorrow MMMMM#2210: We should have a jam sesh MMMMM#2210: Too late EJCaldwell#2924: i was seeing if that was you that joined but it was daniel PeckServers.com#8342: no linky worky PeckServers.com#8342: yes senpai PeckServers.com#8342: it wont let me join with that link lisx#1702: that was really cool burarahurricane#6369: omg a compliment from grge…. burarahurricane#6369: yeah!! MMMMM#2210: We sounded really good burarahurricane#6369: we sounded good tho burarahurricane#6369: trying to hold a melody is hard tho LMAO burarahurricane#6369: but that was fun :D burarahurricane#6369: i accidnrlyy closed out burarahurricane#6369: ioops MMMMM#2210: i gtg MMMMM#2210: welp username123115#4960: nv,m username123115#4960: i have a google docs username123115#4960: oh wait username123115#4960: the digestive system thing didn't save username123115#4960: bruh username123115#4960: work username123115#4960: homewrk MMMMM#2210: get back on EJCaldwell#2924: i need to get a headset and not just the laptop speaker EJCaldwell#2924: cody you should join us lisx#1702: it sounds l;ike it would sound really good with headphones lisx#1702: I wish I could find my headphones username123115#4960: sounds really good EJCaldwell#2924: make music with us EJCaldwell#2924: okay MMMMM#2210: noice username123115#4960: i think thats me username123115#4960: oh i joined lisx#1702: who is this EJCaldwell#2924: cody? MMMMM#2210: idk EJCaldwell#2924: who just joined MMMMM#2210: me, you, lisa, and alyse EJCaldwell#2924: who is all in? MMMMM#2210: ikr EJCaldwell#2924: this website is amazing EJCaldwell#2924: i see that' MMMMM#2210: it requires a lil improv MMMMM#2210: https://plink.in/r/exclusive_monument lisx#1702: I like this one EJCaldwell#2924: resend it MMMMM#2210: it doesnt show you EJCaldwell#2924: well i am in MMMMM#2210: just join MMMMM#2210: its hard to explain EJCaldwell#2924: its a rhythm game? MMMMM#2210: join and see MMMMM#2210: you dont have to EJCaldwell#2924: just don't expect me to sing lisx#1702: hey I had a solo there EJCaldwell#2924: fine MMMMM#2210: dew it EJCaldwell#2924: i might join just to see what you make MMMMM#2210: https://plink.in/r/exclusive_monumentyou should join PeckServers.com#8342: the f**k you want? lisx#1702: godo job pesols lisx#1702: it sounds really nice MMMMM#2210: come hitherto MMMMM#2210: coday MMMMM#2210: <@!852187118113652776> lisx#1702: it sounds cool tho burarahurricane#6369: we’ll see MMMMM#2210: idk if it works on phone burarahurricane#6369: ok MMMMM#2210: click the link burarahurricane#6369: can i join burarahurricane#6369: how foes it work lisx#1702: no matter hwat you do lisx#1702: what have they done to make it infinitely sound good MMMMM#2210: join MMMMM#2210: https://plink.in/r/exclusive_monument lisx#1702: whats music MMMMM#2210: <@!749747503947055136> MMMMM#2210: you know music MMMMM#2210: you should join MMMMM#2210: <@!726265256082407504> <@!852187118113652776> give_a_minute#1155: like a synth thingy give_a_minute#1155: sounds cool tho give_a_minute#1155: I was really hoping it'd be a bit more than this give_a_minute#1155: awwww give_a_minute#1155: oh MMMMM#2210: join MMMMM#2210: https://plink.in/r/exclusive_monument give_a_minute#1155: although how does that work give_a_minute#1155: interessant MMMMM#2210: and you make music MMMMM#2210: it puts you in a room with a random stranger MMMMM#2210: https://plink.in/ MMMMM#2210: ive learned of an amazing thing lisx#1702: I'm just saying it's a terrible joke lol PeckServers.com#8342: you dont mind what? EJCaldwell#2924: just stop PeckServers.com#8342: what? lisx#1702: ~~this is terrible but I don't mind so nor should you~~ want some green egdits and hamits? PeckServers.com#8342: but you should EJCaldwell#2924: i am not going to ask PeckServers.com#8342: 1dit 2dit reddit bluedit lisx#1702: reddit EJCaldwell#2924: how do you know about that? PeckServers.com#8342: Oh god lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/hells-kitchen-you-guys-cook-like-old-people-fuck-gordon-ramsey-chief-triggered-gif-16284790 PeckServers.com#8342: introducing *ViAgRa* lisx#1702: you know what they say EJCaldwell#2924: says who PeckServers.com#8342: <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> lisx#1702: ew PeckServers.com#8342: the thing that sucks is that when you are 69 you are too old to *do* 69 lisx#1702: that's a long way to go lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/6XDBA3QWX51lDJ0oZbaJJN?si=6fa0021efef9473e EJCaldwell#2924: nice PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: 69 PeckServers.com#8342: next stop PeckServers.com#8342: long live 17 EJCaldwell#2924: you talking about minecraft? lisx#1702: you will be remembered PeckServers.com#8342: 17 is a good number lisx#1702: next to 7 lisx#1702: 17 is my favorite number PeckServers.com#8342: i will be ancient debris PeckServers.com#8342: in 17 days PeckServers.com#8342: *checks notes* lisx#1702: you were born sometime lisx#1702: not for long PeckServers.com#8342: is how old i am lisx#1702: 8+9 username123115#4960: And I just stared at the screen doing nothing 25 percent of the time username123115#4960: What chapter do we need to read to again for the rent collector username123115#4960: Those too username123115#4960: Oh yeah lisx#1702: at least there were walls username123115#4960: And most of the questions were really hard username123115#4960: And computer username123115#4960: Paper username123115#4960: It was just username123115#4960: Nobody was in the room lisx#1702: oh yeah that would make sense username123115#4960: But I got really tired after 2 hours lisx#1702: oh 😅 good job username123115#4960: I did a third of the problems :D username123115#4960: Yeah lisx#1702: you get to do challenging math tho isn't that fun?? lisx#1702: oh yeah how did it go PeckServers.com#8342: what? username123115#4960: The aime feels like watching paint dry but with *spice* Commander Lumbar support#1704: air is a block Commander Lumbar support#1704: it would still have to save block data Commander Lumbar support#1704: thats not how that works username123115#4960: No space Commander Lumbar support#1704: username123115#4960: Bam username123115#4960: Void world username123115#4960: I have a genius idea Commander Lumbar support#1704: the range between 10th and 1st is 600mil Commander Lumbar support#1704: rn this account is in 12th lisx#1702: just slowly lisx#1702: so you're moving up lisx#1702: oh Commander Lumbar support#1704: i was in 6th a few weeks ago Commander Lumbar support#1704: what do you mean by before Commander Lumbar support#1704: i still have that gif downloaded lisx#1702: which place were you in before Commander Lumbar support#1704: yes, 5th place lisx#1702: what even was that supposed to be that was terrible 🤦 I'm disappointed lisx#1702: 😂 lisx#1702: wtf lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/this-is-the-end-grunt-gif-5316810 lisx#1702: and now it's this one burarahurricane#6369: qhahhah that was llike all he would send back in da dayyy lisx#1702: those were also ~~good~~ times lisx#1702: speaking of blackjack are you still doing the kanna arcade thing burarahurricane#6369: crazy lisx#1702: pretty sure she was online even more than me lisx#1702: 'm lisx#1702: I lisx#1702: like all the time lisx#1702: *and* jaxin was here lisx#1702: those were good days lisx#1702: rmemeber when spencer existed lisx#1702: <@!852187118113652776> proof of your know history of "*iM pReTeNdInG tO bE sOmEoNe ElSe*" lisx#1702: i knew it would work burarahurricane#6369: lmao lisx#1702: smh lisx#1702: imagine being *that* dumb lisx#1702: bruh Dyno#3861: Found one! dargiscool#0610: discord really wants me to try slash commands dargiscool#0610: correction, im COOL burarahurricane#6369: ur rude dargiscool#0610: thank you dargiscool#0610: bonk stop typing dargiscool#0610: fair enough Commander Lumbar support#1704: no burarahurricane#6369: omg remember when jaxin existed... Commander Lumbar support#1704: Commander Lumbar support#1704: Commander Lumbar support#1704: yuh lisx#1702: Commander Lumbar support#1704: ok lisx#1702: oh no this kid just got arrested in my show MMMMM#2210: might have been 1 MMMMM#2210: it was hidden for 2 days lisx#1702: eeeeeeeeeexactly <:smaet:787830542137032715> MMMMM#2210: because of your notes MMMMM#2210: for you MMMMM#2210: except MMMMM#2210: nobody noticed lisx#1702: you just changed the name and stuff from "MMMMM" to that lisx#1702: no it wasn't MMMMM#2210: for 2 days MMMMM#2210: it was lisx#1702: how is that hidden MMMMM#2210: <@!802665920400982016> lisx#1702: which one was that MMMMM#2210: in 2 days MMMMM#2210: which got discovered MMMMM#2210: do you remember the last time i had a hidden alt PeckServers.com#8342: #fax PeckServers.com#8342: anything for you lisx#1702: religion: lisx#1702: aw thanks for giving me permission PeckServers.com#8342: but believing isnt reality <:thonk:792962252772343808> PeckServers.com#8342: you can believe its mine forever PeckServers.com#8342: ya know what PeckServers.com#8342: AwOoOoOoOgA PeckServers.com#8342: but its NOT lisx#1702: the notes have spoken lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: where are your notes? PeckServers.com#8342: so then smart girl lisx#1702: you've tried lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: its always your NoTeS PeckServers.com#8342: no lisx#1702: you have a history of doing it PeckServers.com#8342: that logic is broken lisx#1702: of course there isn't but I don't need evidence to *know* PeckServers.com#8342: and thawunguy PeckServers.com#8342: this one PeckServers.com#8342: i have 2 discord accounts currently PeckServers.com#8342: and theres also no evidence PeckServers.com#8342: you saying I have something that I dont lisx#1702: see thats why you'd want one i guess PeckServers.com#8342: thats the issue we are facing PeckServers.com#8342: but i dont have any PeckServers.com#8342: hidden alts give power lisx#1702: none of them are named kunami lisx#1702: exactly PeckServers.com#8342: cause i sure do every time i open this server PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: have you seen the kid lisx#1702: there is no incentive PeckServers.com#8342: but im not LyInGgGgG lisx#1702: you are also a bad liar PeckServers.com#8342: ITS NOT THO lisx#1702: it's you lisx#1702: admit it lisx#1702: cmon PeckServers.com#8342: i thought we decided kunami was george PeckServers.com#8342: thawunguy is PeckServers.com#8342: dwayne was PeckServers.com#8342: bro thats not me dargiscool#0610: lmaoo lisx#1702: like when cody tried with <@!905846774265159761> and nobody believed him dargiscool#0610: it has a *heartbeat* dargiscool#0610: it is red and painful and pulsing dargiscool#0610: of the day dargiscool#0610: this is the new probmelm dargiscool#0610: my little toesie is all messed up and dumb dargiscool#0610: LMAO lisx#1702: Liam: \*sees these messages* dargiscool#0610: yea lisx#1702: I think the magic wears out when you try to do it intentionally dargiscool#0610: he'll never see these messasges lisx#1702: not that you told just told him dargiscool#0610: but even BETTER and MORE convincing dargiscool#0610: and convince liam im austin again dargiscool#0610: yk i could make another alt dargiscool#0610: i will watch english like i watch the birds (<- is not a bird watcher) dargiscool#0610: conundrum lisx#1702: watch your language yong dargi PeckServers.com#8342: this is a conundrum lisx#1702: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! exclamation marks aren't actually upside down i's dargiscool#0610: the autoemoji converter dargiscool#0610: SHIT THE DUMB THIGNY IS STILL ON dargiscool#0610: yep 😄 lisx#1702: okay lisx#1702: how lisx#1702: um burarahurricane#6369: personal reasons lisx#1702: y tho Maulie#8927: No idea lisx#1702: does her sister go there to then or no lisx#1702: oh Maulie#8927: ?? lisx#1702: Idk PeckServers.com#8342: why would she go to dixie? PeckServers.com#8342: anna is my neighbor tho PeckServers.com#8342: heidi PeckServers.com#8342: i remember that PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah, Maulie#8927: Why is that relevant lisx#1702: and cody was in love with her sister or something Maulie#8927: Her dad works there lisx#1702: she used to go to our school though Maulie#8927: Yeah lisx#1702: ooh do you know anna schroath im pretty sure she goes to dixie now lisx#1702: okay Maulie#8927: No idea who Ellie is lisx#1702: yeah Maulie#8927: Ellie? lisx#1702: and ellie [last name unkown] Maulie#8927: Yes lisx#1702: crooks lisx#1702: do you know lincoln lisx#1702: cool dargiscool#0610: you know it lisx#1702: best scool of dargi ever dargiscool#0610: thers no h Maulie#8927: Yes lisx#1702: dargi school dargiscool#0610: <:thmirk:827579121432264764> dargiscool#0610: uh huh lisx#1702: just dont invite them if you don't know them because there's way too much personal information that's been sent here... lisx#1702: who are you inviting? burarahurricane#6369: thank you lisx#1702: but yes lisx#1702: https://discord.com/invite/Z8Y65HKxC3 lisx#1702: no burarahurricane#6369: can i have the permission to invite people :[ lisx#1702: <@!606620815349383209> are you in ninth grade lisx#1702: wow imagine PeckServers.com#8342: so its a bitchen server PeckServers.com#8342: and possibly 64gb ddr5 PeckServers.com#8342: and all ssd storage PeckServers.com#8342: I also figured out that hausmaster recently upgraded to an i9 12900k EJCaldwell#2924: most definitely PeckServers.com#8342: probs millions in ssd storage PeckServers.com#8342: hundreds of thousands of dollars in hard drive storage PeckServers.com#8342: 7.7 petabytes PeckServers.com#8342: a lil EJCaldwell#2924: that is insane PeckServers.com#8342: ok meth checks out PeckServers.com#8342: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: terabytes EJCaldwell#2924: 7715250 Terabytes PeckServers.com#8342: wait i did it wrong sorry EJCaldwell#2924: my number or yours PeckServers.com#8342: that doesnt seem right PeckServers.com#8342: thats how many yottobytes it is EJCaldwell#2924: i was too lazy to change the type of size EJCaldwell#2924: 7715250000000000 KB PeckServers.com#8342: ill do it too so we can double verify EJCaldwell#2924: i got this math PeckServers.com#8342: 182.88 KB per chunk PeckServers.com#8342: 4.572 megabytes for 25 chunks PeckServers.com#8342: *dial up sounds* PeckServers.com#8342: and that its about PeckServers.com#8342: imma say thats what it is PeckServers.com#8342: lol EJCaldwell#2924: i was joking PeckServers.com#8342: see thats a lot of work EJCaldwell#2924: so what you do it make a new server world PeckServers.com#8342: single player doesnt have a world folder for some reason? PeckServers.com#8342: is this the right directory? EJCaldwell#2924: and over world EJCaldwell#2924: nether and end PeckServers.com#8342: oh cause the 3 levels EJCaldwell#2924: and then multiply that by 3 EJCaldwell#2924: then multiply that by 14,062,500,000,000 EJCaldwell#2924: and divide the amount of space it takes by 25 EJCaldwell#2924: and then it will load 25 chunks PeckServers.com#8342: good idea PeckServers.com#8342: literally every single post is some variation of this EJCaldwell#2924: with 2 render distance Maulie#8927: Facts EJCaldwell#2924: make a world PeckServers.com#8342: cause all these fricking nerds wont just tell me the answer they gotta go into the statistics of how the damn chunk works lol EJCaldwell#2924: search it up PeckServers.com#8342: i dont even know what the size of one chunk is on disk EJCaldwell#2924: <@!734161534799839272> Maulie#8927: Yeah but there's things that could generate which could increase the storage on that chunk EJCaldwell#2924: or get daniel to do it PeckServers.com#8342: thats true EJCaldwell#2924: we could do that math PeckServers.com#8342: it would take a long time for even my server PeckServers.com#8342: i almost wanna make an array and try it Maulie#8927: Makes me wonder how much space a Minecraft world would take on your computer if you loaded every chunk PeckServers.com#8342: to think that people loaded all those in too PeckServers.com#8342: thats LITERALLY an insane amount of data Maulie#8927: That's a lot of greifed stuff EJCaldwell#2924: its insane EJCaldwell#2924: ik Maulie#8927: Wow PeckServers.com#8342: apparently 2b2t is almost 13TB in size EJCaldwell#2924: ya PeckServers.com#8342: which would make it 4 PeckServers.com#8342: maybe it opened in the beginning but they left halfway thru PeckServers.com#8342: cant remember like i say EJCaldwell#2924: why would they open midway in the school year? PeckServers.com#8342: cant remember PeckServers.com#8342: maybe 3.5 PeckServers.com#8342: pretty sure 4, cause someone in my band class in 9th someone left halfway thru year to go there EJCaldwell#2924: they opened like 3 years ago right? EJCaldwell#2924: ya PeckServers.com#8342: sad thing is, they are the newest EJCaldwell#2924: its the worse in the school district PeckServers.com#8342: crimson is worse PeckServers.com#8342: true EJCaldwell#2924: at least it is not Crimson right EJCaldwell#2924: I knew you would say that PeckServers.com#8342: L PeckServers.com#8342: what a PeckServers.com#8342: eek EJCaldwell#2924: He goes to Dixie PeckServers.com#8342: my plan has a flaw PeckServers.com#8342: shit EJCaldwell#2924: so he does not do the same things as us EJCaldwell#2924: he does not go to our school tho xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wow PeckServers.com#8342: cause he wants to get a better score than you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: why xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah Maulie#8927: Utah compose? PeckServers.com#8342: GG xXthat1redheadXx#9990: WWHOOOOOOO!!!!!!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: AND ON TOP OF THAT IT HAS 1111 WORDS xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I GOT IT TO 27.7!!!! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: YYYEEEESSSSSIIIIRRRRR PeckServers.com#8342: you can print to them just like normal printers PeckServers.com#8342: its crazy PeckServers.com#8342: IKR EJCaldwell#2924: not a freaking receipt printer EJCaldwell#2924: i thought that was just a printer EJCaldwell#2924: wait EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_bOQUz6g3o&t=1s <@!531264285385424916> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm gonna revise a bit more while reading through it to possibly get better lisx#1702: good job lisx#1702: wow burarahurricane#6369: thats a rly good score omg xXthat1redheadXx#9990: IKR burarahurricane#6369: YOOOOOOO burarahurricane#6369: hii xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I got a 27.6 on the essay! xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@!749747503947055136> lisx#1702: Yeah thats what I said. You waved and then typed "waved" burarahurricane#6369: no i typed and sent that after we waved lisx#1702: Did you literally do it and then type it again... Bagel da gamer#1694: yees username123115#4960: :o are you back to skool burarahurricane#6369: \*waves frantically* Bagel da gamer#1694: I can also see you <@749747503947055136> burarahurricane#6369: I SEE YOU GAEB burarahurricane#6369: i can SEE you burarahurricane#6369: im alysse burarahurricane#6369: <@!610285768270675969> UR BRYCE OH EM GEE PeckServers.com#8342: you all need to watch this PeckServers.com#8342: oh my GOD PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0Cbvo7oC50 burarahurricane#6369: wait no pledge :0 burarahurricane#6369: ur doing great sweetie \*pat pat* burarahurricane#6369: lisa a second later: **SOMETHING SOMETHING WARRIORS SOMETHING** burarahurricane#6369: announcement girl: HI Im leah cox (i think thats what she said) lisa: ᵃⁿᵈ ᶦᵐ ˡᶦˢᵃ ˢᵒⁿᵍˀ burarahurricane#6369: L Bagel da gamer#1694: so how's life @here? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's the one before it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://www.typing.com/student/lesson/373/quick-sentences lisx#1702: I want to try it lisx#1702: sendthelink xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisa can testify xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well anyways I got 384 wpm on typing.com lisx#1702: hello liam xXthat1redheadXx#9990: bruh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: OH MY GOSH HOW THE FRICK DID I GET THIS lisx#1702: They really had us in the first half lisx#1702: I’ve got to agree with football person PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: <@!531264285385424916> my wifi cooler than yours give_a_minute#1155: funi give_a_minute#1155: *hahahahhahaah* PeckServers.com#8342: *pun intended* PeckServers.com#8342: i broadcast that shit far PeckServers.com#8342: so if you ever see shit networks in ivins its probs me PeckServers.com#8342: haha give_a_minute#1155: *really* interesting knowing you lmao PeckServers.com#8342: id make some *interesting* stuff PeckServers.com#8342: i wish there was custom emojis PeckServers.com#8342: thanks haha give_a_minute#1155: it looks stellar give_a_minute#1155: great job PeckServers.com#8342: kinda give_a_minute#1155: that sure is uh code yeah give_a_minute#1155: wo a h PeckServers.com#8342: then these 2 guys broadcast it PeckServers.com#8342: then i make a network PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: its the actual code for that emoji PeckServers.com#8342: unicode PeckServers.com#8342: I just used windows emoji keyboard (win+.) to put it in my unifi controller give_a_minute#1155: asking for a friend give_a_minute#1155: what is that btw give_a_minute#1155: yes it really does look like uh U+d66s PeckServers.com#8342: cause it really looks like U+d66s give_a_minute#1155: although how the crap (*ba dum tss*) did you get an emoji to work as a wifi name PeckServers.com#8342: apparently its supported by a lot of access points give_a_minute#1155: oh my god I've been waiting for this PeckServers.com#8342: Introducing SHIT Networks PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: OMG walters AlIvE Maulie#8927: Yeah, those xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: these Maulie#8927: It's your rating xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the points Maulie#8927: Wdym xXthat1redheadXx#9990: how do you see them xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah Maulie#8927: Elo points Maulie#8927: I played you on chess.com before right? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: like points xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wdym xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? Maulie#8927: Aren't you like 1200 and I'm 900 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you're good and those people were dumb so I'm not that good really xXthat1redheadXx#9990: -_- burarahurricane#6369: i think so burarahurricane#6369: ummm sure yea lisx#1702: did she love it lisx#1702: aw burarahurricane#6369: i showed saiti the bday video <3 burarahurricane#6369: sure does lisx#1702: it just comes naturally \*hairflip* burarahurricane#6369: _sick burn_ burarahurricane#6369: why are people so dumb lmaOo Maulie#8927: 1v1 me lisx#1702: I see him. he has red hair and wears a flannel 🤔 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: they too resigned after xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: heheheh burarahurricane#6369: LMAO burarahurricane#6369: oof xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the coward resigned xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: look at this fool xXthat1redheadXx#9990: children are yelling in the library lisx#1702: ye MMMMM#2210: O lisx#1702: well look at the mutual friends thing MMMMM#2210: Has anyone made an invite lisx#1702: lets remake history lisx#1702: Whos <@!610285768270675969> lisx#1702: yeah thats what I'm asking too MMMMM#2210: Whos <@610285768270675969> burarahurricane#6369: ughdjendkw burarahurricane#6369: bowling burarahurricane#6369: thingy burarahurricane#6369: do we change out for pe in the dumb burarahurricane#6369: i chose wordle <:3333:891328788082864139> PeckServers.com#8342: that is a really tough choice burarahurricane#6369: rip username123115#4960: Nooooo I haven’t done he assigned reading :( burarahurricane#6369: i rly shouldnt have read that chapter GHSJFHSKJD goodbye sleep schedule burarahurricane#6369: BUT at the same time burarahurricane#6369: well the choice is p easy ngl burarahurricane#6369: the internal debate of going to bed or staying up 9 more minutes for wordle 😔 PeckServers.com#8342: <:sus:783176301502267423> burarahurricane#6369: htere was a kanna one ?? lisx#1702: at first I thought you were talking about the kannna one burarahurricane#6369: surprisingly no lisx#1702: does it make you hate the song burarahurricane#6369: it was amazing burarahurricane#6369: OH YEAH IVE SEEN THAT ONE burarahurricane#6369: almost 7 hours of roadtrip on repeat is doing things to my brain lisx#1702: pin-worthy until walter or cody comes back online... lisx#1702: lisx#1702: this guy is seriously getting better at video editing lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> Amazing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pyjv-qG3rDM PeckServers.com#8342: apparently it isnt PeckServers.com#8342: here i thought ubiquiti was good PeckServers.com#8342: but i had to reset it like 400 times PeckServers.com#8342: literally nobody knows PeckServers.com#8342: how PeckServers.com#8342: my router died EJCaldwell#2924: Weed time +1:15 Maulie#8927: Weed time +27 burarahurricane#6369: wow that was sad EJCaldwell#2924: Weed time +18 PeckServers.com#8342: Weed time +7 username123115#4960: weed time burarahurricane#6369: coolio PeckServers.com#8342: ultimate lazyness PeckServers.com#8342: ive made it so I can cast to my pc from my phone burarahurricane#6369: dang lisx#1702: after she had to tell the truth lisx#1702: but she's going to anyway now lisx#1702: because she didn't want to lose daphne *and* bay, which she definitely would've if she told them lisx#1702: but regina found out 13 years ago and just didn't tell anyone lisx#1702: regina knew all along but she didn't do it. it really was a hospital mixup lisx#1702: though lisx#1702: it's wrong PeckServers.com#8342: Thats an interesting theory burarahurricane#6369: wow interesting burarahurricane#6369: like all these social medias n platforms r trying to copy tiktok to try and leech off that success burarahurricane#6369: just like the instagram reels thing burarahurricane#6369: definitly lisx#1702: okay here's an insane theory that I came up with about my show last night that nobody cares about: bay and daphne weren't "switched at birth" by the hospital people that messed up, but instead, regina (who's bay's birth mom) switched bay with daphne because daphne's parents are rich and regina is poor and she loved bay and wanted her to have a good life with rich parents who will be able to afford her things that she'll want whereas she won't be able to give her anything. because in the last episode of my show daphne found in this guitar case that regina hid with a bunch of secretly taken photos of bay from when she was little, from when she was probably spying on her or something. that is my theory. thanks for coming to my ted talk that you probably didn't want to come to anyway PeckServers.com#8342: :lisatyping.gif: PeckServers.com#8342: Typeracer PeckServers.com#8342: No Maulie#8927: Nitrotype? PeckServers.com#8342: Same with twitch streamers PeckServers.com#8342: I pay for typeracer, because i use their product and its kind of reasonable to pay for my use PeckServers.com#8342: When you use a platform its better to pay for it, aswell as not having to suffer through ads PeckServers.com#8342: :adonis: Maulie#8927: You the one person who needs to watch the CPR tutorials? Maulie#8927: Why would you pay for that? PeckServers.com#8342: Guess I would have never known because I have premium PeckServers.com#8342: Really Maulie#8927: Well whatever Youtube can do to make more money. Putting ads on Youtube shorts now PeckServers.com#8342: Ill consider not saying it anymore lisx#1702: well then you deserve it for saying it PeckServers.com#8342: Jk PeckServers.com#8342: Offense taken lisx#1702: no offense lisx#1702: I hate it when people say that lisx#1702: youtube shorts is just a tiktok rip off PeckServers.com#8342: LOL burarahurricane#6369: thhat burarahurricane#6369: https://youtube.com/shorts/_u5LbmmlkFw?feature=share burarahurricane#6369: GHSKFHSKFBSKFJGKDKFNKDNDBDG oops MMMMM#2210: Snow… I think PeckServers.com#8342: <@!749747503947055136> 😏 whats the white stuff??!? PeckServers.com#8342: you can still message me in servers though PeckServers.com#8342: ill consider it Commander Lumbar support#1704: Can you unblock me? PeckServers.com#8342: yeah i blocked you cause the notifications were annoying Commander Lumbar support#1704: Mildly PeckServers.com#8342: in the "new members" PeckServers.com#8342: you remember when you did that thing in lisas book club? Commander Lumbar support#1704: But my main can’t PeckServers.com#8342: *cumfuzzled Commander Lumbar support#1704: How could this account message you Commander Lumbar support#1704: Am cunfuzzled PeckServers.com#8342: i just updated my privacy settings PeckServers.com#8342: we were never friends PeckServers.com#8342: didnt Commander Lumbar support#1704: Why did you unfriend this account PeckServers.com#8342: we need a cringe emoji PeckServers.com#8342: cringe Commander Lumbar support#1704: I still have the chats of this account trying to convince you to rejoin PeckServers.com#8342: yep Commander Lumbar support#1704: I knew it PeckServers.com#8342: that was me Commander Lumbar support#1704: We ever find out who that is Commander Lumbar support#1704: Commander Lumbar support#1704: So I was going through he some old chats burarahurricane#6369: D: lisx#1702: and my earbuds are dead \:( lisx#1702: i cant find my bluetooth speaker burarahurricane#6369: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: Your rymes are in time and that is :o kind of mind blowing burarahurricane#6369: sleep yeah sleep burarahurricane#6369: (starts beat boxing) MARINARA SAUCE ITS RED AND CHUNKY THATS KINDA FUNKY (UH) (YEAH) (UH) (YEAH) MARINARA SAUCE IT HAS TOMATOES BUT NOT POTATOES (UH) (YEAH) MARINARA SAUCE GOES ON PIZZA AND PASTA GOOD THING ITS NOT AN…IMPASTA (SUSSY) (YEAH) (SUSSY) (YEAH) WOOOOOOO MARINARA SAUCE i dont like it that much 😐 burarahurricane#6369: its red and chunky :o thats kinda funky burarahurricane#6369: what if i did it rn burarahurricane#6369: ughdjsgfud i have HOMEWORK i need to do theres always homework burarahurricane#6369: its sunday :/ burarahurricane#6369: no no i have self control burarahurricane#6369: what if i read another chapter <:thmirk:827579121432264764> burarahurricane#6369: but at the same time burarahurricane#6369: i shoukdl sleep burarahurricane#6369: marinara sauce ooOoOoOoO burarahurricane#6369: god mourning……….. burarahurricane#6369: gud mourning burarahurricane#6369: oh ftick is three ay em i need to sleep probably burarahurricane#6369: gOod mORNING EJCaldwell#2924: i got this EJCaldwell#2924: that is about 1.4 a hour EJCaldwell#2924: this should be easy to do in 25 hours EJCaldwell#2924: 35 EJCaldwell#2924: i have the exact same ammount as george EJCaldwell#2924: oh lisx#1702: so proud lisx#1702: good job MMMMM#2210: yea i was gonna say EJCaldwell#2924: its the end of tomorrow MMMMM#2210: i think MMMMM#2210: you have an hour EJCaldwell#2924: i hope i can get it EJCaldwell#2924: like 50 i think MMMMM#2210: how many do you need to do EJCaldwell#2924: i forgot that is due tomorrow MMMMM#2210: i did 35 in a day MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: ive finally done it MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: no EJCaldwell#2924: you know it? MMMMM#2210: thats the one EJCaldwell#2924: and SkyblockPersonalized EJCaldwell#2924: NEU EJCaldwell#2924: Skyblock Addons EJCaldwell#2924: Skytils EJCaldwell#2924: here are some of the main ones EJCaldwell#2924: I don't even know some of these EJCaldwell#2924: but i don't think you will know almost any EJCaldwell#2924: i will try to find what they are called EJCaldwell#2924: ones meant for hypixel skyblock MMMMM#2210: what mods are you using? EJCaldwell#2924: it happened again EJCaldwell#2924: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EJCaldwell#2924: after like 3 mins EJCaldwell#2924: its finally done EJCaldwell#2924: I can't see the recipie EJCaldwell#2924: its playing the entire song EJCaldwell#2924: i just wanted to see how to craft a item EJCaldwell#2924: I am so freaking mad PeckServers.com#8342: imagine PeckServers.com#8342: bruh EJCaldwell#2924: freaking rick rolled me EJCaldwell#2924: but one of the mods EJCaldwell#2924: and i clicked a thing that is in the normal game EJCaldwell#2924: and i have some mods on it EJCaldwell#2924: I was playing hypixel skyblock EJCaldwell#2924: I am so mad lisx#1702: the fountainhead lisx#1702: a great gatsby lisx#1702: ender's game? lisx#1702: read a game of throne PeckServers.com#8342: so i read some of the uglys book PeckServers.com#8342: there arent any good books PeckServers.com#8342: NO ITS NOT lisx#1702: whaaat lisx#1702: imagine how I feel everyday lisx#1702: it'll be alright lisx#1702: it's okay EJCaldwell#2924: Whiteout cheats EJCaldwell#2924: Well I more than doubled Lisa’s score username123115#4960: i just have the better gaming chair username123115#4960: complete lies username123115#4960: lies EJCaldwell#2924: And I still did better EJCaldwell#2924: Daniel cheated at his own game burarahurricane#6369: the sounds in botw are so satisfying omg burarahurricane#6369: good luck soldier :salute: PeckServers.com#8342: youre right, im gonna do taht burarahurricane#6369: i promise its entertaining if u find a good one burarahurricane#6369: you should read a book PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: what even is a book? PeckServers.com#8342: well i read things PeckServers.com#8342: i even went and did some jobs burarahurricane#6369: u read a book ? PeckServers.com#8342: ive already DoNe all of thatttttt burarahurricane#6369: listen to music burarahurricane#6369: watch something burarahurricane#6369: do homework burarahurricane#6369: read a book burarahurricane#6369: play a video game PeckServers.com#8342: but WHYYYYY PeckServers.com#8342: i knowwwwww burarahurricane#6369: sucks to sucj PeckServers.com#8342: WHY IS THERE NOTHING TO DO! PeckServers.com#8342: IM SO BORED EJCaldwell#2924: with sugar free Mango and normal Pineapple flavoring in it EJCaldwell#2924: that is what happens when you drink half of a 40 oz of Mt. Dew EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Maybe your organs are murder suiciding EJCaldwell#2924: and it never affects me likie this EJCaldwell#2924: I have had caffine EJCaldwell#2924: I am all spazzy right now EJCaldwell#2924: i really need to get a better sleep schedule lisx#1702: Oh then uh sucks to be you? EJCaldwell#2924: i was not saying that as a good thing lisx#1702: Wow really. So cool EJCaldwell#2924: because i have a really bad sleep schedule EJCaldwell#2924: i was the first one to say that give_a_minute#1155: mornin PeckServers.com#8342: MORNIN! burarahurricane#6369: monkey burarahurricane#6369: fun ky burarahurricane#6369: funky funky funky burarahurricane#6369: funky is such a fun word burarahurricane#6369: but anyway its a funky feeling burarahurricane#6369: theres no ligament to release air from or whatever burarahurricane#6369: pop the humerous burarahurricane#6369: but u cant rly like burarahurricane#6369: actually it felt kinda low to be the shoulder burarahurricane#6369: do u guys ever pop ur shoulder EJCaldwell#2924: idk why i am awake EJCaldwell#2924: GM PeckServers.com#8342: LOL WalterJS#2477: burarahurricane#6369: im never wrong PeckServers.com#8342: you arent wrong PeckServers.com#8342: alysse PeckServers.com#8342: well yes burarahurricane#6369: when hes alive EJCaldwell#2924: when is he not dead PeckServers.com#8342: i think walter is dead too PeckServers.com#8342: bro the weekend hasnt even started yet and im bored EJCaldwell#2924: so that was not just my headphones burarahurricane#6369: why is spotify so glitchy today D: burarahurricane#6369: im doing a speech on him for debateclass lisx#1702: nope. and I care so much about it too MMMMM#2210: I will lisx#1702: because there isn't one there lisx#1702: you should take one of him in band burarahurricane#6369: did you know the director and writer of httyd is gay i absolutely adore this fact burarahurricane#6369: thats so funny wtf burarahurricane#6369: AWEIROHDFSLKJHADSFLKJHADF lisx#1702: good job lisx#1702: MMMMM#2210: yea lisx#1702: did they post it MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: ive sent them one lisx#1702: couldn't have said it better myself MMMMM#2210: and hes been spotted MMMMM#2210: thats nico PeckServers.com#8342: who dat PeckServers.com#8342: they were in my reccommended the other day lisx#1702: this is kinda funny EJCaldwell#2924: that has been in my recommended for a while lisx#1702: and he makes it look so easy lisx#1702: I have no clue how this guy is doing this but it's so satisfying to watch lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxe9KbWtCQ0 EJCaldwell#2924: lol lisx#1702: right?? MMMMM#2210: yea, thats what i got lisx#1702: don't worry I'm okay lisx#1702: and I was going to ask if he was the same mr lang as our biology teacher lisx#1702: somehow I read that your landlord mr lang died EJCaldwell#2924: I knew they both had the same last name but i did not know they were related EJCaldwell#2924: i just learned that out landlord is Mr. Langs dad lisx#1702: it's better for you to figure it out by yourself lisx#1702: well I can't just *tell* you burarahurricane#6369: but whatever burarahurricane#6369: supplementary angles burarahurricane#6369: it wouldve been more helpful to say like lisx#1702: well wasn't that exactly what you had to use to solve it lisx#1702: that was all I said burarahurricane#6369: and i got the qpuestion right burarahurricane#6369: but thn it clicked ! burarahurricane#6369: other than "properties of a parallelogram" which i already knew burarahurricane#6369: and i dind't hear anything u said burarahurricane#6369: btw8 burarahurricane#6369: that was also in homeroom tw burarahurricane#6369: i figured it out lisx#1702: i literally told you during orchestra burarahurricane#6369: lolll lisx#1702: good to know that we're going bowling in the past burarahurricane#6369: is it a number answer or expression ? burarahurricane#6369: better question how do you do question 10 in the math hw :| burarahurricane#6369: how do u do a 3d fish burarahurricane#6369: maybe for my 3d one burarahurricane#6369: omg doing a fish in the cardboard would be really cool xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rigghhhhtttt burarahurricane#6369: im too good to cut myself 😏 (<- has totally never cut myself w a knife before) xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👏 burarahurricane#6369: its not cut out (pun intended) for all these little branches xXthat1redheadXx#9990: did you get yourself cut or did it just fail miserably burarahurricane#6369: but on the plus side, I have a Knife!!! burarahurricane#6369: deciding to draw a tree with a knife in cardboard was a mistake lisx#1702: oh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: he couldn't pass college xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and he did it twice xXthat1redheadXx#9990: to get a 100% on the ACT is very hard xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? lisx#1702: you don't need a bachelors to "ace the act" 😂 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: around 40 I'm pretty sure xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ik someone who's brother-in-law or something aced the ACT twice and is a 40-year-old and doesn't even have a bachelors lisx#1702: really lisx#1702: me with my F's 😂 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if you know how the test works anyone can ace it though xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idek lisx#1702: why did he take it four times xXthat1redheadXx#9990: this is the time when I'm fine with not having a 100% or higher in a class xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👌 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: adios Maulie#8927: Peace Maulie#8927: I'm going to bed Maulie#8927: Well I finish uploading some memes today xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol Maulie#8927: ;-; xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it sounds a bit suspicious but I'd believe it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and put on a suit and beard but then was caught mid-test and they said they were intrigued so they let him finish the first part to see hist scores but not the second but now they *are* letting him do it and he's going to salt lake again this Saturday xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but he took the ACT 4 times and wanted to take something harder Maulie#8927: Then what is he doing in law school? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but he doesn't even wanna be a lawyer xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah Maulie#8927: For Lawyer school? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah Maulie#8927: What xXthat1redheadXx#9990: my brother said he illegally took the bar exam xXthat1redheadXx#9990: probably lisx#1702: OH YEAH BEFORE i FORGET lisx#1702: same bruh PeckServers.com#8342: you are too smart for 69 username123115#4960: there goes my 69 username123115#4960: lisx#1702: they're always so aesthetic PeckServers.com#8342: #stockimages PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: they cant keep me out now lisx#1702: i've joined the club lisx#1702: <@!776230986324246558> 💀 lisx#1702: hahaha burarahurricane#6369: i mean you could get to 4.20% maybe Maulie#8927: If they gave out that much extra credit PeckServers.com#8342: i wonder if a teacher would actually make that happen username123115#4960: 👏 👏 👏 Maulie#8927: There was a guy at my school who wanted to get so much extra credit from his class his grade would be 420% burarahurricane#6369: ha username123115#4960: if iget .1% more it rounds to 69 in powrschool lisx#1702: only .51% to go username123115#4960: my chinese grade is so close to greatness :( username123115#4960: PeckServers.com#8342: omar florez right? PeckServers.com#8342: he used to ride my bus now that i think of it PeckServers.com#8342: also yeah PeckServers.com#8342: Oh yeah, omar the cock! lisx#1702: omar? lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/omar-gif-20444499 PeckServers.com#8342: Whos omar? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@!852187118113652776> do you know any one names omar give_a_minute#1155: in return for me not stranglign him give_a_minute#1155: although he said he'd pay me two pennies give_a_minute#1155: if he's wrong about the due date give_a_minute#1155: so yeah it's only *kinda* an important year long assignment PeckServers.com#8342: LOL give_a_minute#1155: *pfp* PeckServers.com#8342: the f is crying cat? give_a_minute#1155: not good give_a_minute#1155: yeah give_a_minute#1155: *both* of us will give_a_minute#1155: if he's wrong about this give_a_minute#1155: so we got time give_a_minute#1155: perfect paper ain't due till next friday give_a_minute#1155: according to crying cat give_a_minute#1155: basically MMMMM#2210: ? username123115#4960: what lies PeckServers.com#8342: 5 stars PeckServers.com#8342: alysse you did great burarahurricane#6369: :D did we help clear up the confusion PeckServers.com#8342: LOL WalterJS#2477: Sigh lisx#1702: and those quarter-circle lines must mean you're using wifi lisx#1702: 👆 burarahurricane#6369: looks like a screenshot lisx#1702: that's what it is. you're welcome lisx#1702: and that the app wants you to verify your email address lisx#1702: it looks like the line went down WalterJS#2477: Tf is this PeckServers.com#8342: dm PeckServers.com#8342: probs WalterJS#2477: do you just want a zip PeckServers.com#8342: all good WalterJS#2477: yeah sorry I was just eating dinner PeckServers.com#8342: is it ready to go? PeckServers.com#8342: yeah that works WalterJS#2477: and then theres just a static folder with the html and css WalterJS#2477: so theres the config and the images WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: right now this is what it is PeckServers.com#8342: especially since it can be embedded into html PeckServers.com#8342: simplicity, i dont wanna have extra files like css or js WalterJS#2477: wait so why does it have to be a single html fi;e PeckServers.com#8342: yeah it looks good! WalterJS#2477: i made it in react so if you think its all ready then ill compile it down to an html file PeckServers.com#8342: sweet WalterJS#2477: theres a config.json file PeckServers.com#8342: is that all in the html PeckServers.com#8342: yeah that seems good WalterJS#2477: and heres an example WalterJS#2477: ```JSON { "logo": "logo.png", "textColor": "lightgray", "name": "Twisted Noodle Cafe", "background": "lightgray", "cardBorder": "darkslategray", "cardBackground": "darkgray", "headerColor": "darkslategray", "logoBackground": "", "logoHasBorder": true, "links": [ { "img": "/link1.png", "text": "Instagram", "url": "#", "hasBorder": false }, { "img": "/link2.png", "text": "Facebook", "url": "#", "hasBorder": false }, { "img": "/link3.png", "text": "Gmail", "url": "#", "hasBorder": false }, { "img": "/link4.png", "text": "Google", "url": "#", "hasBorder": false } ] } ``` WalterJS#2477: does that make sense? WalterJS#2477: and their data type WalterJS#2477: heres all the options WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: how is the documentation for what does what? im pretty stupid hehe PeckServers.com#8342: beautiful! WalterJS#2477: <@!852187118113652776> WalterJS#2477: and its pretty responsive to all different sizes WalterJS#2477: all the colors are customizable and stuff WalterJS#2477: what do you think WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: that should be the main ones PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: WalterJS#2477: mostly just images PeckServers.com#8342: you need links and images? WalterJS#2477: oh okay PeckServers.com#8342: yeah unfortuntely i dont even have them yet WalterJS#2477: to make sure its all good WalterJS#2477: also just to see how the links fit PeckServers.com#8342: ah WalterJS#2477: oh okay,I just wanted to see how it looked with them PeckServers.com#8342: the logos cant be static PeckServers.com#8342: because im doing multiple businesses PeckServers.com#8342: i just need to be able to link to a file PeckServers.com#8342: wym? WalterJS#2477: can you send me the logos PeckServers.com#8342: LOL PeckServers.com#8342: I just bought SO many nfc tags WalterJS#2477: yes PeckServers.com#8342: so 2 files PeckServers.com#8342: also is it possible to make it work with just an index.html and a .json WalterJS#2477: ok coolio PeckServers.com#8342: ill match what you make currently PeckServers.com#8342: keep your time PeckServers.com#8342: awsome thankyou WalterJS#2477: ill get to work on it rn PeckServers.com#8342: basically easily configurable links WalterJS#2477: yeah ill just take money not server space cuz I am saving for a new laptop rn WalterJS#2477: ah okay PeckServers.com#8342: the business owner will pay me to set it up, it will be hosted on peckservers WalterJS#2477: wait is someone paying you or is this for peckservers WalterJS#2477: I currently make $25 an hour PeckServers.com#8342: I can also give you equivalent server space in exchange PeckServers.com#8342: what is your time worth WalterJS#2477: ive never done something like this before WalterJS#2477: what is a reasonable price would you say PeckServers.com#8342: code needs to be as light as possible PeckServers.com#8342: you can name your price PeckServers.com#8342: the business owner tried this poplme garbage but it made his nfc tag unwritable and failed to work at all, me knowing nfc am going to do it in house for them PeckServers.com#8342: basically yeah lisx#1702: so like a linktree PeckServers.com#8342: I need something like this with basic links to social media pages and I need the business image and name aswell as the social profile pictures and links to be changeable in a config.json type thing like what you did on peckservers.com WalterJS#2477: what is it PeckServers.com#8342: <@!531264285385424916> i have a small development project for you PeckServers.com#8342: The question is, have you watched it? username123115#4960: its so cold outside Maulie#8927: Haven't even watched it myself Maulie#8927: Yes lisx#1702: Really MMMMM#2210: You should watch it lisx#1702: What MMMMM#2210: <@!726265256082407504> PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.peckvideo.com/v/POpodi PeckServers.com#8342: I was standing up and got light headed PeckServers.com#8342: Very bloody too PeckServers.com#8342: This one was a little, only because i had to go through like 3 different blood vessels Maulie#8927: Is it painful? WalterJS#2477: Send PeckServers.com#8342: and i have video PeckServers.com#8342: i did surgery on myself again PeckServers.com#8342: i did it! lisx#1702: wtf lisx#1702: when you put it like that lisx#1702: whoa burarahurricane#6369: 6 years ago burarahurricane#6369: that was like burarahurricane#6369: whoah burarahurricane#6369: lol lisx#1702: it's crazy how I remember watching this in the theaters like yesterday lisx#1702: aren't these music videos getting kinda self-flattering burarahurricane#6369: :D lisx#1702: am back burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/birb-cute-pet-pat-bird-gif-16924946 burarahurricane#6369: birb lisx#1702: brb burarahurricane#6369: i shouldnt be writing fanficoaethuaypr8743qerwaui burarahurricane#6369: the stupid perfect paper draft is due this week too UGH burarahurricane#6369: dont remember tho burarahurricane#6369: i dont think they have lisx#1702: but Idk whether they've broken up lisx#1702: I mean she did burarahurricane#6369: huh lisx#1702: his gf works there lisx#1702: the last time I saw him was at the orthodontics place last yera burarahurricane#6369: a month ? burarahurricane#6369: like burarahurricane#6369: um lisx#1702: how long ago was that? ' burarahurricane#6369: i forgot to tell u that burarahurricane#6369: coach broden says hi btw lisx#1702: to play the BiG kIdS burarahurricane#6369: we all miss u burarahurricane#6369: you should!!! lisx#1702: I want to go to tonaquint again burarahurricane#6369: bree runway is ruining space ghost coast to coast lisx#1702: ahh there we go burarahurricane#6369: cuzthtats definitly how it works 👍 burarahurricane#6369: i'll make millions off of endorsements in other fields burarahurricane#6369: 😔 lisx#1702: making millions off of endorsements lisx#1702: not gonna see you on the big screens lisx#1702: so sad lisx#1702: and your career of being a professional athlete at *anY* sport burarahurricane#6369: lmao burarahurricane#6369: for a limited amount of time playing * lisx#1702: there goes your professional tennis player career burarahurricane#6369: r veru. painful burarahurricane#6369: kinda burarahurricane#6369: cuz doing all the microadjustments i used to burarahurricane#6369: but my footwork is super shitty now burarahurricane#6369: i mean i can get there burarahurricane#6369: i know burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: really depressing burarahurricane#6369: surprises* lisx#1702: like burarahurricane#6369: im a man of many spurrprosie vfuk burarahurricane#6369: but who knows :smirk; " lisx#1702: that's depressing burarahurricane#6369: i have beroken nekenes lisx#1702: okay burarahurricane#6369: :( lisx#1702: you burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: 🤦 burarahurricane#6369: im slow burarahurricane#6369: its sad lisx#1702: wow burarahurricane#6369: i can't run to the ball anymriore lisx#1702: oh lisx#1702: hyMMm burarahurricane#6369: probably u then burarahurricane#6369: hyMMm burarahurricane#6369: oh swait burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> lisx#1702: a little bit burarahurricane#6369: @ lisa burarahurricane#6369: how much woul d u say uve imrpvoed burarahurricane#6369: hmm lisx#1702: let's bet on who wins lisx#1702: yes burarahurricane#6369: :D we totally shou.d lisx#1702: I wouldn't burarahurricane#6369: i'd play one of those guys 😏 lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/yes-sir-spongebob-thumbs-up-gif-13785783 lisx#1702: 🥢 🔥 burarahurricane#6369: u wanna play a match ? lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/fuller-house-i-challenge-you-john-brotherton-juan-pablo-di-pace-gif-5186280 burarahurricane#6369: <:big_brain:787829221137317900> lisx#1702: well anyway burarahurricane#6369: lmaoooo lisx#1702: alright... burarahurricane#6369: i like those funky little guys lisx#1702: 🤦 🤦 🤦 burarahurricane#6369: yk burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/match-flame-fire-gif-13701825 lisx#1702: matches lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: matches lisx#1702: what??? burarahurricane#6369: that burn things lisx#1702: the? burarahurricane#6369: the fire kind lisx#1702: yes burarahurricane#6369: i thought you were talking about the burarahurricane#6369: OH lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> lisx#1702: I have a very consistent 30% winning rate burarahurricane#6369: thats good lisx#1702: well either way matches aren't scary anymore lisx#1702: 🤨 lisx#1702: are you saying burarahurricane#6369: wow... you've changed SO much lisx#1702: you should be on the boys tennis team then lisx#1702: HA past lisa was SUCH a wimp burarahurricane#6369: rip Maulie#8927: My science teacher said she would send me to the principal if I didn't stop playing chess in her class. ;-; lisx#1702: yesh burarahurricane#6369: yeep lisx#1702: Don’t become a heroin addict lisx#1702: Okay WalterJS#2477: oh WalterJS#2477: Bruh a high lasts like 8 hours lisx#1702: It’s a natural high EJCaldwell#2924: you could of after lisx#1702: Everything was just really really funny EJCaldwell#2924: WHY lisx#1702: We didn’t *actually* lisx#1702: 🤦 WalterJS#2477: I don’t think you understand what being high means ngl EJCaldwell#2924: did you at least report them? WalterJS#2477: What WalterJS#2477: ?? lisx#1702: It was gaseous lisx#1702: We didn’t want to burarahurricane#6369: they were wafted EJCaldwell#2924: why would you use them tho burarahurricane#6369: lmao yep lisx#1702: Someone snuck some drugs into the bleachers and we choked EJCaldwell#2924: how EJCaldwell#2924: why burarahurricane#6369: lmaoo burarahurricane#6369: lisa and i were literally high in pe EJCaldwell#2924: I let Aron come inside my house so he could use the bathroom for a second and i scared his so hard with a airhorn when he came out EJCaldwell#2924: I am laughing so hard right now burarahurricane#6369: omg baby walter burarahurricane#6369: how prone to exploding are chromebooks burarahurricane#6369: happy february PeckServers.com#8342: Moooornin EJCaldwell#2924: i am going to see if corbin could solve it EJCaldwell#2924: i don't think there are any online solvers EJCaldwell#2924: this is pain EJCaldwell#2924: and now i can't fix it EJCaldwell#2924: i was trying to make a cool pattern EJCaldwell#2924: i mixed up my migaminx cube EJCaldwell#2924: i am so mad at myself PeckServers.com#8342: weed time PeckServers.com#8342: why EJCaldwell#2924: my farm has grown more EJCaldwell#2924: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> 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<:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> EJCaldwell#2924: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> 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<:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> EJCaldwell#2924: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> 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<:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> MMMMM#2210: Why tho lisx#1702: home MMMMM#2210: Where were you during math lisx#1702: I'll be here in biology burarahurricane#6369: she left me hanging D: burarahurricane#6369: lisa where r u :( lisx#1702: does he take steroids? lisx#1702: that's actually kinda insane xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's Ernest Khalimov xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and real xXthat1redheadXx#9990: giga chad is russian xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's loud in here lisx#1702: have no clue what she's saying till the end haha MMMMM#2210: pretty sure ive seen it MMMMM#2210: seen it PeckServers.com#8342: now the new york memes are coming out PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWKUdyXKUlw PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4O0nr-W4fY lisx#1702: that further proves my point MMMMM#2210: mr gardella lisx#1702: they don't talk right lisx#1702: there is definitely something wrong with people from new york lisx#1702: facts MMMMM#2210: i would be watching youtube rn but im finishing better call saul MMMMM#2210: just the other day i was watching it PeckServers.com#8342: im not suprised MMMMM#2210: seen it PeckServers.com#8342: youve seen the entirety of youtube MMMMM#2210: seen it PeckServers.com#8342: it depends on the type of entertainment you like lisx#1702: no I don't think I've ever developed a sense of humor lisx#1702: it's not very funny lisx#1702: what do you mean there's still like half a month to go PeckServers.com#8342: such fun give_a_minute#1155: why does green paper have to do such complicated tricks give_a_minute#1155: I hate finances give_a_minute#1155: aaaaaaaaanyways perfect paper is due soon and I still haven't gotten to working on it PeckServers.com#8342: you might have to give_a_minute#1155: if I spell it out I'm gonna die give_a_minute#1155: via shaken granny syndrome give_a_minute#1155: you shorten your already dwindling life span give_a_minute#1155: I mean you lose a couple of limbs give_a_minute#1155: for all purposes it should make them rage give_a_minute#1155: what's the one reason the grannies would like a v-8 rocking chair give_a_minute#1155: think about it give_a_minute#1155: because I'm definitely always this way PeckServers.com#8342: now im curious PeckServers.com#8342: oh do tell give_a_minute#1155: and stay civilized give_a_minute#1155: but I shall refrain give_a_minute#1155: the potential for a sex joke right now is incredible PeckServers.com#8342: the shaken granny syndrome didn't help either give_a_minute#1155: took the old people an hour to type it out though after losing all but 1 limb PeckServers.com#8342: its got 5 star reviews globally give_a_minute#1155: grannies across the world are a fan of this one I tell you PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ9-yw6EgCQ PeckServers.com#8342: its incredible how 3 old men can be so entertaining give_a_minute#1155: so idiotic though lmao give_a_minute#1155: Top Gear is incredible PeckServers.com#8342: you guys have to watch this clip PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/I7g08nwEmyY?t=437 WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: listening party? WalterJS#2477: pretty fire WalterJS#2477: new playlist WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4WedTSH88plTGJTfIioaph?si=1607f8269a5747d6 PeckServers.com#8342: that is amazing PeckServers.com#8342: YES WalterJS#2477: it animates in lol WalterJS#2477: enjoy PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 yes WalterJS#2477: ill make it so that when you hover the course it goes to gigachad mode WalterJS#2477: alr PeckServers.com#8342: subtile terachading is key PeckServers.com#8342: probs the first one cause it matches with the subjects WalterJS#2477: the gigachads WalterJS#2477: ya PeckServers.com#8342: with the pictures? PeckServers.com#8342: for physical skills you should do pixelated 69 WalterJS#2477: do you think its better like this or nah WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: AdOnIs WalterJS#2477: look at the logo in the top left WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: that will be sick PeckServers.com#8342: pretty soon i will have that 100mbps fiber connection at my disposal 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: canvas kinda sux haha PeckServers.com#8342: more like a tera-fold WalterJS#2477: one day it will be a giga-fold better than canvas WalterJS#2477: haha okay PeckServers.com#8342: count me in PeckServers.com#8342: I wanna host it PeckServers.com#8342: it has similar potential PeckServers.com#8342: its almost like the redditisfun app PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: slowly... WalterJS#2477: image uploading WalterJS#2477: just added the pictures PeckServers.com#8342: thats insane WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: lol WalterJS#2477: course view WalterJS#2477: I think so yeah PeckServers.com#8342: so does their main site just use the api too? PeckServers.com#8342: jesus WalterJS#2477: view this link to see what the api can do WalterJS#2477: https://washk12.instructure.com/doc/api/live WalterJS#2477: theoretically yes PeckServers.com#8342: wait can you submit assignments and everyting? PeckServers.com#8342: thats so cool! PeckServers.com#8342: BRO WalterJS#2477: their API is kinda bad so I will probably give up WalterJS#2477: lol it looks like trash WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: its completed PeckServers.com#8342: dang thats epico WalterJS#2477: so it will work just like canvas but a full giga-fold better WalterJS#2477: its going to integrate with the canvas api WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/giga-chad-gigachad-big-gif-21053844 WalterJS#2477: im going to call it gigacanvas WalterJS#2477: im making my own canvas lisx#1702: 😂 burarahurricane#6369: but mostly the. second line burarahurricane#6369: all of it lisx#1702: why lisx#1702: which part lisx#1702: uh burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: what does? burarahurricane#6369: sounds like something u would say lisx#1702: i dont get it lisx#1702: ????? lisx#1702: you don't even lisx#1702: 😂 wtf PeckServers.com#8342: So wholesome PeckServers.com#8342: Aww burarahurricane#6369: this is lisa coded MMMMM#2210: “You are the best drummer i know” -cayson southam MMMMM#2210: I almost came to tears MMMMM#2210: And i found the most amazing, heartwarming thing someone wrote in it MMMMM#2210: So i was looking through last years yearbook username123115#4960: thats cool username123115#4960: ᲼᲼ PeckServers.com#8342: yeah give_a_minute#1155: ᲼᲼ username123115#4960: ooh username123115#4960: ᲼᲼ PeckServers.com#8342: ive looked for one of those forever lisx#1702: no I just searched it up PeckServers.com#8342: dang PeckServers.com#8342: ᲼᲼ PeckServers.com#8342: ᲼᲼ PeckServers.com#8342: lisa you found an invis character that discord supports? lisx#1702: it's probably right now lisx#1702: there lisx#1702: oh sad let me fix that give_a_minute#1155: oh yeah username123115#4960: around your pfp username123115#4960: little outlines username123115#4960: theres like username123115#4960: wait lisx#1702: before username123115#4960: uh lisx#1702: the day lisx#1702: I'm not doing it until username123115#4960: but we could username123115#4960: yeah give_a_minute#1155: not give_a_minute#1155: or we could username123115#4960: we could procrasinate some more username123115#4960: yeah give_a_minute#1155: frik username123115#4960: its due in like 12 days lisx#1702: dang lisx#1702: OH username123115#4960: the perfect paper username123115#4960: no lisx#1702: your benchmark essay give_a_minute#1155: *guy give_a_minute#1155: yeah that giy lisx#1702: Fyodor Dostoevsky username123115#4960: and add in 2 paragraphs username123115#4960: i just need to polish up everything give_a_minute#1155: 👏 username123115#4960: i did 60% of my essay already username123115#4960: it turns out give_a_minute#1155: pretty sure that wasn't it username123115#4960: something like taht give_a_minute#1155: dostoesfly? username123115#4960: and ends in fly username123115#4960: has toes lisx#1702: that book is so slow username123115#4960: whos last name begins with dos give_a_minute#1155: he got Dune give_a_minute#1155: I got the book Crime and Punishment from that really old dead guy username123115#4960: no gae things here username123115#4960: did stuff give_a_minute#1155: oh yeah we did that username123115#4960: and uh username123115#4960: and then we left username123115#4960: and we got a book username123115#4960: we walked to the library give_a_minute#1155: no comment username123115#4960: uh PeckServers.com#8342: gae things? PeckServers.com#8342: you and gaeb did what for 2 hours? username123115#4960: ago username123115#4960: 2 hours username123115#4960: and me username123115#4960: gaeb PeckServers.com#8342: Play on playsmp MMMMM#2210: we? username123115#4960: bored username123115#4960: we're bared Maulie#8927: Lol I don't even have perms to react lisx#1702: it only happens in that channel lisx#1702: look what happens when I try to react PeckServers.com#8342: what project you currently working on? lisx#1702: I'm doing it right now and my story's actually pretty okay it could totally be in a book. I just need to focus on the words so I can finish it WalterJS#2477: what lisx#1702: ripping up your muscles day after day WalterJS#2477: nope lisx#1702: have u done the "creative writing feelings" thing WalterJS#2477: sometimes its lonely putting in all this work alone but one day it will pay off lisx#1702: ha as if I could WalterJS#2477: lol WalterJS#2477: please join me its lonely alone WalterJS#2477: if anyone wants to join me WalterJS#2477: so i am going to sleep and hit a massive workout tomorrow morning 5am WalterJS#2477: i am big tired WalterJS#2477: part 3 even better WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/23TwR29GSeJBfXnXhmDlwR?si=2605f739ba504290 WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/4eYrjXGlDycrqg7a0Wgwed?si=cf27d1612bbb4401 WalterJS#2477: but its fire WalterJS#2477: no clue why WalterJS#2477: von hits different rn give_a_minute#1155: oh god PeckServers.com#8342: eventually we will have enough asianmail against you to cancel your irl account give_a_minute#1155: nooooooo not my twitter acc TAKOYAKII#2886: yk TAKOYAKII#2886: which tbh no one would complain about but TAKOYAKII#2886: yeah if u say things like that it makes it a lot easier for us to cancel you PeckServers.com#8342: cause either way that is super sussy give_a_minute#1155: fair point lisx#1702: you shouldn't say things like that with or without context lisx#1702: I'm pretty sure making it annoying is the entire goal username123115#4960: nothing else username123115#4960: strictly research username123115#4960: yes give_a_minute#1155: -_- TAKOYAKII#2886: that should have fixed it give_a_minute#1155: ***n ooo why'd you have to join them a a gu h*** TAKOYAKII#2886: who MMMMM#2210: it wont let me send you messages username123115#4960: Research purposes username123115#4960: For uh give_a_minute#1155: H E Y username123115#4960: Me too! TAKOYAKII#2886: would you mind sending those my way? TAKOYAKII#2886: xd TAKOYAKII#2886: asianmail TAKOYAKII#2886: yes PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: asian mail in this case give_a_minute#1155: don't try it give_a_minute#1155: blackmail my ass TAKOYAKII#2886: for future use TAKOYAKII#2886: i want blackmail TAKOYAKII#2886: send me those TAKOYAKII#2886: ooo really??? MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: i have enough screenshots of gaeb being gae that i made a folder to keep them in give_a_minute#1155: the deleted message was between 'just watch it damn it' and 'I'm not' give_a_minute#1155: TAKOYAKII#2886: ik PeckServers.com#8342: hes gay fs PeckServers.com#8342: I dont think there is recovering from saying somethign like that TAKOYAKII#2886: dont listen to him TAKOYAKII#2886: his screenshots are fake give_a_minute#1155: let me screenshot it give_a_minute#1155: y a know what give_a_minute#1155: please give_a_minute#1155: context give_a_minute#1155: kill me now PeckServers.com#8342: gaybe PeckServers.com#8342: what the hell oof PeckServers.com#8342: give_a_minute#1155: oh frik you PeckServers.com#8342: what the FUCK TAKOYAKII#2886: no it must bee seen in a channel that will not be overlooked MMMMM#2210: *screenshot* give_a_minute#1155: not in general give_a_minute#1155: you should've just sent this in memes give_a_minute#1155: please give_a_minute#1155: c o n t e x t TAKOYAKII#2886: <@!404102391416487936> do you have any defense? give_a_minute#1155: me give_a_minute#1155: kill give_a_minute#1155: jared username123115#4960: Wait why weren’t you at skool today EJCaldwell#2924: Why? EJCaldwell#2924: Yes Maulie#8927: <@383372123714093098> We completed GMC right? Maulie#8927: That doesn't make sense to me EJCaldwell#2924: That’s what I am saying MMMMM#2210: And i wont stop correcting you EJCaldwell#2924: I won’t stop with how I choose to spell some things EJCaldwell#2924: The thing is MMMMM#2210: And im telling you the same Maulie#8927: It's George. You expect that to happen? EJCaldwell#2924: That simple EJCaldwell#2924: Stop doing it EJCaldwell#2924: If you don’t like me complaining then MMMMM#2210: And then complain whenever i correct him MMMMM#2210: And you dont think it gets annoying seeing ethan make the same incredibly stupid mistake over and over again EJCaldwell#2924: And nobody likes seeing it either PeckServers.com#8342: i get where ethan is coming from, after a certain point it gets annoying MMMMM#2210: Its not a waste of my time, it’s hilarious MMMMM#2210: But you care about me correcting you EJCaldwell#2924: So stop wasting your time EJCaldwell#2924: I don’t give a single crap about spelling EJCaldwell#2924: What I am saying is MMMMM#2210: learn the English language PeckServers.com#8342: calm down PeckServers.com#8342: ladies PeckServers.com#8342: ladies MMMMM#2210: if you dont like me correcting you MMMMM#2210: otherwise you wouldnt have responded to me correcting it MMMMM#2210: you might not, but you do care about me correcting it MMMMM#2210: i just didnt play PeckServers.com#8342: did you end up getting your trumpet figured out george? EJCaldwell#2924: because it really does not matter EJCaldwell#2924: but i don't care to do anything about it EJCaldwell#2924: i do EJCaldwell#2924: if its a a thing that matters then i care about grammar EJCaldwell#2924: i just don't give a single crap about grammar in chats lisx#1702: I never turn the volume up enough to hear it though lisx#1702: it sounds like a really high frequency hertz thingy sound lisx#1702: oh I hear it username123115#4960: oh lisx#1702: she looks weird lisx#1702: 15 is a different teacher lisx#1702: oh lisx#1702: I haven't done 15 and 16 yet lisx#1702: oh I should watch those lisx#1702: I've only watched one of hers with the sound on lol username123115#4960: its like a kettle or something username123115#4960: lisx#1702: which one username123115#4960: its so annoying username123115#4960: theres always some rinigng sound behind this one teacher in the ap videos MMMMM#2210: He’s left out the apostrophe MMMMM#2210: Out of just about every time ethan has said who’s in our chats lisx#1702: it's the most annoying when people get who's and whose wrong MMMMM#2210: And probably ATON of other words MMMMM#2210: Your and you’re MMMMM#2210: And dont know the different between a and an MMMMM#2210: The fact that you’re in 9th grade MMMMM#2210: Yknow whats even sadder MMMMM#2210: But MMMMM#2210: That means its working lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24uyz_LkX-4 EJCaldwell#2924: but then i decided not to EJCaldwell#2924: i was going to do that lisx#1702: because you didn't say "your sad" lisx#1702: you've learned from it though haven't you EJCaldwell#2924: that you need to correct every single grammar mistake that is made EJCaldwell#2924: you are sad EJCaldwell#2924: George MMMMM#2210: An* EJCaldwell#2924: lol lisx#1702: lol MMMMM#2210: But I don’t lisx#1702: how could you forget your trumpet you literally have it every day lisx#1702: oof lisx#1702: like five hundred thousand lisx#1702: so many messages PeckServers.com#8342: Thats a really big problem PeckServers.com#8342: Bruh MMMMM#2210: I have band next period MMMMM#2210: I forgot my trumpet PeckServers.com#8342: carson is back at it burarahurricane#6369: gn burarahurricane#6369: sam totally has to get his gatekeeping under control murder is just not doing it :/ EJCaldwell#2924: Well gn burarahurricane#6369: yeah big F burarahurricane#6369: but now any time someone mentions michael im just gonna think about nichael hghrfgjghf EJCaldwell#2924: Also RIP ranboo EJCaldwell#2924: Ya burarahurricane#6369: w tubbo its ver y hype burarahurricane#6369: yeah!! EJCaldwell#2924: Did you see techno is streaming on Saturday burarahurricane#6369: yeaaa EJCaldwell#2924: OH burarahurricane#6369: george not found (the one and only) EJCaldwell#2924: Gnf? burarahurricane#6369: FINE im gonna rage quit wordle n go to bed and think about the gnf lore stream a lot EJCaldwell#2924: Ikr burarahurricane#6369: wtf wh en did it become eleven this is dumnb the nihght literally goes zoom EJCaldwell#2924: I have home room and shop aid before the class EJCaldwell#2924: I should be fine with the project EJCaldwell#2924: I just realized PeckServers.com#8342: gn EJCaldwell#2924: it feels like it was 10:45 like 2 mins ago EJCaldwell#2924: its 11 now EJCaldwell#2924: holy cow EJCaldwell#2924: gn EJCaldwell#2924: i have to go PeckServers.com#8342: im rofl literally rn EJCaldwell#2924: can i get some bleach PeckServers.com#8342: holy hel EJCaldwell#2924: mad verse city is also funny EJCaldwell#2924: idk that one PeckServers.com#8342: the one carson is playing EJCaldwell#2924: i like the one where you make a invention up EJCaldwell#2924: or have seen EJCaldwell#2924: that you like PeckServers.com#8342: only played it like once PeckServers.com#8342: honestly cant remember EJCaldwell#2924: game EJCaldwell#2924: not party pack EJCaldwell#2924: what is the best jackbox game PeckServers.com#8342: lemme listen again EJCaldwell#2924: is he the bottem left? PeckServers.com#8342: i think slime might have been too PeckServers.com#8342: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: is Jschlat in that game PeckServers.com#8342: its dense with the f word EJCaldwell#2924: thats a lot of swearing EJCaldwell#2924: oh gosh PeckServers.com#8342: Carson made this game SO MUCH more funny EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: can you pin that EJCaldwell#2924: If anybody that has jackbox on pc sees this say something PeckServers.com#8342: that would be so fun PeckServers.com#8342: YES EJCaldwell#2924: and have the one person share their screen EJCaldwell#2924: just all get into a call EJCaldwell#2924: if somebody has it on their computer we should get a CG game going some day PeckServers.com#8342: IKR PeckServers.com#8342: you are an amazing procrastinator EJCaldwell#2924: that game is so fun EJCaldwell#2924: so is that good or bad at procrastinating PeckServers.com#8342: you could also watch this funny ass call me carson vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPXov13RkQI PeckServers.com#8342: see PeckServers.com#8342: hmm PeckServers.com#8342: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: there EJCaldwell#2924: i procrastinate a lot EJCaldwell#2924: or bad EJCaldwell#2924: i have really good procrastination PeckServers.com#8342: but then procrastination PeckServers.com#8342: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: where i have like 20 mins to do it EJCaldwell#2924: but i want to see if i can get it done in class EJCaldwell#2924: i should try PeckServers.com#8342: well you decide then PeckServers.com#8342: oh PeckServers.com#8342: therefore now is more valuable then then EJCaldwell#2924: tomorrow EJCaldwell#2924: its due at midnight PeckServers.com#8342: tomorrow is a short day PeckServers.com#8342: work on the thing EJCaldwell#2924: idk if i should sleep or work on my thing EJCaldwell#2924: same PeckServers.com#8342: i hate time PeckServers.com#8342: AWOOOOOGA EJCaldwell#2924: IDK EJCaldwell#2924: and its been like 2 hours PeckServers.com#8342: HOW PeckServers.com#8342: its almost 11 PeckServers.com#8342: HELL EJCaldwell#2924: i have done nothing on my project PeckServers.com#8342: but.. but... fineee EJCaldwell#2924: i just looked at the time EJCaldwell#2924: cya PeckServers.com#8342: bye xXthat1redheadXx#9990: probably not EJCaldwell#2924: you don't need to do it again PeckServers.com#8342: its like deal or no deal xXthat1redheadXx#9990: anyways I gtg so adios EJCaldwell#2924: you have done it once EJCaldwell#2924: don't xXthat1redheadXx#9990: to both xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: my dad and uncle have a friend that put a credit card chip thing in his hand by himself so they could just scan his hand and it would work PeckServers.com#8342: surgery or no surgery PeckServers.com#8342: what do you think alysse? PeckServers.com#8342: im having to convince myself not to EJCaldwell#2924: the video is 36 mins EJCaldwell#2924: thats the entire run PeckServers.com#8342: I really wanna do surgery on myself again xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you watched a video for 40+ hours 🙀 PeckServers.com#8342: exactly xXthat1redheadXx#9990: poking brens EJCaldwell#2924: i have just been seeing this challenge that takes 40+ hours xXthat1redheadXx#9990: sorry xXthat1redheadXx#9990: poking brains xXthat1redheadXx#9990: exactly PeckServers.com#8342: bren go squish squish EJCaldwell#2924: idk what you are talking about right now xXthat1redheadXx#9990: exactly PeckServers.com#8342: poke poke xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I kinda wanted to xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if it wasn't corona it would've been irl and I could've touched it EJCaldwell#2924: this is amazing EJCaldwell#2924: where you cut every piece of grass EJCaldwell#2924: THERE IS A RUN CALLED grass% EJCaldwell#2924: OH MY GOSH PeckServers.com#8342: that sounds fun xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok since it's just a brain I'm looking it up PeckServers.com#8342: they do vids on everything xXthat1redheadXx#9990: with like 100 other people xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I saw it though a face time thing in 7th grade PeckServers.com#8342: they also have sagittal cuts of the entire body xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah that's not that bad xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok PeckServers.com#8342: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: right xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's only a brain xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's not *that* bad EJCaldwell#2924: HE HAS A VIDEO OF IT WITH AND I QUOTE "Dream luck" PeckServers.com#8342: you can see an actual sagittal plane cut on a cadaver on the youtube channel institute for human anatomy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: instead or going right going left xXthat1redheadXx#9990: could you italic letters... *backwards* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: not looking it up xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ope EJCaldwell#2924: its a speedrun xXthat1redheadXx#9990: haha get it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's a *slow*run xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if that's the speedrun you're talking about that's not a speedrun PeckServers.com#8342: hey its better than the sagittal plane of the head EJCaldwell#2924: it takes over 40 hours, IN THE SAME ROOM EJCaldwell#2924: low% true ending xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm not after what I saw when I looked at "torso" pictures xXthat1redheadXx#9990: already saw a sneak peak and that was enough EJCaldwell#2924: i just learned of the dumbest hollowknight speedrun PeckServers.com#8342: dont be baby xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nope xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nope xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nope burarahurricane#6369: midline and xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I am not clicking the images for coronal PeckServers.com#8342: google "institute for human anatomy" burarahurricane#6369: the burarahurricane#6369: of the body burarahurricane#6369: oh yeah its the planes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: we need to call le popos xXthat1redheadXx#9990: THEY CUT HIM HORIZONTALY AND VERTICALLY PeckServers.com#8342: instead of armspan its this xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wth... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what in sam hell did you just say PeckServers.com#8342: its his lateral face on his coronal plane xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what the heck it that and the side of my leg pit it jiggling and tingling and I don't like it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah that's probably what it's called PeckServers.com#8342: 74 wide EJCaldwell#2924: lets just say arm span PeckServers.com#8342: 71 inches tall PeckServers.com#8342: the backdoor science has results xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it says it's wrongly spelled(?) xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes EJCaldwell#2924: i think i am spelling it wrong EJCaldwell#2924: i think its apendex xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hecking spelling xXthat1redheadXx#9990: google *lied* EJCaldwell#2924: thats a organ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait EJCaldwell#2924: grab the tape measure xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: my boi what are you talking about PeckServers.com#8342: lemme see if i can do some backdoor scientist shit and figure out what mine is EJCaldwell#2924: by 1" PeckServers.com#8342: chungus xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: so you are wider than you are taller EJCaldwell#2924: that is a apendex xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ PeckServers.com#8342: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: isnt it the organ EJCaldwell#2924: you know how if you put your arms out in like a t-pose it suppose to be the same as your height xXthat1redheadXx#9990: dang I thought about it and it's not even close PeckServers.com#8342: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I no dumb xXthat1redheadXx#9990: jk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: like the thing at the back of books PeckServers.com#8342: was that EJCaldwell#2924: if thats the word xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh my gosh lmfao EJCaldwell#2924: i know i have a positive apendex PeckServers.com#8342: genetics are broken PeckServers.com#8342: and similar dimentions xXthat1redheadXx#9990: more or less PeckServers.com#8342: all the same height PeckServers.com#8342: 13 15 and 17 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause I'm almost as tall as my dad and he's 5"10 EJCaldwell#2924: that is still tall PeckServers.com#8342: 🤯 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm 5"9 something PeckServers.com#8342: wait soviet how tall are you PeckServers.com#8342: how EJCaldwell#2924: we are like the exact same almost xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👌 EJCaldwell#2924: BRUH PeckServers.com#8342: 5'11" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I don't want a deep explanation xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I think I get it but... PeckServers.com#8342: its soviet calculator EJCaldwell#2924: how tall are you EJCaldwell#2924: cody xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the xXthat1redheadXx#9990: uhm what PeckServers.com#8342: the base EJCaldwell#2924: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: to where PeckServers.com#8342: then you gotta carry the 1 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: **fax** xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: theres a +1" addition xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'll take it though Ig PeckServers.com#8342: well you are soviet xXthat1redheadXx#9990: false PeckServers.com#8342: the more ya know PeckServers.com#8342: also just found out apparently from the tip of the index to about the middle of the thumb is wanker size xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I can get like 8 1/2 but I'm only 13 soooo... EJCaldwell#2924: how tall are you EJCaldwell#2924: cody EJCaldwell#2924: 9 in PeckServers.com#8342: 9" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fax machine xXthat1redheadXx#9990: how many inches between the tip or your pinky to the tip of your thumb when you do the like "surfs up dude" thing PeckServers.com#8342: the amount of swag eminating from this big hand group is immesurable PeckServers.com#8342: biggin hands xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm literally so swagger PeckServers.com#8342: yes EJCaldwell#2924: 46,213 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm port of the big hand gang xXthat1redheadXx#9990: heheheh PeckServers.com#8342: find it EJCaldwell#2924: i got yours PeckServers.com#8342: 02/25/2004 EJCaldwell#2924: its a pi caculator PeckServers.com#8342: how does that work EJCaldwell#2924: anybody else want their birthday in pi PeckServers.com#8342: oh that seems more legit xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if not 5 1/4 PeckServers.com#8342: this PeckServers.com#8342: hol on xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the ruler is supposed to be diagnal right or vertical PeckServers.com#8342: how xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 7 1/4 for the thumb and index finger thing PeckServers.com#8342: or im small for my age PeckServers.com#8342: maybe you all just got the big genes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I got 7 1/2 PeckServers.com#8342: <:hehe:856378380332433408> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 EJCaldwell#2924: now that is useless to know EJCaldwell#2924: 5,426 EJCaldwell#2924: and its not that far EJCaldwell#2924: i just learned where my birthday was in pi EJCaldwell#2924: the streamer that said it went until it said 69 EJCaldwell#2924: i just heard a lot of digits of pi EJCaldwell#2924: not from me but still EJCaldwell#2924: my dog just went on a walk not too long ago PeckServers.com#8342: and remember to let the dogs out PeckServers.com#8342: umm PeckServers.com#8342: dont die PeckServers.com#8342: gl with life EJCaldwell#2924: gn PeckServers.com#8342: gn PeckServers.com#8342: aiight i gtg EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: you know what they say about peeps with massive hands EJCaldwell#2924: my dad PeckServers.com#8342: thats insane PeckServers.com#8342: how PeckServers.com#8342: bro EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: youre 15 right EJCaldwell#2924: so were about the same PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: but it is comfortable EJCaldwell#2924: i mouse is like 5 inchs EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: i was in middle of other thought lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: forget the reply PeckServers.com#8342: middle to palm right? EJCaldwell#2924: how long are your hands PeckServers.com#8342: my starch is 9 inches EJCaldwell#2924: i get 5.5 EJCaldwell#2924: 1 sec EJCaldwell#2924: i was doing it wrong PeckServers.com#8342: 5.5 inches PeckServers.com#8342: I was right PeckServers.com#8342: EJCaldwell#2924: from the tip of my middle finger to the bottom of my palm is 7 inches PeckServers.com#8342: your hands are bigger than mine PeckServers.com#8342: jesus EJCaldwell#2924: but with the L i can get 6 1/2 EJCaldwell#2924: if i starch my fingers as far as they can go i can get 8 inches EJCaldwell#2924: found a tape measure EJCaldwell#2924: let me go check EJCaldwell#2924: and i don't think we have a ruler in my house PeckServers.com#8342: i think mines like 5.5 inches PeckServers.com#8342: sam EJCaldwell#2924: i don't have anything to measure with right now PeckServers.com#8342: hold your hand in an L shape and measure from the tip of your pointer to the flat part of your thumb PeckServers.com#8342: damn son EJCaldwell#2924: the rubiks rube fits in the palm of my hand EJCaldwell#2924: i can cover my entire mouse with them PeckServers.com#8342: man you do have large hands PeckServers.com#8342: thats what she said EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: its just really long EJCaldwell#2924: its not big EJCaldwell#2924: because i mistype letters all the time PeckServers.com#8342: get a slim one EJCaldwell#2924: i would take the keyboard but this thing is really big EJCaldwell#2924: i also hate mousepads EJCaldwell#2924: i have big hands for the chrombooks EJCaldwell#2924: i may PeckServers.com#8342: no balls PeckServers.com#8342: *do it* EJCaldwell#2924: my mouse is so slim i could take it to school easily EJCaldwell#2924: i also just thought about it EJCaldwell#2924: thats how small it is EJCaldwell#2924: it took me a sec to find it PeckServers.com#8342: yeah iss not too bad EJCaldwell#2924: right above the middle right square there is a tiny bit of ink EJCaldwell#2924: but you can't see it in the pic i don't think PeckServers.com#8342: *they dont have to know abt that* EJCaldwell#2924: there is a tiny mistake tho PeckServers.com#8342: id buy one PeckServers.com#8342: you should sell those PeckServers.com#8342: ill bet PeckServers.com#8342: god speed thats really good! EJCaldwell#2924: it was hard to cut out EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: you made that? PeckServers.com#8342: woah EJCaldwell#2924: it came out really good EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: you want to know what iss cool PeckServers.com#8342: kekw PeckServers.com#8342: lol EJCaldwell#2924: its a bad corner any waysd EJCaldwell#2924: its fine EJCaldwell#2924: crap EJCaldwell#2924: i just rolled over the corner of my project EJCaldwell#2924: NOOOOO EJCaldwell#2924: then the laptop it just my mobile gaming thing EJCaldwell#2924: i am saving for a gaming pc or just a good one EJCaldwell#2924: but its all run on a laptop EJCaldwell#2924: i would PeckServers.com#8342: oh EJCaldwell#2924: for this laptop to run PeckServers.com#8342: *MORE MONITORS* EJCaldwell#2924: but that is too much EJCaldwell#2924: i could make it quad PeckServers.com#8342: discord is work PeckServers.com#8342: hey PeckServers.com#8342: then there is no going back EJCaldwell#2924: i have discord on one and work stuff on the other PeckServers.com#8342: its one of those things that you dont understand till you have it PeckServers.com#8342: ikr EJCaldwell#2924: its so nice having duo screens PeckServers.com#8342: 100 smackaroonies PeckServers.com#8342: idk <@!531264285385424916> want an implant? EJCaldwell#2924: he would be better PeckServers.com#8342: hes probs too mormon to have one EJCaldwell#2924: give it to walter PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: cyber duo EJCaldwell#2924: do you want him to have it PeckServers.com#8342: whats stopping me 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: i mean EJCaldwell#2924: just don't give the other one to george EJCaldwell#2924: oh gosh PeckServers.com#8342: but sadly adonis. PeckServers.com#8342: 2 bitches getting my phone number in one go 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: OR PeckServers.com#8342: not much better than that PeckServers.com#8342: 2 doors one person EJCaldwell#2924: duel wield it PeckServers.com#8342: cause i want a magnet more than other chip EJCaldwell#2924: ues the other hand PeckServers.com#8342: now the question is do I install it or wait to see if my co worker wants it PeckServers.com#8342: same as the other one EJCaldwell#2924: what is it this time EJCaldwell#2924: oh gosh PeckServers.com#8342: mwahahahaha PeckServers.com#8342: i just got another implant kit delivered today 🦹‍♂️ EJCaldwell#2924: all i have is the outline of it PeckServers.com#8342: youd probs better get that done PeckServers.com#8342: yeah EJCaldwell#2924: and its due tomorow at midnight EJCaldwell#2924: i still need to do my thing EJCaldwell#2924: daniel PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao EJCaldwell#2924: aka EJCaldwell#2924: i chose to partner with a mad man xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmao yeah PeckServers.com#8342: brings new definition to infinite wisdom xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm confused cause how could you draw something infinite xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I believe that you could but you can draw *fractals* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmfao username123115#4960: Gotta love fractals PeckServers.com#8342: Incredible PeckServers.com#8342: Did your head ass draw a fractal properly? username123115#4960: North korangoroos gonna be so successful username123115#4960: And stuff give_a_minute#1155: h u m a n s username123115#4960: It’s only gonna be like username123115#4960: Who cares if the lifespan is lowered by like 80% give_a_minute#1155: when more than 50% of the island is dedicated to the production of ya know give_a_minute#1155: 2 square miles for waste give_a_minute#1155: oh yeah that's gonna work username123115#4960: IM A GENOUS username123115#4960: RADIOACTIVE WASTE DUMP give_a_minute#1155: *** w h e eeee z e*** username123115#4960: OOOH username123115#4960: give_a_minute#1155: *drumroll please* username123115#4960: Give it a moment username123115#4960: Here’s some empty space give_a_minute#1155: *inside give_a_minute#1155: how are you gonna put stuff instead username123115#4960: Secret police headquarters give_a_minute#1155: well haven't you colored it already username123115#4960: Ooh username123115#4960: No like inside the shape give_a_minute#1155: as to what the crap this amalgamation represents give_a_minute#1155: an explanation username123115#4960: Hmm what should the empty space be give_a_minute#1155: fractally give_a_minute#1155: it's very username123115#4960: Isn’t it just beautiful username123115#4960: give_a_minute#1155: aa G h hh m y *flesh* is going b o om b u t I know I c a n con q u e r t h i s wi th *c o u r a g e!* username123115#4960: They just gotta believe username123115#4960: Nah give_a_minute#1155: die give_a_minute#1155: *know give_a_minute#1155: or you now username123115#4960: They can get fishy cancer and grow buff or something give_a_minute#1155: the fishies are to be spared give_a_minute#1155: wait but then you'd have killed all the fishes username123115#4960: If someone blows us up we can turn the ocean into Chernobyl give_a_minute#1155: isn't that so swell give_a_minute#1155: they'll get to die within the hour give_a_minute#1155: well I guess you can supercharge your citizens with radioactivity give_a_minute#1155: that's concerning username123115#4960: More then 50% of the island is now a uranium mine give_a_minute#1155: hearing 101 give_a_minute#1155: I always thought it was 'dual' not 'dull' username123115#4960: Dull expectation aka north karangoroo username123115#4960: Beutidal username123115#4960: Alright it’s done give_a_minute#1155: that's not very reassuring username123115#4960: Maybe username123115#4960: Uh yea give_a_minute#1155: for your nuclear-sushi fractal island give_a_minute#1155: got any explanatoin prepared give_a_minute#1155: the stuff on the map is supposed to relate to us in some way give_a_minute#1155: you know how give_a_minute#1155: so uh username123115#4960: Oh yeah yellow is like cities and stuff or something username123115#4960: And we have an even amount of all resources obviously give_a_minute#1155: that must be a really tiny capital username123115#4960: Ricefield * give_a_minute#1155: oh ok gotcha username123115#4960: So fish + rice = sushi username123115#4960: And we get fishies from the oshean username123115#4960: Richfield is blue give_a_minute#1155: waht happened to that give_a_minute#1155: and the sushi give_a_minute#1155: wait waht about the rice fields username123115#4960: And x’s are muzzle launch stations username123115#4960: Star in the middle is capital username123115#4960: Blue is for Richfield username123115#4960: username123115#4960: Brown is for port username123115#4960: Green is for uranium mines and processing give_a_minute#1155: do you have any landmark thingys give_a_minute#1155: w o ah username123115#4960: I added *color* give_a_minute#1155: sure username123115#4960: Wanna take a look at my island give_a_minute#1155: but now you decided to make one give_a_minute#1155: so you avoid dimensional rifts at all cost username123115#4960: Nah it was an intentional dimensional rift give_a_minute#1155: tip of a compass by chance? give_a_minute#1155: you sure it wasn't the uh username123115#4960: Forgot to mention those username123115#4960: Ahh a dimensional rift give_a_minute#1155: give_a_minute#1155: looks pretty nice give_a_minute#1155: woah the island went from a triangle thingy to a circley thingy username123115#4960: Actually more like an imperfect circle demon cause my compass is kinda broken username123115#4960: I’ve been possessed by a circle demon PeckServers.com#8342: and his high conversations are so funny PeckServers.com#8342: elon smokes a joint PeckServers.com#8342: NO WAY PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/ycPr5-27vSI?t=7807 PeckServers.com#8342: my hell PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: as backup if you will PeckServers.com#8342: just thought id put that out there for walter lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: I was kidding I know that PeckServers.com#8342: we both aint gay PeckServers.com#8342: the thought of kissing another man PeckServers.com#8342: icky PeckServers.com#8342: nada PeckServers.com#8342: his friend tried to make me and him kiss during truth or dare WalterJS#2477: the thought of kissing a dude makes me want to literally kill myself 😂 WalterJS#2477: Bruh 💀 lisx#1702: I like this song https://open.spotify.com/track/6cjSh516BbrNUs213jDAGm?si=BU2nQYEOQ36qFEkhstmZ6A lisx#1702: But now that I do it’s so obviously the answer lisx#1702: Ikr I’m surprised it took me so long to see it PeckServers.com#8342: it PeckServers.com#8342: finally someone says PeckServers.com#8342: BINGO lisx#1702: There’s no other explanation lisx#1702: It’s because you’re destined to be with *guys* lisx#1702: I think I know why it never works out with you and all the girls lisx#1702: <@!531264285385424916> lisx#1702: F lisx#1702: @wody lisx#1702: Wait Walter lisx#1702: Have fun lisx#1702: Right WalterJS#2477: It’s more like I’m just letting what happens happen WalterJS#2477: I’m not going for them ig WalterJS#2477: No no lisx#1702: Does that mean Cody has to beat you with a stick twice as hard now WalterJS#2477: lol WalterJS#2477: when one leaves WalterJS#2477: cuz then I won’t be big sad WalterJS#2477: Well I think ima just get both of them lisx#1702: Who are they want me to help you pick lol WalterJS#2477: This is what I needed lisx#1702: I’m pretty sure that’ll just turn into another one of the that-one-girl scenario PeckServers.com#8342: i will beat you with a stick if you go for either PeckServers.com#8342: adonis. WalterJS#2477: Maybe both WalterJS#2477: Idk which one to go for WalterJS#2477: Guys there’s these 2 hot girls in my dance class lisx#1702: Ugh lisx#1702: And I’m going to keep failing if I don’t start reading the stupid book lisx#1702: I just have an F in la lisx#1702: Okay not quite WalterJS#2477: ya its pretty fire WalterJS#2477: my gpa is like 2.667 lisx#1702: hey its actually good EJCaldwell#2924: he is really tall lisx#1702: dang I guess that's why he plays bass EJCaldwell#2924: ik that because i had to get it for my permit EJCaldwell#2924: i am 5'10" ish burarahurricane#6369: LMAO its true EJCaldwell#2924: no, but i think maulie is lisx#1702: have you seen *me???* 🥲 lisx#1702: I swear my grades worse than yours right now lisx#1702: I'm literally failing like two classes PeckServers.com#8342: You are 6'1" right EJCaldwell#2924: but taller then the average male??? EJCaldwell#2924: i knew i was tall for my age EJCaldwell#2924: like EJCaldwell#2924: i did not think i was that tall burarahurricane#6369: wow what a shocker EJCaldwell#2924: and i also learned i am taller than average males EJCaldwell#2924: still growing EJCaldwell#2924: and i am 15 EJCaldwell#2924: and they are full grown adults EJCaldwell#2924: i just learned i am taller than a lot of youtubers i watch WalterJS#2477: I’ve got so much homework to do because I’ve just been sitting in all my classes not doing any work at all for like days WalterJS#2477: I found a new song <@!726265256082407504> <@!852187118113652776> https://open.spotify.com/track/5ITlDBcngfQjr1MFDC34GJ?si=iXoD5BvWQhuVJfkcD8-P0A burarahurricane#6369: WOOOO xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👏 👏 👏 burarahurricane#6369: I SURVRIVED burarahurricane#6369: *DISCORD IS FIXED* burarahurricane#6369: DISCORD ARE YOU BACK??? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: dangit she's back xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😈 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's cause I'm ginger xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh my gosh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm so lucky xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and the curser is phasing too nvm I'm still alive the computer's just weird xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's going all weird and like shadowy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I think I might be fading xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the thing is phasing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm lucky xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmfao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisa died xXthat1redheadXx#9990: L xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I SURVIVED xXthat1redheadXx#9990: HAHAHHA xXthat1redheadXx#9990: half of everyone can't get on xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's like the blip xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh my gosh lisx#1702: hey PeckServers.com#8342: MOOOOOOORNIN! lisx#1702: But then again there’s still like twenty minutes lisx#1702: Maybe I should go to jazz band lisx#1702: No one’s even here 😦 lisx#1702: I’m so early today lisx#1702: Good morning MMMMM#2210: Realized* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/0_EbNtcLifU username123115#4960: yeah username123115#4960: oh lisx#1702: I didn't have chinese today username123115#4960: we did a posotr in chinese today? username123115#4960: wawit lisx#1702: yeah for biology username123115#4960: the open notes one? lisx#1702: am working on ap video now lisx#1702: Have finished quiz username123115#4960: They look like red vines lisx#1702: What are blood vessels?? lisx#1702: stupid lisx#1702: and my language arts essay is just lisx#1702: I don't want to do it though ugh lisx#1702: I think I'll have to combine the last sentence and picture onto one page lisx#1702: I drew a cowboy snowman with a smirk face lisx#1702: I've only done the title page actually lisx#1702: so sad username123115#4960: Oh yeah you couldn’t even do a title because there was like exactly 8 pages EJCaldwell#2924: but lazy EJCaldwell#2924: SAME username123115#4960: I need to do my flip grid tooo username123115#4960: That reminds me username123115#4960: OH username123115#4960: I’m going tommorow lisx#1702: wait no actually I have 2 missing ap videos 13 and 14, but I just haven't done any of the assignments that have to do with the winter break booklet because I hated it EJCaldwell#2924: geography EJCaldwell#2924: its going to suck for you EJCaldwell#2924: daniel EJCaldwell#2924: i just relized username123115#4960: *wow* lisx#1702: YO same username123115#4960: I have like 4 missing ap videos lisx#1702: but yes I agree lisx#1702: might want to raise that percentage by like... 1000000% lisx#1702: I'm telling you a bunch of useless information from class but that's because i remember way too much of everything that happened ever and I need to get it out of my head somehow username123115#4960: Good to know username123115#4960: Ok EJCaldwell#2924: thats 50% of boys summed up lisx#1702: yeah that was all. he also told us that because the district people removed the "sync to powerschool" function on canvas he graded all our things and put it onto powerschool (by hand) and now I have a C- lisx#1702: because he was a stupid teenage boy i guess lisx#1702: yep lisx#1702: he told us that we didn't have time and didn't get to that, and we'll talk about it next time I can't wait \:) lisx#1702: I forgot what the moral of the story was oh wait i remember it was like because electricity makes calcium ions bend your muscle fluids or something username123115#4960: Uncle* username123115#4960: His grandpa told him not to get electrocuted but he went and got electrocuted anyways? EJCaldwell#2924: about steroids EJCaldwell#2924: we got told a different one in my class username123115#4960: Oh lisx#1702: he was in 9th grade (about our age) and it was spring break. he was at his grandpa(or maybe uncle)'s house and they had a farm and he was outside and saw the electric fence and was like "ooh wire" and saw that the cows didn't want to go near it but he wanted to touch it so he touched it and it was all tingly but nothing bad happened and then he went inside and talked to his uncle and asked why the cows didn't go near the electric fence if nothing happened when he touched it and uncle was like "oh thats because you were wearing shoes with rubber soles and it insulated it" and uncle left but was like "dont get any ideas though" and then he waited till uncle drove away and then went back outside and took off his shoes and touched the wire again while leaning on a metal pole and got shocked and he could not remember the five months after that very well. just kidding it was only for about five seconds. username123115#4960: Was that all username123115#4960: How username123115#4960: Uh EJCaldwell#2924: nothing in my class lisx#1702: and he talked about how he got electrocuted EJCaldwell#2924: today lisx#1702: we finished the muscles worksheet lisx#1702: oh username123115#4960: What did I miss in biology username123115#4960: Oh yeah lisx#1702: lisx#1702: MMMMM#2210: not today lisx#1702: do you ever check your email lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: but there's still like 6 days left of january. so it would be the same number if there's like...480 per day MMMMM#2210: is it full rehearsal lisx#1702: 2875 burarahurricane#6369: that was funny lisx#1702: like 2000 more EJCaldwell#2924: can you see how many i have sent? lisx#1702: shut up lisx#1702: 2020 was only like 1/5 of 2021. but then again i only joined halfway through burarahurricane#6369: dead on the humor part that time lisa burarahurricane#6369: kind a burarahurricane#6369: it wasn't funny lisx#1702: yes MMMMM#2210: do we have jazz band tomorrow lisx#1702: I wasn't here in 2019 lisx#1702: the reason was lisx#1702: but you see lisx#1702: but february lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: oh EJCaldwell#2924: was this made in 2019? lisx#1702: lol EJCaldwell#2924: see how many was sent in december lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: that was my punchline lisx#1702: don't even comment EJCaldwell#2924: well its not even a full month in yet lisx#1702: lisx#1702: *lAsT yEaR wAs FaR mOrE aCtIvE* lisx#1702: hm maybe it's just this year burarahurricane#6369: lol lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: we do be chillin lisx#1702: and then this one lisx#1702: this was our last most active day EJCaldwell#2924: try saying it burarahurricane#6369: we been chillin burarahurricane#6369: rly huh EJCaldwell#2924: i think it just goes on and off lisx#1702: is it just me or has cg been kinda dead lately EJCaldwell#2924: at 1 point they had over 200000 people playing at once lisx#1702: oh EJCaldwell#2924: largest minecraft server EJCaldwell#2924: if you say it, it spells a entire different sentence lisx#1702: What's hypixel lisx#1702: because i have a... not good grade in chinese too EJCaldwell#2924: ez* EJCaldwell#2924: hypixel banned saying ewz EJCaldwell#2924: you know lisx#1702: and after all that I will do my chinese homework EJCaldwell#2924: ez EJCaldwell#2924: because open notes lisx#1702: easy should be spelled with a Z EJCaldwell#2924: its really easy lisx#1702: because it's easier lisx#1702: I'm going to do my biology quiz thing first though EJCaldwell#2924: he has not graded it EJCaldwell#2924: thats what i was going to look at lisx#1702: that F really doesn't look pretty lisx#1702: I ma do that argumentative essay now EJCaldwell#2924: my farm EJCaldwell#2924: what lisx#1702: I swear weed time yesterday wasn't as fast lisx#1702: already burarahurricane#6369: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> lisx#1702: Well if he tells us which questions we got wrong, then we'd know which questions we got *right,* and we'd be able to share the correct answers with other people lisx#1702: yeah so maybe you got one of the graphing things wrong too EJCaldwell#2924: just the question EJCaldwell#2924: not the answer EJCaldwell#2924: i want to know why he made it so we can't see what we got wrong EJCaldwell#2924: my 95 got changed to a 93 EJCaldwell#2924: nooooooooooo lisx#1702: I probably got one of the graphing things wrong ig EJCaldwell#2924: why? EJCaldwell#2924: you better not have it lisx#1702: thats depressing lisx#1702: nooooo my 100 on the meth test got changed to a 99.01 username123115#4960: Yeah! lisx#1702: Good job??? lisx#1702: Lol lisx#1702: She was here today username123115#4960: A little username123115#4960: Uhhhhh username123115#4960: Is she coming back today lisx#1702: Speaking of that have you practiced?? username123115#4960: Oh crap lisx#1702: Phew I thought I was gonna have to practice lisx#1702: That’s good lisx#1702: And you do that anyway lisx#1702: Oh username123115#4960: Because I tested negative username123115#4960: She said the school said I could just bring a vaccine card and wear a mask username123115#4960: My mom called username123115#4960: Nvm lisx#1702: in jazz band lisx#1702: and be all alone lisx#1702: :(( lisx#1702: now I have to practice the pieces burarahurricane#6369: im gonna take it when i get back lisx#1702: i was so proud burarahurricane#6369: i already emailed him lisx#1702: in the whole class lisx#1702: I was the first one to guess the password lisx#1702: guess the password lisx#1702: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO burarahurricane#6369: what a name burarahurricane#6369: gerri username123115#4960: gerri* username123115#4960: bad internet username123115#4960: nvm username123115#4960: garri username123115#4960: why is garri red username123115#4960: wait username123115#4960: oh that didn't send username123115#4960: or somethinmg username123115#4960: garri burarahurricane#6369: whats mr clarks first name burarahurricane#6369: hhhhhhhh the matih test username123115#4960: my mom got covid so we're quarantining for 5 days EJCaldwell#2924: "Brb, going to go rob a bank real quick" -Maulie lisx#1702: AGREED lisx#1702: 👏 Good job username123115#4960: The cutoff was at an all time low this year username123115#4960: I barely made it by 3 points username123115#4960: Lol username123115#4960: 10 give_a_minute#1155: so sorry for spoiling the very not so obvious spoiler lisx#1702: did you do 10 or 12 burarahurricane#6369: omg good for them i hope they live their fullest queer life lisx#1702: I was *so* looking forward to you *not* spoiling it lisx#1702: why did you spoil it lisx#1702: gosh darn it lisx#1702: noooooooooooooooooo give_a_minute#1155: *spoiler alert: he made it* username123115#4960: The amc scores came out kunami#5233: sorry just testing something out MMMMM#2210: ? kunami#5233: test 12 PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVb6bGgyIrE literally oof MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: PeckServers.com#8342: ill give you a nickel if you tickle my pickle, ill give you a dime if you take your time MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: you can get this MMMMM#2210: and for free PeckServers.com#8342: how about this PeckServers.com#8342: HAHA MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: you can buy <@!404102391416487936> 's biography on steam MMMMM#2210: for 3 dollars MMMMM#2210: that reminds me Thawunguy#6106: so help me god Thawunguy#6106: ban me again lisa burarahurricane#6369: LMAO PeckServers.com#8342: you only like that because thats your daily life MMMMM#2210: https://youtu.be/NkFrnFooMgk MMMMM#2210: Sus version better MMMMM#2210: That song bad lisx#1702: I don’t think he does PeckServers.com#8342: remember that PeckServers.com#8342: lisa jesus loves you! PeckServers.com#8342: lisas being emo lisx#1702: That sucks PeckServers.com#8342: but now the member count is lower :( PeckServers.com#8342: lisa did you delete all of the georges? PeckServers.com#8342: #end the wall burarahurricane#6369: we need to obliterate it PeckServers.com#8342: it seems to be killing you burarahurricane#6369: i need a sledge hammer PeckServers.com#8342: do i need to come kill that wall PeckServers.com#8342: alysse burarahurricane#6369: HIT MY HEAD ON THE WALL AGAIN burarahurricane#6369: I PeckServers.com#8342: is great PeckServers.com#8342: google PeckServers.com#8342: its Tik Tok by Ke$ha lisx#1702: That’s unforgivable lisx#1702: You confused dream with Taylor Swift burarahurricane#6369: and when they ask me how im doin i say IM JUST FINE burarahurricane#6369: i wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time stare at the ceiling while i hold back whats on my mind PeckServers.com#8342: im actually curious PeckServers.com#8342: that doesnt help PeckServers.com#8342: bruh lisx#1702: You? PeckServers.com#8342: who sang that one then? lisx#1702: Uh no??? PeckServers.com#8342: but instead of booze its torture PeckServers.com#8342: hey isnt that a taylor swift song lisx#1702: Bruh PeckServers.com#8342: I wake up in the morning feeling like torturing lisa, i put the ping up in this whore and i press delete 🎵 lisx#1702: ||Jk|| lisx#1702: ||<:reverse_card:788946351294513212>|| burarahurricane#6369: should stop existing burarahurricane#6369: this dumb wall burarahurricane#6369: I HIT MY HEAD AGAIN username123115#4960: and it sounds just like that music video! username123115#4960: my sisters playing hedwig's theme on the recorder PeckServers.com#8342: Dont die PeckServers.com#8342: Alysse burarahurricane#6369: :( burarahurricane#6369: i keep banging my head on things PeckServers.com#8342: Thats crazy PeckServers.com#8342: Jesus WalterJS#2477: all the data you see is randomly generated for now WalterJS#2477: its coming along pretty well WalterJS#2477: this is what ive been working on WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: but I am infact alive WalterJS#2477: I have ton of pings PeckServers.com#8342: hehe 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 EJCaldwell#2924: also Sea Witches suck on hypixel skyblock EJCaldwell#2924: those are good videos PeckServers.com#8342: Off to find more ending p2w server videos PeckServers.com#8342: Good idea EJCaldwell#2924: watch youtube PeckServers.com#8342: Holy shiz i am so FRICKING bored PeckServers.com#8342: <@!531264285385424916> listening party? burarahurricane#6369: 😏 lisx#1702: Yeah you are many things lisx#1702: Oh I found it lisx#1702: I just woke up burarahurricane#6369: D: PeckServers.com#8342: get it together PeckServers.com#8342: lisa PeckServers.com#8342: dementia too? burarahurricane#6369: did u forget D: PeckServers.com#8342: when youo were going insane last night PeckServers.com#8342: haha lisx#1702: What discord glitch?? burarahurricane#6369: ahaahhaah gottem lisx#1702: Sus PeckServers.com#8342: after last night 😏 burarahurricane#6369: as cursed as just a discord glitch right ? PeckServers.com#8342: your mom is cursed burarahurricane#6369: aww thanks :) lisx#1702: You’re cursed PeckServers.com#8342: i thought that was so weird PeckServers.com#8342: muscle is the stuff you eat burarahurricane#6369: its true lisx#1702: Ewwwwww why’d you have to put it like that Maulie#8927: So true PeckServers.com#8342: hows your site going? PeckServers.com#8342: <@!531264285385424916> wass poppin? EJCaldwell#2924: ikr PeckServers.com#8342: i feel like with school it makes it so that my body naturally waking up is rare PeckServers.com#8342: dang EJCaldwell#2924: nothing else EJCaldwell#2924: because my body woke me up EJCaldwell#2924: thats really good for me EJCaldwell#2924: ik PeckServers.com#8342: that aint half bad PeckServers.com#8342: i mean thats like 8 hours of sleep EJCaldwell#2924: and just woke up EJCaldwell#2924: i went to bed at like 2 EJCaldwell#2924: Idk how i am so awake PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah that sounds really dangerous burarahurricane#6369: i thixnjk i should bporobably . sleep burarahurricane#6369: ig i just decided tobinge read 50k words???? burarahurricane#6369: whenen tf didnit brcome 2 am burarahurricane#6369: oh yeah that show EJCaldwell#2924: good 5 hours tho EJCaldwell#2924: and i watched the entire thing in a day EJCaldwell#2924: first show i have seen in a while EJCaldwell#2924: they are good EJCaldwell#2924: just finished the Marvel what ifs burarahurricane#6369: too much 20 lbs backpack time??? burarahurricane#6369: ummm i let it exist maybe Maulie#8927: What did you do to your back? burarahurricane#6369: i can only stand a few months of this befroe i go insnane burarahurricane#6369: the constant snap crackle pop of my back when i breathe too deeply is starting to become annoying ngl burarahurricane#6369: its cursed burarahurricane#6369: i think . she does Maulie#8927: Does Lisa have lightmode Discord on? Maulie#8927: Who lives in India burarahurricane#6369: LMAOOOO YEP PeckServers.com#8342: But first you need to send a small fee to a Nigerian prince Maulie#8927: *Your phone number was selected through a database created by the US. Now, to accept your legitimate 1 Million dollars, we need your phone number* PeckServers.com#8342: Cause who needs sleep PeckServers.com#8342: Yayyyy PeckServers.com#8342: Its merry today burarahurricane#6369: also happy day burarahurricane#6369: this PeckServers.com#8342: Face muscles are worse because they're so attached to the skin, in order to see them you end up ruining them. burarahurricane#6369: we wouldnt have to worry about beauty because everyone would look so burarahurricane#6369: things would be so much simpler if our skin wss like invisible burarahurricane#6369: face muscles look so funny burarahurricane#6369: tho im vegetarian:/ burarahurricane#6369: yeahnbb!!! PeckServers.com#8342: Edible and functional PeckServers.com#8342: Omg yes burarahurricane#6369: thats so fun oh em gee burarahurricane#6369: and they look so funky chunky burarahurricane#6369: theyre MEAT that MOVE burarahurricane#6369: muscles are so cool PeckServers.com#8342: im also unalive right now PeckServers.com#8342: me burarahurricane#6369: oh yeah it was supposed to be george but he wasnt actually asleet burarahurricane#6369: not me <:hehe:856378380332433408> EJCaldwell#2924: Who is asleep burarahurricane#6369: yea PeckServers.com#8342: ignoring it is probably the best for you burarahurricane#6369: there are so many ways i could respond to this PeckServers.com#8342: <:sus:783176301502267423> PeckServers.com#8342: whats hard now? burarahurricane#6369: hard burarahurricane#6369: look at him hes trying so hadd burarahurricane#6369: oh yeah burarahurricane#6369: look PeckServers.com#8342: mormon boy has a bed time burarahurricane#6369: no hes not PeckServers.com#8342: isnt he alseep lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: iz gon say those are twitch emotes burarahurricane#6369: yoo lisx#1702: yessir burarahurricane#6369: !!! TWITCH??? lisx#1702: lookie <@!749747503947055136> lisx#1702: did you have betterdiscord burarahurricane#6369: :0 lisx#1702: this is whats happening burarahurricane#6369: im gonna do it PeckServers.com#8342: ScAm burarahurricane#6369: what if i texted them deez nuts lol and then blocked them lisx#1702: don't do it lisx#1702: m burarahurricane#6369: a scam :0 PeckServers.com#8342: gamer voice lisx#1702: or i can just take a video lisx#1702: gamer voice lisx#1702: look i can show you UrbanAngel1999#3001: a l t PeckServers.com#8342: what is that account UrbanAngel1999#3001: on other accounts UrbanAngel1999#3001: i wonder why it doesn't show up UrbanAngel1999#3001: i didn't PeckServers.com#8342: you hacked lisx#1702: HOW lisx#1702: LOOK IT DOES THIS EJCaldwell#2924: Ya PeckServers.com#8342: episodes? PeckServers.com#8342: im so lost lisx#1702: WHY IS IT TURNING INTO AN EMOJI EJCaldwell#2924: They are about a half hour long each one lisx#1702: KappaPride PeckServers.com#8342: im not a movie person PeckServers.com#8342: nah EJCaldwell#2924: Have you not seen them either EJCaldwell#2924: Ya PeckServers.com#8342: wait really? PeckServers.com#8342: 🤨 EJCaldwell#2924: They are good EJCaldwell#2924: But dang EJCaldwell#2924: Idk why I waited so long to watch the Marvel What If’s lisx#1702: I DID IT PeckServers.com#8342: that would be so cool PeckServers.com#8342: an implantable hologram PeckServers.com#8342: haha MMMMM#2210: Like a lil chip that when you wave it around it says, “i own this picture” lisx#1702: how did you do that emoji thing PeckServers.com#8342: lmao lisx#1702: NOPE ?? MMMMM#2210: For a sec i thought that said nft PeckServers.com#8342: yolo right PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao, when I showed my mom she was like NOPE and i was like "watch me" lisx#1702: very safe lisx#1702: that looks PeckServers.com#8342: im thinking either a magnet or an nfc only one PeckServers.com#8342: im at a loss for what to inject into my other hand, there is so many options MMMMM#2210: Dangerousthings.com PeckServers.com#8342: about what MMMMM#2210: You werent lying MMMMM#2210: What the crap lisx#1702: uhh PeckServers.com#8342: https://dangerousthings.com/product/next/ PeckServers.com#8342: ill send you the link lisx#1702: so what is in your hand exactly PeckServers.com#8342: LMFAO MMMMM#2210: You beat me to it lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/ba-dum-tsss-drum-band-gif-7320811 lisx#1702: I would too PeckServers.com#8342: *thats what she said* PeckServers.com#8342: couldnt be the fact that its inside of me MMMMM#2210: *i wonder why* PeckServers.com#8342: looking at this still weirds the frick outta me PeckServers.com#8342: imma be honest username123115#4960: just a *tad* lisx#1702: there really are PeckServers.com#8342: seems like a small oversight username123115#4960: cause we used block code for all the code username123115#4960: and it was super sad username123115#4960: and then i learned you could use python PeckServers.com#8342: there are kinda are username123115#4960: but i always thought the ev3s could only use block code username123115#4960: there kinda fun PeckServers.com#8342: imagine being too good at legos lisx#1702: in that case you would have to be doing really bad, because i bet its pretty easy to *not* make it to state lisx#1702: or not ig since it wasn't your goal lisx#1702: good job username123115#4960: And working sucks username123115#4960: Because now our team has more work to do username123115#4960: Which kinda sucks username123115#4960: But we made it to state username123115#4960: We finished a qualifier lego league competition today EJCaldwell#2924: Ikr PeckServers.com#8342: these videos are so fun PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8TRe8-9nCE lisx#1702: At literally anything lisx#1702: I’m a fast learner lisx#1702: Whatever it is before you decide on a name you should name it Lisa inc PeckServers.com#8342: aslong as you have good trigger control lisx#1702: Can I be in it lisx#1702: Sounds fun what are you going to do lisx#1702: Just kidding lisx#1702: Not getting much customers for the drug deals?? lisx#1702: Why burarahurricane#6369: LMAOO PeckServers.com#8342: ive confirmed he is selling illegal weapons WalterJS#2477: guys I want to start a new business burarahurricane#6369: lmaooo lisx#1702: Lol burarahurricane#6369: I ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴇғғᴏʀᴛ lisx#1702: we can probably find an alternative solution that will require more effort burarahurricane#6369: ᵒʰ lisx#1702: well okay lisx#1702: remember the part where I said *the only way* lisx#1702: hm burarahurricane#6369: ᶜᵃⁿ ʷᵉ ᵈᵒ ᶦᵗ ʷᶦᵗʰᵒᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇˡᵒᵒᵈ ᵈʳᵃʷᶦⁿᵍˀ burarahurricane#6369: ᴵ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵐᵒⁿᶦᵉ lisx#1702: is it a deal? \:) lisx#1702: it's because your insides are slowly turning into cheerios, and it's finally beginning to show. but don't worry. I've treated many many patients with this very rare disease called... cheeriomorphis, and the only way you'll be able to stop it from turning you into a five foot four piece of cheerio is to donate all of your blood (which is now mostly composed of pink cheerio-like substances) and pump in new ones. you'll only need to do this everyday for a week for it to get all of it out of your body. ik it seems like a lot of work, but I have a blood pumper right here and i can sell it to you for only 600 dollars lisx#1702: no thats not it but I think I know what it is PeckServers.com#8342: Good thing they dont probe anymore PeckServers.com#8342: Thats usually when they strike burarahurricane#6369: they mustve come in the night <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> PeckServers.com#8342: Aliens sucked on your arm PeckServers.com#8342: Woah that genius burarahurricane#6369: what did i put my arm on lmao burarahurricane#6369: why is it bagel shaped tho Maulie#8927: Bruises can be like a yellowish brown color though burarahurricane#6369: and not cheerio shaped burarahurricane#6369: and those r usually like purple burarahurricane#6369: it doesnt hurt burarahurricane#6369: i dont think its a bruise Maulie#8927: Isn't that called a bruise? burarahurricane#6369: i dont remmeber getting a cheerio tatoo it wont wash out lisx#1702: With what EJCaldwell#2924: I don't know what to do burarahurricane#6369: yeaaa burarahurricane#6369: ezlo ! lisx#1702: Who’s also a hat burarahurricane#6369: its one of the ones ive played lisx#1702: The bird burarahurricane#6369: yEA lisx#1702: OH burarahurricane#6369: baby burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/ezlo-minish-minish-cap-zelda-the-legend-of-zeld-gif-23276627 lisx#1702: Oh burarahurricane#6369: zelda game lisx#1702: What’s that burarahurricane#6369: adonis via minish cap confirmed????? burarahurricane#6369: oh my god <@!531264285385424916> its adonis lisx#1702: Yeah, they always start getting fun by the second day EJCaldwell#2924: is it the lower back lisx#1702: My back will start hurting soon I know it burarahurricane#6369: thats good!!! lisx#1702: It’s actually kind fun tho burarahurricane#6369: not to the fingers one burarahurricane#6369: er burarahurricane#6369: ee burarahurricane#6369: obviously lisx#1702: My fingers hurt EJCaldwell#2924: oh EJCaldwell#2924: is it a live streaM lisx#1702: There’s a livestream burarahurricane#6369: will def watch :D burarahurricane#6369: ooooo!!! lisx#1702: It starts at 2 lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/d_d2wy-bF_0 lisx#1702: Good morning EJCaldwell#2924: did you have something today? lisx#1702: Yessir burarahurricane#6369: pretty okay all things considered EJCaldwell#2924: how about you EJCaldwell#2924: good burarahurricane#6369: how r we this fine saturday EJCaldwell#2924: hello Maulie#8927: Good Afternoon EJCaldwell#2924: good morning give_a_minute#1155: good mornin burarahurricane#6369: good morning WalterJS#2477: so I can see what works best and track my progress over time WalterJS#2477: and gains WalterJS#2477: im going to make a website that tracks my weightlifting WalterJS#2477: I havea new coding project idea PeckServers.com#8342: Moooornin Maulie#8927: Why not at 11:00? Our class does that PeckServers.com#8342: insert *middle school band practicing before class.mp3* give_a_minute#1155: it'll be a few hours of good sounding practice hopefully give_a_minute#1155: I mean at least that group of kids can play pretty darn good PeckServers.com#8342: man that seems like a great way to spend saturday give_a_minute#1155: honors orch go brr or something I forgot PeckServers.com#8342: goodnight tho PeckServers.com#8342: why the heck do you have to wake up at 8 tomorrow\ lisx#1702: im so awake rn but i have to go to bed because i need to wake up at 8 tomorrow which sucks and i want to quit cello because im so bad at it but i cant because that'd be such a waste of talent when i think about all the kids who suck more at it than me who might keep playing it and get better at it when it takes them even more effort anyway i forgot what the point of this sentence was at this point and im pretty sure you have too so im going to go to bed lisx#1702: *especially* pink lemonade lisx#1702: just sugar actually lisx#1702: no i only had like half of it lisx#1702: im just really sensitive to caffein PeckServers.com#8342: more like a whole 2 liter PeckServers.com#8342: *some* lisx#1702: but yes i had some lisx#1702: not true WalterJS#2477: she practically drank the entire bottle WalterJS#2477: way more than me WalterJS#2477: yeah lisa got sent on caffeine PeckServers.com#8342: someones high on caffeine PeckServers.com#8342: but iv needles are like fractions of a millimeter lisx#1702: esp not after like five cups of mountain dew lisx#1702: sorry i dont thikn in needles PeckServers.com#8342: that go into skin lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: i think blood draw needles are about that size lisx#1702: the things lisx#1702: those are lisx#1702: needles lisx#1702: wait PeckServers.com#8342: it depends lisx#1702: thats actually even scarier PeckServers.com#8342: i mean lisx#1702: so teeny lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: id say about 2.5 millimeters lisx#1702: so yes PeckServers.com#8342: that spoiler has the answer lisx#1702: was it a big needle PeckServers.com#8342: and asking myself what the hell i was doing lisx#1702: bruh PeckServers.com#8342: before and while i was doing it, i was so scared of needles that i was hyperventilating and shaking like crazy PeckServers.com#8342: its so funny lisx#1702: lol PeckServers.com#8342: i would only need to be 18 if i had a professional do it PeckServers.com#8342: anything for you 😏 lisx#1702: but you aren't 18 yet lisx#1702: wait you already did it lisx#1702: thank you for that PeckServers.com#8342: but atleast tds dont charge to come on site and test PeckServers.com#8342: It was not fun to find that out PeckServers.com#8342: yeah MMMMM#2210: Oof PeckServers.com#8342: they musta been totally unrelated PeckServers.com#8342: especially since my neighbor had issues PeckServers.com#8342: thats what I thought too PeckServers.com#8342: the very very expensive high quality modem *died* MMMMM#2210: I thought tds did PeckServers.com#8342: thats what killed my internet PeckServers.com#8342: so it turns out that my modem finally bit the dust PeckServers.com#8342: ba dum tssss MMMMM#2210: Your mom PeckServers.com#8342: what MMMMM#2210: But yknow what sucks even more PeckServers.com#8342: darn that really sucks MMMMM#2210: But i was basically brain dead the entire day MMMMM#2210: Yea PeckServers.com#8342: did you go to school? MMMMM#2210: And once to shower MMMMM#2210: Once to get some food MMMMM#2210: I got up twice PeckServers.com#8342: man thats scary 😬 MMMMM#2210: No clue PeckServers.com#8342: do you know why you get such bad bloody noses? MMMMM#2210: For 9 hours MMMMM#2210: Ive been in bed PeckServers.com#8342: thats crazy MMMMM#2210: I apparently lost so much blood MMMMM#2210: And was so bad, i gave up on using tissues and spent 2 and a half hours with my head over the toilet MMMMM#2210: That lasted for 3 hours MMMMM#2210: I got a bloody nose last night PeckServers.com#8342: yeah MMMMM#2210: Yknow how when you donate blood the next day you’re really tired and light headed MMMMM#2210: Well MMMMM#2210: Gross PeckServers.com#8342: and this is about 5 hours later PeckServers.com#8342: i woulda got one of the needle in the hand but my phone want near me PeckServers.com#8342: MMMMM#2210: You should send a pic the hole PeckServers.com#8342: icky PeckServers.com#8342: gross PeckServers.com#8342: the feeling of it pushing through your skin cells then going between your skin and muscles PeckServers.com#8342: its so weird PeckServers.com#8342: felt like it fs PeckServers.com#8342: pretty much MMMMM#2210: You’ve got a piercing now PeckServers.com#8342: including wifi config 😄 PeckServers.com#8342: but it can do waaaay more PeckServers.com#8342: right now if you scan my hand with a phone itll make my contact on that phone PeckServers.com#8342: its really usefull tho PeckServers.com#8342: ikr MMMMM#2210: Weird MMMMM#2210: Thats PeckServers.com#8342: its all wireless PeckServers.com#8342: for the nfc part you can use your phone, for the rfid part you need a special reader/writer MMMMM#2210: Stick a usb port in your hand? MMMMM#2210: How do you program it PeckServers.com#8342: especially considering the size of that damn needle PeckServers.com#8342: suprisingly easy and painless PeckServers.com#8342: yessir MMMMM#2210: Did you do it yourself? PeckServers.com#8342: they specialize in biohacking PeckServers.com#8342: a website called dangerousthings.com PeckServers.com#8342: funnily enough MMMMM#2210: Where do you even get that PeckServers.com#8342: i can program badges on it so i dont have to carry the badge PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, the one that has nfc and rfid for opening electronic doors and such MMMMM#2210: Implant? PeckServers.com#8342: the implant MMMMM#2210: Wassat PeckServers.com#8342: I did it PeckServers.com#8342: if you dont like needles dont look username123115#4960: I think so Maulie#8927: You have to download it before importing it? username123115#4960: I think it’s not a built in module tho username123115#4960: Yeah you can Maulie#8927: You can also import pygame I believe username123115#4960: Yeah username123115#4960: import time Maulie#8927: I wanted to find out how to delay code execution in python so I looked it up and you type import time Then you can use time.sleep(#ofseconds) Maulie#8927: Time module? username123115#4960: oh wait do you mean from the python time module username123115#4960: whats that EJCaldwell#2924: its easy money EJCaldwell#2924: yes burarahurricane#6369: weed farm EJCaldwell#2924: its a farm EJCaldwell#2924: weed time EJCaldwell#2924: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> 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burarahurricane#6369: im Vaccinated tm burarahurricane#6369: its not a bad sicness PeckServers.com#8342: pleeeeeease PeckServers.com#8342: dont die alysse PeckServers.com#8342: hopefully you get feeling better PeckServers.com#8342: rip burarahurricane#6369: not pog burarahurricane#6369: yeah burarahurricane#6369: so burarahurricane#6369: and i am sic k tm burarahurricane#6369: m ydad testeed positive burarahurricane#6369: i thinkk ni have coivd : / burarahurricane#6369: afrternonn burarahurricane#6369: uh burarahurricane#6369: or burarahurricane#6369: g burarahurricane#6369: godo mroning c burarahurricane#6369: hello eberyon PeckServers.com#8342: i just injected myself with a massive needle Maulie#8927: I learned how to use time.sleep today burarahurricane#6369: :0 username123115#4960: i made a fractal sorta thing using turtle PeckServers.com#8342: It is with sad hearts that we announce this, after more than 1 year of service with our ip address, tds finally killed it 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢, the funeral will be in chodes lawn later PeckServers.com#8342: Ayyyy std is finally fixing my internets East Germany Is Going Great#1917: rip lisx#1702: more East Germany Is Going Great#1917: rip lisx#1702: its not even fun lisx#1702: i suck at this East Germany Is Going Great#1917: lol lisx#1702: math bad East Germany Is Going Great#1917: name any topic or area East Germany Is Going Great#1917: what about lisx#1702: sure East Germany Is Going Great#1917: want to learn any fun history facts East Germany Is Going Great#1917: nice lisx#1702: doing nothing lisx#1702: I am in math class East Germany Is Going Great#1917: <@!726265256082407504> East Germany Is Going Great#1917: how goes it East Germany Is Going Great#1917: yo lisx#1702: @here lisx#1702: i'm bored burarahurricane#6369: tinas stream playing in the bg -> good vibes burarahurricane#6369: iwill finish this dnf fic snd then Sleep burarahurricane#6369: good night lisx#1702: Good night lisx#1702: And now I have to go to bed burarahurricane#6369: lmaooo lisx#1702: We’re playing this really confusing game he made up that has to do with a lot of balls burarahurricane#6369: omg lisx#1702: Omg my brother just said “here we go” to me burarahurricane#6369: it is lisx#1702: It’s pretty lisx#1702: Ayyyy lisx#1702: BUT WHATS WRONG WITH THAT lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/5DZwnLxHjWTZaz9jOpRhxb?si=xZutpKvQRTWm3Qd3LZXLtw lisx#1702: You’re just lisx#1702: It’s okay burarahurricane#6369: stupid stupid immune system stuPiD Me burarahurricane#6369: h i dont wanna miss it :( burarahurricane#6369: OOHHH SAME lisx#1702: I wonder how they’ll pick section leaders lisx#1702: I’m gonna be fine lisx#1702: Also with very little practice lisx#1702: And this other one something tango sounds cool too lisx#1702: It sounds really cool with very little practice lisx#1702: My favorite one is this piece called Jeneusse or something lisx#1702: Of roughly ten minutes lisx#1702: I have returned from my quality practice lisx#1702: Yes PeckServers.com#8342: Hint hint wink wink lisx#1702: Obviously lisx#1702: Everyone’s practiced their pieces lisx#1702: Since lisx#1702: No reason lisx#1702: Uh Maulie#8927: Why wouldn't I? lisx#1702: have you practiced your pieces lisx#1702: nice Maulie#8927: Yes lisx#1702: <@!606620815349383209> did you say you were in honors orchestra too lisx#1702: bruh burarahurricane#6369: i can play along with the recording just fine now lisx#1702: and by we I mean everyone else who practiced?? lisx#1702: are we that good lisx#1702: like lisx#1702: how lisx#1702: because that's way too fast lisx#1702: I hope we're not playing at 144 lisx#1702: this song is so fast tho lisx#1702: WELL it doesn't matter because it's not going to be me lisx#1702: I wonder how they pick the section leaders lisx#1702: do terribly lisx#1702: so no one will hear me lisx#1702: I hope for my sake that I'm at the very back lisx#1702: it's going to be so sad lisx#1702: not at tempo ofc but who cares about that lisx#1702: I have "mastered" 3 out of the one billion pieces we have to do lisx#1702: 😐 burarahurricane#6369: you can i believe in u lisx#1702: i CAN'T DO IT lisx#1702: it's way too fast lisx#1702: night on bald mountain is a wretched song and I hate whoever wrote it username123115#4960: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> username123115#4960: weed time lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/7jzldCBnJjpJM3epzJ85KE?si=2785fc36ab534bbd lisx#1702: lol PeckServers.com#8342: If you wanna just fill that out and send a screenie rq that would be awesome MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: lisx#1702: <@!531264285385424916> your duolingo hacks works so well xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hi bored I'm liam lisx#1702: good morning lisx#1702: im bored lisx#1702: hello burarahurricane#6369: concussion via pinecone? more likely than you’d think burarahurricane#6369: its still swollen and red lisx#1702: Same thing lisx#1702: Foot MMMMM#2210: A feet? lisx#1702: I accidentally hit alysse in the head with a pinecone from like a feet away lisx#1702: I wish it was more mgk and longer MMMMM#2210: ? WalterJS#2477: I wish it was more rap and less singing though WalterJS#2477: I like it WalterJS#2477: Oh sick I’ll listen rn lisx#1702: New song lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/3x1h0lsx1i2v9cUWnZssBa?si=lWoutdPiRGiqTXq5DVJ0jg <@!531264285385424916> lisx#1702: oof… burarahurricane#6369: Red burarahurricane#6369: it is Still Res burarahurricane#6369: its oaky burarahurricane#6369: yeah lol lisx#1702: You know I wouldn't have been able to do it if I did lisx#1702: I didn't mean to lisx#1702: I'm sorry lisx#1702: what burarahurricane#6369: what PeckServers.com#8342: She did her heat too many times? lisx#1702: because you did them two times burarahurricane#6369: lisa :( burarahurricane#6369: my heat hurts PeckServers.com#8342: Because 7 ate 9 WalterJS#2477: Why would there be 7 lisx#1702: aren't there actually 7 lisx#1702: it happened again lisx#1702: I wonder why that happens lisx#1702: I think it's because I switched tabs lisx#1702: it happened again WalterJS#2477: Yeah maybe lisx#1702: I think i just left it going for too long lisx#1702: mmmmmm WalterJS#2477: Uhh WalterJS#2477: lmao WalterJS#2477: you shouldn’t have got that error lisx#1702: oh WalterJS#2477: It should be working fine WalterJS#2477: It should already be set… lisx#1702: what is it cus i got this too lisx#1702: its like magic WalterJS#2477: Haha yeah lisx#1702: it just answers the questions lisx#1702: its so cooooooool lisx#1702: yeah I had to do that WalterJS#2477: Make sure standalone mode is enabled lisx#1702: it started working lisx#1702: oh wait WalterJS#2477: I was using it earlier WalterJS#2477: uh lisx#1702: it doesnt work tho WalterJS#2477: obviously WalterJS#2477: in regular mode only regular and stop work WalterJS#2477: There’s also a bait, fish, and stop button WalterJS#2477: Yes lisx#1702: when you're in the game? WalterJS#2477: you click gimkit and then click the regular button lisx#1702: how does your gimkit normal version hack work <@!531264285385424916> lisx#1702: Interesting WalterJS#2477: I wonder what it looks like if I graph this WalterJS#2477: they all have either a 103, 105, or 109 as one of the primes WalterJS#2477: ```JSON [ { "p": [ 103, 3449 ], "m": 355247, "a": 3552 }, { "p": [ 103, 3457 ], "m": 356071, "a": 3560 }, { "p": [ 103, 3461 ], "m": 356483, "a": 3564 }, { "p": [ 103, 3463 ], "m": 356689, "a": 3566 }, { "p": [ 107, 1531 ], "m": 163817, "a": 1638 }, { "p": [ 109, 1213 ], "m": 132217, "a": 1322 }, { "p": [ 109, 1217 ], "m": 132653, "a": 1326 }, { "p": [ 1213, 109 ], "m": 132217, "a": 1322 }, { "p": [ 1217, 109 ], "m": 132653, "a": 1326 }, { "p": [ 1531, 107 ], "m": 163817, "a": 1638 }, { "p": [ 3449, 103 ], "m": 355247, "a": 3552 }, { "p": [ 3457, 103 ], "m": 356071, "a": 3560 }, { "p": [ 3461, 103 ], "m": 356483, "a": 3564 }, { "p": [ 3463, 103 ], "m": 356689, "a": 3566 } ] ``` WalterJS#2477: okay ive narrowed the selection down to 15 results now WalterJS#2477: but i havent validated anything yet one moment WalterJS#2477: it found 97 solutions WalterJS#2477: I’ll make a program to find out lisx#1702: *numbers lisx#1702: I wonder if any other primes do that WalterJS#2477: I also sent it to kyler lisx#1702: you should ask him to include how he does it WalterJS#2477: I could even say that the first and last are also primes if he needs a hint WalterJS#2477: and the first and last integers are identical WalterJS#2477: like the fact that they are primes lisx#1702: yeah WalterJS#2477: probably because I added in a lot more information than I told you lisx#1702: because he's spencer lisx#1702: well probably WalterJS#2477: im really not sure lisx#1702: do you think he'll figure it out lisx#1702: yes WalterJS#2477: I am going to send this to spencer: ``` The product of two distinct prime numbers is a 6-digit number, where the first and last integers are identical. The same two primes can be added together resulting in the first 4 digits of the 6-digit number. What 2 digits are left over? ``` lisx#1702: it's my short-circuiting thought process dont mind me lisx#1702: it'll just try every single number WalterJS#2477: but thats less fun WalterJS#2477: I could probably make a program that finds them lisx#1702: hmmmmmmmmmmmm lisx#1702: oh but you don't know the numbers WalterJS#2477: ? lisx#1702: okay lisx#1702: it's prime numbesr lisx#1702: it's because lisx#1702: OH WAIT WalterJS#2477: if there is multiple solutions, I can add that the first and last digits are the same lisx#1702: if it works lisx#1702: let me see lisx#1702: find the numbers and then try a lot of numbers lisx#1702: just lisx#1702: well actually sort of lisx#1702: i just can't think today WalterJS#2477: im actually interested to see if you can solve this WalterJS#2477: what did you do WalterJS#2477: lol why are you stupid now lisx#1702: i think it's getting worse lisx#1702: 🤦 I'm stupid lisx#1702: nvm lisx#1702: oh wait WalterJS#2477: adding only gets the first 4 WalterJS#2477: yes. my password has 6 digits lisx#1702: wait but there's e and f WalterJS#2477: to prove your method works WalterJS#2477: then find another working pair lisx#1702: it'll just have more than one pair that will work WalterJS#2477: ? lisx#1702: prime factorization lisx#1702: ofc there is WalterJS#2477: I feel like ive seen a question like that before on mathcounts WalterJS#2477: I wonder if tehre is a method WalterJS#2477: Do you think it would be possible to solve that way WalterJS#2477: what if I told someone that my lunch number is the product of a and b. The sum of a and b equals the first 4 digits. lisx#1702: now anyone can solve it and know what your school id is WalterJS#2477: they must have given me that number for a reason lisx#1702: good for you WalterJS#2477: lol lisx#1702: right lisx#1702: 😅 WalterJS#2477: its proof that im special lisx#1702: thats neat lisx#1702: yeah it is WalterJS#2477: just my special number WalterJS#2477: and it doesnt WalterJS#2477: it made me wonder if it worked for all numbers WalterJS#2477: I thought it was really cool WalterJS#2477: if that makes sense WalterJS#2477: primeAt(26) * primeAt(26+457) = abcdef primeAt(26) + primeAt(26+457) = abcd WalterJS#2477: and its the starting 4 digits WalterJS#2477: try adding them together instead of multiplying lisx#1702: its your password WalterJS#2477: and guess whats really really cool about the number I selected WalterJS#2477: thats how I solved it WalterJS#2477: no im doing it in javascript lisx#1702: or javascript WalterJS#2477: `primeAt(26) * primeAt(26+457)` lisx#1702: are you doing it in python lisx#1702: oh WalterJS#2477: well I havent coded the reverse part yet WalterJS#2477: jk I already know how to code it lisx#1702: didn't you do it yourself lisx#1702: but also so proud of myself WalterJS#2477: I need to know so I can code it WalterJS#2477: how did you do it lisx#1702: I feel so stupid lisx#1702: that took so long WalterJS#2477: good work lisx#1702: im so proud of myself lisx#1702: i did it lisx#1702: alright lisx#1702: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH lisx#1702: OH lisx#1702: okay so WalterJS#2477: ignorance is bliss lisx#1702: it feels great lisx#1702: nah lisx#1702: that's been happening all day WalterJS#2477: you should probably see a doctor before it gets worse lisx#1702: hahahaha WalterJS#2477: i think you just suffered a mild case of small brain syndrome lisx#1702: ykw lisx#1702: okay lisx#1702: digits lisx#1702: 6 lisx#1702: fuck lisx#1702: is it 69420 or 42069 lisx#1702: that makes things so much easier lisx#1702: oh WalterJS#2477: you wont even have to ask WalterJS#2477: trust me, youll know when you get it right lisx#1702: im getting it within the next... 5 tries lisx#1702: alright WalterJS#2477: 3 lisx#1702: or a five lisx#1702: is that a three lisx#1702: o k lisx#1702: it doesnt start over lisx#1702: ic what i was doing wrong lisx#1702: ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh WalterJS#2477: lisx#1702: that doesn't even make sense WalterJS#2477: lisx#1702: *you're WalterJS#2477: if your asking WalterJS#2477: and yes it was very worth it lisx#1702: but you're sending it more than once WalterJS#2477: I only care about one emoji WalterJS#2477: singular WalterJS#2477: GIF WalterJS#2477: not gifs. lisx#1702: counting is hard WalterJS#2477: no lisa. lisx#1702: oh lisx#1702: you paid money just so you could send gifs WalterJS#2477: 6 digits lisa lisx#1702: boo hoo lisx#1702: I'm just going to keep trying lisx#1702: 13253? WalterJS#2477: no response cuz you know im right WalterJS#2477: size matters WalterJS#2477: 😏 lisx#1702: so WalterJS#2477: mines bigger WalterJS#2477: https://media.giphy.com/media/dgtfXGbDSAqxB5SvND/giphy.gif WalterJS#2477: thats cringe af WalterJS#2477: you cheated WalterJS#2477: oh wow lisx#1702: I didn't I sent a gif WalterJS#2477: that was supposed to be my special thing WalterJS#2477: just wow WalterJS#2477: wow lisa WalterJS#2477: you did not buy nitro WalterJS#2477: oml lisx#1702: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/549747067606532098/932472474271088681/932469277871706142.gif WalterJS#2477: you mean -_- lisx#1702: oh wait i was doing it wrong WalterJS#2477: you messed up your face btw lisx#1702: fine lisx#1702: ksdl;jaf;kl dsj lisx#1702: i lisx#1702: -__ WalterJS#2477: but even if you added them your answer was still wrong WalterJS#2477: I meant multiply lisx#1702: you literally said add them tho lisx#1702: 332587 WalterJS#2477: HAHHAHHAH lisx#1702: 🤦 WalterJS#2477: multiply lisx#1702: do you add the things or multiply them WalterJS#2477: its 100x larger than that WalterJS#2477: it has 6 digits lisx#1702: why lisx#1702: what WalterJS#2477: no not even close lisx#1702: <@!531264285385424916> lisx#1702: 3332? WalterJS#2477: no lisx#1702: wait no lisx#1702: <@!531264285385424916> am i close lisx#1702: 3330 lisx#1702: uhhhhhhh lisx#1702: how do you do math lisx#1702: let me see if i can lisx#1702: i'll use that one thing WalterJS#2477: lmaoo lisx#1702: okay lisx#1702: why lisx#1702: bruh WalterJS#2477: `0₂₆10₄₅₆1` so good luck WalterJS#2477: 0₃1 = 7 WalterJS#2477: 2 3 5 7 0 0 0 1 = 7 WalterJS#2477: three zeroes and a 1 WalterJS#2477: because theres 0001 lisx#1702: let me see WalterJS#2477: so 7 = 0₃1 lisx#1702: ooh okay WalterJS#2477: finally, the zeroes will have a subscript next to them. (The opposite of superscript, so its on the bottom) if they repeat lisx#1702: oh WalterJS#2477: because the first one equals 2, and the 2 happens twice so theres a superscript with a 2, and then next is a 3. 2x2x3=12 WalterJS#2477: so because the number 12 is 2x2x3, it can be written as 1²1 WalterJS#2477: a superscript is basically an exponent WalterJS#2477: and if the number repeats you put a superscript next to it WalterJS#2477: so my number system is like that, but instead of powers of two it goes up by prime numbers. So it goes up like this: 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 ... so on lisx#1702: yeah WalterJS#2477: do you understand WalterJS#2477: thats how binary works WalterJS#2477: 101010 = 42 WalterJS#2477: 2 4 8 16 32 64 1 0 1 0 1 0 = 2+8+32 = 42 lisx#1702: uh WalterJS#2477: like each zero goes up a power of two each time lisx#1702: 10101010101010 WalterJS#2477: you know how binary works right lisx#1702: explain your thing again lisx#1702: -_- WalterJS#2477: `0₂₆10₄₅₆1` <@!726265256082407504> guess what this number is WalterJS#2477: big brain WalterJS#2477: hey my program works WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: I got kicked multiple times before I figured out the perfect speed to not get kicked WalterJS#2477: the hack is actually so so insane on the regular mode WalterJS#2477: like 10 minutes lisx#1702: how many minutes did you do?? lisx#1702: writing sucks lisx#1702: my brain doesn't work anymore WalterJS#2477: lol lisx#1702: I finished. this is the most productive thing I've done like all week lisx#1702: good job lisx#1702: dang WalterJS#2477: ill make a quick program to convert numbers WalterJS#2477: guys this is genius im really on to something here WalterJS#2477: 1²1 = 12 WalterJS#2477: but if you wanted to make 12, you could use an exponent like so: 1²1 WalterJS#2477: | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | -------------- | 2 | 3 | 5 | 7 | WalterJS#2477: because 2x3x7=42 WalterJS#2477: 42 would be 1101 WalterJS#2477: and there is no 0 WalterJS#2477: so 0 would be one WalterJS#2477: I dont think we actually need one WalterJS#2477: do we need 1? WalterJS#2477: wait WalterJS#2477: so basically you should be able to make every combination of numbers using 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 and so on WalterJS#2477: and we will have to include 1 for all numbers to be possible WalterJS#2477: well WalterJS#2477: so its like binary, but each zero/one represents the next prime WalterJS#2477: using prime numbers WalterJS#2477: I just got a great idea for a new number system WalterJS#2477: stacking this paper WalterJS#2477: ight cya PeckServers.com#8342: cya laters PeckServers.com#8342: i gotta go PeckServers.com#8342: you are too smart WalterJS#2477: haha WalterJS#2477: but I did it like it was easy PeckServers.com#8342: that too WalterJS#2477: nobody else in the world has made a hack for duolingo or gimkit PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 WalterJS#2477: im just a really good hacker what can I say WalterJS#2477: this little hill is that massive hill from before PeckServers.com#8342: that game is written like shit if its that easy to hack WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: I now own every upgrade maxed out in the game WalterJS#2477: I got the timing down WalterJS#2477: <@!726265256082407504> WalterJS#2477: lol WalterJS#2477: for being to fast WalterJS#2477: I got kicked WalterJS#2477: the yellow dots are my money WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: heres what happened WalterJS#2477: I added support for the regular game mode burarahurricane#6369: :0 WalterJS#2477: it works on any webpage now WalterJS#2477: it can now bypass the CORS blocks WalterJS#2477: IM SO HAPPY WalterJS#2477: YES TEH CONTROL PANEL WORKS lisx#1702: maybe when i finish tho lisx#1702: i have to be productive and do this writing thing lisx#1702: not rn WalterJS#2477: <@!726265256082407504> gimkit? PeckServers.com#8342: literally one of the best PeckServers.com#8342: jesus that is a really productive weekend lisx#1702: i like this song WalterJS#2477: I recovered from covid, made a gigachad gif, played 3 baseball games, and hacked a ton of stuff WalterJS#2477: ive had a great weekend tbh burarahurricane#6369: but that does remind me i need to go do Productive Things Other Than Practicing ™️ burarahurricane#6369: im watching 6 hrs of a spiderman playthrough life is good lisx#1702: and did nothing lisx#1702: I've watched too much anime PeckServers.com#8342: and installed linux one too many times PeckServers.com#8342: iv played too much minecraft PeckServers.com#8342: its very long fs lisx#1702: this weekend feels longer than the entire christmas break PeckServers.com#8342: woah lisx#1702: i woke up like ten minutes ago WalterJS#2477: feel free to add to queue WalterJS#2477: this song a banger WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: yes daddy WalterJS#2477: <@!852187118113652776> <@!726265256082407504> WalterJS#2477: whos in WalterJS#2477: no but I do need a listening party WalterJS#2477: lol PeckServers.com#8342: i just read that, jesus son do you need a hug? PeckServers.com#8342: so between the fat and skin PeckServers.com#8342: its supposed to go right below the line that says dermis WalterJS#2477: Jk WalterJS#2477: lmao WalterJS#2477: I’ve always wanted to 😅 lisx#1702: you get to shoot yourself tho! WalterJS#2477: Painless WalterJS#2477: This song is just my life vibe rn I’m loving it PeckServers.com#8342: that sounds painful PeckServers.com#8342: eek WalterJS#2477: I’ve seen it on a video WalterJS#2477: There’s like a mini gun thing that just injects it at the click of a button PeckServers.com#8342: the only thing that really scares me is infection, and proper hygene makes infection nearly impossible so im fine WalterJS#2477: I think there’s a better way lisx#1702: don't do it lisx#1702: nooo PeckServers.com#8342: theres always that risk PeckServers.com#8342: i guess PeckServers.com#8342: then i mess up lisx#1702: are you certified lisx#1702: what if you mess up PeckServers.com#8342: it just fells like a puncture lisx#1702: nooooooooooooooooooo PeckServers.com#8342: apparently it doesnt hurt lisx#1702: aaaaaaaaaaaa creepy PeckServers.com#8342: much excite PeckServers.com#8342: i get to do that to myself PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: so guess what PeckServers.com#8342: ya know there arent any doctors really willing to do my implant, atleast not for less than a billion dollars WalterJS#2477: Yessss PeckServers.com#8342: literal bangers WalterJS#2477: Love dro kenji PeckServers.com#8342: idk why it says og fam PeckServers.com#8342: https://discord.gg/AFNKrw2G WalterJS#2477: Yeah that’s a long time fav lisx#1702: 😦 lisx#1702: I wanna be in og fam PeckServers.com#8342: wiathef EJCaldwell#2924: i would send it if i knew how to PeckServers.com#8342: ofc lisx#1702: ooh can i be in your minecraft discord EJCaldwell#2924: could they be being dumb because i am on the modded server atm PeckServers.com#8342: while these stoopid server files are cophing PeckServers.com#8342: yeah ill do that rq EJCaldwell#2924: cody, you should add a server in the minecraft discord where everybody that was all ready in it before it went public can talk without random people seeing lisx#1702: ^^^ lisx#1702: oh wait ive heard it before actually PeckServers.com#8342: yeah dro kenji has some bangers lisx#1702: this song is actually not bad PeckServers.com#8342: hi ej EJCaldwell#2924: ima say hi as well lisx#1702: oh hi cody PeckServers.com#8342: oh hi lisa PeckServers.com#8342: and this one was recommended after PeckServers.com#8342: that song was fire PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/3feJr3NFjEi5l6FeQz2iC7?si=ae315b9b6b4541ab lisx#1702: we should do another game just to test WalterJS#2477: just be sure to enable standalone mode WalterJS#2477: also the gimkit hack should now be fully working from the control panel WalterJS#2477: but I fixed it WalterJS#2477: to my server WalterJS#2477: it was sending like 4000 requests a second WalterJS#2477: the control pannel was like self ddosing me WalterJS#2477: I think I determined why my wifi was crashing WalterJS#2477: guys lisx#1702: jk lisx#1702: omg just like you WalterJS#2477: <@!726265256082407504> WalterJS#2477: <@!852187118113652776> this song a vibe WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/4YcIEn5JuEjKNkNsZhGHxk?si=a473f1f592a84bf9 WalterJS#2477: you guys will probably have to reupdate from the install page because I had to modify that code slightly WalterJS#2477: I found a way WalterJS#2477: also I am about to fix the CORS issues WalterJS#2477: bye lisx#1702: c y a PeckServers.com#8342: well daddys gotta go, bye children PeckServers.com#8342: it just happened to swithc the d with an s PeckServers.com#8342: ikr lisx#1702: what a convenient typo PeckServers.com#8342: *stick PeckServers.com#8342: he'll beat you with his dick lisx#1702: yes but evil PeckServers.com#8342: yoda lisx#1702: altho the bad guys who attacked them got killed by this person who's like a billion years old PeckServers.com#8342: bruh PeckServers.com#8342: none of them died? lisx#1702: just barely all the main characters disappeared on an island for seven f ing years and nothing bad happened to any of them PeckServers.com#8342: https://tenor.com/view/very-good-rub-hands-johnny-gif-19073931 PeckServers.com#8342: *johnny test has entered the chat* PeckServers.com#8342: they were ressurected burarahurricane#6369: thats sad lisx#1702: like bruh lisx#1702: even the bad guys lisx#1702: doesn't actually die lisx#1702: and also every single character who dies lisx#1702: even a character who was *introduced* as dead came back alive PeckServers.com#8342: too predictable lisx#1702: literally nobody important ever dies in this anime its kinda stupid PeckServers.com#8342: hmmmm :o lisx#1702: it was just sad lisx#1702: the dad dying wasn't really that important PeckServers.com#8342: oooooh lisx#1702: there's a lot more PeckServers.com#8342: is that the end or is there more PeckServers.com#8342: ok so there was atleast some resolution lisx#1702: uh ig she cried a little bit and went back to her apartment, and then she found that her dad had been sending her birthday presents and there was a card that was like "i love y ou" and stuff so it was fine ig PeckServers.com#8342: what happened next lisx#1702: it wasn't an ending PeckServers.com#8342: wait so was there an ending to that anime where the dad died? PeckServers.com#8342: 15 20 and 25 lbs PeckServers.com#8342: i got 3 PeckServers.com#8342: yesmaam lisx#1702: haha did you get some?? PeckServers.com#8342: woah these amazon basics dumbells kinda do make adonis lisx#1702: it wouldn't be the same PeckServers.com#8342: you would miss me too much lisx#1702: I wouldn't do it anyway PeckServers.com#8342: then i wont have my perms lisx#1702: lol PeckServers.com#8342: no cause PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: yess yess yess lisx#1702: want me to do it for him lisx#1702: we buried him kinda deep lisx#1702: Might be a long wait PeckServers.com#8342: im just waiting for spencer to ban me PeckServers.com#8342: vs studio is for nerds and not beginners lisx#1702: rEaLly PeckServers.com#8342: not vs studio like some might say lisx#1702: haha PeckServers.com#8342: and this time you are gonna use vs code PeckServers.com#8342: sometime we need to do another gamer chat of lisas html ™️ lisx#1702: I know it PeckServers.com#8342: that is definately why PeckServers.com#8342: 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 lisx#1702: maybe the reason i suck at html is because i wasnt listening to that 🤔 lisx#1702: nice PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4Z9zaQ8l8EbHdZPwaP691h?si=27873a705e154034 PeckServers.com#8342: but yeah they have a lot of other good ones that just make you go like 100x faster lisx#1702: instrumental rock lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: rock PeckServers.com#8342: i cant remember what genre it is lisx#1702: and its guitar isntead PeckServers.com#8342: yeah lisx#1702: this sounds like one of those songs except there's no vocals to distract me PeckServers.com#8342: i love the riffs lisx#1702: sometimes i'll just be listening to a song and it'll be a great song except the vocals person won't stop singing PeckServers.com#8342: ikr lisx#1702: dang its actually kinda good PeckServers.com#8342: but by far best coding music PeckServers.com#8342: good question lisx#1702: their dogs were astronauts where have i seen that before PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/3C99kjA8A59KKSpmZ8fECq?si=3dd3042895db456b PeckServers.com#8342: it PeckServers.com#8342: ssssh lisx#1702: you're getting there lisx#1702: *innovation PeckServers.com#8342: incest PeckServers.com#8342: incentive PeckServers.com#8342: innovation PeckServers.com#8342: improvement lisx#1702: yay you spelled it right PeckServers.com#8342: and breaking my sites PeckServers.com#8342: for deleting my proxy rules PeckServers.com#8342: more like my retarded ass server PeckServers.com#8342: no, its usually not directed at someone lisx#1702: have you ever called anyone a *retart?* PeckServers.com#8342: just like this dick PeckServers.com#8342: my dick jokes are through the roof PeckServers.com#8342: I use the most colorful terminology ill have you know PeckServers.com#8342: 😄 PeckServers.com#8342: thats me burarahurricane#6369: ahahhaha lisx#1702: ed lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/baker-sisters-tart-chocolate-drizzle-gooey-gif-10239893 lisx#1702: re burarahurricane#6369: retarted\fhajdlfjgkadsjhalgdsfh;kafdljsgkajdsy lisx#1702: and it turns out cody says it the most lisx#1702: i had to search up "retarted" to find it PeckServers.com#8342: OH YEAH that one lisx#1702: ^^^ PeckServers.com#8342: no u lisx#1702: what no PeckServers.com#8342: thats just the most recent one in my camera roll PeckServers.com#8342: hes grown since burarahurricane#6369: loll PeckServers.com#8342: walter after gigachad PeckServers.com#8342: walter before gigachad lisx#1702: why is there a tiny picture MMMMM#2210: oop, nvm then lisx#1702: omg it's you lisx#1702: his pregigachad era lisx#1702: 4th grade walter PeckServers.com#8342: but see through PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: we need a homer smitty emoji WalterJS#2477: i love this sm PeckServers.com#8342: extra gay WalterJS#2477: lol PeckServers.com#8342: gigasizegigachadreverse WalterJS#2477: "https://media.giphy.com/media/dgtfXGbDSAqxB5SvND/giphy.gif" PeckServers.com#8342: oooh WalterJS#2477: I madea full size gif PeckServers.com#8342: eat my socks discord WalterJS#2477: https://media.giphy.com/media/dgtfXGbDSAqxB5SvND/giphy.gif PeckServers.com#8342: its animated PeckServers.com#8342: aaand PeckServers.com#8342: i win PeckServers.com#8342: hehe PeckServers.com#8342: MMMMM#2210: 3rd grade walter MMMMM#2210: PeckServers.com#8342: imagine discord being so pretentious that they make you pay for nitro to use an animated emoji burarahurricane#6369: now ur gigareverse vibin PeckServers.com#8342: :GigaReverse: MMMMM#2210: burarahurricane#6369: wow WalterJS#2477: I put it in my status burarahurricane#6369: you got him good burarahurricane#6369: wow gj WalterJS#2477: hey george, no you burarahurricane#6369: but they have the same Vibes burarahurricane#6369: the mind thinks waht the mind thinks MMMMM#2210: Im so disappointed that, that is what you thought of PeckServers.com#8342: its perfect PeckServers.com#8342: nononono PeckServers.com#8342: woah burarahurricane#6369: ' burarahurricane#6369: omg its baby walter burarahurricane#6369: WalterJS#2477: a few days ago WalterJS#2477: idek WalterJS#2477: my pfp is great WalterJS#2477: shutup george MMMMM#2210: this one better MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: you're new pfp kinda sux MMMMM#2210: walter burarahurricane#6369: 9 days ago//??? burarahurricane#6369: when did you get nitro wtf WalterJS#2477: I LOVE IT WalterJS#2477: OML WalterJS#2477: ITS AMAZING WalterJS#2477: HAHAHAHA WalterJS#2477: MMMMM#2210: thats kinda gay WalterJS#2477: probably lol PeckServers.com#8342: unless im doing it wrong PeckServers.com#8342: it exports every frame of the gif as a seperate file PeckServers.com#8342: its weird PeckServers.com#8342: its really hard to export gifs WalterJS#2477: because its a gif WalterJS#2477: yes PeckServers.com#8342: you are designing an image in a video processor? lisx#1702: cant wait lisx#1702: lol WalterJS#2477: the gigachad gif will go in the middle part WalterJS#2477: im going to combine these two things WalterJS#2477: I cant believe im designing a giga-reverse card in premiere pro right now PeckServers.com#8342: then youre fine PeckServers.com#8342: so its client side PeckServers.com#8342: [insert datacenter on fire] WalterJS#2477: but in actuality the bypass would involve chrome not the individual sites PeckServers.com#8342: its just common sense WalterJS#2477: 😏 WalterJS#2477: if I figure out a bypass then it wont be correctable PeckServers.com#8342: btw this is not legal advice PeckServers.com#8342: in that case, you should contact them and tell them about it, if they dont fix it in reasonable time its all yours lisx#1702: ooh WalterJS#2477: yah lisx#1702: there'll just not be fishing WalterJS#2477: If I do figure out how to bypass the content security thing then it may open them up to vulnerabilities but i dont know if I cna even bypass it or not WalterJS#2477: and it might work even better WalterJS#2477: actually I think it might lisx#1702: because it doesnt work on other modes lisx#1702: oh you'll have to ask him to do fishtopia PeckServers.com#8342: therefore the sites cant sue you for it PeckServers.com#8342: and since this doesnt open any of the sites up to security vulnerabilities, you really dont have to disclose it to them WalterJS#2477: true true PeckServers.com#8342: it just doesnt make sense PeckServers.com#8342: if it was illegal to do what you were doing, then technically f12 would be too PeckServers.com#8342: thats most of the law PeckServers.com#8342: common sense WalterJS#2477: whered you learn all your legal knowledge PeckServers.com#8342: ik WalterJS#2477: yo thats actually big brain lisx#1702: haha WalterJS#2477: oooo I should make an emoji of an animated chad on an uno card PeckServers.com#8342: its actually not, its only illegal if you hack what isnt legally yours, and since its all client side its up to the client what happens. you can legally charge money for the code youve written WalterJS#2477: it beats the uno rev erse WalterJS#2477: GIGA UNO REVERSE lisx#1702: <:infinite_reverse:838970096310943827> WalterJS#2477: uno reverse lisx#1702: no u WalterJS#2477: your mom lisx#1702: well i didnt see it WalterJS#2477: thats my job lisx#1702: there was a "other"??? WalterJS#2477: them nerds dont need to be tracking me lisx#1702: oh WalterJS#2477: i clicked other lisx#1702: you know when you had to sign up and pick a school WalterJS#2477: I want to but I feel like thats pretty illegal lisx#1702: omg i never get to use that emoji on anyone lisx#1702: <:smoothbrain:782845544887222282> lisx#1702: yeah but like WalterJS#2477: how else would I host one WalterJS#2477: yes I made an account WalterJS#2477: the amount of times I searched different variations of "chad" is astonishing lisx#1702: did you make an account WalterJS#2477: i was searching for them forever WalterJS#2477: yooo howd you find that lisx#1702: oh wait nvm lisx#1702: i think he's the only teacher at our shcool who uese gimkit WalterJS#2477: sure WalterJS#2477: mhm lisx#1702: except you won't destroy me lisx#1702: DEAL lisx#1702: except his games are like 3 minutes WalterJS#2477: and ill still destroy you but compared to everyone else we will destroy them lisx#1702: he literally does one every day WalterJS#2477: and then we can destroy everyone lisx#1702: he'll probably do one anyway WalterJS#2477: if I ask he will WalterJS#2477: and he will trust me lisx#1702: haha WalterJS#2477: I will ask him to do a gimkit WalterJS#2477: next time in chads class lisx#1702: -_- WalterJS#2477: how about this WalterJS#2477: lmao WalterJS#2477: i refuse WalterJS#2477: no lisx#1702: 🤷 you never know lisx#1702: what if i beat you with 0 hours of practice lisx#1702: ***GIMKIT BATTLE*** lisx#1702: i challenge you to a lisx#1702: well then lisx#1702: <:sus:783176301502267423> WalterJS#2477: ive been playing this game nonstop for 2 hours lisx#1702: well you never know WalterJS#2477: ive had 3 tries to perfect my technique WalterJS#2477: doubt it lisx#1702: you're probably just scared i'll actually have a chance now that i know the power upgrade stuff exist now lisx#1702: such cowardice WalterJS#2477: i refuse lisx#1702: we should play again lisx#1702: ......................................... WalterJS#2477: yes. lisx#1702: THERE'S THINGS TO THE RIGHT????????????????????? lisx#1702: .... lisx#1702: wait WalterJS#2477: to the right lisx#1702: where are they lisx#1702: uh WalterJS#2477: THERES A SPEED AND MONEY UPGRADE AND THERES AN 'INSTANT FISH' UPGRADE lisx#1702: please please please lisx#1702: can we play again WalterJS#2477: BAHAHAHAHHA YEAH OFC lisx#1702: there's a speed upgrade???????????? lisx#1702: i was wondering that too yk lisx#1702: okay lisx#1702: THAT EXISTS WTF lisx#1702: oh WalterJS#2477: YOU STOLE MY FISH WalterJS#2477: BRUH LISA WalterJS#2477: lisa ur slow asf why ur character so slow go get the speed upgrade WalterJS#2477: very lisx#1702: it's legit depressing lisx#1702: now both her parents are dead lisx#1702: you should WalterJS#2477: I feel saddened PeckServers.com#8342: sad PeckServers.com#8342: very lisx#1702: and now he's dead lisx#1702: throughout the 7 years she disappeared lisx#1702: OMG this is so sad he sent her birthday presents PeckServers.com#8342: cause if these are all for realsies then a LOT of peeps will use them PeckServers.com#8342: and make some money PeckServers.com#8342: and maybe make a paywall PeckServers.com#8342: you should advertise these PeckServers.com#8342: how many do you have WalterJS#2477: i love making hacks PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao lisx#1702: ik but i literally suck at the game even with the hack 😂 WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: *Hax* lisx#1702: bruh how do you do that lisx#1702: even tho she used to hate him lisx#1702: and now shes all depressed lisx#1702: in my anime lisx#1702: oops the girls dad just died WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: 😄 😄 😄 lisx#1702: i actually use it lol lisx#1702: it closes the tab PeckServers.com#8342: but crtl + w makes the game switch pov PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: you gotta remember alt + f4 WalterJS#2477: I learned today WalterJS#2477: lol lisx#1702: i cant remember how to play this thing WalterJS#2477: hows progress lisa WalterJS#2477: its as fast as it can possibly be lisx#1702: it takes so long tho lisx#1702: ooh nice WalterJS#2477: when fishing, type `Fish();` but be quickly ready to type `Stop();` and dont let it run too long or it will crash the entire game WalterJS#2477: when done, type `Stop();` WalterJS#2477: then, to get bait, walk up to the bait thing without pressing enter and type `Bait();` into the console lisx#1702: the questions are repeating themselves now WalterJS#2477: paste that into the console WalterJS#2477: ``` try{Stop()}catch{}var interval;function React(i){return i[Object.keys(i)[1]]}function Value(i){return{target:{value:i}}}function GetQuestion(){return[...document.querySelectorAll("div")].map(React).find(i=>i?.children?.props?.currentQuestion).children.props.currentQuestion}function GetAnswer(i=GetQuestion()){return i.answers.indexOf(i.answers.find(i=>i.correct))}function RunBait(){try{Open();var i,e=document.querySelector("#game-div > div > div > div.maxAll > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(2)"),t=GetQuestion();document.querySelector("input")?React(document.querySelector("input")).onChange(Value(t.answers[0].text)):(i=GetAnswer(t),React(e.children[i]).onClick({})),Next()}catch{try{Close()}catch{}}}function RunFish(){try{FishAgain()}catch{try{Open()}catch{}}}function FishAgain(){document.querySelector("#game-div > div > div > div.maxAll > div > div > div.medium-shadow.flex-column.vc > div > div > button:nth-child(1)").click()}function Open(){React(document.querySelector("#game-div > div > div > div.maxAll.hc > div > div")).onClick({stopPropagation:()=>{}})}function Close(){React(document.querySelector("#game-div > div > div > div.maxAll > div > div > div.flex.maxWidth.between.vc > span")).onClick({})}function Next(){React(document.querySelector("#game-div > div > div > div.maxAll > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div > span:nth-child(2)")??document.querySelector("#game-div > div > div > div.sc-jGDUUe.FGTQT.maxAll > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div")).onClick({})}function Bait(){try{Stop()}catch{}interval=setInterval(RunBait,100)}function Fish(){try{Stop()}catch{}interval=setInterval(RunFish,100)}function Stop(){clearInterval(interval)} ``` lisx#1702: oh wait nvm lisx#1702: it doesnt work tho WalterJS#2477: here ill send it WalterJS#2477: get my hack lisx#1702: i answer like 1 question/5 minutes lisx#1702: its not fair tho 😦 lisx#1702: oh WalterJS#2477: you should be in WalterJS#2477: starting the game now lisx#1702: 🤔 WalterJS#2477: lmao WalterJS#2477: wanna play again lisx#1702: yeah but then i used it to buy stuff...and then didnt' use anything i bought because i didn't fish WalterJS#2477: thats enough to like beat the entire game WalterJS#2477: yeah I gave you like 870 dollars lisx#1702: lisx#1702: i caught 4 fish lisx#1702: good for you lisx#1702: bruh WalterJS#2477: thats how good the hack is lol WalterJS#2477: I caught more fish than questions I answered lisx#1702: lol WalterJS#2477: I caught 125 fish lisx#1702: WalterJS#2477: except WalterJS#2477: I only answered 95 questions WalterJS#2477: hahahah WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lisx#1702: i didnt even do anything WalterJS#2477: i just got back from dinner with 45 seconds on the clock WalterJS#2477: nooooooooooooo cringe PeckServers.com#8342: *magic* lisx#1702: it doesnt even follow math lisx#1702: why does it make sense to round down lisx#1702: i dont remember this lisx#1702: how the frick does int() round numbesr lisx#1702: ikr im just that good PeckServers.com#8342: imagine lisx#1702: I'm first place now lisx#1702: that was a big donation lisx#1702: 😂 WalterJS#2477: take my donation lisa WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: I already own everything in the game now lisx#1702: frick i got it wrong WalterJS#2477: not for me WalterJS#2477: lol lisx#1702: bruh there are actual questions PeckServers.com#8342: I tried making my own ringtone once but it wouldnt run the music cause it was from my domain lisx#1702: oops i closed it PeckServers.com#8342: discord does that dont they? lisx#1702: and you wonder why WalterJS#2477: dont question it lisa lisx#1702: 🤨 WalterJS#2477: basically the bookmark creates a script tag to the code on walterjs.dev, but they are blocking scripts that arent from sites other than their own PeckServers.com#8342: whats cors WalterJS#2477: its lame asf WalterJS#2477: cors PeckServers.com#8342: how do they block it? WalterJS#2477: ill need to find a way around it WalterJS#2477: yeah the control panel is blocked on gimkit WalterJS#2477: https://www.gimkit.com/join?gc=987272 WalterJS#2477: if you want to join heres a link to join my game WalterJS#2477: its like kahoot but way better WalterJS#2477: but its like a game for students to learn WalterJS#2477: hard to explain PeckServers.com#8342: what is gimkit again? WalterJS#2477: the gimkit hack is there however I havent tested it WalterJS#2477: fixed now PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao lisx#1702: haha WalterJS#2477: but im fixing it WalterJS#2477: yes it broke everything WalterJS#2477: only time will tell WalterJS#2477: or it may be way better WalterJS#2477: I may have completely broken it WalterJS#2477: ok im updating the control panel WalterJS#2477: probably a ton lisx#1702: I wonder how much money the guy who made gimkit has made lisx#1702: so sad WalterJS#2477: now ill have to restart WalterJS#2477: as I as about to buy the final item in the game WalterJS#2477: my wifi just fucking crashed again lisx#1702: lol WalterJS#2477: the bowhuis chad of course WalterJS#2477: chad is going to be so proud of me WalterJS#2477: im going to in just a sec lisx#1702: you should also put the hack on your control panel WalterJS#2477: thats like 305 cash per 10 seconds WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: I just maxed out my large backpack like instantly lisx#1702: you should get a better fishing stick or whatever too WalterJS#2477: nobody cares about the medim backpack WalterJS#2477: bruh im still picking up these fish ive sold 3 times now WalterJS#2477: I farmed 100 bait and then fished it all WalterJS#2477: ik I had just started this round lisx#1702: you need to get a bigger backpack for it tho WalterJS#2477: not kidding thats 100 bait used right there like instantly WalterJS#2477: from like 1 second of fishing WalterJS#2477: theres like 100 fish right here lmaooo WalterJS#2477: nope lisx#1702: does it shadow ban you lisx#1702: oh WalterJS#2477: lol WalterJS#2477: it gets like 30 fish instantly and usually crashes the game lisx#1702: omg WalterJS#2477: and I found a glitch that can spam fish and bypass the delay WalterJS#2477: and then theres a function that fishes for oyu as well WalterJS#2477: <@!726265256082407504> its so fast that it answers the question before the panel even pops up. Your basically just sitting there watching your counter go up every about .7 seconds WalterJS#2477: I always make the cringiest names for things so should I call it gimsploit WalterJS#2477: this gimkit hack is freaking goated PeckServers.com#8342: im too stupid for that lisx#1702: well you could just *do* it lisx#1702: awwwww WalterJS#2477: aleks is annoying asf WalterJS#2477: yeah WalterJS#2477: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: all of the problem text is like 4 different divs so you cant copy source PeckServers.com#8342: ontop of that PeckServers.com#8342: so it takes that much longer to mathway it PeckServers.com#8342: the answer text is basically uncopiable PeckServers.com#8342: dude they suck so much ass too WalterJS#2477: ill work on noredink now WalterJS#2477: i think aleks is unhackable lol PeckServers.com#8342: shes goin bois PeckServers.com#8342: rendering chunks on 3 servers PeckServers.com#8342: some good get'er done music PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: 🙄 lisx#1702: it took you like half a second lisx#1702: i didnt read what i typed lisx#1702: 8 is right next to 9 lisx#1702: i typed it wrong lisx#1702: oh WalterJS#2477: you really made me do that WalterJS#2477: bruh WalterJS#2477: lisx#1702: oh wait lisx#1702: well thats what i did WalterJS#2477: yes. lisx#1702: not slanted cylinder lisx#1702: is it the same as a WalterJS#2477: bruh what PeckServers.com#8342: imagine lisx#1702: i don't know how to do slanted cyllinder stuff WalterJS#2477: .. WalterJS#2477: yes lisx#1702: really? WalterJS#2477: lisa thats legit wrong lisx#1702: bruh 🤦 PeckServers.com#8342: daddys got a lot of volume PeckServers.com#8342: HAHAHAHAHA lisx#1702: ??? lisx#1702: cm^3 lisx#1702: 568.125 WalterJS#2477: lisa really quick use 3.14 for pi what is the volume of Daddy lisx#1702: I'm pretty sure if you actually made aleks that's what you'd do anyway lisx#1702: you shouldn't PeckServers.com#8342: same WalterJS#2477: I feel insulted lisx#1702: lol PeckServers.com#8342: a kinky developer lisx#1702: did a 15 year old code aleks WalterJS#2477: I just saw daddy in the code and I was like what WalterJS#2477: im so confused WalterJS#2477: why in TF is this called "daddy" PeckServers.com#8342: well then i shall not abuse admin PeckServers.com#8342: oh lisx#1702: it was a reference lisx#1702: but lisx#1702: or video lisx#1702: it's not a very good song PeckServers.com#8342: gross PeckServers.com#8342: eek lisx#1702: why PeckServers.com#8342: deleting that message lisx#1702: what PeckServers.com#8342: *thinks intensely* do i abuse admin or not lisx#1702: i use that lol lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp-EO5I60KA PeckServers.com#8342: stickynotes PeckServers.com#8342: like the app lisx#1702: omg PeckServers.com#8342: its way better WalterJS#2477: yes PeckServers.com#8342: use stickynotes PeckServers.com#8342: thinking out loud WalterJS#2477: I need a notepad window but I choose discord instead WalterJS#2477: dont mind this I am thinking WalterJS#2477: global.currentPage "geom383" WalterJS#2477: like at the start of the topic WalterJS#2477: it was the example problem lisx#1702: or is it a different example lisx#1702: doesnt the explanation have the answer in it tho WalterJS#2477: I was SO hyped for like 4 seconds PeckServers.com#8342: time to hack their mainframe WalterJS#2477: kms PeckServers.com#8342: lol WalterJS#2477: turns out it was on an explanation.... lisx#1702: was it right WalterJS#2477: I opened inspect element and literally found a thing that said "Answer: 11052 cm^3" PeckServers.com#8342: hack their asses PeckServers.com#8342: oh fuck aleks lisx#1702: i knew that was what it was WalterJS#2477: I thought I hacked aleks WalterJS#2477: it was not that easy WalterJS#2477: well I was right lisx#1702: so that we will *always* know what you're talking about PeckServers.com#8342: never should you ever even think about it lisx#1702: ever lisx#1702: yes PeckServers.com#8342: ever PeckServers.com#8342: tell us PeckServers.com#8342: *n o t* PeckServers.com#8342: sure to PeckServers.com#8342: m a k e PeckServers.com#8342: then PeckServers.com#8342: and lisx#1702: y lisx#1702: l lisx#1702: e lisx#1702: m lisx#1702: e lisx#1702: r lisx#1702: t lisx#1702: x lisx#1702: e lisx#1702: , ** ** lisx#1702: s lisx#1702: e lisx#1702: y PeckServers.com#8342: helps PeckServers.com#8342: really PeckServers.com#8342: that PeckServers.com#8342: possible PeckServers.com#8342: as PeckServers.com#8342: drawn out PeckServers.com#8342: messages as PeckServers.com#8342: the PeckServers.com#8342: make PeckServers.com#8342: you PeckServers.com#8342: make sure PeckServers.com#8342: and lisx#1702: so that everyone will know exactly what you mean lisx#1702: yes PeckServers.com#8342: that way we know exactly what you are talking about PeckServers.com#8342: make sure to keep all details about the subject at hand secret lisx#1702: no don't elaborate and tell us what you're talking about WalterJS#2477: there is no way this is this easy WalterJS#2477: this is not this easy WalterJS#2477: no way WalterJS#2477: holy crap WalterJS#2477: holy WalterJS#2477: guys no way lisx#1702: did you forget the 1 in front of that 0 EJCaldwell#2924: 0 PeckServers.com#8342: how many people did you kill EJCaldwell#2924: and only hit 1 pothole EJCaldwell#2924: i did not that bad EJCaldwell#2924: just drove for the first time WalterJS#2477: ikr WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: thats hot af WalterJS#2477: I made it so you can install it by just going to https://hacks.walterjs.dev/ and I also added detection for if you close the tab. If it looses connection to the tab then it will countdown from 5 and then close PeckServers.com#8342: yeah same, school just seems too early lisx#1702: I really don't get enough sleep on school days lisx#1702: probably PeckServers.com#8342: at that point you would be so rested that you would still be tired PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao lisx#1702: I think if i didn't make myself get up I could sleep for days 😂 PeckServers.com#8342: yeah it sucks lisx#1702: r e all y PeckServers.com#8342: my body wont let me sleep more than that PeckServers.com#8342: i went to bed at 2:30 and woke up at like 9 PeckServers.com#8342: luckyyyy PeckServers.com#8342: 10 hours of sleep lisx#1702: I didn't want to go to bed lisx#1702: almost 1 PeckServers.com#8342: what time did you go to bed? PeckServers.com#8342: jeez lisx#1702: i woke up at 11 PeckServers.com#8342: god today is boring WalterJS#2477: haha PeckServers.com#8342: they will never be PeckServers.com#8342: its century link PeckServers.com#8342: i mean WalterJS#2477: lol WalterJS#2477: I thought we were past those days WalterJS#2477: thats weird PeckServers.com#8342: its an ip on their slkc route PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: lisa PeckServers.com#8342: what is your ip PeckServers.com#8342: i bet it goes off of ip lisx#1702: yeah idk why it says that... WalterJS#2477: google analytics = bad WalterJS#2477: weird lisx#1702: no WalterJS#2477: your in salt lake?? WalterJS#2477: thanks haha lisx#1702: it looks so professional PeckServers.com#8342: and just barely won WalterJS#2477: lol PeckServers.com#8342: i just played bedwars 1v1 with some random guy on playsmp PeckServers.com#8342: wow my heart is beating fast PeckServers.com#8342: seems fitting WalterJS#2477: lol WalterJS#2477: if you get all 100% you get a gay medal PeckServers.com#8342: oh dang WalterJS#2477: and lisa asked me to make a hack during covid WalterJS#2477: its this website for biology where you memorize the bones of the body WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: that what now WalterJS#2477: <@!726265256082407504> I added the whackabone hack PeckServers.com#8342: cause your house doesnt really have cat5e cables (whether natively or for the phonelines) that you can use PeckServers.com#8342: yeah thats probably the best WalterJS#2477: I have a feeling the powerline thingy is whats causing the problem WalterJS#2477: I might just move my server computer to my living room where my router is PeckServers.com#8342: cause its wifi if you do saturate the link its latency goes way up PeckServers.com#8342: the only thing is PeckServers.com#8342: thats why i used the bridge WalterJS#2477: ohh PeckServers.com#8342: my server WalterJS#2477: wait the bridge is loud? PeckServers.com#8342: its a server so it would literally take off in the middle of the night PeckServers.com#8342: when i mined and it was loud WalterJS#2477: oh thats pretty good PeckServers.com#8342: i used to have my server on it PeckServers.com#8342: you log into your wifi with it, and it gives you a 10/100mbps ethernet port PeckServers.com#8342: he uses a powerline ethernet thing WalterJS#2477: how does that work lisx#1702: is it because your wifi is bad PeckServers.com#8342: i can bring you a wifi to ethernet bridge if you want WalterJS#2477: im not pro enough for that WalterJS#2477: it just died when I switched it to wifi WalterJS#2477: basically it might have fixed it but I couldnt make it use wifi lisx#1702: why didn't it work PeckServers.com#8342: jesus WalterJS#2477: it just totally broke everything and it wouldnt boot so I reverted it PeckServers.com#8342: wait what is it then::??? lisx#1702: darn PeckServers.com#8342: RIP WalterJS#2477: lol WalterJS#2477: so yeah... that didnt work at all lisx#1702: lisx#1702: lisx#1702: niceee WalterJS#2477: rebooting the server now WalterJS#2477: okay lets see if this works PeckServers.com#8342: yeah hopefully that does, it sucks that there isnt a way to hardwire it WalterJS#2477: im going to setup wifi instead of ethernet maybe that will fix the problem WalterJS#2477: lol PeckServers.com#8342: aaah PeckServers.com#8342: ```this dick``` WalterJS#2477: three tildas PeckServers.com#8342: how do you insert code into discord again? PeckServers.com#8342: ||test|| PeckServers.com#8342: haha PeckServers.com#8342: yeah thats a really big problem WalterJS#2477: its weird as hell WalterJS#2477: and then 5 min later it will be back WalterJS#2477: my server computer keeps randomly fully disconnecting from the wifi to the point that I cant even `curl google.com` and I have no idea why PeckServers.com#8342: maybe dns was weird PeckServers.com#8342: it just resolved WalterJS#2477: try ctrl f5 WalterJS#2477: yes PeckServers.com#8342: is you ip PeckServers.com#8342: uh oh WalterJS#2477: https://hacks.walterjs.dev/install WalterJS#2477: you need to reinstall it WalterJS#2477: so your control panel wont work anymore WalterJS#2477: and I migrated it to walterjs.dev WalterJS#2477: ok I set up analytics WalterJS#2477: oh lmao PeckServers.com#8342: if that makes sense PeckServers.com#8342: so when i downgraded it actually *upgraded* PeckServers.com#8342: tds's website is wrong, the ultra 600 plan is actually 25mbps up which is the fastest they offer other than their gigabit business plan which is like $200 a month WalterJS#2477: how PeckServers.com#8342: i figured out how to get 5mbps more upload WalterJS#2477: okay cool PeckServers.com#8342: if you need a second cdn server i gotchu PeckServers.com#8342: thats pretty smart WalterJS#2477: im probably going to change the domain to hacks.walterjs.dev because I dont want CG to get in trouble yk for hacking all these websites lmao WalterJS#2477: yeah I should probably add that in PeckServers.com#8342: for you as the developer to see who uses it WalterJS#2477: so we can see how many people use it? WalterJS#2477: to the control panel? WalterJS#2477: like wdym WalterJS#2477: hahaha PeckServers.com#8342: is there a way to add analytics PeckServers.com#8342: insta boner PeckServers.com#8342: and that sexy games.net?https:// PeckServers.com#8342: with the popout window PeckServers.com#8342: it looks official and all PeckServers.com#8342: jesus thats really cool WalterJS#2477: it doesnt work on some sites that use a special CORS thing but im working on a bypass right now WalterJS#2477: https://hacks.concretegames.net/install PeckServers.com#8342: not yet, where do i get it at? WalterJS#2477: have you installed it yet? WalterJS#2477: but this version works on the chromebooks cuz its just a bookmark PeckServers.com#8342: thats right PeckServers.com#8342: oooh WalterJS#2477: yes it is. But i dont want to because then we wouldnt get it on the chromebooks yk PeckServers.com#8342: and add it to chrome web store PeckServers.com#8342: i wonder if its possible to make it an extension WalterJS#2477: im pretty sure it can solve every single question type now WalterJS#2477: <@!726265256082407504> you no longer have to execute `Start()` you just run it and then click on the lesson you want to do WalterJS#2477: lol PeckServers.com#8342: so excite PeckServers.com#8342: 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 WalterJS#2477: im going to do aleks as well WalterJS#2477: I bet I can on noredink PeckServers.com#8342: and no red ink WalterJS#2477: ill see what I can do WalterJS#2477: ooooooooooooh good idea PeckServers.com#8342: like on quizzes PeckServers.com#8342: hax WalterJS#2477: wdym PeckServers.com#8342: is there a way to do this on canvas? WalterJS#2477: im posting the new control panel update now. WalterJS#2477: BAM hack is amazing WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: I might have an old one for oyu PeckServers.com#8342: im really scrounging for ssds at this point PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: <@!531264285385424916> check out this sick ssd situation for the mc server MMMMM#2210: Mornin PeckServers.com#8342: Moooornin PeckServers.com#8342: Gg WalterJS#2477: it just solved all 5 levels of a legendary test WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: I think the hack might be done WalterJS#2477: about the depressing life of George’s axolotl WalterJS#2477: Was just reading back messages WalterJS#2477: No clue tbh give_a_minute#1155: what happened here WalterJS#2477: By becoming the richest man alive of course WalterJS#2477: I see what your saying, but I think that instead of essentially “giving up” because there’s no point, I’d rather make the most of the short time I have EJCaldwell#2924: you should EJCaldwell#2924: it was really good burarahurricane#6369: iwanna watch that one EJCaldwell#2924: and funny EJCaldwell#2924: would say also a good movie EJCaldwell#2924: just finished watching free guy lisx#1702: hm maybe i should eat some food MMMMM#2210: eh lisx#1702: *"eh"?* MMMMM#2210: eh lisx#1702: effect purpose same thing MMMMM#2210: a day has no purpose lisx#1702: but he was happy on that one good day, so the good day served its purpose for the present MMMMM#2210: anything and everything you do has no affect MMMMM#2210: in that persons lifetime MMMMM#2210: there will be thousands more days MMMMM#2210: lets say someone has 1 good day lisx#1702: well maybe the point isn't whether or not that effect remains intact forever, but instead just the fact that it happened in that moment MMMMM#2210: and nobody would ever remember it MMMMM#2210: someone that will die lisx#1702: something you do will have an affect on someone lisx#1702: but say like maybe just in your lifetime lisx#1702: its too big of a picture to be considered MMMMM#2210: and neither does the axolotl lisx#1702: I don't care if anything I do will affect anyone in *millions of years* tho MMMMM#2210: im not wrong lisx#1702: 🤦 MMMMM#2210: that goes for just about everything MMMMM#2210: the universe is infinite, everything you ever do will do nothing to affect anyone in millions of years lisx#1702: do things lisx#1702: it doesn't even lisx#1702: its life is more meaningless than "everyone" tho MMMMM#2210: everyones life is meaningless MMMMM#2210: and? lisx#1702: its life is just so meaningless MMMMM#2210: those 3 seconds were about 2 minutes lisx#1702: oh okay lisx#1702: irl MMMMM#2210: i recorded for about an hour MMMMM#2210: wat do you mean irl or the actual full video lisx#1702: wow MMMMM#2210: discord only allowed me 3 seconds MMMMM#2210: but its just such incredibly high quality lisx#1702: oh MMMMM#2210: 3 mins lisx#1702: how long was it actually? MMMMM#2210: sometimes it hides in the log lisx#1702: it just swims all day in the same spot MMMMM#2210: ? lisx#1702: that is so sad MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: i recorded a time lapse of our axolotl WalterJS#2477: well yeah I probably can hang out tomorrow WalterJS#2477: maybe you need a rest day haha WalterJS#2477: oh shoot PeckServers.com#8342: i ruined my router today, broke the ubuntu install for the mc server, almost broke my windows server, and got called into work PeckServers.com#8342: im exhausted tho haha PeckServers.com#8342: we should hang out tommorow WalterJS#2477: im staying up late for this special occasion WalterJS#2477: im going to work on the hack right now WalterJS#2477: ill explain WalterJS#2477: call me PeckServers.com#8342: what!! how lisx#1702: good job WalterJS#2477: LETSSSS GOOOOOOOOOOO WalterJS#2477: IVE BEEN TRYING TO DO THIS FOR YEARS WalterJS#2477: HAHAHAHAH GUYS I ACTUALLY JUST FOUND A WAY TO HACK DUOLINGO lisx#1702: ok lisx#1702: ooooooo WalterJS#2477: you just click back on the main window WalterJS#2477: you dont have to close it lisx#1702: is that supposed to happen lisx#1702: your hello world alert doesn't work until you close the hack panel window thing lisx#1702: this is making me feel very powerful lisx#1702: i downloaded better discord lisx#1702: cool WalterJS#2477: right now im working on a duolingo hack WalterJS#2477: however, it will automatically update for you as I make it better WalterJS#2477: right now it doesnt do much WalterJS#2477: install my hacks WalterJS#2477: https://hacks.concretegames.net/install/ lisx#1702: I'm bored WalterJS#2477: I was so mad WalterJS#2477: and I couldnt build it WalterJS#2477: I built the hacking thing I was making in react WalterJS#2477: FOR REAL WalterJS#2477: I shall leave him flowers lisx#1702: so sad WalterJS#2477: haha lisx#1702: there's actually two of them lisx#1702: you can talk to him at his grave https://discord.com/channels/549747067606532096/549747067606532098/924421369305894944 WalterJS#2477: except <@!413134448654155776> but hes not here WalterJS#2477: me saying this knowing full well that nobody here understands what im talking about WalterJS#2477: someone asked the question yesterday WalterJS#2477: https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/11930 WalterJS#2477: it was pissing my off so bad yesterday but apparently its an actual issue WalterJS#2477: react builds died WalterJS#2477: What’s args??? WalterJS#2477: What’s up MMMMM#2210: That sounds about right EJCaldwell#2924: I think auto correct messed it up because I mistyped a letter I think burarahurricane#6369: seeing as it just came to disney plus burarahurricane#6369: i think he was talking abt eternals MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: Or are you talking about this MMMMM#2210: Was the prequel internals burarahurricane#6369: ngl burarahurricane#6369: it was like a YA book EJCaldwell#2924: Good movie EJCaldwell#2924: Just finished externals East Germany Is Going Great#1917: oo cool PeckServers.com#8342: missing websites etc. PeckServers.com#8342: but its kinda broken PeckServers.com#8342: if you youtube "roy wyson" me and a friend made that one PeckServers.com#8342: args are so litty PeckServers.com#8342: you just got way cooler PeckServers.com#8342: woah East Germany Is Going Great#1917: to mess with East Germany Is Going Great#1917: just had that saved East Germany Is Going Great#1917: already was PeckServers.com#8342: are you getting into args? East Germany Is Going Great#1917: lol lisx#1702: bruh 😂 nice East Germany Is Going Great#1917: ty lol PeckServers.com#8342: But still very cool PeckServers.com#8342: The tts makes it a little less effective PeckServers.com#8342: Its too modern of a video East Germany Is Going Great#1917: East Germany Is Going Great#1917: I figured out how to do this too <@!726265256082407504> East Germany Is Going Great#1917: oooo PeckServers.com#8342: Ping? East Germany Is Going Great#1917: so discord cant figure out how long it is East Germany Is Going Great#1917: use hex editor to change the metadata lisx#1702: how do you do it East Germany Is Going Great#1917: it works with mp4 lisx#1702: does it have to be a webm file or can you do mp4 too East Germany Is Going Great#1917: East Germany Is Going Great#1917: here ill make one rq lisx#1702: it's not *your* secrets then lisx#1702: how East Germany Is Going Great#1917: I did not but I know how they did lisx#1702: did *you* make it? lisx#1702: <:sus:783176301502267423> East Germany Is Going Great#1917: a magician never reveals his secrets give_a_minute#1155: migic lisx#1702: why does it do that East Germany Is Going Great#1917: lol lisx#1702: that is creepy lisx#1702: cursed video lisx#1702: what is happebning give_a_minute#1155: *not to ruin the mood but I think he'll be a couple years late for that* East Germany Is Going Great#1917: I have another one like that but I forgot the name and dont wanna go searching for it atm East Germany Is Going Great#1917: its super neat East Germany Is Going Great#1917: lol give_a_minute#1155: that's weird give_a_minute#1155: crap lisx#1702: I believe this is how you will earn your first million and fulfill your new years resolution this year <@!531264285385424916> burarahurricane#6369: dang walter needs to get on his game East Germany Is Going Great#1917: check the timestamp lisx#1702: <@!531264285385424916> you have one year to train lisx#1702: justin bieber was 16 when he sang baby East Germany Is Going Great#1917: hey walter wanna see something cool <@!531264285385424916> lisx#1702: sounds great with headphones burarahurricane#6369: i believe in u burarahurricane#6369: <@!531264285385424916> East Germany Is Going Great#1917: give_a_minute#1155: A C K lisx#1702: idk lisx#1702: write a book East Germany Is Going Great#1917: course it does East Germany Is Going Great#1917: what else was he supposed to do lisx#1702: doesn't sound fun East Germany Is Going Great#1917: it was the 1500s East Germany Is Going Great#1917: for fun lisx#1702: why tho East Germany Is Going Great#1917: and then admitted on his deathbed he had never read the poet lisx#1702: TO BE THE NEXT JUSTIN BEIBER give_a_minute#1155: n o East Germany Is Going Great#1917: dude fought and killed 14 people to defend a poet lisx#1702: WALTER YOU STILL HAVE TIME lisx#1702: YES lisx#1702: WTFASK;LDJF ALKSDJ;FAKL East Germany Is Going Great#1917: another server East Germany Is Going Great#1917: lisx#1702: i d o n t g e t i t burarahurricane#6369: i cant find a ‘loose perm middle part’ give_a_minute#1155: oh god give_a_minute#1155: where'd you find it then burarahurricane#6369: walter you have rhe potential East Germany Is Going Great#1917: no idea give_a_minute#1155: what bok is that from lisx#1702: if only it didn't look so much like it's one single piece of hair 😂 give_a_minute#1155: 👏 East Germany Is Going Great#1917: East Germany Is Going Great#1917: hallo lisx#1702: I thought you were gonna do the girl style 🙄 lisx#1702: you shouldn't do it lisx#1702: well in *that* case lisx#1702: aww WalterJS#2477: yk WalterJS#2477: I think it would look better with like a rlly loose perm WalterJS#2477: Lmaooo burarahurricane#6369: look its you :) burarahurricane#6369: <@!531264285385424916> burarahurricane#6369: and mildly cursed burarahurricane#6369: I CANT ITS SO FUNNY burarahurricane#6369: LMAOOO lisx#1702: amen lisx#1702: oh my god burarahurricane#6369: what a chad burarahurricane#6369: WalterJS#2477: I might slightly curl my hair for it too but idk burarahurricane#6369: helpp im akrjwktkkeky WalterJS#2477: Haha sure burarahurricane#6369: WalterJS#2477: I’m not going for the girl style burarahurricane#6369: wait i can style ur memoji and we can see how it looks WalterJS#2477: Ignore the girl in the middle WalterJS#2477: MMMMM#2210: Idk what that is WalterJS#2477: Do u think I should middle part my hair MMMMM#2210: Wat MMMMM#2210: Good WalterJS#2477: 😂😂 lisx#1702: yes yes master wody lisx#1702: 😂 WalterJS#2477: I’ve trained you well young padawan lisx#1702: I can't believe I did that lisx#1702: that was such a good burn oml WalterJS#2477: okay I will WalterJS#2477: Lol lisx#1702: but yes do it WalterJS#2477: Wow lisx#1702: jk you're already cool lisx#1702: you'll be so cool no one would even recognize you lisx#1702: you'll look like one of those cool kids WalterJS#2477: Okay cool lisx#1702: you should do it lisx#1702: ooh right WalterJS#2477: ThatCreativeOne#2578: Go for it lisx#1702: my imagination is deteriorating lisx#1702: I don't really remember what your face looks like either lisx#1702: i cant remember lisx#1702: what does your hair look like rn lisx#1702: you could try it out lisx#1702: lets see lisx#1702: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lisx#1702: ooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh WalterJS#2477: It’s so people see why they were pinned WalterJS#2477: lisx#1702: and that's so not pin worthy lisx#1702: send a sample picture lisx#1702: how exactly are you goign to middle part your hair lisx#1702: wdym WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: lmao WalterJS#2477: NOW ANDWER THE WUESTION WalterJS#2477: I didn’t wanna ping everyone ok 🙄 lisx#1702: and I'm cringe? 🤨 lisx#1702: you're the one who did this WalterJS#2477: So should I lisx#1702: lol WalterJS#2477: <@!431540078784020491> WalterJS#2477: <@!734161534799839272> WalterJS#2477: <@522569307004076033> WalterJS#2477: <@!749747503947055136> WalterJS#2477: <@!409763300595728394> WalterJS#2477: <@852187118113652776> WalterJS#2477: <@!726265256082407504> WalterJS#2477: What do ya think WalterJS#2477: Guys I wanna middle part my hair lisx#1702: great observation 😅 WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/7xjrCuFHY7DIIhAiBAxBM6?si=n6nMNcxzRTez_zkjTl09HA WalterJS#2477: Wonder why 💀 EJCaldwell#2924: don't know why tho EJCaldwell#2924: that song looks sad WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/2SgZXuIAG7OKJg2x1MRYDz?si=PRZuNCN6QSWuEfnugd8a4Q WalterJS#2477: yeah WalterJS#2477: lol lisx#1702: but I like it lisx#1702: kinda depressing lisx#1702: that's a pretty good one lisx#1702: ooo WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/3aOVuMCYPmLq9R07LMH3uT?si=cu93--HaQ7u3By_2_j7UrQ <@!726265256082407504> <@852187118113652776> WalterJS#2477: No it was like $240 lisx#1702: can I have your keyboard lisx#1702: I know that WalterJS#2477: My keyboard sparkles EJCaldwell#2924: the way i found out was it turned on randomly and started changing colors and then i looked at the switch and saw it EJCaldwell#2924: i mean rainbow EJCaldwell#2924: and light is gay EJCaldwell#2924: On is just red EJCaldwell#2924: and light EJCaldwell#2924: off EJCaldwell#2924: On EJCaldwell#2924: well there are 3 things my mouse has in 1 swich lisx#1702: 😦 lisx#1702: and my keyboard lisx#1702: 😦 lisx#1702: I wish my mouse sparkled lisx#1702: and you *just* learned that EJCaldwell#2924: it changes color lisx#1702: does it sparkle EJCaldwell#2924: i also learned my mouse has a RGB mode EJCaldwell#2924: the PC one teaches me stuff as well as being fun EJCaldwell#2924: so i may get that EJCaldwell#2924: and i just learned valorant is free EJCaldwell#2924: and a few others that are not as good EJCaldwell#2924: i haev gotten dead by daylight, bot escapist games, PC Building simulator WalterJS#2477: That’s how I got gta 5 EJCaldwell#2924: and some are not that bad EJCaldwell#2924: just because epic games makes some free for a little bit EJCaldwell#2924: i forgot i had a few games lisx#1702: 😐 WalterJS#2477: business yk WalterJS#2477: I need the $20 to turn it into 7 figures lisx#1702: but YET lisx#1702: me either WalterJS#2477: I don’t have that yet lisx#1702: \:) lisx#1702: you can take the 20 dollars out of my 7 figures WalterJS#2477: Yes lisx#1702: e lisx#1702: her lisx#1702: you're going to give us all 7 figures a year when you get rich but we have to pay for your 20 dollar hacks??? 😂 😂 WalterJS#2477: Ofc that’s why you can just think of it as a friendly donation 💀 lisx#1702: wait so lisx#1702: I thought were friends 😢 WalterJS#2477: Speak with Aldo my salesperson lisx#1702: I don't think that's how it works WalterJS#2477: $20 lisx#1702: you should give it to me WalterJS#2477: One day I will figure it out and become a millionaire lisx#1702: and since I reminded you of it lisx#1702: do it lisx#1702: yes WalterJS#2477: It’s a challenge WalterJS#2477: it’s like impossible to hack so WalterJS#2477: ah yes the aleks hack that I still need to make lisx#1702: that you never seem to be able to get right lisx#1702: don't forget the aleks hack WalterJS#2477: Ew what lisx#1702: anime more important WalterJS#2477: and the PowerSchool bettererr WalterJS#2477: And the canvas extension WalterJS#2477: Hacks* WalterJS#2477: well both of the codehs jacks WalterJS#2477: and the codehs hack WalterJS#2477: And the vocab hack WalterJS#2477: and the quiz let hack WalterJS#2477: And the gimkit hack WalterJS#2477: I’m going to include the bone hack WalterJS#2477: Cringe lisx#1702: I care sort of but i just dont' have anything to contribute WalterJS#2477: it’s going to be so cool WalterJS#2477: I can’t believe nobody cares about this project 🥲 WalterJS#2477: making progress WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: right now its a blank slate WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: like it can edit the page, hack games, anything WalterJS#2477: I just have to code the features WalterJS#2477: its essentially like a seperate window that pops up on the click of a bookmark, and it can legit do anything you want WalterJS#2477: Guys what features would you like to see in my new hack WalterJS#2477: I think so Maulie#8927: With the chip being hit Maulie#8927: What would happen if someone liked punched your arm or something? lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: its different rf technologies PeckServers.com#8342: its also not wifi PeckServers.com#8342: but its worth it PeckServers.com#8342: cause the needle is huge PeckServers.com#8342: its probs gonna hurt PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, its a little glass capsule that is injected below the dermis lisx#1702: <@!531264285385424916> have you heard this song https://open.spotify.com/track/6kls8cSlUyHW2BUOkDJIZE?si=7b742dd69b5f4666 Maulie#8927: Having a wifi arm lisx#1702: if you do that are you acyborg lisx#1702: you can add wifi to the chip in your arm??? PeckServers.com#8342: And theres waaaay more on top of that PeckServers.com#8342: I got an app that has all of these PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Which can do a LOT PeckServers.com#8342: And its also got nfc PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah, its got one of those lisx#1702: they put them in your hand??? PeckServers.com#8342: You know those badges that you can use to open electronic doors? lisx#1702: i cant read lisx#1702: what does it do lisx#1702: they're scary lisx#1702: dont send creepy pictures lisx#1702: cody PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Gotta like needles PeckServers.com#8342: Ummmm. PeckServers.com#8342: You just PeckServers.com#8342: They are legit so freaking Cool WalterJS#2477: I’m getting them too when I turn 18 WalterJS#2477: Sick PeckServers.com#8342: I can program it to open doors and give contact info to peoples phones PeckServers.com#8342: Google :) PeckServers.com#8342: burarahurricane#6369: a what PeckServers.com#8342: im literally so pumped PeckServers.com#8342: Ive decided that im going to get an RFID/NFC chip implant in both of my hands EJCaldwell#2924: now it feels way more comfortable for my arms EJCaldwell#2924: i raised my chair PeckServers.com#8342: oh yeah, thats right lisx#1702: His mom already had it tho lisx#1702: For like the next week lisx#1702: I could’ve stayed home lisx#1702: Ikr PeckServers.com#8342: the *squad* PeckServers.com#8342: we coulda been the cool covid kids lisx#1702: I probably would if I went to his house the other day lisx#1702: Yeah PeckServers.com#8342: Either that or i gave it to him PeckServers.com#8342: Thers a good chance i have it if walter has it PeckServers.com#8342: P PeckServers.com#8342: Also ri EJCaldwell#2924: i have been quarantined twice and not had it once PeckServers.com#8342: R. I. P. burarahurricane#6369: yes lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> do you want to be a tree lisx#1702: Then we’ll either die or turn into trees! lisx#1702: Like if COVID evolves to be so powerful that it completely recoded our dna lisx#1702: I was literally talking about it with my mom the other day lisx#1702: Huh SpencerLS#2849: the counselor just said to so I did 🥲 SpencerLS#2849: Im doing 2200 online SpencerLS#2849: ap lang and ce eng 2200 lisx#1702: why are you in 2 language arts classes SpencerLS#2849: why am I in 2 language arts classes 😩 lisx#1702: oh hey thats what i said burarahurricane#6369: Yeahhhh that one SpencerLS#2849: yes SpencerLS#2849: The descolada virus lisx#1702: it'll be like the descolada from ender's game burarahurricane#6369: the whats it called burarahurricane#6369: OH YEAH SpencerLS#2849: like that one enders game book SpencerLS#2849: probably burarahurricane#6369: ahaha maybe it already is burarahurricane#6369: but like with it being the first highly contagious disease during an era with lots of international travel its not toooo hard to believe SpencerLS#2849: soon it'll become sentient burarahurricane#6369: thast crazy burarahurricane#6369: wow SpencerLS#2849: that would make it the most successful disease... ever SpencerLS#2849: true burarahurricane#6369: well i feel like the point of the vaccine was most focused on minimalizing deadly symptoms SpencerLS#2849: so why even try to prevent it SpencerLS#2849: haha yeah burarahurricane#6369: well im sure you're part of the 98% estimated part of the population to be predicted to catch the omicron variant lisx#1702: oof SpencerLS#2849: vaccines don't do much 🤣 SpencerLS#2849: and my whole family has covid lisx#1702: ooh that's why you brother hasn't been coming to jazz band SpencerLS#2849: well I haven't seen him in like 2 weeks lisx#1702: what a coincidence because walter has covid too lisx#1702: you? SpencerLS#2849: guess who has covid <:epic:835701893262999592> WalterJS#2477: lol WalterJS#2477: yes. PeckServers.com#8342: You bored again? PeckServers.com#8342: Lmfao WalterJS#2477: its goingto be amazing WalterJS#2477: guys im working on making the ultimate hacking program for the chromebooks burarahurricane#6369: loll lisx#1702: it would be very ahead of her time lisx#1702: 😂 burarahurricane#6369: jane austen could make a title out of that /j burarahurricane#6369: yes ✨ lisx#1702: alliteration ✨ burarahurricane#6369: we r the best in teh businiess burarahurricane#6369: yep lisx#1702: we could play anything xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ... yeah lisx#1702: ofc burarahurricane#6369: therez lots of harmonizing burarahurricane#6369: i et i kcould do it lisx#1702: it sounds like a lot of notes people playing together burarahurricane#6369: it doesn't seem that hard xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if you had music for it do you think you could play it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but like xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I mean Ig burarahurricane#6369: ? burarahurricane#6369: like as a duet xXthat1redheadXx#9990: in general xXthat1redheadXx#9990: not zoomed out xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's vertical not horizontal so it won't really show burarahurricane#6369: liek for orchestra burarahurricane#6369: itsall pixels xXthat1redheadXx#9990: is this better? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://open.spotify.com/track/33eoaqosKfgXYHd6HyYmPh?si=4774544ca13c4928 burarahurricane#6369: ur mom? yeah lisx#1702: why does everyone keep saying lisa lisx#1702: what??? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: can you guys play this burarahurricane#6369: ? burarahurricane#6369: liam burarahurricane#6369: that image quality tho xXthat1redheadXx#9990: alysse lisx#1702: you should do the sword one xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh lisa burarahurricane#6369: skrunkly xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes lisx#1702: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's beautiful xXthat1redheadXx#9990: burarahurricane#6369: where xXthat1redheadXx#9990: look burarahurricane#6369: hi burarahurricane#6369: lisa lisx#1702: alysse xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait burarahurricane#6369: lisa lisx#1702: what lisx#1702: liam xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisa! lisx#1702: it kinda does lisx#1702: oh username123115#4960: but waking up at 5 sucks username123115#4960: i still have the big brain speech xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ope lisx#1702: and you completely missed it lisx#1702: what a great one time opportunity to be famous lisx#1702: and someone in student council would interview you and you'd be on the news lisx#1702: but you could've been in it lisx#1702: oh username123115#4960: i just go to the club one username123115#4960: yeah but im not in it EJCaldwell#2924: yes lisx#1702: does the school have a swim team EJCaldwell#2924: you should username123115#4960: and now im just sitting here username123115#4960: and i don't know if i should call my parents username123115#4960: but my carpool didn't come EJCaldwell#2924: daniel was late username123115#4960: i should be at swim username123115#4960: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> EJCaldwell#2924: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> lisx#1702: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: weed time username123115#4960: weed time WalterJS#2477: ill make it better tmorrow when my brain works again WalterJS#2477: but its close enough WalterJS#2477: its not perfect WalterJS#2477: ok this is close enough lisx#1702: oof WalterJS#2477: I manually put it there WalterJS#2477: this is what its supposed to look like WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: It should be only like right here WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: right now circle is like this WalterJS#2477: idek lisx#1702: What math tho lisx#1702: Hmm WalterJS#2477: no it will get smaller lisx#1702: Like that part of the circle will be darker? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: definitely xXthat1redheadXx#9990: totally xXthat1redheadXx#9990: im better at math than you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: i can help xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what are you using to make it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: your a nueb xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what math WalterJS#2477: it dont work no more WalterJS#2477: I think I used my brain too hard WalterJS#2477: I cant figure this math out WalterJS#2477: I need help WalterJS#2477: So what you are seeing is the top 1% of cities in the world, and a circle including them all. Now I need to make the circle only circle the majority WalterJS#2477: ok heres what I have now. WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: I was sorting by the smallest cities not the largest ones WalterJS#2477: cringe WalterJS#2477: but not really WalterJS#2477: its partially working WalterJS#2477: making more progress WalterJS#2477: burarahurricane#6369: :0 WalterJS#2477: making progress WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: if you select 1% on the slider, then it will circle the worlds largest city WalterJS#2477: then the circle will get more and more concentrated on that area WalterJS#2477: so if the majortity of the population lives lets say in asia WalterJS#2477: the more concentrated the circle becomes on that percent of the population WalterJS#2477: and the lower percent you go WalterJS#2477: if you select 100%, the circle will cover the entire map WalterJS#2477: the percentage will drive a circle on the map WalterJS#2477: and there will be a slider where you select a percentage WalterJS#2477: its going to have all the major cities in the world WalterJS#2477: and then WalterJS#2477: im going to make a world map WalterJS#2477: I just got a great idea lisx#1702: Can you tell?? lisx#1702: Why not PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/3oC49waSAfdA8MFlrsHKC2?si=RSEz-AOSQYuLembbfWa8fg&utm_source=copy-link PeckServers.com#8342: And itll never be 1080p PeckServers.com#8342: Its 720p rn lisx#1702: this song is such a bop lisx#1702: what writing assignment?? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: pano burarahurricane#6369: pano xXthat1redheadXx#9990: pano WalterJS#2477: ofc ima wait as long as possible to do that WalterJS#2477: except my writing assignment WalterJS#2477: successfully finished all my work for like the next week lisx#1702: ap sounds really cool lisx#1702: and ap calculus lisx#1702: and ap psychology lisx#1702: do you think i can take ap chemistry burarahurricane#6369: ? burarahurricane#6369: pano xXthat1redheadXx#9990: haha xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you missed that day xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol lisx#1702: i dont know what classes to take lisx#1702: I am dying xXthat1redheadXx#9990: gj xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: gj? burarahurricane#6369: i worked around it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: sorry can't help you burarahurricane#6369: help i dont know how to draw this burarahurricane#6369: picture burarahurricane#6369: puctur burarahurricane#6369: e burarahurricane#6369: does anyone have a picute burarahurricane#6369: what does our school flag look like WalterJS#2477: you will become an adonis WalterJS#2477: dont deny your future WalterJS#2477: lol burarahurricane#6369: okay lisx#1702: yeah burarahurricane#6369: s burarahurricane#6369: i xont remember how this wokr burarahurricane#6369: class number thing instead of the actual name of the class? burarahurricane#6369: uh burarahurricane#6369: do you put the whats it called burarahurricane#6369: the alternate courses burarahurricane#6369: wait so for the registration sheet PeckServers.com#8342: lisa is gonna get ripped and turn into a supreme gigachad lisx#1702: the supreme gigachad PeckServers.com#8342: tf is adonis again? lisx#1702: Adonis will affect everyone burarahurricane#6369: <@!531264285385424916> your adonis stuff is infecting me or something my mom said something and i thought she said adonis and it gave me a momentary stroke lisx#1702: ig it's just always on our minds lisx#1702: the sad thing is I wasn't even talking about covid WalterJS#2477: Oh makes sense PeckServers.com#8342: but what im saying in that reply to lisa is that we are learning to work with it and open up society more PeckServers.com#8342: its still a thing i know, our opinions will always vary on how bad it is WalterJS#2477: Cody I hate to say it but Covid is worse than it’s ever been, there’s a million new people testing positive every single day burarahurricane#6369: thats so much work burarahurricane#6369: crazy PeckServers.com#8342: this gigachad had to have spent years on that PeckServers.com#8342: its such a good cover PeckServers.com#8342: IKR burarahurricane#6369: noteblock version slapping harder than the original dang lisx#1702: not very fair but I can't do much about it PeckServers.com#8342: fair lisx#1702: I don't think my parents would want me to PeckServers.com#8342: youd enjoy it PeckServers.com#8342: you should play mc some time lisx#1702: wow nice PeckServers.com#8342: and change its note by right clicking PeckServers.com#8342: and you can make it play differnt instruments by putting different materials under it PeckServers.com#8342: issa note block lisx#1702: that's cool lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: xylophone ! burarahurricane#6369: whats it calle burarahurricane#6369: or a burarahurricane#6369: kinda piano burarahurricane#6369: this little burarahurricane#6369: tis litke burarahurricane#6369: the noteblock burarahurricane#6369: no its just one of teh blocks lisx#1702: is that a special feature lisx#1702: why do minecraft blocks make music PeckServers.com#8342: <@!726265256082407504> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc-nuDjkcdo burarahurricane#6369: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: in fairness itll probs never be the same lisx#1702: it will live on in our hearts lisx#1702: just my perspective of time PeckServers.com#8342: aaand thats where our opinions differ burarahurricane#6369: everyone's pretending its the same but covid is by no means over lisx#1702: not covid tho lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: i definately think its safe to say (despite what the media says) that things are starting to return to normal EJCaldwell#2924: why EJCaldwell#2924: just EJCaldwell#2924: why EJCaldwell#2924: really lisx#1702: dinner at 11 lisx#1702: alysse: 😏 EJCaldwell#2924: that is so late tho username123115#4960: Me and gabrial eat at like 8 lmao lisx#1702: I wish time didn't happen EJCaldwell#2924: read it wrong lisx#1702: and things are normal again EJCaldwell#2924: wait lisx#1702: and now it's 2022 lisx#1702: after 2021 it felt like 2019 EJCaldwell#2924: not to me EJCaldwell#2924: i thought you did not care for spelling lisx#1702: before 2021, it always felt like 2017 burarahurricane#6369: definitely burarahurricane#6369: wy cant i sepll that burarahurricane#6369: definityly burarahurricane#6369: welll i defintely dont lol EJCaldwell#2924: most people i fell like eat at like 5 EJCaldwell#2924: yes burarahurricane#6369: bro fr EJCaldwell#2924: it still feels like 2019 burarahurricane#6369: this early burarahurricane#6369: you guys eat dinner EJCaldwell#2924: i am back burarahurricane#6369: zzzzzwow EJCaldwell#2924: dinner not ready burarahurricane#6369: zwow burarahurricane#6369: wowah lisx#1702: crazy lisx#1702: it's only been 2022 for 11 days PeckServers.com#8342: bye PeckServers.com#8342: go eat EJCaldwell#2924: cya EJCaldwell#2924: ima just go now] PeckServers.com#8342: and the bed PeckServers.com#8342: cause i will be on top and he will be on bottom of food chain burarahurricane#6369: gottem EJCaldwell#2924: he will be eating yours i bet PeckServers.com#8342: BWAGAGAGAHAHAHAH lisx#1702: that's why i didnt send it PeckServers.com#8342: HAHAHAHAH EJCaldwell#2924: what the frick lisx#1702: why burarahurricane#6369: mines better PeckServers.com#8342: narrator: he lied about eating food, he secretely was eating dick EJCaldwell#2924: he will be a program lisx#1702: when walter makes it he'll be so good he doesn't need food lisx#1702: cya PeckServers.com#8342: bye WalterJS#2477: alright ima go eat food now bye EJCaldwell#2924: same for my game lisx#1702: you better WalterJS#2477: all it takes is one of my projects to hit PeckServers.com#8342: its more like how low are the odds WalterJS#2477: its not IF I will, its WHEN I will EJCaldwell#2924: nice lisx#1702: I won't if I choke and die WalterJS#2477: ill bring you guys with me when I do PeckServers.com#8342: lol lisx#1702: frick i almost choked lisx#1702: we all will PeckServers.com#8342: bye EJCaldwell#2924: so ima head out PeckServers.com#8342: ill be sitting in this chair staring at discord, waiting for you WalterJS#2477: im gonna make it EJCaldwell#2924: i have to go eat dinner soon WalterJS#2477: good lisx#1702: I'm not going anywhere EJCaldwell#2924: lol lisx#1702: I thought you were going to say you love lovejoy WalterJS#2477: im currently working on a unity game at this exact moment lisx#1702: but then I didn't EJCaldwell#2924: get unity then lisx#1702: i was gonna do https://open.spotify.com/track/1Tt7zr1yDbKbT8L4jzSZ74?si=03dfe665889546f2 burarahurricane#6369: very good song WalterJS#2477: THOSE ARE MY 2 FAVORITE LANGUAGES WalterJS#2477: C# AND JAVASCRIPT WalterJS#2477: I LOVE WalterJS#2477: YESSS PeckServers.com#8342: def EJCaldwell#2924: good song WalterJS#2477: YES EJCaldwell#2924: i should try to start learning C# or JavaScript soon burarahurricane#6369: \*pulls out my lisa card* https://open.spotify.com/track/6Jmcp9lvqThYqwJc033uWS?si=3db8f3c42afe4f95 WalterJS#2477: just wait WalterJS#2477: I will show all of you WalterJS#2477: I will show you WalterJS#2477: no WalterJS#2477: sigh lisx#1702: pat pat PeckServers.com#8342: youll understand when you are older WalterJS#2477: when I burn out on a project I start a new one PeckServers.com#8342: but I still have to do it PeckServers.com#8342: i burned out on I.T. many moons ago EJCaldwell#2924: trust me, you will WalterJS#2477: my job literally involves solving new complex problems every single day and being creative lisx#1702: hahaha PeckServers.com#8342: and begging my ass for food WalterJS#2477: I wont burn out from doing something I love every day PeckServers.com#8342: then you will be homeless WalterJS#2477: people burn out from doing 9-5 jobs they hate lisx#1702: well before you retire PeckServers.com#8342: ^^ lisx#1702: you'll burn out WalterJS#2477: I dont plan to change my daily schedule until I retire PeckServers.com#8342: WaltChat, chat for gamers WalterJS#2477: while everyone else is 35 feeling insecure that they arent married, ill be sitting in my chair grinding out some work EJCaldwell#2924: XD lisx#1702: the elite chatting app lisx#1702: "Waltergram" EJCaldwell#2924: and then he will have a free app that does not cost money WalterJS#2477: ill do it all PeckServers.com#8342: not possible EJCaldwell#2924: or just make a new chatting app PeckServers.com#8342: and facebook PeckServers.com#8342: along with google PeckServers.com#8342: he will own it lisx#1702: because he'll be rich lisx#1702: walter will keep it going WalterJS#2477: you heard it here first im calling the future WalterJS#2477: and ill pay everyone 7 figure incomes WalterJS#2477: and then ill be the richest man alive PeckServers.com#8342: by then discord will be the equiv of myspace WalterJS#2477: and then illl grind and eventually ill sell a business and make tons of money, enough to buy a private island and move away forever. but I wont. I will reinvest it in new ideas and businesses like elon musk did EJCaldwell#2924: i know somebody that did that at a gym WalterJS#2477: hahah lisx#1702: I hope we will look back on this in like idk 50 and see how everyone's doing WalterJS#2477: im telling you like im not going to have anything in my house ima sleep in a sleeping bag and ima shower at the local college or something WalterJS#2477: but im going to have to grind to get there WalterJS#2477: yes im going to be stacked lisx#1702: that seems kinda extreme considering you're going to be paying a lot of people 7 figures after you "make it" WalterJS#2477: plus if I get married that adds on tons of expenses and I want to live as minimal as possible until I make it EJCaldwell#2924: you missed a lot PeckServers.com#8342: i must have missed something' burarahurricane#6369: i am already the greatest comedian what do you mean "challenge yourself" 🙄 /j WalterJS#2477: essentially I want to be completely fullfilled in my life without a family first, and then Ill get married and have kids. Not only will it make me a better father becuase they will have my undivided time, but I will feel complete, not wishing that I had done anything differently. lisx#1702: unless what you want is to try out a lot of relationships or whatever lisx#1702: just don't have kids lisx#1702: not really WalterJS#2477: lmao burarahurricane#6369: you never know 😏 WalterJS#2477: I just wanna spend more time focusing on like business and stuff and traveling the world and having a good time first, because I know that when I have a family I wont be able to do that burarahurricane#6369: or him lisx#1702: you can keep the fulltime assistant and marry her when you're 50 burarahurricane#6369: gotta live that bachelor life EJCaldwell#2924: lol lisx#1702: why WalterJS#2477: I told my dad today that im not getting married until im 50 EJCaldwell#2924: other programming languages WalterJS#2477: small groups are good though you learn better and can have deeper discussions resulting in a more complete understanding of the topic burarahurricane#6369: akjdfojahgdfkajg burarahurricane#6369: i Definitely Understood That 👍 EJCaldwell#2924: lol lisx#1702: so like a wife burarahurricane#6369: theyre assuming im extroverted this is homophobic lisx#1702: don't leave lisx#1702: don't do it EJCaldwell#2924: bunnascript, Al-Khawarizm, and axumLight /Geez# WalterJS#2477: and let me know when ive been on discord for the last hour and I should get back to work yk WalterJS#2477: I think im going to hire a fulltime assistant who literally sits by me and tells me to stay focused EJCaldwell#2924: found a few new ones WalterJS#2477: thats perfect for concretegames burarahurricane#6369: i've alread y covered thatpart WalterJS#2477: lol burarahurricane#6369: oh so like lisa and jaxin WalterJS#2477: oh wow EJCaldwell#2924: wow WalterJS#2477: lol WalterJS#2477: you can teach the employees stuff EJCaldwell#2924: there is Chinese Python WalterJS#2477: well- WalterJS#2477: wow that took a dark turn in my mind lisx#1702: what is it WalterJS#2477: 😏 burarahurricane#6369: role playing ??????? EJCaldwell#2924: RESULT EJCaldwell#2924: THE FIRST RESUNT WalterJS#2477: hahaha EJCaldwell#2924: i am now searching it up lisx#1702: everyone has to learn english first anyway EJCaldwell#2924: i don't think so burarahurricane#6369: thats a good quesiton burarahurricane#6369: "consider selling" WalterJS#2477: so like if you live in a foreign country and you want to be a programmer do you have to learn english first? WalterJS#2477: okay well like people code all around the world burarahurricane#6369: wtf does this mean lisx#1702: because english people made code EJCaldwell#2924: i am now thinking of a lot of things now EJCaldwell#2924: no WalterJS#2477: ive always wondered if there were like coding langauges in spanish burarahurricane#6369: guys do u thin k im motivational WalterJS#2477: have you ever wondered like why all coding langauges are in english burarahurricane#6369: loll EJCaldwell#2924: just not write EJCaldwell#2924: i can read good burarahurricane#6369: ig thats why i have to take speech n debate AGAIN WalterJS#2477: hahah WalterJS#2477: you can read the instructions to ethan to make sure he understands yk burarahurricane#6369: (makes a face) EJCaldwell#2924: unless its code EJCaldwell#2924: i suck at that burarahurricane#6369: indeed i can ! WalterJS#2477: lol WalterJS#2477: you can write stuff WalterJS#2477: your good at writing EJCaldwell#2924: thats a good way to put it WalterJS#2477: also also WalterJS#2477: yes burarahurricane#6369: interrogation,,, WalterJS#2477: and you interview them WalterJS#2477: and you can also hire people WalterJS#2477: yeah burarahurricane#6369: ahahahahhah burarahurricane#6369: i get to manage the like 2 people under me WalterJS#2477: techincally you could fire lisa burarahurricane#6369: oooh fancy burarahurricane#6369: with how much jaxin makes me talk about dsmp YEAH LMAO WalterJS#2477: you can be the employee manager burarahurricane#6369: okay lisx#1702: sounds just like you WalterJS#2477: yes lisx#1702: I really don't know what I want to do though burarahurricane#6369: can i have the ability to promote EJCaldwell#2924: and i still have not started EJCaldwell#2924: i would stay with the same idea like i am doing for months burarahurricane#6369: 0.o burarahurricane#6369: lot of them burarahurricane#6369: thers a burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: like your 200 wips burarahurricane#6369: loll WalterJS#2477: dont worry WalterJS#2477: ill hire you burarahurricane#6369: (eyes wip pile) yea okay that sounds more on point lisx#1702: hahaha WalterJS#2477: we have a new project every 3 days WalterJS#2477: so like if you worked at CG for example WalterJS#2477: it means your good at coming up with new ideas and switching between different tasks WalterJS#2477: your reading it wrong WalterJS#2477: no WalterJS#2477: haha WalterJS#2477: ooooooooooooh burarahurricane#6369: this just looks liek burnout to me burarahurricane#6369: c r a z y burarahurricane#6369: dissociative identity disorder lisx#1702: two worlds collide EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: wtf point crow the zelda streamer quoting technoblad e ? EJCaldwell#2924: not even in this server tho WalterJS#2477: what does did mean EJCaldwell#2924: i think i have one burarahurricane#6369: thats a lot of alters EJCaldwell#2924: you should ban all of them burarahurricane#6369: d.i.d.? lisx#1702: and they are all the same except for the discord tags WalterJS#2477: george has 25 different personalities EJCaldwell#2924: i don't like talking to people i don't know WalterJS#2477: so burarahurricane#6369: half of those are george alts WalterJS#2477: yeah, at least more than 45/50 other users burarahurricane#6369: think burarahurricane#6369: i thin i just provide typos burarahurricane#6369: like provide. actual ideas ? opinons ? well-put argumetns ? lisx#1702: you just did burarahurricane#6369: TALK about adonis tho burarahurricane#6369: really burarahurricane#6369: do i lisx#1702: point proven burarahurricane#6369: adonis WalterJS#2477: adonis WalterJS#2477: like WalterJS#2477: shes always engaging in our random topics in this channel lisx#1702: yeah thats what im kinda saying burarahurricane#6369: period burarahurricane#6369: perido burarahurricane#6369: i dont like talking WalterJS#2477: I think she does tho burarahurricane#6369: yeapo lisx#1702: except you don't like engaging in brainstorming sessions or talking about any topic you don't care about EJCaldwell#2924: YES EJCaldwell#2924: good point WalterJS#2477: gushers are the best type of fruit snacks imo burarahurricane#6369: WHY would you put it like that burarahurricane#6369: why would burarahurricane#6369: ????????? WalterJS#2477: thats what im saying WalterJS#2477: yeah lisx#1702: youscience knows you better than you WalterJS#2477: does it though lisx#1702: not even $9,999,999.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999? burarahurricane#6369: uhh youscience this doesn't soyndl ike me WalterJS#2477: sounds good WalterJS#2477: I wont be able to afford more than $9,999,999 per year WalterJS#2477: maximum of 7 figure income though just saying lisx#1702: if I get rich before you then I'll help fund your business WalterJS#2477: yes lisx#1702: you'll be able to hire all of us when you get rich WalterJS#2477: you can also get paid whatever you want EJCaldwell#2924: nice WalterJS#2477: ethan ill hire you too EJCaldwell#2924: or game making EJCaldwell#2924: like robotics lisx#1702: *perfect plan* EJCaldwell#2924: i just want to do stuff that you can code WalterJS#2477: and ill hire you lisx#1702: I'll be waiting WalterJS#2477: just text me when im rich and you see me on the news WalterJS#2477: 435-668-5707 lisx#1702: what's your phone number EJCaldwell#2924: just pin it lisx#1702: uh WalterJS#2477: dont forget my phone number lisx#1702: don't forget lisx#1702: deal WalterJS#2477: yes lisx#1702: *after* you get rich tho WalterJS#2477: I will pay you whatever you want lisx#1702: haha WalterJS#2477: and run the discord servers lisx#1702: sure WalterJS#2477: lisa you can be the admin of all my businesess lisx#1702: i have no fucking clue EJCaldwell#2924: lisa WalterJS#2477: me or lisa WalterJS#2477: ill say I cheated off your tests EJCaldwell#2924: what do you want to do? WalterJS#2477: ofc lisx#1702: will you find a way for me to get in too 😂 EJCaldwell#2924: just not for one part of it WalterJS#2477: college for me will essentailly be a place for me to meet a lot of like minded and intelligent people to start my businesses and work with EJCaldwell#2924: same a little lisx#1702: right lisx#1702: CG WalterJS#2477: I dont really need college im already doing exactly what I want to do WalterJS#2477: yeah same with me EJCaldwell#2924: for what i want to do i want college but don't need it WalterJS#2477: college pretty much guarantees you get into the middle class but it also often keeps you locked in the middle class too with all your student debts lisx#1702: if you're going to get "stacked rich" anyway tho... lisx#1702: oh lisx#1702: but lisx#1702: yes WalterJS#2477: if I determine that college will be a waste of money then im not doing it lisx#1702: 🙄 WalterJS#2477: get stacked rich lisx#1702: what do you want to do WalterJS#2477: ill find a way WalterJS#2477: I will 😏 lisx#1702: what if you don't get in lisx#1702: should I WalterJS#2477: or I might not even go to college WalterJS#2477: you should go to MIT with me WalterJS#2477: yeah its probably fine lisx#1702: I don't worry about it WalterJS#2477: lol WalterJS#2477: can your parents disown you at 16 WalterJS#2477: and stuff like that WalterJS#2477: or more like can you own your own apartment lisx#1702: sure you can WalterJS#2477: I wonder if you can even legally go to college without being 18 WalterJS#2477: you wont be able to do anything at all lol lisx#1702: because I won't be able to drink?? lisx#1702: meh WalterJS#2477: thats gonna really suck for you in college you wont be able to party lisx#1702: but there'll be 2 months after school starts when we're seniors and i'll still be 16 lisx#1702: and then I'll turn 16 when I'm a junior lisx#1702: and I'll be a sophomore then lisx#1702: i'm fifteen this october WalterJS#2477: this summer im 16 WalterJS#2477: im 16 next year WalterJS#2477: is that posible WalterJS#2477: how WalterJS#2477: what lisx#1702: I would anyway lisx#1702: My parents wouldn't let him anyway WalterJS#2477: bruh imagine being a 16yo senior cringe WalterJS#2477: that would suck you wouldnt be able to get any girls through highschool WalterJS#2477: I wouldnt want to skip 9th grade cuz then id have to do extra credits and then senior year I wouldnt be able to do more like CE and AP classes WalterJS#2477: I love science lisx#1702: see i would skip 9th grade but I kinda suck at science and also we're in high school now lisx#1702: but I don't think he will lisx#1702: unless he turns out to be stupid lisx#1702: and then he can graduate when he's like 16 WalterJS#2477: the only thing I got from 8th grade was lost brain cells lisx#1702: I'll tell my brother to skip 4th and 8th grade burarahurricane#6369: yeah nothing happened WalterJS#2477: same tho lisx#1702: I wish I skipped eighth grade burarahurricane#6369: retire WalterJS#2477: hes not as smart as me yk so he will probably learn burarahurricane#6369: ewe burarahurricane#6369: reirr burarahurricane#6369: is gardella ever going to lisx#1702: your brother's so young WalterJS#2477: I learned absolutely nothing in that class lol burarahurricane#6369: lol WalterJS#2477: its going to be so funny WalterJS#2477: my brother has gardella next year burarahurricane#6369: yeeap lisx#1702: very informative burarahurricane#6369: something somethng burarahurricane#6369: blah blah burarahurricane#6369: so that we know burarahurricane#6369: if ur in sm2 or sm1 write it on the paper burarahurricane#6369: well she did say burarahurricane#6369: yeah WalterJS#2477: yk how weve been in consolidated accelerated since 7th grade? lisx#1702: I've heard this one WalterJS#2477: sm2 consolidated is what were already doing WalterJS#2477: is what lisx#1702: i think we're genius enough tho lisx#1702: true WalterJS#2477: I thnk spencer did cuz hes a genius burarahurricane#6369: is that like sm3 orrrr lisx#1702: can you do ap calc as a sophomore? burarahurricane#6369: sm2 extended ? burarahurricane#6369: wait burarahurricane#6369: oh burarahurricane#6369: but neither is burarahurricane#6369: uts not on the list WalterJS#2477: and then junior year we can go straight to AP calc WalterJS#2477: if its not maybe we should just finish the SM2 consolidated first lisx#1702: idk WalterJS#2477: is it not on the list? WalterJS#2477: we should probably just do regular calc lisx#1702: did you talk to the counsellors WalterJS#2477: yes yes lisx#1702: and <@!734161534799839272> lisx#1702: that'd be so fun lisx#1702: we should WalterJS#2477: we should all take the same one WalterJS#2477: me and kyler are either taking calc or AP calc lisx#1702: if i dont quit high school next year I want to take calculus burarahurricane#6369: THAST WHAT THE POOINT OF THE MASK IS burarahurricane#6369: THATS WHAT THE MASK IS burarahurricane#6369: adkjchlxb,maskjdhfdadgfh burarahurricane#6369: lt burarahurricane#6369: htm burarahurricane#6369: secpmdaru matht burarahurricane#6369: gtkhrese h creative writign *class* : 0 lisx#1702: <@!531264285385424916> https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6fnD4o9H1r0ENyxFdtX71t?si=6b6837ae0c94451b burarahurricane#6369: definitly not taking that burarahurricane#6369: but its a cLASS burarahurricane#6369: thath appened burarahurricane#6369: and iw was like wtf okay burarahurricane#6369: holding a doll that was crying burarahurricane#6369: isaw the person burarahurricane#6369: like that one time burarahurricane#6369: oh yeah ! burarahurricane#6369: O H burarahurricane#6369: o h burarahurricane#6369: forus bab burarahurricane#6369: are they lisx#1702: fake baby that cries burarahurricane#6369: they give us babys> burarahurricane#6369: they gives up sbabe lisx#1702: you are nobody lisx#1702: you are not everyone burarahurricane#6369: what burarahurricane#6369: any of thspeo burarahurricane#6369: iiiii do not like burarahurricane#6369: omg cte is the best courses everyone loves it burarahurricane#6369: was like burarahurricane#6369: the consellor how doyou spell that lady lisx#1702: you have to carry a baby around lisx#1702: exactly what it sounds like lisx#1702: I want to take calculus \ burarahurricane#6369: wtf is "child development" lisx#1702: I don't want any of them burarahurricane#6369: you'd just not be able to get into the classes you wnat burarahurricane#6369: prbobably not burarahurricane#6369: uh\ lisx#1702: right lisx#1702: i can quit lisx#1702: so if i don't do it lisx#1702: ik burarahurricane#6369: thursday burarahurricane#6369: we have to have it done by burarahurricane#6369: yep lisx#1702: is that for high school registration.... burarahurricane#6369: wOW i am just so good at. typing lisx#1702: oh ya burarahurricane#6369: its one of the health and fitness electives burarahurricane#6369: LMAO WalterJS#2477: ??? burarahurricane#6369: as i typed taht burarahurricane#6369: maybe i should have been looking at my computer WalterJS#2477: ?? burarahurricane#6369: uh burarahurricane#6369: oh burarahurricane#6369: onw od rhw hwLRH ns dirnwaa wlwxric wa WalterJS#2477: ? burarahurricane#6369: waht is indv life activity lisx#1702: what WalterJS#2477: <:thonk:837534684748447795> WalterJS#2477: <:thonk:792962252772343808> lisx#1702: wait what are you talking about lol lisx#1702: I'd like to delay that moment for as long as possible WalterJS#2477: I dont think we have any celebrities in our school lisx#1702: celebrity crushes are stupid lisx#1702: nah WalterJS#2477: whats wrong lisa do u have a crush WalterJS#2477: mhm lisx#1702: THANK YOU burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: YES THIS SONG burarahurricane#6369: cult lisx#1702: too many expectations burarahurricane#6369: LOL WalterJS#2477: because you dont like adonis but hes there staring back at you as your future self burarahurricane#6369: couple years ago i was looking at stuff in michigan i dont remember why WalterJS#2477: once you know that, your sucess academy decision will be made lisx#1702: I hate thinking about my future WalterJS#2477: figure out what colleges youd be interested in going to WalterJS#2477: so theres your real problem burarahurricane#6369: it'd be nice to get out of utah too but idk where i would go WalterJS#2477: and idk abt you but im getting out of utah asap burarahurricane#6369: yeah i thought so WalterJS#2477: because the degree doesn't transfer outside of utah WalterJS#2477: yeah is it in utah WalterJS#2477: like whats your goal lisx#1702: are you going to one in utah WalterJS#2477: what college do you want to go to tho burarahurricane#6369: i dunno WalterJS#2477: what college are you going to WalterJS#2477: first let me ask WalterJS#2477: so basically burarahurricane#6369: i wanna weigh the pros and cons WalterJS#2477: well- I kinda forgot a lot of the reasons but heres the main few I can rememeber burarahurricane#6369: cn u present me with at least 3 reasons lisx#1702: you've never done it either burarahurricane#6369: ive been on the fence lisx#1702: how would you know lisx#1702: lol WalterJS#2477: ITS BAD WalterJS#2477: EW WalterJS#2477: DONT DO SUCCESS ACADEMY WalterJS#2477: NO burarahurricane#6369: that success academy thign ....... burarahurricane#6369: oh yeah WalterJS#2477: sigh lisx#1702: well it's not *good* it's more like tolerable but it fits my mood rn WalterJS#2477: I thought we already established that WalterJS#2477: mhm lisx#1702: your music is actually kinda good burarahurricane#6369: LMAOAIHKJHADFKLHJADFK;HAJGSFD WalterJS#2477: lmaooo WalterJS#2477: my mom always told me I was special burarahurricane#6369: thats a lot of extra chromosomes WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/giga-chad-gif-23286968 burarahurricane#6369: i like my scrawny teenager thing i have going on burarahurricane#6369: i dont want to be adonis lisx#1702: alysse isn't good enough to be an adonis anyway WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/gigachad-chad-gif-20773266 WalterJS#2477: without PE WalterJS#2477: how will you become an adonis burarahurricane#6369: in any way lisx#1702: whatever burarahurricane#6369: and it doesn't benefit me lisx#1702: . lisx#1702: but burarahurricane#6369: because i hate pe lisx#1702: why would you do that burarahurricane#6369: bacce ball can go die in a hole WalterJS#2477: how surprising WalterJS#2477: what? you dont like bacce ball? burarahurricane#6369: im gonna lisx#1702: don't lisx#1702: noooo burarahurricane#6369: oooh yeah and mt mom said i could switch to online pe which is !! WalterJS#2477: just turn the volume up louder ofc lisx#1702: i don't put anything in it lisx#1702: my backpack is like ten pounds burarahurricane#6369: grown weak* burarahurricane#6369: theybe bronnge mweka lisx#1702: and like metallic burarahurricane#6369: backpack burarahurricane#6369: they r not a Fan of the burarahurricane#6369: m y shoulders are killing me lisx#1702: thats cool burarahurricane#6369: im excited burarahurricane#6369: its so cool WalterJS#2477: what burarahurricane#6369: THE HIGHSCHOOL ACRUALLY DOES OFFER AN ASTRONOMY COURSE lisx#1702: ew his voice is gross burarahurricane#6369: OH YEAH burarahurricane#6369: hwere i burarahurricane#6369: the thing burarahurricane#6369: I Need to do burarahurricane#6369: oh ywh WalterJS#2477: sucks lisx#1702: a book WalterJS#2477: you gotta hear thsi song lisx#1702: im reading WalterJS#2477: lisa join rn WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: I was at the park playing baseball WalterJS#2477: I went outside earlier lisx#1702: of boredome EJCaldwell#2924: that is what i did when i first was quarantined lisx#1702: I'll die lisx#1702: I won't be able to go outside WalterJS#2477: trust me WalterJS#2477: its the way to live WalterJS#2477: and have your mom deliver food to your door lisx#1702: I don't want to wear a mask lisx#1702: -_- WalterJS#2477: and wear a mask WalterJS#2477: and play minecraft or something idek WalterJS#2477: just stay in your room WalterJS#2477: no lisx#1702: everyone i live with will get it too tho WalterJS#2477: that way you can stay home WalterJS#2477: and mail it to you WalterJS#2477: or I can just like cough in a bag lisx#1702: I don't want to get covid WalterJS#2477: lmao lisx#1702: wtf lisx#1702: so what if i get covid when i'm at school WalterJS#2477: if you pay me 20 dollars ill send you a blood transfusion so you can get covid and stay home too lisx#1702: and weak WalterJS#2477: its like tuesday WalterJS#2477: bruh lisx#1702: and I was tired WalterJS#2477: bruh lisx#1702: i didnt really want to come WalterJS#2477: why lisa lisx#1702: me too WalterJS#2477: for plasma WalterJS#2477: AB PeckServers.com#8342: o+ PeckServers.com#8342: which one is then WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: oh nvm PeckServers.com#8342: 🤯 burarahurricane#6369: omg lisx#1702: proof that walter's gay? burarahurricane#6369: im all sore from tennis :( burarahurricane#6369: lmaooo WalterJS#2477: yeah but im pretty sure it doesnt matter PeckServers.com#8342: twitter probs canceled it burarahurricane#6369: right PeckServers.com#8342: somehow burarahurricane#6369: and the plasma is in ur blood PeckServers.com#8342: ooh WalterJS#2477: blood donation is apparently unethical PeckServers.com#8342: the needle WalterJS#2477: biolife donates plasma WalterJS#2477: aparently you dont donate blood burarahurricane#6369: how do you miss PeckServers.com#8342: gross PeckServers.com#8342: imagine if he missed once and a bunch of blood squirted all over him burarahurricane#6369: yeaH burarahurricane#6369: neighbors dad used to work there PeckServers.com#8342: the one by albertsons? burarahurricane#6369: i live by one of those PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao WalterJS#2477: good idea burarahurricane#6369: you can scam@people burarahurricane#6369: sell ur blood on the balck market PeckServers.com#8342: at biolife im sure it is WalterJS#2477: ima go sell my blood WalterJS#2477: so it must be worth a lot WalterJS#2477: oh nice PeckServers.com#8342: it can be used in all different people PeckServers.com#8342: its incredibly usefull WalterJS#2477: my mom just said I had O- WalterJS#2477: is it rare or something WalterJS#2477: idek what that means but yeah burarahurricane#6369: coool WalterJS#2477: im pretty sure im O- burarahurricane#6369: but that means id have to get blood drawn right WalterJS#2477: im working on the cell game instaed WalterJS#2477: i have to rewrite a ton of code burarahurricane#6369: i rly wanna know my blood type WalterJS#2477: im taking a break from it. PeckServers.com#8342: speaking of saturday, how is your server coming WalterJS#2477: and the next day PeckServers.com#8342: 14x times WalterJS#2477: and the next day WalterJS#2477: and the next day WalterJS#2477: and the next day WalterJS#2477: and the next day WalterJS#2477: and the next day WalterJS#2477: and the next day WalterJS#2477: and the next day WalterJS#2477: and the next day WalterJS#2477: and the next day WalterJS#2477: and the next day WalterJS#2477: and the next day WalterJS#2477: and the next day WalterJS#2477: so is tomorrow PeckServers.com#8342: whore WalterJS#2477: its saturday for me PeckServers.com#8342: i wish it was friday WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/hey-girl-brad-pitt-happy-friday-gif-23578045 PeckServers.com#8342: kale soup PeckServers.com#8342: KALE burarahurricane#6369: LMAO burarahurricane#6369: are we WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/brad-pitt-swim-stare-smile-gif-16775136 burarahurricane#6369: thenonly thing tjeybhave in common is the long straggly hair PeckServers.com#8342: yes, i used it on a spare machine to test mc EJCaldwell#2924: were thinking of different kales burarahurricane#6369: idont think kale looks like@jesus WalterJS#2477: I look almost exactly like the brad pitt jesus WalterJS#2477: yeah the brad pitt jesus burarahurricane#6369: uh WalterJS#2477: did you install ubuntu on peckservers? EJCaldwell#2924: he looks just like jesus PeckServers.com#8342: impossible EJCaldwell#2924: there is a kid nammed kale burarahurricane#6369: interesting EJCaldwell#2924: no PeckServers.com#8342: hes baby jesus PeckServers.com#8342: walter WalterJS#2477: dont ask me burarahurricane#6369: who is jesus EJCaldwell#2924: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> PeckServers.com#8342: Yayy for ubuntu lisx#1702: wtf PeckServers.com#8342: *the plot thickens* PeckServers.com#8342: That would make you mary then PeckServers.com#8342: yeah thats it PeckServers.com#8342: HAHA lisx#1702: we've established that lisx#1702: you are god lisx#1702: <:hehe:856378380332433408> PeckServers.com#8342: i made the dinosaurs PeckServers.com#8342: yeah that one lisx#1702: and says *not* the person born in the uh *before*-dinosaur era EJCaldwell#2924: Cody aren’t you older than me lisx#1702: *Ikr* PeckServers.com#8342: what, were you born in the dinosaur era? PeckServers.com#8342: its ancient EJCaldwell#2924: That’s not that old lisx#1702: imagine being old EJCaldwell#2924: I’m 15 burarahurricane#6369: imagine being old PeckServers.com#8342: gg EJCaldwell#2924: First try EJCaldwell#2924: Got my permit for driving EJCaldwell#2924: LETS GO lisx#1702: it didn't take much effort though lisx#1702: thank you PeckServers.com#8342: gj PeckServers.com#8342: ayyyy lisx#1702: I forgot to guess tho lisx#1702: 3:16 PeckServers.com#8342: guess what time it is PeckServers.com#8342: woah lisx#1702: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😤 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that is not useless lisx#1702: like memorizing the periodic table lisx#1702: isn't that kinda useless lisx#1702: why do we need to memorize the bones WalterJS#2477: Wdym lisx#1702: how lisx#1702: why lisx#1702: wait really WalterJS#2477: did I miss any? WalterJS#2477: cranium nasal bone mandible cervical vertebrae (7) clavical scapula ribs (costals) sternum thorasic vertebrae (12) humerus radius ulna carpals metacarpals phalanges (f) lumbar vertebrae (5) pelvis sacrum femur tibia fibula tarsals metatarsals phalanges (t) burarahurricane#6369: when i was talking to my mom abt it she was like oh yeah and theres also the [long list of bones] and i was like What WalterJS#2477: bruh it was a ton burarahurricane#6369: it wasnt even that many burarahurricane#6369: lol WalterJS#2477: lol PeckServers.com#8342: Everybody take cover PeckServers.com#8342: His brain is going critical WalterJS#2477: its kinda weird how fast I was able to memorize them its unlike me WalterJS#2477: 30 min later I had them all memorized easily WalterJS#2477: yesterday at teh start of biology I was like how TF does he expect us to memorize all these bones PeckServers.com#8342: Imma listen WalterJS#2477: just heard this thought it was alr WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/1Ofvj6mYPc5CIR5ZhOUajZ?si=b2b7e85d69f849af WalterJS#2477: morning PeckServers.com#8342: Moooornin PeckServers.com#8342: Goodnight lisx#1702: good night lisx#1702: okay PeckServers.com#8342: No lisa goes unturned PeckServers.com#8342: We'll find a way lisx#1702: would they invite you lisx#1702: but if my parents dont know you PeckServers.com#8342: That would be messed up PeckServers.com#8342: If one of us didnt PeckServers.com#8342: Damn straight lisx#1702: will you come to my funeral lisx#1702: wow PeckServers.com#8342: But yes PeckServers.com#8342: I just realized that could be a powerful fat joke lisx#1702: really PeckServers.com#8342: Its going to fly outta orbit if you move lisx#1702: is it going to rotate sideways PeckServers.com#8342: Automagically lisx#1702: so if i moved lisx#1702: if i died it rotates backward lisx#1702: but how does this me affecting the earths rotation work lisx#1702: okay okay PeckServers.com#8342: The earth will rotate backwards if you do PeckServers.com#8342: Dont die lisa PeckServers.com#8342: Yeah same lisx#1702: yes much sad lisx#1702: mr lang will probably understand lisx#1702: its fine lisx#1702: brain no work lisx#1702: today isn't yesterday lisx#1702: idk why i sent this today burarahurricane#6369: cant let all that genius go to waste lisx#1702: but still lisx#1702: egoy lisx#1702: thats way too lisx#1702: jk lisx#1702: I don't think the world will let me die without accomplishing something great lisx#1702: and didn't die lisx#1702: but what if I just moved burarahurricane#6369: :( lisx#1702: and if I died lisx#1702: if you died lisx#1702: me too burarahurricane#6369: i would be very sad if you died burarahurricane#6369: probably more than a little lisx#1702: but you'll get used to it lisx#1702: you'll probably just cry a little lisx#1702: I don't think it will lisx#1702: will the world stop turning lisx#1702: what would happen lisx#1702: or just like moved lisx#1702: or fell off a cliff lisx#1702: what if i got in a car accident lisx#1702: even after I leave for college? burarahurricane#6369: e xactly PeckServers.com#8342: the world stops turning without you PeckServers.com#8342: no lisx#1702: you're capable of handling a school day without me lisx#1702: it's okay burarahurricane#6369: <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> burarahurricane#6369: and thats the one (1) class that im used to handling burarahurricane#6369: i only have language arts with her lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> lisx#1702: and that's good right lisx#1702: right lisx#1702: Jaxin's going to be there burarahurricane#6369: well fuck burarahurricane#6369: :(((((((((((((( lisx#1702: sorry alysse lisx#1702: and there's "extra credit" on canvas lisx#1702: theres those little slips things burarahurricane#6369: something youbcan get credit for at home burarahurricane#6369: but the pe thing isnt burarahurricane#6369: yeah burarahurricane#6369: the aame ! burarahurricane#6369: it looks burarahurricane#6369: was it wrotnng????? burarahurricane#6369: EVERYTHING I THOUGGHT lisx#1702: it'll take way less time doing it on my own burarahurricane#6369: wtf now i dont know if squid game isnt crab game anymore lisx#1702: not really lisx#1702: I can stay home and ~~watch anime~~ work on stuff instead lisx#1702: plus did i mention school sucks lisx#1702: so lisx#1702: and i hate wearing a mask lisx#1702: like being sick burarahurricane#6369: wear maks lisx#1702: but I don't lisx#1702: at the same time i do lisx#1702: i dont wanna get covid burarahurricane#6369: and make up work scukd lisx#1702: its like the covid uprising week burarahurricane#6369: bc its school lisx#1702: why burarahurricane#6369: i have to tho :( lisx#1702: you can talk with me lisx#1702: just don't go then burarahurricane#6369: HOW will i do it ???? lisx#1702: but my b day classes are all pathetic burarahurricane#6369: if ur not there burarahurricane#6369: who gets me through tomorrow lisx#1702: I already said that lisx#1702: and I hate it lisx#1702: and school sucks xXthat1redheadXx#9990: bye burarahurricane#6369: ur gonna be the only one lisx#1702: and I hate school xXthat1redheadXx#9990: get wrecked xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hahahahaha xXthat1redheadXx#9990: boo hoo burarahurricane#6369: you CANT let me do this alone lisx#1702: and also i'm tired xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh lisx#1702: b days are pathetic lisx#1702: that was A day xXthat1redheadXx#9990: bye burarahurricane#6369: w hat burarahurricane#6369: we will perserverye lisx#1702: so I'm not going to go xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you said you wanted to but aight burarahurricane#6369: neither do i :( lisx#1702: bye liam lisx#1702: I don't want to go to school tomorrow xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well adios xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ... no burarahurricane#6369: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well adios children lisx#1702: are you in love xXthat1redheadXx#9990: because lisx#1702: why not xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ***huge cake*** lisx#1702: are you guys going to get married xXthat1redheadXx#9990: like xXthat1redheadXx#9990: they all have major cake btw burarahurricane#6369: goodbye xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well I gtg so adios xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/9klzZsVw-cQ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: this is also pretty beautiful burarahurricane#6369: c r a z y xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🙀 burarahurricane#6369: that has nithing to do with crabs ! burarahurricane#6369: its a game xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idk what crab game is xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you don't need to know anything to revel in it's grace burarahurricane#6369: i dont know much abour crab game either actually burarahurricane#6369: which is lame burarahurricane#6369: just that its not crab game apparently xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I don't either xXthat1redheadXx#9990: tis beautifully cursed burarahurricane#6369: i know nothing abiut squid game btw burarahurricane#6369: no lemme grab my airpods xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@!749747503947055136> did you watch the video burarahurricane#6369: yeahh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no longer lisx#1702: uhh burarahurricane#6369: im so funny xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and 4th xXthat1redheadXx#9990: in like 5th grade xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that was pretty good burarahurricane#6369: OHBYEAH YOU GUYS YSED TO BE FRIENFS RIGHTvvv?? PeckServers.com#8342: Hey, tell him that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmao burarahurricane#6369: id prefer he didnt do that right outside my house :/ gross man take it somewhere else xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you live next to emery shepherd correct xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yup PeckServers.com#8342: Hes gonna come bang your door xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I should knock on your door and run away xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ope burarahurricane#6369: im terrified burarahurricane#6369: BDKSNSKDNSKSFKLSKFTL????? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😈 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: speaking of that Ik where you live xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah PeckServers.com#8342: Narrator: they were happily married burarahurricane#6369: oh how times have changed ! burarahurricane#6369: i remember when u were just this one 4th grader kid i’d vaguely see around sometimes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nvm it was a new release from the channel I subscribed in like 6th or 7th grade burarahurricane#6369: loll xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I saw it in my likes probably from like 5th grade xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ikr lol burarahurricane#6369: omg a party xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/OZtBpbt9s6Y burarahurricane#6369: *EPIC, INTENSE, EMOTIONAL orchestra* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: elden ring not the song xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I want it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's elden ring xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah burarahurricane#6369: cringe burarahurricane#6369: idt squid game is burarahurricane#6369: yEp xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmao burarahurricane#6369: idk if it was a bad thing that i thought crab game was squid game for a solid like month xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it *is* a squid game thing but that seems... *interesting* burarahurricane#6369: bro i spewed my reaction to heat waves (fanfiction about two minecraft men in lovee) in this server and openly gushed abt Other Related Things idk if u can go much lower xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that looks like my chat xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol burarahurricane#6369: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: though xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the video is beautiful xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I would put the video but I'd get exiled for cringe xXthat1redheadXx#9990: beautiful xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I bet he wouldn't if they would've left him alone 😤 burarahurricane#6369: thanos is kinda dead xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no wonder thanos doesn't like the avengers xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/lgQtdRyUlnQ PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: obviously burarahurricane#6369: im just too cool burarahurricane#6369: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: <:thmirk:827579121432264764> burarahurricane#6369: imagine being able to talk in the new members chat PeckServers.com#8342: we dont talk about that Maulie#8927: ??? MMMMM#2210: Wat lisx#1702: since he went to your house and you guys went in the bathtub together lisx#1702: does cody have covid too now then WalterJS#2477: a symptom I dont have WalterJS#2477: which is a symptom WalterJS#2477: like trouble breating WalterJS#2477: i dont think so cuz usually people die from like extreme respritory problems WalterJS#2477: uhhhhhhh lisx#1702: Can you die from covid if you don’t have any symptoms? WalterJS#2477: fine today WalterJS#2477: I think yesterday I felt a little sick I was kinda fatigued but I thought It was just my willpower being weak yk so I took a freezing cold shower and felt fine after WalterJS#2477: my mom was sick like 2.5 weeks ago and hers started like my brothers pretty mild and then got worse WalterJS#2477: my brother is a bit sick lisx#1702: Or are you just magic lisx#1702: Does your dad or your brother have symptoms? lisx#1702: I hope you get not sick soon lisx#1702: Haha lisx#1702: Well good think i didn’t come today then WalterJS#2477: people were at least like 4 ft away WalterJS#2477: and directly infront of me was nobody WalterJS#2477: directly behind me was ty but the tables are pretty spaced out yk WalterJS#2477: aldo was checked out, and kyler hasnt been at school all day lisx#1702: Where was everyone in biology? WalterJS#2477: and then biology nobody WalterJS#2477: and then LA nobody was around me except aldo for like 4 seconds before he checked out WalterJS#2477: hmm and in pe I was probably fine EJCaldwell#2924: well you get to stay home for 2 weeks EJCaldwell#2924: lol WalterJS#2477: thats fine george can get covid lisx#1702: Oof WalterJS#2477: other than george in math WalterJS#2477: luickily like most my classes there werent many people sittin around me EJCaldwell#2924: i hope i don't have to get quarantined a third time lisx#1702: Don’t die lisx#1702: Well WalterJS#2477: I mean I wasnt coughing or anything WalterJS#2477: maybe WalterJS#2477: not really cuz I bet I spread it a lot lisx#1702: Well that’s good ig WalterJS#2477: I literally woke up at 5am and went to the gym WalterJS#2477: I feel amazing rn lisx#1702: That sucks WalterJS#2477: literally 0 symptoms lisx#1702: Damn WalterJS#2477: and I was at school WalterJS#2477: but no symptoms WalterJS#2477: and now i have covid WalterJS#2477: so after school I came home and everyone in my family tested WalterJS#2477: my brother tested positive for covid WalterJS#2477: guess what WalterJS#2477: and also WalterJS#2477: and super complicated WalterJS#2477: and its all like outdated WalterJS#2477: because I made it bad WalterJS#2477: and it only works on windows WalterJS#2477: because all the code is dog shit lisx#1702: Yeah because I’m that nice WalterJS#2477: i think im going to have to recode the entire backend for CG EJCaldwell#2924: lol WalterJS#2477: I mean my server computer WalterJS#2477: not this discord serv er WalterJS#2477: this server makes me want to kms WalterJS#2477: hehe I spelled dummy wrong MMMMM#2210: I dont know the password MMMMM#2210: So its basically useless WalterJS#2477: Dumby MMMMM#2210: And i already forgot the password WalterJS#2477: Rejoin MMMMM#2210: I made a brand new email for that account MMMMM#2210: Well WalterJS#2477: MMMMM#2210: Oh WalterJS#2477: Just so you know MMMMM#2210: Jsyk? WalterJS#2477: well jsyk she did unban the acc WalterJS#2477: oh lol MMMMM#2210: It was gus MMMMM#2210: https://discord.com/channels/549747067606532096/549752284058222603/930232385457504306 MMMMM#2210: <@!531264285385424916> WalterJS#2477: Most cursed picture of <@522569307004076033> WalterJS#2477: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: That took a turn lmao username123115#4960: Hand sanitizer on a pencil wound hurts ;-; username123115#4960: Agree lisx#1702: partying burarahurricane#6369: drugs PeckServers.com#8342: suicide burarahurricane#6369: what is duo doing MMMMM#2210: I found an exploit to help me win MMMMM#2210: I did it so much MMMMM#2210: Or its because i spent like 8 hours doing prodigy MMMMM#2210: Ever lisx#1702: But it must not be very expertly designed if George can beat you in it username123115#4960: But you can beat stuff up and get coins in prodigy all while doing up to 8th grade math! lisx#1702: You have to count how many times to jump over the other pieces lisx#1702: Checkers is a math game lisx#1702: Wait no lisx#1702: Is chess a math game lisx#1702: *magic crystals* huh username123115#4960: And collect *magic crystals* username123115#4960: And do math username123115#4960: You can walk around and stuff username123115#4960: No it is the best math game lisx#1702: That is false lisx#1702: No burarahurricane#6369: and i have a hhheadakhce username123115#4960: the best math game burarahurricane#6369: my moutb tastes weird now burarahurricane#6369: well burarahurricane#6369: no just burarahurricane#6369: lolol lisx#1702: Do you feel very *powerful?* lisx#1702: Was that necessary lisx#1702: Prodigy? lisx#1702: I have Chinese coins too lisx#1702: LOL burarahurricane#6369: hmnmp robably not burarahurricane#6369: the charger kind that is burarahurricane#6369: er burarahurricane#6369: to put power cords in my mouth ? burarahurricane#6369: it probably isn't a good idea burarahurricane#6369: oh Maulie#8927: It wasn't even a multiplayer game, but the only way you were beating some certain stuff in the game was with paywall generals Maulie#8927: I liked World Conquerors IV on the app store till I realized how heavily it was P2W MMMMM#2210: lasted like 30 mins tho MMMMM#2210: completely fair MMMMM#2210: i actually beat someone at chess the other day Maulie#8927: I've never played that one actually MMMMM#2210: age of empires Maulie#8927: Besides Chess Maulie#8927: Can you name one that you played before and declared it.... Talyor Swift? MMMMM#2210: never found one MMMMM#2210: idk Maulie#8927: Which ones do you think aren't total garbage? MMMMM#2210: that is GARBAGE MMMMM#2210: you hear it once and immediately realize MMMMM#2210: its like taylor swift MMMMM#2210: from my experience MMMMM#2210: most are bad Maulie#8927: Why MMMMM#2210: bad Maulie#8927: Explain MMMMM#2210: garbage MMMMM#2210: trash Maulie#8927: How MMMMM#2210: trash Maulie#8927: What about Strategy games? MMMMM#2210: and he gave me a chinese coin too MMMMM#2210: the bet was for 2 pennies Maulie#8927: What? MMMMM#2210: after i beat him at a math game MMMMM#2210: i have 2 pennies and a chinese coin on my dresser that are representations of his smooth brainedness lisx#1702: I got brilliance the first time i did it, and i got different ones when i did it to get badges for other accounts Maulie#8927: ;-; MMMMM#2210: depends Maulie#8927: Do you consider Daniel smart? MMMMM#2210: wat MMMMM#2210: it might have been balance Maulie#8927: Also <@!522569307004076033> question Maulie#8927: Balance MMMMM#2210: brilliance, bravery MMMMM#2210: whats the other class lisx#1702: right MMMMM#2210: first time pretty sure i had brilliance, then i realized most people in this server had it. and whats the point in having a badge if it doesnt stand out from the majority. so i changed it MMMMM#2210: this isnt the first time ive changed it lisx#1702: so you know what that means lisx#1702: but you had bravery the first time Maulie#8927: Wasn't aiming for a specific one Maulie#8927: I just answered the questions lisx#1702: well if you just try to get a specific one you'll get it probably Maulie#8927: I've only done it once lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: i get a different one every time i do it MMMMM#2210: nope MMMMM#2210: no idea what you're talking about Maulie#8927: Wait you can get more than one? MMMMM#2210: i fixed it lisx#1702: it means you're very brave Maulie#8927: Bruh I'm reaction banned MMMMM#2210: CRAP Maulie#8927: You have it too MMMMM#2210: Yknow what that means Maulie#8927: Everyone in this chat has the Brilliance badge. I got Bravery MMMMM#2210: Cant be caved in if its aerosolized lisx#1702: not always lisx#1702: *often* sexually explicit MMMMM#2210: Sexy MMMMM#2210: MMMMM MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: lisx#1702: it looked like the half of his face was caved in MMMMM#2210: lisx#1702: those two pics undid my "tolerance" lisx#1702: gus is not alright anymore PeckServers.com#8342: i win PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: yeah MMMMM#2210: His name is gus PeckServers.com#8342: i spelled it wrong, but this is still a learning experience MMMMM#2210: <#864719401289908234> PeckServers.com#8342: no way PeckServers.com#8342: woah MMMMM#2210: Wat dat men lisx#1702: ronchie? PeckServers.com#8342: those two pics are pretty ronchie PeckServers.com#8342: that was a good idea lisx#1702: for safety measures lisx#1702: and I blocked george again just in case MMMMM#2210: lisx#1702: but gus is alright Maulie#8927: Baymax Counterpart..? lisx#1702: another day maybe lisx#1702: no baymax counterpart is still creepy Maulie#8927: I know but still Maulie#8927: MMMMM#2210: Momo is actually a sculpture MMMMM#2210: Anything? Maulie#8927: Momos cousin MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: lisx#1702: i think it is MMMMM#2210: Is the tolerance working MMMMM#2210: A thing lisx#1702: good job george lisx#1702: alright give_a_minute#1155: crap is that MMMMM#2210: Time for a real test of lisas abilities Maulie#8927: Or that MMMMM#2210: Pipe bomb Maulie#8927: Got a Napalm bomb to the face lol lisx#1702: yk? lisx#1702: rn lisx#1702: kinda mood lisx#1702: get scared lisx#1702: I'm not really in a give_a_minute#1155: looks like the inside of a hot pocket lisx#1702: yes MMMMM#2210: eye socket MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: lisa built a tolerance MMMMM#2210: holy crap lisx#1702: yeah MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: so you'd be fine if i posted it here lisx#1702: maybe gus is alright Maulie#8927: What was the pfp lisx#1702: and realized it wasn't really that scary after all MMMMM#2210: i already forgot the pasword lisx#1702: I looked at it lisx#1702: yeah MMMMM#2210: that account is basically useless Maulie#8927: ? MMMMM#2210: also MMMMM#2210: great pic MMMMM#2210: did you get a good look at the pfp MMMMM#2210: so lisx#1702: it's not like lisx#1702: yep MMMMM#2210: its not like i have 10 more MMMMM#2210: thats a real shame MMMMM#2210: awwww lisx#1702: oops i accidentally banned your alt <@!522569307004076033> lisx#1702: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> EJCaldwell#2924: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> <:weedtime:929515889907335168> EJCaldwell#2924: i don't like milk and that is fine lisx#1702: I should've stayed in bed lisx#1702: you're too right PeckServers.com#8342: holy hell today is boring Maulie#8927: Milk is good PeckServers.com#8342: imma shotgun some milk PeckServers.com#8342: chug PeckServers.com#8342: chug PeckServers.com#8342: chug lisx#1702: yes keep chugging cody PeckServers.com#8342: imma keep drinking it cause i can PeckServers.com#8342: ehh EJCaldwell#2924: agree Maulie#8927: Leave water in the freezer overnight Maulie#8927: I've done that before lisx#1702: do not question my methods lisx#1702: I can drink water now lisx#1702: yay my cup of ice has almost melted xXthat1redheadXx#9990: adios Maulie#8927: I'm listening to it rn xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but just watch the video I kept on thinking things it missed but then it ended up making an argument for it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: at least he said so xXthat1redheadXx#9990: my grandpa used to live on a dairy farm and drank raw milk and stuff like that and didn't brush his teeth for 11 years and he never got cavity or anything bad with his teeth xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: same xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well I gtg so adios for now Maulie#8927: I've never broken a bone in my life xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yesh Maulie#8927: Especially in the early days of life Maulie#8927: Not to mention all the things it does for you Maulie#8927: ^ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but I like cow milk le best lisx#1702: good lisx#1702: <:goldfish:782836699784937482> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: almond is meh lisx#1702: goldfish Maulie#8927: Milk is good xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and soy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oat milk bad lisx#1702: <:chocolate_milk:820053376199950377> lisx#1702: chocolate milk okay lisx#1702: milk bad xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cereal lisx#1702: water good xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I like milk Maulie#8927: I literally won a whole argument for milk against someone deciding if milk or water was better xXthat1redheadXx#9990: sometimes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: :/ lisx#1702: non born chicken tastes bad xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's just a non-born chicken Maulie#8927: Or you would be seriously crippled PeckServers.com#8342: mommys milk Maulie#8927: But you would lisx#1702: no u lisx#1702: but chicken good Maulie#8927: Without milk you would be dead right now PeckServers.com#8342: milk good lisx#1702: eggs also bad xXthat1redheadXx#9990: monster lisx#1702: milk bad Maulie#8927: We need milk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's what the video is saying... lisx#1702: chicken good lisx#1702: cows bad lisx#1702: no PeckServers.com#8342: therefore imma keep eating them PeckServers.com#8342: cows taste good tho xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that 23:11 was not a waste I'll just say xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's worth the time Maulie#8927: Not by much xXthat1redheadXx#9990: just watch the video Maulie#8927: Also less demand for meat does not stop reproduction burarahurricane#6369: well yeah obviously Maulie#8927: Yeah but I don't think we want the livestock to go extinct burarahurricane#6369: less demand for meat = less breeding xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but what people say is to take *away* the livestock and put in plants PeckServers.com#8342: munch Maulie#8927: Or just livestock in general xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ...? Maulie#8927: Without watching the video. If you think about it not eating meat would just leave more cows on the planet making more methane xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the only thing that I say is that we could use some of the areas that are used for livestock for things that create electricity or the machines that intake co2 and makes something makes a differents gas (or something like that) xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/sGG-A80Tl5g lisx#1702: https://forms.gle/Sk5xuoyCDsChGBxu9 PeckServers.com#8342: Iss so essiting lisx#1702: your fancy dashes things are showing up WalterJS#2477: https://concretegames.net WalterJS#2477: the servers are getting closer to working PeckServers.com#8342: WEED TIME WalterJS#2477: <:weedtime:929515889907335168><:weedtime:929515889907335168><:weedtime:929515889907335168><:weedtime:929515889907335168><:weedtime:929515889907335168><:weedtime:929515889907335168><:weedtime:929515889907335168><:weedtime:929515889907335168><:weedtime:929515889907335168><:weedtime:929515889907335168><:weedtime:929515889907335168><:weedtime:929515889907335168><:weedtime:929515889907335168> lisx#1702: im just that good lisx#1702: 😏 lisx#1702: good morning PeckServers.com#8342: Morrrrrrrnin PeckServers.com#8342: I did Maulie#8927: Good morning burarahurricane#6369: good mOOOOORNNNNINNGGGGGGG cg burarahurricane#6369: TWO MEN ina TRUCK lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_0UXfvC65Y lol burarahurricane#6369: HHHHHH burarahurricane#6369: l onkl lisx#1702: its lonk lisx#1702: (-0-) lisx#1702: -0- burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: disxcofdrfddddddddf burarahurricane#6369: bonk lisx#1702: ||~~you thought~~|| lisx#1702: co|| ||k lisx#1702: conk lisx#1702: that's a real word too lisx#1702: honk lisx#1702: gonk lisx#1702: fonk lisx#1702: lonk lisx#1702: hey that's a real word lisx#1702: monk lisx#1702: donk lisx#1702: wonk lisx#1702: bonk lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: ```I'm Lisa, your Discordal assistant``` lisx#1702: how can I be of assistance lisx#1702: yes... burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/vibe-cat-gif-23091665 burarahurricane#6369: YEAAAAAAHHH burarahurricane#6369: HAVIN A ROUGH TIME burarahurricane#6369: IM HAVIN A ROUGH TIME burarahurricane#6369: DONT. STOP ME NOWWW burarahurricane#6369: ehheheheehhehehheehehheafdjarugayfhjslakr hgr h burarahurricane#6369: rabies more like rave ies lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> lisx#1702: if you have rabies lisx#1702: go there lisx#1702: its a hospital lisx#1702: go to the intermountain place lisx#1702: no lisx#1702: wait lisx#1702: go to walgreens lisx#1702: because you have rabies lisx#1702: is that why you're going crazy burarahurricane#6369: hhhhhbrnrnrbggggrengggbgggg lisx#1702: do you have rabies lisx#1702: bat brain lisx#1702: uh burarahurricane#6369: 🦇 🧠 lisx#1702: to brain lisx#1702: that's not nice lisx#1702: don't bonk brain burarahurricane#6369: ueueueueuueeuueueueueueuueueueueu lisx#1702: is so lisx#1702: *word burarahurricane#6369: bOnk lisx#1702: omg this work burarahurricane#6369: twerk lisx#1702: work lisx#1702: work lisx#1702: work lisx#1702: brain no worky? burarahurricane#6369: [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[///// burarahurricane#6369: [ burarahurricane#6369: 🧠 burarahurricane#6369: ☠️ lisx#1702: is wrong lisx#1702: what lisx#1702: oh no burarahurricane#6369: 🗡️ ⚔️ 🧏 burarahurricane#6369: HRRRNNGGG 🔪 lisx#1702: is he like a dj person lisx#1702: ohhh this is where i've heard kygo before https://open.spotify.com/track/12GEpg2XOPyqk03JZEZnJs?si=709621f2bcd8435a PeckServers.com#8342: I could only wish to be that level PeckServers.com#8342: Xactly lisx#1702: you're just not lisa level yet lisx#1702: you aren't stupid PeckServers.com#8342: Yer lame if you dont PeckServers.com#8342: Im so stupid lisx#1702: yeah I want to PeckServers.com#8342: Well obviously lisx#1702: duh lisx#1702: it's because I play them lisx#1702: no lisx#1702: uh PeckServers.com#8342: Hammer strings PeckServers.com#8342: Slappy strings PeckServers.com#8342: Stwings lisx#1702: try and guess why lisx#1702: you know why PeckServers.com#8342: By far lisx#1702: cello and piano are the two best instruments PeckServers.com#8342: Its such a good song lisx#1702: very epic PeckServers.com#8342: It has a lot PeckServers.com#8342: I think it has strings PeckServers.com#8342: Lisa you should hang out with us sometime lisx#1702: omg does it have cello too lisx#1702: even better lisx#1702: or that lisx#1702: oh yes PeckServers.com#8342: Or writing concrete games lisx#1702: ™️ lisx#1702: like you're doing important government fbi work burarahurricane#6369: adonoisniiinn PeckServers.com#8342: You mean business in that pic lisx#1702: you look very serious burarahurricane#6369: mississippiiiii WalterJS#2477: I have no jawline burarahurricane#6369: pp burarahurricane#6369: pano lisx#1702: mississii PeckServers.com#8342: No, its a really good look ngl WalterJS#2477: I look so bad in that WalterJS#2477: What are you even talking about burarahurricane#6369: pano WalterJS#2477: I look so terrible in that picture burarahurricane#6369: panop burarahurricane#6369: pp WalterJS#2477: Guys burarahurricane#6369: ppppppppppppp PeckServers.com#8342: You said pp lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: Pp burarahurricane#6369: ppppp PeckServers.com#8342: That song is so good burarahurricane#6369: pp lisx#1702: pano burarahurricane#6369: pano PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr* PeckServers.com#8342: Okr lisx#1702: piano <:blobaww:828416679495073845> burarahurricane#6369: zmnfregereghrrhrnng PeckServers.com#8342: Jk thats for bad boys PeckServers.com#8342: Imma get high now burarahurricane#6369: ////\\\\\\\\////////\\\\\\\\\\\\/,---.> PeckServers.com#8342: Therefore you are beautiful PeckServers.com#8342: Kygo is a beautiful man for making that song PeckServers.com#8342: Kygo is the man who made this beautiful song https://youtu.be/jW38TJ75Sa8 lisx#1702: it'll be here forever lisx#1702: perfect lisx#1702: ** ** lisx#1702: we gotta keep it lisx#1702: he's not here to delete it this time 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: You look like kygo in that pic PeckServers.com#8342: Literally so sexy lisx#1702: Retarted lisx#1702: Hahahaha lisx#1702: Retarted lisx#1702: Lol burarahurricane#6369: retarted ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, WalterJS#2477: yeah lisx#1702: You deleted it lisx#1702: Bruh WalterJS#2477: I look retarted in that picture PeckServers.com#8342: Hes so muscular PeckServers.com#8342: Ikr lisx#1702: Damn so hot burarahurricane#6369: time sure does fly when ur jammin burarahurricane#6369: that means ive been listening to africa by toto for more than two hou rs burarahurricane#6369: wtf its nine burarahurricane#6369: wOw iTs WaLtEr burarahurricane#6369: I BLESS THE RAINS DOWN IN AAAAAAFRICAAAAAAAAA WalterJS#2477: hacking the mainframe WalterJS#2477: executing missile launch WalterJS#2477: this is a test of the us nuclear system WalterJS#2477: Ive been HACKED username123115#4960: Yes WalterJS#2477: <@!734161534799839272> do you approve WalterJS#2477: It’s <:weedtime:929515889907335168> weed time <:weedtime:929515889907335168> WalterJS#2477: <:weedtime:929515889907335168> WalterJS#2477: I made a weed time emoji WalterJS#2477: Guys lisx#1702: Weed time lisx#1702: 👏 good job lisx#1702: Hahaha PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: I fOuNd It EJCaldwell#2924: Daniel 2022 EJCaldwell#2924: "Steroids are fun but not that fun" EJCaldwell#2924: i am playing a game and a the dogs name is walter EJCaldwell#2924: it looks like its in a box Dyno#3861: Found one! EJCaldwell#2924: thats even sadder EJCaldwell#2924: the top one is modded PeckServers.com#8342: i second this PeckServers.com#8342: look at these f**king losers paying $3k to put their minecraft servers on top of a minecraft servers list EJCaldwell#2924: just why EJCaldwell#2924: why? kunami#5233: :trollpissing: kunami#5233: stat kunami#5233: kunami#5233: we need this emoji EJCaldwell#2924: i am not even going to ask East Germany Is Going Great#1917: lisx#1702: you've mentioned MMMMM#2210: Thats the second MMMMM#2210: Thats the first pic lisx#1702: are these the pics you've sent before that you said was the first picture in your ipad? PeckServers.com#8342: how the hell is that a kidney PeckServers.com#8342: thats HUGE MMMMM#2210: Ye lisx#1702: like Schrödinger's cat PeckServers.com#8342: is that the whilms tumor thingy? PeckServers.com#8342: woah thats soo cool MMMMM#2210: PeckServers.com#8342: i didnt see it, therefore it dont exist MMMMM#2210: 2 MMMMM#2210: 3 lisx#1702: george sent it in the other chat PeckServers.com#8342: stat PeckServers.com#8342: send it MMMMM#2210: I could lisx#1702: do it in dms PeckServers.com#8342: yes lisx#1702: dont' lisx#1702: nooooooooooooooooooo PeckServers.com#8342: but you sent it MMMMM#2210: You wanna pic lisx#1702: no wonder *George* sent it MMMMM#2210: Good PeckServers.com#8342: thats the neulceation of cancer MMMMM#2210: M lisx#1702: veggie tails bass boost MMMMM#2210: Was dat lisx#1702: my ears MMMMM#2210: Or it means that there is a universal cutoff of being big brained PeckServers.com#8342: thats quite the queue system lisx#1702: oh my god george what the hell is this lisx#1702: lisx#1702: I have added it to my list lisx#1702: 🙄 you don't have to be big brain to say that. because everyone says that, so therefore it must be big brain to *not* say that PeckServers.com#8342: a concept or something PeckServers.com#8342: its like.... PeckServers.com#8342: 😬 PeckServers.com#8342: the power is in your hands MMMMM#2210: Ok PeckServers.com#8342: then move on with your day <:hehe:856378380332433408> MMMMM#2210: Im still not watching it PeckServers.com#8342: its not the dude its the content MMMMM#2210: Big brain PeckServers.com#8342: then move on with your day <:hehe:856378380332433408> lisx#1702: whoevwer that dude is tho lisx#1702: i don't care about PeckServers.com#8342: taylor swift isnt PeckServers.com#8342: this is important tho MMMMM#2210: Too* lisx#1702: hey cody's abusing mod to! \:D lisx#1702: <@!522569307004076033> PeckServers.com#8342: new important information PeckServers.com#8342: catch up on your tech news PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2DkFrHoQkc @everyone PeckServers.com#8342: more like CE-no PeckServers.com#8342: CES EJCaldwell#2924: And he does not know where I live EJCaldwell#2924: 🔪🔪🔪 EJCaldwell#2924: I know where he lives EJCaldwell#2924: I want to get maulie even more now lol MMMMM#2210: The person is facing forwards tho MMMMM#2210: Yea EJCaldwell#2924: It’s backwards EJCaldwell#2924: The leg that was shrunk MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: Wym EJCaldwell#2924: Also I still hate that pic EJCaldwell#2924: It is backwards MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: burarahurricane#6369: should waht? EJCaldwell#2924: We were going to take Maulerz left kidney lisx#1702: we were going to kill you anyway, right! lisx#1702: you should lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> MMMMM#2210: Nah EJCaldwell#2924: george you should EJCaldwell#2924: i want my legs tho lisx#1702: you should try it EJCaldwell#2924: could you ask to do that i wonder lisx#1702: you can sue them for that lisx#1702: but the doctors are probably nice people EJCaldwell#2924: and mess your entire life up EJCaldwell#2924: if you think of it, the doctors could turn your entire leg around 180 degrees lisx#1702: ** ** lisx#1702: DON'T lisx#1702: DON'T TALK ABOUT IT MMMMM#2210: Baymax EJCaldwell#2924: i just don't like it lisx#1702: and that's saying something lisx#1702: ~~anymore~~ lisx#1702: even ***I'm*** not scared of it lisx#1702: hahahaha EJCaldwell#2924: cursed* EJCaldwell#2924: its curdes MMMMM#2210: Its not that bad EJCaldwell#2924: WHY DID YOU SEND IT MMMMM#2210: I explained that months ago EJCaldwell#2924: WHY lisx#1702: the first one lisx#1702: oh MMMMM#2210: I did this one, the one before it, not the one before that lisx#1702: other ones lisx#1702: there were 2 lisx#1702: <:sus:783176301502267423> lisx#1702: hmmmmmmm MMMMM#2210: Nah lisx#1702: ??? lisx#1702: really lisx#1702: oh MMMMM#2210: I didnt do the first one MMMMM#2210: Shush lisx#1702: exposed lisx#1702: I saw that MMMMM#2210: No clue lisx#1702: that'd be cool lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: can they make it pink lisx#1702: whoa coolio burarahurricane#6369: so u dont die kunami#5233: what is the point of doing that though? MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: Why does it say its made for kids MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: And put tubes through it MMMMM#2210: Drill a hole through you MMMMM#2210: Put some electronics on it MMMMM#2210: Where they cut your heart in half MMMMM#2210: I found another one MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: Yknow the leg thing MMMMM#2210: Ok so lisx#1702: here i'll do one for you MMMMM#2210: But that takes time lisx#1702: you should MMMMM#2210: Im surprised nobodys put anything about gardella lisx#1702: it's way better than the guy part WalterJS#2477: na WalterJS#2477: Um lisx#1702: the girl part is good lisx#1702: no lisx#1702: what WalterJS#2477: The girl part is kinda bad WalterJS#2477: It’s Alr WalterJS#2477: Yo wtf 💀💀 lisx#1702: there's more 😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/CXnf5SMrEvK/ burarahurricane#6369: LMFAOIQYULWEAKJDFHGAFSKJADFCHJKJHN lisx#1702: <@!531264285385424916> LMAO https://www.instagram.com/p/CXngM_wL2jD/ Maulie#8927: And it goes up to 1-9 Maulie#8927: For each square Maulie#8927: It's supposed to be 3x3 right? lisx#1702: I like the girl part lisx#1702: its actually kinda good burarahurricane#6369: yea lisx#1702: that's not even real sudoku lisx#1702: and then our parents came burarahurricane#6369: so it ll take us a sec to grab stuff from our lockers and stuff burarahurricane#6369: we have PE now burarahurricane#6369: new class xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh and <@!726265256082407504> and <@!749747503947055136> where art thoust todayst xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so I can't really... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I would solve it but you already did Maulie#8927: Anyone with a brain could solve that puzzle Maulie#8927: THosE aDS ArE LiES xXthat1redheadXx#9990: bUt yOu soLVeD iT WalterJS#2477: Dang mine is WalterJS#2477: new Tommy ice song WalterJS#2477: Guysssssss <@852187118113652776> <@!726265256082407504> Maulie#8927: Also sadly my iq is not magically 180 now Maulie#8927: Ez burarahurricane#6369: whoa lisx#1702: It’s a pretty big achievement if you ask me lisx#1702: My brother has leveled up from doing 50px puzzles to doing 200px puzzles lisx#1702: Guess what sheeple PeckServers.com#8342: yeah unfortunately kunami#5233: only by one min 2 😦 burarahurricane#6369: rip lisx#1702: sad PeckServers.com#8342: Missed it PeckServers.com#8342: Shiz PeckServers.com#8342: Weed time burarahurricane#6369: yeah give_a_minute#1155: nvm did a quick word search I guess that isn't the case give_a_minute#1155: I'm gonna assume today's a B day PeckServers.com#8342: Dis dihk kunami#5233: Deez nuhts lisx#1702: since LAST YEAR lisx#1702: like a bajillion days lisx#1702: we haven't had school in lisx#1702: WE HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW lisx#1702: I'M SO EXCITED MMMMM#2210: thats not saying much lisx#1702: they almost suck at html as much as i do MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: amazing ad MMMMM#2210: lisx#1702: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: ikr Commander Lumbar support#1704: neat PeckServers.com#8342: easier MMMMM#2210: O PeckServers.com#8342: was on chrome PeckServers.com#8342: open on chrome MMMMM#2210: Y using alt Thawunguy#6106: thats why i said that Thawunguy#6106: yeah MMMMM#2210: Its because he did PeckServers.com#8342: thats totally something he would do too PeckServers.com#8342: Apparently the skyblock server is too PeckServers.com#8342: Ya know how i said fonts.gststic.com was hosted through ovh MMMMM#2210: and you always just replied idk and left MMMMM#2210: i asked you about audio stuff MMMMM#2210: you were kinda useless MMMMM#2210: nah WalterJS#2477: Shoulda asked me g PeckServers.com#8342: for fonts PeckServers.com#8342: i guess .woff2 is a file PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, its really nice that its even possible to link them MMMMM#2210: and we couldnt find out how to get a font MMMMM#2210: so we spent the rest of the year tryna do other stuff MMMMM#2210: me and another kid finished our websites in like 2 days PeckServers.com#8342: yeah css stuff PeckServers.com#8342: oh haha MMMMM#2210: knowing that you can link a font using a link PeckServers.com#8342: what woulda been? MMMMM#2210: that would have been very useful in 7th grade PeckServers.com#8342: and its server links back to ovh sas PeckServers.com#8342: this is the font in question PeckServers.com#8342: https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/nunitosans/v8/pe0qMImSLYBIv1o4X1M8cce9I9s.woff2 PeckServers.com#8342: i spelled it wrong haha MMMMM#2210: PeckServers.com#8342: so in the case of the error page PeckServers.com#8342: you just add the font link from their site into your code PeckServers.com#8342: https://sdfjsdfj.peckservsers.com MMMMM#2210: and load the font from them MMMMM#2210: you link your site to their site PeckServers.com#8342: example PeckServers.com#8342: the text takes a min and loads the default MMMMM#2210: is it like PeckServers.com#8342: when you get to the peckservers web proxy error PeckServers.com#8342: cause PeckServers.com#8342: i noticed MMMMM#2210: o PeckServers.com#8342: its a really big font provider for websites MMMMM#2210: wassat PeckServers.com#8342: their canada datacenter probs caught fire like their france one PeckServers.com#8342: ovh PeckServers.com#8342: oh thats why PeckServers.com#8342: how the hell PeckServers.com#8342: fonts.gstatic.com is down PeckServers.com#8342: yoooo WalterJS#2477: sucks to suck lisx#1702: I hate waking up early tho lisx#1702: I'm sobored lisx#1702: i can't wait lisx#1702: we have __***2***__ days till school :)) lisx#1702: lisx#1702: omg it's 2022 isn't that crazy lisx#1702: Morning lisx#1702: yes MMMMM#2210: No MMMMM#2210: What lisx#1702: <@!522569307004076033> lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/C8NHpvwS3sA lisx#1702: watch youtube lisx#1702: HEY GEORGE MMMMM#2210: im still bored MMMMM#2210: hi lisa lisx#1702: I'm lisa :))))) lisx#1702: hi bored MMMMM#2210: bored MMMMM#2210: am lisx#1702: it was still 3 days ago PeckServers.com#8342: Unfortunately the plugin is only installed on the lobby WalterJS#2477: how do you switch servers to like the sky block world xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause new years eve felt like a couple days ago but it was ***last year*** xXthat1redheadXx#9990: time just flies by now Ig xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's so weird burarahurricane#6369: oh noOooo not dwayne :( xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🙀 PeckServers.com#8342: dwayne has suffered some injuries PeckServers.com#8342: haha, none infact cause george killed me and since its lobby i havent gotten more xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you don't seem to have much armor xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah PeckServers.com#8342: i just got on and apparently it shows health too PeckServers.com#8342: ikr xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh that's pret cool PeckServers.com#8342: if someone gets online itll show where they are PeckServers.com#8342: its the minecraft server live map viewer xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what it PeckServers.com#8342: https://map.playsmp.net/ PeckServers.com#8342: e PeckServers.com#8342: the new sit PeckServers.com#8342: check out PeckServers.com#8342: yo yo yo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: my xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok...? PeckServers.com#8342: mom PeckServers.com#8342: bye lisx#1702: bye lisx#1702: go lisx#1702: im gonna PeckServers.com#8342: walter cant know PeckServers.com#8342: shhhhh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you forgot about the part where you came back for more PeckServers.com#8342: nah, its past tense, cause I already finished with her and got the f out xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: is* PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🤦 PeckServers.com#8342: cause she knows it *was* nice PeckServers.com#8342: thats what she said lisx#1702: was it PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that was nice xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: hehe 😏 lisx#1702: -_- PeckServers.com#8342: this dick PeckServers.com#8342: them sexy muscles lisx#1702: where did your mom get covid from WalterJS#2477: Yes but that’s for other reasons 😈 PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=910ZV-M7lUo woah PeckServers.com#8342: 😄 PeckServers.com#8342: also a miracle you are alive WalterJS#2477: Cuz I wouldn’t be able to go to baseball open field if I did WalterJS#2477: it’s actually a miracle i don’t have it I’m so glad WalterJS#2477: my mom has Covid she took 3 tests all came back positive, then I was with her 24/7 for like 3 days then I took 3 tests same brands as hers and negative all 3 times lisx#1702: oh neat PeckServers.com#8342: but yeah vaccines do work PeckServers.com#8342: or that you didnt have covid? PeckServers.com#8342: or that not all tests are reliable PeckServers.com#8342: umm WalterJS#2477: proof that vaccines work lol WalterJS#2477: I tested negative lisx#1702: <@!531264285385424916> are you still planning on coming to school? since your mom got covid? WalterJS#2477: lol PeckServers.com#8342: i have to lose my streak PeckServers.com#8342: son of a bitch TAKOYAKII#2886: ._. TAKOYAKII#2886: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CMLK7p9j4U TAKOYAKII#2886: :) TAKOYAKII#2886: i found this masterpiece TAKOYAKII#2886: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7A2bx7HAJc lisx#1702: Good morning username123115#4960: Saint George username123115#4960: At.George username123115#4960: At George EJCaldwell#2924: its not morning daniel, even where you are username123115#4960: Good morning burarahurricane#6369: goood morning PeckServers.com#8342: MorNin burarahurricane#6369: weed time 😏 WalterJS#2477: its @waltershewmake WalterJS#2477: Im not using the old one anymore WalterJS#2477: add it WalterJS#2477: I made a new snapchat account PeckServers.com#8342: <@!531264285385424916> what the hell PeckServers.com#8342: tis but but a new year EJCaldwell#2924: Happy new year lisx#1702: HAPPY NEW YEAR burarahurricane#6369: HAPPY NEW YEAR PeckServers.com#8342: i have a lot of work to do in order to get diamond armor PeckServers.com#8342: probabaly WalterJS#2477: maybe lisx#1702: GUYS are you going to stay up till midnight WalterJS#2477: haha WalterJS#2477: fine WalterJS#2477: ok PeckServers.com#8342: am i wrong PeckServers.com#8342: put that back on PeckServers.com#8342: hey PeckServers.com#8342: eek lisx#1702: YES I LOVE THIS SONG WalterJS#2477: bruh lisx#1702: its like meh burarahurricane#6369: omg you love that song no way lisx#1702: its not really that good WalterJS#2477: cuz I love this song WalterJS#2477: after this song lisx#1702: <@!531264285385424916> you should play mgk PeckServers.com#8342: ok WalterJS#2477: ima get back on mc in a bit PeckServers.com#8342: and get mc while you are at it PeckServers.com#8342: yeah WalterJS#2477: yeah lisx#1702: want me to join back lisx#1702: haha PeckServers.com#8342: very sad WalterJS#2477: this song slaps WalterJS#2477: sad day WalterJS#2477: lisa left us lisx#1702: ooh i like this one WalterJS#2477: codys fav right here WalterJS#2477: lol lisx#1702: "she come over for disney plus" WalterJS#2477: ive never hread this one WalterJS#2477: bro I ran like 3 miles WalterJS#2477: pulled up at 4:30 am when she stayed up all night to bring her a jacket WalterJS#2477: I love this song so much lisx#1702: hey this ones good lisx#1702: maybe only premium has it lisx#1702: I seriously doubt that because i've never noticed it there before WalterJS#2477: yea lisx#1702: has the fullscreen button always existed??? lisx#1702: this ones okay WalterJS#2477: great song WalterJS#2477: keys WalterJS#2477: yeah true lisx#1702: this ones kinda like https://open.spotify.com/track/5k38wzpLb15YgncyWdTZE4?si=a9c190b55d0e479c WalterJS#2477: as well WalterJS#2477: this song slaps WalterJS#2477: sorry I wasnt paying attention to the songs I was just playing minecraft WalterJS#2477: lol lisx#1702: and polo g lisx#1702: its so much better than dababy lisx#1702: yes i approve WalterJS#2477: its too good WalterJS#2477: lol WalterJS#2477: lets listen to the song one more time WalterJS#2477: love that line WalterJS#2477: *im at a party with whole lotta ------ and money I dont wanna think about it* WalterJS#2477: <@!726265256082407504> WalterJS#2477: lisx#1702: you should play this next https://open.spotify.com/track/3rnI1UCyGJvUTVvT97VQr5?si=98f11a412c5249f3 lisx#1702: but it's great WalterJS#2477: I hate GOGOGOGGOGOGOGO lisx#1702: noooooooooooooooo why did you skip it <@!531264285385424916> lisx#1702: for 3 months lisx#1702: mhm WalterJS#2477: ? WalterJS#2477: its free WalterJS#2477: wait what WalterJS#2477: told you lisx#1702: i convinced my mom to get me spotify premium (mainly because its free) lisx#1702: nvm i can now WalterJS#2477: im on da server WalterJS#2477: CODYYYYYYYYYY PeckServers.com#8342: had to have been vlan cause tv stopped connecting to pc PeckServers.com#8342: sorry internet died WalterJS#2477: lol WalterJS#2477: this is sad WalterJS#2477: damn- im really listening to this album alone rn WalterJS#2477: yeah but I wanna mine PeckServers.com#8342: also skyblock is survival PeckServers.com#8342: both of those WalterJS#2477: ok what do I join for surviavl PeckServers.com#8342: yeah there is the schs smp and the cg one WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: yk WalterJS#2477: I just wanna go sit in a strip mine and mine for the next 10 hours WalterJS#2477: can we do surival though WalterJS#2477: ok PeckServers.com#8342: join smplive then maybe lisx#1702: I can't "do it anyway" when I can't do it WalterJS#2477: join my listening party lisx#1702: but I can't lisx#1702: 🤦 PeckServers.com#8342: wat WalterJS#2477: do it anyway WalterJS#2477: <@!852187118113652776> <@&828440128741310534> lisx#1702: i CaN't WalterJS#2477: join my listening party lisx#1702: i heard that one time lisx#1702: is that from the xxx album WalterJS#2477: never heard this song but it was the first thing to appear on my search (: WalterJS#2477: lisx#1702: or do idk lisx#1702: don't send that to her WalterJS#2477: wow lisx#1702: not a pickup line tho lisx#1702: "don't say your life is a joke because jokes have meaning" WalterJS#2477: how nice WalterJS#2477: you raised your hand too WalterJS#2477: cody oh wow WalterJS#2477: you raised your hand WalterJS#2477: yes WalterJS#2477: lisa WalterJS#2477: who wants to listen to musci with me WalterJS#2477: ima just listen to music instead WalterJS#2477: actually nevermind I dont wanna do that WalterJS#2477: and then ill be dePrEsSeD again after WalterJS#2477: ima go listen to music and do a workout WalterJS#2477: ik just what will help me for the next 10 minutes WalterJS#2477: I wonder what would happen if I sent that to her HAHAHAHAHA lisx#1702: you should use on "that one girl" WalterJS#2477: damn lisx#1702: "Are you suicide, cus you're always on my mind" lisx#1702: wanna hear this really nice pickup line WalterJS#2477: iM hApPy FoR lIke TwO dAyS aFtEr KisSiNg ThAt OnE gIrL bUt ItS bEeN aWhIlE lisx#1702: that's unfortunate lisx#1702: oh lisx#1702: you just have to be happy lisx#1702: there's only one way to cure depression WalterJS#2477: tHeN aGaIn I aM cLiNiCalLy DiAgNoSeD wItH dEpReSsIoN lisx#1702: is that because I'm a girl too WalterJS#2477: sToP yOuR nOt HeLpInG mY dEpReSsIoN lisx#1702: NOPE WalterJS#2477: lOl WalterJS#2477: sHuT uP lisx#1702: *depressed WalterJS#2477: i ThInK tHe OnLy ThInG tHaT mAkEs Me DePrEsEd At ThIs PoInT iS gIrLs lisx#1702: but it makes you more depressed WalterJS#2477: dEpReSiNg MuSiC iS mY tHiNg WalterJS#2477: nO lisx#1702: taylor swift PeckServers.com#8342: if you say you are gonna have a shitty day then you are WalterJS#2477: i WaNt ThAt OnE gIrL lisx#1702: like lisx#1702: listen to not-depressing music for once WalterJS#2477: how PeckServers.com#8342: life is what you make of it WalterJS#2477: brain size = expanded lisx#1702: that time was fast tho PeckServers.com#8342: lighten up sport lisx#1702: I sEe WalterJS#2477: I cAn NeItHeR cOnFiRm NoR dEnY lisx#1702: is that one girl sadie lisx#1702: shame WalterJS#2477: I still havent got tested and I dont have any symptoms WalterJS#2477: my mom did though WalterJS#2477: no lisx#1702: did you get tested WalterJS#2477: took me like a solid 10 min to write WalterJS#2477: that took so long bruh lisx#1702: did someone take your computer again lisx#1702: uh WalterJS#2477: i Am DePrEsSeD aNd I dOnT kNoW wHy Oh wAiT I hAvE cOvId AnD nOw I dOnT gEt To Go KiSs ThAt OnE gIrL fOr NeW yEaRs BuT iT pRoBaBlY wOuLdN't HaVe HaPpeNeD aNyWaY sO mAyBe ThAtS wHy I aM dEpPrEsEd Or MaYbE iTs BeCaUsE i ThOuGhT iT wAs A gOoD iDeA tO wRiTe AlL tHiS oUt In ThIs WeIrD fOrM WalterJS#2477: heheh WalterJS#2477: heh lisx#1702: username123115#4960: Beeg fish tank lisx#1702: lisx#1702: imagine PeckServers.com#8342: spencer walter get on server WalterJS#2477: huh burarahurricane#6369: this one doesn't have 283473895 f bombs burarahurricane#6369: its okay burarahurricane#6369: SFAFDKHADFKH burarahurricane#6369: LOVEJOUS PALUGING burarahurricane#6369: OP LOWJFOEIWAUFD WalterJS#2477: 372699 burarahurricane#6369: what a time burarahurricane#6369: i suck at paper.io burarahurricane#6369: wow lisx#1702: and / was just for fractions lisx#1702: all the time lisx#1702: when we used ÷ instead of / lisx#1702: remember elementary burarahurricane#6369: œ∑øˆ´øπœ“˚¬å∆ƒ˜µ≤.ç˚å………˚å¬∆ƒßf.≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≤≤≤≤≤≤≤≤≤≥≤≤≥≤≤≥≤≥≤≤≥÷÷÷“–πø™ºπø∑dl˚晡 burarahurricane#6369: ∑∑∑∑∑∑∑ burarahurricane#6369: thats not an s burarahurricane#6369: ß lisx#1702: you're still lurking WalterJS#2477: I was holding down the S key on accident lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: u lurking i see u burarahurricane#6369: yeahhahhhhhhhh WalterJS#2477: oh lisx#1702: i saw that too lisx#1702: yeah burarahurricane#6369: WALTER was the one who was typing WalterJS#2477: what burarahurricane#6369: walter burarahurricane#6369: waplter lisx#1702: ? burarahurricane#6369: (sci fi movie sounds) burarahurricane#6369: t-minus 4 hours (beep beeeeep) burarahurricane#6369: codyy lisx#1702: WE HAVE FOUR HOURS lisx#1702: I don't want it to be 2022 burarahurricane#6369: olders. tuff burarahurricane#6369: * burarahurricane#6369: no burarahurricane#6369: bo burarahurricane#6369: that woudl be lisx#1702: your wilbur soot? burarahurricane#6369: lmao........ burarahurricane#6369: just hope no lovejoy comes on! lisx#1702: interesting burarahurricane#6369: hwy is my dad playing my music helpdakjlhf burarahurricane#6369: instead it elts me do ôöòòóœøō burarahurricane#6369: i can't hold down a key and make it doi a bunch of letters :* lisx#1702: ooooookay burarahurricane#6369: ooooooooooooookay lisx#1702: oooooooooooooooooooooookay lisx#1702: uh burarahurricane#6369: ✨ burarahurricane#6369: :sparkels: cursious: lisx#1702: ? burarahurricane#6369: just burarahurricane#6369: idk burarahurricane#6369: hiii lisx#1702: hi lisx#1702: there's still like 4 hours lisx#1702: there's already fireworks lisx#1702: why do you ask lisx#1702: says spotify at least lisx#1702: pop or hip hop lisx#1702: it depends on the mood xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rip burarahurricane#6369: awkward 😔 burarahurricane#6369: tfw u try to start a conversation and get ignored burarahurricane#6369: probably jsut pop huh burarahurricane#6369: whats ur general music genre burarahurricane#6369: hi bored lisx#1702: g u y s i'm bored PeckServers.com#8342: one solid bug PeckServers.com#8342: his entire computer is a bug SpencerLS#2849: "some" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 PeckServers.com#8342: 👍 WalterJS#2477: okay I need to fix some bugs with the game then I will PeckServers.com#8342: spencer you should too its fun PeckServers.com#8342: well, then you should atleast get on the server again haha WalterJS#2477: it dont work like that, I would feel bad if something happened to you PeckServers.com#8342: so you dont have to worry abt them PeckServers.com#8342: and my parents are gone PeckServers.com#8342: ive had it before so it should be fine WalterJS#2477: and I havent got tested so im not surei f I have it or not PeckServers.com#8342: and.... PeckServers.com#8342: yeah? WalterJS#2477: my mom has covid WalterJS#2477: slight problem WalterJS#2477: well- PeckServers.com#8342: you should come over and bring your laptop WalterJS#2477: no im not busy WalterJS#2477: I contacted the owner and hes sending me a free NFT 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: also are you busy? PeckServers.com#8342: imagine xXthat1redheadXx#9990: solt wooter WalterJS#2477: but its ok ima try again when I get paid WalterJS#2477: and got scammed I lost like $250 WalterJS#2477: bro I tried to buy an NFT earlier EJCaldwell#2924: Can only solve one tho EJCaldwell#2924: I have them all SpencerLS#2849: Thanks SpencerLS#2849: and it's a cell game so 🤷‍♂️ SpencerLS#2849: an amoeba is a type of unicellular organism give_a_minute#1155: sounds really nice tho give_a_minute#1155: I would try to say something intellectual if I did know anything about music theory lmao lisx#1702: whats an amoebic invasion SpencerLS#2849: idk how it sounds without headphones. I should probably test it... SpencerLS#2849: thx lisx#1702: ooh it sounds really cool SpencerLS#2849: updated version lisx#1702: good morning username123115#4960: Also seagull burarahurricane#6369: oshean lisx#1702: nicee EJCaldwell#2924: lol username123115#4960: Yay for cellular data? username123115#4960: I uploaded that an hour ago EJCaldwell#2924: nice username123115#4960: Ocean PeckServers.com#8342: lemme look EJCaldwell#2924: only the lobby tho EJCaldwell#2924: again EJCaldwell#2924: i am banned from the lobby EJCaldwell#2924: loaded 1.8 EJCaldwell#2924: dangit PeckServers.com#8342: thats vewwy strange PeckServers.com#8342: if it happens again ill help fix it EJCaldwell#2924: at least i don't think it did PeckServers.com#8342: hMmMmmMMM EJCaldwell#2924: nope PeckServers.com#8342: /server wasnt working? PeckServers.com#8342: yeah there was some crazy things happening on there between its death and rebirth EJCaldwell#2924: i could not go to any other server EJCaldwell#2924: yes PeckServers.com#8342: was that cg smp? PeckServers.com#8342: hehe EJCaldwell#2924: i was on it yesterday and was at 30000,30000 PeckServers.com#8342: <:hehe:856378380332433408> EJCaldwell#2924: i was loading up lunar for that reason EJCaldwell#2924: i am PeckServers.com#8342: get on the server child EJCaldwell#2924: for the 5th time EJCaldwell#2924: you know you're board when you are watching somebody cut every piece of grass in hollow knight EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: the computer is plotting against you EJCaldwell#2924: i was on my other moniter EJCaldwell#2924: HOW EJCaldwell#2924: NM?ZKL;' PeckServers.com#8342: seems like a plausable series of events EJCaldwell#2924: must of pressed enter EJCaldwell#2924: and have to press down EJCaldwell#2924: i have a disinfecting wipe PeckServers.com#8342: hehe EJCaldwell#2924: that was my cleaning it EJCaldwell#2924: oops EJCaldwell#2924: 90'- PeckServers.com#8342: thats kinda gross, you should clean it ahha EJCaldwell#2924: i don't know where it came from EJCaldwell#2924: the keyboard is really dirty so that sucks PeckServers.com#8342: thats fancy PeckServers.com#8342: oh dang EJCaldwell#2924: the monitors have some PeckServers.com#8342: more usb ports EJCaldwell#2924: what PeckServers.com#8342: howd you manage that? EJCaldwell#2924: another nice thing is i now don't only have 2 USB ports EJCaldwell#2924: i was also told i can make this desk go higher but i don't know how EJCaldwell#2924: but that is too much for this desk EJCaldwell#2924: i could have a triple monitor if i wanted EJCaldwell#2924: so far the only thing i have used the second monitor for is twitch EJCaldwell#2924: that is the only downside EJCaldwell#2924: it is all run on a laptop PeckServers.com#8342: very cool EJCaldwell#2924: idk PeckServers.com#8342: is that a membrane keyboard EJCaldwell#2924: i got it while i was watching spider man PeckServers.com#8342: this guy PeckServers.com#8342: i was tryna figure out if that was your new setup or not EJCaldwell#2924: did you not see my pic EJCaldwell#2924: i got a whole ne setup PeckServers.com#8342: wait you got new kb? EJCaldwell#2924: i am going to mis type so much because of new keyboard EJCaldwell#2924: cat* EJCaldwell#2924: but cute cayt EJCaldwell#2924: why must to be mean to cat PeckServers.com#8342: do you like being hungry? PeckServers.com#8342: possibly burarahurricane#6369: havent had any today burarahurricane#6369: hmm should i eat food burarahurricane#6369: we chill burarahurricane#6369: she is my buddy PeckServers.com#8342: so cute PeckServers.com#8342: AWWWWW burarahurricane#6369: BDKBFSONFODNFH PeckServers.com#8342: *kitty PeckServers.com#8342: the titty burarahurricane#6369: free 😌 burarahurricane#6369: and the photo is rly zoomed in burarahurricane#6369: well yea shes grown lisx#1702: I remember her being tinier tho burarahurricane#6369: shes just fluffy burarahurricane#6369: buster is fat burarahurricane#6369: shes not fat burarahurricane#6369: LMAO burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: off burarahurricane#6369: shes trying so hard to get it pf lisx#1702: I don't remember her being so fat lisx#1702: really burarahurricane#6369: yep PeckServers.com#8342: AwWwWwW lisx#1702: virgo???? burarahurricane#6369: yeap PeckServers.com#8342: KAT lisx#1702: is that your cat?? burarahurricane#6369: its stuck to her burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: PeckServers.com#8342: no u PeckServers.com#8342: awww lisx#1702: cus you're nice lisx#1702: not actually lisx#1702: but lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: uh PeckServers.com#8342: remember when you wanted to microwave me PeckServers.com#8342: aww why not lisx#1702: I don't want to kill *you* tho PeckServers.com#8342: kill me lisx#1702: so Idk if I'd want to watch that... lisx#1702: but now that I think about it it's probably gonna have the creepy venom guy from the post credits scene... lisx#1702: I will kill someone if there isn't lisx#1702: I hope there is lisx#1702: I wonder if there will be a fourth tom holland spiderman movie lisx#1702: hahaha burarahurricane#6369: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: ooh i have strong words for PeckServers.com#8342: whoever designed that PeckServers.com#8342: literally sameee burarahurricane#6369: {} always evades me even tho its the same key as [] it just ruins my brain burarahurricane#6369: i dont even need to feel for the little thingys anymore its just muscle memory for the placement lisx#1702: not really i just had to take typing in 6th grade PeckServers.com#8342: youre too cool lisa lisx#1702: lol PeckServers.com#8342: shhhh lisx#1702: not really PeckServers.com#8342: IKR lisx#1702: _ Maulie#8927: Especially _ Is such a pain Maulie#8927: Also that too Maulie#8927: I don't really like feeling for the little notches for J and F so I just look for them lisx#1702: and sparkly lisx#1702: well it would look cool lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: and things like -=123456790:";'{}[]\| that im not too good at finding lisx#1702: that you can feel PeckServers.com#8342: yeah lisx#1702: F and J lisx#1702: but theres little things on the PeckServers.com#8342: to find where you are lisx#1702: to type lisx#1702: why would you need to look at the keys tho Maulie#8927: I never thought an RGB keyboard would be so useful. I just turn it on at night to see the keys better WalterJS#2477: hahaha lisx#1702: I want a glowy keyboard lisx#1702: NICE WalterJS#2477: yes lisx#1702: do you have a glowy keyboard PeckServers.com#8342: some people are so creative with how they make plugins PeckServers.com#8342: ikr WalterJS#2477: oh thats sick PeckServers.com#8342: web based PeckServers.com#8342: basically its a google maps style viewer for the minecraft server lobby WalterJS#2477: fr PeckServers.com#8342: one day we need to figure that out WalterJS#2477: yeah lol PeckServers.com#8342: AoOoOoGA! PeckServers.com#8342: no way its BlOcKeD?!?!?! WalterJS#2477: remember our networks dont connect lol PeckServers.com#8342: hey waltey, click the link😏 WalterJS#2477: lol PeckServers.com#8342: http://smplive.org:8123/ PeckServers.com#8342: raging boner WalterJS#2477: Lol PeckServers.com#8342: Well psa everyone, discord phone number verification is broken and has the potential to soft ban you from servers 😬 WalterJS#2477: What do you guys think of my new setup Maulie#8927: Good Morning EJCaldwell#2924: so it is a little slow EJCaldwell#2924: also i failed to mention that it is all run on a laptop EJCaldwell#2924: gm xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Anyways gn evbody xXthat1redheadXx#9990: False EJCaldwell#2924: i just have no speakers EJCaldwell#2924: i can hear xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Of hearing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Im sorry for your loss... EJCaldwell#2924: just can't hear anything yet EJCaldwell#2924: also i can now watch videos and play games with ease EJCaldwell#2924: cool xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: (The third is wonky but thats how we were showed how to do it) xXthat1redheadXx#9990: We did this thing at California adventure called “animation academy” and drew these xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Infinitely massive EJCaldwell#2924: I could have a triple monitor if I wanted burarahurricane#6369: lmao L Thawunguy#6106: <@!413134448654155776> Thawunguy#6106: <@!531264285385424916> Thawunguy#6106: <@!726265256082407504> Thawunguy#6106: why did I get banned Thawunguy#6106: what the hell PeckServers.com#8342: that setup tho EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: I got something unexpected EJCaldwell#2924: HOLY COW PeckServers.com#8342: a lil floor mat burarahurricane#6369: bonk PeckServers.com#8342: that sound PeckServers.com#8342: HAHAHAHAHAH PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXK427oXjn8 burarahurricane#6369: you know if i had a nickel every time someone suggested i be a rapper tonight i would have 2 nickels which isnt a lot but its still weird it happened twice PeckServers.com#8342: i need more memes to paste in spawn lisx#1702: rainbow cat PeckServers.com#8342: but this... this is something else lisx#1702: rapper lisx#1702: you could be a lisx#1702: so good burarahurricane#6369: im so good at this PeckServers.com#8342: that one lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: fenis,,,,,,, burarahurricane#6369: isnt it phineas and ferb,,, lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: ok PeckServers.com#8342: great show lisx#1702: pheonix and ferb PeckServers.com#8342: fineas and ferb lisx#1702: fenis and ferb lisx#1702: that show lisx#1702: watch every single episode of lisx#1702: that should be my next goal in life PeckServers.com#8342: "PeRrY ThE PlAtYpUs" PeckServers.com#8342: "Hello is this shipping and recieving?" PeckServers.com#8342: burarahurricane#6369: omg dwayne lisx#1702: hence^^^ lisx#1702: well that was what I thought you did PeckServers.com#8342: that would be MASSIVE PeckServers.com#8342: imagine a full picture of dwayne "the rock" johnson each pixel being one block lisx#1702: 🤦 dont mind me lisx#1702: OH its just one block PeckServers.com#8342: enough time to right click and save to folder lisx#1702: how long did that take lisx#1702: wow PeckServers.com#8342: HEHEHEHEHE Maulie#8927: I like it. It's got a good beat. SpencerLS#2849: thanks SpencerLS#2849: yeah the hardest part is just making instruments that sound good PeckServers.com#8342: thats a really good song gj SpencerLS#2849: ye PeckServers.com#8342: fl studio? SpencerLS#2849: well for the game we kinda have to PeckServers.com#8342: fancy PeckServers.com#8342: ooh you write music? SpencerLS#2849: Working on music for me and walter's cell game lisx#1702: and i can't do that any time except if i wake up early because the rest of the day is always dedicated to doing nothing on the computer lisx#1702: but I practiced today burarahurricane#6369: so tru PeckServers.com#8342: weed time xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👍 help xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Then dont burarahurricane#6369: and? Maulie#8927: They're called Dad Jokes burarahurricane#6369: dad jokes are for everyone MMMMM#2210: Because EJCaldwell#2924: Then why are you doing a dad joke MMMMM#2210: Never said i was EJCaldwell#2924: You’re not a dad George MMMMM#2210: Hi Bored, I’m George Maulie#8927: Waking up early is the best Maulie#8927: Why lisx#1702: I hate waking up early lisx#1702: I’m bored lisx#1702: Happy birthday username123115#4960: Happy birthday burarahurricane#6369: happy birthdayy burarahurricane#6369: so many birthdays burarahurricane#6369: wow ✨ EJCaldwell#2924: for once i am heading to bed not at 2 AM EJCaldwell#2924: lol MMMMM#2210: I know PeckServers.com#8342: Intensional funny MMMMM#2210: Autocorrect? PeckServers.com#8342: *happy birthday PeckServers.com#8342: Die <@383372123714093098> MMMMM#2210: Happy birthday <@383372123714093098> Maulie#8927: ? EJCaldwell#2924: i hate botting attacks EJCaldwell#2924: i just got pinged so many times on a different discord server lisx#1702: Good EJCaldwell#2924: today* EJCaldwell#2924: i just got it again todya Maulie#8927: You're still playing that game? EJCaldwell#2924: in a video game EJCaldwell#2924: time to go back to blowing leaves Maulie#8927: Sounds like Rusted Warfare but on the atomic level EJCaldwell#2924: murder EJCaldwell#2924: nice WalterJS#2477: I’m making a grand strategy online multiplayer cell warfare game right now, where players fight off cancer and each other Maulie#8927: yeah... Maulie#8927: However I might buy FNAF 4 on Steam because EJCaldwell#2924: fnaf 4 is broken burarahurricane#6369: i dont even know the bname EJCaldwell#2924: ik Maulie#8927: I bought the whole FNAF collection on PS4 as well EJCaldwell#2924: i would play the others tho EJCaldwell#2924: the new one looks interesting to watch but not the kind i would play Maulie#8927: It was gonna be 80 GIGABYTES on my laptop. I only have 100 remaining EJCaldwell#2924: nice Maulie#8927: I bought it on my PS4 Maulie#8927: You're not even playing it yourself? EJCaldwell#2924: i like some EJCaldwell#2924: i am saying that while watching a video on the new Five Nights at Freddys game Maulie#8927: Sadly no one here likes strategy games :( Except Daniel lisx#1702: can't relate lisx#1702: good for you... EJCaldwell#2924: same lisx#1702: right Maulie#8927: My go to game genre is horror lisx#1702: it just is lisx#1702: I don't know Maulie#8927: how lisx#1702: it's creepy lisx#1702: I can't HELP it PeckServers.com#8342: #mixedsignals Maulie#8927: I think you might need to work on that trust Maulie#8927: Lol lisx#1702: DON'T TALK ABOUT IT ALYSSE burarahurricane#6369: she watfhed with the xc poep;el burarahurricane#6369: its from a horror movie lisx#1702: <:sus:783176301502267423> lisx#1702: well I trust you but I don't *trust* you Maulie#8927: Ouch... I guess thats fair lisx#1702: I don't trust you Maulie#8927: I won't send picture lisx#1702: and I don't like pictures lisx#1702: because then you'll send pictures lisx#1702: I'm not going to tell you Maulie#8927: And that is..? lisx#1702: because baymax closely resembles something else that's really really creepy Maulie#8927: What did Baymax do to make you *petrified* of him? lisx#1702: reasons lisx#1702: no lisx#1702: peanuts! lisx#1702: treasons lisx#1702: raisons lisx#1702: r e a sons Maulie#8927: ? Maulie#8927: HOW lisx#1702: he's creepy Maulie#8927: What do you mean Maulie#8927: Wha lisx#1702: until he wasn't lisx#1702: he was PeckServers.com#8342: baymax is awesome Maulie#8927: That doesn't make sense Maulie#8927: ??!?!?! PeckServers.com#8342: HOW lisx#1702: I'm scared of baymax for reasons *other than baymax* PeckServers.com#8342: why Maulie#8927: On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your fear? -BatBaymax burarahurricane#6369: she's afraid of baymax what did u expect WalterJS#2477: imagine being scared of venom burarahurricane#6369: lmao lisx#1702: THINGS lisx#1702: SCARY lisx#1702: SEND lisx#1702: don't lisx#1702: ** ** lisx#1702: WHY lisx#1702: jdaskfkl;sdjflkajsldkf burarahurricane#6369: thicc boi PeckServers.com#8342: that is a big tongue burarahurricane#6369: backslash shrug burarahurricane#6369: idk about u i just dont really . like . him MMMMM#2210: Not really PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: no u lisx#1702: BUT NO ONE CARES ABOUT HIN burarahurricane#6369: multiverse of madness burarahurricane#6369: dr strange's new movie burarahurricane#6369: well they were setting up lisx#1702: But after that it played the dr stranger m of m teaser trailer and then was like DR STRANGE WILL RETURN but it *didnt say* that PETER will return and I don’t CARE about dr strange but PETER is he going to be back????????????????? burarahurricane#6369: klfsadhkjcxvgnb,maeds lisx#1702: Okay lisx#1702: Um burarahurricane#6369: spAndex burarahurricane#6369: shiney costume burarahurricane#6369: shiney burarahurricane#6369: he got the shiney lisx#1702: Okay but I was actually talking about after that burarahurricane#6369: the alien's host lisx#1702: What was the guy then?? burarahurricane#6369: it's an alien symbiote burarahurricane#6369: venom lisx#1702: So what was that little black thing burarahurricane#6369: venom is a classic villain of spiderman burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: Was that what the little black thing was burarahurricane#6369: i dont like gory :/ burarahurricane#6369: its so gory burarahurricane#6369: because i dont want to watch venom burarahurricane#6369: they tied it to venom :/ im actually kinda not stoked abt that burarahurricane#6369: ofc* burarahurricane#6369: ofv burarahurricane#6369: yea lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> lisx#1702: ?? lisx#1702: Did you stay and watch the very very end lisx#1702: AND YOU KNOW WHATS WORSE lisx#1702: THEYVE RUINED EVERYTHING lisx#1702: They lisx#1702: Dare lisx#1702: How lisx#1702: I still didn’t like it tho lisx#1702: —zendayaaaaaa burarahurricane#6369: he is very cool lisx#1702: He seemed cool ig burarahurricane#6369: yeah!!! lisx#1702: Yeah burarahurricane#6369: tru burarahurricane#6369: i disagreee lisx#1702: It sucked tho burarahurricane#6369: but he vouched for a bisexual spiderman and got fired :/ lisx#1702: Whatever burarahurricane#6369: andrew was supposed to have 3 spiderman movies lisx#1702: Bruh alright lisx#1702: ??? burarahurricane#6369: they cancelled his 3rd movie lisx#1702: welllllllll if you expect disappointment you’ll never be disappointed burarahurricane#6369: because andrew garfield got handed such a shit hand with what they did to the amazing spiderman 2 burarahurricane#6369: cheering] burarahurricane#6369: I was one of the people lisx#1702: Did people in your theater do that too burarahurricane#6369: no its because it was so highly anticipated everyone would have been so so disappointed lisx#1702: 🤦 lisx#1702: Even tho it’s a movie burarahurricane#6369: YEAHHH!! burarahurricane#6369: bi king <3 lisx#1702: The weird people who were in the theater with us whooped and clapped when they came in burarahurricane#6369: yes burarahurricane#6369: i edited awarning message lisx#1702: 🙄 lisx#1702: Look at it lisx#1702: Don’t lisx#1702: Just burarahurricane#6369: that's spoilers. for nwh lisx#1702: Um lisx#1702: What lisx#1702: Because there’s that part where the other Peter was like YOURE AMAZING burarahurricane#6369: SPOILERS burarahurricane#6369: also u shoudl spoiler that bc burarahurricane#6369: no thats toby maguire burarahurricane#6369: there's so much opportunity now lisx#1702: No it’s Peter 2 right lisx#1702: Lol lisx#1702: Is that Peter 3 lisx#1702: You LOVED what they did to *peter?!* burarahurricane#6369: andrew garfield my beloved <3 (SPOILERS FOR THE MOVIE FOR ANYONE< REEADING BACK LOL JUST SCROLL PAST HERE ON DOWN) burarahurricane#6369: do u still want to come over to watch the amazing spiderman lisx#1702: 🤨🤨🤨🤨 lisx#1702: THAT IS NOT REASON burarahurricane#6369: personally i LOVed it lisx#1702: And I HATED IT lisx#1702: Because the answer is NO IT SUCKED burarahurricane#6369: more like child neglect lisx#1702: *WAS IT* PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: glad you finally see it lisx#1702: Child abuse lisx#1702: This is lisx#1702: I h a t e i t lisx#1702: U g h lisx#1702: LAJDNFIWKKDNFKRJBFBFF lisx#1702: WHY lisx#1702: I HATE IT lisx#1702: WHERE THEY WOUKD LET THAT HAPPEN lisx#1702: WHAT KIND OF WORLD IS THIS lisx#1702: But I still hated it lisx#1702: Okay okay you’re a psychic lisx#1702: Well I closed discord before it came through then burarahurricane#6369: we sent the mses agee a the tsame time lisx#1702: “*bye*” lisx#1702: See how I said lisx#1702: I already left burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: none of you pay attention to my msgs i swear 😭 lisx#1702: You did? burarahurricane#6369: i did? lisx#1702: 😑 why didn’t you TELL me then burarahurricane#6369: se burarahurricane#6369: for Reason burarahurricane#6369: and it makes sense burarahurricane#6369: IT WAS so good tho PeckServers.com#8342: there ya go, an in depth interview with lisa burarahurricane#6369: i knew u wouldn't like the ending lisx#1702: Yes lisx#1702: smh burarahurricane#6369: oh ur talking about spidermanb lisx#1702: like WHY lisx#1702: But I hated the ending burarahurricane#6369: lmfaoi3uq2p94aweoruyhdf.j,b lisx#1702: Well it was good lisx#1702: But it sucked lisx#1702: Whatever lisx#1702: bork??? lisx#1702: I HATE IT lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> lisx#1702: Amdhjsjcnkwkndnwkkwkfjnr burarahurricane#6369: i can vouch WalterJS#2477: I can’t wait WalterJS#2477: I get my license in like 6 months PeckServers.com#8342: ive heard from work that it is good EJCaldwell#2924: i also may go watch the new spider man movie PeckServers.com#8342: made some people pucker PeckServers.com#8342: haha EJCaldwell#2924: road* EJCaldwell#2924: i kept making the other side kit bushes because it was not on a trail PeckServers.com#8342: same, when i was like 10 my dad would let me drive the truck on dirt roads EJCaldwell#2924: at least a atv EJCaldwell#2924: i have done it before PeckServers.com#8342: 10/10 would reccomend PeckServers.com#8342: driving is fun PeckServers.com#8342: fancy PeckServers.com#8342: oooh EJCaldwell#2924: i can get a learners permit EJCaldwell#2924: turning 15 PeckServers.com#8342: you have your license or you are turning 16? EJCaldwell#2924: another weird thing is i can legally start driving tomorrow WalterJS#2477: Fr EJCaldwell#2924: because that was the last normal year EJCaldwell#2924: for some reason it feels like 2019 EJCaldwell#2924: it does PeckServers.com#8342: very WalterJS#2477: Doesn’t it feel weird asf that in a few days it will be 2022 PeckServers.com#8342: its using your imagination 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: no WalterJS#2477: If I say yes is that gay PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: eek PeckServers.com#8342: can you imagine dating george WalterJS#2477: I ship it PeckServers.com#8342: 🤮 PeckServers.com#8342: match made in heaven burarahurricane#6369: u guys r connected lisx#1702: that's creepy lisx#1702: whoa me too MMMMM#2210: I forgot to turn my alarm off Maulie#8927: Why'd you wake up at eight MMMMM#2210: No Maulie#8927: You can function normally with four hours of sleep? burarahurricane#6369: good job MMMMM#2210: i went to sleep at 4 and woke up at 8 burarahurricane#6369: 2:30 am MMMMM#2210: Oooooohhh username123115#4960: So he said it technically yesterday username123115#4960: I was in Cali username123115#4960: But you see username123115#4960: He said thattoday technically username123115#4960: Oh username123115#4960: Wait MMMMM#2210: You’re a day early username123115#4960: Happy borthday MMMMM#2210: What time did you go to sleep burarahurricane#6369: i cnat sleep <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> burarahurricane#6369: so many birthdsys EJCaldwell#2924: Woo my B-day is tomorrow PeckServers.com#8342: seems legit MMMMM#2210: Then i drowned it MMMMM#2210: I used to have an intermountain watch lisx#1702: Yeah MMMMM#2210: O lisx#1702: It’s a running watch lisx#1702: Yes lisx#1702: It’s probably somewhere under my bed tho MMMMM#2210: Garmin? lisx#1702: I lost my garmin watch MMMMM#2210: Yea lisx#1702: IsH burarahurricane#6369: iSh MMMMM#2210: Ish MMMMM#2210: Yes MMMMM#2210: Kinda lisx#1702: Do you have an iPhone lisx#1702: Fist bumps back MMMMM#2210: I bought an apple watch burarahurricane#6369: \*fist bumps* lisx#1702: What watch burarahurricane#6369: \*coughs* EJCaldwell#2924: hello burarahurricane#6369: hi cg MMMMM#2210: My watch arrives tomorrow burarahurricane#6369: lol lisx#1702: What MMMMM#2210: Kool MMMMM#2210: I just remembered lisx#1702: Obviously I’m in MMMMM#2210: Oh MMMMM#2210: You in it lisx#1702: Yes MMMMM#2210: Is there an honors orchestra MMMMM#2210: Yep lisx#1702: Oof MMMMM#2210: No lisx#1702: Are you in it MMMMM#2210: Yes lisx#1702: <@522569307004076033> is there a honors band lisx#1702: Wow PeckServers.com#8342: im so glad that they did the 5block to 4block conversion while i was in the hs cause that took like 5 credit hours off my back] lisx#1702: Yeah MMMMM#2210: Thenk PeckServers.com#8342: aiight PeckServers.com#8342: but only for like 4 months MMMMM#2210: Can you change the cg world back to the smp instead of void world PeckServers.com#8342: very lisx#1702: The in school part MMMMM#2210: Before you take a break PeckServers.com#8342: which aspect PeckServers.com#8342: they can if you change the orig to something else MMMMM#2210: Coday MMMMM#2210: Also lisx#1702: That’s kinda sad lisx#1702: You’ll be an adult but you’ll still be in school…. MMMMM#2210: 2 accounts cant have the same username lisx#1702: YEAH PeckServers.com#8342: crazy innit PeckServers.com#8342: but also got a bungee banner PeckServers.com#8342: so i changed that config PeckServers.com#8342: also it turns out that (me and walter think) that he got a different account and named it "Iceman1958" and thats why the uuid ban didnt work + why the server said rewriting uuid lisx#1702: WHOAAAAAAAAA PeckServers.com#8342: <:reverse_card:788946351294513212> MMMMM#2210: A growing boy like you needs his sleep PeckServers.com#8342: i dont need you to tell me my bed time PeckServers.com#8342: in 2 months PeckServers.com#8342: george im an adult MMMMM#2210: Go to slep PeckServers.com#8342: eet food MMMMM#2210: Am hungry lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkb2B6OCIY4 Maulie#8927: ? PeckServers.com#8342: anyone there PeckServers.com#8342: beuler? MMMMM#2210: ? Maulie#8927: beuler? PeckServers.com#8342: beuler? PeckServers.com#8342: ? PeckServers.com#8342: hey <@!511219622628950027> can you hop back on really quick EJCaldwell#2924: I said I would play any game with you Maulie#8927: You didn't mention that as a deal EJCaldwell#2924: You wouldn’t let me kill you Maulie#8927: You wouldn't even challenge me :( EJCaldwell#2924: EJCaldwell#2924: Just got this early Birthday present PeckServers.com#8342: but damn 100% uptime is hard to maintain PeckServers.com#8342: like im sure the math makes sense PeckServers.com#8342: i took it offline for less than an hour and it drops to 97.6% PeckServers.com#8342: i was at 100% uptime for like 3 weeks PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: ya know whats stupid PeckServers.com#8342: interestingly enough MMMMM#2210: lol PeckServers.com#8342: its just the /undo that broke literally everythign PeckServers.com#8342: i mean it did get build successfully so thats a positive MMMMM#2210: if we can get it to work MMMMM#2210: maybe we do PeckServers.com#8342: ok MMMMM#2210: imma switch launchers PeckServers.com#8342: so you definately dont want that spawn thing tho MMMMM#2210: gimme a sec PeckServers.com#8342: that too\ MMMMM#2210: keep experimenting here instead of making more giant holes PeckServers.com#8342: im kinda curious how different it willbe MMMMM#2210: or MMMMM#2210: slightly less weird than a giant hole PeckServers.com#8342: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: maybe we just forget that hole and find a different place to test MMMMM#2210: but i'd look weird MMMMM#2210: i could regen it MMMMM#2210: so PeckServers.com#8342: idk man PeckServers.com#8342: well those would be 1.18 chunks so thats null point MMMMM#2210: that might be it MMMMM#2210: oooooh MMMMM#2210: i dont think it is? PeckServers.com#8342: i did use chunky to generate a PISS ton of chunks remember PeckServers.com#8342: are you sure thats not more 1.17 soil? MMMMM#2210: ok so that failed MMMMM#2210: PeckServers.com#8342: imagine Maulie#8927: Lol MMMMM#2210: imma try regenerating in smaller chunks PeckServers.com#8342: ooh yeah thatll probably be better PeckServers.com#8342: it still ran out PeckServers.com#8342: but ya know PeckServers.com#8342: its already got 6 MMMMM#2210: Im back PeckServers.com#8342: should i give it more whams? PeckServers.com#8342: kill them at the source PeckServers.com#8342: death to all minecraft servers Commander Lumbar support#1704: kill them all PeckServers.com#8342: #murdertheminecraftserver PeckServers.com#8342: im just gonna kill it and restart PeckServers.com#8342: lemme check MMMMM#2210: the servers just ded MMMMM#2210: pretty sure PeckServers.com#8342: https://open.spotify.com/track/50mp2TFVtmxSpWlpQ1Fa34?si=71473917b46c4f12 PeckServers.com#8342: they really want him dead UrbanAngel1999#3001: the jury is growing PeckServers.com#8342: or should i say commander lumbar support we have some minecraft stuff to do Maulie#8927: ? MMMMM#2210: it kicked me PeckServers.com#8342: alright george we have minecraft stuff to do lisx#1702: 😏 \:) MMMMM#2210: we chat sometimes MMMMM#2210: yea MMMMM#2210: *sssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh* PeckServers.com#8342: #only something george would say Maulie#8927: Commander Lumbar support#1704: *sssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh* PeckServers.com#8342: i know because thats what i say PeckServers.com#8342: thats exactly what you would say if it was you Commander Lumbar support#1704: i have no idea what yall are talking about PeckServers.com#8342: sure thing bud PeckServers.com#8342: oh PeckServers.com#8342: she has that power Maulie#8927: I don't think I was invited when that happened Commander Lumbar support#1704: who dat PeckServers.com#8342: lisa broke him really quick PeckServers.com#8342: to see how long he could reside here without anyone knowing PeckServers.com#8342: remember when he pulled that thing on us PeckServers.com#8342: yeah Maulie#8927: That's George? PeckServers.com#8342: commander lumbar support Maulie#8927: 2? lisx#1702: lol' PeckServers.com#8342: including 2 georges PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: which happens to be composed of PeckServers.com#8342: theres no arguing with the jury PeckServers.com#8342: hey, the jury decided lisx#1702: 🤷 Maulie#8927: o Maulie#8927: N lisx#1702: the jury has decided Maulie#8927: ;-; PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao WalterJS#2477: I just always did 😂 WalterJS#2477: No idea why WalterJS#2477: Oml this entire time for some reason I thought he was a girl PeckServers.com#8342: kill him PeckServers.com#8342: same MMMMM#2210: pretty sure thats the only time ive seen him irl EJCaldwell#2924: Got my sights on <@606620815349383209> EJCaldwell#2924: username123115#4960: Happy birthday lisx#1702: you too PeckServers.com#8342: Happy birthday lisx#1702: happy birthday give_a_minute#1155: happy birthday EJCaldwell#2924: happy B-Day burarahurricane#6369: hap birth xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Happy birthday ThatCreativeOne#2578: Thanks guys! WalterJS#2477: Happy bday <@!574426257920491550> MMMMM#2210: Happy birthday <@!574426257920491550> PeckServers.com#8342: Hmm i honestly couldnt tell you lisx#1702: ^^^ PeckServers.com#8342: Whats their username PeckServers.com#8342: Aah lisx#1702: "benson" or something I thiknk?? PeckServers.com#8342: But which one burarahurricane#6369: i too think this lisx#1702: i think they're walter spencer codys friend from coding class last year MMMMM#2210: Who are they anyways burarahurricane#6369: whOa MMMMM#2210: Tomorrow is <@!574426257920491550> ‘s birthday xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Noice MMMMM#2210: I just noticed lisx#1702: I like this song lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/31HAs6RBC8mv5pyqK0tXxY?si=63f6bb1b4e5a4adc lisx#1702: but lisx#1702: not that I do either lisx#1702: well lisx#1702: like play it good lisx#1702: I don't think he *actually* plays it tho MMMMM#2210: Wouldnt be surprised if he did lisx#1702: so obviously I should do it instead lisx#1702: no lisx#1702: but does he play piano? lisx#1702: probably MMMMM#2210: Cash has dibs MMMMM#2210: Too late lisx#1702: I should be the director MMMMM#2210: Cause the original version didnt have that lisx#1702: so the only solution is MMMMM#2210: That explains it lisx#1702: yeah MMMMM#2210: Wait really lisx#1702: I think its because the director played the piano MMMMM#2210: What do you expect lisx#1702: but at the same time thats hilarious MMMMM#2210: They’re trombones lisx#1702: I'm so confused it looks like some kind of cult behavior MMMMM#2210: And the solo doesnt even match tempos lisx#1702: hahahaha MMMMM#2210: Mhm lisx#1702: WTF IS THIS lisx#1702: LOL lisx#1702: not fun lisx#1702: and that's just lisx#1702: but then again I'd have to practice if I did lisx#1702: but i didn't get to play it lisx#1702: piano was cool in in summer MMMMM#2210: Piano MMMMM#2210: Too much MMMMM#2210: Way MMMMM#2210: Just overall MMMMM#2210: No lisx#1702: insane lisx#1702: it's like the piano actually gets to *play* or something MMMMM#2210: Fine lisx#1702: I'm not there yet MMMMM#2210: Too much piano MMMMM#2210: But what the crap lisx#1702: it has a lot of solos too tho so I guess that's fair MMMMM#2210: 4:05 lisx#1702: so much piano lisx#1702: is it even jazz at this point? lisx#1702: yeah MMMMM#2210: WAAAAY too much piano MMMMM#2210: Like MMMMM#2210: Theres too much piano tho MMMMM#2210: You’ve already pointed that out lisx#1702: *Orchestra* MMMMM#2210: We should play this in jazz band MMMMM#2210: https://youtu.be/l_4Z9r8FEj8 MMMMM#2210: <@!726265256082407504> MMMMM#2210: Also MMMMM#2210: And im fairly certain its walter Maulie#8927: I've gone through 20 packets already Maulie#8927: But, I like my drug despenser MMMMM#2210: Theres only room for one meth/weed/everything addict/dealer Maulie#8927: Huh? MMMMM#2210: I thing you’re confused with walter Maulie#8927: Don't tell them about my drug addiction Maulie#8927: ;-; EJCaldwell#2924: "Let me fill up my drug dispenser" -Maulie xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Thats... so depressing lisx#1702: oooooooooof WalterJS#2477: off of like a $60 investment WalterJS#2477: If I still owned it right now I’d have made over 5 grand WalterJS#2477: I made like a hundred bucks and sold WalterJS#2477: I’m sad rn. I had like 30000 shares of dogecoin back in October of 2020 WalterJS#2477: I listened to it like over 600 times in one year WalterJS#2477: That was my absolute favorite song in like 7th grade WalterJS#2477: Yeah I thought you’d like that one lisx#1702: ive heard that one before from when we listedn to that album i like it lisx#1702: this ones okay lisx#1702: I like this one too its more like chill lisx#1702: ooh this one's good lisx#1702: I think he said the b word a few too many times than necessary lisx#1702: this ones meh WalterJS#2477: Yeah it’s so good lisx#1702: ooooh that one's good lisx#1702: i literally didn't fall asleep till 4am Maulie#8927: Good Afternoon WalterJS#2477: Morning PeckServers.com#8342: also good morning giga chads PeckServers.com#8342: yes definately WalterJS#2477: <@!852187118113652776> if u haven’t heard any of these u should listen to them WalterJS#2477: This next one’s fire asf https://open.spotify.com/track/7eBqSVxrzQZtK2mmgRG6lC?si=REI2CIi1QQWCw88nUlGNNw WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/5rmHtbUCbjFqmeoOuP9b7B?si=YYJsbRLKQXiBtTvtusbPDA WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/25uBGaikHi0DhMiGMfuXYE?si=3gT4aQ1WSJm1kg17_0_RiQ WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/1sXJ0TZDdYBIV4mlzQFi4j?si=iUKHk28DSt6J2bQpq0ihuA WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/3fZMZjgZKPuwbsPudt8Bp7?si=iXu1JTuHTDasMieg7TKrvg WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/3IXIuqojXkDiLu7OMWlQNY?si=jhf6TX_nSdiImeNvHW4zKw WalterJS#2477: Gn WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/3oDkdAySo1VQQG0ptV7uwa?si=FaFDu5aDSMKpkmcfiCArmg lisx#1702: gn lisx#1702: i'll see them tomorrow WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/7yZLjaPsUB7jRrU8iV7SQx?si=ZITUo3ANRCWOt-H9VOFOnQ lisx#1702: just send them then WalterJS#2477: Pls WalterJS#2477: I was going to send you so many more songs lisx#1702: yeah WalterJS#2477: noooooo lisx#1702: anyway I have to go to bed bye WalterJS#2477: Good point lisx#1702: he sounds like juice wrld but less like rusty lisx#1702: i don't really ever listen to my discover weekly EJCaldwell#2924: Same lisx#1702: nice lisx#1702: its so weird my entire music taste is so different from like half a year ago lol WalterJS#2477: Most of his songs are fire but these are his best two WalterJS#2477: I found it on my discover weekly WalterJS#2477: And the song grows on you too lisx#1702: underrated 💀 WalterJS#2477: Thas what I’m saying lisx#1702: whoa he's actually not bad WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/2z86BI7HgWz6EyQG7MpMIG?si=QCfqeRqBRSW5Ntq8l0wD4w WalterJS#2477: Also this one WalterJS#2477: https://open.spotify.com/track/3W0nnF2zvgxvYa0Nh5ebVG?si=DZblm75tSeSO8xc4VzQ6cQ lisx#1702: sure WalterJS#2477: ok I found this new artist a few days ago and I sent Cody a song here I’ll send it to u WalterJS#2477: Hahaha lisx#1702: I guess it's nice to hear someone yelling in my year when I'm in a not good mood but idk WalterJS#2477: It’s kinda hitting but only slightly rn WalterJS#2477: I think I’m in that mood rn let me see lisx#1702: yeah that makes sense WalterJS#2477: I only like him when I’m in the right mood WalterJS#2477: I remember when that came out lisx#1702: his voice sucks \:( lisx#1702: I also like this one https://open.spotify.com/track/14xJYn35NZzLEZ2D1AfGRG?si=112032cc1f4847ec WalterJS#2477: yeah he’s a weird one WalterJS#2477: hahahah lisx#1702: except for the benard jabs or whatever guy he still sucks lisx#1702: all the songs sound completely different now its weird lisx#1702: I literally went to our dms from like last year to find your music recommendations lisx#1702: yeah I listned to crash my whip i think it was good i don't remember crash my whip tho WalterJS#2477: Yeh WalterJS#2477: Listen to cutthroat and crash my whip, those two plus 18 are my favs from that album lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: have you heard reminds me of you WalterJS#2477: The songs way too repetitive lisx#1702: REALLY lisx#1702: theres' juice wrld in it WalterJS#2477: And yeah those two laroi songs you sent are my favs from the album lisx#1702: why tho lisx#1702: awww lisx#1702: its so weird tho they weren't good before WalterJS#2477: Ok I hate that one tho lisx#1702: hahaha WalterJS#2477: It’s a Christmas miracle lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/2rPHUAeUPbNgTmK18FPTiZ?si=d81dfddbc7414a9f and this one esp the juice wrld verse WalterJS#2477: I have been waiting for this day to come for so long WalterJS#2477: Lisaaaaaa WalterJS#2477: Yayyyy WalterJS#2477: Yesssssss lisx#1702: and this one https://open.spotify.com/track/75UvJXVZZKA6lMSupSf46d?si=326188788e00427c lisx#1702: and this song https://open.spotify.com/track/1FOEQiszPh2XuMuaY4ZIUq?si=7406ee88d0b14717 \:) lisx#1702: <@!531264285385424916> its weird iann dior and the kid laroi is actually good now 😂 lisx#1702: i think i friedd my brain wires \:O :)))))))))))))) lisx#1702: WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME THIS SONG IS ACTUALLY GOOD https://open.spotify.com/track/0TK2EY9qEOo7n2c1UGUukJ?si=19c507b19e4645dd give_a_minute#1155: waht a stunning revelation burarahurricane#6369: always have PeckServers.com#8342: BOOM Maulie#8927: Oh you can now.? burarahurricane#6369: i can kill someone! Maulie#8927: <@!383372123714093098> I didn't know you could actually kill someone Maulie#8927: Wow PeckServers.com#8342: also cute cat PeckServers.com#8342: long time no see PeckServers.com#8342: hey spencer burarahurricane#6369: open up burarahurricane#6369: 🇫 🐝👁️ EJCaldwell#2924: who framed me EJCaldwell#2924: i never did that WalterJS#2477: yes burarahurricane#6369: this just in disco balls are minecraft spheres WalterJS#2477: Minecraft sphere WalterJS#2477: lol burarahurricane#6369: cat SpencerLS#2849: Cat in a tree WalterJS#2477: yes I am excited to show you SpencerLS#2849: Oh nice! WalterJS#2477: I’ve got multiplayer working already WalterJS#2477: Mr lang is on board with it WalterJS#2477: This new cell game is going to be legit SpencerLS#2849: And I knew it 😂 SpencerLS#2849: Yeah we were pretty trash WalterJS#2477: I found way better ways WalterJS#2477: especially with like class instance stuff WalterJS#2477: It’s so funny to look back on our old unity games how bad we struggled WalterJS#2477: hahahah SpencerLS#2849: 😂 SpencerLS#2849: I haven't used either of those in... forever... WalterJS#2477: I’ve gotten really good at C# and react WalterJS#2477: oh that’s cool SpencerLS#2849: I rendered some cool fractals SpencerLS#2849: I got better at c++ WalterJS#2477: oh wow SpencerLS#2849: I have to swim SpencerLS#2849: I can't bike now WalterJS#2477: Oh yeah u can use a bike WalterJS#2477: That will be impressive, especially without the training miles SpencerLS#2849: I'll hopefully get region and state 🤞 WalterJS#2477: Will u be able to run track or will it be too late WalterJS#2477: oh dang that sucks SpencerLS#2849: Cool SpencerLS#2849: Eh lisx#1702: crazy right lisx#1702: did you know that you have the same cello teacher as me lisx#1702: YEAH lisx#1702: OH WAIT lisx#1702: I can't remember where I heard that SpencerLS#2849: Yea lisx#1702: oh yeah didn't you get injured SpencerLS#2849: Also can't run for 3 more months lisx#1702: that explains everything WalterJS#2477: Oh nice SpencerLS#2849: I also got dune (the book) lisx#1702: wow SpencerLS#2849: New cello strings MMMMM#2210: disregard the fact that this requires using a keyboard WalterJS#2477: Spencer what did u get for Christmas burarahurricane#6369: :0 MMMMM#2210: pretty sure spencer's doing that MMMMM#2210: when people die the air in their lungs can escape and make it sound like they're talking burarahurricane#6369: all that effort <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> burarahurricane#6369: smh lisx#1702: so much for the graves right 🙄 burarahurricane#6369: s burarahurricane#6369: you have 2 grave burarahurricane#6369: yo u should look at your lawn burarahurricane#6369: ALIVE burarahurricane#6369: spencer burarahurricane#6369: omg MMMMM#2210: for 3 months lisx#1702: makes sense SpencerLS#2849: Homework. Plus I don't feel like using discord lisx#1702: where've you been? SpencerLS#2849: Temporarily WalterJS#2477: <:big_brain:787829221137317900> WalterJS#2477: I knew it would motivate him to come back WalterJS#2477: HES BACK SpencerLS#2849: Yo WalterJS#2477: lisx#1702: DARN IT he's alive 😐 burarahurricane#6369: lol i did one in <#864715297323876393> WalterJS#2477: I’m texting this to Spencer lisx#1702: perfect lisx#1702: i used the same template lisx#1702: . \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ / \ | R I P | | Spencer Smiht | | Beloved Friend | | Family, and<:big_brain:787829221137317900> | | 🥀 💐 | ----------------------- burarahurricane#6369: ok lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> I think he needs a grave lisx#1702: poor spencer WalterJS#2477: Kinda sus WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: A few deletions later… WalterJS#2477: lisx#1702: maybe he did lisx#1702: hmmmmmmm lisx#1702: lol WalterJS#2477: lol burarahurricane#6369: LMAOOOOKDFKJDGSFL WalterJS#2477: Based on context I thought you were admitting to killing spencer 😂 lisx#1702: I actually don't care much for the holiday, but it's just the free opportunity to be really really hyper about something and not sleep! :)))))))))))))))))))) PeckServers.com#8342: Theres never too late lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/home-alone-home-alone2-filthy-animal-kevin-mc-callister-gif-15750708 lisx#1702: omg I found a good christmas gif lisx#1702: Idk lisx#1702: because he's busy? lisx#1702: yeah MMMMM#2210: for 3 months? lisx#1702: I think he just got too busy for discord cus homework and stuff lisx#1702: well I actually woke up at like 11:30 so lisx#1702: how did you know EJCaldwell#2924: I also got throwing knives EJCaldwell#2924: I did it MMMMM#2210: what ever happened to spencer? Maulie#8927: I'm very late but MERRY CHRISTMAS PeckServers.com#8342: She'll wake up at noon or something cause of how late she went to bed haha WalterJS#2477: Lol WalterJS#2477: I think Lisa was excited about Christmas… lisx#1702: 😐 i guess i shoudl go and attempt to sleep or something now lisx#1702: OMGOMGOMGOMG <@!749747503947055136> REMEMENBR THESE lisx#1702: and people *cared* about *roles* lisx#1702: *last christmas* lisx#1702: spencer was still here lisx#1702: yeah burarahurricane#6369: it doesnt feel like its been tjay long burarahurricane#6369: omg ibe had mh computer for a whole year lisx#1702: NEVER HAERD OF IT lisx#1702: WHAT'S SLEEP lisx#1702: WELL NOT REALLY CUS I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER IT lisx#1702: shame lisx#1702: gee no one stayed up with me last year lisx#1702: O M G LOOK THAT WAS ME LAST YEAR lisx#1702: LOL lisx#1702: wtf lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/christmas-machine-gun-kelly-mgk-colson-baker-gif-19588817 lisx#1702: I FOUDN ONE lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/xmas-santa-claus-taylor-swift-lover-dancing-santa-gif-19639953 lisx#1702: goshdarn it lisx#1702: \:( lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: rmeember :( burarahurricane#6369: im sick lisx#1702: WANNA COM EOVER burarahurricane#6369: cant wait for that year lisx#1702: AR EYOU JOME lisx#1702: ALYSSE lisx#1702: HYPER lisx#1702: SO lisx#1702: AM lisx#1702: I lisx#1702: ASDKJ ;FLKJSDLKGJSDLKF burarahurricane#6369: ah yes burarahurricane#6369: 20002 lisx#1702: YES lisx#1702: 2022 lisx#1702: I CAN'T lisx#1702: WAIT lisx#1702: PRACTICALLY 20002 lisx#1702: SO lisx#1702: IT'S lisx#1702: GUYS lisx#1702: LIKE THE SUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN lisx#1702: 🌅 lisx#1702: LOOMING burarahurricane#6369: looming MMMMM#2210: Wrong year burarahurricane#6369: its upon the horizon burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/2022-happy-new-year2022-merry-christmas-holidays-celebration-gif-23877048 lisx#1702: I CAN'T FIND ANY NON-CHEESY CHRISTMAS GIFS burarahurricane#6369: WOOOO lisx#1702: MERRY CHRIMSTA MMMMM#2210: Christmas lisx#1702: lisx#1702: and older ig lisx#1702: (with makeup) lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/skai-jackson-jessie-zuri-ross-gif-19073862 lisx#1702: it's the story of the poor girl from Jessie getting stalked by bad music guy lisx#1702: no burarahurricane#6369: food;? burarahurricane#6369: like burarahurricane#6369: panini lisx#1702: https://youtu.be/bXcSLI58-h8 lisx#1702: dont u be a meanie lisx#1702: panini burarahurricane#6369: h? burarahurricane#6369: who is thati lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/lil-nas-panini-robot-dance-dance-gif-15019292 PeckServers.com#8342: dont be a meanie PeckServers.com#8342: lol EJCaldwell#2924: Prank time EJCaldwell#2924: PeckServers.com#8342: if you like modern retro music, give this lad a listen. Hes well known for his intro and outro music, but he does a lot of other cool concepts so you might have heard him from somewhere https://open.spotify.com/artist/3ROCRQUMSLK2IvLVMSRqHa?si=h8H9FIyvSNWUNUU9wtmgBw username123115#4960: Sounds fun lisx#1702: omg let's do it WalterJS#2477: Lol WalterJS#2477: We can make Daniel go and say it’s a study group activity WalterJS#2477: we can go with him too WalterJS#2477: Kyler said he’s going this February WalterJS#2477: so excite WalterJS#2477: Very wow WalterJS#2477: much fun WalterJS#2477: Yes lisx#1702: ! lisx#1702: WE SHOULD ALL GO TOGETHER THAT'D BE SO MUCH FUN WalterJS#2477: And me lisx#1702: you guys should take me some time lisx#1702: that's cool burarahurricane#6369: my mom snowboards WalterJS#2477: happened so many times WalterJS#2477: and if you get off balance your going to face plant and roll down the hill for like 30ft WalterJS#2477: or it’s kinda like skateboarding but not really WalterJS#2477: If you have been wakeboarding it’s like that WalterJS#2477: And you can’t go up hills so it can be a pain if you get stuck WalterJS#2477: well snowboarding your feet are locked in lisx#1702: what's the difference really lisx#1702: have you skied before WalterJS#2477: But I wanted to snowboard WalterJS#2477: My parents were skiing WalterJS#2477: Lol lisx#1702: we'd miss you lisx#1702: don't get stranded lisx#1702: I've only been skiing before WalterJS#2477: I’m coming home in a few days if I don’t get stranded from this storm hitting tn WalterJS#2477: Boise lisx#1702: where are you? lisx#1702: ooh nice WalterJS#2477: It’s so fun WalterJS#2477: I just went snowboarding for the first time WalterJS#2477: Sup lisx#1702: I’ve done nothing today lisx#1702: Oof username123115#4960: The two girls live there ;-; username123115#4960: San Jose username123115#4960: We started driving this morning lisx#1702: Dan Jose username123115#4960: San* username123115#4960: 81 miles away from Dan Jose username123115#4960: In Central Valley username123115#4960: No lisx#1702: Are you guys in Los Angeles lisx#1702: So fun lisx#1702: e lisx#1702: Hi georg username123115#4960: Same bored! MMMMM#2210: Hi Bored, I'm George lisx#1702: Help lisx#1702: I’m bored burarahurricane#6369: yep lisx#1702: Ooh the one you got the other day? lisx#1702: Sad lisx#1702: Yeah burarahurricane#6369: slinkies are mesmerizing burarahurricane#6369: THERES ONLY LIKE A WEEK LEFT OF 2021 burarahurricane#6369: need roadtrip to comfort myself burarahurricane#6369: need burarahurricane#6369: impossible burarahurricane#6369: no burarahurricane#6369: this burarahurricane#6369: ??????? it burarahurricane#6369: whate the frick burarahurricane#6369: christmas eve burarahurricane#6369: its lisx#1702: so sad burarahurricane#6369: tommy and techno wanted to hit 10 mil together :(( lisx#1702: mmmmm burarahurricane#6369: and he has cancer so pity factor burarahurricane#6369: hes so close burarahurricane#6369: and techno is at 9.6 mil burarahurricane#6369: and tommy hit 10 mil burarahurricane#6369: its his goal he said he would last yr when he hit 4 mil with tommy lisx#1702: why is that? lisx#1702: that doesn't sound good... lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wG1Q1ouemVA burarahurricane#6369: WE NEED TO GET HIM TO 10 MIL EVERYONE SUB TO TECHNOBLADE Maulie#8927: Made it to Brianhead lisx#1702: the cancer guy? EJCaldwell#2924: techno uploaded lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEwy4lQdjZQ yo this actually sounds good xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I love when its bettee burarahurricane#6369: better burarahurricane#6369: betwr burarahurricane#6369: just generally Bettee xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yEs lisx#1702: cOmFoRtInG lisx#1702: so lisx#1702: it's just xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Oh burarahurricane#6369: and its less glitchy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Hm burarahurricane#6369: ts like proportioned much better xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ? burarahurricane#6369: they thehing better xXthat1redheadXx#9990: What is the difference burarahurricane#6369: cOmFoRtInG lisx#1702: even tho they look the same lisx#1702: discord app is just so *cOmFoRtInG* burarahurricane#6369: browser discord 🤢 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Same lisx#1702: I FORGOT HOW MUCH BETTER IT IS xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Two months though lisa PeckServers.com#8342: imagine PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao lisx#1702: two months lisx#1702: like lisx#1702: for the last lisx#1702: I've jsut been too lazy too PeckServers.com#8342: gj PeckServers.com#8342: lol lisx#1702: it's so nicee lisx#1702: yayyyyyyyyyyyy i just downloaded discord on my computer again xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Me saying they screwed three alleyway hobos for free PeckServers.com#8342: wait, i wanna see what led up to that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no we were insulting each other and that happened to be the first message of today burarahurricane#6369: good morning EJCaldwell#2924: gm Maulie#8927: Also good morning everyone Maulie#8927: You send that first thing? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: do you like my first message of the day to one of my friends Maulie#8927: Sharlee tryings to scam me for virgin avenue Maulie#8927: I said "I wasn't a virgin anyways" and that was after we called Virgina virgin avenue EJCaldwell#2924: “I am not a virgin anyways” -Maulie Playing monopoly burarahurricane#6369: honestly the real mvps of hawkeye were the LARPers lisx#1702: in between lisx#1702: ten other days lisx#1702: it feel slike there were lisx#1702: I swear yesterday wasn't tuesday lisx#1702: tho lisx#1702: how is today wednesday lisx#1702: i don't want this year to end burarahurricane#6369: ON SATURDAY lisx#1702: WHY lisx#1702: 3 days lisx#1702: in lisx#1702: it's chrsistmsa lisx#1702: oh my god guys burarahurricane#6369: i wanted an exploration of hawkeyes trauma but instead hes just been demoted to dad mentor figure :( lisx#1702: oof lisx#1702: anyway lisx#1702: yeah i didn't like her character in pitch perfect either. she was an annoying new girl whose mom was some "prodigy" and does nothing and joins the acapella group and writes stupid songs lisx#1702: oof burarahurricane#6369: i dont like her burarahurricane#6369: who is a wannabe and meets hawkeye PeckServers.com#8342: RIP burarahurricane#6369: its about this stupid girl burarahurricane#6369: im sad it isn't really about hawkeye burarahurricane#6369: well its okay burarahurricane#6369: yaeh lisx#1702: I think she was in pitch perfect too lisx#1702: or maybe that's not it lisx#1702: tell me that isn't amazing lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcIy9NiNbmo lisx#1702: OH ik why she's familiar she was in a taylor swift music video lisx#1702: pardon?????? lisx#1702: is it good burarahurricane#6369: season finale today : ( burarahurricane#6369: every wedenesday burarahurricane#6369: yes lisx#1702: is it out burarahurricane#6369: dad in living room: Hawkeye! mom in kitchen: HAWKEYE! me in bedroom: HAWKEYE username123115#4960: username123115#4960: 10 more miles lisx#1702: WE WERE IN SCHOOL JUST YESTERDAY lisx#1702: WHYY lisx#1702: IT'S ONLY WEDNESDAY burarahurricane#6369: nice job :) burarahurricane#6369: :D!! burarahurricane#6369: y3ppp lisx#1702: alysse did one too lisx#1702: thanks PeckServers.com#8342: it looks so GOOD PeckServers.com#8342: omGGGGG lisx#1702: PeckServers.com#8342: send pics lisx#1702: MORE COLORING lisx#1702: I need something new to make <@!749747503947055136> lisx#1702: the coloring paid off burarahurricane#6369: !! lisx#1702: my butterfly is so prettyyyyyyyyyyyyy 😍 burarahurricane#6369: LOLLLLL PeckServers.com#8342: so lifes good PeckServers.com#8342: but i passed everything PeckServers.com#8342: but yes, i even did all of my government class in 3 days haha username123115#4960: Cali weed time username123115#4960: Uh lisx#1702: haha username123115#4960: Forgot were in Cali lisx#1702: oh ya username123115#4960: Crap PeckServers.com#8342: youre on vacay arent you PeckServers.com#8342: bruh username123115#4960: Weed time burarahurricane#6369: but its so nice to not have the stress of school burarahurricane#6369: i mean i dont work burarahurricane#6369: ikr!! PeckServers.com#8342: it feels so good to not have the stress of school ontop of working lisx#1702: I don't like break \:( burarahurricane#6369: yeeeeeeeAAAaaah PeckServers.com#8342: #macbooklife xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yes you are Maulie#8927: I am one very lucky man xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh... burarahurricane#6369: it has razor sharp edges oeoeoeoeoeoeo PeckServers.com#8342: Its a common thing apparently... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: how...? burarahurricane#6369: everything is SMALLER in RHODE ISLAND :!!\ burarahurricane#6369: o e o oe eoe od burarahurricane#6369: text burarahurricane#6369: texas burarahurricane#6369: thatst what she said burarahurricane#6369: where everything is bigger burarahurricane#6369: liek texas burarahurricane#6369: its big burarahurricane#6369: hoover dam to be exact burarahurricane#6369: dam lisx#1702: No we cannot burarahurricane#6369: can we kill the sun 😳 burarahurricane#6369: what is fausstsus lisx#1702: That is alright. The Faustus method takes time. And I have all night. burarahurricane#6369: WIEATH AND FAME HE'S IGNORED ACTION IS HIS WEREARD burarahurricane#6369: FRIENDLY NAIGHBORDOOHD SPIDEMRAN burarahurricane#6369: SPIDERMAN SPIDERMAN burarahurricane#6369: authority was creatd to be rebelled against burarahurricane#6369: no lisx#1702: Are you ready to comply? lisx#1702: Compliance will be rewarded. lisx#1702: What is best is you comply. lisx#1702: You know what is best. lisx#1702: Calm your mind. lisx#1702: Take a deep breath. lisx#1702: Surrender and you will find release. lisx#1702: Surrender and you will find meaning. burarahurricane#6369: and kill eppo;le iwihth diseases burarahurricane#6369: they speak spanish burarahurricane#6369: full of spain burarahurricane#6369: spain burarahurricane#6369: painful burarahurricane#6369: itspiianful lisx#1702: I think my "\*waves hand*" is quite effective burarahurricane#6369: \*waves hand*I burarahurricane#6369: i think you solud reevalutate your burarahurricane#6369: sna; burarahurricane#6369: nekc burarahurricane#6369: what does it mean burarahurricane#6369: why do ythey all say that burarahurricane#6369: m lisx#1702: m lisx#1702: punching always works lisx#1702: and lisx#1702: my hand was just being annoying lisx#1702: well burarahurricane#6369: du du du burarahurricane#6369: we all fall down burarahurricane#6369: ned watch movi burarahurricane#6369: no sleep >: burarahurricane#6369: no sleep for me burarahurricane#6369: no sleep burarahurricane#6369: 💤 burarahurricane#6369: im seleby burarahurricane#6369: :thumbsuP: burarahurricane#6369: gld you d o burarahurricane#6369: but ok burarahurricane#6369: that doens'tslmelkek i wouodl work burarahurricane#6369: huh lisx#1702: punching helped indeed lisx#1702: it's normal now lisx#1702: no burarahurricane#6369: make numb burarahurricane#6369: put ice on it lisx#1702: punching it helps a little bit burarahurricane#6369: with what burarahurricane#6369: i would giev the hand a get-better blwo but i m away :( lisx#1702: I WANT TO CUT IT OFF burarahurricane#6369: \*pat pat* lisx#1702: eek lisx#1702: aahjksdhfjksd burarahurricane#6369: sleepy lisx#1702: is burarahurricane#6369: slepy lisx#1702: hand burarahurricane#6369: slepuy lisx#1702: my burarahurricane#6369: im sleph burarahurricane#6369: hi burarahurricane#6369: lucky lisx#1702: weirdly lisx#1702: my hand hurts lisx#1702: can't relate burarahurricane#6369: it happens so often :( lisx#1702: uh PeckServers.com#8342: hate it when that happens burarahurricane#6369: I hit my face with my computer :( burarahurricane#6369: owie :( EJCaldwell#2924: nice xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😁 PeckServers.com#8342: so proud xXthat1redheadXx#9990: But I said that in my head not out loud xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I agree Maulie#8927: Yes MMMMM#2210: *nOoOo ReALly* Maulie#8927: I just dropped my laptop on it's right side and now the mouse chip snapped Maulie#8927: That's probably why the kid laughed xXthat1redheadXx#9990: “Lets get it bois” xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Gasps* “only 19 away from 69” xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was at 45 the I got to 50 and was like burarahurricane#6369: good job burarahurricane#6369: lololl xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was very pleased with myself xXthat1redheadXx#9990: And then this kid laughed and the teacher was like “HEY, dont laugh and he (me) basically did 70 so yeah” xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I did 69 pushups in pe xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmfao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: YYYYEEEAAHHHH burarahurricane#6369: (goes feral) give_a_minute#1155: woooooooooooooo burarahurricane#6369: LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO burarahurricane#6369: WE'RE GFREEEEEEEE xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ***Ikr*** give_a_minute#1155: this feels so good haha give_a_minute#1155: yesssssssss schoool's overrrrrrrrr TAKOYAKII#2886: dang PeckServers.com#8342: Only Minecraft for me haha TAKOYAKII#2886: does anyone play albion online??? just curious xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *yAy* burarahurricane#6369: yAy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: **yay** burarahurricane#6369: i didnt get hit by a car! burarahurricane#6369: im okay xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wOaH burarahurricane#6369: ok burarahurricane#6369: the highschoolers burarahurricane#6369: OH GOD burarahurricane#6369: OH GOD xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah it's better today burarahurricane#6369: but not as bad as it could be burarahurricane#6369: its cold outside burarahurricane#6369: shush burarahurricane#6369: 1 2 skip to my lou xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the loo burarahurricane#6369: frick burarahurricane#6369: lol burarahurricane#6369: loo burarahurricane#6369: loo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'll tell him after school xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I would have gone but I didn't know what they were doing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ig they went to say happy birthday to mr. ord xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah burarahurricane#6369: of course they go caroling right where i deliver nect xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes ma'am burarahurricane#6369: sure am xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you're right there xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's what I was confused about lmao burarahurricane#6369: WHY DID I PING MYSELF LMAO burarahurricane#6369: <@!749747503947055136> ok xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah burarahurricane#6369: <@!776230986324246558> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah burarahurricane#6369: IS MR STRASSMANBIN THAT ROOM xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm bored burarahurricane#6369: 1 last day!! lisx#1702: ok MMMMM#2210: No lisx#1702: <@522569307004076033> <@!734161534799839272> do we have jazzband tomorrow Maulie#8927: XD xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Ikr burarahurricane#6369: thats amaaizmng burarahurricane#6369: omg xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I even stole it to get it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: tis beautiful xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: look what I got from the band white elephant gift exchange xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idk lisx#1702: what's an 8-lettered word that follows the " consonant vowel consonant vowel..." pattern that's not used a lot xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the *mini* glass handpan xXthat1redheadXx#9990: same lisx#1702: just so you can play minecraft music? <:sus:783176301502267423> burarahurricane#6369: i wanna learn how to play the glass handpan burarahurricane#6369: :000 thats so cool xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/1uAIzjC9yXc PeckServers.com#8342: this is what happens when you run 4 servers simultaneously PeckServers.com#8342: #ram issues lisx#1702: 😂 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: make japanese go from a 1/2 language to a 1/1 language lisx#1702: 🧼 lisx#1702: hahahaha PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: imagine still rick rolling burarahurricane#6369: t,,,trans soap,,,, burarahurricane#6369: lmao burarahurricane#6369: it looks like a bar of soap burarahurricane#6369: i like windows 11 version better burarahurricane#6369: 🏳️‍⚧️ lisx#1702: ooh burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/rick-roll-rick-ashley-never-gonna-give-you-up-gif-22113173 burarahurricane#6369: OMG HE lisx#1702: omg it's rick burarahurricane#6369: IT SENT LET SGO burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: OH G O D burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: oh my god this is there burarahurricane#6369: OH GOD WHAT SI THAT lisx#1702: WHY lisx#1702: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THE EMOJIS WINDOWS lisx#1702: right burarahurricane#6369: brb burarahurricane#6369: im going to go make my back go hhnrnnng again lisx#1702: ..hehe lisx#1702: I just don't always use all my everything accounts burarahurricane#6369: daym lisx#1702: I have an everything account burarahurricane#6369: 😳 burarahurricane#6369: wh lisx#1702: ofc burarahurricane#6369: YOU HAVE A TWITCH ACCT???????? lisx#1702: going crazy lisx#1702: are lisx#1702: multitasking skills burarahurricane#6369: theres Always more hw lisx#1702: or my lisx#1702: while I'm watching the show lisx#1702: I need to do something lisx#1702: I'm watching a show lisx#1702: I have one lisx#1702: there's more hw 😭 burarahurricane#6369: get a twitfh account??? lisx#1702: noooooooooooooooooo lisx#1702: what burarahurricane#6369: do some of the la paper burarahurricane#6369: youtube burarahurricane#6369: uhh lisx#1702: yaaa burarahurricane#6369: playing night on bald mountain makes my back go hnnrgng lisx#1702: on the computer lisx#1702: something else to do burarahurricane#6369: . burarahurricane#6369: its what im doing lisx#1702: but tell me the *next* time I say I'm bored lisx#1702: that's a good idea lisx#1702: I mean lisx#1702: huh lisx#1702: practice lisx#1702: no burarahurricane#6369: practice lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> I need a thing to do lisx#1702: ~~except my math hw but who cares about that~~ lisx#1702: there's so little to *do* lisx#1702: aaaaaaaaaa this is so weird burarahurricane#6369: lol lisx#1702: I'm stupid 👍 lisx#1702: oh wait lisx#1702: it's NOT THERE lisx#1702: im so confused lisx#1702: HOW DO YOU TURN OFF THE COMPUTER WITH WINDOWS 11 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: took you a while to come up with that one xXthat1redheadXx#9990: too late MMMMM#2210: Hi hungry, I’m George xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ha there you can't do it to me now xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I hungry xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm hungry xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I k r burarahurricane#6369: eyes be blessed burarahurricane#6369: incredible xXthat1redheadXx#9990: tis beautful give_a_minute#1155: wo ah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ***__...__*** burarahurricane#6369: it means what it means xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ... give_a_minute#1155: what does that even mean burarahurricane#6369: i brush my teeth with lies burarahurricane#6369: im suchh a devious person xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/gasp-shookt-omg-surprised-shocked-gif-7508630 burarahurricane#6369: right xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ***LIES*** burarahurricane#6369: he could only do it with my help give_a_minute#1155: gj xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hah I figured it out all myself xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ** ** burarahurricane#6369: so hard burarahurricane#6369: liam just got flexed on burarahurricane#6369: lmao give_a_minute#1155: ever heard of the internets MMMMM#2210: ** ** give_a_minute#1155: ** ** xXthat1redheadXx#9990: bababoey burarahurricane#6369: trade secret xXthat1redheadXx#9990: how do burarahurricane#6369: >:) burarahurricane#6369: ** ** burarahurricane#6369: no burarahurricane#6369: ?? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: do you use the one line thingy burarahurricane#6369: one what xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait xXthat1redheadXx#9990: not again burarahurricane#6369: space burarahurricane#6369: what a great reason MMMMM#2210: Because burarahurricane#6369: sadge lisx#1702: yn \:( burarahurricane#6369: yeahhhh just in time! EJCaldwell#2924: woo i am now done with aleks MMMMM#2210: No lisx#1702: chance lisx#1702: you have the lisx#1702: cancer says george sucks lisx#1702: that said lisx#1702: make one lisx#1702: just lisx#1702: could you lisx#1702: but MMMMM#2210: lisx#1702: o k ay MMMMM#2210: when they're done MMMMM#2210: ill show you later lisx#1702: what would it say otehrwise lisx#1702: it's such an amazing opportunity MMMMM#2210: because lisx#1702: ??????????? lisx#1702: but why not lisx#1702: :(((( lisx#1702: oh MMMMM#2210: and not one that says cancer says george sucks lisx#1702: and I can HAVE it??? lisx#1702: REALLY? MMMMM#2210: ill make you a pin\ lisx#1702: can I have your white elephant present please please please thatd be so funny lisx#1702: since you can have the shirt too lisx#1702: cancer says george sucks on the pin MMMMM#2210: no, i cant make a shirt by tonite that says that lisx#1702: you can write lisx#1702: so that means lisx#1702: ooooooooh MMMMM#2210: free advertising lisx#1702: *CANCER* says *GEORGE* sucks????????????????????????? MMMMM#2210: ive been told that if i wanted to i could take one and put it in a box with the pin lisx#1702: can you make one that says........... MMMMM#2210: but MMMMM#2210: no MMMMM#2210: which we were gonna sell cheaper now because we sold them at the tournament burarahurricane#6369: do they say anything funnyt MMMMM#2210: we have some leftover bowling shirts from last year lisx#1702: good job MMMMM#2210: i found out lisx#1702: what lisx#1702: h m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m ' MMMMM#2210: <@!726265256082407504> MMMMM#2210: ok so lisx#1702: yeeeeeeeep burarahurricane#6369: yeap burarahurricane#6369: lololololol lisx#1702: thing lisx#1702: o lisx#1702: with the lisx#1702: flip lisx#1702: thing lisx#1702: the lisx#1702: it's the parallel of the hair thing lisx#1702: aaaaaaaaaaaaa lisx#1702: as jaxin would ; lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: OHDSJA KL;DG burarahurricane#6369: got dem angelina jolie lips burarahurricane#6369: as jaxin would say lisx#1702: it's a person with lips lisx#1702: :() burarahurricane#6369: big sad burarahurricane#6369: :((()(( lisx#1702: and it's a b day :(( lisx#1702: yeah burarahurricane#6369: OH NO WE HAVE SCHOOL TOMROORW burarahurricane#6369: u are such a good person arent you lisx#1702: I was expecting it to be entertaining lisx#1702: well- burarahurricane#6369: w. why would you want someone to have . a breakdown lisx#1702: she said she was going to but then she never did 😐 😔 lisx#1702: I wish mrs window had a break down the other day lisx#1702: yeah it's okay burarahurricane#6369: \*pat pat&* burarahurricane#6369: whered the wht lisx#1702: don't practice lisx#1702: I burarahurricane#6369: is piano treble different from normal treble clef or are you just not practicing, burarahurricane#6369: kdjhvj lisx#1702: where'd the lisx#1702: oh lisx#1702: a... burarahurricane#6369: face lisx#1702: f.... burarahurricane#6369: thats a very good one lisx#1702: uh burarahurricane#6369: LMFAO3IWE9A8YSHDZLKJH MMMMM#2210: This ones pretty good burarahurricane#6369: *74* burarahurricane#6369: but still burarahurricane#6369: yeah burarahurricane#6369: who needs i when you have we (communist flag) lisx#1702: that's just because you moved up a row lisx#1702: but it was completely discrimination against the i burarahurricane#6369: not like how I spelt yes as 74 burarahurricane#6369: its not THAT bad burarahurricane#6369: theyr're only one key apart burarahurricane#6369: besides burarahurricane#6369: I have magic fingers lisx#1702: you should have the button tell them to go listen to mgk and taylor swift MMMMM#2210: I still need more funny lisx#1702: how do you do it lisx#1702: the o and the u aren't even next to each other burarahurricane#6369: lollll lisx#1702: <:reverse_card:788946351294513212> burarahurricane#6369: noooouu lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/star-wars-the-mandalorian-baby-yoda-sad-i-want-to-die-gif-17708566 lisx#1702: ohno poor bbyoda lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/mandalorian-the-this-is-way-gif-23192370 burarahurricane#6369: thats him \ lisx#1702: gogywasfound burarahurricane#6369: it takes such a beating every day] lisx#1702: 🎹 lisx#1702: poor keyboard lisx#1702: 🤣 burarahurricane#6369: YES\W3E SHOUDL lisx#1702: hahahaha burarahurricane#6369: lLMFAOU3240Q9712QUAEHDS;FKAJSHDFLHJKADSGFLKJAWDF] burarahurricane#6369: one day Im going to mash the keys off this keyborad lisx#1702: we should call you gogy burarahurricane#6369: it is the Way lisx#1702: that's how it was always meant to be burarahurricane#6369: LISA YOURE GOGIN T O BE THE EDNADS DEAT HOF ME burarahurricane#6369: *1932UQ2L;EWKARDUSPAOIUWEYHSZDLMNZLJKDGFHKASDLHQR;WOIUY4QLHKWABE2039QE7JGBKMS* lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> MMMMM#2210: How is that funny lisx#1702: button: "What's a CHILD?" MMMMM#2210: But they all involve bullying the flutes MMMMM#2210: There are so many good jokes burarahurricane#6369: \*hands you funny* MMMMM#2210: Need MMMMM#2210: FUNNY MMMMM#2210: Ok lisx#1702: I remember in sixth grade in this one class you wore a george says cancer sucks shirt and the kid sitting next to me was like whats your shirt or like does that say george says cancer sucks? or whatever lisx#1702: oh MMMMM#2210: Half the kids in that class dont know about george says cancer sucks MMMMM#2210: Heres the problem lisx#1702: but see I don't think it's possible for anything to be funnier than csgs because it's simply gold MMMMM#2210: FUNNIER MMMMM#2210: MORE lisx#1702: RIGHT burarahurricane#6369: DFDGFLUYTKGDJHKG lisx#1702: I'm sorry but it's a amzing lisx#1702: *cancer* says *george* sucks lisx#1702: like lisx#1702: scroll up and check out the other stuff I came up with lisx#1702: see alysse thinks it's funny burarahurricane#6369: lololololol lisx#1702: "percussion sounds great" on a pin MMMMM#2210: I could do one trash talking percussion MMMMM#2210: I mean lisx#1702: ^^^ MMMMM#2210: MORE lisx#1702: well going from your perspective if you *didn't* think I was awesome and very very smart it'd be kinda funny MMMMM#2210: MORE MMMMM#2210: I need MMMMM#2210: Kinda funny MMMMM#2210: Not funny MMMMM#2210: Not funny lisx#1702: a pin that says "something funny" lisx#1702: : MMMMM#2210: I STILL NEED MORE FUNNY lisx#1702: oooh good for you lisx#1702: anyone would want that very much MMMMM#2210: lisx#1702: I think lisx#1702: "lisa is awesome and very very smart" on a button MMMMM#2210: They sent us aton of stuff for it too lisx#1702: best one yet lisx#1702: hear this one lisx#1702: okya MMMMM#2210: NEED MORE MMMMM#2210: And first for individual MMMMM#2210: Got into 3rd place for teams lisx#1702: ? lisx#1702: MMMMM#2210: And with one donation MMMMM#2210: But we donated a little to cure search lisx#1702: or lisx#1702: cancer says george sucks MMMMM#2210: Most of it went to make a wish lisx#1702: so which one are you gonna use MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: Yea lisx#1702: ^^^? MMMMM#2210: ? lisx#1702: g lisx#1702: thin lisx#1702: with the girl who got a lisx#1702: the place you were at the other day lisx#1702: oh MMMMM#2210: Thats for our bowling tournament MMMMM#2210: No lisx#1702: does that mean you're going to get cancer next year and we'll need to donate then? MMMMM#2210: Its preferred MMMMM#2210: I NEED FUN E lisx#1702: it doesnt have to do with band tho MMMMM#2210: ITS NOT lisx#1702: TELL ME THAT'S NOT AMAZING lisx#1702: DO IT lisx#1702: DO IT lisx#1702: DO IT lisx#1702: DO IT lisx#1702: DOIT lisx#1702: DO IT lisx#1702: DO IT lisx#1702: DO IT MMMMM#2210: I NEED MORE FUNNY lisx#1702: DO IT lisx#1702: IT DOESNT MATTER I THINK IT'S HILARIOUS MMMMM#2210: And its not FUNNY ENOUGH MMMMM#2210: That has nothing to do with band lisx#1702: *cancer* says *george* sucks lisx#1702: it said lisx#1702: instead of "george says cancer sucks" lisx#1702: that said lisx#1702: you had a button lisx#1702: if lisx#1702: what lisx#1702: IDEA lisx#1702: A GREAT lisx#1702: HAVE lisx#1702: I lisx#1702: LOL lisx#1702: oooooooooooooooooooooooooh username123115#4960: You should add notebook paper too! MMMMM#2210: I NEED username123115#4960: And it’s life saving celeryness will save you lisx#1702: do you think my orchestra white elephant person will want a pencil? pencils are actually really valuable and always in great demand username123115#4960: The celery will stick a needle I. Itself username123115#4960: So username123115#4960: Ok but this time the aliens gone lisx#1702: want and need are different concepts username123115#4960: Fine lisx#1702: it's in south america username123115#4960: Or else you won’t know where it is username123115#4960: The celery shall send you there lisx#1702: and not die all the same username123115#4960: You won’t die lisx#1702: then I'll go to tahiti username123115#4960: But because you are double immortal lisx#1702: lol username123115#4960: And you died username123115#4960: What if someone stabbed you MMMMM#2210: I need MORE FUNNY lisx#1702: well you should tell people it's my idea then username123115#4960: Celery doesn’t lisx#1702: I think immortality works like concepts of infinity. You can't have infinity times 2 username123115#4960: Candy gives you diabetes MMMMM#2210: No username123115#4960: Well username123115#4960: Oh lisx#1702: 😅 username123115#4960: Now you’ll be *double* immortal username123115#4960: Great! lisx#1702: or something lisx#1702: you should just give me candy lisx#1702: but I already have celery lisx#1702: uh lisx#1702: well I never got a paper that the person I got wrote username123115#4960: But you like celery more right username123115#4960: Yeah I got that one lisx#1702: yeah username123115#4960: That says ps. Gimme an iPhone 13? lisx#1702: oh username123115#4960: Yeah lisx#1702: but like the other paper with stuff I wrote? username123115#4960: There was this bucket thingy lisx#1702: well you drew the paper with my name on it lisx#1702: oh username123115#4960: Yeah I drew yours lisx#1702: but did you get one back lisx#1702: can I have 10$ for that MMMMM#2210: Thats kinda funny username123115#4960: Yeah I gave mine to Strassman MMMMM#2210: Holy crap lisx#1702: there lisx#1702: MMMMM#2210: GIMME MMMMM#2210: FAST lisx#1702: or someting? MMMMM#2210: FUNNY lisx#1702: with stuff we wanted lisx#1702: that we wrote after lisx#1702: but the other papers MMMMM#2210: Its at the bottom MMMMM#2210: https://itsnotrare.com lisx#1702: we drew the papers with the names i was there username123115#4960: Yeah we had to draw them lisx#1702: in student council? lisx#1702: did we ever get the paper that said what people want? lisx#1702: well lisx#1702: oook username123115#4960: Maybe MMMMM#2210: Gimme 10 bucks and i can lisx#1702: can you give me a george says cancer sucks tshirt for christmas pretty please? username123115#4960: And makes you immortal username123115#4960: And healthy username123115#4960: It’s amazing username123115#4960: You should MMMMM#2210: Yea but im not buying celery lisx#1702: do things lisx#1702: I can't lisx#1702: wtf lisx#1702: amazon lisx#1702: whats the amazong page lisx#1702: no one lieks pins lisx#1702: no I mean like real celery lisx#1702: meh lisx#1702: uh username123115#4960: So you *do* like celery right lisx#1702: celery MMMMM#2210: A picture of celery on a pin isnt funny lisx#1702: how do you spell it lisx#1702: cellery lisx#1702: celery? lisx#1702: did you actually get me lisx#1702: cellery lisx#1702: celry lisx#1702: <@!522569307004076033> cellebr lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: i can't username123115#4960: Do you like celery lisx#1702: whats it called lisx#1702: omg lisx#1702: thing lisx#1702: the lisx#1702: for my birthday lisx#1702: daniel gave me lisx#1702: that lisx#1702: theg reen thing MMMMM#2210: That doesnt bully the flutes lisx#1702: whats it called lisx#1702: that one thing lisx#1702: uh MMMMM#2210: Funny MMMMM#2210: I require MMMMM#2210: Go MMMMM#2210: Funny things lisx#1702: it was in the ps lisx#1702: please lisx#1702: if you got me can you buy me an iphone lisx#1702: did you get me lisx#1702: bruh username123115#4960: Someone lisx#1702: for your lisx#1702: <@!734161534799839272> who did you get MMMMM#2210: That doesnt bully the flutes username123115#4960: I’m giving away a high quality can of coke lisx#1702: and studenbt council MMMMM#2210: Something funny MMMMM#2210: So lisx#1702: me too in orchestra username123115#4960: But in guitar username123115#4960: Oh same MMMMM#2210: I could give a george says cancer sucks button lisx#1702: what is it MMMMM#2210: We have an amazon page lisx#1702: i want one of those MMMMM#2210: Im not given em away lisx#1702: hahaha username123115#4960: Do you have any of those George says cancer sucks tshirts MMMMM#2210: Any ideas MMMMM#2210: And doesnt include trash talking the flutes MMMMM#2210: That has to do with band MMMMM#2210: But i cant think of anything funny MMMMM#2210: And i was just gonna make a pin that said something funny MMMMM#2210: We have a white elephant thing in band tomorrow MMMMM#2210: Ok so burarahurricane#6369: ahh Maulie#8927: Click on Lisa profile burarahurricane#6369: what Maulie#8927: You put this in morse code? burarahurricane#6369: bb burarahurricane#6369: b lisx#1702: Is tomorrow an A or B day burarahurricane#6369: LMGAOOOOO SHREK WOULD NEVER SUPPORT DREAM AKLDFHJA;KWERYP2QU3YWAERPISDLUFHKLJAGDFH burarahurricane#6369: thats pretty spot on burarahurricane#6369: honestly burarahurricane#6369: :LSKDFMPAOIUY$)#&*OTGDLKJHSFGSLDJH lisx#1702: (?) lisx#1702: "you BETTER have an inbetween or I'll KILL YOUR FAMILY" burarahurricane#6369: dumb ik burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: people get death threats from this? burarahurricane#6369: he's also very popular with the trolls and anti's burarahurricane#6369: with help from the stans burarahurricane#6369: yeh burarahurricane#6369: he is lisx#1702: i thought he was really populatr burarahurricane#6369: 👍 burarahurricane#6369: :thumbspu: lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: :thyumbsup ' burarahurricane#6369: but ok :thumbsuP ; burarahurricane#6369: i literally dont get that lmao burarahurricane#6369: and then there was the whole speedrun scandal burarahurricane#6369: dream just gets a lot of attention because of how fast he blew up and how he kinda revolutionized minecraft youtube ' lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/avril-lavigne-sk8er-boi-music-video-gif-12823136 lisx#1702: *perfect match!* burarahurricane#6369: lol burarahurricane#6369: he's a mcyt with a like two or three year old channel and she's a big corp celeb who has been in the business for more than a decade or something burarahurricane#6369: well what did u expect lisx#1702: bruh dream doesn't even have more subs than taylor swift burarahurricane#6369: yeah :/ Maulie#8927: People getting death threats over stupid things Maulie#8927: I've seen it on youtube videos burarahurricane#6369: honestly its kinda sad burarahurricane#6369: anything dream says causes a war on twt lisx#1702: idk lisx#1702: whereas *dream stans* is like people who have weird humor and watch this guy who plays stupid games and talk lisx#1702: it's just normal people who like taylor swift lisx#1702: but it's not a cult burarahurricane#6369: that might be an understatemtn but Maulie#8927: Mr. Controversy..? 🤨 burarahurricane#6369: dream really is mr controversy Maulie#8927: just with more violence Maulie#8927: Dream stans are a cult burarahurricane#6369: more worship-y burarahurricane#6369: like dream stans but make it more like a cult Maulie#8927: So like dream stans, but with less violence? burarahurricane#6369: stan Maulie#8927: Or a stan? Maulie#8927: So a simp? burarahurricane#6369: fan burarahurricane#6369: *swift* burarahurricane#6369: taylor burarahurricane#6369: a burarahurricane#6369: .. Maulie#8927: The heck is a swiftie? burarahurricane#6369: thats their cult name Maulie#8927: Swifties? burarahurricane#6369: gotta hand it to the swifties Maulie#8927: There isn't even 10 billion people on Earth ;-; xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes ma'am lisx#1702: as you should xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I blame her too lisx#1702: it's so annoying lisx#1702: because she always writes about the short stories and things in present tense lisx#1702: I blame it on Mrs. robertson lisx#1702: I keep doing that too burarahurricane#6369: why do I keep doing present tense :/ its supposed to be PAST tense grr burarahurricane#6369: I thought i got rid of this problem a long time ago burarahurricane#6369: i keep wrting in the wrong tense?? burarahurricane#6369: (head in hands) burarahurricane#6369: losing it burarahurricane#6369: im like burarahurricane#6369: this is so sad xXthat1redheadXx#9990: good burarahurricane#6369: not even close to a trillionl ol burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> remember how u were complaining how taylor swift didnt get recognition and how she has 23 tRilLiOn vIeWs she actually has 23 billion.,,,,, Maulie#8927: You have nothing else to do? Maulie#8927: wow MMMMM#2210: and on minecraft i probably have around 500-750 hours MMMMM#2210: soo around 3000 hours MMMMM#2210: but probably 100-150 hours arent mine MMMMM#2210: Hours MMMMM#2210: 3197.7 MMMMM#2210: on just steam MMMMM#2210: i just added everything up Maulie#8927: ;-; Maulie#8927: I have 500.6 hours on record for all my steam games combined burarahurricane#6369: byeee have fun! lisx#1702: I'm going to finish this christmas movie with my mom lisx#1702: anyway bye lisx#1702: man 2019 felt like yesterday lisx#1702: and the year syndrom lisx#1702: maybe we should rename it the month syndrome burarahurricane#6369: ive got chronic december syndrome lisx#1702: or maybe the 2022 syndrome lisx#1702: I call it the December Syndrome lisx#1702: I had that today\ lisx#1702: yeah burarahurricane#6369: WTF ITS DECEMBER lisx#1702: u2 when you do burarahurricane#6369: merrrryyyu crhustmas burarahurricane#6369: sleep well :)! lisx#1702: merry christmas burarahurricane#6369: but burarahurricane#6369: im not sleeping lisx#1702: \:) burarahurricane#6369: good night burarahurricane#6369: thats water lisx#1702: good night alysse burarahurricane#6369: by the definition of lava burarahurricane#6369: 70% lava burarahurricane#6369: er burarahurricane#6369: people are lava monsters burarahurricane#6369: water is lava EJCaldwell#2924: like 2-3 hours ago EJCaldwell#2924: even tho i had a lot of caffine lisx#1702: bye EJCaldwell#2924: well ima go to bed lisx#1702: I miss it when spencer had time for stuff like this lisx#1702: all stuff like this EJCaldwell#2924: so is lava wet EJCaldwell#2924: lol lisx#1702: if you search up "molecule" in this server 99% is spencer telling george what "wet" means EJCaldwell#2924: that is not church EJCaldwell#2924: something for church lisx#1702: why do you have to wake up early EJCaldwell#2924: i have to be up in 8 hours from now EJCaldwell#2924: i am debating if i should go to bed EJCaldwell#2924: then it is wet EJCaldwell#2924: if it is more than 1 lisx#1702: that's spencer's answer EJCaldwell#2924: if it is a single water molecule then it is not wet lisx#1702: probably lisx#1702: spencer has the right answer lisx#1702: why would anyone care about that EJCaldwell#2924: I can answer this question EJCaldwell#2924: idk lisx#1702: or did they just make it up in the song EJCaldwell#2924: is water wet lisx#1702: so is rudolph an actual reindeer? EJCaldwell#2924: i'm not sure EJCaldwell#2924: so i want to keep going with adding more game time from other devices EJCaldwell#2924: i need help EJCaldwell#2924: so i am at about 2-4k hours on videogames on my pc EJCaldwell#2924: modded about 200-250 hours all together EJCaldwell#2924: longest survival minecraft world 150 hours EJCaldwell#2924: I say i am around 1.5k hours on hypixel skyblock EJCaldwell#2924: and if I has the stats for other profiles that i got rid of EJCaldwell#2924: for hypixel skyblock EJCaldwell#2924: 442 hours on 1 profile for minecraft EJCaldwell#2924: i am pulling up some more stats on my play time for some things EJCaldwell#2924: fair EJCaldwell#2924: okay lisx#1702: I don't play video games lisx#1702: ...yeah i can't come up with anything EJCaldwell#2924: sure lisx#1702: wanna know my top 3??? EJCaldwell#2924: and roblox just as much most likly EJCaldwell#2924: It would be in the thousands EJCaldwell#2924: but if i could see how much time I had on hypixel EJCaldwell#2924: and Terraria at 223.9 hours EJCaldwell#2924: Unturned at 128.6 hours EJCaldwell#2924: Subnautica at 71.2 hours EJCaldwell#2924: my top 3 are lisx#1702: s*ame* EJCaldwell#2924: on steam at least EJCaldwell#2924: none of my game times come anywhere close to that lisx#1702: yeah but without it it'd be a whole hundred percent less MMMMM#2210: 500% is alot lisx#1702: you'd only be at 2k hours without it soo it's not *nothing* lisx#1702: 500 hours is 1/5 of that MMMMM#2210: Probably more MMMMM#2210: I probably have around 2500 hours total on steam, minecraft etc MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: 500 hours is nothing lisx#1702: thats like you playing the game for 40 days straight and only pausing for sleep and food Maulie#8927: Wow MMMMM#2210: I probably have over 500 hours on the servers combined MMMMM#2210: Wow Maulie#8927: Bruh my most two played games combined can barely beat that MMMMM#2210: ALOT MMMMM#2210: ive slowed down MMMMM#2210: you probably will username123115#4960: Maybe username123115#4960: I’ll beat that one day give_a_minute#1155: shush MMMMM#2210: in a chair MMMMM#2210: hes about 5 feet away from me give_a_minute#1155: I'll see you whenever your dad comes back from getting milk give_a_minute#1155: okay then! MMMMM#2210: sounds like a plan MMMMM#2210: give_a_minute#1155: sorry give_a_minute#1155: n o MMMMM#2210: cmon give_a_minute#1155: darn give_a_minute#1155: dane boi got slightly more though MMMMM#2210: give_a_minute#1155: yeah MMMMM#2210: more than i thought MMMMM#2210: hm give_a_minute#1155: 62 hours MMMMM#2210: it wont let me see give_a_minute#1155: let me check MMMMM#2210: how many hours do you even have on tf2 give_a_minute#1155: watching anime give_a_minute#1155: just give_a_minute#1155: *online give_a_minute#1155: I'll still be line give_a_minute#1155: ish give_a_minute#1155: cya give_a_minute#1155: now I'm gonna go something also unproductive MMMMM#2210: he told me give_a_minute#1155: yeah that's beacuse me and him alerady wasted enough time on it lmao MMMMM#2210: and danE boi already said no MMMMM#2210: i have nothing to do MMMMM#2210: we'll play against bots give_a_minute#1155: I want to show you that I've progressed MMMMM#2210: idc give_a_minute#1155: like you'd see me perform terribly give_a_minute#1155: also it wouldn't make a good impression on you MMMMM#2210: i watched the entirety of breaking bad while playing just cause 3 give_a_minute#1155: it's inefficient MMMMM#2210: yes give_a_minute#1155: I don't do that give_a_minute#1155: multitasking give_a_minute#1155: what give_a_minute#1155: so I might go do that MMMMM#2210: while you play tf2 give_a_minute#1155: haven't watched in a while MMMMM#2210: well you can do that give_a_minute#1155: but my weeb friend Jared wants to watch anime together give_a_minute#1155: I would say yes MMMMM#2210: wanna play tf2 MMMMM#2210: also MMMMM#2210: well then you should be fine give_a_minute#1155: it ran tf2 on minimum settings at 15 MMMMM#2210: bedrock MMMMM#2210: but MMMMM#2210: bedrock would probs be easier MMMMM#2210: you could probably run it 20-40 fps with near minimal settings PeckServers.com#8342: itll run on a $50 phone give_a_minute#1155: fair enough PeckServers.com#8342: bedrock mc is super f'ing easy to run MMMMM#2210: with bare minimum settings MMMMM#2210: it would give_a_minute#1155: unless PeckServers.com#8342: sure give_a_minute#1155: 4 gb of ram? give_a_minute#1155: core i3? give_a_minute#1155: either way my crumbbook wouldn't handle it PeckServers.com#8342: for crumbbook give_a_minute#1155: i have no idea PeckServers.com#8342: i wonder if there is a minecraft extension MMMMM#2210: watch your language young man PeckServers.com#8342: ooh give_a_minute#1155: ever since chromebook PeckServers.com#8342: haha give_a_minute#1155: now I have to find a thirty dollars lying around somewhere PeckServers.com#8342: since when do you use linux? give_a_minute#1155: let's goo PeckServers.com#8342: if you can get minecraft running on linux yes give_a_minute#1155: l i n u x(?) give_a_minute#1155: so give_a_minute#1155: wait PeckServers.com#8342: epic shit PeckServers.com#8342: mind blowing PeckServers.com#8342: fricken amazing PeckServers.com#8342: all platforms PeckServers.com#8342: http://smplive.org MMMMM#2210: oh PeckServers.com#8342: all one domain PeckServers.com#8342: all one server MMMMM#2210: etc PeckServers.com#8342: yep MMMMM#2210: world MMMMM#2210: brand new server MMMMM#2210: so MMMMM#2210: wat PeckServers.com#8342: nope MMMMM#2210: right? MMMMM#2210: its the same world as before MMMMM#2210: wait PeckServers.com#8342: just know that its my works server too so stay away from our creations MMMMM#2210: i might later PeckServers.com#8342: its now all platform PeckServers.com#8342: so whos getting on the new mc server lisx#1702: yeah. a couple of them were pretty okay but legends never die was definitely wayy better WalterJS#2477: Tbh it’s not nearly as good as his other songs WalterJS#2477: Yeah lisx#1702: <@!531264285385424916> have u heard it ^^ lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/album/07tZDCAqxSIVEZywk0KDfT?si=m-FhkFmDTQuY7ReThptvuA burarahurricane#6369: :0! axolotl friend!! MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: My sister just bought an axolotl WalterJS#2477: thanks haha MMMMM#2210: <:sus:783176301502267423> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👏 👏 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: woah the cell thing loaded and it's really cool xXthat1redheadXx#9990: PeckServers.com#8342: and share items PeckServers.com#8342: and interact PeckServers.com#8342: yes WalterJS#2477: Wait so like can the players see each other PeckServers.com#8342: my jaw actually opened up PeckServers.com#8342: its SOO cool PeckServers.com#8342: i was able to kill my bedrock player from java and visa versa on the same computer PeckServers.com#8342: omg its so cool PeckServers.com#8342: a plugin called geyser WalterJS#2477: Haha WalterJS#2477: That’s sick WalterJS#2477: How can they play together WalterJS#2477: How is that possible WalterJS#2477: Wait what lisx#1702: **in**sane lisx#1702: wow PeckServers.com#8342: and they can both play together PeckServers.com#8342: cause peckservers smplive is now java and bedrock PeckServers.com#8342: well I say eat my W PeckServers.com#8342: <@!531264285385424916> you and spencer said bedrock couldnt be integrated into a java server xXthat1redheadXx#9990: sadly I knew this before you said it <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> burarahurricane#6369: I’ll catch up one day username123115#4960: lol username123115#4960: budget score board for a budget game lisx#1702: it looks like a game ryker would be really good at username123115#4960: lisx#1702: yeah i knew you needed arrow keys but it only moved right side so i had to figure out how to move right side username123115#4960: so he won't tell you username123115#4960: he just doesn't like you username123115#4960: the ball keeps score lisx#1702: so smart EJCaldwell#2924: There is not even a score board username123115#4960: oh yeah i used trigonometry for the ball so you know it must be good username123115#4960: did you figure out the arrow keys yet lisx#1702: only took me like ten seconds to figure out you needed wsda to do the other side lisx#1702: and its pretty intuitive too username123115#4960: no resemblence to pong whatsoever username123115#4960: obviously username123115#4960: no this is the classic game of ping lisx#1702: pong lisx#1702: it's like actual ping lisx#1702: omg username123115#4960: its a pretty revolutionary idea if I say so myself username123115#4960: i call it "ping" username123115#4960: https://codehs.com/sandbox/yourcomputersucks/ping also you should try this amazing new game username123115#4960: shhhhhh lisx#1702: hypocrite lisx#1702: but u have more aleks done than anyone else lisx#1702: lol username123115#4960: Casuals username123115#4960: Ikr lisx#1702: i dont really talk as much now tho lisx#1702: imagine needing to do aleks EJCaldwell#2924: and yet i am still procrastinating EJCaldwell#2924: I have like 38 burarahurricane#6369: nevermind burarahurricane#6369: hmm lets see how i compare to lisa now burarahurricane#6369: h burarahurricane#6369: only 1 aleks topic left burarahurricane#6369: s a line sol u tion burarahurricane#6369: ee burarahurricane#6369: what a funky letter burarahurricane#6369: ę burarahurricane#6369: is it rabies burarahurricane#6369: oh no ? lisx#1702: OH NO lisx#1702: it was me being honest burarahurricane#6369: sick burn burarahurricane#6369: nickname burarahurricane#6369: but theres a reason i still have this burarahurricane#6369: or maybe it was the electricity burarahurricane#6369: ee burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: I think you're still high off the potato burarahurricane#6369: alskdvjhaq429uoyweadshladkjsdgf[198435y burarahurricane#6369: LMFAO MMMMM#2210: chromebook is not the same as chrome book give_a_minute#1155: my sarcasm senses are tingling WalterJS#2477: ha MMMMM#2210: the space makes a difference WalterJS#2477: ha WalterJS#2477: very laugh WalterJS#2477: ha WalterJS#2477: ha WalterJS#2477: much funny MMMMM#2210: chromebook is a computer WalterJS#2477: ha WalterJS#2477: ha WalterJS#2477: ha MMMMM#2210: is a chrome, book WalterJS#2477: ha WalterJS#2477: ha WalterJS#2477: ha MMMMM#2210: chrome book WalterJS#2477: ha WalterJS#2477: ha WalterJS#2477: so funny MMMMM#2210: *is* it a pun give_a_minute#1155: 10/10 pun george MMMMM#2210: this is a chromebook MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: this is a chrome book WalterJS#2477: Thanks haha lisx#1702: Jaxin says you should make it more mobile-compatible lisx#1702: He should give you extra credit cus it looks super cool lisx#1702: It's really awesome though lisx#1702: from button smasher or something lisx#1702: It reminds me of the planets lisx#1702: That's great WalterJS#2477: at least the web version WalterJS#2477: my laptop is having trouble running it too WalterJS#2477: hahahah East Germany Is Going Great#1917: almost melted my chrome book but looks epic 😆 WalterJS#2477: thx East Germany Is Going Great#1917: nice WalterJS#2477: hahah give_a_minute#1155: the chromebook's fan is already on high lol WalterJS#2477: For reference, this is what the other students created WalterJS#2477: use the mouse scroll wheel to navigate through the simulation WalterJS#2477: expect 10-15 seconds to load in and it may not work if your computer is not good WalterJS#2477: @everyone Check out my cell project for biology I just finished it and its probably a little overkill https://cells.walterjs.dev/ Maulie#8927: I went from the classic Green Discord, then to my current one, then to subnautica below zero, then back to this one. So like, three times xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and then this xXthat1redheadXx#9990: steve harvey xXthat1redheadXx#9990: soviet union flag xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I've changed my pic three times burarahurricane#6369: unless we have a christmas miracle and me clark changed his mjnd burarahurricane#6369: we have the Test burarahurricane#6369: oh no burarahurricane#6369: many times burarahurricane#6369: many burarahurricane#6369: many burarahurricane#6369: many burarahurricane#6369: iv'e changed my pfp so burarahurricane#6369: cant relate EJCaldwell#2924: I went from a red discord pic to this Reaper leviathan from Subnautica EJCaldwell#2924: I have not changed this profile pic ever burarahurricane#6369: gogy comes first <3 burarahurricane#6369: yep :) Maulie#8927: George Not Found? burarahurricane#6369: not actually but we pretnd burarahurricane#6369: faster burarahurricane#6369: better burarahurricane#6369: stronger burarahurricane#6369: im constantly evolving burarahurricane#6369: new pfp again :D burarahurricane#6369: yeup lisx#1702: uh burarahurricane#6369: a photo so powerful it glitched my phone for a momen burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: badadada di daaa burarahurricane#6369: :) lisx#1702: tomorrow when we're all starving lisx#1702: Can you bring some to share burarahurricane#6369: TIME@TO MAKE COOKEIS burarahurricane#6369: sssssshhhhhccggrrrrrch burarahurricane#6369: sip burarahurricane#6369: \*comes to school in crutches* “you deserved it” lisx#1702: 🥤 Maulie#8927: 🏆 Maulie#8927: Friend of the year award burarahurricane#6369: ur sugh a great feiend burarahurricane#6369: BUDADADSFSD burarahurricane#6369: BUT HES IN UR BED IM IN UR TWICH THAT burarahurricane#6369: :( burarahurricane#6369: /; lisx#1702: you would've deserved it burarahurricane#6369: im almosr fell off burarahurricane#6369: OH GOE lisx#1702: 🥫ada burarahurricane#6369: MY TIME TO SHINE burarahurricane#6369: to cannada burarahurricane#6369: <:mlg_spencer:549781743419392020> lisx#1702: i hope someoen comes from over the fence to kidnap you to canada burarahurricane#6369: so hot burarahurricane#6369: bur im burarahurricane#6369: cold burarahurricane#6369: so burarahurricane#6369: and its burarahurricane#6369: im so wsrm lisx#1702: all alone? Maulie#8927: Microwaves use Krypton burarahurricane#6369: sure burarahurricane#6369: aure burarahurricane#6369: aure burarahurricane#6369: im jumping on a tramp cwnt thpe burarahurricane#6369: mocrowave Maulie#8927: So you're high off of Krypton? burarahurricane#6369: mircrovoqzbr burarahurricane#6369: mircrovewge Maulie#8927: Oh wait a microwave? Maulie#8927: High off of Depleted Plutonium and Uranium? burarahurricane#6369: BABAHAHAHABDFNF burarahurricane#6369: the result of the mircrovaivjing burarahurricane#6369: whateber burarahurricane#6369: and im now high off of Maulie#8927: Oh please close enough burarahurricane#6369: i think that overmicrowaved potato was radioactive lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: yeP! lisx#1702: stable lisx#1702: .... lisx#1702: you seem lisx#1702: uh Maulie#8927: You're going outside... In 40* weather? With no sun? lisx#1702: eek burarahurricane#6369: ahahahahwhwhaha burarahurricane#6369: omg jumping on the tramp has never brought me more pain burarahurricane#6369: im going to go and outside burarahurricane#6369: im so funny Maulie#8927: Lol lisx#1702: Bro lisx#1702: I'm slightly affended burarahurricane#6369: that moment when you evolve to worse than a swiftie 😍 burarahurricane#6369: with lovejoy burarahurricane#6369: im becoming worse than lisa burarahurricane#6369: https://open.spotify.com/track/0IUprcNjE2hDtlvY8rq2W9?si=XeNfOf2lS5CVdl1K2rBLzQ burarahurricane#6369: just like that lovejoy song burarahurricane#6369: one day! burarahurricane#6369: kinda have a condition that stops me but burarahurricane#6369: if i could burarahurricane#6369: bouncing off the walls burarahurricane#6369: +1000 HP burarahurricane#6369: and BAM burarahurricane#6369: but then i get up and eat burarahurricane#6369: i could barely move my legs burarahurricane#6369: i spent like three hours dead on my bed burarahurricane#6369: its so funny burarahurricane#6369: think burarahurricane#6369: i thon burarahurricane#6369: im HYPER burarahurricane#6369: lmfaooo lisx#1702: it was sad lisx#1702: or 2 days ago lisx#1702: i called mr coding teacher mr neff today MMMMM#2210: same burarahurricane#6369: lol lisx#1702: id take a free 100% anyday lisx#1702: i was like meh lisx#1702: but then lisx#1702: was going to ask you guys lisx#1702: yeah i got that yesterday too burarahurricane#6369: weird burarahurricane#6369: thats burarahurricane#6369: ?????? username123115#4960: Lol MMMMM#2210: im not complaining MMMMM#2210: i mean username123115#4960: Weird username123115#4960: Huh MMMMM#2210: neither one has been graded MMMMM#2210: username123115#4960: Probably mixed it up with final review 2 MMMMM#2210: or did we not take the final already MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: am i going insane MMMMM#2210: <@!749747503947055136><@!726265256082407504> <@!734161534799839272> <@!404102391416487936> burarahurricane#6369: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah burarahurricane#6369: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fyu7se6gmyilianmb is so possed burarahurricane#6369: im not good ar this lsia burarahurricane#6369: 😭 burarahurricane#6369: POSSESSS burarahurricane#6369: POSSES burarahurricane#6369: she didnt pisses you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: btw xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisa possessed me burarahurricane#6369: struggle burarahurricane#6369: strruggle burarahurricane#6369: steuggle burarahurricane#6369: rstrugle xXthat1redheadXx#9990: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE burarahurricane#6369: the struggly xXthat1redheadXx#9990: REVGJ 5Y burarahurricane#6369: lgmao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lkgseftju6f 576ur4ku65798q3h. 47uidsycwekhy burarahurricane#6369: ehehhehe xXthat1redheadXx#9990: jkklvgj l f xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ghj' burarahurricane#6369: noises burarahurricane#6369: DEMON burarahurricane#6369: making burarahurricane#6369: keeps burarahurricane#6369: my tabke burarahurricane#6369: its falling off as i walk burarahurricane#6369: shoe got VERY untied idk how burarahurricane#6369: cat? burarahurricane#6369: of this earth burarahurricane#6369: people burarahurricane#6369: hello lisx#1702: it's not fun lisx#1702: but lisx#1702: yeah lisx#1702: uh PeckServers.com#8342: Don't you have school lisx#1702: i'm bored lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: until u become a drug addict WalterJS#2477: but did you know that meditation is good for you WalterJS#2477: I’m not that far gone WalterJS#2477: HAHAHAHAHA burarahurricane#6369: lmfaooo lisx#1702: uhh PeckServers.com#8342: Don't forget your essential oils and remember you have that pyramid scheme meeting later today EJCaldwell#2924: worth saying up EJCaldwell#2924: I just guessed a answer for a higher point question and got it right EJCaldwell#2924: i don't know if i want to finish this LA assignment thats at 80% or go to sleep EJCaldwell#2924: and i am not George so i don't correct people burarahurricane#6369: i CLEARLY can type just fine burarahurricane#6369: ur weak if uou need autocorrect EJCaldwell#2924: lol burarahurricane#6369: SCREW AUTOCORRECT ITS FOR WIMPS EJCaldwell#2924: so frick auto correct EJCaldwell#2924: there was not a correct auto correct word EJCaldwell#2924: Cruel burarahurricane#6369: c,,,,curial,,,, Maulie#8927: Did you mean to say Crucial or Cruel? EJCaldwell#2924: and i don't care if that is proper spelling EJCaldwell#2924: our math teacher is not that curial okay Maulie#8927: But our teacher kinda flipped out today. Maulie#8927: I wish we could do that in Orchestra Maulie#8927: The main summary of the plus sign is.... lisx#1702: nah Maulie#8927: But one for math? Like... lisx#1702: art skills go brrrrrrr lisx#1702: I like doing them tho lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: im sick of posters burarahurricane#6369: we had to do one for geography i think too Maulie#8927: So you had to make a poster for science, and a poster for Language arts? ~~You gonna have to do one for math? XD~~ Your school sure loves posters. Maulie#8927: Nope Maulie#8927: War? lisx#1702: Have you read Enders game lisx#1702: But yeah lisx#1702: Hence Maulie#8927: "Have the nickname buggers" lisx#1702: 😐 this is all I did this entire afternoon lisx#1702: La book project lisx#1702: Maulie#8927: Finished what? lisx#1702: I'VE FINISHED burarahurricane#6369: my ice cream is crunchy :/ MMMMM#2210: ? lisx#1702: whats that burarahurricane#6369: <:walter:911026649192091708> WalterJS#2477: its permanent WalterJS#2477: but- its not like a 24 hour thing WalterJS#2477: its going to be epic WalterJS#2477: i am deciding to do a dopamine detox WalterJS#2477: at 7:20 WalterJS#2477: right now WalterJS#2477: bro xXthat1redheadXx#9990: shut up burarahurricane#6369: rip that sucks burarahurricane#6369: maybe world domination IS something im interested in burarahurricane#6369: the amount of power I felt when those kids moved away so i could give the stuff to the teacher PeckServers.com#8342: Sore PeckServers.com#8342: My throat kept me up all night burarahurricane#6369: cat did wake me up at 4am tho :/ burarahurricane#6369: pewwww by burarahurricane#6369: time kinda just burarahurricane#6369: i dont know when i went to sleep last night burarahurricane#6369: :0 EJCaldwell#2924: and i don't know why i am awake EJCaldwell#2924: i need to sleep EJCaldwell#2924: lol PeckServers.com#8342: My hell PeckServers.com#8342: Then don't waste my time MMMMM#2210: No PeckServers.com#8342: Google things you don't understand MMMMM#2210: Gaslighter? PeckServers.com#8342: George,? Means nothing MMMMM#2210: ? PeckServers.com#8342: i really hope nobody can see these PeckServers.com#8342: burarahurricane#6369: omg no way PeckServers.com#8342: i did just use reasoning to explain my evidence PeckServers.com#8342: they are right PeckServers.com#8342: bruh lisx#1702: just gonna... use another python program... lisx#1702: WHAT KIND OF MATH PROBLEM IS THIS WHO DO YOU THINK I AM lisx#1702: yeah MMMMM#2210: U sure its not black lisx#1702: she sadi lisx#1702: and any pants lisx#1702: * lisx#1702: k lisx#1702: dK MMMMM#2210: K lisx#1702: the latter lisx#1702: you're welcome MMMMM#2210: White or jazz band lisx#1702: shirt MMMMM#2210: What do we wear to jazz band thing tomorrow lisx#1702: uh MMMMM#2210: <@!726265256082407504> <@!734161534799839272> burarahurricane#6369: get SWINDLED burarahurricane#6369: JKAHDFLKJAGHDLJFHGADSJLHFG lisx#1702: and then he gets swindled by alysse's *cLeVeRly mADe diSguIsE* lisx#1702: First he gets left behind by student council lisx#1702: You know, it must've been a very sad day for Liam today burarahurricane#6369: LMFOQ89Y3IUHE lisx#1702: hcildes these day s lisx#1702: sigh lisx#1702: ... burarahurricane#6369: IKJADHFAKJDHFLKJAHD THAT WAS THE WILDEST EXPIERENCE EVER xXthat1redheadXx#9990: (I still can't believe it...) lisx#1702: byeeee burarahurricane#6369: byeeee xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if I didn't know with that then I'd be dumb but anyways adios frfr xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if I wait what it showed up lisx#1702: rip burarahurricane#6369: rip lisx#1702: oh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no pfp ever loads on this computer lisx#1702: pride 🏳️‍🌈 burarahurricane#6369: that makes SO much more sense burarahurricane#6369: OH lisx#1702: ? burarahurricane#6369: I hope your pride can survive this encounter lisx#1702: crappy computer lisx#1702: oh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that why lisx#1702: your stupid liam xXthat1redheadXx#9990: burarahurricane#6369: goodnight liam lisx#1702: ... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok I gtg now but thank you for telling me that is was actually you and you should change your name back to PEE I liked it 😁 burarahurricane#6369: I DIDNT CHANGE MY PFP OR ANYTHIIGN.,,,M, burarahurricane#6369: aHOW DID YOU THIK IT WAS AUSTIN INM ,.DJFKJHSDFLKJHSDF lisx#1702: *I wonder why* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wdym burarahurricane#6369: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisx#1702: shield your eyes lisx#1702: you swore lisx#1702: oh no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: burarahurricane#6369: it was just sl funnyy burarahurricane#6369: sorry lmaoooo burarahurricane#6369: lakjdsfglahjkgdfkhajf;h burarahurricane#6369: we were telling you burarahurricane#6369: this was all YIOR fault burarahurricane#6369: okay but really burarahurricane#6369: ... lisx#1702: ... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was still speculating burarahurricane#6369: yaehhh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yk what you should feel sorry cause this is why I have trust issues lmao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so is that why you were wondering why that was your nickname xXthat1redheadXx#9990: they were fake people burarahurricane#6369: kjhKJLAHDKLFJAAKJDHFKAHLGDG xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no lmao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you are so lucky that I didn't click on the pfp cause I was gonna do it to see your real thing cause you said "nickname" but then I didn't burarahurricane#6369: people have also roleplayed austin the student council vice president? burarahurricane#6369: so youre telling me that burarahurricane#6369: what xXthat1redheadXx#9990: this is the (third if you count people but second if you count times) that this has happened burarahurricane#6369: ok blood okay burarahurricane#6369: OUT OF HAND xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's not good burarahurricane#6369: IT GOT A LITTLE xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh no burarahurricane#6369: sorry burarahurricane#6369: yeah burarahurricane#6369: uh burarahurricane#6369: butyou kno its dragon right. burarahurricane#6369: I THINK I JUST SNORTED BLOOD HOLD ON burarahurricane#6369: *91836OUIQYQOPEUWAHF;AIOELDHOIAEWJGDFLK;JYQLIWUK.J5H3Q0[WEA87197PU827IUWRETHF;KLFHKJfdljkhaghkjhaKJADSHFLKJAHFKJASDKJLADFGHLHKJDFS* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and the last time that happened a gay kid said he liked me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm going to delete this f app right now burarahurricane#6369: click on my profile burarahurricane#6369: liam burarahurricane#6369: lism burarahurricane#6369: sorry lisa burarahurricane#6369: uh burarahurricane#6369: okay burarahurricane#6369: i am DYING xXthat1redheadXx#9990: continue burarahurricane#6369: JAHDFLKQY3-17867209[E7QFAYPGJKW;RUFDHBXVLJKF;LAUSZHJG.KNDSJH;JLZVKLA'GSDHJKN.J xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the last time I heard that something interesting happened but ok burarahurricane#6369: cuz if so i have to tell you something xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *yeah*? burarahurricane#6369: for the nifht burarahurricane#6369: oh god are you leaving like xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well I gtg mates so burarahurricane#6369: lol xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idk how either lol burarahurricane#6369: but fair burarahurricane#6369: well idk how id be convicted of being a band kid if i dont play anything xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but if you were being convicted of being a band kid I hope you'd defend yourself cause otherwise that's just sad xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmao burarahurricane#6369: i didnt think when i joined this discord i would get lectured about band kids again but here we are xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah burarahurricane#6369: cash xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh and cash (kash Idek) would be a band kid too xXthat1redheadXx#9990: most trumpets aren't band kids burarahurricane#6369: thats true xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and sam xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause that would mean aldo is a band kid otherwise burarahurricane#6369: ok xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the stereotype is mostly for any clarinet and that's kinda it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you would know burarahurricane#6369: idk i dont really see much of a difference xXthat1redheadXx#9990: not the other xXthat1redheadXx#9990: one is good xXthat1redheadXx#9990: there is difference between band kids and saxophone kids burarahurricane#6369: there was a punchline somwhere xXthat1redheadXx#9990: we discussed this already burarahurricane#6369: uh i forgot what i was gonna say burarahurricane#6369: band kids lisx#1702: okay burarahurricane#6369: okay xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: anyways I'm getting to hyper for nor reason so I need to stop talking xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause lynn did it and I was like "that seems easy" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh I learned one part of "industry baby" just to annoy people in band burarahurricane#6369: 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's better to not know xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hahahahah rip lisx#1702: yessir burarahurricane#6369: whos george xXthat1redheadXx#9990: george? burarahurricane#6369: <:hehe:856378380332433408> lisx#1702: ~~where is tgeorge anyway~~ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😏 lisx#1702: THIS IS lisx#1702: DF;KJ LF burarahurricane#6369: I’m so good of course I’ll land it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait lisa don't you have a concert tomorrow lisx#1702: OMG xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no if you at least land it it will be allowed xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but remember *only* if you- burarahurricane#6369: ok bet xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if you break you teeth I'll allow it lisx#1702: ✨ ™️ lisx#1702: STUPIDITY AT ITS FINEST xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh <@!511219622628950027> fsfs burarahurricane#6369: i could do another flip to reach your head xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and probably walter xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@!852187118113652776> can and I'm pretty sure <@!383372123714093098> can at least lisx#1702: *do you* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: heheheh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm taller xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause yk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and you guys can't pet me legally burarahurricane#6369: \*pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's called asking questions when yk the answers lisx#1702: \*pat pat apt pat pat apt * lisx#1702: \*pat pat pat pat pat* lisx#1702: \*pat pat pat* lisx#1702: \*pat pat* burarahurricane#6369: I can understand you lisx#1702: itds abe a mirancle is af anythingo ne can understand ame at this point lisx#1702: 2redfa lisx#1702: disiseiwred burarahurricane#6369: it was pretty awwkard lisx#1702: you are bad at communication liam lisx#1702: KFJLASJDFL burarahurricane#6369: ALKJDHFKLAJSDHFLKJASDFLKJADFGLKJADFGHLKAJHSDFGLKAHJSDFGALKJSDFGJKLDFAG lisx#1702: RESTROOM xXthat1redheadXx#9990: mmmhhhhhmmmmm burarahurricane#6369: I'm totally innocent burarahurricane#6369: idk what u mean man xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm on to you... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😑 burarahurricane#6369: yeahh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: aight xXthat1redheadXx#9990: "probably"? burarahurricane#6369: it was probably sam xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but that leaves another half xXthat1redheadXx#9990: aldo said sam shoved half of it in his mouth whole and he said "so?" when we consulted him burarahurricane#6369: um xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I heard it was sam from aldo (only half Ig) but then lisa said it was you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *who* ate my sandwich on the field trip xXthat1redheadXx#9990: also burarahurricane#6369: makes sense xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but I also don't like kpop that much to sum it all up xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's like going up to someone and maybe swearing or joking with them about things you should only with friends but your saying it to a stranger xXthat1redheadXx#9990: this one person said that he learned korean from kpop but this other person said that you really shouldn't learn but it's a good supplementary thing cause it's not really respectful to talk to a random stranger the way you'd talk to a friend in korea which is what it's speaking like in kpop burarahurricane#6369: thats... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: haha- burarahurricane#6369: 😎 burarahurricane#6369: do you listen to kpop xXthat1redheadXx#9990: gj xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I need to learn more cause I only know that alphabet and there's no one here to help me learn (mainly to talk to in korean if I even could) which makes it a lot harder burarahurricane#6369: saw the opportunity, took it burarahurricane#6369: yep xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh wow you had to do me like that burarahurricane#6369: oh cool burarahurricane#6369: i mean theyre not wrong xXthat1redheadXx#9990: korean xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's probably cause I'm a ginger 😡 burarahurricane#6369: what language are you learning xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's useless cause no one answers me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but again xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and it has a lot of customizations for how well you want the people to be in it (like for me I'd put that I'm native in english) burarahurricane#6369: ohh thats cool xXthat1redheadXx#9990: from them xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but this one is specifically to help you learn the language burarahurricane#6369: and any other app xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but it's only good if people text back burarahurricane#6369: disocrd burarahurricane#6369: isn't that just like burarahurricane#6369: wow xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's like an app to text people from *all* around the world burarahurricane#6369: what does on tandem mean xXthat1redheadXx#9990: they are like 10-14 hours ahead but *still* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no one answers me on tandem 😿 burarahurricane#6369: ok xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's the last time today I promise burarahurricane#6369: this time it actually makes sense xXthat1redheadXx#9990: (don't judge me it's a perfect time but) burarahurricane#6369: i dont understand them xXthat1redheadXx#9990: middle school girls have an interesting thought prosses burarahurricane#6369: I am pretty cool xXthat1redheadXx#9990: or so you think they're cool? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: to get popular? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: trying to get on a good side? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: flirting? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I guess to have a bunch of weird girls (Idek) with you burarahurricane#6369: its pretty great burarahurricane#6369: 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👍 burarahurricane#6369: yeah burarahurricane#6369: uh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I only guessed (knew) cause lolly and the other girls were saying that should be your nickname burarahurricane#6369: SDJHFLHJSDFLG burarahurricane#6369: renstrom* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok yeah Ik burarahurricane#6369: wait frivk xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah burarahurricane#6369: restrom burarahurricane#6369: nothing nothing hes it does start with an r xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait what burarahurricane#6369: ... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Idk how to spell your last name but it starts with an r burarahurricane#6369: me too xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I really hope so burarahurricane#6369: <@!776230986324246558> burarahurricane#6369: so do you know who i am or xXthat1redheadXx#9990: frfr burarahurricane#6369: experience burarahurricane#6369: ex;errience burarahurricane#6369: a strange burarahurricane#6369: this is xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh dear burarahurricane#6369: my ear is pulsating xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but it's ok? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I never remember ever being able to shame the wraith in shadow of war xXthat1redheadXx#9990: burarahurricane#6369: love it when you use the same reaction images over and over burarahurricane#6369: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: burarahurricane#6369: i literqllyl cant xXthat1redheadXx#9990: burarahurricane#6369: what lisx#1702: omg lisx#1702: z lisx#1702: y lisx#1702: x lisx#1702: w xXthat1redheadXx#9990: HAHAHHAAHHAHA burarahurricane#6369: are dangerous burarahurricane#6369: rays xXthat1redheadXx#9990: haha you fools I was actually ***INVISIBLE*** lisx#1702: v burarahurricane#6369: uv lisx#1702: u lisx#1702: t lisx#1702: s lisx#1702: r lisx#1702: q lisx#1702: p lisx#1702: o lisx#1702: n lisx#1702: m lisx#1702: l lisx#1702: k lisx#1702: j lisx#1702: i lisx#1702: h lisx#1702: g lisx#1702: f lisx#1702: e lisx#1702: d lisx#1702: c lisx#1702: b lisx#1702: a burarahurricane#6369: IMKGAFDHFHq9-13863q26eirwyadfgcjkv;ul317qawyedsfgzh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: bye xXthat1redheadXx#9990: uh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: uh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: um xXthat1redheadXx#9990: h-h-h-h-how xXthat1redheadXx#9990: how- xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/sweating-nervous-paranoid-gif-4974019 lisx#1702: . xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'll do it again xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I swear if I have to ask again... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was never INFORMED OF THIS INFORMATION BOOIEEURHPDOI FHPODSKLGHJBPO DIUS:LKJGNMJPSO:DIUG burarahurricane#6369: jPELSE THIS IS PHYSICALLY *P A I N I N G* ME burarahurricane#6369: LKSJDFHLSKDJFHLSKJDFHLSKDJFGLSDHFGSLJHGFJSHDFVLJHSDGFKHSDGF burarahurricane#6369: IMG GOINT TO DIE xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok when would Ik in the first place lisx#1702: who knew................... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so yes...? lisx#1702: 🤦 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 😇 lisx#1702: oh my god xXthat1redheadXx#9990: plz xXthat1redheadXx#9990: OK IS HE THE AUSTIN THAT IK OR NOT lisx#1702: oh the betrayla xXthat1redheadXx#9990: when did he know (I hope irl but on discord it makes sense) lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/1VSuFS7PahCN3SWbOcQ98m?si=f0dbbe50da104c10 burarahurricane#6369: ||whspr: I think he forgot too|| xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I think I was lied to lisx#1702: ||whspr i thikn he pformegot who u were|| xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait so is he lisx#1702: yeah see that clever connection I made xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmao burarahurricane#6369: . xXthat1redheadXx#9990: gn xXthat1redheadXx#9990: gj burarahurricane#6369: have fun doing the thingy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: is your name austin lisx#1702: okie burarahurricane#6369: kadjfkljahdflkajghdf burarahurricane#6369: lmao burarahurricane#6369: ?? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok it's not that one burarahurricane#6369: lmao have you ever seen me burarahurricane#6369: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait is <@!749747503947055136> in student council PeckServers.com#8342: alright scsi boii's, have a wonderful night, yer boii is gon play some minecraft lisx#1702: you got the tin part? burarahurricane#6369: keysmash burarahurricane#6369: undless ists just a burarahurricane#6369: i dont get that part lisx#1702: he's everywahre burarahurricane#6369: what is the "msda23" part of my username xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://tenor.com/view/peace-out-gif-22295199 lisx#1702: was a beUEATIFUL SOULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmao lisx#1702: *alyseeeeeeeeeeeeeeef* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: has no one seen my amogus gif yet lisx#1702: 🎶 lisx#1702: I'll write a song for you burarahurricane#6369: https://tenor.com/view/gotta-go-gtg-peace-out-gif-11015153 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait xXthat1redheadXx#9990: boom baba lisx#1702: we'll see you in another life burarahurricane#6369: the shame lisx#1702: rip lisx#1702: too late now lisx#1702: BAM xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lol PeckServers.com#8342: gun to head burarahurricane#6369: (head in hands) xXthat1redheadXx#9990: what happened burarahurricane#6369: i put 1^2 as 2 burarahurricane#6369: i am an actual idiot xXthat1redheadXx#9990: so yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: cause I had already gone downstair and forgorted the charger and then gave up but then since there was more of a point that made me want to do it *again* burarahurricane#6369: oh my gosh lisx#1702: sure lisx#1702: nooooooo lisx#1702: :stairs: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: if it helps me go downstairs it is what it is PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: imma show you how to warp time and space if you believe that lisx#1702: 🥪 lisx#1702: 🍞 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and the bwead is beautiful burarahurricane#6369: smh burarahurricane#6369: what if its an endangered species? lisx#1702: 🐦 🐦 🐦 🪦 burarahurricane#6369: you could be hurting their population xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I got a sandwhich too burarahurricane#6369: thats a lot of birds xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yay three birds with one stone lisx#1702: in this universe lisx#1702: as of right this second lisx#1702: for now burarahurricane#6369: yep lisx#1702: during this timespace lisx#1702: in this particular moment lisx#1702: at hand lisx#1702: case lisx#1702: the current lisx#1702: precisely lisx#1702: that's lisx#1702: exactly lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: n i c e PeckServers.com#8342: you mean to tell me that you have no joint cartilage left? burarahurricane#6369: <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> burarahurricane#6369: painful burarahurricane#6369: bone rubbin on bone is burarahurricane#6369: axiety lisx#1702: https://open.spotify.com/track/2U5WueTLIK5WJLD7mvDODv?si=8efaa10c7d45436b burarahurricane#6369: yeah burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> burarahurricane#6369: wait whats he r burarahurricane#6369: @lisa did you do this PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dKxk4NIzb4 burarahurricane#6369: : ( burarahurricane#6369: my knees poppped xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ok that makes it better brb burarahurricane#6369: WTF WHO CAHMNGED MY THING xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I can get a charger too PeckServers.com#8342: so creative burarahurricane#6369: THE WORLD IS NOT OKAY xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh yay two birds with one stone PeckServers.com#8342: <@!749747503947055136> wow burarahurricane#6369: SUFFERING burarahurricane#6369: **PAIN** xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh well I think I should go xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ✨ ✨ ✨ *axiety*✨ ✨ ✨ PeckServers.com#8342: les laziant burarahurricane#6369: chocolate eee PeckServers.com#8342: wee wee xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no just xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well I want le chocolate lisx#1702: do your knees hurt too? PeckServers.com#8342: or just eat it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no I have to go downstairs 😩 PeckServers.com#8342: me when i press restart instead of shutdown PeckServers.com#8342: felt that xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I GRABBED OATMEAL RASIN INSTEAD OF ***CHOCOLATE CHIP*** PeckServers.com#8342: death by monkeys burarahurricane#6369: 🗡️ lisx#1702: hot sauce burarahurricane#6369: no chill only kill xXthat1redheadXx#9990: JNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOJHGUGFKUYT&RODUKFYI*U:GILR:| xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 5 lisx#1702: 666 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 4 lisx#1702: 333 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: -11 burarahurricane#6369: 5 5 lisx#1702: tiekwl PeckServers.com#8342: 10 PeckServers.com#8342: 10 PeckServers.com#8342: 01 lisx#1702: -12405i643refd PeckServers.com#8342: 10 0 PeckServers.com#8342: 10 PeckServers.com#8342: 10 PeckServers.com#8342: 10 PeckServers.com#8342: 10 PeckServers.com#8342: 010 lisx#1702: -1222 PeckServers.com#8342: 01 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: -1 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: -10 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: -9 lisx#1702: -9 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: -8 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: -7 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: -6 lisx#1702: -7 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 lisx#1702: -6 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 lisx#1702: -5 lisx#1702: -23 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: -5 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: - lisx#1702: 1-7 PeckServers.com#8342: 1 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: -4 PeckServers.com#8342: 01 lisx#1702: -6 PeckServers.com#8342: 1 PeckServers.com#8342: 0 PeckServers.com#8342: 1 PeckServers.com#8342: 10 lisx#1702: -5 PeckServers.com#8342: 10 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: -2 PeckServers.com#8342: 0 PeckServers.com#8342: 01 PeckServers.com#8342: 1010101010 101 0 10101 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: -1 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 5 lisx#1702: -4 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 5 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 5 lisx#1702: -3 burarahurricane#6369: 5 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 lisx#1702: -2 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 lisx#1702: -1 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 lisx#1702: 0 lisx#1702: 1 PeckServers.com#8342: 1 lisx#1702: 2 PeckServers.com#8342: 2 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 5 PeckServers.com#8342: 3 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 55 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 5 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 5 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 5 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 5 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 5 PeckServers.com#8342: 4 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 5 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 5 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: STHUT UP ABOUT SPAM DISCORFD lisx#1702: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: text week tuesday 😭 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 burarahurricane#6369: 5 PeckServers.com#8342: weem burarahurricane#6369: 5 days burarahurricane#6369: we have burarahurricane#6369: next weem lisx#1702: christmas lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: i mean school gets out like this week or next week for all of us burarahurricane#6369: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but otherwise no PeckServers.com#8342: well lisx#1702: l u c k y xXthat1redheadXx#9990: they did good on some songs (like two) lisx#1702: for you? PeckServers.com#8342: wooooooooooooo lisx#1702: but when you *look* at it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: the percussion kinda sucked balls in the concert PeckServers.com#8342: only a couple more days of school xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ngl burarahurricane#6369: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that's two o's fs xXthat1redheadXx#9990: f xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oo xXthat1redheadXx#9990: hola papi lisx#1702: only when you do it lisx#1702: oof lisx#1702: it still looks like an infinity sign xXthat1redheadXx#9990: two o's lisx#1702: hahaha PeckServers.com#8342: it said "oof" PeckServers.com#8342: its for when your thing said "f" PeckServers.com#8342: time for glasses lisx#1702: logically the sky would be up for me as well burarahurricane#6369: two o's lisx#1702: lines are blurring together lisx#1702: I'm physically unable to tell if that's two o's or an infinity sign burarahurricane#6369: so true PeckServers.com#8342: wbu PeckServers.com#8342: the sky lisx#1702: whats up lisx#1702: HEY CODY lisx#1702: LOL PeckServers.com#8342: cyclopse PeckServers.com#8342: jk PeckServers.com#8342: what, I stare at you... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Everyone could see if I did xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Usually I make my eyes very wide but again burarahurricane#6369: yep xXthat1redheadXx#9990: It works very well to get peoples attention burarahurricane#6369: darn xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Haha burarahurricane#6369: i was watching you 👁️ xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Everyone could see xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was debating it but I realized everyone could see me or to blink me shirt lights but again burarahurricane#6369: I probably looked away to send this burarahurricane#6369: lmao xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Cause I saw but you stopped and looked away as I saw so I thought you were doing it not to me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I agree burarahurricane#6369: I think so burarahurricane#6369: maybe it was one of thee faces xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Bean burarahurricane#6369: well xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Cause if so I sawoh burarahurricane#6369: a burarahurricane#6369: i mmade like burarahurricane#6369: no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Did you make a really big frowning face burarahurricane#6369: lol MMMMM#2210: Thats kinda… weird xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Lmao burarahurricane#6369: how i got out of that gym actually burarahurricane#6369: remember burarahurricane#6369: i do not burarahurricane#6369: i must have been out of it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: As in your direction xXthat1redheadXx#9990: But I saw you look to your mom and I think maybe point so I stopped looking that direction xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 👍 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: So yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Oh and if I laughed (im sorry im really dark) but I was like would if after the concert you were like “liam!” then tripped all the way down the stairs but then said no that’s bad she is friend PeckServers.com#8342: how is yall doin? burarahurricane#6369: hi PeckServers.com#8342: omfh daddys home! burarahurricane#6369: multiple times actually burarahurricane#6369: yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: You made a face xXthat1redheadXx#9990: At first I was wonder if it was you but then yeah burarahurricane#6369: why didnt you make a face back :( burarahurricane#6369: LDKFJSDKJFHLSDKJFGHLDKSHFG xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I saw you texting and realized you realized and probably already took a pic of me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: A long time xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Staring at you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was burarahurricane#6369: :0 darn i specifically didnt wear a mask so people wouldnt recognize me /lh burarahurricane#6369: NDJDBDKDNFKG xXthat1redheadXx#9990: You right xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was wondering how long it would take for you to see me lisx#1702: look its u lisx#1702: <@!776230986324246558> lisx#1702: I better not forget to wear my jazz band shirst lisx#1702: WELL AT LEAST I DONT HAVE TO BE AT SCHOOL MUCH TOMORROW EITHER lisx#1702: sigh burarahurricane#6369: i wish it was burarahurricane#6369: no :(((((((((((( lisx#1702: is it friday yet 😭 burarahurricane#6369: amen lisx#1702: LEGAL? nOT WITHOU THTE IL lisx#1702: whic hfeels like a lot of time burarahurricane#6369: SOEMONE CALL 911 THIS IS *I L L E G A L* lisx#1702: i haven't [p;lauyed since last......................wednesday lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: and ebery time i went for a wide one i was like oh god in going to fall im going to fall lisx#1702: rest as needed lisx#1702: yeah burarahurricane#6369: i couldnt get to the ball burarahurricane#6369: i went on last monday and it hurt a lof lisx#1702: NOTHING LIKE UNATHORIZED KAZOOING KIDS lisx#1702: 😂 burarahurricane#6369: OH DEAR THE KDIS R USING THE KAZOOS UNAUTHORIZED burarahurricane#6369: not really lisx#1702: have you still been playing tennis? burarahurricane#6369: i think at this point if i tried to run my legs would just completely nope out from under me burarahurricane#6369: whyd we have to go on the top row : burarahurricane#6369: the choir burarahurricane#6369: band actually sounds pretty solid nice job burarahurricane#6369: she doesnt . carry around chocolate? lisx#1702: 😅 haha... lisx#1702: and gives me chocolate because she doesn't like it <:blobaww:828416679495073845> burarahurricane#6369: i made a weird face ar liam just in case he was looking at me again but i was too far away to tell if he did it back lisx#1702: she's usually pretty nice to me burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: i hope I see her lisx#1702: well lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: 5th lisx#1702: for jazz band lisx#1702: and we're going to play lisx#1702: because we're going to sunset tomorrow during "recess" lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> lisx#1702: 5th? lisx#1702: 4th? lisx#1702: what grade is saiti in? lisx#1702: wait lisx#1702: well tomorrow lisx#1702: r lisx#1702: septembe lisx#1702: from lisx#1702: capslock lisx#1702: oops lisx#1702: LOL burarahurricane#6369: it was so….meek burarahurricane#6369: that ending was kinda sad burarahurricane#6369: wow burarahurricane#6369: AHA i did it burarahurricane#6369: obviously burarahurricane#6369: obviuoysly burarahurricane#6369: obvioulsly burarahurricane#6369: obvuousky burarahurricane#6369: obtaiuoy burarahurricane#6369: obviuwoy lisx#1702: haha lisx#1702: well *I* was playing when we played polar express so obviously our was better burarahurricane#6369: cayson looks out of breath lisx#1702: haha burarahurricane#6369: i think we did it better burarahurricane#6369: theyre playing polar express burarahurricane#6369: couldnt see anything out thr window burarahurricane#6369: ywah it was axtually pouring like crazy when we drove over lisx#1702: it's so cool lisx#1702: much lisx#1702: it's raining so lisx#1702: as you should be burarahurricane#6369: im unnerved burarahurricane#6369: its unnerving burarahurricane#6369: inwould take a video but like what about copystrike /j lisx#1702: 🕳️ lisx#1702: into your soul lisx#1702: No he's definitely staring right at you burarahurricane#6369: lmao lisx#1702: these could totally be 16th century famous paintings lisx#1702: kazoos lisx#1702: https://tenor.com/view/kazookid-kazoo-jammin-this-my-jam-music-gif-5574703 burarahurricane#6369: KAZZOOS lisx#1702: really burarahurricane#6369: THEY GAVE THE ELEMENTARY SCCHOLSERS KAZZIS lisx#1702: to be zooming in that much and stuff kind of distinguish facial features burarahurricane#6369: OH GOD burarahurricane#6369: band doesnr sound that bad actually burarahurricane#6369: <:hehe:856378380332433408> lisx#1702: haha lisx#1702: your phone has really high quality burarahurricane#6369: awww burarahurricane#6369: gotta hand it to the kid in the santa onsie lisx#1702: creepy lisx#1702: yeah burarahurricane#6369: crowd burarahurricane#6369: i canr tlel if hes staring right at me or into the crows burarahurricane#6369: omg thata xrazy hes doung the same rhing rn lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: that shoyld be a n emoji burarahurricane#6369: LFMAOSKOANDDK lisx#1702: burarahurricane#6369: see burarahurricane#6369: u cans we hims burarahurricane#6369: actually no burarahurricane#6369: blocked burarahurricane#6369: blocksd burarahurricane#6369: lvlones burarahurricane#6369: i think liam is brokw lisx#1702: I already ddi lisx#1702: but *you'd* be there so OFC id' wanna come! burarahurricane#6369: and burarahurricane#6369: try to find george burarahurricane#6369: i didnt inow u would want to come lol lisx#1702: you shouldve asked me to come with you burarahurricane#6369: lisx#1702: an *elementary* choir lisx#1702: WITH A CHOIR lisx#1702: PERFOCMING lisx#1702: IMAGINE burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: 😂 lisx#1702: so sad lisx#1702: thats burarahurricane#6369: sunset elementary choir lisx#1702: why tho burarahurricane#6369: with burarahurricane#6369: because they’re performing burarahurricane#6369: oh hut i do lisx#1702: have simblings lisx#1702: you don't lisx#1702: why do you have to be at the concert? lisx#1702: oh lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> lisx#1702: where do you see them? burarahurricane#6369: omg i see him too burarahurricane#6369: liams in band too rigjt burarahurricane#6369: i see geroge burarahurricane#6369: :( burarahurricane#6369: t burarahurricane#6369: concertnt burarahurricane#6369: the stupid burarahurricane#6369: to the thing burarahurricane#6369: but i have to go burarahurricane#6369: im so tired lisx#1702: I DON'T HAVE TO GO TO TENNIS lisx#1702: THIS IS AMAZING lisx#1702: YES IT'S RAINING EJCaldwell#2924: love this video xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but Idek xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmao burarahurricane#6369: how am I ssupposed to rmember what i watfch HDFJKH burarahurricane#6369: becaus e burarahurricane#6369: im having a crisis burarahurricane#6369: has anyone else's youtube gotten rid of the little red bar that shows if you[ve watched it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://youtu.be/xWsIZQBTUHw I wanna make lightning strike xXthat1redheadXx#9990: again on purpose xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I really hope you know that I did that on perpose lisx#1702: at least you didn't make it "lieberry" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I spelled it wright at the liebrarey MMMMM#2210: even more proud lisx#1702: *Arial xXthat1redheadXx#9990: why arial MMMMM#2210: so proud xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it looks *good* (I like the colors) but like lisx#1702: *whose xXthat1redheadXx#9990: whose class Maulie#8927: ??? EJCaldwell#2924: and it was interesting for some reason EJCaldwell#2924: there is not blood in it tho burarahurricane#6369: icky burarahurricane#6369: surgery burarahurricane#6369: no EJCaldwell#2924: ima watch a person i don't know get lasik eye surgery EJCaldwell#2924: you ever just like EJCaldwell#2924: i'm in your class burarahurricane#6369: as well as ur age EJCaldwell#2924: its my name lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: thats a lot of free information burarahurricane#6369: wow EJCaldwell#2924: 06 = birth year EJCaldwell#2924: Caldwell = Caldwell lisx#1702: oh EJCaldwell#2924: J = Jared lisx#1702: whaats your midle mname EJCaldwell#2924: E = Ethan EJCaldwell#2924: it is my real name if you space everything out WalterJS#2477: cuz tracey is bad WalterJS#2477: ya ik its slow xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and why did you put you discord name on it in ariel xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@!383372123714093098> I saw your long board lisx#1702: It is kinda slow tho MMMMM#2210: And old one better MMMMM#2210: Its kinda slow lisx#1702: ooh can i make it pink then lisx#1702: i was gonna say burarahurricane#6369: i didnt kniw its that easy to lose lisa but It Is WalterJS#2477: In my example theres 3 red, 2 white, and 4 black, so theres a 1/3 chance of red, 2/9 chance of white, and 4/9 chance of black WalterJS#2477: its based on probability WalterJS#2477: you can change the colors in the colors array to change the colors WalterJS#2477: https://codehs.com/sandbox/waltershewmake/background-generator WalterJS#2477: Its generated by a program I made in tracey WalterJS#2477: Check out the new PFP MMMMM#2210: ? burarahurricane#6369: im traumatized PeckServers.com#8342: *dark history* PeckServers.com#8342: theres history with them and the days of the week burarahurricane#6369: yes Maulie#8927: The stuff? burarahurricane#6369: and its less about the day itself and more of,,,,the stuff that Comes With it burarahurricane#6369: I still say it about tuesday bc it has school too :( Maulie#8927: For every week Maulie#8927: Monday just gets so much hate because it's the first day of school Maulie#8927: You would say the same thing about Tuesday if we started school on Tuesday Maulie#8927: If you like RTS games then sure burarahurricane#6369: monday :( burarahurricane#6369: its PeckServers.com#8342: or same ol PeckServers.com#8342: any new fun ones? PeckServers.com#8342: noice Maulie#8927: Just playing games PeckServers.com#8342: what are you all up to today? MMMMM#2210: im listening give_a_minute#1155: whispers solemnly into ear: *Now listen here* MMMMM#2210: i fixed it MMMMM#2210: there MMMMM#2210: ill be nice MMMMM#2210: fine lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: instead of making "state of the art" games lisx#1702: oh ya its also what i've been doing in python lately lisx#1702: and I can do these to avoid hw lisx#1702: I've passed off like ten things in prealgebra its so satisfying username123115#4960: Oh lisx#1702: or whatever lisx#1702: and it's not k-8 lisx#1702: it's just math problems lisx#1702: alcumus doesn't have actual games tho username123115#4960: ~~heard of prodigy before?~~ lisx#1702: but more topics lisx#1702: its just like the mathcounts trainer lisx#1702: for *fun* lisx#1702: and you *play* it username123115#4960: *wow* lisx#1702: https://artofproblemsolving.com/alcumus/ lisx#1702: and covers like every topic lisx#1702: except it's hard lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: and its nice because its easy username123115#4960: Is it glorified aleks lisx#1702: I can set it to hard addition problems lisx#1702: alcumus is so fun Maulie#8927: And put that side by side Maulie#8927: Pull up a picture of Canada lisx#1702: Im going to go do math lisx#1702: how can that look amazing lisx#1702: but it's just a bunch of squiggly lines Maulie#8927: There's no northen islands though Maulie#8927: I eyeballed it Maulie#8927: Yes lisx#1702: really lisx#1702: words hurt george. that mightve caused gabe as much pain as if a two year old was wacking him with a broom, which is a completely probable event Maulie#8927: And it looked amazing Maulie#8927: I got to draw Canada today Maulie#8927: No it doesn't lisx#1702: UGH school sucks Maulie#8927: Lol give_a_minute#1155: now listen here MMMMM#2210: easily MMMMM#2210: im pretty sure a 5 year old with a broom could beat him up MMMMM#2210: that doesnt say much MMMMM#2210: and now that i think about it MMMMM#2210: she beat up gaeb pretty easily MMMMM#2210: dont get too ahead of yourself lisx#1702: I'll just wack it out of her hand username123115#4960: Broom MMMMM#2210: but i wont MMMMM#2210: i could MMMMM#2210: yea lisx#1702: You could MMMMM#2210: i could not listen to it MMMMM#2210: or lisx#1702: I bet even if you *did* listen to it and even *liked* it you wouldn't admit it anyway lisx#1702: That's a *logical fallacy* lisx#1702: Now that's even more ad hominem MMMMM#2210: now what do those have in common lisx#1702: But mgk is a different genre than orchestral music and Taylor Swift MMMMM#2210: if someone makes bad music then the rest is probably garbage lisx#1702: Fair enough MMMMM#2210: not MMMMM#2210: i dont think whatever you consider to be amazing music that im missing out on lisx#1702: So? MMMMM#2210: well seeing as you play in orchestra and one of your favorites is taylor swift lisx#1702: And how would you know it's bad if you haven't even listened to it lisx#1702: Just know lisx#1702: You're missing out though lisx#1702: I had to *try* lisx#1702: I knew you were going to say that lisx#1702: okay MMMMM#2210: no lisx#1702: *listen to it* lisx#1702: I DID IT lisx#1702: GOOD ENOUGH lisx#1702: even tho in the song it's actually 5:36AM but thats like impossible so lisx#1702: 5:36 lisx#1702: at lisx#1702: I sent it lisx#1702: 5:3666 lisx#1702: the song MMMMM#2210: ? lisx#1702: I DID IT lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36XQD4G4KPY IT'S 5:3666 lisx#1702: I forgot lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: only on bonus test questions burarahurricane#6369: mr lang doesnt give extra credit remember lisx#1702: Maybe he just missed them? lisx#1702: but I don't see any extra credit 🤔 burarahurricane#6369: theyre pretty great burarahurricane#6369: how could u not tho burarahurricane#6369: :0 i wonder lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> I wonder if he liked Steve and Ralph EJCaldwell#2924: My mouth feels even more weird now EJCaldwell#2924: I hate retainers burarahurricane#6369: NSAKES ARENT SLIMEY xXthat1redheadXx#9990: thumsup should just be called thumbup cause it's only one thumb cause I was reading a review and it said "two thumbsup" and I thought "that should just be called thumbsup and leave the rest out cause you already made it plural" xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I've never been prouder <:hehe:856378380332433408> burarahurricane#6369: >:) xXthat1redheadXx#9990: amazing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *possible* xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's... burarahurricane#6369: man burarahurricane#6369: get REKT burarahurricane#6369: i just got my dad with a dad joke burarahurricane#6369: LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: Biden banned africa burarahurricane#6369: :0 EJCaldwell#2924: my mouth feels strange EJCaldwell#2924: i got my braces off Maulie#8927: Sorry about it being sideways Maulie#8927: We had to draw Canada and it's regions and provinces today xXthat1redheadXx#9990: well *now* he is lisx#1702: yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh my gosh yk him xXthat1redheadXx#9990: no lisx#1702: omg <@!776230986324246558> we know them burarahurricane#6369: i WAS going to say somthing about running away responsibly snd using crosswalks but then this car tried to hit me and so nvm screw crosswalks burarahurricane#6369: im running away burarahurricane#6369: goodbye burarahurricane#6369: I HATER UNYETIWNDOSNJ burarahurricane#6369: ok hope hes tgere burarahurricane#6369: <@!776230986324246558> <@!726265256082407504> is mr straasman in ur room burarahurricane#6369: LFMAOBFOSNDY give_a_minute#1155: *just to suffer* give_a_minute#1155: *why are we pinged* MMMMM#2210: <@404102391416487936> MMMMM#2210: Idk, from what ive heard shes very good with a broom lisx#1702: Or something lisx#1702: I’ll just punch her lisx#1702: I have a way to defend myself the next time <@!734161534799839272>’s little sister chases me around lisx#1702: Also lisx#1702: Especially when he goes all helicopter mode lisx#1702: Which is why all I can do is deflect his blows lisx#1702: Yeah burarahurricane#6369: A TODDLER burarahurricane#6369: is burarahurricane#6369: ur brother lisx#1702: I wish my brother was t such a wimp then I could punch him harder MMMMM#2210: No username123115#4960: You should username123115#4960: Why MMMMM#2210: Breaking the law in general burarahurricane#6369: i understand burarahurricane#6369: many things make sense now MMMMM#2210: Just MMMMM#2210: And money laundering burarahurricane#6369: sounds fun MMMMM#2210: And killing people MMMMM#2210: Meth MMMMM#2210: No lisx#1702: i think mr jensen talked about it burarahurricane#6369: like get highv? lisx#1702: they do stuff lisx#1702: and thne lisx#1702: heroine or cocaine or soemthing burarahurricane#6369: cells lisx#1702: kid or teacher or somebody cells drugs lisx#1702: teachers named walter lisx#1702: and this teacher lisx#1702: its this kid lisx#1702: ooh ooh ik burarahurricane#6369: whats that about burarahurricane#6369: cat smells like how soap tastes MMMMM#2210: The last thing i have is the breaking bad movie lisx#1702: lol PeckServers.com#8342: sucks to suck PeckServers.com#8342: welp MMMMM#2210: Nope MMMMM#2210: Nope PeckServers.com#8342: all by seth mcfarlane MMMMM#2210: Nope PeckServers.com#8342: and cleveland show PeckServers.com#8342: american dad PeckServers.com#8342: family guy MMMMM#2210: Yes PeckServers.com#8342: do you have hulu lisx#1702: yn MMMMM#2210: And i dont plan on it MMMMM#2210: No lisx#1702: have you seen agents of shield MMMMM#2210: Now i have nothing to watch MMMMM#2210: Great show MMMMM#2210: Just finished breaking bad burarahurricane#6369: ive been chillin PeckServers.com#8342: Ughh Sunday sucks burarahurricane#6369: yes burarahurricane#6369: yrd lisx#1702: is it completely unrelated burarahurricane#6369: no lisx#1702: should I be concerned burarahurricane#6369: its top seccret burarahurricane#6369: :) lisx#1702: but of what????????????? burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: so same difference lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: but i stil lahvent left my bed burarahurricane#6369: i woke up at tn thierty burarahurricane#6369: no lisx#1702: did you just wake up too? lisx#1702: of what burarahurricane#6369: >:) burarahurricane#6369: oh that remninds me burarahurricane#6369: nOOOO theres school tomorrow burarahurricane#6369: piss vibe aint too bad burarahurricane#6369: its okay burarahurricane#6369: im still pee :( burarahurricane#6369: good afternoon burarahurricane#6369: or maybe uh burarahurricane#6369: gm friends lisx#1702: its like if i made one like this https://psycatgames.com/app/friendship-quiz/?id=5d35-s0je-xror lisx#1702: and c'est something lisx#1702: and ma foi lisx#1702: hercules poirot says that a lot lisx#1702: 😒 😑 lisx#1702: these quizzes are always rigged when you make them burarahurricane#6369: lmaooo lisx#1702: on your phonem lisx#1702: remember when we used to maek those lisx#1702: its the iphoen emojis thing lisx#1702: whoa burarahurricane#6369: https://psycatgames.com/app/friendship-quiz/?id=fwti-jlwc-5ljp burarahurricane#6369: ok lisx#1702: BETTER EARLY THAN NEVER lisx#1702: YOU WIKK ALWAYS BR burarahurricane#6369: its okay burarahurricane#6369: im ditll pee burarahurricane#6369: TES burarahurricane#6369: work burarahurricane#6369: LETS GO I THINK IT CHANGED FOR REAL THIS TIME burarahurricane#6369: discord really said no only pee for you burarahurricane#6369: i must accept my fate <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> burarahurricane#6369: oh well lisx#1702: AND ECER burarahurricane#6369: actually that wouldnt WAIT YOU NACHWNR MY NAME MOOOOOOOOOOOOO lisx#1702: AND EVER lisx#1702: ANE EVER lisx#1702: EVNETAND lisx#1702: AND RVER burarahurricane#6369: NOO lisx#1702: AND EVER lisx#1702: AND EVER lisx#1702: AND EVER lisx#1702: AND EVER lisx#1702: ANS ERVF lisx#1702: AND EVER lisx#1702: AND EVER lisx#1702: YOU WILL BE PEE FOR FOREVER burarahurricane#6369: piss stuck lisx#1702: FOOLISB CHILD burarahurricane#6369: im stuck burarahurricane#6369: :( lisx#1702: … burarahurricane#6369: ten seconds burarahurricane#6369: it was fun for liek burarahurricane#6369: i dont want ro be pee anymroe burarahurricane#6369: LOOK DISCORD ISNT UPDATGJNG lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> why lisx#1702: lol PeckServers.com#8342: i wish i was lucky enough for that lisa PeckServers.com#8342: i hear you suck really good too Maulie#8927: I'm bored lisx#1702: But he doesn’t say what I want him to say because when I say I’m bored he’ll just say “that sucks” WalterJS#2477: you wish 😏 ♋ MMMMM#2210: You suck MMMMM#2210: But sure WalterJS#2477: https://codehs.com/sandbox/waltershewmake/calculator-thats-better-than-georges-1 MMMMM#2210: Not really WalterJS#2477: wanna see something cool WalterJS#2477: hey george WalterJS#2477: george is already a reply bot MMMMM#2210: You can go online and find a reply bot WalterJS#2477: I should really get that setup again WalterJS#2477: I miss having my server WalterJS#2477: dang WalterJS#2477: I would but what server would I run it on WalterJS#2477: gm burarahurricane#6369: good morning friends give_a_minute#1155: Gm Maulie#8927: Good Morning username123115#4960: gm MMMMM#2210: Gm burarahurricane#6369: yes MMMMM#2210: At the same time MMMMM#2210: While downloading 2 more MMMMM#2210: Potato pc doesnt like it when im installing like 3 programs MMMMM#2210: It turns out MMMMM#2210: Also MMMMM#2210: rooting an android phone PeckServers.com#8342: elaborate on "?" MMMMM#2210: ? PeckServers.com#8342: apparently rooting an android phone takes a lot of tabs to learn lisx#1702: u should do it lisx#1702: <@!531264285385424916> lisx#1702: that tells me to go do something useful every time i say "im bored" lisx#1702: i should make a discord bot lisx#1702: well that happens to my computer anyways MMMMM#2210: burarahurricane#6369: oof lisx#1702: that was easy ig lisx#1702: mystery solved lisx#1702: you are big brain lisx#1702: good job cody lisx#1702: you were right MMMMM#2210: it took a full 3 minutes to download discord on this thing burarahurricane#6369: a *snowflake* lisx#1702: contjoined lisx#1702: and lisx#1702: weird lisx#1702: it'll be lisx#1702: but burarahurricane#6369: its a snowflake lisx#1702: itd be so scary burarahurricane#6369: im always there burarahurricane#6369: LMGAOOSODJFN lisx#1702: literally as soon as i typed your name you came online that was kinda creepy ngl burarahurricane#6369: :0 lisx#1702: <@!749747503947055136> this guy is making "identical twin snowflakes" in a lab, so does that mean he can make *conjoined twin snowflakes* too??????????????? because thats what these 2 look like they're gonna do....... lisx#1702: 🤷 PeckServers.com#8342: has he heard of a flash drive lisx#1702: idk if it can update to windows 10 MMMMM#2210: I havent seen this screen in over a year lisx#1702: because apparently my dad has *important data* that he cant transfer on there MMMMM#2210: Y lisx#1702: its stuck on windows 7 MMMMM#2210: Old laptop MMMMM#2210: My dad has an old dell one lisx#1702: my dad has a really old lenovo computer thats really slow MMMMM#2210: Now i just have to set up windows lisx#1702: wow lisx#1702: oh MMMMM#2210: Maybe 6 hours MMMMM#2210: 5 MMMMM#2210: Ive been trying to wipe it for MMMMM#2210: My computer lisx#1702: ? lisx#1702: what is MMMMM#2210: ITS DONE lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: isnt he PeckServers.com#8342: hes like really tall tho lisx#1702: oh ya I saw him working at like menchies or something the other day lisx#1702: im going to ask him lisx#1702: 🤔 🤔 🤔 lisx#1702: and shorter lisx#1702: just without the glasses lisx#1702: WAIT YOURE RIGHT PeckServers.com#8342: that looks like zachary rasmussen PeckServers.com#8342: at the hs? lisx#1702: <@!852187118113652776> do u know who depressed kid is lisx#1702: ykw lisx#1702: UH- MMMMM#2210: Read that sentence again lisx#1702: omg i found someone ik lisx#1702: whos depressed kid MMMMM#2210: He was at the swiss days parade MMMMM#2210: Maybe mr ord? lisx#1702: maybe he lisx#1702: thats weird lisx#1702: um MMMMM#2210: I dont think they do lisx#1702: then where do those kids take history... MMMMM#2210: Nobody MMMMM#2210: Dying MMMMM#2210: Interwebs MMMMM#2210: So nobodys taken his place MMMMM#2210: And his room is completely empty lisx#1702: who teaches his classes now then MMMMM#2210: Mr beans tag is still there MMMMM#2210: But shes gone lisx#1702: but mrs window remodeled the room and everything MMMMM#2210: Idk lisx#1702: didn't she say it was a "leave of absence" tho MMMMM#2210: Break lisx#1702: where did he go then MMMMM#2210: His nametag is still there MMMMM#2210: Im pretty sure she just left MMMMM#2210: Nah lisx#1702: so just like mrs. czarnecki? MMMMM#2210: Break lisx#1702: ???? lisx#1702: wait really lisx#1702: <@!852187118113652776> were you in that video MMMMM#2210: So sad mr. Beans left lisx#1702: who hasn't lisx#1702: I know MMMMM#2210: Seen it lisx#1702: and it'll make you feel so much better lisx#1702: just watch this https://youtu.be/GgS4Qw3CF6c lisx#1702: whenever you get depressed and think school sucks lisx#1702: guys MMMMM#2210: You’re kidding me MMMMM#2210: Oof PeckServers.com#8342: carpal tunnel MMMMM#2210: ? PeckServers.com#8342: omg my metacarpal nerve is on fire MMMMM#2210: 99% MMMMM#2210: Cya MMMMM#2210: Ill figure it out once it actually finishes reseting PeckServers.com#8342: gl PeckServers.com#8342: anyways imma go work out MMMMM#2210: Idk PeckServers.com#8342: any chrome tabs have to go to the paging file which is on the dying hard drive PeckServers.com#8342: but thats windows PeckServers.com#8342: it is MMMMM#2210: Pretty sure its 4 PeckServers.com#8342: thats like the min for windows to run right PeckServers.com#8342: well 8gb ram MMMMM#2210: And 16gb of ram isnt gonna do anything with a potato cpu PeckServers.com#8342: but i have stuff to get clips apart MMMMM#2210: Cause the cpu isnt upgradable PeckServers.com#8342: up to you MMMMM#2210: Might just use it for movies MMMMM#2210: Idk PeckServers.com#8342: if you are actually serious about getting this thing working i can help you with it MMMMM#2210: I see no screws MMMMM#2210: And i dont know how to take this apart PeckServers.com#8342: probably 1x4 PeckServers.com#8342: highly doubt it MMMMM#2210: Or 1 4gb stick MMMMM#2210: 2 2gb sticks MMMMM#2210: Is the current 4 gb MMMMM#2210: The question is PeckServers.com#8342: they only like 20 bucks for a 4gb stick on ebay tho PeckServers.com#8342: darn PeckServers.com#8342: yep MMMMM#2210: PeckServers.com#8342: if it takes sodimms then im no help PeckServers.com#8342: i might have more ram if it takes ddr3 dimms MMMMM#2210: Yep PeckServers.com#8342: at least its a 7200 rpm drive MMMMM#2210: Guess ill find out PeckServers.com#8342: its probably got a dying hard drive MMMMM#2210: Its still going MMMMM#2210: Its taken 3 hours MMMMM#2210: Then another half hour to restart and *actually* start MMMMM#2210: It took 2 hours to get to 100% PeckServers.com#8342: and reinstalled MMMMM#2210: I tried to reset it PeckServers.com#8342: maybe more ram PeckServers.com#8342: but i bet it would be useable if you added an ssd PeckServers.com#8342: so yeah... PeckServers.com#8342: and ive used that one PeckServers.com#8342: the i5 2400 is pretty bad PeckServers.com#8342: yeah you are kinda boned on that one, MMMMM#2210: And for some reason it just turned green MMMMM#2210: Its been sitting at 100% for the last hour MMMMM#2210: It took about an hour to get 100% give_a_minute#1155: ^^^ MMMMM#2210: Its been reseting for 2 hours MMMMM#2210: I have to reset it MMMMM#2210: Since its a “work pc” MMMMM#2210: But like give_a_minute#1155: this sweet core i3 runs at like 2.7 ghz MMMMM#2210: Its old enough it doesnt have an hdmi port give_a_minute#1155: at least the one I have give_a_minute#1155: yeah it is give_a_minute#1155: *really* bad MMMMM#2210: It might even be worse than a chromebook give_a_minute#1155: for this chromebook MMMMM#2210: Bad cpu give_a_minute#1155: I can say the same give_a_minute#1155: yeah MMMMM#2210: 4gb ram give_a_minute#1155: I'm looking at the specs right now give_a_minute#1155: imagine that give_a_minute#1155: wait you are MMMMM#2210: Im not wrong give_a_minute#1155: oh you shut it MMMMM#2210: this is *maybe*, *slightly* more powerful than a chromebook MMMMM#2210: it took 15 minutes do delete a 2gb folder MMMMM#2210: slow MMMMM#2210: very MMMMM#2210: very MMMMM#2210: this thing is MMMMM#2210: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c04094869 MMMMM#2210: i could keep it MMMMM#2210: and he wanted to know if i could make it run faster and if i could MMMMM#2210: so my dads work had an old computer they were getting rid of burarahurricane#6369: feels fitting burarahurricane#6369: i think their name should be piss xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Pig bee burarahurricane#6369: pee xXthat1redheadXx#9990: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/786666324889436182/918987032452272179/IMG_2913.png burarahurricane#6369: <:smoothbrain:782845544887222282> lisx#1702: aaaaaaaaaaaaaa im so lost which channel was i in this is so cofusing burarahurricane#6369: lmaoooo lisx#1702: This is so funny every time I walk into the living room I forget my brothers there and I always like jump when I see him burarahurricane#6369: office burarahurricane#6369: microsoft offics lisx#1702: that's the saddest part MMMMM#2210: LOL lisx#1702: y e p MMMMM#2210: To me MMMMM#2210: Didnt you always get second place MMMMM#2210: Wait MMMMM#2210: Lol lisx#1702: even if id only ever get second place lisx#1702: were pretty fun MMMMM#2210: Those were fun lisx#1702: and stuff lisx#1702: the gimkits lisx#1702: OH yeah but lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cNmUNHSBac MMMMM#2210: Yep lisx#1702: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsxaADC3m1k xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ugh lisx#1702: its really stupid lisx#1702: google docs and stuff lisx#1702: you learn about lisx#1702: nothing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: wait what do you even do in business digital literacy lisx#1702: hi xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes? lisx#1702: <@!776230986324246558> lisx#1702: HEY lisx#1702: im bored burarahurricane#6369: I GORGOT ITS HOMEEROOM lisx#1702: im proudb of you lisx#1702: yes burarahurricane#6369: hi xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it'll come out easy xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmao actually PeckServers.com#8342: thats a shiz ton of money PeckServers.com#8342: more importantly burarahurricane#6369: gj PeckServers.com#8342: im proud of my math PeckServers.com#8342: i did the math and all 32 machines in the school computer lab, mining on them for 18 hours a day could bring in $35,000 a year in gross profits username123115#4960: not *yet* burarahurricane#6369: does it explode username123115#4960: this game is amazing PeckServers.com#8342: today i vowed to not work with only women again for fear of going crazy PeckServers.com#8342: today i realized how annoying that can be PeckServers.com#8342: today i was the only man in the kitchen burarahurricane#6369: MARIO lisx#1702: tony stark give_a_minute#1155: ? burarahurricane#6369: chris pratt username123115#4960: maybe lisx#1702: gory username123115#4960: and it plays the coconut bonk sound affect! lisx#1702: thats kinda lisx#1702: oh give_a_minute#1155: when it dies give_a_minute#1155: it blows up give_a_minute#1155: and yes give_a_minute#1155: a beating pulsating pink mass lisx#1702: does the heart break when he dies username123115#4960: that counts as pink riggght? username123115#4960: so username123115#4960: we were gonna add a heart username123115#4960: potatoe bird lisx#1702: <@!734161534799839272> it doesnt scream elegance because the thing isnt pink and ruines all my efforsts burarahurricane#6369: potato give_a_minute#1155: burarahurricane#6369: sprinkles lisx#1702: interesting weeather burarahurricane#6369: AMONG US VR lisx#1702: because of you lisx#1702: <@!776230986324246558> there is glue in my hair lisx#1702: *so* nice MMMMM#2210: that you are a smoothbrain MMMMM#2210: just nice to know we're on the same page lisx#1702: it's just an emoji reaction lisx#1702: yeah MMMMM#2210: by calling yourself a smoothbrain lisx#1702: *you wouldnt understand* lisx#1702: no i just wanted to make it more aethestic MMMMM#2210: you are smooth brain MMMMM#2210: so you agree MMMMM#2210: lisx#1702: why deleted lisx#1702: -_- MMMMM#2210: guess you wont know MMMMM#2210: that sucks MMMMM#2210: dang lisx#1702: to me lisx#1702: and it just looks like a bunch of metal lisx#1702: literally lisx#1702: "i'll stick this little thing onto this other thing and boom its doen" and i have no idea why and how MMMMM#2210: <:smoothbrain:782845544887222282> MMMMM#2210: as to why you dont know this MMMMM#2210: i have a very simple explanation lisx#1702: and usually its just lisx#1702: but he talks about stuff idk lisx#1702: listen to the words lisx#1702: and i just lisx#1702: but sopmetimeshe just starts talking MMMMM#2210: then you dont pay enough attention MMMMM#2210: if you dont know lisx#1702: just telll me MMMMM#2210: its a lost cause MMMMM#2210: well then nvm MMMMM#2210: wow lisx#1702: no lisx#1702: wdym lisx#1702: uh lisx#1702: and electric chairs when u cant find waldo burarahurricane#6369: um lisx#1702: yes lisx#1702: uh i mean lisx#1702: OOH LASERS? MMMMM#2210: you watch michael reeves dont you? lisx#1702: hope you get better soon lisx#1702: I lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: electricity burarahurricane#6369: from the uh burarahurricane#6369: super ntender now burarahurricane#6369: but the muscles are like looser I think burarahurricane#6369: now I cant bend my knees lisx#1702: so did it work burarahurricane#6369: basically burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: electricution burarahurricane#6369: they dont electrify the needles lisx#1702: oh it was just burarahurricane#6369: that wasn't acupunctur though burarahurricane#6369: and my muscles start like tiwtching and stuff and just HDFJKSDHG it was freaky lisx#1702: well I'm pretty sure that's just how acupuncture works burarahurricane#6369: and turns up the volts yanno burarahurricane#6369: and clips them onto the needles *in my leg* burarahurricane#6369: y burarahurricane#6369: tied to a batter burarahurricane#6369: alligator clamps burarahurricane#6369: then he takes these little burarahurricane#6369: and hghg it was so weird burarahurricane#6369: so he takes these acupuncture - esk needles (very small) and STABS them into my knees into the muscles that r super strained burarahurricane#6369: and my mom was like OMG YES and I was like well maybe if it wokrs it wont be so bad burarahurricane#6369: SO WERE GOING TO STAB NEEDLES IN YOU AND THEN ELECTRICUTE THEM burarahurricane#6369: but then hes like burarahurricane#6369: cool burarahurricane#6369: u have pain. I will get rid of pain. and im like coo; burarahurricane#6369: and mr daniel therapist is like burarahurricane#6369: so Im at physical therapy right lisx#1702: lets hear lisx#1702: uhh burarahurricane#6369: and I dont think it was very poggers . at all burarahurricane#6369: of my life burarahurricane#6369: experience burarahurricane#6369: freaky burarahurricane#6369: the most burarahurricane#6369: I just had lisx#1702: wdyMEAN it looks amazing lisx#1702: 😈 MMMMM#2210: now it just looks like trash give_a_minute#1155: now it's just pink highlighter give_a_minute#1155: and did that give_a_minute#1155: remember when you took Daniel's floppy bird give_a_minute#1155: it doesn't work on everything ya know give_a_minute#1155: all you did was add the Lisa effect to that lisx#1702: 😎 lisx#1702: better duck MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: i found a kool duck lisx#1702: why lisx#1702: i regret my life lisx#1702: lisx#1702: get reddit then MMMMM#2210: ? burarahurricane#6369: wonder if theyre as depressed as i am burarahurricane#6369: baby its cold outside burarahurricane#6369: actually I’ll go ask them for the money rn burarahurricane#6369: one day karma will repay me burarahurricane#6369: I do this out of the good of my heart burarahurricane#6369: <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> burarahurricane#6369: laden with instruments and a backpack burarahurricane#6369: wet burarahurricane#6369: cold burarahurricane#6369: left alone in the rain burarahurricane#6369: i have been stranded here burarahurricane#6369: and so MMMMM#2210: Am bored MMMMM#2210: Watch your language WalterJS#2477: I don’t see why circles would have complex numbers WalterJS#2477: It uses complex numbers in the quadratics WalterJS#2477: Wdym burarahurricane#6369: lisa muted me :( lisx#1702: why didnt you add a complex number solution thing burarahurricane#6369: lets speed up the process please~ burarahurricane#6369: i would like to timeskip :( burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisx#1702: i woudnt have to go to schol lisx#1702: because then lisx#1702: yet lisx#1702: 206000 lisx#1702: like lisx#1702: WHY ISNT IT lisx#1702: and pythin nsucks' lisx#1702: i hate shcioiol burarahurricane#6369: smh dumb burarahurricane#6369: i tripped walking into strassmans classroom, tripped walkingout of strassmans classroom, and tripped AGAIN just down the hall burarahurricane#6369: you look rwther bored dont u burarahurricane#6369: i cant wlak proboerly un I just tripped three times in a row lisx#1702: ew math WalterJS#2477: this is how I calculated it WalterJS#2477: behind the scenes WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: I just made this custom function to solve circles lisx#1702: <@!531264285385424916> why do u need string formatting WalterJS#2477: https://codehs.com/sandbox/waltershewmake/calculator-thats-better-than-georges-1 WalterJS#2477: I made a calculator thats better than georges WalterJS#2477: guys burarahurricane#6369: aw man lisx#1702: i cant remember my nitrotype password \>:( burarahurricane#6369: im in the workroom rn lisx#1702: aubrey and sam and alia are going to the library... <@!749747503947055136> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lisx#1702: this is creepy lisx#1702: wtf why ma i listening to spotify i diont even have it open lisx#1702: i dont think teacher c ares xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm telling teacher xXthat1redheadXx#9990: rip <@!749747503947055136> cow lisx#1702: im playing nitrotype xXthat1redheadXx#9990: 🤫 burarahurricane#6369: not my cow D: lisx#1702: the teacher isnt here lisx#1702: and YOUR COW lisx#1702: SHAME ON YOU xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I'm telling the teacher burarahurricane#6369: shhhhhhhfh burarahurricane#6369: lmfjemtnrotnru xXthat1redheadXx#9990: exactly lisx#1702: you FUCKED IT UP xXthat1redheadXx#9990: both of those burarahurricane#6369: i cwnt type burarahurricane#6369: failed burarahurricane#6369: fuqked burarahurricane#6369: ive rialed lisx#1702: you had one job burarahurricane#6369: late burarahurricane#6369: alaye burarahurricane#6369: lat burarahurricane#6369: too ate burarahurricane#6369: :( burarahurricane#6369: hes gone burarahurricane#6369: pictur lisx#1702: take one burarahurricane#6369: pictur burarahurricane#6369: picure burarahurricane#6369: picure burarahurricane#6369: wair i cant take a pcites that wve weird burarahurricane#6369: walter burarahurricane#6369: wlater lisx#1702: whoa burarahurricane#6369: look hes in the liebbary lisx#1702: walker lisx#1702: <@!726265256082407504> burarahurricane#6369: hi walkter burarahurricane#6369: dont beleieve uou burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> lisx#1702: <@!726265256082407504> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@!726265256082407504> lisx#1702: <@!726265256082407504> burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: <@!726265256082407504> burarahurricane#6369: <@!726265256082407504> xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisa can testify xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I did burarahurricane#6369: yay xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oke burarahurricane#6369: do a flip burarahurricane#6369: xXthat1redheadXx#9990: burarahurricane#6369: you said you wold do it dont bac out jnow lisx#1702: ugh xXthat1redheadXx#9990: burarahurricane#6369: lisa apply the pressur xXthat1redheadXx#9990: burarahurricane#6369: peer pressure lisx#1702: yesd[] xXthat1redheadXx#9990: uh lisx#1702: do it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ight xXthat1redheadXx#9990: she's mean to the kids who are being bad and if she was like that all the time I obviously wouldn't like her burarahurricane#6369: do a flip lisx#1702: huih??????? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yeah lisa lisx#1702: \]'/;.]'[;.[;l.,lp[p;l,m klop0olkmnjkio09ijhnbhjui8ujhbv ghyu7uytgfvcft56trdser4ewsaw321q lisx#1702: qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmik,ol.p0;/['/] burarahurricane#6369: lmfaoaoaosoak lisx#1702: zxcvbnm,./ lisx#1702: qwertyuiop[asdfghjkl;' lisx#1702: im boired xXthat1redheadXx#9990: h ola lisx#1702: sfkj;[9oiuhbv zse3dsxfrt5gfvghyu8jhnjmklopl;'] burarahurricane#6369: h ello xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I never said you were wrong xXthat1redheadXx#9990: and if she was like how she acts to them she wouldn't be good xXthat1redheadXx#9990: only the kids who do nothing xXthat1redheadXx#9990: she's nice to concert burarahurricane#6369: and SUBSCRIBE to religoin burarahurricane#6369: stop being emo burarahurricane#6369: religion burarahurricane#6369: religong lisx#1702: ew christmas burarahurricane#6369: *they SUBSCRIBE to relgion* burarahurricane#6369: its DECEMBER burarahurricane#6369: omgI cant wati for christmas lisx#1702: well do lisx#1702: "--George Stafford" MMMMM#2210: Signed MMMMM#2210: Print out the definition of hypocrite on a slip of paper and leave it on her desk lisx#1702: you have such great hopes for her lisx#1702: i doubt orchestra would tho lisx#1702: oh ya speaking of taht she gave me a speech about always being late today afte rjazz band 😐 lisx#1702: cap MMMMM#2210: And im starting to think window might actually do it this year MMMMM#2210: Being worse than mcgary is a real challenge MMMMM#2210: Maybe the 1st year kids think differently because most of them came from mcgary and there’s ALOT of room for improvement from lava ridge burarahurricane#6369: no good :9 burarahurricane#6369: window burarahurricane#6369: yeah MMMMM#2210: She is a garbage teacher MMMMM#2210: Im not wrong burarahurricane#6369: yeah MMMMM#2210: I can guarantee you we would sound worlds better with czarnecki MMMMM#2210: Makes a big deal out of a small problem MMMMM#2210: Shes always late to everything xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Adios xXthat1redheadXx#9990: boo hoo MMMMM#2210: There you go MMMMM#2210: Window is one of the worst teachers ive had burarahurricane#6369: this is a global tradgedy burarahurricane#6369: thousands of birds run into windows and break their faces every day burarahurricane#6369: they hurt birds burarahurricane#6369: window is not awesome xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Window is awesome lisx#1702: And people I *know* are in it lisx#1702: Czarnecki lisx#1702: Czarneyky lisx#1702: My mom signed me up in sixth grade and it used to be fun ig but this year it really sucks and our new teacher (mrs window) isnt as nice as mrs zarbekey lisx#1702: Idk lisx#1702: Oh lisx#1702: Because I have to PeckServers.com#8342: Why are you in it then? lisx#1702: Orchestra sucks lisx#1702: I hated it PeckServers.com#8342: It sounds like you had a blast burarahurricane#6369: I kindof like completely lost you there burarahurricane#6369: oh good lisa is alive lisx#1702: I thought we all sucked give_a_minute#1155: they sounded so good give_a_minute#1155: the advanced orchestra though give_a_minute#1155: that concert wasn't half bad lisx#1702: THIS IS NT FUN lisx#1702: I DONT WANNA GO lisx#1702: IM GOINH TGTO DIUE lisx#1702: thats not fun tho lisx#1702: oh MMMMM#2210: yea lisx#1702: and watied lisx#1702: on the stage MMMMM#2210: yea lisx#1702: did you just sit lisx#1702: have different songs lisx#1702: didnt the other people lisx#1702: like MMMMM#2210: ? lisx#1702: what idd you guys do when the other bands played yesterday during the concert? <@!522569307004076033> lisx#1702: you've mentioned lisx#1702: ik that MMMMM#2210: so do i lisx#1702: orchestra lisx#1702: hate lisx#1702: I lisx#1702: thats where i got it MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: when you said '"i see the ceiling cat staring down at me"' i thought of this burarahurricane#6369: :( lisx#1702: nahg burarahurricane#6369: do it burarahurricane#6369: Lfmaosjdofnfoh lisx#1702: ykw i suck at censoring lisx#1702: lowkey wanna reply "i see the ceiling cat staring down at me" but then theyd think Im weird... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmao lisx#1702: (esp <@!776230986324246558>) lisx#1702: the doctor guy is me when i try to fight anyone xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it's all this week for me burarahurricane#6369: lonnGGG burarahurricane#6369: longggg burarahurricane#6369: today is stupidlly lgngg burarahurricane#6369: hello PeckServers.com#8342: But its wierd PeckServers.com#8342: Idk what would cause it PeckServers.com#8342: Theres a curse between the two haha WalterJS#2477: your house and my house just don’t like each other I guess WalterJS#2477: My parents don’t even know what router means lisx#1702: pretty amazing lisx#1702: that was lisx#1702: remember yesterday's subs music in math lisx#1702: oh yeah lisx#1702: oh lisx#1702: hey burarahurricane#6369: hi burarahurricane#6369: why is geograohybso bad burarahurricane#6369: but on a phone burarahurricane#6369: im back burarahurricane#6369: i lied burarahurricane#6369: goodbyeeeeeeee burarahurricane#6369: i hace to go now lisx#1702: i have burarahurricane#6369: boring burarahurricane#6369: oh burarahurricane#6369: oh dear what is this google search in reveiew 2021 thing burarahurricane#6369: on burarahurricane#6369: lisa should get no disocrd burarahurricane#6369: yeah burarahurricane#6369: PAUL burarahurricane#6369: whats the protagonists name of dune burarahurricane#6369: um burarahurricane#6369: yOunG BlOoD burarahurricane#6369: taylor swift :( burarahurricane#6369: this subs music kinda sucks burarahurricane#6369: my servers arent really loading nu tw whateewdver burarahurricane#6369: yay burarahurricane#6369: omg discord on the chromebook works PeckServers.com#8342: This is a fact PeckServers.com#8342: Im starting to think its parental controls on your router, when I was at your house Plex wasn't able to connect to my server WalterJS#2477: I swear I’m ip banned from peckservers or something 😂 WalterJS#2477: I could probably remake it in like 15 lines of html and css and it would look way better too. That’s how garbage Tracy the turtle is WalterJS#2477: Yeah I still need to setup da sever but I haven’t had time lisx#1702: Hahaha lisx#1702: That happened to me once and I used codys phone number burarahurricane#6369: he was doinf it the ither day too burarahurricane#6369: ah lisx#1702: U suck lisx#1702: That’s because he wasn’t there during orchestra lol burarahurricane#6369: long burarahurricane#6369: mong burarahurricane#6369: lo g burarahurricane#6369: so burarahurricane#6369: why is this week burarahurricane#6369: I FEEL SO BETRAYED burarahurricane#6369: oh my god its not even wednesday what rhe frick MMMMM#2210: Gn MMMMM#2210: Watch your language young… country? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it ***swore*** xXthat1redheadXx#9990: *gasps* PeckServers.com#8342: i see ive lost my audience so goodnight all PeckServers.com#8342: there PeckServers.com#8342: https://concretegames.net/ PeckServers.com#8342: i guess discord doesnt like meta anymore PeckServers.com#8342: https://concretegames.net/ PeckServers.com#8342: if walter were here he could test it PeckServers.com#8342: ive integrated the concretegames root web folder into a google drive folder to make it easier to add files PeckServers.com#8342: in fairness to you it is really easy to forget MMMMM#2210: Also apparently I’ve forgotten html MMMMM#2210: And i made it in python MMMMM#2210: But as a gif MMMMM#2210: Its the entire shrek movie PeckServers.com#8342: the f is that MMMMM#2210: Bit.ly/shrekthemoviewebsite MMMMM#2210: Though PeckServers.com#8342: nvm then MMMMM#2210: Not really PeckServers.com#8342: do you have any spare html files? PeckServers.com#8342: you wanna test something out for me george MMMMM#2210: Some of those are me PeckServers.com#8342: hey <@!531264285385424916> people are trying to access concrete games.net, do you want to make a site again? PeckServers.com#8342: If you compile that into html ill host it for you PeckServers.com#8342: Damn waltey thats hot asf WalterJS#2477: the code is like decently documented if you minimize all the functions Maulie#8927: Oh MMMMM#2210: discord doesnt like it if i sign in and out of my alts quickly MMMMM#2210: nah Maulie#8927: Hacked a second time? burarahurricane#6369: :0 WalterJS#2477: simplified it down to 253 lines WalterJS#2477: its epic WalterJS#2477: https://codehs.com/sandbox/waltershewmake/new-sandbox-program-31 WalterJS#2477: check it out yall WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: YRESSSSSSSSSSSSSS IT WORKS WalterJS#2477: my christmas tree is almost 300 lines WalterJS#2477: yk with the calculator and such WalterJS#2477: im following in your footsteps WalterJS#2477: I made a program in over 250 lines of code for once MMMMM#2210: no WalterJS#2477: guess what george MMMMM#2210: shush WalterJS#2477: I hope u get locked out u have way too many accounts MMMMM#2210: so much MMMMM#2210: i hate discord MMMMM#2210: that could potentially lock me out of my main account MMMMM#2210: imma try something MMMMM#2210: why does discord hate me MMMMM#2210: WalterJS#2477: FINGERS CROSSED WalterJS#2477: WAIT I THINK THAT MIGHT HAVE GFIXED IT WalterJS#2477: `num += 36 - (num % 36) #ensure its a multiple of 36` WalterJS#2477: hold up I might have foudn it WalterJS#2477: ``` def renderCircleSegmentOnPolygon(): radius = random.randrange(150, 300, 10) center = (random.randrange(-150, 150, 10), random.randrange(150, 350, 10)) setposition(*center) backward(radius) pensize(2) right(90) num = LIGHT_COUNT*radius/res num += num % 36 #ensure its a multiple of 36 for i in range(num): # color(getRandomColor()) color(getRandomFromArray(ORNAMENT_COLORS)) begin_fill() circle(-3.5) end_fill() color("black") pendown() circle(radius, 360/num) penup() circle(radius, 360/num) left(90) penup() ``` WalterJS#2477: the problem is somewhere in this code burarahurricane#6369: u can do it WalterJS#2477: its still dont work WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: sigh WalterJS#2477: i really went george style on this one WalterJS#2477: for a christmas tree WalterJS#2477: its legit almsot 300 lines of code WalterJS#2477: probably more WalterJS#2477: ive spent like 6 hours on this today WalterJS#2477: yet so far away WalterJS#2477: so close WalterJS#2477: MMMMM#2210: crap MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#1357: and 2 are from <#864715836111192074> MMMMM#1357: i have 8 pings on this account burarahurricane#6369: why does discord send emails for mentions burarahurricane#6369: wh MMMMM#2210: thats <@!802665920400982016> email MMMMM#2210: burarahurricane#6369: aw man my back was turned to him :( MMMMM#2210: bren lisx#1702: What’s the correlation lisx#1702: Why tho MMMMM#2210: yes lisx#1702: “George you’re funny” reminded you of that??? lisx#1702: I want to be a wall painter person lisx#1702: It’s so satisfying to watch lisx#1702: And so was like ten other people lisx#1702: I was staring at him paint the wall panel for like twenty minutes lisx#1702: Hahaha MMMMM#2210: cash takes over burarahurricane#6369: HDRNJFDNSMSKJAH MMMMM#2210: and as long as winslow isnt there MMMMM#2210: that makes him the sub MMMMM#2210: and the custodian was there painting the wall things MMMMM#2210: it just has to be faculty MMMMM#2210: and since a sub doesnt have to be a teacher MMMMM#2210: cash takes over MMMMM#2210: which means when there's a sub and winslows not there MMMMM#2210: cash is the assistant director MMMMM#2210: that reminds me MMMMM#2210: acutally lisx#1702: You’re funny George lisx#1702: Lmao MMMMM#2210: and yesterday she was an hour late MMMMM#2210: 20-30 minutes late MMMMM#2210: shes always MMMMM#2210: shes supposed to be there at 6:30 lisx#1702: I guess I just didn’t know because I’m always late MMMMM#2210: by her own words lisx#1702: Well okay then MMMMM#2210: or shes late lisx#1702: Haha lisx#1702: But that’s just because you’re early MMMMM#2210: which is complete crap MMMMM#2210: and whenever someone pisses her off she says she shows up at 6:30 every day burarahurricane#6369: figured burarahurricane#6369: i fuguredi MMMMM#2210: i normally show up 5-10 minutes earlier than her MMMMM#2210: day MMMMM#2210: SINGLE MMMMM#2210: almost EVERY MMMMM#2210: shes late MMMMM#2210: and thats saying something MMMMM#2210: you saying, "She was only late yesterday" was one of the most stupid things ive ever seen you put in this chat MMMMM#2210: like lisx#1702: She’s never later than me lisx#1702: Taylor Swift lyric 😏 😏 lisx#1702: I was later than you today in math MMMMM#2210: you're kidding me lisx#1702: She was only late yesterday lisx#1702: Why tho when you have that old one that you wear every single day burarahurricane#6369: but thats okay! lisx#1702: Ahh there it is burarahurricane#6369: so idk how to make it do the sounds burarahurricane#6369: I think i accidentlaly muted discord burarahurricane#6369: yeah MMMMM#2210: yea burarahurricane#6369: oh yeah the crhistmas one? lisx#1702: *i* like jazz band lisx#1702: <:sus:783176301502267423> burarahurricane#6369: LFMFAOFOWROIUW#LK HCDBRUH THATS SO DUBMH ADSKLJFHLKDJSF burarahurricane#6369: truly lisx#1702: ? MMMMM#2210: new discord notification sound lisx#1702: Bruh MMMMM#2210: also lisx#1702: This is so sad MMMMM#2210: "We don't have enough music to fill an entire concert." lisx#1702: :(((( lisx#1702: Whyy lisx#1702: But lisx#1702: Noooo lisx#1702: Why lisx#1702: W hat lisx#1702: Sad beautiful tragic love we share 😔 🤪 WalterJS#2477: like me MMMMM#2210: waiting for mrs. winslow MMMMM#2210: is while im sitting outside the school at 7 in the morning MMMMM#2210: and the only time i wear it MMMMM#2210: i got a new jacket MMMMM#2210: shes late almost every single day MMMMM#2210: she showed up more than a half hour late just yesterday WalterJS#2477: ik im just messing with you MMMMM#2210: we just done like mrs. winslow MMMMM#2210: we dont not like jazz band burarahurricane#6369: we should get new funny numbers burarahurricane#6369: then 4200 burarahurricane#6369: or 690 burarahurricane#6369: 6,900 burarahurricane#6369: now I gotta go for burarahurricane#6369: oh dang it I jsut passed 420 channel points on karl's alt channelkdjkafhlkj username123115#4960: Woooooooo burarahurricane#6369: format burarahurricane#6369: stamp burarahurricane#6369: it CHANGED the time burarahurricane#6369: anyway burarahurricane#6369: idk why i thougt htaht was wrong burarahurricane#6369: language yeah thats how y0u spell it burarahurricane#6369: language burarahurricane#6369: my uh burarahurricane#6369: ooooiiiioo by chnging my thingy burarahurricane#6369: ive spent so logm on thsi assingment wtf burarahurricane#6369: george jsut doesnt like anything /j burarahurricane#6369: lmao WalterJS#2477: jk WalterJS#2477: lol WalterJS#2477: even the jazz band kids dont really like jazz band burarahurricane#6369: Ive never seen you so excited MMMMM#2210: YAY MMMMM#2210: TEMPORARILY CANCELED MMMMM#2210: postponed* burarahurricane#6369: :0\ MMMMM#2210: jazz band concert canceled MMMMM#2210: LES GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO burarahurricane#6369: imagine having youtube premium MMMMM#2210: i dont have a job PeckServers.com#8342: Imagine not having YouTube premium PeckServers.com#8342: Lmao burarahurricane#6369: its chinnesee nonnowowwowwow burarahurricane#6369: chancging the language didn't even Do anything burarahurricane#6369: aesthetic burarahurricane#6369: but theres a kinda asethetic to it tho burarahurricane#6369: I dont like how much it scitkcs out of the thingy tho burarahurricane#6369: but I kinda like this burarahurricane#6369: compact mode looks so strange burarahurricane#6369: OH WOW burarahurricane#6369: french burarahurricane#6369: hi I set my discord language to fr3nch MMMMM#2210: burarahurricane#6369: I try WalterJS#2477: kind of like that sentence burarahurricane#6369: ours is a twisted and complicated relationship that can only be comprehended by not comprehending it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: unless I went to jail for assault then no xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes, yes I would PeckServers.com#8342: Weren't you like lovers at some point PeckServers.com#8342: Wow ive never seen so much devide between you two burarahurricane#6369: evn if its in spirit burarahurricane#6369: i’ll haunt you wherver u go burarahurricane#6369: hi lisa i sboreded#8256: dc ';lkjnbr lisa i sboreded#8256: hiello alyse lisa i sboreded#8256: just kidding lisa i sboreded#8256: u*guh( *( lisa i sboreded#8256: its you again burarahurricane#6369: yeah lisa i sboreded#8256: im bored WalterJS#2477: https://youtube.com/shorts/uiwjAj0zfKQ?feature=share Maulie#8927: No, thank you. PeckServers.com#8342: thanks man! Maulie#8927: Amazing job PeckServers.com#8342: so glad to hear it! Maulie#8927: Omg amazing experience. I've never felt so thrilled. PeckServers.com#8342: important to everyone that cares ive implemented a new web based free smp experience, try it here http://smplive.org/mc-for-free/ lisx#1702: Oof MMMMM#2210: meh burarahurricane#6369: howd it go MMMMM#2210: just got back from the concert Maulie#8927: Well I mean you don't even know who she is so, give me the money burarahurricane#6369: DONT mess with the ocean it has lots of mussels WalterJS#2477: lmfao WalterJS#2477: wtf is this WalterJS#2477: bro WalterJS#2477: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNs6HxACRL0 burarahurricane#6369: i havw bruises now burarahurricane#6369: assultef me burarahurricane#6369: lisa PeckServers.com#8342: What the hell happened? lisx#1702: YES burarahurricane#6369: weed tjme xXthat1redheadXx#9990: >:D burarahurricane#6369: how could you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: get wrecked burarahurricane#6369: >:0 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: ahhahahahhahaha xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it was so aggressive xXthat1redheadXx#9990: haha burarahurricane#6369: AGONY burarahurricane#6369: SUFFEIRNG burarahurricane#6369: PAIN burarahurricane#6369: its broken again now xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lmao burarahurricane#6369: SHE WLBOWED ME IN THE NOSE xXthat1redheadXx#9990: it was like a slap palm fist xXthat1redheadXx#9990: you didn't even punch me xXthat1redheadXx#9990: that was pathetic xXthat1redheadXx#9990: lisa you are so loud burarahurricane#6369: probably PeckServers.com#8342: lisa probs knows PeckServers.com#8342: why does my subwoofer make my entire house shake? PeckServers.com#8342: my subwoofer makes my entire house shake PeckServers.com#8342: then you wont hate life asmuch PeckServers.com#8342: but think of it positively PeckServers.com#8342: seems legit burarahurricane#6369: b) but a) alas b) i really really hate l) life right now srsly wtf was that never again burarahurricane#6369: lisas going into that classroom for advisory. shes going to sit and exist and will knwo nothing of the pain. the SUFFERING i endured. I AM NOT OSKSY burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: AAAAAAAGGH burarahurricane#6369: yes PeckServers.com#8342: babl PeckServers.com#8342: "readbablw" burarahurricane#6369: MY TYPIS R PRTFDCTLY READBABLW PeckServers.com#8342: even though they are 90% typos PeckServers.com#8342: is it weird that i can read those messages burarahurricane#6369: ANGTRYR SCREMAMZMHING burarahurricane#6369: COOL burarahurricane#6369: NTHAI IS SNY NOT COLLD burarahurricane#6369: WTF burarahurricane#6369: THEY ONLY WATCHE FMINE TDWTDET PeckServers.com#8342: we couldnt survive without you PeckServers.com#8342: dont leave burarahurricane#6369: IM HOING TO PERISH PeckServers.com#8342: life seems swell over there PeckServers.com#8342: hi PeckServers.com#8342: wow burarahurricane#6369: life burarahurricane#6369: lire burarahurricane#6369: i ahte burarahurricane#6369: GODD THAT WANDWORHROU LE burarahurricane#6369: fUcj burarahurricane#6369: IBAHTW MY G OVIIENSPZQNPCHOK burarahurricane#6369: this sucks burarahurricane#6369: Hdisnsocmf burarahurricane#6369: I CNA STILL HEAR TIT burarahurricane#6369: s burarahurricane#6369: sign burarahurricane#6369: why r there still warrior idol sogns burarahurricane#6369: OKAY IM OUT burarahurricane#6369: what does he mean vys dtay ir go burarahurricane#6369: nO DONT PLAY IT burarahurricane#6369: ivnsntnsntkskelgoj burarahurricane#6369: nooooOoOoo burarahurricane#6369: THEYRE DOGJGNA PLAY MY BIDOD DNOOOOOOIOOOOOEOSOSOKCSOO burarahurricane#6369: UM burarahurricane#6369: aaAaaaaAaAaAaAaAa burarahurricane#6369: y must school suck so bad PeckServers.com#8342: im still laughing at that vid PeckServers.com#8342: 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 burarahurricane#6369: BADJ SKDEVJFOEDOEBOWLANWKTO burarahurricane#6369: whats jesus’s middle name PeckServers.com#8342: <@!726265256082407504> and <@!749747503947055136> specifically must watch this PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hpbK7V146A im literally crying Maulie#8927: I have to provide the battery though, but I have one from previous failed Halloween costumes so it's working. burarahurricane#6369: ooh thats cool Maulie#8927: I just bought a backpack that has a charging station built into it PeckServers.com#8342: jesus h. christ thats hot TAKOYAKII#2886: God my data is slow TAKOYAKII#2886: TAKOYAKII#2886: TAKOYAKII#2886: TAKOYAKII#2886: Look TAKOYAKII#2886: My guy TAKOYAKII#2886: Cody PeckServers.com#8342: Its no fiber optic but its pretty stable Maulie#8927: That's good right? PeckServers.com#8342: 1838 tests and this is the scores for the latency on my internet burarahurricane#6369: LAMGNSOBFOGJ lisx#1702: how did you know PeckServers.com#8342: 1234? lisx#1702: no one will ever be able to guess what it is lisx#1702: i foudn it lisx#1702: okay lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: in settings under users and sharing lisx#1702: how do you do that PeckServers.com#8342: also lisa set a pin on plex... PeckServers.com#8342: me either, but its soo funny lmfao lisx#1702: idt i want to have myh life changed by that guy PeckServers.com#8342: this guy is crazy and a big streamer is doing commentary on it PeckServers.com#8342: wait did you actually watch the video lmfao. its just a touch more than breathing exercises 🤣 PeckServers.com#8342: But you can't forget to shake your balls PeckServers.com#8342: If you're not breathing like this guy, then you're not breathing right at all lmfao burarahurricane#6369: screw u im breathing just fine clearly burarahurricane#6369: telling me im breathing wrong burarahurricane#6369: stupid breathing exercises burarahurricane#6369: oh i hated those WalterJS#2477: remember how terrible those were WalterJS#2477: Bro imagine if this was our mindful minute breathing exercise for one day at lava ridge AHAHAHAH WalterJS#2477: He will teach you the way WalterJS#2477: Don’t forget to breath WalterJS#2477: Yes PeckServers.com#8342: https://youtu.be/yqmPgsKCrDU walter said you should watch this Maulie#8927: I think I'll go back to playing chess MMMMM#2210: craziest thing MMMMM#2210: and it gives you results MMMMM#2210: and type in what you want to search MMMMM#2210: you click on it MMMMM#2210: its called the search bar MMMMM#2210: there's this cool thing Maulie#8927: Also what do you do to get close up screenshots like that in Discord? MMMMM#2210: you've said it 4 times in total Maulie#8927: ;-; Maulie#8927: I said it twice? MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: 4 days apart from eachother MMMMM#2210: 2 of those times was in the quote of the day chat MMMMM#2210: coincidentally MMMMM#2210: Thats the fourth time you said that MMMMM#2210: Yea i know Maulie#8927: "The fact that I get my work done while still procrastinating is the reason I still procrastinate." MMMMM#2210: 540 WalterJS#2477: how many aleks topics are due WalterJS#2477: wait WalterJS#2477: bruhhhh MMMMM#2210: and doing geography for 4 MMMMM#2210: ive been awake for 5 hours MMMMM#2210: and i have 56 aleks topics to do MMMMM#2210: which is due next wednesday MMMMM#2210: i have to finish the cell poster MMMMM#2210: which is due monday MMMMM#2210: i have to make an entire geography presentation today MMMMM#2210: ive procrastinated all of my work WalterJS#2477: yk me george I always have to go way over the requirements and then miss the assignment by 3 weeks late MMMMM#2210: send pics WalterJS#2477: not for me MMMMM#2210: thats on paper WalterJS#2477: but itwas 50 dollars WalterJS#2477: bought it WalterJS#2477: i um WalterJS#2477: so WalterJS#2477: but I needed this asset WalterJS#2477: and im working on my cell project for biology yk WalterJS#2477: unity its like the game engine WalterJS#2477: lmao WalterJS#2477: what have I done with my life MMMMM#2210: was dat WalterJS#2477: I just spent $50 on a unity asset WalterJS#2477: <@!852187118113652776> WalterJS#2477: PeckServers.com#8342: see now that sounds even worse PeckServers.com#8342: woah burarahurricane#6369: which my soster usef to jump out and scare me with “cum” burarahurricane#6369: so it looks like no one is there when in reality theyre lurking just around the corner burarahurricane#6369: the hallway has weird walls that r perfect for hiding and jumping out from burarahurricane#6369: not THAT often burarahurricane#6369: i mean burarahurricane#6369: LMSFOAOAOADIA Maulie#8927: "Hey sis can you get me toilet paper?" *Toilet Paper phases through wall* PeckServers.com#8342: seems legit Maulie#8927: Or she can warp/walk through walls Maulie#8927: Her sister has a Disillusionment Charm PeckServers.com#8342: now that i think of it, its super strange how your sister "appeared from the wall" burarahurricane#6369: i have NO IDEA MMMMM#2210: Spoopy MMMMM#2210: Why? PeckServers.com#8342: hell yeah PeckServers.com#8342: http://smplive.org burarahurricane#6369: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: haha PeckServers.com#8342: see now that explains why burarahurricane#6369: seh watches wilbur and tommyinyntit PeckServers.com#8342: oof burarahurricane#6369: *cum* PeckServers.com#8342: cum is tramatic PeckServers.com#8342: also thats super funny that thats what made you scream haha PeckServers.com#8342: cum or come? burarahurricane#6369: i walked out of the bathroom and my sister emerged frim the wall and said “cum” and when I tell tou I have never screamed and jumped so far burarahurricane#6369: i wish i got sugar highs I would be seeinf god rn burarahurricane#6369: im going to die burarahurricane#6369: ive drank three thinfs of icing burarahurricane#6369: oh my god PeckServers.com#8342: LOIS, IM HOME! MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: i just noticed one of my games achievements burarahurricane#6369: WTF MAN burarahurricane#6369: WAIT UR *ACTUALLY* IN TEXAS lisx#1702: It’s weird I haven’t heard a single person with a strong texas accent lisx#1702: Just doing what I’m best at lisx#1702: Obviously lisx#1702: 😎 lisx#1702: Because all the teachers knew I wouldn’t be there, so there’s no point for them to be there either PeckServers.com#8342: Awwwwww killing with kindness i see ❤️ lisx#1702: Glares lisx#1702: Jk lisx#1702: *unlike you* lisx#1702: This is a little concerning lisx#1702: Wh- burarahurricane#6369: WE GOT YOU A GRAVE AND EVERYTHNG<,,,,, burarahurricane#6369: NO WAY SHES ALIVE lisx#1702: Always \>:) WalterJS#2477: and oml the coding sub was very strict WalterJS#2477: why did like all the classes have subs today WalterJS#2477: lol burarahurricane#6369: theres ur probelm MMMMM#2210: there was a paper? burarahurricane#6369: did you sign the paper MMMMM#2210: did anyone else get marked absent from biology PeckServers.com#8342: Does that not look hot af to you? PeckServers.com#8342: Bruh burarahurricane#6369: yes MMMMM#2210: nvm MMMMM#2210: oop MMMMM#2210: do we need to have smooth and rough er for the cell art project burarahurricane#6369: LFMAOOJH LKJDGFLKHSDFG MMMMM#2210: ? xXthat1redheadXx#9990: she's going to texas to get taller cause it's the big state PeckServers.com#8342: Basically every single aspect of it is completely maxxed out PeckServers.com#8342: My server is so sexy PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: Sadness PeckServers.com#8342: :( PeckServers.com#8342: Shes dead burarahurricane#6369: WHAT IS GOING ON EHREE burarahurricane#6369: SHE FELETED THE TEXAS MESSGAE PeckServers.com#8342: Lisa is evil confirmed?!? PeckServers.com#8342: Woah burarahurricane#6369: does this mean shes actually in texas wtf why would u do this to me lisa burarahurricane#6369: does burarahurricane#6369: LISA ISNT HEREER burarahurricane#6369: WAIT THERES A FLAW IN OUR PLAN burarahurricane#6369: there is no way it could possibly go weong burarahurricane#6369: today, math class governs ITSELF burarahurricane#6369: today math class congregates outside of the classroom. in the hallway. a mass of nerds, intimidating the younger children. today, math class strikes back PeckServers.com#8342: Imagine playing with actual cards burarahurricane#6369: 👍 burarahurricane#6369: its 11 pm burarahurricane#6369: and absolutely dedtroying the game burarahurricane#6369: playing solitare PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: something else on frosty red tipped too PeckServers.com#8342: *graduation music plays* burarahurricane#6369: 🥺 lisx#1702: I just do burarahurricane#6369: 💍🧎 lisx#1702: Thing PeckServers.com#8342: how do you have those characters on standby lisa lisx#1702: The other surging burarahurricane#6369: YES burarahurricane#6369: HES lisx#1702: Ñõ PeckServers.com#8342: the wedding? lisx#1702: a#okay lisx#1702: AH THE DRINKIGN FOUNTIAN PeckServers.com#8342: cant wait lisx#1702: Do we have the thing tomorrow PeckServers.com#8342: so EXCITINGGGGG burarahurricane#6369: !1!1!!!1! lisx#1702: It can still be arranged…. burarahurricane#6369: because to@mroeow IS FRIDAY!!!1!! PeckServers.com#8342: but a.... PeckServers.com#8342: its like england PeckServers.com#8342: aah yes, im moving to angland PeckServers.com#8342: haha PeckServers.com#8342: its going to be ok alysse burarahurricane#6369: omwhakangland burarahurricane#6369: I JUDT NOSE DIDVEVDD burarahurricane#6369: im hypergebeilstinf om to god that wa sos funny PeckServers.com#8342: thats so funny PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: i imagine you audibly laughed at that one burarahurricane#6369: I IMMEDIATLEYD COLLASPPER ON THE FLOOR LAUGHFING burarahurricane#6369: OH MY GODH WIW SLANQDOMWQPPQNEKFNEJJODNFLH burarahurricane#6369: LFMAJAOEBAIOSNEPTM RY I PeckServers.com#8342: what the hell burarahurricane#6369: lisa :| PeckServers.com#8342: manslaughter and all PeckServers.com#8342: i mean, who wouldnt burarahurricane#6369: idk what the lyrics to that song is actually burarahurricane#6369: tomorrow~~~ burarahurricane#6369: ill see you burarahurricane#6369: tommorrow burarahurricane#6369: tomorrow burarahurricane#6369: im so ectirdd. for next hour burarahurricane#6369: <3 i cant believe lisadidnfbt wantbto marry me burarahurricane#6369: ITS GOING TO BE FRIEDAY !1!1!!1!!!!1!!!1!!1!1!!!! PeckServers.com#8342: What a wholesome moment burarahurricane#6369: awwwww lisx#1702: Yk I added “in the usual sense” jus for u <:hehe:856378380332433408> burarahurricane#6369: i will make manslaughter my personality type lisx#1702: (Idk) lisx#1702: Because in the usual sense, manslaughter isn’t a kind of personality type it’s a crime burarahurricane#6369: why isnt manslaughter an option this is unacceptable lisx#1702: Dang 😂 haha that’s sick burarahurricane#6369: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2415Cmd6Mo JKDHFLKJDSHFGLDJKSGF burarahurricane#6369: coooolL! PeckServers.com#8342: anyways since im sure that makes no sense, imma go. have a splendid night! PeckServers.com#8342: and now i can rock dual 1050 ti's PeckServers.com#8342: and today i got a new powersupply for the peckservers main compute server, but since all atx(computer standard) powersupplies have a 24 pin connector and the server has a 14 pin power connecter, i had to get a 24 pin to 14 pin adapter (apparently they are common to need), which luckily didnt blow the computer up PeckServers.com#8342: theres no words to describe it PeckServers.com#8342: it was so cool PeckServers.com#8342: yeah both me and teach's jaws hit the floor when it actually worked burarahurricane#6369: whoa\ PeckServers.com#8342: the second to the right is a machine with an i9 10900k and an rtx 3080 PeckServers.com#8342: the 7 computers on the right are clustered together in proxmox (virtualization software) to make one big 44 core machine that has 100GB ram that we can install virtual machines on PeckServers.com#8342: you guys wanna hear something cool PeckServers.com#8342: oop xXthat1redheadXx#9990: there xXthat1redheadXx#9990: jhgfdfghjjuytfjfffxcgfrxcgfrxcgfr lisx#1702: Qawsedrftgyhujikolpmonibuvyctxrzeaqwsdrfvbjuiplmnjuhvfrdzaqsc xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I hoongry lisx#1702: I nckeolm snsskoe jfkcneiopqlqmcnzbaaaaaakqooie fjnnciwokmmqmqqmqmqmqqmo djckoc kirckse hekdlppl fdgucklsmekpq dnamoojmsaordswmp inbo wekw edd xXthat1redheadXx#9990: t burarahurricane#6369: n burarahurricane#6369: all is not forgive xXthat1redheadXx#9990: fsfs xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yup xXthat1redheadXx#9990: mhm lisx#1702: It was lisx#1702: But xXthat1redheadXx#9990: then why didn't you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: mhm lisx#1702: I was going to wait for you xXthat1redheadXx#9990: oh no burarahurricane#6369: 🔪 xXthat1redheadXx#9990: haha burarahurricane#6369: another episofe of: alysse gets left behind burarahurricane#6369: sad ess burarahurricane#6369: theyrrete gone burarahurricane#6369: WAIT burarahurricane#6369: GUYSS WAY burarahurricane#6369: where r they going burarahurricane#6369: noooo stay burarahurricane#6369: lisa ana rliam are far away burarahurricane#6369: neff burarahurricane#6369: negf burarahurricane#6369: megf burarahurricane#6369: megf burarahurricane#6369: i stole a colored pencil from mr negg burarahurricane#6369: im a criminal burarahurricane#6369: that’s scary burarahurricane#6369: i cant brain today burarahurricane#6369: gm PeckServers.com#8342: And a car looked like it was following me PeckServers.com#8342: Then i got chased by a drone PeckServers.com#8342: Some guy tried to scare me by revving his engine past me, so i confronted him PeckServers.com#8342: Bro some weird shit happens on the streets at night MMMMM#2210: That’s terrifying MMMMM#2210: MMMMM#2210: What the crap MMMMM#2210: https://youtu.be/ArrjkrreORg lisx#1702: wait what xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Like from itself and it was disgusting to hear and see it xXthat1redheadXx#9990: And she was helping a dog without a leg (super nice of her) but it was chewing on its own bone lisx#1702: worse when you're the only person who *doesn't*... xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I had it cause one of my mom and dads friends is vegan and wanted to share her religion with us xXthat1redheadXx#9990: It was pretty good though xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was peeling off the burnt parts xXthat1redheadXx#9990: And it was really hot (temp wise) and so yeah xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yeah burarahurricane#6369: rip xXthat1redheadXx#9990: Yeah but I had one and it was burnt and not super good lisx#1702: *alan walker talks????* lisx#1702: also lisx#1702: stuff to taste like meat lisx#1702: why would you want lisx#1702: ew burarahurricane#6369: tastes just like meat burarahurricane#6369: ir a beyond burger burarahurricane#6369: have u ever heard of an impossible burger Maulie#8927: Yes sir xXthat1redheadXx#9990: meat tastes good xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but if everyone thought that for everything then no one would do anything but anyways xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but also it won't matter if only I do it cause it won't be enough xXthat1redheadXx#9990: but if they made stuff that tasted basically the same as meat I might eat that instead xXthat1redheadXx#9990: I was watching a nikado avacodo video (I wanted to see one for myself) and I only agreed with him when he said "the cows make what the cows make" burarahurricane#6369: I feel like its counterproductive to feel more tired today after almsot 8 hours of sleep vs yesterday with 4 hrs PeckServers.com#8342: nice burarahurricane#6369: ive been vegetarian for over a year now :D PeckServers.com#8342: <:sus:783176301502267423> dont do it <:sus:783176301502267423> lisx#1702: Well then good thing you never had me PeckServers.com#8342: no cap PeckServers.com#8342: istg if i find that you ever do this, i will disown you lisx#1702: Not really PeckServers.com#8342: wow, thats a new stone unturned for both of you lisx#1702: It makes me want to gag lisx#1702: Can double confirm burarahurricane#6369: vegetarian burarahurricane#6369: can confirm burarahurricane#6369: meat bad lisx#1702: Meet bad lisx#1702: Yes xXthat1redheadXx#9990: probably this one imma guess xXthat1redheadXx#9990: nice Maulie#8927: I was literally just watching a climate change video of theirs about beef emissions xXthat1redheadXx#9990: yes burarahurricane#6369: beef stonks xXthat1redheadXx#9990: burarahurricane#6369: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: clog drain december PeckServers.com#8342: woah burarahurricane#6369: think it does if urnot a coward PeckServers.com#8342: theres the emoji PeckServers.com#8342: 😬 PeckServers.com#8342: oh no, i hope that doesnt apply to more than facial hair burarahurricane#6369: its been ages burarahurricane#6369: OMG WE HAVE IcecrEAM burarahurricane#6369: foolish burarahurricane#6369: foolsifh burarahurricane#6369: adios beard!foolsih burarahurricane#6369: sad to say goodbye ro no shave november burarahurricane#6369: yeah lmao MMMMM#2210: Good point PeckServers.com#8342: its well known PeckServers.com#8342: they probably arent stupid lol burarahurricane#6369: i knwo things burarahurricane#6369: bruh no MMMMM#2210: Did you look it up burarahurricane#6369: lmfaoo PeckServers.com#8342: we all know what george is staying up past midnight for burarahurricane#6369: im sure ur looking forward to that burarahurricane#6369: no nut novemeneber MMMMM#2210: So today is the last day of NNN burarahurricane#6369: job burarahurricane#6369: good jopb burarahurricane#6369: lmaop PeckServers.com#8342: genius PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: time flies PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: thats similar right? PeckServers.com#8342: i did it in my imagination burarahurricane#6369: burarahurricane#6369: this is where I would post a photo of Time's face photoshopped onto a bird but I dont have the energy rn so uh PeckServers.com#8342: my my time flies burarahurricane#6369: what ha0pened to the passage of time burarahurricane#6369: bro,,, burarahurricane#6369: but it being DECEMBER burarahurricane#6369: like 2022 being two months awaywas hard enough to swallow burarahurricane#6369: thats so weird to think sahbout PeckServers.com#8342: tis burarahurricane#6369: ITS DECEMBER TMRW WTF PeckServers.com#8342: 😩 PeckServers.com#8342: Dababy sounds sooo gooood PeckServers.com#8342: <@531264285385424916> when you gon convince your parents to let you come over to my place again:( PeckServers.com#8342: Then that no workey PeckServers.com#8342: Literally 3 years is all it takes PeckServers.com#8342: When i was your age i used to drink coffee and sugar and get like 2 hours of sleep and be fine PeckServers.com#8342: It might also be cause of how young you are tho PeckServers.com#8342: Hmm burarahurricane#6369: immediately goes to the crash part burarahurricane#6369: It just like burarahurricane#6369: bc Im one of the peiple who doesnt get sugar highs burarahurricane#6369: but then again idk if caffein e will actually work on me burarahurricane#6369: when im older I’ll have coffeeeee PeckServers.com#8342: Just wait till you're older, without sleep you cant function burarahurricane#6369: and air burarahurricane#6369: water burarahurricane#6369: just like yh burarahurricane#6369: at this point sleep is a government hoax burarahurricane#6369: feelin great burarahurricane#6369: got four hours of sleep give_a_minute#1155: um burarahurricane#6369: sleep@is overrated how is everyones tuesday going burarahurricane#6369: why do yhey make us do this <:cat_ohno:828416120251875329> burarahurricane#6369: :( burarahurricane#6369: i dont wANT TO burarahurricane#6369: nOOOOOOOO burarahurricane#6369: frrjcj Maulie#8927: ^^^ PeckServers.com#8342: frick school tomorrow WalterJS#2477: Lmaoo burarahurricane#6369: the pixels im sobbign WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/no-yes-giga-chad-giga-chad-gif-23156898 PeckServers.com#8342: aww you're so sweet WalterJS#2477: So I brought her a jacket WalterJS#2477: And got kicked out WalterJS#2477: She stayed up all night at a friends house WalterJS#2477: Yes PeckServers.com#8342: At 5 am? WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/discord-discord-mod-dance-discord-moderator-simulator2020-gif-19199899 WalterJS#2477: https://tenor.com/view/giga-chad-gif-23286968 WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: I saw Sadie WalterJS#2477: Good PeckServers.com#8342: Damn, howd it do WalterJS#2477: just got my workout done WalterJS#2477: gm PeckServers.com#8342: i know this cause i had to run a command on my 6tb drive and it takes like a whole ass day PeckServers.com#8342: if you have a really big storage drive and might need to add other partitions to it dont use exFat, cause once you create a partition in exfat, you cant change its size. use Ntfs instead PeckServers.com#8342: hey psa everyone! burarahurricane#6369: im also legit boss at mini golf burarahurricane#6369: yea :) PeckServers.com#8342: chillin with friends is the best! PeckServers.com#8342: thats good! glad to hear youve been having fun! burarahurricane#6369: its been good!! visited lots of family and now we’re hanging out with longtime friends :D PeckServers.com#8342: pretty good overall, been so bored that ive gone a lot of new places haha. What about yours? burarahurricane#6369: hows ur thanksgiving break gojng burarahurricane#6369: lmao PeckServers.com#8342: pretty insane indeed burarahurricane#6369: Ended the game with 78 pnts insane right PeckServers.com#8342: you can doo it PeckServers.com#8342: you can get that 1 pin alysse PeckServers.com#8342: dang gj burarahurricane#6369: but i did just get 9 pins down in a row :) (missing rhe shots after but i dont have the accuracy to get just 1 pin) burarahurricane#6369: ive gotten higher lol PeckServers.com#8342: not bad PeckServers.com#8342: wow 9.6mph burarahurricane#6369: “Even when Im failin’ I’m winnin’.” burarahurricane#6369: im still winning burarahurricane#6369: as u can see im absolutely cracked at bowling /j MMMMM#2210: Yea PeckServers.com#8342: Theres irony in that somewhere burarahurricane#6369: lisa’s gotta get gud burarahurricane#6369: accurately burarahurricane#6369: ive gotten so good at typing accuratley burarahurricane#6369: But like its funny to see lisa struggle to type on my phone burarahurricane#6369: havent been talkin <:sad_cowboy:855934227869466624> burarahurricane#6369: frick burarahurricane#6369: weak burarahurricane#6369: autocorrect is for the week WalterJS#2477: yeah WalterJS#2477: hahah PeckServers.com#8342: wow, its like... really dead here :( PeckServers.com#8342: same haha WalterJS#2477: brb ill leave the listening party going WalterJS#2477: AHAHAHAAHAHA PeckServers.com#8342: 😏 PeckServers.com#8342: i saw in your story all the girls you had piled on yer bed PeckServers.com#8342: bro that sounds fun af haha WalterJS#2477: <@!852187118113652776> WalterJS#2477: Highlights 💀 WalterJS#2477: and chickfila WalterJS#2477: we ordered little caesars WalterJS#2477: its like thanksgiving but with friends WalterJS#2477: lmao WalterJS#2477: we had a friendsgiving WalterJS#2477: not for me Maulie#8927: A little creepy, but cool nonetheless PeckServers.com#8342: cool Maulie#8927: Wow burarahurricane#6369: yeap PeckServers.com#8342: if so thats pretty cool PeckServers.com#8342: wait, that was an actual mummified cat? burarahurricane#6369: slc natural history museum egypt special exhibit PeckServers.com#8342: what about you? PeckServers.com#8342: nothing, it was kind of a shit degrading day lisx#1702: Was that the most entertaining part of your day lisx#1702: Where is that it looks familiar lisx#1702: nope PeckServers.com#8342: this mans eyes are interesting PeckServers.com#8342: really does burarahurricane#6369: sucks to suck PeckServers.com#8342: same give_a_minute#1155: depressoin PeckServers.com#8342: bro today has been so boring PeckServers.com#8342: ooh cool burarahurricane#6369: 2 to the 1 to the 3 please get tommyinnit off my screen burarahurricane#6369: mummy of a cat burarahurricane#6369: cat of a mummy burarahurricane#6369: mummy cat burarahurricane#6369: cat mummy burarahurricane#6369: dead people things PeckServers.com#8342: such a great baby sitter george PeckServers.com#8342: wow MMMMM#2210: 20 minutes MMMMM#2210: they were knocking on the door for probably about MMMMM#2210: i closed all the doors, windows, etc MMMMM#2210: so MMMMM#2210: and i didnt want to have to sit outside and baby sit them MMMMM#2210: to see the ducks MMMMM#2210: ever day MMMMM#2210: so my neighbors kids have been coming over alot MMMMM#2210: she really likes mommy milkers MMMMM#2210: well WalterJS#2477: u know her? WalterJS#2477: ya lisx#1702: Gunther?? lisx#1702: Uh WalterJS#2477: sadie lisx#1702: Who was at your house MMMMM#2210: who was it tho WalterJS#2477: multiplayer is smoother WalterJS#2477: And it’s actually pretty good WalterJS#2477: I started working on rift again WalterJS#2477: Also WalterJS#2477: So uhhhh you guys could probably tell but someone was on my computer last night 😂 lisx#1702: M o r ning burarahurricane#6369: good morning Maulie#8927: It's too early give_a_minute#1155: mornin PeckServers.com#8342: Moorrrrnning PeckServers.com#8342: Isnt he like 6' 5" Maulie#8927: He's tall PeckServers.com#8342: What about him Maulie#8927: My dad PeckServers.com#8342: Ig ive never seen you but that seems tall Maulie#8927: Not even joking PeckServers.com#8342: 6 foot? PeckServers.com#8342: Wait arent you only like 14 lisx#1702: yeah seriously Maulie#8927: I hit puberty after fifth grade so I basically was almost six foot all the way through intermediate and middle school burarahurricane#6369: yeah if I just walked away from being with you with less bruises lisx#1702: it's all because of alysse and jaxin 😒 if I hadn't had to hit them so much I wouldnt've punched so hard lisx#1702: I just accidentally punched my brother in the stomach and made him cry tho \:( lisx#1702: I've never been in a fight Maulie#8927: Don't know if it's really a good way to go about it Maulie#8927: Go for the nose then get them on the ground or headlock Maulie#8927: No but the last time I ever had to fight someone was fifth grade. If I had to fight someone this point in time I would do the same thing that I did in fifth grade lisx#1702: did you get attacked Maulie#8927: Someone should give me fighting lessons PeckServers.com#8342: Haha lisx#1702: walters being weird lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: There is questionable things being said WalterJS#2477: Cute lisx#1702: im bored again lisx#1702: oh MMMMM#2210: Jack calloway lisx#1702: who was it last time lisx#1702: LOL MMMMM#2210: So i wouldnt be surprised if someone has his pc MMMMM#2210: Well the last time someone had his pc this happened MMMMM#2210: Or both burarahurricane#6369: my bet is cocaine lisx#1702: maybe hes actually high tho MMMMM#2210: Pretty sure WalterJS#2477: its tasty WalterJS#2477: mommys milk WalterJS#2477: love u lisx#1702: what are you on lisx#1702: that's fun WalterJS#2477: idk lisx#1702: uh huh WalterJS#2477: maybe WalterJS#2477: no WalterJS#2477: yes lisx#1702: are you still high WalterJS#2477: no daddy lisx#1702: <@!531264285385424916> did someone hack your account WalterJS#2477: lol burarahurricane#6369: mmsjdjeijrjfkgkgkj burarahurricane#6369: its gREAT and all the dream antis are going to be absoljtleu VISCOUS lisx#1702: good lisx#1702: thats burarahurricane#6369: yanno lisx#1702: oh burarahurricane#6369: ✨roleplay✨ burarahurricane#6369: in the good ol burarahurricane#6369: not in uh real life burarahurricane#6369: Anahsjahs burarahurricane#6369: IMPOSDKED lisx#1702: uh burarahurricane#6369: IMPLODED burarahurricane#6369: DREAMS GETTING OUT OF PRISOJ KN SUNDAY lisx#1702: *I'm lisx#1702: *typing lisx#1702: *we burarahurricane#6369: im good at tupeign burarahurricane#6369: there wr go burarahurricane#6369: understandable burarahurricane#6369: why burarahurricane#6369: understabdabel burarahurricane#6369: ynderstand burarahurricane#6369: inderstan burarahurricane#6369: undersbtandable lisx#1702: understandable* burarahurricane#6369: undrstnandable WalterJS#2477: I’m not saying lisx#1702: lol burarahurricane#6369: mcnfkfk give_a_minute#1155: *30 minutes of tension later* lisx#1702: who is it lisx#1702: ^^^ MMMMM#2210: Whats the girls name WalterJS#2477: K whatever MMMMM#2210: Yes Maulie#8927: George, Seriously??? MMMMM#2210: You used the wrong your twice WalterJS#2477: a 14 year old girl... WalterJS#2477: from the same person WalterJS#2477: like 25 death threats WalterJS#2477: I got all the info I need WalterJS#2477: if she threatens my one more time im calling the cops WalterJS#2477: exactly Maulie#8927: Oh yeah, let me give you the names and descriptions of anyone who could possibly jump you. There's no way you would ever be prepared. Maulie#8927: Lol lisx#1702: 😂 WalterJS#2477: They weren’t too happy about it to say the least WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: and then I put this on my Snapchat story: burarahurricane#6369: wow WalterJS#2477: I bet they won’t be too happy about that WalterJS#2477: Yeah WalterJS#2477: uhm WalterJS#2477: But she’s so dumb that she gave me the names and pictures of the like 10 people who are supposedly going to jump me…. WalterJS#2477: and then like we all started getting like tons of threats WalterJS#2477: Which started a chain reaction of everyone else agreeing and calling her out WalterJS#2477: I called one of them out on like kinda being a hoe and kissing tons of dudes and stuff WalterJS#2477: Basically WalterJS#2477: Well MMMMM#2210: Howso? Maulie#8927: What'd you do to them lol? Maulie#8927: I haven't ever gotten into a fight after fifth grade PeckServers.com#8342: but if I see anything for whatever reason, ill protect you PeckServers.com#8342: idk man, out of everyone here your probably the strongest WalterJS#2477: I need y’all watching my back in the halls 💀 WalterJS#2477: It’s a bad thing WalterJS#2477: No lisx#1702: is that supposed to be a good thing lisx#1702: uhhh WalterJS#2477: I managed to anger the entire group of druggy girls at our school and they all want to jump me now WalterJS#2477: Hahahaha lisx#1702: it's under construction lisx#1702: well my main page kinda sucks lisx#1702: oh WalterJS#2477: No lisx#1702: did you click on all the buttons WalterJS#2477: Lol lisx#1702: \:D lisx#1702: YAY PeckServers.com#8342: Oh nvm then MMMMM#2210: But still super funny MMMMM#2210: Then she yelled at me MMMMM#2210: And drank it MMMMM#2210: So I brought a can of water MMMMM#2210: She told us we couldn’t bring soda MMMMM#2210: No MMMMM#2210: Did you think I was giving czarneki the water MMMMM#2210: She? PeckServers.com#8342: bro that woulda been so funny to see her reaction to a can of water PeckServers.com#8342: did she end up drinking it MMMMM#2210: I just walked in and took one PeckServers.com#8342: lmfao MMMMM#2210: Hospital break room MMMMM#2210: Nah PeckServers.com#8342: wait so you have these monstrosities at your house??? PeckServers.com#8342: haha MMMMM#2210: I remember I brought one to school just to troll her MMMMM#2210: Nope MMMMM#2210: And mrs czarneki hated it PeckServers.com#8342: is it carbonated at all? MMMMM#2210: Tastes like crap PeckServers.com#8342: never knew that was a thing PeckServers.com#8342: interesting MMMMM#2210: Soda can PeckServers.com#8342: lika a soup can or a soda can MMMMM#2210: In a can MMMMM#2210: Water PeckServers.com#8342: you being anywhere could be a hippa violation give_a_minute#1155: canned water? MMMMM#2210: I got some canned water MMMMM#2210: Messing with a label maker MMMMM#2210: Bored MMMMM#2210: Now I’m just sitting at the front desk MMMMM#2210: She had to restock the break room MMMMM#2210: I’m pretty sure me being here is a hippa violation WalterJS#2477: what did she have to grab MMMMM#2210: Also MMMMM#2210: Yep WalterJS#2477: haha WalterJS#2477: sucks MMMMM#2210: I’ve been stuck here for an hour MMMMM#2210: Then my mom said we had to stop at the hospital cause she had to do something MMMMM#2210: I was supposed to go Black Friday shopping WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: good job I am proud PeckServers.com#8342: It really is nice knowing that there are so many fellow Apples to apples playing families out there PeckServers.com#8342: Omg thats amazing PeckServers.com#8342: HAHAHA Maulie#8927: We were playing apples to apples at our cousins house today. And one of the themes was miserable and someone put down *Family Reunions* PeckServers.com#8342: Ill take the hug tho 🫂 PeckServers.com#8342: Nah, i was vibin burarahurricane#6369: 🫂 burarahurricane#6369: do you need a hug burarahurricane#6369: you look traumatized PeckServers.com#8342: haha PeckServers.com#8342: is this it? PeckServers.com#8342: PeckServers.com#8342: hold on imma have to get it from the chat lisx#1702: lol lisx#1702: send me your gigachad pic PeckServers.com#8342: i gotchu dont worry 😏 lisx#1702: THANKS lisx#1702: awwwwwwwwwwww username123115#4960: a username123115#4960: what is it username123115#4960: no WalterJS#2477: did cody send you guys his gigachad pic username123115#4960: YES burarahurricane#6369: yes username123115#4960: Do you microwave icecream burarahurricane#6369: <:elmofire:856381081325142026> <:elmofire:856381081325142026> <:elmofire:856381081325142026> burarahurricane#6369: Im just such a good friend like that username123115#4960: GNhfiow diod you knowq burarahurricane#6369: jsut burarahurricane#6369: yanno burarahurricane#6369: im thinkin more of the customers burarahurricane#6369: lisa is that u username123115#4960: 'JLKETRSH DO IT username123115#4960: YES give_a_minute#1155: waht'd those poor minimum wage cashiers do to you burarahurricane#6369: walmart PeckServers.com#8342: where you thinking of targeting PeckServers.com#8342: im down burarahurricane#6369: anyone with me burarahurricane#6369: in the mood for some mild murder and or arson PeckServers.com#8342: thats what its supposed to look like PeckServers.com#8342: it dont show the image PeckServers.com#8342: aww :( PeckServers.com#8342: haha PeckServers.com#8342: so there PeckServers.com#8342: i got bored PeckServers.com#8342: https://www.peckservers.com/lisaisawesome/ PeckServers.com#8342: But gj none the less! PeckServers.com#8342: Make it pretty PeckServers.com#8342: And maybe add some metadata to it PeckServers.com#8342: https://lisaisawesome.codehs.me/ PeckServers.com#8342: Though please edit the "index.html" in that link, its served automatically PeckServers.com#8342: Ooh its beautiful! lisx#1702: (on not mobile) lisx#1702: https://lisaisawesome.codehs.me/index.html look at my wesbtie lisx#1702: walter lisx#1702: oh yeah lisx#1702: hahaha WalterJS#2477: Like sheesh WalterJS#2477: I’m thankful for those Indian dudes bruh WalterJS#2477: Happy thanksgiving 😂😂😂😂 WalterJS#2477: WalterJS#2477: Bruh lisx#1702: how much did they pay you? MMMMM#2210: ? WalterJS#2477: New clients MMMMM#2210: Y lisx#1702: i've made one, but its pretty amazing WalterJS#2477: I’ve made 3 websites today WalterJS#2477: Well happy thanksgiving WalterJS#2477: Oh shoot WalterJS#2477: 420 lisx#1702: so symbolic! burarahurricane#6369: celebrating my 2nd vegetarian thanksgiving lisx#1702: 🦃 burarahurricane#6369: :) lisx#1702: happy thanksgiving alysse! burarahurricane#6369: happy thanksgiving everyoneeere burarahurricane#6369: lmfao PeckServers.com#8342: why so sad hard drive? PeckServers.com#8342: HAHA D: D: D: lisx#1702: I think iv'e listened to this same song for at least a hundred times today trying to fix this tho haha lisx#1702: its okay lisx#1702: this is really sad lisx#1702: none of the stuff from stack overflow forums work either :(( lisx#1702: well id just open it from codehs everytime for "personal use" PeckServers.com#8342: on a per site basis if its for personal use you can always allow it too PeckServers.com#8342: if you manually play it on your site, then google will know that you want that and let it happen PeckServers.com#8342: because google trusts it more from there lisx#1702: how do they make it work lisx#1702: <@!852187118113652776> lisx#1702: why does it work when I play open it from codehs lisx#1702: okay but cody lisx#1702: http://lisaisawesome.codehs.me/ lisx#1702: website PeckServers.com#8342: what are you trying to code? PeckServers.com#8342: ahh lisx#1702: its currently unnecessary tho so I'm ignoring it PeckServers.com#8342: but i bet walter knows PeckServers.com#8342: thats beyond what i know so cant help sorry lisx#1702: i searched it up but it didn't work so I just gave up lisx#1702: idk how to make python work with html tho lisx#1702: ive been doing python for too long... lisx#1702: ```python def annoying(): return Chrome (and those bad apples) annoying()``` PeckServers.com#8342: its def annoying lisx#1702: but still lisx#1702: makes sense lisx#1702: yeha PeckServers.com#8342: the one bad apple ruined it for us all haha PeckServers.com#8342: if they didnt do that, some web devs would be assholes and make a bunch of stuff annoy the shit outta everyone lisx#1702: let me do that lisx#1702: sure lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: that integrates with html lisx#1702: why does chrome have to be difficult PeckServers.com#8342: if you know js lisx#1702: but thats so excessive lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: maybe that would work then lisx#1702: so yes lisx#1702: local variables just means variables inside a function lisx#1702: I just want audio Maulie#8927: Does Python have local variables? lisx#1702: well I dont have a video lisx#1702: haha PeckServers.com#8342: but funny PeckServers.com#8342: it would be cludgy PeckServers.com#8342: ya know what would be funny, if you _blank auto opened the audio file for the video in a new tab so that starts playing in sync with the vid lisx#1702: 🤦🤦🤦 lisx#1702: *muted* autoplay PeckServers.com#8342: haha lisx#1702: that'd be very useful lisx#1702: yeah PeckServers.com#8342: muted autoplay works, but id imagine youd want sound lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: lisx#1702: but that's it lisx#1702: it does when I go to the page using the open button in codehs PeckServers.com#8342: yeah, it really never will lisx#1702: its so annoying everything works except for the autostart PeckServers.com#8342: what are you trying to do lisx#1702: aw lisx#1702: I don't want it to redirect PeckServers.com#8342: theres really no other way to reliably do it with out using other languages lisx#1702: oh wait tahts different PeckServers.com#8342: so itll go from html to .mp4 PeckServers.com#8342: The html does an http-equiv redirect after a set amount of time to a video file lisx#1702: <@!852187118113652776> lisx#1702: where it autoplays? lisx#1702: rickroll stuff lisx#1702: how di dyou do your lisx#1702: which is half more than none! lisx#1702: but! it works half the time! lisx#1702: it only works half the time lisx#1702: the problem is lisx#1702: well now lisx#1702: oh PeckServers.com#8342: so if you are just embedding the file using