#Before you insert USB drive root@% ls /dev/da* #Now insert drive into USB port, see which one is new. That's the USB> root@% ls /dev/da* #Create a directory for the USB to mount to, then mount it root@% mkdir /var/tmp/usb root@% mount_msdosfs /dev/da1 /var/tmp/usb #Run the request system storage cleenup command. This will remove unnessary files but #keep everything under /root intact. root@% request system storage cleanup #Run the request system snapshow delete command. This deletes any existing #recovery snapshots that are stored ont he system root@% request system snapshot delete snap* #Check the date: show system uptime #Verify that the date is current, if not: #example manually setting date to June 7th 2011 at 5:00pm root@switch set date 201106071700.00 #Now request the new software root@% request system software add no-validate #reboot request system reboot